Education Background
Columbia University Graduate School, Division of Politics International Relations
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/13
Columbia University Graduate School, Division of Politics International Relations
Earth System Governance Lead Faculty
地球システムガバナンス リーフォカルティ(顧問)
Japan Association of International Relations Councilor
日本国際政治学会 評議員
Voluntary Neighbors Councilor
ボランタリーネイバーズ 評議員
Japan Association of International Relations Auditor
日本国際政治学会 監事
Japanese Political Science Association
Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
Japanese Society of International Law
Earth System Governance
Intertnational Studies Association
Japan Association of Global Governance
Japan Association of International Relations
Intenational Relations, Global Environmental Politics, Japanese Foreign Policy
The Analysis of Japan’s Energy and Climate Policy from the Aspect of Anticipatory Governance
Hiroshi Ohta
Energies 13 ( 19 ) 1 - 22 2020.10 [Refereed]
Climate Change and Trump Regime's "America First"
HIrosh Ohta
International Affairs ( 692 ) 5 - 17 2020.06
International Politics and Japan concerning the Environment and Energy
Hiroshi Ohta
International Relations ( 200 ) 151 - 167 2020.03 [Refereed]
Politics of Participation and Negotiations: Until Germany Decided the Phase-out of Nuclear Powers (Book review)
Hiroshi Ohta
The Study of Global Governance ( 4 ) 123 - 126 2018.03
Climate Change Policy in Japan: From the 1980s to 2015 (Book review)
Hiroshi Ohta
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 18 ( 1 ) 125 - 128 2018.01
Insights from Global Environmental Governance (Disaggregating Effectiveness)
Hiroshi Ohta
International Studies Review 15 ( 4 ) 562 (581) - 589 (583) 2013 [Refereed]
International Relations Theory and Environmental Problems: Focusing on the Issue of Climate Change
Ohta Hiroshi
International Relations 2011 ( 166 ) 166_12 - 25 2011
OHTA Hiroshi
TRENDS IN THE SCIENCES 16 ( 6 ) 35 - 41 2011
トーマス・ワイズ、 ラメシュ・タクール著 『グローバル・ガバナンスと国連—未完成の旅』 (書評)
太田 宏
外交フォーラム No. 248 52 - 56 2009.03
Environmental Policy in Japan(書評)
Hidefumi Imura, Miranda A. Schreurs eds
Pacific Affairs Vol. 80, No.1 102 - 103 2007
持続可能な開発の新展開 (国連研究) 第7号 11 - 38 2006.06
国際法外交雑誌 第104巻,第3号 85(319) - 112(346) 2005.11
The Japanese Perspective on Equity in the Climate Change Regime
Hiroshi Ohta
The Aoyama Journal of International Politics, Economics and Business No. 61 77 - 102 2003.08
The Web of Power: Japanese and German Development Cooperation Policy(書評)
Kozo Kato
The Journal of Japanese Studies Volume 29, Number 2 486 - 491 2003
国際問題 No. 508 48 - 64 2002.07
Governance in Globalizing World(書評)
Joseph S. Nye, John, D. Donahue eds
グローバル・アクターとしての国連事務局(国連研究) 第3号 280 - 286 2002.05
青山学院総合研究所、国際政治経済研究センター、研究叢書 第9号 2002
Japan’s Domestic Politics of Global Climate Change: A Research Design
Hiroshi Ohta
The Aoyama Journal of International Politics, Economics and Business No. 54 (September) ( 54 ) 223 - 240 2001.09
外交時報 No.1334(1月号) 4 - 24 1997
国際政治 第117号 67 - 84 1997
外交時報 No.1334 4 - 24 1997
外交時報 No. 1324 (1月号) 48 - 65 1996
都市情報学研究 第1号 73 - 90 1996
外交時報 No. 1317(4月号) 18 - 35 1995
Japan's Politics and Diplomacy of Climate Change
Hiroshi Ohta
Columbia University, Ph.D. Dissertation 1995
法学政治学論究 Vol16 23 - 56 1989
Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance, Second edition
Jean-Frédéric Morin, Amandine Orsini, eds( Part: Contributor)
Routledge 2021 ISBN: 9780367418700
"International Politics over the Environment and Development" In Hasegawa, Y. and Y. Kaneko eds., _Contemporary International Politics_
Hiroshi Ohta( Part: Contributor)
Minervashobo 2019 ISBN: 9784623085613
"EU and Japanese climate change and energy security policy." In Emil Kirchner and Han Dorussen eds. EU-Japan Security Cooperation: Trends and Prospects
Katja Bienedenkopf, Hiroshi Ohta( Part: Contributor)
Routledge 2019 ISBN: 9781138315808
The Encyclopaedia of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies ("Environmental Security")
Society for Environmental Economics, Policy Studies, ed( Part: Contributor)
Maruzen Publishing 2018.05
Comparative Politics about the Environmental and Energy Policies of Major States: Make a Choice for A Sustainable Society
Hiroshi Ohta( Part: Sole author)
Toshindo 2016.01 ISBN: 9784798913247
「災害と国際社会—国際社会の災害支援と東日本大震災からの教訓」 鎌田薫監修『震災後に考える』
早稲田大学出版会 2015
"Saving the Kyoto Protocol: What Can We Leran from the Experience of Japan-EU Cooperation" in P. Bacon et al. The European Union and Japan: A New Chapter in Civilian Power Cooperation?
Hiroshi Ohta, Yves Tiberghien( Part: Contributor)
Routledge 2015 ISBN: 9781472457462
“Climate Change and Human Security: the Convergence on Policy Requirements” in S. Takahashi ed., Human Rights, Human Security, and State Security: the Intersection
Hiroshi Ohta( Part: Joint author)
Praeger 2014
「日本の環境外交—地球温暖化対策とエネルギー政策をめぐる国際政治経済と国際交渉」 大芝亮編『日本の外交』第5巻
岩波書店 2013
「どうする、地球環境政治」 押村高・中山 俊宏 編 『世界政治を読み解く』
太田宏( Part: Contributor)
ミネルヴァ書房 2011.12
「国際関係論と環境問題—気候変動問題に焦点を当てて—」 日本国際政治学会編 国際政治 第166号 『環境とグローバル・ポリティクス』
有斐閣 2011.08
「生物多様性レジームと気候変動レジームの連結—持続可能で有機的なネクサスの模索—」 毛利勝彦編『生物多様性をめぐる国際関係』
太田宏( Part: Contributor)
大学教育出版 2011.05
“Japanese Foreign Policy on Climate Change: Diplomacy and Domestic Politics”, in: Harris, Paul G. (Ed.): _Climate Change and Foreign Policy: Case Studies form East to West_
Hiroshi Ohta
Routledge 2009.04
「地球公共財とNGO—地球気候の安定化と生物多様性の保全を求めて—」 日本国際政治学会編(大芝亮、古城佳子、石田敦責任編集)『日本の国際政治学—2 国境なき国際政治』
有斐閣 2009
“A Small Leap forward: Regional Cooperation for Tackling the Problems of the Environment and Natural Resources in Northeast Asia,” in Timmermann, Martina and Tsuchiyama Jituo (eds.), _Institutionalizing Northeast Asia: Regional Steps toward Global Governance_
Hiroshi Ohta
United Nations University Press 2008
「多国間環境協定の現状と課題」 毛利勝彦編『環境と開発のためのグローバル秩序』
東信堂 2008
“A Small Leap forward: Regional Cooperation for Tackling the Problems of the Environment and Natural Resources in Northeast Asia,” in Timmermann, Martina and Tsuchiyama Jituo (eds.), _Institutionalizing Northeast Asia: Regional Steps toward Global Governa
Hiroshi Ohta
United Nations University Press 2008
国際書院 2007
“Japanese Environmental Foreign Policy and the Prospects for Japan-EU Cooperation: The Case of Global Climate Change,” in Takako Ueta and Eric 遵ラemacle eds., _Japan and Enlarged Europe: Partners in Global Governance_
Hiroshi Ohta
Peter Lang 2005
"Japan and Global Climate Change: The Intersection of Domestic Politics and Diplomacy,” in Paul G. Harris ed., _Confronting Environmental Change in East and Southeast Asia: Eco-politics, Foreign Policy, and Sustainable Development_
Hiroshi Ohta
London/ Tokyo: Earthscan/UNU 2005
「持続不可能な「アメリカ文明」—地球気候変動問題とアメリカ社会のライフスタイル」 押村高編『帝国アメリカのイメージ』
早稲田大学出版会 2004
太田宏, 毛利勝彦編著
大学教育出版 2003
「環境問題をめぐる危機管理と予防」 木村凡編『国際危機学』
世界思想社 2002
「地球環境問題—グローバル・ガヴァナンスの概念化—」 渡辺昭夫・土山實男編『グローバル・ガヴァナンス—政府なき秩序の模索』
東京大学出版会 2001
「グローバルな問題への多元的アプローチ」 天児慧等編『アクセス国際関係論』
日本評論社 2000
"Japanese Environmental Foreign Policy," in Inoguchi Takashi and Purnendra Jain eds,_Japanese Foreign Policy Today_
Hiroshi Ohta
Palgrave 2000
「地球温暖化をめぐる国際政治」 信夫隆司編『環境と開発の国際政治』
南窓社 1999
"Japan’s Environmental Foreign Policy and the Concept of Comprehensive National Security," in _Miranda A. Schreurs and Dennis Pirages eds., Ecological Security in Northeast Asia_
Hiroshi Ohta
Yonsei University Press 1998
Japan's Response to Climate Crisis in the Asia-Pacific Region
Hiroshi Ohta [Invited]
Asia Transnational Threats Forum: Climate Security in Asia (Washington, D.C.) Brookings
Presentation date: 2019.12
Marine plastic litter and microplastics and the synergistic effects of energy transition and smart city
Hiroshi Ohta [Invited]
(Tokyo) Global Forum of Japan
Presentation date: 2019.08
The politics of energy transition in Japan
Hiroshi Ohta
International Studies Association annual conference (Tronto)
Presentation date: 2019.03
“In Search of Theory to Explain International Fisheries Negotiations,” presented with I. Sakaguchi, A. Iahii, A. Okubo & Y. Sanada
Global International Studies Conference (WISC)
Presentation date: 2014.08
“Theorizing Outcomes of the Multilateral Negotiations on Globalized Tuna Fisheries,” presented with I. Sakaguchi, A. Okubo, and A. Ishii
International Studies Association (ISA) annual conference
Presentation date: 2013.04
Japanese Climate Change Policy: Edging away from the Post-Kyoto Process
Hiroshi Ohta
Twenty Years after the Maastricht Treaty: A Common Agenda for the EU and Japan (Tokyo) EUIJ Waseda
Presentation date: 2012.05
The Arctic and Japan: Energy Security and Climate Security
Hiroshi Ohta [Invited]
Energy Security and Geopolitics in the Arctic: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century Energy Studies Institute (ESI) of the National University of Singapore
Presentation date: 2012.01
International cooperation and institutional selection in international environmental problems
Hiroshi Ohta
Annual Conference of Japanese Society of International Relations Japanese Society of International Relations
Presentation date: 2010.10
Climate Change Policy Beyond 2012: Scenarios of Long-term International Political Change
Hiroshi Ohta
International Studies Association Annual Conference (San Diego) International Studies Association
Presentation date: 2006.03
Presentation date: 2004.10
Presentation date: 2003.10
Presentation date: 2001.06
Global Environmental Governance and Japanese Domestic Politics
Hiroshi Ohta
International Studies Association Annual Conference (Chicago) International Studies Association
Presentation date: 2001.02
Presentation date: 1999.05
Ecological Security in East Asia: A Critique
Hiroshi Ohta
1997 World Congress (Seoul) International Political Science Association (IPSA)
Presentation date: 1997.08
Japan’s Greenish Politics
Hiroshi Ohta
JAIR/International Studies Association Conference (Makuhari) JAIR/ISA
Presentation date: 1996.09
The State and Civil Society
Hiroshi Ohta [Invited]
A symposium on Japanese Public Policy (Washington, D.C.) US Library of Congress
Presentation date: 1995.04
Presentation date: 1993.05
Japan's Nascent Environmental Foreign Policy
Hiroshi Ohta
Conference on Asia-Pacific (New York City) Columbia University
Presentation date: 1991.04
In Search of the Solutions of Global Issues through the Ideal and Normative Evaluation of Globalization
Project Year :
The Comprehensive Study of Japan's Environmental Diplomacy: Analyses of Driving Forces and the Effects
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Sakaguchi Isao
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MATSUMOTO Yasuko, ISHII Atsushi, OHTA Hiroshi, OKUBO Ayako
S 3-2 Study on Multifunctional Criteria on the Policies to Arrest Global Warming
National Institute of Environmental Studies (NIES) Global Environmental Research Fund
Project Year :
The Comprehensive Security in Globalizing East Asia
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
IGARASHI Akio, OOTA Hiroshi, GABE Masaaki, KOSEKI Syoichi, SASAKI Hiroshi, TWU Jawyann
Global Governance : Its Processes, Institutions and Institutional Effectiveness
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
IIDA Keisuke, OHTA Hiroshi, TSUCHIYAMA Zitsuo, YAMAMOTO Yoshinobu, YAMADA Takahiro
ドイツ ベルリン自由大学
ノルウェー ナンセン研究所
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