Updated on 2025/02/15


Faculty of Science and Engineering, Global Center for Science and Engineering
Job title
Associate Professor(non-tenure-track)
PhD ( Waseda University )

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering   Department of Modern Mechanical Engineering  


    Waseda University   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering   Department of Modern Mechanical Engineering  


    Waseda University   School of Creative Science and Engineering   Department of Modern Mechanical Engineering  

Research Areas

  • Fluid engineering

Research Interests

  • CFD

  • IGA (Isogeometric Analysis)



  • Local-length-scale calculation in T-splines meshes for complex geometries

    Shohei Mikawa, Kenji Takizawa, Yuto Otoguro, Takuya Terahara, Tayfun E. Tezduyar

    Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences    2024.09



  • Computational aerodynamics with isogeometric analysis

    Yuri Bazilevs, Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E Tezduyar, Artem Korobenko, Takashi Kuraishi, Yuto Otoguro

    Journal of Mechanics    2023.01



  • A hyperelastic extended Kirchhoff–Love shell model with out-of-plane normal stress: I. Out-of-plane deformation

    Yasutoshi Taniguchi, Kenji Takizawa, Yuto Otoguro, Tayfun E. Tezduyar

    Computational Mechanics    2022.08



  • Fabrication of doubly-curved CFRP shell structures with control over fiber directions

    Masahito Takezawa, Yuto Otoguro, Kohei Matsuo, Tadahiro Shibutani, Akio Sakurai, Takashi Maekawa

    Computer-Aided Design   136   103028 - 103028  2021.07



  • Element-splitting-invariant local-length-scale calculation in B-Spline meshes for complex geometries

    Yuki Ueda, Yuto Otoguro, Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E. Tezduyar

    Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences   30 ( 11 ) 2139 - 2174  2020.10

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    Variational multiscale methods and their precursors, stabilized methods, which are sometimes supplemented with discontinuity-capturing (DC) methods, have been playing their core-method role in flow computations increasingly with isogeometric discretization. The stabilization and DC parameters embedded in most of these methods play a significant role. The parameters almost always involve some local-length-scale expressions, most of the time in specific directions, such as the direction of the flow or solution gradient. Until recently, local-length-scale expressions originally intended for finite element discretization were being used also for isogeometric discretization. The direction-dependent expressions introduced in [Y. Otoguro, K. Takizawa and T. E. Tezduyar, Element length calculation in B-spline meshes for complex geometries, Comput. Mech. 65 (2020) 1085-1103, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-019-01809-w] target B-spline meshes for complex geometries. The key stages of deriving these expressions are mapping the direction vector from the physical element to the parent element in the parametric space, accounting for the discretization spacing along each of the parametric coordinates, and mapping what has been obtained back to the physical element. The expressions are based on a preferred parametric space and a transformation tensor that represents the relationship between the integration and preferred parametric spaces. Element splitting may be a part of the computational method in a variety of cases, including computations with T-spline discretization and immersed boundary and extended finite element methods and their isogeometric versions. We do not want the element splitting to influence the actual discretization, which is represented by the control or nodal points. Therefore, the local length scale should be invariant with respect to element splitting. In element definition, invariance of the local length scale is a crucial requirement, because, unlike the element definition choices based on implementation convenience or computational efficiency, it influences the solution. We provide a proof, in the context of B-spline meshes, for the element-splitting invariance of the local-length-scale expressions introduced in the above reference.



  • Element length calculation in B-spline meshes for complex geometries

    Yuto Otoguro, Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E. Tezduyar

    Computational Mechanics   65 ( 4 ) 1085 - 1103  2020.04  [Refereed]

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Variational multiscale methods, and their precursors, stabilized methods, have been playing a core-method role in semi-discrete and space–time (ST) flow computations for decades. These methods are sometimes supplemented with discontinuity-capturing (DC) methods. The stabilization and DC parameters embedded in most of these methods play a significant role. Various well-performing stabilization and DC parameters have been introduced in both the semi-discrete and ST contexts. The parameters almost always involve some element length expressions, most of the time in specific directions, such as the direction of the flow or solution gradient. Until recently, stabilization and DC parameters originally intended for finite element discretization were being used also for isogeometric discretization. Recently, element lengths and stabilization and DC parameters targeting isogeometric discretization were introduced for ST and semi-discrete computations, and these expressions are also applicable to finite element discretization. The key stages of deriving the direction-dependent element length expression were mapping the direction vector from the physical (ST or space-only) element to the parent element in the parametric space, accounting for the discretization spacing along each of the parametric coordinates, and mapping what has been obtained back to the physical element. Targeting B-spline meshes for complex geometries, we introduce here new element length expressions, which are outcome of a clear and convincing derivation and more suitable for element-level evaluation. The new expressions are based on a preferred parametric space and a transformation tensor that represents the relationship between the integration and preferred parametric spaces. The test computations we present for advection-dominated cases, including 2D computations with complex meshes, show that the proposed element length expressions result in good solution profiles.



  • ALE and Space–Time Variational Multiscale Isogeometric Analysis of Wind Turbines and Turbomachinery

    Yuri Bazilevs, Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E. Tezduyar, Ming Chen Hsu, Yuto Otoguro, Hiroki Mochizuki, Michael C.H. Wu

    Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology     195 - 233  2020  [Refereed]

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    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Many of the challenges encountered in computational analysis of wind turbines and turbomachinery are being addressed by the Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) and Space–Time (ST) Variational Multiscale (VMS) methods and isogeometric discretization. The computational challenges include turbulent rotational flows, complex geometries, moving boundaries and interfaces, such as the rotor motion, and the fluid–structure interaction (FSI), such as the FSI between the wind turbine blade and the air. The core computational methods are the ALE-VMS and ST-VMS methods. These are supplemented with special methods like the Slip Interface (SI) method and ST Isogeometric Analysis with NURBS basis functions in time. We describe the core and special methods and present, as examples of challenging computations performed, computational analysis of horizontal- and vertical-axis wind turbines and flow-driven string dynamics in pumps.



  • Space–Time Variational Multiscale Isogeometric Analysis of a tsunami-shelter vertical-axis wind turbine

    Yuto Otoguro, Hiroki Mochizuki, Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E. Tezduyar

    Computational Mechanics    2020  [Refereed]

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    © 2020, The Author(s). We present computational flow analysis of a vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) that has been proposed to also serve as a tsunami shelter. In addition to the three-blade rotor, the turbine has four support columns at the periphery. The columns support the turbine rotor and the shelter. Computational challenges encountered in flow analysis of wind turbines in general include accurate representation of the turbine geometry, multiscale unsteady flow, and moving-boundary flow associated with the rotor motion. The tsunami-shelter VAWT, because of its rather high geometric complexity, poses the additional challenge of reaching high accuracy in turbine-geometry representation and flow solution when the geometry is so complex. We address the challenges with a space–time (ST) computational method that integrates three special ST methods around the core, ST Variational Multiscale (ST-VMS) method, and mesh generation and improvement methods. The three special methods are the ST Slip Interface (ST-SI) method, ST Isogeometric Analysis (ST-IGA), and the ST/NURBS Mesh Update Method (STNMUM). The ST-discretization feature of the integrated method provides higher-order accuracy compared to standard discretization methods. The VMS feature addresses the computational challenges associated with the multiscale nature of the unsteady flow. The moving-mesh feature of the ST framework enables high-resolution computation near the blades. The ST-SI enables moving-mesh computation of the spinning rotor. The mesh covering the rotor spins with it, and the SI between the spinning mesh and the rest of the mesh accurately connects the two sides of the solution. The ST-IGA enables more accurate representation of the blade and other turbine geometries and increased accuracy in the flow solution. The STNMUM enables exact representation of the mesh rotation. A general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method makes it easier to deal with the complex turbine geometry. The quality of the mesh generated with this method is improved with a mesh relaxation method based on fiber-reinforced hyperelasticity and optimized zero-stress state. We present computations for the 2D and 3D cases. The computations show the effectiveness of our ST and mesh generation and relaxation methods in flow analysis of the tsunami-shelter VAWT.



  • Space–time VMS flow analysis of a turbocharger turbine with isogeometric discretization: computations with time-dependent and steady-inflow representations of the intake/exhaust cycle

    Yuto Otoguro, Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E. Tezduyar, Kenichiro Nagaoka, Reha Avsar, Yutong Zhang

    Computational Mechanics   64 ( 5 ) 1403 - 1419  2019.11  [Refereed]

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    © 2019, The Author(s). Many of the computational challenges encountered in turbocharger-turbine flow analysis have been addressed by an integrated set of space–time (ST) computational methods. The core computational method is the ST variational multiscale (ST-VMS) method. The ST framework provides higher-order accuracy in general, and the VMS feature of the ST-VMS addresses the computational challenges associated with the multiscale nature of the unsteady flow. The moving-mesh feature of the ST framework enables high-resolution computation near the rotor surface. The ST slip interface (ST-SI) method enables moving-mesh computation of the spinning rotor. The mesh covering the rotor spins with it, and the SI between the spinning mesh and the rest of the mesh accurately connects the two sides of the solution. The ST Isogeometric Analysis enables more accurate representation of the turbine geometry and increased accuracy in the flow solution. The ST/NURBS Mesh Update Method enables exact representation of the mesh rotation. A general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method makes it easier to deal with the complex geometries involved. An SI also provides mesh generation flexibility in a general context by accurately connecting the two sides of the solution computed over nonmatching meshes, and that is enabling the use of nonmatching NURBS meshes in the computations. The computational analysis needs to cover a full intake/exhaust cycle, which is much longer than the turbine rotation cycle because of high rotation speeds, and the long duration required is an additional computational challenge. As one way of addressing that challenge, we propose here to calculate the turbine efficiency for the intake/exhaust cycle by interpolation from the efficiencies associated with a set of steady-inflow computations at different flow rates. The efficiencies obtained from the computations with time-dependent and steady-inflow representations of the intake/exhaust cycle compare well. This demonstrates that predicting the turbine performance from a set of steady-inflow computations is a good way of addressing the challenge associated with the multiple time scales.



  • Computational analysis of flow-driven string dynamics in a pump and residence time calculation

    K. Komiya, T. Kanai, Y. Otoguro, M. Kaneko, K. Hirota, Y. Zhang, K. Takizawa, T. E. Tezduyar, M. Nohmi, T. Tsuneda, M. Kawai, M. Isono

    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science   240 ( 6 )  2019.03  [Refereed]

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. We present computational analysis of flow-driven string dynamics in a pump and the related residence time calculation. The objective in the study is to understand how the strings carried by a fluid interact with the pump surfaces, including the blades, and get stuck on or around those surfaces. The residence time calculations help us to have a simplified but quick understanding of the string behavior. The core computational method is the Space-Time Variational Multiscale (ST-VMS) method, and the other key methods are the ST Isogeometric Analysis (ST-IGA), ST Slip Interface (ST-SI) method, ST/NURBS Mesh Update Method (STNMUM), a general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method for complex geometries, and a one-way-dependence model for the string dynamics. The ST-IGA with NURBS basis functions in space is used in both fluid mechanics and string structural dynamics. The ST framework provides higher-order accuracy. The VMS feature of the ST-VMS addresses the computational challenges associated with the turbulent nature of the unsteady flow, and the moving-mesh feature of the ST framework enables high-resolution computation near the rotor surface. The ST-SI enables moving-mesh computation of the spinning rotor. The mesh covering the rotor spins with it, and the SI between the spinning mesh and the rest of the mesh accurately connects the two sides of the solution. The ST-IGA enables more accurate representation of the pump geometry and increased accuracy in the flow solution. The IGA discretization also enables increased accuracy in the structural dynamics solution, as well as smoothness in the string shape and fluid dynamics forces computed on the string. The STNMUM enables exact representation of the mesh rotation. The general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method makes it easier to deal with the complex geometry. With the one-way-dependence model, we compute the influence of the flow on the string dynamics, while avoiding the formidable task of computing the influence of the string on the flow, which we expect to be small.



  • Turbocharger turbine and exhaust manifold flow computation with the Space–Time Variational Multiscale Method and Isogeometric Analysis

    Yuto Otoguro, Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E. Tezduyar, Kenichiro Nagaoka, Sen Mei

    Computers and Fluids   179   764 - 776  2019.01  [Refereed]

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    © 2018 The Authors We address the computational challenges encountered in turbocharger turbine and exhaust manifold flow analysis. The core computational method is the Space–Time Variational Multiscale (ST-VMS) method, and the other key methods are the ST Isogeometric Analysis (ST-IGA), ST Slip Interface (ST-SI) method, ST/NURBS Mesh Update Method (STNMUM), and a general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method for complex geometries. The ST framework, in a general context, provides higher-order accuracy. The VMS feature of the ST-VMS addresses the computational challenges associated with the multiscale nature of the unsteady flow in the manifold and turbine, and the moving-mesh feature of the ST framework enables high-resolution computation near the rotor surface. The ST-SI enables moving-mesh computation of the spinning rotor. The mesh covering the rotor spins with it, and the SI between the spinning mesh and the rest of the mesh accurately connects the two sides of the solution. The ST-IGA enables more accurate representation of the turbine and manifold geometries and increased accuracy in the flow solution. The STNMUM enables exact representation of the mesh rotation. The general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method makes it easier to deal with the complex geometries we have here. An SI also provides mesh generation flexibility in a general context by accurately connecting the two sides of the solution computed over nonmatching meshes. That is enabling us to use nonmatching NURBS meshes here. Stabilization parameters and element length definitions play a significant role in the ST-VMS and ST-SI. For the ST-VMS, we use the stabilization parameters introduced recently, and for the ST-SI, the element length definition we are introducing here. The model we actually compute with includes the exhaust gas purifier, which makes the turbine outflow conditions more realistic. We compute the flow for a full intake/exhaust cycle, which is much longer than the turbine rotation cycle because of high rotation speeds, and the long duration required is an additional computational challenge. The computation demonstrates that the methods we use here are very effective in this class of challenging flow analyses.



  • Stabilization and discontinuity-capturing parameters for space–time flow computations with finite element and isogeometric discretizations

    Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E. Tezduyar, Yuto Otoguro

    Computational Mechanics   62 ( 5 ) 1169 - 1186  2018.11  [Refereed]

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    © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Stabilized methods, which have been very common in flow computations for many years, typically involve stabilization parameters, and discontinuity-capturing (DC) parameters if the method is supplemented with a DC term. Various well-performing stabilization and DC parameters have been introduced for stabilized space–time (ST) computational methods in the context of the advection–diffusion equation and the Navier–Stokes equations of incompressible and compressible flows. These parameters were all originally intended for finite element discretization but quite often used also for isogeometric discretization. The stabilization and DC parameters we present here for ST computations are in the context of the advection–diffusion equation and the Navier–Stokes equations of incompressible flows, target isogeometric discretization, and are also applicable to finite element discretization. The parameters are based on a direction-dependent element length expression. The expression is outcome of an easy to understand derivation. The key components of the derivation are mapping the direction vector from the physical ST element to the parent ST element, accounting for the discretization spacing along each of the parametric coordinates, and mapping what we have in the parent element back to the physical element. The test computations we present for pure-advection cases show that the parameters proposed result in good solution profiles.



  • A general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method for complex geometries

    Yuto Otoguro, Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E. Tezduyar

    Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology     399 - 434  2018  [Refereed]

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    © 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Spatial discretization with NURBS meshes is increasingly being used in computational analysis, including computational flow analysis with complex geometries. In flow analysis, compared to standard discretization methods, isogeometric discretization provides more accurate representation of the solid surfaces and increased accuracy in the flow solution. The Space-Time Computational Analysis (STCA), where the core method is the ST Variational Multiscale method, is increasingly relying on the ST Isogeometric Analysis (ST-IGA) as one of its key components, quite often also with IGA basis functions in time. The ST Slip Interface (ST-SI) and ST Topology Change methods are two other key components of the STCA, and complementary nature of all these ST methods makes the STCA powerful and practical. To make the ST-IGA use, and in a wider context the IGA use, even more practical in computational flow analysis with complex geometries, NURBS volume mesh generation needs to be easier and more automated. To that end, we present a general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method. The method is based on multi-block-structured mesh generation with existing techniques, projection of that mesh to a NURBS mesh made of patches that correspond to the blocks, and recovery of the original model surfaces to the extent they are suitable for accurate and robust fluid mechanics computations. It is expected to retain the refinement distribution and element quality of the multi-block-structured mesh that we start with. The flexibility of discretization with the general-purpose mesh generation is supplemented with the ST-SI method, which allows, without loss of accuracy, C−1 continuity between NURBS patches and thus removes the matching requirement between the patches. We present mesh-quality performance studies for 2D and 3D meshes, including those for complex models, and test computation for a turbocharger turbine and exhaust manifold. These demonstrate that the general-purpose mesh generation method proposed makes the IGA use in computational flow analysis even more practical.



  • Space–time VMS computational flow analysis with isogeometric discretization and a general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method

    Yuto Otoguro, Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E. Tezduyar

    Computers and Fluids   158   189 - 200  2017.11  [Refereed]

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd The Space–Time Computational Analysis (STCA) with key components that include the ST Variational Multiscale (ST-VMS) method and ST Isogeometric Analysis (ST-IGA) is being increasingly used in fluid mechanics computations with complex geometries. In such computations, the ST-VMS serves as the core method, complemented by the ST-IGA, and sometimes by additional key components, such as the ST Slip Interface (ST-SI) method. To make the ST-IGA use, and in a wider context the IGA use, even more practical in fluid mechanics computations, NURBS volume mesh generation needs to be easier and as automated as possible. To that end, we present a general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method. The method is based on multi-block structured mesh generation with existing techniques, projection of that mesh to a NURBS mesh made of patches that correspond to the blocks, and recovery of the original model surfaces to the extent they are suitable for accurate and robust fluid mechanics computations. It is expected to retain the refinement distribution and element quality of the multi-block structured mesh that we start with. The flexibility of discretization with the general-purpose mesh generation is supplemented with the ST-SI method, which allows, without loss of accuracy, C−1 continuity between NURBS patches and thus removes the matching requirement between the patches. We present a test computation for a turbocharger turbine and exhaust manifold, which demonstrates that the general-purpose mesh generation method proposed makes the IGA use in fluid mechanics computations even more practical.



  • Turbocharger flow computations with the Space–Time Isogeometric Analysis (ST-IGA)

    Kenji Takizawa, Tayfun E. Tezduyar, Yuto Otoguro, Takuya Terahara, Takashi Kuraishi, Hitoshi Hattori

    Computers and Fluids   142   15 - 20  2017.01  [Refereed]

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    © 2016 We focus on turbocharger computational flow analysis with a method that possesses higher accuracy in spatial and temporal representations. In the method we have developed for this purpose, we use a combination of (i) the Space–Time Variational Multiscale (ST-VMS) method, which is a stabilized formulation that also serves as a turbulence model, (ii) the ST Slip Interface (ST-SI) method, which maintains high-resolution representation of the boundary layers near spinning solid surfaces by allowing in a consistent fashion slip at the interface between the mesh covering a spinning surface and the mesh covering the rest of the domain, and (iii) the Isogeometric Analysis (IGA), where we use NURBS basis functions in space and time. The basis functions are spatially higher-order in all representations, and temporally higher-order in representation of the solid-surface and mesh motions. The ST nature of the method gives us higher-order accuracy in the flow solver, and when combined with temporally higher-order basis functions, a more accurate representation of the surface motion, and a mesh motion consistent with that. The spatially higher-order basis functions give us again higher-order accuracy in the flow solver, a more accurate, in some parts exact, representation of the surface geometry, and better representation in evaluating the second-order spatial derivatives. Using NURBS basis functions with a complex geometry is not trivial, however, once we generate the mesh, the computational efficiency is substantially increased. We focus on the turbine part of a turbocharger, but our method can also be applied to the compressor part and thus can be extended to the full turbocharger.




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Research Projects

  • On new developments of Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) for highly accurate and efficient fracture mechanics analysis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Compressible-flow engine-valve analysis with response motion and contact

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

    Project Year :




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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 大規模計算機のための高次精度時空間計算手法による非定常流体シミュレーション


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    We present a new approach for simulation of unsteady flow problems that include interaction between different time-scale phenomena. Such problems require computations that capture the details in the short time scale and span over long time periods to represent the long time-scale phenomena. However, it is hard to obtain such solutions in a reasonable amount of computing time. In such cases, typically longer time-scale phenomena are ignored or assumed not to change while the short time-scale phenomena are computed.We propose to use space--time (ST) computational methods with isogeometric discretization, giving us higher-order accuracy in space and time. In the ST methods and other stabilized methods, an embedded stabilization parameter plays an important role. This parameter involves a measure of the local length scale. The length definitions have been discussed earlier in finite element discretizations. These definitions are often used also in isogeometric discretization.In this research, we implement space--time computation techniques with continuous representation in time. The test computations we present show the value of the new method in obtaining better computation efficiency and solution accuracy.

  • 接触フロントの滑らかな伝播を実現した計算法の構築と圧縮性流体構造連成解析


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    We present a new approach for simulation of unsteady flow problems that include interaction between different time-scale phenomena. Such problems require computations that capture the details in the short time scale and span over long time periods to represent the long time-scale phenomena. However, it is hard to obtain such solutions in a reasonable amount of computing time. In such cases, typically longer time-scale phenomena are ignored or assumed not to change while the short time-scale phenomena are computed.We propose to use space--time (ST) computational methods with isogeometric discretization, giving us higher-order accuracy in space and time. In the ST methods and other stabilized methods, an embedded stabilization parameter plays an important role. This parameter involves a measure of the local length scale. The length definitions have been discussed earlier in finite element discretizations. These definitions are often used also in isogeometric discretization.In this research, we introduce a well-reasoned method for calculating the length scale for complex geometries. The test computations we present show the value of the new method in obtaining better local length scales and, consequently, in improving the solution accuracy.

  • 高次基底関数を用いたフェーズフィールドモデルに基づく複雑流体解析手法の構築


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    We developed computational method using higher-order basis functions in order to use phase field model. We can not apply Non-Uniform Rational B-spline (NURBS) which is used in computational analysis in recent years to phase field model.Therefore, we use T-spline which is superset of NURBS for this problem.Though T-spline is known as mathematical model, there are few examples applied for computational analysis. Then we provided Truncated Hierarchical NURBS (THN) which is one of T-spline, and suitable for computational analysis.We implemented THN is capable of local refinement and non-uniform refinement.This technique is necessary for fluid computations to resolve the flows around object.As we progress the research about THN, we found that it is important how to define the element length for space--time method with isogeometric discretizations.Then, we have studied about appropriate element length for smooth basis functions. We provided new stabilization parameters, and showed that gives us good solutions. We submitted the paper for these results, and it has already accepted ([1]).