Research Areas
Public law
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/14
早稲田法学 99 ( 3 ) 281 - 324 2024.05
デジタル・エコシステムをめぐる法的視座 72 - 93 2024.03
角馬カトブレパの脚 あるいは「自由主義」の境域
法律時報 95 ( 10 ) 2023.09
法律時報 94 ( 10 ) 15 - 21 2022.09
判例時報 ( 2509号 ) 110 - 114 2022.04
法学セミナー ( 7月号 ) 34 - 39 2020.07
The Right to Water:A Introduction
Toru Nakajima
Hogaku 83 ( 4 ) 1 - 23 2019.12
憲法判例百選第7版 2019.11
Political Freedom and Land Ownership
Toru Nakajima
Waseda Hogaku 94 ( 4 ) 2019.09
Political Freedom and Equality of Personhood
Toru Nakajima
Freedom and Equality in the Modern Industrial Society 557 - 580 2019.03
A Case study of Supreme Court's Decision
Toru Nakajima
Media Hanrei-Hyakusen 2ed. ( 別冊ジュリスト241 ) 24 - 25 2018.12
Case Study on the Supreme Court Decision on Article 35 of Japanese Constitution
Toru Nakajima
Imporatant Decisions of the year2018 ( 1518 ) 28 - 29 2018.04
Political Freedon and Property Owning Democracy
Toru Nakajima
The Dignity of Constitution 293 - 318 2017.05
Land,Freedom and the Right to Vote
Toru Nakajima
Reconsidering Representative Democracy 183 - 216 2017.03
Constitutional Theories on "Fairness of Election"
Toru Nakajima
Houritsu-Jihou 88 ( 5 ) 28 - 33 2016.06
Constitutional Philosophy of Classical Liberalism and Sexual Morality
Toru Nakajima
Legal Theories on Freedom 327 - 343 2015.10
Social Rights under Japanese Constitution
Toru Nakajima
Japanese Reports for the XIXth International Congress of Comparative Law 229 - 245 2015.04 [Invited]
A Case Study Of 2014 Decision concerning Kyoto Ordinance
Toru Nakajima
Hanrei-Selection of 2014 ( 413 ) 22 - 24 2015.02
A Constitutional Study of Non Legal Administrative Act
Toru Nakajima
The Fundamentals of Constitution and the Constitutional Theories 421 - 434 2015.02
Rethorical Abuse of Constitution
Toru Nakajima
Succession and Development of Theories on Japanese Constitution 37 - 43 2015
A Case Study of Supreme Court of Japan on Qualification of Judicial Scrivener
Toru Nakajima
Kenpo Hanrei Hyakusen 212 - 213 2013.11
Constitutional Rights of Life and Liberty
Toru Nakajima
29 - 33 2013.09
On Constitutional Gay Rights
Toru Nakajima
15 - 19 2013.09
On death Penalty
Toru Nakajima
6 - 10 2013.09
Vested Rights and Structural Reform of JapaneseEconomic Vested Rights and Regulatory Reform
Toru Nakajima
256 - 285 2013
Property Rights from the standpoint of Modern and Pre-Modern(8)
Toru Nakajima
Horitsu-Jihou 84 ( 8 ) 78 - 85 2012.08
Property Rights from the standpoint of Modern and Pre-Modern(7)
Toru Nakajima
Houritsu-Jihou 84 ( 7 ) 82 - 87 2012.07
Property Rights from the standpointo of Modern and Pre-Modern(6)
Toru Nakajima
Houritsu-Jihou 84 ( 5 ) 75 - 81 2012.06
Property Rights from the standpoint of Modern and Pre-Modern(5)
Toru Nakajima
houritsu-Jihou 84 ( 5 ) 106 - 111 2012.05
Privatization of Public Services and the Basic Rights of Labor
Toru Nakajima
Ronkyu-Jurist ( 1 ) 36 - 45 2012.04
Property Rights from the stand point of Modern and Pre-Modern(4)
Toru Nakajima
Horitsu-Jihou 84 ( 4 ) 86 - 92 2012.04
Property Rights from the standpoint of Modern and Pre-Modern(3)
Toru Nakajima
Horitsu-Jihou 84 ( 3 ) 88 - 92 2012.03
Property Rights from the standpoint of Modern and Pre-Modern(2)
Toru Nakajima
Houritsu-Jihou 84 ( 2 ) 84 - 93 2012.02
Property Rights from the standpoints of Modern and Pre-Modern(1)
Toru Nakajima
Houritsu-Jihou 84 ( 1 ) 82 - 88 2012.01
Roles of Public and Private concerning 3.11Earthquake
Toru Nakajima
Hogaku-Seminar ( 683 ) 2 - 3 2011.12
3.11Earthquake and a role of Constitution
Toru Nakajima
Hogaku-Seminar ( 682 ) 4 - 12 2011.11
Economic Rights
Toru Nakajima
New Angles on Constitutional Law Theory 87 - 132 2011.03
The Public Order of Welfare State
Toru Nakajima
Questions on Liberty 124 - 139 2010.10
Casebook on Japanese Constitutional Law
Toru Nakajima
On Article 29 of Japanese Constitution
Toru Nakajima
A Commentary on Japanese Constitutional Law 98 - 104 2010.02
Are Property Rights Civil Libeties?
Toru Nakjima
A Recreation of Constitutional Law Theories 427 - 444 2010
Studying Constitutional Law
Toru Nakajima
Hougaku-Kyousitsu ( 344 ) 7 - 11 2009.05
Raison d'etre of Government
Toru Nakajima
Jurist ( 1376 ) 29 - 38 2009.05
On Injunctionary Rights
Toru Nakajima
Searching for Constitutional Theory 221 - 249 2009.05
Libertarianism and the Constitutional Theory
Toru Nakajima
Issues of Constitutional Law ( 3 ) 34 - 35 2008.11
Individuals,Markets and Government
Toru Nakajima
Public Law Review ( 70 ) 87 - 96 2008.10
Freedon of occupation
Toru Nakajima
Lexicon of Constitutional Law 548 - 559 2008.06
Two sides of Property Rights
Toru Nakajima
Jurist 12 - 20 2008.05
Rethinking the article13 of Japanese Constutution
Toru Nakajima
Houritsu-Jihou 79 ( 11 ) 70 - 84 2007.10
On Constitutional Studies concerning Public Goods
Toru Nakajima
2 2007.08
The Difference between Property and freedom of Economic Activity
Toru Nakajima
Some Aspects of Japanese Constitution concerning Constitutional Amendment 225 - 250 2007.08
The Reformation of Japanese Society and its Economy from the standpoint of view
Toru Nakajima
Houritsu-Jihou 78 ( 9 ) 73 - 80 2006.09
Is Economic Deregulation be a topic of Constitution?
Toru Nakajima
Hougaku-Seminar 51 ( 7 ) 12 - 16 2006.07
Toru Nakajima
Houritsu-Jihou 78 ( 5 ) 75 - 84 2006.05
On Public Welfare
Toru Nakajima
Hougaku-Seminar ( 605 ) 12 - 13 2005.05
The Right to Personhood and Jyuuki-Network System
Toru Nakajima
Important Decisions of 2004 2004.10
A meaning of Imaginative Thinking on Constitution
Toru Nakajima
Hougaku-Seminar ( 586 ) 116 - 117 2003.10
新日本法規出版 2003.07
Some Aspects of Statte and Markets
Toru Nakajima
Horitsu-Jihou 75 ( 1 ) 5 - 29 2003.01
Is Constitution valid between Private Persons?
Toru Nakajima
Hougaku-Seminar 47 ( 6 ) 26 - 33 2002.06
self Determination and Self Responsibility
Toru Nakajima
Hougaku-Seminar 47 ( 6 ) 11 - 15 2002.06
A Case Study of Jouhou-Koukaihou
Toru Nakajima
Houritsu-Jihou 73 ( 2 ) 74 - 77 2001.04
Group determination and Individual belief
Toru Nakajima
Hougaku-Seminar ( 553 ) 32 - 34 2001.01
Freedom of Occupation and the lisence system
Hougaku-Seminar ( 533 ) 15 - 18 2001.01
The Freedom of Education
Toru Nakajima
Ensyu-Note Kenpou 114 - 115 2000.10
The The academic freedom and the autonomy of universities
Toru Nakajima
Ensyuu-Note Kenpou 112 - 113 2000.10
The Separation of Church and state
Toru Nakajima
Ensyu-Note Kenpou 88 - 89 2000.10
Religious Freedom
Toru Nakajima
Ensyu-Note Kenpou 86 - 87 2000.10
Is Article 200 of Criminal Law which punish Parricide severer than Homicide Unconstitutional?
Toru Nakajima
Seminal Note on Constitutional Law 64 - 65 2000.10
Markets and Self-Determination(2)
Toru Nakajima
Houritsu-Jihou 72 ( 7 ) 47 - 54 2000.06
Markets and Self-Determination
Toru Nakajima
Houritsu-Jihou 72 ( 5 ) 2000.05
Non-Existence of Public Document
Toru Nakajima
Hougaku-Seminar ( 538 ) 32 - 34 1999.01
The Lack of Property Clause in Canadian Constitutional Law
Toru Nakajima
Comparative Law 31 ( 1 ) 133 - 172 1998.07
Between Fair Compensation and State Liability
Toru Nakajima
Souten-Note rev.ed. 183 - 185 1997.12
On Fair Compensation
Toru Nakajima
Souten-Note rev.ed. 180 - 182 1997.12
Protection of Property Rights
Toru Nakajima
Souten-Note rev.ed. 177 - 179 1997.12
The Freedon of Occupation
Toru Nakajima
Souten-Note rev.ed. 173 - 174 1997.12
Social Welfare Rights
Toru Nakajima
Primer of Social Welfare Law 35 - 76 1996.04
Economic Liberty
Toru Nakajima
151 - 161 1996.03
The Decline od New Deal Leberalism and Property Rights
Toru Nakajima
Consatitutional Theories of Welfare State 253 - 268 1995.01
On Criminalization on the Harmful Expressions
Toru Nakajima
Hougaku-Seminar 38 ( 4 ) 44 - 45 1993.04
樋口陽一, 大須賀明編
三省堂 1985
Freedon and Equality in the modern industrial society
Hideki Nitta
Constitutional theory in a time of crisis
Yasuhiro Okudaira, Yoichi Higuchi
nipponhyouronnsya 2013.02 ISBN: 4335355394
平凡社 2001
敬文堂 1999
日本評論社 1998
法学書院 1998
北樹出版 1998
島田, 江泉ほか編
敬文堂 1997
敬文堂 1997
東京書籍 1996.04
三省堂 1996
北樹出版 1996
一粒社 1996
法学書院 1991
The Right to Water and SDG's
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
A Cross-disciplinary Study of Law in a Data-driven Society: focusing on Digital Platforms
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Sustainability of shared economy and the principle of single ownership.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Nakajima Toru
Land,Electoral System,Autonomy : Rebuiding Representaive Democracy
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Faculty of Law School of Law
Faculty of Law Graduate School of Law
Faculty of Political Science and Economics School of Political Science and Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences School of Social Sciences