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オモエ ヒロミ
重茂 浩美
附属機関・学校 リサーチイノベーションセンター
博士(農学) ( 1992年03月 東京大学 )



  • 2023年04月

    早稲田大学   研究戦略センター(リサーチイノベーションセンター 研究戦略セクション)   教授

  • 2021年12月

    東北大学   研究推進・支援機構コアファシリティ統括センター   特任教授

  • 2021年04月

    文部科学省科学技術・学術政策研究所   科学技術予測・政策基盤調査研究センター   上席研究官

  • 2017年04月

    文部科学省科学技術・学術政策研究所   科学技術予測センター   上席研究官

  • 2015年04月

    国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構   戦略推進部研究企画課   課長代理

  • 2006年01月

    文部科学省科学技術・学術政策研究所   科学技術動向研究センター   上席研究官

  • 2004年01月

    (独)製品評価技術基盤機構   化学物質管理センター安全審査課、情報業務課、リスク評価課   主査

  • 1999年04月

    (独)放射線医学総合研究所   研究基盤部   若手育成型任期付研究員

  • 1998年04月

    (財)癌研究会癌研究所   細胞生物部   戦略的創造研究推進事業(CREST)研究員

  • 1996年04月

    国立感染症研究所   ウイルス第1部   科学技術特別研究員

  • 1993年04月

    国立感染症研究所   ウイルス製剤部   財)ヒューマンサイエンス振興財団研究員

  • 1992年04月

    国立精神・神経センター神経研究所   モデル動物開発部   流動研究員



  • 1989年04月

    東京大学   大学院農学系研究科畜産獣医学専攻博士課程  

  • 1987年04月

    東京大学   大学院農学系研究科畜産獣医学専攻修士課程  


  • 2020年

    Vaccines (MDPI)  Reviewer Board

  • 2009年10月

    東京大学 ライフサイエンス委員会 倫理審査専門委員会  委員

  • 2020年

    Animals (MDPI)  Reviewer Board

  • 2017年10月

    総務省委託事業「IoT/BD/AI情報プラットフォーム社会実装推進事業」高度自然言語処理プラットフォーム設計開発情報利活用分科会(保健・衛生)  委員


    TheScientificWorldJOURNAL  編集委員


    Conference Paper in Veterinary Science  編集委員

  • 2014年

    ・ 国立大学法人動物実験施設協議会、公私立大学実験動物施設協議会 動物実験に関する相互検証プログラム  評価者

  • 2013年

    科学技術イノベーション政策における『政策のための科学』」推進事業  政策形成実践プログラム作業部会委員

  • 2008年04月

    東京大学ヒト生殖・クローン専門委員会  委員










  • 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含む


  • 研究マネジメント・評価

  • 公衆衛生

  • 動物実験・実験動物管理

  • 人獣共通感染症



  • カテーテルを巡る研究開発の動向‐背景となる医療・市場・社会の状況‐


    医工連携と産業   1   79 - 99  2024年  [査読有り]


  • Future direction of addiction research— An expert questionnaire survey in Japan

    Hiromi Takahashi-Omoe, Soichiro Ide, Hisatsugu Miyata, Kazutaka Ikeda

    Neuropsychopharmacology Reports    2021年04月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者

  • Required research activities to overcome addiction problems in Japan

    Kazutaka Ikeda, Soichiro Ide, Hiromi Takahashi-Omoe et al.

    Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry   35 ( 1 ) 6 - 11  2021年04月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


  • Priority research and development areas for health crisis management including emerging infectious disease control: An expert questionnaire survey in Japan.

    Hiromi Takahashi-Omoe

    Global Journal of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Research   7 ( 1 ) 013 - 015  2021年02月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者

  • 米欧におけるアカデミアが売り手の創薬技術や創薬シーズに関わる取引状況

    重茂 浩美, 今西 典昭, 知場 伸介, 石井 健

    保健医療科学   67 ( 2 ) 196 - 205  2018年06月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者

  • Priority Research and Development area for Emerging/Remerging Infectious Disease Control–An Expert Questionnaire Survey in Japan

    Takahashi-Omoe H

    AASCIT Journal of Health   4   74 - 78  2017年12月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者

  • 2型糖尿病患者の病態と医療費の関係からみた効果的な治療介入の検討

    増本陽秀, 佐藤直市, 古賀秀信, 皆元裕樹, 稗島 武, 重茂浩美, 小笠原 敦

    日本医療マネジメント学会雑誌   17 ( 4 ) 220 - 225  2017年03月  [査読有り]


  • Workshop report. Science and technology policy workshop on a research and development perspective toward type 2 diabetes control.

    Takahashi-Omoe H, Ogasawara A, Seino Y

    International Journal of Applied Science and Technology    2017年  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者

  • National Registry of Designated Intractable Diseases in Japan: Present Status and Future Prospects

    Yasuhiro Kanatani, Naoko Tomita, Yoko Sato, Akiko Eto, Hiromi Omoe, Hiroshi Mizushima

    Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica   57 ( 1 ) 1 - 7  2017年01月  [査読有り]


    Japan promotes research related to intractable diseases and financially supports patients with these diseases. Intractable diseases are designated as those that fulfill the following criteria: (1) rarity (affecting less than 0.1% of the population in Japan), (2) unknown etiology, (3) lack of effective treatment, (4) necessity of long-term treatment, and (5) existence of objective diagnostic criteria and not necessarily equal to rare diseases in other countries. The construction of a national database is required to promote research to clarify the pathogenesis of these diseases and to develop pharmaceutical products and medical devices. The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare launched an online registration system in 2001, but many problems associated with gathering and utilizing information on patients with intractable diseases remain. In this paper, we describe the present status of the national registry of designated intractable diseases in Japan and discuss future prospects.


  • Trends in research and technology development related to zoonosis control based on bibliometric and patent analyses Taking rabies as an example

    Takahashi-Omoe H, Omoe K

    Trends in Infectious Diseases. In Tech     163 - 180  2014年  [査読有り]  [招待有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者

  • Emetic Potentials of Newly Identified Staphylococcal Enterotoxin-Like Toxins

    Katsuhiko Omoe, Dong-Liang Hu, Hisaya K. Ono, Satoru Shimizu, Hiromi Takahashi-Omoe, Akio Nakane, Takehiko Uchiyama, Kunihiro Shinagawa, Ken'ichi Imanishi

    Infection and Immunity   81 ( 10 ) 3627 - 3631  2013年10月  [査読有り]


    Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) are a common causative agent of food poisoning. Recently, many new SE-like (SEl) toxins have been reported, although the role of SEls in food poisoning remains unclear. In this study, the emetic potentials of SElK, SElL, SElM, SElN, SElO, SElP, and SElQ were assessed using a monkey-feeding assay. All the SEls that were tested induced emetic reactions in monkeys at a dose of 100 mu g/kg, although the numbers of affected monkeys were significantly smaller than the numbers that were affected after consuming SEA or SEB. This result suggests that these new SEs may play some role in staphylococcal food poisoning.



  • Social environment and control status of companion animal-borne zoonoses in Japan

    Hiromi Takahashi-Omoe, Katsuhiko Omoe

    Animals   2 ( 1 ) 38 - 54  2012年03月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Changing social and environmental factors have been the cause of an increase in the number and variety of animals are being imported into Japan. Moreover, the number of Japanese households are keeping companion animals has also risen. These factors, along with the high density of the Japanese population and the low percentage of registered dogs, have increased the risk of animal-to-human transmission of zoonoses. To control zoonosis outbreaks, the Japanese government has implemented a three-stage approach for the border control of zoonoses and has stipulated the monitoring and reporting of eight companion animal-borne zoonoses under the Rabies Prevention Law and the Infectious Diseases Control Law. The fact that no case of human and animal rabies has been reported over the past 50 years indicates that these measures are highly effective in preventing rabies transmission. Although it is known that the total number of possible companion animal-borne zoonosis outbreaks decreased between 2005 and 2009 when compared with numbers between 2001 and 2004, the number of zoonosis cases that can be attributed to transmission by companion animals remains unclear. Active surveillance should be conducted on a national level to collect the data necessary to determine this number and identify trends in companion-animal transmitted diseases. Using the data collected, regulation systems should be evaluated to determine whether they have met reasonable goals and policy planning conducted for the control of emerging diseases. © 2010 by the authors
    licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.



  • Worldwide trends in infectious disease research revealed by a new bibliometric methods

    Takahashi-Omoe H, Omoe K

    In Insight and control of infectious disease in global scenario. In Tech     121 - 138  2012年  [査読有り]  [招待有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者

  • Regulatory and scientific frameworks for zoonosis control in Japan – contributing to International Health Regulations (2005)

    Takahashi-Omoe H, Omoe K

    OIE Scientific and Technical Review   28 ( 3 ) 957 - 973  2009年12月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者

  • New journal selection for quantitative survey of infectious disease research: application for Asian trend analysis

    Hiromi Takahashi-Omoe, Katsuhiko Omoe, Nobuhiko Okabe

    BMC Medical Research Methodology   9 ( 67 )  2009年10月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Background: Quantitative survey of research articles, as an application of bibliometrics, is an effective tool for grasping overall trends in various medical research fields. This type of survey has been also applied to infectious disease research; however, previous studies were insufficient as they underestimated articles published in non-English or regional journals.
    Methods: Using a combination of Scopus (TM) and PubMed, the databases of scientific literature, and English and non-English keywords directly linked to infectious disease control, we identified international and regional infectious disease journals. In order to ascertain whether the newly selected journals were appropriate to survey a wide range of research articles, we compared the number of original articles and reviews registered in the selected journals to those in the 'Infectious Disease Category' of the Science Citation Index Expanded (TM) (SCI Infectious Disease Category) during 1998-2006. Subsequently, we applied the newly selected journals to survey the number of original articles and reviews originating from 11 Asian countries during the same period.
    Results: One hundred journals, written in English or 7 non-English languages, were newly selected as infectious disease journals. The journals published 14,156 original articles and reviews of Asian origin and 118,158 throughout the world, more than those registered in the SCI Infectious Disease Category (4,621 of Asian origin and 66,518 of the world in the category). In Asian trend analysis of the 100 journals, Japan had the highest percentage of original articles and reviews in the area, and no noticeable increase in articles was revealed during the study period. China, India and Taiwan had relatively large numbers and a high increase rate of original articles among Asian countries. When adjusting the publication of original articles according to the country population and the gross domestic product (GDP), Singapore and Taiwan were the most productive.
    Conclusion: A survey of 100 selected journals is more sensitive than the SCI Infectious Disease Category from the viewpoint of avoiding underestimating the number of infectious disease research articles of Asian origin. The survey method is applicable to grasp global trends in disease research, although the method may require further development.



  • Regulatory systems for prevention and control of rabies, Japan

    Hiromi Takahashi-Omoe, Katsuhiko Omoe, Nobuhiko Okabe

    Emerging Infectious Diseases (US CDC)   14 ( 9 ) 1368 - 1374  2008年09月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Japan is one of the few rabies-free countries. Although 3 imported cases of human rabies were seen in 1970 and 2006, no other cases have been reported for approximate to 50 years. The elimination of rabies in Japan is attributed to not only its geographic isolation but also to effective prevention and control measures, such as registration and vaccination of domestic dogs, required quarantine of susceptible imported animals, and national plans of action based on scientific research. Countermeasures against rabies have been upgraded; an improved management system for domestic dogs under the amended Enforcement Regulations of the Rabies Prevention Law has been in effect since April 2007. The latest regulatory systems for preventing and controlling rabies provide an effective model for elimination of the disease worldwide.



  • Japanese policy on animal welfare: An instructive example for scientific animal experimentation

    Hiromi Takahashi-Omoe, Katsuhiko Omoe

    Annual Review of Biomedical Sciences   10   T63 - T78  2008年  [査読有り]  [招待有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Animal use for scientific purposes, 'animal experimentation', is conducible to scientific development, protecting human health, civilized way of life and so on
    however, animal use for human advantage is controversial. Despite of the heated discussion on the rights and wrongs of animal experimentation, animals have been used for research, testing and education in many nations under management systems for the appropriate use of animals from both scientific and ethical viewpoints. Previous efforts to achieve a delicate balance between the scientific rationale and animal protection involve the welfare of animals in scientific procedures. In Japan, each institution where animal experimentation is conducted independently regulates its use of animals under the Ministry's fundamental guidelines, without legal binding force. The management systems are so-called 'self-regulated' or 'self-motivated' management and they are unique, a departure from those in other nations, and fit Japanese religions, traditions and regulatory and administrative frameworks of science and technology. However, several tasks for the management systems for further animal experimentation have become apparent, in response to the new mode of the experimentation developed by the progress of science, technology and animal welfare issues. Here, we describe the current management systems and the future tasks for animal experimentation in Japan. This attempt will provide material for further discussion about animal experimentation and contribute to build an international consensus about animal welfare in scientific procedures. © by São Paulo State University.



  • Animal experimentation in Japan: Regulatory processes and application for microbiological studies

    H. Takahashi-Omoe, K. Omoe

    Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases   30 ( 4 ) 225 - 246  2007年07月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    We have conducted animal experimentation as a highly effective technique in biological studies. Also in microbiological studies, we have used experimentation to prevent and treat many infectious diseases in humans and animals. In Japan, the 'Law for the Humane Treatment and Management of Animals', which covers the consideration of the three R principles, refinement, replacement and reduction for an international humane approach to animal experimentation came into effect in June 2006. Looking towards the straightforward operation of the law in animal experimentation, three government ministries established new basic guidelines for experimentation performed in their jurisdictional research and testing facilities. For future microbiological studies involving animals in Japan, we need to perform animal experiments according to the basic guidelines in association with overseas management systems. In this report, we discussed essential actions for the management of animal experimentation in microbiological studies in Japan. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed


  • Comprehensive analysis of classical and newly described staphylococcal superantigenic toxin genes in Staphylococcus aureus isolates

    K Omoe, DL Hu, H Takahashi-Omoe, A Nakane, K Shinagawa

    FEMS Microbiology Letters   246 ( 2 ) 191 - 198  2005年05月  [査読有り]


    We describe a comprehensive detection system for 18 kinds of classical and newly described staphylococcal superantigenic toxin genes using four sets of multiplex PCR. Superantigenic toxin genotyping of Staphylococcus aureus for 69 food poisoning isolates and 97 healthy human nasal swab isolates revealed 32 superantigenic toxin genotypes and showed that many S. aureus isolates harbored multiple toxin genes. Analysis of the relationship between toxin genotypes and toxin genes encoding profiles of mobile genetic elements suggests its possible role in determining superantigenic toxin genotypes in S. aureus as combinations of toxin gene-encoding mobile genetic elements. (c) 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Characterization of lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus ORF6 protein expressed by recombinant baculoviruses

    H Takahashi-Omoe, K Omoe, S Matsushita, T Inada

    Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases   27 ( 6 ) 423 - 431  2004年11月

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) has a strict species-specificity and can replicate only in a subset of mouse primary macrophages in vitro. Because it is difficult to grow and purify sufficient quantities of LDV virions from the primary macrophages, it has been difficult to further characterize LDV envelope proteins. A few expression systems have been reported for structural analysis of the nonglycosylated envelope protein M/VP-2, however, very few studies of the antigenicity of M/VP-2 have been reported. We cloned and expressed the ORF6 gene, which encodes the M/VP-2, as a fusion protein with a polyhistidine metal-binding tag (6 X His-tag) in Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (baculovirus) under the control of the polyhedrin promoter. In Western blotting analysis, the expressed protein was similar in size to the native M/VP-2 plus 6 X His-tag. The usefulness of the baculovirus-expressed LDV ORF6 protein for analysis of the immunogenicity of LDV M/VP-2 was discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Biological properties of staphylococcal enterotoxin-like toxin type R

    K Omoe, K Imanishi, DL Hu, H Kato, H Takahashi-Omoe, A Nakane, T Uchiyama, K Shinagawa

    Infection and Immunity   72 ( 6 ) 3664 - 3667  2004年06月  [査読有り]


    We investigated the biological properties of a novel staphylococcal enterotoxin-like putative toxin, staphylococcal enterotoxin-like toxin type R (SEIR). Major histocompatibility complex class 11 molecules were required for T-cell stimulation by SEIR. SEIR stimulated T cells bearing receptors Vbeta 3, 11, 12, 13.2, and 14. These results suggested that SEIR acts as a superantigen.



  • Polymerase chain reaction with a primer pair in the 16S-23S rRNA spacer region for detection of Mycoplasma pulmonis in clinical isolates

    H Takahashi-Omoe, K Omoe, S Matsushita, H Kobayashi, K Yamamoto

    Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases   27 ( 2 ) 117 - 128  2004年03月

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    To develop a diagnostic tool to identify Mycoplasma pulmonis (M. pulmonis) in clinical isolates, we developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay using primers specific for the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region (SR) of M. pulmonis. One pair of PCR primers reacted specifically with two reference strains of M. pulmonis tested and seven samples isolated from naturally infected rats. The primer pair did not produce PCR products of the correct size from any other rodent or human mycoplasmas or cellular DNA from rodent lungs. Specificity of the PCR assay was confirmed by Southern blotting with probe specific for the SR of M. pulmonis. The PCR assay for detection of M. pulmonis established in this study is suitable for diagnosis of M. pulmonis infection in clinical cases. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Analysis of protein expression by mammalian cell lines stably expressing lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus ORF 5 and ORF 6 proteins

    H Takahashi-Omoe, K Omoe, M Sakaguchi, Y Kameoka, S Matsushita, T Inada

    Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases   27 ( 2 ) 81 - 92  2004年03月

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) has a strict species-speciticity. Because only a subset of mouse primary macrophages have been identified that can support LDV replication in vitro, the precise molecular mechanism of viral entry and replication remains unclear. To analyze the LDV envelope proteins, which probably mediate viral attachment to the host cell, we developed a mammalian system for stable co-expression of LDV open reading frame (ORF) 5- and ORF 6-encoded proteins (ORF 5 and ORF 6 proteins), which correspond to envelope VP-3 and M/VP-2, respectively, and compared these expressed proteins to the native ones. Western blotting analysis combined with N-glycanase digestion revealed that ORF 5 and ORF 6 proteins were similar in size to native VP-3 and M/VP-2, and that ORF 5 protein was N-glycosylated, like the native VP-3. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that both ORF 5 and ORF 6 proteins were distributed throughout the cytoplasm and were colocalized in most cells. Moreover, ORF 5 protein was localized both in the perinuclear region and the Golgi complex and transported to the cell surface. This mammalian expression system in which the exogenously expressed proteins closely resemble the native proteins will provide the experimental basis for further studies of the interactions between LDV envelope proteins and host cells. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Production of virus-specific antiserum corresponding to sequences in the lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) ORF6 protein

    H Takahashi-Omoe, K Omoe, M Sakaguchi, Y Kameoka, S Matsushita, T Inada

    Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases   27 ( 1 ) 47 - 55  2004年01月

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    The elucidation of the antigenic structure of the envelope proteins of Arteriviridae which includes lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) will provide further understanding of a mechanism of strict host cell specificity. To analyze the linkage between LDV envelope proteins, M/VP-2 and VP-3, which may play an important role in vital infectivity, We generated specific antibody against M/VP-2 that has not been reported in previous studies. A synthetic polypeptide corresponding to the C-terminal region of LDV strain C (LDV-C) ORF6, which encodes M/VP-2, was chemically synthesized and coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). The peptide was immunogenic in rabbits and induced antibody specific for viral protein. Western blotting and immunofluorescence analysis of virion M/VP-2 in infected macrophages showed that the antibody was able to react specifically with authentic virion protein. The immunoreactive antibody against LDV M/VP-2 described in this study will be useful for further studies of the specific roles of the envelope proteins in arterivirus assembly and infectivity. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Identification and characterization of a new staphylococcal enterotoxin-related putative toxin encoded by two kinds of plasmids

    K Omoe, DL Hu, H Takahashi-Omoe, A Nakane, K Shinagawa

    Infection and Immunity   71 ( 10 ) 6088 - 6094  2003年10月  [査読有り]


    We identified and characterized a novel staphylococcal enterotoxin-like putative toxin, which is named SER. Nucleotide sequencing analysis of the ser gene revealed that ser was most closely related to the seg gene. The ser gene product, SER, was successfully expressed as a recombinant protein in an Escherichia coli expression system, and recombinant SER (rSER) showed significant T-cell stimulation activity. The SER production in ser-harboring Staphylococcus aureus strains was confirmed by Western blot analysis using anti-rSER antibody. Moreover, ser was seen to be encoded by at least two types of plasmids. In particular, one kind of plasmid encoding the ser gene has been known as a sed- and sej-carrying pIB485-related plasmid.



  • Characterization of Sri Lanka rabies virus isolates using nucleotide sequence analysis of nucleoprotein gene

    YT Arai, H Takahashi, Y Kameoka, T Shiino, O Wimalaratne, DL Lodmell

    Acta Virologica   45 ( 5-6 ) 327 - 333  2001年  [査読有り]


    Thirty-four suspected rabid brain samples from 2 humans, 24 dogs, 4 cats, 2 mongooses, 1 jackal and 1 water buffalo were collected in 1995-1996 in Sri Lanka. Total RNA,vas extracted directly from brain suspensions and examined using a one-step reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the rabies virus nucleoprotein (N) gene, Twenty-eight samples were found positive for the virus N gene by RT-PCR and also for the virus antigens by fluorescent antibody (FA) test. Rabies virus isolates obtained from different animal species in different regions of Sri Lanka were genetically homogenous. Sequences of 203 nucleotides (nt)-long RT-PCR products obtained from 16 of 27 samples were found identical. Sequences of 1350 nt of N genes of 14 RT-PCR products were determined. The Sri Lanka isolates under study formed a specific cluster that included also an earlier isolate from India but did not include the known isolates from China, Thailand, Malaysia, Israel, Iran, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Nepal, Philippines, Japan and from several other countries. These results suggest that one type of rabies virus is circulating among human, dog, cat, mongoose, jackal and water buffalo living near Colombo City and in other five remote regions in Sri Lanka.

  • A reverse-type sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting antibodies to Borna disease virus

    T Horimoto, H Takahashi, M Sakaguchi, K Horikoshi, S Iritani, H Kazamatsuri, K Ikeda, M Tashiro

    Journal of Clinical Microbiology   35 ( 7 ) 1661 - 1666  1997年07月  [査読有り]


    To investigate whether there is an epidemiological correlation between Borna disease virus (BDV) infection and human neuropsychiatric diseases, we established a reverse-type sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (RS-ELISA) for detecting specific antibodies to BDV. In this assay, microplate wells were coated dispersely with BDV p40 antigen, followed by the addition of test samples at a low dilution and then the biotinylated p40. A preformed complex of streptavidin and horseradish peroxidase-conjugated biotin and an enzyme substrate were used to measure the captured biotinylated p40. Theoretically, RS-ELISA should specifically detect anti-BDV antibodies without nonspecific signals; such signals possibly occur in conventional serological assays. Additionally, the RS-ELISA could be applied under the same protocols to test samples from a variety of animals. By using anti-BDV rat and rabbit sera, the assay was standardized so that it had high specificity and sensitivity. When we used the RS-ELISA to determine the presence of anti-BDV antibodies in plasma from 70 patients with chronic schizophrenia as well as 40 healthy individuals in the Tokyo area of Japan, no plasma sample was found to possess specific antibodies to BDV p40, indicating no association between BDV infection and the disease in our testing population. A negative reaction was also shown for the sera that had previously been judged to be seropositive for BDV by an immunofluorescence or immunoblot test. These findings suggested that false-positive cases of infection due to nonspecific reactions may be included in previous seroepidemiological information with regard to BDV.

  • Nonhuman primate models of measles

    F Kobune, H Takahashi, K Terao, T Ohkawa, Y Ami, Y Suzaki, N Nagata, H Sakata, K Yamanouchi, C Kai

    Laboratory Animal Science   46 ( 3 ) 315 - 320  1996年06月  [査読有り]


    Wild measles virus isolated in a marmoset lymphoblastoid B95a cell line induced rashes and Koplik's spots when inoculated parenterally in cynomolgus and squirrel monkeys. Marked leukopenia associated with transient decrease in the CD4(+)-to-CD8(+) T-cell ratio also was induced, Virus growth, as well as histologic lesions of necrosis and giant cell formation, was observed in the lymphoid tissues. Thus clinical signs of acute measles were successfully induced in monkeys by inoculation with cell-culture grown measles virus, These nonhuman primate models of measles will be useful for study of the pathogenesis of acute measles virus infection in terms of generalized clinical signs of disease, leukopenia, and changes in the lymphocyte subsets.

  • Nucleotide sequences of the M gene of prevailing wild measles viruses and a comparison with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis virus

    CK Kai, K Yamanouchi, H Sakata, N Miyashita, H Takahashi, F Kobune

    Virus Genes   12 ( 1 ) 85 - 87  1996年  [査読有り]


    We determined the nucleotide sequences of the coding region for the M gene in seven strains of measles virus (MV) that were isolated in Japan between 1984 and 1993. The mutation found among the seven differed from those of laboratory strains, Many of these mutations were the same as those that are characteristic of SSPE viruses, Thus, we suggest that the mutations that have been considered specific to SSPE virus are in fact consensus among prevailing MV.



  • Detection and comparison of viral antigens in measles and rubella rashes

    H Takahashi, Y Umino, TA Sato, T Kohama, Y Ikeda, M Iijima, R Fujisawa

    Clinical Infectious Diseases   22 ( 1 ) 36 - 39  1996年01月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Measles and rubella skin lesions were immunocytochemically compared by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method for detecting viral antigens. Cryostat sections of biopsied specimens of the skin were stained with mouse monoclonal antibodies to P protein of measles virus and to El protein of rubella virus. The measles virus antigen was concentrated in the corneal layer and the keratinocytes of the epidermis and in the surface part of the dermis in the biopsy secimens taken within 6 days after the onset of rash. On the other hand, the rubella virus antigen was dispersed in all parts of the dermis and the subcutaneous layer but not in the epidermis in the biopsy specimens taken within 2 days after the onset of rash. The differences in the distribution and density of the viral antigen and in the times of its detection suggest distinct patterns of spread of infection with each virus in the skin.

    DOI PubMed


  • Localization of neurovirulence determinant for rats on the S1 subunit of murine coronavirus JHMV


    Virology   208 ( 1 ) 67 - 74  1995年04月  [査読有り]


    A cloned virus of murine coronavirus JHMV, cl-2, was shown to be highly neurovirulent for rats in comparison with other JHMV variants. We have isolated cl-2-derived Variant viruses resistant to neutralization by monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for the spike (S) protein of cl-2. The variants MM6 and MM13, selected by the MAbs specific for the JHMV S protein, were revealed to have a point mutation located within the N-terminal 100 amino acids (aa) of the S1 protein. The variants MM56, MM85, and MM78, selected by MAbs specific for the larger S protein of JHMV, were shown to have a deletion composed of about 150 aa located in the middle of the S1 subunit (MM56 and MM85) or one amino acid deletion, aspartic acid at number 543 from the N-terminus of the St (MM78). These five MAb-resistant variants were not different from cl-2 in growth pattern on cultured DBT cells. MM6 and MM13 were shown to be highly neurovirulent for Ii-week-old Lewis rats, growing to high titers in the brain and causing as high an incidence of neurological disease and death as the parental cl-2. in contrast, MM56 and MM85 were nonneurovirulent for rats. They did not cause any central nervous system disorders nor did they multiply in the rat brains. MM78 showed intermediate neurovirulence as well as intermediate growth potential in the rat brain. However, there was no apparent difference in neurovirulence between the parental and the MAb-resistant variants for mice; all of these viruses showed high neurovirulence for mice. These results suggest that the domain composed of about 150 aa in the middle of the S1 is critical for high neurovirulence of JHMV for rats. Furthermore, it is suggested that the neurovirulence of cl-2 for mice is controlled by a different viral factor. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.



  • Characterization of measles viruses isolated after measles vaccination


    Vaccine   13 ( 4 ) 370 - 372  1995年03月  [査読有り]


    Seven measles virus (MV) strains were isolated from children who developed clinical signs of fever and rash 3-9 days after measles vaccination. The nucleotide sequence of the H gene, the molecular size of the H protein, the haemadsorption activity on African green monkey red blood cells, and antigenicity as determined by virus neutralization revealed that one strain was of the vaccine type and the remaining six were the wild virus type, Isolation of the virus directly from patients suspected of a vaccine-induced side-reaction and subsequent characterization of such isolated virus may be useful in differentiation between vaccine-induced side-reactions and natural measles.

  • Neurovirulence for rats of the JHMV variants escaped from neutralization with the S1-specific monoclonal antibodies

    F. Taguchi, H. Suzuki, H. Takahashi, H. Kubo

    Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology   380   185 - 187  1995年  [査読有り]


    We have studied the neurovirulence for rats of the MAb-resistant variants isolated from a highly neurovirulent JHMV, c1-2. The variants, MM6 and MM13, with point mutation located within the N terminal 100 amino acids (aa) of the S1 protein showed no alteration in neurovirulence in comparison with c1-2, showing high neurovirulence. The variants, MM65 and MM85, with a deletion composed of about 150 aa located in the middle of the S1 subunit were revealed to be non-neurovirulent. A variant MM78 with one aa deletion, asparagic acid at number 543 from the N terminus of the S1, was shown to be low-virulence. The neurovirulence of these viruses paralleled with the viral growth potential in the rat brain. However, all of these variants as well as parental c1-2 showed high neurovirulence for mice. These results suggest that the domain composed of about 150 aa in the middle of the S1 is critical for high-neurovirulence of JHMV for rats.


  • Immunohistochemical analysis of pseudorabies virus spread through neurons innervating the eyeball

    Hiromi Takahashi, Chieko Kai, Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, Kazuya Yamanouchi

    Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases   18 ( 4 ) 275 - 281  1995年  [査読有り]



    Pseudorabies virus (PRV) was inoculated intraocularly into BALB c mice, and the distribution pattern of cells positive for several neurotransmitters and viral antigens in the eyeball, trigeminal nerve ganglia, and superior cervical ganglia was examined immunohistochemically to clarify the neural route of the virus spread. In the eyeball, substance P (SP)- and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-positive cells were detected in the ipsilateral iris and ciliary body, neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY)-positive cells were detected in the choloid membrane, and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive cells were detected in the ipsilateral inner nuclear layer of the retina
    all these cells contained viral antigens. In the superior cervical ganglia, viral antigen-positive cells containing TH or NPY were found at bilateral sites. In the trigeminal nerve ganglia, viral antigen-positive cells containing SP or CGRP were found at bilateral sites. These findings indicated that the SP- and CGRP-positive ganglion cells of the trigeminal nerve ganglia innervating the iris or ciliary body, and the NPY-positive ganglion cells of the superior cervical ganglia innervating the iris, ciliary body, and choroid membrane served as the route for the virus spread. These findings also suggested that dopaminergic neurons, such as the TH-positive retinal cells and TH-positive ganglion cells of the superior cervical ganglia, served as the route for virus spread. © 1995.

    DOI PubMed


  • Effect of chemical sympathectomy on the neural spread of pseudorabies virus in mice


    Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases   18 ( 1 ) 41 - &  1995年01月  [査読有り]



    To investigate the routes of neural spread of pseudorabies (Aujeszky's disease) virus (PRV), the effects of chemical sympathectomy by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) on clinical signs and viral spread in mice inoculated intraocularly with PRV were examined. Similar to non-treated mice, the treated mice developed pruritus as a major clinical sign, followed by peracute death, but the time of death tended to be slightly delayed in about half of the treated mice. On immunohistological examination, viral antigens in treated mice were found to be markedly reduced in all the ipsilateral retinae; they were detected diffusely in the forebrain area with a localization in the mammillary area. In the treated mice, viral antigens were also reduced in the ipsilateral trigeminal nerve ganglia as well as in its central nuclei. These findings indicate that both the sympathetic nervous system and the trigeminal nervous system play an important role in the neural spread of PRV. Possible involvement of the dopaminergic nervous system, particularly in the eye, as the main site of viral growth was discussed.

  • Mechanism of pruritus and peracute death in mice induced by pseudorabies virus (PRV) infection)


    Journal of Veterinary Medical Science   55 ( 6 ) 913 - 920  1993年12月  [査読有り]



    Mechanisms of postinfectious pruritus and peracute death in mice by pseudorabies virus (PRV) were investigated by inoculating the Yamagata-S81 strain of PRV peripherally or intracerebrally into 4-week-old ICR and BALB/c mice. Clinical signs developed most rapidly in mice inoculated intracerebrally, with intermediate speed in mice inoculated intraocularly, and slowly in mice inoculated subcutaneously. Since intraocularly inoculated mice showed an acute reaction and this is considered a peripheral route, the distribution of viral antigens in the nervous system of intraocularly inoculated mice was examined immunohistologically. Viral antigens were mainly detected along the trigeminal and the oculomotor nerves, but neither necrosis nor an inflammatory response was observed in these areas. The infectious virus was efficiently recovered from the viral antigen-positive tissues. In the pruritic skin lesions, viral antigens were not observed. These findings indicate that the main route of viral spread in intraocularly inoculated mice is the trigeminal and oculomotor nerves and that the virus in the trigeminal nerve may trigger pruritus.






  • BIODESIGN バイオデザイン日本語版

    ステファノス・ゼニオス, ジョシュ・マコーワー, ポール・ヨック( 担当: 共訳,  担当範囲: 序文)


  • Animal welfare (Global Viewpoints, Monograph Series)、分担執筆

    Greenhaven Pr  2011年 ISBN: 0737751886

  • 医工学を知る

    重茂浩美, 谷下一夫( 担当: 共著,  担当範囲: 日米での医工学に関する比較と今後の展望)



  • アジアでの人獣共通感染症対策に資する研究開発方針の提案(科学研究費補助金 基盤研究C、研究代表)



  • 長寿医療研究のための実験動物における有効性と外挿可能範囲に係る研究(長寿医療研究委託費、分担研究)




  • オープンサイエンスの現状と課題

    重茂浩美  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2019年10月

  • 第42回神経科学大会ランチョン大討論会


    発表年月: 2019年07月

  • 米欧のアカデミア創薬に関わるディールの傾向

    重茂浩美, 今西典昭, 知場伸介, 石井健


    発表年月: 2018年10月

  • 第41回神経科学大会ランチョン大討論会


    発表年月: 2018年07月

  • 健康・医療分野における日米欧の研究開発課題の比較―2型糖尿病を例に―

    重茂浩美, 小笠原敦


    発表年月: 2017年10月

  • 日米欧における医薬品開発への大学等の寄与に関する動向

    重茂 浩美  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2017年02月

  • One World One Healthを目指して

    重茂浩美  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2015年11月

  • 第10回科学技術予測調査(ビジョン、デルファイ、シナリオから見た2030年の未来像)-国際的視点からのシナリオプランニング

    小笠原敦, 横尾淑子, 浦島邦子, 重茂浩美, 相馬りか, 林和弘, 七丈直弘, 小柴等, 蒲生秀典, 本間央之, 村田純一, 梅沢加寿夫, 柿崎文彦


    発表年月: 2015年10月

  • 健康長寿社会の実現に向けた心身の健全化―国際的視点からのシナリオプランニング―

    本間央之, 重茂浩美, 小笠原敦


    発表年月: 2015年10月

  • 日本の製造業システムの医療分野展開

    橋本新平, 小笠原敦, 重茂浩美, 増本陽秀, 安藤廣美


    発表年月: 2015年10月

  • 科学技術予測調査からみる健康・医療情報の電子化/IT化とビックデータ利活用の方向性

    重茂浩美, 田中二郎, 橋本新平, 本間央之, 小笠原敦


    発表年月: 2015年10月

  • 超高齢社会における持続的な労働力の確保に向けたうつ病対策

    重茂浩美, 小笠原敦


    発表年月: 2015年10月

  • Relationship between multiple clinical indicators and medical costs in patients with type 2 diabetes

    Akihide Masumoto, Naoichi Sato, Hidenobu Koga, Takeshi Hiejima, Hiroki Minamoto, Junichi Manago, Hidefumi Furutani, Hiromi Ando, Fumio Fukumura, Shimpei Hashimoto, Hiromi Omoe, Atsushi Ogasawara

    51st EASD Annual Meeting  

    発表年月: 2015年09月

  • 2型糖尿病患者の病態と医療費の関係からみた効果的な治療介入の検討

    増本陽秀, 佐藤直市, 古賀秀信, 稗島武, 皆元裕樹, 橋本新平, 重茂浩美, 小笠原敦


    発表年月: 2015年06月

  • 2型糖尿病における医療情報の収集、統合、解析の有用性につい

    佐藤直市, 古賀秀信, 皆元裕樹, 稗島武, 久川広則, 眞名子順一, 橋本新平, 重茂浩美, 小笠


    発表年月: 2015年05月

  • :2型糖尿病患者における病態遷移と医療費の関係

    増本陽秀, 佐藤直市, 古賀秀信, 皆元裕樹, 稗島 武, 重茂浩美, 小笠原 敦


    発表年月: 2015年04月

  • 2型糖尿病における医療情報の収集、統合、解析の有用性についての検討

    佐藤直市, 古賀秀信, 皆元裕樹, 稗島武, 久川広則, 眞名子順一, 橋本新平, 重茂浩美, 小笠原敦, 増本陽秀


    発表年月: 2015年01月

  • レセプトデータに基づく糖尿病患者の病態遷移モデルの開発、及び政策オプションの作成

    尾花尚弥, 中尾杏子, 大橋毅夫, 出口 弘, 星野悠哉, 小笠原敦, 重茂浩美, 黄色大悲, 石塚康成


    発表年月: 2014年10月

  • 「糖尿病の予知・予防」に係る政策オプションの作成

    尾花尚弥, 河合毅治, 大橋毅夫, 土谷和之, 中尾杏子, 黒田昌裕, 星野悠哉, 出口 弘, 小笠原敦, 重茂浩美


    発表年月: 2014年10月

  • デルファイ調査分析システム“Delphin”の構想と開発

    柴等, 林和弘, 重茂浩美, 古川貴雄, 小笠原敦


    発表年月: 2014年10月

  • 健康長寿社会の実現に向けた疾病の予知予防・診断・治療技術の俯瞰 : 生活習慣病 (2型糖尿病) を対象として

    小笠原敦, 重茂浩美, 鷲見芳彦, 林和弘, 古川貴雄, 小柴等, 森薫, 大阿久瑤子


    発表年月: 2014年10月

  • 健康長寿社会の実現に向けた重要疾病に関する大規模医療情報の活用の

    重茂浩美, 小笠原敦, 佐藤直市, 安藤廣美, 鮎川勝彦, 福村文雄, 眞名子順一, 久川広則, 古谷秀文, 増本陽秀


    発表年月: 2014年10月

  • ライフサイエンス分野における地域科学技術の振興~文部科学省地域イノベーション戦略支援プログラムの事例~

    重茂 浩美  [招待有り]

    青森県「次世代イノベーター人材育成セミナー MOT研修  

    発表年月: 2014年03月

  • 動物実験における危機管理―国内外の取組み状況と課題―

    重茂 浩美  [招待有り]

    第10 回Animal  

    発表年月: 2013年

  • ライフサイエンスにおける計測・分析機器の使用に関する国内研究者意識

    重茂 浩美


    発表年月: 2012年12月

  • 我が国における医工学とレギュラトリサイエンスに関わる人材の育成策

    重茂 浩美


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 医療機器開発における医工ものつくりイノベーション計画の提案

    谷下一夫, 重茂浩美

    第27 回研究・技術計画学会  

    発表年月: 2012年

  • Social vision derived from the 9th S&T foresight- a healthy aged society-

    Hiromi Omoe

    NISTEP/GRIPS Fellowship Program:Spring Short Course for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy  

    発表年月: 2012年

  • 実験動物施設における危機管理-国内外の取組みと今後の方向性-

    重茂 浩美

    日本実験動物協会 教育セミナーフォーラム  

    発表年月: 2012年

  • 将来社会を支える科学技術の予測調査について―ライフサイエンスの展望―

    重茂 浩美  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 国内外実験動物施設における災害時リスクマネージメント-国家的取り組みの必要性-

    重茂 浩美  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2011年

  • Design of a healthy aged Society in Japan -derived from the 9th S&T foresight-

    Hiromi Omoe

    The 6th trilateral science and technology policy seminar  

    発表年月: 2011年

  • 我が国のライフサイエンスの方向性―デルファイ調査による2040年までの科学技術予測―

    重茂 浩美


    発表年月: 2010年

  • 科学技術予測にみるライフイノベーションの推進の方策

    重茂浩美, 関根進

    研究・技術計画学会 第25回年次学術大会  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • 我が国の医療の未来―デルファイ調査による2040年までの科学技術予測―

    重茂 浩美


    発表年月: 2010年

  • Results of the 9th Delphi Survey -focusing on lifescience

    Hiromi Omoe

    NISTEP Autumn Short Course  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • 健康・高齢社会の成功モデルとしての日本-予測される将来への道筋-

    重茂浩美  [招待有り]

    、協和発酵キリン株式会社 東京リサーチパーク  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • Trends in animal experimentation in life sciences- situation of self-inspection and self-evaluation, and external evaluation in Japan


    発表年月: 2009年

  • Bibliometrics(計量書誌学)による網羅的な感染症研究動向調査法の開発


    発表年月: 2009年

  • ライフサイエンスにおける動物実験の動向―我が国における自己点検・評価及び第三者評価の状況について―

    重茂浩美, 重茂克彦


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 実験動物の管理と科学的利用に関する国際的ハーモナイゼーションについて


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 実験動物の管理と科学的利用に関する国際的ハーモナイゼーションについて


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 動物実験に関する国際的な管理体制とこれからの実験実施体制について-長期飼育霊長類に対する福祉的配慮をふまえて-


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 動物実験に関する近年の動向と法律・ガイドラインの国際比較


    発表年月: 2007年

  • ライフサイエンスにおける動物実験の動向―実験動物使用数調査による分析―


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 2025年に目指すべき社会の姿―生涯健康の時代に向けて


    発表年月: 2007年

  • ライフサイエンスにおける動物実験の動向


    発表年月: 2006年

  • 組み換えバキュロウイルスを用いた乳酸脱水素酵素ウイルスエンベロープ蛋白M/VP-2の産生

    高橋-重茂浩美, 重茂克彦, 阪口雅弘, 松下悟, 稲田敏樹


    発表年月: 2003年

  • 16S-23S rRNAスペーサー領域をターゲットとしたPCR法によるM. pulmonis遺伝子の検出

    高橋-重茂浩美, 重茂克彦, 松下悟, 小林秀樹, 山本孝史


    発表年月: 2003年

  • 乳酸脱水素酵素ウイルスエンベロープ蛋白M/VP-2の細胞内動態の解析

    高橋-重茂浩美, 重茂克彦, 阪口雅弘, 亀岡洋祐, 松下悟, 稲田敏樹


    発表年月: 2002年

  • 乳酸脱水素酵素ウイルスエンベロープ蛋白の哺乳動物細胞における発現様式の解析

    高橋-重茂浩美, 重茂克彦, 阪口雅弘, 亀岡洋祐, 松下悟, 稲田敏樹


    発表年月: 2002年

  • 乳酸脱水素酵素ウイルスエンベロープ蛋白VP2に対する抗体の作製

    高橋-重茂浩美, 重茂克彦, 阪口雅弘, 亀岡洋祐, 松下悟, 稲田敏樹


    発表年月: 2001年

  • In situ hybridization法によるリンパ組織内の麻疹ウイルスmRNAの検出

    山内 一也, 高橋浩美, 小船富美夫


    発表年月: 1996年

  • 幼齢リスザルにおける野外麻疹ウイルスの病原性

    山内一也, 高橋浩美, 小船富美夫, 大川時忠


    発表年月: 1995年

  • サルを用いた野外麻疹ウイルス感染症の分子生物学的検討

    高橋浩美, 小船富美夫, 大川時忠, 網康至, 永田典代, 須崎百合子, 山内一也


    発表年月: 1995年

  • 麻疹、あるいは風疹感染による発疹皮膚組織のウイルス抗原の検出

    高橋浩美, 海野幸子, 佐藤威, 小浜友昭, 飯島正文, 藤澤龍一


    発表年月: 1994年

  • 神経病原性マウスコロナウイルス由来のモノクローナル抗体抵抗性変異株について

    高橋浩美, 田口文広


    発表年月: 1993年04月

  • オーエスキー病ウイルスのマウスにおける急性死誘発の機序について

    高橋浩美, 吉川泰弘, 甲斐知恵子, 山内一也


    発表年月: 1991年

  • オーエスキー病ウイルスのマウスにおける病原性、Ⅱ接種ルートによる影響

    高橋浩美, 石橋朋子, 吉川泰弘, 山内一也


    発表年月: 1990年04月



  • アジアでの人獣共通感染症対策に資する研究開発方針の提案

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    重茂 浩美(高橋浩美)



  • 長寿医療研究のための実験動物(哺乳類)における有効性と外挿可能範囲に係る研究―科学的意義・動物福祉・安全管理の観点による―

    国立長寿医療センター  長寿医療研究委託研究




  • ライフサイエンス分野の国際的科学技術動向の調査研究、感染症対策のための国内外規制・科学技術動向に関する調査、動物実験に関する国際的管理体制の調査研究、


  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症等による日本の科学技術への影響と科学者・技術者の貢献―科学技術専門家ネットワークアンケートによる東日本大震災時との比較―

    重茂 浩美, 蒲生 秀典

    NISTEP調査資料   303  2021年03月



  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症による日本の科学技術への影響と科学者・技術者の貢献 -科学技術専門家ネットワークアンケート調査より-

    重茂 浩美, 蒲生 秀典

    STI Horizon   6 ( 4 )  2020年12月



  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症等による日本の科学技術への影響と科学者・技術者の貢献に関するアンケート調査 (速報)





  • 2050年の未来につなぐクローズアップ科学技術領域

    重茂浩美, 蒲生秀典, 小柴等

    NISTEP調査資料290    2020年06月

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


  • COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 に関する研究の概況 ─ 2020 年4 月時点の論文出版等の国際的なデータからの考察

    小柴 等, 伊神 正貫, 伊藤 裕子, 林 和弘, 重茂 浩美

       2020年05月   [ 国内誌 ]


  • 未来につなぐクローズアップ科学技術領域―AI関連技術とエキスパートジャッジの組み合わせによる抽出の試み―

    重茂浩美, 蒲生秀典, 小柴等

    NISTEP Discussion Paper   ( 172 )  2019年07月


  • 脳科学研究の推進に向けた革新的計測技術の開発とAI等による解析の方向性―専門家ワークショップ検討結果―

    重茂浩美, 本間央之, 鷲見芳彦, 矢口雅江, 相馬りか, 矢野幸子

    NISTEP 調査資料   ( 280 )  2019年02月


  • 日本脳科学関連学会連合協賛NISTEP専門家ワークショップ~脳科学研究の推進に向けた革新的な計測技術とAI等による解析法~開催報告

    重茂 浩美

    STI Horizon   4 ( 2 ) 33 - 35  2018年06月


  • 医療機器開発のための医療ニーズ発掘の拡がり

    谷下一夫, 柏野聡彦, 重茂浩美

    ビオフィリア   6 ( 1 )  2017年  [招待有り]


  • ライフイノベーション領域における科学技術シナリオプランニングに向けたうつ病に関する研究会(開催結果)

    重茂浩美, 小笠原敦

    NISTEP NOTE(政策のための科学)   ( 16 )  2015年12月


  • 1H06 超高齢社会における持続的な労働力の確保に向けたうつ病対策 : 疫学・コホート研究の方向性(研究・イノベーション政策(1),一般講演)

    重茂 浩美, 小笠原 敦

    年次学術大会講演要旨集   30   213 - 217  2015年10月


  • 精神・神経疾患の克服に向けた研究開発の方向性-第10回科学技術予測調とうつ病研究会での議論より

    重茂浩美, 小笠原敦

    ビオフィリア   15  2015年  [招待有り]


  • これからの医工連携人材育成(1)

    重茂 浩美

    ビオフィリア   14  2015年  [招待有り]


  • 健康長寿社会の実現に向けた疾病の予知予防・診断・治療技術の俯瞰-生活習慣病(2 型糖尿病)を対象として-

    重茂浩美, 小笠原敦

    NISTEP NOTE   ( 10 )  2014年05月


  • 健康長寿社会の実現に向けた科学技術の方向性を探る‐第10回科学技術予測調査より‐

    重茂 浩美

    ビオフィリア   11  2014年  [招待有り]


  • 型糖尿病に関する研究開発の方向性‐大規模専門家アンケートから得られた示唆‐

    重茂浩美, 小笠原敦

    ビオフィリア   10  2014年  [招待有り]


  • 糖尿病の克服に向けた日米欧の研究開発戦略とわが国の課題

    重茂浩美, 小笠原敦

    ビオフィリア    2014年  [招待有り]


  • 健康長寿社会の実現に向けた糖尿病研究の重要性

    重茂浩美, 小笠原敦

    ビオフィリア   8  2014年  [招待有り]


  • 我が国における医療機器の開発・実用化の推進に向けた人材育成策

    重茂 浩美

    NISTEP DISCUSSION PAPER   ( 081 )  2012年02月

  • 日米での医工学に対する比較と今後の展望

    重茂浩美, 谷下一夫

    ビオフィリア   2  2012年  [招待有り]


  • 科学技術と社会を考える

    重茂 浩美

    ビオフィリア   1  2012年  [招待有り]


  • 実験動物施設における危機管理―今後の取組みと今後の方向性―

    重茂 浩美

    LABIO21   48  2012年  [招待有り]


  • 国内外実験動物施設における災害時リスクマネージメント―国家的取り組みの必要性―

    重茂 浩美

    JBSA Newsletter   2 ( 1 )  2012年  [招待有り]


  • AAAS科学技術政策年次フォーラム(2011)報告


    科学技術動向   ( 124 ) 34 - 38  2011年




  • 肺がんに対する分子標的治療の動向


    科学技術動向    2010年07月



  • 症候群サーベイランス―感染症流行の早期探知に向けて


    科学技術動向   ( 109 ) 8 - 22  2010年04月




  • ノロウイルスによる食中毒・感染症―我が国における発生状況とその対策について


    科学技術動向   ( 88 ) 10 - 23  2008年07月




  • Food Poisoning and Infectious Disease caused by norovirus, Situation of the Outbreaks and Countermeasures in Japan

    Omoe H

    Science & Technology Trends. Quarterly Review   30  2008年

  • Recent Trends in Animal experimentation - On the Revision and Implementation of the Law for the Humane Treatment and Management of Animals

    Omoe H

    Science & Technology Trends. Quarterly Review   21  2006年

  • 動物実験に関する近年の動向—動物愛護管理法の改正・施行を迎えて


    科学技術動向   62 ( 62 ) 10 - 21  2006年


  • Trendsin molecular target therapy for lung cancer

    Omoe H

    Science & Technology Trends. Quarterly Review   38

  • Syndromic surveillance, toward the early detection of infectious disease epidemics

    Omoe H

    Science & Technology Trends. Quarterly Review   37

  • コンパニオンバードから学ぶ(2017年より連載)

    重茂 浩美

    ビオフィリア    [招待有り]




  • 獣医師免許

  • 早稲田大学ナノ・ライフ創新研究機構ナノテクノロジー研究所招聘研究員



  • 医療機器産業参入のための教育講座


  • 科学技術予測
