Updated on 2024/07/26


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
(BLANK) ( Waseda University )

昭和39年4月生まれ 山口県出身

Research Experience

  • 2014.04

    Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering   Professor

  • 2012.08

    宇都宮大学大学院   教授

  • 2007.04

    Utsunomiya University

  • 1999.02

    Utsunomiya University

  • 1994.04

    Utsunomiya University

  • 1997.06

    マサチュウセッツ工科大学   客員研究員

  • 1991.04

    Waseda University

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Education Background

  • 1989.04

    早稲田大学大学院   理工学研究科   博士課程後期(単位取得退学)  

  • 1987.04

    Waseda University  

  • 1983.04

    Waseda University   School of Science and Engineering  

Committee Memberships

  • 2019.04

    都市計画コンサルタント協会  理事

  • 2019

    土木学会  コンサルタント委員会 副委員長

  • 2012

    日本交通政策研究会  常務理事

  • 2019.10

    東京都  土地利用審査会会長

  • 2017.10

    静岡県  都市計画審議会会長

  • 2014.12

    国土交通省  全国街路事業コンクール審査委員会委員

  • 2022.06

    The City Planning Institute of Japan  Presidesnt

  • 2018.09

    栃木県  都市計画審議会会長

  • 2020.03

    内閣府  中央交通安全対策会議専門委員

  • 2017.07

    国土交通省  都市交通における自動運転技術の活用方策に関する検討会座長

  • 2021.05

    府中市  府中市都市・地域交通戦略(分倍河原駅周辺地区)推進協議会委員長

  • 2021.02

    府中市  府中市地域公共交通協議会委員長

  • 2021.02

    新宿区  新宿三丁目周辺まちづくり検討委員会副会長

  • 2020.11

    新宿区  高田馬場駅周辺エリアまちづくり検討委員会副会長

  • 2016.10

    新宿区  新宿駅東口地区歩行者環境改善協議会検討部会

  • 2016.09

    栃木県宇都宮都市圏タクシー特定地域協議会  会長

  • 2016.07

    宇都宮まちづくり推進機構  まちづくりと交通部会部委員

  • 2016

    土木学会  土木計画分野における3次元モデル活用小委員会

  • 2016

    土木学会  スマートシェアシティ研究小委員会

  • 2014

    土木学会  自転車政策研究小委員会

  • 2014

    栃木県県南・塩那交通圏タクシー準特定地域協議会  会長

  • 2014

    宇都宮まちづくり推進機構  栃木県LRT研究会

  • 2013

    宇都宮市  芳賀・宇都宮基幹公共交通検討委員会会長

  • 2006

    Transportation Research Board  ABE90

  • 2005.11

    国土交通省宇都宮国道事務所  道路行政マネジメントを実践する栃木県会議委員長

  • 2004

    雷都レールとちぎ  世話人、アドバイザー

  • 2019.11

    栃木県  土地利用審査会委員・会長代行

  • 2022.04

    国際交通安全学会  国際共同社会実装展開プロジェクトPL

  • 2005

    宇都宮市  県央地域公共交通利活用促進協議会会長

  • 2022.01

    さいたま市  次世代道路網あり方委員会委員(職務代理)

  • 2016.08

    東京都  大規模小売店舗立地審議会委員

  • 2022.07

    港区  港区地域公共交通会議 交通計画部会

  • 2022.05

    交通工学研究会  第2学術小委員会委員長

  • 2022.05

    土木学会  関東支部商議員

  • 2023.01

    東京都・八王子市  都市計画マスタープラン改定懇談会

  • 2022.11

    宇都宮市  芳賀・宇都宮地域公共交通活性化協議会会長

  • 2022.09

    高速道路調査会  高速道路におけるカーボンニュートラルに向けた総合的な施策等に関する基礎的研究委員会

  • 2022.03

    東京都  築地地区まちづくり事業審査委員会委員長代理

  • 2021.06

    浜松市  浜松市土地利用方針策定に関するアドバイザー

  • 2020.04

    港区  都市計画審議会委員

  • 2018.11

    沼津市  沼津市中心市街地まちづくり戦略会議委員

  • 2021

    土木学会  エネルギー委員会委員

  • 2021.10

    世田谷区  世田谷区都市計画審議会会長代理

  • 2019.07

    宇都宮市  Uスマート推進協議会会長

  • 2020.07

    新宿区  まちづくり相談委員

  • 2013

    株式会社あしぎん総合研究所  客員研究員

  • 2022.08

    盛岡市  内丸地区再整備学識検討会議委員

  • 2022.04

    川崎市  扇島地区土地利用検討会議委員

  • 2022.04

    宇都宮市  宇都宮市市政研究センター特別アドバイザー

  • 2022.04

    江東区  江東区都市計画マスタープラン 2022 推進会議委員

  • 2022.04

    国際交通安全学会  創50事業企画推進委員

  • 2021.07

    国際協力機構(JICA)  道路交通安全分野の協力に関する課題別支援委員会委員長

  • 2019.04

    国際交通安全学会  国際フォーラム(GIFTS)実行委員会委員

  • 2014.07

    国土交通省  全国都市交通特性調査検討会

  • 2010.03

    宇都宮市  都市交通戦略推進懇談会会長

  • 2021.02

    群馬県  群馬県地域公共交通活性化協議会委員長

  • 2015.08

    宇都宮市  芳賀・宇都宮東部地域公共交通活性化協議会会長

  • 2021.10

    岩国市  岩国市総合計画検討会座長

  • 2021.11

    富山市  スマートシティ推進ビジョン検討有識者会議座長

  • 2020.06

    日本都市計画学会  スマートシティ特別委員会副委員長

  • 2020.06

    日本都市計画学会  副会長/専務理事代行

  • 2018.06

    都市地下空間活用研究会  企画運営委員会委員長

  • 2021.04

    港区  地域交通ネットワークのあり方検討会議副委員長

  • 2021.11

    国土交通省  新たな都市交通調査体系のあり方に関する検討会委員

  • 2021.10

    内閣府  高齢者の交通安全対策に関する調査・意見交換会委員

  • 2021.10

    内閣府  スマートシティ評価指標に関する有識者検討会委員

  • 2021.08

    国際協力機構(JICA)  スマートシティアプローチの適用性に係る情報収集・確認調査 国内支援委員会委員

  • 2020.08

    国土交通省  駅まちデザイン検討会委員

  • 2020.04

    防災学術連携体  幹事

  • 2019.10

    東京都  自動運転社会を見据えた都市づくりの在り方検討会座長

  • 2019.04

    国際交通安全学会  Global Research Alliance on Traffic and Safety (GRATS) PL

  • 2018.04

    板橋区  板橋区都市計画審議会委員

  • 2021.09

    東京大学  モビリティ・イノベーション推進連絡協議会委員

  • 2015.10

    世田谷区  都市計画審議会

  • 2019.07

    公益財団法人交通エコロジー・モビリティ財団  環境的に持続可能な交通(EST)普及推進委員会委員

  • 2020.11

    内閣府  高齢者の交通安全対策に関する調査検討委員会委員

  • 2020.04

    府中市  分倍河原駅周辺まちづくり検討会アドバイザー

  • 2019.04

    国際交通安全学会  専門部会「人」委員会委員長

  • 2018.12

    東京大学  NEDOプロジェクト「戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(SIP)自動運転による交通事故低減等へのインパクトに関する研究」検討委員会委員

  • 2017.12

    浜松市  都市計画マスタープラン改定に関するアドバイザー

  • 2017.04

    府中市  都市計画審議会部会(府中市都市計画マスタープラン改定検討部会)

  • 2017.02

    国土交通省関東地方整備局  東京都市圏総合都市交通体系調査技術検討会

  • 2015.11

    国土交通省関東運輸局  東京運輸支局バリアフリーネットワーク会議座長

  • 2018.06

    都市地下空間活用研究会  企画運営委員会 委員長

  • 2017.12

    岩国市  岩国市立地適正化計画検討協議会委員

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Professional Memberships

















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Research Areas

  • Civil engineering plan and transportation engineering

Research Interests

  • Transportation Planning

  • City Planning


  • 2021年度都市住宅学会賞著作賞

    2021.12   都市住宅学会   Frontiers of Real Estate Science in Japan

  • 2019年度都市住宅学会賞著作賞

    2019.11   都市住宅学会   コンパクトシティを考える

  • 第19回著作賞

    2010.10   日本地域学会   都市のクオリティ・ストック

  • 第5回懸賞論文優秀作

    1993.05   (財)道路経済研究所   道路ネットワークを考慮した適正容積率の設定に関する研究



  • Q学習を活用した最適な交通取締り活動の実施場所の予測に関する研究

    成瀬拓海, 山脇正嗣, 寺奥淳, 森本章倫

    交通工学論文集8巻2号, pp. A_232-A_239 (2022)   8 ( 2 ) 232 - 239  2022  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 将来の交通環境の変化が交通環境負荷に与える影響に関する研究

    三瀬遼太郎, 井原雄人, 小林亮博, 上坂大輔, 南川敦宣, 森本章倫

    土木学会論文集D3   77 ( 5 ) 711 - 719  2022  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 自動運転社会における駐車場の集約化に関する研究

    山本陸太, 古森開, 高山宇宙, 森本章倫

    交通工学論文集8巻2号, pp.A_319-A_327   8 ( 2 ) 319 - 327  2022  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 逆強化学習を用いた通勤鉄道の利用特性の定量化に関する研究

    大窪智博, 森本章倫

    第41回交通工学研究発表会論文集     729 - 734  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 自動運転車両が混在した一般道における交通流の円滑性・安全性評価に関する研究

    島田大輔, 森本章倫

    交通工学論文集   7 ( 2 ) 86 - 93  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Q 学習を活用した交通事故推計に関する研究

    成瀬拓海, 山脇正嗣, 寺奥淳, 森本章倫

    第41回交通工学研究発表会論文集     207 - 212  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 公共交通の利用特性に着目した乗り換え抵抗に関する研究

    中村佳太郎, 森本章倫

    交通工学論文集7巻2号, pp. A_270-A_279 (2021)   7 ( 2 ) 270 - 279  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Walkabilityの概念整理と日本での適用に向けた課題に関する研究 - 歩行行動の欲求段階モデルを用いた高田馬場駅周辺街路におけるケーススタディ -

    伊藤佑亮, 高山宇宙, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   56 ( 3 ) 811 - 818  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 東京都市圏におけるライフスタイルと交通行動の長期的変化に関する研究

    谷口賢太, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   56 ( 3 ) 1039 - 1044  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 官民連携に着目したスマートシティの持続可能な運営体制に関する研究

    津田采音, 川合智也, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   56 ( 3 ) 635 - 640  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 自動運転車の路上での乗降空間のあり方に関する研究

    古森開, 高山宇宙, 三浦清洋, 成嶋良太, 森本章倫

    交通工学論文集   7 ( 4 ) 25 - 32  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 自動運転社会における駐車場の集約化に関する研究

    山本陸太, 古森開, 高山宇宙, 森本章倫

    第41回交通工学研究発表会論文集     595 - 602  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • スマートシティの持続可能な運営体制に関する調査分析

    津田采音, 川合智也, 森本章倫

    第48回関東支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, CD:全2p, 2021    2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 都市の交通体系からみたアフターコロナのライドシェアに関する研究

    中村毬乃, 三瀬遼太郎, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.63, CD:全8p, 2021    2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 次世代公共交通を含む交通体系の再編が都市財政に及ぼす影響に関する研究

    村上僚祐, 大窪智博, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.63, CD:全8p, 2021    2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • LRT 導入を考慮した駅前広場に関する一考察-JR 宇都宮駅を対象として-

    稲田健人, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.64, CD:全7p, 2021    2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Walkabilityを巡る論点整理と歩行者環境の評価・分析に関する研究

    伊藤佑亮, 高山宇宙, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.64, CD:全6p, 2021    2021

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 自動運転社会に対応するカーブサイドの計画に関する研究

    古森開, 三浦清洋, 成嶋良太, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.64, CD:全8p, 2021    2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • BERT を用いたスマートフォン位置情報による移動状態推定技術

    上坂大輔, 小林亮博, 武田直人, 南川敦宣, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.64, CD:全6p, 2021    2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 位置情報ビッグデータを用いた交通需要予測のための表現学習技術

    小林亮博, 上坂大輔, 武田直人, 南川敦宣, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.64, CD:全8p, 2021    2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 都市OSを前提とした都市解析システムの構築とその運用に関する考察

    萩原隼士, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.64, CD:全6p, 2021    2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 逆強化学習を活用した交通事故推計に関する研究

    成瀬拓海, 山脇正嗣, 寺奥淳, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.64, CD:全8p, 2021    2021  [Refereed]

  • 鉄道利用がもたらす正の効用の定量化に関する研究

    穴水俊太朗, 中村佳太郎, 大門創, 森本章倫

    土木学会論文集D3   76 ( 5 ) 93 - 100  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • スマートフォン位置情報データを活用したバス需要予測に関する研究

    吉羽崇, 小林亮博, 中管章浩, 南川敦宣, 冨岡秀虎, 森本章倫

    土木学会論文集D3, Vol.76, No.5, pp. I_767- I_775 (2021)   76 ( 5 ) 767 - 775  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • MaaSの普及を想定した公共交通と人口分布に関する研究

    冨岡秀虎, 村上僚祐, 高山宇宙, 森本章倫

    土木学会論文集D3,   76 ( 5 ) 793 - 801  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 鉄道利用がもたらす正の効用の定量化に関する研究

    穴水俊太朗, 中村佳太郎, 大門創, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.61, CD:全8p, 2020    2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 取締り活動と事故リスクの時間的・空間的変動を考慮した事故予測モデルに関する研究

    田中秀人, 寺奥淳, 島田大輔, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.61, CD:全8p, 2020    2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 交通機関の不確実性を考慮した居住地選択モデルの構築に関する研究

    村上僚祐, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.62, CD:全8p, 2020    2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 将来の交通環境の変化が交通環境負荷に与える影響に関する研究

    三瀬遼太郎, 井原雄人, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.62, CD:全7p, 2020    2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 公共交通の乗り換え抵抗に着目した交通結節点の課題に関する研究

    中村佳太郎, 森本章倫

    , 土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.62, CD:全8p, 2020    2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 東京湾沿岸臨海部における物流施設更新のための計画間の整合性と実現手段に関する研究

    鎌田秀一, 大門創, 剣持健, 苦瀬博仁, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.62, CD:全13p, 2020    2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • スマートシティにおける統合型プラットフォームの構築とその課題に関する研究

    川合智也, 鎌田秀一, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.62, CD:全8p, 2020    2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 市街地における自動運転車の道路上の乗降制限のあり方に関する研究

    高山宇宙, 古森開, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.62, CD:全7p, 2020    2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 自動運転車の路上での乗降に着目したカーブサイドのあり方に関する研究

    古森開, 郭佳瑞, 高山宇宙, 北野尚宏, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.62, CD:全8p, 2020    2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 円滑性と安全性を考慮した自動運転車両の可変的な走行挙動の提案

    島田大輔, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究講演集 Vol.62, CD:全7p, 2020    2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 自動運転社会における駐車場の集約化に関する研究

    山本陸太, 古森開, 高山宇宙, 森本章倫

    第48回関東支部技術研究発表会講演概要集, CD:全2p, 2021    2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Study on the Characteristics of Japanese Transit Oriented Development as Seen from Long-term Land-use Changes

    K. Takayama, Y. Watanabe, H.C. Chang, A. Morimoto

      48   2313 - 2318  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


    Harumain, Y. A. S, Nordin, N. A, Azmi, N. F, Teppei, O, Morimoto, A, Zaini, S. F

    Asian People Journal (APJ)   3 ( 2 ) 1 - 10  2020


    Shuichi KAMATA, Hajime DAIMON, Takeshi KENMOCHI, Hirohito KUSE, Akinori MORIMOTO

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   76 ( 4 ) 347 - 363  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


  • 次世代交通の組み合わせに着目した交通環境負荷に関する研究

    三瀬遼太郎, 井原雄人, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   55 ( 3 ) 652 - 658  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • スマートフォン位置情報データを用いたMaaS導入時の交通行動変容に関する研究

    宮脇桐子, 冨岡秀虎, 高山宇宙, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   55 ( 3 ) 637 - 644  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • PT 調査データを用いた自転車利用実態の長期的変化に関する研究

    藪崎琳太郎, 森重裕貴, 森本章倫

    交通工学論文集   6 ( 2 ) A_97 - A_104  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • レベル4の自動運転車導入における乗降環境を考慮した街路空間に関する研究

    岡野舜, 高山宇宙, 三浦清洋, 森本章倫

    交通工学論文集   6 ( 2 ) 105 - 112  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author



    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   75 ( 6 ) I_565 - I_574  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


  • 携帯電話基地局データからみた商業施設の来客数原単位に関する研究

    新貝航平, 三瀬遼太郎, 渋川剛史, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   55 ( 3 ) 1041 - 1046  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • A Proposal for “Smart Sharing City” toward a Sustainable City

    T. Komeiji, T. Osada, H. Daimon, A. Morimoto, H. Koike

    , 2019 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies, Seoul CD    2019

  • Modeling and Analysis of Pedestrians’ Crossing Behavior at Countdown Signalized Intersection - Case Studies in Japan and China

    Ning Su, N. Kitano, A. Morimoto

    2019 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies, Seoul CD    2019



    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   75 ( 5 ) I_295 - I_303  2019  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


  • 交通のシェアリングサービスと健康の相互関係に関する研究

    野口大司郎, 広瀬和保, 古明地哲夫, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文集   39   221 - 226  2019  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • PT 調査からみた若者と女性の交通行動の長期的変化に関する研究

    河野誉史, 穴水俊太朗, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文集   39   201 - 205  2019  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 街頭取締り活動を考慮した交通事故発生予測に関する研究

    下田康貴, 寺奥淳, 田中秀人, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文集   39   129 - 135  2019  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • ニューラルネットワークを用いた交通事故予測のモデル化に関する研究

    保倉楓, 寺奥淳, 田中秀人, 森本章倫

    第39回交通工学研究発表会論文集   39   123 - 128  2019  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • LRTと電気自動車が連携した次世代交通システムの環境改善効果に関する研究

    伊藤真依子, 浅野周平, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   54 ( 3 ) 1268 - 1274  2019  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 画像データを用いた深層学習による空き家の発生予測に関する研究

    北島紗恵, 六本木延浩, 冨岡秀虎, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   54 ( 3 ) 1468 - 1474  2019  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • PT 調査データを用いた自転車利用実態の長期的変化に関する研究

    藪崎琳太郎, 森重裕貴, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文集   39   207 - 212  2019  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • レベル4の自動運転車導入における乗降環境を考慮した街路空間に関する研究

    岡野舜, 高山宇宙, 三浦清洋, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文集   39   483 - 489  2019  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 交通事故予測モデルを活用した街頭取締り活動の効果評価に関する研究

    下田康貴, 寺奥淳, 田中秀人, 森本章倫

    第39回交通工学研究発表会論文集     129 - 135  2019  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • A Study on the Applicability of the Renewal Method for Large Logistics Facilities in the Coastal Area of Tokyo Metropolitan Area based on the Changes in the Urban Logistics Policy

    Shuichi Kamata, Hajime Daimon, Hirohito Kuse, Akinori Morimoto

      54 ( 3 ) 1260 - 1267  2019  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 自己決定理論に基づいた鉄道の本源的需要の簡易評価に関する研究

    穴水俊太朗, 山北沙緒里, 大門創, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究・講演集   58  2018.11

  • 取締り計画に着目した交通取締りの地域比較

    河野誉史, 森本章倫

    交通工学論文集   4 ( 1 ) 161 - 168  2018  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • 取締り活動と事故抑制の関係に関する研究

    下田康貴, 森本章倫

    交通工学論文集   4 ( 1 ) 154 - 160  2018  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Simulation of Rates of Vacant Homes Using Big Data and Bayes’ Theorem

    N. Roppongi, A. Morimoto

    2018 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies, Vietnam CD    2018

  • A Study on Evaluation of Urban Induction Zone Focusing on Large-Scale Retail Store

    S. Asano, A. Morimoto

    2018 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies, Vietnam CD    2018

  • Study of Indicator Relating to the Urban Facility Location Plan Using Mobile Spatial Dynamics in Japan

    T. Shibukawa, S. Asano, K. Sogo, A. Morimoto

    2018 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies, Vietnam CD    2018

  • A Study on the Pulverization and Treatment of Primary Demand for Multiple Trip Purposes

    S. Yamakita, A. Morimoto

    2018 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies, Vietnam CD    2018

  • A Primary Study to Evaluate LRT Performance through Making Standard -Case Studies for Suzhou and Nanjing

    Hsiang-Chuan Chang, A. Morimoto

    2018 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies, Vietnam CD    2018

  • 道路空間将来像の可視化を用いた合意形成手法の提案に関する研究

    森重裕貴, 森本章倫, 高山宇宙

    都市計画論文集   53 ( 3 ) 1370 - 1376  2018  [Refereed]

  • 高齢歩行者の歩行活動と交通事故の関係性に関する研究

    宮﨑萌, 寺奥淳, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文集   38   269 - 275  2018  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 高齢者の交通安全と自動運転車の利用可能性に関する研究

    石村映美, 古明地哲夫, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文集   38 ( 170 ) 165 - 170  2018  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • ETC2.0 プローブデータを用いた生活道路の交通事故分析に関する研究

    田中秀人, 寺奥淳, 佐野薫, 園部一男, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文集   38   125 - 132  2018  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 生活道路における自動運転導入による交通事故抑止確率の推計に関する研究

    広瀬和保, 寺奥淳, 鵤貴之, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文集   38   119 - 124  2018  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 地域特性及び物件属性に着目した空き家の発生状況に関する研究

    織田峻央, 森本章倫, 浅野周平

    都市計画論文集   53 ( 3 ) 1074 - 1079  2018  [Refereed]

  • 大規模小売店舗の立地動向に着目した都市機能誘導区域の評価に関する研究 -宇都宮市を事例として-

    浅野周平, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   53 ( 3 ) 1000 - 1006  2018  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 携帯電話基地局データを用いた立地適正化計画の評価指標に関する研究 -宇都宮市をケーススタディとして-

    渋川剛史, 浅野周平, 十河孝介, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   53 ( 3 ) 408 - 415  2018  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • CUEモデルを用いたLRT導入による人口誘導効果に関する研究

    冨岡秀虎, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   53 ( 3 ) 1348 - 1354  2018  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 人口流動統計を活用した幾何学的変数によるLRT需要推計に関する研究

    十河孝介, 森本章倫, 渋川剛史, 大門創

    土木計画学研究・講演集   56  2017.11

  • 持続可能な未来都市としてのスマートシェアシティの提案

    古明地哲夫, 長田哲平, 大門創, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究・講演集   56  2017.11

  • Assessment of Urban Characteristics of Sustainable Cities from the Perspective of Financial Conditions

    Oyama Masato, Morimoto Akinori

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   52 ( 3 ) 407 - 412  2017

     View Summary

    In our nation, the population decline started in 2005 and the difficulty in suburban city management is unavoidable. In such circumstance, the transition to efficient city management is underway and the concept of compact city has come under the spotlight. In 2014, the act on Special Measures Concerning Urban Regeneration was amended and founded the rational site location plan aiming for compact city accordingly. This research aims to determine the urban character influencing financial administration from the angle on persistent economy, and analyses the site location plan instituting cities. Consequently, outlines that cities with financial difficulties are addressing formulation, and identifies that DID population density and length of road per capita influences financial administration.

    DOI CiNii

  • Existence of Primary Demand for LRT Installation in Japan

    S. Yamakita, A. Morimoto

    2017 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies, Nagoya CD    2017

  • Study on the Effective Execution Plan of Traffic Enforcement focused on a District Level to Reduce the Traffic Accidents

    E. Ishimura, A. Morimoto

    2017 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies, Nagoya CD    2017

  • 取締り計画に着目した交通取締りの地域比較

    河野誉史, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文集   37   11 - 16  2017  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • The Relation between Traffic Enforcement Activity and Control of Traffic Accident

      37   5 - 10  2017  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


  • A Basic Study on Estimates of the Transport Energy by the Mobile Spatial Dynamics

      37   705 - 711  2017  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


  • 道路容量の減少からみた構想段階におけるLRT導入検討の簡便な枠組みに関する研究

    大賀惇平, 森本章倫, 大門創

    土木学会論文集D3   73 ( 5 ) I_783 - I_790  2017  [Refereed]


  • LRT導入による道路容量減少と交通手段転換による交通量減少の比較

    大賀惇平, 森本章倫, 大門創

    土木計画学研究・講演集   54   1518 - 1523  2016.11

  • Study on the effective execution plan of traffic enforcement to reduce the traffic accidents

    Ishimura Emi, Morimoto Akinori

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   51 ( 3 ) 655 - 660  2016  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    The number of traffic accidents and trafficcasualties have decreased over the last 21 years due to many law amendments androad improvements. However, it has not been lowering to a remarkable degree these few years and hence new ways of approaching should be considered. In this study, the relationship between traffic enforcement and traffic accidents will be investigated in order to find out the effective way of road policing. Moreover, by using a questionnaire, this study will also examine what the drivers think when committing traffic violations. As a result, it was found out that some drivers tend to commit parking, speed and seatbelt violations repeatedly. Furthermore, it was revealed that traffic enforcement has different effects depending on places, and safety measures other than police enforcements should be considered in places where enforcements have already been focused on.

    DOI CiNii

  • Empirical Study on Traffic Accident of Children in School Zones

    Miyazaki Moe, Morimoto Akinori

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   51 ( 3 ) 649 - 654  2016  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    In recent years, many serious car accidents involved in children are occurred in Japan. Although the emergency joint inspection was conducted to cope with the accidents, these responsive safety measures is hard to reach the satisfactory results. Therefore, this research will clarify the actual commuting roads and further investigate the accidents within and outside of the school zones. According to the comparative study, it was shown that there were no great differences in the details of accidents within and outside. Moreover, it was revealed that children's traffic violation depended on the road shape and many of the accidents on school roads occurred with drivers at low speed.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Automobile Low Dependency Area outside the Urbanization Promotion Areas.

    Oda Takahisa, Morimoto Akinori

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   51 ( 3 ) 722 - 727  2016  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    When downsizing of cities is promoted, there are some concerns in the areas where functions of cities will be reduced (shrinking areas) such as the decline of the traffic convenience and the increase of the car dependence. In addition, there are some actions on utilizing large lands of shrinking areas in special parts. Hence, this research intends to grasp the reality of traffic in the outside of urbanization promotion areas, classify and compare shrinking areas which have low rate of car using (non-motorization areas) in the aspect of traffic sharing rate with the purpose of securing good access to shrinking areas. As the result, non-motorization areas were classified into four patterns and the ways of traffic equipment in non-motorization areas ware shown.

    DOI CiNii


    MORI Chizuru, OSADA Teppei, OHMORI Nobuaki, MORIMOTO Akinori

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   72 ( 5 ) I_261 - I_268  2016

     View Summary

    Utsunomiya-city is planning to introduce Light Rail Transit (LRT). However, there are skeptical or indifferent citizens towards the LRT plan. It is important to make these people get interested in LRT. Under the background, we developed three types of public relations (PR) tools to promote citizens' interest in machizukuri with LRT, which are virtual reality (VR), websites and augmented reality (AR). We conducted experiments of using the three tools for PR and analyzed changes in public awareness and effects of the tools before and after experiencing the PR. It was found that the PR using each tool was useful in promoting citizens' interest in machizukuri with LRT. Especially, AR had an advantage in building visual images of LRT and future travel behavior. Also we found that the effective PR tool was different depending on socio-economic characteristics.

    DOI CiNii

  • LRTに接続する端末バスの遅れ時間の変化がLRT利用者数に与える影響に関する研究

    大竹秀樹, 小金将輝, 長田哲平, 大森宣暁, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM)   52   ROMBUNNO.177  2015.11


  • LRT導入が人口変動に与える影響に関する日欧比較

    坂本壮, 森本章倫, 大門創

    土木計画学研究・講演集   52   1239 - 1245  2015.11

  • 宇都宮市LRT計画の市民説明におけるAR導入に関する研究

    森千鶴, 長田哲平, 大森宣暁, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM)   51   ROMBUNNO.22  2015.06


  • A Preliminary Study on Differences of Previous and Current Town Planning On Travel Behavior of Road Users in Malaysia

    Y. Adilah, SHAMSUL, HARUMAIN, A. Morimoto

    Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies   11  2015

  • Study on Occurrence Pattern of the Vacant Houses in the Local Hub City

    Yamanshita Shin, Morimoto Akinori

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   50 ( 3 ) 932 - 937  2015  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Recently, the rapid increase of vacant houses has been serious urban problem especially in local city in Japan. However, the occurrence pattern of vacant houses is still ambiguous due to the lack of the information. Therefore, this study focus on the data from the waterworks in the local hub city and examine the period of closing hydrant. The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between transition pattern of vacant houses and regional characteristics. As the result of this study, the transition pattern could be represented by logistic curve. Additionally, it was revealed that the vacant houses were generated early from the city center and the area around the station where land readjustment projects have been carried out.

    DOI CiNii


    ASANO Shuhei, MORIMOTO Akinori, OSADA Teppei

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   71 ( 5 ) I_1047 - I_1053  2015  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Car sharing is considered as one of the ways to familiarize the electric vehicle (EV) when popularization is not progressed. However, EV has the demerits such as a long time to charge and travel distance per charge is shorter than gasoline vehicle. Therefore, the possibility of car sharing using EV is unclear compared with gasoline vehicle. This research develops a car sharing system suitable for small businesses by a pilot study. We investigated operational procedure taking into account of the characteristics of EV by Monte Carlo simulation analysis. Analysing appropriate number of members according to different operating hours and travel distances, It was found that the frequency and operating time of a shared EV increased by limiting distance and time.


  • A Study on Influence of LRT on Population Shift in European Various Cities

    Sakamoto So, Morimoto Akinori, Daimon Hajime

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   50 ( 3 ) 774 - 779  2015  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    On the term of decrease in population in Japan, the compact city , where people can travel by NMT such as walk and bicycle and public transportation, is being promoted in local cities. In Toyama city, the plan of compact city based on public transportation such as a LRT is being promoted recently. The government recommends the residents to live around the stations of LRT. Therefore we focus on the population shift in the cities which have LRT systems, then clarify the necessity of LRT system on future compact city's plans, considering from the population of the city and the area along the LRT line. This research examined 27 cities throughout Europe by performing a detailed analysis of a particular reference to the each city's population distribution. Moreover we picked up particular cities to analyze the population of the area along the LRT line in detail. Then our results showed that how the introduction of LRT affects the population shift.

    DOI CiNii

  • 地方都市における人口集約による自動車需要の変化に関する研究

    山本大貴, 森本章倫, 長田哲平

    土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM)   50   ROMBUNNO.35  2014.11


  • 電気自動車を用いた小規模事業所におけるカーシェアリングシステムの開発に関する研究

    浅野周平, 森本章倫, 長田哲平

    土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM)   50   ROMBUNNO.259  2014.11


  • 宇都宮におけるLRT利用の市民PRに関する研究

    森千鶴, 森本章倫, 長田哲平

    土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM)   49   ROMBUNNO.21  2014.06



    Tetsuo MORITA, Yoshimi HOSOKAWA, Shinya TSUKADA, Akira YUZAWA Akira YUZAWA, Akinori MORIMOTO

    SOCIOTECHNICA   11   1 - 11  2014  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


  • Factors of Failure in Land Use and Transportation Planning in Developing Countries

    Y. Adilah, SHAMSUL, HARUMAIN, A. Morimoto

    8th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, THE SUSTAINABLE CITY   Ⅷ   315 - 326  2013

  • The Measurement of Land Use and Transportation Planning Success in Developing Countries Based on Comparative Analysis

    Y. Adilah, SHAMSUL, HARUMAIN, A. Morimoto

    Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies   10  2013

  • A Study on the Effects of Traffic Enforcement on the Traffic Accidents Occurrence in Japan

    H. Hamaoka, A. Morimoto

    The World Conference on Transport Research in Rio, USB    2013

  • A Comparative Study on Reconstruction Plan of Town After the Great East Japan Earthquake

    A. Morimoto, Y. Adilah, SHAMSUL, HARUMAIN, J. Futaba

    Urban Planning and Design Research (UPDR)   1 ( 4 ) 76 - 82  2013

  • 低炭素都市と交通安全-コンパクトシティは交通事故が少ないのか?-

    森本章倫, 浅香俊朗

    国際交通安全学会誌   38 ( 2 ) 134 - 139  2013  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 違反履歴に着目した違反傾向と交通取締りに関する研究

    森本章倫, 髙野穂泉

    交通工学研究発表会論文集   33   35 - 38  2013  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



    Hirohide FUJISHIMA, Norihiko YANASE, Akinori MORIMOTO

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F4 (Construction and Management)   69 ( 4 ) I_193 - I_204  2013  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    &nbsp;The aim of this paper is to propose a support system for overall evaluation bidding method to small and medium-sized regional local governments. The act on progress to ensure quality of public works in 2004 requests to introduce smoothly the bidding system with transparency and fairness for public procurement.<br>&nbsp;However, approximate 70% of the local government introduced the bidding method in 2012. Especially, many small and medium-sized governments are in a trial level of the system. The reason is why the system has unavoidably long-term procedure and heavily administrative load rather than other bidding methods. In a few results of the bidding in local government, we conducted a questionnaire survey to local governments. In according to the result of analysis, we would like to propose the following things.<br>&nbsp;1. The Japanese government should show applicable criteria for overall evaluation bidding method and<br>&nbsp;2. Pool people of experience or academic standing for third party committee of the bidding system,<br>&nbsp;3. Apply a "regional cooperation system" in public procurement.

    DOI CiNii


    Hajime DAIMON, Akinori MORIMOTO

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   69 ( 2 ) 176 - 186  2013  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    A certain period of time has been passed since started to discuss "Compact City". However the effects of Compact City have ever been researched in developed countries, the method, process, feasibility hasn't been clarified in Japan. Therefore it is important to seek how to realize Compact City. The purpose of this study is to propose concept of "Mobility Residue Value (MRV)" from a viewpoint of citizens. MRV is defined as the summation of utility about mobility, which one would receive during a lifetime. People have to recognize and consider MRV when choosing residence for realizing Compact City. Authors tried to establish the concept of MRV, and estimate by using traffic mode choice model. In consequence, it was verified that people in local city Utsunomiya would not decide residential choice in consideration of MRV.

    DOI CiNii

  • A preliminary proposal for urban and transportation planning in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake

    A. Morimoto

    IATSS Research   36 ( 1 ) 20 - 23  2012

    Authorship:Lead author


    Honami TAKANO, Akinori MORIMOTO

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   68 ( 5 ) I_851 - I_856  2012

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii

  • Change in Citizen’s Consciousness about Planning of Light Rail Transit in Utsunomiya

    M. Ito, A. Morimoto, H. Koike, R. Matsuda

    Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.8, CD    2011


    Toshiaki ASAKA, Hitoshi KOMURO, Tatsuru TAKATOU, Akinori MORIMOTO

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   67 ( 5 ) 67_I_1089 - 67_I_1096  2011  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author



    Masashi ITO, Akinori MORIMOTO

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   67 ( 5 ) 67_I_101 - 67_I_108  2011  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii


    Kazumasa SUZUKI, Akinori MORIMOTO

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   67 ( 5 ) 67_I_315 - 67_I_320  2011  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii

  • 都市のコンパクト化が財政及び環境に与える影響に関する研究


    都市計画論文集   46 ( 3 ) 739 - 744  2011  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 都市の集約パターンが環境負荷に与える影響に関する研究

    水本斉, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   31   443 - 446  2011  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


    Eriko SHIOI, Akinori MORIMOTO

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   67 ( 5 ) 67_I_321 - 67_I_326  2011  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii

  • 駐留軍用地跡地における商業立地が既存商業地区に及ぼす影響に関する研究

    金子貴誉史, 亀井三郎, 小川貴裕, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   31   487 - 490  2011  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 附置義務制度と大店立地法による駐車場整備の課題と展望


    都市計画   289   13 - 16  2011  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A Study on traffic accident measures in municipal roads by using GIS

    S. Funamoto, N. Van Nham, A. Morimoto, H. Koike

    13th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, CD    2010

  • A Study on effects of providing environmental information using three dimensional computer graphics

    S. Uchida, A. Morimoto, H. Koike

    13th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, CD    2010

  • 宇都宮市LRT計画における市民意識変容と合意形成手法に関する研究

    伊藤将司, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   45 ( 3 ) 847 - 852  2010  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • MM実施による路線バス利用の経年変化に関する研究

    横溝恭一, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   45 ( 3 ) 457 - 462  2010  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


    Tatsuya SEKI, Akinori MORIMOTO

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu D   66 ( 2 ) 255 - 268  2010  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author


  • Effects of the Future Urban Landscape on Citizen's Consciousness Using Computer Graphics Animation

    Miki SAITO, Akinori MORIMOTO

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   26 ( 2 ) 281 - 286  2009  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii

  • 3DVRを用いた環境情報提供が民生及び交通部門の環境意識に与える影響

    内田清香, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文集, CD(4p)   29   1 - 4  2009  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 都市コンパクト化の度合に着目した維持管理費の削減効果に関する研究

    佐藤晃, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   44 ( 3 ) 535 - 540  2009  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


  • 持続可能な都市における基幹公共交通の意義 -土地利用と交通の相互関係からみた地方中核都市の再生-


    都市計画   58 ( 5 ) 32 - 35  2009  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Success of “Machinoeki”, the Human Stations - 10 Years Progress Report -

    H. Koike, A. Morimoto, K. Sasaki, A. Endo

    10th International Conference for Walking, CD    2009

  • A Study on the Effects of Urban Landscape on Citizen’s Attitude Using Virtual Reality Simulation Model -A Case Study of Utsunomiya City-

    A. Morimoto, H. Koike, M. Saito

    10th International Conference for Walking, CD    2009

  • Study on promotion of public transport by attractiveness of city center and Mobility Management


    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   25   929 - 934  2008  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper presents effects of the promotion of public transport by introducing the MM and implementing the large event in city center of Utsunomiya in 2006. The results of this study show that the obvious con-elation was observed between the frequency of visiting to city center and the frequency of using the bus. In addition, the improvement of attractiveness has much good effect on both a motivation to go to city center and promotion of public transport.

    DOI CiNii

  • Influences of Traffic Enforcement on Reduction of Traffic Accidents in Terms of District Level

    Satoshi FUNAMOTO, Akinori MORIMOTO

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   25   889 - 895  2008  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    In recently, the problem of the traffic accident worsens by various factors. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the effects of traffic enforcement on traffic accident in terms of district level. As a result of statistical analysis, it is found that the traffic enforcement for persons ignoring a traffic light would contribute the reduction of traffic accidents around the enforcement point. In addition, the effects of traffic enforcement appear the road where congestion degree is relatively low as drivers can control their travel speed.

    DOI CiNii

  • バスLOSを考慮した被験者分類とMMによる行動変容に関する研究

    横溝恭一, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   43 ( 3 ) 793 - 798  2008  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author



    Hidenobu NAKAI, Akinori MORIMOTO

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu D   64 ( 1 ) 1 - 10  2008  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    In this paper, we focus on the change of the electric power consumption and automobile energy consumption in residential sector in case of implementing a compact-city policy. We could check the reduction effectiveness of the both energy consumption was possible in the case. In particular, the migration to collective housing from the individual house of singleness and a husband-and-wife household is effective. On the other hand, in national life section, control of nuclear family and promotion of three-generation habitation is very important. And, in a transportation section, automobile energy consumption decreases, and much more energy consumption reduction is expected by maintenance of public transportation.

    DOI CiNii

  • Modal Choice of Visitors in Social Experiment of Transit Mal

    N. Nakamura, A. Morimoto, H. Koike

    12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, CD    2008

  • A Study on the Selection of Accumulation Promotion Areas Based on Automobile and Public Transport Accessibilitie

    T. Miura, A. Morimoto, H. Koike, H. Daimon, T. Seki

    12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, CD    2008

  • 栃木県における大規模小売店舗の立地動向と集積誘導地域の選定に関する研究

    三浦達也, 森本章倫, 大門創, 関達也

    土木計画学研究・講演集   36  2007.11

  • 人口減少下における地方中核都市のTOD戦略に関する研究

    大門創, 森本章倫

    土木計画学研究・講演集   35  2007.06

  • LRT沿線エリアの土地利用特性からみた交通需要予測に関する研究

    中井秀信, 森本章倫, 清水靖史

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   27   185 - 188  2007  [Refereed]


  • A Study on Traffic Behavior of High Income People in Asian Developing Countries

    LUO Xiao, DAIMON Hajime, MORIMOTO Akinori, KOIKE Hirotaka

    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies   7   1222 - 1235  2007  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Disorderly urban sprawl in developed countries was aggravated by the progress of motorization. City planners in developing countries can avoid similar mistakes to be repeated. Since personal income level and car ownership seems to have a positive relationship, the objective of this study is to clarify the influence of rising income level on traffic behavior in developing countries. It was found that the car usage rate will rise with increasing income levels for cities with income levels above a certain value. One of the reasons is the relocation of high income people to the peripheral area of a city and this has been proven. Solutions to this imminent problem include development of a pleasant living environment in the city center so as to attract more people from high income level groups to reside in the city center area, and the compound use of city land in order to reduce trip length.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Introducing of Transit Oriented Development into an Existing City

    Daisuke HAYAKAWA, Akinori MORIMOTO, Hirotaka KOIKE, Hidenobu NAKAI

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   24 ( 1 ) 165 - 172  2007  [Refereed]


  • A Study on the Impact of LRT and Traffic Policy on Large Area and Small Area Traffic Flows

    Kenta Maruyama, Akinori MORIMOTO, Hirotaka KOIKE, Meiko MATSUMURA

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   24 ( 3 ) 537 - 543  2007  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In leant years, the decline of public transportation and the deterioration of motorization caused many urban problem. For those problems, effectuation of LRT and Transitmall are examined gradually in Japan. However, thete ate many ambiguous effect about LRT and Transitmall. In this study, we simulate the impact of LRT and Transitmall on large area and small area. As a result, it became clear that a spreading effect changed by each transport policy. And, this study clarified a problem such as road maintenance point and importance ofmodal shift

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on the Factor of Varying Trip Generation Rate per Day and Trip Generation Rate per Time

    Hajime DAIMON, Akinori MORIMOTO, Yoshihide NAKAGAWA

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   24 ( 3 ) 517 - 524  2007  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to review the factor of varying Trip Generation Rate per Day and to propose Trip Generation Rate per Time. In consequence, Trip Generation Rate per Day varies depending on some freedom degrees and it needs detail analysis to use this model. In this paper, Trip Generation Rate per Time is proposed. This model makes it possible to upgrade coefficient of determination and to express the difference of peak time of day by land use.

    DOI CiNii

  • 交通影響評価における非自動車交通の現状に関する一考察

    関達也, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   27   253 - 256  2007  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


  • アクセシビリティ指標を用いた集積誘導地域の選定に関する研究

    三浦達也, 森本章倫, 大門創, 関達也

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   27   237 - 240  2007  [Refereed]


  • A Study on Driver's Awareness of Traffic Enforcement and Hazard Perception

    Katsuya USHIKOSHI, Akinori MORIMOTO, Hirotaka KOIKE

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   24 ( 4 ) 819 - 824  2007  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The traffic accident increases because of an increase in the number of the car. The traffic safety measure on a soft side will become important in the future. Then, it focuses attention on traffic management as a traffic safety measure on a soft side in this research. It is thought that consideration to traffic of driver action influences the traffic accident. Then, the mechanism to taking a traffic action is clarified in this research. And, the purpose of a study is to understand the factor of the safe driving.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Comparative Study on Car Use of High Income Level in Asian Developing Countries

    LUO Xiao, DAIMON Hajime, MORIMOTO Akinori, KOIKE Hirotaka

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu D   24 ( 3 ) 587 - 592  2007  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Disorderly sprawled land use in developed countries was aggravated by the progress of motorization. City planners in developing countries can avoid similar mistakes to be repeated. In view of the fact that personal income level and car usage have a positive relationship, the objective of this research was to elucidate the influence of rising income level on car use. First, it was found that the share of automobile mode will rise with increasing income levels for cities with income levels above a certain value. Next, it was found that average trip length for high income level groups tends to be longer and this could be attributed to the increase in car usage. In addition, in Chengdu, one of the reasons why trip length of high income level groups has risen has been hypothesized to be that people from high income level groups are moving to the city's peripherals and this has been quantitatively proven.

    DOI CiNii

  • “Comparison of Transport Energy Consumption and Population Density, Trip Rate in Developed and Developing Countries”

    H. Daimon, A. Morimoto, H. Koike

    The 11th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM    2007

  • “A Study on Traffic Behavior of High Income People in Asia”

    Xiao LUO, H. Daimon, A. Morimoto, H. Koike

    Proceeding of the EASTS   6  2007

  • “A Study of Time Varying Transit Service Area and Its Influence on Modal Choice”

    H. Daimon, A. Morimoto, H. Koike

    Proceeding of the EASTS   6   1707 - 1718  2007

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    Recently, excessive automobile dependence in local cities in Japan exemplifies the importance to compare the convenience between automobile and public transit. The purpose of this study is to develop a model that takes time of day into consideration in such a way to express bus travel time as a function of departure time. By using this concept, the regions where bus transit is equally competitive with automobile transportation were found based on the travel time standpoint. Moreover, comparing poorly-served area identified using the above model and public transport modal split, we would like to visualize the fluctuation of bus transit service area using GIS, and examine the relationship between bus transit service area and modal choice. In addition, the adaptability of this concept and model is discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 物資流動実態に基づく東京都市圏における輸送エネルギー推計

    大門創, 森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    土木計画学研究・講演集   34  2006.11

  • アジア途上国の大都市における交通行動と所得の関連性に関する研究

    羅霄,大門創, 森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    土木計画学研究・講演集   34  2006.11

  • LRT導入に伴う交通基盤整備が周辺交通流に与える影響

    長田哲平, 森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM)   33   ROMBUNNO.23  2006.06


  • 原単位変動要因を考慮した時間原単位の概念構築に関する一考察

    大門創, 森本章倫, 中川義英

    土木計画学研究・講演集   33  2006.06

  • Analysis of Environmental Load Reduction by Modification of Bus Transportation System

    SHIGENO Yuji, MORIMOTO Akinori, KOIKE Hirotaka

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu D   23   819 - 824  2006

     View Summary

    In order to achieve the target of carbon dioxide emission reduction stipulated in the Kyoto Accord, it is necessary to reduce the number of moving vehicles in addition to the innovation of automotive technology. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to focus attention on bus transport that can substitute automobiles, and to estimate the decreasing effect of environmental load by improving the local bus running conditions using a microscopic traffic flow simulator. The result of the estimation revealed that the effect a bus set on the traffic flow is generated when a bus stops at a bus stop. Measures to improve bus running environment such as the removal of parked vehicles and provision of exclusive bus lanes, proved effective to decrease environmental load. Additionally, these measures have a bigger effect if they are combined with the modal shift from cars to buses.

    DOI CiNii

  • Intention data analysis concerning influence that introduction of LRT exerts on traffic of senior citizen action

    MIZUNO Emu, KOIKE Hirotaka, MORIMOTO Akinori, FUJII Satoshi

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu D   23 ( 2 ) 687 - 692  2006  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, we analyzed the result of survey carried out in Utsunomiya-city and examined the relationship between daily activity of senior citizen and behavior activation of them in the situation of LRT introduction. As a result. it was founded that senior citizen had intention to use LRT at the time of LRT introduction, and their going out activity remain latent. The result shows that, these activities are much more likely to be latent behavior especi ally in private purpose trip. This means the latent going out behavior of senior citizen are activated when LRT is introduced in Utsunomiya.

    DOI CiNii

  • 都市計画制度における時間軸の管理システム-大規模土地利用転換と交通インフラ整備の整合性を目指して


    都市計画   261   17 - 20  2006  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 時間変動を考慮した交通不便地域の概念に関する提案

    大門創, 森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   26   257 - 260  2006  [Refereed]


  • 大規模小売店舗立地法における交通にかかわる独自基準の作成

    森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    都市計画論文集   41 ( 3 ) 133 - 138  2006  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • アカウンタビリティ向上を目指した道路行政マネジメントシステムに関する提案 -栃木県をケーススタディとして-

    大門創, 森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    都市計画論文集No.41-3, pp.127-132 (2006)   41 ( 3 ) 127 - 132  2006  [Refereed]

  • “Comparison of Trip Generation Rates Considering Regional Characteristics”

    H. Daimon, H. Koike, A. Morimoto

    Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering     2135 - 2142  2006

  • “Effects of Light Rail Transit and Transit-Oriented Development on Citizens Attitudes and Automobile Traffic Flow”

    H. Koike, A. Morimoto, T. Osada

    TRB 85th Annual Meeting , CD    2006

  • Web-GISを活用した大規模小売店舗立地時の交通アセスメント手法の提案

    長田 哲平, 森本 章倫, 古池 弘隆

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   25   97 - 100  2005.10  [Refereed]


  • 大規模小売店舗立地法における必要駐車台数算出の独自基準に関する研究

    長田哲平, 森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    都市計画論文集   40 ( 3 ) 97 - 100  2005

  • Development of integrated database system for traffic impact assessment using server side technology

    T Osada, H Koike, A Morimoto

    Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology     775 - 784  2005  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper discusses the Integrated Database System for Traffic Impact Assessment. Traffic impact assessment requires various data for analysis. However, data are widely scattered and a large amount of time is needed to execute analysis. In order to solve these problems, we developed a system which consists of Web GIS Server and Web DB server. These servers use the Java Server Side Technology. As a result, information retrieval by accessing the system became possible, and the traffic impact assessment can be executed more efficiently. A case study to apply this system to large-scale suburban shopping malls proved the effectiveness of the system.

  • Research on Local Standard for Calculation of Parking Capacity under the Large-Scale Retail Stores Location Law

    Osada Teppei, Morimoto Akinori, Koike Hirotaka

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   40 ( 0 ) 385 - 390  2005  [Refereed]

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    The Large-Scale Retail Stores Location Law enacted in 2000 is uniform across the nation and does not reflect the characteristics unique to local cities. Therefore, many local cities have traffic problems attributed to large-scale retail stores. Thus, this paper discussed about the local standard for calculation of parking capacity in local cities as the solution. The local standard is obtained from the field surveys in 2002 and 2004 in Tochigi prefecture. From the result of the survey, this paper proposes the method t to establish unique standard in local region. Using this methodology, it is possible to set the local standard for other cities reflecting the different parameters of parking capacity.

    DOI CiNii

  • 運行採算性からみたLRT沿線人口の上限・下限

    野村和宏, 森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   25   149 - 152  2005  [Refereed]


  • 交通空間からみたトランジット整備の有効性

    野村和宏, 森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    都市計画論文集   40 ( 3 ) 349 - 354  2005  [Refereed]


  • Research on Local Standard for Calculation of Parking Capacity under the Large-Scale Retail Stores Location Law

    Osada Teppei, Morimoto Akinori, Koike Hirotaka

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   40 ( 0 ) 65 - 65  2005

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    The Large-Scale Retail Stores Location Law enacted in 2000 is uniform across the nation and does not reflect the characteristics unique to local cities. Therefore, many local cities have traffic problems attributed to large-scale retail stores. Thus, this paper discussed about the local standard for calculation of parking capacity in local cities as the solution. The local standard is obtained from the field surveys in 2002 and 2004 in Tochigi prefecture. From the result of the survey, this paper proposes the method t to establish unique standard in local region. Using this methodology, it is possible to set the local standard for other cities reflecting the different parameters of parking capacity.

    DOI CiNii

  • Research on Traffic Impact Assessment with Integrated Database System

    Teppei Osada, Akinori Morimoto, Hirotaka Koike, Atsushi Toyooka

    journal of Civil Engineering Information Processing System   14 ( 0 ) 137 - 144  2005  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, authors proposed a systematic method of traffic impact assessment using integrated database system. Integrated database system is composed of Web-GIS, traffic flow simulator, and database system. This system solves two problems in data collection. One is difficulty to data collect and the other is to secure data reliability. Using this system, the traffic impact assessment based on traffic flow simulator can reflect the reality in the region. In addition, the visually representation of traffic flow simulator and GIS helps citizens to understand the potential traffic impact.

    DOI CiNii

  • 交通取締りが交通事故減少に与える効果に関する研究

    森本章倫, 古池弘隆, 守谷隆志

    交通工学   40 ( 5 ) 72 - 78  2005  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • 商業施設に着目した交通影響評価手法に関する一考察

    長田哲平, 森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM)   30   III(117)  2004.11


  • 大店立地法における交通影響評価の事後評価に関する研究

    緒方 ゆり, 長田 哲平, 森本 章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   24   205 - 208  2004.10  [Refereed]


  • “Research on Establishment of a Standard of Traffic Impact Assessment with Integrated Database System”

    T. Osada, H. Koike, A. Morimoto

    10th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering     326 - 327  2004

  • Empirical Analysis for Effect of Transportation Facility Improvement on Residential Location Behavior

    Kazunari TAKAGI, Akinori MORIMOTO, Hirotaka KOIKE

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   21   197 - 202  2004  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    It is important to understand the change of population and land use by transportation facility. However, the mechanism of residential location behavior is so complex and variable. So, the purpose of this study is to examine the effect of transportation facility improvement on residential location behavior, by analyzing with actual data such as the records of land price and transportation condition in Utsunomiya City. And it is analyzed in terms of an contribution of commuting cost and housing cost. As a result, it can be confirmed that the residential location in the place where the location utility is high can attract more population than other places because of residential location maximizing behavior.

    DOI CiNii

  • Research on the Fluctuation of Basic Unit of Daily Visitors to Large-Scale Retail Stores

    Yumi KITAJIMA, Akinori MORIMOTO, Hirotaka KOIKE, Teppei OSADA

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   21 ( 21 ) 473 - 478  2004  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The guideline stipulated in the Large-Scale Retail Stores Location Law enacted in 2000 is uniform across the nation and does not reflect the characteristics unique to local cities. Therefore, this paper examined the actual situations in Tochigi Prefecture, and proposed improvement of measures that conform well to local city environments. Basic unit of daily visitors was analyzed using the result of customer satisfaction level survey. The analysis revealed cause of fluctuation of basic unit of daily visitors that takes attribute and behavioral pattern of individual customer into consideration. In addition, a proposal was made with regard to the establishment of basic unit of visitors to other facilities such as furniture stores.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Research on the Consumption of Residential Electricity and Automobile Energy in terms of Urban Form

    Maki IMAMURA, Akinori MORIMOTO, Hirotaka KOIKE, Hidenobu NAKAI

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   21   283 - 288  2004  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, comparison was made between electricity consumption in residential sector and automobile energy consumption in terms of urban form and life style. An extensive survey in Utsunomiya City revealed the following findings. The electricity consumption per capita shows a tendency that is higher in city center and lower in suburbs. This is due to the fact that the density of electric appliances per floor space tends to be higher in a small size house in city center. On the other hand, the amount of automobile energy consumption for resident is lower in city center than suburbs. But, little difference was found in the total of these two kinds of energy consumption between city center and suburbs.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on the Effect of Past Experience of Bicycle Usage on Illegal Parking

    Harumi YAMASHITA, Hirotaka KOIKE, Akinori MORIMOTO

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   21   539 - 544  2004  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Abandoned or illegally parked bicycles are very serious problems in many places. One of the important countermeasures to deal with this problem is to cultivate consciousness not to park illegally. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey to high school students who frequently use bicycle, and tried to find factors that make them refrain from illegal parking. Two factors are found to be relevant, namely, a good manner and a law-abiding mind. Especially, in order to increase law-abiding mind, it is important to have an experience of enforced rules such as wearing bicycle helmet or restricting the range of commuting by bicycle, as well as the traffic safety education in elementary and secondary schools. Those who have these experiences in their childhood are less likely to commit illegal parking when they grow up.

    DOI CiNii

  • Developing a barrier-free map global positioning system and phones with digital cameras

    T Osada, H Koike, A Morimoto

    PEDESTRIANS AND BICYCLES; DEVELOPING COUNTRIES   1878 ( 1878 ) 152 - 157  2004

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    The recent enactment of the transportation barrier-free law in Japan emphasizes the importance of incorporating a barrier-free approach for any new road facility construction and for improvements to existing road facilities in urban areas. The purpose of this study is to develop barrier-free maps for people with various types of disabilities to help public agencies plan a barrier-free transportation system environment. Statistics show that technological progress and the explosive proliferation of cellular phone use in Japan has reached the level of two phones for every three people. In particular, new advanced cellular phones equipped with additional features such as a Global Positioning System (GPS) and digital cameras are gaining in popularity. The focus is on GPS cellular phones with digital cameras as a tool to collect barrier-free information on the streets. The digital photos and location information generated by the GPS are sent to a personal computer by e-mail. The gathered information is then stored in a geographic information system (GIS) database to display hazardous barrier locations with pictures and messages on a map. Actual field surveys were conducted in the central business district of Utsunomiya City using this method, and information was collected about various barriers for people with different types of disabilities. Barrier-free maps for different types of disabilities were then developed using the multilayer feature of GIS. By comparing hazardous locations for each group of disabilities, both common and differential characteristics were found and summarized in the form of a barrier-free map. Such barrier-free maps are expected to be useful to public agencies for providing a barrier-free transportation environment for people with all types of disabilities.

  • Effect of transportation facility improvement on residential location behavior

    A Morimoto, H Koike, K Takagi


     View Summary

    It is important to understand the change of population and land use by transportation facility. However, the mechanism of the residential location behavior is so complex and variable. So, the purpose of this study is to examine the effect of transportation facility improvement on the residential location behavior, by analyzing with actual data such as the records of land price and transportation condition in Utsunomiya City. And it is analyzed in terms of an equation of commuting cost and housing cost. As a result, it can be confirmed that the residential location in the place where the location utility is high can attract more population than other places because of the residential location maximizing behavior.

  • Customer satisfaction for visitors to CBD

    H Koike, A Morimoto, T Kawano


     View Summary

    Recently, the declines of central business district (CBD) have become serious problems in many local cities in Japan. One of the main causes of this decline is the progress of motorization, which resulted in the sprawl of residential areas in suburbs and the proliferation of suburban shopping centers and malls. The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of transportation mode on the satisfaction level of customers who visited CBD. Recently the City of Utsunomiya conducted an extensive customer satisfaction survey (CS survey). As the result of this study, it was found that improvement of pedestrian space is necessary because pedestrian's customer satisfaction level is high. In addition, it becomes clear that it is necessary to provide alternative access modes to automobile users, such as public transport and bicycles.

  • ”Development of Urban Land Use Model to Compare Transit-Oriented and Automobile-Oriented Cities”

    K. Nomura, H. Koike, A. Morimoto

    Proceedings of ICTTS     260 - 268  2004

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    Many researchers have advocated transit oriented development or compact city concept. However,it is necessary to obtain the rational reason on the urban policy by quantitatively grasping a part of effect of transportation mode on the city growth engineeringly. In this reason, we developed a simple simulation model that can compare the differences between automobile-oriented and transit-oriented cities, and clarify the difference between city forms by transportation modes. Following a theoretical model development, a series of simulation runs are tried. The model allocates people who commute to CBD from residential zones along a transportation corridor. As a result of many simulation analyses, it is shown that automobiles need much more traffic space in comparison with the transit as is shown by the proposed traffic space ratio both in CBD and along the corridor. In this paper, the improvement on the model is proposed using LP. It is the improvement for the purpose of would be able to apply for the more general city. Through the trial, we confirm that the solution exists.

  • “Research on Evaluation of CBD Based on Pedestrian Walking Behaviors”

    H. Koike, A. Morimoto, T. Inoue

    Walk21, CD (9p)    2004

  • “Development of Consensus Building Tool to Introduce Transit Mall”

    H. Koike, A. Morimoto, T. Osada,

    Walk21, CD (8p)    2004

  • “A Study on the Relationship of Residential Electricity Consumption and Automobile Energy Consumption with Urban Forms Using GIS”

    H. Koike, A. Morimoto, M. Imamura

    10th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering     330 - 331  2004

  • “Development of an Urban Land Use Model to Compare Transit-Oriented and Automobile-Oriented Cities

    H. Koike, A. Morimoto, K. Nomura

    10th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering     322 - 323  2004

  • 大規模小売店舗における日来客数原単位の変動に関する研究

    北島由実, 森本章倫, 古池弘隆, 長田哲平

    土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM)   28   IV(99)  2003.11


  • Assessment of Congestion Transition and Effectiveness of Measures by Using Micro Simulation

    Nobuyuki AOKI, Mohsin J. SARKER, Akinori MORIMOTO

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   20 ( 3 ) 589 - 596  2003  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    In this study, the effectiveness of measure and transition phenomenon of traffic congestion were analyzed with a series of data from model development to ex post evaluation of traffic congestion.<BR>As the result, it was found that considering the range and factor of reproducing traffic congestion in the traffic simulation model was important. The study also identified the importance of acquiring knowledge from ex post evaluation of congestion measures based on local characteristics and other restrictions.<BR>As the future work, it is necessary to analysis the relation of congestion transition amount and congestion measures by inquiring real examples.

    DOI CiNii

  • ミクロ交通シミュレーションによる交差点部の安全性評価に関する研究

    高島一彦, 古池弘隆, 森本章倫

    土木情報利用技術論文集   227 ( 236 ) 227 - 236  2003  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Factor analysis on relationship between a hazard perception and traffic accidents

    ASARI Masatoshi, KOIKE Hirotaka, MORIMOTO Akinori

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu D   20   807 - 812  2003  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Recently, it seems that the countermeasures to provide safety equipment and infrastructure is not effective enough to reduce traffic accidents. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a new approach to cope with the increasing traffic accident. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between locations where accidents occurred and the factor that people feels dangerous. A hazardous factor was analyzed by using the Conjoint analysis. From these results, it became apparent that the hazardous perception differs by the user according to the character in the district.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Research on the difference of the pedestrian behavior between in a central urban area and suburban shopping center

    Tadashi INOUE, Akinori MORIMOTO, Hirotaka KOIKE, Fumihiko NAKAMURA

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   20   471 - 476  2003  [Refereed]

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    This research aims to understand traffic behaviors in a central urban area by investigating the pedestrian travel patterns of each city and district with in a city. Although the number of steps of movement between facilities varies with the representative means of transport even in the city, when comparison is made among different cities, the level of public transportation infrastructure is highly relevant to differentiate the distance traveled on foot It was found that, even for the same pedestrian behavior patterns, the energy consumption of those in a central urban area is larger than those in suburban shopping center.

    DOI CiNii

  • “Factors to Promote Bicycle Usage in Japan”

    H. Koike, A. Morimoto, H. Yamashita

    Velocity 2003, CD(3p)    2003

  • “Studies on the Characteristic Differences of Pedestrian Behaviors among Cities and Between City Districts such as Downtown and Suburban Shopping Centers”

    H. Koike, A. Morimoto, T. Inoue, T. Kawano

    Walk21, CD(10p)    2003

  • “Unevenness of Intersection Pavement and Bicycle Safety”

    H. Koike, A.Morimoto, A.Kitazawa

    Transportation Research Record   1846 ( 1846 ) 56 - 61  2003

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    Bicycles are environmentally friendly and easy to operate. However, the bicycling environment in Japan is inadequate compared with many developed countries. Bicycle accidents have been increasing in recent years, and safety measures are needed to improve the bicycling environment. Although road surface conditions have improved, as reflected in the recent barrier-free policy for elderly and disabled pedestrians, an uneven surface between the road and the crosswalk can help to reduce accidents by reducing running speed.-Because the most frequent type of bicycle accident is a collision with a car at an intersection, the accident-prevention potential of an uneven surface at an intersection crosswalk was examined. Students were asked to run along specific routes, and speed and vibration changes when they passed through intersections were measured. On the basis of the results, an analysis was made of what road environments would benefit from an uneven crossing surface. An uneven surface was found to reduce speeds at intersections with limited sight distance. However, other appropriate safety measures must be applied to reduce bicycle speed when an uneven crossing surface cannot be used because of the barrier-free policy.

  • Impact of transportation infrastructure development on modal choice

    MJ Sarker, A Morimoto, H Koike, A Ono


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    Due to parallel infrastructure developments in both automobile and alternative transport systems, a modal shift from the automobile to alternative modes has not occurred at its expected level, because of people's affection for the automobile. In this situation, the necessity of imposing a strategic and appropriate gap between demand and supply of auto-related transportation infrastructure is identified first in this paper. Secondly, several models are developed to calculate demand of auto-related road infrastructure both empirically and theoretically. After that, an index of gap between demand and supply of auto-related road infrastructure is developed, and its relations to travel behavior and land uses are analyzed. In this regard, cities are classified based on their population size and density and level of transit service. Research results show a significant relation of Gap index to modal shares and land uses.



  • 観光地の交通円滑化を目指した交通予測情報システムに関する研究

    清水恵美子, 古池弘隆, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   22   185 - 188  2002  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


  • 交差点における自動車の走行特性からみた交通事故の潜在的危険性に関する分析

    高島一彦, 古池弘隆, 森本章倫

    土木学会論文集   716 ( Ⅳ-57 ) 39 - 52  2002  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • 日本型ABCポリシーを想定した通勤目的自動車の削減効果に関する研究

    村岡洋成, 森本章倫, 浅野光行

    , 都市計画論文集 No.37, pp.271-276 (2002)   37   271 - 276  2002  [Refereed]

  • Factors Influencing on Modal Shift in the Transition Period from Bicycle Users to Automobile Users

    TAKEKOSHI Yoshinori, KOIKE Hirotaka, MORIMOTO Akinori

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu D   19 ( 3 ) 415 - 421  2002  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    One of the solutions for energy resources and environmental problems is to promote bicycle transportation. In this study, we investigate the modal shift in the transition period from bicycle users to automobile users. As a result, there were four factors. Physical conditions refer to reasons that influence bicycle usage. Financial Conditions refer to how much one can spend on purchasing a car and on its maintenance. Bicycle Habit is experience of bicycle use in the past Bicycle Favoritism is the preference of bicycle as a transportation mode. Bicycle transportation planning must be based on the policy to enhance these factors.

    DOI CiNii

  • “Development of online database system for urban planning research using Java”

    H. Koike, A. Morimoto, T. Osada,

    9th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering     1107 - 1112  2002

  • Modal shift mechanism in the transition period from bicycle user to automobile user

    H Koike, A Morimoto, Y Takekoshi, MJ Sarker


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    As motorization spreads worldwide, concern is growing about the adverse effect of automobiles on energy resources and global environmental problems. A way to alleviate excessive dependency on automobiles is to promote bicycle transportation. However, it is difficult to increase bicycle usage except in some European countries, such as the Netherlands. In Japan the bicycle is commonly used from childhood through high school, but a rapid shift to the automobile takes place at college age. College students were surveyed by questionnaire on their bicycle use patterns and automobile ownership, along with bicycle use in their hometowns. The statistical analysis shows various relationships among population size of hometowns, regional characteristics, individual favoritism toward bicycles, financial condition, and so on. A clear difference was found between two groups of hometown regions for present bicycle usage patterns: those from large metropolitan areas and those from smaller regions. The transportation systems in cities and different population sizes influence bicycle use and favoritism toward bicycles, which in turn affects the present bicycle use level. Finally, the study reveals four factors that affect the modal shift froth-bicycle user to automobile user during the college-age period: physical environment, financial aspects, past experience, and favoritism toward bicycle use. These factors should be incorporated in designing bicycle transportation policy in urban areas.

  • Javaを用いた都市計画研究用データベースシステムの開発

    長田哲平, 森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    土木計画学研究・講演集   ( 24,Pt.2 ) 801 - 804  2001.11


  • Javaを用いた都市計画研究用データベースシステムの開発

    長田哲平, 森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 第4部   56th   408 - 409  2001.09


  • Compact City considering the Interrelation between FAR and Traffic Flow

    MORIMOTO Akinori

    The Japanese Journal of Real Estate Sciences   第15巻 ( 第3号 ) 25 - 32  2001

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    Recently, thecompact city has been espoused as a concept for sustainability.Although higher density development increases the effectiveness of public transport, a densely built city may cause the hard road congestion, which induces more energy consumption for urban travel. This paper focuses on the environmental impact caused by compactness in terms of the interrelation between Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and traffic flow. Asincreasing FAR in city center give rise to road congestion as well as promotion of transit, there would be some different ways in auto dependent city and transit-oriented city. Especially, where density of the city is categorized in 20-50persons perhectare, traffic strategies should be fully considered to realize the compact city.

    DOI CiNii

  • 万歩計を用いた駅前中心市街地回遊行動調査に関する研究

    中村文彦, 大蔵泉, 森本章倫, 沖中聡志

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   21   21 - 24  2001  [Refereed]


  • A Study on Urban Structures of a City Assuming as Transferred Capital Function and Its Transportation Environmental Load

    Yamamoto Katsuya, Morimoto Akinori, Morita Tetsuo, Saishu Megumi

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   36   655 - 660  2001  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this study is to make clear the interaction between urban structures of the Capital Function City and its transportation load, distinctively dealing with forecasting future travel behavior in the Capital Function City in Japan as well as analyzing the Capital Function City by the two-step method of urban model and urban-area model. The result of our research makes it evident that the concentrated city has less environmental load than dispersed city in terms of the urban model but energy consumption of both city is comparatively lower than other existing city in Japan. It is also concluded that annular urban area takes less environmental load in urban area model.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Paper on Pedestrian Mobility by using Pedometer

    Akinori MORIMOTO, Fumihiko NAKAMURA, Kazuhiko MAKIMURA, Tomoaki MURAKAMI

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   18   477 - 482  2001  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    The purpose of this paper to examine the method of data collection using pedometer and clarify the pedestrian characters which have not been surveyed by existing method in detail. First, the comparative study between pedometer and existing survey is conducted through the analysis of actual condition on pedestrian mobility. Second, from the deference of pedestrian mobility between metropolitan city and local city, some behavioral patterns in various type of area are investigated by using normal and high performance pedometer. A result obtained for these analysis shows amount of walking in large shopping center is no less than in centerdistrict.

    DOI CiNii

  • Transportation Impact Assessment on wider city area for continuous residential development

    SEKI Tatsuya, MORIMOTO Akinori, KOIKE Hirotaka

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu D   Vol.18 no.2   195 - 200  2001  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, the model was applied to the actual city area with the existing road network. After constructing network of wider city area in computer model, we simulate the traffic impact generated by new development in the CBD. It was found that road congestion due to the new development is observed not only on immediately surrounding road but also in much wider area in the city, because of the change of the shortest path demanded by other traffic flows.

    DOI CiNii

  • "City Wide Transportation Impact of Large-scale Development in Local Hub-City"

    A. Morimoto, M.J. Sarker, H. Koike, M. Tomita:

    The 9th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM    2001

    Authorship:Lead author

  • "Analysis of Traffic Accident Location and Hazard Perception Using GIS"

    H. Koike, A. Morimoto, K. Takashima, N. Shiraishi, T. Moriya

    The 9th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM    2001

  • "A Study on Measures to Promote Bicycle Usage in Japan”

    H. Koike, A. Morimoto, K. Itoh

    Velo Mondial 2000, CD(7p), (2000)    2000

  • 宇都宮市におけるフレックスタイム制の事後評価に関する研究

    橘優一, 古池弘隆, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   20   89 - 92  2000  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Development of hazard map using GIS to reduce traffic accidents

    Hirotaka Koike, Akinori Morimoto, Yusaku Hanzawa, Norifusa Shiraishi

    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering   279 ( 224 ) 217 - 224  2000

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    In order to reduce traffic accidents, it is important to know where traffic accidents occur and how people perceive hazard that is related to traffic. In this study an attempt was made to examine the relationship between actual traffic accident location and people's perception of hazardous location using geographic information system. An extensive questionnaire survey was conducted with regard to the perceived location of traffic hazard. Three types of accident-hazard relationship were identified. Finally potential application of hazard map is discussed. © 2004 ASCE.



  • Transportation impact assessment on urban development using NETSIM

    Akinori Morimoto, Hirotaka Koike, Katsunori Suzuki, Tatsuya Seki

    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering   279   1519 - 1526  2000

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    The equilibrium between land use and transportation system has been an important issue in the city planning. Transportation Impact Assessment is a measure to make the equilibrium by balancing the relationship between urban development and transport facilities. First, this paper discusses about the development patterns which do not cause the road congestion in a hypothetical city with grid type network structure. By using a traffic simulation model, NETSIM, maximum value of floor area ratio (FAR) to avoid congestion is calculated in various situations. The result shows allowable level of FAR is much underestimated than the current legal limitation level considering the existing road capacity. Next, the model was applied to the actual city area with the existing road network. After constructing network of wider city area in computer model, we simulate the traffic impact generated by new development in the CBD. It was found that road congestion due to the new development is observed not only on immediately surrounding road but also in much wider area in the city, because of the change of the shortest path demanded by other traffic flows. © 2004 ASCE.



  • An Evaluation of Urban Structure in Tokyo Wards in terms of road capacity

    Yoshita Maki, Morimoto Akinori, Koike Hirotaka

    Infrastructure Planning Review   17   287 - 293  2000  [Refereed]

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    In Tokyo Metropolitan Area, the rapid increase of automobile traffic far surpasses the provision of road facilities. and the traffic congestion is worsening. One method to cope with this problem is the control of land use, especially the regulation of floor area ratio (FAR). In this study we examine if land use planning in Tokyo, which has the goal of the multi-nucleus urban structure. have corresponded with the road capacity. After the simulation study, although there are considerable gap between current FAR and permissible FAR, the planning urban structure is considered almost the same as a desirable structure alleviating the road congestion.

    DOI CiNii

  • An Efficiency on Transportation Energy of Public Transport and City Character

    Papers on City Planning   35   511 - 516  2000  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 地区内交通流からみた容積率上限に関する研究

    森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    都市計画論文集   34   949 - 954  1999  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • 街づくりと道路


    道路交通経済   86   14 - 19  1999

  • "Assessment of a Gap-Actuated Pushbutton Signal Using a Traffic Simulation Model"

    M.J.Sarker, H.Koike, A.Morimoto

    Transportation Research Record   1695   23 - 25  1999  [Refereed]

  • 道路の照度環境が夜間交通事故にもたらす影響に関する研究

    古池弘隆, 森本章倫, 島村亮太

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   18   739 - 76  1998  [Refereed]

  • 都市構造からみた輸送エネルギー削減施策の効果推計に関する研究

    森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    都市計画論文集   33   181 - 186  1998  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 都市特性からみた輸送エネルギー原単位の推計に関する研究

    川島智彦, 古池弘隆, 森本章倫

    交通工学研究発表会論文報告集   17 ( 17 ) 149 - 152  1997  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


  • 交通容量を考慮した容積率シミュレーション


    道路交通経済   78   11 - 18  1997

  • "The Use of Push Button Signal or Pelican Crossing Between Two Adjacent Signalised Intersections"

    MJ Sarker, H Koike, A Morimoto


     View Summary

    There are mainly two types of push button signal settings provided for pedestrian crossing at minor road between two adjacent signalised intersections. One, coordinated with the adjacent signalised intersection and two, completely isolated or non-coordinated. Previous studies showed that pedestrian waiting time and signal ignoring rate after pushing the push button are much less in the isolated push button signalised intersection than in the coordinated one. In this study, the effects of these two types of push button signal settings on traffic flow has been studied in view of stopped delay for both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

  • 首都圏における都市間相互の認知距離に関する研究

    古池弘隆, 森本章倫

    都市計画論文集   31   7 - 12  1996  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • A Comparison of the Urban Structure and Transportation Energy in Tokyo metropolitan area

    Akinori MORIMOTO, Tomonori OMINO, Junichi SINAGAWA, Tetsuo MORITA

    INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW   13   361 - 368  1996  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Recently, transportation energy consumption became an important issue from the view-point of environmental problem. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between urban structure andtransportation energy in Tokyo metropolitan area.<BR>After the calculation by using PT data, energy consumption in Tokyo is lower than average of nationwide area, but it tends to be increasing lately at especially suburban area. And the simulations showed that the policy of state where one's residence and place of work are near each other is more effective to reduce the transportation energy.

    DOI CiNii

  • "Land Use Patterns to Promote Public Transport Usage for Sustainable Cities"

    A. Morimoto, H. Koike

    Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 1996   4 ( 4 ) 1 - 12  1996

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 土地利用の規制緩和と都市インフラのバランス


    都市計画   195   51 - 55  1995  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A Study on Overall Evaluation among Decision Schemes in SCA

    Papers on City Planning   30   595 - 600  1995  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • An Evaluation in District-Scape by using the Combination of Streetscape

      38 ( 1 ) 86 - 95  1994  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • An Evaluation of Town-scape with Computer Graphics

    Akinori MORIMOTO, Yoshihide NAKAGAWA, Jae-Young CHOI

    Theory and Applications of GIS   2 ( 1 ) 65 - 74  1994  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    The problem regarding townscape has come to occupy an important position to make the originality in a district. It is the purpose of this paper to propose an evaluation of district-scape with computer graphics.<BR>This paper includes three contains; One is to select characteristic of district-scape with SD method. The second is to compare the district-scape photograph with the same scene by using the 3D-computer graphics. The third is to examine the good pattern of district-scape.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Location of Appropriate Floor-Area Ratio Considering the Road Network Capacity

      64   93 - 100  1993

    Authorship:Lead author


  • An Evaluation of Townscape in District with Regional Characters

      28   601 - 606  1993  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author


    Akinori MORIMOTO, Yoshihide NAKAGAWA

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu   1991 ( 440 ) 145 - 153  1992.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to examine a suitable urban structure by considering the road capacity.<br>This paper includes two contains; One is to establish an appropriate location model of floor-area ratio with the aim of dissolution of road congestion. The other is to apply the model in a hypothetical city and TOKYO central district.<br>From the results of the models' application, We propose that one of suitable urban form is the poly-nucleated city and control of the urban capacity is necessary in TOKYO to solve the road congestion problem.

    DOI CiNii

  • An Evaluation Method of Landscape in District Space

      26   823 - 828  1991  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


    Akinori MORIMOTO, Yoshihide NAKAGAWA

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu   419 ( Ⅳ-13 ) 71 - 80  1990.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation Model of the Urban Environment for Social Infrastructure Improvement

      125   37 - 49  1989

  • Estimation of Feasibility on Urban Redevelopment Projects

      22   379 - 384  1987  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 図説わかる都市計画

    森田, 哲夫, 森本, 章倫, 明石, 達生, 浅野, 聡, 伊勢, 昇, 佐藤, 徹治, 塚田, 伸也, 轟, 直希, 栁沢, 吉保, 米田, 誠司

    学芸出版社  2021.12 ISBN: 9784761532772

  • City and Transportation Planning

    Akinori Morimoto

    Routledge  2021.08 ISBN: 0367636018


  • Frontiers of real estate science in Japan

    Asami, Yasushi, Higano, Yoshiro, Fukui, Hideo (Edit

    Springer  2021.02 ISBN: 9811588473


  • コンパクトシティを考える

    浅見, 泰司, 中川, 雅之

    プログレス  2018.10 ISBN: 9784905366812

  • 人口減少時代における地域公共交通のあり方 : 都市自治体の未来を見据えて

    日本都市センター, 森本, 章倫, 内海, 麻利, 木村, 俊介, 板谷, 和也, 南木, 孝昭, 高野, 裕章, 石田, 雄人(研究会「都市自治体における地域公共交通のあり方に関する研究会」の座長としてとりまとめを行い、第一部の第一章と第七章を担当した)

    日本都市センター  2015.03 ISBN: 9784904619919

  • 交差点改良のキーポイント

    尾崎晴男, 森本章倫 他編著

    交通工学研究会,丸善出版 (発売)  2011 ISBN: 9784905990758

  • 都市のクオリティ・ストック

    鹿島出版会  2009 ISBN: 9784306072718

  • コミュニティバスの導入ノウハウ

    現代文化研究所  2006 ISBN: 4902055023

  • 明日の都市交通政策

    成文堂  2003 ISBN: 4792341833

  • 交通工学ハンドブック


    交通工学研究会,丸善 (発売)  2001.02 ISBN: 490599036X

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Research on the coordination between physical space and cyber space in next-generation cities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A Study on traffic environment change induced by introduction of Light Rail Transit

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORIMOTO Akinori, DAIMON Hajime, SHIBUKAWA Takeshi, OOGA Junpei, OOKUBO Kouzou, SUZUKI Yusuke, MITA Yotaro, SOGO Kosuke

     View Summary

    One of the reasons why the introduction of Light Rail Transit (LRT) does not advance in Japan is the change of road traffic environment. Especially in the auto-dependent city, the construction of LRT would induce new traffic congestion on the existing road. Therefore, this study focuses on the introduction of LRT and evaluated the change of road environment from the various point of view.
    From the result of the field surveys in Utsunomiya and Ikebukuro, it was found that the exclusive lane of LRT generated road congestion at the certain level. Therefore, alternative ways should be required for the implementation of transitway, although it produced the modal shift and route change. Addition to this, public involvement using the Computer Graphics (CG) is effective for the consensus building, promotion, and the better understanding of environmentally friendly road.

  • Development of Practical Transportation Planning Considering Silent and Non Silent Group

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KUBOTA Hisashi, MATSUMOTO Masao, MORIMOTO Akinori, FUJII Satoshi, HATORI Tsuyoshi, KOJIMA Aya

     View Summary

    This study aimed to develop smooth and efficient process for practical transportation planning that considers the silent and non-silent group from the view point of theories of city planning and social survey methodology. We worked on (1) development of consensus building process in transportation planning, (2) study on support for “voice” based on social capital, (3) practical study to apply “narrative” to transportation policy, and (4) development of theory of survey methodology to maintain accuracy of traffic census.

  • A Study on Planning Methods for Transport-Oriented Machizukuri

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HARATA Noboru, TAKAYAMA Jun-ichi, TANIGUCHI Mamoru, NAKAMURA Fumihiko, HATO Eiji, FUJIWARA Akimasa, MIZOKAMI Shoshi, MORIMOTO Akinori, SASAKI Kuniaki, SASAKI Yoh, SUNAGA Daisuke, TAKANO Shin-ei, TAKAHASHI Katsumi, TAKAMI Kiyoshi, DEGUCHI Atsushi, DOI Tsutomu, MAKIMURA Kazuhiko, MATSUNAKA Ryoji, HASHIMOTO Seiji, YAMANAKA Hideo

     View Summary

    This research project aimed to develop new systematic planning methods for Transport-oriented Machizukuri, a value creation-oriented transport planning, from the following three aspects; (1) methods for the vision formulation and the explanation to citizens in order to facilitate the smooth process from planning to implementation; (2) techniques for the survey and the analysis that are applicable to capturing typical scenes, such as the daily life behavior of the elderly and the excursion behavior in city centers; and (3) institutional and non-institutional frameworks for planning, consensus building, implementation and human resource development.

  • A Study on Influence of Light Rail Transit on Compact City

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORIMOTO Akinori

     View Summary

    Recently, the location management toward the compact city is required to cope with the depopulation society in Japan. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the systematized measures toward the compact city, and examine the effects of Light Rail Transit on land use patterns and population growth. As the result of analysis, the measures were classified into three categories, which is pull, push and relocation measure. Furthermore, the effects of LRT on land use in Toyama are observed and it is clear that LRT contribute city planning toward the compact city.

  • Traffic Impact Assessment and Land Use Control for Large-Scale Development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORIMOTO Akinori

  • A Research on Relationship between Land Use and Transportation to Reduce the Environmental Burden

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORIMOTO Akinori

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to decrease the environmental burden on transportation field in terms of city planning. The correspondence of the land use and transportation has researched at the macro level in 2003, and the relationship between land use and transportation at the site level in 2004. And existing studies at home and overseas were systematized in fiscal 2005. Especially, how to integrate land use and transportation in the cities was systematically reviewed from a viewpoint of the decrease of the environmental burden. The outline on the result of the research is shown in the following five points.
    (1)Summary of relationship between land use and transportation at the macro level.
    Interrelation between land use and transportation was examined at the metropolitan area. The current state of the cities in Japan was clarified by comparing the cities in developed countries.
    (2)Summary of relationship between land use and transportation at the micro level.
    For environmental assessment by using traffic simulation, the directionality about the correspondence of land use and transportation was examined at the district areas.
    (3)Review of existing studies in overseas on the leading location of large-scale development
    Recent trend of regulation by the law was reviewed, and how to control land use correctly from a viewpoint of transportation was considered.
    (4)The politics of Compact City and Sustainable City
    Kagoshima City was focused as a current analysis, and various urban politics in this study about sustainable city were systematized.
    (5)The integration of land use and transportation under the society of decreasing population
    How we will cope with the change of community structure such as aging society was referred as the future prospect.

  • 交通エネルギー負荷を低減させる土地利用に関する実証的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    森本 章倫

  • The Effects of Road Lighting on Traffic Safety in Nighttime

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOIKE Hirotaka, MORIMOTO Akinori

     View Summary

    There is a steady tendency of traffic accidents increase in nighttime due to the change of our life style. Considering the relationship between nighttime accidents and road lighting, this study demonstrated the facility improvement strategies for road lighting in order to prevent traffic accidents in nighttime. In the study, an onboard automatic data acquisition system was developed, and actual road illumination data in Utsunomiya city were collected and a database was established using GIS.In addition, traffic accident data were correlated with illumination data in the same geographical point of road.
    The findings from this srudy are as follows :
    (1) Accidents occurred more frequently in the road section where illumination fluctuates with higher level of variance. On the other hand, the accidents occurrence tends to be lower as the reduction of illumination variances as well as the increase of average level of illumination.
    (2) Generally speaking, while increasing number of road lighting installation tends to reduce traffic accidents, the excessively intense lighting from roadside developments shows the tendency to cause higher traffic accidents. A continuous sidewalk lighting brings about a good effect on the reduction of accidents on the road. However, the unusually higher illumination such as gas stations and convenience stores increases the risk of traffic accidents in nighttime.
    As a conclusion, it would be necessary to control the exceeding level of illumination from roadside developments, in addition to the provision of the continuous road lighting system in order to reduce the nighttime traffic accidents.

  • 交通エネルギー負荷の少ない都市・土地利用のあり方に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    森本 章倫

     View Summary


  • The Analysis of Urban Liminating Mixed Used Community Block with the aid of Design Games

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SATO Shigeru, MORIMOTO Akinori, NAKAGAWA Yoshihide

     View Summary

    It is important to create consensus step by step with residents' participation during the process of regional planning regarding upgrading of the living environment. Making an agreement among the residents of the urban area about a development projrct is not easy, although it is indispensable to the necessary improvement of the degrading situation of the densely built-up residential area or the mixed area of the residence and the industry. To analysis the prototypes of urban liminating mixed used community block with the aid of Design Games is thus a big issue for the research of the urban planning.
    It is particulary important to have an acoord on the goal of the developement when a gradual improvement of the physical environment of the district is planned, respecting the existing structure of the space and the residents' agreement.
    The thesis consists of 4 chapter. Main two chapters concern the the experimentation of the consensus-making process with the aid of Design Games in the development cases.
    Playing a design game is an effective method for a participatory planning process. Using three dimensional kids and improving practical method, we tried to develop 'Three Dimensional Design Game" that could be useful for consensus building through our research. Five experimental workshops using this game took place in two residential neighborhoods. The gaming processes and results were analyzed from various points. The findings are, as follows ; First, participants could begin to see how they can constructively control the course of their own neighborhood's growth and future. Secondary, a more practical decision making process could be realized through this Three Dimensional Design Game.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAGAWA Yoshihide, MORIMOTO Akinori, SATO Sigeru, SUZUKI Shintaro

     View Summary

    Balance of land-use and transport planning in urban space have direct effects upon urban growth. The purpose of this paper is to examine a suitable Fllor-Area Ratio (FAR) by considering the traffic capacity and residential amenity.
    This papaer consists of the following 3 steps.
    1. A Predictive Model on the Urban Space in view of FAR
    The purpose of this chapter is to catch a future urban structure metrically by predicting the transition of floor area ratio. Finally, this chapter shows that the proposed model is more effective to predict transition of floor area ratio.
    The Location of Appropriate FAR considering the Road Capacity
    The purpose of this chapter is to examine a suitable urban structure by considering the traffic capacity. This chapter includes two contains : One is to establish an appropriate location model of FAR with the aim of dissolution of traffic congestion. The other is to application in TOKYO central district.
    From the results of the models' applocation, We propose that one of suitable urban form is the poly-nucleated city and control of the urban capacity is necessary in TOKYO to solve the road congestion problem.
    Evaluation of the Residential Environment and Town-scape.
    The purpose of this chapter is to study an evaluation of the residential environment and landscape to consider an appropriate floor-area ratio.
    Finally, this study shows that Fuzzy Theory is effective to evaluate the residential environment when we consider the district space. And iti is important to consider the green coverage and open space. And then it is necessary to consider the method of visual presentation to explain the results of the present study.

  • 大規模開発の交通アセスメント

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  • エネルギー負荷の少ない都市・土地利用のあり方

  • 土地利用・交通の統合戦略

  • 集約型都市構造に関する研究

     View Summary


  • City Planning to reduce the Transportation Energy

  • Land Use Patterns to reduce the Transportation Energy

  • Strategies for Integrating Land Use and Transportation

  • A Setting Method of Floor-Area Ratio in Urban Space

▼display all


  • New Mobility Services and Desirable Form of Cities/Areas

    高見淳史, 有吉亮, 大沢昌玄, 太田勝敏, 大森宣暁, 上条陽, 城所哲夫, 谷口守, パラディ ジアンカルロス, 中村文彦, 原田昇, 藤垣洋平, 室町泰徳, 森本章倫, 羅力晨, 岡崎北斗, 小泉秀樹, 坂田亮輔

    日交研シリーズA(Web)   819 (CD-ROM)  2021


  • 次世代交通と駅まち空間の再構築


    再開発コーディネーター   ( 212 ) 8 - 10  2021

  • 脱炭素化に向けたコンパクトシティとスマートシティの融合


    日本不動産学会誌   35 ( 1 ) 101 - 105  2021

  • Society 5.0とスマートシティ~都市計画との融合を~


    日本物流新聞 2021年6月25日     19 - 19  2021

  • LRTと電気自動車が連携した次世代交通システムの環境改善効果

    森本章倫, 三瀬遼太郎

    自動車技術   75 ( 2 ) 73 - 79  2021

  • ポストコロナ時代にむけた都市計画


    KAWAらVAN, 福山コンサルタント社内報   ( 109 ) 3 - 3  2021

  • 深層学習を用いた画像認識と空き家の発生予測

    森本章倫, 北島紗恵, 六本木延浩, 冨岡秀虎

    画像ラボ 10月号    2020

  • 超スマート社会における都市交通システム


    ESTメールマガジン   ( 167 )  2020

  • 次世代交通とまちづくり


    多摩ニュータウン研究   ( 22 ) 4 - 105  2020

  • New Mobility Services and Comprehensive Urban Transportation Planning

    高見淳史, 有吉亮, 大沢昌玄, 太田勝敏, 上条陽, 城所哲夫, 谷口守, 田村祐貴, トロンコソパラディ ジアンカルロス, 中村文彦, 原田昇, 藤垣洋平, 室町泰徳, 森本章倫, 羅力晨, 吉川仁

    日交研シリーズA(Web)   751 (CD-ROM)  2019


  • 地方都市における次世代交通とコンパクトシティ


    市街地再開発   ( 594 ) 41 - 44  2019

  • 自動運転車両を活用したこれからのまちづくり


    住宅   68   14 - 18  2019

  • スマートシティとこれからの街づくり


    あしぎん経済月報   121   8 - 13  2019

  • コンパクトシティとスマートシティの融合に向けて


    土地総合研究   27 ( 2 ) 10 - 15  2019

  • 巻頭言 都市計画のこれまでとこれから


    都市計画   68 ( 3 ) 10 - 11  2019

  • 座談会: 自動運転と交通工学の将来

    大口敬, 岡田知朗, 塩見康博, 渋谷秀悦, 森本章倫

    交通工学   54 ( 1 ) 8 - 18  2019

  • コンパクトシティと交通政策の連携に関する研究


    日交研シリーズ A-754, 日本交通政策研究会    2019

  • コンパクトシティとスマートシティ


    中国都市ランキング2017     236 - 239  2018

  • 座談会・スマートシティの潮流とこれから

    松橋啓介, 中島直人, 村山顕人, 福山祥代, 森本章倫

    都市計画   67 ( 6 ) 26 - 33  2018

  • 次世代の交通手段 –魅力的な交通と都市計画-


    Civil Engineering Consultant   280   34 - 37  2018

  • 巻頭言 持続可能な都市に向けた新技術の活用

    都市と交通   ( 110 ) 1 - 1  2018

  • 交通からコンパクトシティを考える


    Evaluation   ( 66 ) 24 - 30  2018

  • 道路交通事故のない安全な都市を目指して


    あしぎん経済月報   107   16 - 21  2018

  • 立地適正化計画における非集約エリアに関する研究


    日交研シリーズ A-726, 日本交通政策研究会    2018

  • 次世代交通とコンパクトシティ


    日本不動産学会誌   ( 121 ) 60 - 65  2017

  • 都市計画からみた自動運転への期待と展望


    あしぎん経済月報   93   8 - 13  2017

  • 集約型都市構造における縮退エリアに関する研究


    日交研シリーズ A-693, 日本交通政策研究会    2017

  • 基調講演: 人口減少時代のまちづくりと地域公共交通


    日本都市センターブックレット   ( 37 ) 1 - 26  2016

  • 巻頭インタビュー:道路のストック効果を発現させる人口減少時代の渋滞対策とは


    道路   903   4 - 9  2016

  • 超高齢化社会におけるモビリティと都市計画

    中村文彦, 森本章倫, 谷口綾子, 大藪善久

    都市計画 特別号     12 - 17  2016

  • 土地利用と交通計画の調和へ向けて


    交通工学   51 ( 1 ) 42 - 43  2016

  • Toward an Effective Implementation of Institutional and Noninstitutional Framework Underpinning Land Use and Transport Measures

    原田昇, 太田勝敏, 岸井隆幸, 久保田尚, 城所哲夫, 市川嘉一, 谷口守, 中村文彦, 森本章倫, 室町泰徳, 橋本成仁, 高見淳史, 古谷知之, 大沢昌玄, 板谷和也, 海野碧, 山崎敦広, 森英高

    日交研シリーズA(Web)   622 (CD-ROM)  2015


  • 人口減少社会における地域公共交通とまちづくり


    地銀協月報   ( 666 ) 9 - 15  2015

  • 書評「入門 都市計画 谷口守著」


    運輸政策研究   18 ( 2 ) 18 - 18  2015

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 次世代交通とまちづくり


    あしぎん経済月報   ( 76 ) 8 - 13  2015

  • 次世代交通とコンパクトシティ


    経済人 第69巻 第8号, 関西経済連合会   69 ( 8 ) 19 - 19  2015

  • 集約型都市に向けた市街地縮退と公共交通


    土地総合研究   23 ( 2 ) 30 - 32  2015

  • 我が国におけるLRT導入時の課題に関する研究


    日交研シリーズ A-629, 日本交通政策研究会    2015

  • 人口減少社会の将来都市と交通に関する研究

    森本章倫, 境野史織

    戸田育英財団・平成26年度研究報告書    2015

  • 市民参加型防災まちづくりハンドブック

    上野俊司, 森本章倫

    土木学会コンサルタント委員会・市民合意形成小委員会    2015

  • ネットワーク型コンパクトシティを創る


    IATSS Review Vol.39 No.2, 国際交通安全学会 創立四十周年特集   39 ( 2 ) 184 - 184  2014

  • 人口減少社会の都市と交通 宇都宮の交通まちづくり


    あしぎん経済月報   ( 62 ) 8 - 13  2014

  • これからの都市計画と交通-都市・交通戦略の立案と実践-


    土地総合研究   22 ( 1 ) 1 - 6  2014

  • 人口減少社会における持続可能な復興計画の推進に向けて


    新都市   68 ( 4 ) 62 - 63  2014

  • 持続可能な国土と集約都市


    道路建設   ( 742 ) 20 - 23  2014


  • 交通取締りハンドブック -交通事故を抑制する効果的な交通取締り-


    国際交通安全学会    2014

  • 人口減少下における地方都市の縮退に関する研究


    日交研シリーズ A-607, 日本交通政策研究会    2014

  • Shrinking Transport for Depopulation Society

      48 ( 4 ) 1 - 2,図巻頭1p  2013.10


  • 環境に優しい交通まちづくり


    自動車交通研究 環境と政策2013     64 - 65  2013

  • 人口減少下における地方都市の持続性


    自動車交通研究 環境と政策     20 - 21  2013

  • 次世代路面電車システムLRTとまちづくり-土地利用と交通の相互関係から考える-


    区画整理士会報   ( 162 ) 2 - 6  2013

  • 空き家対策と街づくり-都市計画の視点-


    市政研究うつのみや   ( 9 ) 4 - 17  2013

  • コンパクトな都市にむけた立地誘導策(ロケーション・マネジメント)のすすめ


    「コンパクトな都市」の実現に向けたメッセージ集 新潟県HP, 全4p    2013

  • 人口減少下の地方都市の持続性に関する基礎的研究


    日交研シリーズ A-572, 日本交通政策研究会    2013

  • Changes and Issues in Green Space Planning in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area : Focusing on the "Capital Region Plan"

    International journal of GEOMATE : geotechnique, construction materials and environment   2 ( 1 ) 191 - 196  2012.03


  • : 冗長性と回復力のあるライフラインの階層的構築とコンパクトシティづくり

    佐伯直, 長谷川隆三, 森本章倫, 吉田聡

    都市計画   61 ( 5 ) 58 - 61  2012

  • 集約型都市構造における土地利用変化


    自動車交通研究     24 - 25  2012

  • CGを用いた宇都宮における交通まちづくりの見える化


    「スマートまちづくりフォーラムin 水戸」論集     41 - 42  2012

  • 集約型都市構造における土地利用変化の実態に関する研究


    日交研シリーズ A-546, 日本交通政策研究会    2012

  • 集約型都市構造に向けた立地誘導


    自動車交通研究   32 ( 33 )  2011

  • 都市の交通・環境インフラ復興に向けて


    IATSS Review   36 ( 2 ) 37 - 41  2011

  • 被災地における道路ネットワークの構築と街づくり


    JAMAGAZINE   ( 45 ) 8 - 13  2011

  • 集約型都市構造に向けた立地誘導に関する研究


    日交研シリーズ A-519, 日本交通政策研究会    2011

  • 集約型都市における公共交通とすまいづくり―魅力的な公共交通と駅周辺のまちづくり―


    住宅   ( 59 ) 36 - 40  2010

  • 市民合意形成ハンドブック―社会資本整備と合意形成プロデュース―

    上野俊司, 森本章倫

    土木学会コンサルタント委員会・市民合意形成小委員会    2010

  • 低炭素社会に向けた国土構造のあり方を考える


    都市計画からの視点, WEBニューズレター新時代   ( 68 )  2009

  • ロケーション・マネジメントのすすめ


    IATSS Review   34 ( 1 ) 3  2009

  • 総合的な情報通信システムとまちづくりに関する研究


    日交研シリーズ A-485, 日本交通政策研究会    2009

  • ネットワーク型コンパクトシティの形成

    森本章倫, 古池弘隆

    市政研究うつのみや   4 ( 4 ) 1 - 8  2008


  • 集約型都市構造における都市交通戦略と自転車交通のあり方


    交通工学   43 ( 2 ) 37 - 42  2008

  • 総合都市交通計画に関する研究 -多様な土地利用と交通のバランス達成について-

    原田昇, 森本章倫

    日交研シリーズ A-450, 日本交通政策研究会    2008

  • 大規模商業開発における交通アセスメントの行方

    森本 章倫

    IATSS review = 国際交通安全学会誌   32 ( 3 ) 257 - 261  2007.10


  • 大規模商業開発における交通アセスメントの行方


    IATSS Review   32 ( 3 ) 97 - 101  2007

  • まちづくり三法が交通・土地利用にどう機能するか


    新都市   61 ( 4 ) 102 - 105  2007

  • 環状道路と街づくり


    都市と交通 通巻68号   ( 68 ) 4 - 5  2007

  • 総合都市交通計画に関する研究 -日本型都市の制約を考慮した交通戦略-

    原田昇, 森本章倫

    日交研シリーズ A-420, 日本交通政策研究会    2007

  • 子供の頃の交通環境が自転車利用に与える影響


    自転車バイク駐車場   ( 323 ) 6 - 10  2006

  • 路上駐車管理と都市計画


    交通工学   41 ( 6 ) 5 - 9  2006

  • 「交通渋滞および環境改善に果たす交通需要マネジメント施策の効果に関する実証的研究」

    高橋洋二, 森本章倫, 坂本邦宏:

    日交研シリーズ A-414, 日本交通政策研究会    2006

  • 都市と交通の俯瞰図 (12回連載)


    fooga Vol.47-58, 2005-2006    2005

  • 都心部の構造変化が交通に与える影響と今後の課題


    運輸と経済   65 ( 8 ) 23 - 30  2005

  • Discussion : The Actualities and Virtual Image of City Planning Areas

    City planning review   53 ( 4 ) 27 - 34  2004.08


  • Inquire City Planning Area


      53 ( 4 ) 4 - 4  2004.08


  • 大規模店舗の交通影響評価と交通シミュレーションの現状と課題


    交通工学   39 ( 2 ) 33 - 38  2004

  • 「わが国における道路政策のあり方に関する研究」

    杉山雅洋, 森本章倫 他共著:

    道経研シリーズA-102、道路経済研究所    2004

  • 「大規模開発と交通アセスメント」


    日交研シリーズ B-107, 日本交通政策研究会    2004

  • 「都市構造の改編による交通の環境インパクトの変化に関する研究」

    苦瀬博仁,森本章倫 他共著:

    日交研シリーズ A-359, 日本交通政策研究会    2004


    MORIMOTO Akinori

      52 ( 3 ) 4 - 4  2003.08


  • 土地利用と交通の相互関係から見た環境負荷低減に関する研究

    苦瀬博仁, 森本章倫

    自動車交通研究     14 - 15  2003

  • 交通事故の減少に対して交通違反取締りは有効か?

    古池弘隆, 森本章倫

    季刊現代警察,PP.60-65, 警察時報, pp.28-35,KEISATSU KORON,pp.27-35, 2003    2003

  • Transportation

    MORIMOTO Akinori

    City planning review   51 ( 4 ) 49 - 55  2002.10


  • 交通エネルギー消費の推移と都市構造に関する研究


    土木計画学研究 講演集, 2002    2002


  • Traffic Assessment Today, and the Way Ahead

    AKIYAMA Hisao, OZAKI Haruo, KISHIDA Norio, KUBOTA Hisashi, TADA Satoshi, NISHIMIYA Ryoichi, MORIMOTO Akinori

    IATSS review   26 ( 4 ) 291 - 301  2001.09


  • 「東南アジアの道路交通問題と道路需要管理政策」

    高橋洋二, 森本章倫 他共著:

    道路研シリーズ A-78 , 道路経済研究所    2000

  • 街ずくりと道路 (特集道路空間機能の活用)

    森本 章倫

    道路交通経済   23 ( 1 ) 14 - 19  1999.01


  • 都市づくりと道路


    道路   5   8 - 14  1999

  • 「共同化を前提とした荷捌き施設の計画手法の研究」

    苦瀬博仁, 森本章倫 他共著:

    日交研シリーズ A-263, 日本交通政策研究会    1999

  • 「東南アジアにおける大都市の成長と道路・交通のあり方」

    高橋洋二, 森本章倫 他共著:

    道路研シリーズ A-74, 道路経済研究所    1999

  • 交通容量を考慮した容積率シミュレーション


    道路交通経済   1   11 - 18  1997

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 「都市特性に応じた道路・交通体系のあり方」

    高橋洋二, 森本章倫 他共著:

    道経研シリーズ A-65 , 道路経済研究所    1997

  • 「道路交通の円滑化に資する都市・土地利用のあり方に関する研究」

    高橋洋二, 森本章倫

    道経研シリーズ A-56 , 道路経済研究所    1996

  • 第17回土木計画学研究発表会報告

    古池 弘隆, 森本 章倫

    高速道路と自動車   38 ( 5 ) p47 - 48  1995.05


  • 東京都市圏におけるPTデータを用いた輸送エネルギー推計と都市構造に関する一考察


    土木計画学研究 講演集No18 (2)     131 - 134  1995


  • 都市構造が運輸エネルギーに及ぼす影響に関する研究


    都市計画論文集   30   685 - 690  1995


  • 「道路交通の円滑化に資する都市・土地利用のあり方に関する研究」

    高橋洋二, 森本章倫

    道経研シリーズ A-48 , 道路経済研究所    1993

  • 都市空間のトレンド型推移モデルに関する実証的研究


    土木計画学研究講演集   ( 14 ) 797 - 804  1991


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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2024

    Research Institute for Advanced Transport Systems   Director of Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Research Organization for Open Innovation Strategy   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • LRT導入時における合意形成に関する研究


     View Summary

    次世代路面電車(LRT)導入が日本各地で検討されているが、その実現においては多くの課題が指摘されている。主な課題をまとめると財源確保の課題、既存事業者との課題、市民合意の課題である。 2006年に始めてLRTを導入した富山市では、サービス水準の改善を行った結果、非LRT沿線と比較して地価の下落分が少なく、人口保持力も高いことが分かった。成功の秘訣は、中心市街地活性化を含めたまちづくりとの連携である。宇都宮市においては時代背景の変化ともに、LRTの位置づけは問題解決型から、将来ビジョンを実現するための目標設定型に変化してきた。導入の過程で、事業採算性等を理由とした反対もあったが、2018年度までに工事着工を目指している。