Updated on 2025/03/12


SAITO, Junichi
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title

Research Experience

  • 2010


  • 2004

    Waseda University   School of Political Science and Economics

  • 2000

    Yokohama National University   College of Economics

  • 1994


  • 1988

    Yokohama National University   College of Economics

Professional Memberships


    The Association of History of Social Thought


    The Japanese Conference for the Study of Political Thought


    Japanese Political Science Association

Research Areas

  • Politics

Research Interests

  • Political Theory, History of Political Thought


  • 政治研究櫻田会奨励賞


  • 小野梓記念学術賞




  • 政治的空間における理由と情念


    『思想』   1033  2010.04

  • 書評、吉原直樹著 『モビリティと場所----21世紀都市空間の転回』


    社会学研究   86 ( 86 ) 147 - 151  2009.11


  • 感情に作用する政治について


    世界   795   102 - 108  2009.08

  • 新しい社会保障の理念をめぐって-----プロテクションからプロモーションへ


    駒村・菊池編 『希望の社会保障改革』    2009.03

  • 排除に抗する社会統合の構想


    日本政治学会編『年報政治学2007-Ⅰ』    2007.12

  • ロールズとハーバーマスの政治的統合をめぐって


    杉田敦編 『岩波講座憲法(4) ネーションと市民』岩波書店    2007.06

  • 市民社会を「まもる」二つの道


    日本政治学会共通論題「民主主義と安全保障──日本と東アジアから考える」    2006.07

  • 現代日本における格差/分断と正義


    日韓政治思想学会第5回共同学術会議(ソウル大学)    2006.05

  • 社会の持続可能性について


    思想   ( 983 ) 2 - 5  2006.03

  • 山脇直司『公共哲学とは何か』


    公共的良識人   2004年9月1日  2004.09

  • メディアと公共性をめぐって


    放送メディア研究   2  2004.06

  • シティズンシップの政治学(岡野八代)


    インパクション   140  2004.03

  • 福祉国家/社会的連帯の理由


    ミネルヴァ書房    2004.03

  • 坪郷實編『新しい公共空間をつくる——市民活動の営みから』


    『地域開発』   473号  2004.02

  • 共感/憐れみ/連帯──感情と政治の間


    思想   958  2004.02

  • 依存する他者へのケアをめぐって-非対称性における自由と責任


    年報政治学2003    2003.12

  • 公共性と自由/セキュリティ


    社会経済システム学会(第22回大会)    2003.11

  • 「環境運動と新しい公共圏」


    環境と公害   33 ( 2 )  2003.10

  • グローバル化のなかでのセキュリティ/公共性


    ピープルズ・プラン   24  2003.09

  • 愛国心「再定義」の可能性を探る


    論座    2003.09

  • H.アーレント/B.ホーニッグ/A. リッチおよび N.フレイザー/I.M. ヤング/S. ベンハビブ


    竹村和子編『"ポスト"フェミニズム』/作品社    2003.08

  • 親密圏のポリティクス


    ナカニシヤ出版    2003.08

  • 生活のセキュリティに向けて


    地方自治——職員研修   35;10  2002.10

  • アーレント政治思想集成1・2(ハンナ・アーレント)


    みすず書房    2002.10

  • 思考をひらく-分断される世界のなかで


    岩波書店    2002.02

  • 全体主義の起源(ハンナ・アーレント)


    ナショナリズムの名著(大澤真幸編)/平凡社    2002.01

  • 現代日本における公共性の言説をめぐって


    日本における公と私(佐々木毅・金泰昌編)/東京大学出版会    2002.01

  • 「第三の道」と社会の変容-社会民主主義の思想的「危機」をめぐって


    年報政治学2001    2002.01

  • 社会の分断とセキュリティの再編


    思想   925  2001.06

  • 分断化する社会と生の保障(シンポジウム-法と倫理、分科会-生活世界の倫理・市場の倫理)


    法社会学会(御茶ノ水女子大学)    2001.05

  • 公共圏、市民的不服従、積極的抵抗、抵抗・不服従の4項目


    政治学事典(猪口孝他編)    2000.11

  • 偶然性・アイロニー・連帯-リベラル・ユートピアの可能性(リチャード・ローティ)


    岩波書店    2000.10

  • 集団と所有-生の所有から生の保障へ


    所有のエチカ(大庭健・鷲田清一編)/ナカニシヤ出版    2000.10

  • 社会国家の変容をめぐって(シンポジウム-「社会国家」ドイツの21世紀)


    ドイツ学会(明治大学)    2000.06

  • アーレント


    経済思想史事典(経済学史学会編)/丸善書店    2000.06

  • 社会的なものと公共圏(共通論題-アイデンティティ・セクシュアリティ・公共圏)

    早稲田社会学会(早稲田大学)    1999.07

  • 政治的責任の二つの位相-集合的責任と普遍的責任

    戦争責任と「われわれ」-「歴史主体」論争をめぐって(安彦一恵・魚住洋一・中岡成文編)/ナカニシヤ出版    1999.06

  • もう一つの共生の次元へ-他者への自由(井上達夫)

    創文    1999.05

  • 公共性の複数の次元-生の保障/現われ

    現代思想   27;5  1999.05

  • 政治理論と系譜学的反省の接合-権力の系譜学(杉田敦)

    レヴァイアサン   24  1999.03

  • 市民社会、アゴーンとアゴラ、規律権力、公と私の4項目

    自由・権力・ユートピア(井上達夫編)/岩波書店    1998.10

  • アイデンティティ/差異-他者性の政治(ウィリアム・コノリー)

    岩波書店    1998.10

  • 敗北の二十世紀(市村弘正)

    週刊読書人    1998.05

  • 民主主義の意味の危機(ディヴィット・トレンド)

    ラディカル・デモクラシー(D・トレンド編、佐藤正志・飯島昇藏・金田耕一訳者代表)/三嶺書房    1998.04

  • コミュニタリアニズム、全体主義、公共性の3項目

    哲学・思想事典(廣松渉・三島憲一他編)/岩波書店    1998.03

  • デモクラシーを生きる(宇野重規)

    週刊読書人    1998.03

  • 丸山眞男における多元化のエートス

    思想   883  1998.01

  • 死者への哀悼/経験の声-加藤典洋『敗戦後論』に触れて

    みすず   440  1997.11

  • 多元的デモクラシーの展望

    月刊フォーラム    1997.08

  • 表象の政治/現われの政治

    現代思想(アーレント特集号)   25;8  1997.07

  • 現われと聴取の政治-Political Attentionの問題(共通論題-政治的なものをめぐって

    政治思想学会(国際基督教大学)    1997.05

  • 歓待のユートピア(ルネ・シェレール)

    インパクション   101  1997.02

  • 現われの政治-アーレントとフーコー

    社会思想史学会(立正大学)    1996.10

  • [増補]「名づけ」の精神史(市村弘正)

    現代詩手帖    1996.09

  • 民主主義と複数性

    思想(ラディカル・デモクラシー特集号)   867  1996.09

  • 政治理論とポスト・モダニズム(スティファン・K・ホワイト)

    週刊読書人    1996.07

  • 藤田省三小論集1・2(藤田省三)

    週刊読書人    1996.04

  • いま、ハンナ・アーレントから学ぶ-20世紀的経験の根底から考える

    本の花束    1996.02

  • ハーバマス-批判理論の転回と討議的民主主義の展望

    西洋政治思想史Ⅱ(藤原保信・飯島昇藏編)/早稲田大学出版部    1995.12

  • 政治と徳-コンフォーミズムとアゴニズム

    徳倫理学の現代的意義(日本倫理学会編)/慶応通信社    1994.10

  • 過去と未来の間(ハンナ・アーレント)

    みすず書房    1994.09

  • 政治理論とモダニティー(ウィリアム・コノリー)

    思想   836  1994.01

  • 政治と徳-コンフォーミズムとアゴニズム(共通論題-徳倫理学の現代的意義)

    日本倫理学会(広島大学)    1993.10

  • クジラ・マグロ

    マイクロ・エシックス(川本・須藤・水谷・鷲田編)/昭和堂    1993.09

  • 自由主義

    現代の政治思想(白鳥令・佐藤正志編)/東海大学出版会    1993.04

  • 遅ればせの革命(ユルゲン・ハーバマス)

    週刊読書人    1992.10

  • ナショナリズムの二つの概念(アイザイア・バーリン)

    みすず   376  1992.07

  • イデオロギー(ディヴィッド・マクレラン)

    週刊読書人    1992.06

  • 思考することと道徳的であること-ハンナ・アーレントの議論に即して

    道徳規範の妥当根拠の総合的究明(溝口宏平研究代表)/科学研究費研究成果報告書    1992.03

  • 所有、統治、私的、世論等合計7項目

    ヘーゲル事典(加藤尚武・久保陽一他編)/弘文堂    1992.02

  • 批判的公共性の可能性をめぐって-親密圏のポテンシャル

    モダーンとポストモダーン-政治思想史の再発見Ⅰ/木鐸社    1992.02

  • モダーンとポスト・モダーン-政治思想史の再発見Ⅰ

    木鐸社    1992.02

  • フランス革命への対応と政治思想

    政治思想史講義(藤原保信・白石正樹・渋谷浩編)/早稲田大学出版部    1991.11

  • 実存哲学とは何か(ハンナ・アーレント)

    みすず   344-345  1989.11

  • 理想の追求をめぐって(アイザイア・バーリン)

    みすず   330  1988.08

  • イェーナ期ヘーゲルの政治哲学的課題

    思想   762  1987.12

  • 政治的公共性の再生をめぐって-アーレントとハーバマス

    ハーバマスと現代(藤原保信・三島憲一・木前利秋編)/新評論    1987.10

  • アーレント(ロナルド・ベイナー)

    自由論の系譜-政治哲学における自由の観念(飯島昇藏・千葉眞訳者代表)/行人社    1987.05

  • ヘーゲル

    現代に語りかける政治思想史(芹沢功編)/昭和堂    1987.03

  • 主観性形而上学の克服-イェーナ初期ヘーゲルのフィヒテ哲学批判

    啓蒙政治思想の克服(藤原保信編著)/成文堂    1986.05

  • ヘーゲル『人倫の体系』研究(1)

    早稲田政治公法研究   18  1986.01

  • 近代自然法批判と実践哲学の構想-ヘーゲル「自然法」論文の研究(2)

    早稲田政治公法研究   17  1985.10

  • 近代自然法批判と実践哲学の構想-ヘーゲル「自然法」論文の研究(1)

    早稲田政治公法研究   16  1985.03

  • 感情と規範的期待----もう一つの公私区分の脱構築


    井上達夫編 『社会/公共性の哲学』  

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • ジョン・ロールズ 『政治哲学史講義』Ⅰ・Ⅱ

    共訳 齋藤, 佐藤, 山岡, 高山, 谷澤, 小田川

    岩波書店  2011.09

  • 社会保障と国家のゆくえ

    共編著 齋藤純一, 宮本太郎, 近藤康史

    ナカニシヤ出版  2011.05

  • 政治経済学の規範理論

    共編著, 須賀晃一, 齋藤純一

    勁草書房  2011.03

  • 講座 人権論の再定義(4) 人権の実現


    法律文化社  2011.01

  • 支える----再分配と承認の政治学


    風行社  2011.01

  • 公共性をめぐる政治思想


    おうふう  2010.10

  • 公共性の政治理論


    ナカニシヤ出版  2010.04

  • 社会統合-----自由の相互承認にむけて


    岩波書店  2009.11

  • 政治と複数性——民主的な公共性にむけて


    岩波書店  2008.08 ISBN: 9784000236782

  • 「正義」、「平等」、「親密圏」、「人種差別/レイシズム」の四項目、岩波『社会思想事典』


    岩波書店  2008.03

  • ドクサ=意見の複数性──ハンナ・アーレントの政治哲学に寄せて、野家啓一編『哲学の歴史』10所収


    中央公論新社  2008.03

  • セキュリティの再編と平和憲法、千葉眞・小林正弥編『平和憲法と公共哲学』所収


    晃洋書房  2007.09

  • マイケル・フォルツァー著『政治と情念——より平等なリベラリズムへ』

    齋藤純一, 谷澤正嗣, 和田泰一訳

    風行社  2006.12

  • 民主主義、公と私、共通善、公共性、共同体、ワークシェアリングなど計16項目


    現代倫理学事典(大庭健編集代表)、弘文堂  2006.11

  • 気流の鳴る音


    岩崎稔・上野千鶴子・成田龍一編『戦後思想の名著50』, 平凡社  2006.02

  • 自由


    岩波書店  2005.12

  • 表現の<リミット>


    ナカニシヤ出版  2005.06

  • 表現の<リミット>


    ナカニシヤ出版  2005.06

  • 都市空間の再編と公共性


    岩波書店 『都市とは何か』(岩波講座「都市の再生を考える」1)  2005.03

  • 公共性


    岩波書店  2000.05

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Compatibility and Incompatibility of Capitalism and Democracy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Towards a global standard of dignity as a philosophical concept: theoretical approaches, conceptual histories, and cross-cultural comparisons

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 移行期正義論・紛争解決学を応用した東アジア歴史認識問題解決の思想基盤構築

    Project Year :


  • The Concept of Dignity: An East-West comparative analysis from philosophical, social, cultural, and juridical perspectives

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Studies on the world order as a dynamic balance: reexamination through "morphology of power"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Saito Junichi

     View Summary

    We examined the changing relations of state, civil society, and market from the viewpoint of "a dynamic balance" of them. Major actors of globalized market have increased their political influences on policies of advanced countries and brought tendencies towards further disintegration of a society.We focused on democracy seen as the key element of those inter-relations. Democratic institutions are not only for identifying the will of the present majotity but also for promoting opinion-formation with respect to possible roles the major instituions of a political society should perform in controlling capitalist market. We identified some major problems to be inquired further inherent in the idea of the democratic cotrol of the market

  • Research on Consensus Formation System regading Spacial Planning Policy in Shurinking Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KANAI Toshiyuki

     View Summary

    Firstly, we analize the general theory of consensus formation process. A consensus is not a decision-making itself, but is a situation without expressions of non-consent. An expression of non-consent against the existing consensus makes a consensus formation process start. Through the process, a new consensus will emerge, or a decision will be made without any new consensus. In the process, not only motivations by interst coordination or power politics, but also reasons in communication are important.Secondly, we research consensus formation of spatial control policy in the shrinking society. We approach from both leagal aspect and policy side. In the shrinking society, people tend to become in a negative consensus, in which nobody would take positive actions. Therefore, there are a lot of practices for stakeholders to start consensus formation process. The process aims at a positive decision making based on a new consensus

  • 東アジアにおける歴史和解のための総合的研究

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    1.国際シンポジウムを4回開催。①6月「移行期正義と和解-『<帝国>の慰安婦』をめぐる事態を考える」提題者浅野豊美、朴裕河(世宗大学)、②7月「東アジアの選挙と民主主義」報告者:張智程(京都大学法学研究科・助教)ベ・ヨンミ(立命館大学コリアセンター・研究員)元山仁士郎(国際基督教大学)上地聡子(早稲田大学)司会:野口真弘、アン・ドヒョン(東京大学)、③ 7月「文化と記憶」William Marotti(UCLA)“Dramatic Politics and Political Space: Shinjuku 1968”Christopher Nelson (University of North Carolina) "Iphigenia in the China Sea: The Politics of Memory in Postwar Japan" ④2017年2月、「光州事件と移行期正義」鄭文永(Jeong Moon-young)(5.18紀念財団研究所 研究員)Social Origins of the May Ceremony: between ritual and rebellion、平井新(早稲田大学)移行期正義概念の再検討、コメンテーター:呉豪人(輔仁大学)。2.定例研究会を2回開催。各研究者ならびに班ごとの研究の進捗状況と研究計画について報告と議論を行ったのち、以下の主題について報告と議論を行った。①6月、田嶋美登里(早稲田大学)「西アフリカ、ベニン共和国における「和解発展プロジェクト」をめぐって」、②2017年1月、土佐弘之(神戸大学)「闘技的デモクラシーとしての移行期正義:集合的記憶の脱/再領域化のアイデンティティ・ポリティクスとの関連」。3.研究成果の一部をワセダアジアレビューを通じて公表。4.国際共同研究の進展(マックス・プランク研究所、UCLA)1.国際シンポジウムを当初の予定以上に開催することができ、国際共同研究が順調に進展した。その際、アジアの研究者との研究交流、アメリカ、ヨーロッパの研究者との研究交流が順調に進展し、グローバルな和解研究のハブとなる準備と環境が整ってきたことが最大の成果である。2.定例研究会を通じ、とりわけ、新しくアフリカにおける移行期正義の問題と、移行期正義と国際関係論の理論的な関係についての研究が進展した。その際、田嶋美登里や平井新など若手の研究者が、中心的な役割を果たし、研究をリードした。3.小林聡明による韓国、アメリカにおける史料調査で大きな進展があった。梅森直之によるUCLAの研究者との共同研究に大きな進展があった。最上敏樹によるマックス・プランク研究所ならびにパリ政治学院における共同研究に大きな進展があった。これらの活動により、それぞれの地域の学術機関との共同研究を相互に連携させて進める環境が整い、国際共同研究の幅と密度が高まった。4.『ワセダアジアレビュー』19号において、特集「選挙とレファレンダム」を企画、東アジアの選挙に関して行ったシンポジウム、調査の結果を公表した。また、シンポジウムの開催にあたっては、基本的に公開の原則で実施し、研究成果を広く社会的に還元することに努めた。1.最終年度の成果報告に向けた研究体制を強化する。とりわけ移行期正義論文データベースに関しては、今年度中の仮公開をめざす。2.定例研究会を開催し、個人と班ごとの研究成果報告に向けた準備を進める。3.これまでの国際シンポジウム等で作り上げた国際共同研究のネットワークを、最終年度の研究成果報告のなかにどのように生かしていくかを検討し、その具体的準備を進める。4.東アジアにおける歴史和解のための具体的な提言の最終版の作成に先立ち、そのパイロット版を準備する

  • Institution Building and Policymaking that Reflect Needs of Citizens: An Approach of Political Economy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Tanaka Aiji, Kikkawa Toru, Konishi Hideki, Funaki Yukihiko, Imai Ryosuke, Shinada Yutaka, Jou Willy

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    We empirically compared Computer-Assisted Self-administered Interview (CASI) based on deliberation within himself/herself with Mini-Publics (MP) based on deliberation with other people, CASI is preferable because it guarantees representativeness of sample better and costs less. However, this research project also found that deliberation within himself/herself was not as effective as deliberation with other people in some aspects of attitudes. For example, when a respondent wrongly believed incorrect information to be true, only deliberation with other people can correct his/her wrong concept. Therefore, we now know that each of CASI and MP has its own merit, and it would be premature to conclude that one method is better than the other.

  • On the Actuality of the Concept of Dignity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kato Yasushi, Matsuda Jun, Shinji Tanaka, Yoshimi Bessho, Schönrich Gerhard, Sturma Dieter, Quante Michael, Birnbacher Dieter, Iwasa Nobuaki, Kobayashi Michitaro, Takahata Yuto, Nakazawa Takeshi

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    The project examined various social problems related to the concept of “dignity” as well as scientific and academic discussions concerned with these issues. It was conducted by a research group consisting of members in Japan and abroad through the organization of several international workshops and continuous scholarly exchange with outside researchers, from Europe and North America in particular. The project has shown that it is the bio-centric framing of the “dignity” concept which demands further elaboration and will constitute a major focus of future reflections. Apart from individually published research papers and articles, the findings of this project have been published in the No. 1114 issue of Shiso; (Iwanami 2017), the edited volume Songen gainen no dainamizumu (in Japanese; “Dynamisms of the Dignity Concept”) (Hosei University Press 2017), and volumes 4~7 (2014~2017) of “German Applied Ethics Yearbook”; contributions in English, German, and Japanese)

  • A Dynamic Analylis of the Legitimacy of the Multilayer Nation-State System with Respect to Security and Democracy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUGITA Atsushi, ENDOU Ken, CHIBA Shin, OSHIMURA Takashi, MAEDA Yukio, TAMURA Tetsuki, GONOI Ikuo, SHIRAKAWA Shunsuke, SAITOU Junichi, OKANO Yayo, TAKAHASHI Ryosuke, YAMAZAKI Nozomu

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    Political studies have focused on the decision-makings in national units. Antonomous political decisions were believed to be possible within national bounderies. However, in the course of the globalization, the mobilization of goods , money, and persons is so high, and environmental risks in the world are so high that the field of national democratic politics is now restricted.Not only the militay security, but also the social security have been pursued in national boundaries. The security in general was basically realized by nation-states, and supported by national democracy. This situation is now changing because of the globalization

  • 制度構築と政策形成に必要な市民のニーズの把握-政治経済学実験とCASI調査-

    Project Year :


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  • Politics of Exclusion and Inclusion-Crossing, Identity, and Hope

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKENAKA Yutaka, OKANO Yayo, OGAWA Ariyoshi, KAWATA Junichi, KURIHARA Akira, SAITO Junichi

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    This joint research project titled “Politics of Exclusion and Inclusion- Crossing, Identity, and Hope" aims to examine the political dynamics of "exclusion and inclusion" territorially, functionally and primordially provided by the state, law, politics, religion, race, and social class contending over the plurality of nationality citizenship, community, intimate sphere, and gender. It also pursues the possibility of "politics of Hope" nurtured by the solidarity and tolerance bared not on Mammon but on the 'humanity".This year (2007), each investigator applying himself or herself to the study of "politics of exclusion and inclusion" aimed at completing a research paper based on his or her reports presented during last year (2006). Our final fruit was published as The Annuals of Japanese Political Science Association 2007-II: Politics of Exclusion and Inclusion by Bokutakusha in December, 2007. Into this book each investigator has put his or her strong hope for developing political science over “Hope" to be opened up for the future

  • Distributive Justice Revisited : Economic Theory, Political Thought and Policy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UEMURA Hiroyasu, ARIE Daisuke, HIMENO Junichi, FUKAGAI Yasunori, MORIMURA Susumu, SAITO Junichi

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    Firstly, we confirmed our society cannot avoid the issue of ‘distributive justice', and therefore, we need ‘philosophy of welfare' or ‘theory of happiness' on expected human life that former social scientific research on the matter has neglected. We also realized that this kind of research should be an interdisciplinary with economics, ethics, philosophy and etc.Secondly, our investigation leads us to the fact that we inevitably face with utilitarianism, when we characterize modern society as a commercial society or an economic society, because we need to presuppose the ‘natural desire' and the ‘basic need' of economic agents that compose society. This is because our research has rather focuses on Bentham.Thirdly, we have continuously promoted globalization of research and sending academic messages from Japan. In fact, we opened four times of international seminars out of ten seminars by inviting a dozen of foreign scholars from Britain, United States, Canada, France, Italy, and Korea. This seems rare in the field of humanities and social sciences. We will continue to do this kind of activities for stimulating dispatching Japanese origin research accomplishment.Lastly, it is realized that we have to investigate the following two significant agenda that our research has not treated enough. They are (a)the evaluation of current orthodox economic theory on distributive justice, (b)some actual proposals of proper distributive policy that would realize ‘justice'. In addition, we should have given opportunities to young scholars for presenting their research results

  • Possibility of the New Theory of Civil Society in the Age of Globalization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KWASAKI Osamu, SAITO Junichi, MATSUMOTO Reiji, CHIBA Shin, IIDA Fumio, SUGITA Atsushi

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    In this research, we have tried to compare the contemporary civil society theories with the civil society arguments just after the WWII. We have come to a conclusion that those two trends actually have many things in common. First, both of the theories focus on the deconstruction of totalitarian/authoritarian regime and democratization. In that context, they have heavily depended on the concept of civil society. Second, Hegelian-Marxist tradition can be found in both of the theoretical trends. Particularly before and during the WWII, Adam Smith studies, which actually was a disguised successor of the tradition, prepared for the post-war prevalence of the civil society arguments. Third, there is a conspicuous similarity between civil society arguments in the 1960's and those in these years.In addition to the comparison, we have studied on various theories concerning "new social movements", which obviously have many things with civil society theories. As a result, we have recognized that the relationships of the concept of civil society with those concepts like politics of difference, deliberative democracy, radical democracy, equality, public sphere, intimate sphere, public/private dichotomy, dualism of conception of international/external politics, and global civil society are essentially important in order to promote the study of civil society theories. In terms of that kind of analysis, we believe that we can learn about the limit of the concept of civil society on the one hand, and can also develop some of the possibility of the concept on the other hand.We have also noticed that empirical analysis using the concept of civil society should be combined with a highly theoretical approach. The concept of social capital can be one of the intermediary concepts of the two approaches.We have already published some of the results in the shape of academic papers. We would also like to publish some in English, in cooperation with members of ECPR(European Consortium for Political Research)

  • Three Democracies : Liberal Democracy, Social Democracy, Christian Democracy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    BABA Yasuo, MURAKAMI Shinichiro, ONO Koji, MIYAZAKI Ryuji, SAITO Junichi, MIYAMOTO Taro

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    We have published the results of our research project in The Annuals of The Japanese Political Science, Association vol. 2001, to which most of our research group members have contributed. Here is the outline of theses contributions.First of all, O. Kawasaki examines the relevance of the "three democracies" model from the viewpoint of political theory. Then, as to the "core" countries of Western Europe, firstly, K. Ono retraces the histrical evolution of the German three main parties, that were nothing but the origins of the "three democracies" model. On the contrary, France is seen as an exception to the "three democracies" model in Western Europe. Y. Nakayama tries to explain how this exception has been born. Secondly, the futures of the "three democracies" model are explored. S. Murakami examines the Italian case of Christian democratic collapse, and T. Miyamoto presents and scrutinizes the "workfare" model, supposed to replace the traditional social-democratic model and to reactivate it. J. Saito criticizes in his turn what is called the "Third Way". Thirdly, K. Endo develops a theoritical reflection on the European polity that is emerging to unravel the European nation states, cradles of the "three democracies" model.Lastly, the party systems of non-european countries are examined to testify the relevance of the "three democracies" model from comparative viewpoints. M. Sengoku argues that the Polish party system in still unbalanced because of the instability of Christian democratic parties, and K. Ohgushi follows the rise and fall of Latin-american parties that seem correspond to the European "three democracies" model. K. Nakakita has already published a series of articles on the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party(JIMINTOH) in the 1950s as an example of non-european Liberal democratic parties. The general conclusions that Y. Baba, director of our research, draws from these contributions, is still in preparation, but their resume" is presented as an preface to our Annuals

  • The problems of violence between peoples, nations, races and the sexes in the 20th century - What is revealed by the thought of Hannah Arendt

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHIMIZU Kiyoko, MASUDA Kazuo, SAITO Junichi, CHIBA Shin, OKANO Yayo, YANO Kumiko

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    The theme central to these 2 years of research has been the effort to establish how Arendt, who fought in the age of hitherto unprecedented wars and revolutions known as the 20th century, viewed the prospective 21^<st> century. In the present day, with the influence of Arendt's thought reaching into many different areas, it has become possible to pursue this theme from the multiplicity of stances represented by the various researchers involvedIn the first year, in order to renew the mutual understanding between those involved in the research program, we reinterpreted Arendt's thought from the point of view of feminism based on the theme "Identity, Difference, Politics". As part of this we invited Lisa Disth, one of the leading feminists from Minnesota University in America, to be our guest speaker at symposiums and seminars held in Tokyo (Keio University) and Kyoto (Ritsumeikan University). In the second year, we proceeded to build on the achievements of the first year and, with the translation of Arendt's works in each country in Asia and the appearance of new young researchers on the scene, we were able to broaden our vision, inviting more guest speakers from abroad and holding symposiums and seminars in Kyoto (Ritsumeikan University) and Okinawa (University of the Ryukyus)First of all, in the symposium titled' Politicizing Arendt's Political Thought : How did we read Arendt in fhe 90' s' held in Kyoto, we received reports from You-Kyung Suh of Kyung Hee University, Korea, Jiang Yi-huah from Taiwan National University, Wolfgang Heuer of the Free Berlin University and Kodama Shigeo. Two days later, we reconvened at University of the Ryukyus to hold a symposium entitled "Hannah Arendt and the Drvlded World " (or " The World of Fragmentation and Arendt") with a report from Naminira Tsuneo of University of the Ryukyus, Shimabukuro Jun as giuest speaker, and Masuda Kazuo. Chiba Shin and Shimizu Kiyoko giving a joint repor

  • The competitive advantage of Japanese industry

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKAMOTO Yasuo, MASUDA Kazuo, SAITO Junichi, CIBA Shin, OKANO Yayo, YANO Kumiko

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    Our research subject is the competitive advantage of Japanese industry.We selected electronics industry as a main target for examining this subject. Reasons are as follows ; This industry displayed strong competitiveness until the former half of 1980's. However many data are showing that the international competitiveness has decreased during 1990's.On the other side, North American electronics industry dramatically recovered its competitiveness from the latter half of 1980's. It created and promoted so-called the day of Modularity and horizontal division of work among electronics firms. This means that specific module-components and parts are competitively developed and manufactured by each firms, if the explicit and comprehensive design rule is created and observed.As a result, product innovation by each was accelerated. Its typical product is MPU of Intel.Moreover, so-called EMS(Electronics Manufacturing system) have realized mass production and cost reduction by subcontracting the manufacturing function of many electronics firms.In Korea, heavy investments have been achieved strategically and rapid progress of technology are realized by Zaibatsu firms. And in Taiwan, flexible integration between product design house and so-called foundry firms have showed its unique competitiveness.Japanese big electronics manufacturer had a tendency to neglect the competitive strength in American, Korean and Taiwanese electronics industry during 1980's. They focused their strategic target on other Japanese competitor's behavior. And they inclined to build nearly same business model of the full line of product and vertically integrated structure. This is inconsistent with the direction of modularity. And it was difficult to decide priority investment to the strategic field.Moreover, most of them have a tendency to lack effective communication and coordination between multiple functions such as product development, design, manufacturing and marketing.In the international perspectives, Japanese headquarters are inclined to transfer parent's established strengths to the oversea's subsidiaries straightly and build the mini・structure.Therefore they are insensitive to the strategically meaningfull message from the oversea's subsidiaries.The above mentioned problems in Japanese electronics industry are nearly same in Japanese manufacturing industries as a whole nowadays.Finally we are trying to find the directions to overcome such difficulties

  • The Development of Theories of Civil Society in an Age of Globalization : Comparative Studies of Europe, North America and Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    CHIBA Shin, SAITO Junichi, KAWASAKI Osamu, MATSUMOTO Reiji, SUGITA Atsushi, IIDA Fumio

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    This project started as one of the five related projects in conjunction with the international collaboration between Japanese Political Association (JPSA) and European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). Six of us representing JPSA political theory section have participated in this common project for the past three years. During the term of this grant, we organized, and participated in, numerous international seminars and symposiums in such places as Sanjerberg in Denmark, Stockholm in Sweden, and Kyoto and Tokyo. We could well trace various developments of civil society arguments in Euorpe, in North America, and in Japan.One important finding is that due to the diverse or ambiguous sense of the term civil society we have many divergent civil society arguments in the world today. Secondly, however, civil society is siginificant as the site of global citizens' democratic cooperation and participation in our age of globalization. Thirdly, civil society operates as the important reservoir of social and cultural capital for each country which has its own distinct history and culture. The notion of civil society will continue to remain one of the key terms in social sciences in the 21st century

  • Comprehensive research on ideas and policy of civil social democracy

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    This research project tackled the most serious challenge to democracy in the age when traditional democratic politics appears paralyzed in face of tremendous difficulties caused by collapse of globalized financial capitalism. Candemocracy survive and remain relevant to public issues? Our answer to this big problem is following : We can create a new model of welfare state towards 21^<st> century crisis by placing public services for activation delivered by civic spontaneity on the basis of minimum redistribution by the traditional institutions

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  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 市場の統治をめぐる理論的・思想史的研究


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    市場の統治をめぐる諸問題について主に政治理論の面からいくつかの検討をおこなった。より具体的には、1)ジョン・ロールズによる"welfare state capitalism"に対する批判および"property owning democracy"の構想とそれをめぐる近年の研究の検討、2)「再分配」と対比される「当初分配」(pre-distribution)に関する議論の検討、3)企業ガバナンスに関する「ステークホルダー・デモクラシー」論の検討、4)「私的統治」における支配‐被支配の問題についての検討をおこなった。全体としては、時間・空間的に「内部最適化」をはかる「合理性」が、その合理的行動をも持続的に成り立たせる「道理性」(reasonableness)とどのように接合しうるのかに関して論点を整理することができ、リベラリズムの立場をとった上での「共通善」の構想について展望を得ることができた。

  • 自由主義および共和主義の自由概念の再検討


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