Updated on 2024/10/24


MISHIMA, Hiroyuki
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title

Research Experience

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Professor

  • 2007.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 1999.04

    Fukui University   Faculty of Education and Regional Studies   Associate Professor

  • 1998.04

    Fukui University   Faculty of Education   Associate Professor

  • 1996.04

    Waseda University   School of Human Sciences   Research Associate

  • 1994.04

    JSPS   Research Fellow

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Committee Memberships

  • 2017.04

    日本生態心理学会  代表

  • 2000.08

    日本生態心理学会  理事

Professional Memberships








    The Japanese Society for Ecological Psychology


    International Society for Ecological Psychology

Research Areas

  • Cognitive science   生態心理学 / Experimental psychology

Research Interests

  • 間隙通過

  • perceptual control of intentional action

  • driving behavior

  • affordance

  • optic flow

  • micro slip

  • rehabilitation

  • dexterity

  • ecological psychology

  • coordination

  • dynamic touch

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  • Leader–follower relationship embodied in movements during violin ensemble performances

    Itagaki Nene, Yagai Yusuke, Miura Akito, Mishima Hiroyuki, Furuyama Nobuhiro

    Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society   30 ( 3 ) 285 - 302  2023.09

     View Summary

    Musicians have to coordinate movements interpersonally to perform in an ensemble. As such, this study explores how violinists coordinate movements to play the same melody together in terms of the leader–follower relationships revealed by players’ movements. Twelve violinists participated in the study and played a violin ensemble in pairs. We applied Granger causality analysis to the three-dimensional displacement data of players’ heads, violins, and bows to identify leader–follower relationships between players. The results revealed the following: i) the participants adopted leader–follower roles during trials; ii) as the performance proceeded, the participants swapped roles; iii) the more difficult the parts of the score, the more notable the leader–follower relationships; iv) compared with between-head and between-violin data, the movements for between-bow data were more similar in more parts of the score that demonstrated leader–follower relationships. Further examination of cases where the leader–follower relationships were identified showed that players may have employed their own strategies to achieve a stable, coordinated state. These results suggest that, when the roles of players are not fixed in violin ensembles, performance can be adjusted in multiple ways, including swapping leader–follower roles, which is in stark contrast to previous studies that reported fixed leader–follower relationship when the first violinist only led the other parts in a string quartet.


  • Involvement of global coordinative structure in achieving the local pendulum swinging task

    Yusuke Yagai, Akito Miura, Hiroyuki Mishima, Nobuhiro Furuyama

    PLOS ONE   17 ( 2 ) e0262525 - e0262525  2022.02  [Refereed]

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    In the literature on inter-limb coordination, the coordination among ‘‘focal’’ body parts (i.e., the two limbs) directly engaged in a pendulum swinging task has been studied by immobilizing other body parts to reduce “noise,” while putting aside questions of how one maintains posture while performing the task. However, in practical performance of musical instruments, for example, performers must coordinate different body parts in sync with the music while maintaining the whole body’s balance. This study demonstrates the effectiveness and necessity of understanding inter-limb coordination in whole-body coordination. Participants were asked to move two pendulums either in sync or alternatively with metronome beeps under two conditions: immobile (fixed forearms) and mobile (forearms not fixed). The explorative analyses focused on whether and how coordinative structures emerged and whether the degree of task achievement differed according to the phase mode, frequency, and mobility conditions. The motion similarity and phase difference between different parts and the pendulums showed that task-specific coordinative structures emerged in both immobile and mobile conditions. In the in-phase mobile condition, the emergent coordinative structure may have improved task achievement, shown by the phase difference between the left and right pendulums. These findings suggest that the global coordinative structure is involved in achieving the local pendulum swinging task.



  • Passing through gaps: A research review on aperture passability studies from 1987 to 2019

      27 ( 3 ) 386 - 399  2020.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Effection Time Series of Optical Flow around Drivers View and Subjective Velocity of Drivers

    Ito Tasuku, Shimazaki Kan, Fujii Ai, Kato Macky, Mishima Hiroyuki, Furuyama Nobuhiro, Ishida Toshiro

    Human Factors in Japan   24 ( 2 ) 58 - 64  2020  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • けん玉の膝の運動はなぜ重要なのか

    伊藤 万利子, 三嶋 博之

    バイオメカニズム学会誌   44 ( 4 ) 223 - 228  2020

    Authorship:Last author

  • How Does a Walker Pass Between Two People Standing in Different Configurations? Influence of Personal Space on Aperture Passing Methods

    Tomono, T, Makino, R, Furuyama, N, Mishima, H

    Frontiers in Psychology   10   2651  2019.12  [Refereed]

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    Most studies on aperture passability focus on aperture passing involving non-human physical objects. In this study, we examined experimentally how participants pass between two box-shaped frames and between the same frames, each with a human confederate in it, facing various directions. Seven configuration conditions were set up, six of which differed in terms of the human confederates’ sets of directions in the two frames: face-to-face, back-to-back, facing toward or away from the participants, facing leftward or rightward from the participants’ perspective, and the empty frames condition without human confederates. There were seven aperture-width conditions—50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80 cm—and participants walked at their normal speed through the apertures. We found that the participants’ shoulder rotation angle in the face-to-face condition was significantly greater than that in the empty frames condition. Further, the participants preferred to rotate their shoulders counterclockwise when our confederates in the aperture faced leftward, and clockwise, when they faced rightward. These results suggest that people change their passing-through methods by considering the social nature of the aperture as well as its width.



  • Postural Control in Drum Set Playing: A Comparative Study of Tapping Data and Center-of-Pressure Data between Experts and Novices

    Yagai, Y, Furuyama, N, Mishima, H

    Cognitive Studies   26 ( 2 ) 197 - 218  2019.06  [Refereed]

  • Optical Information to Guide the Head and Handle Movements While Playing Kendama

    Mariko Ito, Hiroyuki Mishima

    Ecological Psychology   30 ( 3 ) 250 - 277  2018.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    This study focuses on the perceptual skills used when playing kendama, a toy with a ball, string, and handle. It examines the visual information required for guiding the head and handle movements during the “swing-in” catching maneuver and determines whether information-based strategies such as canceling the rate of change of α (the optical depression angle from the horizon) or cot α (optical acceleration), using tau coupling, or a combination thereof, could be applied to this empirical task. The regressions of both α and cot α with time are found to be highly linear and increase when the skill level increases. For expert players, the k values for the tau coupling based on the center of the ball are clearly lower than those for the tau coupling based on the hole in the ball compared with skilled players. These results suggest that, with increasing skill level, kendama players tend to utilize α or cot α for regulating the observation point and use the sight of the hole as the tau coupling information for controlling the handle.



  • How do People Judge Whether They can Pass Through Between Two Persons?: A New Horizon of Research on Affordance Perception of Passability

    Tomono, T, Furuyama, N, Mishima, H

    Cognitive Studies   24 ( 3 ) 435 - 449  2017.09  [Refereed]


  • アフォーダンス理論と交通


    IATSS Review   40 ( 3 ) 164 - 169  2016.11  [Invited]


  • Symposium on the Perceptual Basis of Aperture Passability Judgment

    Nobuhiro Furuyama, Hiroyuki Mishima, Shin Maruyama, Tetsushi Nonaka

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   1010 - 1011  2016.07

  • Role of Head Movement in Tau Coupling of Ball-and-Handle Coordination in Kendama

    Mariko Ito, Hiroyuki Mishima, Masato Sasaki

    STUDIES IN PERCEPTION AND ACTION XII     9 - 13  2016  [Refereed]

  • けん玉熟練者における視覚情報の探索過程

    伊藤万利子, 三嶋博之, 佐々木正人

    認知科学   21 ( 3 ) 325 - 343  2014.09  [Refereed]


  • An Ecological Perspective on the Coordination between a Vehicle and a Driver

    MISHIMA Hiroyuki

      66 ( 12 ) 31 - 35  2012.12  [Invited]


  • 視覚と体性感覚の協調を計測する試み ―異なる環境・条件における姿勢制御の観点から―

    高田 勇, 冨田 昌夫, 三嶋 博之, 古山 宣洋, 藤野 宏紀, 宮下 大典, 八木 崇行, 遠松 哲志, 野口 健人

    東海北陸理学療法学術大会誌   28   146 - 146  2012

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    【目的】 ヒトは、発達段階で視覚と体性感覚の知覚システムを同時に動員し能動的に動くことでそれらの協調を学習し、様々な環境に対して適応可能になる。今回我々は、自分の身体と支持面を見ながら能動的に動く動作が、視覚と体性感覚の協調に与える影響を姿勢制御の観点から検討した。<br>【方法】 対象は、藤田保健衛生大学倫理審査委員会の承認(10-204)の下、同意を得た健常男性40名(平均年齢22.4±2.3歳)を10名ずつ揺すり、背臥位、腹臥位、腹臥位視覚遮断(腹臥位と同一の対象)、筋トレの5群に分類。重心動揺計(サンプリング周波数10Hz)を用いて、a;視覚情報統制条件とb;鉛直情報呈示条件で30秒間の静止立位時の、c;上肢水平挙上、d;点へのリーチ、e;面へのリーチ条件で15秒間のリーチ姿勢保持時の、単位面積軌跡長(以下、L/A)を計測。各群における治療前後での変化の平均値を算出した。<br>【結果】 各条件におけるL/A(/㎜)の治療前後での変化の平均値を群ごとに示す。<br>揺すり群:a;0.07, b;0.26, c;-0.11, d;-0.01, e;0.22<br>背臥位群:a;-0.07, b;0.11, c;-0.10, d;0.18, e;0.33<br>腹臥位群:a;0.27, b;0.29, c;0.57, d;0.16, e;-0.21<br>腹臥位視覚遮断群:a;-0.06, b;0.16, c;-0.11, d;0.20, e;0.82<br>筋トレ群:a;-0.05, b;0.06, c;-0.49, d;-0.37, e;-0.56<br>【考察】 L/Aは動的、静的な姿勢制御を識別し、その程度を示す微細さの指標となる。L/Aが増加する場合、運動の拡がりに拮抗する筋活動で制御するCA(カウンターアクティビティ)の戦略が優位に、L/Aが減少する場合、支点に対して反対側の重りで釣り合いをとり静的に制御するCW(カウンターウェイト)を活性化する戦略が優位になると考えている。ここで静止立位課題について、bでは全群でCA優位となり、視覚的構造物が空間的定位の指標になったと考えられる。その内、揺すり、腹臥位群はa, bともに、すなわち視覚情報量の大小に関わらずCA優位であり、1つの知覚システムが優位に作用することなく視覚や体性感覚といった複数の知覚システムが協調したためと推察される。一方、背臥位、腹臥位視覚遮断、筋トレ群ではaでCWの活性化が優位となり、視覚情報量の差でバランス戦略が異なるため、視覚と体性感覚が乖離したと考えられる。次にリーチ姿勢保持に関して、cは腹臥位群のみ、dは背臥位、腹臥位、腹臥位視覚遮断群、eは揺すり、背臥位、腹臥位視覚遮断群でCA優位となった。腹臥位群に着目すると、身体の質量バランスが不均衡となり体性感覚への負荷が高まるcと、視覚と体性感覚に対する拘束力が強まるdでCA優位となり、体性感覚だけでなく視覚と協調しながら柔軟な姿勢制御が可能であったと考えられる。また漠然とした注意の中、広い面に触れていれば良いという体性感覚が強く作用するeでは、体性感覚の反応に視覚の反応を沿わせたためCWの活性化が優位になったと考える。<br>【まとめ】 腹臥位群のように絶えず身体と支持面の変化を見ながら能動的に動く動作により、各々の環境・条件での姿勢制御が視覚と体性感覚に対する情報量に、よりダイナミックな適応を示した。視覚と体性感覚の協調を図る運動療法の新たな展開が期待できる。

    DOI CiNii

  • The Dynamical Stability of Visual Coupling and Knee Flexibility in Skilled Kendama Players

    Mariko Ito, Hiroyuki Mishima, Masato Sasaki

    ECOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY   23 ( 4 ) 308 - 332  2011  [Refereed]

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    We examined the role of postural control in a skilled task that requires perceptual-motor coordination, the kendama trick "Swing-in," which uses a moving ball on a string. Four expert and 4 novice players participated, each performing 200 trials of Swing-in. The head and knee movements of the experts were more extensive than those of the novices, and the movements of the head and the ball, as well as the knee and the ball, maintained the same patterns longer in the experts than in the novices. At the end of each trial, distances between the head and the ball in the expert group were more consistent than those in the novice group, but the 2 skill groups showed similar variability in distance between the knee and the ball. These findings suggest that kendama experts controlled their body movement to dynamically coordinate them with the moving ball, and the stability of the strong coupling of the head and the ball in the experts seemed to be supported by the flexibility of knee movement.



  • 知覚と行為の循環的プロセスと拡張身体性 (特集 空間知--私たちの生活を支える脳・身体の拡張空間の創出)

    久保田 直行, 三嶋 博之

    計測と制御   48 ( 12 ) 864 - 870  2009.12

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 知覚と行為の循環的プロセスと拡張身体性

    久保田直行, 三嶋博之

    計測と制御   48 ( 12 ) 864 - 870  2009

  • アフォーダンスとは何か:その基本的な考え方と意義


    看護研究   41 ( 7 ) 511 - 518  2008.12  [Invited]


  • Minimal Design Strategies for Human-Robot Communication

    OKADA Michio, MATSUMOTO Nobuyoshi, SHIOSE Takayuki, FUJII Hiroyuki, LEE Mingyi, MISHIMA Hiroyuki

    Human interface   7 ( 2 ) 189 - 197  2005.05  [Refereed]


  • 成人片麻痺者における間隙通過可能性についての知覚と歩行の発達:"実効π"を利用した評価

    豊田 平介, 三嶋 博之, 古山 宣洋

    生態心理学研究   2 ( 1 ) 33 - 41  2005


  • Play and their Equipments as Interfaces

    KAWAKAMI Hiroshi, MISHIMA Hiroyuki, SHIOSE Takayuki, OKADA Michio

    Human interface   6 ( 4 ) 351 - 360  2004.11  [Refereed]


  • Intentional coordination of breathing and limb movement from the perspective of the dynamical systems approach

    TAKASE Hiroki, MISHIMA Hiroyuki, HARUKI Yutaka

    NINCHISHINRIGAKUKENKYU   1 ( 1 ) 63 - 73  2004.05  [Refereed]

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    We frequently observe occasions when breathing is intentionally controlled to match to concurrent body movement. This study reports on two experiments conducted to examine the stability and variability in the coordination of breathing with wrist-movements, with an inverted pendulum held in the hand. In Experiment 1, two modes of stable coordination of breathing and wrist-movement were identified: (1) the wrist was radially-flexed during inspiration and ulnarly-flexed during expiration; and (2) the wrist was ulnarly-flexed during inspiration and radially-flexed during expiration. In Experiment 2, subjects coordinated breathing and wrist-movements as three factors (phase mode, oscillatory frequency of breathing/wrist-movements, the eigen frequency of the pendulum) were manipulated. The results indicated that the coordination of breathing and wrist-movement exhibits patterns predicted by HKB-equation (e.g., phase transitions from the intended phase mode to the unintended mode). We suggest that breathing and wrist-movement together constitute a self-organizing system and that they are governed not only by the central nervous system but are also constrained by dynamical principles.

    DOI CiNii

  • ギブソン生態心理学のアイディア:刺激から情報へ


    人工知能学会誌   18 ( 2 ) 163 - 169  2003.03  [Invited]


  • Interpersonal coordination between breathing and limb movements

    Hiroki Takase, Nobuhiro Furuyama, Hiroyuki Mishima, Yutaka Haruki

    Shinrigaku Kenkyu   74 ( 1 ) 36 - 44  2003

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    This study examined the stability and variability of interpersonal coordination, in which one person breathed while the other moved a wrist back and forth with an inverted pendulum in hand. Nine pairs of subjects coordinated each other's movement in two relative phase modes. In one mode, Radial flexion-Inspiration and Ulnar flexion-Expiration (RIUE), one subject radially flexed the wrist as the other inhaled and ulnarly flexed it as the other exhaled. In the other, Ulnar flexion-Inspiration and Radial flexion-Expiration (UIRE) mode, the wrist was ! ulnarly flexed at inhalation, and radially flexed at exhalation. Results were as follows: (1) The two were more highly coordinated in RIUE mode than UIRE mode as the frequency of oscillation increased. (2) Phase transitions were observed from URIE to RIUE mode, as the frequency of oscillation increased. And (3) the more different in preferred frequency the pendulum and breathing movements were, the more deviated from the intended relative phase the coordination became. These results suggest that interpersonal coordination of breathing and wrist-pendulum movement is qualitatively equivalent to intra personal coordination between them.

    DOI PubMed CiNii


  • 見えないものがミエルことの生態光学 : 光環境におけるアフォーダンス知覚(II 人間と光環境,<特集>光環境-科学と設計の接点を探る)

    三嶋 博之

    建築雑誌   117 ( 1497 ) 14 - 15  2002.12


  • Basics of J.J. Gibson's Perceptual Theory : Information, Specificity, Invariants, Affordances(<Special Issue>Dynamic Understanding of Human Intelligence)

    MISHIMA Hiroyuki

    Systems, control and information   46 ( 1 ) 35 - 40  2002.01

    DOI CiNii

  • Invariants as a Basic Unit of Analysis for Ecological Approach to Perception and Action

    MISHIMA Hiroyuki

    Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems   13 ( 2 ) 11 - 17  2001.04

    DOI CiNii

  • アフォーダンスの知覚と運動--ダイナミカルシステムとしての身体と,その知覚制御についての生態学的アプローチ (特集 運動と複雑系・カオス)

    三嶋 博之

    体育の科学   51 ( 3 ) 186 - 189  2001.03


  • A note for robotics : From the ecological psychological point of view

    MISHIMA Hiroyuki

      10   65 - 66  2000.10


  • 行為の淀みと発達 : アフォーダンスの制約

    佐々木 正人, 鈴木 健太郎, 三嶋 博之, 篠原 香織, 半谷 実香

    BME : bio medical engineering   12 ( 7 ) 57 - 68  1998.07

    DOI CiNii

  • Affordances and Variability of Actions : Environment, Actions and Microslips

    SUZUKI Kentaro, MISHIMA Hiroyuki, SASAKI Masato

    Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems   9 ( 6 ) 826 - 837  1997.12

    DOI CiNii

  • Special Issue on Information Processing and Motor Control in Biological Systems. Introduction to the Ecological Approach to Motor Control.

    SASAKI Masato, MISHIMA Hiroyuki

    Journal of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   33 ( 4 ) 282 - 288  1994.04  [Invited]

    DOI CiNii

  • Perceiving affordances for switching two actions, "stepping-over" and "passing-under".

    Mishima Hiroyuki

    The Japanese journal of psychology   64 ( 6 ) p469 - 475  1994.02

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    J. J. Gibson (1979/1986) proposed that animals perceive 'affordances', which are the functional utilities based on the properties of both the animals and the environment. If this is the case, animals should make judgements about what to do referring to the capability of their own action system. In this study, I examined a perceptual boundary between "stepping-over" and "passing-under" for two groups-the tall group and the short group. Subjects were individually requested to judge whether they would "stepover" or "passunder" a bar presented in front of them which was varied in height. I found that the mean bar-height to leg-length (B/L) ratio at the perceptual action-switching-point is invariant, or 1.07, for each group. This result suggests that animals perceive affordances in controlling action, which means that the environment for animals is structured as to various levels of action.

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

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Research Projects

  • The whole body coordination of expert drummers from a dynamical systems approach

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Furuyama Nobuhiro

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify what makes skilled drummers different from unskilled drummers, especially the relationship between local beat movements and global whole-body movements. We analyzed the performance of skilled and novice drummers on the task of playing 1/8 note beats on an electronic drum, as well as the center of pressure (CoP) data, which is representative of whole-body motion during the performance of the task. This feature is more pronounced immediately after kicking the bass drum pedal. We also analyzed movement data of pendulum wiggling at the wrist and the whole-body, which are the basis of such local and global movements including drum-set playing. The results suggest that the global coordination structure is involved in the accomplishment of the local pendulum task.

  • 間隙通過時に利用される光学情報の種類が、移動経路の可制御性に与える影響

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    三嶋 博之, 古山 宣洋, 友野 貴之

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    本研究の目的は、日常的な生活空間に配置された様々な間隙(支柱や壁の間、戸口等)を人が通過する課題(「間隙通過課題」)を通じて、行為者が移動のための適切な軌道制御を行うために必要となる視覚情報パラメータ(視角やtau (Lee, 1976等)、もしくはそれらの関連視角量等)の内容を明らかにすることである。昨年度には実験参加者が電動車椅子に搭乗・操作して様々な幅に設定された間隙を通過する実走実験を実施したが、本年度は、新型コロナウイルスへの感染防止の観点から実験参加者を募って行う対面での実走実験を取りやめ、コンピューターディスプレイ上に提示された移動シミュレーション映像を用いた計算機実験を実施するためのプログラム開発を行った。
    本年度に開発したシミュレーションプログラムでは、“Toward an ecological field theory of perceptual control of locomotion.” (Kadar & Shaw, 2000) で提案されている視覚的な等情報場の一つである「等視角場」(isoangular field)から、任意の幅の間隙を通過するために有効と考えられる理論的な移動経路(等視角場に直交し、視角を最も速く最大化する経路)を最適化手法の一つである最急降下法により生成する機能を実装した。また、移動環境の中にある任意の三点以上の通過点を曲線(多項式)で結ぶ経路、および、昨年度までに実施した電動車椅子による実走実験から得られた経路座標の実測値から計算機上に移動経路を再現する機能を実装した。

  • 生態学的現象学による個別事例学の哲学的基礎付けとアーカイブの構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    河野 哲也, 染谷 昌義, 三嶋 博之, 柳澤 田実, 田中 彰吾, 長滝 祥司, 熊谷 晋一郎, 岡田 美智男, 直江 清隆, 森 直久, 佐古 仁志

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  • Establishment of video-analysis-based behavioral index of social stress in mice.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kakeyama Masaki, MISHIMA Hiroyuki, ENDO Nozomi

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    "Sociality" is an important brain function to human beings as well as cognitive function, and it is pointed out that exposure to environmental risk factors such as chemical exposures may harm it. In animal experiments, we have revealed that perinatal exposure to dioxin causes social behavioral abnormality, accompanied with brain activity abnormalities in social stress situation. In this research, we succeeded in developing and practicing the analysis index of new mouse social behaviors focusing on social stress, as well as its data analysis algorithm, using the image analysis system.

  • Effect of optic flow for passenger generatied by skilled/unskilled automobile driver.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MISHIMA Hiroyuki

     View Summary

    Optic flow generated by skilled/unskilled automobile driver (, that could be viewed by passengers in the car,) was recorded and re-presented to participants in the experiment. The result showed that the optic flow generated by the skilled driver would have the effects as follows: guiding the observer’s eye gaze to the distal point on the road, and to the inner distal point beyond the curve. Besides, the results of other experiments showed that lateral optic flow might induce anterior-posterior sway movement of observer’s head, and texts (number symbols) included in optic flow would inhibit the movement of observer’s head.

  • An ecological turn of knowledge: an ecological phenomenology for the restoration of human environment

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONO Tetsuya, KASHIWABATA Tatsuya, SAKO Hitoshi, KOKURYO Yoshiki, MIYAHARA Katsunori, GALLAGHER Shaun, ROY Jean Michel

     View Summary

    This research aims at understanding from the viewpoint of the ecological phenomenology all human activity as circulative interactions between body-subject and the environment and trying to establish philosophical and theoretical ground for a comprehensive human environmental science. We have focused on the issue of how to construct a middle-scale human environment that is suitable for human wellbeing and environmental sustainability. During our 5 years research, we have achieved many splendid results, for examples a series of anthology, papers, presentations, symposiums, workshops, and invited lectures, as shown in “study results” and largely contributed to the formation of a new field of positivistic phenomenology of the environment.

  • Body as a foundation of musical sound: An ecological attempt to explore the embodied nature of dexterity in musical performance

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Maruyama Shin, TOMITA Masao, FURUYAMA Nobuhiro, MISHIMA Hiroyuki, NOMOTO Yukio

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    The purpose of our research was, in the light of an ecological approach, to investigate musicians’ bodily skills and their coordinative body structure that acts as a foundation of “dexterity” in musical performance. First, in order to record the features of body movement, we designed an experiment with a professional violinist and asked her to play musical fragments before and after receiving ecological-physical therapy. We found differences in the sensor data and also in the therapist’s diagnosis after the treatment. This implied that, through the therapy, the violinist’s muscle tension was reduced and some coordinative structures between body segments emerged and/or were re-activated, which increased flexibility and allowed the violinist to improve her performance. Additionally, we attempted to describe the continuity between experts’ bodily skills and young infants’ musical activities with reference to studies on the development of children’s physical and musical abilities.

  • Comparative study on adaptiveness of active touch

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Migita Masao, MORIYAMA Toru, MARUYAMA Shin, FURUYAMA Nobuhiro, MISHIMA Hiroyuki

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    We investigated behaviors based on haptic perception in humans, pill bugs and starfish. In starfish, tube feet movements appeared to affect flexible and efficient righting. In pill bugs, diversity was observed in behaviors where antennae play important roles such as turn alternation behavior. In humans, the subjects created various movements to percept roughness of objects.

  • Ecological Phenomenology and the Philosophy of Technology: Toward a construction of appropriate environments from an ecological point of view

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MURATA Junichi, KONO Tetsuya, SOMEYA Masayoshi, IKEGAMI Takashi, NAGATAKI Shoji, YOSHIZAWA Nozomu, ISHIHARA Koji, YANAGISAWA Tami, SASAKI Masato, MISHIMA Hiroyuki, KUDO Kazutoshi, SHIBATA Takashi, MARUYAMA Shin

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    Our life is always supported by various artificial environments. First, we have explicated the structure of this “Being-in-the artificial environment” from a viewpoint of the ecological phenomenology, philosophy of technology, ecological psychology, cognitive science, and architecture. Second, we have explicated the practical possibility and meaning of this approach, considering the problems of universal design and human centereddesign.

  • Experimental and philosophical researches on ecological communication and social affordances

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONO Tetsuya, ISHIGURO Hiroaki, OKADA Michio, KASHIWABATA Tatsuya, SOMEYA Masayoshi, MISHIMA Hiroyuki, KAYANO Toshihito, YANAGISAWA Tami, MORI Naohisa, MARUYAMA Shin

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    In applying the approach of ecological psychology to the domain of communication and social interaction, We have conducted experimental and philosophical researches on how communication by human bodies which are filled with affordances for interaction is transformed into conventional and normative social interactions. As shown in the below accomplishment list, we have achieved more results(papers, books, presentations, lecture series, and symposium) than expected in the original plan, and contributed to the development of this new domain.

  • Perception of body orientation by dynamic touch, and its consequences for posture control.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MISHIMA Hiroyuki, TOMITA Masao, FURUYAMA Nobuhiro, SUGIYAMA Tomohisa

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    The effect of the act of wiggling one's body on posture control was studied. The change of strategy for posture control after the therapeutic wiggling movement (wiggling one's body by a physical therapist, or by oneself) was compared with the strategy after an ordinal strength training for outer muscles in terms of the sway in quiet standing. The results showed that the wiggling movement seemed to facilitate one's perception to his/her body by dynamic touch, and change the posture control strategy from static to dynamic.

  • A study on microslips on spontaneous gestures by the instructor and the complexity of the instructional settings

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FURUYAMA Nobuhiro, MISHIMA Hiroyuki, SUZUKI Kentaro

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    Psycholinguistic research on speech and spontaneous gesture has revealed that spontaneous gesture makes important contributions to the production and comprehension of instructions and narratives (e.g., story retelling). However, speech-gesture coordination is not necesarily stable all the time, but it can sometimes be disfluent. Possible factors contributing to the disfluency include speech tempo, complexity of the content of speech, honorifix, complexity due to the adjustment made for the addressee's comprehension level about the contents, etc. There does not seem to be systematic study about how spontaneous gesture and speech become disfluent and how they are organized to become fluent again. The present study focuses on what is called "microslips" in research on intrumental actions, and attempts to determine whether microslips can be observed with gesture, and, if so, what the conditions are to induce microslips in gesture. For this purpose, we collected cartoon narrative data of speakers relating the story of "Canary Row," where factors such as listener location was manipulated. The results suggest the effect of listener location and complexity of the speech content on average frequency of microslips on spontaneous gesture. These outcomes are to be described in papers in preparation for submitting as journal papers as well as presentations to be made in academic conferences.

  • Psychophysiological Study on Educational Evaluation of Emotional Development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UMEZAWA Akio, MISHIMA Hiroyuki, MURANOI Hitoshi

  • A Trial to Broadcast Children's Video Works in Cooperation with Broadcast Station and School.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MURANOI Hitoshi, OHNOGI Hiroaki, MISHIMA Hiroyuki

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    Media literacy has got it position in education in Japan. Among the reading and writing, there are many practices to watch and to recognize TV programs. However, there are few actions to the picture production.
    We have to show the models of the picture to activate picture production in Japanese school. Because, school teacher try to make work as broadcast level then practice do not continue. It is not understood that there is the development of picture production in the same way as the painting of the child, so child may make original work. In Japan, there is the culture that citizens enjoy the development of the child. We exhibit pictures and the handwritings of the child even though it's not so good works. We should make same culture.
    In this study, we cleared as follows:
    1. We made the system which children and students produce picture works in cooperation with elementary, junior high and high school teachers. We broadcast the works in Fukui pref. in cooperation with NHK Fukui Broadcasting, Station. 135 schools broadcasted their productions. It is a one-third of the total number of schools in Fukui pref. We showed that school had power to make a picture.
    2. We made the system to broadcast picture works made by university students in cooperation with NHK Mito Broadcasting Station. In the case of university, there are three purposes in picture production. 1st. We perform it media literacy education. We teach students how to make picture works and they are requested to make picture works as research report. 2nd. We promote it as the student's operant activity, assertion or expression of themselves. 3rd. We promote it as the introduction of our study and education activity. We broadcasted 32 programs in 3 years. We introduced research institute and student's circles in live for 18 times. We have broadcasted Total 50 times.
    Conclusion: We showed that we have a power to make picture works from elementary school to University. And also, we showed we can make so many products. We made a model of cooperation between School and Broadcasting Station which would be possible in the other areas and promote picture works.

  • 呼吸運動との協調を伴う周期的道具使用動作の「巧みさ」の発達

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    三嶋 博之

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    道具使用場面における課題の難易度と全身の協応状態との関係を明らかにするために、実験参加者の課題遂行時における「測定圧力中心分布」を、重心動揺計(ひずみゲージ式変換器:LUB-5OKB-P 4台、計装用コンディショナ:WGA-67OB-O 4台から構成)によって測定した。実験参加者の課題は「ハサミ(全長165mm,刃渡り75mm)の開閉運動」とし、ハサミの開閉運動(ヒンジ部における角度変化)を村田製作所製トリマポテンショメータ(PVS1A)によって計測した。大学生(すべて右利き)を被験者とし、楽な呼吸を行いながらもっとも好ましい速度で、しかし実際には紙を切らずに空中でハサミを開閉する条件(A条件)、および、楽な呼吸を行いながらもっとも好ましい速度で、A4版上質コピー用紙の長辺の縁を「およそ1cmの深さで、できるだけ細かく、ほぼ一定の間隔で短冊状に切り込むこと」を繰り返す条件(B条件)とに分けて実験を行った。重心動揺計から得られた波形データ(30秒間分)について、再帰性定量化分析(Recurrence Quantification Analysis)における3つの指標(%REC,%DET,MAXLINE)によって評価した。その結果、特に「%DET値」において、A条件<B条件となることがあきらかとなった。この結果は、ハサミを単に空中で開閉しているときとよりも、ハサミを使って紙を切るという注意を要する課題を遂行しているときに、全身の協調状態に関して、より決定論性の強い状態が構築されていることを示している.呼吸運動は重心の変動に影響を与える要因の一つであるが、呼吸運動を含む全身の協調状態は、道具使用場面において、課題に即して目的的に変化することが示唆された.

  • 発話・身振り・呼吸の個人内・個人間での協調を生態力学的に制約する情報に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    古山 宣洋, 三嶋 博之, 林 浩司, 高瀬 弘樹

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  • ダイナミック・タッチによる把握物の知覚とそれに伴う手の運動の解析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    三嶋 博之

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  • Study of “kakkoyosa (coolness)” as expressed by the activity of waiting in freestyle basketball battles

      30 ( 3 ) 358 - 364  2023.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • Interaction between global optic flow and local optic flow in visual search

    畑美緒, 加藤麻樹, 三嶋博之

    認知科学(Web)   30 ( 3 ) 370 - 376  2023  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • Is the Gaze Guided to the Outer Edge of Expanding Local Optic Flow?

    畑美緒, 加藤麻樹, 三嶋博之

    日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM)   40th  2023


  • Effect of Self-Consciousness on Personal Space in VR Space

    畑美緒, 山本莉子, 三嶋博之

    日本認知心理学会発表論文集(Web)   21st  2023


  • Investigation of the possibility that ”imitable gesture” improves the ”kakkoyosa (coolness)” rating of performances.

    大野俊尚, 三嶋博之

    日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM)   40th  2023


  • ダーツボードの色と周辺の状況が投擲のパフォーマンスに与える効果

    畑美緒, 畑晴太郎, 村野良太, 村野良太, 岩浅巧, 加藤麻樹, 三嶋博之

    人類働態学会会報(Web)   ( 113 )  2023


  • Effects of Optic Flow in Visual Search.

    畑美緒, 三嶋博之

    日本認知心理学会発表論文集(Web)   20th  2022


  • 間隙をつくる障害物の“人らしさ”は, 通り抜け行為に影響を与えるか? -間隙の通過可否判断研究からの一考察-

    友野 貴之, 古山 宣洋, 三嶋 博之

    日本認知科学会第34回大会発表論文集     243 - 249  2017.09  [Refereed]

  • Posture and Perceptual Information : Application of Recurrence Quantification Analysis

    MISHIMA Hiroyuki, FURUYAMA Nobuhiro

      2006 ( 1 ) 21 - 25  2006.12


  • 座談会 拡張するアフォーダンス

    佐々木 正人, 本多 啓, 三嶋 博之

    UP   34 ( 8 ) 1 - 12  2005.08


  • 特集討論 二元論への挑戦--人類学と心理学の新しいアプローチ (特集 二元論への挑戦)

    菅原 和孝, 三嶋 博之, 古山 宣洋

    文化人類学研究   3   101 - 119  2002


  • F18-(1) 知覚と行為への生態学的アプローチ(知能ロボット 知覚・身体性・行動)(ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門企画)

    三嶋 博之

    年次大会講演資料集   1 ( 1 ) 263 - 264  2001.08

    DOI CiNii

  • F-1217 Perceiving-action cycle and emotion for human-friendly robot

    MIYAWAKI Shunsuke, KUBOTA Naoyuki, MISHIMA Hiroyuki

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   1 ( 1 ) 277 - 278  2001.08

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    This paper discusses the emotion of human-friendly robot from the viewpoint of perceiving-acting cycle. We aim that a robot behaves as if it had heart and emotion by taking behaviors based on the perceiving-acting cycle. In this paper, we focus on the internal model of the robot, and discuss the relation between perceiving and action. We apply a modular neural network to realize the behaviors based on the concept of the perceiving-acting cycle. This paper shows

    DOI CiNii

  • 身体化された心に(embodied mind)と言葉をつなぐもの

    三嶋 博之, 加藤 義信, 月本 洋, 岩男 征樹, 小島 康次

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   43 ( 43 ) S70 - S71  2001.07

    DOI CiNii

  • 身体性とコンピュータ

    岡田 美智男, 佐々木 正人, 三嶋 博之

    Bit   32 ( 0 ) 1 - 420,巻頭1〜8  2000.08


  • 建築とアフォーダンス--生態学的建築論は可能か (特集 アフォーダンス入門--身体/環境/インターフェイス)

    後藤 武, 妹島 和世, 三嶋 博之

    武蔵野美術   ( 116 ) 63 - 73  2000.05


  • 探索する身体、知覚-行為の経験としての移動 (特集 移動の記述法)

    三嶋 博之

    談   ( 63 ) 103 - 129  2000.03


  • 物は感受する--生態物理学と生態心理学の対話 (特集 感覚の論理)

    松野 孝一郎, 三嶋 博之

    現代思想   27 ( 10 ) 194 - 212  1999.09


  • 知覚-行為循環--有機体と環境、情報と力を接続する場としての (特集 システム論--内部観測とオートポイエーシス)

    三嶋 博之

    現代思想   27 ( 4 ) 238 - 245  1999.04


  • アフォ-ダンス:「制御」から「接触」へ (特集 アフォ-ダンスの視座--複雑系の生態学)

    三嶋 博之

    現代思想   25 ( 2 ) 198 - 207  1997.02


  • 鼎談 複雑系・アフォ-ダンス・内部観測--生態を「見る」 (特集 アフォ-ダンスの視座--複雑系の生態学)

    佐々木 正人, 松野 孝一郎, 三嶋 博之

    現代思想   25 ( 2 ) 58 - 96  1997.02


  • 認識エンジンとしての知覚-行為循環 (アフォ-ダンス--反デカルトの地平<特集>)

    三嶋 博之

    現代思想   22 ( 13 ) p334 - 343  1994.11


  • 視覚システム (アフォ-ダンス--反デカルトの地平<特集>)

    Gibson James J, 三嶋 博之, 古山 宣洋

    現代思想   22 ( 13 ) p86 - 119  1994.11


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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   School of Advanced Science and Engineering

  • Faculty of Social Sciences   Graduate School of Social Sciences

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 間隙通過の可否判断で利用される生態学的な視覚情報に関する研究

    2018   古山宣洋

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     人が間隙を通過する際に利用する光学情報の種類が、移動時の経路制御の困難さ/容易さに及ぼす影響について検討するための予備的な検討を、主として計算機上での数値シミュレーションによって実施した。数値シミュレーションにおいては、間隙への接近にともなって変化する視覚情報のうち、行為者が利用する可能性のある複数の変数(視角およびその関連量)を選択し、想定される複数の侵入経路での変動について検討した。また、実環境における検証実験を実施するための実験機材について試作・試運転を行い、その仕様について検討・確定した。本助成で準備された成果に基づき、新規採択された基盤研究(C)(課題番号: 19K03373)にて研究を継続する。

  • 能動触による弾性体の触知覚


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    [手続き] つり下げられた弾性体(ひも。ケプラー製)の長さの知覚とその際に行われる能動的な探索運動との関係を明らかにするために以下の実験を行った。 金属製の支柱からつり下げられた4種類の長さのひも(0.6 m、0.8 m、1.0m、1.2m)を、その下端を手で持ち下方に引いてひもを振動させることで非視覚的に被験者(8名)にひもの長さを特定させた。ひもの上端には張力センサーを取り付け、ひもに力を加えられた時間を測定した。それらのデータをA/D変換器経由でコンピュータに取り込み、「ひも-手」系のダイナミクスを解析、特定した。[結果] 分析の結果、手で引かれた後に減衰するひものダイナミクスは以下の式で表されると考えられる。  It = a log e X + b (1) (Itはひもを引く個々の動作の間隔、Xはひもの長さ、aとbは定数) 8名のうち5名の被験者で、ひものダイナミクスに同調した運動(式(1)に良く当てはまる運動)を行った。つまり、短いひもでは短い時間間隔でひもに打撃を加え、長いひもでは短いひもよりも長い減衰までの時間を待って次の打撃を与えており、それがlogの関係にあった。また、これらの5名の被験者は、ひもの長さ(ひも上端の固定点までの距離)の知覚における成績もすぐれていた。一方、ひものダイナミクスに同調した運動を行わなかった3人の被験者では、ひもの長さの知覚における成績が他の5人と比較して良くなかった。[まとめ] (i)対象を知覚するための探索運動は、対象のダイナミクス(より正確に言えば、対象とそれに対して運動を仕掛ける知覚者の身体の構成するシステムのダイナミクス)によって制約されており、知覚者の探索運動は実際にそのダイナミクスに同調することができる (ii)対象(と身体)のダイナミクスに対して探索運動が同調できなければ、対象の知覚が困難である。研究成果の発表(予定も含む)三嶋博之。 (Sep. 17、 1997). 能動的触活動によるひもの長さの知覚(2)。ポスター発表、 日本心理学会第61回大会、 関西学院大学。