Updated on 2025/01/23


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
Associate Professor(tenure-track)
博士(工学) ( 2014.03 同志社大学 )


Research Experience

  • 2023.06

    Toyohashi University of Technology   Graduate School of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University

  • 2021.02

    Toyohashi University of Technology   Graduate School of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering   Associate Professor

  • 2014.04

    Doshisha University

  • 2014.04

    Toyohashi University of Technology   Graduate School of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering   Assistant professor

  • 2010.04

    Toyo tire & rubber co. ltd.

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Education Background

  • 2011.04


  • 2008.04


  • 2004.04

    Doshisha University  

Committee Memberships

  • 2024.04

    自動車技術会 タイヤ/路面摩擦特性部門  委員長

  • 2020.04

    自動車技術会 タイヤ/路面摩擦特性部門  幹事

  • 2020.04

    文部科学省科学技術 学術政策研究所 科学技術予測センター 科学技術専門家ネットワーク  専門調査員

  • 2016.04

    振動談話会若手研究交流会  実行委員

  • 2020.04

    振動談話会  幹事

  • 2016.04

    自動車技術会 タイヤ/路面摩擦部門  委員

  • 2017.08

    日本機械学会  Dynamics and Design Conference 2017 実行委員

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Professional Memberships

  • 2024.06


  • 2021.09



    SAE international





Research Areas

  • Mechanics of materials and materials / Mechanics and mechatronics


  • パイオニア賞

    2024.09   日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御部門  

    Winner: 松原真己

  • 機械力学・計測制御部門部門講演会功労表彰

    2024.09   日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御部門  

    Winner: 松原真己(D&D2023実行委員)

  • 機械力学・計測制御部門部門講演会功労表彰

    2023.08   日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御部門  

    Winner: 松原真己(D&D2022 実行委員)

  • 技術部門貢献賞

    2023.08   自動車技術会   タイヤ/路面摩擦特性部門

    Winner: 松原真己

  • 日本機械学会賞(論文)

    2023.04   日本機械学会   曲げ加工を施した部材の減衰特性の再現に関する研究

    Winner: 河村 庄造, 菊池 豪, 松原 真己

  • 日本機械学会賞(論文)

    2021.04   日本機械学会   結合自由度における自己コンプライアンス行列のRank-One摂動を利用した共振周波数の制御

    Winner: 松村 雄一, 駒田 匡史, 松原 真己, 城戸 一郎

  • 日本機械学会賞(論文)

    2021.04   日本機械学会   Structural health monitoring of layered structure by strain measurements

    Winner: 河村 庄造, 宮城 祥, 伊勢 智彦, 松原 真己


    2019.12   6th international Conference of Global Network for Innovative Technology & International Conference on Vibration, Sound and System Dynamic  

    Winner: 松原 真己

  • MSC Software 2019 Users Conferenceポスターセッション優秀賞

    2019.07   MSC Software   相互モード運動エネルギー分布に基づく振動低減手法の提案

    Winner: 松原 真己

  • 2018年度 日本機械学会奨励賞(研究)

    2019.04   日本機械学会  

    Winner: 松原 真己

  • MSC Software 2018 Users Conferenceポスターセッション優秀賞

    2018.06   MSC Software   新しい実験モード解析手法(反復連立方程式法)の提案

    Winner: 松原 真己

  • 2017年度 支部賞(奨励賞)

    2018.03   日本機械学会東海支部  

    Winner: 松原 真己

  • 日本機械学会賞(論文)

    2015.04   日本機械学会   接地・転動時におけるタイヤ半径方向振動解析

    Winner: 松原 真己, 辻内 伸好, 小泉 孝之, 平野 裕也

  • 2014年度 関西支部賞(研究賞)

    2015.03   日本機械学会関西支部  

    Winner: 松原 真己, 辻内 伸好, 小泉 孝之, 平野 裕也, 尾藤 健介

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  • Experimental validation of elliptical contact tire model with friction coefficient deduced from viscoelasticity of tread rubber


    Mechanical Engineering Journal   11 ( 6 ) 24 - 00069  2024.12  [Refereed]


  • Proposal of a parameter identification method for singledegree-of-freedom nonlinear systems using neural networks


    Mechanical Engineering Journal   11 ( 6 ) 24 - 00292  2024.12  [Refereed]


  • Tire vibration analysis of three-dimensional flexible ring with brush model under static contact conditions by using frequency-based substructuring

    Masami Matsubara, Akira Saito, Chang Po-Siang, Shozo Kawamura

    Archive of Applied Mechanics   95 ( 1 )  2024.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary


    The use of a simplified physical model of the tire of road vehicles is an efficient and simultaneous method to study the specifications of the entire chassis, including the tire specifications. Therefore, it is important to develop a simplified physical model that can be used in the early design phase when detailed computer-aided design data are not available. In this study, a vibration analysis of tires in road contact is described using frequency-based substructuring in a three-dimensional elastic ring model of a tire that includes a brush model simulating the tread rubber. By modeling the brush as a contact spring between the tire and the road surface, the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the tire under load conditions can be calculated using point-coupled three-way contact spring constraints. The experimental results show that the natural frequency changes significantly with road contact and does not depend on the vertical load. The theoretical analysis also showed that the natural frequency does not change when the stiffness of the contact spring is large enough to limit the displacement of the road contact, which is consistent with the experimental results. Unlike previous studies, this method calculates the mode shape with road contact based on the mode shape without road contact; therefore, the required model parameters can be determined based on the experimental modal analysis for the free-free condition.



  • Measurement of the three-directional contact force using a smart tire with a force sensor

    Masami Matsubara, Takayuki Toyoshima, Hikari Shishido, Daiki Tajiri, Shozo Kawamura

    Vehicle System Dynamics    2024.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Re-designing strategy to enable a sub-system to function as a dynamic vibration absorber

    Masami Matsubara, Kohei Takahashi, Kohei Furuya, Akira Saito, Shozo Kawamura

    Journal of Vibration and Control    2024.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    In the design of a typical dynamic absorber, the components corresponding to the dynamic vibration absorber (DVA) should be reduced to a lumped constant system model comprising a mass, spring, and damper. The equivalent mass and stiffness must be determined and linked to design coefficients. However, no studies on the dynamic design of a main structure (main system) and an attached DVA (sub-system) based on an FE model without constructing a reduced-order equivalent model with a few DOFs have been conducted. This study proposes a new method of extracting and simplifying the design of a sub-system to function as a DVA using the state of a finite element (FE) model. We established the relationship between the condition of the sub-system functioning as a DVA and the modal parameter of the entire system. According to a survey, the modal kinetic energies, which were calculated from the partial mass matrix and mode vectors, of the main system and sub-system are approximately equal. We used this relationship to redesign the sub-system. As the modal kinetic energy was used as a design index, the FE model could be redesigned without constructing an equivalent lumped parameter model consisting of two or three degrees of freedom (DOFs) as in the conventional DVA design. We demonstrated the relationship between the modal kinetic energies of the main system and sub-system when it functions as a DVA for a 2-DOF lumped mass model and discussed how to distinguish the sub-system from the entire system (multi-DOF system). Considerable improvement was found in re-designing at FE model, validating the proposed method. The proposed method can be used to redesign components that behave similarly to dynamic absorbers to effectively reduce vibration from the results of FE analysis, without modeling the system as a lumped constant system.



  • Simple diagnosis for layered structure using convolutional neural networks

    Daiki Tajiri, Tatsuru Hioki, Shozo Kawamura, Masami Matsubara

    Archive of Applied Mechanics    2024.07  [Refereed]

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    In this study, we propose a structural health monitoring and diagnostic method for layered (multi-story) structures using a convolutional neural network (CNN). The proposed method is a primary diagnostic one, and its purpose is to allow quick identification of the location of an abnormality after detecting it. An abnormality is defined as a decrease in the stiffness characteristics (spring constant) of the outer wall of a multi-story structure when it deteriorates or is damaged. The proposed method has the following features. A modal circle is generated by multiplying the frequency response functions (FRFs) simulated by a mathematical model and the FRFs from the actual structure, in frequency space, and then a CNN learns the features of the abnormality from the modal circle and diagnoses it in the actual multi-story structure. We first verified the validity of the proposed method by considering a three-story structure as a numerical example. When the method was applied to three types of abnormal conditions, it was shown that the abnormal diagnosis could be performed correctly. Next, we constructed an experimental model of a three-story structure, and realized three types of abnormal conditions similar to those in the numerical model. We verified the applicability of the proposed method and showed that correct diagnosis of an abnormality was possible. Both the validity and applicability of the proposed method were thus confirmed.



  • Integration System of Phase-Locked Loop Imaging and Dots Centroid Tracking Methods for Tire Deformation Measurement during Rolling

    Masami Matsubara, Seiki Shibataka, Hiroshi Tachiya, Shozo Kawamura, Daiki Tajiri, Akira Shibuya, Masahiro Higuchi

    SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH   8 ( 3 )  2024.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    <div>This study develops an image measurement system that accurately measures rotating tires’ deformed shape. Noncontact image measurement presents challenges such as difficulty in achieving a high sampling frequency and high pixel count, and achieving high resolution in feature point tracking as a subset in image processing because of the curvature, expansion, and contraction of the tire sidewall. The shape of the sidewall affects the mechanical properties of the tire, and the deformation shape during actual operation provides important information for tire design. In this study, a system integrating phase-locked loop imaging, dot centroid tracking (DCT), and stereo methods is used to achieve high-resolution measurements of tire deformation shapes. In particular, the DCT method typically improves the accuracy of tracking by setting the markers in black and the background in white and ignoring imaging noise from the background with white halation depending on the amount of light. 3D measurements under static conditions were conducted to validate the proposed system. Consequently, the system was confirmed to be capable of capturing the differences in the sidewall deformation depending on the test conditions, and the validity of the system was confirmed.</div>



  • Tire mechanical model for cornering simulation with friction coefficient calculated from viscoelasticity of rubber by multiscale friction theory

    Ryota Nakanishi, Masami Matsubara, Takashi Ishibashi, Satoshi Kawasaki, Haruyuki Suzuki, Hiroshi Kawabata, Shozo Kawamura, Daiki Tajiri

    Vehicle System Dynamics   62 ( 9 ) 2401 - 2422  2023.12  [Refereed]



  • Structural health monitoring for layered structure using an autoencoder

    Daiki TAJIRI, Tatsuru HIOKI, Masami MATSUBARA, Shozo KAWAMURA

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   89 ( 928 ) 1 - 15  2023.12  [Refereed]


  • In-situ measurement of dynamic micro X-ray CT and dynamic mechanical analysis for rubber materials

    Masami Matsubara, Ryo Takara, Taichi Komatsu, Shogo Furuta, Khoo Pei Loon, Masakazu Kobayashi, Hitomu Mushiaki, Kentaro Uesugi, Shozo Kawamura, Daiki Tajiri

    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing   205   110875 - 110875  2023.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Identification of random force acting on a layered structure

    Shozo KAWAMURA, Tetsuya TANAKA, Masami MATSUBARA, Daiki TAJIRI

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   89 ( 924 ) 23 - 00012  2023.08  [Refereed]


  • Structural health monitoring for layered structure using a force identification approach

    Shozo KAWAMURA, Sara ITO, Masami MATSUBARA, Daiki TAJIRI

    Mechanical Engineering Journal   10 ( 3 ) 23 - 00091  2023.06  [Refereed]


  • Experimental Validation of Elliptical Contact Patch Tire Model

    Ryota Nakanishi, Masami Matsubara, Takashi Ishibashi, Shozo Kawamura, Daiki Tajiri

    Tire Science And Technology    2023.04  [Refereed]

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    The influence of tires on vehicle dynamics, as the only automotive component in contact with the road surface, is significant. Mechanical models such as the Fiala model includes tire mechanical properties as parameters and are useful for tire design studies. These models assume a rectangular or trapezoidal tire contact shape, which does not always match the tire contact shape observed when slip angle is applied, leaving room for improvement in accuracy. This study proposes a new semiphysical tire model with an elliptical contact shape, termed the “elliptical contact model.” First, the expressions for the contact shape and contact pressure distributions in the elliptical contact model are formulated. Herein, we consider both the length- and width-direction distributions of the contact pressure in these expressions. Second, the formulation of the lateral shear stress distribution in the contact patch is presented based on the Fiala model, including the belt bending deformation by a lateral force and switching between the lateral shear and dynamic frictional forces. Lateral stresses proportional to the width coordinate are also introduced, enabling the calculation of lateral stresses acting in a direction counteracting each other at the widthwise edge of the tire contact surface. The model is validated by measuring a slick tire at a velocity of 100 km/h with slip angles of 0° and 3° using an Inside Drum Machine with an aluminum road segment with quartz piezoelectric sensors. Consequently, by setting appropriate model parameters, the contact pressure and lateral shear stress distribution results calculated using the model are consistent with experimental results. The accuracy of the proposed model could be further improved by revising the method of setting the static and dynamic friction coefficients.


  • Experimental modal analysis using undamped control for high damping system

    Daiki Tajiri, Takashi Tanaka, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura, Taiki Goto

    Archive of Applied Mechanics   93 ( 7 ) 2947 - 2964  2023.04  [Refereed]



  • Measurement of Strain Distribution, Acceleration, and Sound Pressure in Tread Blocks of Rotating Tires

      54 ( 1 ) 123 - 128  2023.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • Dynamic observation of a damping material using micro X-ray computed tomography coupled with a phase-locked loop

    Masami Matsubara, Taichi Komatsu, Ryo Takara, Masakazu Kobayashi, Shogo Furuta, Kentaro Uesugi, Asahiro Nagatani, Shozo Kawamura, Daiki Tajiri

    Polymer Testing   117   107810 - 107810  2023.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    As rubber materials are used for damping, clarifying the relationship between the loss factor and microstructure would help develop high-performance damping materials. Although nondestructive observations using X-ray computed tomography (CT) under repetitive deformation have been reported, no observations have been re-ported at the submicron order that capture low-strain deformation, such as vibration exposure. The internal deformation behavior of materials with different loss factors has not yet been evaluated. This study proposes a dynamic X-ray CT method for specimens under tensile amplitudes, directly evaluating the internal deformation behavior of materials under dynamic conditions. The proposed 4D-CT has an excitation of 1 Hz and a spatial resolution of 0.5 mu m. The local strain was obtained from X-ray CT at each phase, and the deformation behavior was evaluated. The results revealed that the peak of the local strain amplitude distribution curve decreased and the distribution widened as fine particles were mixed.



  • Vibration testing of tires by multiple excitations coupled with velocity feedback control

    Masami Matsubara, Takashi Tanaka, Daiki Tajiri, Shozo Kawamura

    Archive of Applied Mechanics    2022.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Position-adjusted subset tracking analysis coupled with a double circle marker

    Masami Matsubara, Takeru Wako, Tsuneyoshi Matsuoka, Shozo Kawamura

    Precision Engineering   77   153 - 163  2022.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Three-dimensional strain evaluation of short-fiber-reinforced natural rubber using micro X-ray computed tomography

    M. Matsubara, S. Teramoto, T. Komatsu, S. Furuta, M. Kobayashi, S. Kawamura, A. Nagatani, N. Tsujiuchi, A. Ito

    Polymer Testing   111   107625 - 107625  2022.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    The vibration damping appears as a macroscopic material property due to the energy dissipation caused by the plastic deformation of the microstructure in the material, but the detailed mechanism is still unknown. This study prepared a damping material based on natural rubber (NR) and investigated its deformation behavior with/without fiber-shaped particles using synchrotron X-ray computed tomography (CT). High-resolution submicron X-ray CT was performed to evaluate the local strain in the microstructure from feature points scattered inside the NR. When the strain distribution changed under stepwise tensile loading, the NR-alone material deformed uniformly at the microscale, whereas the fiber composite rubber deformed nonuniformly. Furthermore, the number and volume of voids increased significantly with the compounding of fiber particles, and their values continued to increase depending on the strain amplitude and the loss factor. Controlling of non-uniform local strain and void formation will enable the design of damping characteristics.



  • Structural health monitoring for layered structures using transmissibility functions

    Shozo Kawamura, Takenori Yamaguchi, Masami Matsubara, Daiki Tajiri

    MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL   9 ( 4 )  2022  [Refereed]

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    In this study, we proposed a structural health monitoring and diagnostic method for layered structures using the transmissibility function. This method belongs to the primary diagnosis one, and its purpose is to identify the location of abnormality quickly after abnormality detection. It focuses on the following fact. When the ceiling or foundation of the first floor is excited in the horizontal direction, the transmissibility function of the top floor is constructed with only the characteristics of the top floor, and in the case of descending to the lower floor, only the characteristics of the floor of interest are unknown parameters. In the diagnosis of an actual structure, there may be a difference between the actual vibration characteristics and those obtained from the mathematical model. We also proposed a method for predicting the resonance and peak frequencies in an abnormal condition based on the difference between the actual measurement and the mathematical model under a normal condition. First, we considered a three-layered structure as a numerical example and verified the validity of the proposed method. When the method was applied to the three types of abnormal conditions, it was shown that the abnormal diagnosis could be performed correctly. Next, we constructed an experimental model of a three-layered structure, and verified the applicability of the proposed method. We realized three types of abnormal states similar to the numerical examples and showed that correct abnormal diagnosis was possible. As described above, the validity and applicability of the proposed method were clarified.


  • System for Strain-Distribution Visualization and Deformation Measurement of Tread Block under Fast-Rotating Tires

    Masami Matsubara, Kohei Ishii, Hikari Shishido, Shozo Kawamura, Tomonari Furukawa

    SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH   6 ( 1 )  2021.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Reconstruction of damping properties for bended specimen


    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   87 ( 898 ) 21 - 00085  2021.06  [Refereed]


  • Modal Identification of Motorcycle Tires Using Circumferential Wave Number Decomposition

    Daiki Tajiri, Masami Matsubara, Masaki Ojiro, Mizuki Sato, Shozo Kawamura

    SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH   5 ( 3 ) 317 - 331  2021.04  [Refereed]

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    Few studies have investigated the vibration characteristics of motorcycle tires. Tires have high damping characteristics; therefore, resonance peaks do not appear clearly, and it is difficult to identify the existence of modes in a high-frequency region having many modes. A similar phenomenon occurs in automobile tires; therefore, the circumferential mode reduction method is used to reduce the number of degrees of freedom of the frequency response function. This method is specialized for periodic shell structures under the assumption that the circumferential mode shape can be represented by trigonometric functions. However, the applicability of this method to the experimental modal analysis of motorcycle tires with a double curvature remains unclear. Therefore, in this study, we verify whether this method can be applied to periodic shell structures with a double curvature. Next, we try to understand the modal characteristics of motorcycle tires. Finally, we compare the identified modal characteristics with those of automobile tires.



  • Proposition of a single-degree-of-freedom experimental modal analysis method considering the effect of mode components close to the target mode


    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   86 ( 891 ) 20 - 00075  2020.11  [Refereed]


  • Estimation of modal parameters by using the ratios of imaginary to real parts of frequency response functions

    Masami Matsubara, Akira Saito, Shozo Kawamura

    Archive of Applied Mechanics   91 ( 3 ) 1179 - 1191  2020.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Experimental modal analysis is one of the key technologies in structural dynamics analysis. However, in cases involving extremely high or low modal damping, it is difficult to accurately identify all the modal parameters. In particular, for systems with extremely low damping, there may not be sufficient data to allow curve fitting in the vicinity of the resonant peaks. To overcome this difficulty, we propose a linear fit method of modal parameters on a new mapping plane. This method uses a basic equation linearized from the nonlinear equation of the frequency response function (FRF) by erasing the residue, which is a modal parameter. Then, the basic equation becomes linear on a mapping plane related to the ratios of the real and imaginary parts of the FRF. The linearized basic equation can identify the modal parameters of a vibration system with extremely low damping. It was observed that the influence of the measurement noise degrades the identification accuracy of the linear fit method. Consequently, it was confirmed that the identification accuracy deteriorates when data with low coherence and far from the natural frequency are used. Thus, a weighted least squares method using the coherence and Gaussian kernel function was proposed for the linear fit method. Finally, the modal parameters obtained using the proposed method and the conventional least-squares complex frequency (LSCF) method, from the FRF including noise, were compared, which indicated that the proposed method can produce estimation results with an accuracy comparable to that pertaining to the LSCF method.



  • Effect of Fiber Orientation on Nonlinear Damping and Internal Microdeformation in Short-Fiber-Reinforced Natural Rubber

    M. Matsubara, S. Teramoto, A. Nagatani, S. Kawamura, N. Tsujiuchi, A. Ito, M. Kobayashi, S. Furuta

    Experimental Techniques   45 ( 1 ) 37 - 47  2020.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    © 2020, The Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc. Nonlinear damping with respect to vibration amplitude is particularly important in mechanical dynamics. The addition of short fibers to damping materials is considered to result in strong nonlinear damping due to interfacial peeling at the edges of the fibers. However, little has been reported on the occurrence of nonlinear damping in short-fiber reinforced rubber due to compounding difficulties. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the damping characteristics and deformation behavior of microdeformed short-fiber reinforced rubber by X-ray computed tomography (CT). We prepared a damping material with a natural rubber (NR) matrix and micrometer-sized polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fiber filler. The loss factor was identified by dynamic mechanical analysis, and three-dimensional strain maps were obtained using marker tracking in the CT data. The addition of 5 wt% PET fibers to NR resulted in an increase in the loss factor. Experimentally, we found that the nonlinear damping of the composite rubber is affected by the peeling of the filler/matrix interface and the strain inside the material.



  • Analysis of Deflection and Contact Characteristics of a Pneumatic Tire Using Three-Dimensional Membrane Ring and Brush Models

    Masami Matsubara, Kento Ishitsu, Shozo Kawamura

    SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems   13 ( 2 ) 117 - 124  2020.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author

     View Summary

    This study predicts the dynamic characteristics for tires in the development stages of a vehicle with a focus on the generated forces. In particular, this investigation proposes an approximation analysis for the deflection and contact characteristics of a pneumatic tire. This consists of an integrated model for a three-dimensional membrane ring and brush models. This model is more complex than conventional models, which resulted in increased computational costs. Because the tire dynamic characteristics affects the contact pressure, the deformation of the tread rubber caused an interaction of forces. Therefore, the tread ring deformation was defined as a summation of the mode basis functions, which expressed vibrational behavior. This approximation linearizes the energy function, which helped calculate the potential energy of the tire structure using a theoretical equation without discretization. The comparative results between the experimental and analytical data are related to the tire contact characteristics. This shows that the proposed approximation is simple, comprehensive, and accurate.



  • Resonance frequency control using the rank-one perturbation of the self-compliance matrix at interface degrees of freedom

    MATSUMURA Yuichi, KOMADA Masashi, MATSUBARA Masami, KIDO Ichiro

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   86 ( 881 ) 19 - 00163-19-00163  2020.01  [Refereed]

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    <p>A design method of a strongly coupled vibration system is required for improving noise and vibration performance of machinery. One of the authors proposed that analysis of the self-compliance matrix at interface degrees of freedom between two systems, called as kernel compliance matrix, gives the insight to work out satisfactory countermeasures for resonance frequency control of a strongly coupled vibration system. The approach, however, is only feasible for a two by two kernel compliance matrix. To expand this approach to an N by N kernel compliance matrix, a coordinate transform is available to reduce the matrix dimensions. However, the selection of the basis vector is not so easy. This paper presents a practical approach for the analysis of an N by N kernel compliance matrix. In this paper, it is shown that structural modification for resonance control can be derived using the Wedderburn's rank-one perturbation of a kernel compliance matrix. Finally, this approach was verified by a numerical case study.</p>


  • Calculation of tire lateral force under time-varying vertical load using brush model

    Masami MATSUBARA, Yoshio Adachi, Masaki Nagahisa

    Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan   50 ( 6 ) 1600 - 1605  2019.11  [Refereed]

  • Extracting method of structural modification area using mutual modal kinetic energy distribution and effect of vibration reduction by tuned natural frequency

    Masami MATSUBARA, Koki MORIKAWA, Tomohiko ISE, Shozo KAWAMURA, Kohei FURUYA

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   85 ( 875 ) 19 - 00062  2019.07  [Refereed]


  • Linear fit method for modal parameter estimation using the real and imaginary parts of frequency response function (Identification accuracy improvement based on weighted least square method)


    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   85 ( 873 )  2019.05  [Refereed]

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    &lt;p&gt;The experimental modal analysis is widely used to identify the modal parameters: natural frequency, damping characteristics and mode shape, in the structural dynamic analysis. The existing method, however, is not adequate when the damping characteristics is too low. When the resonance frequency is not close to the measured frequencies, it is difficult to identify low damping characteristics due to lack of FRF data around resonance frequency. Thus, the linear fit method which is applicable to systems with very low damping characteristics is proposed in our previous study. In the proposed method, a set of linear functions with respect to the real and imaginary parts of original Frequency Response Function (FRF) is derived by canceling the residue of FRF. Then, the modal parameters are identified by fitting the experimental data to the obtained linear functions using the least-square method. However, there is a technical issue left in the method: the identified parameters are sensitive to the data range applied due to inhomogeneous error distribution. Here, the weighted least-square method is introduced to improve the identification accuracy. That is, smaller weight is assigned to the data with low accuracy, while larger weight is assigned to the data with high accuracy. A series of experiment was conducted to investigate influence of the data range and the difference of the governing equations derived from FRF. The result validates the modified method coupling with the weighted least-square method.&lt;/p&gt;

  • Parameter Identification of a Three-dimensional Flexible Ring-based Model of a Tire Using Experimental Modal Analysis

    Matsubara Masami, Kawamura Shozo

    International Journal of Automotive Engineering   10 ( 2 ) 133 - 138  2019.04  [Refereed]

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    A flexible ring-based model is simple, comprehensive, and accurate, and has been most frequently adopted in tire models with a low degree-of-freedom. Despite the importance of parameter identification techniques, the literature pertaining to the discussion of these techniques is insufficient. This paper presents a novel parameter identification method based on a three-dimensional flexible ring-based model for the tires of a passenger car using experimental modal analysis. This method is able to identify modal parameters by using experimental modal analysis and by using the model to calculate the model parameters for comparison with the modal parameters. The experimental modal analysis entailed the use of a method based on an iterative simultaneous equation and confirmed that it was possible to estimate the modal parameters with high accuracy. The recalculated results using the model parameters showed good correlation with the experimental results.

    DOI CiNii


  • Proposition of isolation system applicable to the long-period earthquake ground motion (Method of changing natural frequency of isolation system with additional spring)

    KAWAMURA Shozo, NOMURA Koichi, ISE Tomohiko, MATSUBARA Masami

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   85 ( 871 ) 18 - 00336-18-00336  2019.03  [Refereed]

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    &lt;p&gt;At present, there are many types of isolation system, and many of them are designed for the short-period ground motion. The long-period ground motion has recently attracted the attention, though the isolation system for the short-period ground motion does not have an ability to suppress the vibration due to the long-period ground motion because the frequency of the long-period ground motion is near the natural frequency of the isolation system. In this study, a new isolation system is proposed for not only the short-period ground motion but also the long-period one. The basic concept is that the dynamic property, which is the natural frequency, is changed by adding a spring when the amplitude of isolation table exceeds a threshold value. The validity of the method is checked by the numerical simulation using a single-degree-of-freedom system against the sine sweep ground motion and the actual earthquake ground motion. As a result, it is shown that the resonance can be suppressed by the proposed method. Then the applicability is checked by using the experimental setup. In the experiment, the additional spring is connected with the isolation table by using the clamping mechanism. The adequate clearance between the isolation table and the additional spring is determined in advance. As a result, the system can suppress the resonance phenomenon, so that it was concluded that the proposed system has a sufficient ability to suppress the resonance due to the long-period ground motion.&lt;/p&gt;


  • Vibration Reduction of Large Unbalanced Rotor Supported by Externally Pressurized Gas Journal Bearings With Asymmetrically Arranged Gas Supply Holes (Verification of the Effectiveness of a Supply Gas Pressure Control System)

    Tomohiko Ise, Mitsuyoshi Osaki, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura

    JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME   141 ( 3 ) TRIB-17-1282 - TRIB-17-1282  2019.03  [Refereed]

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    A rotor supported by gas bearings vibrates within the clearance. If the static imbalance of the rotor is large, even if the rotation speed is low, large amplitude vibration is generated by the centrifugal force. This is a serious problem because the risk of bearing damage increases. In order to solve this problem, an externally pressurized gas journal bearing with asymmetrically arranged gas supply holes has been developed. This type of bearing has a large load capacity as compared with the conventional symmetric gas supply bearing because pressurized gases are supplied to the loaded and counter-loaded side bearing surfaces via asymmetrically arranged gas supply holes. The bearing has a new gas supply mechanism in which gas is supplied from the rotor through inherent orifices. The characteristics of the developed bearing are beneficial from the viewpoint of using the bearing in rotational-type vibration exciters. In other words, this rotor has a large static imbalance. Numerical calculations of the characteristics of this bearing were performed, and the resulting characteristics were compared with those of a conventional symmetric gas supply journal bearing. The bearing load capacity of the developed bearing is considerably larger than that of conventional symmetric type bearings. The load capacity increases owing to the asymmetry of the gas supply holes. In the controlled gas supply pressure condition, rotor radial vibration during rotation can theoretically be zero. A test rig and gas control system to realize vibration reduction was constructed. A rotational test under the gas pressure control condition was conducted using a large unbalanced rotor taking advantage of this property. The control program was constructed using MATLAB and SIMULINK. The devices were driven by a digital signal processor. The magnitude of the unbalance of the rotor is 13.5 x 10(-3) kg m. The bearing diameter and length were 60 and 120 mm, respectively. The rotational vibration amplitude decreased at a high rotational frequency under the proposed bearing configuration, although the amplitude increases monotonically with the frequency in the conventional bearing. When the gas supply pressure was controlled synchronously with the rotation frequency modulation of the large unbalanced rotor, the amplitude of the vibration amplitude was greatly reduced. The rotor of the test rig was safely supported by this bearing, and effective data for practical operation were obtained.



  • Structural health monitoring of layered structure by strain measurements

    KAWAMURA Shozo, MIYAGI Sho, ISE Tomohiko, MATSUBARA Masami

    Mechanical Engineering Journal   6 ( 1 ) 18 - 00390-18-00390  2019.02  [Refereed]

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    &lt;p&gt;Structural health monitoring (SHM) of building structures is a very important technology in the effort to realize a sustainable society. Various studies on SHM have been carried out, and it is effective because it avoids accidents and predicts behaviour of structures. In this study, we proposed a method of SHM for a layered structure, in which the abnormal layer of the structure was identified by strain measurement. The main point of the study is that rotational degrees of freedom are constrained at both ends of the wall, so that the wall of each layer vibrates individually. First, in the normal condition, a location where the strain is almost zero on the outer wall of each layer is specified, and the strain at that point is constantly measured. Then, when an abnormality occurs in a certain layer, a significant value of strain appears in the abnormal layer where the strain is originally zero. We verify the proposed method by numerical simulation. We consider a three-layered structure, modelled as a cantilever beam. Abnormality is assumed to be the decrement of stiffness at a certain element, and it was shown that the effect of abnormality appeared throughout the structure in the natural vibration mode while it appeared locally in the strain measurement. The random response was then calculated by numerical integration, and the layer where the abnormality occurred could be identified by using the proposed method. Finally, we checked the applicability of the proposed method by experiment. As a result, it was shown that the method was possible to identify the layer where an abnormality occurred as well as numerical simulation.&lt;/p&gt;


  • Identification of external force acting on machines or structures (Improvement method by additional mass and truncated singular values)

    Shozo Kawamura, Naoto Hirabara, Tomohiko Ise, Masami Matsubara

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   84 ( 864 ) p. 18-00061 - p. 18-00061  2018.08  [Refereed]


  • Application of modal properties identification to multi-degree-of-freedom system using simultaneous equations of the real and imaginary parts of frequency response function

    Masami Matsubara, Tomohiko Ise, Shozo Kawamura

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   84 ( 860 ) p. 17-00540 - p. 17-00540  2018.04  [Refereed]


  • Identification of external force acting on a machine or a structure in the case of unknown excitation points

    Shozo Kawamura, Tomohiko Ise, Masami Matsubara

    International Journal of Engineering Research and Application   8 ( 6 ) 12 - 19  2018  [Refereed]

  • Vibrational response analysis of tires using a three-dimensional flexible ring-based model

    Masami Matsubara, Daiki Tajiri, Tomohiko Ise, Shozo Kawamura

    JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION   408   368 - 382  2017.11  [Refereed]

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    Tire vibration characteristics influence noise, vibration, and harshness. Hence, there have been many investigations of the dynamic responses of tires. In this paper, we present new formulations for the prediction of tire tread vibrations below 150 Hz using a three-dimensional flexible ring-based model. The ring represents the tread including the belt, and the springs represent the tire sidewall stiffness. The equations of motion for lateral, longitudinal, and radial vibration on the tread are derived based on the assumption of inextensional deformation. Many of the associated numerical parameters are identified from experimental tests. Unlike most studies of flexible ring models, which mainly discussed radial and circumferential vibration, this study presents steady response functions concerning not only radial and circumferential but also lateral vibration using the three-dimensional flexible ring-based model. The results of impact tests described confirm the theoretical findings. The results show reasonable agreement with the predictions. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Externally pressurized gas journal bearing with slot restrictors arranged in the axial direction

    Tomohiko Ise, Masaya Nakatsuka, Kohei Nagao, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura, Toshihiko Asami, Tomoya Kinugawa, Kazuhiko Nishimura


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    In this study, a novel rectangular slot restriction-type externally pressurized gas journal bearing was developed for use in high-speed rotating machinery, such as medical devices and industrial machines. The proposed bearing has several rectangular slot restrictors arranged in the inner surface of the bearing. To measure the bearing characteristics, a model was developed for the numerical calculation of the pressure distribution in the bearing clearance and the static characteristics of the bearing. The proposed bearing, which consists of two parts, was designed and can be manufactured using appropriate techniques. In this study, a prototype bearing with eight slots in its surface was manufactured as a test piece for fundamental tests. The diameter and length of the test bearing are 30 and 40 mm, respectively. The roundness of the bearing was measured using a three-dimensional coordinate measuring machine, and the results were used in the analysis. The pressure distribution and static characteristics obtained experimentally were found to be in good agreement with the calculated values. In the rotational tests, the rotor speed exceeded 380 Hz (22,800 rpm), and whirl vibration did not occur. During testing, the maximum rotor vibration amplitude was 0.002 mm, corresponding to an eccentricity ratio of 0.3. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Simplified modelling and eigenvalue analysis of coupling system between tire and wheel

    Masami Matsubara, Makoto Horiuchi, Tomohiko Ise, Shozo Kawamura

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   82 ( 844 ) p. 16-00300 - p. 16-00300  2016.12  [Refereed]


  • Study on identification method of line density of the elastic beam under unknown boundary conditions

    Masami MATSUBARA, Akihiro Aono, Tomohiko Ise, Shozo Kawamura

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   82 ( 837 ) p.15‐00669 - p.15‐00669  2016.05  [Refereed]

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    In numerical simulation, dynamic model is necessary to predict the product performance such as strength of structure, noise, and vibration. The prediction accuracy depends on the accuracy of parameter identification. For installed or completed products, an experiment must be done to identify structural properties such as Youngs modulus or density. This experiment allows us to accurately predict the product performance regardless of product dispersion and aging deterioration. Hence there are many studies about identification methods of the structural parameters of beams. In these studies, the structural parameters were derived from natural frequencies of a beam with/without an additional mass. However, no study can obtain the parameters under unknown boundary conditions. In this study, we proposed a new simple method to identify line density of beams. This method assumes that mode shapes of a beam do not change regardless of additional masses. This study proposes an experimental method for arrangements of additional masses, which can keep mode shapes unchanged. In the numerical analysis, a finite element method is used to obtain the natural frequencies of a beam with/without additional masses. The natural frequencies and the weight of the additional masses are used to identify line density of the beams. We also verify the method through experiment.

    DOI CiNii

  • Study of joint reaction force, moment and muscle activity of lower limbs during running (Comparison of the rear foot strike and the fore foot strike)

    KAWAMURA Shozo, YUKAWA Harutoshi, HIRAI Akira, AOYAMA Shinsuke, MATSUBARA Masami

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series A   82 ( 834 ) p. 15-00438 - p. 15-00438  2016.02  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, two foot strike patterns, which are the rear foot strike (RFS) and the fore foot strike (FFS), are compared from the viewpoint of the joint moment, joint reaction force and muscle activity using the actual measurement of running for two subjects. As the results, the landing reaction force has two peaks for RFS while one peak for FFS, and the significant features can be observed in the ankle joint rather than the knee and hip joint. The joint moment of the ankle joint for RFS acts toward the dorsal flexion direction at the beginning of landing, and then toward the plantar flexion direction, while the one for FFS acts toward the plantar flexion direction during landing. The bone-on-bone force for RFS shows two peaks as similar with the landing impact force. For RFS, the Tibialis anterior much works while for FFS, the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus works much. Moreover, the differences of subject A and B are shown as the contribution of joints on the running.

    DOI CiNii

  • Study of the effect of specimen size and frequency on the structural damping property of beam

    Shozo Kawamura, Masato Kita, Masami Matsubara, Tomohiko Ise

    MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL   3 ( 6 ) p. 16-00446 - p. 16-00446  2016  [Refereed]

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    It is said that the parameters that characterize structural damping, i.e., the loss factor, are identical to the material of the specimen, but in actuality, the damping property is sometimes affected by specimen size or the frequency. In this paper, we investigated the effect of specimen size and frequency on the structural damping property. First, we showed a simple identification method for modal parameters when the damping property is modeled as the structural damping. Next, we identify the modal parameters of the freely supported thin steel beam using the method. We obtain the relationship between the natural frequency and modal damping ratio for specimen with the same thickness but different length, and for specimen with the same length but different thickness. Then we identify the parameters that characterize the damping property. The results showed that the modal damping ratio was high in the lower frequency ranges, though light and constant in the higher frequency ranges, that is, the damping property depends on the frequency, so that the damping property could not be expressed only by the loss factor. And the relationship between the natural frequency and the modal damping ratio was identical for specimen with same thickness, though it is not for specimen with the different thickness, that is, the damping property depends on the thickness. We conclude that the effect of specimen size and frequency should be considered when predicting damping property in actual design processes.


  • Evaluation of Spring Properties of Tire Sidewall under Changes in Inflation Pressure

    Masami Matsubara, Daiki Tajiri, Makoto Horiuchi, Shozo Kawamura


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    One of the elements of tire stiffness is sidewall stiffness. This stiffness, which influences tire vibration characteristics, is also an important design parameter for carrying the vehicle body. Tire is one of pressure vessels and inflation pressure is dominant in sidewall stiffness. Thus, tire sidewall stiffness is decided from the tension of inflation pressure and the structural dynamic, including the properties of the rubber material.To reveal the dynamic characteristics of tire sidewall stiffness, this study describes differences in stiffness due to inflation pressure. It can be expected that variation of inflation pressure is monitored from the axle vibration response during vehicle traveling in the future. That is because the relationship of the vibration characteristics and the inflation pressure of tire are derived by sidewall stiffness. First, we derive a formula for sidewall stiffness based on the structural dynamics of Akasaka's theory. This formula includes two terms dependent on the inflation pressure and the rubber material. Second, sidewall stiffness is identified from experiments on the conditions that result from differences in inflation pressure. The sidewall stiffness parameter identified is calculated from a theoretical equation of natural frequency by tire ring model and experimental data. Finally, sidewall stiffness was evaluated by separating the terms dependent on the inflation pressure and the rubber material.



  • Experimental identification of structural properties of elastic beam with homogeneous and uniform cross section

    MATSUBARA Masami, AONO Akihiro, KAWAMURA Shozo

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series A   81 ( 831 ) 15 - 00279-15-00279  2015  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Dynamic model is necessary to predict the product performance in numerical simulation; strength of structure, noise and vibration. An experiment must be performed to identify the model parameter such as structural properties of installed or completed products because of preventing deterioration of prediction accuracy accompanying product dispersion and aging deterioration. Although several identification methods for elastic beams with frequency equation have been proposed in the previous studies. In these methods, the structural properties were derived from natural frequencies of the beam with/ without additional weights. The structural properties are not uniquely determined due to various factors such as boundary conditions and additional weights. Especially, no study deals with experimental conditions to enable the high prediction accuracy. This paper proposes novel methods to identify the structural properties of elastic beams of homogeneous, uniform cross-section in the lengthwise direction with free-free condition. In addition, the effects of controllable experimental parameters on the accuracy are examined. Two identification methods of the structural properties are derived; one is based on the frequency equation of the beam and the other is mass response method. It is necessary to measure natural frequencies of the beam with/ without additional weights on the beam to use both methods. The former can treat the change of mode shapes due to the additional weights, whereas the latter assumes that the mode shapes are unchanged. Finite element models are developed for validation of both methods. Various experimental conditions are adopted and the accuracy of the identified parameters by the both methods is compared. The mode shapes of the free-free beam are changed with additional weights. Thus, the method using the frequency equation is more applicable to the beam with the additional weights. Finally, the method based on the frequency equation of the beam is validated through the experiments.

    DOI CiNii

  • Tire vibration analysis of radial direction on the restraint effect of contact condition

    MATSUBARA Masami, TSUJIUCHI Nobutaka, KOIZUMI Takayuki, HIRANO Yuya

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   80 ( 811 ) DR0049 - DR0049  2014  [Refereed]

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    Road noise is one of the main sound sources exciting passenger car interior noise. This noise is excited by road roughness. Vibration and noise characteristics in road noise have strong interaction with tire vibration characteristics. Car manufactures are keenly interested in studies on the prediction of NVH (Noise, Vibration and Harshness) performance, including viewing tire as substructure. Tire vibration has complex behavior due to tire contact with the road and rolling. In this paper, we focus on the effect of contact between tire and road as against tire vibration. First, experimental modal analysis is performed to grasp the tire vibration on the non-contact and contact condition. As a result, it was clarified that natural frequency and mode shapes change on the contact condition. Second, we studied the factor of changing tire vibration characteristics between contact and non-contact using a tire model. A tire on the non-contact condition was expressed as a shell model. Based on the tire model, we performed vibration analysis using the reseptance method and definition of eigen function. From this study, it was found that prediction accuracy by receptance method depends on the number of approximate modes. The best method for determing the number of approximate modes is based on the experiment. Additionally, analysis method by definition of eigen function also is valid sufficiently.

    DOI CiNii

  • Tire vibration analysis for radial direction on contact and rolling condition

    MATSUBARA Masami, TSUJIUCHI Nobutaka, KOIZUMI Takayuki, HIRANO Yuya

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   80 ( 811 ) DR0050 - DR0050  2014  [Refereed]

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    Recent years, we receive the full benefit of vehicle by the rapid progress of motorization with the development of economy. By contrast, environmental problem occurs from vehicle noise. The noise in Engine and Intake-Exhaust system which is typical source of noise until now has been improved because noise regulation advanced. This situation makes the tire contribution rate to vehicle interior noise increasing relatively. And the reduction of tire noise is the serious problem that we have to work on. It is important to reconstruct the input into the body from road to spindle and suspension for accurate prediction. One of the problems is how to express the tire vibration characteristics in operational condition, which are complex. It is difficult to construct a tire model that expresses the vibration characteristics on the contact and rolling condition because of the rolling effect, contact patch restriction, the property of rubber. In this study, we set a goal of performing vibration analysis on the contact and rolling condition and clear up the vibration characteristic analytically. First, Introducing tire vibration model based on the cylindrical shell theory and applying the receptance method for tire model. Additionally, we derived the mode shape function and the frequency equation on the contact and rolling condition. Secondly, we calculated natural frequency and mode shape on the contact and rolling condition. After that, we clarified the tire vibration characteristics analytically in the difference condition such as rolling speed. From this study, it was found that natural frequency on the contact and rolling condition depends on adapting mode numbers. Additionally, mode shape on the contact is determined by the components of forward wave and backward wave of the non-contact and rolling condition.

    DOI CiNii

  • Vibration analysis of tire circumferential mode under loaded axle

    Masami Matsubara, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Takayuki Koizumi, Yuya Hirano

    SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems   6 ( 2 )  2013  [Refereed]

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    Road noise is one of the main vehicle interior noises. To minimize this, it is necessary to reveal the vibration characteristics of a rolling tire. Tire vibration has complex behavior due to tire contact with the road and rolling. In an earlier study, we clarified the effect of contact patch restriction for tire vibration characteristics in the non-rolling condition using the tire dynamical model. However, mode shapes were identified with circumferential wave number. Therefore, it is difficult to clarify the effect for tire vibration in the contact and rolling condition. In this paper, we will apply the receptance method, which is used as an analysis of the rotating disc and gear pair for the tire model toward the tire vibration analysis in the contact and rolling condition. Furthermore, the validity of the approach using this method will be verified from comparison with the result of an earlier study. 2013 SAE International.



  • Vibration behavior analysis of tire bending mode exciting lateral axial force

    Masami Matsubara, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Takayuki Koizumi, Yuya Hirano, Kensuke Bito

    SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems   6 ( 2 )  2013  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    The demand to reduce noise in the passenger cars is increasing. Tire vibration characteristics must be considered when studying road noise because of the strong interaction between tire vibration characteristics and interior car noise. Car manufacturers are keenly interested in studies on the prediction of NVH (Noise, Vibration and Harshness) performance, including viewing tires as substructure. Recently, studies have illustrated the effect that tire lateral bending mode have has on road noise, while most past studies of tire vibration focused on the circumference mode, which excited the vertical spindle force. Therefore, further study of tire lateral bending mode is necessary. Modeling of the tire lateral bending mode is described in this paper. First, lateral spindle force is measured under tire rolling conditions. Second, experimental modal analysis is performed to grasp tire lateral bending mode. Finally, a tire vibration model is built using the cylindrical shell theory. 2013 SAE International.



  • Vibration Behavior Analysis of Rolling Tire on Effect of Rotation

    KOIZUMI Takayuki, TSUJIUCHI Nobutaka, MATSUBARA Masami, MATSUYAMA Koji, AIKAWA Masataka, OSHIMA Hiroko

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C   77 ( 777 ) 2018 - 2029  2011  [Refereed]

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    Structure borne noise is dominant in vehicle interior noise as frequencies below approximately 300Hz. Spindle force is a critical factor in structure borne noise for vehicle interior noise. To research the vibration characteristic of a rolling tire is essential for prediction of spindle force. This paper describes vibration analysis of a tire on the static and operational condition. Firstly, the surface vibration velocities are measured in the operational condition to comprehend the vibration behavior of a rolling tire using the scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometers. Secondly, the tire vibration model based on the cylindrical shell theory is build up. The basic equation, including the effects of the initial tension and the Coriolis force due to rotation, is derived by thin rotating cylindrical shell model and Hamilton principal. The results of the experiment and the theoretical analysis for a rolling tire are presented. Consequently, it is found that same shape of traveling-wave modes occur for a rolling tire, and the excited frequency of forward wave is different from that of backward wave. Finally, it is revealed that whether the rotation effect have affect on the vibration characteristics of a rolling tire.

    DOI CiNii



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Books and Other Publications

  • 自動車室内の静粛性向上と、防音・防振技術、材料の開発

    技術情報協会( Part: Contributor, 第3章第7節)

    技術情報協会  2021.09 ISBN: 9784861048586


  • kCA法を用いた接地時のタイヤ振動解析

    松原真己, 齋藤彰, Chang Po-Siang, 河村庄造


    Presentation date: 2024.03

    Event date:
  • 動的X線CTを用いた高分子材料の内部挙動観察



    Presentation date: 2023.12

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  • Phase-locked loop撮影の振動計測・X線CTへの適用



    Presentation date: 2023.12

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  • Experimental validation of a tire mechanical model with contact pressure- and slip velocity- dependent friction coefficient

    Presentation date: 2023.09

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  • ニューラルネットワークによる非線形振動系の同定の基礎検討

    田尻大樹, 池田将基, 松原真己, 河村庄造

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2023 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

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  • 外力同定を援用した階層構造物の健全性評価

    河村庄造, 伊藤早良, 松原真己, 田尻大樹

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2023 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

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  • 高減衰系を対象とした入力-応答点間の距離減衰のモデル化

    田尻大樹, 今井翔太, 松原真己, 河村庄造

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2023 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

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  • 接触力と摩擦力が作用する積層構造物の振動特性予測

    小島暖斗, 桂川拓也, 古屋耕平, 齋藤彰, 松原真己

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2023 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

    Event date:
  • 連続体を対象とした速度フィードバック加振の影響の解明

    田尻大樹, 後藤大貴, 松原真己, 河村庄造

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2023 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

    Event date:
  • ニューラルネットワークを用いた階層構造物の簡易異常診断

    田尻大樹, 日置立貫, 松原真己, 河村庄造

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2023 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

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  • Phase locked loop 撮影による動的X 線CTの実現



    Presentation date: 2023.08

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  • 低減衰化実験モード解析を用いた高減衰構造 物のモード特性同定

    田尻大樹, 佐藤瑞樹, 松原真己, 河村庄造

    日本機械学会 東海支部第 71 期講演会 

    Presentation date: 2022.03

  • 支持特性を考慮した実験モード解析法の提案

    河村庄造, 吉村麟太郎, 松原真己, 田尻大樹

    日本機械学会 東海支部第 71 期講演会 

    Presentation date: 2022.03

  • 長周期地震動に対する振り子型動吸振器の設計

    河村庄造, 緒方寛人, 松原真己, 田尻大樹

    日本機械学会 東海支部第 71 期講演会 

    Presentation date: 2022.03

  • はり構造物に対する複数動吸振器の設計に関 する研究

    河村庄造, 伊藤雄大, 松原真己, 田尻大樹

    日本機械学会 第 17 回「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム(MoViC2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.12

  • 三層構造物に対する複数動吸振器の設計

    河村庄造, 紺野萌寧, 松原真己

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2021 

    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • 伝達率関数を用いた層状構造物の健全性評価

    河村庄造, 山口剛典, 松原真己

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2021 

    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • 高減衰特性を有する構造物を対象とした低減衰化加振による実験モード解析の基礎検討

    田尻 大樹, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造

    日本機械学会東海支部第 70 期総会・講演会 

    Presentation date: 2021.03

  • 疑似連続撮像システムを用いた強制振動の解析

    若生 建, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造

    日本機械学会東海支部第 70 期総会・講演会 

    Presentation date: 2021.03

  • 短繊維を配合した天然ゴムの制振機能について

    松原 真己

    日本ゴム協会第 141 回配合 技術研究分科会 

    Presentation date: 2021.02

  • 繊維状複合ゴム材料の 非線形減衰特性とその応用

    松原 真己, 寺本 真ノ将, 山田 莉香子, 小林 正和, 河村 庄造

    第 30回日本MRS年次大会 

    Presentation date: 2020.12

  • 短繊維複合ゴム材料の非線形減衰特性とモデリング

    松原 真己, 寺本 真ノ将, 河村 庄造, 小林正和, 辻内 伸好, 伊藤 彰人

    第 12 回自動車用途コンポジットシンポジウム 

    Presentation date: 2020.11

  • Investigation of damping mechanism of short-fiber-reinforced natural rubber

    松原 真己  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • 長周期地震動の制振を目的とした振り子型動吸振器の設計

    河村 庄造, 緒方 寛, 松原 真己


    Presentation date: 2020.03

  • 擬似連続撮像画像を用いたタイヤトレッドブロック変形状態の可視化

    松原 真己, 石井 航平, 河村 庄造, 古川 知成


    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • 短繊維複合天然ゴムにおける非線形減衰特性のメカニズム解明への取り組み

    松原 真己


    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 妊娠体験ジャケット着用者の歩行動作分析

    松原 真己, 益戸 直也, 河村 庄造, 中垣 明美, 伊藤 彰人, 辻内 伸好

    Dynamics and Design Conference 2019 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • 直線フィット法を用いた単点入力多点参照の実験モード解析

    松原 真己, 齋藤 彰, 田尻 大樹, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造

    Dynamics and Design Conference 2019 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • 相互モード運動エネルギー分布に基づく振動低減手法の提案


    MSC Software 2019 Users Conference 

    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • 直線フィット法を用いた打撃試験時の実験モード解析の効率化

    田尻 大樹, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造


    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • 3次元弾性リングモデルを用いたタイヤの接地解析

    松原 真己, 石津 憲人, 河村 庄造


    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • 相互モード運動エネルギー分布に基づく振動低減手法の基礎検討

    松原 真己, 森川 行生, 河村 庄造, 伊勢 智彦, 古屋 耕平


    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • 直線フィット法を用いたはりの多点入力多点参照におけるモード同定の基礎検討

    田尻 大樹, 小代 昌輝, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造


    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • 軸方向スロット絞りを有する静圧気体軸受の動特性解析

    伊勢 智彦, 長尾 康平, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造, 絹川 智哉, 菊谷 慎哉, 黒川 正也


    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • タイヤブロック変形測定システムの構築とその実証

    松原 真己, 石井 航平, 河村 庄造, 古川 知成


    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • 逆動力学解析による走路条件が異なる場合の身体特性の評価に関する研究

    河村 庄造, 佐藤 恒星, 湯川 治敏, 伊勢 智彦, 松原 真己


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 静圧気体軸受で支持された弾性ロータへの不連続ばね制振装置の利用

    伊勢 智彦, 山本 舜, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 軸方向スロット絞りを有する静圧気体軸受の動特性解析

    伊勢 智彦, 長尾 康平, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 構造物の動特性を再現するためのボルト締結部のモデル化に関する研究

    河村 庄造, 岡崎 貴弥, 伊勢 智彦, 松原 真己, 亀田 直人, 佐々木 聖夏, 長島 孝幸, 姉川 憲永


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 微粒子配合ゴムにおける界面すべりの直接観察

    松原 真己, 寺本 真ノ将, 長谷 朝博, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造, 辻内 伸好, 伊藤 彰人


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • ひずみ測定による層状構造物の健全性評価(実験による適用性の検証)

    河村 庄造, 宮城 祥, 伊勢 智彦, 松原 真己


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 敏感度解析と縮約モード解析を利用した振動低減

    松原 真己, 古屋 耕平, 山内 貴之


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 代表モード抽出法による多点入力時の主要振動形状の抽出

    松原 真己, 佐々木 悠真, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 新しい実験モード解析手法(反復連立方程式法)の提案

    松原 真己

    MSC Software 2018 Users Conference 

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • タイヤの3次元弾性リングモデルの構築と振動解析

    松原 真己


    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 動吸振器のような振る舞いをする構造部位抽出の基礎検討

    松原 真己, 森川 行生, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造

    日本機械学会東海支部第67期総会・講演会  (愛知県名古屋市) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 広帯域振動低減のためのフィッシュボーン型減衰器

    稲吉 創大, 松村 雄一, 古屋 耕平, 松原 真己

    日本機械学会東海支部第67期総会・講演会  (愛知県名古屋市) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • アンバランスを有する回転軸から給気する静圧ジャーナル気体軸受(配管長さが軸振動低減効果に及ぼす影響

    伊勢 智彦, 大? 光祥, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造

    日本機械学会東海支部第67期総会・講演会  (愛知県名古屋市) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 接地拘束を受けるタイヤ横振動の解析

    松原 真己, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造

    日本機械学会東海支部第67期総会・講演会  (愛知県名古屋市) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 振動解析用タイヤ3次元弾性リングモデルの構築とパラメータ同定

    松原 真己


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • PET微粒子複合化天然ゴム材料の減衰特性に対する界面すべりの力学モデル化とX線CTによる直接観察

    松原 真己, 長谷 朝博, 寺本 真ノ将, 山田 莉香子, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造, 辻内 伸好, 伊藤 彰人

    第9回自動車用途コンポジットシンポジウム  (京都府京都市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 軸受面に非対称性を有する気体軸受の動特性解析

    伊勢 智彦, 西田 正樹, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2017  (愛知県豊橋市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • アンバランス回転軸から給気する気体軸受の軸振動低減(給気孔の非対称性と軸振動低減範囲の検証)

    伊勢 智彦, 大崎 光祥, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2017  (愛知県豊橋市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 非対称給気式気体軸受によるアンバランス回転軸の軸振動低減(回転周波数が給気制御性と軸振動低減効果に及ぼす影響)

    伊勢 智彦, 植木 健倫, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2017  (愛知県豊橋市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 存否法を使用したはりの振動特性解析

    伊勢 智彦, 新籾 聖太, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2017  (愛知県豊橋市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 正圧・負圧の両方が発生する気体軸受の軸振動減衰特性

    伊勢 智彦, 大内 紳司, 松原 真己, 河村 庄造

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2017  (愛知県豊橋市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 長周期地震動に対応した免振装置の設計に関する研究

    河村 庄造, 野村 幸一, 伊勢 智彦, 松原 真己

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2017  (愛知県豊橋市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 微粒子複合化天然ゴムを用いた制振材の動的粘弾性評価

    松原 真己, 長谷 朝博, 山田 莉香子, 浜口 和也, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造, 辻内 伸好, 伊藤 彰人

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2017  (愛知県豊橋市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 機械・構造物に作用する外力の同定に関する研究(質量付加によって逆問題を正則化させる手法の検証)

    河村 庄造, 平原 直人, 伊勢 智彦, 松原 真己

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2017  (愛知県豊橋市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 類似性に基づく固有モード群の代表モード抽出法の提案

    松原 真己, 古屋 耕平, 森田 諭

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2017  (愛知県豊橋市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • ひずみ測定による層状構造物の健全性評価

    河村 庄造, 宮城 祥, 伊勢 智彦, 松原 真己

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2017  (愛知県豊橋市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 振動解析用タイヤ3次元弾性リングモデルの構築とパラメータ同定

    松原 真己

    自動車技術会 2016-2017期 第2回タイヤ/路面摩擦特性部門委員会 

    Presentation date: 2017.07

  • 振動解析を目的とした タイヤ-ホイール系の簡易物理モデルの開発

    松原 真己, 伊勢 彦, 河村 庄造

    自動車技術会2017年春季大会  (神奈川県横浜市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 3次元弾性リングモデルを用いたタイヤ-車軸振動伝達特性の解析

    松原 真己, 伊勢智彦, 河村 庄造

    日本機械学会東海支部第66期総会・講演会  (静岡県浜松市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 非対称軸受面を有する静圧気体軸受の動特性解析

    伊勢智彦, 西田正樹, 松原真己, 河村庄造

    日本機械学会東海支部第66期総会・講演会  (静岡県浜松市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • アンバランスを有する回転軸から給気する気体軸受の軸振動低減

    伊勢智彦, 大?光祥, 松原真己, 河村庄造

    日本機械学会東海支部第66期総会・講演会  (静岡県浜松市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 給気圧力制御方式ジャーナル空気軸受の動的特性

    伊勢智彦, 植木健倫, 松原真己, 河村庄造

    日本機械学会東海支部第66期総会・講演会  (静岡県浜松市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • ひずみ測定による層状構造物の健全性評価に関する研究

    河村 庄造, 宮城 祥, 伊勢 智彦, 松原 真己

    日本機械学会東海支部第66期総会・講演会  (静岡県浜松市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 微粒子複合ゴムの減衰特性に対する配向の影響と複合測の検討

    松原 真己, 長谷 朝博, 辻内 伸好, 伊藤 彰人, 山田 莉香子, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造

    同志社大学先端複合材料研究センター年度末報告会  (静岡県浜松市) 

    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • Evaluation of dynamic viscoelasticity of damping material using natural rubber/particle composites

    MATSUBARA Masami, NAGATANI Asahiro, YAMADA Rikako, HAMAGUCHI Kazuya, ISE Tomohiko, KAWAMURA Shozo, TSUJIUCHI Nobutaka, ITO Akihito

    The Proceedings of the Dynamics & Design Conference  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2017.09

    Event date:

     View Summary

    Damping material is used to provide structures and machines with damping characteristics. Damping material is applied to part of the product in order to reduce noise and vibration. The improvement of damping properties is important and viscoelastic material/particle composites are focused on. Many studies have reported vibration damping characteristics of viscoelastic materials are improved by particle composite process. However, it is not clear that the relationship between the vibration damping characteristics and the conditions of the particle compounding. Hence, it is difficult to predict the damping performance by compounding condition. In this study, we investigated the effects of blending of particles on the loss factor by PET particle/natural rubber composites. Evaluating dynamic viscoelasticity was performed. As a results, it is found that loss factor of composite materials have strain amplitude dependence. We built dynamic model for composite materials. This model includes equivalent stiffness, damper and friction mechanism due to the effect of surface between particles and matrix. And we assumed that dynamic frictional force is proportional to the square of the strain amplitude. Results show that analytical values of loss factor nearly correspond to experimental data.

  • 支持特性を考慮したはり構造物のモード特性同定に関する研究

    河村 庄造, 喜多 雅人, 伊勢 智彦, 松原 真己

    日本機械学会 第15回評価・診断シンポジウム  (京都) 

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • アンバランス回転軸を支持する気体軸受の軸振動低減(準静的状態における効果の検証)

    伊勢智彦, 大崎光祥, 松原真己, 河村庄造


    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • PET微粒子複合ゴム材料の減衰特性評価

    山田莉香子, 松原 真己, 伊勢智彦, 河村庄造, 長谷朝博, 浜口和也, 辻内伸好, 伊藤彰人

    第8回自動車用途コンポジットシンポジウム  (京都府京都市) 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • ウエアラブルセンサーによるランニングの逆動力学解析(地面反力を測定しない解析方法の構築)

    河村 庄造, 森 浩紀, 湯川 治敏, 中島 賢治, 伊勢 智彦, 松原 真己

    日本機械学会 シンポジウム:スポーツ工学・ヒューマンダイナミクス2016  (山形県) 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • 振動試験によるタイヤサイドウォール部剛性の推定

    松原 真己

    第369回振動談話会  (兵庫県) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • タイヤ空洞共鳴音に関する理論解析の研究紹介

    松原 真己

    振動談話会第3回若手研究交流会  (滋賀県) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 非対称給気圧力による静圧ジャーナル軸受の軸受性能向上 (給気圧力制御による軸振動低減)

    伊勢智彦, 植木健倫, 松原真己, 河村庄造

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2016  (山口県) 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • 機械・構造物に作用する外力の同定に関する研究(質量付加を利用した同定手法の提案)

    河村庄造, 平原直人, 伊勢智彦, 松原 真己

    日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2016  (山口県) 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • 低自由度力学モデルと振動試験を用いたタイヤ基本剛性の評価

    田尻大樹, 松原真己, 伊勢智彦, 河村庄造


    Presentation date: 2016.05

  • タイヤ-ホイール系低自由度力学モデルの構築と固有振動数解析

    松原 真己, 堀内 慎, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造


    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • オイラーベルヌーイ梁の材料特性同定に関する質量感応法の適用範囲の検討

    松原 真己, 青野 晃大, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造


    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 付加質量を利用した均質で一様な断面をもつ単純支持はりの線密度同定

    松原 真己, 青野 晃大, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造


    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 機械・構造物に作用する外力の同定に関する研究

    河村庄造, 平原直人, 伊勢智彦, 松原真己


    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 繊維配向を考慮した微粒子充てん複合ゴムの減衰特性評価

    松原 真己, 長谷 朝博, 辻内 伸好, 伊藤 彰人, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造


    Presentation date: 2016.02

  • 微粒子充てん複合ゴムの減衰特性に対する繊維配向の影響

    松原 真己, 長谷 朝博, 辻内 伸好, 伊藤 彰人, 伊勢 智彦, 河村 庄造


    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 接地・転動時におけるタイヤ半径方向振動解析

    松原 真己


    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • 転動時におけるタイヤ横方向振動解析

    松原 真己


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 走行動作における下肢の関節反力・関節モーメント及び筋活動に関する研究

    河村庄造, 湯川治敏, 平井彰, 青山新輔, 松原真己


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 低減衰性能を有する部材のモード特性同定に関する研究

    河村庄造, 喜多雅人, 松原真己


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Analysi of lateral vibration for tire using flexible ring model

    Masami Matsubara, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Shozo Kawamura

    34th Annual Meeting and Conference on Tire Science and Technology  (Ohio, USA) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • タイヤ‐ホイール連成振動の簡易モデル化

    松原真己, 堀内慎, 河村庄造, 高阪文彦

    Dyn Des Conf (CD-ROM) 

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • ベルヌーイ・オイラー梁の線密度同定に関する研究

    松原 真己


    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 内圧変動時におけるサイドウォールばね特性の推定

    田尻大樹, 松原真己, 河村庄造


    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • 乗用車用タイヤの振動解析と低自由度力学モデル化に関する研究

    松原真己, 辻内伸好, 小泉孝之, 平野裕也, 尾藤健介


    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • 103 Vibration analysis and low DOF modeling of vehicle tires

    Matsubara Masami, TSUJIUCHI Nobutaka, KOIZUMI Takayuki, HIRANO Yuya, BITO Kensuke


    Presentation date: 2015.03

     View Summary

    Road noise, excited by road roughness, is one of the NVH (Noise, Vibration and Harshness). Tires greatly influence the level of NVH experienced in the vehicle. Thus, tire vibration characteristics impact the spectra of road noise. This paper describes our research of tire dynamics using low DOF model. First, we built tire dynamics model based on thin cylindrical shell theory. This model can express all modes below 200Hz. Second, we performed vibration analysis on the contact and rolling condition and clear up the vibration characteristics analytically.

  • 176 Estimation of damping properties of damping beam with natural rubber/cellulose composites

    MATSUBARA Masami, KAWAMURA Shozo, NAGATANI Asahiro, TSUJIUCHI Nobutaka, ITO Akihito


    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • 179 Linear density identification of free-free beams using a sensitivity of natural frequencies

    MATSUBARA Masami, AONO Akihiro, KAWAMURA Shozo


    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • 178 Basic tire stiffness estimation using a mass sensitive method



    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • セルロース複合ゴムを用いた制振鋼板の開発と減衰特性評価

    松原 真己, 辻内 伸好, 伊藤 彰人, 長谷 朝博, 河村 庄造


    Presentation date: 2015.02

  • 206 Construction of simple model of a bolt jointed structure

    Kawamura Shozo, Inoue Takuya, Matsubara Masami

    Symposium on Evaluation and Diagnosis 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • 215 Influence of sopport condition on the identification result in the experimental modal analysis

    Kawamura Shozo, Harada Masahiro, KITA Masato, Matsubara Masami

    Symposium on Evaluation and Diagnosis 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • バイオコンポジット制振鋼板関係の進捗報告

    松原真己, 河村庄造l, 長谷朝博, 辻内伸好, 伊藤彰人


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • J0110205 Optimization by DAKOTA and JAGUAR

    OSHIMA Hiroko, MATSUBARA Masami, TSUJIUCHI Nobutaka, KOIZUMI Takayukia

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

     View Summary

    DAKOTA (Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications) toolkit is developed by Sandia National Laboratories, and available under a GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). DAKOTA provides the following 4 capabilities; (1) optimization with gradient and nongradient-based methods, (2) uncertainty quantification with sampling, reliability, stochastic expansion and epistemic methods, (3) parameter estimation with nonlinear least squares methods, and (4) sensitivity/variance analysis with design of experiments and parameter study methods. JAGUAR (JAva GUi for Applied Research) is a Java software tool providing an advanced text editor and graphical user interface to manipulate DAKOTA input specifications. In this paper, we report the results of the capabilities of DAKOTA, especially optimization. DAKOTA is applied to some famous optimization examples and is verified that outputs are correct. DAKOTA is applied to the gradient-based local methods with constraints, the derivative-free global method, and multi-objective problem, to confirmative its optimal capabilities. Additionally, DAKOTA is compared with other optimal system.

  • 306 Vibration analysis of tire lateral bending mode using tire ring model with springs

    MATSUBARA Masami, TSUJIUCHI Nobutaka

    Dynamics and Design Conference : D & D 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

     View Summary

    Recent studies have shown that the coupled vibration between the tire and the suspension is transmitted into the vehicle cabin and is responsible for vehicle interior noise. The tire vibration is excited by the road surface through the contact patch on the rolling tire. Hence, in order to reduce vehicle interior noise, the understanding of the complex mechanisms of the effect of rolling and contact is important. This paper describes the vibration analysis of the tire lateral bending mode on the unrolling and rolling conditions using analytical dynamics. First, we built the tire vibration model as tire ring model with springs. This model follows inextensional deformation assumption in vibration. The basic equation, including the effects of the initial tension caused by centrifugal force and the Coriolis force, is derived by Lagrange equation. It is found that the same shape of traveling wave modes occurs for a rolling tire, and that the excitation frequency of the forward wave is different from the backward wave.

  • Rayleighの方法によるタイヤ横曲げモードの振動解析

    松原真己, 辻内伸好, 小泉孝之, 尾藤健介


    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • タイヤ横方向振動特性の実験的解明

    尾藤健介, 小泉孝之, 辻内伸好, 松原真己, 平野裕也


    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • 平板理論とタイヤばね付きリングモデルによる振動解析



    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • タイヤ構造とレセプタンス法を用いた振動挙動解析



    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 3-1-3-251 Tire Vibration Analysis for Radial Direction in Contact and Rolling Condition

    MATSUBARA Masami, TSUJIUCHI Nobutaka, KOIZUMI Takayuki, HIRANO Yuya

    Dynamics and Design Conference : D & D 

    Presentation date: 2013.08

     View Summary

    Recent years, we receive the full benefit of vehicle by the rapid progress of motorization with the development of economy. By contrast, environmental problem occurs from vehicle noise. The noise in Engine and Intake-Exhaust system which is typical source of noise until now has been improved because noise regulation advanced. This situation makes the tire contribution rate to vehicle interior noise increasing relatively. And the reduction of tire noise is the serious problem that we have to work on. It is important to reconstruct the input into the body from road to spindle and suspension for accurate prediction. One of the problems is how to express the tire vibration characteristics in operational condition, which are complex. It is difficult to construct a tire model that expresses the vibration characteristics under the contact and rolling condition because of the rolling effect, contact patch restriction, the property of rubber. In this study, we set a goal of performing vibration analysis in contact and rolling condition and clear up the vibration characteristic analytically. First, Introducing tire vibration model based on cylindrical shell theory and applying the receptance method for tire model. Additionally, we derived the mode shape function and the frequency equation in contact and rolling condition. Secondly, describing the comparison of the analytical result and experimental result in non-rolling condition. Furthermore, we calculated natural frequency and mode shape in contact and rolling condition. It is problem in the future that comparing with the experimental values because confirming the validity of the analysis results.

  • 接地・転動時の影響を考慮したタイヤの振動解析



    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • 2層対称積層ベルト構造を考慮したタイヤ接地・転動時における半径方向振動挙動のモデル化

    辻内 伸好, 小泉 孝之, 松原 真己, 平野 裕也, 増田 篤志


    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • 1009 Analysis of Tire Axial Vibration Characteristics caused by Lateral Bending Mode

    MATSUBARA Masami, KOIZUMI Takayuki, TSUJIUCHI Nobutaka, NAKAMURA Fumiya, HIRANO Yuya, BTO Kensuke


    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • タイヤ振動特性に対する接地面拘束の影響

    松原 真己, 小泉 孝之, 辻内 伸好, 平野 裕也, 中村 文哉


    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • 762 Natural frequency estimation of rolling tire from excitation tests at contact area


    Dynamics & Design Conference 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

     View Summary

    Spindle force is a critical factor in structure borne noise for vehicle interior noise. To research the vibration characteristic of rolling tire is essential for prediction of spindle force. There is a characteristic that 1^<st> natural frequencies in operational condition are lower than in static condition. Therefore, the consideration of the degradation of natural frequencies is necessary in the tire model. This paper describes identification method of tire equivalent stiffness In operational condition. And we propose natural frequency estimation of rolling tire from excitation tests at contact area.

  • 761 Vibration characteristics evaluation at rolling tire considered of rotation effect

    Koizumi Takayuki, Tsujiuchi Nobutaka, Matsubara Masami, Matsuyama Koji, Aikawa Masataka, Oshima Hiroko

    Dynamics & Design Conference 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

     View Summary

    This paper describes vibration analysis of a tire on the static and operational condition. At first, the surface vibration velocities were measured on the operational condition to comprehend the vibration behavior of a rolling tire using the scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometers. Secondly, the tire vibration model based on the cylindrical shell theory was build up. The basic equation, including the effects of the initial tension and the Coriolis force due to rotation, was derived by thin rotating cylindrical shell model and Hamilton principal. The results of the experiment and the theoretical analysis for a rolling tire were presented.

  • G1001-3-4 Vibration Analysis of a Rolling Tire for Divided Modes

    Koizumi Takayuki, Tsujiuchi Nobutaka, Matsubara Masami, Aikawa Masataka, Matsuyama Koji

    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

     View Summary

    It is important that the vibration characteristic of a rolling tire is researched for the improvement of vehicle interior noise. This paper describes vibration analysis of a tire on the static and operational condition. The basic equation, including the effects of the initial tension and the Coriolis force due to rotation, is derived by thin rotating cylindrical shell model and Hamilton principal. The results of the experiment and the theoretical analysis for a rolling tire are presented. Consequently, it is found that same shape of traveling-wave modes occur for a rolling tire, and the excitation frequencies of forward and backward wave are different.

  • タイヤ転動時の路面入力を用いた車軸応答解析

    松原真己, 小泉孝之, 辻内伸好, 森口金也, 島一郎

    Presentation date: 2008.10

▼display all

Research Projects

  • 妊婦運動中の高精度運動量計測を用いた工学的視点と生理学的視点によるリスク評価

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    中垣 明美, 松原 真己

     View Summary

    本研究目的は,全身を大きく動かす妊婦運動の運動量の正確な測定により,妊婦の筋骨格系の負荷など運動工学的変化と,生理的変化を同時測定し関連を解析する。これにより運動の妊婦に及ぼす影響を解明し,安全な運動内容について提言することを目的とする。初年度は人の運動や動作の負荷などを力学的に評価するためのプロトコルの確認・解析法の構築を行った。具体的には3D スキャナーおよび姿勢推定プログラムを利用し,身体活動時における力学的エネルギーの算出・評価方法の構築である。
    ①身体寸法推定としてハンディタイプの3Dスキャナーを導入し,3DCAD上で身体モデルの構築を行った.これにより,各身体部位の質量,慣性モーメントの算出を可能とした。②姿勢推定プログラムとしてFrankMocapを導入し,2D画像から3D姿勢推定を行った.動画を構成する各画像に対して分析を行うことで,3D動作推定が可能であることを確認した。③上記の①②のデータを基にNathanら(PLOS ONE vol.10_5, (2015), pp1-22)が提案している外部仕事(身体重心を移動させる仕事)と内部仕事(身体重心に対する各身体部分重心の相対的な仕事)に分けて力学的エネルギーを求めた。

  • 動的X線CTによる微粒子複合ゴムの振動減衰メカニズムの解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    松原 真己

     View Summary


  • Study on energy dissipation mechanism and damping property of fine particle composite viscoelastic material

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Matsubara Masami

     View Summary

    In this study, I investigated the relationship between the damping characteristics and deformation behavior inside microdeformed short-fiber reinforced rubber by X-ray computed tomography (CT). I prepared natural rubber (NR) as the matrix and micrometer-sized fiber-shaped polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers as the filler to prepare a damping material. The loss factor was identified by dynamic mechanical analysis, and three-dimensional strain maps were obtained using marker tracking in the CT data. The addition of 5 wt% PET fibers to NR resulted in an increase in the loss factor. Experimentally, I found that nonlinear damping of the composite rubber is affected by the peeling of the filler/matrix interface and the strain inside the material.

  • Study on control of damping characteristics of damping rubber material with composite particles

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    Matsubara Masami

     View Summary

    It was found that the loss factor of fiber composite greatly changes with the strain amplitude, and the strain amplitude dependence becomes stronger when the strain amplitude direction and the longitudinal direction of fiber particle are close. A dynamic model for fiber composite rubber was constructed. This model assumed that dynamic friction force is proportional to the square of the strain amplitude. The loss factors show good correlation with the recalculated and experimental results; the loss factor can be expressed assuming that the energy dissipation amount owing to the slip is proportional to the square of the strain amplitude.


  • Non-destructive three-dimensional observation of dynamic behavior inside microparticle composite rubbers using dynamic x-ray CT

    Masami Matsubara, Ryo Takara, Shogo Furuta, Khoo Pei Loon, Masakazu Kobayashi, Shozo Kawamura, Daiki Tajiri

    Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XVIII    2024.05

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  


  • タイヤ振動解析用数理モデルの構築


    機械の研究   75 ( 8 ) 581 - 585  2023.08

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • Effect of specimen size and loading rate on stress-strain curve of rubber material

    M. Matsubara, T. Komatsu, T. Matsuoka, K. Matsumoto, D. Tajiri, S. Kawamura

    Proceedings of international symposium on scale modeling     1 - 4  2022.03

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Vibrational Damping Properties of Fine Particle-Reinforced Rubber Composite and Observation of Internal Deformation by Micro X-ray CT

    Masami Matsubara

      56 ( 12 ) 609 - 615  2021.12  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • ランニングと弾性エネルギー

    Journal of Running Science   32 ( 1 )  2021.01

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • Modal identification of cylindrical shell with high damping using reduction method focusing on symmetry of mode shape

    Daiki TAJIRI, Masaki OJIRO, Masami MATSUBARA, Shozo KAWAMURA

    6th International Conference of Global Network for Innovative Technology (IGNITE) & International Conference on Vibration, Sound and System Dynamics (ICVSSD)    2019.12  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Extraction of modified parts of mechanical structures based on mutual mode kinetic energy distribution for vibration reduction

    Masami Matsubara, Koki Morikawa, Kohei Takahashi, Shozo Kawamura, Kohei Furuya, Tomohiko Ise

    Proceedings of the 25th Small Engine Technology Conference(SETC)    2019.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Three-dimensional strain calculation of rubber composite with fiber-shaped particles by feature point tracking using X-ray computed tomography

    Masami Matsubara, Shinnosuke Teramoto, Asahiro Nagatani, Shozo Kawamura, Tomohiko Ise, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Akito Ito, Masakazu Kobayashi, Shogo Huruta

    Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pasific Vibration Conference    2019.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Identification of statistical characteristics of random excitation acting on machines or structures

    Shozo Kawamura, Takuo Henmi, Masami Matsubara

    Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pasific Vibration Conference    2019.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Study of the effect of shape processing of a specimen on the modal properties

    Shozo Kwamura, Go Kikuchi, Masami Matsubar

    Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pasific Vibration Conference    2019.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Proposition of isolation table considering the long-period earthquake ground motion (Method of changing natural frequency of isolation system with additional spring)

    Shozo Kawamura, Tetsuhiko Owa, Tomohiko Ise, Masami Matsubara

    Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pasific Vibration Conference    2019.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Visualization of strain distribution in tire tread block using intermittent digital camera system

    Masami Matsubara, Kohei Ishii, Shozo Kawamura, Tomonari Furukawa

    Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pasific Vibration Conference    2019.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Identification of modal properties using linear fit method with polynomial approximation of residue term of frequency response function

    Daiki Tajiri, Shinsuke Takehara, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura

    Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pasific Vibration Conference    2019.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Development of measurement system for deformation of the tire tread block using a digital camera

    Masami Matsubara, Kohei Ishii, Shozo Kawamura, Tomonari Furukawa

    Proceedings of the NOISE-CON 2019    2019.08

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Identification of modal parameters in a lightly damped system based on impact vibration testing: Application of exponential window and removal of its effect


    Journal of Physics: Conference Series/ Proceedings of the13th International conference on recent advances in structural dynamics   1264   1 - 10  2019.07  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Externally Pressurized Gas Journal Bearing with Slot Restrictors Arranged in the Axial Direction (Experimental Verification of Bearing Stiffness using Large Unbalanced Rotor)

    Tomohiko Ise, Kohei Nagao, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura, Tomoya Kinugawa, Shinya Kikutani, Masaya Kurokawa

    Mechanisms and Machine Science   73   3945 - 3951  2019  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

     View Summary

    © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. In this study, new rectangular slot restriction-type externally pressurized gas journal bearing has been developed for use in high-speed rotating machinery. The proposed bearing has several rectangular slot restrictors arranged in the inner sur-face of the bearing. This restrictors has high stiffness for couple of force. The material of the prototype bearing was PPS (Poly Phenylene Sulfide) resin, the machining accuracy (roundness) of the bearing was improved. Experimental verification using large unbalanced rotor was carried out. Unbalance to the rotor was set to generate vibration in cylindrical mode and conical mode. The rotational speed is 11,000rpm. The bearing diameter and length are 30mm and 40mm, respectively. As a result, it was clarified that the proposed bearings have smaller rotor vibration and improved rigidity than the conventional type.


  • Development of large load capacity externally pressurized gas journal bearings for rotary-type vibration exciters with large static imbalance

    Tomohiko Ise, Mitsuyoshi Osaki, Takemichi Ueki, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura

    Active Geophysical Monitoring     183 - 206  2019.01  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

     View Summary

    © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. The rotor for the seismic ACROSS transmitter has an eccentric mass, and when it rotates, an elastic wave is generated. A large load is applied to the bearing supporting this rotor. Therefore the development of bearings useful for supporting this rotor is necessary. It is also important to keep it maintenance free when developing the equipment. Therefore in this research, we aim to support a large load rotor with eccentric mass using gas bearings. In this chapter, two types of bearing shapes and mechanisms are proposed and their characteristics described.


  • Interfacial observation of composite rubber with fiber-shaped particles under tensile load using X-ray computer tomography

    Masami MATSUBARA, Shinnosuke TERAMOTO, Asahiro NAGATANI, Shozo KAWAMURA, Tomohiko ISE, Nobutaka TSUJIUCHI, Akihito ITO

    Proceedings of the13th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics    2018.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • 微粒子配合ゴムにおける界面すべりの直接観察

    松原真己, 寺本真ノ将, 長谷朝博, 伊勢智彦, 河村庄造, 辻内伸好, 伊藤彰人

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2018  2018


  • Extraction of structure parts that behave like a dynamic vibration absorber

    Masami Matsubara, Koki Morikawa, Tomohiko Ise, Shozo Kawamura

    25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling   5   3164 - 3171  2018

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

     View Summary

    © 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling. All rights reserved. Computer-aided engineering is widely used in mechanical engineering to analyze the noise- and vibration-related performances of components and assemblies. Recently, extremely fine meshes of the body structure and large number of degree-of-freedom (DOF), in a finite element model (FE model) with increased CPU power, have been used to run simulations in high-frequency regions and to improve the accuracy of the simulations. This FE model is better suited for studying the effects of changing physical parameters, such as material stiffness and structural details, thereby facilitating a detailed analysis of the vibration behavior. Moreover, with an FE model, it is difficult to develop effective countermeasures against noise and vibration because of the increasing number of modes in unit intervals of frequency. For this type of problem in high modal density regions, earlier studies have explored several mode-grouping methods based on similarity of mode shapes. The overall mode shapes are similar in groups but dissimilar in parts. On comparison of two mode shapes, it is observed that the vibration behavior of dissimilar parts is similar to that of a dynamic vibration absorber (DVA). If the structure parts that behave like a DVA can be extracted, we can use the design theory of DVA for designing structures. This study presents extraction of structure parts that behave like a DVA. This proposed method uses mutual kinetic energy distribution based on the structure parts that have anti-phase in the two modes.

  • Vibration reduction of the rotor by supply gas pressure control of externally pressurized gas journal bearings with asymmetric gas supply

    Tomohiko Ise, Takemichi Ueki, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura

    25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling   5   3172 - 3179  2018

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

     View Summary

    © 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling. All rights reserved. Externally pressurized gas journal bearings can contactlessly support rotors by gas pressure. This provides advantages such as high precision rotation, low frictional loss, and high rotational speeds. However, the load capacity of gas bearings is very small compared to mechanical rolling contact bearings, so they are mainly applied to small size rotating machinery. In order to support larger load rotor loads, we have developed an externally pressurized gas journal bearing with an asymmetric gas supply. In this paper verified vibration reduction effect of a rotor supported by externally pressurized journal gas bearings under the supply gas pressure control condition. This research made control system of the gas supply pressure using MATLAB and Sim-ulink. Pressure control was conducted using servo-valves to obtain high response and achieve more high rotation speed. Obtained rotor vibration amplitude decreased under the controlled pressure supply conditions. The rotor amplitude decreased 56% in maximum. The eccentric rotor was safely supported by proposed bearing, and effective data for the practical operation was obtained.

  • Structural health monitoring of layered structure by strain measurements

    Shozo Kawamura, Sho Miyagi, Tomohiko Ise, Masami Matsubara

    25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling   5   2812 - 2819  2018

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

     View Summary

    © 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018: Hiroshima Calling. All rights reserved. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a very important technology to realize the sustainable society. Various researches are being conducted for SHM, and it is effective because it avoids accidents and predicts behaviour of structures. In this research, we proposed a method of SHM for a layered structure, in which the abnormal hierarchy of the structure was identified by strain measurement. First, in the normal condition, the location where the strain is almost 0 on the outer wall of each hierarchy is specified and the strain at that points are always measured. Then, when an abnormality occurs in a certain hierarchy, a significant value of strain appears in the abnormal hierarchy where the strain is originally 0. We verified the proposed method by numerical simulation. We considered a 3-layerd structure and it was modelled as a cantilever beam. Abnormality was assumed as the decrement of stiffness at a certain element and it was shown that the effect of abnormality appeared in the whole structure in the natural vibration mode while it appeared locally in the strain measurement. Then the random response was calculated by the numerical integration, and the hierarchy where the abnormality occurred can be identified by using the proposed method. As a result, it was shown that the method was possible to identify the hierarchy where an abnormality occurred.

  • Experimental Verification of Damping Characteristics of Hydro-inertia Gas Journal Bearings

    Tomohiko ISE, Shinji Ouchi, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura

    Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2017.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Vibration Characteristics of Externally Pressurized Gas Journal Bearings with Asymmetric Gas Supply Pressure Control

    Tomohiko ISE, Takemichi UEKI, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura

    Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2017.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Analysis of Vibration Characteristics of a Cantilever using Sompi Method

    Tomohiko ISE, Shota ARAMOMI, Masami MATSUBARA, Shozo KAWAMURA

    Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2017.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Rotor Vibration Reduction Supported by Externally Pressurized Gas Journal Bearing with Asymmetrically Arranged Gas Supply Holes (Experiments of the Various Types of Frequency Modulation)

    Tomohiko Ise, Mitsuyoshi Osaki, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura

    Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2017.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Method for extraction of the representative mode based on similarity mode for dynamic analysis

    M. Matsubara, K. Furuya, S. Morita

    Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2017.11  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Viscoelastic model for composite materials focused on strain amplitude dependence

    M. Matsubara, A. Nagatani, R. Yamada, T. Ise, S. Kawamura, N. Tsujiuchi, A. Ito

    Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2017.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Dynamic Characteristics of Externally Pressurized Gas Journal Bearings with Asymmetric Bearing Area

    Tomohiko ISE, Masaki NISHIDA, Masami MATSUBARA, Shozo KAWAMURA

    Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2017.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Vibration Analysis of Rotating Tires Focused on Effect of Rotation Using a Three - Dimensional Flexible Ring Model

    Masami Matsubara, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Tomohiko Ise, Shozo Kawamura

    SAE Technical Papers   2017-June ( June ) 368 - 382  2017.06  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

     View Summary

    Copyright © 2017 SAE International. The tire is one of the most important parts, which influence the noise, vibration, and harshness of the passenger cars. It is well known that effect of rotation influences tire vibration characteristics, and earlier studies presented formulas of tire vibration behavior. However, there are no studies of tire vibration including lateral vibration on effect of rotation. In this paper, we present new formulas of tire vibration on effect of rotation using a three-dimensional flexible ring model. The model consists of the cylindrical ring represents the tread and the springs represent the sidewall stiffness. The equation of motion of lateral, longitudinal, and radial vibration on the tread are derived based on the assumption of inextensional deformation. Many of the associated numerical parameters are identified from experimental tests. Unlike most studies of flexible ring models, which have mainly discussed radial and circumferential vibration, this study presents eigen functions concerning not only radial and circumferential but also lateral vibration using the three-dimensional flexible ring-based model. First, we developed a three-dimensional flexible ring tire model. The basic equations, including the effect of the initial tension resulting from rotation-induced centrifugal and Coriolis forces, were derived using the Lagrange equation. Second, we performed an experimental modal analysis of a non-rolling tire, in order to validate the model. Finally, the effect of rotation on lateral vibration was determined via numerical analysis. This analysis revealed that traveling wave modes occur at high rolling speeds. As a result, the vibration behavior including lateral vibration is described by a standing-wave mode in the static condition and a traveling-wave mode in the rolling condition.


  • Static and Rotating Performance of Externally Pressurized Gas Journal bearings with Slot Restrictor arranged for Axial Direction

    Tomohiko Ise, Kohei Nagao, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura, Tomoya Kinugawa, Kazuhiko Nishimura

    The 7th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology    2017.04

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • 微粒子複合化天然ゴムを用いた制振材料の動的粘弾性評価

    松原真己, 長谷朝博, 山田莉香子, 浜口和也, 伊勢智彦, 河村庄造, 辻内伸好, 伊藤彰人

    Dynamics & Design Conference (CD-ROM)   2017  2017


  • Parameter identification and vibration analysis of a three-dimensional elastic ring-based tire model

    Masami Matsubara, Daiki Tajiri, Tomohiko Ise, Shozo Kawamura

    Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future     2304 - 2312  2016.08  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

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    © 2016, German Acoustical Society (DEGA). All rights reserved. We present a new approach for predicting tire tread vibrations at frequencies less than 200 Hz; this approach is based on a three-dimensional elastic ring model, where the ring represents the tread and the springs represent the tire sidewall stiffness. The equations of motion for lateral, longitudinal, and radial vibrations on the tread are derived assuming inextensional deformation. Several associated parameters were identified experimentally through impact testing. Unlike most ring models, which only consider radial-circumferential modes, the presented model can also predict lateral bending modes. The experimental results agreed well with the analytical predictions.

  • Identification of Boundary Conditions, Material Properties and External Forces for Design Considering Dynamic Behavior of Machines and Structures

    Shozo Kawamura, Masami MATSUBARA


    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • トライボロジーに関する振動現象 タイヤに生じる振動騒音―路面凹凸による影響―

    辻内伸好, 松原真己

    Journal of Japanese Society of Tribologists   61 ( 7 ) 437 - 442  2016.07

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • Dynamic Behavior of Cantilever Beam with Slightly Gapped Support under Random Excitation


    Proceedings of the 16th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2015.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Linear density identification of beams with free-free boundary condition, Masami MATSUBARA

    Masami MATSUBARA, Akihiro AONO, Shozo KAWAMURA

    Proceedings of the 16th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2015.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Evaluation of Damping Properties of Damping Beam with Natural Rubber/Cellulose Composites

    Masami MATSUBARA, Shozo KAWAMURA, Asahiro NAGATANI, Nobutaka TSUJIUCHI, Akihito ITO

    Proceedings of the 16th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2015.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Evaluation of dynamic characteristics of the rubber element with and without constraint

    Shozo KAWAMURA, Ryosuke ISODA, Masami MATSUBARA

    Proceedings of the 16th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2015.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Proposition of a Judgment Method of Proper Paths in the Transfer Path Analysis


    Proceedings of the 16th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2015.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Analysis of coupling vibration between tire flexible ring and rigid wheel model

    Masami MATSUBARA, Makoto HORIUCHI, Shozo KAWAMURA, Fumihiko KOSAKA

    Proceedings of the 16th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference    2015.11  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Natural frequency analysis of tire vibration using a thin cylindrical shell model

    Masami Matsubara, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Takayuki Koizumi, Akihito Ito, Kensuke Bito

    SAE Technical Papers   2015-June  2015.06  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

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    Copyright © 2015 SAE International. Early studies on the tire vibration characteristics of road noise focused on radial modes of vibration because these modes are dominant in vertical spindle force. However, recent studies of Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) prediction have suggested that tire modeling not only of radial modes, but also of lateral vibration, including lateral translational and lateral bending modes, affect interior noise. Thus, it is important to construct tire dynamic models with few degrees of freedom for whole-vehicle analysis of NVH performance. Existing tire dynamics model can't express tire lateral vibrations. This paper presents a new approach for tire vibration analysis below 200Hz, and a formula for tire natural frequencies. First, a tire dynamic model is developed based on the thin cylindrical shell theory. Kinetic and potential energies are derived. Mode shape function is also derived by the assumption of inextensility in the neutral of the tread ring. The formulas of natural frequencies are derived from these relation expressions using Rayleigh's method. Second, impact tests for tires are performed for validation of the proposal theory. Results show that theoretical values of natural frequencies are close to the experimental data. Finally, the substructure's contributions to stiffness against natural frequencies are shown.


  • セルロース複合ゴムを用いた制振鋼板の制振性評価

    松原真己, 河村庄造, 長谷朝博, 辻内伸好, 伊藤彰人

    日本機械学会東海支部総会講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   64th  2015


  • Sensitivity Analysis for Natural Frequency of Tire Lateral Bending Mode

    Masami Matsubara, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Takayuki Koizumi, Kensuke Bito

    The 12th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control    2014.08  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Vibration behavior analysis of tire in operational condition by receptance method

    M. Matsubara, N. Tsujiuchi, T. Koizumi, A. Ito, Y. Hirano, S. Kawamura

    Proceedings of ISMA 2014 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2014 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics     1755 - 1768  2014

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

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    Tire rolling resistance has been reduced for the purpose of environmental load reduction. As a result, the sensitivity to vibration has increased. Additionally, the contribution of tire vibration to vehicle interior noise is increased. Therefore, many studies have been conducted on vehicle NVH (Noise, Vibration and Harshness) performance prediction in the case where the tire is built as a partial structure [1]. One of the problems is how to express the tire vibration characteristics under the operational condition. It is difficult to construct a tire model that expresses the vibration characteristics on the contact and rolling condition because of the rolling effect, contact patch restriction, the property of rubber. In this study, we set a goal of performing vibration analysis on the contact and rolling condition and clear up the vibration characteristic analytically. First, Introducing tire vibration model based on the cylindrical shell theory and applying the receptance method for tire model. Additionally, we derived the mode shape function and the frequency equation on the contact and rolling condition. Secondly, we calculated natural frequency and mode shape on the contact and rolling condition. After that, we clarified the tire vibration characteristics analytically in the difference condition such as rolling speed. From this study, it is clear that natural frequency on the contact and rolling condition depends on adapting mode number. Additionally, mode shape on the contact is determined by the components of forward wave and backward wave of the non-contact and rolling condition.

  • Prediction of vertical spindle force due to loaded and rolling tire

    Matsubara Masami, Koizumi Takayuki, Tsujiuchi Nobutaka

    The science and engineering review of Doshisha University   54 ( 2 ) 142 - 148  2013.07  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  

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    It is important to predict the interior noise of a passenger car for evaluation of performance of NVH. There are many sound sources including engine, power train, and tire in the passenger car. In particular, the dynamic force transmission of rolling tires from the road surface to the spindle is a critical factor in interior noise of the passenger car. We focus on structure-borne noise transferred through the spindle. It is necessary for effort of the effective tire/road noise reduction to predict spindle force excited by tire/road contact. The important issues for predicting spindle forces are tire model and how to input on the model because tire vibration characteristic change generated by rolling and contact. In this paper, we suggest the simple prediction of vertical spindle force that affect the interior noise clearly. First, we measures the spindle force generated by a projection and multiple projections. And we check the linearity of spindle force. It is found that we can predict the spindle force generated by optional projections based on the spindle force excited by a basic projection. Second, based that first mode of tire don&#039;t change generated by rolling, one degree model of a rolling tire is built up. Road force is identified from spindle force using this tire model. Finally, an estimation method of spindle force for any tire-rolling speed and height of cleat is proposed based on the identified road force.

    DOI CiNii

  • Tire vibration analysis in contact condition using receptance method

    Masami Matsubara, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Takayuki Koizumi, Yuya Hirano

    Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Vibration Conference 2013    2013.06  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • The Effect of Contact Patch Restriction for Tire Vibration Characteristics

    M. Matsubara, T. Koizumi, N. Tsujiuchi, Y. Hirano, F. Nakamura

    ISMA2012 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering    2012.09

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Vibration behavior analysis of rolling tire on effect of rotation

    Takayuki Koizumi, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Masami Matsubara, Koji Matsuyama, Masataka Aikawa, Hiroko Oshima

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   77 ( 777 ) 2018 - 2029  2011.12

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    Structure borne noise is dominant in vehicle interior noise as frequencies below approximately 300Hz. Spindle force is a critical factor in structure borne noise for vehicle interior noise. To research the vibration characteristic of a rolling tire is essential for prediction of spindle force. This paper describes vibration analysis of a tire on the static and operational condition. Firstly, the surface vibration velocities are measured in the operational condition to comprehend the vibration behavior of a rolling tire using the scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometers. Secondly, the tire vibration model based on the cylindrical shell theory is build up. The basic equation, including the effects of the initial tension and the Coriolis force due to rotation, is derived by thin rotating cylindrical shell model and Hamilton principal. The results of the experiment and the theoretical analysis for a rolling tire are presented. Consequently, it is found that same shape of traveling-wave modes occur for a rolling tire, and the excited frequency of forward wave is different from that of backward wave. Finally, it is revealed that whether the rotation effect have affect on the vibration characteristics of a rolling tire. © 2011 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

    DOI CiNii

  • Estimation of Spindle Force excited by Cleat

    Takayuki Koizumi, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Masami Matsubara, Fumiya Nakamura, Koji Matsuyama

    inter-noise 2011    2011.09

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Identification of tire equivalent stiffness for prediction of vertical spindle forces

    Masami Matsubara, Takayuki Koizumi, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Fumiya Nakamura, Koji Matsuyama

    SAE Technical Papers    2011  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

     View Summary

    The research into vibration characteristics of a loaded and rolling tire is essential for the prediction of spindle forces. There are tire vibration characteristics one of which is the first natural frequency of a loaded and rolling tire is lower than that of an unrolling tire. The vibration characteristics, for a loaded and rolling tire, are affected by the effect of rotation, restrictions of the vibration due to road contact, and the behavior of rubber dependent on amplitude strain. The consideration of the degradation of natural frequency is therefore necessary in the tire model for prediction of spindle forces. This paper describes an identification method for the tire equivalent stiffness of a tire model focused on vertical spindle forces. The first mode is dominant in vertical spindle forces. First, the natural frequencies in rolling and unrolling tires are identified by operational impact test. Second, the tire vibration model, based on the cylindrical shell theory, is built up. The basic equation, including the effect of rotation, is derived from the thin rotating cylindrical shell model. Consequently, it is found that the effect of rotation and restrictions of the vibration have no effect on the first mode. The results present vibration characteristics of a rolling tire estimate based on an unrolling tire. Copyright © 2011 SAE International.


  • Vibration Analysis of Rolling Tire based on Thin Cylindrical shell Theory

    T. Koizumi, N. Tsujiuchi, M. Matsubara, 〇F. Nakamura, K. Matsuyama

    ISMA2010 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering    2010.09

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • 762 Natural frequency estimation of rolling tire from excitation tests at contact area


    Dynamics & Design Conference   2010   "762 - 1"-"762-6"  2010.09

     View Summary

    Spindle force is a critical factor in structure borne noise for vehicle interior noise. To research the vibration characteristic of rolling tire is essential for prediction of spindle force. There is a characteristic that 1^<st> natural frequencies in operational condition are lower than in static condition. Therefore, the consideration of the degradation of natural frequencies is necessary in the tire model. This paper describes identification method of tire equivalent stiffness In operational condition. And we propose natural frequency estimation of rolling tire from excitation tests at contact area.


  • 761 Vibration characteristics evaluation at rolling tire considered of rotation effect

    Koizumi Takayuki, Tsujiuchi Nobutaka, Matsubara Masami, Matsuyama Koji, Aikawa Masataka, Oshima Hiroko

    Dynamics & Design Conference   2010   "761 - 1"-"761-5"  2010.09

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    This paper describes vibration analysis of a tire on the static and operational condition. At first, the surface vibration velocities were measured on the operational condition to comprehend the vibration behavior of a rolling tire using the scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometers. Secondly, the tire vibration model based on the cylindrical shell theory was build up. The basic equation, including the effects of the initial tension and the Coriolis force due to rotation, was derived by thin rotating cylindrical shell model and Hamilton principal. The results of the experiment and the theoretical analysis for a rolling tire were presented.


  • Prediction of spindle force using measured road forces on rolling tire

    Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Takayuki Koizumi, Masami Matsubara, Kinya Moriguchi, Ichiro Shima

    SAE Technical Papers    2009  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

     View Summary

    Improvement of vehicle interior noise is desired in recent years in the modern world of the demand of low weight, good fuel economy and offering technical advantages strongly. The dynamic force transmission of rolling tires from the road surface to the spindles is a critical factor in vehicle interior noise. We focus on structure-borne noise transferred through the spindle. It is necessary for effort of the effective tire/road noise reduction to predict spindle force excited by tire/road contact. The major issues in predicting spindle forces are to clarify the distribution of road forces and how to input on the simulation model. Therefore, it is important that road forces are measured accurately on the rolling tire. First, the dynamic road forces on the rolling tire are measured by using the tri-axial force sensor directly. In efforts to reduce interior noise due to structure-borne noise, it is necessary to predict spindle forces excited by the tire/road contact. Second, the spindle forces during the operation are predicted by using the FE tire model and the distribution of the dynamic road forces which are measured experimentally. Our suggested method is applicable for predicting spindle force because analytical results of spindle force are close to experimental results. Copyright © 2009 SAE International.


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  • 広域計測・高分解能・高サンプリング周波数を並立した画像振動計の開発と検証


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    本研究では,広域かつ高分解能な画像振動計を目指し,デジタル画像処理手法の高分解能化について取り組んだ.材料の変位場や振動計測でよく利用されるDigital image correlation (DIC) 法では8bitカメラ,1/10-1/60 pixel分解能の範囲でよく利用されるが,広域計測と高分解能を両立するためには,ダウンサンプリング撮影の利用による取得画像の高画素数化および画像処理における変位分解能の改善が必要である.特に,振動計測を想定した場合,高周波数になるにつれて露光時間が短くなるため,画像取得が暗く高分解能な変位算出が困難である.そこで本研究では,ダウンサンプリング撮影の一種であるPhase-locked loop撮影に着目し,カメラがシャッターを開いている間に複数回ストロボ発光によって実際の露光時間を長くすること,輝度差のあるマーカーを準備できる積分ドット重心法を適用することで1/100pixel分解能を実現するシステムの開発に取り組む.積分ドット重心法は変位算出において内挿補間等の近似を含めない方法であり,明暗のある画像であれば高精度な変位算出が期待できる.提案手法では複数回のストロボ発光は同位相で等間隔に発行するが,次の撮影時にはタイムラグを与え少しだけ位相を変えて,同様の複数回発光を行う.そのため,高速で発光タイミングを制御する必要があるため,コントローラーとしてField ProgrammableGate Array(FPGA)を採用した.実証実験では,静的および動的条件下での変位計測を行った.その結果,マーカーと背景色の輝度差が大きければ大きいほど分解能が改善することがわかり,マーカーの製作方法,複数回発光によってその輝度差が大きくかつ安定することがわかった.このことから輝度差のばらつきから,計測時の分解能関係を明らかにした.静的試験による検証および動的試験での加速度計との比較から良好な計測精度であることを確認した.特に動的試験では,50Hzから1500Hzの範囲で検証した.その結果,8bitカメラを用いて 1/100のpixel分解能を実現できることを確認した.