2025/02/02 更新


イソガイ ヒロタカ
磯谷 浩孝
理工学術院 環境総合研究センター
博士(工学) ( 2023年03月 早稲田大学 )


  • 2023年04月

    早稲田大学   環境総合研究センター   次席研究員


  • 2020年04月

    早稲田大学   大学院創造理工学研究科   総合機械工学専攻 博士後期課程  


  • 2018年04月

    早稲田大学   大学院創造理工学研究科   総合機械工学専攻 修士課程  


  • 2014年04月

    早稲田大学   創造理工学部   総合機械工学科  


  • 2018年06月


  • 2018年02月



  • 環境負荷低減技術、保全修復技術   CO2分離回収貯留 / 移動現象、単位操作


  • 化学吸収法

  • CO₂分離回収

  • ガス吸収


  • 日本機械学会関東支部学生奨励賞

    2020年03月   日本機械学会  

    受賞者: 磯谷浩孝

  • 畠山賞

    2018年03月   日本機械学会  

    受賞者: 磯谷浩孝



  • Power-to-heat amine-based post-combustion CO<inf>2</inf> capture system with solvent storage utilizing fluctuating electricity prices

    Hirotaka Isogai, Takao Nakagaki

    Applied Energy   368   123519  2024年08月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    A thermal power plant employing amine-based post-combustion CO2 capture (PCC) stands as a key technology for low-carbon, stable power sources aiming to economically achieve net zero CO2 emissions in the electric power sector. However, the high cost associated with amine-based PCC has prevented its swift implementation. This study proposes a novel power-to-heat amine-based PCC system featuring solvent storage tanks. This system provides CO2 absorption during the operation of the thermal power plant and facilitates CO2 desorption through a heat pump driven by exceptionally inexpensive electricity procured during peak power generation periods from the grid. To demonstrate this concept, we evaluated the profitability of the proposed system using mathematical modelling and the calculation of the capital expenditure (CAPEX) and fixed operating expenses. The mathematical model optimizes the operational modes of the system facilities based on actual annual electricity prices. The results demonstrated that the novel PCC system decreased the average cost for energy consumption during the CO2 stripping and compression process per tonne of CO2 by approximately 30% compared with the conventional, flexible PCC system with venting. Consequently, it increased the net present value by approximately 15%. This showcases the feasibility of the power-to-heat amine-based PCC system in electricity markets prone to extreme fluctuations in electricity prices, where prices plummet during periods of surplus and escalate during peak demand. Notably, results also revealed that despite the low-capacity factor of the power plant (<30%) in such markets, retrofitting an amine-based PCC system into fully depreciated existing natural gas combined cycles yielded positive net present values even without economic incentives like credits for captured and stored CO2 or grant funding for CAPEX. This suggests potential economic sustainability of the system, even in the imminent rise of inexpensive variable renewable energy. However, the results also indicated that such a low-capacity factor and high PCC CAPEX require high CO2 price (350–400 USD/t-CO2) to incentivize carbon capture and storage (CCS) adoption in a power plant in the market. Therefore, reduction in PCC CAPEX should be emphasized as a future challenge in the scenario of swiftly employing thermal power plants equipped with CCS as a dispatchable firm power source. Finally, implementing the power-to-heat amine-based PCC system will bolster power supply reliability and alleviate the curtailment of power generation caused by variable renewable energy sources.



  • Exploration of optimal operating conditions for a natural gas combined-cycle power plant integrated with post-combustion CO<inf>2</inf> capture using 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol/piperazine considering the propagation effect

    Hirotaka Isogai, Takao Nakagaki

    International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control   122   103816  2023年01月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Integrating post-combustion CO2 capture (PCC) into thermal power plants can reduce CO2 emissions but results in a significant decrease in net thermal efficiency. Optimizing PCC operating conditions, such as the ratio of the liquid flow rate to the gas flow rate (L/G) and stripper bottom temperature, reduces the net efficiency penalty. However, previous studies partially neglected the propagation effects of altered operating conditions on process performance, such as the effect of altered L/G and resultant change in fluid velocity on the heat transfer and pressure drop in the rich and lean solution heat exchanger. This study simulated amine-based PCC integrated into a natural gas combined cycle and explored optimal operating conditions comprehensively considering the propagation effects. The net efficiency penalty was minimized to 6.02%-pts. at a stripper bottom temperature of 130 °C and L/G of 0.82 for PCC operation with CO2 compression. Meanwhile, neglecting propagation effects of altered L/G led to underestimation of the efficiency penalty and erroneous determination of optimal operating conditions. The system evaluation methods suggested in this paper contribute to correctly optimizing PCC operating conditions and can be broadly applied to amine-based PCC studies employing novel amine solutions or process modifications.



  • Mechanistic analysis of post-combustion CO<inf>2</inf> capture performance during amine degradation

    Hirotaka Isogai, Takao Nakagaki

    International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control   114   103597  2022年02月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Degradation of amine is often regarded as a major problem for amine-based post-combustion CO2 capture. However, the observed regeneration energy in long-term pilot plant operations does not necessarily increase, regardless of the accumulation of degradation compounds. This paper provides a mechanistic explanation for this seemingly paradoxical behavior by focusing on the influence of heat stable salts and the CO2 loading range on solution properties. Post-combustion CO2 capture using degraded amine solution was simulated in Aspen Plus®, and the influence of heat stable salts on CO2 loading, solution properties, and regeneration energy were analyzed. Results indicate that the alteration of the operational CO2 loading range and the physical properties of heat stable salts themselves cause changes in solution properties that dictate overall energy consumption, such as viscosity, vapor liquid equilibrium, and specific heat capacity. These effects often offset each other to some extent, thereby obscuring the influence of individual factors on regeneration energy. These counteracting effects can largely explain the seemingly paradoxical behavior of post-combustion capture maintaining relatively low energy consumption even when amine degradation proceeds.



  • Cost estimation of CCS integration into thermal power plants in Japan

    Hirotaka Isogai, Corey Adam Myers, Takao Nakagaki

    MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL   9 ( 4 ) 22-00028  2022年  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an important technical option to reduce CO2 emissions and chemical absorption by amine solutions is the most mature post-combustion carbon capture technology. Reducing costs is critical to accelerate large-scale deployment of CCS. Cost estimates of CCS vary markedly depending on the CO2 capture performance, CO2 transport method, characteristics of CO2 storage site, and the like. This study estimated the cost of CCS by amine-based CO2 capture integration into thermal power plants in Japan. The thermal power plant system with CO2 capture process was modeled on a process simulator, and CO2 capture cost was calculated based on the modelling results. The CCS chain feasible in Japan at this time is transportation by ship and injection onshore into subseafloor storage sites. Transport cost was estimated via bottom-up analysis of each transportation sub-process. Injection cost was based on the values reported by the Tomakomai demonstration project. In total, transport and storage costs were roughly equivalent to capture costs. Full chain CCS implementation is likely necessary to markedly reduce costs through learning-by-doing.


  • Holistic Approach to Understanding and Managing Amine Degradation during Post-combustion CO<inf>2</inf> Capture Operation

    Hirotaka Isogai, Takumi Endo, Kenji Takano, Takao Nakagaki

    Proceedings of the 15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 2021, GHGT 2021    2021年


    Since most of real-world operations of post combustion capture of CO2 are burdened with issues on oxidative and thermal degradation of amine solutions, it is advantageous to find operational means to maintain process performance even while solution degradation proceeds. Although the chemical composition of degraded amine solutions is complex and variable, the relationship between solution properties, operating conditions, and process performance is reasonably explainable. As a strategy to deal with a plethora of amine compounds and degradation products, we propose a holistic approach which connects amine degradation to process performance via the alteration of solution properties. This approach includes altering the operating condition in response to the change in solution properties caused by amine degradation. This study is based on the comparison with fresh monoethanolamine aqueous solution and its degraded solution produced by continuous operation of a 10 kg-CO2/day bench-scale CO2 capture system. The solution properties and process performance were obtained experimentally as degradation progressed. From the analysis of obtained data, it was elucidated that the decrease in the CO2 loading capacity due to the amine degradation lead to deterioration of process performance. Moreover, it was indicated that the appropriate liquid flow rate for the degraded solution tends to be higher than that for the fresh solution because of decrease in the CO2 loading capacity.


  • Updated e-NRTL model for high-concentration MEA aqueous solution by regressing thermodynamic experimental data at high temperatures

    Takao Nakagaki, Hirotaka Isogai, Hiroshi Sato, Jun Arakawa

    International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control   82   117 - 126  2019年03月  [査読有り]


    Chemical absorption using amine solutions is a promising technology for post combustion CO2 Capture (PCC) from flue gas. Monoethanolamine (MEA) aqueous solution has been used in many projects as a benchmark solution and the experimental and analytical results are available in the literature for diverse operating conditions. Aspen Plus® is a widely used computational simulation software for design of PCC systems including operating conditions. Two example files of rate-based MEA models using electrolyte non-random two liquid (e-NRTL) methods are included in Aspen Plus. Basically, e-NRTL models can provide relatively accurate results by fitting parameters to experimental data within a limited temperature and concentration range. However, there are a non-negligible difference between experimental and calculation results, especially in regard to the vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) at high temperatures and high MEA concentrations. This paper updates the e-NRTL model for the solutions with 30 wt% and higher MEA by data regression of the specific heat capacity, the heat of CO2 absorption, and VLE experimental data obtained at high temperatures. Since these thermodynamic properties are mutually dependent and affected by internal model parameters such as activity coefficients, standard enthalpy change of formation of principal ions, all properties in the MEA-H2O-CO2 ternary system that are consistent with the MEA-H2O binary system were fitted by using a combination of the built-in data regression functionality and external spread-sheet software. The updated model more accurately simulates thermodynamic properties of high concentration MEA solutions at high temperatures.






  • CCSの早期実装に向けて—IEAGHG CCS Summer Schoolを通して—

    磯谷浩孝  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • Investigation of impacts of amine solution properties and process modifications on rich and lean solution heat exchanger and resultant CO2 capture performance via process simulation

    Hirotaka Isogai, Takao Nakagaki


    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • 化学吸収法による燃焼後CO2分離回収のプロセスシミュレーション評価

    磯谷浩孝  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • Design of pressurized reaction calorimetry for CO₂ capture based on attribution analysis of measurement deviation

    Koki Saito, Hirotaka Isogai, Takao Nakagaki

    International Conference on Power Engineering 2023  

    発表年月: 2023年05月

  • CO₂ Absorption Rate of a 2-Amino-2-Methyl-1-Propanol/Piperazine Solution Containing Degradation Compounds during Post-combustion CO₂ Capture

    Hirotaka Isogai, Takumi Saito, Takao Nakagaki

    16th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies GHGT-16  

    発表年月: 2022年10月

  • アミン吸収液の劣化による液特性変化を考慮したCO₂分離回収の運転特性予測

    齊藤拓海, 磯谷 浩孝, 石原学美, 中垣 隆雄


    発表年月: 2022年09月

  • Cost estimation of CCS integration into thermal power plants in Japan

    Hirotaka Isogai, Corey Adam Myers, Takao Nakagaki

    International Conference on Power Engineering-2021  

    発表年月: 2021年10月

  • Cost estimation of CCS integration into NGCC in Japan

    Hirotaka Isogai, Corey Adam Myers, Takao Nakagaki

    IEAGHG 6th Post Combustion Capture Conference  

    発表年月: 2021年10月

  • 固液分離プロセスを適用したCO₂分離回収法における炭酸塩析出条件の実験的探索

    毛孟傑, 中垣隆雄, 磯谷浩孝, 松井瑛尚


    発表年月: 2021年09月

  • アミン吸収液の劣化による熱力学的特性変化を考慮したCO₂分離回収の運転特性予測

    河原塚康太, 中垣隆雄, 磯谷浩孝, 丁ヨウ


    発表年月: 2021年09月

  • 化学吸収法における液特性と操作条件のCO₂分離回収性能に与える影響評価

    磯谷浩孝, 中垣隆雄


    発表年月: 2021年07月

  • Cost analysis of CO₂ transportation in CCS deployed in Japan

    Hirotaka Isogai, Corey Adam Myers, Takao Nakagaki, Ken Myoi, Junichi Shimizu

    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021  

    発表年月: 2021年05月

  • Holistic Approach to Understanding and Managing Amine Degradation during Post-combustion CO₂ Capture Operation

    Hirotaka Isogai, Takumi Endo, Kenji Takano, Takao Nakagaki

    15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies GHGT-15  

    発表年月: 2021年03月

  • CO₂吸収塔脱炭酸ガスの微量アミン蒸気回収に向けた基礎データの実験的取得

    有川大悟, 長谷川大介, 中村浩太郎, 磯谷浩孝, 中垣隆雄, 村岡大悟, 藤田己思人, 北村英夫


    発表年月: 2020年09月

  • 化学吸収液のCO₂吸収速度計測のための濡れ壁塔の設計

    石原学美, 磯谷浩孝, 中垣隆雄


    発表年月: 2020年03月

  • 電解質NRTLモデルパラメータの修正によるCO₂分離回収の運転条件の探索範囲拡大

    磯谷浩孝, 尾関啓, 中垣隆雄, 荒川純, 崔原栄


    発表年月: 2018年09月



  • CO2分離回収付き火力発電の収益性向上のための,電力価格変動を利用した操業方法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    磯谷 浩孝

  • プロセスシミュレーションおよびコスト評価に基づくCO2分離回収用吸収材の劣化時における適切な運用手段の検討

    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)  早稲田オープン・イノベーション・エコシステム挑戦的研究プログラム(W-SPRING)





  • アミン吸収液の劣化による液特性変化を考慮したCO2分離回収の運転特性予測

    齊藤拓海, 磯谷浩孝, 石原学美, 中垣隆雄

    化学工学会秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集(CD-ROM)   53rd  2022年


  • 化学吸収法における液特性と操作条件のCO2分離回収性能に与える影響評価

    磯谷浩孝, 中垣隆雄

    日本機械学会動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM)   25th  2021年


  • アミン吸収液の劣化による熱力学的特性変化を考慮したCO2分離回収の運転特性予測

    河原塚康太, 磯谷浩孝, 丁ヨウ, 中垣隆雄

    化学工学会秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集(CD-ROM)   52nd  2021年


  • 固液分離プロセスを適用したCO2分離回収法における炭酸析出条件の実験的探索

    毛孟傑, 松井瑛尚, 磯谷浩孝, 中垣隆雄

    化学工学会秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集(CD-ROM)   52nd  2021年


  • 日本における火力発電所へのCCS統合のコスト推定

    ISOGAI Hirotaka, MYERS Corey Adam, NAKAGAKI Takao

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering (Web)   2021.15  2021年


  • CO2吸収塔脱炭酸ガスの微量アミン蒸気回収に向けた基礎データの実験的取得

    有川大悟, 中村浩太郎, 長谷川大介, 磯谷浩孝, 中垣隆雄, 村岡大悟, 藤田己思人, 北村英夫

    化学工学会秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集(CD-ROM)   51st  2020年


  • 化学吸収法による二酸化炭素吸収プロセスの設計・開発に必要な気液平衡の測定と相関

    竹内希実, 林優一, 松田弘幸, 磯谷浩孝, 中垣隆雄, 栗原清文, 栃木勝己

    化学工学会秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集(CD-ROM)   51st  2020年


  • 電解質NRTLモデルパラメータの修正によるCO2分離回収の運転条件の探索範囲拡大

    磯谷浩孝, 尾関啓, 中垣隆雄, 荒川純, 崔原栄

    化学工学会秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集(CD-ROM)   50th  2018年

