Updated on 2025/02/05


MORITO, Tsuyoshi
Faculty of Sport Sciences, School of Sport and Sciences
Job title
Assistant Professor(without tenure)
medical engineering ( 2020.03 Hiroshima International University )
sports science ( 2023.03 Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Sport Sciences

  • 2021.04

    医療法人坂和会 霞ヶ浦リハビリテーション整形外科クリニック

  • 2022.04


  • 2019.04

    広島YMCA専門学校   社会体育科   非常勤講師

  • 2018.04

    医療法人社団ヤマナ会東広島整形外科クリニック   リハビリテーション科   非常勤理学療法士

  • 2011.04

    医療法人慈和会吉田整形外科病院   リハビリテーション科   理学療法士

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Education Background

  • 2020.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Sport Sciences  

  • 2018.04

    Hiroshima International University  

  • 2007.04

    Chubu Gakuin University   Faculty of Rehabilitation   Dept.of Physical Therapy  

  • 2004.04

    茨城県立土浦第一高等学校   普通科  

Committee Memberships

  • 2018.04

    日本理学療法士協会  ガイドライン・用語策定委員会システマティックレビュー班

Professional Memberships

  • 2024

    Sacroiliac Medical Expert Group

  • 2024


  • 2023.01


  • 2020.08


  • 2020.08

    一般社団法人 日本整形内科学研究会

  • 2019

    Orthopaedic Research Society

  • 2011


  • 2010


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Research Areas

  • Orthopedics


  • 学術奨励賞

    2013.12   第22回整形外科リハビリテーション学会  

    Winner: 森戸剛史



  • 仙腸関節痛の発生メカニズムに基づく評価と治療

    金岡恒治, 森戸剛史, 江崎日奈子

    J. Spine Res.   15: ( 6 ) 821 - 826  2024.07


  • Specific Contribution of the Transversus Abdominis for Postural Control Against Perturbation Caused by Kinesthetic Illusion.

    Hiroshi Akuzawa, Tsuyoshi Morito, Tomoki Oshikawa, Yu Okubo, Simon Brumagne, Koji Kaneoka

    Motor control     1 - 13  2024.06  [International journal]

     View Summary

    Functional independence of the transversus abdominis (TrA) from other trunk muscles for postural control is still unclear. This study aimed to clarify the specific function of the TrA to control standing posture by vibratory stimulation of the triceps surae. Fifteen men participated in this study. Muscle activity of the TrA, internal oblique, lumbar multifidus, gluteus maximus, rectus femoris, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior was measured using fine-wire and surface electrodes. Participants were asked to maintain a quiet standing posture with and without vibration of the triceps surae, which induced a kinesthetic illusion and the concomitant backward sway of the body. The muscle activity of each muscle for 10 s was extracted with and without vibration. The muscle activity levels were compared between the conditions by a paired t-test or Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The activity of the TrA and rectus femoris was increased, whereas the internal oblique showed no change as a result of the induced kinesthetic illusion. In addition, the activity of the multifidus and biceps femoris was decreased. The TrA and rectus femoris could contribute to control the backward sway of the body. Furthermore, the TrA may have functional independence from the internal oblique during standing postural control. These results warrant further study in patients with low back pain.

    DOI PubMed


  • External focus instruction using a soft paper balloon on muscle activation patterns in isometric hip abduction exercises: A comparative analysis with external resistance tools

    Koji Murofushi, Tsuyoshi Morito, Hiroshi Akuzawa, Tomoki Oshikawa, Yu Okubo, Sho Mitomo, Koji Kaneoka

    Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies    2024.04

  • External focus instruction using a paper balloon: impact on trunk and lower extremity muscle activity in isometric single-leg stance for healthy males

    Koji Murofushi, Tsuyoshi Morito, Hiroshi Akuzawa, Tomoki Oshikawa, Yu Okubo, Koji Kaneoka, Sho Mitomo, Kazuyoshi Yagishita

    Frontiers in Sports and Active Living   6  2024.03

     View Summary


    Core stability is crucial for preventing and rehabilitating lumbar spine injuries. An external focus instruction using a paper balloon is an effective way to activate the trunk muscles. However, the degree of trunk and lower extremity muscle activation during single leg stance with external focus instruction using a paper balloon is unknown. This study aimed to investigate the core muscle involving activity in the trunk and lower extremities on both the support and non-support sides with or without using external focus instruction using a paper balloon during isometric single-leg stance.


    Thirteen healthy males aged 20–28 years volunteered to take part in this study and performed a single leg stance task with and without an external focus instruction, pressing their non-supporting foot onto a paper balloon without crushing it. The participant's muscle electrical activity was recorded during the single leg task using surface EMG and intramuscular EMG for six trunk muscles (transversus abdominis, internal oblique, external oblique, rectus abdominis, multifidus, and lumbar erector spinae) and five lower extremity muscles (gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, adductor longus, rectus femoris, and biceps femoris)


    Compared to the normal single leg stance, the external focus instruction task using a paper balloon showed significantly increased transversus abdominis (p < 0.001, p < 0.001), internal oblique (p = 0.001, p < 0.001), external oblique (p = 0.002, p = 0.001), rectus abdominal (p < 0.001, p < 0.001), lumbar multifidus (p = 0.001, p < 0.001), lumbar erector spinae (p < 0.001, p = 0.001), adductor longus (p < 0.001, p < 0.001), rectus femoris (p < 0.001, p < 0.001), and biceps femoris (p < 0.010, p < 0.001) muscle activity on the support and non-support sides.


    In conclusion, external focus instruction using a paper balloon significantly activates the trunk and lower extremities muscles on both the support and non-support sides. This finding provides insights for designing programs to improve coordination and balance. The benefits extend to diverse individuals, encompassing athletes, tactical professionals, and the general population, mitigating the risk of injury or falls linked to inadequate lower limb balance.



  • Functional relationship between the foot intrinsic and extrinsic muscles in walking

    Hiroshi Akuzawa, Tsuyoshi Morito, Tomoki Oshikawa, Tsukasa Kumai, Koji Kaneoka

    Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology   71   102781 - 102781  2023.08



  • Sacroiliac joint pain increases repositioning error during active straight leg-raising.

    Tsuyoshi Morito, Koji Kaneoka

    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society    2023.04  [International journal]

     View Summary

    PURPOSE: This study aimed to compare the repositioning error (RE) of patients with unilateral sacroiliac joint pain (SIJP) to that of patients with low back pain (LBP) and a healthy control (HC) group. Differences between the symptomatic and asymptomatic sides were also investigated. METHODS: Sixty-six patients with SIJP, LBP, and HC were included in this study. An active straight leg-raising repositioning test (ASLR-Rt) was performed. ASLR was performed three times each on the left and right sides, targeting a set base angle. RE was calculated as the difference between the base angle and the participant's attempt to adjust the target angle. RE was expressed as constant error (CE) and absolute error (AE). RESULTS: The CE of the SIJP group (median [interquartile range]) (6.9 [4.6‒10.4]) was significantly higher than that in the LBP group (3.2 [1.3‒7.1]) and the HC group (2.7 [0.3‒4.6]) (P = 0.009, d = 0.91, P < 0.001, d = 1.30). The AE of the SIJP group (7.3[5.0‒10.4]) was also significantly higher than that in the LBP (3.7[2.8‒7.1]) and HC groups (3.0[1.9‒4.2]) (P = 0.003, d = 1.04; P = 0.001, d = 1.57). Comparing the symptomatic and asymptomatic sides in the SIJP group, the symptomatic side (8.0[6.0‒10.6]) was significantly higher than the asymptomatic side (5.7[3.6‒8.1]) in terms of CE (P = 0.05, d = 0.51). CONCLUSION: Patients with SIJP increased RE during ASLR, which may be related to impaired proprioception and decreased motor control.

    DOI PubMed


  • Comparison of abdominal muscle activity with various verbal instructions and onset activity analysis during draw-in maneuver

    Tsuyoshi Morito, Hiroshi Akuzawa, Yu Okubo, Gen Adachi, Tomoki Oshikawa, Koji Kaneoka

    Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation   18 ( 4 ) 264 - 271  2022.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Draw-in is a promising intervention for regaining isolated control of the transverse abdominis (TrA). Exercises to stimulate isolated contractions are needed; however, the appropriate methods are unclear. The objectives of this study were to examine how the muscle activity and muscle activity ratio of abdominal muscles change with various verbal instructions and to determine the onset of the abdominal muscles during drawin. The participants were 21 healthy men. TrA electromyography was performed using fine-wire electrodes, and the internal oblique (IO), external oblique (EO), and rectus abdominis (RA) were determined using surface electrodes. The participants performed seven abdominal exercises according to verbal instructions and isolated voluntary contraction of the TrA for more than 5 sec. The TrA showed higher activity in bracing. IO and EO activities were highest in bracing, whereas RA showed the highest activity in maximum bracing. TrA/IO and TrA/EO were not significantly different between conditions. The results of the onset activity analysis of the abdominal muscles during the draw-in maneuver showed that the TrA was significantly earlier than the other muscles. The activity ratios of TrA to IO and EO were highly individualized and did not differ according to the verbal instruction. Maximum draw-in showed more significant IO activity, and bracing showed co-contraction of the superficial and deep abdominal muscles. During draw-in, the TrA initiated the earliest activity among the abdominal muscles and then isolated activity for 1.1 sec.



  • Changes in pelvic alignment in a woman before and after childbirth, using three-dimensional pelvic models based on magnetic resonance imaging: A longitudinal observation case report

    Asuka Sakamoto, Goro Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Morito, Kimio Katayama, Hajime Kumagai, Kazuyoshi Gamada

    Radiology Case Reports   16 ( 12 ) 3955 - 3960  2021.12  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    3-dimensional pelvic models based on magnetic resonance images (MRI) can be used to investigate accuracy and specifics of changing pelvic alignment during pregnancy and after childbirth. Few studies have investigated changes of pelvic alignment during pregnancy and after childbirth using three-dimensional pelvic models. This case report documents the changes of pelvic alignment during late pregnancy and after childbirth using MRI-based three-dimensional (3D) pelvic models. This was a longitudinal observation case report. A woman was imaged with MRI at 28 and 39 gestational weeks, as well as 4 and 72 weeks after childbirth. Greater internal, anterior, and downward rotation of both innominates at week 39 was observed from that at gestation week 28. Decreased internal, anterior, and downward rotation of both innominates at week 4 after child birth was observed compared with that at gestation week 39. We report the first case in Japan of changes of pelvic alignment measured using an MRI-based 3D pelvic alignment model during pregnancy and after child birth. This case suggests that the small changes of pubic area and greater separation of anterior portions of sacroiliac joints. Internal, anterior, and downward rotation of both innominates was observed in a Japanese primipara woman having no pelvic pain.

    DOI PubMed


  • Association of Pelvic Alignment and Posture in Pregnancy with Lower Back or Pelvic Girdle Pain During Postpartum Recovery: Myth or Reality? A Systematic Review

    Asuka Sakamoto, Akino Aoki, Tsuyoshi Morito, Kazuyoshi Gamada

    Journal of Gynecology and Womens Health   21 ( 5 ) 1 - 7  2021.07  [Refereed]


  • The association between sacral morphology and sacroiliac joint conformity demonstrated on CT‐based bone models

    Kazuya Ito, Tsuyoshi Morito, Kazuyoshi Gamada

    Clinical Anatomy   33 ( 6 ) 880 - 886  2020.09  [Refereed]



  • 遠位脛腓靭帯付着部剥離骨折部に開大を認め歩行時痛が生じた一症例

    伊藤憲生, 森戸剛史, 松本裕司, 松本優, 近藤秀哉, 中宿伸哉

    整形外科リハビリテーション学会誌   20   140 - 143  2018  [Refereed]

  • 伸展型腰痛に対し胸椎・胸郭部の可動性改善が有効であった一症例

    矢野沙耶香, 松本裕司, 森戸剛史, 中宿伸哉

    整形外科リハビリテーション学会誌   20   152 - 155  2018  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • アスリートに生じる仙腸関節障害の機序と治療

    森戸剛史, 金岡恒治

    MB orthopaedics 37(4) 61-68  2024.04

  • 運動療法筋電図鑑 ー深部筋までとらえる効果的なエクササイズー

    大久保 雄, 森戸 剛史, 押川 智貴, 上林 和磨, 安達 玄, 阿久澤 弘, 森上 太郎( Part: Contributor)

    文光堂  2024.02

  • 非特異的腰痛の解体新書

    ( Part: Contributor, 仙腸関節障害の運動療法)

    文光堂  2023.11

  • 仙腸関節用コルセット

    森戸剛史, 金岡恒治

    臨床スポーツ医学 9(40) 922-925  2023.09

  • 胸郭に対するピラティスベースのモーターコントロールエクササイズ

    市川 いずみ, 森戸 剛史, 押川 智貴, 金岡 恒治

    臨床スポーツ医学 39(10) 1106-1110  2022.10

  • 理学療法ガイドライン

    日本理学療法士協会, 日本理学療法学会連合理学療法標準化検討委員会ガイドライン部会

    医学書院  2021.10 ISBN: 9784260046978

  • 改定第2版関節機能解剖学に基づく整形外科運動療法ナビゲーション下肢

    森戸剛史( Part: Joint author)

    MEDICAL VIEW  2014.03

  • 改定第2版関節機能解剖学に基づく整形外科運動療法ナビゲーション上肢・体幹

    森戸剛史( Part: Joint author)

    MEDICAL VIEW  2014.03

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  • 仙腸関節障害患者の足関節背屈筋力低下は仰臥位膝立て位で出現する

    江崎日奈子, 森戸 剛史, 金岡 恒治


    Presentation date: 2023.12

  • 仙腸関節障害患者へのmotor control exerciseの効果

    森戸 剛史, 大和田昌暉, 宮崎 郁英, 押川 智貴, 池田耕太郎, 金岡 恒治


    Presentation date: 2023.12

  • 経験スポーツ種目数と全身の筋骨格系機能の関係

    栗島優都紀, 森戸剛史, 押川智貴, 千葉眞理, 江崎日奈子, 市川いずみ, 室伏広治, 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2023.11

  • KOJI AWARENESS™テストは運動機能の定量的評価として有用である

    杉浦文音, 森戸剛史, 押川智貴, 千葉眞理, 江崎日奈子, 市川いずみ, 室伏広治, 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2023.11

  • ハンマロビクスエクササイズは女子バスケットボール選手の姿勢制御能力を即時的に高める

    江崎日奈子, 森戸剛史, 押川智貴, 室伏広治, 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2023.11

  • 大学野球選手の各身体部位の障害有病率と重症度調査

    市川いずみ, 森戸剛史, 押川智貴, 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2023.11

  • Prolonged sitting decreases and prolonged lying increases the water content of the lumbar intervertebral discs

    Mari Chiba, Tomoki Oshikawa, Naoto Otake, Takuru Kitahara, Koji Kaneoka

    11th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain 

    Presentation date: 2023.11

  • Coccygeal motion due to pelvic floor muscles contraction in patients with low back and pelvic girdle pain

    Hinako Ezaki, Tsuyoshi Morito, Tomoki Oshikawa, Koji Kaneoka

    11th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain 

    Presentation date: 2023.11

  • Effect of Pilates-based motor control exercise intervention on low;back pain in;baseball players

    Izumi Ichikawa, Tsuyoshi Morito, Tomoki Oshikawa, Koji Kaneoka

    11th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain 

    Presentation date: 2023.11

  • Sacroiliac joint pain increases repositioning error during active straight leg-raising

    Tsuyoshi Morito, Koji Kaneoka

    11th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain 

    Presentation date: 2023.11

  • 超音波画像下の腹横筋先行収縮エクササイズが有効であった仙腸関節障害の1例

    江崎日奈子, 森戸剛史, 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • アスリート腰痛患者における骨盤底筋群収縮による尾骨挙動

    江崎日奈子, 森戸剛史, 森戸剛史, 押川智貴, 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2023.06

  • 6時間の座位によって腰椎椎間板の水分含有量は減少する

    千葉眞理, 押川智貴, 森戸剛史, 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2023.06

  • 自動下肢伸展挙上時の体幹・股関節深部筋の筋電解析

    森戸剛史, 大久保雄, 阿久澤弘, 安達玄, 押川智貴, 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2023.06

  • 野球選手の腰痛へのモーターコントロールエクササイズの介入効果

    市川いずみ, 森戸剛史, 押川智貴, 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2022.12

  • ピラティスを基にしたモーターコントロールエクササイズの野球選手への介入効果

    市川いずみ, 森戸剛史, 押川智貴, 金岡恒治  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2022.11

  • Short Foot Exerciseと足趾運動時の足部内在筋・外在筋の筋活動比較

    阿久澤弘 森戸剛史 押川智貴 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2022.11

  • ピラティスベースのモーターコントロールエクササイズ介入による大学野球選手の骨盤前/後傾可動性への効果

    市川いずみ, 森戸剛史, 押川智貴, 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2022.11

  • 仙腸関節障害患者への motor control exerciseの効果



    Presentation date: 2022.10

    Event date:
  • 仙腸関節障害患者は骨盤帯の固有感覚が低下する

    森戸剛史, 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2022.10

  • 局所振動刺激による運動錯覚性の重心位置変化に対する筋反応

    阿久澤弘, 森戸剛史, 押川智貴, 大久保雄, 金岡恒治


    Presentation date: 2022.10

  • Contraction patterns of the lateral abdominal muscle during abdominal draw-in maneuver

    Tsuyoshi Morito, Hisorhi Akuzawa, Yu Okubo, Tomoki Oshikawa, Koji Kaneoka

    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • スポーツ動作にて仙骨尾骨関節痛を生じた一症例 - kinematic MRI による病態推定-

    森戸 剛史, 押川 智貴, 阿久澤 弘, 金岡 恒治


    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • ストレス MRI 撮影による仙腸関節アライメントの評価:横断研究

    伊藤一也, 森戸剛史, 蒲田和芳

    第 11 回日本仙腸関節研究会 

    Presentation date: 2020.11

  • MRI による3次元骨盤モデルを用いた 産後骨盤アライメントの変化と産後の 骨盤痛との関係

    坂本 飛鳥, 森戸 剛史, 渡邉 五郎, 山崎 美織, 井上左央理, 村木 香織, 増渕 喜明, 岩根 直矢, 川道 涼太, 片山貴美夫, 武田 淳也, 熊谷 元, 蒲田 和芳


    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • 仙腸関節障害例における腸骨関節面軟骨下骨の骨密度分布

    森戸剛史, 伊藤一也, 金岡恒治, 蒲田和芳


    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • Conformity And Stress Distribution Of The Auricular Surfaces With Simulated Loading In Patients With Sacroiliac Joint Pain: A Finite Element Analysis Using Ct-based 3-dimensional Models

    Ito, K, Morito, T, Gamada, K

    Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2020.02

  • No Increase in the Mineralization of the Subchondral Bone of the Sacroiliac Joint in Patients with Severe Unilateral Sacroiliac Joint Pain

    Tsuyoshi Morito, Kazuya Ito, Kazuyoshi Gamada

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • No Side-to-side Difference in the Distribution Patterns of the Mineralization in the Subchondral Bone underneath the Auricular Surface in Patients with Severe Sacroiliac Joint Pain

    Tsuyoshi Morito, Kazuya Ito, Kazuyoshi Gamada

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • The conformity of the painful sacroiliac joints using a best-fit algorism for CT-based bone models

    Ito, K, Morito, T, Gamada, K

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • 片側性仙腸関節痛患者における耳状面の適合性と立位荷重負荷に伴う応力分布



    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 寛骨への正中方向への圧迫・離開負荷が仙腸関節安定性に及ぼす影響:3次元有限要素解析



    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Bone mineral density distribution of sacroarticular subchondral bone in patients of sacroiliac joint disease

    Tsuyoshi Morito, Kazuya Ito, Kazuyoshi Gamada

    The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Study of Low Back Pain 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • アライメント治療 骨盤・股関節


    第2回Joint Health Conference 

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • Alignment and Separation of the Sacroiliac Joints on 3D-CT models of Patients with Severe Unilateral Sacroiliac Joint Pain

    Tsuyoshi Morito, Kazuya Ito, Kazuyoshi Gamada

    Orthopaedic Research Society 

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • 後脛骨筋腱脱臼術後の運動療法の経験

    伊藤憲生, 松本裕司, 森戸剛史, 近藤秀哉, 松本優, 中宿伸哉


    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • サイドスローにより右仙腸関節障害を呈した一症例

    鞠山大輝, 松本裕司, 森戸剛史, 松本優, 中宿伸哉


    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 臼蓋形成不全と仙腸関節障害との関連

    松本 裕司, 伊藤 憲生, 丹羽 雄大, 森戸 剛史, 松本 優, 篠田 光俊, 中宿 伸哉, 坪井 亜紀子, 西 貴子, 鈴木 史朗, 坪井 真幸


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 思春期腰椎分離症におけるスポーツ競技別の検討

    松本 裕司, 森戸 剛史, 矢野沙耶香, 丹羽 雄大, 松本 優, 中宿 伸哉, 足立忍, 坪井 亜紀子, 西 貴子, 鈴木 史朗, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • スポーツ活動の有無による思春期腰椎分離症の検討

    松本 裕司, 森戸 剛史, 矢野沙耶香, 丹羽 雄大, 松本 優, 中宿 伸哉, 足立忍, 坪井 亜紀子, 西 貴子, 鈴木 史朗, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 不安定性を認めた遠位脛腓靭帯付着部剥離骨折の運動療法の展開

    伊藤憲生, 森戸剛史, 松本裕司, 松本優, 近藤秀哉, 中宿伸哉


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • Radiological investigation of the lumbar spinal alignment in patients with sacroiliac joint disorders.

    Nakajuku S, Matsumoto, Y. Morito T, Yano, S. Tsuboi, A. Nishi, T. Suzuki, S, Yoshida T, Kurosawa, D, Murakami E

    9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 当院における思春期腰椎分離症の疫学調査

    矢野沙耶香, 松本裕司, 森戸剛史, 中宿伸哉, 足立忍, 坪井亜紀子, 鈴木史朗, 西貴子, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 思春期腰椎分離症の不全治癒の特徴

    松本裕司, 森戸剛史, 矢野沙耶香, 中宿伸哉, 足立忍, 坪井亜紀子, 鈴木史朗, 西貴子, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 思春期腰椎分離症における潜在性二分脊椎の有無と分離部の癒合との関連性

    森戸剛史, 松本裕司, 矢野沙耶香, 中宿伸哉, 足立忍, 坪井亜紀子, 鈴木史朗, 西貴子, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 当院における思春期腰椎分離症の疫学調査

    矢野沙耶香, 松本裕司, 森戸剛史, 中宿伸哉, 足立忍, 坪井亜紀子, 鈴木史朗, 西貴子, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 仙腸関節障害におけるX線からみた腰椎アライメントの検討

    松本 裕司, 森戸 剛史, 矢野沙耶香, 丹羽 雄大, 松本 優, 中宿 伸哉, 足立忍, 坪井 亜紀子, 西 貴子, 鈴木史郎, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 思春期腰椎分離症の骨癒合に関する調査

    松本裕司, 森戸剛史, 矢野沙耶香, 中宿伸哉, 足立忍, 坪井亜紀子, 鈴木史朗, 西貴子, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 思春期腰椎分離症例における腰痛発症から受診までの期間は癒合に影響するか

    森戸剛史, 松本裕司, 矢野沙耶香, 中宿伸哉, 足立忍, 坪井亜紀子, 鈴木史朗, 西貴子, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 仙腸関節障害における X 線からみた腰椎アライメントの検討

    中宿伸哉, 松本裕司, 森戸剛史, 矢野沙耶香, 坪井亜紀子, 西貴子, 鈴木史朗, 中井定明, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 仙腸関節障害における疼痛発現肢位からみた初診時所見の検討

    松本裕司, 森戸剛史, 矢野沙耶香, 中宿伸哉, 坪井亜紀子, 西貴子, 木史朗, 中井定明, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 小児の慢性腰痛とスポーツの関係性ー中学校検診からー

    矢野沙耶香, 松本裕司, 森戸剛史, 中宿伸哉, 坪井亜紀子, 西貴子, 鈴木史朗


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 小児慢性腰痛における股関節周囲筋、前胸部の柔軟性と腰椎後弯可動性について

    松本裕司, 森戸剛史, 矢野沙耶香, 中宿伸哉, 坪井亜紀子, 西貴子, 鈴木史朗


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 小児の慢性腰痛における疼痛出現肢位と体幹および股関節周囲筋との関係について

    森戸剛史, 松本裕裕司, 矢野沙耶香, 中宿伸哉, 坪井亜紀子, 西貴子, 鈴木史朗


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 小児慢性腰痛例の特異性 〜座位痛例と一般中学生の股関節周囲筋群のtightnessの比較〜

    松本裕司, 中宿伸哉, 森戸剛史, 矢野沙耶香, 坪井亜紀子, 西貴子, 鈴木史朗, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • 成長期腰痛と股関節のtightnessの関係性ー中学校検診からー

    矢野沙耶香, 松本裕司, 森戸剛史, 中宿伸哉, 坪井亜紀子, 鈴木史朗, 西貴子, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • 一般中学生と腰椎分離症例における股関節周囲筋のtightnessの比較

    森戸剛史, 松本裕司, 太田憲一郎, 矢野沙耶香, 中宿伸哉, 坪井亜紀子, 西貴子, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • 股関節外転拘縮を呈した両側変形性股関節症に対し両側人工股関節全置換術を施行された一例

    森戸剛史, 松本裕司, 篠田光俊, 中宿伸哉


    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 上腕骨通顆骨折後に尺骨神経麻痺様症状を呈した一症例

    森戸剛史, 宿南高則, 松本裕司, 宮ノ脇翔, 中宿伸哉


    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • 仙腸関節障害における初診時理学所見の検討

    松本裕司, 中宿伸哉, 森戸剛史, 林典雄, 鈴木史朗, 坪井亜紀子, 西貴子, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • 仙腸関節障害に対する運動療法と治療成績について

    森戸剛史, 中宿伸哉, 松本裕司, 林典雄, 鈴木史朗, 坪井亜紀子, 西貴子, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • 股関節と仙腸関節が原因で生じた鼠径部痛の一症例

    松本裕司, 中宿伸哉, 森戸剛史, 吉田徹


    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • リスフラン関節脱臼骨折を呈した症例に対し観血的治療を施行された一症例

    森戸剛史, 中宿伸哉


    Presentation date: 2012.03

▼display all

Research Projects

  • 紙風船トレーニングによるパフォーマンス向上に関する研究

    文部科学省  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    室伏 広治, 見供 翔, 金岡 恒治, 森戸 剛史, 押川 智貴, 廣幡 健二, 大見 武弘

  • 周産期における腰痛・骨盤痛の予防効果検証

    日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 研究活動スタート支援

    Project Year :


  • 周産期における腰痛・骨盤痛の予防効果検証

    早稲田大学  特定課題(研究基盤形成)

    Project Year :


  • 企業におけるモーターコントロールエクササイズ介入が スポーツ実施率および労働生産性に与える影響

    スポーツ庁 令和5年度「Sport in Life推進プロジェクト(スポーツ人口拡大に向けた取組モデル創出事業)」 

    Project Year :



  • 身体挙動による胸腹部内臓器の挙動と健康状態との関連

    スポーツ庁 Sport in Life推進プロジェクト「コンディショニングに関する研究(3)スポーツの価値を高めるための運動・スポーツが身体に与える影響に関する新たな研究促進と医学的知見の集積に向けた調査研究」 

    Project Year :


    金岡 恒治, 小田 竜也, 押川 智貴, 森戸 剛史

  • 運動器機能低下に対する地域における効果的な運動療法のあり方に関する研究 ―ハイパフォーマンスサポートからライフパフォーマンスサポートへー

    スポーツ庁 Sport in Life推進プロジェクト「コンディショニングに関する研究(2)運動器機能低下に対する地域における効果的な運動療法のあり方に関する研究」 

    Project Year :


    金岡 恒治, 片寄 正樹, 鈴木 岳, 細川 由梨, 押川 智貴, 森戸 剛史

▼display all


  • 仙腸関節障害のすべて アスリートに生じる仙腸関節障害の機序と治療

    森戸剛史, 金岡恒治

    Monthly Book Orthopaedics   37 ( 4 )  2024


  • KOJI AWARENESSテストは運動機能の定量的評価として有用である

    杉浦文音, 森戸剛史, 押川智貴, 千葉眞理, 江崎日奈子, 市川いずみ, 室伏広治, 金岡恒治

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   31 ( 4 )  2023


  • 大学野球選手の各身体部位の障害有病率と重症度調査

    市川いずみ, 森戸剛史, 押川智貴, 金岡恒治

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   31 ( 4 )  2023


  • ハンマロビクスエクササイズは女子バスケットボール選手の姿勢制御能力を即時的に高める

    江崎日奈子, 森戸剛史, 押川智貴, 室伏広治, 金岡恒治

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   31 ( 4 )  2023




Teaching Experience

  • スポーツ教養演習Ⅰ


  • スポーツ教養演習Ⅲ


  • スポーツ教養演習Ⅱ


  • 運動生理学



  • 機能解剖学




Internal Special Research Projects

  • 周産期における腰痛・骨盤痛の予防効果検証


     View Summary

    Perinatal low back and pelvic girdle pain (LBPGP) are very common symptoms. In Japan, where the birthrate is declining and the population is aging rapidly, it is one of the most urgent issues to be solved. It is important to gain knowledge on perinatal LBPGP as one of the countermeasures against the declining birthrate in Japan. In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted among expectant and nursing mothers to understand the current status of LBPGP. If the current status of LBPGP among expectant and nursing mothers can be ascertained through this study, it may lead to the development of preventive measures.Questionnaires were distributed at obstetrics and gynecology offices, and responses were obtained from 35 pregnant women. Pelvic pain, mainly in the buttocks and groin area, was observed in approximately 30% of pregnant women in the perinatal period. The site was more common in the posterior pelvic region than in the lumbar region and was considered to be around the sacroiliac joint area. Compared to women of the same age group, seven of the eight SF-36 national reference values were lower in the pregnant women who participated in this study.It is necessary to examine measures to prevent and improve low back and pelvic pain during the perinatal period.The results of present study, including data to be collected in the future and data that is currently unanalyzed, will be published as academic conferences and papers at domestic and overseas.