Updated on 2025/03/12


HITOMI, Takeshi
Faculty of Law, Waseda Law School
Job title

Research Experience

  • 2010.04

    RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Law School   Professor


    Rikkyo University Law School   Professor

Education Background


    Tokyo Metropolitan University   Graduate School, Division of Social Sciences  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Law  

Research Areas

  • Public law

Research Interests

  • administrative law



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Books and Other Publications

  • 行政法

    稲葉, 馨, 人見, 剛, 村上, 裕章, 前田, 雅子

    有斐閣  2023.03 ISBN: 9784641179554

  • 行政法の仕組みと権利救済

    現代行政法講座編集委員会, 岡田, 正則, 榊原, 秀訓, 白藤, 博行, 人見, 剛, 本多, 滝夫, 山下, 竜一, 山田, 洋

    日本評論社  2022.05 ISBN: 9784535067066

  • 現代行政とネットワーク理論

    野呂, 充, 岡田, 正則, 人見, 剛, 石崎, 誠也

    法律文化社  2019.02 ISBN: 9784589039873

  • 第2次分権改革の検証 : 義務付け・枠付けの見直しを中心に

    北村, 喜宣, 小泉, 祐一郎, 筑紫, 圭一, 人見, 剛, 松村, 享, 肥沼, 位昌, 嶋田, 暁文, 釼持, 麻衣, 岩崎, 忠

    敬文堂  2016.02 ISBN: 9784767002163

  • 個別行政法 : 重要判例とともに読み解く

    亘理, 格, 北村, 喜宣, 村上, 裕章, 人見, 剛, 須藤, 陽子, 前田, 雅子, 藤谷, 武史

    有斐閣  2013.04 ISBN: 9784641131316

  • 地方自治法

    人見, 剛, 須藤, 陽子, 三野, 靖, 三浦, 大介, 垣見, 隆禎

    北樹出版  2013.04 ISBN: 9784779303647

  • 公害防止条例の研究

    人見, 剛, 横田, 覚, 海老名, 富夫

    敬文堂  2012.06 ISBN: 9784767001852

  • 行政法事例演習教材

    高木, 光, 高橋, 滋, 人見, 剛

    有斐閣  2012.04 ISBN: 9784641131231

  • 世界の公私協働 : 制度と理論

    岡村, 周一, 人見, 剛

    日本評論社  2012.02 ISBN: 9784535518445

  • 地方自治法

    村上, 順, 白藤, 博行, 人見, 剛, 飯島, 淳子

    日本評論社  2011.11 ISBN: 9784535402478

  • 分権改革と自治体法理

    人見, 剛

    敬文堂  2005.03 ISBN: 4767001323

  • 協働型の制度づくりと政策形成

    人見, 剛, 辻山, 幸宣

    ぎょうせい  2000.12 ISBN: 4324062331

  • 近代法治国家の行政法学 : ヴァルター・イェリネック行政法学の研究

    人見, 剛

    成文堂  1993.09 ISBN: 479230217X

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Research Projects

  • 人口減少社会における生活保障のあり方-原発被災地復興支援を題材に-

    Project Year :


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  • Relocation of state administration in interdependence network of governance - reconsideration and revival of "modern administrative law"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Noro Mitsuru, KAJI Tetsunori, ISHIZUKA Takeshi

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    Regarding the significance of network theory in administrative law, firstly we investigated the theoretical trends in Germany and the United States. Next, various areas such as measures for the poor, town planning by the residents, response to the shrinking of the city, relations between local governments, network phenomena beyond the nation in procurement contracts were examined. This research revealed that there is a phenomenon that needs analysis by network theory, because it can not be clarified by conventional hierarchy models and public and private collaborative models. In addition, we examine the significance, limitations and problems of network theory for general theory of administrative law

  • Legal study of the locally autonomous, regionally cooperative and multi-layered disaster resilient system construction.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Naofumi Ota, Shimoyama Kenji, Maeda Sadataka, Hitomi Takeshi, Honda Takio, Yamashita Ryuichi, Aoyama Kozo, Kawai Toshiki

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    Strategies to reduce the damages by disasters are envisaged in the direction to strengthen disaster local resilience. It is a challenge to build a legal system on disaster prevention organization. In response to the phase and the cycle of disaster, "mitigation → preparation → response → recovery → mitigation →… " , to reduce the damage immediately after the disaster, an autonomous separated activities of communities are important. Community disaster prevention plan should ensure this autonomous activity of the communities. And it is essential to build the residents organization and train them. Following this phase, the response by collaboration and cooperation between municipalities, prefectures and nation are important. Cooperated responses are possible only after these sectors have common unified codes of command, standards and organization like Incident Command System of United States

  • A Paradigm Conversion of the Japanese Local Government Law System

    Project Year :


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    The main achievements of this project have been as follows: (1) Through an examination of key concepts --; such as “residents” and “residency” --; as well as international comparison, this research re-examined several fundamental premises of Japanese local government law from their origins. (2) The naïve assumption that changing the institutional system changes the reality has been tacitly accepted under the simple scheme that “centralization is bad” and “decentralization is good”, and this research identifies several conditions enabling a better understanding of the negative points of decentralization and enhancing such reform.Regarding concrete research achievements of this project, in addition to the publications of papers by project members, a total of four booklets to disseminate the research to the public will be published (two are published and the other two will be published by August 2015). Moreover, three edited volumes, will be published in early 2016

  • Legal study of division of roles between the state and civil society with the focus on public-private-partnership in specific administrative areas

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HITOMI Takeshi, TAKAHASHI Akio, KAMINO Kenji, NORO Mitsuru, ARAKI Osamu, INABA Kazumasa, KADOMATSU Narufumi, ISOMURA Atsunori, KAJI Tetsunori

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    While taking a survey of public-private-partnership(PPP) in individual administrative areas, we were studying the general doctrine on PPP. The theory of extension of public law norms to PPP which occurred through the so-called privatization ("Security State" theory to request a re-regulation and "Private Administrative Law" theory) is required to be other doctrine in the area of supporting the young people, such as withdrawal people and NEET. Doctrine of PPP as the assistance that respects the way to a spontaneous collaboration of private people each other is necessary in such a area. On the oter hand, the subsidiarity principle which request generally private initiative must not be generalized in the view of current status of the re-municipalization in Germany

  • Research of Socially Inclusive Disaster Recovery Law : Related to Compensation, Housing Welfare, and Local Revitalization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHIDA Kunihiko, HAYAKAWA Kazuo, HITOMI Takeshi, IKEDA Tsuneo, KONNO Masanori

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    Disaster recovery policy following events such as earthquakes, floods and volcanoes, and the revitalization of the devastated area, are enormous challenges in Japan, and this research intends to provide a critical reappraisal of the field. This is necessary because from a comparative law perspective issues of living welfare and housing have been neglected most in Japan among the developed countries

  • The legal issue accompanying institutionalization of PPP and the method of dispute settlement

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKAMURA Shuichi, KAMINO Kenzi, MURAKAMI Hieoshi, ISOMURA Atsunori, HITOMI Takeshi, OTA Naohumi, TAKAHASHI Akio, INABA Kazumasa, ARAKI Oamu, KAJI Tetsunori

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    The means of new problem solving came to be searched which local self-governent have so far borne, because criticism came out to the public service. It is origins that the needs from a user is diversify and on the other hand, the financial situation is failure. "Public Pribate Partnership (PPP)" which provides high quality service on the basis of economical, efficiency and efficiency is one of new these means. PPP attacked attention and has been institutionalized with various forms. However, introduction of the "PPP" as means was accompanied by various problems, such as maintenance of right protection and the public service of a user. Then, we arranged the legal examination subject and examined the means of dispute settlement

  • Non-profit Organizations, Local Governments, and Subsidiarity Principles With Regard to Housing Welfare Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHIDA Kunihiko, HAYAKAWA Kazuo, WATARI Tadasu, HITOMI Takeshi, ENDO Ken, FUJITANI Takeshi

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    First, the annexation movement all over Japan in Heisei-Era has been critically reexamined with regard to housing welfare law: the merits and demerits of annexation of local governments are broadly analyzed in terms of housing welfare property, focusing on local governments that reject this global movement.In addition, how to revitalize the local community is the focal point of this research project. In Hokkaido, many local governments, most prominently Yubari city, suffer from financial bankruptcy issues, and the community economic development has been seriously needed.Secondly, how the damaged local governments should recover from the natural disasters with the subsidiary help of central governments has also been the related topic of this research, since many earthquakes, especially in Niigata Prefecture and Noto peninsula, hit regional areas seriously in this term.Third, various non-profit organizations as the actors for the new community economic developments in regional area, have been taken close-up. Some of them overtake the administrative services, and play important roles in the areas of the health services for the elderly, nursery schools for the working women, job trainings especially for jobless or handicapped people, and low-income housing etc. The new legislation for those organizations and their non-divided property scheme is also the topic of this research.Fourth, the internationalization of local government law in the context of globalization has also been the important current issue and will be continually examined in the future

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Overseas Activities

  • 行政行為の公定力の客観的範囲の研究、及びドイツ地方自治法制の現代的課題の研究


    ドイツ   マンハイム大学


  • Faculty of Law   Graduate School of Law

  • Faculty of Law   School of Law

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 地方自治法制における補完性原則の意義と機能


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