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コバヤシ テツロウ
小林 哲郎
政治経済学術院 政治経済学部
博士(社会心理学) ( 東京大学 )


  • 2023年09月

    早稲田大学   政治経済学術院   教授

  • 2015年12月

    神戸大学大学院   法学研究科   研究員(兼任)

  • 2015年12月

    香港城市大学   メディア・コミュニケーション学部   准教授

  • 2012年04月

    総合研究大学院大学 複合科学研究科   准教授

  • 2011年11月

    国立情報学研究所 情報社会相関研究系   准教授

  • 2012年02月

    Stanford University, Department of Communication,   Visiting Scholar

  • 2009年01月

    関西大学ソシオネットワーク戦略研究機構   非常勤研究員

  • 2007年04月

    総合研究大学院大学 複合科学研究科   助教

  • 2007年04月

    国立情報学研究所 情報社会相関研究系   助教

  • 2011年01月

    Stanford University, Department of Communication,   Visiting Scholar

  • 2010年10月

    Rutgers University, School of Communication and Information,   Visiting Scholar

  • 2006年04月

    日本学術振興会   特別研究員(DC2)




    International Communication Association






  • 政治学 / 社会心理学


  • 政治コミュニケーション

  • 政治心理学

  • 世論研究


  • The 2017 ICA KACA Top Faculty Paper Award

    2017年05月   Korean American Communication Association  

    受賞者: Kobayashi, T, Hahn, S. K, Tago, A, Asaba, Y, Jang, S

  • 平成28年度日本社会心理学会奨励論文賞

    2016年09月   日本社会心理学会  

    受賞者: 三浦麻子, 小林哲郎

  • ISS/OUP Prize: SSJJ Annual Best Paper Prize

    2016年03月   Who Deserves Citizenship? An Experimental Study of Japanese Attitudes Toward Immigrant Workers  

    受賞者: Kobayashi, T, Collet, C, Iyengar, S, Hahn, K. S

  • 2014年度優秀ポスター発表賞

    2015年05月   日本選挙学会   日中領土問題と首相支持:サーベイ実験による旗下集結効果の検討  

    受賞者: 小林哲郎, 片桐梓

  • Top Paper Award

    2014年12月   International Conference on e-Democracy and Open Government (CeDEM) Asia 2014  

    受賞者: Kobayashi, T, Katagiri, A

  • 優秀文献賞

    2014年09月   社会情報学会   Shiro Uesugi (Ed). IT Enabled Services  

    受賞者: 上杉志朗, 章分担共著者として

  • 2011年度人工知能学会論文賞


    受賞者: 木村泰知, 渋木英潔, 高丸圭一, 乙武北斗, 小林哲郎, 森辰則

  • 第9回ドコモ・モバイル・サイエンス賞 社会科学部門奨励賞

    2010年10月   情報通信技術と社会的寛容性に関する社会心理学的実証研究  

    受賞者: 小林哲郎

  • Year 2009 special award for thesis "Future Vision of Image Information Media"

    2010年02月   The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers  

    受賞者: Kobayash, T

  • 平成21年度映像情報メディア学会「映像情報メディアの未来ビジョン」論文特別賞

    2010年02月   映像情報メディア学会  

    受賞者: 小林哲郎

  • Year 2007 encouraged paper award (joint research by Kobayashi, T. & Ikeda, K.)

    2007年09月   The Japanese Society of Social Psychology  

    受賞者: Kobayashi, T, Ikeda, K

  • 平成19年度日本社会心理学会奨励論文賞

    2007年09月   日本社会心理学会  

    受賞者: 小林哲郎, 池田謙一

  • The 4th Yoshida Hideo award for financially supported research, second award (joint research by Miyata, K., Ikeda, K., Kim, Z., Shigemasu, E. & Kobayashi, T.)

    2006年11月   Yoshida Hideo Memorial Foundation  

    受賞者: Miyata, K, Ikeda, K, Kim, Z, Shigemasu, E, Kobayashi, T

  • 第4回助成研究論文吉田秀雄賞第二席受賞

    2006年11月   財団法人吉田秀雄記念事業財団  

    受賞者: 宮田加久子, 池田謙一, 金宰輝, 繁桝江里, 小林哲郎

  • Year 2006 encouraged paper award (joint research by Shimura, M., Kobayashi, T. & Murakami, F.)

    2006年09月   The Japanese Society of Social Psychology  

    受賞者: Shimura, M, Kobayashi, T, Murakami, F

  • 平成18年度日本社会心理学会奨励論文賞

    2006年09月   日本社会心理学会  

    受賞者: 志村誠, 小林哲郎, 村上史朗

  • The 20th anniversary memorial thesis prize (joint research by Kobayashi, T. & Ikeda, K.)

    2004年05月   The Japan Society of Information and Communication Research  

    受賞者: Kobayashi, T, Ikeda, K

  • 情報通信学会設立20周年記念懸賞論文入選

    2004年05月   情報通信学会  

    受賞者: 小林哲郎, 池田謙一

  • Year 2003 young researcher award

    2003年09月   The Japanese Society of Social Psychology  

    受賞者: Kobayashi, T

  • 平成15年度日本社会心理学会若手研究者奨励賞

    2003年09月   日本社会心理学会  

    受賞者: 小林哲郎




  • Anti-vaccine rabbit hole leads to political representation: the case of Twitter in Japan

    Fujio Toriumi, Takeshi Sakaki, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Mitsuo Yoshida

    Journal of Computational Social Science    2024年02月  [査読有り]



  • Face detection, tracking, and classification from large-scale news archives for analysis of key political figures

    Andreu Girbau, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Benjamin Renous, Yusuke Matsui, Shin’ichi Satoh

    Political Analysis   32 ( 2 ) 221 - 239  2023年11月  [査読有り]




  • Political sensitivity bias in autocratizing Hong Kong

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Polly Chan

    International Journal of Public Opinion Research   34 ( 4 )  2022年12月  [査読有り]




  • How political disagreements undermine intrafamily communication: the case of the anti-extradition bill movement in Hong Kong

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Chun Hong Tse

    Chinese Journal of Communication   15 ( 3 ) 378 - 400  2022年07月  [査読有り]



  • Japanese conservative messages propagate to moderate users better than their liberal counterparts on Twitter

    Mitsuo Yoshida, Takeshi Sakaki, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Fujio Toriumi

    Scientific Reports   11 ( 1 )  2021年12月  [査読有り]


    <title>Abstract</title>To examine conservative–liberal differences in the extent to which partisan tweets reach less partisan moderate users in a nonwestern context, we analyzed a network of retweets about former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The analyses consistently demonstrated that partisan tweets originating from the conservative cluster reach a wider range of moderate users than those from the liberal cluster. Network analyses revealed that while the conservative and the liberal clusters’ internal structures were similar, the conservative cluster reciprocated the follows from moderate accounts at a higher rate than the liberal cluster. In addition, moderate accounts reciprocated the conservative cluster’s following at a higher rate than they did for the liberal cluster. The analysis of tweet content showed no difference in the frequency of hashtag use between conservatives and liberals, but there were differences in the use of emotion words and linguistic expressions. In particular, emotion words related to the propagation of messages, such as those expressing “dislike”, were used more frequently by conservatives, while the use of adjectives by conservatives was closer to that of moderate users, indicating that conservative tweets are more palatable for moderate users than liberal tweets.



  • Does repression undermine opposition demands? The case of the Hong Kong National Security Law

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Jaehyun Song, Polly Chan

    Japanese Journal of Political Science   22 ( 4 ) 268 - 286  2021年12月  [査読有り]



    Does political repression extinguish public support for opposition demands? Protest emerges as a consequence of grievances and political preferences expressed as demands. Although the literature on the repression–dissent nexus has primarily focused on whether repression effectively deters dissenting behavior, a limitation is that researchers do not often distinguish between behavior and preferences. One possible implication is that although the observable protest behavior can be reduced by repression, underlying opposition demands may remain intact or even be strengthened. Hence, the question of why repression should alter public preferences remains theoretically under-investigated, because there is limited micro-level evidence that captures changes in opposition preferences induced by a repressive episode. We fielded comparable conjoint experiments before and after the enactment of the Hong Kong National Security Law in June 2020. Support for the demands was largely stable despite the sweeping powers of the law to curb protests, although some moderation of demands was observed. We outline avenues for future research on mechanisms and implications entailed by the effects of repression on preferences.


  • Can “Googling” correct misbelief? Cognitive and affective consequences of online search

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Fumiaki Taka, Takahisa Suzuki

    PLOS ONE   16 ( 9 ) e0256575 - e0256575  2021年09月  [査読有り]


    With increasing concern over online misinformation in perspective, this study experimentally examined the cognitive as well as the affective consequences of online search. Results of the two experiments using widely shared, prejudiced misinformation about an ethnic minority in Japan indicated that (a) online search reduces on average the likelihood of believing the misinformation, (b) the magnitude of the effect is larger among those who are predisposed to believe the misinformation, (c) cognitive correction is observed whether searchers are motivated to achieve a directional goal or an accuracy goal, and (d) online search deteriorates affective feeling toward the target groups of the misinformation. Theoretical implications are discussed in relation to the robustness of confirmation bias in online search and the “belief echo” in which exposure to negative misinformation continues to shape attitudes even after the misinformation has been effectively discredited.



  • Individualism with Chinese characteristics? Discerning cultural shifts in China using 50 years of printed texts.

    Takeshi Hamamura, Zhicong Chen, Christian S. Chan, Sylvia Xiaohua Chen, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    American Psychologist   76 ( 6 ) 888 - 903  2021年09月  [査読有り]



  • Mortality salience and mobile voice calling: A case of a massive natural disaster

    Takahisa Suzuki, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Jeffrey Boase, Yuko Tanaka, Ryutaro Wakimoto, Tsutomu Suzuki

    Communication Research   49 ( 4 ) 479 - 499  2020年04月  [査読有り]



  • Depolarization through social media use: Evidence from dual identifiers in Hong Kong

    Tetsuro Kobayashi

    New Media & Society   22 ( 8 ) 1339 - 1358  2020年03月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者



  • リスト実験を用いたセンシティビティバイアスの検出における直接質問形式の影響

    小林哲郎, 三浦麻子

    社会心理学研究    2024年06月  [査読有り]




  • ¿Se acumula capital social en Asia Oriental con el uso de las redes sociales? Inferencia causal estadística con datos del Asian Barometer Survey

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Dani Madrid-Morales

    Revista Internacional de Sociología   80 ( 4 ) e215 - e215  2022年12月  [査読有り]



  • 2
  • Toward a better understanding of cultural change: Reply to Bao et al. (2022).

    Takeshi Hamamura, Christian S. Chan, Sylvia Xiaohua Chen, Zhicong Chen, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Jacky Chi Kit Ng

    American Psychologist   77 ( 6 ) 789 - 790  2022年09月  [査読有り]



  • The art of uncommitment: the costs of peacetime withdrawals from alliance commitments

    Dov H. Levin, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    European Journal of International Relations   28 ( 3 ) 589 - 615  2022年09月  [査読有り]


    Are there significant domestic political costs for leaders who disengage from long-standing alliances, costs that discourage such disengagement? Leaders of major powers occasionally look for ways to disengage in non-crisis situations from some long-term commitments to other countries following the legal procedures laid out in the alliance treaty or commitment. However, leaders interested in disengagement from alliances sometimes fear that they will pay domestic disengagement costs, for example, a decline in domestic public support, if they try to withdraw from alliances in that manner in practice. To examine if such fears are justified, we conducted two survey experiments among representative samples of the US public investigating the effects of a presidential decision to end an alliance commitment through the legally prescribed means. We find that disengagement costs exist in general and that some characteristics of the country in question can increase their size and make them more long-lasting. For example, withdrawal from alliances with countries perceived as similar on some key criteria to the United States and as loyal allies, or widespread opposition by experts to this withdrawal, will all increase the size of the disengagement costs and make them more long-lasting. Leaving an existing alliance in peacetime will frequently be a politically losing proposition for American leaders in many plausible situations—one possible reason for the endurance of some US alliances.



  • The effect of message modality on memory for political disinformation: Lessons from the 2021 U.S capitol riots

    Brenna M. Davidson, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    Computers in Human Behavior   132   107241 - 107241  2022年07月  [査読有り]



  • 韓国籍は日本での就職における「減点要素」か—リスト実験と直接質問を用いた効果の推定

    高 史明, 小林 哲郎

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   86   3EV-007-PC - 3EV-007-PC  2022年


  • Why are Politically Active People Avoided in Countries with Collectivistic Culture? A Cross-Cultural Experiment

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Asako Miura, Dani Madrid-Morales, Hiroshi Shimizu

    Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology   52 ( 4 ) 388 - 405  2021年05月  [査読有り]


    Although most democratic theories assume that political participation other than voting constitutes an essential input to the political process, little is known about the cultural universality of this assumption. Drawing on cultural psychology findings derived from the widely shared framework of collectivism versus individualism, the present study tests the hypothesis that political demonstrators in collectivistic countries are socially avoided because they are perceived to be a threat to harmonious interpersonal relationships. A cross-national experiment in eight countries (US, UK, France, Germany, Japan, China, South Korea, and India) and one region (Hong Kong) indicated that political demonstrators are socially avoided, and this tendency was significantly stronger in collectivistic countries. Moderated-mediation analyses suggested that the social avoidance of political demonstrators in collectivistic countries is mediated by the perception that they are a threat to harmonious interpersonal relationships. The cross-cultural validity of democratic theory is discussed.



  • Nationalism and political system justification in China: differential effects of traditional and new media

    Xiaoting Wang, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    Chinese Journal of Communication   14 ( 2 ) 139 - 156  2021年04月  [査読有り]



  • Characteristics of Participants and Satisficing Tendency in Online Surveys Using a Sample Provider

    Asako Miura, Tetsuro Kobayashi



    <p>A panel sample provider is a service that acts as an intermediary between a researcher and a survey monitor supplier in a web-based survey, and earns a transaction fee by providing the supplier with information on the survey that the researcher has registered and set up. In this report, we focused on LUCID (https://luc.id/), the world's largest panel sample provider and conducted a simple experimental online survey using LUCID in Japan, the U. S., the U. K., and China and examine participants' tendency to engage in satisficing when they do not pay due attention to the survey and its effect on their tendency to respond to an experimental task of “false consensus effect.” The percentage of satisficers who violated the instructions both times was high for both tasks in JP and CN. The effect sizes of one's own choice for satisficers were relatively smaller (though not absolutely small) than those for compliers and converts. These results show both the possibility that satisficing biases experimental results and the possibility that it can be corrected in a more appropriate direction by alerting.</p>


  • Economic downturns and hardline public opinion

    Kobayashi, T, Madrid-Morales, D, Asaba, Y, Tago, A

    Social Science Quarterly   101 ( 1 ) 309 - 324  2019年08月  [査読有り]  [国際共著]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者



  • Pitting prime minister cues against party cues in a multiparty system: A survey experiment in Japan

    Yokoyama, T, Kobayashi, T

    Japanese Journal of Political Science    2019年04月  [査読有り]



  • Evaluating Face Tracking for Political Analysis in Japanese News Over a Long Period of Time.

    Haolin Ren, Fan Yang, Benjamin Renoust, Yusuke Matsui, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Shin'ichi Satoh

    2019 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 14-17, 2019 - Companion Volume     51 - 58  2019年  [査読有り]



  • オンライン調査における努力の最小限化が回答行動に及ぼす影響

    三浦麻子, 小林哲郎

    行動計量学   45 ( 1 ) 1 - 11  2018年11月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


  • 38 Seconds above the 38th Parallel: How short video-clips produced by the US military can promote alignment despite antagonism between Japan and Korea

    Asaba, Y, Hahn, K. S, Jang, S, Kobayashi, T, Tago, A

    International Relations of the Asia-Pacific   20 ( 2 ) 253 - 273  2018年10月  [査読有り]



  • Survey Satisficing Biases the Estimation of Moderation Effects

    Asako Miura, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    Japanese Psychological Research   61 ( 3 ) 204 - 210  2018年08月  [査読有り]



  • The "rally' round the flag" effect in territorial disputes: Experimental evidence from Japan–China relations

    Kobayashi, T, Katagiri, A

    Journal of East Asian Studies   18 ( 3 ) 299 - 319  2018年07月  [査読有り]



  • News audience fragmentation in the Japanese Twittersphere

    Kobayashi, T, Ogawa, Y, Suzuki, T, Yamamoto, H

    Asian Journal of Communication   29 ( 3 ) 274 - 290  2018年04月  [査読有り]



  • Missing Effect of Party Cues in Japan: Evidence from a Survey Experiment

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Tomoya Yokoyama

    Japanese Journal of Political Science   19 ( 1 ) 61 - 79  2018年03月  [査読有り]


    For voters with bounded rationality to emulate the formation of policy preferences under full information, party cues provide effective heuristics. Although the effect of party cuing has been robustly established in US-centered studies, the literature indicates that the characteristics of modern US politics, such as political polarization, magnify the effect of party cues. Therefore, the effect of party cues has been subject to only lenient empirical scrutiny, as empirical evidence exists primarily for the US. The present study aims to test the generalizability of the effect of party cues by focusing on Japan, where the ideological positions of parties have become increasingly vague. Furthermore, in light of the fact that the media system in Japan is more stable and ideologically polarized than its party system, we also test whether press cues (i.e. newspaper names) serve as substitutes for party cues. A survey experiment demonstrates that the effects of party and press cues in Japan are muted, and therefore these two types of cues do not serve as effective shortcuts in forming policy preferences. These results indicate that issue voting based on cognitive heuristics is difficult under an unstable multiparty system. Therefore, the extant literature on party cues that presupposes the US-style party system cannot be easily generalized to other political contexts.



  • Economic and Cultural Drivers of Immigrant Support Worldwide

    Nicholas A. Valentino, Stuart N. Soroka, Shanto Iyengar, Toril Aalberg, Raymond Duch, Marta Fraile, Kyu S. Hahn, Kasper M. Hansen, Allison Harell, Marc Helbling, Simon D. Jackman, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    British Journal of Political Science   49 ( 4 ) 1201 - 1226  2017年11月  [査読有り]


    Employing a comparative experimental design drawing on over 18,000 interviews across eleven countries on four continents, this article revisits the discussion about the economic and cultural drivers of attitudes towards immigrants in advanced democracies. Experiments manipulate the occupational status, skin tone and national origin of immigrants in short vignettes. The results are most consistent with a Sociotropic Economic Threat thesis: In all countries, higher-skilled immigrants are preferred to their lower-skilled counterparts at all levels of native socio-economic status (SES). There is little support for the Labor Market Competition hypothesis, since respondents are not more opposed to immigrants in their own SES stratum. While skin tone itself has little effect in any country, immigrants from Muslim-majority countries do elicit significantly lower levels of support, and racial animus remains a powerful force.


  • オンライン・ディスカッションは政治的寛容性をもたらすか:意見と世代の異質性に関する実験研究

    池田謙一, 小林哲郎

    レヴァイアサン   61   32 - 60  2017年10月  [招待有り]

  • Inadvertent learning on a portal site: A longitudinal field experiment

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Takahiro Hoshino, Takahisa Suzuki

    Communication Research   47 ( 5 ) 729 - 749  2017年09月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者



  • 歴史・領土問題に関する日韓新聞報道の比較:トピックモデルを用いたフレーム分析

    小川祐樹, 小林哲郎, Kyu S. Hahn, Seulgi Jang

    行動計量学   44 ( 1 ) 1 - 15  2017年03月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


    <p>In order to explore differences in news frames regarding controversial historical and territorial issues between Japan and Korea, the contents of four Japanese and Korean newspapers were analyzed by using topic models. Specifically, all the articles on the first page of Yomiuri, Asahi, Donga, and Hankyoreh newspapers during the two years from 2012 to 2013 were analyzed using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Results indicated that in Japanese newspapers, the territorial issue related to Takeshima (Dokto) was framed as a part of a broader international security topic, whereas in Korean newspapers it was more closely associated with historical issues that are unique to the relationship between Japan and Korea. The issue of comfort women was framed in Japanese newspapers as an aspect of domestic politics surrounding the statements made by Toru Hashimoto, the former mayor of Osaka city, whereas in Korean newspapers, it was more distinctively framed as a historical issue. The potential consequences of different news framing between Japan and Korea, as well as the usefulness of using LDA for content analysis are discussed. </p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Media Priming Effect: A Preregistered Replication Experiment

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Asako Miura, Kazunori Inamasu

    Journal of Experimental Political Science   4 ( 1 ) 81 - 94  2017年  [査読有り]


    Iyengar et al. (1984, The Evening News and Presidential Evaluations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 46(4): 778-87) discovered the media priming effect, positing that by drawing attention to certain issues while ignoring others, television news programs help define the standards by which presidents are evaluated. We conducted a direct replication of Experiment 1 by Iyengar et al. (1984, The Evening News and Presidential Evaluations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 46(4): 778-87) with some changes. Specifically, we (a) collected data from Japanese undergraduates
    (b) reduced the number of conditions to two
    (c) used news coverage of the issue of relocating US bases in Okinawa as the treatment
    (d) measured issue-specific evaluations of the Japanese Prime Minister in the pre-treatment questionnaire
    and (e) performed statistical analyses that are more appropriate for testing heterogeneity in the treatment effect. We did not find statistically significant evidence of media priming. Overall, the results suggest that the effects of media priming may be quite sensitive either to the media environment or to differences in populations in which the effect has been examined.



  • Survey Satisficing Inflates Stereotypical Responses in Online Experiment: The Case of Immigration Study

    Asako Miura, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY   7   1563  2016年10月  [査読有り]


    Though survey satisficing, grudging cognitive efforts required to provide optimal answers in the survey response process, poses a serious threat to the validity of online experiments, a detailed explanation of the mechanism has yet to be established. Focusing on attitudes toward immigrants, we examined the mechanism by which survey satisficing distorts treatment effect estimates in online experiments. We hypothesized that satisficers would display more stereotypical responses than non-satisficers would when presented with stereotype-disconfirming information about an immigrant. Results of two experiments largely supported our hypotheses. Satisficers, whom we identified through an instructional manipulation check (IMC), processed information about immigrants' personality traits congruently with the stereotype activated by information provided about nationality. The significantly shorter vignette reading time of satisficers corroborates their time-efficient impression formation based on stereotyping. However, the shallow information processing of satisficers can be rectified by alerting them to their inattentiveness through use of a repeated IMC.



  • When face-tracking meets social networks: A story of politics in news videos

    Renoust, B, Kobayashi, T, Ngo, T. D, Le, D. D, Satoh, S

    Applied Network Science   1 ( 4 ) 1 - 25  2016年06月  [査読有り]



  • The Impact of Crime on Social Ties and Civic Participation

    Daisuke Takagi, Ken'ichi Ikeda, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Motoko Harihara, Ichiro Kawachi

    JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY & APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY   26 ( 2 ) 164 - 178  2016年03月  [査読有り]


    The present study examined associations of neighbourhood crime with residents' social ties and civic participation using multilevel models. We hypothesized that crime is indirectly associated with residents' low civic participation by negatively relating to their acquaintanceship ties because of fear of neighbours. By contrast, we predicted that crime is indirectly related to frequent civic participation by positively associating with more intimate friendship ties as a response to combat external threats. Additionally, we hypothesized that high crime rates in the neighbourhood increases the importance of generalized trust towards others. Therefore, we examined the interaction effects of neighbourhood crime and trust on social ties and participation. The study is based on a postal questionnaire mailed to residents aged between 20 and 69years, residing in Musashino City and Kiyose City, in Tokyo. Rates of larceny reported by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department were used as indices of neighbourhood crime. As hypothesized, our results showed that crime is positively associated with friendship ties and is negatively related to acquaintanceship ties. Through these opposing relationships, crime showed both positive and negative associations with civic participation. Moreover, we found that generalized trust buffered the adverse relationships between crime, broader social ties and participation. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



  • Political Conversations as Civic Engagement: Examining Patterns from Mobile Communication Logs in Japan.

    Suzuki, T, Kobayashi, T, Boase, J

    In R. Wei (Eds.) Mobile Media, Political Participation, and Civic Activism in Asia.     57 - 79  2016年  [査読有り]

  • ソフトニュースへの接触は政治的関心を高めるか:―一般化傾向スコアを用いた因果推論―

    登藤 直弥, 小林 哲郎, 稲増 一憲

    行動計量学   43 ( 2 ) 129 - 141  2016年  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


    <p>In this paper, we introduced a method of causal inference for arbitrary treatment regimes. We first expounded the generalized propensity score (Imai & Van Dyk, 2004) that extended the propensity score for binary treatments, and then causal inference with this generalized propensity score. Furthermore, we reanalyzed the data of relations between mass media and politics from a previous study, and discussed the usefulness of causal inference using generalized propensity scores.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • オンライン調査におけるSatisficeを検出する技法:大学生サンプルを用いた検討

    三浦麻子, 小林哲郎

    社会心理学研究   32 ( 2 ) 123 - 132  2016年  [査読有り]



  • Reconnecting Here and There: The Reactivation of Dormant Ties in the United States and Japan

    Jeffrey Boase, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Andrew Schrock, Tsutomu Suzuki, Takahisa Suzuki

    AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST   59 ( 8 ) 931 - 945  2015年07月  [査読有り]


    This article examines the reactivation of dormant ties in Japan and the United States. Using the institutional approach to culture developed by Yamagishi et al., it is hypothesized that respondents living in Japan will be less likely to reconnect with dormant ties when prompted than respondents living in the United States. It is further hypothesized that interaction with kin and work ties will help to explain lower levels of reconnection in Japan than in the United States. To examine these hypotheses, we developed a field experiment in which 95 adults living in Japan and 68 adults living in the United States were prompted by a smartphone application to reconnect with dormant ties. The results of this study show strong support for the hypothesis that respondents living in Japan are less likely to reconnect with dormant ties than respondents living in the United States when prompted. There is also mixed support for the hypothesis that interaction with kin and work ties helps to explain lower levels of reconnection in Japan than in the United States.



  • The Knowledge Leveling Effect of Portal Sites

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Kazunori Inamasu

    COMMUNICATION RESEARCH   42 ( 4 ) 482 - 502  2015年06月  [査読有り]


    The new high-choice media environment has allowed entertainment-oriented people to avoid political news, resulting in a wider gap in political knowledge between entertainment- and news-oriented citizens. On the Internet, however, users tend to be concentrated into a handful of portal sites that offer a mixed information environment in which both news and entertainment are readily available. The simultaneous presentation of news and entertainment headlines on portal sites exposes entertainment-oriented people to the news, which may in turn narrow the knowledge gap between them and news-oriented people. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effects of exposure to major portal sites in Japan, where Yahoo! JAPAN attracts a large majority of Internet users. Two studies using self-reported exposure to portal sites (n = 838) and web browsing histories (n = 1,000) demonstrated that even entertainment-oriented people can acquire political knowledge, and thus portal sites can serve as knowledge levelers.



  • Tweets that matter: Evidence from a randomized field experiment in Japan

    Kobayashi, T, Ichifuji, Y

    Political Communication   32 ( 4 ) 574 - 593  2015年06月  [査読有り]



  • Emerging From the Cocoon? Revisiting the Tele-Cocooning Hypothesis in the Smartphone Era

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Jeffrey Boase, Tsutomu Suzuki, Takahisa Suzuki

    JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION   20 ( 3 ) 330 - 345  2015年05月  [査読有り]


    The tele-cocooning hypothesis posits that mobile communication increases interaction with communication rich ties, while simultaneously weakening interaction with communication weak ties. In this study, we demonstrate how smartphones can be used to mitigate tele-cocooning behavior by stimulating interaction with communication weak ties. Using a smartphone application to collect non-identifying mobile communication log data, we conducted a field experiment with 193 Japanese participants. The treatment consisted of onscreen reminders designed to stimulate interaction with communication weak ties. The results indicate that the treatment promoted the activation of communication weak ties and the acquisition of information through those ties, suggesting that smartphones can be utilized to promote access to social capital.



  • Who deserves citizenship? An experimental study of Japanese attitudes toward immigrant workers

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Christian Collet, Shanto Iyengar, Kyu S. Hahn

    Social Science Japan Journal   18 ( 1 ) 3 - 22  2015年  [査読有り]


    Citizenship eligibility has emerged as a salient issue in Japan as population diversity has increased and the political system has aligned around debates over regional security and tabunka kyōsei ('multicultural co-existence'). A predominantly Western literature suggests that sentiments toward immigrants are driven by economic self-interest and/or cultural identity. Such approaches, we argue, privilege groups as units of analysis when it is the personal attributes of immigrants that have a bearing on critical outcomes, like naturalization. This is particularly the case in Japan, where officials maintain considerable discretionary powers in assessing the worthiness of candidates for naturalization. Drawing upon a nationally representative sample of Japanese adults, we use an experimental design to assess the average citizen's willingness to grant citizenship to hypothetical applicants. The results indicate that individual applicants are viewed more favorably than their groups or nations of origin, indicating a person-positivity bias. Korean workers are, ceteris paribus, viewed more favorably than workers from China. We also find that socioeconomic status and willingness to assimilate contribute equally to the decision to award citizenship. Yet as there is general support for high-status applicants, affluent Japanese evaluate lower status applicants more negatively, undermining the expectation of labor market competition.



  • オンライン調査モニタのSatisficeはいかに実質科学的知見を毀損するか

    三浦麻子, 小林哲郎

    社会心理学研究   31 ( 2 ) 120 - 127  2015年  [査読有り]



  • オンライン調査モニタのSatisfice行動に関する実験的研究

    三浦麻子, 小林哲郎

    社会心理学研究   31 ( 1 ) 1 - 12  2015年  [査読有り]



  • 評判生成規範の類型がパーソナル・ネットワークのサイズに及ぼす効果

    鈴木貴久, 小林哲郎

    社会心理学研究   30 ( 2 ) 99 - 107  2014年11月  [査読有り]

  • Tele-Cocooning: Mobile Texting and Social Scope

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Jeffrey Boase

    JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION   19 ( 3 ) 681 - 694  2014年04月  [査読有り]


    The present study examines the tele-cocooning hypothesis in the context of general trust using a nationally representative survey of Japanese youth. We find that although frequency of texting is positively correlated with general trust, this correlation is spuriously caused by how heavy mobile texters interpret the words most people in the general trust measurement. Heavy users assume that most people only refers to friends, family, and others going to the same school. When the effect of the most people assumption is controlled, the positive association between texting and general trust disappears. Further exploration of the data shows that heavy texting nevertheless has negative implications for social tolerance and social caution, both of which are theoretically proximate to general trust.



  • Effect of reputation-making norms on personal network size

    Takahisa Suzuki, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    Research in Social Psychology   30 ( 2 ) 99 - 107  2014年  [査読有り]


    This study investigated the effects of reputation-making norms on personal network size. Someone who behaved cooperatively/non-cooperatively toward a "bad" person is denoted as C to B/D to B. Reputationmaking norms are then defined by a combination of the assessment of C to B and the assessment of D to B. We hypothesized that (1) those who judge C to B negatively would form smaller personal networks than those who judge C to B positively, and (2) those who judge D to B negatively would form smaller personal networks than those who judge D to B positively. We used scenarios to assess the internalized reputationmaking norms as an independent variable and investigated their effects on the size of participants' support networks as a dependent variable. Results indicated that the size of the support networks of participants following a norm which does not permit C to B was smaller than that of participants following a norm which does permit C to B. These findings suggest that using reputation made by norms which do not permit spoiling narrows the size of cooperative relationships.



  • Do attitudes about immigration predict willingness to admit individual immigrants?

    Shanto Iyengar, Simon Jackman, Solomon Messing, Nicholas Valentino, Toril Aalberg, Raymond Duch, Kyu S. Hahn, Stuart Soroka, Allison Harell, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    Public Opinion Quarterly   77 ( 3 ) 641 - 665  2013年09月  [査読有り]


    This paper demonstrates that citizens in seven advanced industrialized democracies generally oppose more open immigration policies, but stand ready to admit individual immigrants. Using an experimental design, we demonstrate the applicability of the "person-positivity bias" to immigration and investigate the effects of economic and cultural "deservingness" on evaluations of individual immigrants. Our results show that immigrants from professional backgrounds elicit higher levels of support than unskilled workers. The bias against unskilled workers is enlarged among immigrants accompanied by families. In comparison with occupational status and the number of family dependents, the target immigrant's cultural attributes - as measured by Middle Eastern nationality and Afrocentric appearance - prove relatively inconsequential as criteria for evaluating immigrants. © 2013 © The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Association for Public Opinion Research. All rights reserved.



  • The effects of similarities to previous buyers on trust and intention to buy from E-commerce stores: An experimental study based on the SVS model

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Hitoshi Okada

    IT Enabled Services   9783709114254   19 - 38  2013年07月  [査読有り]


    There is widespread interest in the question of how to ensure consumer trust in the face of the social uncertainties characteristic of e-commerce. Enrichment or sophistication of a site's internal components alone does not necessarily lead to greater customer trust, indicating a need for e-commerce stores to offer consumers further external information. Based on the salient value similarity model of trust, we presented subjects with external information about salient consumer values and attributes of previous buyers and manipulated these variables to investigate their effects on trust-building processes. We found that salient consumer value similarity indirectly increased intention to buy by building trust in a site, while attribute similarity did not. This paper discusses the practical implications of these findings and the direction of future research.



  • How can electronic commerce in developing countries attract users from developed countries? A comparative study of Thailand and Japan

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Hitoshi Okada, Nagul Cooharojananone, Vanessa Bracamonte, Takahisa Suzuki

    International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies   4 ( 2 ) 159 - 184  2013年  [査読有り]


    A comparative study of Thailand and Japan investigated how electronic commerce (EC) in developing countries can be used to attract customers from developed countries. Thai and Japanese participants were shown language-appropriate versions of a hotel booking website in Thailand. Perceptions of and trust in the website were assessed, as was the willingness to book a room in the hotel using the website. The Thai participants tended to evaluate the quality of the website more highly and to trust it more than did the Japanese participants. Furthermore, the Thai participants tended to think that the hotel was more responsible for their hotel reservations than was the EC service, and that the content of the website was developed by the hotel rather than by the EC service. Thai participants were more likely to express willingness to reserve a room if they thought that the hotel had developed the website content, whereas the Japanese participants' willingness to book a room were greater when they thought that the EC service had developed the content. Based on these results, customization strategies for EC in developing countries to attract customers from developed countries are discussed.



  • Modeling deposit-withdrawal behavior with risk tolerance

    Takemura, T, Kozu, T, Kobayashi, T

    Journal of Management Policy and Practice   13 ( 5 ) 116 - 127  2012年12月  [査読有り]

  • Mobile communication networks in Japan and America

    Boase, J, Kobayashi, T

    China Media Research   8 ( 4 ) 90 - 98  2012年10月  [査読有り]

  • Recreation and Participation: Testing the Political Impact of Social Interaction

    Ken'ichi Ikeda, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Sean Richey

    SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY   93 ( 2 ) 464 - 481  2012年06月  [査読有り]


    Objectives. We research the political impact of human social interaction. Some scholars suggest that recreational or other informal interaction may promote political participation. Informal recreational interaction is proposed to be beneficial because it increases activity in more serious political participation. Methods. To test these ideas, we use new nationally representative survey data from seven East Asian nations using Poisson regression models. Results. We show that informal social interaction and nonpolitical voluntary activity do increase political participation. Conclusions. Even though the recreation may begin as a nonpolitical activity, we show that it may spark later political participation.



  • The Internet, Social Capital, Civic Engagement, and Gender in Japan

    Kakuko Miyata, Ken'ichi Ikeda, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    Social Capital: An International Research Program    2012年05月  [査読有り]


    This chapter studies the central argument of Robert Putnam that applies to civic engagement in Japan. The discussion also includes two important factors that have previously been neglected, namely the Internet and gender. It presents a clearer argument on how the various kinds of Internet use have different kinds of effects. It also furthers the analysis of gender differences.



  • No Such Effect? The Implications of Measurement Error in Self-Report Measures of Mobile Communication Use

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Jeffrey Boase

    Communication Methods and Measures   6 ( 2 ) 126 - 143  2012年04月  [査読有り]


    Research on the social and psychological effects of mobile phone communication primarily is conducted using self-report measures of use. However, recent studies have suggested such measures of mobile phone communication use contain a significant amount of measurement error. This study compares the frequency of mobile phone use measured by self-report questions with error-free log data automatically collected through an Android smartphone application. Using data from 310 Android phone users in Japan, we investigate the extent to which nonrandom measurement error exists in self-report responses to questions about mobile phone use and predictors of this error. Our analysis shows that users generally overreport their frequency of mobile communication and that overestimation is better predicted by proxy measures of social activity than demographic variables. We further show an example of how overreporting can result in an overestimation of the effects of mediated communication on civic engagement. Finally, the value of behavioral log data in mediated communication research is discussed. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.



  • ライフログ提供における心理的抵抗とインセンティブの構造 ~スマートフォン利用者を対象とした被験者実験~

    小林哲郎, 一藤裕, 曽根原登

    電子情報通信学会論文誌(情報・システムD)   95 ( 4 ) 834 - 845  2012年04月  [査読有り]

  • 国民年金保険料納付行動と年金額通知効果

    四方 理人, 駒村 康平, 稲垣 誠一, 小林 哲郎

    行動経済学   5 ( 0 ) 92 - 102  2012年  [査読有り]


    本研究は,Webアンケート調査により,国民年金の給付額に対する知識が保険料の納付行動へ与える影響についての分析,および,国民年金給付額の通知が,潜在的な年金保険料の支払い可能額にどのような影響を与えるかについての分析を行う.分析の結果,国民年金の満額の年金額を誤って理解している場合,未納確率が高くなることがわかった.そして,サンプルを2グループに分け,一方には満額の年金給付額を通知し,他方には通知しないという操作を行い,それぞれについて最高でいくらの保険料の支払いが可能かを調べる通知実験を行った.その分析結果から,1) もともと給付額を高く予想していた場合において年金額の通知により保険料支払い可能額が低くなるが,2) 通知そのものは,保険料支払い可能額を高める効果があることがわかった.

    DOI CiNii

  • Can we predict political poll results by using blog entries?

    Manabu Okumura, Tetsuya Motegi, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Keizo Oyama, Takahisa Suzuki

    Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences     1785 - 1789  2012年  [査読有り]


    Blogs have become an important medium for people to publish their opinions and ideas on the Web. However, it is still not clear whether we can analyze political public opinions from blogs. There have been some recent work on political viewpoint classification, but most only classified political blog entries or sites into opposing viewpoints such as conservative/liberal or Israeli/Palestinian. However, to predict a broader range of political opinions, we need to analyze a wide variety of blogs. Therefore, we constructed a dataset of general blogs that are connected to political poll results. With the dataset, we conducted experiments to predict political poll results by using the blog entries. Our prediction methods are based on a supervised learning algorithm, Support Vector Machines (SVM), with features in blog sites. We also attempted manual prediction with three human subjects as the upper bound of the system performance, and found that such a task is rather difficult even for humans and that the system performance can outperform that of humans. © 2012 IEEE.



  • ITリスク対策に関する社会的合意形成支援システム Social-MRCの情報フィルタリング問題への試適用析と考察

    大河原優, 高草木一成, 山田雄大, 矢島敬士, 増田英孝, 小林哲郎, 佐々木良一

    日本セキュリティ・マネジメント学会誌   25 ( 3 ) 3 - 14  2012年01月  [査読有り]

  • ソーシャルメディアと分断化する社会的リアリティ


    人工知能学会誌   27 ( 1 ) 51 - 58  2012年01月  [招待有り]

  • Propensity score adjustment for internet surveys of voting behavior: A case in Japan

    Kobayashi, T, Hoshino, T

    Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies   27 ( 2 ) 104 - 117  2011年12月  [査読有り]

  • 近隣の範囲による社会関係資本の犯罪抑制効果の変動:GIS による住民間の物理的距離を用いた分析

    高木大資, 池田謙一, 針原素子, 小林哲郎

    GIS-理論と応用-   19 ( 2 ) 13 - 24  2011年12月  [査読有り]


  • The empirical study of Japanese deposit withdrawal behaviors on unstable financial environment

    Takemura, T, Kozu, T, Kobayashi, T

    American Journal of Economics and Business Administration   3 ( 2 ) 293 - 300  2011年04月  [査読有り]

  • 評判生成規範の寛容性が社会的交換の協力率に及ぼす効果:社会的ネットワーク上での進化シミュレーション

    鈴木貴久, 小林哲郎

    理論と方法   26 ( 1 ) 31 - 50  2011年03月  [査読有り]

  • Effect of tolerance of reputation-making norms on corporation in social exchanges: An evolutionary simulation on social networks

    Takahisa Suzuki, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY AND METHODS   26 ( 1 ) 31 - 50  2011年03月  [査読有り]


    We investigated the effect of tolerance of reputation-making norms on cooperation by conducting an evolutionary simulation with more realistic constraints than those in previous studies. Specifically, agents could make social exchanges only within their neighborhoods on the network, and could refer to the reputation of others only within two steps on the network when exchanging and rewiring. Under these constraints, we compared the effect of three reputation-making norms which varied across the levels of tolerance: i.e., image scoring, standing, and strict discriminator. The results were as follows. Under the standing norm, while social exchanges increased in number because the network became dense, cooperation was highly likely to collapse because defection tended to be more adaptive than cooperation. On the other hand, under the strict discriminator norm, while cooperation was stable, the social exchanges decreased in number because the network became sparse. These results indicate that the tolerances of reputation-making norms would affect not only the robustness of cooperation but also the structure of the social network. This implies that the intolerant reputation-making norm focusing only on level of cooperation may have negative effects on social capital by shrinking the social network as a by-product. In the second simulation, we added perceptual errors that caused agents to misinterpret another's reputation. The results showed that the cooperation was stable even under tolerant standing norm. This implies that when social exchanges are done under the constraints of the network structure and perceptual errors, even the tolerant reputation-making norm can maintain cooperation.

  • 地方議員マッチングシステムにおける能動的質問のための質問生成手法

    木村 泰知, 渋木 英潔, 高丸 圭一, 乙武 北斗, 小林 哲郎, 森 辰則

    人工知能学会論文誌   26 ( 5 ) 580 - 593  2011年  [査読有り]


    This paper presents an automatic question generation method for a local councilor search system. Our purpose is to provide residents with information about local council activities in an easy-to-understand manner. Our designed system creates a decision tree with leaves that correspond to local councilors in order to clarify the differences in the activities of local councilors using local council minutes as the source. Moreover, our system generates questions for selecting the next branch at each condition in the decision tree. We confirmed experimentally that these questions are appropriate for the selection of branches in the decision tree.

    DOI CiNii


  • ネット時代の政治コミュニケーション:メディア効果論の動向と展望

    小林 哲郎, 稲増 一憲

    選挙研究   27 ( 1 ) 85 - 100  2011年



    DOI CiNii

  • The structure of psychological resistance and incentives in lifelog disclosure: An experimental study with smartphone users

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Noboru Sonehara, Yu Ichifuji

    Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things and Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, iThings/CPSCom 2011     498 - 502  2011年  [査読有り]


    This study aims to contribute to effective system design of lifelog management. We conducted a random assignment experiment and investigated how variations in lifelog type and incentives of either monetary rewards or lifelog-based services affected subjects' willingness to disclose lifelog. © 2011 IEEE.



  • Bridging Social Capital in Online Communities: Heterogeneity and Social Tolerance of Online Game Players in Japan

    Tetsuro Kobayashi

    HUMAN COMMUNICATION RESEARCH   36 ( 4 ) 546 - 569  2010年10月  [査読有り]


    This article examines the democratic potential of online communities by investigating the influence of network heterogeneity on social tolerance in an online gaming environment. Online game communities are potential sources of bridging social capital because they tend to be relatively heterogeneous. Causal analyses are conducted using structural equation modeling with survey data collected in a three-wave panel of online game players in Japan. Results show that the heterogeneous composition of online community causally enhances social tolerance toward community members within the online gaming setting. Furthermore, results show that enhanced social tolerance toward online community members is generalized to offline settings. This causal process suggests that online communities provide access to bridging social capital by gathering heterogeneous populations around shared contexts.



  • Breakthroughs in socio-informatics through data-centric science

    Kobayashi, T, Ichifuji, Y, Sonehara, N, Sakauchi, M

    Journal of Socio-Informatics   3 ( 1 ) 55 - 68  2010年09月  [招待有り]


    Until the middle of the last century, the primary paradigms in mainstream science had been either experimental science or theoretical science. Starting in the 1950s, computational science began its rise to equal prominence and this change resulted in the realization of complex, large-scale numerical calculations and simulations. Now, scientific research is continuing to evolve with further innovative changes brought by the advent of the Internet and related technologies. Thanks to the technology used in these sophisticated information systems, most of the hardware and sensors used to gather information are linked to these networks. Information distributed in digital form technically allows anybody to access it anytime and from anyplace. The empirical scientific research method based on complex large-scale data collected through these networks is called "Data-centric science." The "Knowledge Circulation" infrastructure, which creates new value by projecting concrete information from our society into cyber space, analyzing and simulating it on the web, and enabling feedback from the web to real people and objects, will be one of the major pillars of future socio-informatics. In this paper, we describe the trends in methodology of data-centric science developed in various academic disciplines, and the possibility of these types of developments in socio-informatics. Further, we discuss the data sharing/collaborative research infrastructure that may result in breakthroughs in socio-informatics achieved through sharing vast amounts of data collected from throughout society and utilizing information science.

    DOI CiNii

  • Image information media and public sphere in post-digitization era: Can television support mainstreaming?

    Tetsuro Kobayashi

    Kyokai Joho Imeji Zasshi/Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers   64 ( 1 ) 31 - 33  2010年  [査読有り]


    (2009 special award for thesis &quot;Future Vision of Image Information Media&quot;)



  • The statistical network model about trust on product and resources for the product [Japanese]

    Kinjo, K, Aizawa, S, Kobayashi, T

    Japanese Journal of Administrative Science   23 ( 1 )  2010年  [査読有り]


  • ポストディジタル化時代の映像情報メディアと公共性~「テレビ」は主流形成を支えるか~


    映像情報メディア学会誌   64 ( 1 ) 31 - 33  2010年01月  [査読有り]





  • Web-based experiment to analyze norms of reputation making: How to evaluate actions with a opponent having a bad reputation

    Takahisa Suzuki, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    Proceedings - 2010 10th Annual International Symposium on Applications and the Internet, SAINT 2010     308 - 311  2010年  [査読有り]


    We describe a web-based survey to assess how to evaluate a reputation by referring to his or her history of actions and taking account of his or her opponent's reputation. The analysis indicates that there is a distinction between possible actions with an opponent having bad reputations. That is, cooperative action with opponents that have bad reputations is less favorable than cooperative action with someone with an average reputation, and defection against opponents that have bad reputations is more favorable than defection against someone with an average one. Evaluation of actor with opponents that have bad reputation are found to depend on two evaluation factors, intimacy and social desirableness, because evaluation words extracted from the respondents' questionnaires could be classified with these two dimensions. This finding indicates that the norm of reputation making is more complex than the intuitive one-dimensional mechanism. © 2010 IEEE.



  • SELECTIVE EXPOSURE IN POLITICAL WEB BROWSING Empirical verification of 'cyber-balkanization' in Japan and the USA

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Ken'ichi Ikeda

    INFORMATION COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY   12 ( 6 ) 929 - 953  2009年  [査読有り]


    The effect of Internet use on political information exposure is investigated using representative survey data from japan and the USA. Internet users can simply choose political information that is consistent with their political attitudes. This selectivity in information exposure via the Internet might have serious consequences on the democratic social system, such as fragmentation of shared information and a decrease in political tolerance. Three research questions were empirically investigated as to the presence of selective exposure in political web browsing, the effect of political web browsing on political tolerance, and the contingencies on which selective exposure occurs. Multivariate quantitative analyses show that web browsing, as a form of Internet use for seeking political information, facilitates exposure to arguments that are consistent with one's attitudes, However, selective avoidance, which suppresses exposure to heterogeneous arguments, is not empirically supported. Moreover, although Internet use as a source of infarmation facilitates exposure to homogeneous arguments under certain conditions, it does not have a negative effect in political tolerance. This is because selective exposure to homogeneous arguments takes place if and only if the perceived issue's importance is high. That is, even if selective exposure has an effect on a few issues perceived as highly important, there is no such bias in other less-important issues, which attenuates the effect of selective exposure on the homogeneity of the information environment surrounding each person. It is concluded that the fear of a fragmented society due to selectivity in using the Internet seems to be empirically groundless.



  • IT-enabled Survey and its Problems Analyses of an Australian Internet Poll

    Memiko Ootsuki, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Noboru Sonehara



    The use of web-based surveys has expanded rapidly during the past few years as the number of Internet users increased. However, lack of representativeness cause hesitation in utilizing data collected via the internet as compared to more conventional sampling methodology. This paper analyses the problem of non-representativeness in open online surveys using a passive sampling method, taking as an example the results of the ANU Internet Opinion Poll (ANU Poll) conducted in research on the 2004 Australian federal election. It clarifies that the sampling bias in online polls causes inaccurate statistical inferences.

  • Making Democracy Work via the Functioning of Heterogeneous Personal Networks An Empirical Analysis Based on a Japanese Election Study

    Ken&apos;ichi Ikeda, Tetsuro Kobayashi


  • Effects of Internet use on self-efficacy: Perceived network-changing possibility as a mediator

    Kaichiro Furutani, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Mitsuhiro Ura

    AI and Society   23 ( 2 ) 251 - 263  2009年  [査読有り]


    The effect of Internet use as a mediating variable on self-efficacy as it relates to the cognition of network-changing possibility (i.e., connecting people or groups with different social backgrounds) was examined. The results showed that Internet use (i.e., the frequency of sending e-mail, friends made on the Internet) had a positive effect on the cognition of network-changing possibility. The cognition that it is possible to connect people with different social backgrounds by using the Internet also had a positive effect on self-efficacy. On the other hand, the cognition that it is possible to find people or groups who share beliefs and interests by using the Internet negatively affected self-efficacy. Hence, it was found that the effect of Internet use on self-efficacy was different as a function of cognition of network-changing possibility. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2007.



  • Kei-Tying teens: Using mobile phone e-mail to bond, bridge, and break with social ties-a study of Japanese adolescents

    Jeffrey Boase, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES   66 ( 12 ) 930 - 943  2008年12月  [査読有り]


    This paper examines the extent to which Japanese adolescents use mobile phone e-mail to bond, bridge. and break with their social ties. Although existing literature shows that adolescents use mobile phone e-mail to bond with intimate strong ties, the fluid nature of social networks during adolescence suggests that mobile phone e-mail may also be used to bridge to new ties and to break with old ties. Drawing oil a stratified random sample survey of 501 high school students living in Tokyo, we find that mobile phone e-mail is used both to bond and bridge, but not to break with ties. We also find that the intensity with which Japanese adolescents use mobile phone e-mail is more fundamentally a result of bridging than bonding. These findings apply both to typical users and heavy users. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • The effect of PC e-mail usage on social tolerance : Focusing on the mediating effect of communication with heterogeneous others [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T, Ikeda, K

    Japanese Journal of Social Psychology   24 ( 2 ) 120 - 130  2008年11月  [査読有り]

  • PCによるメール利用が社会的寛容性に及ぼす効果:異質な他者とのコミュニケーションの媒介効果に注目して

    小林哲郎, 池田謙一

    社会心理学研究   24 ( 2 ) 120 - 130  2008年11月  [査読有り]


    The effect of PC e-mail usage on social tolerance was investigated by analyzing representative survey data collected from electorates in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan. The results showed that PC e-mail usage had a positive effect on social tolerance because it allows for mediating communications with heterogeneous others. These results are a clear-cut contrast to previous research, which showed that mobile-phone e-mail usage had a negative effect on social tolerance because of the increasing homogeneity of personal networks. The results indicated that while the technological limitations of mobile phone e-mail usage selectively strengthen communications with homogeneous others through the exchange of short messages, PC e-mail usage facilitates communications between heterogeneous people, because it is suitable for the exchange of the longer messages necessary for sharing the assumptions made during correspondence. From the viewpoint of nourishing "bridging" social capital, it is suggested that the promotion of PC e-mail should be encouraged by establishing appropriate policies and that the functional development of the use of the Internet on mobile phones should be empirically investigated.

    DOI CiNii

  • Quantitative content analysis about the issues in the 2007 Japanese upper house election [Japanese]

    Inamasu, K, Ikeda, K, Kobayashi, T

    Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies   24 ( 1 ) 40 - 47  2008年10月  [招待有り]

  • 消費者行動における「他者」の多面性を測定する--スノーボールサンプリング調査の意義の検証

    繁桝 江里, 小林 哲郎, 池田 謙一

    マ-ケティングジャ-ナル   27 ( 4 ) 75 - 88  2008年03月  [査読有り]


  • The Internet, Social Capital, Civic Engagement, and Gender in Japan

    Ikeda, K, Kobayashi, T

    In Nan Lin and Bonnie H.Erickson(Eds.)"Social Capital: An International Research Program"    2008年03月

  • Causal relationship between Internet use and social capital in Japan

    Kakuko Miyata, Tetsuro Kobayashi

    ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY   11 ( 1 ) 42 - 52  2008年03月  [査読有り]


    Based on longitudinal data collected from a random sample panel survey, the present study found that different types of Internet usage are differentially related to social networks. The more social ties people have, the more likely they are to use personal computer (PC) email, and the use of PC email increases social ties. The results also show that the more supportive ties people have, the more they tend to use mobile phone email; however, it does not prove the use of mobile phone email increases supportive ties. However, participation in an online community is not related social networks. These findings suggest that PC email may increase the size of personal social networks, whereas mobile phone email is useful in maintaining existing strong ties which provide social support.

    DOI CiNii


  • Does political participation make a difference? The relationship between political choice, civic engagement and political efficacy

    Ken'ichi Ikeda, Tetsuro Kobayashi, Maasa Hoshimoto

    ELECTORAL STUDIES   27 ( 1 ) 77 - 88  2008年03月  [査読有り]


    While the determinants of political participation have long been scrutinized by scholars, their consequences are not well known. In this article we examine how macro-environmental factors-specifically, how distinctive political choices are from one another-affect the cognitive consequences of political participation. Although there are two possible causal directions between political participation and cognitive factors, we instead focus on how this macro-environmental factor affects the association between these two variables. We hypothesize that political participation promotes the efficacious feeling that participation makes a difference by improving the cognitive articulation of the political system. We find support for this hypothesis through our analysis of 22 countries in the CSES dataset using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). Additional analysis shows that political participation has a compensatory effect on political efficacy for those who do not feel that their political position is well represented by the current party system. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 消費者行動における「他者」の多面性を測定する--スノーボールサンプリング調査の意義の検証

    繁桝江里, 小林哲郎, 池田謙一, 宮田加久子

    マーケティングジャーナル   27 ( 4 ) 75 - 88  2008年03月  [査読有り]


  • Local online communities and social capital : Focusing on heterogeneity of personal network and social tolerance in local communities [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T, Ikeda, K

    Journal of Information & Communication Research   25 ( 3 ) 47 - 58  2008年01月  [査読有り]


  • テキストデータから捉える2007年参院選争点

    稲増 一憲, 池田 謙一, 小林 哲郎

    選挙研究   24 ( 1 ) 40 - 47  2008年  [招待有り]



    DOI CiNii

  • 地域オンラインコミュニティと社会関係資本--地域内パーソナル・ネットワークの異質性と社会的寛容性に注目して

    小林哲郎, 池田謙一

    情報通信学会誌   25 ( 3 ) 47 - 58  2008年01月  [査読有り]


  • Online word-of-mouth [Japanese]

    Miyata, K, Kobayashi, T, Ikeda, K

    Japanese Journal of Advertising Science   48   16 - 32  2007年08月  [査読有り]


  • 若年層の社会化過程における携帯メール利用の効果 : パーソナル・ネットワークの同質性・異質性と寛容性に注目して

    小林 哲郎, 池田 謙一

    社会心理学研究   23 ( 1 ) 82 - 94  2007年08月  [査読有り]


    The effect of mobile phone e-mailing on young people's social tolerance was investigated by analyzing survey data of high school students in Japan. The results show that mobile phone e-mailing had a positive promoting effect on the homogeneity and a negative effect on the heterogeneity of personal networks. This in turn had a negative effect on social tolerance toward others. Mobile phone e-mailing enables students to select homogeneous others as companions of communication and thus brings a bias of homogeneity into their personal networks. This homogeneity bias in turn had a negative effect on the development of social tolerance in the socialization process by reducing the chance of interaction with heterogeneous others.

    DOI CiNii

  • オンライン口コミの多様性の検討

    宮田加久子, 小林哲郎, 池田謙一

    広告科学   48   16 - 32  2007年08月  [査読有り]

    DOI CiNii

  • 若年層の社会化過程における携帯メール利用の効果 : パーソナル・ネットワークの同質性・異質性と寛容性に注目して

    小林哲郎, 池田謙一

    社会心理学研究   23 ( 1 ) 82 - 94  2007年08月  [査読有り]


    The effect of mobile phone e-mailing on young people's social tolerance was investigated by analyzing survey data of high school students in Japan. The results show that mobile phone e-mailing had a positive promoting effect on the homogeneity and a negative effect on the heterogeneity of personal networks. This in turn had a negative effect on social tolerance toward others. Mobile phone e-mailing enables students to select homogeneous others as companions of communication and thus brings a bias of homogeneity into their personal networks. This homogeneity bias in turn had a negative effect on the development of social tolerance in the socialization process by reducing the chance of interaction with heterogeneous others.

    DOI CiNii

  • 消費をめぐるコミュニケーション--情報環境の構造とその帰結

    宮田 加久子, 小林 哲郎

    日経広告研究所報   41 ( 2 ) 2 - 9  2007年04月  [査読有り]


  • 消費をめぐるコミュニケーション--情報環境の構造とその帰結

    宮田加久子, 小林哲郎

    日経広告研究所報   41 ( 2 ) 2 - 9  2007年04月  [査読有り]


  • Local online communities and social participation : Positive consequences of collective online communication among local residents [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T, Kato, T, Kataoka, C, Ikeda, K

    JSIC Annual Report. 2006     13 - 26  2007年03月  [査読有り]


  • 地域オンラインコミュニティと社会参加--住民間の集合的オンラインコミュニケーションがもたらすポジティブな帰結

    小林哲郎, 加藤健成, 片岡千鶴, 池田謙一

    情報通信学会年報   2007   13 - 26  2007年03月  [査読有り]


  • Social capital online: Collective use of the Internet and reciprocity as lubricants of democracy

    Tetsuro Kobayashi, Ken'ichi Ikeda, Kakuko Miyata

    Information Communication and Society   9 ( 5 ) 582 - 611  2006年10月  [査読有り]


    This article puts the democratic potential of using the Internet into perspective through an analysis of how collective uses of the Internet promote social capital. Research results reveal that social capital online (i.e. trust and reciprocity) is enhanced by involvement in collective use of the Internet such as participation in online communities and use of the Internet among informal groups in everyday life. This process could counter negative aspects of Internet use. Further, accumulated online social capital can be a powerful predictor of online political participation, i.e. online reciprocity has a positive effect on intention to participate in online civic discussion. Finally, the authors' analyses indicate the possibility of a spillover of online social capital into offline arenas. It is concluded that collective use of the Internet can be a lubricant for democracy. © 2006 Taylor &amp



  • オンラインゲーム内のコミュニティにおける社会関係資本の醸成 : オフライン世界への汎化効果を視野に

    小林 哲郎, 池田 謙一

    社会心理学研究   22 ( 1 ) 58 - 71  2006年08月  [査読有り]


    The development of social capital in an online community was investigated by creating survey data of online game players. The results showed that the frequency of collective communication, the homogeneity of members, and the openness of the online community had positive effects on trust, while the size of community and community hierarchy had negative effects. This shows that participation in online communities can create social capital. Furthermore, the results showed that online social capital influences real-life behavior. For example, reciprocity online facilitated offline social participation, even after controlling for offline social capital and other real-life determinants. These results demonstrate the positive contribution of collective online communication to a democratic social system.

    DOI CiNii

  • オンラインゲーム内のコミュニティにおける社会関係資本の醸成 : オフライン世界への汎化効果を視野に

    小林哲郎, 池田謙一

    社会心理学研究   22 ( 1 ) 58 - 71  2006年08月  [査読有り]



    DOI CiNii

  • 情報通信技術と社会関係資本の変容--異質な他者との相互作用を中心に

    小林 哲郎, 志村 誠, 村上 史朗

    選挙学会紀要   ( 5 ) 23 - 41  2005年11月  [査読有り]


  • 情報通信技術と社会関係資本の変容--異質な他者との相互作用を中心に

    小林哲郎, 志村誠, 村上史朗

    選挙学会紀要   ( 5 ) 23 - 41  2005年11月  [査読有り]


  • 拡大する社会的ネットワークは少数派を残存させるか : DSITシミュレーションにおける非近接他者情報の導入

    志村 誠, 小林 哲郎, 村上 史朗

    社会心理学研究   21 ( 1 ) 32 - 43  2005年09月  [査読有り]


    The rapid spread of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) enables people to maintain ties with friends and relatives who are physically distant, and to establish new ties through the Internet. To examine the social consequence of using ICTs at the macro level, we extended Latane's DSIT simulation model by adding interaction with distant agents. The results show that the largest and the mean cluster sizes of minority were smaller than Latane's model, but the number of minority clusters increased. Even if they are surrounded by others of different opinions, people can keep their opinions unchanged through ties with distant others. Such ties decrease the relative effects of adjacent neighbors. As a whole, people can form the homogeneous networks that are free from physical restriction to some degree. Consequently, minority opinions are able to survive.

    DOI CiNii

  • 拡大する社会的ネットワークは少数派を残存させるか : DSITシミュレーションにおける非近接他者情報の導入

    志村誠, 小林哲郎, 村上史朗

    社会心理学研究   21 ( 1 ) 32 - 43  2005年09月  [査読有り]


    (平成18年度日本社会心理学会奨励論文賞受賞)<br />
    The rapid spread of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) enables people to maintain ties with friends and relatives who are physically distant, and to establish new ties through the Internet. To examine the social consequence of using ICTs at the macro level, we extended Latane&#039;s DSIT simulation model by adding interaction with distant agents. The results show that the largest and the mean cluster sizes of minority were smaller than Latane&#039;s model, but the number of minority clusters increased. Even if they are surrounded by others of different opinions, people can keep their o...

    DOI CiNii

  • Does Internet usage increase the amount of social participation?-A comparison of the social use of the PC and mobile phone- [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T, Ikeda, K

    JSIC Annual Report. 2003     39 - 49  2004年03月  [査読有り]

  • インターネット利用は社会参加を促進するか:PC・携帯電話の社会的利用の比較を通して

    小林哲郎, 池田謙一

    平成15情報通信学会年報     39 - 49  2004年03月  [査読有り]

  • A System to Support Network Community Analysis for Web BBS : CMINER(<Special Issue> Collaborative Workspaces and Communities)(Community Support) [Japanese]

    Inoue, T, Kobayashi, T, Ikeda, K, Shigeno, H, Okada, K

    IPSJ Journal   45 ( 1 ) 131 - 141  2004年02月  [査読有り]


  • ウェブ掲示板を対象としたネットワークコミュニティ分析支援システム : CMINER(<特集>コラボレーションの「場」とコミュニティ」の編集にあたって)(コミュニティ支援)

    井上智雄, 小林哲郎, 池田謙一, 重野寛, 岡田謙一

    情報処理学会論文誌   45 ( 1 ) 131 - 141  2004年02月  [査読有り]




  • ネットワークを織りなす消費者--「孤立した消費者像」を越えるインターネット活用調査とその理論

    池田 謙一, 小林 哲郎, 繁桝 江里

    マ-ケティングジャ-ナル   23 ( 3 ) 18 - 30  2004年01月  [査読有り]


  • ネットワークを織りなす消費者--「孤立した消費者像」を越えるインターネット活用調査とその理論

    池田謙一, 小林哲郎, 繁桝江里

    マ-ケティングジャ-ナル   23 ( 3 ) 18 - 30  2004年01月  [査読有り]




  • Did you hear? Rumour communication via instant messaging apps and its impact on affective polarisation

    Davison, B, Kobayashi, T( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: Mobile Communication and Online Falsehoods in Asia: Trends, Impact and Practice (pp. 173-196))

    Springer Netherlands  2023年06月

  • 「メディアに関する意識」「国際社会に関する意識」「自国に関する意識」 電通総研・池田謙一(編著) 日本人の考え方 世界の人の考え方Ⅱ:第7回世界価値観調査から見えるもの

    小林哲郎( 担当: 分担執筆)

    勁草書房  2022年08月 ISBN: 9784326251636

  • 「2019年の香港人の政治参加:感情的極性化の観点から」倉田徹・小栗宏太(編著)香港と「中国化」:受容・摩擦・抵抗の構造

    小林哲郎( 担当: 分担執筆)

    明石書店  2022年03月 ISBN: 9784750353692

  • Japanese public sentiment on South Korea: Popular opinion and international relations

    Kobayashi, T, Tago, A( 担当: 編集)

    Routledge  2021年12月

  • 「日本人の民主主義へのコミットメント」池田謙一(編著)日本とアジアの民主主義を測る:アジアンバロメータ調査と日本の21世紀

    小林哲郎( 担当: 分担執筆)

    勁草書房  2021年11月 ISBN: 9784326251551

  • 計算社会科学入門 = Introduction to computational social science

    鳥海, 不二夫, 石井, 晃, 岡田, 勇, 上東, 貴志, 小林, 哲郎, 榊, 剛史, 笹原, 和俊, 高野, 雅典, 瀧川, 裕貴, 常松, 淳, 三浦, 麻子, 水野, 貴之, 山本, 仁志, 吉田, 光男( 担当: 分担執筆)

    丸善出版  2021年01月 ISBN: 9784621305966

  • Multiplying the medium: Tie strength, social role, and mobile media multiplexity. In B. F. Welles and S. González-Bailón (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Networked Communication.

    Jamieson, J, Boase, J, Kobayashi, T( 担当: 分担執筆)

    Oxford University Press  2020年02月

  • 多様化するICT利用とネットワーク・サイズ:都市度とサポート利用可能性の視点から 石黒格(編著)変わりゆく日本人のネットワーク:ICT普及期における社会関係の変化

    小林哲郎( 担当: 分担執筆)

    勁草書房, Pp. 187-206.  2018年02月

  • Is the power of online campaigning in Japanese electoral politics a myth? A causal inference analysis of the 2013 Upper House Election. In S. Kiyohara, K. Maeshima, and D. Owen (Eds.) Internet election campaigns in the United States, Japan, South Korea, a

    Kobayashi, T( 担当: 分担執筆)

    Palgrave Macmillan, Pp. 115-136.  2018年01月

  • ナショナリズムの浮上 池田謙一(編著)「日本人」は変化しているのか:価値観・ソーシャルネットワーク・民主主義

    小林哲郎( 担当: 分担執筆)

    勁草書房, Pp. 235-257.  2018年01月

  • 「近隣・治安に関する意識」「情報に関する意識」「信頼と寛容性に関する意識」 池田謙一(編著) 日本人の考え方 世界の人の考え方:世界価値観調査から見えるもの

    小林哲郎( 担当: 分担執筆)

    勁草書房  2016年04月

  • Political conversations as civic engagement: Examining patterns from mobile communication logs in Japan. In R. Wei (Eds.) Mobile media, political participation, and civic activism in Asia: Private chat to public communication (pp. 57-79).

    Suzuki, T, Kobayashi, T, Boase, J( 担当: 分担執筆)

    Springer  2016年

  • ネット評判社会 西垣通・伊藤守(編著)よくわかる社会情報学

    小林哲郎( 担当: 分担執筆)

    ミネルヴァ書房, Pp. 72-73.  2015年05月

  • Knowledge gap. (In) Gianpietro Mazzoleni (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication

    Kobayashi, T( 担当: 分担執筆)

    Wiley-Blackwell  2015年

  • Selective exposure. (In) Gianpietro Mazzoleni (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication, Wiley-Blackwell.

    Kobayashi, T( 担当: 分担執筆)

    Wiley-Blackwell  2015年

  • インターネットの活用 加藤潤三・石盛真徳・岡本卓也(編著)コミュニティの社会心理学

    小林哲郎( 担当: 分担執筆)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2013年10月

  • マスメディアよりも「中立」な日本のネットニュース―2012年衆議院議員選挙時のニュース利用における党派性バイアス認知 清原聖子・前嶋和弘(編著)ネット選挙が変える政治と社会――日米韓に見る新たな「公共圏」の姿

    小林哲郎( 担当: 分担執筆)

    慶應義塾大学出版会, Pp. 119-147.  2013年09月

  • The effects of similarities to previous buyers on trust and intention to buy from e-commerce stores: An experimental study based on the SVS model. In S. Uesugi (Ed.) IT enabled services.

    Kobayashi, T, Okada, H( 担当: 分担執筆)

    Springer, Pp. 19-38.  2013年01月 ISBN: 9783709114254



  • Cyber behavior and social capital. In Z. Yan (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior.

    Kobayashi, T( 担当: 分担執筆)

    IGI Global: Hershey, PA. Pp. 1063-1073.  2012年03月

  • 「見たいものだけ見る?」―日本のネットニュース閲覧における選択的接触 清原聖子・前嶋和弘(編著)『インターネットが変える選挙―米韓比較と日本の展望』


    慶應義塾大学出版会, Pp. 115-144.(分担執筆)  2011年01月

  • ICTs supporting tolerant society: Social psychology in the loosely bridging Internet age [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T

    Taga Shuppan (single authored)  2010年03月 ISBN: 9784811575513

  • 寛容な社会を支える情報通信技術-ゆるやかにつながり合うネット時代の社会心理-


    多賀出版 (単独執筆)  2010年03月 ISBN: 9784811575513

  • "Reputation", "Digital divide" (In) The Japanese Society of Social Psychology (Eds.) Social Psychology Dictionary. [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T

    Maruzen, Pp. 426-427, 440-441. (coauthored)  2009年06月

  • 「評判」「デジタルデバイド」日本社会心理学会(編)『社会心理学事典』


    丸善, Pp. 426-427, 440-441.(分担執筆)  2009年06月

  • Local community and Internet. (In) Miura, A., Morio, H. & Kawaura, Y. (Eds.) The Frontier of Internet Psychology. [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T

    Seishin Shobo, Pp. 218-250. (coauthored)  2009年02月 ISBN: 9784414301694

  • 「地域社会とインターネット」 三浦麻子・森尾博昭・川浦康至(編著)『インターネット心理学のフロンティア』


    誠信書房, Pp. 218-250. (分担執筆)  2009年02月 ISBN: 9784414301694

  • Making democracy work via the functioning of heterogeneous personal networks: An empirical analysis based on a Japanese election study. (In) Ray-May Hsung, Nan Lin, & Ronald Breiger (Eds.) Contexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Markets, Communitie

    Ikeda, K, Kobayashi, T

    Taylor & Francis, Pp.72-90. (coauthored)  2008年12月 ISBN: 9780415411172

  • Making democracy work via the functioning of heterogeneous personal networks: An empirical analysis based on a Japanese election study. (In) Ray-May Hsung, Nan Lin, & Ronald Breiger (Eds.) Contexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Markets, Communitie

    Ikeda, K, Kobayashi, T

    Taylor & Francis, Pp.72-90. (分担執筆)  2008年12月 ISBN: 9780415411172

  • The Internet, social capital, civic engagement, and gender in Japan. (In) Nan Lin and Bonnie H. Erickson (Eds.) Social capital: An international research program.

    Miyata,K, Ikeda, K, Kobayashi, T

    Oxford University Press, Pp.206-233. (coauthored)  2008年05月 ISBN: 0199234388

  • The Internet, social capital, civic engagement, and gender in Japan. (In) Nan Lin and Bonnie H. Erickson (Eds.) Social capital: An international research program.

    Miyata, K, Ikeda, K, Kobayashi, T

    Oxford University Press, Pp.206-233.(分担執筆)  2008年05月 ISBN: 0199234388

  • Cluster analysis (In) Ishiguro, I. (Ed.) Analysis of Social Survey Data using Stata. [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T

    Kitaoji Shobo, Pp. 119-132. (coauthored)  2008年04月 ISBN: 4762826022

  • 「クラスター分析」 石黒格(編著)『Stataによる社会調査データの分析』


    北大路書房, Pp. 119-132. (分担執筆)  2008年04月 ISBN: 4762826022

  • Information environment created by advertisement and personal communications (In) Miyata, K. & Ikeda, K. (Ed.) The Internet changes consumer behavior: The empirical analysis on influence of word-of-mouth [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T

    NTT Publishing, Pp. 18-46. (coauthored)  2008年03月 ISBN: 475710233X

  • 「広告と対人コミュニケーションが作り出す情報環境」 宮田加久子・池田謙一(編著)『ネットが変える消費者行動:クチコミの影響力の実証分析』


    NTT出版, Pp. 18-46. (分担執筆)  2008年03月 ISBN: 475710233X

  • Social capital (In) Yamada, K., Kitamura, H. and Yuki, M. (Eds.) Light Academism "Understand" series Social Psychology. [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T

    Minerva Shobo, Pp.180-183. (coauthored)  2007年04月 ISBN: 4623048128

  • Small world network (In) Yamada, K., Kitamura, H. and Yuki, M. (Eds.) Light Academism "Understand" series Social Psychology. [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T

    Minerva Shobo, Pp.176-179. (coauthored)  2007年04月 ISBN: 4623048128

  • Knowtedge gap hypothesis and digital divide (In) Yamada, K., Kitamura, H. and Yuki, M. (Eds.) Light Academism "Understand" series Social Psychology. [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T

    Minerva Shobo, Pp.150-153. (coauthored)  2007年04月 ISBN: 4623048128

  • 「社会関係資本」 山田一成・北村英哉・結城雅樹(編著)『やわらかアカデミズム・〈わかる〉シリーズよくわかる社会心理学』


    ミネルヴァ書房, Pp.180-183. (分担執筆)  2007年04月 ISBN: 4623048128

  • 「知識ギャップ仮説とデジタルデバイド」 山田一成・北村英哉・結城雅樹(編著)『やわらかアカデミズム・〈わかる〉シリーズよくわかる社会心理学』


    ミネルヴァ書房, Pp.150-153. (分担執筆)  2007年04月 ISBN: 4623048128

  • 「スモールワールド・ネットワーク」 山田一成・北村英哉・結城雅樹(編著)『やわらかアカデミズム・〈わかる〉シリーズよくわかる社会心理学』


    ミネルヴァ書房, Pp.176-179. (分担執筆)  2007年04月 ISBN: 4623048128

  • Network diversity, political participation and political tolerance (In) Ikeda, K. (Ed.) Political reality and social psychology: The dynamics of the Koizumi years [Japanese]

    Ikeda, K, Kobayashi, T

    Bokutansha, Pp. 167-199. (coauthored)  2007年02月 ISBN: 4833223848

  • "Socialization" of Internet use and its political implications (In) Political reality and social psychology: The dynamics of the Koizumi years [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T

    Bokutakusha, Pp. 229-263. (coauthored)  2007年02月 ISBN: 4833223848

  • 「インターネット利用の社会化とその政治的含意」 池田謙一(編著)『政治のリアリティと社会心理-平成小泉政治のダイナミクス-』


    木鐸社, Pp. 229-263. (分担執筆)  2007年02月 ISBN: 4833223848

  • 「ネットワーク多様性と政治参加・政治的寛容性」 池田謙一(編著)『政治のリアリティと社会心理-平成小泉政治のダイナミクス-』

    池田謙一, 小林哲郎

    木鐸社, Pp. 167-199. (分担執筆)  2007年02月 ISBN: 4833223848

  • Risk Avoidance and Economic Value Orientation: Functioning of Post-materialist Values in the Pacific Rim Countries. (In) Dalton, Russel (Ed.) Citizens, Democracy and Markets around the Pacific Rim.

    Ikeda, K, Kobayashi, T

    Oxford University Press, pp 201-222. (coauthored)  2007年01月 ISBN: 0199297258

  • Risk Avoidance and Economic Value Orientation: Functioning of Post-materialist Values in the Pacific Rim Countries. (In) Dalton, Russel (Ed.) Citizens, Democracy and Markets around the Pacific Rim.

    Ikeda, K, Kobayashi, T

    Oxford University Press, pp 201-222. (分担執筆)  2007年01月 ISBN: 0199297258

  • Social capital in online communities (In) Ikeda, K. (Ed.) Internet community and daily social world [Japanese]

    Kobayahsi, T, Ikeda, K

    Seishin shobo, Pp. 148-184. (coauthored)  2005年10月 ISBN: 4414301645

  • Changes of media and digital divide (In) Ikeda, K. (Ed.) Internet community and daily social world [Japanese]

    Ikeda, K, Kobayashi, T

    Seishin shobo, Pp. 29-46. (coauthored)  2005年10月 ISBN: 4414301645

  • Dispersively surviving social minorities (In) Ikeda, K. (Ed.) Internet community and daily social world [Japanese]

    Shimura, M, Kobayashi, T

    Seishin shobo, Pp. 185-203. (coauthored)  2005年10月 ISBN: 4414301645

  • Connecting and Disconnecting mobile communications (In) Ikeda, K. (Ed.) Internet community and daily social world [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T, Ikeda, K

    Seishin shobo, Pp. 67-84. (coauthored)  2005年10月 ISBN: 4414301645

  • Another divide: "Keitai divide" and its consequences (In) Ikeda, K. (Ed.) Internet community and daily social world [Japanese]

    Kobayashi, T, Ikeda, K

    Seishin shobo, Pp. 47-66. (coauthored)  2005年10月 ISBN: 4414301645

  • 「もう一つのデバイド:『携帯デバイド』の存在とその帰結」 池田謙一(編著)『インターネット・コミュニティと日常世界』

    小林哲郎, 池田謙一

    誠信書房, Pp. 47-66. (分担執筆)  2005年10月 ISBN: 4414301645

  • 「分散して残存する社会的少数派」 池田謙一(編著)『インターネット・コミュニティと日常世界』

    志村誠, 小林哲郎

    誠信書房, Pp. 185-203. (分担執筆)  2005年10月 ISBN: 4414301645

  • 「メディアの受容とデジタル・デバイド」 池田謙一(編著)『インターネット・コミュニティと日常世界』

    池田謙一, 小林哲郎

    誠信書房, Pp. 29-46. (分担執筆)  2005年10月 ISBN: 4414301645

  • 「オンラインコミュニティの社会関係資本」 池田謙一(編著)『インターネット・コミュニティと日常世界』

    小林哲郎, 池田謙一

    誠信書房, Pp. 148-184. (分担執筆)  2005年10月 ISBN: 4414301645

  • 「携帯コミュニケーションがつなぐもの・引き離すもの」 池田謙一(編著)『インターネット・コミュニティと日常世界』

    小林哲郎, 池田謙一

    誠信書房, Pp. 67-84. (分担執筆)  2005年10月 ISBN: 4414301645

  • Values and social and political participation in the Pacific Rim, another aspect (In) Kobayashi, Y. (Ed.) Movement of voter's opinion in Japan. Series of 21COE-CCC, Movement of citizen's opinion in The multi-cultural world 1 [Japanese]

    Ikeda, K, Kobayashi, T

    Keio University Press, Pp.229-253. (coauthored)  2005年03月 ISBN: 4766411358

  • 「環太平洋地区における価値観と社会・政治参加、もう1つの側面」 小林良彰(編)日本における有権者意識の動態. 叢書 21COE-CCC 多文化世界における市民意識の動態 1

    池田謙一, 小林哲郎

    慶応大学出版会, Pp.229-253. (分担執筆)  2005年03月 ISBN: 4766411358






  • 政治コミュニケーション



  • Research Methods for Communication and New Media

    Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong  

  • Internet Communication

    Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong  

  • Fundamentals in Media and Communication

    Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong  

  • International Communication

    Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong  

  • Media, Communication, and Public Opinion

    Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong  

  • 社会心理学

    2010- 立正大学文学部非常勤講師  

  • Social Psychology

    2010- Part-time lecturer, Rissho University  

  • Introduction to Information Environment Science 1

    The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, School of Multidisciplinary Sciences  

  • Information Society

    The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, School of Multidisciplinary Sciences  

  • Sicial Psychology

    2009-2010 Part-time lecturer, Gakushuin University  

  • International network

    2008-2010 Part-time lecturer, Aoyama Gakuin University  

  • Survey methodology

    2008-2009 Part-time lecturer, Chuo University  

  • Seminar; Social psychology of consumer behavior

    2008-2009 Part-time lecturer, Meiji Gakuin University  

  • Modern society and psychology

    2008-2009 Part-time lecturer, Meiji Gakuin University  

  • Social psychology

    2007-2009 Part-time lecuturer, Atomi Gakuen Womens University  

  • Psychological statistics

    2007-2009 Part-time lecuturer, Meiji Gakuin University  

  • 情報環境科学概論Ⅰ


  • 情報社会論


  • 社会心理学Ⅰ・Ⅱ

    2009-2010 学習院大学法学部非常勤講師  

  • 国際ネットワーク論

    2008-2010 青山学院大学国際政治学部非常勤講師  

  • 社会情報調査実習

    2008-2009 中央大学文学部非常勤講師  

  • 演習1(消費行動の社会心理学)

    2008-2009 明治学院大学社会学部非常勤講師  

  • 社会心理学4(現代社会と心理)

    2008-2009 明治学院大学心理学部非常勤講師  

  • 社会心理学

    2007-2009 跡見学園女子大学文学部非常勤講師  

  • 心理統計法

    2007-2009 明治学院大学心理学部非常勤講師  

  • 社会心理学(マクロ)B

    2014 東京女子大学現代教養学部非常勤講師  

  • マスメディア論Ⅰ・Ⅱ

    2014- 学習院大学法学部非常勤講師  

  • Information Media

    2011-2012 Part-time lecturer, Meiji Gakuin University  

  • 情報メディア論

    2011-2012 明治学院大学法学部非常勤講師  

  • Human Communication

    2011 Part-time lecturer, Tokyo Keizai University  

  • 人間コミュニケーション

    2011 東京経済大学コミュニケーション学部非常勤講師  




  • 政治経済学術院   大学院政治学研究科