Updated on 2025/03/12


Affiliated organization, Center for Data Science
Job title
博士(工学) ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2018.04

    Waseda University   Center for Data Science   Professor

  • 2014.04

    Shonan Institute of Technology   Faculty of Engineering   Professor

  • 2008.04

    Shonan Institute of Technology   Faculty of Engineering   Associate professor

  • 2002.04

    Shonan Institute of Technology   Faculty of Engineering   Lecturer

  • 2001.04

    Waseda University   Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Researcher

  • 1998.04

    Waseda University   Department of Science and Engineering   Research assistant

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Education Background

  • 1996.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Science and Engineering   Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering  

  • 1994.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Science and Engineering   Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering  

  • 1990.04

    Waseda University   Department of Science and Engineering   Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering  

Committee Memberships

  • 2010.04

    電子情報通信学会  東京支部学生会顧問

  • 2020.05

    電子情報通信学会情報理論とその応用サブソサイエティ  庶務

  • 2017.04

    電子情報通信学会  英文論文誌特集号編集幹事

  • 2016.04

    電子情報通信学会  SITA2017 プログラム委員幹事

  • 2015.04

    電子情報通信学会  ISITA2016 実行委員

  • 2014.04

    電子情報通信学会  ESS 特別委員

  • 2014.04

    電子情報通信学会  I-Scover プロジェクト委員

  • 2014.04

    電子情報通信学会  英文論文誌特集号編集委員

  • 2014.04

    電子情報通信学会  英文論文誌特集号編集幹事

  • 2013.04

    電子情報通信学会  SITA2014 プログラム委員幹事

  • 2008.04

    電子情報通信学会  英文論文誌特集号編集幹事

  • 2007.04

    情報理論とその応用学会  SITA2008 実行委員

  • 2005.04

    情報理論とその応用学会  SITA2006 実行委員

  • 2003.04

    経営情報学会  2005年度春季全国大会実行委員

  • 2003.04

    情報理論とその応用学会  ISITA2004 実行委員

  • 2003.04

    情報理論とその応用学会  幹事

  • 2002.04

    IEEE  ISIT2003 実行委員

  • 2001.04

    情報理論とその応用学会  幹事

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Professional Memberships

  • 2021.04








Research Areas

  • Intelligent informatics / Statistical science / Theory of informatics   Mathematical informatics / Communication and network engineering

Research Interests

  • Data mining

  • Machine learning

  • Information theory

  • Coding theory


  • IEEE EDUNINE 2022 Best Paper Award

    2022.03   Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE)   Research Results on System Development of the Research Project of a Self-Study System for Language Learning

    Winner: Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, Shigeichi Hirasawa

  • The World CIST'18 Best Paper award 6th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCist'18)


  • 功績賞

    2017.03   電子情報通信学会   I-Scoverシステム開発に関する長年の貢献

    Winner: 小林 学

  • 第74回情報処理学会全国大会 大会優秀賞

    2012.03   情報処理学会   マルコフモデルによる自動分類に対する分類誤り確率の推定

    Winner: 小林 学



  • 生成AIを用いた統計学の学習用練習問題自動生成システムの試作

    石田 崇, 雲居 玄道, 小林 学, 平澤 茂一

    日本教育工学会論文誌   49 ( 2 )  2025.08  [Refereed]

  • Integrating Attribute Information into Relational Data: a Latent Structure Approach

    Kenta Mikawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Tomoyuki Sasaki, Akiko Manada

    Proc. of 2025 1st International Conference on Consumer Technology (ICCT-Pacific)    2025.03  [Refereed]

  • Detection Probability of Poor Responses in Questionnaires with Quality Control Questions

    Tota Suko, Manabu Kobayashi

    IEICE Trans on fundamentals   E108-A ( 3 )  2025.03  [Refereed]

  • Average Performance Analysis of Multi-class Classification based on Error-Correcting Output Codes

    AIによる分割を利用, 分割結果表示, Manabu KobayashiGendo, KumoiHideki YagiShigeichi Hirasawa

    Proc. of 2024 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics    2024.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A Study on Latent Structural Models for Binary Relational Data with Attribute Information

    Kenta MIKAWA, Manabu Kobayashi, Tomoyuki Sasaki, Akiko Manada

    Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE   E15-N ( 2 )  2024.04  [Refereed]

  • A Study on Latent Structural Models for Binary Relational Data with Attribute Information

    Mikawa Kenta, Kobayashi Manabu, Sasaki Tomoyuki, Manada Akiko

    Proc of 2023 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications     198 - 201  2023.11  [Refereed]


  • A Model for Estimating the Operating Status of Individual Home Appliances Based on Bayesian Estimation from Main Power Consumption

    Satoshi SUZUKI, Manabu KOBAYASHI, Masayuki GOTO

    Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association   74 ( 2 ) 63 - 76  2023.07  [Refereed]

  • Asymptotic Evaluation of Classification in the Presence of Label Noise

    G. Yasuda, T. Suko, M. Kobayashi, T. Matsushima

    IEICE Trans. on Fund.   E106-A ( 3 ) 422 - 430  2023.03  [Refereed]

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    In a practical classification problem, there are cases where incorrect labels are included in training data due to label noise. We introduce a classification method in the presence of label noise that idealizes a classification method based on the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, and evaluate its performance theoretically. Its performance is asymptotically evaluated by assessing the risk function defined as the Kullback-Leibler divergence between predictive distribution and true distribution. The result of this performance evaluation enables a theoretical evaluation of the most successful performance that the EM-based classification method may achieve.



  • Performance Evaluation of Error-Correcting Output Coding Based on Noisy and Noiseless Binary Classifiers

    Gendo Kumoi, Hideki Yagi, Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Goto, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    International Journal of Neural Systems   33 ( 02 )  2023.02  [Refereed]

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    Error-correcting output coding (ECOC) is a method for constructing a multi-valued classifier using a combination of given binary classifiers. ECOC can estimate the correct category by other binary classifiers even if the output of some binary classifiers is incorrect based on the framework of the coding theory. The code word table representing the combination of these binary classifiers is important in ECOC. ECOC is known to perform well experimentally on real data. However, the complexity of the classification problem makes it difficult to analyze the classification performance in detail. For this reason, theoretical analysis of ECOC has not been conducted. In this study, if a binary classifier outputs the estimated posterior probability with errors, then this binary classifier is said to be noisy. In contrast, if a binary classifier outputs the true posterior probability, then this binary classifier is said to be noiseless. For a theoretical analysis of ECOC, we discuss the optimality for the code word table with noiseless binary classifiers and the error rate for one with noisy binary classifiers. This evaluation result shows that the Hamming distance of the code word table is an important indicator.


  • Construction Methods for Error Correcting Output Codes Using Constructive Coding and Their System Evaluations

    S. Hirasawa, G. Kumoi, H. Yagi, M. Kobayashi, M. Goto, H. Inazumi

    Proc. of 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2022)    2022.10  [Refereed]


  • Effect of Hamming Distance on Performance of ECOC with Estimated Binary Classifiers

    G. Kumoi, H. Yagi, M. Kobayashi, S. Hirasawa

    Proc. of 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2022)    2022.10  [Refereed]

  • Learning and Estimation of Latent Structural Models Based on Between-Data Metrics

    K. Mikawa, M. Kobayashi, M. Goto, S. Hirasawa

    Proc. of 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2022)    2022.10  [Refereed]

  • Performance Evaluation of Ecoc Considering Estimated Probability of Binary Classifiers

    Gendo Kumoi, Hideki Yagi, Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Goto, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    Proceeding of WORLD CIST 2022    2022.04  [Refereed]

  • Research Results on System Development of the Research Project of a Self-Study System for Language Learning

    Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    Proceeding of the The IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (IEEE EDUNINE 2022)    2022.03  [Refereed]

  • Comparison Experiment of Learning State between Visual Programming Language and Text Programming Language

    Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (IEEE TALE 2021)    2021.12  [Refereed]

  • The Development of a Self-Study System for Language Learning -Overview of the Project and Related Work-

    Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    Proceeding of the 6th International STEM Education Conference (iSTEM-Ed 2021)    2021.11  [Refereed]

  • A Study on the Optimization of the ECOC Method for Multi-label Classification Problems

      14 ( 3 ) 1 - 10  2021.08  [Refereed]

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    One of the methods for constructing a multi-valued classifier that uses a combination of given two-valued classifiers is the Error-Correcting Output Coding (ECOC) method, which is based on error-correcting codes introducing a code theory framework. Although it is experimentally known that this method performs well on real data, the theoretical optimality of the classification accuracy for the ECOC method has not been clarified. In this study, we show sufficient conditions for the ECOC method to be an optimal multi-valued classification method under the assumption that binary classifiers achieve maximum posterior probability classification. As a result, we can show that n-vs-all and Exhaustive signs are the best multi-valued classification method under the same assumptions. This suggests one of the directions of the optimization debate for various ECOC methods.


  • Evaluation of Difficulty During Visual Programming Learning Using a Simple Electroencephalograph and Minecraft Educational Edition

    Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing     31 - 41  2021.03  [Refereed]



  • Analysis of Logic Errors Utilizing a Large Amount of File History During Programming Learning

    Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE2020)    2020.12  [Refereed]

  • Detection of Careless Mistakes during Programming Learning using a Simple Electroencephalograph

    Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Computer Science and Education (IEEE ICCSE 2020)    2020.08  [Refereed]

  • Research and Development Plan of Language-Learning Self-Study System that can Detect Learners' Conditions over Time and Space

    Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    Proceeding of the 18th Hawaii International Conference on Education    2020.01  [Refereed]

  • An Estimation Model of Life Change Point by Energy Consumption

    S. Suzuki, M. Kobayashi, M. Goto

    Proc. of The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering And Management Systems   ID-309  2019.12  [Refereed]

  • System Evaluation of Ternary Error-Correcting Output Codes for Multiclass Classification Problems*

    Shigeichi Hirasawa, Gendo Kumoi, Hideki Yagi, Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Goto, Tetsuya Sakai, Hiroshige Inazumi

    2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC)    2019.10  [Refereed]


  • Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent Using LDGM Codes

    堀井俊佑, 吉田隆弘, 小林学, 松嶋敏泰

    Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2019)     1417 - 1421  2019.07  [Refereed]



  • Exponential Error Bounds and Decoding Complexity for Block Codes Constructed by Unit Memory Trellis Codes of Branch Length Two

    Shigeichi Hirasawa, Hideki Yagi, Manabu Kobayashi, Masao Kasahara

    2019 53rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS)    2019.03  [Refereed]


  • Proposal for an l_1 Regularized Factorization Machine

    K. Mikawa, M. Kobayashi, M. Goto, S. Hirasawa

    Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference    2018.12  [Refereed]

  • Probabilistic Fault Diagnosis and its Analysis in Multicomputer Systems

    Manabu Kobayashi, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    IEICE Trans. Fundamentals   E101-A ( 12 )  2018.12  [Refereed]

  • Least Square Error Estimation for Regression Models with Mixed Error Distribution

    M. Goto, M. Kobayashi, S. Hirasawa

    Proceedings of 2018 International Conference of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (ICETA 2018)     123 - 129  2018.06  [Refereed]

  • A Greedy Construction Approach of Codeword Table on Error Correcting Output Coding for Multivalued Classification and Its Evaluation by Using Artificial Data

    G. Kumoi, H. Yagi, M. Kobayashi, M. Goto, S. Hirasawa

    Proceedings of 2018 International Conference of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (ICETA 2018)     15 - 22  2018.06  [Refereed]

  • System Evaluation of Error Correcting Output Codes for Artificial Data Methods

    S. Hirasawa, G. Kumoi, M. Kobayashi, M. Goto, H. Inazumi

    Proceedings of 2018 International Conference of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (ICETA 2018)     112 - 122  2018.06  [Refereed]

  • Distance metric learning using each category centroid with nuclear norm regularization

    Kenta Mikawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Goto, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2017 - Proceedings   2018-   1 - 5  2018.02  [Refereed]

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    The development in information technology has resulted in more diverse data characteristics and a larger data scale. Therefore, pattern recognition techniques have received significant interest in various fields. In this study, we focus on a pattern recognition technique based on distance metric learning, which is known as the learning method in metric matrix under an arbitrary constraint from the training data. This method can acquire the distance structure, which takes account of the statistical characteristics of the training data. Most distance metric learning methods estimate the metric matrix from pairs of training data. One of the problem of the distance metric learning is that the computational complexity for prediction (i. e. distance calculation) is relatively high especially when the dimension of input data becomes large. To calculate the distance effectively, we propose the way to derive low rank metric matrix with nuclear norm regularization. When solving the optimization problem, we use the alternating direction method of multiplier and proximal gradient. To verify the effectiveness of our proposed method from the viewpoint of classification accuracy and rank reduction, simulation experiments using benchmark data sets are conducted.



  • Collaborative filtering based on the latent class model for attributes

    Manabu Kobayashi, Kenta Mikawa, Masayuki Goto, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    Proceedings - 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2017   2018-   893 - 896  2018.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this manuscript, we investigate a collaborative filtering method to characterize consumption behavior of customers and services with various attributes for marketing. We assume that each customer and service have the invisible attribute which is called latent class. Assuming a combination of attribute values of a customer and service is classified to a latent class, furthermore, we propose a new Bayesian statistical model that consumption behavior is probabilistically arise based on a latent class combination of a customer, service and attribute values. Then, we show the method to estimate parameters of a statistical model based on the variational Bayes method and the mean field approximation. Consequently, we show the effectiveness of the proposed model and the estimation method by simulation.



  • Use of Student Grouping to Make Flipped Classroom More Effective

    K. Umezawa, M. Kobayashi, T. Ishida, M. Nakazawa, S. Hirasawa

    Proceeding of the 16th Hawaii International Conference on Education     1249 - 1250  2018.01  [Refereed]

  • System evaluation of construction methods for multi-class problems using binary classifiers

    Shigeichi Hirasawa, Gendo Kumoi, Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Goto, Hiroshige Inazumi

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   746   909 - 919  2018  [Refereed]

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    Construction methods for multi-valued classification (multi-class) systems using binary classifiers are discussed and evaluated by a trade-off model for system evaluation based on rate-distortion theory. Suppose the multi-class systems consisted of M(≥3) categories and N(≥M-1) binary classifiers, then they can be represented by a matrix W, where the matrix W is given by a table of M code words with length N, called a code word table. For a document classification task, the relationship between the probability of classification error Pe and the number of binary classifiers N for given M is investigated, and we show that our constructed systems satisfy desirable properties such as “Flexible”, and “Elastic”. In particular, modified Reed Muller codes perform well: they are shown to be “Effective elastic”. As a second application we consider a hand-written character recognition task, and we show that the desirable properties are also satisfied.



  • Collaborative filtering analysis of consumption behavior based on the latent class model

    Manabu Kobayashi, Kenta Mikawa, Masayuki Goto, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2017   2017-   1926 - 1931  2017.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this manuscript, we investigate a collaborative filtering method to characterize consumption behavior (or evaluation) of customers (or users) and services (or items) for marketing. Assuming that each customer and service have the invisible attribute, which is called latent class, we propose a new Bayesian statistical model that consumption behavior is probabilistically arise based on a latent class combination of a customer and service. Then, we show the method to estimate parameters of a statistical model based on the variational Bayes method and the mean field approximation. Consequently, we show the effectiveness of the proposed model and the estimation method by simulation and analyzing actual data.



  • Experiment Evaluation of Effective Grouped Flipped Classroom

    K. Umezawa, M. Kobayashi, T. Ishida, M. Nakazawa, S. Hirasawa

    Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Applied Computing & Information Technology (ACIT 2017)     71 - 76  2017.07  [Refereed]

  • A study on distance metric learning using distance structure among category centroids

    K. Mikawa, M. Kobayashi, M. Goto, S. Hirasawa

    Proc. The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference    2016.12  [Refereed]

  • A method based on self-study log information for improving effectiveness of classroom component in flipped classroom approach

    Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takashi Ishida, Michitaka Aramoto, Manabu Kobayashi, Makoto Nakazawa, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    Blended Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications   4   1818 - 1834  2016.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The flipped classroom approach has recently begun to attract attention. In a flipped classroom, the conventional oles of classroom and homework are reversed: students study on their own using digital teaching materials or e-learning prior to class and then apply their learning in classroom activities. The authors have developed a method for improving the effectiveness of the classroom component: the students in a class are grouped on the basis of the time they spent studying (as recorded in their self-study logs) and their degree of understanding (as revealed by a self-study achievement test), and a different learning model is used for each group to improve their degree of understanding. Although they were unable to find a meaningful statistical difference in the test scores obtained in an experiment using one class of 34 students, there was a notable difference in the way questions were answered. The results of a free-description questionnaire indicate that the group learning encourages active learning.



  • Latent Class Model Analysis Based on the Variational Bayes

    M. Kobayashi, M. Goto, T. Matsushima, S. Hirasawa

    Proc. of 2016 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing     125 - 128  2016.03  [Refereed]

  • A Method based on Self-study Log Information for Improving Effectiveness of Classroom Component in Flipped Classroom Approach

    K.Umezawa, T.Ishida, M.Aramoto, M.Kobayashi, M.Nakazawa, S.Hirasawa

    International Journal of Software Innovation   4 ( 2 ) 17 - 32  2016  [Refereed]

  • Distance Metric Learning based on Different l(1) Regularized Metric Matrices in Fach Category

    Kenta Mikawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Goto, Shigeichi Fiirasawa


     View Summary

    The distance metric learning is the method to learn the distance metric from training data considering its statistical characteristics under the arbitrary constraints. To obtain the desirable distance metric, the optimization problem is solved. Most of the distance metric learning methods aim to gain the global optimal metric matrix. However there is a possibility that the global metric matrix cannot express the statistical characteristics of each category in detail. In addition, if the dimension of input data increase, the computational cost of calculating distance between data increases either. To avoid this problem, we adopt the way to use the l(1) regularization to gain sparse metric matrix. By combining those, we focus on the way to deriving the plural metric matrices with a sparse structure in this study. To verify the effective ness of our proposed method, we conduct simulation experiments by using UCI machine learning repository.

  • A Bayes Prediction Algorithm for Model Class Composed of Several Subclasses

    Masayuki Goto, Manabu Kobayashi, Kenta Mikawa, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    The Bayes coding algorithm for the tree model class is an effective method calculating the prediction probability of appearing symbol at the next time point from the past data under the Bayes criterion. The Bayes optimal prediction is given by the mixture of all models in a given model class, and the Bayes coding algorithm gives an efficient way to calculate a coding probability. This algorithm is applicable to a general prediction problem with Time-series data. Although the Bayes coding algorithm assumes a class of Markov sources, other model classes can be useful for a real prediction problem in practice. For example, the data at the next time point may not always depend on the strict sequence of the past data. It can be possible to construct an efficient Bayes prediction algorithm for a model class on which the probability of the next symbol is conditioned by the cumulative number in a past data sequence. However, there is usually no way to previously know which model class is the best for the observed data sequence. This paper considers the method to mix the prediction probabilities given by the mixtures on different model subclass. If each calculation of the mixtures on subclasses is efficient, the proposed method is also sufficiently efficient. Based on the asymptotic analysis, we evaluate the prediction performance of the proposed method.

  • A new latent class model for analysis of purchasing and browsing histories on EC sites

    Masayuki Goto, Kenta Mikawa, Shigeichi Hirasawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Tota Suko, Shunsuke Horii

    Industrial Engineering and Management Systems   14 ( 4 ) 335 - 346  2015.12  [Refereed]

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    The electronic commerce site (EC site) has become an important marketing channel where consumers can purchase many kinds of products
    their access logs, including purchase records and browsing histories, are saved in the EC sites' databases. These log data can be utilized for the purpose of web marketing. The customers who purchase many product items are good customers, whereas the other customers, who do not purchase many items, must not be good customers even if they browse many items. If the attributes of good customers and those of other customers are clarified, such information is valuable as input for making a new marketing strategy. Regarding the product items, the characteristics of good items that are bought by many users are valuable information. It is necessary to construct a method to efficiently analyze such characteristics. This paper proposes a new latent class model to analyze both purchasing and browsing histories to make latent item and user clusters. By applying the proposal, an example of data analysis on an EC site is demonstrated. Through the clusters obtained by the proposed latent class model and the classification rule by the decision tree model, new findings are extracted from the data of purchasing and browsing histories.



  • A Study of Learning a Sparse Metric Matrix using l1 Regularization Based on Supervised Learning

    MIKAWA Kenta, KOBAYASHI Manabu, GOTO Masayuki

    J. Jpn . Ind. Manage. Assoc.   66 ( 3 ) 230 - 239  2015  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we focus on classification problems based on the vector space model. As one of the methods, distance metric learning which estimates an appropriate metric matrix for classification by using the iterative optimization procedure is known as an effective method. However, the distance metric learning for high dimensional data tends to cause the problems of overfitting to a training dataset and longer computational time. In addition, the number of parameters that need to be estimated is in proportion to the square of the input data dimension. Therefore, if the dimension of input data becomes high, the number of training data to acquire a metric matrix with enough accuracy becomes enormous. Especially, these problems are caused when analyzing the document data and purchase history data stored in the EC site with high dimensional and sparse structure. To avoid these problems, we propose the method of l1 regularized distance metric learning by introducing the alternating direction method of multiplier (ADMM) algorithm. The effectiveness of our proposed method is clarified by classification experiments using a newspaper article that has a highly dimensional and sparse structure and the UCI machine learning repository, which has a low and dense structure.

    DOI CiNii

  • An Effective Flipped Classroom based on Log Information of Self-study

    Katsuyuki Umezawa, Michitaka Aramoto, Manabu Kobayashi, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, Shigeichi Hirasawa


     View Summary

    Flipped classrooms have recently begun to attract attention. In a flipped classroom, the roles of a classroom and homework are reversed. Specifically, the students study on their own by using digital teaching materials or e-learning prior to a school hours and apply their learning mainly in the classroom discussions. In this paper, we propose a method for an effective flipped classroom based on the log information of the self-study. Specifically, when students study by e-learning at home, we collect learning logs. We classify students into groups on the basis of their study time and degree of understanding by analyzing the learning logs. We can improve the degree of understanding of the students by conducting a discussion and/or giving a presentation to each group in the classroom.



  • A Study of Distance Metric Learning by Considering the Distances between Category Centroids

    Kenta Mikawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Goto, Shigeichi Hirasawa


     View Summary

    In this paper, we focus on pattern recognition based on the vector space model. As one of the methods, distance metric learning is known for the learning metric matrix under the arbitrary constraint. Generally, it uses iterative optimization procedure in order to gain suitable distance structure by considering the statistical characteristics of training data. Most of the distance metric learning methods estimate suitable metric matrix from all pairs of training data. However, the computational cost is considerable if the number of training data increases in this setting. To avoid this problem, we propose the way of learning distance metric by using the each category centroid. To verify the effectiveness of proposed method, we conduct the simulation experiment by using benchmark data.



  • Foreword: Special section on information theory and its applications

    Toshiyasu Matsushima, Manabu Kobayashi, Shiro Ikeda, Shogo Usami, Kenta Kasai, Shigeaki Kuzuoka, Hiroki Koga, Tetsuya Kojima, Masayuki Goto, Tatsumi Konishi, Hidetoshi Saito, Ryuichi Sakai, Mikihiko Nishiara, Ryo Nomura, Mitsuru Hamada, Masaya Fujisawa, Tetsunao Matsuta, Ryutaroh Matsumoto, Kazuhiko Minematsu, Kazushi Mimura, Hideki Yagi

    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences   E97A ( 12 ) 2287  2014.12  [Refereed]

  • An Analysis of Purchasing and Browsing Histories on an EC Site Based on a New Latent Class Model

    M. Goto, K. Mikawa, M. Kobayashi, S. Horii, T. Suko, S. Hirasawa

    Proc. of the 1st East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering    2014.11  [Refereed]

  • Privacy-preserving Distributed Calculation Methods of a Least-squares Estimator for Linear Regression Models

    Tota Suko, Shunsuke Horii, Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Goto, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    日本経営工学会論文誌   65 ( 2 ) 78 - 88  2014.07  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we study a privacy preserving linear regression analysis. We propose a new protocol of a distributed calculation method that calculates a least squares estimator, in the case that two parties have different types of explanatory variables. We show the security of privacy in the proposed protocol. Because the protocol have iterative calculations, we evaluate the number of iterations via numerical experiments. Finally, we show an extended protocol that is a distributed calculation method for k parties.

    DOI CiNii

  • Reconfigurable Dynamic Logic Circuit Generating t-Term Boolean Functions Based on Double-Gate CNTFETs

    Manabu Kobayashi, Hiroshi Ninomiya, Yasuyuki Miura, Shigeyoshi Watanabe


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    Hassoune and O'Connor proposed a dynamically reconfigurable dynamic logic circuit (DRDLC) that generates Boolean functions by using double-gate (DG) carbon nanotube (CNT) FETs, which have an ambipolar property. O'Connor et al. proposed a DRDLC that generates 14 Boolean functions asing two Boolean inputs with seven transistors. Furthermore, DRDLCs that generates all 16 Boolean functions have been proposed. In this paper, we focus on the design of a dynamic logic circuit with n Boolean inputs. First, we show a DRDLC that generates the monomial Boolean functions. Next, we propose a DRDLC that generates the whole set of Boolean functions consisting oft terms or less. Finally, we report the number of Boolean functions generated by the proposed DRDLC.



  • DRDLC Generating t-Term Boolean Functions Based on DG-CNTFETs

    M. Kobayashi, H. Ninomiya, Y. Miura, S. Watanabe

    Proc. of 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing     81 - 84  2014.03  [Refereed]

  • Reconfigurable Circuit Design Based on Arithmetic Logic Unit Using Double-Gate CNTFETs

    Hiroshi Ninomiya, Manabu Kobayashi, Yasuyuki Miura, Shigeyoshi Watanabe


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    This letter describes a design methodology for an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) incorporating reconfigurability based on double-gate carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (DG-CNTFETs). The design of a DG-CNTFET with an ambipolar-property-based reconfigurable static logic circuit is simple and straightforward using an ambipolar binary decision diagram (Am-BDD), which represents the cornerstone for the automatic pass transistor logic (PTL) synthesis flows of ambipolar devices. In this work, an ALU with 16 functions is synthesized by the design methodology of a DG-CNTFET-based reconfigurable static logic circuit. Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed ALU is much more flexible and practical than a conventional DG-CNTFET-based reconfigurable ALU.



  • Circuit design of reconfigurable dynamic logic based on double gate cntfets focusing on number of states of back gate voltages

    Junki Kato, Shigeyoshi Watanabe, Hiroshi Ninomiya, Manabu Kobayashi, Yasuyuki Miura

    Contemporary Engineering Sciences   7 ( 1-4 ) 39 - 52  2014  [Refereed]

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    In this paper circuit design of reconfigurable dynamic logic based on double gate CNTFETs focusing on number of states of back gate voltages has been newly described. 16 function 9-10T DRDLC for two Boolean inputs with two states (+V, -V) of back gate voltages has been newly proposed. Using this 9-10T DRDLC the conventional 7T DRDLC with three states (+V, 0, -V) of back bate voltages is successfully derived. Furthermore, using four states (+2V, +V, 0, -V) of back gate voltages 6T DRDLC can be realized. These DRDLC with small number of DG-CNTFETs is promising candidates for realizing future high performance reconfigurable LSI. © 2013 Junki Kato et al.



  • Circuit design of 2-input reconfigurable dynamic logic based on double gate MOSFETs with whole set of 16 functions

    Junki Kato, Shigeyoshi Watanabe, Hiroshi Ninomiya, Manabu Kobayashi, Yasuyuki Miura

    Contemporary Engineering Sciences   7 ( 1-4 ) 87 - 102  2014  [Refereed]

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    Circuit design of 2-input reconfigurable dynamic logic based on double gate MOSFETs with the whole set of 16 functions has been newly described. 16 function 12T DRDLC with two states (+V, 0) of control gate voltages and 14T DRDLC with two states (0, -V) of control gate voltages have been newly proposed. From these two states control gate case, 12T DRDLC with three states (+V, 0, -V) of control gate voltages is successfully derived. Newly proposed DG-MOSFET with two states (+V, 0), (0, -V) cases can be successfully realized using presently available OR type, AND type IDG-MOSFET, respectively. Newly proposed circuit design, especially for 16 functions 12T DRDLC with two states (+V, 0) case is the promising candidates for realizing future reconfigurable LSIs. © 2013 Junki Kato et al.



  • A Modified Aspect Model for Simulation Analysis

    Masayuki Goto, Kazushi Minetoma, Kenta Mikawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    This paper proposes a new latent class model to represent user segments in a marketing model of electric commerce sites. The aspect model proposed by T. Hofmann is well known and is also called the probabilistic latent semantic indexing (PLSI) model. Although the aspect model is one of effective models for information retrieval, it is difficult to interpret the meaning of the probability of latent class in terms of marketing models. It is desirable that the probability of latent class means the size of customer segment for the purpose of marketing research. Through this formulation, the simulation analysis to dissect the several situations become possible by using the estimated model. The impact of the strategy that we contact to the specific customer segment and make effort to increase the number of customers belonging to this segment can be predicted by using the model demonstrating the size of customer segment. This paper proposes a new model whose probability parameter of latent variable means the rate of users with the same preference in market. By applying the proposed model to the data of an internet portal site for job hunting, the effectiveness of our proposal is verified.



  • A Proposal of l(1) Regularized Distance Metric Learning for High Dimensional Sparse Vector Space

    Kenta Mikawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Goto, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    In this paper, we focus on pattern recognition based on the vector space model with the high dimensional and sparse data. One of the pattern recognition methods is metric learning which learns a metric matrix by using the iterative optimization procedure. However most of the metric learning methods tend to cause overfitting and increasing computational time for high dimensional and sparse settings. To avoid these problems, we propose the method of l(1) regularized metric learning by using the algorithm of alternating direction method of multiplier (ADMM) in the supervised setting. The effectiveness of our proposed method is clarified by classification experiments by using the Japanese newspaper article and UCI machine learning repository. And we show proposed method is the special case of the statistical sparse covariance selection.



  • Robustness of Syndrome Analysis Method in Highly Structured Fault-Diagnosis Systems

    Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Goto, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    F. P. Preparata et al. proposed a fault diagnosis model (PMC model) to find all fault units in the multicomputer system by using outcomes that each unit tests some other units. T. Kohda proposed a highly structured(HS) system and the syndrome analysis method(SAM) to diagnose from local testing results. In this paper, we introduce the maximum a posteriori probability algorithm(MAPDA) for the HS system in the probabilistic fault model. Analyzing the MAPDA, we show that the SAM is closer to the MAPDA as the fault probability becomes smaller. Finally, we show the robustness of the SAM in the HS system.



  • Circuit Design of Reconfigurable Logic Based on Double-Gate CNTFETs

    Manabu Kobayashi, Hiroshi Ninomiya, Shigeyoshi Watanabe


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    I. O'Connor et al. have proposed a dynamically reconfigurable dynamic logic circuit (DRDLC) to generate some logic functions by using the double-gate (DG) carbon nanotube (CNT) FETs which have the ambipolar property [1]. This DRDLC consists of seven transistors to generate 14 logic functions which do not include the XOR and XNOR functions. On the other hand, K. Jabeur eta!, have proposed a DRDLC to generate the whole set of 16 logic functions including XOR and XNOR by adding 4 or 8 transistors to O'Connor's circuit [5]. In this letter, we propose a DRDLC, which consists of only seven transistors, to generate the whole set of 16 logic functions by using DG-CNTFETs. Finally, we show that the number of transistors can be reduced compared to the conventional DRDLC to generate 16 logic functions.



  • Linear Time ADMM Decoding for LDPC Codes over MIMO Channels

    M. Kobayashi, H. Ninomiya, T. Matsushima, S. Hirasawa

    Proc. of 2013 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing     185 - 188  2013.03  [Refereed]

  • Reduced reconfigurable logic circuit design based on double gate CNTFETs using ambipolar binary decision diagram

    Hiroshi Ninomiya, Manabu Kobayashi, Shigeyoshi Watanabe

    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences   E96-A ( 1 ) 356 - 359  2013  [Refereed]

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    This letter describes the design methodology for reduced reconfigurable logic circuits based on double gate carbon nanotube field effect transistors (DG-CNTFETs) with ambipolar propoerty. Ambipolar Binary Decision Diagram (Am-BDD) which represents the cornerstone for automatic pass transistor logic (PTL) synthesis flows of ambipolar devices was utilized to build DG-CNTFET based n-input reconfigurable cells in the conventional approach. The proposed method can reduce the number of ambipolar devices for 2-inputs reconfigurable cells, incorporating the simple Boolean algebra in the Am-BDD compared with the conventional approach. As a result, the static 2-inputs reconfigurable circuit with 16 logic functions can be synthesized by using 8 DG-CNTFETs although the previous design method needed 12 DG-CNTFETs for the same purpose. Copyright © 2013 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.



  • 大学における情報数理系科目のインタラクティブ教材の試作とその評価

    石田崇, 小林 学

    CIEC コンピュータ&エデュケーション   35   75 - 80  2013  [Refereed]


  • An universal logic-circuit with flip flop circuit based on DG-CNTFET

    Yasuyuki Miura, Hiroshi Ninomiya, Manabu Kobayashi, Shigeyoshi Watanabe

    IEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings     148 - 152  2013  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we propose the method for embedding the latch and the flip flop (FF) circuit to the universal logic circuit of Double Gate Carbon NanoTube Field Effect Transistor (DG-CNTFET) proposed in the previous work. Previously, 2-inputs universal logic circuit by 8 DG-CNTFET was proposed. If the embedding of flip flop to them is possible, the reconfigurable circuit which includes a state such as flip flop can be realized. The result of our research shows that SR-latch and D-latch with 3-inputs/state can be embedded within 2-inputs universal logic circuit. Thus it is shown that a D-FF can be embedded to two 2-inputs universal logic circuit. © 2013 IEEE.



  • マルチコンピュータシステムにおける事後確率故障診断のための検査グラフ構成法とその解析

    小林 学, 高畠 俊徳, 天野 真家, 平澤 茂一

    電子情報通信学会論文誌(D)   J94-D ( 4 ) 671 - 684  2012  [Refereed]

  • On the capacity of fingerprinting codes against AND, averaging, and related attacks

    G. Hosoya, H. Yagi, M. Kobayashi, S. Hirasawa

    Journal of Information Assurance and Security   7 ( 1 ) 41 - 51  2012  [Refereed]

  • マルチコンピュータシステムにおける線形計画法に基づく故障診断

    小林 学, 堀井 俊佑, 高畠 俊徳, 平澤 茂一

    電子情報通信学会論文誌(A)   J95-A ( 4 ) 375 - 378  2012  [Refereed]

  • 雑音の分散を考慮した確率分類ベクターマシンによるテキストの自動分類

    池上裕之, 小畑智広, 小林 学, 坂下善彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌(D)   J95-D ( 11 ) 1985 - 1988  2012  [Refereed]

  • 文脈木重み付け法による確率モデルを限定した文書分類

    小畑智広, 池上裕之, 小林 学, 坂下善彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌(D)   J95-D ( 10 ) 1873 - 1876  2012  [Refereed]

  • Fault Diagnosis Algorithm in Multi-Computer Systems based on Lagrangian Relaxation Method

    Shunsuke Horii, Manabu Kobayashi, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    We propose new algorithms for fault diagnosis problem based on the dual decomposition method and the augmented Lagrangian method. Our algorithms are convergent and those outputs are same as that of Linear Programming (LP) based fault diagnosis algorithm. The proposed algorithms have smaller computational complexity than ordinary LP solver. Experimental results show the practical potentials of the proposed algorithms.

  • An Error Probability Estimation of the Document Classification Using Markov Model

    Manabu Kobayashi, Hiroshi Ninomiya, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    The document classification problem has been investigated by various techniques, such as a vector space model, a support vector machine, a random forest, and so on. On the other hand, J.Ziv et al. have proposed a document classification method using Ziv-Lempel algorithm to compress the data. Furthermore, the Context-Tree Weighting (CTW) algorithm has been proposed as an outstanding data compression, and for the document classification using the CTW algorithm experimental results have been reported. In this paper, we assume that each document with same category arises from Markov model with same parameters for the document classification. Then we propose an analysis method to estimate a classification error probability for the document with the finite length.

  • On the capacity of fingerprinting codes against unknown size of colluders

    Gou Hosoya, Hideki Yagi, Manabu Kobayashi, Shigeichi Hirasawa

    Proceedings of the 2011 7th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, IAS 2011     234 - 239  2011  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, a new attack model in which the number of colluders are distributed according to a certain probability distribution is introduced. Two classes of collusion attacks which include well-known collusion attacks in the context of multimedia fingerprinting are provided. For these two attack classes, achievable rates for the unknown size of the actual colluders are derived. Based on the derived achievable rates, achieve rates for some particular attacks are investigated. For the AND attack, the bound derived in this paper coincides with the previous known bound, although the attack model in this paper does not assume that the decoder knows the actual number of colluders. Moreover, for the averaging attack, it is clarified that derived achievable rate is larger than previously known bound with random linear codes. © 2011 IEEE.



  • Probabilistic Fault Diagnosis and its Analysis in Multicomputer Systems

    Manabu Kobayashi, Toshinori Takabatake, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    F.P.Preparata et al. have proposed a fault diagnosis model to find all faulty units in the multicomputer system by using outcomes which each unit tests some other units. In this paper, for probabilistic diagnosis models, we show an efficient diagnosis algorithm to obtain a posteriori probability that each of units is faulty given the test outcomes. Furthermore, we propose a method to analyze the diagnostic error probability of this algorithm.



  • マルチプロセッサシステムにおける確率的故障診断とその解析

    小林 学, 高畠 俊徳, 天野 真家, 平澤 茂一

    電子情報通信学会論文誌(D)   J93-D ( 8 ) 1602 - 1613  2010  [Refereed]

  • An iterative decoding algorithm for rate-compatible punctured low-density parity-check codes of high coding rates

    Gou Hosoya, Hideki Yagi, Manabu Kobayashi

    ISITA/ISSSTA 2010 - 2010 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications     394 - 399  2010  [Refereed]

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    An iterative decoding algorithm of rate-compatible punctured low-density parity-check (RCP-LDPC) codes of high coding rates is developed. This algorithm performs a predetermined recovering process of punctured bits sums at the beginning of each iteration of the standard belief-propagation (BP) decoding algorithm. By propagating messages of two punctured bits sum, this algorithm can recover much more punctured bits than the standard BP decoding algorithm. It is shown that the proposed algorithm is applicable for RCP-LDPC codes of higher coding rates with little increase of decoding complexity. © 2010 IEEE.



  • Adaptive Decoding Algorithms for Low-Density Parity-Check Codes over the Binary Erasure Channel

    Gou Hosoya, Hideki Yagi, Manabu Kobayashi, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    Two decoding procedures combined with a belief-propagation (BP) decoding algorithm for low-density parity-check codes over the binary erasure channel are presented. These algorithms continue a decoding procedure after the BP decoding algorithm terminates. We derive a condition that our decoding algorithms can correct an erased bit which is uncorrectable by the BP decoding algorithm. We show by simulation results that the performance of our decoding algorithms is enhanced compared with that of the BP decoding algorithm with little increase of the decoding complexity.



  • Density Evolution Analysis of Robustness for LDPC Codes over the Gilbert-Elliott Channel

    Manabu Kobayashi, Hideki Yagi, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    In this paper. we analyze the robustness for low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes over the Gilbert-Elliott (GE) channel. For this purpose we propose a density evolution method for the case where LDPC decoder uses the mismatched parameters for the GE channel. Using this method, we derive the region of tuples of true parameters and mismatched decoding parameters for the GE channel. where the decoding error probability approaches asymptotically to zero.

    DOI CiNii


  • Random Coding Bounds for Correlated Parallel Channels with Unidirectionally Cooperating Decoders

    Hideki Yagi, Manabu Kobayashi, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    We propose a maximum likelihood decoding scheme with decoder's partial cooperation, in which only unidirectional information passing is possible, for correlated parallel channels. We derive a bound on the probability of decoding error for the proposed scheme with a coset code ensemble by using randomized technique. From the property of the derived error exponent, we show a condition that the scheme achieves the capacity region. We compare the proposed scheme with other possible scheme with decoder's unidirectional cooperation.



  • An Efficient Design of Irregular LDPC Codes using Beta Approximation for the Gilbert-Elliott Channel

    Manabu Kobayashi, Hideki Yagi, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    In this paper, we investigate the design of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes for the Gilbert-Elliott (GE) channel. Recently, Eckford et al. proposed a design method of irregular LDPC codes using approximate density-evolution (DE) for Markov channels [7]. In the design method proposed by Eckford et al., the probability density function (PDF) of the messages from variable nodes to check nodes is approximated by the Gaussian distribution. In this paper, we first show the method to obtain the accurate PDF of the messages from variable nodes to check nodes by utilizing two DE steps for the Gaussian distribution. We call this method the iterative density approximation (IDA). Using this method, we can design the good LDPC codes. Next, we propose an efficient design method of irregular LDPC codes by using Beta approximation to the PDF of the channel state probability for the GE channel. Consequently, we show that the complexity to calculate PDFs of the channel messages is considerably reduced though the rates of LDPC codes obtained by using the proposed approximation are almost the same as that of the IDA method.



  • The construction of periodically time-variant convolutional codes using binary linear block codes

    Naonori Ogasahara, Manabu Kobayashi, Shigeichi Hirasawa


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    In 1996 Rosenthal and York proposed (time-invariant) BCH convolutional codes [4] in which the parity check matrix of a BCH code is used in the construction of the convolutional code. The lower bound on the minimum free distance of a BCH convolutional code is guaranteed by the BCH limit. In this paper we propose a periodically time-variant convolutional code that can be constructed not only using the BCH parity check matrix but using the check matrix of any binary linear block code and show that the lower bound on the minimum free distance is guaranteed by the minimum free distance of the binary linear block code. In addition, taking 12 binary linear block codes as examples, we perform comparisons of the proposed codes with BCH convolutional codes using three evaluation criteria (minimum free distance, number of delay elements, coding rate) and show that there exist proposed codes that are superior to existing ones. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electron Comin Jpn Pt 3, 90(9):31-40,2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience. wiley.com).



  • 2元線形ブロック符号を用いた周期的時変畳込み符号の構成法

    小笠原 尚徳, 小林学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会論文誌(A)   Vol.J89-A ( No.2 ) 144 - 153  2006  [Refereed]

  • ブロックターボ符号のインタリーバ構成法と最小距離

    小林学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会論文誌(A)   Vol.J89-A ( No.2 ) 129 - 143  2006  [Refereed]

  • An improved method of reliability-based maximum likelihood decoding algorithms using an order relation among binary vectors

    H Yagi, M Kobayashi, T Matsushima, S Hirasawa


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    Reliability-based maximum likelihood decoding (MLD) algorithms of linear block codes have been widely studied. These algorithms efficiently search the most likely codeword using the generator matrix whose most reliable and linearly independent k (dimension of the code) columns form the identity matrix. In this paper, conditions for omitting unnecessary metrics computation of candidate codewords are derived in reliability-based MLD algorithms. The proposed conditions utilize an order relation of binary vectors. A simple method for testing if the proposed conditions are satisfied is devised. The method for testing proposed conditions requires no real number operations and, consequently, the MLD algorithm employing this method reduces the number of real number operations, compared to known reliability-based MLD algorithms.

  • Calculation Method of Low Weight Distribution for Parallel Concatenated Block Codes

    M.Kobayashi, T.Matsushima, S.Hirasawa

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications     829 - 834  2004  [Refereed]

  • Complexity reduction of the gazelle and snyders decoding algorithm for maximum likelihood decoding

    H Yagi, M Kobayashi, S Hirasawa


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    Several reliability based code search algorithms for maximum likelihood decoding have been proposed. These algorithms search the most. likely codeword, using the most reliable information set. where the leftmost k (the dimension of code) columns of generator matrix are the most reliable and linearly independent. Especially, D. Gazelle and J. Snyders have proposed an efficient decoding algorithm and this algorithm requires small number of candidate codewords to find out the most likely codeword. In this paper, we propose new efficient methods for both generating candidate codewords and computing metrics of candidate codewords to obtain the most likely codeword at the decoder. The candidate codewords constructed by the proposed method are identical those in the decoding algorithm of Gazelle et al. Consequently, the proposed decoding algorithm reduces the time complexity in total; compared to the decoding algorithm of Gazelle et al. without the degradation in error performance.

  • An efficient heuristic search method for maximum likelihood decoding of linear block codes using dual codes

    T Okada, M Kobayashi, S Hirasawa


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    Y.S. Han et al. have proposed an efficient maximum likelihood decoding (MLD) algorithm using A* algorithm which is the graph search method. In this paper, we propose a new MLD algorithm for linear block codes. The MLD algorithm proposed in this paper improves that given by Han et al. utilizing codewords of dual codes. This scheme reduces the number of generated codewords in the MLD algorithm. We show that the complexity of the proposed decoding algorithm is reduced compared to that given by Hall et al. without increasing the probability of decoding error.

  • BCH 符号の BCH 限界を超える復号法とその軟判定復号法への応用に関する研究

    小林 学

    早稲田大学博士論文    2000.02

  • On decoding methods beyond the BCH bound and their applications to soft-decision decoding

    M Kobayashi, T Matsushima, S Hirasawa


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    For the two-dimensional BCH code, several decoding methods exceeding the BCH bound and correcting the errors that cannot be corrected by the conventional Limited distance decoding method have been proposed. This article proposes an algorithm that allows reduction of the computational volume in a decoding method exceeding the BCH bound by solving the equation for unknown variables beforehand and limiting the range of the error location. Further, this decoding method exceeding the BCH bound is applied to soft-decision decoding methods that use limited-distance decoding multiple times, and especially to Chase decoding, the decoding of Tanaka et al., and that of Kaneko et al. It is shown that the amount of computation and the decoding error rate are improved. (C) 1999 Scripta Technica.

  • Soft-Decision Decoding Using Decoding Method beyond the BCH Bound for Binary BCH Codes

    KOBAYASHI Manabu, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers. A   J82-A ( 4 ) 539 - 549  1999  [Refereed]


  • Iterative Soft−Decision Decoding using an Update Algorithm of Error−Locator Polynomial for Binary BCH Codes

    M. Kobayashi, T. Matsushima, S. Hirasawa

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications     90 - 93  1998  [Refereed]

  • BCH 限界を超える復号法とその軟判定復号法への応用

    小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会論文誌(A)   J81-A ( 4 ) 751 - 762  1998  [Refereed]

  • Berlekamp-Masseyアルゴリズムを用いたBCH限界を超える復号法の計算量について

    小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会論文誌(A)   J80-A ( 9 ) 1554 - 1558  1997  [Refereed]

  • 誤り訂正符号の軟判定復号法に関する研究

    小林 学

    早稲田大学修士論文    1996.03

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Books and Other Publications

  • データ科学入門III:モデルの候補が複数あるときの意思決定

    早稲田大学データ科学教育チーム, 松嶋, 敏泰, 須子統太, 小林学, 野村亮, 堀井俊佑, 安田豪毅, 中原悠太( Part: Joint author, 5章,付録B)

    サイエンス社  2024.04 ISBN: 9784781915982

  • データ科学入門I

    松嶋敏泰,中原悠太,小林学,堀井俊佑,野村亮( Part: Joint author)

    サイエンス社  2022.04 ISBN: 9784781915401

  • 入門パターン認識と機械学習

    後藤正幸, 小林 学( Part: Joint author, 72-108,121-177頁)

    コロナ社  2014.04

  • IT Text 確率統計学

    須子統太, 鈴木 誠, 浮田善文, 小林 学, 後藤正幸( Part: Joint author, 119-164頁)

    オーム社  2010.09

  • IT Text インターネットプロトコル

    阪田史郎, 甲藤二郎, 佐藤文明, 小林 学, 塩田茂雄( Part: Joint author, 191-220頁)

    オーム社  2005.10

Research Projects

  • データ駆動型社会の基盤をなす次世代実験計画技術の開発と実証的評価

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    後藤 正幸, 上田 雅夫, 守口 剛, 関 庸一, 鈴木 秀男, 生田目 崇, 小林 学, 三川 健太, 山下 遥

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    1.(機械学習モデルの設計) 施策の最適化を目的とした実験計画のために,「機械学習に基づく統計モデル」を「追加実験によるデータ取得」と「施策の最適化」に結び付けるプロセスの全体像,及び,効果的な実験計画を可能とする機械学習モデルを如何に設計すべきか.
    3.(施策の最適化と因果効果の評価手法の開発) 大規模データから得られた統計モデルと実験データを統合し,どのような方法で施策を最適化するか.加えて,共変量やデータの選択バイアスを考慮し,施策の因果効果を精度よく評価することが可能であるか.

  • ビジネス価値創造のためのデータ解析プラットフォームと時変協調フィルタリングの研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    小林 学, 平澤 茂一, 松嶋 敏泰

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  • Development of a self-study system that can feel the learner's emotion beyond time and space for language learning

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Umezawa Katsuyuki

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    The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a self-study system equipped with an artificial teacher who senses the learner and gives advice, based on a unified framework for language learning. The term "sense the learner" means that the system side understands the learner's learning status. In this study, we developed a method and system for detecting learners' stumbling blocks and estimating their learning status, which are necessary for the development of a self-study system. We also conducted a demonstration experiment for learning English and programming languages using these methods and system. In addition, we investigated the relationship between English education and programming language education, and the use of these methods in education. Furthermore, we studied the possibility of substituting measurement instruments other than EEG for the dissemination of the results of this research.

  • Programming Education System Based on Big Data and Learning Analytics for Beginners

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kobayashi Manabu

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    In this study, we built e-learning programming education WEB system for real class of beginners, and we analyzed the big data using learning analytics. Specifically, it is possible to obtain various programming logs of the learner and to perform scoring with high accuracy while significantly reducing the teacher work by automatically scoring the program using the machine learning method. Furthermore, we proposed a method for automatically extracting of learners and programming exercise tasks that show the same tendency of scoring results. Then we used the statistical collaborative filtering method. Furthermore, we showed the effectiveness of the proposed model and estimation method.

  • Fundamental study on business analytics technologies on big data era

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Goto Masayuki

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    The objective of this study is to develop and deepen large-scale and diverse business data analytical technology (business analytics), propose new analytical models corresponding to various business data.
    Specifically, we promoted research on the following individual themes: 1) development of data analytics technology for database information on EC sites, 2) development of analytical technique of marketing information accumulated as text data, 3) development of statistical model for recommendar systems, 4) Theoretical analysis of Web marketing model using information retrieval and recommendation technology, 5) Development of analytical method for high dimensional and sparse large scale data, 6) Development of privacy protection data analysis technology.

  • Big Data Classification Methods and Applications Based on Statistical Machine Learning and Convex Optimization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOBAYASHI Manabu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi, YOSHIMOTO Masashi

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    Applying classification methods based on the statistical machine learning and convex optimization for big data, we showed that it was possible to obtain efficiently the high precision solutions for wide range of various problems.
    Specifically, we proposed algorithms and analysis methods, and showed the effectiveness for the following problems:
    (1)privacy preserving distributed calculation problem for the case which some parties have different secret data, (2)latent class model analysis problems of EC site or institutional research, (3)dynamic reconfiguration circuit design problem, (4)document classification problem based on L1 optimization, (5)lossless data compression using CART, (6)fault-diagnosis problem using markov random field, and (7)programming edit history acquisition and visualization problem for many students.

  • Robust training based on combined online/batch training techniques

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIROSHI Ninomiya, KOBAYASHI Manabu

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    In this research, it is a purpose to enable the approximation model by the feedforward neural networks for the function or the system with the highly nonlinear behavior by the following studies. Specifically, "Proposal of a novel training algorithm using combined online/batch quasi-Newton techniques", and "Analysis on the robustness of the proposed algorithm". Here, robustness in this research means that the proposed algorithm has strong ability to search a global minimum without being trapped into local minimum. Furthermore, this approach is useful for the circuit modeling for the design and optimization, where analytical formulas are not available or original model is computationally too expensive. A neural model is trained once, and can be used again and again. This avoids repetitive circuit simulations where a change in the physical dimension requires a re-simulation of the circuit structure.

  • 高速通信網に対する情報通信の信頼性向上に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    小林 学

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  • 誤り訂正符号の軟判定復号法に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    小林 学

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  • 高性能な誤り訂正符号の符号化・復号方式の開発

  • Development of Efficient Encoding and Decoding Method for Error Correcting Codes

▼display all


  • 時系列出⽋席モデルによる⽋席バイアスを考慮した授業演習難易度推定

    小林学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    日本教育工学会 2024年秋季全国大会予稿集    2024.09

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 生成 AI を用いた問題自動生成における教材読込の効果

    隈裕子, 小林学, 石田崇, 雲居玄道, 平澤茂一

    日本教育工学会 2024年秋季全国大会予稿集    2024.09

  • 表形式の数値データを入力とした生成 AI による問題自動生成の検証

    石田崇, 隈裕子, 雲居玄道, 小林学, 平澤茂一

    日本教育工学会 2024年秋季全国大会予稿集    2024.09

  • Verification of Numerical Value Generation Using Generative AI in Quiz for Statistics

    Gendo Kumoi, Takashi Ishida, Manabu Kobayashi, Shigeichi Hirasawa

        527 - 528  2024.03

  • Verification of the Quality of Practice Questions for Statistics Created by Generative AI

    Takashi Ishida, Gendo Kumoi, Manabu Kobayashi, Shigeichi Hirasawa

        63 - 64  2024.03

  • Multi-Class Classification Based on Error Correcting Output Codes

    Manabu Kobayashi, Gendo Kumoi, Hideki Yagi, Shigeichi Hirasawa

        83 - 88  2023.11

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Trial of Automatic Generation of Quiz for Statistics Using Generative AI

    Takashi Ishida, Gendo Kumoi, Manabu Kobayashi, Shigeichi Hirasawa

        159 - 160  2023.09

  • 不良回答検出を目的としたアンケート設計手法と検出率の理論評価について

    野口, 稜太, 須子, 統太, 小林, 学

    第85回全国大会講演論文集   2023 ( 1 ) 491 - 492  2023.02

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  • A Study on Questionnaire Design for Detecting Defective Responses

    須子統太, 小林学

    情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集(CD-ROM)   46th  2023


  • プログラミング言語教育のための自然言語における第2言語教育法の援用に関する調査研究

    石倉滉大, 雲居玄道, 梅澤克之, 小林 学, 中野美知子, 平澤茂一

    情報処理学会第84回全国大会予稿集    2022.03

  • 銀行データを活用するための産学連携研究プラットフォームの構築

    小林 学, 中原悠太, 佐藤絵里子, 高谷親信, 塚本好宏

    情報処理学会第84回全国大会予稿集    2022.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • ベイズ最適化に基づく最適パラメータ探索法の研究動向と課題に関する一考察

    良川太河, 小林 学, 後藤正幸

    情報処理学会第84回全国大会予稿集    2022.03

  • 回帰・分類問題における能動学習の研究動向と課題に関する一考察

    阪井優太, 小林 学, 後藤正幸

    情報処理学会第84回全国大会予稿集    2022.03

  • 不良回答検出のためのアンケート設計方法について

    伊藤健太郎, 須子統太, 小林 学

    情報処理学会第84回全国大会予稿集    2022.03

    Authorship:Last author

  • 構成的符号化を用いたECOCの一構成法(続)

    平澤茂一, 雲居玄道, 八木秀樹, 小林 学, 後藤正幸, 稲積宏誠

    情報処理学会第84回全国大会予稿集    2022.03

  • Examples of Industry-Academia Collaboration in Data Science

    SUKO Tota, HORII Shunsuke, KOBAYASHI Manabu

    Proceedings of the Conference of Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology   2022   A-1-4  2022

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    Waseda University has established Waseda Data Science Consortium, and has been engaged in various initiatives in collaboration with companies. In this presentation, we will introduce some examples of these activities. Then, the future collaboration between universities and companies in the field of data science will be discussed.


  • Design of a Multi-University Online Reversal Seminar and Its Educational Effectiveness

    後藤正幸, 小林学, 守口剛, 関庸一, 鈴木秀男, 生田目崇, 中田和秀, 石垣綾, 上田雅夫, 佐藤公俊, 三川健太, 山下遥, 田尻裕

    情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集   21st  2022


  • 反転ゼミ形式による多大学で連携するオンライン研究交流の試み-データサイエンス領域のオンラインゼミを事例として-

    後藤正幸, 小林学, 守口剛, 関庸一, 鈴木秀男, 生田目崇, 中田和秀, 石垣綾, 上田雅夫, 佐藤公俊, 三川健太, 山下遥, 田尻裕

    PC Conference論文集(Web)   2022  2022


  • 言語学習を対象とした自学自習システムの研究~システム開発に関する研究成果~

    梅澤克之, 中澤真, 小林学, 石井雄隆, 中野美知子, 平澤茂一

    情報処理学会 情報教育シンポジウム予稿集(SSS2021)    2021.08

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 言語学習を対象とした自学自習システムの研究~関連研究と脳波収集システムの開発~

    梅澤克之, 中澤真, 小林学, 石井雄隆, 中野美知子, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会 教育工学研究会予稿集 (ET)    2021.07

  • 回帰木のベイズ的アプローチに基づくGAM/GA2M

    小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集    2021.05

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 構成的符号化を用いたECOCの一構成法

    雲居玄道, 平澤茂一, 八木秀樹, 小林 学, 後藤正幸

    日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集    2021.05

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 早稲田大学の研究・教育用データ提供プラットフォームWIRPについて

    安田豪毅, 中原悠太, 野村亮, 小林学, 須子統太

    日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集(Web)   2021  2021


  • メトリックラーニングにおける潜在構造モデルと潜在変数の推定に関する一考察

    三川健太, 小林学, 後藤正幸, 平澤茂一

    日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集(Web)   2021  2021


  • 多値分類問題におけるECOC法の最適性に関する一考察

    雲居 玄道, 八木 秀樹, 小林 学, 後藤 正幸, 平澤 茂一

    第131回数理モデル化と問題解決研究発表会予稿集    2020.12

  • プログラミング学習時の学習履歴を活用した論理エラーの分析

    梅澤克之, 中澤真, 小林学, 石井雄隆, 中野美知子, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会 教育工学研究会予稿集 (ET)    2020.09

  • 簡易脳波計を用いたプログラミング学習時のケアレスミスの検出

    梅澤克之, 中澤真, 小林学, 石井雄隆, 中野美知子, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会 教育工学研究会予稿集(ET)    2020.03

  • 言語学習を対象とした時空を越えて相手を感じられる自学自習システムにおける脳波収集システムの開発

    梅澤克之, 中澤真, 小林学, 石井雄隆, 中野美知子, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会総合大会予稿集    2020.03

  • 簡易脳波計と教育版マインクラフトを用いたビジュアルプログラミング学習時の難易度の評価

    梅澤克之, 中澤真, 石井雄隆, 小林学, 中野美知子, 平澤茂一

    情報処理学会コンピュータと教育研究会153回研究発表会予稿集    2020.02

  • Performance Limit of Classification in the Presence of Label Noise with Erasure

    安田豪毅, 須子統太, 小林学, 松嶋敏泰

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web)   120 ( 268(IT2020 24-62) )  2020


  • 代表元を用いた計量距離学習におけるオンライン学習法に関する一考察

    三川健太, 小林学, 後藤正幸, 平澤茂一

    日本経営工学会秋季大会予稿集(Web)   2020  2020


  • 言語学習を対象とした時空を越えて相手を感じられる自学自習システムの開発の概要

    梅澤克之, 中澤真, 小林学, 石井雄隆, 中野美知子, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会予稿集    2019.09

  • ラベルノイズの下での分類に関する性能の限界について

    安田豪毅, 須子統太, 小林学, 松嶋敏泰

    情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集(CD-ROM)   42nd  2019


  • 潜在クラスを含むラベルノイズモデルにおける分類アルゴリズム

    須子統太, 安田豪毅, 堀井俊佑, 小林学

    情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集(CD-ROM)   42nd  2019


  • DQNを用いたMineCraftにおける構造物の自動構築の検討

    畠山一輝, 三川健太, 小林学

    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019


  • 混合ノルム正則化に基づくFactorization Machineに関する一考察

    三川健太, 小林学, 後藤正幸, 平澤茂一

    日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集(Web)   2019  2019


  • 一般化ラベルノイズの下での分類に関する漸近評価

    安田豪毅, 須子統太, 小林学, 松嶋敏泰

    電子情報通信学会 信学技報 IBISML    2018.11

  • パラメータ未知の一般化ラベルノイズモデルにおける分類法について

    須子統太, 安田豪毅, 堀井俊佑, 小林学

    電子情報通信学会 信学技報 IBISML    2018.11

  • MineCraftを用いたDQNによる構造物の自動構築の検討

    畠山一輝, 三川健太, 小林学

    電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会予稿集   A-10-1  2018.09

  • 人工データによる2値判別器を用いた多値分類システムの評価

    平澤茂一, 雲居玄道, 小林学, 後藤正幸, 稲積宏誠

    経営情報学会全国大会予稿集     75 - 78  2018.06

  • グループ分け反転授業の実授業への適用

    梅澤克之, 小林学, 石田崇, 中澤真, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会 第9回教育工学研究会   117 ( 469 ) 199 - 204  2018.03

  • 早稲田大学におけるデータ科学教育の取り組み ~早稲田大学データ科学総合研究教育センターの活動~

    須子統太, 小林学, 堀井俊佑, 安田豪毅, 松嶋敏泰

    日本経営工学会秋季大会予稿集(Web)   2018  2018


  • l1正則化に基づくFactorization Machineに関する一考察

    三川健太, 小林学, 後藤正幸, 平澤茂一

    日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集   2018  2018


  • Collaborative Filtering Based on the Latent Class Model using Variational Bayes

    M. Kobayashi, K. Mikawa, M. Goto, S. Hirasawa

    Proceedings of 40th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications(SITA2017)     19 - 24  2017.11

  • Exponential error bounds for block codes constructed by unit memory trellis codes

    S. Hirasawa, H. Yagi, M. Kobayashi, M. Kasahara

    IEICE, Tech. Rep.   117 ( 120 ) 97 - 102  2017.07


  • ニューラルネットワークによる非負値行列因子分解の表現とその拡張

    小林 学, 三川健太, 後藤正幸, 平澤茂一

    2017年電子情報通信学会総合大会予稿集    2017.03

  • グループ分け反転授業のアンケートによる評価

    梅澤克之, 小林 学, 石田 崇, 中澤 真, 平澤茂一

    2017年電子情報通信学会総合大会予稿集    2017.03

  • 2値判別器を用いた多値分類方式のシステム評価(続)

    平澤 茂一, 雲居 玄道, 小林 学, 後藤 正幸, 稲積 宏誠

    第79回情報処理学会全国大会予稿集   79  2017.03

  • 自習時のログ情報に基づく効果的な反転授業の評価

    梅澤克之, 小林 学, 石田 崇, 中澤 真, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会ET研究会研究技法   116 ( 438 ) 1 - 6  2017.01

  • ECOC法による多値文書分類における符号語構成における一考察

    雲居玄道, 小林 学, 後藤正幸, 平澤茂一

    FIT2016 情報科学技術フォーラム講演予稿集   F-011   189 - 192  2016.10

  • 潜在クラスモデルのニューラルネットワークによる学習

    吉本昌史, 小林 学, 二宮洋

    2016年電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会予稿集   N-1-11  2016.09

  • 再構成可能論理回路の設計法と各種方式の比較

    嘉藤淳紀, 渡辺重佳, 二宮 洋, 小林 学, 三浦康之

    電子情報通信学会RECONF研究会信学技報   RECONF2015-59   1 - 6  2016.07

  • 編集履歴可視化システムを用いたLearning Analytics 〜 Cプログラミング科目における編集履歴と評価得点データを統合した分析モデル

    後藤 正幸, 三川 健太, 雲居 玄道, 小林 学, 荒本 道隆, 平澤 茂一

    第78回全国大会講演論文集   2016 ( 1 ) 533 - 534  2016.03

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    本講演では、Cプログラミングを用いて基本的な情報処理の方法やアルゴリズムの組み立て方を学ぶ「情報処理基礎演習」の授業を対象とし、編集履歴可視化システムの具体的な活用事例について報告する。具体的には、荒本らによって開発された編集履歴可視化システムを活用して、学生のプログラム作成時の編集履歴データを取得すると共に、演習授業中に実施する小テストやレポート、及び試験得点といったこれまでの教学データを統合し、教育支援に役立てる試みについて検討する。これにより、プログラミング系科目におけるLearning Analyticsの具体的な方法論や活用し得る分析モデルについて明らかにする。


  • 編集履歴可視化システムを用いたLearning Analytics〜システム構成と実装

    荒本道隆, 小林 学, 中澤 真, 中野美知子, 後藤正幸, 平澤茂一

    第78回情報処理学会全国大会予稿集   78 ( 4 ) 527 - 528  2016.03

  • 編集履歴可視化システムを用いたLearning Analytics〜C プログラミング科目における編集履歴と評価得点データを統合した分析モデル

    後藤正幸, 三川健太, 雲居玄道, 小林 学, 荒本道隆, 平澤茂一

    第78回情報処理学会全国大会予稿集   78 ( 4 ) 527 - 528  2016.03

  • 自習時のログ情報に基づく効果的な反転授業に関する考察

    梅澤克之, 小林 学, 石田 崇, 中澤 真, 荒本道隆, 平澤茂一

    第78回情報処理学会全国大会予稿集   78 ( 4 ) 535 - 536  2016.03

  • Restricted Boltzmann Machine の学習における重み付けサンプリングと正則化項の導入

    吉本昌史, 小林 学

    平成27 年度電子情報通信学会東京支部学生会研究発表会予稿集    2016.03

  • Development of Learning History Visualization Systems for the Learning Analytics

    Sato Kazuhiro, Aramoto Michitaka, Nakazawa Makoto, Kobayashi Manabu, Nakano Michiko, Goto Masayuki, Hirasawa Shigeichi

    Abstracts of Annual Conference of Japan Society for Management Information   2016   349 - 352  2016

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    Two systems have been developed for learning analytics, a generic browsing history visualization system, and an editing history visualization system for programming courses.<br><br>In the former system, a teacher can analyze the detail viewing logs of students (e.g. the referred pages and the duration to solve the given assignment) to understand the learning situation correspondingly, thus leading to the improvement of the teaching materials and the way of teaching.<br><br>While in the latter system, using the student's editing log provided through the newly developed browser-based programming environment, a teacher can analyze the detail programming histories of students (e.g. programming errors, the correction detail to solve them), to visualize the learning achievement of the students and to support them more appropriately.

    DOI CiNii

  • プログラミング編集履歴可視化システムとその実践

    小林 学, 後藤正幸, 荒本道隆, 平澤茂一

    2015年日本経営工学会秋季大会予稿集    2015.11

  • 再構成可能論理回路の設計と構成素子の見積もり

    嘉藤淳紀, 渡辺重佳, 二宮 洋, 小林 学, 三浦康之

    電子情報通信学会SDM研究会信学技報   SDM2015-66   47 - 52  2015.08

  • 詳細な学習ログを用いた英語リーディング過程の分析〜リーディング過程における学習者モデル〜

    中澤 真, 梅澤克之, 小林 学, 小泉大城, 後藤正幸, 平澤茂一

    第77回情報処理学会全国大会 講演論文集   77 ( 4 ) 505 - 506  2015.03

  • 重み付け木を用いたランダムフォレストによる文書分類

    小畑智広, 小林 学, 渡辺重佳

    第77回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集   77 ( 2 ) 18 - 19  2015.03

  • 自習時のログ情報に基づく効率的な反転授業について

    梅澤克之, 小林 学, 石田 崇, 中澤 真, 荒本道隆, 平澤茂一

    第77回情報処理学会全国大会 講演論文集   77 ( 4 ) 599 - 600  2015.03

  • 再構成可能論理回路の設計と評価

    嘉藤淳紀, 渡辺重佳, 二宮 洋, 小林 学, 三浦康之

    電子情報通信学会RECONF研究会信学技報   RECONF2015-1   35 - 40  2015.01

  • 代表元間の距離構造を用いた計量距離学習に関する一考察

    三川健太, 小林学, 後藤正幸, 平澤茂一

    日本経営工学会秋季大会予稿集   2015  2015


  • ダブルゲート型トランジスタを用いた再構成可能論理回路の設計法

    嘉藤淳紀, 渡辺重佳, 二宮 洋, 小林 学, 三浦康之

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告CPM2014-126   114 ( 332 ) 21 - 26  2014.07

  • ダブルゲートMOS型トランジスタを用いた論理回路の検討

    嘉藤淳紀, 渡辺重佳, 二宮 洋, 小林 学, 三浦康之

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告SDM2014-78   114 ( 174 ) 87 - 92  2014.07

  • 大学教育のための電子教材の開発方針の検討

    梅澤克之, 石田崇, 小林学, 平澤茂一

    第76回全国大会講演論文集   2014 ( 1 ) 355 - 357  2014.03

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  • 文脈木重み付け法を用いた半教師付き学習による文書分類の検討

    小畑智広, 小林学, 渡邉重佳

    第76回全国大会講演論文集   2014 ( 1 ) 53 - 54  2014.03

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  • 文脈木重み付け法を用いた半教師付き学習による文書分類

    小畑智広, 小林 学, 渡辺重佳

    第76回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集   76 ( 2 ) 53 - 54  2014.03

  • 大学教育のための電子教材の開発方針の検討

    梅澤克之, 石田 崇, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    第76回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集   76 ( 4 ) 355 - 356  2014.03

  • 高次元かつスパースなベクトル空間におけるl1正則化に基づく計量距離学習に関する一考察

    三川健太, 石田 崇, 小林 学, 後藤正幸, 平澤茂一

    情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   35   525 - 529  2013.11

  • 回帰木を用いた画像の無歪みデータ圧縮

    小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告NLP2013-47   113 ( 116 ) 117 - 122  2013.07

  • 大学教育のための電子教材の試作 ~ マルチメディアコンテンツの活用 ~

    梅澤克之, 小林学, 石田崇, 平澤茂一

    第75回全国大会講演論文集   2013 ( 1 ) 469 - 470  2013.03

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  • 大学教育のための電子教材の試作 〜情報数理教育向けインタラクティブコンテンツ〜

    小林 学, 石田 崇, 梅澤克之, 平澤茂一

    第75回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集   75 ( 4 ) 471 - 472  2013.03

  • 文脈木重み付け法を用いた半教師付き学習による文書分類

    小畑智広, 小林 学, 坂下善彦

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告NLP2012-112     49 - 53  2013.01

  • Design and development of prototype interactive educational materials for a class in university

    Ishida Takashi, Kobayashi Manabu, Umezawa Katsuyuki, Hirasawa Shigeichi

    Abstracts of Annual Conference of Japan Society for Management Information   2013   298 - 301  2013

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    In this study, we discuss the design and development of prototype interactive educational materials for a class of mathematical information science in university. These materials are mainly assumed to be used for learning by oneself. In addition, we assume that (1) these materials are used on several types of devices, (2) complex mathematical formula can be handled, and (3) the developing tools are as usual as possible. We have actually developed the prototype materials and used them in the class. The effectiveness of them and the contents in the development are discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • プライバシー保護を目的とした回帰分析の拡張について

    須子統太, 堀井俊佑, 小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   35   562 - 567  2012.12

  • MIMO通信路に対するLDPC符号の線形時間 ADMM 復号

    小林 学, 堀井俊佑, 松島敏泰, 平澤茂一

    情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   35   201 - 206  2012.12

  • プライバシー保護を目的とした線形回帰モデルにおける最小二乗推定量の分散計算法について

    須子統太, 堀井俊佑, 小林 学, 後藤正幸, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告IBISML2012-49   112 ( 279 ) 107 - 111  2012.10

  • MIMO通信における相互情報量基準に基づく量子化器の設計法

    小林 学, 八木秀樹, 二宮 洋, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告IT2012-41   112 ( 215 ) 59 - 64  2012.09

  • 文脈木重み付け法を用いた文書分類の検討

    小畑智広, 池上裕之, 小林 学, 坂下善彦

    第74回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集   74  2012.03

  • 文脈木重み付け法を用いたテキストの自動分類の検討

    小畑智広, 池上裕之, 小林 学, 坂下善彦

    電子情報通信学会東京支部学生会研究発表会    2012.03

  • 雑音の分散を考慮した確率分類ベクターマシンによる自動分類法

    池上裕之, 小畑智広, 小林 学, 坂下善彦

    第74回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集   74  2012.03

  • マルコフモデルによる自動分類に対する分類誤り確率の推定

    小林 学, 後藤正幸, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    第74回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集   74  2012.03

  • The Capacity of Fingerprinting Codes Against Several Attack Classes with Unknown Size of Colluders

    G. Hosoya, H. Yagi, M. Kobayashi, S. Hirasawa

    Proc.34th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications   34   442 - 447  2011.12

  • 確率分類ベクターマシンを用いた文書分類方式の検討

    池上裕之, 小畑智広, 小林 学, 坂下善彦

    第73回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集   73 ( 2 ) 313 - 314  2011.03


  • Text Classification Using Context-Tree Weighting Algorithm

    OBATA Tomohiro, IKEGAMI Hiroyuki, KOBAYASHI Manabu, SAKASHITA Yoshihiko

    IEICE technical report. Nonlinear problems   111 ( 276 ) 103 - 108  2011

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    The Text Classification problem has been investigated by various techniques, such as a vector space model, a support vector machine and so on. On the other hand, the Context-Tree Weighting algorithm has been proposed as an outstanding data compression method, and the technique of applying this to the text classification has been proposed. In this paper, we consider the classification method using the Context-Tree Weighting algorithm. Then we examine the text classification method which assumed that each document of a category arises from one stochastic model. Moreover, the experimental results using a newspaper data set are shown, and we show the efficiency of the text classification using CTW.


  • 文脈木重みづけ法を用いた文書分類の誤り確率について

    小林 学, 後藤正幸, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告NLP2011-111   111 ( 276 ) 109 - 114  2011

  • レート可変なパンクチャドLDPC符号に対する階層的BP復号法の改良

    細谷剛, 八木秀樹, 小林 学

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告IT2010-66   110 ( 363 ) 73 - 78  2011.01

  • マルチコンピュータシステムにおける積和アルゴリズムに基づく確率的故障診断

    阿部洋志, 池上裕之, 小林 学, 坂下善彦

    情報処理学会第145回マルチメディア通信と分散処理研究会   145 ( 20 )  2010.12

  • Insertion/Deletion/Substitution 通信路に対する LDPC 符号の復号法

    小林 学, 細谷 剛, 八木秀樹, 平澤茂一

    第33回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   33   432 - 437  2010.12

  • マルチコンピュータシステムにおける確率的故障診断法

    小林 学, 高畠俊徳, 天野真家, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告NLP2010-23   110 ( 82 ) 205 - 210  2010.06

  • 拡張型アプリオリアルゴリズムに基づくマトリクスクラスタリング手法の提案

    小股正博, 小林 学, 坂下善彦

    第72回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集   72   417 - 418  2010.03

  • マルチプロセッサシステムにおける確率的故障診断法

    阿部洋志, 小股正博, 小林 学, 坂下善彦

    第72回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集   72   1361 - 1362  2010.03

  • Separate Interference Channels with Partially Cooperating Decoders

    H. Yagi, M. Kobayashi

    IEICE Technical ReportIT2009-3   109 ( 66 ) 13 - 18  2009.05

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    A class of interference channels, known as the separate interference channel, is considered. Motivated by recent development of multi-terminal channels with cooperating nodes (encoders and decoders), a general achievable rate region for this channel with common information and uni-directionally cooperating decoders is derived. For a setting in which the capacity of conference links between decoders are sufficiently large, the derived achievable rate region reduces to the capacity region. Based on this result, the capacity region with common information and bi-directionally cooperating decoders is also derived.


  • バースト消失における非正則LDPC符号の構成法

    細谷 剛, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告IT2008-111   108 ( 472 ) 447 - 452  2009.03

  • Dulmage - Mendelsohn分解を用いたマトリクスクラスタリングアルゴリズム

    小股正博, 小林 学, 坂下善彦

    第71回情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集   71   1361 - 1362  2009.03

  • On Designing Irregular LDPC Codes using Accurate Densities for Gilbert-Elliott Channel

    M.Kobayashi, H.Yagi, T.Matsushima, S.Hirasawa

    Proc. of the 31th Symposium of Information Theory and its Applications     516 - 521  2008.12

  • ブロックソートの画像圧縮への応用に関する検討

    鈴木正人, 小林 学, 三浦康之, 渡辺重佳

    FIT2008情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集    2008.08

  • Design method of low-power dual-supply-voltage system LSI taking into account gate/sub-threshold leakage current of MOSFET

    WATANABE Shigeyoshi, HANAMI Satoshi, KOBAYASHI Manabu, TAKABATAKE Toshitoku

    IEICE technical report   107 ( 194 ) 51 - 56  2007.08

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    Reduction of power dissipation caused by dynamic current, gate leakage current, and subthreshold leakage current of dual-supply-voltage (VH, VL) system LSI has been analyzed. The reduction ratio of power dissipation due to leakage current is strongly depend on VH. Not only dynamic current but also leakage current can be successfully reduced with using conventional dual-supply- voltage scheme for 32nm-65nm generation.


  • システムLSIにおける各種電源方式の比較

    花見 智, 渡辺重佳, 小林 学, 高畠俊徳

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告SDM2007-149   107 ( 194 ) 47 - 50  2007.08

  • Design method of low-power dual-supply-voltage system LSI taking into account various leakage current of MOSFET

    WATANABE Shigeyoshi, HANAMI Satoshi, KOBAYASHI Manabu, TAKABATAKE Toshitoku

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 593 ) 39 - 44  2007.03

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    Reduction of power dissipation caused by dynamic current, gate leakage current, and subthreshold leakage current of dual-supply-voltage (V_H, V_L) system LSI has been analyzed. The reduction ratio of power dissipation due to leakage current is strongly depend on V_H. Not only dynamic current but also leakage current can be successfully reduced with using conventional dual-supply-voltage sheme for 32nm-65nm generation.


  • Design method of low-power dual-supply-voltage system LSI taking into account gate/sub-threshold leakage current of MOSFET

    WATANABE Shigeyoshi, HANAMI Satoshi, KOBAYASHI Manabu, TAKABATAKE Toshitoku

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 549 ) 75 - 80  2007.03

     View Summary

    Reduction of power dissipation caused by dynamic current, gate leakage current, and subthreshold leakage current of dual-supply-voltage (V_H, V_L) system LSI has been analyzed. The reduction ratio of power dissipation due to leakage current is strongly depend on V_H. Not only dynamic current but also leakage current can be successfully reduced with using conventional dual-supply-voltage scheme for 32nm-65nm generation.


  • 隠れマルコフモデル雑音通信路に対する誤り訂正復号法

    小林 学

    通信路推定と誤り訂正に関するワークショップ予稿集     29 - 36  2007

  • Gilbert-Elliott通信路に対するLDPC符号のロバスト性に関する密度発展法による解析

    小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    第30回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   30   331 - 336  2007

  • Design method of low-power dual-supply-voltage system LSI taking into account leakage current of MOSFET

    WATANABE Shigeyoshi, KANAI Masaki, NAGASAWA Akira, HANAMI Satoshi, KOBAYASHI Manabu, TAKABATAKE Toshitoku

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 315 ) 31 - 36  2006.10

     View Summary

    Reduction of power dissipation caused by dynamic current, gate leakage current, and subthreshold leakage current of dual-supply-voltage (V_H, V_L) system LSI has been analyzed. The reduction ratio of power dissipation due to leakage current is strongly depend on V_H. Not only dynamic current but also leakage current can be successfully reduced with using conventional dual-supply- voltage scheme for 32nm-65nm generation.


  • HMM通信路に対するEM復号の復号誤り確率の評価法

    小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    第29回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   29   291 - 294  2006

  • アプリオリアルゴリズムを用いた指定精度を保証するマトリックスクラスタリング手法

    小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    経営情報学会春季全国大会予稿集   ( 1 ) 50 - 53  2005

  • Matrix Clustering Method Achieving Specific Accuracy by Modified Apriori Algorithm

    Kobayashi Manabu, Matsushima Toshiyasu, Hirasawa Shigeichi

    Abstracts of Annual Conference of Japan Society for Management Information   2005   4 - 4  2005

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    Matrix clustering is defined as a method to obtain submatrices with specified area and density ( the ratio of 1 element about submatrix ) for the given sparse binary matrix.This method has been proposed as a data mining technique for Customer Relationship Management(CRM) and makes it possible to cluster the related items and customers.In this paper, we extend the apriori algorithm and propose a new matrix clustering algorithm which obtains all submatrices satisfying some specific condition.As a result, it is possible to analyze the purchase information of the customers in detail.

    DOI CiNii

  • 記憶のある通信路における効率的なブロックターボ復号アルゴリズム

    小林 学, 細谷 剛, 平澤茂一

    第26回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   26   85 - 88  2003

  • バースト誤り通信路に適した低密度パリティ検査符号の構成法

    細谷 剛, 八木秀樹, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT2003-20     61 - 66  2003

  • バースト誤り通信路に対するターボ復号法

    若狭心司, 八木秀樹, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT2003-21     67 - 72  2003

  • An Improved Method of Maximum Likelihood Decoding Algorithms using the Most Reliable Basis based on a Order Relation among Binary Vectors

    YAGI Hideki, KOBAYASHI Manabu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   IT2003-6, pp23-28 ( 99 ) 29 - 34  2003

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    Several reliability based maximum likelihood decoding (MLD) algorithms of linear block codes have been widely studied. These algorithms efficiently search the most likely codeword, using the most reliable basis of generator matrix whose leftmost k (the dimension of code) columns are the most reliable and linearly independent. In this paper, several sufficient conditions for eliminating unnecessary candidate codewords or their metrics computations are derived for MLD algorithms using the most reliable basis by utilizing a order relation among binary vectors. Under the certain assumption of generation order of candidate codewords, we devise an adaptive implementation of the derived conditions. Consequently, the MLD algorithm employing the derived conditions reduces the number of generated candidate codeword and of real number operations, compared to a conventional MLD using the MRB without the degradation in error performance.


  • 最頻隣接領域統合に基づく画像の無ひずみ符号化

    小林 学

    第25回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   25   547 - 550  2002.12

  • 隠れマルコフ型雑音通信路に対するターボ復号について

    大島英明, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    第25回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   25   179 - 182  2002.12

  • 隠れマルコフ型雑音通信路における信頼度情報に基づく軟判定復号法

    八木秀樹, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    第25回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   25   11 - 14  2002.12


  • An Analysis of Dogancay-Kennedy Blind Equalization Algorithm using Channel Noise Statistics

    YAGI Hideki, KOBAYASHI Manabu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

      101 ( 731 ) 83 - 88  2002.03

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    One of the most prominent blind channel equalizer is Godard algorithm, which many researchers have been devoted to recently. Since the Godard algorithm has local minima, which leads to inferior equalization performance, recently, K. Dogancay and R. A. Kennedy have reformulated the Godard algorithm so that equalizer parameters converge globally and we can perform more robust way of equalization. In this paper, the equalization algorithm, which the equalization parameter is proved to control bias of estimator under the certain noise model, is proposed. Furthermore, an efficient adaptive implementation of the algorithm is proposed.


  • 静止画像の無歪み圧縮に適した領域分割アルゴリズム

    佐藤琢麻, 石田 崇, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT2002-26     37 - 42  2002

  • 最頻 Digram 統合に基づくデータ圧縮法

    神田 勝, 石田 崇, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT2002-25     31 - 36  2002

  • 隠れマルコフ型雑音通信路に対する低密度パリティ検査符号の復号に関する一考察

    細谷 剛, 八木秀樹, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT2002-23     19 - 24  2002

  • 情報システム演習の実績報告

    吉田隆弘, 小林学, 平澤茂一

    2002PCカンファレンス    2002

  • 隠れマルコフ型雑音通信路における低密度パリティ検査符号に関する一考察

    細谷剛, 八木秀樹, 小林学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会情報理論研究会   pp.19-24  2002

  • 大規模データベースにおける定型項目と記述項目を含むデータからの相関ルール抽出法

    熊谷貴禎, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    第24回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   24  2001.12

  • Text Classification at the Compound Word Level

    SAITO Tsuyoshi, KUMAGAI Kiyoshi, KOBAYASHI Manabu, HIRASAWA Shgeichi

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   19   19 - 19  2001.09


  • 大規模データベースにおける相関ルール抽出のための属性値離散化法

    大島敬志, 熊谷貴禎, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会D-4-6     23 - 23  2001.09

  • テキスト自動分類におけるサブカテゴリの生成による分類精度の改善

    加藤大樹, 熊谷貴禎, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会D-4-1     18 - 18  2001.09

  • A Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Decoding using Ordered Information Set

    YAGI Hideki, OKADA Tomotsugu, KOBAYASHI Manabu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   100 ( 543 ) 9 - 16  2001

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    Several code search algorithms for maximum likelihood decoding have been proposed, using the ordered information set consisted in generator matrix in the decreasing order of reliability measure. D.Gazelle and J.Snyders have proposed an efficient algorithm of generating error patterns. M.Kobayashi et al.have presented that their proposed algorithm encodes error codewords in time complexity O(n). This requires the small number of encoded error codewords to achieve the best error performance. In this paper, we present a sufficient condition which rules out unnecessary procedures of computing metrics and propose a novel decoding algorithm. This decoding method reduces both time and space complexity, compared with the decoding method of Kobayashi et al.without the degradation of error performance.


  • リスト復号アルゴリズムを用いた連接符号の復号法とその誤り訂正能力

    竹内公二, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    第24回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   24   639 - 642  2001

  • ブロックターボ符号の生成行列を用いた一復号法

    大島英明, 小笠原尚徳, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT2001     49 - 54  2001

  • ブロックターボ符号の生成行列と性能評価

    小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT2001-11     1 - 6  2001

  • ブロックターボ符号に対するインタリーバの構成法と最小距離

    小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    第24回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   24   95 - 98  2001

  • Expansion to the list decoding of the Reddy-Robinson decoding algorithm and the error correction capability

    IWASHITA Masato, KOBAYASHI Manabu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   100 ( 543 ) 1 - 8  2001

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    Concatenated codes and product codes, composed by the combination of two codes, are important codes from both practical and theoretical viewpoints becouse of their good correction capabilities and small decoding complexity. The Reddy-Robinson decoding algorithm can correct the random error guaranteed by the minimum distance of these codes, and has ability to correct some errors beyond the random error correction capability. In this paper, we extend thiep0/r decoding algorithm to the list decoding and evaluate the actual correction ability of the proposed algorithm by the numerical calculation and the simulation.


  • 2元線形ブロック符号を用いた周期的時変畳込み符号の構成法

    小笠原尚徳, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    第24回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   24   553 - 556  2001


  • Cut−And−Choose法を用いないSchnorr認証を応用した電子現金について

    村上雅之, 小林 学, 中澤 真, 平澤茂一

    第12回日本経営工学会秋季全国大会予稿集     234 - 235  2000.11

  • 置換生成行列を用いた線形ブロック符号に対する最尤復号法

    岡田知嗣, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    第23回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   23   13 - 16  2000

  • リスト復号アルゴリズムを用いた軟判定復号法について

    竹内公二, 岩下将人, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT2000-21     43 - 48  2000

  • ブロック符号の構造を用いた畳込み符号に関する一考察

    小笠原尚徳, 岡田知嗣, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT2000-20     37 - 42  2000

  • ブロック符号に対するトレリスのセクション構成について

    八木秀樹, 岡田知嗣, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT99−97     69 - 74  2000

  • 双対符号の符号語を用いた線形ブロック符号の最尤復号法

    岡田知嗣, 小林 学, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT99-16     7 - 12  1999

  • 信頼度情報に基づく置換生成行列を用いた最尤復号法の効率化について

    小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    第22回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   22   323 - 326  1999

  • Soft-Decision Decoding Using Test Error Pattern by Erasure & Error Decoding Algorithm

    IWASHITA Masato, KOBAYASHI Manabu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   99 ( 187 ) 13 - 18  1999

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    D.Chase has proposed a soft-decision decoding by bounded distance decoding for a hard decision sequence using test patterns. H.Tanaka and K.Kakigahara has proposed a new decoding method which generates the variable number of test patterns for received sequences dependent on a threshold value. Furthermore, the relationship between the upper bound on the probability of block error and average complexity can be analytically shown for a given threshold value In this paper, we extend their method to erasure and error decoding using test patterns. We show that extended decoding method can decrease complexity by selecting appropriate sequence contained erasure information under certain constant upper bound on block error probability.


  • BCH 限界を超える復号アルゴリズムを用いた Chase 復号法の計算量低減

    小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    第20回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   20   857 - 860  1997.12

  • 不均一誤り訂正符号の復号法に関する一考察

    宮田好邦, 小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT97-28     25 - 30  1997.06

  • BCH 限界を超える誤り訂正復号法について

    小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT97-20     31 - 36  1997.06

  • BCH 限界を超える誤り訂正復号器を用いた軟判定復号法

    小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    第19回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   19   9 - 12  1996.12


  • On Complexity of Decoding Beyond the BCH Bound Using Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm : An Application for Soft-Decision Decoding Using Algebraic Decoder

    KOBAYASHI Manabu, MATSUSHIMA Toshiyasu, HIRASAWA Shigeichi

    IEICE technical report. Information theory   96 ( 161 ) 55 - 60  1996.07

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    If we use the conventional bounded distance decoding algorithm for Reed-Solomon codes or binary BCH codes, we offen cause the detection of errors. We can improve the probability of decoding error if we can find a codeword that is the most closest from the recieved word. R.E.Blahut has proposed a method for decoding beyond the BCH bound by continuing Berlekamp-Massey algorithm. In this paper we show the complexity of error and erasure decoding beyond the BCH bound. Furthermore, we introduce this method to soft-decision decoding and show that the complexity and the probability of decoding error of soft-decision decoding is reduced.


  • Reed−Solomon符号の軟判定復号法について

    小林 学, 鴻巣敏之, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    第18回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   18   549 - 552  1995.10

  • 線形ブロック符号の最尤復号法に関する一考察

    高橋 良, 小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT95-22     55 - 60  1995.06

  • String Matchingを用いた有歪み圧縮

    小幡洋昭, 小林 学, 松嶋敏泰, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT95−20     43 - 48  1995.06

  • 軟判定復号法の計算量低減について

    小林 学, 荻野 敦, 鴻巣敏之, 平澤茂一

    第17回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集   17   333 - 336  1994.12

  • GMD復号を用いた効率的な最尤復号法について

    小林 学, 荻野 敦, 鴻巣敏之, 平澤茂一

    電子情報通信学会研究技術報告IT94−46     61 - 66  1994.06

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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 潜在構造の推定を目的とした機械学習による協調フィルタリング


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     近年,マーケティングなどにおいて顧客(ユーザ)の商品(サービス)に対する消費行動(WEBの閲覧履歴や購買行動など)を数理モデルとして表現し,過去のデータから今後の顧客の消費行動を予測する協調フィルタリングが盛んに研究されている. 一方,実際のデータとしては消費行動の他に各顧客の属性データや各商品の属性データなどが存在し,これらも消費行動には間接的に影響を与えていることも考えられる.しかし,このような多種のデータを統一的に扱う研究は数少ない. 本研究ではこの顧客・商品・消費行動それぞれの観測変数に対して,各顧客の潜在変数ベクトルと各商品の潜在変数ベクトルが存在するものと仮定する.また潜在変数ベクトルから観測変数が生成・観測される確率的な潜在構造を設定する.ただし簡単のために全ての変数は量的変数と仮定する.このとき顧客および商品に対する潜在変数の特定には因子分析を用いることができ,一方で消費行動に対する潜在変数の分析にはPCAや行列因子分解,さらにはこれらの確率モデルバージョンのアルゴリズムを用いることが可能である.本研究ではこのときに欠測が発生していても効果的に推定可能な方法を提示した.さらに,これらから得られた潜在変数同士の関係を明らかにする手法の提案を行い,人工データを用いてその有効性を示すことができた. これらの結果から,顧客,商品,消費行動の関係を明確な数理モデルで表現でき,またその構造推定を可能としたことにより,今後施策の評価などに用いることができる.今後の課題としては,実データに対する有効性の評価が挙げられる.&nbsp;

  • 潜在構造による多種属性を考慮可能な協調フィルタリング手法に関する研究


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     近年,Eマーケティングなどにおいて顧客(ユーザ)の商品(サービス)に対する消費行動(WEBの閲覧履歴や購買行動など)を数理モデルとして表現し,過去のデータから今後の顧客の消費行動を予測する協調フィルタリングが盛んに研究されている.一方,実際のデータとしては消費行動の他に各顧客の属性データや各商品の属性データなどが存在し,これらも消費行動には間接的に影響を与えていることも考えられる.しかし,このような多種のデータを統一的に扱う研究は数少ない. 本研究ではこの顧客・商品・消費行動それぞれの観測変数に対して,各顧客の潜在変数ベクトルと各商品の潜在変数ベクトルが存在するものと仮定する.そして顧客の潜在変数ベクトルから顧客の観測変数が生成され,商品も同様とする.この関係は因子分析のモデルと等価と設定する.一方顧客の商品に対する消費行動は,それぞれの潜在変数の内積から生成されるものとする.例として,消費行動が量的変数であれば潜在変数の内積に誤差が加わるモデルとし,消費行動が2値の質的変数の場合,潜在変数の内積が質的変数の対数確率比となるモデルとすることができる.この提案方法により,多種多様なマーケティングデータを統一的な数理モデルで表現することが可能になり,生成・観測メカニズムの構造推定問題や未観測の消費行動に対する予測問題などを統計的に扱うことを可能とする. 本研究ではさらに,この数理モデルに対する各種パラメータの推定,並びに潜在変数の事後確率推定のための繰り返しアルゴリズムを提案した.結果的に実験によりパラメータの推定精度並びに予測精度を高めることができることを確認した. 今後の課題として,構造推定に対するモデル選択における一致性の検討が挙げられる.

  • 説明性を持つ回帰・分類手法のベイズ的アプローチ


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  • 潜在構造を仮定したイジングモデルの学習と協調フィルタリングへの応用


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  • 複数属性を考慮可能な統計的協調フィルタリング


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  • 潜在クラスモデルによるベイズ的協調フィルタリング


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    ビジネスアナリティクス分野において,協調フィルタリングはユーザと商品やサービスの関係を解析する上で非常に重要なツールである.通常の協調フィルタリングにおいては,ユーザの商品に対する消費行動がデータとなる.本研究ではユーザの属性情報や商品そのものの情報を合わせてベイズ的に取り扱う手法の開発を行った. 具体的には各ユーザ及び商品にディリクレ分布から発生する潜在クラスを仮定するとともに,ユーザと商品の各属性にもディリクレ分布から発生する潜在クラスを仮定する.これらの潜在クラスの組み合わせにより,消費行動が多項分布で生起する確率モデルの検討を行った.このモデルに対して,平均場近似の手法を用いることにより,精度高く真のパラメータを推定可能であることが分かった.

  • 機械学習における統計的手段と数理最適化モデルの融合に関する研究


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  • 誤り訂正符号における最ゆう復号法の効率化に関する研究


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     本研究は携帯電話や衛星通信等の情報通信において、雑音の影響を取り除く誤り訂正符号に対する復号法を対象としている。中でも最ゆう復号法は復号誤り確率を最小とするが、最もゆう度の高い符号語を探索する必要があるため、多くの計算量を要するという欠点をあわせ持つ。本研究はこの最ゆう復号法の計算量を従来手法よりさらに低減することを目的としている。従来効率的な最ゆう復号法として、誤り訂正符号の符号化を利用する復号法が知られている。これは通信路から受信した系列の信頼度の高い位置を情報シンボルとみなし、この情報シンボルを緩やかに変化させながら複数回符号化を行うことにより候補符号語を出力し、ゆう度が最大となる最ゆう符号語を探索する復号法である。これにより復号に必要となる平均計算量の大幅な低減が実現されている。 本研究では、従来独立に複数回繰り返していた符号化に対し、以前候補符号語として出力された符号語を利用することにより、次に出力すべき候補符号語を非常に効率良く求める手法を提案した。また従来符号化を行い、候補符号語を生成してからその符号語のゆう度(事後確率に比例する)を独立に求めていたのに対し、複数符号語のゆう度を同時に計算することによりさらなる計算量低減を実現した。これらの技術をAIの探索手法であるA*アルゴリズムを用いる最ゆう復号法に応用し、結果的に符号化する回数が低減され、かつ符号化1回に必要となる計算量も減少することにより、復号全体に必要となる計算量を大幅に低減した。 またゆう度を求めるためには候補符号語に対し実数上の演算が必要となるが、0、1のシンボル情報のみから、得られた符号語が最ゆうとはなりえないことを判定する十分条件を導き、これを符号語が得られるたびに判定することにより、数多くの不必要なゆう度計算のための実数演算量を低減した。 本研究により、従来計算量が問題となっている最ゆう復号法に対し、その効率化を実現することができた。これらの提案は、復号誤り確率の多少の劣化を許しても、更なる大幅な計算量の提言を実現する準最ゆう復号法へ応用することも容易に可能である。計算量低減の度合いの理論的保証が重要な今後の課題である。

  • 誤り訂正符号の軟判定復号法に関する研究


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     インターネット・携帯電話・衛星通信・DVD などに代表されるように、マルチメディア社会において情報通信の高信頼化を実現する誤り訂正符号化技術は必要不可欠な基礎技術となっている。誤り訂正符号に対する復号法は、通信路情報を有効に利用する軟判定復号法と、通信路情報を0,1としか扱わない硬判定復号法に大別される。 前者の中でも、硬判定復号法の一種であり計算量の少ない限界距離復号法を、複数回用いる軟判定復号法は数多く提案されており、Chase復号法、TK復号法、KNH復号法はその代表的な手法である。これらの復号法の多くは漸近的に、最も復号誤り確率の小さい最ゆう復号法を達成するが、多くの計算量を要するという欠点をあわせ持つ。一方、限界距離復号法では通常訂正不可能となるある種の誤りを、効果的に訂正する硬判定復号法(限界距離を超える復号法と呼ぶ)が従来提案されている。私はこの復号法を効率化する手法を提案し、さらにその優れた特性を利用してこれを軟判定復号法へ効果的に応用した。その結果上で述べた従来の軟判定復号法より復号誤り確率・計算量を大幅に低減することができることを示した。この研究成果は電子情報通信学会論文誌(A)に採録されている。 また、厳密な最ゆう復号法を実現するアルゴリズムの中でもいくつかの著名な手法として誤り訂正符号の符号化を利用する復号法が研究されている。これは通信路から受信した系列の信頼度の高い位置を情報とみなし、この情報を少しづつ変化させながら複数回符号化を行うことにより候補符号語を出力し、ゆう度が最大となる最ゆう符号語を推定する復号法である。これにより復号に必要となる平均計算量の大幅な低減が従来実現されている。このような最ゆう復号法では、すべて複数回繰り返す符号化は毎回独立に行われる。従って復号法全体で必要な計算量は符号化の計算量に比例してしまう。また符号化を行い候補符号語を求めてから、その符号語のゆう度(事後確率に比例する)を独立に求めている。そこで本研究では(1)変化させる情報系列同士の非常に強い関連を用いて、以前候補符号語として出力された符号語を利用することにより次に出力すべき候補符号語を効率良く求めるアルゴリズムの導出、(2)ゆう度を出力するパターンを集合として分割し、この集合ごとにゆう度を求めることにより複数符号語のゆう度を同時に計算する手法の提案を行った。(結果的に(1)により1回あたりの符号化に必要となるビット演算はO(n2)からO(n)に減少した。また(2)によりさらに1/3程度実数値の加減算を低減することに成功している。ここで、nは符号長を表す。)これらの成果は情報理論とその応用学会において発表を行った。今後これらの提案復号法の計算量の理論的評価を行うことが必要である。またテスト誤りパターンの出力順序を提案アルゴリズムと適するように選択することにより、より計算量を低減することができる手法を開発することは今後の課題である。

  • 誤り訂正符号の軟判定復号法に関する研究


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    本研究では情報通信の高信頼化を実現する誤り訂正符号に対する復号法の高速化,高信頼化を目的としている.誤り訂正符号の復号は,通信路情報を有効に利用する軟判定復号法と,通信路情報を0,1としか扱わない硬判定復号法に大別される.前者の中でも,硬判定復号法の一種であり計算量の少ない限界距離復号法を,複数回用いる軟判定復号法は数多く提案されており,Chase復号法,TK復号法,KNH復号法はその代表的な手法である.これらの復号法の多くは漸近的に,最も復号誤り確率の小さい最ゆう復号法を達成するが,多くの計算量を要するという欠点をあわせ持つ. 一方,限界距離復号法では通常訂正不可能となるある種の誤りを,効果的に訂正する硬判定復号法(限界距離を超える復号法と呼ぶ)が従来提案されている.著者はこの復号法を効率化する手法を提案し,さらにその優れた特性を利用してこれを軟判定復号法へ効果的に応用した.その結果上で述べた従来の軟判定復号法より復号誤り確率・計算量を大幅に低減することができることを示した. また限界距離復号法は0, 1の通信路情報を用いて基本方程式と呼ばれる連立方程式を高速に解くことにより行われる.従来の軟判定復号法は,この限界距離復号法をおのおの独立に複数回用いるため,復号にかかる計算量は限界距離復号回数に比例する.これに対し本研究では,(1)おのおのの限界距離復号法において得られる基本方程式間の関係の導出し,(2)以前行った限界距離復号法の結果(基本方程式の解)から次に行う限界距離復号法の結果を直接求めるアルゴリズムを導出した.(3)さらにこのアルゴリズムを用いた効果的な軟判定復号法を提案した.また,提案した軟判定復号法に要する計算量及び復号誤り確率を解析し,その結果計算量・復号誤り確率が従来手法より大幅に改善されることを示した.

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