Professional Memberships
The American Finance Association
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/13
The American Finance Association
Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Economics of Firms
Distribution of Long-run Stock Returns: Evidence from Japan and the US
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Vikas Mehrotra
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 21-E-084 2021.10
Stewardship Code, Institutional Investors, and Firm Value: International Evidence
Yutaro Shiraishi, Naoshi Ikeda, Yasuhiro Arikawa, Kotaro Inoue
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 19-E-077 2019.09
Corporate Governance, Employment, and Financial Performance of Japanese firms: A cross-country analysis
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Kotaro Inoue, Takuji Saito
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 18-E-084 2018.12
Cross Shareholding and Initiative Effects
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Atsushi Kato
Asian Economic and Financial Review Vol. 5 ( No. 2 ) 305 - 319 2015.05
The Bank-Firm Relationship in Japan: From A Historical Perspectives
Yasuhirio Arikawa, Hideaki Miyajima
Organizational Science 49 ( 1 ) 19 - 31 2015
In Search of Synergy Effects: Mergers and Productivity
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Kazutaka Takechi 2012.10
「M&Aと資本市場」研究会報告書、日本経済研究センター 37 - 53 2008.03
The Choices between Public and Private Debt by Japanese Firms
Yasuhiro Arikawa
Journal of International Economic Studies 22 19 - 30 2008
Understanding the M&A boom in Japan:What drives Japanese M&A?
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Hideaki Miyajima
RIETI Discussion Paper 07-E-042 2007.06
蟻川 靖浩, 菊田 逸平, 有馬 基之, 小田 晋一郎, 岸野 崇, 茨木 秀行
経済財政分析ディスカッション・ペーパー・シリーズDP/06-3、内閣府 2006.07
日本経済研究センター 69 - 84 2006.03
蟻川靖浩, 宮島英昭
経済産業研究所ディスカッションペーパー2006/04 06-J-034 2006.03
Experimental Analysis on the Role of a Large Speculater in Currency Crisis
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Kumi Suzuki-Loffelholz, Kenshi Taketa
Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan 2006-E-4 2006.01
Relationship Banking and Debt Choice: Evidence from Japan"jointly worked"
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Hideaki Miyajima
Corporate Governance: An International Review ( 13 ) 408 - 418 2005.05
ニッセイ基礎研所報 ( 33 ) 133 - 154 2004.09
AgglomerationEffects vs. Policy Effects: The Case of the Electronics Industry in Malaysia "jointly worked"
Ken Togo, Yasuhiro Arikawa
Asian Economic Journal 16 ( 3 ) 229 - 245 2002 [Refereed]
Corporate governance, relational banking and R&D: evidence from Japanese large firms in the 1980s and 1990s
H Miyajima, Y Arikawa, A Kato
バブル崩壊後の負債選択--リスク要因の上昇とEntrenchmentの後退 (特集 社債市場の新潮流)
宮島 英昭, 蟻川 靖浩
証券アナリストジャ-ナル 37 ( 3 ) 3 - 18 1999.03
( Part: Joint author)
( Part: Joint author)
東洋経済新報社 2012.03 ISBN: 9784492211977
蟻川靖浩, 河西卓弥, 宮島英昭
東洋経済新報社 2011.06 ISBN: 9784492532898
Financial systems and economic development: The Case in Japan,” in Koichi Hamada, Keijiro Otsuka, Gustav Ranis and Ken Togo (eds.), Miraculous Growth and Stagnation in Post-War Japan (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)pp.40-pp.53
Yasuhiro Arikawa
Routledge 2011.04 ISBN: 9780415615181
「経済発展と金融システム:資金性制約と緩和効果について」大塚啓二郎・東郷賢・浜田宏一編『模倣型経済の躍進と足ぶみ 戦後の日本経済を振り返る』pp53-76
ナカニシヤ出版 2010.10 ISBN: 9784779504921
“Understanding M&A wave in Japan” in Masao Nakamura (eds.), Changing Corporate Governance Practices in China and Japan: Adaptations of Anglo-American Practices, pp153-182
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Hideaki Miyajima
Palgrave Macmillan 2008.11 ISBN: 9780230221659
蟻川靖浩, 光定洋介
日本評論社 2008.09
”Relational Banking in Post-Bubble Japan: The Coexistence of Soft- and Hard-Budget Constraints,” M.Aoki, G.Jackson, and H.Miyajima eds, Corporate Governance in Japan Institutional Change and Organizational Diversity, pp.51-78
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Hideaki Miyajima
Oxford University Press 2007.09
「日本企業の負債選択」法政大学比較経済研究所/胥鵬編『社債市場の育成と発展:日本の経験とアジアの現状』, pp25-44.
法政大学出版会 2007.07
蟻川靖浩, 宮島英昭
東洋経済新報社 2007.06
「フリーキャッシュフロー問題と企業の多角化」高森 寛/井手 正介 編著 『金融・契約技術・エージェンシーと経営戦略』,pp79-102
東洋経済新報社 2006.03
蟻川靖浩, 宮島英昭, 斉藤直
東京大学出版会 2003.09
“Changing Corporate Finance and its Impact on Corporate Strategy After Bubble: Is Long-term Strategy of Japanese Firm Really Changing?,” in Usha C. V. Haley and Frank-Jurgen Richter (eds.) Asian Post-Crisis Management: Corporate and Governmental Strategies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage, pp34-52.
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Hideaki Miyajima
Palgrave Macmillan 2002.03
“Changing Corporate Finance and its Impact on Corporate Strategy After Bubble: Is Long-term Strategy of Japanese Firm Really Changing?,” in Usha C. V. Haley and Frank-Jurgen Richter (eds.) Asian Post-Crisis Management: Corporate and Governmental Strategie
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Hideaki Miyajima
Palgrave Macmillan 2002.03
Distribution of Long-run Stock Returns: Evidence from Japan and the US
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Vikas Mehrotra
The 35th Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2023.06
Distribution of Long-run Stock Returns: Evidence from Japan and the US
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Vikas Mehrotra
JFA-PBFJ Special Issue Conference
Presentation date: 2022.03
Capital Structure Adjustment in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Vietnam
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Hanh Nguyen Hoang
Presentation date: 2021.06
Institutional Investors, Stewardship Code, and Corporate Performance: International Evidence
Yutaro Shiraishi, Naoshi Ikeda, Yasuhiro Arikawa, Kotaro Inoue
The 31st Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
Presentation date: 2019.07
Institutional investors, stewardship code, and corporate performance: International evidence
Yutaro Shiraishi, Naoshi Ikeda, Yasuhiro Arikawa, Kotaro Inoue
NFA 27th Annual Conference (Japan, Keio University)
Presentation date: 2019.06
Innovation of Japanese Big Businesses and Ownership Structure
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Takuya Kawanish, Hideaki Miyajima
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics(SASE) 30th Annual Conference (Kyoto, Japan)
Presentation date: 2018.06
Corporate Governance, Employment laws, and Corporate Performance in Japan: A Cross-country Analysis
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Kotaro Inoue, Takuji Saito
World Finance Banking Symposium (Bangkok)
Presentation date: 2017.12
In Search of Synergy Effects:Mergers and Productivity
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Kazutaka Takechi
2012 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society in Delhi (Delhi in India)
Presentation date: 2012.12
In Search of Synergy Effects:Mergers and Productivity
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Kazutaka Takechi
The 2011 AsianFA Annual Meeting (Macao)
Presentation date: 2011.07
Who provide a certification effect? Evidence from IPO on the JASDAQ, MOTHER and HERCULES
Yasuhiro Arikawa, Gael Imad'eddine
Paris International Meeting on Finance,French Finance Association
Presentation date: 2005.12
Corporate Governance Reform, Restructuring and Managerial Biases
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Corporate Governance Reforms and their Consequences: Engagement, Alignment and Distribution of Authorities
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Corporate governance: exits and profitability
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
XU Peng
Project Year :
Corporate Governance, Firm Behavior, and Firm Performance: International Comparison
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Inoue Kotaro
Corporate governance through Exit
Project Year :
Shareholder meeting and corporate governnace: an international view
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
XU Peng, MATSUI Kenji, MORITA Hatsuru, ARIKAWA Yasuhiro, TANAKA Wataru, MIYAZAKI Kenji, TAKEDA Koichi, TAKEGUCHI Keisuke, TAKECHI Kazutaka, TAKAHASHI Hidetomo
The Effect of Corporate Governance on Stock Price Volatility
Project Year :
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))
Project Year :
Corporate Governance in Japan: Revisit
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
XU Peng, ARIKAWA Yasuhiro, UCHIDA Konari, SASAKI Takafumi, TAKEDA Kouichi, TAKEGUCHI Keisuke, TAKECHI Kazutaka, TANAKA Wataru, MATSUI Kenji, MIYAZAKI Kenji, MORITA Hatsuru, TAMURA Akiko, OHNO Sanae
Comparing Ownership and Aid Effectiveness of Economic Reform Policy in Four Selected Asian Countries.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
WADA Yoshiro, TOGO Ken, KATO Atsushi, ARIKAWA Yasuhiro
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MIYAJIMA Hideaki, HIROTA Shinichi, KUBO Katsuyuki, ARIKAWA Yasuhiro, AOKI Hidetaka, SAITO Takuji
The Effect of Foreign Aid on Economic Growth: Case Study Analysis
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
TOGO Ken, WADA Yoshio, KATO Atsushi, ARIKAWA Yasuhiro
System Analytic Approach to Financial Technology, Management and Governance
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance and Economic Development in Japan : 1900-1955
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MIYAJIMA Hideaki, NAKAMURA Naofumi, KASUYA Makoto, HANAI Shunsuke, KUMON Kurato, WATANABE Junko
The recent development of corporate governance in Japan
書評:朝岡大輔著『企業のアーキテクチャー ―コーポレートガバナンス改革のゆくえ』
金融経済研究 ( 47 ) 101 - 103 2024.03
Seminar on Managerial Economics (Research Guidance)
Graduate School of Business and Finance
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Managerial Economics (Research Guidance)
Graduate School of Business and Finance
2025 spring semester
Faculty of Political Science and Economics School of Political Science and Economics
Research Institute of Business Administration Concurrent Researcher
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