Updated on 2025/02/08


Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering
Job title
Doctor of Engineering ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2009.04

    早稲田大学 教授(理工学術院)

  • 2008.10

    Waseda University

  • 2010.09

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering

  • 2007.04

    早稲田大学 准教授(大学院環境・エネルギー研究科)

  • 2006.04

    Gunma University

  • 2002.04

    独)交通安全環境研究所 客員研究員

  • 2006.04

    早稲田大学 客員助教授(専任扱い)(環境総合研究センター)

  • 2004.01

    群馬大学 助教授(教育学部)

  • 2003.04

    Waseda University

  • 2000.04

    群馬大学 専任講師(教育学部)

  • 1999.04

    早稲田大学 客員研究員(理工学総合研究センター)

  • 1999.12

    Gunma University

  • 1998.04

    運輸省交通安全公害研究所 運輸技術研究員

  • 1996.04

    Waseda University

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Education Background

  • 1995.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Science and Engineering   Electrical Engineering  

  • 1993.04

    Waseda University  

  • 1989.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering   Electrical Engineering  

Committee Memberships

  • 2020.07

    環境省 配送拠点等エネルギーステーション化による地域貢献型脱炭素物流等構築事業(公財)北海道環境財団受託)審査委員会  委員(委員長)

  • 2019.12

    東京都 EVバス検討プロジェクトチーム  委員

  • 2019.08

    (独)交通安全環境研究所 次世代大型車開発・実用化促進プロジェクト車両WG  検討員(座長)

  • 2019.07

    (独)交通安全環境研究所 産官学連携による高効率次世代大型車開発促進検討会  検討委員

  • 2017.04

    国土交通省 地域交通グリーン化事業検討会  委員

  • 2013.11

    (独)新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)  技術委員

  • 2012.12

    (独)新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)分野横断的公募事業  書面審査員

  • 2011.04

    (公財)スズキ財団  審査委員

  • 2019.08

    群馬大学 産学連携推進機構次世代モビリティ社会実装研究センター教員選考委員会  委員

  • 2019.08

    環境省 令和元年度EV/FCバス・トラック等のユースケース毎の航続距離等の特性に関するデータ収集及び事業性検証委託業務審査委員会(デロイトトーマツコンサルティング受託)  委員(座長)

  • 2019.07

    (一財)日本自動車研究所 重量車の電動化に関する技術動向等調査勉強会  委員

  • 2019.04

    (一社)低炭素社会創出促進協会 グリーンスローモビリティ車両等選定委員会  委員(副委員長)

  • 2018.09

    (一財)日本自動車研究所 超小型モビリティ車両安全対策検討WG  委員

  • 2018.09

    (独)新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)革新的熱利用技術委員会  委員

  • 2018.05

    (公財)鉄道総合技術研究所 研究開発レビュー  リサーチアドバイザー

  • 2019.01

    厚生労働省 電気自動車等の整備業務に必要な特別教育のあり方に関する検討会  委員

  • 2018.08

    (一財)環境優良車普及機構 高効率次世代大型車プロジェクト検討会  委員

  • 2018.08

    (独)新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)省エネルギー技術審議会運輸WG  委員

  • 2016.05

    国土交通省 地域交通のグリーン化事業効果・ベストプラクティス 評価委員会  委員(委員長)

  • 2014.10

    (独)交通安全環境研究所 次世代大型車開発・実用化促進プロジェクト電動車両WG  検討委員

  • 2012.05

    国土交通省 電気自動車による地域交通のグリーン化事業検討会  委員

  • 2013.02

    国土交通省 超小型モビリティの導入促進事業検討会  委員

  • 2014.12

    (公財)国際科学技術財団  研究助成選考委員

  • 2014.12

    (独)交通安全環境研究所 次世代大型車開発・実用化促進プロジェクト大型プラグインハイブリッド自動車に係る試験法サブWG  検討員(座長)

  • 2014.11

    環境省 都市・交通の低炭素化支援サブワーキンググループ  委員

  • 2013.10

    (独)交通安全環境研究所 次世代低公害車開発・実用化促進プロジェクト大型プラグインハイブリッド自動車に係る試験法サブWG  検討員(座長)

  • 2012.08

    (独)交通安全環境研究所 次世代低公害車開発・実用化促進プロジェクト電動車両WG  検討員

  • 2011.07

    (社)海洋水産システム協会 電動漁船等地球環境保全型漁船の技術開発事業・事業推進評価委員会  委員

  • 2012.12

    国土交通省 自動車エネルギー利用効率化推進事業・審査委員会  委員

  • 2012.05

    関西電気自動車普及推進協議会 駐車場への普通充電設備の普及促進に関する検討WG  座長代理

  • 2010.02

    埼玉県 熊谷市地域公共交通会議  委員

  • 2011.11

    国土交通省 電動バスの運行における充電施設整備のあり方に関する調査 検討委員会  委員

  • 2011.09

    (独)交通安全環境研究所 次世代低公害車開発・実用化促進プロジェクト新型動力システム系ワーキンググループ  検討員

  • 2011.05

    国土交通省 電気自動車による公共交通のグリーン化促進事業検討会  委員

  • 2010.12

    国土交通省 環境対応車を活用したまちづくり検討委員会  委員

  • 2010.12

    国土交通省 電動バス実証実験検討委員会  委員

  • 2010.10

    鹿児島県 屋久島CO2フリーの島づくりに関する研究会  特別委員

  • 2010.07

    (財)北九州産業学術推進機構 九州・ひびきの自律走行研究会  委員

  • 2010.05

    (独)交通安全環境研究所 次世代低公害車開発・実用化促進プロジェクトIPSハイブリッド自動車ワーキンググループ  検討員

  • 2009.05

    神奈川県 かながわ次世代電気バス開発・普及検討会  委員

  • 2009.06

    奈良県 奈良市における電動バスを用いた低炭素型環境交通システム実証実験推進会議  委員

  • 2005.08

    (独)交通安全環境研究所 次世代低公害車開発・実用化促進プロジェクトハイブリッド自動車ワーキンググループ  検討員

  • 2008.02

    国土交通省 プラグインハイブリッド車排出ガス・燃費測定方法策定検討会  検討員

  • 2006.08

    (財)日本自動車研究所 電動車両中長期普及計画策定タスクフォース委員会  委員

  • 2005.10

    国土交通省 燃料電池バス技術検討会  検討員

  • 2005.04

    (財)日本自動車研究所 EVS-22 International Program Committee  委員

  • 2004.04

    (財)日本自動車研究所 第22回国際電気自動車シンポジウムプログラム委員会  委員

  • 2003.07

    (財)日本航路標識協会 航路標識への燃料電池導入に関する調査研究委員会  委員

  • 2003.03

    (独)交通安全環境研究所 次世代低公害車開発促進プロジェクト燃料電池バス実証試験ワーキンググループ  検討員

  • 2002.11

    (独)交通安全環境研究所 次世代低公害車開発促進プロジェクトハイブリッド自動車ワーキンググループ  検討員

  • 2003.09

    (財)新機能素子研究開発協会 EVシステム制御研究開発推進懇談会  委員

  • 2001.06

    (財)日本航路標識協会 海上標識への利用可能な高出力電源システム研究開発委員会  委員(部会長)

  • 2000.07

    (財)日本航路標識協会 航路標識への自然エネルギー利用についての調査研究委員会  委員(部会長)

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Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Earth resource engineering, Energy sciences   電気エネルギー,水素エネルギー / Environmental load reduction and remediation   電動車両の乗車環境良好度評価・周囲環境負荷微小度評価・低炭素効果評価 / Power engineering   電動車両,重量車,モータ,バッテリ,充電装置

Research Interests

  • エネルギー(電気,水素)

  • 車両性能評価(乗車環境良好度評価,周囲環境負荷微小度評価,低炭素効果評価)

  • 車載機器(モータ,バッテリ,充電装置)

  • 重量車(バス,トラック)

  • 電動車両(電気自動車、プラグインハイブリッド自動車、燃料電池自動車)


  • 自動車技術会関東支部 ベスト・ペーパー賞

    2018.03   自動車技術会   燃料電池ゴミ収集車の環境性能および実用性に関する研究(第4報)

  • 自動車技術会関東支部 ベスト・ペーパー賞

    2018.03   自動車技術会   燃料電池ゴミ収集車の環境性能および実用性に関する研究(第3報)

  • 自動車技術会関東支部 ベスト・ペーパー賞

    2017.03   自動車技術会   燃料電池ゴミ収集車の環境性能および実用性に関する研究(第1報)

  • 自動車技術会関東支部 ベスト・ペーパー賞

    2017.03   自動車技術会   プラグインハイブリッド自動車における低炭素効果の走行距離依存性に対する考察

  • 自動車技術会関東支部 ベスト・ペーパー賞

    2016.03   自動車技術会   電動車両用リチウムイオン電池におけるOCV推定手法の精度向上に関する研究

  • 自動車技術会関東支部 ベスト・ペーパー賞

    2016.03   自動車技術会   短距離走行・高頻度充電型電動小型バスの開発と性能評価

  • 自動車技術会 出版功績感謝状

    2016   自動車技術会  

  • 自動車技術会関東支部 ベスト・ポスター賞

    2014.03   自動車技術会   離島における電動軽トラックの優位性評価

  • 自動車技術会 論文賞

    2014.03   自動車技術会   各種電動車両に搭載したリチウムイオン蓄電池の許容劣化度に関する検討

  • 自動車技術会関東支部 ベスト・ペーパー賞

    2014.03   自動車技術会   プラグインハイブリッド自動車の動力システムモデリング詳細化に関する研究

  • 自動車技術会関東支部 ベスト・ポスター賞

    2013.03   自動車技術会   リン酸鉄リチウムイオン電池の劣化メカニズム解析(第1報)

  • 電気学会 優秀論文発表賞

    1993.03   電気学会   ラッセル係数の有限長リニア誘導機解析への適用の検討

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  • 電動大型車の電費改善のための速度変化パターン最適化計算 ならびに実車シャシダイナモ試験による検証(第2報) -実測データに基づくバッテリ内部抵抗値と高電圧配線部抵抗値の導出ならびに同部位の損失の追加考慮-

    方亦園, 諸橋陽太, 楊イ翔, 紙屋雄史

    自動車技術会論文集   56 ( 1 ) 122 - 127  2025.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 1D車両システムモデルを活用した最適なバッテリー熱マネジメントシステムの検討(第2報)

    波頭佑哉, 劉珀源, 楊イ翔, 廣田寿男, 紙屋雄史, 佐藤圭峰

    自動車技術会論文集   56 ( 1 ) 128 - 133  2025.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Developing a simple electricity consumption prediction formula for the pre-introduction prediction for electric buses

    Y. Fang, W. Yang, Y. Ihara, Y. Kamiya

    World Electric Vehicle Journal   16 ( 67 ) 1 - 19  2025.01  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 1D車両システムモデルを活用した最適なバッテリー熱マネジメントシステムの検討

    波頭佑哉, 廣田寿男, 紙屋雄史, 佐藤圭峰

    自動車技術会論文集   55 ( 6 ) 1091 - 1096  2024.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • 多変数制御による燃料電池ハイブリッド試験電車の性能改善に関する検討

    米山崇, 吉岡隼, 鮑義達, 温旻昊, 楊イ翔, 紙屋雄史, 柏木隆行, 小川賢一, 金子真直人, 神﨑眞人

    自動車技術会論文集   55 ( 6 ) 1102 - 1107  2024.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • 燃料電池ハイブリッド試験車両用の走行エネルギーシミュレータの開発

    米山崇, 田沼英紘, 吉岡隼, 楊イ翔, 紙屋雄史, 柏木隆行, 山田昂征, 金子真直人, 神﨑眞人

    自動車技術会論文集   55 ( 3 ) 430 - 435  2024.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • A survey of route bus speed change pattern for clarifying electrification benefits

    Y. Fang, S. Huang, Y. Morohashi, W. Yang, Y. Kamiya

    Proceedings of the 37th international electric vehicle symposium (EVS)   1D ( 1 ) 1 - 11  2024.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Developing a simple electricity consumption prediction formula for the pre-introduction prediction for electric buses

    Y. Fang, S. Pei, W. Yang, Y. Ihara, Y. Kamiya

    Proceedings of the 37th international electric vehicle symposium (EVS)   1DS ( 12 ) 1 - 12  2024.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • リン酸鉄リチウムイオン電池を用いた1D車両システム解析用バッテリー劣化予測モデルの構築

    波頭佑哉, 廣田寿男, 紙屋雄史, 佐藤圭峰

    自動車技術会論文集   55 ( 2 ) 335 - 341  2024.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Speed change pattern optimization for improving the Electricity consumption of an electric bus and its verification using an actual vehicle

    Y. Fang, W. Yang, Y. Kamiya, T. Imai, S. Ueki, M. Kobayashi

      15 ( 1 ) 1 - 15  2024.01  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 商用車における車載太陽光発電システムの実現可能性に関する研究-EVコミュニティバス実証試験によるPVシステム搭載のエネルギー消費削減効果-

    裴帥, 彭エイケン, 廣田壽男, 紙屋雄史, 水野英範, 大関崇

    自動車技術会論文集   55 ( 1 ) 20 - 25  2024.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 電動大型車の電費改善のための速度変化パターン最適化計算ならびに実車シャシダイナモ試験による検証

    方亦園, 黄施豪, 小林王義, 楊イ翔, 紙屋雄史

    自動車技術会論文集   55 ( 1 ) 14 - 19  2024.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Speed change pattern optimization for improving electricity consumption of electric bus and its verification by actual vehicle

    Y. Fang, W. Yang, Y. Kamiya, T. Imai, S. Ueki, M. Kobayashi

    Proceedings of the 36th international electric vehicle symposium (EVS)   B7 ( 2 ) 1 - 11  2023.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 乗用車における車載太陽電池システムの実現可能性に関する研究(第2報) -車両日射条件が車両エネルギーバランスに及ぼす影響-

    廣田壽男, 金英雄, 小林王義, 紙屋雄史, 前島聡, 河本桂一

    自動車技術会論文集   53 ( 4 ) 784 - 789  2022.07  [Refereed]

  • Detailed analysis of regenerative energy of the electric bus driving on expressways

    Y. Fang, T. Xu, W. Yang, Y. Ihara, Y. Kamiya

    Proceedings of the FISITA 2021 world automotive congress   F2020 ( ADM-027 ) 1 - 10  2021.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Construction and application of a new method for easily evaluating the blended controls of plug-in hybrid vehicles by focusing on carbon-dioxide emissions

    S. Pei, W. Yang, Y. Kamiya, Y. Daisho

    Proceedings of the FISITA 2021 world automotive congress   F2020 ( ADM-026 ) 1 - 9  2021.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Feasibility study of onboard PV for passenger vehicle application - Influence of vehicle irradiance on energy balance of EV energy requirement and PV generation -

    T. Hirota, S. Pei, K. Kobayashi, Y. Kamiya, S. Maeshima, K. Komoto

    Proceedings of the 5th International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference 2021 (EVTeC 2021)   F3.4 ( 20214349 ) 1 - 8  2021.05  [Refereed]

  • 乗用車における車載太陽電池システムの実現可能性に関する研究-走行条件が車両エネルギーバランスに及ぼす影響-


    自動車技術会論文集   51 ( 4 ) 675 - 680  2020.07  [Refereed]

  • Detailed Analysis of Regenerative Energy of Electric Bus Running on Expressways

    Hirokazu Miyoshi, Wei-Hsiang Yang, Yushi Kamiya, Shuichi Obayashi

    2019 IEEE 4th International Future Energy Electronics Conference, IFEEC 2019    2019.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Our research group designed two electric buses, a small-sized bus for driving on ordinary roads, and a medium-sized bus for driving on expressways. Analyzing the data obtained from verification test, we found a characteristic phenomenon related to regenerative energy on the expressway. In this paper, analysis of evaluation related to this phenomenon by simulating three different driving routes with the medium-sized electric bus is summarized.



  • Distance Traveled Dependence of Environmental Performance of Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles: Validations with Series-hybrid Vehicle Simulation

    Wei Hsiang Yang, Cheng Ping Yang, Shohei Shinta, Yushi Kamiya

    2019 IEEE 4th International Future Energy Electronics Conference, IFEEC 2019    2019.11

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    In this paper, a series-type plug-in hybrid vehicle simulator is used to validate the distance traveled dependence of environmental performance of the plug-in hybrid vehicles proposed in our previous paper is established. First, the characteristics of the distance traveled dependence such as cross-point and the difference of CO2 emissions between AE and BLD controls are confirmed. Also, the appropriateness and usefulness of the propositions, including the CD mode control selection policy, the optimal BLD control, and the indicator BCPI (blended control performance indicator), which can simply evaluate the effect of BLD control, are valid.



  • 85kHz band 44kW wireless rapid charging system for field test and public road operation of electric bus

    S. Obayashi, T. Shijo, M. Suzuki, F. Moritsuka, K. Ogawa, K. Ogura, Y. Kanekiyo, M. Ishida, T. Tanaka, N. Tada, F. Takeuchi, S. Take, Y. Yamauchi, W. Yang, Y. Kamiya

    World Electric Vehicle Journal   10-2 ( 26 ) 1 - 11  2019.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    Wireless charging technology for heavy-duty vehicles has been investigated for eco-friendly transportation. We present a new wireless power transfer system for 44 kW rapid charging of electric buses. Transmission distance between charging pads is from 10 to 13 cm. The large air gap can be fulfilled by the ordinary kneeling function equipped on most low-floor buses. Dual-block parallel transmission with opposite-phase-current-feeding suppresses magnetic radiation. The system operates in the common 85 kHz band with the light-duty vehicle system. The results of its field test and public road operation of two electric buses to confirm the effects of CO2 eduction and energy saving are described.

  • 燃料電池ごみ収集車の1年間の実証試験データに基づくCO2削減効果の解析と更なる改善策の検討


    自動車技術会論文集   50 ( 3 ) 771 - 776  2019.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 電気バスの高速道路走行時に生じる回生エネルギーに着目した詳細分析


    自動車技術会論文集   50 ( 2 ) 365 - 370  2019.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Design Trial Production, and Performance Evaluation of an Electric Busfor Running on Expressways

    Wei-Hsiang Yang, Hanlin Liu, Kenta Ishii, Yushi Kamiya, Yasuhiro Daisho, Yuto Ihara, Shuichi Obayashi

    IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC   2018-   1143 - 1148  2018.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Our research group designed and made two trial production for two electric buses, a small-sized bus for driving on ordinary roads and a medium-sized bus for driving on expressways. Approximately one-year verification test was conducted in the Metropolitan Expressway Bay Shore route and surrounding areas in Japan. In this paper, analyzed results focused on the regenerative energy while traveling on expressways compared to ordinary roads made by heavy-duty electric vehicles will be summarized.



  • Analysis of Energy Consumption and Possibility of Further Reduction of a Fuel Cell Garbage Truck

    Hosik Lee, Shota Nakasaku, Toshio Hirota, Yushi Kamiya, Yuto Ihara, Takuya Yamaura

    IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC   2018-   1876 - 1881  2018.12

     View Summary

    To reduce CO2 emissions of a conventional diesel engine garbage truck, we developed an electric motor driven fuel cell garbage truck. It was designed based on analytical result of two garbage collection routes, Kanmon-route and Imajuku-minami route of Shunan City of Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. It was trial produced to satisfy the same driving performance as a conventional diesel engine garbage truck. A chassis dynamo test was performed to compare the vehicle component energy consumption with a conventional diesel engine garbage truck during two driving scenarios, general driving (Tokyo No. 8 mode) and garbage collection driving (Tokyo garbage collection mode). From the chassis dynamo test, the energy consumption reduction rates when the diesel vehicle was replaced by the fuel cell vehicle were 69% in the Tokyo No. 8 mode and 81% in the Tokyo garbage collection mode. The CO2 emissions reduction effect was calculated using correction to the energy consumption of the general route in Shunan City based on the chassis dynamo test results. In case of using energy consumption correction based on the total travel distance and the weight of garbage, we estimated that the improvement of the fuel efficiency was between 1.6 to 1.8 times in terms of CO2 emissions. For further improvement to reduce energy consumption of a fuel cell garbage truck, three measures (vehicle weight, PTO gear ratio and regeneration energy) were considered by the vehicle simulation.



  • 燃料電池ごみ収集車の燃料電池制御方法が車両エネルギー消費に及ぼす影響


    自動車技術会論文集   49 ( 6 ) 1237 - 1242  2018.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Dependence of environmental performance of plug-in hybrid vehicles on distance traveled

    Wei-Hsiang Yang, Tomohiro Suzuki, Yushi Kamiya, Yasuhiro Daisho

    2017 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2017 - Proceedings   2018-   1 - 6  2018.04

     View Summary

    Plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs) have two driving modes, which are known as charge-depleting (CD) mode and charge-sustaining (CS) mode. The environmental performance of a PHV differs greatly based on the travel distance when the PHV switches from the CD mode to the CS mode. This paper focuses on the low-carbon effect and energy cost reduction effect of PHVs and numerically describes the dependence of the effects on the distance traveled. It also accounts new knowledge obtained through a detailed analysis and examination of the mathematical equations.


  • A study on hybrid power plant system of fuel cell and li-ion battery for garbage truck

    Hosik Lee, Toshio Hirota, Yuto Ihara, Takuya Yamaura, Yushi Kamiya

    2017 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2017 - Proceedings   2018-   1 - 6  2018.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    To reduce CO2 emissions of garbage truck, we developed a fuel cell garbage truck. It was designed based on analytical result of the garbage collection route, Shunan city of Yamaguchi prefecture, Japan. We performed bench test of hybrid power plant system, which is consisted of fuel cell system and Li-ion battery pack. We developed vehicle simulation model and analyzed hydrogen consumption and component loss in different power distribution methods.


  • 燃料電池ごみ収集車の走行エネルギー消費解析とさらなる削減の可能性

    自動車技術会論文集   49 ( 2, 20184183 ) 301 - 306  2018.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • A study on power distribution methods between fuel cell and Li-ion battery for a fuel cell garbage truck

    Daiki Katagiri, Hosik Lee, Yushi Kamiya, Toshio Hirota, Yuto Ihara, Takuya Yamaura

    31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, EVS 2018 and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference 2018, EVTeC 2018    2018

     View Summary

    An electric motor driven fuel cell garbage truck was developed to reduce CO2 emissions of a conventional diesel engine garbage truck. A fuel cell power plant bench test was performed to confirm the fuel cell power plant performance and to develop a simulation model. Based on the simulation model result, hydrogen consumption and each component losses were compared by two different fuel cell system types and output control methods for weight reduction during one day driving in the Shunan City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. The recent mass production of fuel cell system and battery pack were considered for the weight reduction.

  • プラグインハイブリッド自動車における低炭素効果とエネルギーコスト削減効果の走行距離依存性に対する考察

    自動車技術会論文集   48 ( 6, 20174845 ) 1259 - 1264  2017.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Design and evaluation of 'Short-range Frequent-charging-type' and 'Night-charging-type' BE bus

    Wei-Hsiang Yang, Isao Tsukui, Eisuke Izutsu, Yushi Kamiya, Yasuhiro Daisho

    2017 IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia, IFEEC - ECCE Asia 2017     1628 - 1633  2017.07

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    The two opposite concepts of BE bus (battery-electric bus) which were 'Short-range Frequent-charging-type' and 'Night-charging-type' low-floor buses, were designed and evaluated. Firstly, the current technical level of battery and charging equipment had taken into account to conduct the vehicle design of both BE buses. In additional, the ideal performances of battery and charging equipment for fully substituting the highly used diesel buses in the very densely packed city transportation routes would be clarified in the paper.



  • 電気バスを対象とした“短距離走行高頻度充電型”と“日中走行夜間充電型”の比較設計と性能評価

    自動車技術会論文集   48 ( 3, 20174444 ) 673 - 678  2017.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author


  • リチウムイオン電池におけるOpen Circuit Voltage推定手法の精度向上に関する研究

    自動車技術会論文集   47 ( 2, 20164180 ) 419 - 424  2016.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author


  • Li-ion battery deterioration evaluation of short range frequent charging electric bus over long-term operation in cold region

    Wei-Hsiang Yang, Zhe-Dong Wu, Kenichiro Eda, Yushi Kamiya, Yasuhiro Daisho

    2016 IEEE 2nd Annual Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2016    2016

     View Summary

    A long-term operation test in cold region of electric buses on public roads was performed in Nagano prefecture as a project of the Japan Ministry of the Environment from 2011 to 2014. For this project, the short-range frequent-charging type electric buses, 'Waseda Electric Buses (WEBs)' were developed. WEB-3, one of the test vehicles, was driven for 42,114 km over 902 days and charged 4,298 times. In this paper, the following was obtained. (1) The battery performance deterioration is measured and proofed to be predictable. (2) One strategy is advised for expanding battery lifetime. (3) Even started the operation at sub-zero environment, the performance of vehicle was not affected.



  • Performance Evaluation of Short Range Frequent Charging Electric Bus «wEB-3» over Long-Term Operation

    Wei-Hsiang Yang, Kenichiro Eda, Yushi Kamiya, Toshio Hirota, Yasuhiro Daisho

    2015 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2015 - Proceedings    2015.12

     View Summary

    A long-term operation test of electric buses on public roads was performed in Nagano as part of a project of the Japan Ministry of the Environment from 2011 to 2014. For this project the short-range frequent- charging type electric buses, «Waseda Electric Buses (WEBs)» were developed. WEB-3, one of the test vehicles, was driven for 41,724 km without any major problems and had advantages to reduce 28-42% of CO2 emissions and 57-64% of energy costs, compared to conventional diesel buses. The battery performance deterioration is also confirmed to be predictable, therefore two suitable strategies is advised for expanding battery lifetime.



  • 短距離走行・高頻度充電型電動バスの性能評価(第2報)—開発車両の長期営業運行中に進行したバッテリ劣化現象の詳細分析—

    自動車技術会論文集   46 ( 2, 20154213 ) 373 - 378  2015.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author


  • Performance degradation prediction and cell balance control algorithm construction of lithium iron phosphate battery

    Yasuhiro Ueeda, Koichiro Taniguchi, Shoichi Inami, Genki Kaneko, Toshio Hirota, Wei-Hsiang Yang, Yushi Kamiya, Yasuhiro Daisho

    2014 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2014    2015.01

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    Various studies were conducted from the aspects of both the battery cells and the module with the aim of making more effective use of the battery capacity. As a result, after 77 cycles of driving and rapid charging, the capacity degradation of the battery module as a whole was 7.7 % and it was determined that the cause of this additional 0.7 % degradation of the capacity was the loss of cell balance. In addition, by adopting module balance coefficient (945
    ) that was proposed as an indicator to show the available percentage of the lowest capacity cell in the module, new cell balancing rules were created that do not significantly affect the convenience of vehicle operation.



  • Degradation predictions of lithium iron phosphate battery

    Yuya Hato, Hung Chen Chien, Toshio Hirota, Yushi Kamiya, Yasuhiro Daisho, Shoichi Inami

    World Electric Vehicle Journal   7 ( 1 ) 25 - 31  2015

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    Degradation mechanisms of lithium iron phosphate battery have been analyzed with calendar tests and cycle tests. To quantify capacity loss with the life prediction equation, it is seen from the aspect of separating the total capacity loss into calendar capacity and real cycle capacity loss. The real cycle capacity loss of total capacity loss was derived by subtracting the calendar capacity loss parts during cycle tests. It is considered that calendar capacity loss is dominated by SEI formation. On the other hand, real cycle capacity loss includes structure disorder of electrodes and promotion of SEI growth such as delamination and regrowth. Generally, the test results indicated that capacity loss increases under high temperature and SOC condition, and SOC range (ΔSOC) is not related to the loss. However, we founded that the test results under 5°C condition do not exactly show the same tendency of degradation. As a result, the life prediction equation is based on the chemical kinetics and it can only be adopted only beyond the 15°C temperature limitation. At this time in life prediction equation, to take ΔSOC into consideration and describe the real cycle capacity loss specifically with amounts of lithium-ion intercalation/deintercalation, the processing amount of current is adopted as the standard of capacity degradation instead of the cycle number. Finally, it is considered to be possible that certain reactions such as further structure disorder or lithium plating caused under low temperature. However, we also founded that DC internal resistance tests results indicated that only calendar capacity loss can apply to chemical kinetics. It is necessary to consider the other construction method of the life prediction equation in the future.



  • Development and performance evaluation of advanced electric bus transportation system

    Kenichiro Eda, Ryutaro Kanaga, Weihsiang Yang, Toshio Hirota, Yushi Kamiya, Yasuhiro Daisho

    28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition 2015, EVS 2015    2015

     View Summary

    Electric buses have superior environmental performance because they emit no CO2 and other exhaust gases while driving. However, in terms of more popularization of electric buses, it is essential to improve battery performance and realize user-friendliness of charging. To resolve these issues, a concept "short range running and frequent charging" was formulated. Under this approach, the authors have studied methods of greatly reducing the amount of large, heavy, and expensive battery. Research on non-contact inductive power supply (IPS) system has also been conducted as a way of improving charging convenience. A long-term operation test of electric buses was performed in Nagano prefecture as part of a project organized by the Japan Ministry of the Environment from 2011 to 2014. For this project the short-range frequent-charging type electric buses, "Waseda Electric Buses (WEBs)" were developed and tested on public roads to make clear the environmental performance and energy costs. WEB-3, one of the test vehicles, was driven for 41,724 km without any major problems and had advantages to reduce 28 - 42 % of CO2 emissions and 57 - 64 % of energy costs, compared to conventional diesel buses. And it was estimated on Matlab simulation model that total energy consumption could be reduced by 11 % with vehicle weight reduction, modifications of drivetrain and other components.

  • Development and performance evaluation of advanced electric bus transportation system

    Kenichiro Eda, Ryutaro Kanaga, Weihsiang Yang, Toshio Hirota, Yushi Kamiya, Yasuhiro Daisho

    World Electric Vehicle Journal   7 ( 3 ) 349 - 356  2015

     View Summary

    Electric buses have superior environmental performance because they emit no CO2 and other exhaust gases while driving. However, in terms of more popularization of electric buses, it is essential to improve battery performance and realize user-friendliness of charging. To resolve these issues, a concept "short range running and frequent charging" was formulated. Under this approach, the authors have studied methods of greatly reducing the amount of large, heavy, and expensive battery. Research on non-contact inductive power supply (IPS) system has also been conducted as a way of improving charging convenience. A longterm operation test of electric buses was performed in Nagano prefecture as part of a project organized by the Japan Ministry of the Environment from 2011 to 2014. For this project the short-range frequentcharging type electric buses, "Waseda Electric Buses (WEBs)" were developed and tested on public roads to make clear the environmental performance and energy costs. WEB-3, one of the test vehicles, was driven for 41,724 km without any major problems and had advantages to reduce 28 - 42 % of CO2 emissions and 57 -64% of energy costs, compared to conventional diesel buses. And it was estimated on Matlab simulation model that total energy consumption could be reduced by 11 % with vehicle weight reduction, modifications of drivetrain and other components.



  • Optimization of engine control methods for range extender-type plug-in hybrid vehicles

    Tatsuya Kaneko, Akihiro Nomura, Wei Hsiang Yang, Yasuhiro Daisho, Yushi Kamiya, Naomi Sawada, Mikio Yasukawa, Fumihiko Takekoshi, Ryo Tsushima

    2013 World Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, EVS 2014    2014.10

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    This paper discusses the effects of different engine control methods on vehicle performance using a compact range extender-type PHV with a series-hybrid system. Vehicle performance was analyzed and compared in detail using two typical engine control methods: the variable control method, which drives the engine in accordance with the vehicle load, and the constant control method, which drives the engine at a constant maximum load efficiency. Specifically, by evaluating the performance in both driving tests by a test vehicle and driving simulations, we identified the characteristics of each engine control method and confirmed which is superior in terms of the seven PHV performance indices determined by the Japanese Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport. The comparison results quantitatively verified that the constant control reduced engine loss but caused battery loss to increase. However, since the best control method is determined by the engine and battery loss characteristics of the target vehicle, the constant control method enables superior mileage for the vehicle examined in this research due to its large engine loss reduction effect. In our case, 7.9% improvements of the charge sustaining mode mileage FCS and 7.6% improvements of the combined mileage FPH have been achieved by adopting the constant control method.



  • 短距離走行・高頻度充電コンセプトを採用した電動中型バスの設計・製作・性能評価

    自動車技術会論文集   45 ( 2, 20144280 ) 291 - 296  2014.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Detailed modeling of motor system of plug-in hybrid vehicle: Study of detailed modeling of inverter and boost converter losses

    Wei Hsiang Yang, Hiroki Sato, Yushi Kamiya, Yasuhiro Daisho

    2014 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2014    2014

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    This paper addresses the method of detailing the motor system including the inverter and the boost converter of plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs). In the past, we had to use the actual measurement data such as efficiency map to calculate the loss of a motor system. However, by estimating the output current of the motor system, allows us to separate the one loss into losses caused by the inverter, the boost converter and the motor. Based on the separation of the losses, we can then build a multi-voltage motor system or estimate the losses of the different ranks of vehicles.



  • Analysis of adverse effects on performance due to battery deterioration installed in BEV and HEV

    Y. Kamiya, Y. Sumida, Y. Daisho

    Journal of Energy and Power Engineering   8 ( 1 ) 183 - 189  2014.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 各種電動車両に搭載したリチウムイオン蓄電池の許容劣化度に関する検討

    自動車技術会論文集   44 ( 2, 20134199 ) 423 - 428  2013.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author


  • プラグインハイブリッド自動車における搭載リチウムイオン蓄電池の許容劣化度についての検討

    自動車技術会論文集   43 ( 2, 20124254 ) 491 - 496  2012.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author


  • Evaluation of environmental-friendliness of waseda advanced electric micro bus

    Yushi Kamiya, Kimihiko Sato, Yasuhiro Daisho

    World Electric Vehicle Journal   4 ( 1 ) 835 - 845  2011

     View Summary

    The Waseda Advanced Electric Micro Bus (WEB) has been developed and tested for convenient regional public transportation. By adopting an advanced hybrid electric power supply system (Nickel Sodium Chloride Battery &amp
    Super capacitor for WEB-1, Nickel Sodium Chloride Battery &amp
    Li-ion Battery for WEB-2) and related key components, significant improvements in energy consumption and CO2 emissions have been achieved, compared to that of an equivalent diesel micro bus. © 2010 WEVA.



  • 実験用二人乗り燃料電池自動車の開発と性能評価

    自動車技術会論文集   41 ( 2, 20104234 ) 477 - 482  2010.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Environmental performance evaluation of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

    Y. Wada, S. Shimada, W. Jibin, Y. Kamiya, Y. Daisho, K. Morita

    World Electric Vehicle Journal, WEVA   3 ( ISSN 2032-6653 ) 1 - 8  2009.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 小型電動車両用非接触誘導充電装置の開発ならびに搭載車両の性能評価

    KAMIYA Yushi, NAKAMURA Toru, NAGANO Shota, SATO Takeshi, TAKAHASHI Shunsuke, DAISHO Yasuhiro, KUSAKA Jin, MATSUKI Hidetoshi, SATO Fumihiro

    自動車技術会論文集   40 ( 2, 20094194 ) 493 - 498  2009.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    Contactless rapid charging inductive power supply (IPS) system has been developed and tested as a charger for small size electric-driven vehicles. By using the developed system, charging can be carried out safely, easily, and in a short period. Optimizing the external circuits of track and pick up of IPS achieved significant improvements in efficiency, power factor during non-contact power transmissions. This paper also reports on the development of Waseda Advanced Electric Vehicle (WEV) equipped with developed IPS system.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of short-range frequent-recharging small Electric Vehicle equipped with non-contact inductive power supply system

    Y. Kamiya, S. Nagano, M. Nabeta, Y. Ihara, Y. Daisho, S. Takahashi, T. Sato

    24th International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition 2009, EVS 24   1   175 - 180  2009

     View Summary

    This paper reports on the development of the Waseda advanced Electric Vehicle - 0 that is equipped with a non-contact inductive power supply (IPS) system. By using the developed IPS system, charging can be carried out safely, easily, and in a short period. We summarize the vehicle performance evaluation results obtained from related tests.

  • 高齢者に優しい電動コミュニティバス

    IATSS Review   33 ( 4 ) 341 - 348  2008.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • R&D of non-contact rapid charging inductive power supply system for electric-driven vehicles

    Sato Takeshi, Kamiya Yushi, Daisho Yasuhiro, Kusaka Jin, Takahashi Shunsukc, Narusawa Kazuyuki

    FISITA World Automotive Congress 2008, Congress Proceedings - Electronics   6   27 - 33  2008

     View Summary

    Our research group has developed a non-contact rapid charging inductive power supply (IPS) system with safe, simple, and rapid recharging characteristics for electric-driven vehicles principally for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. Outstanding features of the system include high efficiency, significant weight reduction, and a long air gap, and have been implemented through the optimisation of the shape of the track and pickup. This paper mainly focuses on the results of performance evaluation tests of the developed system. The results obtained are listed below, a) Through non-contact electric power transmission experiments, the attainment of a 92% total efficiency was confirmed during 30 kW transmissions, b) The developed IPS was installed on an electric micro-bus WEB-1 Advanced. Non-contact power transmission was conducted, and the successful recharging of the on-board battery was confirmed, c) The weight of batteries mounted can be reduced by implementing the IPS on electric vehicles with frequent recharging. Under the operating conditions studied in our project, it was concluded that an approximately 9% reduction in electric consumption rate can be achieved through 11% reduction in vehicle weight, d) Taking advantage of the increased flexibility in weight resulting from implementation of the IPS, a narrower SOC operating range can easily be achieved for the purpose of prolonging battery life. Under the operating conditions studied in our project, it was concluded that an approximately 55% reduction in SOC range can be achieved.

  • 電動車両用非接触急速誘導充電装置の開発と性能評価(第1報) - 送電部と受電部の設計最適化ならびに機器の性能評価 -

    自動車技術会論文集   38 ( 6, 20074808 ) 175 - 180  2007.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • Development and Performance Evaluation of an Advanced Electric Micro Bus Transportation System - Development and Performance Evaluation of Waseda Advanced Electric Micro Bus (WEB) -

    Y. Kamiya, Y. Daisho, F. Kuwabara, S. Takahashi

    Review of Automotive Engineering (JSAE)   28 ( 2 ) 259 - 266  2007.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • Development and performance evaluation of advanced electric micro bus equipped with non-contact inductive rapid-charging system

    Yushi Kamiya, Toru Nakamura, Takeshi Sato, Jin Kusaka, Yasuhiro Daisho, Shunsuke Takahashi, Kazuyuki Narusawa

    Electric Drive Transportation Association - 23rd Int. Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exposition 2007, EVS 2007 (Battery, Hybrid, Fuel Cell) Conf. Proc. - Sustainability: The Future of Transportation   1   39 - 52  2007

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    The Waseda Advanced Electric Micro Bus (WEB) has been developed and tested for convenient regional public transportation as a part of the Advanced Electric Micro Bus Transportation System Project supported by NEDO. The bus system is characterized by the significantly reduced amount of batteries for lightweight. The batteries are occasionally rechargcd by a non-contact inductivc rapid- charging system (Inductive Power Supply System: IPS System) at the terminal station. By adopting an advanced hybrid eleclric power supply system (Nickel Sodium Chloride Battery &amp
    Super capacitor for WEB-1, Nickel Sodium Chloride Battery &amp
    Li-ion Battery for WEB-2) and related key components, significant improvements in energy consumption and C02 emission have been achieved, compared to that of an equivalent diesel micro bus. Copyright © (2007) by the Electric Drive Transportation Association.

  • A study regarding effects of proton exchange membrane fuel cell poisoning due to impurities on fuel cell performance

    Kazuyuki Narusawa, Kwangjae Myong, Kenji Murooka, Yushi Kamiya

    SAE Technical Papers   2007-01 ( 0698 ) 1 - 10  2007  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

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    In order to assess the effect of PEM-FC poisoning resulting from impurities on PEM-FC performance, this paper investigated contents as follows
    · Estimation for composition and concentration of impurities contained within hydrogen fuel and air. · The prediction of poisoning extent and proposal of assessment index for impurity poisoning. · Allowable mixing concentration of impurities for the standard H2 fuel. The analysis and experiment are conducted under 70 °C and 1 bar for operating temperature and pressure. PEM-FC with Pt and Pt-Ru type catalytic-electrode was used. It was observed that: · CO poisoning was reversible but H2S and SO2 poisonings were irreversible. It was also confirmed that sulfur compounds poisoning was very strong. On the contrary, poisoning of HCHO and CH4 etc. was slight or negligible. · In case of cathode electrode, the effect of NO2 and SO2 poisoning on PEM-FC performance was severe when CO poisoning was negligible. Copyright © 2007 SAE International.



  • 路線バス用シリーズハイブリッドシステムのエネルギ効率(実走行条件における車上発電エネルギの充放電損失等に関する検討)

    HAYASHIDA Morimasa, NARUSAWA Kazuyuki, KURASHIMA Daisuke, KAMIYA Yushi

    日本機械学会論文集(B編)   70-697 ( 03-0861 ) 2474 - 2481  2004.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    The driving conditions of suburban transit buses were investigated with a chartered bus. Based on this data, a series hybrid system was designed for transit buses from the viewpoint of the acceleration performance and the energy saving. In order to measure the electric energy flow on board, the dynamometer bench tests and the static simulated experiments were carried out with storage batteries and ultra capacitors. It was clarified that the charge discharge loss in the storage devices can be estimated by the calculation using the internal resistance and current. And, the energy efficiency of the series hybrid system was evaluated in compared with conventional engine-powered buses for a trial.


  • 固体高分子型燃料電池における不純物被毒の分析(第2報,被毒予測式と被毒係数を用いたメタノール改質ガス被毒の評価)

    日本機械学会論文集(B編)   69-687 ( 02-1211 ) 157 - 163  2003.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Deterioration in fuel cell performance resulting from hydrogen fuel containing impurities: poisoning effects by CO, CH4, HCHO and HCOOH

    K Narusawa, M Hayashida, Y Kamiya, H Roppongi, D Kurashima, K Wakabayashi

    JSAE REVIEW   24 ( 1 ) 41 - 46  2003.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    This paper covers our investigation into a decline in fuel cell (FC) performance resulting from hydrogen fuel containing impurities. This is a serious problem in case of adopting the methanol or gasoline reforming approach as a means of supplying fuel to FCs. The results are summarized as follows:
    (1) Components of the gas generated by the reformer adopting the steam reforming and auto thermal reforming approach were predicted and specific components and concentrations were identified;
    (2) Various experiments and analyses were conducted to determine the adverse effect of CO, CH4, HCHO and HCOOH poisoning on the performance of FC. (C) 2003 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. and Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • 短一次リニア誘導モータにおける二次セクション境界間導電性ワイヤー接続型構造の提案と性能評価

    KAMIYA Yushi, TADEHARA Makoto, HIRASE Shiro, WAKAO Shinji, AKAGI Masataka, KATAOKA Akihito

    電気学会論文誌D   122-D ( 12 ) 1129 - 1134  2002.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    In this paper, we propose a boundary structure for improving performances of Single-sided Linear Induction Motors (SLIMs). In such machines, solid-plate conductors and back irons are usually used for secondary stators throughout operating regions. However, to take account of deformation due to thermal expansions, secondary stators are constructed from some sections of limited length. Therefore, a propulsive force characteristic declines when the primary armature crosses the boundary between secondary sections. In this study, by adopting a three-dimensional finite element method, detailed phenomena at the boundary between secondary sections have been clarified from the viewpoint of propulsive force and secondary current distributions. Besides the validity of calculated results is verified by the measured results. Further, to suppress the aggravation of characteristic caused by the secondary structural transition, we connect the secondary sections electrically. Finally, the propulsive force characteristic has been improved in spite of the existence of the boundary.

    DOI CiNii


  • Boundary structure for improving performances of single-sided linear induction motors

    Y Kamiya, M Akagi, S Wakao

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS   91 ( 10 ) 6988 - 6990  2002.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    In this paper, we propose a boundary structure for improving performances of single-sided linear induction motors. In this study, by adopting a three-dimensional finite element method, detailed phenomena at the boundary between secondary sections have been clarified from the viewpoint of propulsive force and secondary current distributions. Further, to suppress the aggravation of the characteristic caused by the secondary structural transition, we connect the secondary sections electrically. Finally, the propulsive force characteristic has been improved in spite of the existence of the boundary. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.



  • 固体高分子型燃料電池における不純物被毒の分析(第1報:被毒予測式と被毒係数を用いた被毒分析法の提案)

    日本機械学会論文集(B編)   68-668 ( 01-1154 ) 317 - 322  2002.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Electricity flow analysis in the series hybrid system by the charge-discharge tester

    M. Hayashida, K. Narusawa, Y. Kamiya

    SAE Technical Papers   2001-01 ( 0784 ) 1 - 7  2001  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    In this study, the series hybrid electric system is recommended as suitable power systems of the motor vehicles in urban area. It is important for this system to improve the comprehensive energy efficiency when components are combined, and to evaluate it appropriately. In this report, the technique to grasp energy loss in detail that occurs when electric power flows complicatedly in the series hybrid power system has been examined and the energy efficiency of the series hybrid power system on urban driving has also been evaluated. Copyright © 2001 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.



  • 巻線型二次方式を部分的に採用した短一次リニア誘導モータの諸特性

    電気学会論文誌   120-D ( 4 ) 526 - 531  2000.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • A novel block feeding method in the single-sided linear induction motor with a short secondary member

    T Onuki, Y Kamiya, Y Kurimoto, M Yoshizawa

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION   14 ( 4 ) 1323 - 1328  1999.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    In this paper, we propose a novel block feeding method for use in linear induction motors. The proposed method involves shifting of the excited section at every coil. Using the proposed method, the excited-section length can be shortened greatly compared with that in the ordinary method shifting at every block section. Thus, the power consumption becomes lower, improving efficiency. In addition, by short-circuiting the coils at both ends of the excited section during shifting, continuous power supply becomes possible, and thus electric transient phenomena are reduced. We confirm the validity of the method by finite element analysis and experiments.

  • Propulsive characteristics of a novel linear hybrid motor with both induction and synchronous operations

    WJ Jeon, S Katoh, T Iwamoto, Y Kamiya, T Onuki

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS   35 ( 5 ) 4025 - 4027  1999.09  [Refereed]

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    This paper treats a novel linear hybrid motor (LHM) by both induction and synchronous operations. The proposed motor consists of one pair of linear synchronous motors (LSMs) and a linear induction motor (LIM). The primary-cores of both LSM and LIM have a common ring winding, and the secondary solid-conductor is arranged in both LIM and the interpole space of LSM, The feature of the motor is that the undesirable vertical force in LSM is offset by the symmetrical double-sided construction and the secondary is capable of self-starting by induction operation. From the investigation by the three-dimensional finite element analysis and experiment, we derive an optimal exciting condition for starting, and then verify that the proposed LHM is effective for practical use.

  • Characteristics analysis of linear induction motor with two types of secondary structure based on electromagnetic field and electric circuit analysis

    T Onuki, Y Kamiya, K Fukaya, WJ Jeon

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS   35 ( 5 ) 4022 - 4024  1999.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    In this study, we attempt to analyze characteristics of Single-sided Linear Induction Motor with a short primary member and a complicated secondary structure, which consists of solid-plate conductor section and a winding one. For this purpose, electromagnetic field analysis by 3-D FEM is combined with electric circuit analysis and motion equation. Here, electric circuit analysis involves the primary and secondary windings. Focusing on the distributions of secondary induced current and thrust force, we discuss various transient phenomena that develop at the boundary between different secondary structures. Finally, to suppress the aggravation of characteristic caused by the secondary structural transition, we improve the boundary.

  • Dynamic characteristics of synchronous motors applying a plural sub-magnets scheme to the rotor

    WJ Jeon, H Watanabe, A Nakamoto, Y Kamiya, T Onuki

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS   35 ( 5 ) 3574 - 3576  1999.09  [Refereed]

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    This paper treats the optimization of rotor construction in the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). While the field system of PMSM has generally one magnet per pale, we replace the magnet into. plural sub-magnets. The dimensions of each sub-magnet are determined by the concept of guise width modulation (PWM). By adopting the proposed rotor construction, we can not only reduce the space harmonics of the air-gap field but also provide space for damper winding around the direct-axis. From the investigation by hybrid FE-BE (coupled finite element and boundary element) method combined with bath electric circuit and motion equation, we verify that the proposed construction is effective for practical use in view of both the harmonics reduction and the damping effects.

  • 回転-リニア併進誘導機の性能向上に関する研究

    JEON Woojin, TANABIKI Masamoto, KATOH Shingo, KAMIYA Yushi, ONUKI Takashi

    電気学会論文誌   119-D ( 3 ) 321 - 326  1999.03  [Refereed]

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    While the commercial motor produces only one-dimensional (linear or rotary) motion, we propose a new type of tubular linear induction motor (TLIM) with two-dimensional motion in this paper. The proposed motor consists of plural short primary LIMs arranged on the same circumference and a common secondary. By applying independently energized ring-windings of double-layer to the primary, we can achieve both the reduction of coil-end region and the freedom of alternating current supply. The secondary conductor is capable of producing any one of rotary, linear, and helical motions by controlling the phase of supply currents in each primary winding. We first investigate the driving characteristics of the proposed motor by three-dimensional finite element analysis, in order to obtain the optimal feeding conditions to increase the subsidiary rotary-force. Then, we make the experimental machine based on the analysis results. In addition, we deduce an optimal arrangement of the primary slot currents enhancing the secondary thrust in the short primary LIM. Finally, we confirm the adequacy of analytical results by experimental ones.

    DOI CiNii


  • 短二次片側式リニアモータのブロック給電長を短縮化する新たなスイッチング法

    KAMIYA Yushi, YOSHIZAWA Masakatsu, JEON Woojin, ONUKI Takashi

    電気学会論文誌   118-D ( 11 ) 1315 - 1320  1998.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    In this paper, we propose a novel switching method for shortening block feeding portions in short secondary member linear motors. The proposed method involves shifts at every coil, which makes the length of feeding portions much shorter than that in the ordinary method with the shifts at every block section. Resulting advantages for adopting the proposed method are summarized as follows:<br>1) Concerning power supply: Owing to the extremely short feeding portions, improvement of power factor and efficiency becomes possible. And, since power is supplied to each coil for a very short time, the rating becomes a short-time one.<br>2) Concerning electric transient phenomena: By short-circuiting coils at both ends of the feeding portion during shifts, continuous power supply and smooth shifts become possible, reducing electric transient phenomena.<br>The study is carried out through experiments as well as simulations using a hybrid method of the magnetic-fields and the electric-circuits analysis.

    DOI CiNii


  • 定電圧源駆動短二次リニア誘導モータの一次コイル結線法の検討

    電気学会論文誌   116-D ( 12 ) 1283 - 1288  1996.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • Eddy current analysis by the finite element method using double nodes technique

    Y Kamiya, T Onuki

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS   32 ( 3 ) 741 - 744  1996.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    There are several difficulties in calculating eddy currents in plates with thin slits by the finite element method (FEM). Under the influence of flat finite elements at slits, the accuracy of analysis decreases and the computation time increases. In this paper, using the A - phi method, we propose a novel technique, which overcomes those defects. The feature of the method is to adopt double nodes for the electric scalar potential phi at slits, but not to the magnetic vector potential A. Adopting this technique, slits are equivalent to current barriers that have infinitesimal width. Some numerical results, which show the validity of the proposed method, are also presented.

  • 分割磁極型永久磁石を有するリニア同期モータの二次構成に関する検討

    電気学会論文誌D   116-D ( 1 ) 88 - 93  1996.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author


  • 三次元有限要素法によるskewを施したラダー形リニア誘導モータの特性解析

    Onuki Takashi, Kamiya Yushi, Hara Tokumasa

    電気学会論文誌D   115-D ( 3 ) 211 - 216  1995.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    The slot harmonics produce a cogging torque and a crawling in a linear induction motor (LIM) with a ladder type rotor. To avoid those defects, we sometimes adopt the V-skewed rotor (or stator) which rise no lateral force. In this paper, we investigate the skew effect by the three-dimensional finite element analysis with A-φ method and specify significant points for adopting skewed slots.<br>Based on the above approach, we evaluate the skew effect in the LIM, comparing it with the experimental data to confirm the validity of the analysis. The follows are confirmed: (1) the improvement of the cogging torque by introducing V-skewed rotor; (2) the decrease in the thrust force and increase in the sucking force as making the skew angle bigger, and the abnormal temperature rising in V-skewed rotor; (3) the decrease of the abnormal temperature rising by optimizing the shape of rotor; (4) the validity of the skewed stator for short stator machines. And we propose a method that put two stators skewed in the opposite direction to each other for the double-sided LIM.

    DOI CiNii


  • 三次元有限要素法によるリニア誘導機二次導体スリットの解析

    電気学会論文誌D   114-D ( 11 ) 1122 - 1129  1994.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author


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Books and Other Publications

  • 次世代パワートレイン開発と燃料技術

    シーエムシー出版  2013.10

  • グリーン・エレクトロニクス No.6

    CQ出版社  2011.08

  • 交通論おもしろゼミナール2, 交通と乗り物文化 -人力車からジェットコースターまで-

    成山堂書店  2008.03

  • 新時代への視点

    上毛新聞社  2006.10

  • 燃料電池自動車のすべて〜世界の潮流〜

    山海堂  2005.07

  • 図解燃料電池のすべて

    工業調査会  2003.12

  • 固体高分子型燃料電池&lt;2001年版&gt;

    技術情報協会  2001.04

  • 固体高分子型燃料電池<2001年版>

    技術情報協会  2001.04

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Research Projects

  • 環境省 CO2排出削減対策強化誘導型技術開発・実証事業「EVバス早期普及にむけた充電設備を乗用車と共有するワイヤレス充電バスの実証研究」

    Project Year :


  • NEDO リチウムイオン電池応用・実用化先端技術開発事業「港湾設備を中心とした産業用機械のEV/HEVを実現する大型蓄電池の実用化開発」

    Project Year :


  • 環境省 低炭素地域づくり集中支援モデル事業「実用的な電動マイクロバスシステムの構築実証事業」

    Project Year :


  • NEDO 基盤技術開発「次世代自動車用高性能蓄電池基盤技術の研究開発/数値シミュレーションによる蓄電池運用条件の調査」

    Project Year :


  • 環境省 産学官連携環境先端技術普及モデル策定事業「地域普及型の電動マイクロバスシステムの開発と普及モデルの構築」

    Project Year :


  • 経済産業省 モデル事業「奈良市内における電動バスを用いた低炭素型観光交通システム実証試験事業」

    Project Year :


  • NEDO 実用化開発「非接触給電装置の研究開発」

    Project Year :


  • NEDO FS事業「先進電動バスシステムの大都市近郊への適合性に関する調査事業」

    Project Year :


  • NEDO 先導研究開発「非接触給電装置の研究開発」

    Project Year :


  • NEDO モデル評価事業「先進電動マイクロバス交通システムモデル事業」

    Project Year :


  • NEDO FS事業「先進電動バスシステムの開発・導入可能性に関する

    Project Year :


  • Development of the permanent magnet synchronous motor with optimal rotor construction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ONUKI Takashi, KAMIYA Yushi, WAKAO Shinji

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    The purpose of this paper is to derive an optimal rotor construction in the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). While the field system of PMSM has generally a single magnet for a mainpole, we replace the magnet into plural sub-magnets having same polarity instead of the single one. The dimensions and arrangements of each sub-magnet are based on the concept of pulse width modulation (PWM). By adopting the proposed sub-magnet scheme, we can not only reduce the undesirable higher space harmonics of the air-gap field in electric machinery but also provide space for damper winding between neighboring sub-magnets. From the investigation by hybrid FE-BE (coupled finite element and boundary element) method and experiment, we presented that the proposed construction is effective for practical use in view of the followings : the magnitude of fundamental in air-gap flux distribution, the ratio of higher space harmonics to the fundamental component, the feasibility of manufacture, the hunting oscillations, and the induction starting.
    The obtained results by analysis and experiment are as follows.
    1. The more number of sub-magnets produces the less space harmonics and the higher damping effects. The reduction of air-gap flux by magnet division can be supplemented by adopting the high grade of rare-earth one.
    2. The damping effects are much influenced by whole amount of rotor bars.
    3. By applying both electric circuit and motion equation to the hybrid FE-BE method, the precision of analysis could be improved.
    From the above advantages, we conclude that six-divided type is the most desirable construction among the investigated types. However, considering the difficulties of manufacture, we also propose that four-divided type is effective for practical use.

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Social Activities

  • BSフジ「ガリレオX」#76「電源ケーブルが消える?ワイヤレス給電」



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  • NHKおはよう日本



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  • NHK首都圏ネットワーク



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  • BS日テレ財部ビジネス研究所



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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Information, Production, and Systems

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   School of Creative Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2024

    Research Institute of Electric-driven Vehicles   Director of Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 電磁界数値解析ならびに電力潮流解析に基づいた電動車両の性能向上に関する研究


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    本研究は,電動車両の開発ならびに性能向上を目指したものであり,近年の計算機の発達によって実用化されつつある電磁界数値解析技術ならびに電力潮流解析技術を性能向上ツールとして適用していることが特長といえる。これを用いることで得ることの出来た詳細な情報をもとに,機器の特性改善のための形状最適化等を図り,高性能電動車両等の開発に成功した。成果を以下にまとめる。①電動車両の「バッテリ・充電問題」に対処することを目的とした新たなコンセプト車両について検討した。具体的には,利便性の高い非接触急速誘導充電装置を採用して頻繁に急速充電を行うことで,コストや性能面で何かと問題を抱えている「バッテリ」の搭載量を大幅に削減すると同時に,航続距離や充電の問題(時間や手間,そして安全性の問題等)の改善を図る事とした。我々は,当コンセプトを採用するモビリティーとしてはバス交通が最も適していると考え,市販の充電装置を搭載した電動バスの開発を行い,その優れた性能を電力潮流解析技術を用いて評価した。開発車両はWEB(Waseda advanced Electric Micro Bus)と命名され,早大創立125周年記念イベントにも出展された。②電動車両(主に電気自動車やプラグインハイブリッド自動車を想定)への充電を安全・簡単・短時間で行える非接触急速誘導充電装置を開発した。本装置は特にトラック(送電部)とピックアップ(受電部)の形状最適化により高効率化(総合効率92%),小型軽量化(35kg),薄型化(30mm),長エアギャップ化(100mm)を実現できたものである。最適化は有限要素法電磁界解析に基づき行われた。ここで開発した機器の充電効率は,2007年現在で世界最高性能となっている。

  • 有限要素法を用いたリニアモーターの性能向上に関する研究


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    本研究は、搬送の高速性・保守の容易性などの特長を有し、次世代の運搬装置としての実用化が期待されているリニアモータの性能向上を目的としている。本研究の特色としては、近年の計算機の発達によって実用化されつつある電磁界数値解析技術を用いることで、従来の研究では得ることの出来なかった詳細な情報をもとに機器の性能評価を行っている点があげられる。今年度の研究は大きく3つに分類でき、以下に各研究の成果をまとめる。研究1)短二次リニアモータにおける新たなブロック給電法の提案とその実用化 短二次リニアモータにおいては消費電力の観点から通常ブロック給電法が採用されるが、昨年度までの研究で、従来のセクション毎におこなうブロック給電法に比べて励磁区間を格段に短縮できる新たな給電方式を提案し、種々の検討をおこなってきた。本年度は、提案方式におけるシフト回数を加速度の過大な脈動を生じない程度に減じることで、機器の簡素化・製作コスト削減を図り、さらなる実用化を目指した。研究2)リニア同期モータの損失評価に関する一考察 電気機器の特性解析は、種々の損失を考慮することではじめて実機に即したものとなる。本研究では、永久磁石型リニア同期モータを解析モデルとして、鉄損(うず電流損)・銅損・機械損を解析結果に組み込むことでそれらの損失を考慮する新たな手法を展開した。研究3)短一次巻線型リニア誘導モータにおける一次・二次コイル結線法の検討 本研究では、短一次リニアモータへの巻線型二次方式の部分的な採用を提案し、巻線区間および塊状導体区間、さらに境界部での良好な走行を可能にする一次・二次コイル結線法を明らかにした。検討結果より、二次コイルには特性・構造の簡単さの点から直列結線が、一次コイルには二次巻線区間、二次塊状区間、さらに両者の境界において良好な特性を示す並列結線を採用することが妥当であるという結論を得た。