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イシダ カツアキ
石田 勝昭
研究院(研究機関) ナノ・ライフ創新研究機構
博士(工学) ( 1988年09月 東京大学 )


  • 2023年04月

    早稲田大学   ナノ・ライフ創新研究機構   主任研究員

  • 2015年04月

    国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構   技術戦略研究センター   環境・化学ユニット長

  • 2014年04月

    JX日鉱日石エネルギー株式会社   中央技術研究所   先端領域研究所長

  • 2010年07月

    JX日鉱日石エネルギー株式会社   研究開発企画部   副部長

  • 2007年07月

    株式会社ジャパンエナジー   精製技術センター   上席研究員

  • 1992年08月

    イリノイ大学   客員研究員

  • 2020年04月

    株式会社早稲田大学アカデミックソリューション   社会連携企画部   コンサルタント

  • 2018年04月

    一般財団法人エネルギー総合工学研究所   プロジェクト試験研究部   副主席研究員

  • 2005年04月

    株式会社ジャパンエナジー   精製部   上席技師

  • 2005年03月

    株式会社ジャパンエナジー   精製部   主任技師

  • 2000年10月

    株式会社ジャパンエナジー   精製技術センター   主任研究員

  • 1994年08月

    株式会社ジャパンエナジー   精製技術センター   研究員

  • 1988年04月




  • 1983年04月

    東京大学   大学院工学系研究科   合成化学専攻  

  • 1979年04月

    東京大学   工学部   合成化学科  


  • 2021年03月

    国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構  技術委員

  • 2017年07月

    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構  未来社会創造事業「持続可能な社会の実現」領域, 採択審査外部専門家

  • 2017年04月

    内閣府  ボトルネック課題研究会 委員

  • 2002年05月

    石油学会  石油化学部会触媒分科会 委員長

  • 1997年05月

    石油学会  論文誌編集委員会 委員


  • 触媒プロセス、資源化学プロセス / 無機・錯体化学


  • 石油精製、触媒化学、錯体化学、バイオ燃料、資源化学、技術戦略


  • 論文賞

    2008年05月   公益社団法人石油学会   原料油中の微量窒素化合物が水素化分解触媒性能に及ぼす影響  

    受賞者: 小林学, 十河清二, 石田勝昭



  • Branching Structure of Diesel and Lubricant Base Oils Prepared by Isomerization/Hydrocracking of Fischer-Tropsch Waxes and alpha-Olefins

    Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Saitoh, Seiji Togawa, Katsuaki Ishida

    ENERGY & FUELS   23 ( 1-2 ) 513 - 518  2009年01月


    Lubricant base oils were prepared from two Fischer-Tropsch (Fr) waxes and two alpha-olefins with different carbon number distributions under several isomerization/hydrocracking conditions. The molecular structures of the resulting oils were investigated using C-13 NMR analysis to determine the location and length of branches. Peak areas assigned to the CH carbons were divided into eight groups and correlated with the progress of the isomerization reaction. Each group showed good correlation with the density of branching, which was expressed as the ratio of the average branching number (ABN) to the average carbon number (ACN). This trend was independent of the feedstock used and the reaction conditions. The probability of methyl branching at a carbon atom depended on its location from the terminal carbon; that is, in order of decreasing probability, the carbon location is second > third > fourth, and so forth, and the probabihty of the seventh and eighth or inner carbon atoms was almost equal. A trend of increasing proportion of branches located at the second carbon was observed. Diesel oils were also obtained by isomerization/hydrocracking of FT waxes, and the most likely position of methyl branching was the second carbon from the terminal carbon. Branching at the second carbon showed a decreasing trend with increasing density of branching in diesel oil, whereas that in lubricant base oil showed an increasing trend. The present work demonstrated that the position and length of the branches in lubricant base oils, and diesel oils prepared by isomerization/hydrocracking of FT waxes and alpha-olefins, are determined by the density of branching, thus supporting previous findings that viscosity properties of lubricant oils, such as the kinematic viscosity and viscosity index, can be expressed using only the ACN and ABN.



  • Development of hydrodesulfurization catalyst using comparative model feed reactions and quantum chemical studies

    Hiroyuki Nakamura, Masaomi Amemiya, Ryutaro Koide, Emiel J.M. Hensen, Rutger A. Van Santen, Katsuaki Ishida

    King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Research Institute - Annual Catalysts in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals Symposium Papers     15 - 24  2008年


    Model HDS catalysts (NiW, NiCoMo, NiMo, CoMo/γ-Al2O3) were used in the HDS of dibenzothiophene and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT), with and without the addition of H2S or NH3. The highest HDS performance was achieved using NiCoMo catalyst in the presence of additives, while NiMo was the best catalyst in the absence of additives. The hydrogenation (HYD) selectivities of NiMo and NiCoMo catalysts were higher than that of CoMo. The presence of NH3 significantly decreased the overall reaction rate constant for the conversion of 4,6-DMDBT for the catalysts to a great extent. The addition of NH3 decreased significantly the reaction rate constant of CoMo catalyst. A comparison of the HDS reaction mechanism via HYD and the direct desulfurization (DDS) rate constants among catalysts showed that the ranking of HYD and DDS rate constants is dependent on the catalyst and the additives. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 18th Saudi Arabia-Japan Joint Symposium (Dhahran, Saudi Arabia 11/16-17/2008).

  • Control of macropore structure of hydrocracking catalyst by silica-alumina particle size and influence on hydrocracking activity and middle distillate selectivity

    Manabu Kobayashi, Seiji Togawa, Hiroshi Yachi, Katsuaki Ishida

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE   50 ( 5 ) 278 - 282  2007年09月


    Hydrocracking (HC) catalysts consisting mainly of silica-alumina and a small amount of ultra stable Y type (USY) zeolite were prepared with silica-alumina powders of different mean particle sizes, and the effects of particle size on the pore structure and HC catalytic performance were investigated. The structures of the macropores depended on the average particle size of the silica-alumina powder, with larger particle size resulting in larger mean pore diameter. The HC activities of prepared catalysts for straight run vacuum gas oil were also evaluated. Up to 300 nm, larger pore size led to higher HC activity, but pore size larger than 400 nm led to lower HC activity. These results suggest that there is an optimum macropore diameter for HC activity. Smaller macropore size provided higher middle distillate selectivity. This result suggests that the smaller macropores allow middle distillate oil molecules to escape easily, and avoid secondary cracking. These results indicate that selecting the optimum silica-alumina particle size for high diffusivity in HC catalysts is important to enhance catalytic activity without loss of middle distillate selectivity.



  • Effects of small amounts of nitrogen compounds in feedstock on performance of hydrocracking catalyst

    Manabu Kobayashi, Seiji Togawa, Katsuaki Ishida

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE   50 ( 1 ) 44 - 52  2007年01月


    Poisoning by very small amounts of nitrogen compounds was investigated for the catalysts for two types of hydrocracking processes. Nitrogen-free vacuum gas oil was used as feedstock with carbazole and tributyl amine as the model nitrogen compounds. Carbazole is abundant in hydrotreated oil as carbazole is difficult to remove. Tributyl amine is easily converted to ammonia in the reactor.Vacuum gas oils containing various amounts of carbazole were passed over the main hydrocracking catalyst of the two-stage hydrocracking process. Strong effects on both hydrocracking activity and middle distillate selectivity were observed, especially if nitrogen content was less than 2 wtppm. The nitrogen poisoning effect was stronger on the catalyst with higher activity than on the catalyst with lower activity.Poisoning of the main hydrocracking catalyst of the single-stage hydrocracking process, which is affected by both organic nitrogen compounds and ammonia, was evaluated with several ratios of combinations of carbazole and tributyl amine, maintaining total nitrogen concentration at 300 wtppm. Increased carbazole ratio lowered the hydrocracking activity and increased the middle distillate selectivity especially if the concentration of nitrogen as carbazole was less than 20 wtppm. These experimental results indicate that there is an optimum range of nitrogen concentration in the effluent to the main hydrocracking reactor to maximize middle distillate selectivity without severely affecting the hydrocracking activity.



  • Properties and molecular structures of fuel fractions obtained from hydrocracking/isomerization of Fischer-Tropsch waxes

    Manabu Kobayashi, Seiji Togawa, Katsuaki Ishida

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE   49 ( 4 ) 194 - 201  2006年07月


    Fuel oils were prepared by hydrocracking/isomerization of Fischer-Tropsch waxes followed by fractionation of product oils. The correlation between the operation conditions and the average molecular structures of fuel oils, and the effect of the average molecular structure of the gas oil fraction on the diesel fuel properties were investigated. The iso-/n-paraffin ratio increased with increased 360 degrees C+ conversion in the gas oil and bottom fractions, increased to a lesser extent in the kerosene fraction, and remained almost constant in the naphtha fraction, regardless of the severity of the hydrocracking/isomerization reaction. Average branching numbers of the isoparaffins were determined by C-13-NMR analysis and compared with the severity of the hydrocracking/isomerization reaction. Average branching numbers of the kerosene and gas oil fractions were nearly constant at approximately 1.3 and 2.0 branch/molecule respectively, but were influenced by 360 degrees C+ conversion in the bottom oil fraction. A linear relationship was obtained between average carbon number and average branching number, suggesting that average branching number can be determined by average carbon number regardless of the severity of the hydrocracking/isomerization reaction. Correlation of the molecular structural parameters of the gas oil fraction with fuel properties such as viscosity, ignition property, and cold flow property showed that the molecular structural formula, (average carbon number) x (n-paraffin ratio)(A), had a good linear correlation with the kinematic viscosity (30 degrees C), cetane index, and cold flow plugging point for A = 0.0, 0.02, and 0.05. The molecular structure of the naphtha fraction was also investigated to obtain information such as the position of branching.


  • Performance and molecular structures of fuel oils and lube base oils prepared from Fischer-Tropsch waxes

    Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Saito, Seiji Togawa, Katsuaki Ishida

    16th Annual Saudi-Japanese Symposium - Catalysts in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals, Proceedings   2006   47 - 56  2006年


    Fuel oils and lube base oils were prepared by hydrocracking/isomerization of Fischer-Tropsch synthesized waxes and long-chain α-olefins with various carbon chain lengths. Molecular structures of the prepared oils were investigated with iso-/n-paraffin ratios, average carbon numbers, and average branching numbers, which were calculated from CH and CH3 carbon ratio derived from 13C-NMR analysis. Prepared base oils showed very high viscosity indexes of up to 159, but these varied widely with the severity of the hydrocracking/isomerization conditions and used feedstock. Average carbon number and average branching number independently showed good correlations with the viscosity properties of the base oil such as kinematic viscosity and viscosity index. Viscosity index increased with higher average carbon number or lower average branching number. The effect of average carbon number or average branching number on the viscosity index depended on the feedstock, so a new index (average carbon number)2 x (average branching number) -1 was introduced as a molecular structural parameter of paraffins, and index was confirmed to indicate the viscosity index regardless of the feedstock. A similar structural parameter (average carbon number)a x (average branching number) was applied to kinematic viscosity. Kinematic viscosities at 40°C and 100°C showed good correlations when (a, b) = (3.5, 0.9) and (3.0, 0.5), respectively. As for the gas oil fraction, the molecular structural formula, (average carbon number) x (n-paraffin ratio) A, showed a good linear correlation with the kinematic viscosity (30°C), the cetane index, and cold flow plugging point for A = 0.0, 0.02, and 0.05 respectively. The influence of hydrocracking/isomerization severity on the molecular structures of each fraction is also investigated and the transition of molecular structures during the procession of reaction was observed.

  • Inhibition effect of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia on NiMo/Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>, CoMo/Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>, NiCoMo/Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> catalysts in hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene

    Hiroyuki Nakamura, Masaomi Amemiya, Katsuaki Ishida

    Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute   48 ( 5 ) 281 - 289  2005年09月


    Model HDS catalysts (Co2.75Mo11, Ni2.75Mo11, and Ni0.9Co1.85Mo11 wt %/γ-Al2O3) prepared by impregnation of similar supports with similar starting materials were used in the HDS of dibenzothiophene (DBT) and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene, with and without addition of H2S or NH3. In the case of the HDS of DBT and 4,6-DMDBT, H2S only weakly poisoned CoMo and NiCoMo catalyst, whereas a NiMo catalyst was poisoned more strongly. The presence of NH3 significantly decreased the overall reaction rate constant for the conversion of 4,6-DMDBT for all tested catalysts to a greater extent than that for the blank test. The reaction rate constant of CoMo catalyst significantly decreased with NH3 addition. NiCoMo was the most active catalyst for the conversion of DBT in the presence of H2S. The presence of NH3 significantly decreased the activity of CoMo. The inhibition effect of H2S and NH3 was more clearly shown in the conversion of 4,6-DMDBT than in the conversion of DBT. NiMo catalyst caused the highest level of HDS conversion of 4,6-DMDBT blank test. The CoMo catalyst was not as active as the other two catalysts except under H2S rich conditions. NiCoMo catalyst was the best catalyst for the first-stage reactor because NiCoMo had the high tolerance for both H2S and NH3. NiMo catalyst was the best catalyst for the second-stage reactor because NiMo had high HDS activity under lean H2S conditions.



  • Edge dispersion of supported MoS<inf>2</inf> and WS<inf>2</inf> catalysts as evaluated by using Co(CO)<inf>3</inf>NO as a probe molecule

    Takeshi Kubota, Kenji Sato, Akira Kato, Usman, Takeshi Ebihara, Takashi Fujikawa, Yasuhiro Araki, Katsuaki Ishida, Yasuaki Okamoto

    Applied Catalysis A: General   290 ( 1-2 ) 17 - 24  2005年08月


    SiO2- and Al2O3-supported MoS2 and WS2 catalysts were prepared to exploit the evaluation technique of the edge dispersion of MoS2 and WS2 particles. A chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique using Co(CO)3NO as a probe molecule was used for the evaluation. Results were compared with those from conventional techniques such as NO adsorption and TEM. A proportional correlation was obtained between the amount of NO adsorption and the amount of Co atoms accommodated by the CVD technique on WS2/SiO2 and WS2/Al2O3 catalysts, demonstrating a selective location of the Co atoms on the edges of WS2 particles, as previously established for MoS2 catalysts. A comparison of the amounts of NO adsorption and Co accommodation on MoS2 and WS 2 catalysts suggested a 70% higher density of sulfur vacancy on MoS2 particles than on WS2 particles regardless of the support. The Co atoms on the edges of MoS2 and WS2 particles showed the identical NO adsorption property. We propose that Co(CO)3NO can be used as a probe molecule to evaluate and directly compare the edge dispersions of MoS2 and WS2 catalysts. The dispersion of MoS2 particles was about two times higher than that of WS2 particles with the SiO2-supported catalysts. With the Al2O3-supported catalysts, MoS2 and WS2 particles were dispersed to a similar extent but much more highly dispersed than the counterparts in the SiO2-supported catalysts. The evaluation of the edge dispersion of MoS2 and WS 2 particles by means of TEM may pose problems when SiO2- and Al2O3-supported catalysts are compared. The edges of unpromoted MoS2 particles exhibited a significantly higher intrinsic activity for the HDS of thiophene than those of WS2 particles. © 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.



  • Viscosity properties and molecular structure of lube base oil prepared from Fischer-Tropsch waxes

    Manabu Kobayashi, Masayuki Saitoh, Katsuaki Ishida, Hiroshi Yachi

    Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute   48 ( 6 ) 365 - 372  2005年


    Lubricant base oils were prepared by hydrocracking/isomerization of Fischer-Tropsch synthesized waxes and long-chain α-olefins with various carbon chain lengths. Correlations between operation conditions, viscosity properties of base oil, and molecular structures were studied. Analysis of FD-MS and iodine number confirmed that no olefins and a small amount of cyclic paraffins containing 1 naphthene ring were present in the prepared base oil. At lower conversion under 40 wt %, the ratio of paraffins containing naphthene rings were very low, though at higher conversion ratio, the content was relatively higher. The viscosity index (VI) was drastically lowered with increased conversion with every feedstock. These changes could be attributed to structural changes of the isoparaffins, which form the base oils. VI of prepared base oils widely varied from 114 up to 159 with severity of hydrocracking/isomerization reaction and feedstock used. VI decreased steeply with increased severity of hydrocracking/isomerization reaction with all feedstocks. The relationship between conversion and VI depended on the feedstock. Average branching numbers increased and average carbon number decreased with increased severity of hydrocracking/isomerization reaction with all feedstocks.



  • The effect of boron addition on the hydrodesulfurization activity of MoS<inf>2</inf>/Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> and Co-MoS<inf>2</inf> /Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> catalysts

    A. Usman, Takeshi Kubota, Yasuhiro Araki, Katsuaki Ishida, Yasuaki Okamoto

    Journal of Catalysis   227 ( 2 ) 523 - 529  2004年10月


    The effect of boron addition was studied on the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of thiophene over MoS2/B/Al2O3 and Co-MoS2/B/Al2O3 (CVD-Co/MoS2/B/Al2O3), which was prepared by a CVD technique using Co(CO)3NO as a precursor of Co. The catalysts were characterized by means of NO adsorption and TEM. The HDS activity of MoS2/B/Al2O3 catalysts kept constant up to a boron content of about 0.6 wt% and decreased with a further increase of boron content. With CVD-Co/MoS2/B/Al2O3 catalysts, the HDS activity significantly increased as the boron content increased up to about 0.6 wt% of boron, followed by a decrease with a further increase of boron loading. Despite the activity increase, the amount of NO adsorption on MoS2/B/Al2O3 steadily decreased with increasing boron loading, suggesting that the dispersion of MoS2 particles is decreased by the addition of boron. A selective formation of the CoMoS phase on CVD-Co/MoS2/B/Al2O3 was achieved by the CVD technique. The TOF of the HDS over the CVD-Co/MoS2 /B/Al2O3 catalysts, defined by the activity per Co atom forming the CoMoS phase, increased as high as 1.6 times by the addition of boron, indicating that the active phase of the catalysts shifts from less active CoMoS Type I to more active CoMoS Type II. A TEM analysis showed that the number of stacking of MoS2 slabs was only slightly increased by the addition of boron. It is concluded that the activity increase of the CVD-Co/MoS2/B/Al2O3 catalyst is caused by the formation of CoMoS Type II because of weakened interaction strength between the CoMoS phase and the Al2 O3 surface by the addition of boron. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Development of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Production Technology and Its Application to Commercial Units

    Ryutaro Koide, Katsuaki Ishida, Mami Ohno

    13th Annual Saudi-Japanse Symposium - Catalysts in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals, Proceedings     55 - 64  2003年


    A newly developed catalyst system to produce ultra low sulfur diesel fuel < 50 ppm sulfur was described. The R&D concept to achieve ultra low sulfur diesel production and its application to commercial units were presented with regard to the following major operation topics, i.e., feed property, hydrogen consumption and product aromatic content, catalyst profile, and approach to produce "sulfur-free" diesel fuel. The feed distillation property strongly affected the HDS activity and suggested that distillation range of diesel fraction should be controlled from the standpoint of the refinery's flow balance and HDS performance of diesel hydrotreating units. The results were applied to the commercial units in Japan Energy Group's refineries, and ultra low sulfur diesel of < 50 ppm-sulfur was successfully produced with those units for > 1 yr.

  • Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Production by Two-Stage Process with Gas/Liquid Separation System

    Masaomi Amemiya, Masanari Minatoya, Ryutaro Koide, Yasuhito Goto, Manabu Kawabata, Katsuaki Ishida, Hideo Segawa

    ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry, Preprints   47 ( 2 ) 460 - 461  2002年08月


    A study on ultra low sulfur diesel fuel production by two-stage process with gas/liquid separation system was carried out using middle-east straight-run gas oil fraction as feedstock of the hydrotreating experiments. The two-stage process with gas/liquid separation achieved ultra-low sulfur diesel production (50 ppm or less) under more beneficial conditions. It also had great potential to sulfur-free diesel production (10 ppm or less). Removal of produced hydrogen sulfide and NH3 in the middle of the unit accelerated HDS of the following 2nd stage. The NiW catalyst could be applied to the 2nd stage.

  • "CoMo/NiMo catalyst relay" system for clean diesel production

    Yasuhito Goto, Katsuaki Ishida

    King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Research Institute Annual Catalysts in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals Symposium Papers     1 - 8  2002年


    Further tightening of diesel sulfur specifications has been proposed worldwide. The focus of the new specifications is reduction of suspended particualte matter and NOx emission from diesel-fueled vehicles. CoMo/NiMo catalyst relay system was able to achieve ultra low-sulfur diesel production without major revamp of covnentional deep HDS. The system was developed based on considering reaction conditions in detail for each part in a desulfurization unit, especially sulfur-containing compound types to be desulfurized and catalyst poisoning by produced H2S and NH3. Experimental results for the systems were elucidated.

  • CoMo/NiMo catalyst relay for ultra low sulfur diesel production

    R. Koide, Y. Goto, M. Kawabata, K. Ishida

    American Chemical Society, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Preprints   46 ( 4 ) 398 - 401  2001年

  • Solutions for clean diesel production

    Y. Goto, K. Ishida

    King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Research Institute Annual Catalysts in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals Symposium Papers     1 - 12  2001年


    Two solutions (CoMo/NiMo "Catalyst Relay" and two-stage process with gas/liquid separation) for ultra-low sulfur diesel production were presented. Both solutions were developed based on considering reaction conditions in detail for each part in a HDS unit, particularly sulfur-containing compound types to be desulfurized and catalyst poisoning by produced H2S and NH3. The "CoMo/NiMo Catalyst Relay" system achieved ultra-low-sulfur diesel production (S ≤ 50 ppm) without major revamp of conventional deep HDS unit. The first bed CoMo catalyst achieved HDS of reactive sulfur compounds. The second bed NiMo catalyst was the main catalyst for ultra-low sulfur diesel production. The two-stage process with gas/liquid separation achieved ultra-low sulfur diesel production (S ≤ 50 ppm) under more beneficial conditions and had great potential to sulfur-free diesel production (S ≤ 10 ppm). Removal of produced H2S and NH3 in the middle of the unit accelerated HDS of the following second-state. The combined use of CoMo catalyst (HOP-467) and NiMo catalyst (HOP-414) achieved 50 ppm-sulfur diesel production at 341°C, that is 14°C lower reaction temperature than HOP-463 does, and was superior to HOP-463 (conventional CoMo) to achieve 50 ppm-sulfur diesel.

  • Novel combination process of heavy oil cracking using disposable additive catalyst

    Kochi Kato, Katsuaki Ishida, Yasushi Ishibashi, Akira Saito

    Sekiyu Gakkaishi (Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute)   41 ( 5 ) 297 - 301  1998年


    A novel combination process, SUCCEED, for residual oil cracking was developed by bench scale testing, and it has been proven commercially feasible. SUCCEED is combination of slurry phase hydrocracking and delayed coking. In the first section, which is the main feature of the process, a tubular reactor with a small amount of disposable additive catalyst is applied. For the vacuum residue feedstock,the first section gives moderate conversion around 65 wt% and the second gives conversion around 55 wt% for the unconverted feed in the first section, thus resulting in the total conversion of 85 wt%. The functions of the catalyst, hydrogenation ablity and anti-coking effect on the reactor have been studied to determine the minimum requirement of catalyst consumption rates. In this study, characteristics, capabilities and effect of the catalyst are discussed. And, in particular, features performance and commercial feasibility of SUCCEED have been described.



  • Novel combination process of heavy oil cracking using additive catalyst

    Koichi Kato, Yasushi Ishibashi, Akira Saito, Katsuaki Ishida

    ACS Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Inc. Preprints   42 ( 2 ) 454 - 456  1997年03月

  • Assembly of Carbohydrates on a Nickel(II) Center by Utilizing N-Glycosidic Bond Formation with Tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (tren). Syntheses and Characterization of [Ni{N-(aldosyl)-tren}(H<inf>2</inf>O)]2+, [Ni{N,N'-bis(aldosyl)-tren}]2+ and [Ni{N,N',N''-tris(aldosyl)-tren}]2+

    Tomoaki Tanase, Mayumi Doi, Reiko Nouchi, Masako Kato, Yutaka Sato, Katsuaki Ishida, Kimiko Kobayashi, Tosio Sakurai, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Shigenobu Yano

    Inorganic Chemistry   35 ( 17 ) 4848 - 4857  1996年


    Reactions of [Ni(tren)(H2O)2]X2 (tren = tris(2-aminoethyl)amine; X = Cl (1a), Br (1b); X2 = SO2 (1c)) with mannose-type aldoses, having a 2,3-cis configuration (D-mannose and L-rhamnose), afforded (bis(N-aldosyl-2-aminoethyl)(2-aminoethyl)amine}nickel(II) complexes, [Ni(N,N'-(aldosyl)2-tren)]X2 (aldosyl = D-mannosyl, X = Cl (2a), Br (2b), X2 = SO4 (2c); aldosyl = L-rhamnosyl, X2 = SO4 (3c)). The structure of 1c was confirmed by X-ray crystallography to be a mononuclear [NiIIN4O2] complex with the tren acting as a tetradentate ligand (1c·2H2O: orthorhombic, Pbca, a = 15.988(2) Å, b = 18.826(4) Å, c = 10.359(4) Å, V = 3118 Å3, Z = 8, R = 0.047, and Rw = 0.042). Complexes 2a,c and 3c were characterized by X-ray analyses to have a mononuclear octahedral Ni(II) structure ligated by a hexadentate N-glycoside ligand, bis(N-aldosyl-2-aminoethyl)(2-aminoethyl)-amine (2a·CH2OH: orthorhombic, P212121, a = 16.005(3) Å, b = 20.095(4) Å, c = 8.361(1) Å, V = 2689 Å3, Z = 4, R = 0.040, and Rw = 0.027. 2c·3CH2OH: orthorhombic, P212121, a = 14.93(2) Å, b = 21.823(8) Å, c = 9.746(2) Å, V = 3176 Å3, Z = 4, R = 0.075, and Rw = 0.080. 3c·3CH3OH: orthorhombic, P212121, a = 14.560(4) Å, b = 21.694(5) Å, c = 9.786(2) Å, V = 3091 Å3, Z = 4, R = 0.072, and Rw = 0.079). The sugar part of the complex involves novel intramolecular sugar-sugar hydrogen bondings around the metal center. The similar reaction with D-glucose, D-glucosamine, and D-galactosamine, having a 2,3-trans configuration, resulted in the formation of a mono(sugar) complex, [Ni(N-(aldosyl)-tren)(H2O)2]Cl2 (aldosyl = D-glucosyl (4b), 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucosyl (5a), and 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-galactosyl (5b)), instead of a bis(sugar) complex. The hydrogen bondings between the sugar moieties as observed in 2 and 3 should be responsible for the assembly of two sugar molecules on the metal center. Reactions of tris(N-aldosyl-2-aminoethyl)amine with nickel(II) salts gave the tris(sugar) complexes, [Ni(N,N',N''-(aldosyl)3-tren)]X2 (aldosyl = D-mannosyl, X = Cl (6a), Br (6b); L-rhamnosyl, X = Cl (7a), Br (7b); D-glucosyl, X = Cl (9); maltosyl, X = Br (10); and melibiosyl, X = Br (11)), which were assumed to have a shuttle-type C3 symmetrical structure with A helical configuration for D-type aldoses on the basis of circular dichroism and 13C NMR spectra. When tris(N-rhamnosyl)-tren was reacted with NiSO4·6H2O at low temperature, a labile neutral complex, [Ni(N,N',N''-(L-rhamnosyl)3-tren)(SO4)] (8), was successfully isolated and characterized by X-ray crystallography, in which three sugar moieties are anchored only at the N atom of the C-l position (8-3CH3OH·H2O: orthorhombic, P212121, a = 16.035(4) Å, b = 16.670(7) Å, c = 15.38(1) Å, V = 4111 Å3, Z = 4, R = 0.084, and Rw = 0.068). Complex 8 could be regarded as an intermediate species toward the C3 symmetrical tris(sugar) complexes 7, and in fact, it was readily transformed to 7b by an action of BaBr2.



  • Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt(III) Complexes Containing an N-Glycoside Derived from Ethylenediamine and an Aldose. Conformational Analysis of the Sugar Units by Means of Semiempirical AM1 Calculations

    Katsuaki Ishida, Shinji Nonoyama, Tsuneo Hirano, Masanobu Hidai, Shigenobu Yano, Sadao Yoshikawa

    Journal of the American Chemical Society   111 ( 5 ) 1599 - 1604  1989年03月


    Substitution-inert cobalt(III) complexes containing an N-glycoside formed from ethylenediamine (en) and an aldose (D-mannose, L-rhamnose, or D-ribose) were synthesized by the oxidation of cobalt(II) to cobalt(III) in the presence of the diamine. It was found that [(en)2Co(O2)(OH)Co(en)2]3+ is a reactive species toward aldoses in the reaction. The major product for each starting aldose was purified by column chromatography to yield red crystals. The isolated complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, conductivity measurements, and 1H and 13C NMR, electronic absorption, and circular dichroism spectroscopies, the results of which show that the complexes are composed of a bidentate en and a tetradentate N-glycoside ligand. The structures of the sugar units were analyzed by means of the semiempirical AM1 calculations coupled with the conversion of the vicinal 1H—1H spin-spin coupling constants in the 1H NMR spectra into torsion angles of the corresponding H-C-C-H fragments. The results of the calculations demonstrate that the D-mannose and L-rhamnose units take the pyranose form with the β-3S5skew-boat conformation on the cobalt(III) complexes, while the D-ribose unit adopts the furanose form with the α-2E envelope conformation on the complex; in addition the sugar units of the N-glycoside ligands facially bind to the cobalt atom at three points through the donor atoms on Cl, C2, and C3. © 1989, American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.



  • Isotopic multiplets in the carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra due to partial deuteriation of co-ordinated NH<inf>2</inf> and NH groups of cobalt(III) complexes containing an N-glycoside. Importance of sugar ring oxygen atoms in the long-range isotope shifts

    Katsuaki Ishida, Masanobu Hidai, Morio Yashiro, Sadao Yoshikawa, Shigenobu Yano

    Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions   ( 7 ) 1241 - 1247  1989年


    Carbon-13 n.m.r. measurements have been made in H2O-D2O solutions of cobalt(III) complexes containing an N-glycoside derived from ethylenediamine and an aldose (D-ribose or L-rhamnose). Partial deuteriation of exchangeable protons on the co-ordinated nitrogen atoms permits direct observation of the individual isotopomers and the resonances are observed as a series of multiplets, which can be analysed in terms of the two-bond and three-bond isotope effects that contribute to the deuterium-induced isotope shifts. The C-N bond formation between ethylenediamine and an aldose in the cobalt(III) complexes has been unambiguously confirmed by the information derived from the isotopic multiplets together with complete assignments of 13C signals from the sugar units by means of two-dimensional n.m.r. spectroscopy. An extra doublet originating from the four-bond isotope effect is observed for the D-ribosyl residue, which suggests that the sugar ring takes the furanose form. The importance of sugar ring oxygen atoms in the long-range deuterium isotope shifts is discussed including an examination by use of C1-methine proton deuteriated aldoses.



  • EVidence for the C-N bond formation between an aldose and ethylenediamine on cobalt(III) complexes. deuterium isotope effects on carbon-13 nmr chemical shifts.

    Katsuaki Ishida, Shigenobu Yano, Masanobu Hidai

    Journal of Coordination Chemistry   18 ( 1-3 ) 197 - 200  1988年09月


    We have already reported the synthesis and characterization of Co(III) complexes containing an N-glycoside derived from •1ethylenediamine (en) and an aldose. In the report, the formation of a new C-N bond has been presumed according to the chemical 13 shifts of the C signals originated from the en units in their 13 C NMR spectra: one of the signals assigned to the en carbon atoms, which is presumably corresponding to the carbon atom adjacent to the glycosidic nitrogen, appears at 7–8 ppm downfield from the other three. © 1988, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.



  • Fingerprints of the C-N Bond Formation between Ethylenediamine and an Aldose on Cobalt(III) Complexes. Isotopic Multiplets in the 13C NMR Spectra of Cobalt(III) Complexes with Partially Deuteriated Coordinated Amino Groups

    Katsuaki Ishida, Morio Yashiro, Shigenobu Yano, Masanobu Hidai, Sadao Yoshikawa

    Journal of the American Chemical Society   110 ( 6 ) 2015 - 2016  1988年03月



  • Synthesis and Characterization of Substitution-Inert Cobalt(III) Complexes Containing an N-Glycoside Derived from Ethylenediamine and a Monosaccharide (D-Mannose, L-Rhamnose, or D-Ribose)

    Katsuaki Ishida, Shigenobu Yano, Sadao Yoshikawa

    Inorganic Chemistry   25 ( 20 ) 3552 - 3554  1986年09月






  • 触媒学会編 触媒便覧

    ( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: 16.2.5 アルキレーション, 16.2.6 重合ガソリン製造)

    講談社  2008年11月


  • イノベーション創出に向けた研究開発の方向性~生物資源の活用~


    農林水産省・経済産業省連携シンポジウム ~生物資源、AI、IoT活用に向けた 連携研究開発によるイノベーション創出~  

    発表年月: 2017年06月

  • 化学品製造分野の膜分離技術の動向

    石田勝昭  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2017年03月

  • エネルギー・環境分野におけるNEDOの技術開発と技術戦略の検討

    石田勝昭  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2017年01月

  • Japan’s Technology for Metal Recycling


    ADEME-NEDO Workshop 2016 “Circular Economy and Recycling Technology”  

    発表年月: 2016年12月

  • 我が国石油化学の産業競争力強化に繋がる技術開発とは?

    石田勝昭  [招待有り]

    石油学会第23回触媒シンポジウム 石油化学における原料の多様化  

    発表年月: 2015年12月

  • エネルギーの視点から見た微細藻由来バイオ燃料技術開発

    〇石田勝昭, 上田巌

    第53回日本植物生理学会年会 シンポジウム「微細藻類による燃料生産:実現への課題と生物学からの解決策」  

    発表年月: 2012年03月

  • 硫化水素分離プロセスを用いた軽油のサルファーフリー化(3)芳香族水素化反応に対する反応阻害効果と水素消費低減効果との関係

    〇石田勝昭, 雨宮正臣, 岩田好喜, 坂本直一, 小出隆太郎

    石油学会松山大会 第34回石油・石油化学討論会  

    発表年月: 2004年11月

  • 硫化水素分離プロセスを用いた軽油のサルファーフリー化(2) 脱硫反応に対する反応阻害効果の記述

    〇石田勝昭, 雨宮正臣, 岩田好喜, 小圷陽介, 坂本直一, 小出隆太郎

    石油学会大阪大会 第33回石油・石油化学討論会  

    発表年月: 2003年11月

  • 硫化水素分離プロセスによる軽油超深度脱硫(1)低濃度の硫化水素共存下で難脱硫性硫黄化合物の脱硫に適した触媒

    〇石田 勝昭, 小出 隆太郎, 後藤 康仁, 河端 学, 瀬川 秀夫

    石油学会函館大会 第31回石油・石油化学討論会  

    発表年月: 2001年11月

  • 軽油超深度脱硫技術の最近の進歩

    石田勝昭  [招待有り]

    石油学会 第10回触媒シンポジウム 環境とエネルギーを支える触媒技術  

    発表年月: 2001年10月

  • CoMo/NiMo Catalyst Relayによる軽油超深度脱硫(1) 機能分担のコンセプト

    〇石田勝昭, 小出隆太郎, 後藤康仁, 河端 学


    発表年月: 2001年05月



  • 機能性化学品製造プロセス分野

    土肥英幸, 石田勝昭, 山下勝, 森智和, 加藤知彦, 定兼修, 林直之, 指宿堯嗣, 島田広道, 室井髙城, 府川伊三郎, 安井至

    NEDO TSC Foresight   31  2019年02月

  • バイオマスからの化学品製造分野

    石田勝昭, 山下勝, 加藤知彦, 石井雅久, 定兼修, 森智和, 島田広道, 室井高城, 安井至, 指宿堯嗣

    NEDO TSC Foresight   22  2017年11月

  • メタルリサイクル分野

    石田 勝昭, 山下 勝, 高島 正, 定兼 修, 森 智和, 加藤 知彦, 指宿 堯嗣, 島田 広道, 室井 髙城, 安井 至

    NEDO TSC Foresight   13  2016年12月

  • 化学品製造プロセス分野

    石田 勝昭, 山下 勝, 高島 正, 定兼 修, 森 智和, 加藤 知彦, 指宿 堯嗣, 島田 広道, 室井 髙城, 安井 至

    NEDO TSC Foresight   14  2016年12月

  • 地球環境対策(フロン)分野

    石田 勝昭, 山下 勝, 高島 正, 定兼 修, 森 智和, 加藤 知彦, 指宿 堯嗣, 島田 広道, 室井 髙城, 安井 至

    NEDO TSC Foresight   6  2015年10月


  • 低硫黄分解ガソリン基材の製造方法および無鉛ガソリン組成物


    荒木 泰博, 石田 勝昭



  • 無鉛ガソリン組成物及びその製造方法


    荒木 泰博, 石田 勝昭



  • 超深度脱硫軽油の製造方法


    小出 隆太郎, 石田 勝昭, 後藤 康仁



  • 超低硫黄軽油基材又は超低硫黄軽油組成物の製造方法及び超低硫黄軽油組成物


    荒木 泰博, 石田 勝昭



  • 無鉛ガソリン組成物及びその製造方法


    荒木 泰博, 石田 勝昭



  • 超低硫黄軽油基材の製造方法及び超低硫黄軽油組成物


    荒木 泰博, 岩田 好喜, 石田 勝昭



  • 潤滑油基油及びその製造方法


    小林 学, 石田 勝昭, 斉藤 政行, 谷地 弘志



  • 二酸化炭素低排出ガソリン組成物


    松下 康一, 石田 勝昭



  • 環境対応型ガソリン組成物及びその製造方法


    松下 康一, 山縣 厚, 石田 勝昭



  • 低硫黄軽油の製造方法および環境対応軽油


    岩田 好喜, 荒木 泰博, 石田 勝昭



  • 環境対応軽油の製造方法


    石田 勝昭, 小出 隆太郎, 雨宮 正臣, 小林 学



  • 無鉛ガソリン組成物およびその製造方法


    石田 勝昭, 荒木 泰博



  • 無鉛ガソリン組成物の製造方法


    石田 勝昭, 荒木 泰博



  • 脱ロウ触媒及びその製造方法、並びに脱ロウ方法


    小林 学, 石田 勝昭, 谷地 弘志



  • 水素化精製処理用触媒、水素化精製処理方法及び触媒の製造方法


    石田 勝昭, 小出 隆太郎, 松下 康一



  • 水素化処理触媒前駆体およびその製造方法並びに精製炭化水素油の製造方法


    石田 勝昭, 小圷 陽介, 小出 隆太郎, 小林 学



  • 無鉛ガソリン組成物の製造方法

    石田 勝昭, 荒木 泰博



  • 接触分解ガソリン基材の製造方法およびそれを用いた無鉛ガソリン組成物

    荒木 泰博, 宮崎 英輝, 石田 勝昭



  • 接触分解ガソリン基材の製造方法およびそれを用いた無鉛ガソリン組成物


    荒木 泰博, 宮崎 英輝, 石田 勝昭



  • 無鉛ガソリン組成物およびその製造方法


    石田 勝昭, 荒木 泰博



  • 無鉛ガソリン組成物の製造方法

    石田 勝昭, 荒木 泰博



  • 無鉛ガソリン組成物及びその製造方法

    荒木 泰博, 石田 勝昭



  • 超低硫黄軽油基材の製造方法及び超低硫黄軽油組成物

    荒木 泰博, 岩田 好喜, 石田 勝昭



  • 重質油の水素化精製処理用触媒、水素化精製処理方法及び触媒の製造方法


    小出 隆太郎, 石田 勝昭



  • 軽油留分の超深度脱硫方法

    小出 隆太郎, 石田 勝昭, 後藤 康仁



  • 軽油留分の超深度脱硫方法


    小出 隆太郎, 石田 勝昭, 後藤 康仁



  • 脱ロウ触媒及びその製造方法、並びに脱ロウ方法

    小林 学, 石田 勝昭, 谷地 弘志



  • 炭化水素油の脱硫方法

    荒木 泰博, 石田 勝昭



  • 低硫黄分解ガソリン基材の製造方法および無鉛ガソリン組成物

    荒木 泰博, 石田 勝昭



  • 二酸化炭素低排出ガソリン組成物

    松下 康一, 石田 勝昭



  • 超低硫黄軽油基材又は超低硫黄軽油組成物の製造方法及び超低硫黄軽油組成物

    荒木 泰博, 石田 勝昭



  • 環境対応型ガソリン組成物及びその製造方法

    松下 康一, 山縣 厚, 石田 勝昭



  • 無鉛ガソリン組成物およびその製造方法

    石田 勝昭, 荒木 泰博



  • 潤滑油基油及びその製造方法

    小林 学, 石田 勝昭, 斉藤 政行, 谷地 弘志



  • 環境対応軽油およびその製造方法

    石田 勝昭, 小出 隆太郎, 雨宮 正臣, 小林 学



  • 水素化処理触媒、炭化水素油の水素化処理方法、低硫黄軽油の製造方法および環境対応軽油

    岩田 好喜, 荒木 泰博, 石田 勝昭



  • 水素化処理触媒前駆体およびその製造方法並びに精製炭化水素油の製造方法

    石田 勝昭, 小圷 陽介, 小出 隆太郎, 小林 学



  • 無鉛ガソリン組成物及びその製造方法

    荒木 泰博, 石田 勝昭



  • 水素化分解触媒及びその製造方法並びに水素化分解方法


    石田 勝昭, 齋藤 徹, 小林 学, 松沢 香織



  • 接触分解ガソリン基材の製造方法およびそれを用いた無鉛ガソリン組成物

    荒木 泰博, 宮崎 英輝, 石田 勝昭



  • 無鉛ガソリン組成物およびその製造方法

    石田 勝昭, 荒木 泰博



  • 無鉛ガソリン組成物およびその製造方法

    石田 勝昭, 荒木 泰博



  • 水素化分解方法及び水素化分解用触媒

    坂口 太, 十河 清二, 石田 勝昭, 小林 学



  • 水素化分解触媒及びその製造方法並びに水素化分解方法

    石田 勝昭, 齋藤 徹, 小林 学, 松沢 香織



  • 軽油留分の超深度脱硫方法

    小出 隆太郎, 石田 勝昭, 後藤 康仁



  • 二段水素化分解による中間留分の製造方法、それに用いる触媒、およびその再生方法

    石田 勝昭, 小林 学, 小山 博紀, 十河 清二, 坂口 太



  • 水素化精製処理用触媒、水素化精製処理方法及び触媒の製造方法

    石田 勝昭, 小出 隆太郎, 松下 康一



  • 水素化精製処理用触媒、水素化精製処理方法及び触媒の製造方法

    石田 勝昭, 小出 隆太郎, 松下 康一



  • 重質油の水素化精製処理用触媒、水素化精製処理方法及び触媒の製造方法

    小出 隆太郎, 石田 勝昭



  • 重質油の水素化精製用触媒及び水素化精製方法

    小出 隆太郎, 石田 勝昭



  • 強誘電性液晶素子


    白鳥 伸之, 西山 伊佐, 石田 勝昭, 平井 利弘



  • 炭化水素類の脱水素方法


    田中 正人, 坂倉 俊康, 石田 勝昭



  • 芳香族化合物の部分酸化物の製造方法

    石田 勝昭






  • 企業研究者概論

    筑波大学大学院 数理物質科学研究群 化学学位プログラム  


  • 企業研究者概論

    筑波大学大学院 数理物質科学研究科(化学系)  
