Updated on 2025/03/12


MATSUI, Tatsunori
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Master of Science ( Waseda University )
Doctor of Science ( Waseda University )
Homepage URL

Research Experience

  • 2015.04

    : Lecturer, Faculty of Language and Literature, Bunkyo University

  • 2012.04

    Tokyo Gakugei University   Faculty of Education   Lecturer

  • 2007.04

    : Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University

  • 2006.04

    : Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University

  • 2004.04

    : Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University

  • 2003.04

    : Lecturer, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University

  • 1997.04

    : Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications

  • 1995.04

    : Lecturer, College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University

  • 1995.04

    : Research Associate, Faculty of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University

  • 1992.04

    : Research Associate, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University

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Education Background

  • 1990.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Science and Engineering   Department of Mathematics  

  • 1988.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Science and Engineering   Department of Mathematics  

  • 1984.04

    Waseda University   School of Science and Engineering   Department of Mathematics  

Committee Memberships

  • 2022.06

    Japanese Society for Learning Analytics  Chairperson

  • 2020.04

    International Conference on Computers in Education  Program Committee Member


    International Comference on Intelligent Tutoring System  Program Committee Member


    教育システム情報学会  重点領域検討委員会 委員長


    教育システム情報学会  理事

Professional Memberships

  • 2020.04



    The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence


    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering


    Japanese Society for Learning Analytics


    Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education


    Japan Society for Educational Technology


    Information Processing Society of Japan


    IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

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Research Areas

  • Educational technology / Intelligent informatics / Kansei informatics

Research Interests

  • KANSEI Information Sciense, Data Science, Educational Technology, e-learning, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Information Science


  • Outstanding Presentation Award


  • Outstanding Reseach Award


  • Outstanding Reseach Award


  • Outstanding Presentation Award


  • Best Paper Awrad,


  • Best Practice Award


  • Best Paper Awrad


  • Best Paper Awrd


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  • Development of Estimation Method for Learner's Emotional Concealment during Learning Using Biometric Information and Feedback Model

    Koichi Shinohara, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui

    31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings   1   132 - 134  2023.12

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    Although it is important to understand learners' emotional situations in teaching and learning processes, learners sometimes do not express negative emotions intentionally. This study has termed this intentional non-expression of negative emotions "emotional concealment," and examined its estimation from learners' biometric information. In particular, we focused on learners' facial features, and attempted to clarify their relationship with emotional concealment. Using these results, we attempted to quantify emotional concealment from the time-series data of biometric information and detect it as an outlier. Additionally, we attempted to develop a feedback generation system to inform teachers about emotional concealment.

  • Experimental study for a computational model in ITS to predict the learners’ state

    Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui

    31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings   2   942 - 944  2023.12

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    Cognitive architecture plays essential role in Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS). For effective learning support, dynamic model subserving the function of the prediction of learners’ states should be incorporated. In this paper, we proposed a neural network-based architecture in progress that can incorporate the dynamic model to generate the prediction of leaners’ perceptual states when categorical ambiguous stimulus and the instruction of category were given.

  • Using a Drift Diffusion Model to Validate the Quantification of Style Prototypicality as Assessed by the Viewers of Paintings

    Shigen Fang Ogata, Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Tatsunori Matsui

    Leonardo     1 - 24  2023.08

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    When appreciating a painting, people often classify it into a style. The extent to which the painting is regarded as a typical example of the style is called the style prototypicality. The authors propose a method of quantifying style prototypicalities and experimentally validate this method using the drift rate parameter of the drift diffusion model. This parameter is calculated from participants’ decision-making response times. The authors find a positive correlation (r = .88, p < .001) between the drift rates and the quantified prototypicalities for the paintings used in this study, confirming the psychological appropriateness of the proposed quantification method.



  • Proposal of a hypothetical model for the persistent formation of negative impressions toward humanlike agents

    TAWATSUJI Yoshimasa, MURAMATSU Keiichi, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   JSAI2023   1K4OS11a02 - 1K4OS11a02  2023

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    Extraordinarily humanlike agents can elicit negative feelings from humans, a phenomenon known as ``uncanny valley''. Many researches has been developed for its mechanism in terms of predictive coding and category ambiguity. These, however, have the power to explain short-term responses to detecting anomalies such as whether the perceived entity is human or not, but it lacks explain medium-term and sustained emotion formation of eerie feeling. In this article, we propose a hypothetical model that the uncanny valley phenomenon is a state of convergence to some kind of unstable periodic solution that orbits around an attractor formed as categorical memory in the brain. Based on this model, it can be interpreted that states that do not converge to attractors, which are stable solutions, adversely affect humans, and as a result form a persistent negative impression on agents.


  • Development of estimation method for learner's emotional concealment during learning using biometric information

    SHINOHARA Koichi, MATSUI Tatsunori, MURAMATSU Keiichi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI   JSAI2023   1R5OS10b05 - 1R5OS10b05  2023

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    It is important to understand the mental state of the learner in the teaching/learning process, but sometimes the learner intentionally does not express negative emotions. In this study, intentionally not expressing such negative emotions is called emotional concealment, and we examined the possibility of estimating it from the learner's biometric information. In particular, we focused on the feature points of the learner's face, and attempted to clarify the relationship between microexpressions and emotion concealment. Using the results, we quantified emotion concealment from time-series data of biometric information, and tried to detect it as an abnormal value. In addition, we examined the development of feedback generation that tells the teacher that the teacher is hiding emotions using the results.


  • Exploratory Research on Influences of Style-based Categorization on Affective Evaluations of Paintings

    Shigen Fang OGATA, Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Tatsunori MATSUI

    International Journal of Affective Engineering    2023


  • Emotion Perception of Schizophrenia Patients for Eye Blinking Patterns of Humanoid Robots

    Naoko KANEKON, Naoko OYAMA, Marie SHIMIZU, Yasuko BANDOU, Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Tatsunori MATSUI

      21 ( 1 ) 123 - 133  2022.02  [Refereed]


  • Modeling the Formation Process of Players’ Sense of Groove during Cooperative Performance of Multiple Players

    Masaki NAKATANI, Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   21 ( 3 ) 369 - 378  2022


  • Explanation of emotion regulation mechanism of mindfulness using a brain function model

    Haruka Nakamura, Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Siyuan Fang, Tatsunori Matsui

    Neural Networks   138   198 - 214  2021.06



  • An Appraisal of Gracefulness Mediates the Negative Influence of Color Focality on Color Preference in Japan

    Siyuan FANG, Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Tatsunori MATSUI

    International Journal of Affective Engineering    2021


  • Conceptualization of IMS that Estimates Learners’ Mental States from Learners’ Physiological Information Using Deep Neural Network Algorithm

    Tatsunori Matsui, Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Siyuan Fang, Tatsuro Uno

    Intelligent Tutoring Systems     63 - 71  2019



  • Real-time estimation of learners' mental states from learners' physiological information using deep learning

    Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Tatsuro Uno, Siyuan Fang, Tatsunori Matsui

    ICCE 2018 - 26th International Conference on Computers in Education, Main Conference Proceedings     107 - 109  2018.11

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    It is important to know the mental states of learners during the learning process to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning. In this study, we first extracted the relationships between learners' mental states and teachers' speech acts, as well as learners' physiological information, by constructing a deep learning system. The physiological indexes were near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), electroencephalography (EEG), respiration intensity, skin conductance, and pulse volume. Learners' mental states were divided into nine categories in accordance with the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire. In our experiment, the system achieved a high accuracy in predicting the learner's mental states from the teacher's speech acts and the learner's physiological information. A mock-up experiment was then conducted, which revealed that the system's interface was able to support teaching and learning in real time.

  • Comparison of implicit and explicit preference toward multiple colour combinations

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Siyuan Fang, Kazunori Kaede, Eiichiro Tanaka, Keiichi Watanuki, Tatsunori Matsui

    International Journal of the Digital Human   2 ( 1/2 ) 45 - 45  2018


  • An Experimental Study on the Continuous Patterns of the Influence of Color Focality on Short-term Memory Performance of Colors

    Siyuan FANG, Tatsunori MATSUI

    International Journal of Affective Engineering   17 ( 3 ) 193 - 204  2018


  • Comparison of Sensory Modality of Relational Structure Analysis Focusing on the Presence or Absence of Design Skills in Communication of Visual Images

    AOKI Mie, MURAMATSU Keiichi, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   17 ( 4 ) 359 - 404  2018.01  [Refereed]

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    Typically, it is difficult to transmit visual images in words. The transmission of the visual image includes various information. Therefore, efficient communication is necessary. In this research, we focused on the relationship between onomatopoeia and modalism, and conducted a survey to measure the distance. We asked for general group and design skill holding group. Transmission of visual image in communication, we collected 200 words of onomatopoeia that are frequently used. Then we carried out relevance research on sensory modality, using the MD (Modal Differential) method. Then, we conducted a hierarchical cluster analysis and the semantic structure analysis which is called as SS analysis. As a result, we drew the SS graph for each cluster, which shows the relevance and order-related structure. The results were compared between the general group and the design skill preservation group, and discussions were made on the differences depending on the attributes of the subjects.

    DOI CiNii

  • Formalization of Medical Experts' Knowledge on Schizophrenia Symptom Evaluation Based on Facial Information using Semantic Structure Analysis

    Naoko KANEKON, Naoko OYAMA, Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   17 ( 4 ) 381 - 393  2018.01  [Refereed]


  • Analysis of sequential relations between items in the value-intention scale

    Keiko Sakai, Takuya Yanagida, Tatsunori Matsui, Yuichi Toda

    Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology   66 ( 1 ) 1 - 13  2018  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine sequential relations between items of the Value-Intention Scale (VIS), which measures 6 types of personal values based on Spranger's (1950) theory. An analysis method, Sequential Relation Analysis (SRA), was developed to enable judgments of sequential relations between items. In Sequential Relation Analysis, each pair of items is examined to determine whether the relation between them is sequential or equal. If there is a higher correlation and a larger mean difference between them than the defined criteria, the relation between them is judged to be sequential. If there is a higher correlation and a smaller mean difference than the defined criteria, the relation between them is judged to be equal. Treegrams were drawn to enable visualization of the sequential and equal relations. Participants (320 university students: 156 men, 164 women
    average age, 20.0 years) completed the Value-Intention Scale. Sequential Relation Analysis was applied to the resulting data. Six treegrams for the 6 subscales (theoretical, economic, aesthetic, religious, social, and political) of the Value- Intention Scale were drawn. Some characteristic sequential relations were found, which accords with Spranger's theory.



  • Construction of an Information Processing Model Depicting the Influence of Environmental Colors on the Risk Evaluation Stage in Decision-making Process

    SHIKATA Yoko, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   17 ( 1 ) 127 - 137  2018.01  [Refereed]

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    Decision making acts as the basis of our behaviors. This study aims to experimentally clarify how environments influence the risk evaluation stages in humans' decision-making processes. Because color is an environmental attribute which can affect human temperament, we conducted a psychological experiment to investigate if environmental colors can influence humans' risk evaluation. Given that the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is a widely-used measure of risk-taking propensity, we analyzed the subjects' IGT net scores and the subjects' choice behaviors that they took after their big losses. These behaviors were considered ordinary in both daily-life environments and specially colored environments. The results showed that the subjects in the blue room tended to be conservative. Conversely, the subjects in the red room tended to take risks. It suggests that red environments may inhibit positive affect.

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation on Pause of Time Interval in Sound Translation Replacing Formal Information Depending on Sense of Sight with Speech Language

    TAKAMATSU Miyako, TAWATSUJI Yoshimasa, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   17 ( 1 ) 89 - 98  2018.01  [Refereed]

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    The focus of this paper is the reading process of sound translation. Reading process of sound translation is a process of replacing information of a symbolic language written on a visual copyrighted work with information of a speech language. And, it is considered that the pause of time interval inserted in the speech sound performs an important function of replacing formal information of the symbolic language expressed depending on the sense of sight with information of the speech language. To clarify the function of this interval, experiments was conducted using synthetic speech; which controlled paralinguistic information. The subjects were the interval of punctuation marks and bracket signs, which replace the formal sign of the symbolic language with the interval. As a result of experiments, synthetic speech in which the interval used by transliteration persons was reflected in punctuation marks and bracket signs was evaluated as appropriate as a talking book.

    DOI CiNii

  • Extraction of Relationships between Learners' Physiological Information and Learners' Mental States by Machine Learning

    Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Tatsuro UNO, Keita Okazaki, Siyuan Fang, Tatsunori MATSUI

    In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education     56 - 61  2017.12  [Refereed]

  • Development of ontology toward common understanding of human sensibilities and emotions

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui, Keiichi Watanuki

    Emotional Engineering: Understanding Motivation   6   75 - 91  2017.11  [Refereed]

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    With the ongoing development of information and communications technology, it is apparent that computers will be indispensable partners in future human life. In terms of computer information processing, techniques for coordinating human sensitivity and emotional levels are attracting attention and stand in contrast to conventional knowledge information processing. In this chapter, we present an overview of content-oriented research considering knowledge itself and describe an approach to handling knowledge of human sensitivity and emotions using computers. First, we provide an overview of existing content-oriented studies in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Second, we discuss problems regarding the handling of knowledge of human sensibilities and emotions. Then, we introduce an ontology pertaining to the concept of color emotion as an approach to understanding human sensibilities and emotions. Finally, we describe the applicability of such an ontology to human-computer interactions and for the understanding of human nature through the concept of analysis-by-synthesis.



  • Formalization of relationships between learners' physiological information and learners' mental states by deep neural network

    Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Tatsuro UNO, Keita OKAZAKI, Siyuan FANG, Tatsunori MATSUI

    The 1st International Conference on LASI(Learning Analytics Summer Institute)-Asia    2017.08

  • Experimental investigation into the continuous pattern of the relationship between color focality and short-term memory performance for colors

    Siyuan FANG, Tatsunori MATSUI

    The 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society    2017.07  [Refereed]

  • A Computational Model Simulating the Mental Function of Multicolor Aesthetic Evaluation

    Siyuan Fang, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui

    COLOR RESEARCH AND APPLICATION   42 ( 2 ) 216 - 235  2017.04  [Refereed]

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    In this research, a computational model that simulates the mental function of multicolor aesthetic evaluation through backpropagation neural networks was constructed. Helmut Leder's psychological model served as the theoretical framework. We determined the macro-architecture of the computational model through two psychological experiments using the semantic differential (SD) method. The aesthetic score of a multicolor stimulus is defined as the inverse of its factor score on the factor "Pleasure" extracted in the first experiment, and each of the three factors extracted in the second experiment-i.e., "Stability," "Heaviness," and "Presence"-is regarded as a simple perceptual feature. The genetic algorithm was then employed to optimize the hidden layer node number, the learning rate, and the momentum constant of each neural network. In two simulation tests, this computational model exhibited some predictive power, implying that the model can be regarded as a relatively successful approximation of the psychological mechanism of multicolor aesthetic evaluation. In addition, the results of the second simulation also show that the perceptual feature "Heaviness" possesses the principal impact on the aesthetic evaluation of multicolor objects, whereas the other two perceptual features "Stability" and "Presence" have a minor influence. The heavier and/ or more stable a multicolor object is perceived to be, the less aesthetically pleasing it is. Conversely, the stronger the sense of matter presence a multicolor object elicits, the more aesthetically appealing it is. (C) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • A Psychological Model Explaining How School Song Lyrics Evoke Nostalgia

    MIYAHARA Sachiko, TAWATSUJI Yoshimasa, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   16 ( 1 ) 109 - 119  2017

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    Many people have experienced that even long after their graduation, their school songs can still evoke nostalgia of their old school days. In this study, we proposed a psychological model of the generation mechanism underlying the school-song-evoked nostalgic feelings. Firstly, we extracted the terms characteristic of school songs from the lyrics of 156 Japanese school songs. Then, we investigated how the number of years that had elapsed since graduation influenced the degrees of school-song-evoked nostalgic feelings through questionnaires. Finally, we conducted an experiment in which the participants were asked to rate the “school-songness” of the lyrics of four existing school songs as well as an “average school song” which we made using the terms extracted at the first stage of the study. The results show that the “average school song” ranks highest, which implies the properness of our model.

    DOI CiNii

  • 校歌の歌詞から感じる「なつかしさ」の生起モデルの構築

    宮原佐智子, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌《特集「第18回大会」》   16 ( 1 ) 109 - 119  2017


  • Ontological descriptions of receiver states for sharing knowledge in learning service design

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Koji Kimita, Takatoshi Ishii, Yutaro Nemoto, Eiichirou Tanaka, Keiichi Watanuki, Tatsunori Matsui, Yoshiki Shimomura

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing   11 ( 1 )  2017

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    Recently, the viewpoint of service has become widespread. In learning domains, service providers have been required to adopt the viewpoint and to provide values co-created by teachers and learners. However, production by a service provider means the generation of potential value, whereas usage by a service receiver implies the generation of real value. That is, a receiver creates value independent of the value generated by a provider. Indeed, value co-creation takes place in a joint sphere where providers and customers interact with each other. Thus, service providers must attempt to generate the potential value through service design and play a role of co-producer of the real value in the interactions between the providers and the receivers. In the current study, we developed an ontology to share the knowledge on value co-creation and the information related to the interactions between the providers and the receivers. In concrete terms, we proposed ontological descriptions of receiver states for sharing knowledge in learning service design, and conceptualized elements of consensus building and value co-creation, according to the conceptual model of value co-creation proposed in a previous study. In addition, concepts pertaining to academic emotions are also described to represent contents of consensus building. Then, we demonstrated instances of a consensus building, which is extracted from conversations during counseling by a teacher (mentor) and a learner. As a result, we obtained a metamodel for co-design processes in the learning service design, and a conceptual framework of the knowledge sharing on learning states including academic emotions by the ontological descriptions.



  • Construction of Recommender System based on Cognitive Model for "Self-Reflection",

    Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Yuki YASUDA, Tatsunori MATSU

    The 5th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction     517 - 522  2017.01  [Refereed]

  • 学習者の心的状態と生体情報に関する概念記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 田中 英一郎, 綿貫 啓一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2016 ( 0 ) 1C5OS13b6 - 1C5OS13b6  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • Conceptual Descriptions of Emotional State Evaluation for Development of Value Recognition Map

    MURAMATSU Keiichi, TANAKA Eiichiro, MATSUI Tatsunori, WATANUKI Keiichi

    The Proceedings of Design & Systems Conference   2016 ( 0 ) 1101 - 1101  2016

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    <p>Recently, value creation from view point of service has been widespread. A service process is regarded as a kind of interaction between service providers and receivers. Sharing and managing such the knowledge on human Kansei are of growing significance to providing product's values focused on customers. However, any sufficiently-advanced technologies that realize such knowledge sharing and management have been established. One typical approach is to clarify and systematize concepts as an ontology which is a basis to describe knowledge. In the current study, we discuss a method to develop an ontology describing knowledge on human Kansei and introduce several existing ontologies. The ontology will serve as a useful reference to develop value recognition map and be of assistance to designers.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Qualitative Model for Neuro-Functional Mechanism Inducing Human Error Detection to Humanlike Agents Based on Cortico-Cerebellar Function

    Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Tatsunori Matsui

    HCI INTERNATIONAL 2016 - POSTERS' EXTENDED ABSTRACTS, PT II   618 ( 162 ) 194 - 200  2016  [Refereed]

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    The uncanny valley is a major phenomenon that occurs during the implementation of facial expressions in a humanlike agent. Recent studies have explained that the negative impression of the agent's expressions is a "prediction error." We hypothesized that the prediction error stemmed from the differential output of dual processing, - that is, emotional and rational processing, - and it negatively affected a person's impression of the facial expression of the agent, which was similar to that when perceiving an eerie sensation. A qualitative computational model was proposed to clarify this mechanism according to cortico-cerebellar function to compute the prediction of the humanlike agent's facial movement. Thus, rapid emotional processing was indispensable with the thalamus playing an essential role in the processing.



  • Association Rules on Relationships Between Learner's Physiological Information and Mental States During Learning Process

    Kazuma Takehana, Tatsunori Matsui

    Human Interface and the Management of Information: Applications and Services, Pt II   9735   209 - 219  2016  [Refereed]

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    In order to improve the efficiency of teaching and learning, it is very important to grasp learners' mental states during their learning processes. In this study, we attempt to extract and formalize the relationships between learners' mental states and learners' physiological information complemented with teachers' speech acts using the association rule mining technique through an experiment. As a result, four sets of association rules with high degrees of generality are obtained.



  • Proposal for primitives representing brain function of facial expression recognition

    Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Tatsunori MATSUI

    In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computers in Education    2016

  • Framework to describe constructs of academic emotions using ontological descriptions of statistical models

    Keiichi MURAMATSU, Eiichirou TANAKA, Keiichi WATANUKI, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning   11 ( 5 ) 5 - 5  2016



  • Association Rules on Relationships Between Learner's Physiological Information and Mental States During Learning Process

    Kazuma Takehana, Tatsunori Matsui

    Human Interface and the Management of Information: Applications and Services, Pt II   9735   209 - 219  2016  [Refereed]

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    In order to improve the efficiency of teaching and learning, it is very important to grasp learners' mental states during their learning processes. In this study, we attempt to extract and formalize the relationships between learners' mental states and learners' physiological information complemented with teachers' speech acts using the association rule mining technique through an experiment. As a result, four sets of association rules with high degrees of generality are obtained.



  • A Method for Consensus Building Between Teachers and Learners in Higher Education Through Co-design Process

    Ryota Sugino, Satoshi Mizoguchi, Koji Kimita, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui, Yoshiki Shimomura

    Human Interface and the Management of Information: Applications and Services, Pt II   9735   197 - 208  2016  [Refereed]

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    Improving added value and productivity of services entails improving both value-in-exchange and value-in-use. Value-in-use is realized by value co-creation, where providers and receivers create value together. In higher education services, value-in-use comes from learners achieving learning outcomes (e.g., knowledge and skills) that are consistent with their learning goals. To enhance the learning outcomes of a learner, it is necessary to enhance and utilize the abilities of the teacher along with the abilities of the learner. To do this, however, the learner and the teacher need to build a consensus about their respective roles. Teachers need to provide effective learning content; learners need to choose the appropriate learning strategies by using the learning content through consensus building. This makes consensus building an important factor in value co-creation. However, methods to build a consensus about their respective roles may not be clearly established, making such consensus difficult. In this paper, we propose some strategies for consensus building between a teacher and a learner in value co-creation. We focus on a teacher and learner co-design and propose an analysis method to clarify a collaborative design process to realize value co-creation. We then analyze some counseling data obtained from a university class. This counseling aimed to build a consensus for value-in-use, learning outcomes, and learning strategies between the teacher and the learner.



  • 3304 Conceptual descriptions of receiver states for sharing knowledge in learning service design

    MURAMATSU Keiichi, KIMITA Koji, ISHII Takatoshi, NEMOTO Yutaro, TANAKA Eiichirou, WATANUKI Keiichi, MATSUI Tatsunori, SHIMOMURA Yoshiki

      2015 ( 25 ) "3304 - 1"-"3304-6"  2015.09

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    Recently, view point of service has been widespread. In learning domains, service providers have been required to adopt it and to provide values co-created by teachers and learners. The value co-creation takes place in joint sphere where providers and customers make interaction, and the value is subjectively perceived by receivers (learners in learning service). That is, a mental state of leaner is one of possible value in the co-creation. The current study aims to develop a conceptual framework which describes mental states of learners for specifying values in the co-creation. As a result, we proposed ontological descriptions of learning event which consists of a teacher, a learner, learning materials, and a learning action by the learner. In concrete terms, we proposed ontological descriptions for receiver states in a learning activity, on the basis of a conceptual model of value co-creation. The ontological descriptions are useful for sharing knowledge on values perceived by learners to design learning services.


  • P-28 Quantitative Analysis of Effects of "Artificial Synesthesia" on Memory Performance(Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting)

    Yoshikawa Hanari, Fang Siyuan, Matsui Tatsunori

    Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan   39 ( 5 ) 209 - 209  2015.09


  • P-11 Experimental Study on Color Preference as Implicit Attitude toward Color Combinations(Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting)

    Muramatsu Keiichi, Fang Siyuan, Tanaka Eiichirou, Watanuki Keiichi, Matsui Tatsunori

    Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan   39 ( 5 ) 204 - 204  2015.09


  • Qualitative description representing brain functional connection for human emotional states toward human-like agents

    Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   30 ( 5 ) 626 - 638  2015.08

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    In the research field of Human-agent interaction, the uncanny valley is the crucial issue to realize co-existence of human and artificial agents. It is referred to as the phenomenon that human can feel repulsive against the agents whose appearance is considerably humanlike. There has been just theoretical based but not verifiable model providing an explanation for how it occurs. We hypothesized that when human observes that humanlike agent, s/he perceives it as both human and non-human, and the contradiction between the perceptions causes him or her to elicit negative response against it. We conducted the experiment where the participants were asked to judge whether face of agents or a person was depicted as that of a real person, with their eye tracked and their gaze direction estimated. The results indicated that observers had two-step information processing to the agent. Above all, we proposed a model generating the human negative response against humanlike agents, taking into consideration of the function of the brain regions such as amygdala, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum. To verify the model, the transition of the emotional value (namely, positive or negative) was simulated on the basis of a qualitative description for the model. It is suggested that the model be proposed which is verifiable with many findings in the field of neuroscience.

    DOI CiNii


  • Study on Formalization of Relations between Mental States and Physiological Information during Learning Activities

    TAKEHANA Kazuma, TAWATSUJI Yoshimasa, MURAMATSU Keiichi, MATSUI Tatsunori

    JSAI Technical Report, SIG-ALST   74   07  2015.07

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    Estimation of learners' mental states during the interaction between teacher and learners is very important issues from quality of learning environment design point of view. In this experimental study, relationship between teacher's utterances, behaviors, learner's physiological indexes and mental states were tried to be detected by the association rule detection method. After that some additional trials to formalize relations between mental states and some physiological information of learner were carried out. As a result, some meaningful generalized rules have been detected.

    DOI CiNii

  • Research on Learning Support System as KANSEI Informatics : Estimation Method for Mental States of Learner

    Matsui Tatsunori

    journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   30 ( 4 ) 481 - 485  2015.07


  • 論文特集「学習科学と学習工学のフロンティア」にあたって

    松居 辰則

    人工知能:人工知能学会誌   30 ( 3 ) 389 - 389  2015.05


  • 特集「学習科学と学習工学のフロンティア-私の"学習"研究-(前編)」にあたって

    松居 辰則

    人工知能:人工知能学会誌   30 ( 3 ) 272 - 272  2015.05


  • Discussion on Features of Higher Edication from the Viewpoit of Service

    Kimita Koji, Nemoto Yutaro, Matsui Tatsunori, Shimomura Yoshiki

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2015   659 - 660  2015

    DOI CiNii

  • 人が表出する特徴的キューのエージェントへの応用に対する考察

    桶原 葵, 田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2015 ( 0 ) 3D33 - 3D33  2015

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    DOI CiNii

  • 「人工感性」システムの実現を指向した多色配色の美的感性をもつ計算モデルの構築

    方 思源, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2015 ( 0 ) 4J13 - 4J13  2015

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    <p>本研究では、多色配色に対する審美的評価ルールをシミュレートする計算モデルをBPニューラルネットワークで構築した。SD法の心理学実験を通して理論的枠組みであるHelmut Lederの心理学モデルを定量化し、それに基づき計算モデルの構造を決定し、学習率などのシステムパラメータを遺伝的アルゴリズムによって最適化した。性能テストの結果、本計算モデルは多色配色の審美的評価値に対して高い予測能力を有した。</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • メンターと学習者の合意形成の表現に向けた発話内容の概念化の試み

    村松 慶一, 木見田 康治, 石井 隆稔, 根本 裕太郎, 田中 英一郎, 綿貫 啓一, 松居 辰則, 下村 芳樹

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2015 ( 0 ) 1E5OS11b3 - 1E5OS11b3  2015

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    DOI CiNii

  • テーマパーク来場者に対する満足度向上に向けた混雑情報提供法の検討

    藤野 直輝, 小島 一晃, 田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2015 ( 0 ) 1D24 - 1D24  2015

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    DOI CiNii

  • Structural Characteristic of "Pause of Time Interval" for Punctuation Marks is Put for Information of Sentence Structure by Transliteration-Person

    TAKAMATSU Miyako, TAWATSUJI Yoshimasa, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   0 ( 0 ) 85 - 95  2015

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    The purpose of this study is to show the characteristic of "pause of time interval" that is put into the speech when Transliteration-Person reads books out to visually impaired people. Transliteration-Person needs to express also what kind of structure it is as well as to read symbolic language on books out. It may be presumed that "pause of time interval" plays an important role such that auditory sentence structure makes similar to visual sentence structure. So, we focused on punctuation marks and made an experiment comparing 5 skilled Transliteration-Persons with 4 beginner Transliteration-Persons. The result of our experiment shows that "pause of time interval" for punctuation marks is paralinguistic information putting in their speech to construct auditory sentence structure, because the skilled Transliteration-Persons put in their speech different "pause of time interval" to play 2 different type of sentence structure.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Relational Structure Analysis of Onomatopoeia with Sensory Modality for the Transfer Communication of Visual Image

    AOKI Mie, MURAMATSU Keiichi, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   14 ( 1 ) 145 - 153  2015

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    When a company or an individual disseminate their information on advertising and sales promotion. Between several people who is a client and a designer or a designer and an illustrator and a photographer have a scene to share the visual image. In the transmission communication of visual image, onomatopoeia is able to convey information with a sense of reality. Onomatopoeia because the words that are interpreted by the sense modality. (the sense modality : Visual, Auditory, Olfactory, Gustatory, Tactual) Therefore, in this study, it was intended from association with sensory modality of onomatopoeia in the transfer communication of visual image, and to clarify the relational structure of onomatopoeia. Elucidation of the semantic structure was included ambiguity of onomatopoeia. It will enable the discussion about how to use and understandable meaning of onomatopoeia. The onomatopoeia of 200 words were investigated by the MD method and analyzed using the SS analysis and cluster analysis. And we assume that the semantic interpretation is determined by the strength of the association of the Modal. I discussed the rank structure. As a result, it is considered onomatopoeia of the group that there is a direction of understanding meaning is effective communication to convey the impression with vague. In addition, differences were observed in the technique of description and usage, selection onomatopoeia between expert and novice. It depends on skills and knowledge.

    DOI CiNii

  • Ontological Descriptions on Psychological Attributes Felt through the Five Senses on the basis of Inter-modality

    MURAMASTU Keiichi, TAHARA Murasaki, SAITO Miho, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   14 ( 1 ) 163 - 172  2015

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    Sharing and managing knowledge on human Kansei obtained in several study fields are of growing significance to providing product's values focused on customers. However, few sufficiently-advanced technologies that realize such knowledge sharing and management have been established. One typical approach is to clarify and systematize concepts as an ontology. In the current study, we developed an ontology to describe correspondence of affective meaning spaces analyzed by semantic differential method. First, we collect literatures reveal the affective meaning evaluated through the five senses and their inter-modality. Second, we described the concepts on the basis of an ontology of color emotions. Then, we demonstrated and evaluated the usefulness of the ontology in a design situation. As a result, we confirmed that the ontology will serve as a useful reference and be of assistance to designers.

    DOI CiNii

  • Quantification of Characteristic "Pause" Reflecting Transliteration Intention

    TAKAMATSU Miyako, MURAMATSU Keiichi, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   14 ( 1 ) 181 - 190  2015

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    This is research on "Pause" in the speech language producing from a printed book by Transliteration Person: Transliteration Person produces a talking book for visually-impaired people from a printed book. "Pause" on the speech language is required faithful to original printed book, because Transliteration Person has to reproduce the author's intention. So we experimented in how to use "Pause" on the speech language with Transliteration Person. As a result, it was shown that "Short Pause" inserted by Transliteration Person is important to produce faithful talking book from original printed book: "Short Pause" is 0.5 second or less. In the future work, we would like to show clearly that "Short Pause" is concerned with comfortable rhythm and tempo for faithful speech language from original printed book.

    DOI CiNii

  • Ontology of Psychological Attributes on Color Emotions

    Muramatsu Keiichi, Togawa Tatsuo, Kojima Kazuaki, Matsui Tatsunori

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   30 ( 1 ) 47 - 60  2015

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    The color research has much interest in exploring emotional responses to color stimuli, which are referred to as color emotions. In general, color emotions are measured through psychological methods and represented as values on rating scales. For further understanding of color emotions and development of their effective application, conceptual structure of color emotions and rating scales need to be shared among various disciplinary fields. One typical approach in sharing such knowledge is to clarify concepts as an ontology. In this paper, we specified color emotions based on psychological attributes and built an ontology with an ontology development environment Hozo and a top-level ontology YAMATO. As a result, our ontology describes 16 psychological attributes which are measured by rating scales on the basis of a concept of human awareness. Approximately 74.7 percent of instances of the psychological attributes, which are frequently used in articles on measurement of color emotions, are accounted by the 16 psychological attributes. By adding descriptions of psychological attributes which are infrequently used and have not been fully elucidate in the color research, our ontology would increase utility for knowledge sharing and be feasible in prompting scientific and engineered approaches to understand human mind.

    DOI CiNii


  • Development of the Interior Color Coordination Recommendation System of Living Space for University Student Living Alone Using Genetic Algorithm

    Tatsunori MATSUI, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Mai KAWASHIMA, Miho SAITO

    In the Proceedings of Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association (AIC2015)     1019 - 1024  2015

  • An experimental study on the effect of repeated exposure of facial caricature on memory representation of a model’s face

    Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Yuki Iizuka, Tatsunori Matsui

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   9171   514 - 524  2015

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    Why does human can identify a facial caricature with its model’s face? We hypothesize that a facial caricature has an effect on a person’s memory representation of the model’s face to get closer into the facial caricature itself, which causes a person to evoke the feeling of similarity between the model’s face and its facial caricature. In this point, we conducted the experiment to verify whether the continuous exposure of a facial caricature changes participants’ memory representation and whether the exposure also evokes participants’ feeling of similarity between them.



  • 色彩感情に係る心理的属性のオントロジー,

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則

    人工知能学会論文誌   30 ( 1 ) 47 - 60  2015

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    The color research has much interest in exploring emotional responses to color stimuli, which are referred to as color emotions. In general, color emotions are measured through psychological methods and represented as values on rating scales. For further understanding of color emotions and development of their effective application, conceptual structure of color emotions and rating scales need to be shared among various disciplinary fields. One typical approach in sharing such knowledge is to clarify concepts as an ontology. In this paper, we specified color emotions based on psychological attributes and built an ontology with an ontology development environment Hozo and a top-level ontology YAMATO. As a result, our ontology describes 16 psychological attributes which are measured by rating scales on the basis of a concept of human awareness. Approximately 74.7 percent of instances of the psychological attributes, which are frequently used in articles on measurement of color emotions, are accounted by the 16 psychological attributes. By adding descriptions of psychological attributes which are infrequently used and have not been fully elucidate in the color research, our ontology would increase utility for knowledge sharing and be feasible in prompting scientific and engineered approaches to understand human mind.

    DOI CiNii


  • Experimental Study of Aesthetic Evaluation to Multi-color Stimuli Using Semantic Differential Method - Towards the Construction of an Artificial KANSEI System -

    Siyuan FANG, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsunori MATSUI

    日本感性工学会論文誌   14 ( 1 ) 37 - 47  2015


  • 視覚的イメージの伝達コミュニケーションにおけるオノマトペと感覚モダリティの関連構造分析

    青木三枝, 村松慶一, 松居辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   14 ( 1 ) 145 - 153  2015

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    When a company or an individual disseminate their information on advertising and sales promotion. Between several people who is a client and a designer or a designer and an illustrator and a photographer have a scene to share the visual image. In the transmission communication of visual image, onomatopoeia is able to convey information with a sense of reality. Onomatopoeia because the words that are interpreted by the sense modality. (the sense modality : Visual, Auditory, Olfactory, Gustatory, Tactual) Therefore, in this study, it was intended from association with sensory modality of onomatopoeia in the transfer communication of visual image, and to clarify the relational structure of onomatopoeia. Elucidation of the semantic structure was included ambiguity of onomatopoeia. It will enable the discussion about how to use and understandable meaning of onomatopoeia. The onomatopoeia of 200 words were investigated by the MD method and analyzed using the SS analysis and cluster analysis. And we assume that the semantic interpretation is determined by the strength of the association of the Modal. I discussed the rank structure. As a result, it is considered onomatopoeia of the group that there is a direction of understanding meaning is effective communication to convey the impression with vague. In addition, differences were observed in the technique of description and usage, selection onomatopoeia between expert and novice. It depends on skills and knowledge.

    DOI CiNii

  • 通様相性に基づいた五感の心理的属性に関するオントロジー記述

    村松慶一, 田原紫, 松居辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   14 ( 1 ) 163 - 172  2015

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    Sharing and managing knowledge on human Kansei obtained in several study fields are of growing significance to providing product's values focused on customers. However, few sufficiently-advanced technologies that realize such knowledge sharing and management have been established. One typical approach is to clarify and systematize concepts as an ontology. In the current study, we developed an ontology to describe correspondence of affective meaning spaces analyzed by semantic differential method. First, we collect literatures reveal the affective meaning evaluated through the five senses and their inter-modality. Second, we described the concepts on the basis of an ontology of color emotions. Then, we demonstrated and evaluated the usefulness of the ontology in a design situation. As a result, we confirmed that the ontology will serve as a useful reference and be of assistance to designers.

    DOI CiNii

  • 音訳意図が反映される「間(ま)」の特徴の定量化の試み

    高松美也子, 村松慶一, 松居辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   14 ( 1 ) 181 - 190  2015

  • Experimental Study of Learning Support through Examples in Mathematical Problem Posing

    Kazuaki KOJIMA, Kazuhisa MIWA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning   10 ( 1 ) 1 - 18  2015

  • 感性情報学としての学習支援システム研究―学習者の心的状態の推定手法―


    人工知能学会誌   30 ( 4 ) 481 - 485  2015

  • 脳の機能的結合に関する定性表現を用いた人型エージェントに対する情動状態記述の試み

    田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 松居辰則

    人工知能学会誌   30 ( 5 ) 626 - 638  2015

  • O-011 Construction of the Simulation Model about the Action of the Pedestrian in Consideration of Group Decision Making : Multi-Agent Simulation when Information of Congestion is Offered in a Theme Park

    Fujino Naoki, Kojima Kazuaki, Muramatsu Keiichi, Matsui Tatsunori

      13 ( 4 ) 317 - 324  2014.08


  • 脳機能の定性的記述を用いた人型エージェントに対する情動評価の時系列的変化モデルの提案

    田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2014 ( 0 ) 1E31 - 1E31  2014

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    DOI CiNii

  • 学習行為に関わる感情構造の統一的記述に向けたオントロジー記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2014 ( 0 ) 4D13 - 4D13  2014

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    DOI CiNii

  • Trial Formalization of "Pause" for the Communication Support by Transliteration Expression:- Experimental Examination about "Pause" -

    TAKAMATSU Miyako, MURAMATSU Keiichi, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   13 ( 5 ) 579 - 589  2014

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    Some pauses are found in natural reading a book aloud, which work to support smooth communication. They are supposed to be working in transliterating service for visually impaired people. In this study, we propose types and functions of the pauses in that situation. We conducted an experiment to record speeches of 3 transliterators. As a result, 2 types of pauses were extracted; pause as visual information, and pause as easy-to-understand. In the both type usage, an expert made better use of the short pauses which put 0.5 second or less in the speeches than other transliterators. This suggests that the short pauses have an important function to support the smooth communication. In the future work, we analyze pitches and other parameters to specify the characteristics of expression with the short pauses.

    DOI CiNii

  • Experimental Study on Description of Eye-Movements among Choices in Answering to Multiple-Choice Problems

    Kojima Kazuaki, Muramatsu Keiichi, Matsui Tatsunori

    Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education   31 ( 2 ) 197 - 202  2014

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Exploration of Relationships between Behaviors and Mental States of Learners for Value Co-creative Education and Learning Environment

    Tatsunori Matsui, Yuki Horiguchi, Kazuaki Kojima, Takako Akakura


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    From the view point of value co-creation in education and learning environment, it is important to cultivate competency and literacy for learning for both learners and teachers. For realizing value co-creative education and learning environment, detection of learners' mental states during their learning activities plays very important role at this environment. In this context, it is an important task to implement an e-learning system that can automatically detect changes of learners' mental states by observing their behaviors in learning activities. In this study, we conducted an experiment to explore relationships between mental states and behaviors of a learner on our experimental tools designed along with an assumption of a learning environment with an e-learning system. We focused on mouse and face movement as the behaviors. The results of the experiment revealed some features about the behaviors and the mental states.

  • Proposal for the Model of Occurrence of Negative Response toward Humanlike Agent Based on Brain Function by Qualitative Reasoning

    Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui


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    For designing the rounded communication between human and agent, humanlike appearance of agent can contribute to human understandability towards their intension. However, the excessive humanlike-ness can cause human to feel repulsive against the agent, which is well known as the uncanny valley. In this study, we propose a model providing an explanation for how the human negative response is fomred, based on the brain regions and its function, including the amygdala, hippocampus, cortex and striatum. This model is described with quantitative reasoning and simulated. The results indicate that as human observes a humanlike agent, the emotion goes negative and the brain regions were more activated in comparison with the case human observes a person.

  • Structural Comparison of Impression about a Character-Agent Derived from User Empathy

    Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsunori MATSUI

    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research(KEER2014)     473 - 480  2014

  • How Should Examples be Learned in a Production Task? An Experimental Investigation in Mathematical Problem Posing

    Kazuaki KOJIMA, Kazuhisa MIWA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society     2501 - 2506  2014

  • Ontological Descriptions of Statistical Models for Sharing Knowledge of Academic Emotions

    Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsunori MATSUI

    In Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2014)     42 - 49  2014

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    Many studies have been conducted during the last two decades examining learner reactions within e-learning environments. In an effort to assist learners in their scholastic activities, these studies have attempted to understand learner mental states by analyzing participants' facial images, eye movements, and other physiological indices and data. To add to this growing body of research, we have been developing IMS (Intelligent Mentoring System) which performs automatic mentoring by using an ITS (Intelligent Tutoring System) to scaffold learning activities and an ontology to provide a specification of learner's models. To identify learner mental states, the ontology operates based on theoretical and data-driven knowledge of emotions. In this study, we use statistical models to examine constructs of emotions evaluated in previous psychological studies, and then produce a construct of academic boredom.

  • 多肢選択問題の回答における視線の選択肢走査の実験的検討

    小島一晃, 村松慶一, 松居辰則

    教育システム情報学会誌   31 ( 2 ) 197 - 202  2014

  • 音訳表現における伝達支援のための「間(ま)」の形式化の試み-時間的間隔の「間(ま)」に関する実験的検討-

    高松美也子, 村松慶一, 松居辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   13 ( 5 ) 579 - 589  2014

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    Some pauses are found in natural reading a book aloud, which work to support smooth communication. They are supposed to be working in transliterating service for visually impaired people. In this study, we propose types and functions of the pauses in that situation. We conducted an experiment to record speeches of 3 transliterators. As a result, 2 types of pauses were extracted; pause as visual information, and pause as easy-to-understand. In the both type usage, an expert made better use of the short pauses which put 0.5 second or less in the speeches than other transliterators. This suggests that the short pauses have an important function to support the smooth communication. In the future work, we analyze pitches and other parameters to specify the characteristics of expression with the short pauses.

    DOI CiNii

  • Proposal of the Model for the Uncanny Valley Based on the Dual-Pathway of Emotion and the Hippocampus

    Tawatsuji Yoshimasa, MURAMATSU Keiichi, KOJIMA Kazuaki, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Technical report of IEICE. HCS   113 ( 185 ) 39 - 44  2013.08

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    In Human Computer Interaction, the uncanny valley is crucial to design the appropriate appearance of an agent for human beings. Previous studies have implied that human perceives a humanlike agent in two processes. We conducted the experiment to clarify how human observes a humanlike agent and the results showed that participants perceive it as human at first and then as non-human. These two information-processes can be explained by the dual-pathway of emotion. In current study, we propose a model for the occurrence of uncanny valley based on the function of hippocampus, which can provide the explanation for human evocation of the feeling of the eeriness toward a humanlike agent.


  • 4C-2 Comparison of Factor Structures on Color Emotion between Color Card and Display(<Special Issue>the 44th Annual Meeting)

    Tahara Murasaki, Muramatsu Keiichi, Matsui Tatsunoir, Saito Miho

    Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan   37 ( 3 ) 304 - 305  2013.05


  • 4C-1 A Quantitative Analysis on the Effect for Understanding of the Contents of the Article by Color Schemes of Letters used in Sports Papers' Headline(<Special Issue>the 44th Annual Meeting)

    Izawa Hiroshi, Muramatsu Keiichi, Kojima Kazuaki, Matsui Tatsunori

    Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan   37 ( 3 ) 302 - 303  2013.05


  • 汎用デバイスからのリソースを用いた多肢選択問題回答時の確信の推定手法の検討

    小島 一晃, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   JSAI2013   4J1OS236 - 4J1OS236  2013

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    DOI CiNii

  • 学習者の心的状態に関する知識記述と管理に向けたAcademic Emotionの概念整理

    村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2013 ( 0 ) 4J1OS231 - 4J1OS231  2013

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    <p>学習者の知識・理解状態に加えて心的状態を考慮した支援を行う知的メンタリングシステムの実現のためには,心的状態に関する知識記述・管理が必要である.学業に関する文脈で学習者が経験する感情は包括的にAcademic Emotionと呼ばれており,学習者の特性や一時的な心的状態との概念的な関係は明確でない.そこで,知的メンタリングシステムにおける学習者モデルに記述されるべき感情の概念を整理する.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Construction of Communication Models of Musical Performers by Chronological Analysis of Behavioral Information

    MIYAKE Asuka, YAMAUCHI Chihiro, MURAMATSU Keiichi, KOJIMA Kazuaki, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   12 ( 3 ) 415 - 423  2013

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    Besides skills in musical expression, exact timing among music players is required in excellent performances. In order to synchronize each respective sound of music among players, they must use a variety of information. In case of four-hand performances on the piano or performances by a band, for example, information such as musical sounds, body movements and gazes is considered to play critical roles. In this study, we empirically investigated roles of the information as communication channels between music players. We conducted an experiment where pairs of players performed music with a constant tempo, one varying its tempo and one including a long rest on the piano. They played the three sets of music both in a face-to-face setting where they could watch each other and a back-to-back setting where they could not. According to the results of the experiment, we then proposed communication models of players in music performances.

    DOI CiNii

  • Explanation for Human Sensitive Response to a Humanlike Agent Focusing on Amygdalar Function

    Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    The 1st International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction     II - 20  2013

  • A Quantitative Analysis on the Effect on the Understanding of the Contents of the Article by Character, Subjected to Color Schemes, Used Sports Papers' Headline

    Hiroshi IZAWA, Tatsunori MATSUI, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Keiichi MURAMATSU

    In the Proceedings of the 12th International AIC Congress (AIC2013)     1221 - 1224  2013  [Refereed]

  • Experimental study toward modeling of the uncanny valley based on eye movements on human/non-human faces

    Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Kazuaki Kojima, Tatsunori Matsui

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   8007 ( 4 ) 398 - 407  2013

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    In the research field of human-agent interaction, it is a crucial issue to clarify the effect of agent appearances on human impressions. The uncanny valley is one crucial topic. We hypothesize that people can perceive a humanlike agent as human at an earlier stage in interaction even if they finally notice it as non-human and such contradictory perceptions are related to the uncanny valley. We conducted an experiment where participants were asked to judge whether faces presented on a PC monitor were human or not. The faces were a doll, a CG-modeled human image fairly similar to real human, an android robot, another image highly similar and a person. Eyes of the participants were recorded during watching the faces and changes in observing the faces were studied. The results indicate that eye data did not initially differ between the person and CG fairly similar, whereas differences emerged after several seconds. We then proposed a model of the uncanny valley based on dual pathway of emotion. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.



  • Empirical Study on Errors of Mathematical Word Problems Posed by Learners

    Kazuaki KOJIMA, Kazuhisa MIWA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    In Workshop Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2013)     187 - 191  2013

  • Ontological Organization of Academic Emotions toward Knowledge Description and Management about Learners Mental States

    Keiichi MURAMATSU, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2013)     145 - 150  2013

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    Recently, the research in intelligent educational systems has much interest in exploring data from academic settings to understand learners behavior and mental states. We have been developing IMS (Intelligent Mentoring System) which performs automatic mentoring by using an ITS (Intelligent Tutoring System) to scaffold learning activities and an ontology to provide a specification of learner's models. To provide learner's models in mentoring, the ontology describes qualities and quality values on awareness which are conceptualization of subjective evaluation. To specify relationships among qualities on awareness in academic settings, this study organized academic emotions in the psychological research and proposed their ontological descriptions.

  • 行動情報の時系列解析による演奏者間コミュニケーションモデルの構築

    三宅明日香, 山内千尋, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   12 ( 3 ) 415 - 423  2013

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    Besides skills in musical expression, exact timing among music players is required in excellent performances. In order to synchronize each respective sound of music among players, they must use a variety of information. In case of four-hand performances on the piano or performances by a band, for example, information such as musical sounds, body movements and gazes is considered to play critical roles. In this study, we empirically investigated roles of the information as communication channels between music players. We conducted an experiment where pairs of players performed music with a constant tempo, one varying its tempo and one including a long rest on the piano. They played the three sets of music both in a face-to-face setting where they could watch each other and a back-to-back setting where they could not. According to the results of the experiment, we then proposed communication models of players in music performances.

    DOI CiNii

  • Structural Equation Modeling for Relationships between Color Attributes and Dimensions of Emotional State

    Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsuo TOGAWA, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    International Journal of Affective Engineering   12 ( 2 ) 251 - 257  2013

  • The Influence of Pictorial Reality on Evaluation of Appropriate Force Feedback

    Manako TAI, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    International Journal of Affective Engineering   12 ( 2 ) 209 - 214  2013

  • The Effects of Motif Composition on Impressions of Paintings - In the Case of Katsushika Hokusai's "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji"-

    Yuka NOJO, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    International Journal of Affective Engineering   12 ( 2 ) 127 - 133  2013

  • Supporting mathematical problem posing with a system for learning generation processes through examples

    Kazuaki Kojima, Kazuhisa Miwa, Tatsunori Matsui

    International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education   22 ( 4 ) 161 - 190  2013

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    Problem posing, by which learners create new problems by themselves, is an important activity in mathematics education. However, novice learners have difficulty in posing problems, particularly when formulating appropriate solution structures of problems. Although they are provided with example problems that can serve as hints for composing novel problems, they do not necessarily understand the key ideas used to generate the examples. To improve problem posing for novices, this study discusses an approach that supports learning from examples as a production task. We propose a method of learning from examples through imitation, where a learner reproduces problems identical to given examples. We implement a system that presents examples of problem posing and supports learners in understanding the examples by having the learners reproduce them. We conducted an experimental evaluation in which learners learned from an example that embeds useful ideas to alter solution structures in the system. The results demonstrated that the learners successfully adapted the example when posing their own problems if they learned the example by the reproduction method. Thus, learning from examples through reproduction appears to be effective in the domain of problem posing as a production task. © 2013 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.



  • Experimental Study toward Estimation of a Learner Mental State from Processes of Solving Multiple Choice Problems Based on Eye Movements.

    Kazuaki Kojima, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui

    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education     33 - 40  2012.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Recently, the research area of intelligent educational systems has increasingly approached Educational Data Mining, which addressed a variety of learner aspects such as mental states. Although data of eye movements is promising in realizing mental states of learners, we have to empirically understand features of eye movements in advance due to difficulty in handling them. Toward the final goal of automatic estimation of learner mental states based on eyes, this study experimentally described changes of eye movements by confidence of correct answers. In our experiment, participants were asked to answer multiple-choice problems and respond to questionnaires about the problems, with the results indicating that transitions of eyes in initial processes where all choices were scanned differed depending on the levels of confidence.

  • Ontological Descriptions for Eye Movement Data and Mental States in Taking Computer-based Multiple-Choice Tests.

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Kazuaki Kojima, Tatsunori Matsui

    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education     81 - 85  2012.11  [Refereed]

  • Ontological Descriptions for Eye Gaze and Mental States in Taking Computer-based Multiple-Choice Tests

    MURAMATSU Keiichi, KOJIMA Kazuaki, MATSUI Tatsunori

    JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG   2012 ( SWO-027 ) 04  2012.05

     View Summary

    Recently, the research in intelligent educational systems has much interest in exploring data from educational settings to understand learners behavior and mental states. To further un- derstand learners based on such the data and sophisticate supportive interventions by educational systems, knowledge of relationships between learners' behavior and mental states must be shared. To propose an framework to share the knowledge, this study attempted ontological descriptions for learners eye-movement and mental states in solving computer-based multiple-choice problems. The current study forms a technical basis for development of an IMS(Intelligent Mentoring System) in which an automatic mentoring function is implemented with ITS(Intelligent Tutoring System).

    DOI CiNii

  • X-17 Development of an Ontology for Image Retrieval based on Color Emotions(<Special Issue>the 43rd Annual Meeting)

    Muramatsu Keiichi, Togawa Tatsuo, Matsui Tatsunori

    Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan   36 ( 0 ) 152 - 153  2012.05


  • 2C-6 Kansei Evaluation by Using Multidimensional Neural Networks Based on Affective Dimensional Model(<Special Issue>the 43rd Annual Meeting)

    Ogawa Koji, Muramatsu Keiichi, Matsui Tatsunori

    Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan   36 ( 0 ) 78 - 79  2012.05


  • 2A-4 Supporting System for Color Coordination of Bridal Space Using Genetic Algorithm(<Special Issue>the 43rd Annual Meeting)

    Matsui Tatsunori, Tanemura Yoko, Muramatsu Keiichi, Kojima Kazuaki, Saito Miho

    Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan   36 ( 0 ) 52 - 53  2012.05


  • 視線を用いた多肢選択問題の回答プロセスと確信度の分析手法の実験的考案

    小島 一晃, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2012 ( 0 ) 1F2OS114 - 1F2OS114  2012

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    DOI CiNii

  • 多肢選択問題に対する回答行動と心理状態に関するオントロジー記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2012 ( 0 ) 1F2OS115 - 1F2OS115  2012

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    DOI CiNii

  • Preliminary Study on Extraction of Emotion Expression Techniques in Calligraphy Based on Strokes

    YAMAUCHI Chihiro, KUROKAWA Yukari, MURAMATSU Keiichi, HORIGUCHI Yuki, KOJIMA Kazuaki, MATSUI Tatsunori

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   11 ( 3 ) 491 - 494  2012

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    In calligraphy, calligraphers express their emotions in calligraphic characters and that impress people who view the characters. Calligraphers generally acquire tacit techniques for expressing emotions by themselves and, therefore, the knowledge on the technique is difficult to be shared. We experimentally studied features of calligraphic characters expressing five different emotions, using writings created by an expert calligrapher. We classified fundamental strokes comprising the characters based on stroking methods defined in 'Eijihappo' and then extracted knowledge on emotion expression techniques in drawing strokes.

    DOI CiNii

  • Qualitative Description of Time based on Ontology in the Domain of Apoptosis Signaling

    Chihiro YAMAUCHI, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    JIST 2012 Poster and Demonstration     21 - 22  2012

  • Ontological Descriptions for Eye Movement Data and Mental States in Taking Computer-based Multiple-Choice Tests

    Keiichi MURAMATSU, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of ICCE2012     33 - 40  2012

     View Summary

    Recently, the research in intelligent educational systems has much interest in exploring data from educational settings to understand learners behavior and mental states. To further understand learners based on such the data and sophisticate supportive interventions by educational systems, knowledge of relationships between learners' behavior and mental states must be shared. To propose a framework to share the knowledge, this study attempted ontological descriptions for learners' eye-movement and mental states in solving computer-based multiple-choice problems. The current study forms a technical basis for development of an IMS (Intelligent Mentoring System) in which an automatic mentoring function is implemented with ITS (Intelligent Tutoring System).

  • Experimental Study toward Estimation of a Learner Mental State from Processes of Solving Multiple Choice Problems Based on Eye Movements

    Kazuaki KOJIMA, Keiich MURAMATSU, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of ICCE2012     81 - 85  2012

     View Summary

    Recently, the research area of intelligent educational systems has increasingly approached Educational Data Mining, which addressed a variety of learner aspects such as mental states. Although data of eye movements is promising in realizing mental states of learners, we have to empirically understand features of eye movements in advance due to difficulty in handling them. Toward the final goal of automatic estimation of learner mental states based on eyes, this study experimentally described changes of eye movements by confidence of correct answers. In our experiment, participants were asked to answer multiple-choice problems and respond to questionnaires about the problems, with the results indicating that transitions of eyes in initial processes where all choices were scanned differed depending on the levels of confidence.

  • Study on Facilitation of Problem Posing by Learning Examples through Reproduction

    Kazuaki KOJIMA, Kazuhisa MIWA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of CogSci2012     2732  2012

  • Structural Equation Modeling for Relationships Betweencolor Attributes and Dimensions of Emotional State

    Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsuo TOGAWA, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of KEER2012     291 - 296  2012

  • The Influence of Pictorial Reality on Evaluation of Appropriate Force Feedback

    Manako TAI, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of KEER2012     184 - 189  2012

  • The Effects of Motif Composition on Impressions of Paintings: In the case of Katsushika Hokusai's "Thirty-six views of Mount Fuji"

    Yuka NOJO, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of KEER2012     139 - 144  2012

  • Supporting System for Color Coordination of Bridal Space Using Genetic Algorithm

    Tatsunori MATSUI, Yoko TANEMURA, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Miho SAITO

    Proc. of AIC2012     246 - 249  2012

  • 書道の運筆に着目した感情表出手法の検討

    山内千尋, 黒川裕加里, 村松慶一, 堀口祐樹, 小島一晃, 松居辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   11 ( 3 ) 491 - 494  2012

     View Summary

    In calligraphy, calligraphers express their emotions in calligraphic characters and that impress people who view the characters. Calligraphers generally acquire tacit techniques for expressing emotions by themselves and, therefore, the knowledge on the technique is difficult to be shared. We experimentally studied features of calligraphic characters expressing five different emotions, using writings created by an expert calligrapher. We classified fundamental strokes comprising the characters based on stroking methods defined in 'Eijihappo' and then extracted knowledge on emotion expression techniques in drawing strokes.

    DOI CiNii

  • Ontological Descriptions on Color Attributes and Emotional States for Kansei Interaction

    MURAMATSU Keiichi, TOGAWA Tatsuo, KOJIMA Kazuaki, MATSUI Tatsunori

    JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG   2011 ( SWO-025 ) 07  2011.10

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    The color research has much interest in exploring an emotional response to a color stimulus, which is referred to as color emotions. In general, knowledge on color emotions is represented as statistical models, and be implemented in computer-based systems such as a communication agent. In this paper, we ontologically specifed basic concepts of perceptual quantities, color space and statistical models. We then discuss how our ontology can improve interaction between human and computer based on communication strategy which is proposed in Human-Robot Interaction.

    DOI CiNii

  • Construction of affective dimensions for colors by using neural networks

    OGAWA Koji, MURAMATSU Keiichi, MATSUI Tatsunori

    IEICE technical report. Neurocomputing   111 ( 241 ) 89 - 94  2011.10

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    Now that the commodity value for customers has been changing from function oriented products to kansei-oriented products, what we extract designs appropriate for kansei of individuals from a great deal of candidates is our problem in today's information oriented society. On the other hand, the development of computer technology that can handle these kinds of information with speed and precision has been also achieved. Therefore, we try the simulation that reflect human kansei by using computer, and evaluate the extraction accuracy. In this study, kansei evaluations on the computer are conducted by using neural networks which are modeled on human brain functions. As a result, when affective dimensions present in human brain activity are applied, the learning accuracy is effective enough, but the evaluation accuracy does not go far enough to put this research into practical use in the future.


  • F-011 Ontological Descriptions for Subjective Data in Researches on Color Emotions

    MURAMATSU Keiichi, TOGAWA Tatsuo, KOJIMA Kazuaki, MATSUI Tatsunori

      10 ( 2 ) 405 - 412  2011.09


  • RF-008 Proposal of an Ontology including Unknown Factors in Programed Cell Death

    Yamauchi Chihiro, Kojima Kazuaki, Matsui Tatsunori

      10 ( 2 ) 91 - 96  2011.09


  • Knowledge Descriptions for Color Emotions Focusing on Relationships among Rating Scales

    MURAMATSU Keiichi, TOGAWA Tatsuo, KOJIMA Kazuaki, MATSUI Tatsunori

    JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG   2011 ( SWO-024 ) 05  2011.06

     View Summary

    From a viewpoint of knowledge engineering, it is an important task to clarify concepts of color emotions. One of methods to achieve the task is to construct an ontology. For the aspect of applications of color research, the ontological descriptions will promote implementation of knowledge on color emotion in computer-based systems. In this paper, we ontologically specified basic concepts relating to rating scales which are used to measure emotional reactions to color stimuli, and demonstrated instances of common factors shared by rating scales.

    DOI CiNii

  • 4X-3 Color Kansei Evaluation Using Multiple Linked Neural Network(Special Issue 42th Annual Meeting)

    Ogawa Koji, Muramatsu Keiichi, Matsui Tatsunori

    Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan   35 ( 0 ) 70 - 71  2011.05


  • 2Y-1 Experimental Study of Relationships between Scales of Descriptive and Evaluative Dimensions on Color Emotions(Special Issue 42th Annual Meeting)

    Muramatsu Keiichi, Togawa Tatsuo, Kojima Kazuaki, Matsui Tatsunori

    Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan   35 ( 0 ) 32 - 33  2011.05


  • 色刺激に対する印象と感情における関係構造の考察

    村松 慶一, 戸川 達男, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2011 ( 0 ) 3G13 - 3G13  2011

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    DOI CiNii

  • 印象に関する知識記述のための感情誤帰属手続きを用いた特性の抽出

    村松 慶一, 戸川 達男, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   10 ( 2 ) 231 - 238  2011

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    Human kansei is one of the important factors in recent product development. Thus, management of knowledge about consumers&#039; feelings is an essential task in current industrial design. For the purpose of such the knowledge management, development of a descriptive method to identify feelings is needed. In this paper, we measured implicit attitudes to color combinations using affect misattribution procedure, and we analyzed proportions of positive responses to each stimulus. The results showed that chroma contrast was explained by a concept of perceptual fluency. According to the finding, we discuss significance of the perceptual fluency which links physical features and impressions from the viewpoint of ontological description. The discussion indicated a need for development of a descriptive method for correspondence between physical features and impressions explained by perceptual fluency (e.g. symmetry, contrast, prototypicality).

    DOI CiNii

  • Experimental Study on Failures in Composing Solution Structures in Mathematical Problem Problems

    Kazuaki KOJIMA, Kazuhisa MIWA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of ICCE2011     370 - 377  2011

  • Study on the Effects of Learning Examples through Production in Problem Posing

    Kazuaki KOJIMA, Kazuhisa MIWA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of ICCE2011     86 - 90  2011

  • Experimental Study on Appropriate Reality of Agents as a Multi-modal Interface for Human-Computer Interaction

    Kaori Tanaka, Tatsunori Matsui, Kazuaki Kojima


     View Summary

    Although humanlike robots and computer agents are fundamentally recognized as familiar, considerable similar external representation occasionally reduces their familiarities. We experimentally investigated relationships between the similarities and the familiarities of multi-modal agents which had face and voice representation, with the results indicating that similarities of the agents didn't simply increase their familiarities. The results in our experiments implied that external representation of computer agents for communicative interactions should not be very similar to human but appropriately similar in order to gain familiarities.

  • Ontological Approach to a Structure of Color Emotion: Description of Relationships among Rating Scales

    Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsuo TOGAWA, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of AIC2011     597 - 600  2011

  • Construction of Simulation for Kansei Evaluation of Colors by Using Linked Multiple Neural Networks

    Koji OGAWA, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of AIC2011     613 - 616  2011


    Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsuo Togawa, Kazuaki Kojima, Tatsunori Matsui


     View Summary

    Recently, impressions of web pages formed by visitors have become an important tool to increase the number of repeat visitors to the web page. Therefore, the management of knowledge on consumers' impressions obtained in several study fields is an essential task in current industrial design. However, no methods that realize such knowledge management have been established. Thus, our study proposes and implements a knowledge management method that can effectively provide knowledge of impressions to web designers to help them in building attractive websites. We introduce a framework for the description of impressions that depend on perceptual fluency, which can serve as an useful indicator of pleasure. We can extract the features of objects that affect impressions on the basis of perceptual fluency. We specify the relationship between objects and impressions by modeling the concepts of awareness, perception, and self-report on the basis of an ontology development environment Hozo and a top-level ontology YAMATO. We then instantiate a case where a person has a good impression of a Web page, and we describe the relationship between a perception and a stimulus in such a case. Our approach demonstrates that ontological modeling of impressions helps us to understand the correspondences between affections and physical irritations.

  • 印象に関する知識記述のための感情誤帰属手続きを用いた特性の抽出

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   10 ( 2 ) 231 - 238  2011

    DOI CiNii

  • Knowledge Representation for Impressions based on Doer's Awareness

    MURAMATSU Keiichi, TOGAWA Tatsuo, KOJIMA Kazuaki, MATSUI Tatsunori

    JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG   2010 ( SWO-022 ) 05  2010.07

     View Summary

    Recently, human kansei is one of the important factors in product design. Several\nmehods to extract knowledge about impressions have been developed in the field of architectonics\nand kansei engineering. However, few studies have addressed management of such the knowledge,\nand no methods to be commonly used in the management have been established. Thus, our study\nproposes and implements a knowledge management method that can effectively provide knowledge\nof impressions. We introduce a framework for descriptions of impressions explained by perceptual\nfluency which can serve as an useful indicator of a pleasure. Since perceptions are closely related\nto awareness, we model a perception as well as awareness and a self-report for the framework\nbased on an ontology development environment Hozo and a top-level ontology YAMATO. We then\ninstantiate a case where a person has a good impression of a web page, and we describe relations\nbetween a perception and stimulus in such the case. Our approach demonstrates that ontological\nmodeling of impressions helps us to understand correspondences between affections and physical\nirritations.

    DOI CiNii

  • 3B-2 Construction of Simulation for Impression Evaluation of Colors using Neural Network(Special Issue 41th Annual Meeting)

    Ogawa Koji, Muramatsu Keiichi, Matsui Tatsunori

    Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan   34 ( 0 ) 46 - 47  2010.05


  • 内容指向アプローチによる印象に関する知識記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2010 ( 0 ) 1B42 - 1B42  2010

     View Summary


    DOI CiNii

  • Experimental Study for Design of Computational Learning Support to Enhance Problem Posing

    Kazuaki KOJIMA, Kazuhisa MIWA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of ICCE2010     92 - 94  2010


    Kaoru Eto, Minoru Mukuda, Yasuo Kabasawa, Tatsunori Matsui


     View Summary

    The know-how information to perceive care needs based on assessment results is crucial to improve the quality of care service. We developed a know-how information sharing system for care planning processes. We propose a method that externalizes and shares know-how information by visualizing and observing care plans drawn by experts in various forms that allow beginners to notice the differences between the plans of novices and experts. Sharing know-how information is possible by recording, accumulating, and referring to what has been observed when comparing documents. This system two-dimensionally maps and visualizes each document based on the differences among documents perceived by the assessment results. Externalizing and sharing know-how information are supported by visualization. Trial results in a care facility confirmed that our system effectively externalized and shared know-how information. Improvement in individual capabilities, organization growth, and the possibility of rejuvenation were confirmed by using our system.

  • Content-oriented Approach to Knowledge Description of Aesthetic Experience

    Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsuo TOGAWA, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of KEER2010     856 - 865  2010

  • 産出課題としての作問学習支援のための実験的検討

    小島一晃, 三輪和久, 松居辰則

    教育システム情報学会誌   27 ( 4 ) 302 - 315  2010


  • ケアプラン策定過程におけるノウハウ情報共有システムとその教育的な効果

    江藤香, 松居辰則, 椋田實, 樺澤康夫

    情報処理学会論文誌   51 ( 11 ) 2123 - 2140  2010


  • A Study for Exploration of Relationships between Behaviors and Mental States of Learners for an Automatic Estimation System

    Yuki HORIGUCHI, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of ICCE2009     173 - 176  2009

  • Study on Support of Learning from Examples in Problem Posing as a Production Task

    Kazuaki KOJIMA, Kazuhisa MIWA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Proc. of ICCE2009     75 - 82  2009

  • A Study for Exploration of Relationships between Behaviors and Mental States of Learners for an Automatic Estimation System

    Tatsunori Matsui

    Proc. of The Symposium and Workshop on The Challenge of Demographic Change Sustainable Life-Long Learning and Digital Media, Sep. 10-11, Berlin   in CD-ROM  2009

  • Cluster Analysis of Care Assessment Data and Supporting for Care Planning

    Kaoru Eto, Tatsunori Matsui, Minoru Mukuda, Yasuo Kabasawa


     View Summary

    Sharing know-how information for appropriately grasping care needs is an important factor to improve the quality of care service. Our know-how information sharing method highlights the differences between beginners and more skillful persons and brings them to the attention of the former. When a skillful person is given assessment data, first she roughly observes them based on a certain pattern that reflects her experience and then gradually notices the details. In this paper, we promote awareness by showing beginners this process. We classified assessment data using cluster analysis. With our results, which were verified by skillful persons, we verified that they basically agreed with the skillful person&apos;s classification pattern. Therefore, a skillful person&apos;s data observation process can be presented to beginners.

  • コンテントスペースの概念に基づく美的感性と心の構造の理解

    村松慶一, 松居辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   8 ( 3 ) 819 - 828  2009

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    This study is to constitute a framework for understanding aesthetic sensibility by introducing a mental model called the content space which is defined as a set of all possible contents of consciousness. An aesthetic sensation is a conscious process, thus it belongs to the content space. On the other hand, all mental process must be realized by neural activities which were initially evolved in human ancestors. Because aesthetic sensation is a content of consciousness appeared only in human, it is highly probable that its origin can be explained by a correlating process of biological evolution and cultural development. As the bridge between mental and physiological processes, the emotion and mood relating aesthetic sensation are also considered in the proposed model.

    DOI CiNii

  • An Examination of Competencies from Subject "Information A" of a Day-and-Night Part-Time High School

    MORI Kazuyuki, YAMAMOTO Yuko, MATSUI Tatsunori, NOJIMA Eiichiro

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   31 ( Suppl. ) 109 - 112  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • The educational effect of extraction of the know-how information for care planning processes

    Kaoru Eto, Tatsunori Matsui, Yasuo Kabasawa


     View Summary

    We have developed the know-how information sharing system As the method to extract the know-how information, we consider that visualizing and showing care plans drawn up by experts in various forms allows a beginner to see the differences between a novice plan and an expert plan. This system can visualize the similarities among documents that experts interpreted the results of an assessment and can flexibly change viewpoints. Additionally, it can map a user's and several beginners' new document into a two-dimensional document space.
    Through the result of the evaluation used by a nurse, care workers and care takers, we confirmed that this system was effective in educational supports.



  • A System that Facilitates Diverse Thinking in Problem Posing

    Kazuaki KOJIMA, Kazuhisa MIWA

    International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education   18 ( 3 ) 209 - 236  2008

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    Problem posing is identified as an important activity in mathematics education. In problem posing, it is important but difficult for learners to generate diverse problems. In this study, we examine a method and implement a system for facilitating learners’ diverse thinking in the task of posing mathematical word problems. Since we focus on an aspect of problem posing as a creative generation task, we utilize the presentation of problems as cases in supporting problem posing. We experimentally investigate the diversifying effect of presenting cases while controlling similarities and then implement a support system for problem posing that can present various cases. We also conduct experimental evaluations to verify the effectiveness of our system. © 2008 - IOS Press and the authors.

  • Development of Supporting System for Know-how Information Extraction by Several Users' View Point

    Kaoru Eto, Tatsunori Matsui, Yasuo Kabasawa

    Proc. of ICCE2007     69 - 70  2007

  • Development of a know-how information sharing system for care planning processes

    Kaoru Eto, Tatsunori Matsui, Yasuo Kabasawa

    7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Proceedings     398 - 399  2007  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is the establishment of a method and the development of a support system for educating personnel involved in care management by computer. We propose a system in which know-how information can be shared. We consider that visualizing and showing care plans drawn zip by experts in various forms allows a beginner to see the differences between a novice plan and an expert plan. Sharing know-how information is possible by recording, accumulating, and giving titles to what has been noticed v comparing documents. This system can visualize the similarities among documents that interpreted the results of an assessment and can flexibly change viewpoints. Additionally, it can map a user's and another beginner's new document into a two-dimensional document space. Through evaluations by experts in nursing and caring, we confirmed that this system could be educational.

  • Development of Know-how Information Sharing System in Care Planning Processes

    Kaoru ETO, Tatsunori MATSUI, Yasuo KABASAWA

    Proc. of ICCE2006     179 - 182  2006

  • Development of know-how information sharing system in care planning processes - Mapping new care plan into two-dimensional document space

    Kaoru Eto, Tatsunori Matsui, Yasuo Kabasawa


     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to develop a computer support system for educating personnel who are involved in care management. We wish to develop a system in which know-how information can be shared. We consider that visualizing and showing care plans drawn up by experts in various forms allows a beginner to see the differences between their plans and an expert plan. Sharing know-how information is possible by recording, accumulating, and giving titles to what has been noticed in comparing documents. This function can visualize the similarities among documents that interpreted the results of an assessment, and can flexibly change different viewpoints. In order to promote user awareness, we mapped a user's new document into a two-dimensional document space, and confirmed that the results of this mapping were appropriate.

  • An adaptive sequencing method of the learning objects for the e-learning environment

    Kazuya Seki, Tatsunori Matsui, Toshio Okamoto

    Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part III: Fundamental Electronic Science (English translation of Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi)   88 ( 3 ) 54 - 71  2005

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    In this study, an e-learning system is developed to handle the e-learning environment based on the learning ecological model. In the learning ecological model, which represents the comprehensive e-learning environment, not only the contents of learning, but also the learning environment are managed and provided, based on the content, the goal, and the configuration of the learning. The major purpose of this study is to realize the function that can manage the diversified learning objects with various information granularities and representation formats, using the learning object metadata, so that each learner can utilize the learning object based on the learning scenario, which is matched to the individual learner. The learning scenario is constructed by sequencing the learning objects based on the learning necessity, the learning history information, and the curriculum information of the object of learning, according to the characteristics of the learning object. As the sequencing procedure, the sequencing of the learning objects is considered, by applying the optimization technique of the multi-objective optimization problem, so that multiple evaluation viewpoints are simultaneously satisfied. The genetic algorithm is used as the optimization procedure. The learning object metadata and the sequencing of the learning objects are discussed in detail in this paper. The evaluation of the developed e-learning system is also described. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • Quantitative Analysis of Students' Learning Behavior with Use of Mobile Phones as a Learning Tool for Knowledge Acquisition

    Tatsunori Matsui, Fumiaki Sugaya

    Proc. of JWCL2005     221 - 227  2005

  • An Experimental Study on the Effective Use of Mobile Phones in the Large-Scale Classroom Lecture Environment

    Tatsunori Matsui, Fumiaki Sugaya

    Proc. of HCCI2005   in CD-ROM  2005

  • A Practice of the "Campus" Model e-Learning : Case Study of "e-School" of Human Sciences, Waseda University

    NISHIMURA Shoji, ASADA Tadashi, KOGO Chiharu, KIKUCHI Hideaki, JIN Qun, MATSUI Tatsunori, NOJIMA Eiichiro

      20   149 - 152  2004.09


  • Study on effectiveness of computer support for care management

    K Eto, Y Kabasawa, Matsuda, I, T Matsui, T Okamoto


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    We have developed a software that supports care management by the KOMI Chart System, aimed at improving the visibility of the KOMI Chart System with functions for drawing, revising and observing the time-series charts. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of computer support for care management. The experiment results showed: (1) the time required for care planning was reduced, and (2) grasping client's daily life was affected by the speed of drawing the KOMI Chart.

  • ケアプラン策定過程におけるコンピュータ支援の有効性について

    江藤香, 松居辰則, 岡本敏雄

    教育システム情報学会誌   21 ( 2 ) 81 - 92  2004

  • 好意的発言影響度を取り入れた議論支援システムの開発

    小谷哲郎, 関一也, 松居辰則, 岡本敏雄

    人工知能学会論文誌   19 ( 2 ) 95 - 104  2004


  • Knowledge Discovery form Learning History Data and its Effective Use for Learning Process Assessment

    Tatsunori Matsui

    Proc. of IEEE SMC   in CD-ROM  2003

  • Discovery Scientific Approach to the Learning History Data and its Effective Use for Learning Process Assessment

    Tatsunori Matsui, Toshio Okamoto

    Proc. of JWCL2003     120 - 123  2003

  • Knowledge Discovery form Learning History Data and its Effective Use for Learning Process Assessment under the e-learning Environment

    Tatsunori Matsui, Toshio Okamoto

    Proc. of SITE2003   in CD-ROM  2003

  • e-Learning環境での学習オブジェクトの適応的系列化手法に関する研究

    関一也, 松居辰則, 岡本敏雄

    電子情報通信学会論文誌D-I   86-D-I ( 5 ) 330 - 344  2003

  • A Relevant Learning Framework for Nonnative Speakers: A Proposal for Integrating Textual and Graphical Information in Japanese Academic Reading

    Yukari Kato, Toshio Okamoto, Tatsunori Matsui

    Journal of Information and Systems in Education   1 ( 1 ) 70 - 79  2003

  • Hybrid e-Learning System for a Cooperative Linkage between University and Industry

    Toshio Okamoto, Mizue Kayama, Hisayoshi Inoue, Tatsunori Matsui, Kazuya Seki

    Proc. of E-Learn2002   in CD-ROM  2002

  • Distance Lecture Delivering Environment based on Learning Ecological Model -Practical Study on Cooperative Experiment between University and Industry-

    Tatsunori Matsui, Hisayoshi Inoue, Kazuya Seki, Toshio Okamoto

    Proc. of MDEST2002   in CD-ROM  2002

  • 質的アプローチと量的アプローチの融合を志向した学術論文読解方略の分析

    加藤由香里, 松居辰則, 岡本敏雄

    日本教育工学会論文誌   26 ( 3 ) 169 - 179  2002

  • 分散遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた教授,学習活動系列化システム

    松居辰則, 石川智剛, 岡本敏雄

    人工知能学会論文誌   17 ( 4 ) 449 - 461  2002


  • 工学系大学院における産学共同教育プログラムの実践と評価 ?相互作用を重視したインターネット遠隔教育の一事例?

    岡本敏雄, 井上久祥, 関一也, 松居辰則

    日本教育工学会論文誌   25 ( 4 ) 247 - 258  2002


  • Internet Distance Education System as a Cooperative Linkage between University and Industry

    Toshio Okamoto, Hisayoshi Inoue, A.I.Cristea, Mizue Kayama, Tatsunori Matsui, Kazuya Seki

    Proc. of ITHET2001     122 - 129  2001

  • 授業理解を促すための類似度評価機能を持つ授業事例ベースシステム

    井上久祥, 関一也, 松居辰則, 岡本敏雄

    日本教育工学会論文誌   25 ( 3 ) 163 - 175  2001


  • 学術論文理解における視覚情報の方略的活用

    加藤由香里, 松居辰則, 岡本敏雄

    日本教育工学会誌   25 ( Suppl. ) 155 - 160  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • Development and evaluation of a mental model forming support ITS - the qualitative diagnosis simulator for the SCS operation activity

    T Okamoto, A Cristea, T Matsui, T Miwata


     View Summary

    We built an educational Qualitative Diagnosis simulator (QUAD) to model SCS (Space Collaboration System) conferences. Our research aim is supporting SCS beginner users in forming correct SCS mental models and in understanding SCS essentials. Therefore, we use a logical circuit, to model the possible computations. The system diagnoses the student's conceptual understanding mistakes about the SCS system and explains their cause.

  • A distance-education self-learning support system based on a VOD server

    T Okamoto, T Matsui, H Inoue, A Cristea


     View Summary

    The research presented here belongs to a framework research on distance educational training for teachers, presented in a different panel session. Our goal with this research is to accumulate information for teachers, about established teaching methodologies and techniques, as lesson example videos. We are currently developing an environment for facilitating the usage of these example movies, via a VOD retrieval server. The domain of our classroom examples is "Information Education", a new subject introduced in the Japanese curriculum.

  • Development and Evaluation of a Mental Model Forming Support ITS -the Qualitative Diagnosis Simulator for the SCS Operation Activity-

    Toshio Okamoto, A.I.Cristea, Tatsunori Matsui, Toru Miwata

    Proc. of OZCHI2000     80 - 87  2000

  • Development and Evaluation of a Mental Model Forming Support ITS -the Qualitative Diagnosis Simulator for the SCS Operation Activity-

    Tatsunori Matsui, A.I.Cristea, Toshio Okamoto

    Proc. of ICCE2000     770 - 778  2000

  • School Based Curriculumに基づく遠隔教師研修システムの構築

    関一也, 井上久祥, 松居辰則, 岡本敏雄

    教育システム情報学会誌   17 ( 3 ) 307 - 318  2000


  • Optimization method for selecting problems using the learner's model in intelligent adaptive instruction system

    T Matsui

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E80D ( 2 ) 196 - 205  1997.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of our study is to develop an intelligent adaptive instruction system that manages intelligently the learner's estimated knowledge structure and optimizes the selection of problems according to his/her knowledge structures. The system adopts the dynamic problems of high school physics as a material of study, and is intended to operate on a UNIX Work Station. For these purposes, the system is composed of three parts, 1) interface part, 2) problem solving expert part, and 3) optimization expert system part for problem selection. The main feature of our system is that both knowledge structures of learner and teacher are represented by structural graph, and the problem selection process is controlled by the relationship between the learner's knowledge structure and the teacher's knowledge structure. In our system the relationship between these two knowledge structures is handled in the optimization expert system part for problem selection. In this paper the theory of the optimization expert system part for problem selection is described, and the effectiveness of this part is clarified through a simulation experiment of the originally defined matching coefficient.

  • Structural Analysis for Educational Evaluation -Structural Analysis Method for Fuzzy Rating Scale Data Using Fuzzy Integration

    Tatsunori Matsui, Fumiyuki Terada

    Proc. of The 7th Sino-Japanese Symposium on Science Education     1 - 10  1997

  • Optimization Method for Selecting Problems in the Intelligent Adaptive Instruction System Using Fuzzy Estimation

    Tatsunori Matsui, Toshio Okamoto

    Proc. of the Eighth International PEG Conference     118 - 127  1997

  • Structural ordering analysis for interval rating data

    T Matsui, M Takeya


     View Summary

    The questionnaire test using the rating scale data is applied effectively, since it features relatively high reliability and the simple processing. The semantic structure analysis (SS analysis) is proposed as the method of structural analysis for the rating scale data. In the SS analysis, the order of the items is considered, and the human behavior or the psychological aspects are interpreted from the ordering structure of the items. In the conventional questionnaire test using the rating scale data, the evaluation is possible in many cases even if the data are composed of a discrete single point. Depending on the questionnaire items, however, it may happen that the evaluator is not convinced of a discrete single point.
    From such a viewpoint, this paper proposes a structural analysis considering the ordering among items which is not a discrete point evaluation to evaluate by a single discrete point, but is an interval evaluation to evaluate by an interval on the rating scale. For this purpose, the difference between the ratings of two items is quantified anew based on the interval rating data. The inversely ordered rating ratio and the ordering coefficient are defined as the indices for the ordering.
    It is shown that the method proposed in this paper is an extension of the SS analysis. Furthermore, as the structural analysis, the ordering structure graph is constructed for the set of items. A method of constructing the ordering structure graph is presented, and the application process is shown through an actual example.

  • Metamorphosis Analysis of Consciousness Structure for Environment Problem

    Tatsunori Matsui, Hitoshi Sasaki, Makoto Takeya

    Educational Technology Research   18 ( 1 ) 9 - 15  1995

     View Summary

    In analyzing human psychological behavior or action, multiple-choice question methods are quite effective means. Especially the questionnaire method in accordance with the rating scale method is frequently used because of its simplicity and reliability. The structural analysis method is a mean for analyzing the consciousness structure of evaluators from ordering structure of questionnaire items, and interval rating method is considered to reflect ambiguity of evaluators' consciousness better than fixed-point rating method. In this structural analysis method, a hierarchical structure graph (hereafter just called the structure graph) of the item group is constructed in order to visualize the related structure of the item group. Then in this paper, the structural analysis method for interval rating scale data to investigate consciousness concerning the environment education/environmental problems. On the other hand by providing the evaluators with some stimulus, by performing the same consciousness survey before and after the conduct, and by computing the similarity (difference) of these structure graphs, metamorphosis of the consciousness structure of the evaluators' group have been analyzed. As a result, problematic points of the environment education or effects of video teaching aids have been verified.

    DOI CiNii

  • 教材構造を反映させた復習課題抽出法

    小泉直範, 松居辰則, 竹谷誠

    日本教育工学雑誌   19 ( 1 ) 1 - 13  1995





  • 区間評定データの順序構造分析

    松居辰則, 竹谷誠

    電子情報通信学会論文誌   J77-A ( 12 ) 1758 - 1767  1994

  • A method for two‐dimensional layout of semantic structure graphs

    Tatsunori Matsui

    Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part III: Fundamental Electronic Science)   76 ( 3 ) 1 - 12  1993

     View Summary

    A questionnaire containing multiple‐choice questions is a representative method to investigate human behavior. Previously, Takeya proposed the semantic structure analysis (SS analysis) as an analytical means for data obtained by the forementioned method. A structural graph of the SS analysis is called an SS graph, and it is conceived that the SS graph is of the hierarchical structure when items are laid out taking the ordinate for the measurement as the statistic such as mean evaluation values. However, no argument has been made with the layout of the abscissa. With this in mind, an observation concerning the unsolved problem, i.e., a method for two‐dimensional layout of the semantic structure graph, is given in this paper. To solve this problem, a concept of a zone is introduced from a relationship between the ordering coefficient and the factor load by means of the centroid method. Then a measure to compose the abscissa by means of the zone determination values is proposed. It is shown that not only can the relationship among the individual items be comprehended but also the meanings grasped as item groups together with the meanings among the item groups. Furthermore, by observing the linkage of the amount of information possessed by the individual items, especially of the effective category numbers and mean evaluation values, by means of a model and examples, the size of scattering of the evaluation values is explained explicitly by composing the abscissa by means of this effective category number. Thus, the relationship of items including the response pattern can be grasped. Copyright © 1993 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company





    1992 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1 AND 2   2月2日   1297 - 1302  1992  [Refereed]

  • アンケート調査のための程度量表現用語の意味構造分析

    竹谷誠, 松居辰則

    電子情報通信学会論文誌   J75-A ( 2 ) 399 - 406  1992


  • 意味構造グラフの2次元配置法

    松居辰則, 中村直人, 竹谷誠

    電子情報通信学会論文誌   J75-A ( 2 ) 390 - 398  1992


  • Mathematical Education Towards the Next Century -Approach to the Ideal Use of Computer-

    Fumiyuki Terada, Takahiro Shakushi, Tatsunori Matsui

    Scientific Education Research in Japan   15 ( 3 ) 101 - 109  1991

     View Summary

    Progress in our highly information-oriented society is accelerating every day as we approach the new century. Socially, great importance is attached to education, particularly mathematical education, to meet future needs. In this paper, we describes Japanese social background first, and try to forecast the situation in the near future around the next five years. A plan to make an efficient use of computer is introduced. It is based on the consideration about the entire curriculum and the integration of the existing uncoordinated attempts. Furthermore, we discuss about more abvauced use which includes the integrated learning environment and idea to apply the computer communication to mathematical education.

    DOI CiNii

  • 選択肢回答の分布特性の定量的分析

    松居辰則, 竹谷誠

    電子情報通信学会論文誌   J74-A ( 1 ) 127 - 135  1991




    ASPECTS OF EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING TECHNOLOGY, VOL 24   24   129 - 134  1991  [Refereed]



    COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION     587 - 592  1990  [Refereed]

  • Graphical Analysis Method for Fuzzy Questionnaire Data

    Tatsunori Matsui, Naoto Nakamura, Makoto Takeya

    Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks   1   803 - 806  1990

  • An Evaluation Method of the THE Multi-media CAI System using Semantic Structure Analysis

    Makoto Takeya, Naoto Nakamura, Fumiyuki Terada, Tatsunori Matsui

    Aspects of Education and Training Technology, Kogan Page, London   22   289 - 294  1989

  • An Evaluation of the T.H.E. CAI System based on Students' Opinions

    Naoto Nakamura, Tatsunori Matsui, Makoto Takeya

    Scientific Education Research in Japan   13 ( 2 ) 289 - 294  1989

    DOI CiNii

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • ICT活用教育—先端教育への挑戦

    岡本敏雄, 伊東幸宏, 家本修, 坂元昂 編

    海青社  2008

  • 人工知能と教育工学—知識創産指向の新しい教育システム

    岡本敏雄, 香山瑞恵

    オーム社  2008

  • eラーニングの理論と実際(分担執筆)

    丸善  2004

  • 情報教育の学習評価(分担執筆)

    丸善  2003

  • 多変量解析実例ハンドブック(分担執筆)

    朝倉書店  2002

  • 教育システムハンドブック(分担執筆)

    実教出版  2001

  • 情報教育(重要用語300の基礎知識)(分担執筆)

    明治図書  2001

  • 教育工学事典(分担執筆)

    実教出版  2000

  • ネットワーク時代の教育情報工学2(ニューテクノロジー編)(共著)

    森北出版  2000

  • 情報数学の基礎(共著)

    サイエンス社  1999

▼display all


  • 時間概念を考慮した表情認知に係る脳機能の定性的記述に関する枠組みの提案

    田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • メタ認知的活動に着目した反省モデルを有した食事推薦エージェントの有効性の検証

    安田有希, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 機械学習を用いた学習者の生体情報と心的状態の関係性抽出の試み

    松居辰則, 田和辻可昌


    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 機械学習を用いた学習者の生体情報からの心的状態推定の試み

    田和辻可昌, 宇野達郎, 岡崎桂太, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 即応型擬人化エージェントの外見と動作がユーザ印象に与える影響

    萩原愛, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • Experimental Probe into the Continuous Pattern of the Relationship Between Color Focality and Short-Term Memory Performance for Colors ~A Case Study Testing the Japanese Language~

    Siyuan FANG, Tatsunori MATSUI


    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 自閉スペクトラム症の物体認識特性を表現する定性的脳機能モデルの構築~ナボン図形(Navon figure)の認識を題材として~

    奥村和生, 方思源, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 発達段階に伴う顔モデルの形成と不気味の谷

    田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • メタ認知を用いたコンテキスト共有による価値共創型教育サービスの提案

    木見田康冶, 杉野涼太, 石井隆稔, 村松慶一, 赤倉貴子, 松居辰則, 三宮真智子, 下村芳樹


    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • "反省"モデルに基づく情報推薦エージェントアーキテクチャの構築

    安田有希, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則

    第79回先進的学習科学と工学研究会  (函館) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 人型エージェントによる表情表現の不均一性が観察者の心的評価に与える影響

    田和辻可昌, 松居辰則

    2016年度JSiSE学生研究発表会  (銚子) 

    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • ポジティブな気分が生起する過程の心理モデルの提案

    近藤将, 方思源, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則

    2016年度JSiSE学生研究発表会  (銚子) 

    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • 人型エージェントの表情動作に対する否定的情動評価プロセスを表現する定性的脳機能モデルの提案

    田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 失敗を利用した情報推薦エージェントの実現に向けた"反省"モデルの構築

    安田有希, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則

    HAIシンポジウム2016  (東大駒場) 

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 「適応ギャップ」の擬人化エージェントへの否定的印象に与える影響に関する実験的検討

    萩原愛, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則

    HAIシンポジウム2016  (東大駒場) 

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • An Experimental Study of the Relationship Between Focality and Short-Term Memory of Colors in the Japanese Language

    方思源, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 視覚的イメージの伝達コミュニケーションにおけるオノマトペの意味特性とデザインスキル有無による発話への影響

    青木三枝, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 画像のタイトル生成にみられる印象と言語表現の近似化特徴に関する実験的検討

    記伊実香, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 日本舞踊の"狂い"動作が鑑賞者に与える心理効果の定量的分析

    雑賀玲衣, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 校歌の歌詞から感じる「なつかしさ」の生起モデルの構築

    宮原佐智子, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 感情状態に関するコミュニケーションに向けた振動の感性評価

    村松慶一, 内藤彗, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 意思決定に影響を与える外部刺激とリスク選好の関係性の分析

    四方庸子, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 統合失調症患者の顔映像情報に対する病状評価構造の形式化

    金今直子, 大山 直子, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 自然に対する畏敬の念の生起メカニズムに関するモデル構築

    神谷宏, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 透過型ディスプレイによるテクスチャ画像に対する印象変化の構造分析

    三保美紀, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 決定木学習を用いた学習履歴データからの退学者予兆の試み

    松居辰則, 吉田自由児


    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • インタラクションに関する多面的データを用いた教師の意図と学習者の心的状態の関係の分析

    竹花和真, 田和辻可昌, 岡崎桂太, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • "反省"モデルに基づく情報推薦エージェントアーキテクチャの提案

    安田有希, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • 表情認知過程の定性的記述に向けた脳機能における表現プリミティブの検討

    田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • 大脳小脳の機能に基づいた人型エージェントの表情動作に対する異常検知を表す定性微分方程式の構築

    田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 学習者の心的状態と生体情報に関する概念記述の試み

    村松慶一, 田中英一郎, 綿貫啓一, 松居 辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 統合失調症患者の顔映像に対する病状評価の形式化の試み

    金今直子, 大山直子, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 表情の動きに関する内部モデルを用いた人型エージェントの表情表出に対する異常検知メカニズムの定式化

    田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 動作の滑らかさに着目した擬人化エージェントの最適な外見と動作に関する実験的検討

    萩原愛, 田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 大脳小脳連関に着目した人型エージェントの表情動作に対する異常検知過程を説明する定性的計算モデルの提案, 第76回先進的学習科学と工学研究会

    田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016

  • インタラクションに関する多面的データと学習者の心的状態の関係の分析

    竹花和真, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016

  • 日本舞踏の"狂い"動作が鑑賞者に与える心理効果の定量的分析

    雑賀玲衣, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2016

  • UI設計のための人と人型エージェントの顔色に対する嗜好の比較

    村松慶一, 田和辻可昌, 田中英一郎, 綿貫啓一


    Presentation date: 2016

  • 人型エージェントによる不気味な笑顔表出に対する小脳の内部モデルを用いた異常検知メカニズムの記述の試み

    田和辻可昌, 近藤佑亮, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • 多色配色に対する潜在的態度としての嗜好に関する実験的検討

    村松慶一, 方思源, 田中英一郎, 綿貫啓一, 松居 辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 人工共感覚(数字に対する色イメージ)の記憶力に対する影響の定量的分析

    吉川花里, 方思源, 松居 辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 学習サービス設計における学習状態に関する概念記述の試み

    村松慶一, 木見田康治, 石井隆稔, 根本裕太郎, 田中英一郎, 綿貫啓一, 松居 辰則, 下村芳樹


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 人が感じるなつかしさの定量的分析-校歌の役割と感情(なつかしさ)に与える影響について-

    宮原佐智子, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 音訳者が文章構造を表現するために挿入する句読点の「間(ま)」の構造的特徴

    高松美也子, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 視覚的イメージの伝達コミュニケーションにおける感覚モダリティの関連構造分析によるオノマトペの意味構造の考察

    青木三枝, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • ビデオ通話における話者同士の距離感を近づけるための振動付与アプリケーションの開発

    内藤彗, 牧野圭佑, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 多色配色に対する潜在的態度と顕在的態度の比較

    村松慶一, 方思源, 田中英一郎, 綿貫啓一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 「人工感性」システムの実現を指向した多色配色の美的感性をもつ計算モデルの構築

    方思源, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 人が表出する特徴的キューのエージェントへの応用に対する考察

    桶原葵, 田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 生理指標に着目した擬人化エージェントの顔画像提示時間の違いが情動反応に与える影響

    田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • テーマパーク来場者に対する満足度向上に向けた混雑情報提供法の検討

    藤野直輝, 小島一晃, 田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • メンターと学習者の合意形成の表現に向けた発話内容の概念化の試み

    村松慶一, 木見田康治, 石井隆稔, 根本裕太郎, 田中英一郎, 綿貫啓一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • 学習時の多様な情報の統合分析による関連性抽出に関する実験的検討

    松居辰則, 竹花和真


    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • 学習に関わる多面的情報の統合的分析手法の検討

    竹花和真, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015

  • 感情表現のオントロジーに基づいた人-ロボット間の共感誘因モデルの構築―ロボットに適応可能な人からの共感誘因動作の実験的検討―

    桶原葵, 田和辻可昌, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015

  • 学習時における学習者の生体情報と心的状態の関係の形式化の試み, 第74回先進的学習科学と工学研究会

    竹花和真, 田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2015

  • 音訳意図が反映される「間(ま)」の特徴の定量化の試み

    高松美也子, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Experimental Study of Aesthetic Evaluation to Multi-Color Stimuli Using Semantic Differential Method - Towards the Construction of an Artificial Kansei System

    Siyuan FANG, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsunori MATSUI


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 振動と音声の付与による映像の印象変化に関する構造分析

    内藤彗, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 通様相性に基づいた五感の心理的属性に関するオントロジー記述

    村松慶一, 田原紫, 齋藤美穂, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 視覚的イメージの伝達コミュニケーションにおけるオノマトペと感覚モダリティの関連構造分析

    青木三枝, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた一人暮らしの大学生の居住空間におけるインテリア配色提案システムの構築

    松居辰則, 川島舞, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 齋藤美穂


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 集団意思決定を考慮した歩行者の挙動に関するシミュレーションモデルの構築:テーマパークにおいて混雑情報を提供した際のマルチエージェントシミュレーション

    藤野直輝, 小島一晃, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 学習行為に関わる感情構造の統一的記述に向けたオントロジー記述の試み

    村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • 脳機能の定性的記述を用いた人型エージェントに対する情動評価の時系列的変化モデルの提案

    田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • 脳機能の定性表現による人型エージェントに対する否定的情動反応形成モデルの提案

    田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2014

  • 電子部品設計における知識共有のためのCHARMモデルの構築

    御代田彰, 村松慶一, 林勇吾, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2014

  • 学習行為に関わる感情の構造的理解に向けた評定尺度の体系化の試み

    村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2014

  • 定性表現を用いた人型エージェントの目の形態的特徴が人間の情動状態に与える影響の理論的検討

    田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2014

  • 学習者の作問エラー診断のための実験的検討

    小島一晃, 三輪和久, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2014

  • 演技経験の差に着目した朗読上達のための支援に関する考察

    高島佑典, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 音声に付加される伝達支援情報としての「間(ま)」

    高松美也子, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 画像イメージ伝達時におけるオノマトペ(擬音・擬態語)の伝達と伝達度に関する考察

    青木三枝, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Academic Emotionsの概念に基づいた学習者の心的状態に関するオントロジー記述の試み

    村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 扁桃体と海馬の機能に着目した人型エージェントにおける不気味さ誘発のモデル化

    田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • インテリア配色の印象に関する因子構造の抽出 一人暮らしの大学生の居住空間を題材として

    川島舞, 松居辰則, 齋藤美穂


    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 感情の二重経路と海馬に着目した不気味の谷発生メカニズムのモデル化の試み

    田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.08

  • 視覚・触覚・嗅覚情報を持つクロスモーダルメディアの印象評価

    田井眞直子, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • 演技経験の有無に着目した朗読上達のためのスキル獲得モデルの構築

    高島佑典, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • 視覚情報から聴覚情報への変換時における理解支援情報としての「間(ま)」に関する実験的検討

    高松美也子, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • 視覚・触覚・嗅覚情報を持つクロスモーダルメディアの印象評価

    田井眞直子, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • 画像イメージ伝達時におけるオノマトペ(擬音・擬態語)の役割と伝達度に関する考察

    青木三枝, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • 感情の二重経路における扁桃体に着目した不気味の谷発生メカニズムのモデル化の試み

    田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • 演技経験の有無に着目した朗読上達のためのスキル獲得モデルの構築

    高島佑典, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • 感情誤帰属手続きによる髪型が第一印象形成に与える影響に関する実験的検討

    今西紀彰, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • 視覚情報から聴覚情報への変換時における理解支援情報としての「間(ま)」に関する実験的検討

    高松美也子, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • コード進行に着目した人間の音楽聴取における調性感覚の体性化のTonal Pitch Spaceを用いたモデル化

    飛田裕太, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • 感情の二重経路における脳機能に着目した不気味の谷発生メカニズムのモデル化の試み

    田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013

  • スポーツ紙一面における新聞記事の見出し文字配色が記事内容の理解に及ぼす影響に関する定量的分析

    伊沢浩志, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013

  • カラーカードとディスプレイにおける色彩感情に関する因子構造の比較

    田原紫, 村松慶一, 松居辰則, 齋藤美穂


    Presentation date: 2013

  • 視床と扁桃体の機能に着目した不気味の谷発生メカニズムのモデル化の試み

    田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013

  • 学習者の心的状態に関する知識記述と管理に向けたAcademic Emotionの概念整理

    村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013

  • 汎用デバイスからのリソースを用いた多肢選択問題解答時の確信の推定手法の検討

    小島一晃, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013

  • Control-value theoryに基づく学習者の心的状態の構造化

    村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013

  • Perceptual Magnet Effectと感情の二重経路説の統合による不気味の谷発生メカニズムモデルの提案

    田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013

  • 作問における例の学習方法が解法構造構築に与える影響の実験的検討

    小島一晃, 三輪和久, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2013

  • ユーザの共感によるキャラクター・エージェントに対する印象の構造比較

    村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • 「顔」に対する視線停留時間の差に着目したエージェントの人間/非人間判断方法の実験的検討

    田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • ニューラルネットワークを用いた色彩に対する感性次元の構築

    小川浩二, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 光トポグラフィーを用いたWeb-Based英語テストにおける背景色効果についての検証

    山崎敦子, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 感情の二重経路説に基づく不気味の谷発生メカニズムのモデル化の試み

    田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 知的メンタリングシステム実現のための低次インタラクションリソースに基づく学習者状況理解

    小島一晃, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 知的メンタリングシステム実現のためのオントロジーに基づく学習者の心的状態に関する知識管理

    村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 視触覚メディアを用いた印象評価における画像のテクスチャの影響

    田井眞直子, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 注視点分析を利用したエージェントの人間/非人間判断方法の実験的検討

    田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 擬人化エージェントに対する事前情報が対象の印象評価に与える影響

    田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 不確定要素を含む細胞死オントロジー構築へ向けた組織的機能定義

    山内千尋, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 視線を用いた多肢選択問題の回答プロセスと確信度の分析手法の実験的考察

    小島一晃, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 多肢選択問題に対する回答行動と心理状態に関するオントロジー記述の試み

    村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • デバイスオントロジーを用いた不確定要素を含む細胞死オントロジー構築 -機能の階層的分類による分子挙動および系の記述-

    山内千尋, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 多肢選択問題に対する学習者の視線と心的状態に関するオントロジー記述の試み

    村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた披露宴会場における配色パターンの最適空間の構築

    松居辰則, 種村陽子, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 齋藤美穂


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 感性次元モデルに基づく多次元連結ニューラルネットワークによる感性評価

    小川浩二, 村松慶一, 戸川達男, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 色彩感情に基づく画像検索に向けたオントロジー構築

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • エージェントに対する情報の変化が人間らしさに与える影響

    田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 視触覚メディアを用いた食品の味の印象評価における画像の影響

    田井眞直子, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 知的メンタリングシステム構築に向けた学習者の行動情報と心的状態の関係に関する実験的検討

    松居辰則, 小島一晃, 村松慶一


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 視線に基づく多肢選択問題の回答行動と確信の実験的検討

    村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 色彩感情における記述的尺度と評価的尺度の関係構造に関する実験的検証

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 多層連結ニューラルネットワークを用いた色彩感性評価

    小川浩二, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • デバイスオントロジーに基づく細胞死に関する不確定要素の記述

    山内千尋, 小島一晃, 松居辰則

    第25 回人工知能学会全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 色刺激に対する印象と感情における関係構造の考察

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則

    第25 回人工知能学会全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 作問学習における例の再産出活動支援の効果の実験的検討

    小島一晃, 三輪和久, 松居辰則

    第25 回人工知能学会全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 細胞死に関する不確定要素を含むオントロジー記述方法の提案

    山内千尋, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 評定尺度の関係に着目した色彩感情の構造

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • クラシックバレエの身体動作における呼吸位相測定

    山内千尋, 三科絵理, 堀口祐樹, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 色彩属性と感情状態の次元に関する構造方程式モデル

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 楽曲に対する印象形成における旋律と和音進行の組み合わせ効果の実験的検討

    宮田敬一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 絵画のモチーフの位置が印象に与える影響について葛飾北斎「富嶽三十六景」を題材として

    能條由佳, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 擬人化エージェントに対する帰属と印象の相互変化の構造分析

    田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 画像の写実性が反力のふさわしさの評価に与える影響

    田井眞直子, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 色彩感情研究における主観的データのオントロジーに基づく記述

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 深いHuman-Computer Interactionのための色彩感情オントロジーの構築

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則

    視覚情報基礎研究会 第9回研究発表会 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 不確定要素を含む細胞死オントロジー構築へ向けた機能定義方法の提案

    山内千尋, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 感性的なインタラクションに向けた色彩と感情状態の記述

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 作問における解法構造の構築支援のための例の再産出活動の実験的検討

    小島一晃, 三輪和久, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • エージェントに対する不気味の谷の発生メカニズムに関する実験的検討

    田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 視触覚メディアを用いた食品の味の判断における画像の影響

    田井眞直子, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 細胞死に関する不確定要素を含むオントロジー記述方法の提案

    山内千尋, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 逐次分析に着目した脳型意思決定システムの構築

    黒木暁, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • MRAを用いた学習者のLow-Level Interaction特徴からの行き詰まりの推定手法

    堀口祐樹, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • ニューラルネットワークを用いた色彩の印象評価シミュレーション構築

    小川浩二, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • アポトーシスに関するシグナル伝達オントロジーに基づくシミュレーション構築

    山内千尋, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 人間への類似度を段階付けされた顔画像と音声の印象評価

    田中かおり, 松居辰則, 小島 一晃


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 内容指向アプローチによる印象に関する知識記述の試み

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 産出課題における「作ることによる例からの学習」の支援

    小島一晃, 三輪和久, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • e-learningにおける学習者のLow-Level Interaction特徴に基づく行き詰まりの推定システム

    堀口祐樹, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • アポトーシスに関するシグナル伝達オントロジーに基づく定性的シミュレーション

    山内千尋, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 行為者の気づきに基づいた印象に関する知識表現

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • アポトーシスに関するシグナル伝達オントロジーに基づく定性シミュレーション手法の提案

    山内千尋, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 情報処理の観点に基づいた印象に関する知識表現

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 作問における例からの学習方法とその効果の実験的検討

    小島一晃, 三輪和久, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 視線情報を用いた多肢選択問題の回答行動と迷いの関係の抽出

    小島一晃, 巻千鶴, 堀口祐樹, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 印象に関する知識記述のための感情誤帰属手続きを用いた特性の抽出

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 産出課題としての作問の多様性に関する実験的調査

    小島一晃, 三輪和久, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 産出課題における例からの学習支援の検討

    小島一晃, 三輪和久, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2009

  • e-learningにおける学習時の何気ない行動からの心理状態の抽出手法の提案

    堀口祐樹, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2009

  • アポトーシスに関するシグナル伝達オントロジーにおける時間概念の定性的表現

    山内千尋, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2009

  • 暗黙知の表出と共有のための問題設定とその支援手法について



    Presentation date: 2009

  • 問題と創造性

    小島一晃, 三輪和久, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2009

  • 学習者の何気ない行動からの心理状態の抽出手法

    堀口祐樹, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2009

  • ケアプラン策定過程におけるノウハウ情報共有システムの組織活性化の可能性の評価

    江藤香, 松居辰則, 椋田實, 樺澤康夫


    Presentation date: 2009

  • 顔の動き情報を用いた学習者の異常行動の検出手法の提案

    堀口祐樹, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2009

  • 美的体験に関する内容指向の知識記述の試み

    村松慶一, 戸川達男, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2009

  • MASを用いたニッチ構築を行う個体による嗜好伝播戦略の最適化

    南淑也, 村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2009

  • デフォルメを段階付けされた擬人化エージェントに対する印象評価

    田中かおり, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2009

  • 産出課題における例の模倣学習支援の設計と評価

    小島一晃, 三輪和久, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2009

  • 遺伝的プログラミングによる株価変動モデルの推定

    藤井悠, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2008

  • e-learningにおける学習時の潜在的な意識変化の抽出

    堀口祐樹, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2008

  • ニューラルネットワークを用いた他色配色に対する調和間印象ルールの抽出

    松浦歩, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2008

  • アポトーシスに関するシグナル伝達オントロジーの構築

    山内千尋, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 創造的生成課題における事例からの学習支援の検討

    小島一晃, 三輪和久, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2008

  • e-learningにおける学習時の潜在的な意識変化の抽出システム

    堀口祐樹, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2008

  • KOMIチャートを用いたケア・アセスメントの分類による結果の読み取り支援

    江藤香, 松居辰則, 椋田實, 樺澤康夫


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 問題解決において目標を意識することの効果 - 洞察問題を用いた検討 -

    小島一晃, 伊藤健, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 心の構造における美的感性についての考察

    村松慶一, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 高齢者のパソコンへの関心とe-learningによる生涯学習の可能性

    緒方元気, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2008

  • e-learningにおける学習時の潜在的な意識変化の抽出

    堀口祐樹, 小島一晃, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 白黒画像における1/fゆらぎの影響の考察

    松浦歩, 松居辰則


    Presentation date: 2007

  • 人工知能システムによる創造的生成支援の実験的検討 - 数学文章題の作問を対象として -

    小島一晃, 三輪和久


    Presentation date: 2007

  • ネットワーク配信のメリットを生かしたコンテンツ開発

    姫野完治, 松居辰則

    全日本教育工学研究協議会 第32回全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • 子どもの声からコンテンツ活用の魅力を探る

    岩崎公弥子, 向山勉, 松居辰則

    全日本教育工学研究協議会 第32回全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • スクールモデルに基づくeスクールの運用と評価

    松居辰則, 西村昭治, 浅田匡, 野嶋栄一郎


    Presentation date: 2006

  • KOMIチャートを用いたケアプラン策定過程におけるノウハウ情報の共有システムの開発 -ユーザによる新規データの可視化の検討-

    江藤香, 松居辰則, 樺澤康夫


    Presentation date: 2006

▼display all

Research Projects

  • 「体感」により「教える技能」の伝達を支援するシステムの開発に向けた学際的基盤研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    松居 辰則

     View Summary

    2021年度は「オントロジー構築のための汎用モデルの検討」を行った.モデル構築にあたっては,非対称な関係下(熟達者と非熟達者,教授者と学習者,医師と患者,美容師とクライアント等)でのインタラクションの行為を記述対象としたモデル表現と,関係の上位者(熟達者,教師,医師,美容師等)の思考過程を記述対象としたモデル表現を統合的にあつかう必要がある.そこで,本研究では,行為部分に関する表現技法として,「BPMN(Business Process Model and Notation)によるサービス・ブループリント」を適用した.また,デザインプロセスに関する先行研究をアレンジする形で,思考過程部分の表現に用いるフレームワークを作成した.

  • Implementation of a safety education system based on an active LMS to prevent serious accidents that could be prevented by education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kita Toshihiro

     View Summary

    We developed a prototype of a safety education system for fields of "child injury prevention," "environmental safety engineering," and "emergency nursing education." Through trials in each field, we obtained knowledge about the types of information presented in the system, the appropriate form of linking with the safety information database, and what devices are appropriate for use in the field. By integrating these results, we designed the active functions that the safety education system should have, including the mental state estimation engine. Also, as a translator of "MoodleDocs Japanese" https://docs.moodle.org/ja, we translated more than 600 pages from the English version and provided information widely to users who use Moodle in Japanese.

  • 神経科学の知見による教授戦略モデルに基づく学習支援エージェントの設計基盤の開発

    Project Year :


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    本研究の目的は,次の二点を解決することにある.一点目は,人間教師が行う学習時における学習者の心的状態の「変化」の予測モデルの構築である.二点目は,学習者のモチベーションを高める(維持する)ことが可能なヒト型教師エージェント(Pedagogical Agent: PA)による教授行為の適切なタイミングと適切な様態の把握である.これらを同時に解決する方法として,神経科学的知見に基づいた,学習者の心的状態変化を表現するモデルを構築することを目指す.そして,これらの成果として,学習環境に適したPAの設計基盤,具体的にはPAの「笑顔」の表出のタイミングとその様態に関する実装指針を示す.本研究は3年間の計画で,モデル構築(1年目),モデルの検証(2年目),エージェントの設計指針の検討(3年目)という流れで研究を推進する.本年度(1年目)は「学習環境における表情認知過程を表現する神経科学の知見に基づく脳機能モデルの構築」を目的に,①一般的なモデル記述,②学習環境に依存したモデル記述の2段階に分けて上記のモデル構築に関する研究を行う予定であった.具体的には,①表情認知過程を表現する定性的脳機能モデルの構築:モデル化する対象は表情認知を実現する脳機能である.例えば,相手の表情動作を認知する際は,初期の動作を知覚し,その動作を予測するという二つのステップが関与している.各ステップはそれぞれ,下後頭回(脳の後頭葉)や小脳の関与が考えられる.部位の機能を定性的枠組みで記述することで,表情認知および表情認知に伴う生体信号生成を実現する脳機能の理解を目指す.具体的には,ヒト型エージェントの表情動作速度の非典型性が表情認知に与える影響に関して各種実験を通して検討を行った.その成果は,国内外の関連学会において発表を行った.そして,その成果を受けて,対応する脳機能の定性的モデルの構築を行った.本年度(1年目)は「学習環境における表情認知過程を表現する神経科学の知見に基づく脳機能モデルの構築」を目的に,①一般的なモデル記述,②学習環境に依存したモデル記述の2段階に分けて上記のモデル構築に関する研究を行う予定であった.①に関しては,ヒト型エージェントの表情動作速度の非典型性が表情認知に与える影響に関して各種実験を通して検討を行った.その成果は,国内外の関連学会において発表を行った.そして,その成果を受けて,対応する脳機能の定性的モデルの構築を行ったが,その成果の公表には至っていない.さらに,②状況依存な(学習環境特有の)表情認知過程を表現する定性的脳機能モデルの構築に関しては研究の進行が遅れている.②ではある特定の学習環境を想定して,その環境に依存した表情認知に影響を与える要因をモデルに反映させる予定である.例えば,教師の表情は学習環境において,どのような難易度の課題を解いているかに影響を受けることなどが想定される.なお,学習環境としてはe-learning等のコンピュータ支援によるもの,また学習課題に関しては課題解決のために必要な知識構造が明確なものを用いることを想定している.ただし,「ある特定の学習環境」の選定に計画していた以上の時間を要している.これは,学習環境を規定する要因は大変多く,それらの中からなるべく一般性・汎用性が主張できる学習環境の選定が困難なことによる.なお,1年目の②の研究については2年目の研究の中で進めることが可能である.2年目(平成31年度)「表情表出に基づく学習者の心的状態変化に関する実験的検討」に関する研究を行う.併せて,1年目に計画していた「②状況依存な(学習環境特有の)表情認知過程を表現する定性的脳機能モデルの構築」に関する研究を行う.具体的には,PAの表情表出に基づく学習者の心的状態の「変化」に関するデータを実験を通して収集する.具体的には,PAの表情動作の適切な表出のタイミングと様態に関するデータを実験を通して収集する.実験では,以下の2点を取得する.(1)Visual Analog Scaleを用いた質問紙調査によって,被験者が教師エージェントに対して抱く情動評価(快-不快の程度).(2)生体計測機器を用いて学習時の生体情報(皮膚コンダクタンスや容積脈波).そして,得られたデータを用いて,平成29年度に構築したモデルの妥当性を検証する.実験においては,被験者(学習者)に学習課題を提示し回答を求める.この回答時にPAが様々なタイミングと様態によって表情動作を被験者に示す.このとき,教師エージェントは実験者によって遠隔で制御するWoZ(Wizard of Oz)法を用いる.実験の様子はビデオカメラを用いて撮影する.収録した映像を見ながら,学習者の心的状態の変化を学習者本人に想起してもらいながら回答してもらい,表情動作と心的状態の「変化」の対応を検討す

  • 学習価値を高めるコンテキスト共有プロセスの解明とその授業実践を支援するツール開発

    Project Year :


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    本研究の目的は、「学習の価値を規定するコンテキストとその共有プロセスの解明」と「コンテキストの共有プロセスを支援するツールの開発」である。この目的を実現するために、平成30年度は、主に(1)教師と学生とのコンテキストの共有プロセスの解明と、(2)コンテキストの共有プロセスを支援するツールの開発を行った。<BR>(1) 教師と学生とのコンテキストの共有プロセスの解明:文献調査にもとづき、教師と学生間でコンテキストカテゴリを共有するために必要なメタ認知的知識やメタ認知的活動に関する仮説を生成した。そして、この仮説にもとづきメタ認知方略を用いた授業を設計、実施するための予備実験を行った。具体的には、介護現場においてセラピーロボットを使用するための教育コンテンツを作成し、現場従業員や福祉系の学部に所属する学生に対する研修を行った。その結果、学習の動機付けや、セラピーロボットを用いたケア実施時における行動において、一定の効果が確認された。また、本研究の成果を教育以外の分野におけるサービス設計に適用するための汎用性の検証も行った。具体的には、コンテキスト共有に関する知見をもとに、新たな決済サービスのプロトタイプを構築し、実際の飲食店において顧客と従業員間で当該サービスを使用するコンテキストを共有するための実証実験を実施した。(2) コンテキストの共有プロセスを支援するツールの開発:上記の仮説にもとづき、教師が学生のコンテキストを把握するためのツールのプロトタイプを開発した。本ツールでは、教師と学生間で共有すべきコンテキストと、共有するための方略に関する情報のセットを時系列で記述する。これにより、授業の各段階において共有されたコンテキストとその共有方法を形式知として管理可能になることが期待される。被験者との調整等、予備実験の準備に当初の予定よりも長い期間を要したため、研究成果の発表に遅れが生じている。そのため、学生アルバイトを増員することでデータ分析の期間を短縮する等の対策を検討する。今後は、これまでに得られた知見を実際の授業に適用することにより、学習の価値を共創する教育サービスの実践方法を構築する。具体的には、メタ認知方略を用いた授業を設計し、実施する。従来の教育研究が、教師か学生のどちらか一方に着目し、効果的な教授あるいは学習を追究するものが中心的であるのに対して、本授業は、価値共創の視点にもとづき、教師と学生とのコンテキストの共有により、学習の価値を合意することで、適切な教授行動と主体的な学習行動の双方を促すことを目的とする。本授業は、演習型のグループ学習を想定し、授業の映像や発話、授業アンケートなどデータを収集し、知識・スキルの獲得(獲得価値)や、課題の楽しさ(興味価値)、職業的な目標への寄与(利用価値)などの学習の価値と、関連するコンテキストの共有度を分析する。さらに、開発した支援ツールによるコンテキスト分析も実施し、その効率性を評価することで、支援ツールの有効性を検証する。最後に、上記の実験により得られたのコンテキスト共有プロセスを踏まえ、開発した支援ツールを用いた教育サービスの手順化を行う。また、これまでに得られたコンテキスト共有に関する知見は、教育分野以外のサービス設計に対しても適用可能である。そのため、今後は、様々なサービス設計に対する適用可能性についても検討する。具体的には、上記のコンテキスト共有プロセスを活用したサービス設計に関するワークショップ等を実施する

  • Development of a foundation system for learner understanding bridging among learner physiological-measurements, tutors, and learning support systems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOJIMA Kazuaki

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    Recent research on Educational Data Mining (EDM) in intelligent learning support has extended its aspects of learner understanding to mental states by obtaining learner physiological data. However, there is an issue that such learner understanding is inadequate for share with human teachers. This study attempted to implement a basis for intelligent learning support, which extracts behaviors behind learner mental states and provides information easy to share with human teachers. This basis is supposed to enhance intelligent learning support systems adopting EDM techniques. Here, we selected confidence as a mental state and eye tracking data as a target. The system extracts behaviors of learners who engage in answering problems based on eye tracking data, and provides the background of learners' confidence for correctly answering the problems.

  • 知識工学的アプローチによる感性価値認識のモデル構築と生体情報のマッピング

    Project Year :


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  • A Comprehensive Fundamental Study of Basic Factor Extraction for the Construction of an Ambient Learning-Assisting System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Matsui Tatsunori

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    This study is a fundamental study which aims to construct a (ambient) learning-assisting system that can provide learners with Amenity of Learning (AOL). We define AOL as a framework for the comprehensive understanding of "learners' learning outcomes derived from knowledge acquisition and learners' satisfaction of learning". Our main achievements are the following: 1) Development a computer system which can recognize learners' mental states using learners' physiological information; 2) Organization into a unified temporal structure the procedures of extracting teachers' and learners' interaction triggers and the procedures of providing AOL; 3) Systemization part of our study results into an ontology which depicts the relationships between learners' physiological information and mental states in learning. Although more explorations are needed for further systemizing and generalizing the study results introduced above, we think that we have generally achieved the objective of our study

  • Effects of Background Colors on Computer-Based English Tests from a Brain Activation Perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAZAKI Atsuko, ETO Kaoru, MATSUI Tatsunori

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    The authors conducted experiments to see how the background color of Web-based tests (WBTs) can affect the brain activities of Web-based test takers. Subjects in their twenties took Web-based English grammar and listening tests and also performed circle-counting tasks on a computer screen with white, blue and light blue backgrounds. For all background colors, text and symbols were presented in black. Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration changes in the brain of each subject were recorded by using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). On both the English tests and the counting tasks, the scores of the subjects were higher on average with the blue backgrounds than with the white background. The NIRS signals showed that linguistic areas in the brain tended to have higher oxy-Hb concentrations for the blue backgrounds than for the white background. These results suggest that a blue color may be a better choice for the background color of a WBT

  • Construction of Integrated Management Method and Multi-Layer Model for Generation of "Sense of Harmony" among Various Modal Information Connected under Relations with Color as a Common Axis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAITO MIHO, ISHIDA Taiiro, EDAGAWA Yoshikuni, MATSUI Tatsunori, MURAMATSU Keiichi, MIURA Kumiko

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    In this study, we investigated the generation mechanism of "sense of harmony" which is generally felt by the human. In particular, we have launched the study on a basic research to provide the connection among various modal information and the study on their applications to the real environment. One of the most distinguish feature of this study is that we have positioned "color" as an intermediate language to connect various modal information. The main results of this study are as follows. (1) some basic findings on the generation mechanism of "sense of harmony", (2) some general findings on how to construct of harmonic space, (3) some basic findings on the generation mechanism of "sense of harmony" from the brain science viewpoint, (4) construction of an ontology for the integrated management of "a sense of harmony". The development of an integrated management system of "sense of harmony" based on the outcomes of this study is our challenging future work

  • Fundamental Research of Intelligent Mentoring Function for Intelligent Tutoring System based on Low Level Interaction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUI Tatsunori, HIRASHIMA Tsukasa, KONISHI Tatsuhiro, KOJIMA Kazuaki

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    In this study we carried out fundamental research for development the intelligent mentoring function for intelligent tutoring systems as additional function based on Low Level Interaction between learners and systems. As a result, some inference methods of learners' mental states from information on learners' behavior i.e., log data of mouse operations, postures investigated via Web camera and eye tracking tracing data. Additionally, ontological description on general relationship between some log data on learners' behavior and their mental states are proposed as a knowledge model for the intelligent mentoring system

  • Construction of the Ontology for KANSEI Representation towards Development the Tools to Measure Humans' KANSEI

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUI Tatsunori

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    In this research, we developed the tools to measure humans' KANSEI by construction of the ontology in which the mental states that human represent KANSEI were described in structure. Concretely, we launched following two studies, as (1) Construction of the Ontology for KANSEI Representation, and (2) Development of the Tools to Measure Humans' KANSEI by Neural Network. In these both studies, the target domain was focused on color emotion of human, as a result we found some possibilities and effectiveness of automatic evaluation of humans' KANSEI by computer simulation. However, the sophistication of combination between the KANSEI ontology and the neural network will be an important future work

  • Verification of the effect of a know-how information sharing and practical use in care management education.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MUKUDA Minoru, ETO Kaoru, KABASAWA Yasuo, MATSUI Tatsunori, ARAKI Shigetugu, YOKOYAMA Kimiko

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    We have developed a know-how information sharing system for care planning processes. From the results of trial in the care facility, educational effect was able to be acquired in the process of externalization of know-how information. Improvement in individual capability, and growth of an organization and the possibility of activation were confirmed by using this system. We confirmed that this system was effective in the externalization and sharing of know-how information and brought about an educational effec

  • Analyzing relationship between teacher's facial expression as a main factor of social presence and a classroom climate

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAITO Miho, NOJIMA Eiichiro, MATSUI Tatsunori, ISHIKAWA Makoto

  • Development of supporting system for learning to care management oriented-knowledge management, sharing, and transfer

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KABASAWA Yasuo, ETO Kaou, MATSUI Tatsunori, ARAKI Sigetsugu

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    In Japan, duty-of care planning has been imposed. It is aimed at improving the quality of long-term care services. The purpose of this study is to establish a method and develop a computer support system for educating personnel who are involved in care management. We propose a system that shares know-how information. Visualizing and showing care plans compiled by experts in various forms allows beginners to see the differences between their plans and those of experts. Sharing know-how information is possible by recording, accumulating, and naming what has been noticed when comparing documents. This system visualizes similarities among documents that interpreted the assessment results, and can flexibly change different viewpoints. It can also map several new documents of users into a two-dimensional document space to promote user awareness. We confirmed that this system was effective in the extract of know-how information by trial for one year.As future works, we will evaluate the effectiveness of the sys. tem in hospitals and nursing colleges. Improvement in individual ability and the activation of the organization will be evaluated through practical use

  • 中等教育でのe-Learningシステムの実践的利用を通した教科「情報」教員養成プログラム

    Project Year :


  • モバイル学習環境モデルに関する研究

    Project Year :


  • A Study of Curriculum for solving Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Problems in Information Technology Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This research aimed to developing a curriculum that enhances systematic and logical thinking through computer science. Concretely, ability of modeling and predicting social (natural) phenomenon using computer has enhanced. The outputs of this research are fouowing.(1) Developing a curriculum of computer science at high school.The following curriculum based on mathematics and physics at high school-wave and signal processing -computer graphics -network -cording theory and cryptographic(2) Evaluation on lessons of proposed curriculumThis Curriculum has been intended effect. However, problems are how to prepare suitable software and teachers training.(3) Analysis of mathematics entrance examinations in the area of computer scienceAs a results, We are convinced that computer science thinking is different from mathematics thinking.(4) Considering of teacher training curriculum for proposed curriculum(5) Considering of database for proposed curriculu

  • A Study on Security and Certification for Educational use of the Internet

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    Results of this research are as follow ;
    1. To propose learning support system using the Internet, we studied the following three points ;
    (a) The basis of leaning algorithm that is search, acquisition, evaluation, choice, understanding and evaluated learners, we studied learning support system using the Internet.
    (b) A trial at University classroom to recognize the copyright act and morals in computer network.
    (c) We studied strengthen the network security for learners, lecturers, and learning support system.
    2. University classroom to recognize the copyright act and morals.
    (a) To first-grade students of Tokyo Gakugei University, We conducted research by sending out questionnaires.
    (b) We separated these questionnaires science and liberal arts students in the university, and compared two about the copyright act and morals.
    (c) The basis of results of (a) and (b), we construct curricula of computer science in the university.
    3. Network security in educational support system using the Internet.
    (a) We studied network security in learning support system, and showed that necessity.
    (b) We proposed the learning support system considered network security, developed the learning support system include marking and answering system on WWW.

  • Intelligent distributed collaborative learning support system embedded a computer companion

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKAMOTO Toshio, MORIHIRO Koichiro, MATSUI Tatsunori, NAKAMURA Naoto, HATANO Kazuhiko, TANAKA Masatomo

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    The prupose of this study is to construct an intelligent distributed collaborative learning environment. We embed a computer Companion which is an agent to play a collaborative/competitive peer for a human student in this environment. The human student will be able to get a deep understanding of his/her own ability for problem-solving through observation and reflection by interacting with the computer companion. Moreover we embed a Computer Coordinator agent which monitors and supports students' collaboration processes.
    In 1995, we concentrated on constructing the Peer Learing Environment which enables a human student to solve a problem with the computer companion. Especially, we constructed a recognizing model which represents a student's state of recognizing the other student's knowledge state. Based on the recognizing model, we constructed a dialogue model for the computer companion, a flexible interface between a human student and the computer companion and a communication process model which represents a process to reach an agreement among multi agents.
    In 1996, we considered the pedagogical strategies to enhance a human student's ability to monitor the other student's knowledge state based on the recognizing model. Moreover, we contrived an extended agent model, agent communication message and agent communication protocol. Finally we implemented the intelligent distributed collaborative learning environment and evaluated its educational effectiveness.

  • A Study of Learning Environment for guiding at Mathematical Problem Solving

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAMURA Naoto, MATSUI Tatsunori, SHIMIZU Yoshinori, KAJI Toshiko

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    In this research paper, in backgrounds of Mathematical Education and Educational Technology, Learning Environment that Students can use the several Educational materials and software of Mathematical experiment from the computer connecting to the Network, and development the problems by themselves or with others has been structured. Concretely, our results are as followings ;
    1.Structures of Electronic Notebook and Electronic Textbook for Mathematics
    Following are done in the research ;
    (1) To clear the role of Notebook in the study of Mathematics
    (2) To design the function of Electronic Notebook has designed using the computer in the Mathematics
    (3) To develop technologies of accessing to mathematical educational materials on the Laser Disk at distance place thought the network. Especially, we propose to make the hypermedia structure, which is the characteristics of multimedia networks and the Windows environment, on the Electronic Notebook.
    2.A basic study for systems to support Mathematical education
    Multimedia Network and Hypermedia technologies are studied. Concretely, a method to make Links toward the expressions, an automated linking on WWW,and a criterion to select Mathematical Keyword in the Mathematical Education have studied.
    3.A study on the recognize analysis for students
    When students make cooperative learning on the Network, not only the difference of the students'knowledges but also their consciousness and attitude are important parameters. The Fuzzy Method by interval rating date to get the information of attitude, and Structure analysis method for modeling of students'consciousness structure reflected their vagueness were studied. Adding, students'recognize of Meta in the mathematical learning were considered and the related Cooperative Studying were studied.

  • Research of Ideal Use of Media-Integrated Computer in High School Mathematical Curriculum

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TERADA Fumiyuki, SHAKUSHI Takahiro, MATSUI Tatsunori, YAMASHITA Hajime

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    Progress in our highly information-oriented society is accelerating every day as we approach the new century. Socially, great importance is attached to education, particularly mathematical education, to meet future needs. In this research, we investigated Japanese social background first, and tried to forecast the situation in the near future around the next five years. A plan to make an efficient use of computer was introduced. It was based on the consideration about the entire curriculum and the integration of existing uncoordinated attempted. Furthermore, we researched about more abvauced use which includes the integrated learning environment and idea to apply the computer communication to mathematical education.
    For above purpose, our research purpose has five details as follows ;
    (1) Analysis of Problem Solving Process
    (2) Analysis of Teaching materials
    (3) Research of Learning Supporting Method
    (4) Development of Educational System
    (5) Evaluate of the Educational System
    and we achieved each purpose.

  • Development of Hypermedia Materials Learning for Learners' Sensitivity and Behaviors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHINOHARA Fumihiko, HISADA Takamoto, MATSUI Tatsunori

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    Hypermedia materials 'Classification' and 'Balance' in the field of science education in elementary and lower secondary schools have been developed with the use of specially arranged development software called "Hypercard" and "Multimedia Tool Kit", and evaluated through the trials in Shizuoka and Chiba municipal schools to modify and complete them in terms of their structure of reference stacks such as 'observation' and 'idea to investigate natural things and phenomena' for the 'Classification, ' and for the 'Balance''nature', 'Society' and 'culture.' In addition to this in 1995 based on the research results collected in past two years 'Looking for Old and New Things' in social science material for 3^<rd> graders of elementary school has been developed and evaluated.
    As a result documentation concerning a model for development of hypermedia materials utilized learners'sensitivity and activities has been compiled together with hypermedia materials as sample software to examine them in the workshop and seminars. These activities have been arranged by both the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture and non-profit audio visual activities organization in order to promote multimedia materials production in schools and some other organizations concerned
    The number of such trials came up to eight in total, and response from the audience have been gathered and evaluated in terms of learners'sensitivity and activities to find that in general the framework, technique and idea shown in the document and sample software are understandable and be able to get the idea of the development of multimedia and hypermedia.

  • あいまいなアンケートデータの構造分析法の教育評価への応用に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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    評定尺度法によるアンケートの結果を分析する場合には、単に質問項目に対する平均評定値や分散などの統計量を計算するだけではなく、質問項目の関連構造を分析する構造分析法を用いることが有効である。さて、アンケートを実施する場合、被験者に評定値を1つだけ選択(定点評価)させることが多いが、被験者にとって評定値を1つだけ選択することは困難な場合がある。そこで、新しい評定方法として評定尺度上のある範囲を指定させる(例えば、領域を囲むなど)方法(ファジィ評定)が考えられる。このとき得られるデータをファジィ評定データと呼ぶ。そこで、本研究では、まず第1にこのファジィ評定データに構造分析法FSA(Structural Analsis for Fuzzy Rating Scale Data)の理論を完成させた。また、アンケート調査に用いるデータには、(1)評定値が高いほど評価が高い評定尺度データ、(2)評定値の中央値が最も評価が高い評定尺度データ、(3)評定値に特別の意味のない名義尺度データ、の3種類がある。本研究では、これらの3種類のデータ全ての場合に対応できるFSAを開発した。第2に、パーソナルコンピュータ上で作動する、FSAの分析システムをインターフェースも含めて開発した。第3に、研究業績にも示したように、教育における様々な局面にFSAを用いて教育評価へのFSAの応用の可能性を検証した。その結果、従来のアンケート調査の結果からは得られなかった結果、例えば、被験者集団の意識構造、興味・関心の要因など、をうまく抽出・分析できるとの知見を得た。さらに、被験者に定点評定とファジィ評定の両者を許可した場合約70%の被験者がファジィ評定を用いていることから、経験的ではあるが、被験者の評定値選択に関してはかなりのあいまい性を含んでいるとの知見も得た。以上、本研究での当初の目的である、FSAの理論の完結、分析システムの開発、教育評価における有効性の検証を予定通り、進めることができた。その結果、アンケート調査においては、被験者は評定値選択に際してあいまい性をもっており、FSAはそのあいまい性を評定値として積極的に取り入れることによって、非常に有効な手法であるとの結論を得た。

  • 学習者の知識構造で制御する知的適応型学習システムの開発

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  • 記憶に基づく推論法によるマルチメディアデータ管理手法に関する研究

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    本研究の目的は,マルチメディアデータ管理・運営における記憶に基づく推論(Memory Based Reasoning:MBR)の適用に関する研究を行うことである.ユーザがマルチメディアデータ,特に画像データを登録・検索を実行する場合,画像に対する文字情報(作者・題名)だけではなく,数値情報(年代の範囲・大きさ)さらには,叙情情報(どのような感じ)なる情報を利用すると考えられる.文字情報に関しては,従来のデータベース管理手法で十分対応可能であるが,数値情報,特に叙情情報に関しては,ユーザのもつ情報の曖昧性が極めて重要な要因となる.一方,従来のMBRでは各データを複数の属性に対する2値データの列として保存し,ユーザの入力データとの類似度の計算結果により推論結果を提示するが,この手法では上述の曖昧性の高いデータを表現・管理することは不可能である.そこで,本研究の目的は,(1)曖昧性の高いデータに対応可能なMBR理論の構築,(2)この理論を実装したマルチメディアデータ管理・運営を実行するシステムの構築,の2点にある.平成9年度(1年目)は,現在までの曖昧性の高いデータに対応可能なMBRの理論の構築に関する研究を継続して行い,理論的基盤を確立した.さらに,既存の重み付け手法と本研究での重み付け手法との相違点を計算機上でのシミュレーション実験によって検証し,その結果,本研究の提案手法は属性間の相関性を考慮した場合には,従来手法と比較してデータの分類能力という観点から優れているとの結果を得た.平成10年度(2年目)は,理論(重み付け手法)を実装したマルチメディアデータ管理・運営を実行するシステムのプロタイプの構築を行った.具体的には植物時間の検索エンジンとして拡張したMBRの理論を実装した.処理速度の問題は残るものの,画像データ登録,画像データ検索の両面において,知的データベースとしての振る舞いを実現できているとの評価結果を得た.さらに,本研究では,従来のMBRの事例ベースの静的な扱いを,ニューラルネットワークの自己組織的学習法との融合により,検索結果に基づき動的に事例ベースを再構築する手法の開発を行った.動的なMBRを実装した場合には,静的なMBRを実装した場合と比較して検索能力(正答率)が向上するとの結果も得た.2年間の研究を通して,MBRの拡張と実システムへの実装の可能性を検証できたと考える

  • 統合的知識表現を用いた仮想現実空間における分散協調学習環境構築に関する研究

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    本研究の目的は「仮想現実空間における統合学習環境の記述手法の開発とシステム構築」にある.ここでの統合学習環境とは,学習者の状態,目的に応じて,協調学習環境,個人学習環境,探求的学習環境など多様な学習環境を動的かつシームレスに提供可能な学習環境を指す.この下で本研究の主な目的は次の3点である.(1)仮想現実空間おける統合学習環境構築を目的とした多様な学習環境の統一的記述手法の提案(2)学習者の行動管理・制御(ナビゲーション)を目的とした,学習環境個々に依存しない学習者の振る舞いに関する統合的知識表現の提案(グローバルな観点からの学習者モデリング)(3)VR技術を用いた『仮想教室』として統合学習環境の具現化と教育的利用の可能性の評価この『仮想教室』はVideo VR技術を用いたWWWベースのシステムとして,3-D空間で表現された仮想的な環境を提供する.また,システムは常に学習者の行動をモニタリングしており,学習者の「学習状態,学習目的,学習内容」に応じて適応的に,すなわち学習者にとって適切な学習形態を指向して学習環境・学習ツールを提供(ナビゲート)することにより,学習者の自己組織的な学習を適切に支援可能である.そして,システム構築の後,評価実験を実施し,統合学習環境に関して多角的に検証し,新しい学習観のもつ教育的意義を追求する.平成12年度は,平成11年度の成果を受けて,上記の(3)に焦点化して研究を推進し,統合学習環境の具現化としての『仮想教室』の構築を行った.『仮想教室』における上述の学習環境・学習ツールは殆どのものが既に開発済みである.したがって,(1)(2)の成果と各アプリケーションとの整合性,実現性の検証が問題となる.よって,次のような評価も重点的に行った.・統合学習環境構築を指向した多様な学習環境の統一的記述方法の汎用性と実現性の検証・統合学習環境下における学習者の振る舞いに関する統合的知識表現の汎用性と正当性の検証・統合学習環境の教育効果(統合学習環境の目指す教育的意義の実現性)・仮想現実空間,VR技術の教育的応用の可能性上記の評価はWindow-Basedな端末を数台用意し,分散環境下で実施した.基本的には,システムのモニタリングによる学習者情報(行動履歴,学習履歴,ナビゲーション履歴)による定量的側面と,学習者に対するアンケート調査結果による認知的側面の双方から総合的に実施した.2年間の研究を通して仮想現実感の教育システムへの応用の可能性と必要となる技術的・教育的要因の抽出ができたと考える

  • 教育用データマイニングとデジタルポートフォリオの構成・共有・可視化に関する研究

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    本研究の目的は「異種教育情報を統合した教育情報データベースの構築」および「教育データからのデータマイングとその共有・可視化手法の開発」である.本研究では上記の目的を遂行するために,Digital Portfblio(DP)管理システムを構築し,その過程で必要となる技術・理論を開発・実装し,DPの新しい構成・共有・可視化手法を検証する.本研究で開発するDP管理システムは、個人学習環境の提供,異種情報の統合機能,DP情報可視化機能,グループ構成最適化機能の各機能を有する.本システムの開発段階で想定される研究目的の技術的な下位課題としては以下のようなものが考えられる.本研究ではDP管理システムの構築を通して,DPの表現・共有・可視化の手法を発見科学的アプローチにより展開する.(1)異種情報の統合管理のための理論(データのカプセル化手法,統一的記述手法)の開発(2)教育データに依存したデータマイニング手法の開発(既存のデータマイニング手法の拡張)(3)グループ組織化モデルの記述と,グループ構成支援機構の開発(4)DP管理システムにおけるAwareness情報としてのマイニング情報の可視化手法の開発(5)DP管理システムの開発と評価(6)グループ構成による効果の評価に基づくグループ組織化モデルの最適化手法の開発平成13年度に引き続き,(3)〜(6)について研究を推進した.(3)に関しては,グループ組織化モデルは(グループ形態,グループマンバ,構成メンバの役割,期待される効果)によって記述されると定義し、様々なグループ学習に関する先行研究をオントロジーアプローチによって整理し,グループ構成のためのルールベースとして記述手法を提案した.(4)に関しては,Awareness情報に関する先行研究を整理し,様々な学習形態に適応的な可視化手法を検討した.(6)に関しては,個人学習環境から,システムの推薦するグループ学習環境に移行し,グループ学習の行った場合の効果に関する評価(ディスカッションの頻度情報や学習者の主観的評価など)に基づき,グループ組織化モデル,およびDPデータベースの記述手法の最適化を行った.(5)の評価に関しては,分散環境下において,システムのモニタリングによる学習者の情報(行動履歴,学習履歴,など)による定量的側面と,学習者に対するアンケート調査による認知的側面の双方から総合的に実施した.2年間の研究を通して,教育データからのデータマイニング手法と多元的な異種情報の統合的な管理手法の汎用性の高い枠組みを示すことができたが,効果的な可視化手法に関しては今後も様々な観点からの検討が必要である

  • 学校・大学におけるe-Learning導入の運営・組織的要件に関する総合的研究

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    昨今,情報通信技術の向上によって,e-Learningによる教育・学習環境の必要性が叫ばれ,様々な教育実践が行われている.しかしながら,大学におけるe-Learning導入の歴史が浅く,多くの大学では,検討すべき課題や整備すべき環境が把握できていない場合が少なくない.そのため,e-Learning導入を一層困難なものにし,結果として失敗に至る事例が数多く報告されている.本科研では,国内外の調査を踏まえて,e-Learning導入/運用,並びに制度的な要件を整理し,諸問題を明らかにする.具体的には,"e-Learningコンテンツ(教材)・学習環境","運営","制度"の3つの側面から研究を遂行し,e-Learningコンテンツ開発を支援するセンターの設置,e-Learningによる講義を効果的に実施するためのティーチングアシスタントやシステム管理者の設置,e-Learningによる単位取得制度の検討を進めた.本科研の成果は,次のようにまとめられる.[1]e-Learning導入大学の現状調査国内でe-Learningによる教育実践を進めている大学(院),e-Learningプラットフォームやコンテンツンテンツを開発している企業を主な対象にアンケート調査を実施し,分析した.[2]国内外の先進的e-Learning導入大学の実地調査【海外】スタンフオード大学のe-Learning実践センター(SCPD : Stanford Center for Professional Development)と,アリゾナ州立大学のe-Learning実践センター(TBLR : Technology Based Learning & Research)を視察し,e-Learning導入に関する要件を"運用組織","カリキュラム","設備"の3つ観点から整理した.【国内】e-Learningによる教育実践を積極的に進める,東北大学(大学院教育情報学研究部・教育部),東京大学(情報学環),長岡科学技術大学(Eラーニング研究実践センター),信州大学(工学部),名古屋大学(情報連携基盤センター),青山学院大学(経営学部)を視察し,e-Learning導入・運用に関するノウハウ,及び組織的な要件を整理した.[3]e-Learningを取り入れた講義のモデル化と実践の在り方と問題点「講義のモデル化と実践の在り方」をテーマとする座談会を開催し,談話内容をプロトコル分析した.そして,講義のモデル化と実践の在り方を検討し,整理した

  • e-ラーニングにおけるアセスメント支援のための新しいデータ解析手法の基盤研究

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  • 携帯端末を用いた英語学習用コンテンツのための位置情報英語コーパスの作成

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  • P-11 Experimental Study on Color Preference as Implicit Attitude toward Color Combinations(Proceedings of the 46^<th> Annual Meeting)

    MURAMATSU,Keiichi, FANG,Siyuan, TANAKA,Eiichirou, WATANUKI,Keiichi, MATSUI,Tatsunori

      39 ( 5_SUPPLEMENT ) 128 - 129  2015.09


  • 学習サービス設計における知識共有に向けた受給者の状態に関する概念記述

    村松慶一, 木見田康治, 石井隆稔, 根本裕太郎, 田中英一郎, 綿貫啓一, 松居辰則, 下村芳樹

    日本機械学会設計工学・システム部門講演会論文集(CD-ROM)   25th   ROMBUNNO.3304  2015.09


  • 学習サービス設計における学習状態に関する概念記述の試み

    村松慶一, 木見田康治, 石井隆稔, 根本裕太郎, 田中英一郎, 綿貫啓一, 松居辰則, 下村芳樹

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.J1210105  2015.09


  • 学習サービスにおける共創価値の向上のための合意形成手法

    木見田康冶, 杉野涼太, 石井隆稔, 村松慶一, 松居辰則, 下村芳樹

    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)   58th   ROMBUNNO.2E4‐1  2015


  • Construction of a Brain-like Decision Making System Focusing on Sequential Analysis : A Gomoku System with Reinforcement, SOM Learning System, and Sequential Analysis

    KUROKI Satoshi, MURAMATSU Keiichi, KOJIMA Kazuaki, MATSUI Tatsunori

    IEICE technical report   109 ( 461 ) 455 - 460  2010.03

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    We propose a brain-like decision making model consisting of SA(Sequential Analysis), RL(Reinforcement Learning) and SOM(Self Organizing Map), to provide a basis for building a new system by modeling human brains as high quality information processing systems. Through comparison of our model with previous studies in neuroscience and economics, and through an experiment by computer simulations of our model, we discussed to what extent our model reproduces behaviors of human decision making. The results indicated that our model can mimic some functions of human brains in decision making of human validly, especially ones functioning in neocortex.


  • スクールモデルに基づくeスクールの運用と評価 (情報教育の実績と新しい展開)

    松居 辰則, 西村 昭治, 浅田 匡

    教育システム情報学会研究報告   20 ( 6 ) 151 - 157  2006.03


  • Development of Know-how Information Sharing System in Care Planning Processes Using KOMI Chart : Visualization of New Care Plan made by the User

    ETO Kaoru, MATSUI Tatsunori, KABASAWA Yasuo

    IEICE technical report   105 ( 581 ) 41 - 46  2006.01

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    The purpose of this study is to development the supporting system for the education of the personnel training which assumes care management by computer. We want to development the system in which know-how information is sharable. The method is visualizing the care plan which the skillful person drew up with various forms. The function can express visually the result from which the similarity of the reading document of an assessment result changed with flexible change of a viewpoint. In order to promote a user's awareness, the function of which visualized the similarity of user's new document and a skillful person's document, and a flexible change of a viewpoint was realized.


  • 7-215 Practice and Evaluation of the Internet University based on the School Model : Multiphase evaluations of 2 years practice of Waseda University e-school

    NOJIMA Eiichiro, MATSUI Tatsunori, ASADA Tadashi, NISHIMURA Shoji, KIKUCHI Hideaki, KOGO Chiharu

      17   418 - 419  2005.09


  • Development of the Mentoring System for WBT based on Learning Log Data

    LIAO Xiaofei, SEKI Kazuya, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   104 ( 222 ) 39 - 44  2004.07

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    In WBT (Web Base Training) system, mentoring function is important for keeping the student's motivation. In this paper, educational factor models that are used to assess student's Learning State are developed. Bayesian Inference is applied to the educational factor models. In the system based on the educational models we proposed in this paper, the values of educational models are input into the Bayesian inference engine separately, and the output of the Bayesian inference engine is defined as student's Learning State. Based on Learning State, the system searches the feedbackmessage from the rule base system and displays the student the feedback message and the reference graph of educational factor time serials. The result of system evaluation experiment shows that mental function of WBT system is effective.


  • 集合学習環境における携帯電話の有効利用に関する実証的考察 (組織内教育におけるe-Learningの新しい展開)

    松居 辰則, 菅谷 史昭

    教育システム情報学会研究報告   19 ( 1 ) 89 - 94  2004.05


  • 協調学習環境における指導知識抽出支援システムの開発 (情報教育における評価と教員養成及び一般)

    宮下 直子, 関 一也, 松居 辰則

    教育システム情報学会研究報告   18 ( 6 ) 57 - 64  2004.03


  • Development of Know-how Information Sharing System Using KOMI Chart in Care Planning Processes : Relationship of the Change of the Viewpoint and the Distance Measure between Documents in the Concept Base

    ETO Kaoru, KABASAWA Yasuo, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   103 ( 697 ) 83 - 88  2004.02

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    In order to press for improvement in quality of care managements, know-how information for seeking out needs of care is one of the most important factors, so know-how information sharing is necessary for it. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between change of the viewpoint and the distance measure of document for the development of know-how information sharing system using KOMI chart hi care planning processes. In order to support extraction of know-how information, change of the flexible viewpoint for making the difference in the viewpoint of a skillful person and a beginner is important function. From the result of a re-classification of the document by moving on the hierarchy of the concept base, we conformed that movement on the conceptual base was useful to change of a viewpoint


  • Development of English Conversation System with Dynamic Management Mechanism for Teaching Strategies : A Student/Group Modeling Method

    UMEMURA Kazuhiro, SEKI Kazuya, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    Research report of JET Conferences   2004 ( 1 ) 57 - 62  2004.01


  • Educational Technology

    MATSUI Tatsunori, Tatsunori Matsui

    Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   19 ( 1 ) 116 - 120  2004.01


  • Development of Know-how Information Sharing System Using KOMI Chart in Care Planning Processes : Classification of Documents as a Results of Assessment

    ETO Kaoru, KABASAWA Yasuo, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   103 ( 536 ) 59 - 64  2003.12

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    The purpose of this study is to development of know-how information sharing system using KOMI chart in care planning processes. In order to press for improvement in quality of care managements, know-how information for seeking out needs of care is one of the most important factors, so know-how information sharing is necessary for it. In this paper, we describe the method and functions that extract and share know-how information, the structure of the concept base and the similarity of degree of documents. We conformed that the concept base built by this study could classify the documents as a result of assessment of a patient.


  • Study of e-Learning Contents for Kazakh Languege Learning with Text Analyzing Mechanism

    MUHATBEK Sayra, SEKI Kazuya, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

      19 ( 1 ) 115 - 116  2003.10


  • The Semi-Automatic Creation of Metadata for Web Based Teaching Materials Based on the Systematic Analysis and its utilization

    HASEGAWA Hitomi, NONAKA Kazuyuki, SEKI Kazuya, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

      19 ( 1 ) 201 - 202  2003.10


  • Development of Discussion Assisting System Based on Favorable Words' Influence Model

    KOTANI Tetsruo, SEKI Kazuya, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

      19 ( 1 ) 133 - 134  2003.10


  • The development of discussion assisting system value of favorable words' influence

    KOTANI Tetsuro, SEKI Kazuya, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   103 ( 60 ) 37 - 42  2003.05

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    The importance of the WEB chat in discussion has been well known and used in collaborative learning environment. In order to activate discussion, various functions such as identification of participants ' roles, motivation to participation, and resolution of depressed discussion are needed. This research proposes the function to calculate the values of favorable words ' influence on real time, which are estimated by the numbers and intention of participants ' words. The presenting values of favorable words ' influence on PFWI (Parameter of Favorable Words ' Influence) on the system will promote the motivation of participants in discussion.


  • The Digest Generation Method of Learning Process Based on Learning Log Data

    YUAN Li Zheng, SEKI Kazuya, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   103 ( 60 ) 43 - 48  2003.05

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    The rapid growth of Information technology enables us to realize not only classical learning environment, i.e., classroom lecture and individual learning environment, but also exploratory learning environment in which learners are required their positive learning activity and collaborative learning environment. In these new learning environments, the hyper structured learning contents are quite general, and its information on hyper structure are important for evaluation of learning activities and contents/curriculum. In this study, we propose the digest generation method of learning activities based on learning log data sets, in which learning object meta-data and information on hyper structure are used effectively. Particularly this proposed method is formalized as a multi-objective optimization problem, so we apply the Genetic Algorithm to solve this. In this paper, we describe proposed method from theoretical point of view and features of "The Digest Generation System" and through some experiments we show validity and effectiveness of proposed method.


  • e-Learning における学習オブジェクトの系列化手法 (学習コンテンツデザイン)

    関 一也, 松居 辰則, 岡本 敏雄

    教育システム情報学会研究報告   18 ( 1 ) 27 - 34  2003.05


  • TOWARD THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTELLIGENT MEDIA ORIENTED e-LEARNING ENVIRONMENT : The practice and the future vision of the e-Learning program at graduate school

    Kayama Mizue, Okamoto Toshio, Matsui Tatsunori, Inoue Hisayoshi, Seki Kazuya

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2002 ( 1 ) 261 - 262  2002.03


  • Effectiveness of Computer Support for Care Planing Process

    ETO Kaoru, MATSUDA Ikuo, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   101 ( 609 ) 25 - 32  2002.01

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    We developed the software that supports care planing process by KOMI Chart System. This software has the aim that makes the visibility of KOMI Chart System more progress with functions of drawing, revising and seeing the time series of charts. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of computer support for care planing process. As the result of analysis, following issues were pointed out, (1) the time required for care planing was reduced, (2) expected functions for improvement were the registration, addition and deletion of names of disease, medicine, etc, (3) grasping patient's living process was influenced by the quickness of drawing KOMI Chart, and (4) the method of the assessment was able to be changed smoothly.


  • Construction Procedure of Digital Portfolio from Learning History Data and Its Effective Use

    MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   101 ( 397 ) 25 - 30  2001.10

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    Portfolio Assessment is the new assessment method and its effective practical use is expected particularly in Comprehensive Learning. Purpose of this study is to provide the effective tools for Portfolio Assessment. Concretely, we propose a new handling method of learning history data, named Digital Portfolio. Digital Portfolio is defined the integrated information of learnins history data sets through different learning tools or environments, and extracted rules or patterns on learning activities from learning history data sets. From Digital Portfolio, information for students for self-assessment and for teachers feedback information about students' learning activities are provided. In this paper, firstly definition and construction factor & method of Digital Portfolio are described, and secondly, data structure of history data-base and condensing method of data-base using decision tree learning is explained. Particularly in this process, extracting method of association rules for multi-valued attribute data-base and continuous data-base is proposed. Finally, effectiveness of proposed method for Digital portfolio will be shown through implementation of Digital Portfolio into the supportins system for group learning Group.


  • Paper Writing Support System Based on Logical Structure

    MIZOBUCHI Masato, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   100 ( 682 ) 139 - 146  2001.03

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    Usually when writing a paper, it has to be elaborated so that the logical structure is appropriate. But in elaboration, the writer of the paper tends to overleap inappropriate parts because he or she reads it complementing the contexts. In this study, we used the concept "role" which expresses the paper structure and developed a paper writing support system based on that. The system analyzes a paper and figures out how it is consist of what kind of roles. If the system finds any inappropriate parts with the paper structure, it suggests that to the user. The effectiveness of the system was verified by experiments.


  • Gathering Knowledge from Dialog Sentence using Case Structure Analysis

    SAITO Tomonobu, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   100 ( 682 ) 9 - 16  2001.03

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    Research on the question-answering system is now positioned as an extremely important issue in TREC8 and AAAI. It is necessary to collect domain knowledge to construct the question-answering system. So far, the domain knowledge has been collected by hands, however there will be a limitation on the collection phase according to the expansion of the domain area with considering into human costs. Recently document digitalization and speech recognition technology have been improved, the opportunities to get information in form of the natural language corpus increase. If knowledge could be collected automatically from such a corpus, application into much larger question-answering system is realized. In this study, we construct the automatic knowledge gathering system from dialog sentence using Case Structure Analysis.


  • A Proposal of an Know-how Information Sharing Method Using KOMI Chart in the Care Planning Processes

    ETO Kaoru, MATSUDA Ikuo, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   100 ( 682 ) 155 - 162  2001.03

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    In order to share know-how information, we propose the following two points. 1) As the method of taking out know-how information well, we considered linking Know-how information to each sheet in care planning process. 2) Expert's know-how and the rule extracted by data mining are similar, and the method using know-how information well is to use those rules as a main key to link know-how information with KOMI chart and the domain knowledge.


  • Discovery Scientific Approach to the Digital Portfolio by Integration of Different Format History Data

    MATSUI Tatsunori, KATO Shuichi, HOZUMI Hiroshi, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   100 ( 682 ) 17 - 24  2001.03

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    Portfolio Assessment is the new assessment method and its effective practical use is expected particularly in Comprehensive Learning. Purpose of this study is to provide the effective tools for Portfolio Assessment. Concretely, we propose a new handling method of learning history data, named Digital Portfolio. Digital Portfolio is defined the integrated information of learning history data sets through different learning tools or environments, and extracted rules or patterns on learning activities from learning history data sets. From Digital Portfolio, information for students for self-assessment and for teachers feedback information about students' learning activities are provided. In this paper, firsfly definition and construction factor & method of Digital Portfolio are described, and secondly, data structure of history data-base and condensing method of data-base using decision tree learning is explained. Particularly in this process, extracting method of association rules for multi-valued attribute data-base and continuous data-base is proposed. Finally, effectiveness of proposed method for Digital portfolio will be shown through implementation of Digital Portfolio into the supporting system for group learning Group.


  • Study on Scheduling Method of Teaching Activities Using Genetic Algorithms

    ISHIKAWA Tomotake, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   100 ( 682 ) 1 - 8  2001.03

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    The purpose of this study is development of Supporting System for teacher's design of lesson plan. Specially, design of lesson plan to which relates to the subject "Information Study" is supported. In this study, we developed a system which generates teaching activity sequences by interlinking lesson's activities corresponding to the various conditions according to the user's input. Because users input multiple information, there will be caused contradiction which the system should resolve. This multiobjective optimization problem is resolved by Distributed Genetic Algorithms.


  • Discovery Scientific Approach to the Digital Portfolio : Extracting Method of Correlation Rules for Multi-valued Attribute Data-Base for Condensing the Learning History Data-Base

    MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   100 ( 516 ) 87 - 94  2000.12

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    Portfolio Assessment is the new assessment method and its effective practical use is expected particularly in Comprehensive Learning.Purpose of this study is to provide the effective tools for Portfolio Assessment.Concretely, we propose a system architecture for Portfolio Assessment System, in which some rules on students'learning activities and time series transition patterns are discovered from students'learning history data, named Digital Portfolio, and information for students for self-assessment and for teachers feedback information about students'learning activities are provided.In this paper, firstly architecture and functions of Digital Portfolio Assessment System are described, and secondly, data structure of history data-base and condensing method of data-base using decision tree learning is explained.Particularly in this process, extracting method of correlation rules for multi-valued attribute data-base is proposed and its effectiveness for educational data is shown.


  • Discovery Scientific Approach to Mathematical Model in Education

    MATSUI Tatsunori

      6 ( 1 ) 33 - 34  2000.10


  • Construction and Evaluation of the Distance Teacher's Self-Training System

    SEKI Kazuya, INOUE Hisayoshi, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

      6 ( 2 ) 343 - 344  2000.10


  • Discover Scientific Approach to Digital Portfolio using Decision Tree Learning

    Matsui Tatsunori, Okamoto Toshio

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2000   288 - 288  2000.09


  • Student Modeling Method using Decision Tree Learning based on Portfolio Concept : Structure of Learning History Data-Base and Condensing Method using Decision Tree Learning

    MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   100 ( 113 ) 71 - 78  2000.06

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    Portfolio Assessment is the new assessment method and its effective practical use is expected particularly in Comprehensive Learning. Purpose of this study is to provide the effective tools for Portfolio Assessment. Concretely, we propose a system architecture for Portfolio Assessment, in which some rules on students' learning activities and time series transition patterns are discovered from students'learning history data, named Digital Portfolio, and information for students for self-assessment and for teachers feedback information about students'learning activities are provided. In this paper, firstly Digital Portfolio and Digital Portfolio Assessment are defined based on educational meaning of Portfolio and Assessment, and secondly architecture and functions of Digital Portfolio Assessment System are described. Particularly, data structure of history data-base and condensing method of data-base using decision tree learning.


  • Data Base Compression of Memory - Based Reasoning by Kalman Filter

    WATABE Naotake, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2000 ( 38 ) 29 - 32  2000.05

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    Memory-Based Reasoning (MBR) is a reasoning method for classification problem, in MBR knowledge base is constructed without rules for reasoning, only by keeping many cases represented by original vector form of features. In MBR, to keep accuracy of reasoning, a huge of cases are required as a MBR knowledge base, so it is a serious problem for MBR method. In this study, we try to compress the size of knowledge base of MBR by using the Kalman Filter, especially in case of applying time series data. As a result of some experiments, our compression method can keep the accuracy of MBR reasoning was shown.


  • An Education System for teachers based on the Distance Education Model

    SEKI Kazuya, TAKAOKA Ryo, INOUE Hisayoshi, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   99 ( 31 ) 49 - 54  1999.04

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    Recently, with the development of information technology, it is said that computer and computer communication literacy is very important for teachers. So, the development of the framework for the teacher education to support the teachers' formation and improvement of computer literacy is indispensable. The purpose of this study is to propose the Distance Education Model including the School Based Curriculum Development and Training System, and to develop the Teacher Education System which implements this model, furthermore to evaluate this system. In this paper, we describe the Distance-Education-Model, the System developing and its evaluation experiment.


  • The case amendment structure based on a learning activity model in the information education practice case reasoning system

    KANEDA Katsuhiko, TAKAOKA Ryo, KASAI Toshinobu, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   99 ( 31 ) 15 - 22  1999.04

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    In this study, we develop the information education practice case reasoning system which provides information of the practice case to a teacher who is engaged in information education. As to provide the practice case, we need to build DB with indexing practice cases. And we need to design a function which reasons a practice case which a user demands from DB. Moreover, not only function which provides the practice case simply, but also amends the reasoned case according to user's demands are necessary. So, in this study we apply Case-Based Reasoning in a system. And the system amends learning activity according to user's demands, making use of an case amendment function which is one of Case-Based-Reasoning's functions. We propose a method which amends learning activity according to relations among each activity and instructional goals. In this paper, we describe about compositions of the information education practice case reasoning system and the amendment function in detail.


  • A Teaching Model in Distance Education based on Teacher's Needs

    SEKI Kazuya, TAKAOKA Ryo, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   98 ( 496 ) 49 - 56  1998.12

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    Recently, with the development of information technology, it is said that computer and computer communication literacy is very important for teachers. So, the framework of new teacher education to support the formation and improvement of the computer literacy is indispensable. The purpose of this study is to propose a teaching model in distance education based on school's needs, and to develop the learning environment which implements this model. In this paper, we describe the teaching model and the learning environment. Moreover, we explain the system configuration of the simulation and modelling compornent which is a part of the teaching model.


  • Integrated Knowledge Representation for User Navigation in a Virtual Learning Space : Virtual ClassRoom under Integrated Adaptive Learning Environment

    MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   98 ( 496 ) 57 - 64  1998.12

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    Learning Environment will be changed according to the progress of information infrastructure towards the 21the century, and new abilities, such as creativity, will be required for all students under the New Learning Philosophy. Meanwhile, rapidly and highly progress of information & communication technology and multi-media technology, such as Virtual Reality Technology, is expected to be possibly supporting learning environment under new learning philosophy. In this paper, original learning environment, named Integrated Adaptive Learning Environment(IALE), is proposed and its philosophy and model are described. And ideas of Virtual ClassRoom which is constructed as an embodiment of IALE using VR technology are summarized.


  • An idea and possibility of distance education systems using VOD

    OKAMOTO Toshio, MATSUI Tatsunori, TAKAOKA Ryo, KASAI Toshinobu, KANEDA Katsuhiko

      14   213 - 216  1998.09


  • Auto-Generation Mechanism of Representative Features in Memory-Based Reasoning : Quantified Analysis of Correlation between Representative Features

    MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   98 ( 183 ) 47 - 54  1998.07

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    Memory-Based Reasoning(MRB) is a reasoning method for classification problem, in MBR knowledge base is constructed without rules for reasoning, only by keeping many cases represented by original vector form of features. In MBR, the weighting methods for features and its metric definition for similarity degree are important to get high accuracy. However in original MBR, as a main feature of MBR, knowledge acquisition and update of feature importance are never launched. In this study, knowledge acquisition method based on evaluation for output results of MBR is proposed. This knowledge acquisition function is constructed from three functions, cases-acquisition function, self-organized optimization function of feature importance and auto-generation function of representative features. In this paper, particularly, a quantified analysis of correlation between representative features, aiming to analysis of relations between above three functions, is described.


  • Memory-Based Reasoning with Self-Organization Function of Feature Importance

    MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   98 ( 76 ) 33 - 38  1998.05

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    Memory-Based Reasoning (MBR) is a reasoning method for classification problem, in MBR knowledge base is constructed without rules for reasoning, only by keeping many cases represented by original vector form of features. In MBR, the weighting methods for features and its metric definition for similarity degree are important to get high accuracy. However in original MBR, as a main feature of MBR, knowledge acquisition and update of feature importance are never launched. In this study, knowledge acquisition method based on evaluation for output results of MBR and self-organized optimization method of feature importance of MBR are proposed, and especially theoretical framework of self-organization process is described.


  • Timetable Generation System Using Cooperative Genetic Algorithm With Variable Parameter

    KANAMORI Tomotaka, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IPSJ SIG Notes   1998 ( 27 ) 13 - 18  1998.03

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    The timetable generation problem is said to be very difficult because of various constraints about teachers' schedule, classroom capacity and school curriculum and so on. In this paper, we propose the solving system of the timetable generation problem using the cooperative genetic-algorithm with variable parameter. The main theoretical features of this system are coding method of gene which represents teacher's one week schedule, using new type gene called Dead-Gene and relative merits between teachers.


  • Memory-Based Reasoning using Correlational-Cross-Category Feature Importance and Quantification of its Classification Ability

    MATSUI Tatsunori, YOKOZAWA Akira, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   97 ( 606 ) 65 - 72  1998.03

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    Memory-Based Reasoning (MBR) is a reasoning method for classification problem, in MBR knowledge base is constructed without rules for reasoning, only by keeping many cases represented by original vector form of features. In MBR, the weighting methods for features and its metric definition for similarity degree are important to get high accuracy. For example, weighting method based on conditional probability is defined in earlier studies. In this study, the weighting method regarding for correlation among some features, called Correlationnal-Cross-Category Feature Importance (CCCF), is defined as a new method. And its statistical characteristics are compared with other methods by experiments using artificial data sets. Moreover, an index to quantify the classification ability of weighting methods is defined. Experimental results and quantified index show that the classification ability of CCCF is higher than of other weighting methods.


  • Navigation Mechanism and User Modeling in Hyper Space Using the Fuzzy Estimation

    YANAGISAWA Takanori, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   97 ( 340 ) 9 - 16  1997.10

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    Recently, hypertext has gained widespread popularity as a technology that is useful in learning. To provide an efficient and adaptive learning environment in hypertext, it seems important to focus on the learning type. We propose two types in learning situation, which are the depth of understanding and the area of interest. In this paper, we propose a navigation method and user modeling method using the fuzzy estimation. Firstly we analize historical learning, secondly we propose user modeling method adapting learning styles.


  • TimeTable Generation System Using Genetic Algorithm

    KANAMORI Tomotaka, MATSUI Tatsunori, OKAMOTO Toshio

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   97 ( 340 ) 25 - 32  1997.10

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    The timetable generation problem is said to be very difficult because of various constraints about teachers' schedule, classroom capacity and school curriculum and so on. In this paper, we propose the solving system of the timetable generation problem using the genetic-algorithm. The main theoretical features of this system are coding method of gene which represents teacher's one week schedule, using new type gene called Dead-Gene and supplying conversation environment between system and users.


  • Development of The Adapting Instruction System Controlled by Learner's Knowledge Structure (4) : Estimation Method of Learner's Quantitative Knowledge Structure

    YAMADA Keiichi, MIKUNI Yuko, MATSUI Tatsunori

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   96 ( 281 ) 17 - 24  1996.09

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    This system is the intelligent adapting instruction system for high school physical problem, and supports a learner depending on his/her understanding situation. The feature of this system is that it recognizes learner's understanding situation from the process which he/she solves the problem with drawing figures, and supports him/her and optimizes of selecting problems. To recognize learner's understanding situation, this system constructs a qualitative knowledge structure and a quantitative knowledge structure from figures and equation, respectively. In this paper, the methodology how to construct a quantitative knowledge structure is described.


  • Development of The Adapting Instruction System Controlled by Learner's Knowledge Structure(3) : Estimation Method of Qualitative Knowledge Structure by Drawing Figures

    MIKUNI Yuko, YAMADA Keiichi, MATSUI Tatsunori

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   96 ( 281 ) 9 - 16  1996.09

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    The Purpose of this resarch is to develop the Intelligent Adapting Instruction System for high school dynamic problems. The main features of this system are as follows; one is to estimate learner's qualitative knowledge structure and quantitative knowledge structure through informations of figures and equations input by him/her, respectively, the other is to construct the learner's model by merging above two knowledge structures and optimize to select problems. In this paper, we discuss estimation of knowledge structure of drawing figure's information. We present causal relationship of physical quantity by causal network, and describe estimation method of its using comparative analysis of qualitative resoning.


  • Estimation Method of Learner's Knowledge Structure in The Intelligent Adaptive Instruction System Controlled by Learner's Knowledge Structure

    MATSUI Tatsunori, YAMADA Keiichi, MIKUNI Yuko

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   1996   482 - 482  1996.09


  • Development of The Adapting Instruction System Controlled by Learner's Knowledge Structure (2) : Estimation Method of Knowledge Structure Using Qualitative Reasoning

    MATSUI Tatsunori, YAMADA Keiichi, MIKUNI Yuko

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   96 ( 148 ) 113 - 120  1996.07

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    The adapting instruction system makes problems depending on learner's responses to present an efficient study. This system (developed in this paper) is an intelligent adapting instruction system for high school physical problem, especially dynamic problems. This system supports a learner to study naturally, in which drawing figures, making equations and solving them. For this porpoise, this system is constructed by three parts, the interface part, the expert system part for problem solving and the expert system part for optimization of selecting problems. The main feature of this system is that this system has causal relationship and knowledge structure for information of problems and makes student model and nemakes teacher model by merging of some kinds of knowledge structures, qualitative knowledge structure and quantitative one. In this paper, the detail of estimation method of qualitative knowledge structure using qualitative reasoning.


  • A Navigation Method for The Intelligent Adaptive Instruction System Using Fuzzy Inference

    MATSUI Tatsunori, KOIZUMI Naonori, TAKEYA Makoto

      12   721 - 724  1996.06


  • Development of The Adapting Instruction System Controlled by Learner's Knowledge Structure (1) : Theory of The Expert System for Optimization of Selecting Problems

    MATSUI Tatsunori, KOIZUMI Naonori, YAMADA Keiichi, MIKUNI Yuko

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   95 ( 447 ) 25 - 32  1995.12

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    The adapting instruction system makes problems depending on learner's responses to present an efficient study. This system (developed in this paper) is an intelligent adapting instruction system for high school physical problem, especially dynamic problems. This system supports a learner to study naturally, in which drawing figures, making equations and solving them. For this porpoise, this system is constructed by three parts, the interface part, the expert system part for problem solving and the expert system part for optimization of selecting problems. The main feature of this system are the function that has solving process models and inferences a learner's knowledge structure from drawing inputs and responses, and that optimizes of selecting problems by learner's model using the matching coefficient. In this paper, the detail of the theory of the expert system part for optimization of selecting problems.


  • Structural Analysis Method for Modeling of Students' Consciousness Structure Reflected Their Vagueness

    MATSUI Tatsunori, NAKAMURA Naoto, TAKEYA Makoto

    IPSJ SIG Notes   1995 ( 111 ) 43 - 48  1995.11

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    Structural analysis method is an effective analysis method for questionnaire data or test data. For modeling evaluators' consciousness structure, not only the average rating score or variance of response score for the question or test items, but also evaluators' consciousness structure from the previously analyzed order structure of the question items by paying attention to the ordering system among the items are obtained. In this structural analysis method, a hierarchical structure graph (hereafter just called. the structure graph) of the item group is constructed in order to visualize the related structure of the item group. In addition, similarity (difference) where importance is placed onto the ordering system among mutual structure graphs is also defined. Therefore in this paper, the outline of theory of the structurla analysis method and the definition of similarity are described firstly. And, as an exemplification, consciousness survey concerning the environment education/environmental problems is carried for junior high school pupils and the results and evaluation for environmental education/problems are described from the view point of the consciousness model.


  • A Control Method for Presentation Items reflected Understanding Condition

    KOIZUMI Naonori, MATSUI Tatsunori, TAKEYA Makoto

      11   245 - 246  1995.11


  • A Study on Inference Method for the Information of Attitude by Interval Rating Data

    KOIZUMI Naonori, SHIMIZU Dan, MATSUI Tatsunori, TERADA Fumiyuki

      19   163 - 164  1995.07


  • Inference Method for the Information of Attitude by Interval Rating Data

    KOIZUMI Naonori, MATSUI Tatsunori, TAKEYA Makoto

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   95 ( 95 ) 25 - 32  1995.06

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    The information for Attitude is a very important element on education. However, most of them cannot be directly measured. The teacher should infer them from another educational information limited that cannot be directly measured. Then, to infer them from limited educational information, Yamashita advanced a technique which used the fuzzy inference. On the other hand, the teacher acquires education information by the questionnaire. However, most of answers to its questionnaire are vague. Then, Yamashita's technique cannot apply to this information. In this paper, we propose the fuzzy inference method to vague information.


  • Intelligent Picking Out Method of Characteristic Marks of Expressions and Its Application to Dynamic Linking

    OKUNO Yasuhiro, MATSUI Tatsunori, MIYAHARA Kazuhiro, NAKAMURA Naoto

      1995 ( 1 ) 149 - 156  1995.04


  • Intelligent Picking Out Method of Characteristic Marks of Expressions and Its Application to Dynamic Linking

    OKUNO Yasuhiro, MATSUI Tatsunori, MIYAHARA Kazuhiro, NAKAMURA Naoto

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   95 ( 14 ) 153 - 160  1995.04

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    To make links dynamically is one of the way to overcome difficulties in HyperText conservation. In this paper, how to apply it to formulas is described. We don't use original formulas but indexes named "Characteristic Marks" which are picked out from knowledge base about formulas and make HyperText Link by looking over relationship between them. It takes less time to examine that relationship by using that indexes than by using original formulas because we can do only in a few check points. Also, as they are picked out by intelligence, there are two good things. One is that any user can understand them soon. The other is that the system is easily affected by his subjects on HyperText Link search.


  • A Study on Review Task Extraction Method Reflected the Structure of Teaching Materials

    KOIZUMI Naonori, MATSUI Tatsunori, TERADA Fumiyuki

      18   335 - 336  1994.07


  • Structural Analysis for Questionnaire Data Using Fuzzy Integration and Application for Educational Evaluation

    MATSUI Tatsunori, TAKEYA Makoto, TERADA Fumiyuki

      18   343 - 344  1994.07


  • Applications of Structural Analysis(FSA Method)for Educational Evaluation

    Matsui Tatsunori, Koizumi Naonori, Takeya Makoto

    IEICE technical report. Education technology   93 ( 294 ) 51 - 58  1993.10

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    The FSA Method is an analysis method for the questionnaire data using fuzzy rating scale data.In the FSA method,the structural Graph of questionnaire items,called the FSA graph,is constructed. Then,the relationsinp between items is analysed from this item structure graph,and psychological investigations of human behavior is extracted.In this paper,firstly,theory of the FSA method is discussed,and secondary applications of the FSA method for educational evaluation,especially Inforniation education and Environmental education,and some problems and effective points of education are extracted.


  • The SS Graph Using the Measure with amount of Information.

    MATSUI Tatsunori, TAKEYA Makoto

      15   443 - 446  1991.07


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  • 非言語インタラクションによる内発的動機付けを誘発する学習支援ロボット動作の体系化


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    本研究では,教育メディアとしてのロボットの利用によって学習者の内発的動機付けを導くことを目的とした基礎的な研究を行った.特に,学習者とロボットの非言語情報によるコミュニケーションの効果を検討した.本研究では,ロボットと学習者とのインタラクションにおける内発的動機付けを以下の一連の流れで捉えている.1)擬人化による学習環境への誘引(没入感の向上),2)ロボット動作に関する意図推定,3)行動に関する主体的な意思決定.習支援ロボットには多様な役割(“Tutor orteacher”,“Peer”,“Novice”)が期待されており,様々な場面に応じて適切に役割を与える設計ないし制御が求められる.ここでは,特に,上記の2)おける非言語コミュニケーションの重要性を述べる.“Mentor”として利用する場合を考えたときは,ロボットが表出する動作からロボットの「意図」を適切に学習者に伝達する必要がある.しかし,一般的にロボットの動作可動域や呈示可能な表現は人間とは異なるため,人間と同様な意図の表出をロボットで行うことは容易ではなく,ときに設計者の意図しない解釈を成されることもしばしば存在する.つまり「意図の誤帰属」を避けることは重要な課題であるが,そのためにこれまでは発話による意図の明示が一般的であった.ところが,発話による意図の明示は必ずしも有効であるとは言えない.つまり,明示的な意図の伝達はその意図が「真正な」ものであるかを評価する機構を誘発し,その受容を一旦忌避させる可能性がある点である.したがって,如何に言語情報に頼らず,学習者にとってその意図を適切に伝達できるかを検討することは重要な課題である.そこで,本研究では特に「学習支援ロボットとの非言語長期インタラクションによる「Peerさ」形成の実験的検証」を行い,学習者の内発的動機付けの可能性に関する知見を得た.また,ロボットによる学習支援における非言語コミュニケーションの効果について整理した.

  • 弱いロボットとのインタラクションによる学習に対する内発的動機付けモデルの検討


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  • グリア細胞の働きを導入した新しい人工ニューラルネットワークの数理モデルの検討

    2019   田和辻可昌

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  • 機械学習による学習者の生体情報からの心的状態の推定と可視化システムの有効性の実証

    2018   田和辻可昌

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    教授・学習過程において学習者の心的状態を把握することは教育効果・学習効果の観点から極めて重要である.本研究では,機械学習を用いて,教師の発話および学習者の生理指標と心的状態の関係の抽出を試みた.またリアルタイム学習支援のモックアップ実験を行なった.学習者の生理指標については,NIRS・脳波・呼吸・皮膚コンダクタンス・容積脈波を取得した.一方,学習者の心的状態はAchievement Emotions Questionnaire:AEQを用いて,9つの感情状態で抽出された.そして,深層学習を用いることで,高い精度で教師の発話と学習者の生体情報から心的状態の推定が可能であることが示唆された.またモックアップ実験の結果,本研究の目指す学習支援システムが有効である可能性が示唆された.

  • 「従属性」と「連動性」に着目した擬人化エージェントの設計指針に関する基礎的研究


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    擬人化エージェントに対する否定的印象には,外見から予測した振る舞いと実際の振る舞いとの不一致が影響していると先行研究により示唆されている.Sayginら(1)は,人間とロボットとアンドロイド(見た目は人間で動作が機械的)の3種類の映像を被験者に提示し,映像を観察している時の脳活動を比較する実験を行った.その結果,アンドロイドを観察した時のみ特異的な神経活動が観測されたとの知見を得ており,この原因を「外見から予測される動作と実際の動作との不一致に違和感を感じたため」と考察している.また、小松ら(2)は外見から予測される機能と実際の機能との差を「適応ギャップ」と定義し,それがユーザに与える印象に強く影響を及ぼしていることを実験により明らかにした.更に,山田ら(3)は「適応ギャップ」と「不気味の谷」との関連を述べており,実際の機能が外見から予測される機能を上回った場合は肯定的印象を得るが,実際の機能が外見から予測される機能を下回った場合はエージェントに対し嫌悪感を抱くと考察している.そこで,本研究では擬人化エージェントの「外見から予測される機能と実際の機能の差」に着目し,外見から予測される機能を上回るような優れた機能を擬人化エージェントに実装することで,肯定的印象を得ることができるのかをエージェントとのコミュニケーション実験を通して検証した.(1) Aya Pinar Saygin, Thierry Chaminade, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Jon Driver, Chris Frith: "The thing that should not be : predictive coding and the uncanny valley in perceiving human and humanoid robot actions", Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Vol.22, No.2, pp.1-10 (2011)(2) 小松孝徳, 山田誠二: "適応ギャップがユーザのエージェントに対する印象変化に与える影響", 人工知能学会論文誌, Vol.24, No.2, pp.232-240 (2009)(3) 山田誠二, 角所考, 小松孝徳: "人間とエージェントの相互適応と適応ギャップ", 特集 HAI: ヒューマンエージェントインタラクションの最先端, 人工知能学会誌, Vo.21, No.6, pp.648-653 (2006)

  • 神経科学の知見による教授戦略モデルに基づく学習支援エージェントの設計基盤の開発

    2017   田和辻可昌

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    本研究では,皮質-皮質間の情報伝播を表現する定性ニューロン群を用いて,衝動性眼球運動を表現するニューロンの挙動が生成できるかを試みた.定性ニューロンは,先行研究に基づき,先行するニューロンから情報を受け取り,閾値を超えると次のニューロンに情報が伝播される,という挙動を定性的に模式化したものである.これらの定性ニューロンは解剖学的知見に基づいて結合された.シミュレーションの結果,衝動性眼球運動生成時に見られる橋網様体でのバースト発火と見られる挙動が観察された.この成果は,脳の情報処理を,単純な挙動をする定性ニューロンの結合で表現することが可能であることを示唆している.&nbsp;・J. Pastor, et al.: BioCaen – A causal qualitative network for cerebral information propagation modeling, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, 1036, 305-315 (1997)・A. Strassman, et al.: Anatomy and Physiology of Saccadic Burst Neurons in the Alert Squirrel Monkey. I. Excitatory Burst Neurons, The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 249, 337-357 (1986)

  • 「不気味な笑顔」表出過程に関する脳内情報処理プロセスの小脳・大脳連携モデルの構築

    2016   田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 近藤佑亮

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  • FACSに基づく人工物の表情生成過程と表情認知・感情の関係構造の形式化と実装方式


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  • 人とエージェントとのコミュニケーションの深化のための「間(ま)」のモデル化


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  • 人型エージェントに対する生理反応の時系列変化に着目した二段階知覚過程の実験的検証

    2014   田和辻可昌

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    擬人化エージェントを観察した際に生じる特異的な情動反応,すなわち扁桃体の二段階の応答を生理データの時系列的な変化から外的に抽出できるかについて実験的に検討した.そこで,本研究ではNIRSおよび生理指標計測器を用いて,人間に対する類似度が段階づけられた顔刺激観察中の被験者の脳血流,容積脈波,発汗を計測した.また,VAS(Visual Analog Scale)を用いて,各刺激に対する被験者の快-不快の強度を得た.これによって,各顔刺激に対する快-不快の強度と生理指標との関係性,および評価の強度と二段階の応答の関係性の抽出を試みた.しかし,本実験から有効な結果は抽出されなかった.

  • 大学院先行教育と企業内教育が調和したハイブリッド型学部教育カリキュラムの基礎調査

    2006   野嶋栄一郎

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     本研究の目的は,「大学院先行教育と企業内教育を調和させたハイブリッド型学部教育カリキュラム」を将来的に開発・実践するための基盤調査を行うことにある.特に,本研究(企画調査)では,次の3点について国内外の調査を中心に活動を行う.特に(2)が中心的課題となる. (1)大学院と学部のシームレスな(学部4年,修士課程2年が一貫した)カリキュラムの現状調査とその体系化・モデル化 (2)大学と企業が協働し教育・研修コンテンツ,教育・研修方法やカリキュラムを大学と企業が相互に利活用し合うための制度・運用形態・支援技術などに関する調査と体系化 (3)(1)(2)の結果を受けてのハイブリッド型学部教育のフィージビリティスタディ

  • 大学・企業の協働によるカリキュラム・研修の相互利活用に関する基礎調査

    2005   野嶋 栄一郎

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     本研究の目的は,大学と企業が協働し教育・研修コンテンツ,教育・研修方法やカリキュラムを大学と企業,もしくは企業と企業が相互に利活用するための制度・運用形態・支援技術などに関する基礎調査を行うことにある.具体的には,次の手順で国内外のニーズや動向の調査および体系化を試みた. ① 大学等教育機関と企業の協働による目的指向の人材育成モデルの記述. ② 国内外の大学・企業の教育/研修コンテンツ,カリキュラム,教育/研修方法の実態調査・整理. ③ ②の結果に基づき,相互運用可能なコンテンツ(内容,カリキュラム上の位置づけ,学習形態など)の体系化を行う.     ④ 社会や企業の求める人材要件,大学等教育機関のカリキュラム,および能力レベルなどの多様な軸から構成されるコンテンツの統合マトリクスの作成. ⑤ ③で整理されたコンテンツの④でのマトリクスへのマッピング.ただし,この段階では事例にマトリクスの妥当性評価にとどめる. なお,以下の項目は今後の課題とすることとした. ⑥ ④に対応した学習者の能力やスキルの評価基準および評価手法の検討(人材評価モデルの記述).ただし,この段階では事例の適用による妥当性評価にとどめる. ⑦ 相互運用するための単位認定制度の検討と素案の作成. ⑧ 相互運用するための課金制度,ライセンス制度の検討(再構築)と素案の作成. ⑨ 学習者管理,コンテンツ管理・運用,学習者評価(テスティング),コンテンツ評価のための統合化されたLMS(Learning Management System)の仕様とアーキテクチャの検討. ⑩ プラットフォーム(認証,課金,ライセンス管理,負荷分散,各種情報の提供)とLMSとの連動のための仕様とアーキテクチャの検討. ⑪ 実施するための適切な行政の対応(支援,税制などの法整備)の可能性の検討. 今後は,本研究の成果を受けて,より広範囲の分野からの研究者・実践者を招き入れ,上記の各項目の成果を基盤とした研究・開発へと展開する予定である.大学・企業の協働による目的指向の人材育成モデル(上記①)を構成する各種モジュール(コンテンツ,統合マトリクス,評価基準,評価手法)(上記の②~⑥),および各種制度(課金制度,ライセンス管理など)(上記の⑦⑧⑪)を確立・実現し,統合LMS,プラットフォームを開発し実装する(上記の⑨⑩).そして,各種実証実験・実運用を通して,大学・企業の協働による新しい人材育成,産業創出(人材雇用)の新機軸を示す予定である.

  • モバイル学習環境における適応的コンテンツ自動生成のための位置情報英語コーパスの作成


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     本研究の目的は,携帯電話の英語学習への積極的な利用を目的とした,位置情報を利用した英語文,英語問題の自動生成のための位置情報英語コーパスを作成することである.この成果は,新しい学習観に基づく英語学習(Communicative Approach)の実現に寄与すると同時に,人工知能研究(知的教育支援システム),コーパスに基づいた新しい言語処理方式への技術的側面からの貢献も期待できる.情報通信技術の進展と低価格化により,学習環境にインターネット等の情報通信技術を積極的に導入し,従来の学習環境では実現困難であるとされていた学習環境が比較的容易に実現可能となった.一方,モバイル端末(携帯電話,PDA(Personal Data Assistant))を学習環境に積極的に導入し,調べ学習や発見学習の支援ツールとして有効活用する試み行われ,その成果が関連の学協会で報告されるようになった.本研究では高等教育機関における大人数の教室講義の質的な活性化を目的として,教室講義,インターネット(以下,PC),携帯電話(以下,携帯)のシームレスで最適な連携方式の検討を行った.具体的には,学習者が「PC,携帯のいずれを」,「どこで」,「いつ」利用するかを詳細に履歴情報として収集し,コンテンツ配信に関するツール(PC,携帯),形式,内容,タイミングの最適な組み合わせの検討を行った.その結果,「携帯を利用する場合はコンテンツの形式・内容と利用場所には強い関係がある」との知見を得た.以上の成果や知見をもとに,「位置情報を用いた学習コンテンツの自動生成,配信」のための方法論と技術に関する検討を行った.具体的には,位置情報英語コーパス(以下,位置コーパスと呼ぶ)の作成を行い,その妥当性,有効性,実効性の検証を行った.位置コーパスの規模としては,英単語の粒度で3,000語程度(中学,高校の学習要領をカバー可能な範囲),連語の粒度で100,000語程度で行った.次のような手順で研究を推進した.(1)位置情報に関するランドマーク(駅,銀行などの行動の目標となるオブジェクト)の抽出と,位置情報を伴う英語文の書き出し.(2)(1)の英語文を構成する相対的粒度の小さい構成要素の体系的整理(位置情報に関するスクリプト知識の記述).(3)(2)の作業をスパイラルに実施し,位置情報に関する英語構成要素の階層構造を記述(位置コーパスの記述).4)位置コーパスの妥当性,有効性,実効性の検証(実証実験の実施). 今後は,位置コーパスから英語問題の生成方式を検討し実装することが課題である.

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