Updated on 2025/02/05


MULLER, Theron James
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Associate Professor(tenure-track)
PhD in Applied Linguistics ( 2018.11 Open University, UK )
MA in TEFL/TESL ( 2004.12 University of Birmingham, UK )
BS in Psychology ( 2000.05 Kansas State University, US )

I’ve lived in Japan since 2000, in Nagano, Toyama, and most recently Saitama. An applied linguist, my interests include sociolinguists and English language teaching, specfically the interaction of language, society, and identity.

Research Areas

  • Linguistics


  • Collaborative autoethnography in applied linguistics: Reflecting on research practice

    John Lindsay Adamson, Theron Muller

    International Journal of the Sociology of Language   2024 ( 285 ) 155 - 178  2024.01

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    This reflective paper explores collaborative autoethnography (CAE) as a research method by analyzing 15 of our CAE English language teaching and applied linguistics studies published from 2015 to the present. Focus is given to tying CAE to its ethnographic roots, including autoethnography and duoethnography. The implications of CAE representing a methodological expansion of ethnographic methods from researching and reporting on the other to researching and representing one's own authentic experiences are explored. We discuss the "counter-narratives"that CAE spaces facilitate, where minoritized opinions and experiences can be safely shared and (re)affirmed, including how to facilitate transformative experiences in practice. Two implications for CAE practice are shared. The first concerns the need for CAE participants to be conscious of different levels of participation, particularly as life circumstances change, and to flexibly accommodate these. The second concerns how CAEs should represent a process that facilitates growth and transformation rather than a final, published product. We conclude by noting that while CAE may have shortcomings, it represents a promising avenue of exploration for practitioners interested in developing professional practices through reflection and discussion with research collaborators.



  • Faculty publication trends in a Japanese national university: a diachronic document analysis

    Theron Muller, Miho Takano, Nicole Gallagher

    Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences   9 ( 1 )  2023.12

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    Background: We previously demonstrated that in a Japanese national university’s medical faculty, overall paper publication frequency increased between 1979–1980 and 2017–2018, while original paper publication did not increase. Further, publication language changed from predominantly Japanese to English. However, whether these trends are specific to medicine or representative of other faculties remains unclear. Methods: We diachronically analyzed annual university library-produced publication reports for four pharmaceutical and three medical units between 1979–1980 and 2019–2020, elucidating how publication frequency, type, and language medium changed. Results: All publication types increased for the pharmaceutical faculty, from 2.87 per faculty member per year to 10.77. Publication of original papers more than doubled, from 1.06 per faculty member per year to 2.37. This increase was exclusively in English publication, with no publication of Japanese original papers in 2019–2020. This contrasts with medicine, which, while it demonstrated similar increases in all publication types combined, from 4.92 papers per faculty member per year to 12.78, did not demonstrate as striking an increase in total original paper publication (English and Japanese), from 1.21 papers per faculty member per year to 1.30. However, these two faculties observed similar trends in that English largely replaced Japanese original paper publication. That both faculties’ Japanese original paper publication decreased suggests English language original paper publication comes at the expense of publishing in Japanese. Concerning both faculties together, the increase in publishing frequency for all publication types more than tripled from 4.01 to 12.38. This was largely driven by changes in conference paper publication for the pharmaceutical sciences faculty, where English publication increased 2,775% (0.06 to 1.7 papers per faculty member per year) and Japanese language publication 258% (1.33 to 4.77). While conference paper publication did increase for the medical sciences, its change in total publication frequency was largely driven by ‘other’ types of publication, which increased from 0.51 publications per faculty member per year in 1979–1980 to 5.41 in 2019–2020, largely driven by Japanese language publication. Conclusion: In 2019–2020, pharmaceutical sciences faculty members largely published original papers in English, so postgraduate education should consider the future likelihood of graduates needing to publish in English.



  • How Textual Production Processes Shape English Language Teaching Research Discourse

    Theron Muller

    Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities   15 ( 1 ) 1 - 12  2023.05  [Refereed]

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    This paper discusses the importance of researching textual production processes in writing for academic publication in language teaching research by outlining how two papers were shaped by the journal submission and review process. Using a critical discourse analysis lens and text history analysis, the authors’ difficulties in interpreting reviewer comments are illustrated along with how their manuscripts were transformed from initially pedagogy-focused texts to more research-focused at publication. The implications of this analysis for understanding authors’ publishing practices and the persistent, problematic teaching-research divide in the language teaching field are discussed. Further, the research methods used demonstrate the importance of examining the processes underlying textual production.


  • Japanese national university faculty publication: A time trend analysis

    Nicole Gallagher, Theron Muller

    Open Linguistics   9 ( 1 )  2023.01

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    The dominance of English in academic discourses is well established, with increased English publication used to evidence its increasing use at the expense of national language publication. However, while English publication frequency has increased over time, few studies have examined how university faculties outside higher education's Anglophone center have changed their language of publication frequency. Thus, in this investigation, we analyzed a Japanese national university's medical faculty's overall frequency of publication along with publication frequency by language medium, expanding on an earlier diachronic analysis of university publication reports. We previously found English language publications largely replaced Japanese language publications for journal articles and that overall publication frequency dramatically increased. However, that initial diachronic analysis did not show when those changes manifested. The current investigation explores this through a decennial time trend historical document analysis of publication reports from 1979 to 2020. This analysis elucidates how publication frequency, type, and language medium have changed. Specifically, we find that the largest change in the overall frequency of publication is between 1989-1990 and 1999-2000. These changes are primarily driven by conference papers and other publications, publication types not typically examined in analyses of journal citation databases. Our findings establish a foundation to discuss potential causes of the trends we identify in this Japanese national university's medical faculty's publications.




    Mukaddam Khaitova, Theron Muller

    Ilha do Desterro   75 ( 1 ) 131 - 153  2022.02

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    We investigate how competing forces interdiscursively manifest in Japan-based higher education through a critical discourse analysis (Fairclough, 1993, 1995). Higher education job advertisements are constitutive of institutions' public images that are targeted toward academics in specific fields. They are discursive spaces where marketized discourse has colonized previously dominant discourses of universities as independent authorities (Fairclough, 1993, 1995). Such marketized discourses within higher education express neoliberal ideologies and free-market conventions (Ball, 1998; Pack, 2018). However, the international extent of university discourse marketization is largely implicitly assumed rather than empirically examined, hence we investigate these forces with respect to Japanese higher education.



  • Higher education discourses: A contrastive keyword analysis of the US and Japan

    Mukaddam Khaitova, Theron Muller

    English Scholarship Beyond Borders   8 ( 1 ) 91 - 125  2022

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    In this investigation we use keyword analysis to critically analyze higher education discourse, specifically job advertisements. Using two sets of advertisements, one from Japan-based and another from US-based institutions, we examine what is indexed (Blommaert, et al., 2015) in the advertisements, considering how those indexes are differentially scaled by each. We discuss these scales (Blommaert, et al., 2015) from the viewpoint of the process of the advertisements’ creation as encompassing multiple stakeholders and discourses that intersect with different degrees of tension and agreement. These tensions manifest in the advertisements through how they differentially scale the concepts they index. Finally, we consider the implications of our analysis for understanding higher education discourse. Specifically, this analysis helps reveal how antiracist, or “woke,” inclusionary ideologies expressed in the advertisements tend to use formulaic language that signals their relatively low priority scaling relative to the other features (Khaitova & Muller, 2022) that they index.

  • Faculty Publication Trends in a Japanese National University’s Medical Faculty: A Preliminary Diachronic Comparison

    Muller, Theron, Gallagher, Nicole

    Bulletin of the Institute of Liberal Arts, University of Toyama   2   1 - 13  2021.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • Journal editors’ perceptions of academic publishing outside major publishing houses

    John L. Adamson, Theron Muller, Custodio Martins, Naeema Hann, Roger C. Nunn

    English Scholarship Beyond Borders   7 ( 2 ) 59 - 88  2021

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    Despite increasing demands to publish in English, publishing in private publishing houses’ small number of prestige journals remains a benchmark of journal and manuscript quality. How such journals have responded to increasing demand for English language publication has been well-documented. However, the perspectives of editors working in non-prestige journals not affiliated with large, private publishing houses remain underrepresented, particularly concerning academic editorial work. To better present a diversity of editors’ perceptions, this collaborative autoethnography explored the views of five applied linguistics and TESOL journal editors working in journals unaffiliated with private publishing houses. Issues explored included our respective journals’ struggle to compete, such as in bibliometric assessment and maintaining quality review processes. Our explorative narratives of editorial perceptions revealed issues internal and external to journal editorial practice. Internally, ‘quality’ in blind and non-blind reviewing, evaluation criteria, reviewer bias, and field-specific norms of academic writing were problematized. Externally, issues of open access, author publication fees, bibliometric indexing, and our journals’ positionings in their fields were raised. We believe that sharing our views through this collaborative narrativization can help broaden understanding of editorial practices and, by highlighting issues of interest to editors more broadly, can help to foster a sense of common purpose.

  • Living as the other in japan: A joint autoethnography of two expatriate academics in the academy

    Theron Muller, John Adamson

    Narratives of Marginalized Identities in Higher Education: Inside and Outside the Academy     175 - 187  2018.08

  • Joint autoethnography of teacher experience in the academy: exploring methods for collaborative inquiry

    John Adamson, Theron Muller

    International Journal of Research and Method in Education   41 ( 2 ) 207 - 219  2018.03

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    This manuscript uses a joint autoethnographic methodology to explore the experiences of two language teacher scholars working in the academy outside the global centre in Japan. Emphasis is given to how the methodology used, cycles of reflective writing, reveals commonalities and differences in our respective experiences of working in the Japanese academy. Our accounts are interlinked with literature on global flows of labour and the marginalized position of non-Japanese within the Japanese academy. We present our reflective methodology as a tool of empowerment that allows for otherwise marginalized voices to be explored, heard, and shared with the larger academic community.



  • Critical discourse analysis in a medical english course: Examining learner agency through student written reflections

    Theron Muller

    Theorizing and Analyzing Agency in Second Language Learning: Interdisciplinary Approaches     232 - 251  2014.12

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    This chapter presents a pedagogical investigation of three students’ written reflections on a short Medical English course taught at a Japanese public university. This research has several complimentary objectives. One is to examine what insights the students’ written reflections offer into their agency as enacted in (and in response to) the course. Another is to determine whether and to what extent the course goals of promoting criticality were accomplished. A final objective is to evaluate the efficacy of the research methods employed here – examination of students’ reflective assignment writing as a means of revealing in-course, in-context agency and development, particularly over short spans of time.

  • Implementing and evaluating free writing in a Japanese EFL classroom

    Theron Muller

    Exploring EFL Fluency in Asia     163 - 177  2014.10



  • Classroom discourse analysis of student use of language scaffolding during tasks

    Theron Muller, Mark de Boer

    Innovating EFL Teaching in Asia     145 - 161  2011.01

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    There has been considerable debate regarding how to introduce new language in the task-based classroom, yet the nature of language scaffolding as it influences student classroom production and ultimate uptake remains largely unexplored, despite some research interest in the topic (Boston, 2008). This chapter addresses the issue by exploring, through discourse analysis, two different means of scaffolding, one materials mediated student-student interaction and the other teacher-mediated student-student and teacher-student interaction. Through two different Japan-based classrooms, we examine how the means of mediating communication in those classes appears to influence classroom discourse, and outline issues pertinent to scaffolding in the language classroom.



  • Adding tasks to textbooks for beginner learners

    Theron Muller

    Teachers Exploring Tasks in English Language Teaching     69 - 77  2004.01

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    I wanted to introduce task based learning to my small class of false beginners at a private English school in Japan, to give them more opportunities to speak. In this chapter I explain how I adapted a vocabulary-focused lesson from the Presentation Practice Production (PPP)-based textbook that I was using, and suggest some ideas for other tasks that can be generated from non-TBL textbooks.




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  • Introduction

    Philip Shigeo Brown, Theron Muller

    Exploring EFL Fluency in Asia     1 - 7  2014.10



  • Exploring EFL fluency in Asia

    Theron Muller, John Adamson, Philip Shigeo Brown, Steven Herder

    Exploring EFL Fluency in Asia     1 - 331  2014.10


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    In EFL contexts, an absence of chances to develop fluency in the language classroom can lead to marked limitations in English proficiency. This volume explores fluency development from a number of different perspectives, investigating measurements and classroom strategies for promoting its development.


  • Preface

    Theron Muller, Steven Herder

    Exploring EFL Fluency in Asia     xii - xiii  2014.10



  • Introduction: Mapping our path to, and through, innovating EFL teaching in Asia

    Theron Muller

    Innovating EFL Teaching in Asia     1 - 3  2011.01


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    Our intention in this book is to provide a snapshot of some of the efforts of teacher-researchers based in Asia in examining and analyzing EFL in their situated contexts. In order to do this, though, we needed to organize the voices of the 31 different contributors into ordered thematic sections. We approached this problem by dividing this book into five Parts. Part A sets the stage for EFL in Asia, offering a contextual snapshot of Chinese high school EFL (Fang, Chapter 1), EFL in religious schools in Indonesia (Palmer and Chodidjah, Chapter 3), and a Korean university (Finch, Chapter 4). These chapters are intended to give the reader an idea of the diversity of the Asian EFL context, and to start down the path of questioning some of the basic assumptions about Asia and Asian students that have dominated the literature to date. An excellent example is Finch (Chapter 4), who investigates directly whether the attitudes and opinions of his Korean students are really as stereotypical as they are often made out to be. Baker (Chapter 2) is even more direct in his call for increased cultural awareness in Asian ELT education.


  • Preface

    Theron Muller, Steven Herder

    Innovating EFL Teaching in Asia     xiii - xiv  2011.01



  • Introduction to part C

    Theron Muller

    Innovating EFL Teaching in Asia     124 - 126  2011.01



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  • Faculty of Human Sciences   School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences