Updated on 2024/10/24


USUI, Akira
Faculty of Commerce, Graduate School of Business and Finance
Job title
Doctor of Commerce, Waseda University

Committee Memberships

  • 2021.09

    Japan Accounting Association  President

  • 2019.06

    The Accounting and Economic Association of Japan  President

  • 2017.04

    Business Analysis Association  President

  • 2015.04

    The Japanese Association for Research in Disclosure  President

  • 2012.04

    The Japanese Association for Research in Disclosure  Vice President

Research Areas

  • Accounting


  • 日本ディスクロージャー研究学会賞(著書の部)

    2017.12   日本ディスクロージャー研究学会  

  • 第59回日経・経済図書文化賞

    2016.11   日本経済新聞社・日本経済研究センター  

  • 日本経営分析学会賞(著書の部)

    2016.10   日本経営分析学会  

  • 日本会計史学会賞

    2016.09   日本会計史学会  

  • 日本会計研究学会太田・黒澤賞

    2016.09   日本会計研究学会  

  • 第44回日本公認会計士協会学術賞

    2016.07   日本公認会計士協会  

  • 国際会計研究学会賞

    2007.11   国際会計研究学会  

  • 日本監査研究学会監査研究奨励賞

    2007.09   日本監査研究学会  

  • 日本経営分析学会賞(論文の部)

    2001.05   日本経営分析学会  

  • 日本会計研究学会賞

    1999.09   日本会計研究学会  

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  • 「中井源左衛門家による上州小泉十一屋酒店の経営管理」


    『滋賀大学経済学部附属史料館研究紀要』   ( 57 ) 33 - 53  2024.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 「IFRSが日本の会計制度および企業行動に及ぼす影響」


    『国際会計研究学会年報』   ( 47・48 ) 5 - 14  2021.07  [Invited]

  • 「発生主義会計と費用収益対応原則の維持:日本の実証的証拠から」


    『日本会計史学会年報』   ( 36 ) 25 - 32  2018.12  [Invited]

  • 「経営分析の過去,現在,未来」


    『経営分析研究』   ( 34 ) 47 - 54  2018.03  [Invited]

  • 「企業会計基準法の審議過程と会計基準設定機関の設置」(査読有)


    『日本会計史学会年報』   ( 34 ) 35 - 56  2016.08

  • 「戦後日本の会計制度、市場、企業」


    『月刊 資本市場』   ( 369 ) 22 - 30  2016.05


  • 「会計制度と資本市場」


    『会計・監査ジャーナル』   26 ( 12 ) 109 - 116  2014.12

  • 「決算短信の情報有用性は過去25年間で低下していたか」


    『早稲田商学』   ( 434 ) 411 - 427  2013.01

  • 「IPO市場の価格形成と財務諸表の信頼性」


    黒川行治編著『実態分析 日本の会計社会-市場の質と利益の質会計社会の変容と市場の論理』(中央経済社)所収     245 - 262  2009.04

  • 「繰延税金資産の価値関連性」


    須田一幸編著『会計制度の設計』(白桃書房)所収     234 - 248  2008.02

  • 「監査の品質とコーポレート・ガバナンス-新規公開市場の実証的証拠-」(査読有)(2007年日本監査研究学会監査研究奨励賞受賞論文)


    『現代監査』   ( 17 ) 50 - 57  2007.03

  • 「企業の国際事業展開と利益の価値関連性」(2007年国際会計研究学会賞受賞論文)


    『国際会計研究学会年報』   ( 17 ) 61 - 74  2007.03

  • 「会計情報の価値関連性と信頼性について」


    『會計』   167 ( 5 ) 654 - 669  2005.05


  • 「新会計基準の設定と株式持ち合い」

    薄井彰, 須田一幸

    須田一幸編著『会計制度改革の実証分析』(同文舘出版)所収     66 - 88  2004.10

  • 「株式評価における保守的な会計測定の経済的な機能について」(査読有)


    『金融研究』(日本銀行金融研究所)   23 ( 1 ) 127 - 159  2004.03


  • 「株主価値とM&A」


    薄井彰編著『バリュー経営のM&A投資』(中央経済社)所収     71 - 111  2001.05


  • 「企業評価とファンダメンタル分析」(2001年日本経営分析学会賞(論文の部)受賞論文)


    『経営分析研究』   ( 17 ) 2 - 8  2001.03

  • 「クリーンサープラス会計と企業の市場評価モデル」(1999年日本会計研究学会賞受賞論文)


    『會計』   155 ( 3 ) 394 - 409  1999.03

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Books and Other Publications

  • 『会計制度の経済分析』(2016年第59回日経・経済図書文化賞、2016年第44回日本公認会計士協会学術賞、2016年日本会計研究学会太田・黒澤賞、2016年日本会計史学会賞、2016年日本経営分析学会賞(著書の部)、および2017年日本ディスクロージャー研究学会賞(著書の部)の受賞著書)


    中央経済社  2015.09

  • 『金融サービスと会計』


    中央経済社  2012.01

  • 『バリュエーションと会計』


    中央経済社  2011.02

  • 『バリュー経営のM&A投資』


    中央経済社  2001.05

  • 『国際財務データベース入門』

    大矢知浩司, 薄井彰編著

    日本経済新聞社  1992.06


  • 「Dynamic Portfolio Choice with Predictability and Transaction Costs Using an Ising Model」

    薄井彰  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.06

  • 「会計学研究の過去・現在・未来ー市場ベースの会計研究を中心にー」

    薄井彰  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.02

  • 「パネル・ディスカッション:日本の会計研究・教育の深化と多様性」



    Presentation date: 2022.08

  • 「ディスクロージャー」

    薄井彰  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2020.12

  • 「解題:IFRSが日本の会計制度および企業行動に及ぼす影響」

    薄井彰  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2020.08

  • 「株価、利益および資本簿価の経済的関係と会計慣行」

    薄井彰  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • 「株価、利益、簿価と保守的な会計慣行」

    薄井彰  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • 「パネルディスカッション:経営分析の研究および教育の今後」


    連合大会2018  (日本経済新聞社大阪本社)  日本経営分析学会・日本ディスクロージャー研究学会

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • 「パネルディスカッション:わが国の会計、監査、およびディスクロージャーの 在り方」


    連合大会2018  (日本経済新聞社大阪本社)  日本経営分析学会・日本ディスクロージャー研究学会

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • 「日本の会計、監査、およびディスクロージャーの研究とグローバルスタンダード」

    薄井彰  [Invited]

    連合大会2018  (日本経済新聞社大阪本社)  日本経営分析学会・日本ディスクロージャー研究学会

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • 「パネルディスカッション:AI技術の展開とビックデータ環境下の会計・監査のイノベーション」


    第39回研究大会  (アスティとくしま)  日本公認会計士協会

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 「ディスクロージャーの理論と実証」

    薄井彰  [Invited]

    第16回研究大会  (法政大学)  日本ディスクロージャー研究学会

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 「発生主義会計と費用収益対応原則の維持:日本の実証的証拠から」

    薄井彰  [Invited]

    第36大会  (佐賀大学)  日本会計史学会

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 「会計制度の経済分析」

    薄井彰  [Invited]

    第2回JARDIS Workshop  (北九州市立大学)  日本ディスクロージャー研究学会

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 「戦後日本の会計制度と資本市場」

    薄井彰  [Invited]

    第33回研究大会  (関西学院大学)  国際会計研究学会

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • 「企業会計基準法の審議過程と会計基準設定機関の設置」


    第34回大会  (大阪経済大学)  日本会計史学会

    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • 「戦後わが国会計制度の創設過程」


    第32回大会  (兵庫県立大学)  日本会計史学会

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • 「監査人のゴーイング・コンサーン意見に対する株式市場の反応」

    薄井彰, 稲葉喜子

    第31回全国大会  (立命館大学)  日本監査研究学会

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • Audit Quality and Corporate Governance: Evidence form Japanese IPO Markets

    Akira Usui  [Invited]

    2008 Summer International Conference of Korean Accounting Association  (Seorak, South Korea)  Korean Accounting Association

    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 「利益公表と株式市場」

    薄井彰  [Invited]

    第9回全国大会  (大阪市立大学)  ディスクロージャー研究学会

    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • 「買収防衛策とコーポレート・ガバナンス」

    薄井彰, 岡田晴信

    第30回全国大会  (学習院大学)  日本経営財務研究学会

    Presentation date: 2006.10

  • 「会計情報の価値関連性と信頼性について」

    薄井彰  [Invited]

    第52回関東部会  (千葉大学)  日本会計研究学会

    Presentation date: 2004.12

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Research Projects

  • 会計不正防止のための知識の集積とスピルオーバーによる市場モニタリング制度の構築

    Project Year :


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  • AI技術の展開とビッグデータ環境下の情報開示・監査制度に関する理論・実証研究

    Project Year :


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  • The Impact of Huge Disasters on Capital Markets and Accounting Disclosure: Theory and Empirical Evidence

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    USUI Akira

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    This study explains the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the subsequent Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, which occurred on March 11, 2011, on asset pricing and firm’s disclosure behavior in Japan. We investigate stock returns after the disasters, and post-earnings-announcement drift. Moreover, we also analyze the properties of management earnings forecasts and timely information disclosure after the disasters. Furthermore, we derive the pricing kernel, assuming that the probability of huge disasters occurring follows an extreme value distribution

  • An empirical study on capital market administration and accounting policy based on long-term financial data

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    USUI Akira

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    Using a quantitative and historical approach, this study explains the succession of the accounting institutions before and after World War II and the functions of accounting policy in capital market administration. From the viewpoint of information related to corporate value, the accounting institutions in Japan promoted the efficiency of the capital market infrastructure for 60 years from the 1950s to the 2010s. Accounting figures not only describe facts but also play an important role in the adjustment of interests among stakeholders through conservative accounting measurements

  • Research on Accounting Policy and Earnings Management from Managers' Perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Tsuji Masao, USUI Akira, ENOMOTO Masahiro, EBIHARA Takashi, OSHIKA Tomoki, OKUMURA Masashi, KOGA Kentaro, KAWAJI Takeshi, Hah Young Dung, SHIMIZU Nobumasa, YANAI Kazutoshi, SUZUKI Takanori, AHN Joohee, TAKAHASHI Katsuyuki, TAKAHARA Kotaro, HANAMURA Shinya

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    This project aimed to (1) review extant research on accounting policies and earnings management (hereafter AP/EM), (2) develop theories on AP/EM, and (3) conduct empirical researches on AP/EM. We tried to answer the motivation of AP/EM through managers' perspective, even though most of prior research involved financial accounting perspective.First, we reviewed extant research regarding AP/EM mainly of Japan and the US, and tried to distinguish what have been done and what remain unsolved. Second, we theoretically investigated the effects of earnings management on enterprise value and investment efficiency, based on contract theory. Finally, we conducted several empirical research on AP/EM and made clear the characteristics of firms which engage earnings management.As a result, we showed the practices of AP/EM and the possibility of future research, by merging theoretical research and empirical analysis

  • Some factors affecting the formation of corporate accounting institutions and the economic consequences for Japanese markets and firms: An empirical study

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    USUI Akira

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    This study examines institutional change processes of the Japanese accounting system. The Japanese accounting institutions in the 1950s-1990s were strongly influenced by US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP). The International Accounting Standard Board has much greater influence on Japanese accounting institutional changes in the 2000s and early 2010s. The empirical results suggest that increased foreign ownership may provide positive effects on managers’ incentives to issue timely disclosures

  • Financial reporting and corporate governance in global capital markets : Theory and Test

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    USUI Akira

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    The more advanced financial technologies, the more complicated accounting for financial services is. Many estimates and discretionary nitems are included in recent financial statements which record financial transactions. Financial services are operated in a global capital market, and therefore it is necessary to maintain the quality of financial information, and supervise the financial activities of firms, banks and other financial institutions with the frame of not only a domestic legal system but also an international regulation system

  • Change of Accounting Society and Market Logic

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KUROKAWA Yukiharu, OOTSUKA Shigeo, USUI Akira, TAGAYA Mitsuru, NAKAJYOU Yuusuke, NAGAMI Takashi, OOYANAGI Kouji, ASANO Takashi, KATSUO Yuuko

  • The effects of accounting regulations on organizational change and corporate governance : an empirical perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    USUI Akira

     View Summary

    This research examines the effect of takeover defense plans on stock prices, value relevance of segment information, and the effect of audit quality on IPO market price formation. I presented these empirical results at the annual conferences of Japan Finance Association, Japan Auditing Association, Japanese Association for International Accounting Studies, and Japan Association Sir Research in Disclosure. I find the Mowing evidences : (1) in 150 firms that adopt takeover defense plans between 2005 and 2006, both the entrenchment effect and the positive effect on stock prices are observed, (2) in 14,498 firm-year sample between 1998 and 2006, foreign and domestic earnings of segment information are significantly value-relevant, and consolidated earnings and book value of stockholders' equity are priced in considering the range of consolidation, the diversification of business, and the activity of foreign operations, (3) in the sample of 665 IPOs between 2000 and 2004, the reliability of the financial statements is on the whole assured by auditors. The implication of this research is that(1) the stock effect of takeover defense plans depends on the corporate governance system, (2) the empirical evidence shows the usefulness of corporate strategy information in consolidated financial statements, (3) the certified public accountants audit enforces manager's discipline. It is important that accounting policy makers should consider the effects of accounting regulations on the market price formation, the transparency in corporate activities, and the entry condition of marke

  • Empirical Research on Accounting to Provide Implications for Future Accounting Institution

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUDA Kazuyuki, USUI Akira, OTOMASA Shota, SASAKI Takashi, OBINATA Takashi, KAWAMURA Yoshinori

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    Our subject to study is Empirical Research on Accounting to Provide Implications for Future Accounting Institution. First, we pointed out specifically issues of conceptual framework of accounting, individual accounting standards, Japanese Corporate Law related to business accounting, conformity rule of tax with accounting, and quality of auditing in 2005.Discussing a way out of the issues, we performed twelve empirical researches from 2006 through 2007 to provide implications for future accounting institution, i.e.,(1) relevance and reliability of financial accounting information,(2) relative and incremental explanatory power of dirty surplus for debt interest rate,(3) value relevance of the multi-step income statement,(4) relationship between flexibility of the accounting standard by retirement benefit plans and management accounting choice,(5) value relevance of the accounting loss information,(6) value relevance of the estimated liabilities required by the industry law,(7) relationship between audit quality and internal control,(8)information content of net income and comprehensive income,(9) value relevance of deferred tax assets,(10) relationship between retained earnings ratio and debt contract,(11) accounting for long-term construction contract and its information content,(12) value relevance of earnings including gains from lapse of warrants. We provided some ideas to improve future accounting institution based on the results of the empirical researches.We collected these studies and published two brochures. One is written in Japanese and the other one is written in English. Both of them were distributed to members of Japanese Accounting Association. The Japanese edition consists of six parts, 21 chapters. The English edition consists of five papers, i.e., the above second, third, seventh, eighth papers, and the paper contributed by Professor Douglas J.Skinner, Chicago University. When we had a workshop on February 2006 cosponsored by Osaka University of Economics, Professor Skinner and Professor Hitoshi Takehara, Tsukuba University, presented a paper. I was a commentator of the paper presented by Professor Skinner. The presented paper is included in the English edition brochure.The above second, third, seventh papers were accepted to present at the 29th Annual Congress of European Accounting Association on March, 2006. Professor Otomasa presented the second paper and Suda presented the the third paper. Professor Suzuki presented the seventh paper. The eighth paper was accepted to present at 7th Annual Congress of Asian Academic Accounting Association in Sydney and Suda presented it.The summaries of the above second and third research are as following :(1) Relative and Incremental Explanatory Power of Dirty Surplus for Debt Interest RateThis study investigates the relationship between dirty surplus items on the balance sheet and the cost of debt for Japanese firms. The research focuses on three dirty surplus items, i.e., the unrealized gains and losses on the available-for-sale securities, and the foreign currency translation adjustment, and the land revaluation surplus. By using the Vuong(1989) test, the paper evaluates the relative explanatory power of equity ratio with and without dirty surplus items for interest rate spread of bonds issued. The paper presents that equity ratio excluding dirty surplus items is more strongly associated with the interest rate spread than that including dirty surplus items. The results suggest that the total amount of dirty surplus items have no explanatory power for interest rate of bonds issued. However, the paper finds that some items of dirty surplus have the relative and incremental explanatory power for bond interest rate.(2) Value Relevance of the Multi-step Income Statement in JapanThe paper investigates the relationship between value relevance of the multi-step income statement and managerial oppotunistic behavior. In Japan, net income is disclosed by three steps, i.e., 1) operating profits from core operating activity, 2) ordinary income, measured by adding gains and losses from non-core operating and financing activities to operating profits, and 3) net income that is bottom line performance in the icome statement. While Japanese firms achieve income smoothing, loss avoidance and big bath, the managerial opportunistic behavior is simply identified by the observation of multi performance measures. The paper finds that the firms engaging in such earnings management have the different value relevance of earnings from other firms. In many cases, earnings management decreases the value relevance of earnings

  • The effects of accounting regulations on financial statement quality and earnings management : A theory and tests

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    USUI Akira

     View Summary

    This project examines the relation between accrual reliability and earnings persistence, using a large sample of listed firms in 1965-2004. The results show that the accrual component of earnings is overestimated. The accrual component is less reliable than the cash flow component. Accrual categories, the change in non-cash working capital, the net non-current operating assets and the change in net financial assets, are overestimated. In this period, the persistence of earnings is decreasing. The change in non-cash working capital and the net non-current operating assets are less persistent than the cash flow component. The accrual reliability may be related to earnings management. Earnings management, using operating assets and/or debts, causes a serious problem. Accounting regulations are minimum standards which require the minimum level of information reliability. High reliability accounting information induces investors' information acquisitions, and market efficiency. However, a policy maker requires more reliable accounting information, and the costs are socially increasing. In the cost-benefit view, the level of reliably should be determined

  • Empirical research of the impact of accounting standards formulation process and regulation on capital market

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAH Eitoku, ISHIZUKA Hiroshi, SATO Hiromitsu, USUI Akira, SUDA Kazuyuki, INOUE Tatsuo

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    Three categorized researches have been conducted during the research period ; (i)empirical researches on strategic information disclosures, (ii)analyses of the relationships between management and shareholders/debt holders, and (iii)empirical studies on the pricing at the capital market. Several research results acquired listed below.(1)Reviewing the past 25 years empirical accounting studies, the trends and characteristics of Japanese empirical researches were explicated.(2)In the multi-period principal-agent model, (pure) residual income could only be objective-consistent to motivate the manager to take first-best investment decision and first-best effort level on ordinary work when expense-revenue matching accounting is required.(3)By clarifying that the implementation of new standard for current price evaluation of securities brought both benefits and costs to the listed companies, the possibility of failure of the accounting standards system were pointed out.(4)Analyzing usefulness of accounting earnings and cash flow information of both ordinary and financially stressed companies, it was confirmed that operating cash flow information retained more explanatory power for stock prices than current earnings information.(5)As a result of the analysis of timing of annual earnings announcements in parent and listed subsidiary companies, there were stock prices reactions of subsidiary/parent company at the earnings announcements of the consolidated/subsidiary company. It became clear that timing of annual earnings announcement had affected the information contents.(6)The precision of earnings forecast had been significantly improved in the companies with normalization of a stockholders general meeting and the improvement of the precision of earnings forecast was not derived from the earnings management behavior

  • The effects for accounting regulation for business combinations on firm behaviours and stock pricing : a theory and tests

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    USUI Akira

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    This research empirically examines (1)how investors are forming the expectation based on accounting information, and (2)how a firm selects the accounting and recognition timing. I discuss the regulation setting of business combinations. First, I confirm a supplementary role of the statement and balance sheet information. I find that the earnings-book value (with tome trend) model better explained the level and change of stock prices in 531 firms which had been listed in the TSE (Tokyo Stock Exchange) for the period of 1967-2001. Second, the panel analysis of TSE firms in 1964-2001, shows that (1)the growth firms prefer conservative accounting measurement to income recognition delay, (2)firms facing more severe conflicts over devidend policy tend to select more conservative accounting, (3)a manager tends underestimate earnings rather than net assets. My collective evidence provides a regulatory explanation for business combinations. A merger on an equal basis has the severe conflicts among stakeholders because the management control has not established. In such case, rational stakeholders would prefer conservative accounting that could not overestimate assets, for example, the pooling method. The use of pooling method must certain conditions that limit earnings management

  • Value relevance of consolidated financial statements information : Theory and test

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    USUI Akira

     View Summary

    The purpose in this research is to test whether accounting information is useful to explain market values of equity over time. This research explains the value relevance of accounting information in two ways. First, I estimate the long-term explanatory power of parent and consolidated financial statements for measures of market value. Second, I test value relevance of accounting information concerning M&A, or restructuring. In this research, I specify the stochastic process of accounting variables in a dividend discounting model and clean surplus accounting, and derive the accounting based valuation model. It is confirmed that the long-term value relevance of earnings, the stockholders' equity book value is not lost. The long-term explanatory power of parent and consolidated financial statements, adjusted R-squared, is almost 5 to 20 %. I confirm that that the explanatory power has decreased still though I control the factors of intangible fixed assets and research and development costs. I also find that investors tend to expect future cash flows in analyzing the accrual based earning rather than past cash flows. In addition, I investigate the value relevance of performance measure, and M&A information. In 1990's, stockholders of acquiring and target firms earned significant return of about 0.9 % and 4 % respectively at announcement date. I find that accounting information on the group strategy relates to market value

  • 資金調達時における企業の開示行動と情報収集機関に関する実証研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    薄井 彰

  • An international Comparative Study of Financial Database - Basic Design of International Database -

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OYACHI Hiroshi, USUI Akira

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    This research investigates the features and structures concerning major financial databases, NEEDS (Niholl Keizai Shimbun Inc.), COMPUSTAT II (Standard & Poors' Compustat Service Inc.), EXSTAT (Extel Statistical Sei,vice Inc.) and BILLION DOLLAR CLUB (United Nations), From the view point of gathering accounting data and designing an international database.The feature of collected data item shows that data availability and accounting policies are different in Japan, United States and Europe. In the case of designing an international database, we point out the following guidelines:1. determining standardized file formats in consideration of the disclosure needs of each nations.2. developing codes which identify accounting and tax practices of companies.3. giving key code for easy reference to the holding subsidiary relationship of constituent companies of a group, and storing data hierarchically.International databases should provide efficiency in analysis. We are planning an expert system which can compare companies among nations. This system has two types of databases and an interface between them. One database stores original figures and identification codes such as company, industry, holding-subsidiary, and accounting method codes Another is a knowledge database, storing rules which adjust different accounting methods

  • 投資家の私的情報獲得と企業の情報開示戦略に関する理論的実証的研究

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  • 不確実性における企業価値の会計測定と市場評価の整合性に関する理論的・実証的研究

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  • 書評「桜井久勝著『利益調整 発生主義会計の光と影』中央経済社」


    『企業会計』   75 ( 12 ) 1726 - 1726  2023.12

  • 書評「渡邊泉著『原点回帰の会計学 経済的格差の是正に向けて』同文舘出版」


    『企業会計』   75 ( 9 ) 1288 - 1288  2023.09

  • 「会計における学界と実務界の連携」


    『会計・監査ジャーナル』   ( 811 ) 2 - 3  2023.01  [Invited]



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Overseas Activities

  • 会計とコーポレート・ガバナンスの設計に関する研究


    イギリス   オックスフォード大学


  • Faculty of Commerce   School of Commerce

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

Research Institute

  • 2019

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 日本におけるディスクロージャー制度の生成と発展に関する基礎研究


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  • 監査に利用可能なビッグデータと分析手法に関する調査研究


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  • 資本市場における会計不正防止メカニズムについて


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  • 会計ビッグデータと資本市場の価格形成に関する基礎的研究


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    本研究の目的は、ビッグデータの利用環境の整備の問題に視野を広げて、企業の会計処理及び開示の標準化、ならびに法制度等の整備の問題を検討することである。企業の会計・監査システムはこれまでは比較的少量の情報を管理することに焦点をあててきたが、現在では大量のデータを蓄積し、管理し始めている。ビッグデータのなかでも企業・経済情報および資本市場情報の態様と望ましいデータの在り方を検討した。さらに、2000年初頭からの国際財務報告基準(International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS)が日本基準の財務諸表様式に及ぼす影響、ならびにリスクに関する数値情報および文字情報の役割を検討した。

  • 開示水準とコーポレートガバナンス環境:自然実験を利用した会計開示制度の経済分析


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  • ビックデータ時代における資本市場の情報開示及び監査の制度設計と維持:理論と実証


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  • コーポレート・ガバナンスが会計制度設計に及ぼす影響に関する実証研究


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  • 企業・市場・経済構造の変容が会計制度設計と企業行動に及ぼす影響に関する実証研究


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  • 企業構造の変容が会計制度設計に及ぼす影響に関する実証研究


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  • 長期財務データによる会計政策と株価形成に関する実証的研究


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  • 長期財務データによる資本市場行政と会計政策に関する実証的研究


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  • 会計制度の変革と株価形成の関連性に関する基礎研究


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    現在、わが国の会計制度は、日本基準、米国基準、IFRSという3つのタイプの会計基準が混在する。本研究では、証券市場の価格形成と企業のディスクロージャー行動について、国際財務報告基準(International Financial Reporting Standards: IFRS)よりも米国会計基準の影響が強かったレジームとIFRSの影響が増大しているレジームを比較分析した。

  • 会計規則が企業の金融資産投資に及ぼす影響に関する実証研究


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  • 連結財務諸表情報の株式リターンへの長期的な説明力に関する調査研究


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    本研究の目的は、利益,配当や資本などの長期時系列データに基づいて,どの程度まで株式リターンを説明していたかを統計的に検証することである。サンプル企業の選択基準は、(ⅰ) 2001年8月時点で東京証券取引所(1、2部、マザーズ)、大阪証券取引所、名古屋証券取引所、札幌証券取引所、京都証券取引所、福岡証券取引所、ナスダック・ジャパンの上場、あるいは、ジャスダックに店頭公開している、(ⅱ)連結財務諸表を公表、(ⅲ)利益、配当、簿価(株主資本)などの会計データが日本経済新聞社「NEEDS-CD ROM 日経連結財務データ」(2001年8月)で利用可能、(ⅳ)株価が東洋経済新報社「株価CD-ROM2002」で利用可能、(ⅴ)銀行、証券、保険業を除く一般事業会社、である。最終的にこれらの基準をみたす2、729社が抽出された。分析期間は1979年から1999年の20年間である 。サンプル数は、1984年以前では62社(1979年)から100社(1984年)、それ以降では、676社(1985年)から1570社(1999年)である。実証結果から、連結会計情報の有効性は、個別会計情報よりも若干上回るものの、平均して高いとはいえないことが判明した。調査期間では、日本企業の多くが連結グループ経営というよりも親会社中心であったことは否めない。実際、連結企業グループの規模は親会社に比べれば、それほど大きくない。売上高でみれば、連結グループの範囲は、親会社のほぼ1.2倍である。この水準はほとんど変わっていない。2000年3月期以降の新会計基準の導入が連結会計情報の有効性に及ぼす影響については、今後の課題とする。

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