2025/02/07 更新


マワタリ カズマ
馬渡 和真
理工学術院 大学院情報生産システム研究科
博士(工学) ( 2006年09月 東京大学 )


  • 2023年04月

    早稲田大学情報生産システム研究科   教授

  • 2011年04月

    東京大学   大学院工学系研究科バイオエンジニアリング専攻   准教授

  • 2011年04月

    東京大学   大学院工学系研究科応用化学専攻   准教授

  • 2010年04月

    東京大学   大学院工学系研究科バイオエンジニアリング専攻   講師

  • 2009年04月

    東京大学   大学院工学系研究科応用化学専攻   講師

  • 2006年09月

    財団法人神奈川科学技術アカデミー   マイクロ化学グループ   副研究室長

  • 2004年11月

    財団法人神奈川科学技術アカデミー   マイクロ化学グループ   研究員

  • 2003年04月

    独立行政法人科学技術振興機構   CREST   研究員

  • 1998年04月

    旭化成株式会社   研究開発本部   研究員



  • 2006年09月

    東京大学 博士(工学)取得  

  • 1996年04月

    東京大学   大学院工学系研究科   応用化学専攻 修士課程  

  • 1992年04月

    東京大学   工学部   応用化学科  


  • 2020年04月

    International conference “Micro Total Analysis System”  Excective technical program committee (ETPC)

  • 2012年04月

    分析化学会 (JSAC) 溶液反応化学研究懇談会  運営委員

  • 2024年04月

    International conference “Micro Total Analysis System 2025”  Chair of Sponsorship and Exhibition Committee

  • 2024年04月

    日本カンナビノイド学会  理事

  • 2024年04月

    第15回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 実行委員

  • 2024年04月

    日本分析化学会九州支部  副支部長

  • 2023年04月

    第14回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム  実行委員

  • 2018年

    IEEE Nanomedicine2018  Technical program committee (TPC)

  • 2018年

    Post-Genomic Technology (IFPT’10) and the 11th International Workshop,  実行委員

  • 2013年01月

    International conference “Micro Total Analysis System”  Technical program committee (TPC)

  • 2015年04月

    厚生労働省、微量診断装置審査WG次世代医療機器・再生医療等製品評価指標作成事業  委員

  • 2016年

    International Conference on Single Cell Research 2016  組織委員長

  • 2012年04月

    文部科学省、GRENE4大学教育プロジェクト  幹事

  • 2010年

    第21回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(CHEMINAS)  実行副委員長



  • 2020年05月


  • 2023年10月









  • ナノバイオサイエンス / ナノマイクロシステム / 分析化学


  • 環境モニタリング

  • IoT

  • センサー

  • モバイルデバイス

  • 医療バイオデバイス

  • マイクロ・ナノ流体工学

  • 分析化学

  • レーザー分光



  • 奨励賞

    2013年05月   化学とマイクロナノシステム学会  

    受賞者: 馬渡 和真

  • 会長賞

    2011年09月   日本空気清浄協会  

    受賞者: 比企伸一郎, 馬渡和真, 斎藤麻希, 北森武彦

  • HPLC2011 Springer best poster award

    2011年05月   Springer  

    受賞者: J. Katagiri, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

  • Best poster award

    2007年05月   9th Asian Conference on Analytical Chemistry (Asianalysis IX 2007)  

    受賞者: K.Mawatari, A.Aota, Y.Kikutani, N.Hanaoka, T.Kitamori


  • Editor of special issue "Micro/Nanofluidics and Micro/Nanotechnologies for Analytical Chemistry"


    Analytical Sciences 2016  


  • Editor of special issue "Nanofluidic systems"


    Israel Journal of Chemistry 2014  


  • Editor of Special issue “Microfluidics and nanofluidics in Japan”


    Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2013  




  • Room-temperature mL-to-μL quantitative liquid concentration device for cyclone flow

    Hidekatsu Tazawa, Kazuma Mawatari

    Analytical Sciences   40 ( 12 ) 2175 - 2180  2024年12月


    Highly sensitive quantitative analysis of liquids is required in various fields. Analytical instruments and devices such as chromatography, spectroscopic analysis, DNA sequencers, immunoassay, mass spectrometry, and microfluidic devices are utilized for this purpose. Typically, the sample volume is at the milliliter scale, while the analysis volume is at the microliter scale. Consequently, most of the sample is discarded. Therefore, a universal volume interface is required to quantitatively concentrate samples from milliliter to microliter volume. This study introduces a liquid quantitative function to the cyclone concentration method using a millimeter-scale channel, which is highly suitable for controlling liquids at the microliter scale due to its high fluidic resistance against cyclone flow. This method enables the effective control of liquid concentration by cyclone flow. The optimum channel structure is investigated, and a 33-fold concentration of aqueous solutions is demonstrated. Finally, the concentration device is applied to measure molybdenum ions in a river. Graphical abstract: (Figure presented.).



  • Nanofluidic Detection Platform for Simultaneous Light Absorption and Scattering Measurement of Individual Nanoparticles in Flow

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kazuma Mawatari

    Analytical Chemistry   96 ( 28 ) 11430 - 11438  2024年07月


    Characterization and quantification of plasmonic nanoparticles at the single particle level have become increasingly important with the advancements in nanotechnology and their application to various biological analyses including diagnostics, photothermal therapy, and immunoassays. While various nanoparticle detection methodologies have been developed and widely used, simultaneous measurement of light absorption and scattering from individual plasmonic nanoparticles in flow is still challenging. Herein, we describe a novel nanofluidic detection platform that enables simultaneous measurement of absorption and scattering signals from individual nanoparticles within a nanochannel. Our detection platform utilized optical diffraction phenomena by a single nanochannel as both a readout signal for photothermal detection and a reference light for interferometric scattering detection. Through the elucidation of the frequency effect on the detection performance and optimization of experimental conditions, we achieved the classification of gold and silver nanoparticles with a diameter of 20-60 nm at an average accuracy score of 82.6 ± 2.1% by measured data sets of absorption and scattering signals. Furthermore, we demonstrated the concentration determination of plasmonic nanoparticle mixtures using a trained Support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Our simple yet sensitive nanofluidic detection platform will be a valuable tool for the analysis of nanoparticles and their applications to chemical and biological assays.



  • Room temperature quantitative liquid concentration device and application to interleukins analysis in a B-cell culture medium

    Ruriko Kawanabe, Hidekatsu Tazawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Ayumi Yoshizaki

    Analytical Sciences    2024年


    In biological analysis and medical diagnosis, there is an increasing demand for improving the lower detection limit without deteriorating the quantitativity; however, it is usually challenging. In this study, we utilized a cyclone flow device and established a liquid concentration method. An air cyclone flow induced a liquid cyclone flow in the concentration devices and enhanced the air/liquid interface area, which allowed an effective concentration of liquid from mL to mL at room temperature. The heating temperature and actual temperature inside the liquid were investigated to know the cooling effect of evaporation. The collection efficiency of larger than 98% was confirmed with a standard solution. Finally, the analytical procedure to realize a quantitative concentration was established, and the concentration and quantification of interleukins (IL-8, IL-17, and IL-23) from the supernatant of the B-cell culture medium was demonstrated. The B-cell was stimulated with CD40L, and the supernatant was concentrated 27 times at maximum. Graphical abstract: (Figure presented.)



  • Quantitative characterization of liquids flowing in geometrically controlled sub-100 nm nanofluidic channels

    Yutaka Kazoe, Keisuke Ikeda, Kensuke Mino, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Analytical Sciences   39 ( 6 ) 779 - 784  2023年06月


    With development of nanotechnologies, applications exploiting nanospaces such as single-molecule analysis and high-efficiency separation have been reported, and understanding properties of fluid flows in 101 nm to 102 nm scale spaces becomes important. Nanofluidics has provided a platform of nanochannels with defined size and geometry, and revealed various unique liquid properties including higher water viscosity with dominant surface effects in 102 nm spaces. However, experimental investigation of fluid flows in 101 nm spaces is still difficult owing to lack of fabrication procedure for 101 nm nanochannels with smooth walls and precisely controlled geometry. In the present study, we established a top-down fabrication process to realize fused-silica nanochannels with 101 nm scale size, 100 nm roughness and rectangular cross-sectional shape with an aspect ratio of 1. Utilizing a method of mass flowmetry developed by our group, accurate measurements of ultra-low flow rates in sub-100 nm nanochannels with sizes of 70 nm and 100 nm were demonstrated. The results suggested that the viscosity of water in these sub-100 nm nanochannels was approximately 5 times higher than that in the bulk, while that of dimethyl sulfoxide was similar to the bulk value. The obtained liquid permeability in the nanochannels can be explained by a hypothesis of loosely structured liquid phase near the wall generated by interactions between the surface silanol groups and protic solvent molecules. The present results suggest the importance of considering the species of solvent, the surface chemical groups, and the size and geometry of nanospaces when designing nanofluidic devices and membranes. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].

    DOI PubMed


  • Nanofluidic optical diffraction interferometry for detection and classification of individual nanoparticles in a nanochannel

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kazuma Mawatari

    Microfluidics and Nanofluidics   26 ( 8 )  2022年08月



  • Proton diffusion and hydrolysis enzymatic reaction in 100 nm scale biomimetic nanochannels

    Takashi Saruko, Kyojiro Morikawa, Takehiko Kitamori, Kazuma Mawatari

    Biomicrofluidics   16 ( 4 ) 044109 - 044109  2022年07月


    Liquids in 10–100 nm spaces are expected to play an important role in biological systems. However, the liquid properties and their influence on biological activity have been obscured due to the difficulty in nanoscale measurements, either in vivo or in vitro. In this study, an in vitro analytical platform for biological systems is established. The nanochannels were modified with lipid bilayers, thereby serving as a model for biological confinement, e.g., the intercellular or intracellular space. As a representative property, the proton diffusion coefficient was measured by a nanofluidic circuit using fluorescein as a pH probe. It was verified that proton conduction was enhanced for channel widths less than 330 nm. A proton-related enzymatic reaction, the hydrolysis reaction, was also investigated, and a large confinement effect was observed.



  • Water structure in 100 nm nanochannels revealed by nano X-ray diffractometry and Raman spectroscopy

    Jun Shirai, Koji Yoshida, Hiroki Koreeda, Takehiko Kitamori, Toshio Yamaguchi, Kazuma Mawatari

    Journal of Molecular Liquids   350  2022年03月


    Microscopic water structure confined in 100 nm nanofluidic channels was investigated with nano X-ray diffractometry and Raman spectroscopy. A new nano X-ray diffractometry device was fabricated to protect the dry-up of water in the nanochannels during a long-term (greater than 30 h) measurement. Bragg peaks from the substrate material, which affected the analysis of a radial distribution function (RDF), were completely removed by changing the materials. As a result, the small change of the RDF by the confinement effect of water was successfully revealed. Raman spectra suggested the strong hydrogen bonding of water in nanochannels. Based on both X-ray and Raman results, a stronger hydrogen-bonding network and higher density than bulk water were suggested for water in nanochannels. This information is significant to discuss the liquid property changes and the water structure in 10–100 nm spaces, which are seen in many chemical and biological systems.



  • Picoliter liquid handling at gas/liquid interface by surface and geometry control in a micro-nanofluidic device

    Kyojiro Morikawa, Shin Ichi Murata, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering   32 ( 2 )  2022年02月


    In micro- and nanofluidic devices, highly precise fluidic control is essential. Conventional mechanical valves in microchannels and nanochannels have size limitations, whereas hydrophobic (Laplace) valves are generally difficult to use for low-surface-tension liquids. In the present study, we developed a method for handling picoliter volumes of low-surface-tension liquids in a micro-nanofluidic device. The proposed Laplace valve is based on the pinning effect. A fused silica micro-nanofluidic device that includes a picoliter chamber whose geometry was designed to induce capillary pinning was designed and fabricated. The measured Laplace pressure of a lysis buffer (surfactant) was consistent with the calculated pressure, indicating successful fabrication and hydrophobic surface modification. The working principle of the Laplace valve was verified. The Laplace valve maintained the lysis buffer at the gas/liquid interface for 60 min, which is sufficiently long for cell lysis operations. Finally, replacement of liquids in the picoliter chamber using the valve was demonstrated. The proposed method will contribute to basic technologies for fluidic control in micro- and nanofluidic devices, and the proposed Laplace valve can be used for low-surface-tension liquids. In addition, the developed valve and picoliter chamber can be utilized for the interface in single-cell lysis, which will facilitate the development of single-cell analysis devices.



  • Correction: Integration of sequential analytical processes into sub-100 nm channels: volumetric sampling, chromatographic separation, and label-free molecule detection

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari

    Nanoscale   14 ( 27 ) 9932 - 9932  2022年


    Correction for ‘Integration of sequential analytical processes into sub-100 nm channels: volumetric sampling, chromatographic separation, and label-free molecule detection’ by Yoshiyuki Tsuyama et al., Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 8855–8863, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0NR08385B.



  • Single-cell-level protein analysis revealing the roles of autoantigen-reactive B lymphocytes in autoimmune disease and the murine model

    Takemichi Fukasawa, Ayumi Yoshizaki, Satoshi Ebata, Asako Yoshizaki-Ogawa, Yoshihide Asano, Atsushi Enomoto, Kiyoshi Miyagawa, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Shinichi Sato

    eLife   10  2021年12月


    Despite antigen affinity of B cells varying from cell to cell, functional analyses of antigen-reactive B cells on individual B cells are missing due to technical difficulties. Especially in the field of autoimmune diseases, promising pathogenic B cells have not been adequately studied to date because of its rarity. In this study, functions of autoantigen-reactive B cells in autoimmune disease were analyzed at the single-cell level. Since topoisomerase I is a distinct autoantigen, we targeted systemic sclerosis as autoimmune disease. Decreased and increased affinities for topoisomerase I of topoisomerase I-reactive B cells led to anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokine production associated with the inhibition and development of fibrosis, which is the major symptom of systemic sclerosis. Furthermore, inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokine production and increased affinity of topoisomerase I-reactive B cells suppressed fibrosis. These results indicate that autoantigen-reactive B cells contribute to the disease manifestations in autoimmune disease through their antigen affinity.

    DOI PubMed


  • Interleukin-31 promotes fibrosis and T helper 2 polarization in systemic sclerosis

    Ai Kuzumi, Ayumi Yoshizaki, Kazuki M. Matsuda, Hirohito Kotani, Yuta Norimatsu, Maiko Fukayama, Satoshi Ebata, Takemichi Fukasawa, Asako Yoshizaki-Ogawa, Yoshihide Asano, Kyojiro Morikawa, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Shinichi Sato

    Nature Communications   12 ( 1 )  2021年12月


    <title>Abstract</title>Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a chronic multisystem disorder characterized by fibrosis and autoimmunity. Interleukin (IL)-31 has been implicated in fibrosis and T helper (Th) 2 immune responses, both of which are characteristics of SSc. The exact role of IL-31 in SSc pathogenesis is unclear. Here we show the overexpression of IL-31 and IL-31 receptor A (IL-31RA) in dermal fibroblasts (DFs) from SSc patients. We elucidate the dual role of IL-31 in SSc, where IL-31 directly promotes collagen production in DFs and indirectly enhances Th2 immune responses by increasing pro-Th2 cytokine expression in DFs. Furthermore, blockade of IL-31 with anti-IL-31RA antibody significantly ameliorates fibrosis and Th2 polarization in a mouse model of SSc. Therefore, in addition to defining IL-31 as a mediator of fibrosis and Th2 immune responses in SSc, our study provides a rationale for targeting the IL-31/IL-31RA axis in the treatment of SSc.



  • Metal-free fabrication of fused silica extended nanofluidic channel to remove artifacts in chemical analysis

    Kyojiro Morikawa, Ryoichi Ohta, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Micromachines   12 ( 8 )  2021年08月


    In microfluidics, especially in nanofluidics, nanochannels with functionalized surfaces have recently attracted attention for use as a new tool for the investigation of chemical reaction fields. Molecules handled in the reaction field can reach the single–molecule level due to the small size of the nanochannel. In such surroundings, contamination of the channel surface should be removed at the single–molecule level. In this study, it was assumed that metal materials could contaminate the nanochannels during the fabrication processes; therefore, we aimed to develop metal-free fabrication processes. Fused silica channels 1000 nm-deep were conventionally fabricated using a chromium mask. Instead of chromium, electron beam resists more than 1000 nm thick were used and the lithography conditions were optimized. From the results of optimization, channels with 1000 nm scale width and depth were fabricated on fused silica substrates without the use of a chromium mask. In nanofluidic experiments, an oxidation reaction was observed in a device fabricated by conventional fabrication processes using a chromium mask. It was found that Cr6+ remained on the channel surfaces and reacted with chemicals in the liquid phase in the extended nanochannels; this effect occurred at least to the micromolar level. In contrast, the device fabricated with metal-free processes was free of artifacts induced by the presence of chromium. The developed fabrication processes and results of this study will be a significant contribution to the fundamental technologies employed in the fields of microfluidics and nanofluidics.



  • Diffraction-based label-free photothermal detector for separation analyses in a nanocapillary

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari

    Journal of Chromatography A   1648  2021年07月


    Miniaturization of column diameter in liquid chromatography is one of the major trends in separation sciences toward single-cell proteomics and metabolomics. Micro/nanoscale open tubular (OT) capillaries are promising tools for efficient separation analyses of the ultra-small volume of samples. However, highly sensitive and label-free on-column detection is still challenging for such ultra-small capillaries. In this study, we developed a photothermal detector using optical diffraction phenomena by a single nanocapillary. Our detection method realized concentration determination of unlabeled sample solutions in a nanocapillary with 460 nm inner diameter. The calculated limit of detection was 0.12 µM, which corresponds to 16 molecules in a detection volume of 0.23 fL. Furthermore, normal-phase chromatography was performed on a 12 cm long nanocapillary, and femtoliter sample injection, efficient separation, and label-free detection of dye molecules were demonstrated. Our photothermal detector will be widely used as a universal tool for chemical/biological analyses using capillaries with micro/nanoscale diameters.

    DOI PubMed


  • Integration of sequential analytical processes into sub-100 nm channels: Volumetric sampling, chromatographic separation, and label-free molecule detection

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari

    Nanoscale   13 ( 19 ) 8855 - 8863  2021年05月


    The progress of nanotechnology has developed nanofluidic devices utilizing nanochannels with a width and/or depth of sub-100 nm (101 nm channels), and several experiments have been implemented in ultra-small spaces comparable to DNAs and proteins. However, current experiments utilizing 101 nm channels focus on a single function or operation; integration of multiple analytical operations into 101 nm channels using nanofluidic circuits and fluidic control has yet to be realized despite the advantage of nanochannels. Herein, we report the establishment of a label-free molecule detection method for 101 nm channels and demonstration of sequential analytical processes using integrated nanofluidic devices. Our absorption-based detection method called photothermal optical diffraction (POD) enables non-invasive label-free molecule detection in 101 nm channels for the first time, and the limit of detection (LOD) of 1.8 µM is achieved in 70 nm wide and deep nanochannels, which corresponds to 7.5 molecules in the detection volume of 7 aL. As a demonstration of sampling in 101 nm channels, aL-fL volumetric sampling is performed using 90 nm deep cross-shaped nanochannels and pressure-driven fluidic control from three directions. Finally, the POD and volumetric sampling are combined with nanochannel chromatography, and separation analysis in 101 nm channels is demonstrated. The experimental results reported in this paper will contribute to the advances in 101 nm fluidic devices which have the potential to provide a novel platform for chemical/biological analyses.

    DOI PubMed


  • B cell depletion inhibits fibrosis via suppressing pro‐fibrotic macrophage differentiation in a mouse model of systemic sclerosis

    Hiroko Numajiri, Ai Kuzumi, Takemichi Fukasawa, Satoshi Ebata, Asako Yoshizaki‐Ogawa, Yoshihide Asano, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Ayumi Yoshizaki, Shinichi Sato

    Arthritis & Rheumatology   73 ( 11 ) 2086 - 2095  2021年05月



  • Isotope Effect in the Liquid Properties of Water Confined in 100 nm Nanofluidic Channels

    Kazuma Mawatari, Kohei Isogai, Kyojiro Morikawa, Hiroshi Ushiyama, Takehiko Kitamori

    Journal of Physical Chemistry B   125 ( 12 ) 3178 - 3183  2021年04月


    Liquids confined in 10-100 nm spaces show different liquid properties from those in the bulk. Proton transfer plays an essential role in liquid properties. The Grotthuss mechanism, in which charge transfer occurs among neighboring water molecules, is considered to be dominant in bulk water. However, the rotational motion and proton transfer kinetics have not been studied well, which makes further analysis difficult. In this study, an isotope effect was used to study the kinetic effect of rotational motion and proton hopping processes by measurement of the viscosity, proton diffusion coefficient, and the proton hopping activation energy. As a result, a significant isotope effect was observed. These results indicate that the rotational motion is not significant, and the decrease of the proton hopping activation energy enhances the apparent proton diffusion coefficient.

    DOI PubMed


  • Nano-bubble Valve

    Shun Furukawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kyojiro Morikawa, Takehiko Kitamori

    Microfluidics and Nanofluidics   25 ( 3 )  2021年03月


    Valve technology is one of the important elements in micro or nanofluidic control. Many valve technologies have been realized for microfluidic control, by which the applications of microfluidic devices have expanded. However, valve technology for nanofluidic control (nanovalves) is still challenging due to the ultrasmall size (100 nm scale) of the nanochannels. We propose a novel nanovalve that utilizes nanobubbles. The entire nanochannel surface is made hydrophobic by surface modification. Nanobubbles are generated by light and removed in the nanochannels. The basic principle of nanobubble generation and removal was confirmed, and the valve function was confirmed by the introduction/cessation of pure water, which led to a change in the concentration of a fluorescent solution after mixing with the pure water. As a result, the high performance (70 ms response time and 400 kPa pressure capacity) of this simple nanovalve was demonstrated.



  • Characterization of Pressure-Driven Water Flows in Nanofluidic Channels by Mass Flowmetry

    Yutaka KAZOE, Sho KUBORI, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma MAWATARI, Takehiko KITAMORI

    Analytical Sciences    2021年


  • Concentration Determination at a Countable Molecular Level in Nanofluidics by Solvent-Enhanced Photothermal Optical Diffraction

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kazuma Mawatari

    Analytical Chemistry   92 ( 21 ) 14366 - 14372  2020年11月


    Nanofluidic devices have become a powerful tool for extremely precise analyses at a single-molecule/nanoparticle level. However, a simple and sensitive molecular detection method is essential for nanofluidic devices because of ultrasmall volume (fL-aL). One such technology is photothermal spectroscopy (PTS), which utilizes light absorption and thermal relaxation by target molecules. Recently, we developed a photothermal optical diffraction (POD) detection method as PTS for nanofluidic devices. However, the detectable concentration range was in the order of μM (102 to 104 molecules), and further improvement in detection performance is strongly required. Here, we demonstrate solvent-enhanced POD with optimized experimental conditions and show its capability of concentration determination of nonfluorescent molecules in nanochannels at a countable molecular level. A relationship between the POD signal and thermal/optical properties of solvents is elucidated. We estimate the diffraction factor and photothermal factor of the solvent enhancement effect by thermal simulations and theoretical calculations. Experimental results show good agreement with the prediction, and the detection performance of the POD is successfully improved. At the optimized condition, we demonstrate the concentration determination with the limit of detection of 75 nM, which corresponds to an average of 10 molecules in a detection volume of 0.23 fL. Our sensitive nonfluorescent molecule detection method will be applied to a wide range of chemical/biological analyses utilizing nanofluidics.



  • Nanochannel chromatography and photothermal optical diffraction: Femtoliter sample separation and label-free zeptomole detection

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari

    Journal of Chromatography A   1624  2020年08月


    Column miniaturization of liquid chromatography is a major trend in separation sciences with the advent of single-cell proteomics and metabolomics. Nanochannel chromatography is one of the promising tools for single-cell analyses because it provides ultra-small sample volume and high separation efficiency. However, non-fluorescent molecular detection in such small channels is still quite difficult due to fL–aL sample volume, which hinders further miniaturization of nanochannels. In this study, we overcame the size limitation of nanochannel chromatography by our label-free molecular detection method: photothermal optical diffraction (POD), which utilizes the photothermal effect of analytes and optical diffraction by nanochannel. The combination of the nanochannel chromatography and the POD enables 1.8 fL sample separation and label-free molecule detection in nanochannels with 800 nm width and 300 nm depth at the optimized experimental conditions. The limit of detection is 5.4 zmol (3300 molecules), approximately 50 times lower than the conventional label-free detection method. Furthermore, the theoretical plate number is calculated to be 105 plates/m, and the separation performance is discussed. Our label-free detection method will be widely used as a universal detector for nanochannel chromatography.

    DOI PubMed


  • Lipid bilayer-modified nanofluidic channels of sizes with hundreds of nanometers for characterization of confined water and molecular/ion transport

    Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Lixiao Li, Hisaki Emon, Naoya Miyawaki, Hiroyuki Chinen, Kyojiro Morikawa, Ayumi Yoshizaki, Petra S. Dittrich, Takehiko Kitamori

    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters   11 ( 14 ) 5756 - 5762  2020年07月


    Water inside and between cells with dimensions on the order of 101-103 nm such as synaptic clefts and mitochondria is thought to be important to biological functions, such as signal transmissions and energy production. However, the characterization of water in such spaces has been difficult owing to the small size and complexity of cellular environments. To this end, we proposed and fabricated a biomimetic nanospace exploiting nanofluidic channels with defined dimensions of hundreds of nanometers and controlled environments. A method of modifying a glass nanochannel with a unilamellar lipid bilayer was developed. We revealed that 2.1-5.6 times higher viscosity of water arises in a 200 nm sized biomimetic nanospace by interactions between water molecules and the lipid bilayer surface and significantly affects the molecular/ion transport that is required for the biological functions. The proposed method provides both a technical breakthrough and new findings to the fields of physical chemistry and biology.

    DOI PubMed


  • Characterization of optical diffraction by single nanochannel for aL–fL sample detection in nanofluidics

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kazuma Mawatari

    Microfluidics and Nanofluidics   24 ( 4 )  2020年04月


    Nanofluidics which integrates analytical systems in 101–103 nm space provides ultra-sensitive analyses at a single-cell and single-molecule level. One of the key technologies for nanofluidics is the ultra-sensitive detection method; however, the ultra-small volume at aL–fL scale makes it challenging. Recently, we have developed a non-fluorescent molecule detection method for nanofluidics called photo-thermal optical diffraction (POD) which utilizes the photo-thermal effect of target molecules and optical diffraction by a single nanochannel. To improve the performance of such diffraction-based detection methods, the design and optimization of optical diffraction are essential. However, it is unknown whether the optical diffraction by a single nanochannel follows general diffraction theory because liquid properties change in the ultra-small space. In this study, we elucidated optical diffraction by a single nanochannel from theoretical calculations and experiments. Our experiments revealed the effect of channel size, channel position, and solvents in the nanochannel, which showed good agreement with proposed theoretical calculations. We also revealed no or little change of refractive index of water in the nanochannel compared with that in the bulk. Finally, we confirmed that the POD signal was proportional to the diffracted light intensity, and the calculated limit of detection of POD was 7.0 × 10–7 RIU in a detection volume of 0.23 fL. Our theoretical calculations and experimental results can be widely applied to the design and optimization of detection methods using optical diffraction by nanochannels and nanostructures.



  • Ultrasensitive detection of nonlabelled bovine serum albumin using photothermal optical phase shift detection with UV excitation

    Hisashi Shimizu, Shigenori Takeda, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Analyst   145 ( 7 ) 2580 - 2585  2020年04月


    Ultrasensitive detection of nonlabelled bovine serum albumin is performed in micro/nanofluidic chips using a photothermal optical phase shift (POPS) detection system. Currently, micro- and nanofluidics allow the analysis of various single cells, and their targets of interest are shifting from nucleic acids to proteins. Previously, our group developed photothermal detection techniques for the sensitive detection of nonfluorescent molecules. For example, we developed a thermal lens microscope (TLM) with ultrahigh sensitivity at the single-molecule level and a POPS detector that is applicable to nanochannels smaller than the wavelength of light. The POPS detector also realized the detection of nonlabelled proteins in nanochannels, although its detection sensitivity is less than that of the TLM in microchannels due to insufficient background light reduction. To overcome this problem, we developed a new POPS detector using relay optics for further reduction of the background light. In addition, heat transfer from the sample solution to the nanochannel wall was thoroughly investigated to achieve ultrahigh sensitivity. The limit of detection (LOD) obtained with the new POPS detector is 30 molecules in 1.0 fL. Considering this LOD, the performance of the new POPS detector is comparable with that of the TLM. Owing to the applicability of the POPS detector for sensitive detection even in nanochannels or single-μm channels, which cannot be realized with the TLM, combinations of the POPS detector and separation techniques employing unique nanochannel properties will contribute to advances in single-cell proteomics in the future.

    DOI PubMed


  • Detection and Characterization of Individual Nanoparticles in a Liquid by Photothermal Optical Diffraction and Nanofluidics

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kazuma Mawatari

    Analytical Chemistry   92 ( 4 ) 3434 - 3439  2020年02月


    Detection and characterization of individual nanoparticles less than 100 nm are important for semiconductor manufacturing, environmental monitoring, biomedical diagnostics, and drug delivery. Photothermal spectroscopy is a light absorptiometry and promising method for detection and characterization because of its high sensitivity and selectivity compared with light scattering or electrical detection methods. However, the characterization of individual nanoparticles in liquids is still challenging for conventional photothermal detection methods. Here, we report a method for the ultrasensitive detection and accurate characterization of individual nanoparticles in liquids by photothermal optical diffraction, which utilizes enhancement of optical diffraction by a nanochannel after light absorption and heat generation of individual nanoparticles in the channel. Our method realized individual 20 nm Au nanoparticle detection with almost 100% detection efficiency by utilizing nanochannels, leading to concentration determination without a calibration curve. Furthermore, we measured individual nanoparticle size and discriminated 20 and 40 nm Au nanoparticles from their photothermal signals. Our photothermal-based nanoparticle detection method in nanochannels has a potential for a wide range of applications such as on-site evaluation of synthesized plasmonic nanoparticles and drug delivery particles.



  • Development and realization of a Fl-switching valve in extended-nano space utilizing glass deformation properties at the nanometer scale

    Yuriy Pihosh, Yutaka Kazoe, Hitomi Takahashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Kyojiro Morikawa, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     535 - 536  2020年


    We report on realization of a fL-switching valve based on an extended-nano channel (ENC) utilizing glass deformation properties. A tiny deformation of glass by the precise actuator control system can lead to an open/closed state of ENC because of its smallness, even if we use a tough glass material. Here we are demonstrating a new concept of a hemispherical valve chamber, its fabrication method, and the valve proof of principle.

  • Photothermal optical phase shift microscopy using relay optics for sensitive detection of biomolecules

    Shigenori Takeda, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     575 - 576  2020年


    We report non-labeled biomolecules detection in a nanochannel by using UV excitation photothermal optical phase shift (UV-POPS) microscopy. In the present study, we constructed a new optical system using relay optics to achieve single biomolecule detection, and signal-to-background ratio was estimated to be 20 times higher than our previous POPS detector [1].

  • On-glasschip integration of photonics for photothermal optical phase shift detection of nonfluorescent molecules

    Koji Miyake, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     563 - 564  2020年


    This paper reports a planar-integrated photothermal detection device for nonfluorescent molecules. We implanted optical fibers into a glass microchip for optical detection. Detection limit of the device improved by one order of magnitude compared with a device using a waveguide
    The detection limit of a nonfluorescent molecule(Sunset Yellow) in a 5 Pm-depth microchannel was 2.5 PM.

  • Simple gradient elution system integrated with extended-nano chromatography

    Kouto Toyoda, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     1326 - 1327  2020年


    This paper reports a gradient elution system for extended-nano chromatography. Here, we demonstrate an injection system consisting of high-speed pressure switching system and HPLC pump for gradient elution. This system allows an injection of a femtoliter (fL) sample and smooth gradient formation. This system will be a powerful device for single cell analysis.

  • Structural analysis of water confined in nanochannel: Measurement of radial distribution function and hydrogen bond structure

    Hiroki Koreeda, Kazuma Mawatari, Koji Ohara, Shinji Kohara, Toshio Yamaguchi, Koji Yoshida, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     275 - 276  2020年


    We have reported X-ray diffractometry for analyzing the structure of water confined in nanochannels. However, the signal-to-noise ratio was not sufficient to discuss the radial distribution function (RDF), which contains microscopic structural information. In this study, the measurement conditions were optimized, and the accuracy was much improved. The radial distribution function was obtained. The structures were also measured by Raman microscopy. These methods and information will be quite important for designing chemical reactions and fluidic circuit in nanochannels.

  • Effect of surface electrostatic interaction on sampling behavior of solute molecules at micro/extended-nano interface

    Kazuma Okamoto, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     279 - 280  2020年


    We revealed that, in nanochannels with increased surface-to-volute ratio, surface electrostatic interactions restrict motion of solute molecules, and they significantly affect injection of solute molecules from micro to nanochannel by pressure-driven flow. 100% solute injection to the nanochannel was achieved in case of the solute without electric charge. The results indicate that uniform sampling from micro to nanochannel is prevented by the electrostatic interactions, and this can lead to significant bias of analytical results in nanofluidic devices. Accordingly, this study provides important knowledge for conceptual design of nanofluidic devices for analysis and ultra-high efficient separation.

  • Simple and ultra sensitive detection method of non-fluorescent molecules in extended-nano spaces utilizing light diffraction: Investigation of signal generation mechanism

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     537 - 538  2020年


    This paper reports a novel method of simplified and sensitive detection of non-fluorescent molecules in 101nm-102nm (extended-nano spaces) utilizing light diffraction by extended-nano channel. We for the first time revealed that this method is based on the unprecedented signal generation mechanism and doesn`t need precise optical alignment, which will be useful for many analytical applications.

  • Development of high yield plasma separation device from whole blood preventing blood cell clogging in a micro/extended-nano chip

    Jumpei Mitsuse, Kyojiro Morikawa, Emi Mori, Ryoichi Ohta, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     1483 - 1484  2020年


    We fabricated the device for high yield plasma separation without clogging of blood cells. To control plasma flow after filtering blood cells, dense blood cell flow, and support flow for dilution of dense blood cells, a filter using size-regulated and closely packed extended-nano channels (10-1000 nm) on a micro wall and a capillary which worked as drain and back-pressure regulator were successfully integrated in the device. This device will be useful for blood analysis using a micro/extended-nano chip.

  • Defocusing nano particle image velocimetry for nanochannel flows

    Kazuki Shibata, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     261 - 262  2020年


    We developed a novel measurement method of flow velocity distribution in nanochannels exploiting defocusing nanoparticle image. A 20 nm spatial resolution of detecting nanoparticle position using defocusing image with spherical aberration was verified, and from nanoparticle motion, profile of pressure-driven flow in a 400 nm nanochannel was successfully obtained. This method can be used for single molecule tracking with bright signal intensity, and will contribute to understanding of nanoscale molecular behavior and its relationship with continuum fluid.

  • Development of new analysis method based on microfluidic ELISA for detection of low-abundant protein

    Emi Mori, Takemichi Fukazawa, Ayumi Yoshizaki, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     1281 - 1282  2020年


    In microfluidics, there are two demands for immunoassay capability, one is detection with a small amount of sample volume rapidly for point-of-care-testing, and another is detection of low-abundant protein for determination of medical treatment even if it takes long time. The former method has been already established by our group. In this research, for the latter demand, new analysis method have been investigated for the first time. We have tried to concentrate target protein between the beads in microchannel by flowing large amount of sample. As a result, quantification of anti-MDA-5 antibody, contained low abundant in patient serum, was achieved.

  • Stable condition of parallel AQ/Org two phase flow in nanochannel

    Hiroki Sano, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     267 - 268  2020年


    In this study, we report conditions of formation of parallel two-phase flow in a 100 nm-sized nanochannel, and revealed that properties of two-phase flow in nanochannels are different from those in microchannels, due to unique water properties by dominant surface effects in 100 nm spaces. From the results, the Capillary numbers Ca (viscous force/interfacial tension) to form the parallel two-phase flow were determined. The knowledge obtained in this study greatly contributes to achievements of chemical operations in femto-liter volumes (extended-nano unit operations: ENUO), integration of chemical processing in nanofluidic devices, and novel applications such as single cell/single molecule analysis.

  • Development of extended-nano femtolitter mess-pipette in living single cell analysis device

    Tatsuro Nakao, Yutaka Kazoe, Kyojiro Morikawa, Ling Lin, Ayumi Yoshizaki, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     930 - 931  2020年


    Here we report a development of fL (10-15 L) mess-pipette (volumetric pipette) utilizing precise fabrication of 100-nm structure on fused silica and hydrophobic Laplace valve. During verification of fL volumetric pipette, we discovered that drying of sample is the key issue on fL liquid handling in gas phase. By quick application of pressure (~ms), we minimized the effect of drying and 11 fL of water was successfully isolated and transported without loss. This study will greatly contribute to analytical chemistry by providing a novel method of volumetry and manipulation of fL liquid.

  • Photothermal optical phase shift detection device for measurement of absorption spectrum in microspace

    Fumitoshi Sugino, Hisashi Shimizu, Masaaki Sakakura, Kiyotaka Miura, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     569 - 570  2020年


    Absorption spectrometry is difficult in microspace due to the short optical path length. To detect absorbance in microspace, photothermal spectroscopy has been developed, although a laser as an excitation source is necessary in principle. In this paper, we report a novel photothermal detection device using a normal light source as an excitation source and a measurement of absorption spectrum for the first time.

  • In-situ measurement of thermal diffusion constant of liquid using photothermal optical phase shift

    Tokio Sato, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017     295 - 296  2020年


    Thermophysical properties are basis of physical chemistry and essential for both science and engineering. In this paper, we report a technique for precise measurement of thermal diffusion constant in micro/nanochannel using photothermal spectroscopy. As a result, accuracy of the measurement was dramatically improved to ±2% from our previous report (±17%).

  • Solvent-enhanced photothermal molecule detection method for nanofluidics and its application to femtoliter normal-phase chromatography

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari

    MicroTAS 2020 - 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     550 - 551  2020年


    This paper reports a novel label-free concentration determination method for nanofluidics: solvent-enhanced photothermal optical diffraction. Our method realized concentration determination with a detection limit of fewer than 10 molecules. Furthermore, we applied our method to normal-phase chromatography and demonstrated femtoliter sample separation and label-free detection in 102 nm channel. Our method will be widely used for various chemical/biological analyses utilizing nanofluidics.

  • Femtoliter Volumetric Pipette and Flask Utilizing Nanofluidics

    Tatsuro Nakao, Yutaka Kazoe, Kyojiro Morikawa, Ling Lin, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    The Analyst    2020年  [査読有り]


  • Parallel multiphase nanofluidics utilizing nanochannels with partial hydrophobic surface modification and application to femtoliter solvent extraction

    Kazoe Yutaka, Ugajin Takuya, Ohta Ryoichi, Mawatari Kazuma, Kitamori Takehiko

    LAB ON A CHIP   19 ( 22 ) 3844 - 3852  2019年11月  [査読有り]



  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay utilizing thin-layered microfluidics.

    Nakao T, Mawatari K, Kazoe Y, Mori E, Shimizu H, Kitamori T

    The Analyst   144 ( 22 ) 6625 - 6634  2019年11月  [査読有り]

    DOI PubMed


  • Nonfluorescent Molecule Detection in 10(2) nm Nanofluidic Channels by Photothermal Optical Diffraction

    Tsuyama Yoshiyuki, Mawatari Kazuma

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   91 ( 15 ) 9741 - 9746  2019年08月  [査読有り]



  • Highly efficient photocatalytic conversion of solar energy to hydrogen by WO3/BiVO4 core-shell heterojunction nanorods

    Kosar Sonya, Pihosh Yuriy, Bekarevich Raman, Mitsuishi Kazutaka, Mawatari Kazuma, Kazoe Yutaka, Kitamori Takehiko, Tosa Masahiro, Tarasov Alexey B, Goodilin Eugene A, Struk Yaroslav M, Kondo Michio, Turkevych Ivan

    APPLIED NANOSCIENCE   9 ( 5 ) 1017 - 1024  2019年07月  [査読有り]



  • Ferroelectric Extended Nanofluidic Channels for Room‐Temperature Microfuel Cells

    Yuriy Pihosh, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Hangyeol Seo, Osamu Tabata, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Kenji Kitamura, Masahiro Tosa, Ivan Turkevych, Takehiko Kitamori

    Advanced Materials Technologies     1900252  2019年06月  [査読有り]

  • Femtoliter nanofluidic valve utilizing glass deformation

    Kazoe Yutaka, Pihosh Yuriy, Takahashi Hitomi, Ohyama Takeshi, Sano Hiroki, Morikawa Kyojiro, Mawatari Kazuma, Kitamori Takehiko

    LAB ON A CHIP   19 ( 9 ) 1686 - 1694  2019年05月  [査読有り]



  • Detachable glass micro/nanofluidic device

    Ryoichi Ohta, Kazuma Mawatari, Tomoaki Takeuchi, Kyojiro Morikawa, Takehiko Kitamori

    Biomicrofluidics   13 ( 2 ) 024104 - 024104  2019年03月  [査読有り]



  • Femtoliter Gradient Elution System for Liquid Chromatography Utilizing Extended Nanofluidics

    Hisashi Shimizu, Kouto Toyoda, Kazuma Mawatari, Shigeru Terabe, Takehiko Kitamori

    Analytical Chemistry   91 ( 4 ) 3009 - 3014  2019年02月


    A gradient system was developed for the separation of proteins on a femtoliter scale utilizing nanofluidic channels. In the history of chromatography, miniaturization of the separation column has been important for efficient separation and downsizing of instruments. Previously, our group developed a small and highly efficient chromatography system utilizing nanofluidic channels, although a flexible design of the gradient was difficult and separation of proteins was not achieved. Here, we propose a flexible gradient system using standard HPLC pumps and an auxiliary mixer with a simple sample injection system. In contrast to our previous sample injection system using pressure balance, the system enables a femtoliter-scale sample injection which is compatible with gradient elution using HPLC pumps. The system was carefully designed, verified for sample injection and gradient elution, and finally applied to the separation of proteins from model and real samples. This femtoliter-scale, efficient separation system will contribute to omics studies at the single-cell level.

    DOI PubMed


  • Access to cytoplasm of living single cells by nanofluidic technology∗

    Kazuma Mawatari, Lin Ling, Takehiko Kitamori

    IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering, NANOMED   2018-   63 - 66  2019年02月


    Recently, single cell analysis is becoming a standard for biology and medical fields. For this, ultrasensitive analytical methods are required. However, due to the ultra-small volume of single cells (e.g. ~pL), analysis of analyte inside the single cell was difficult except DNA/RNA which could be amplified by chemical reactions (e.g. PCR). For this, ultimate analytical technologies are next challenges. In this presentation, we will introduce our technology for sampling cytoplasm from living single cells. Nanofluidic channels with size of 10-100 nm were utilized for the sampling, and living single cell sampling was demonstrated for the first time.



  • Bubble-assisted micro / nanofluidics: Demonstration of bubble generation and valve function

    Shun Furukawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019     1222 - 1223  2019年


    This paper reports a new method of flow control utilizing bubbles. Bubble generation within 1 s by laser-assisted evaporation and valve function were demonstrated. A bubble of 102 fL was generated in a nanochannel with more than 10 mW laser and stopped the fluid flow at 50 kPa. Our method will be widely applicable for chemical processes in micro/nanofluidic devices.

  • Single to countabe-molecule elisa by developing nanofluidic device

    Ryoichi Ohta, Kazuma Mawatari, Emi Mori, Takehiko Kitamori

    23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019     488 - 489  2019年


    We integrated ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) in nanochannels for quantitative analysis at the single-molecule level. In the single molecule analysis, losing even single target molecule is critical. However, causes of losses was unclear. Here, we investigated and minimized losses by developing nanofluidic ELISA devices. We realized quantification of C-reactive protein (CRP) with the limit of detection (3.3V) of 17 molecules.

  • Development of on-line desalting device by membrane integration into nanofluidic device

    Kyojiro Morikawa, Yutaka Kazoe, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019     558 - 559  2019年


    We developed on-line desalting device which realized 31 times decrease of salt concentration. Fabrication and bonding method for membrane integrated micro-nanofluidic device was developed, and high efficient desalting was achieved using the ultra-fast diffusion in micro-nanospaces. From the results, increase of sensitivity of MS is expected, and this device using micro-nanofluidics will greatly contribute to separation analysis.

  • Photo-thermally enhanced light scattering method for nano particle detection

    Dan Maeda, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019     1428 - 1429  2019年


    Nanoparticle detection in ultra-pure water for semiconductor technology has been studied. Previously, a light scattering method was utilized for the nanoparticle detection
    however, the detection limit (20 nm) was not sufficient to meet a requirement (10 nm) in current semiconductor industry. Here, we propose a new method: photo-thermally enhanced light scattering method. The principle was confirmed.

  • Label-free nanoparticle detection in 102 nm channel by utilizing photothermal optical diffraction

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kazuma Mawatari

    23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019     1370 - 1371  2019年


    This paper reports a novel label-free nanoparticle detection method in 102 nm channel by utilizing photothermal optical diffraction (POD). Our method realized gold particle (20 nm in diameter) detection in 800 nm channel with more than 80 % detection efficiency. Also, 20 and 40 nm gold particles were discriminated. Our method will be widely used for chemical and biological analyses in nanofluidics.

  • Optimization of the thin-layered elisa and storage of the microchip

    Adelina Smirnova, Ryoichi Ohta, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019     1602 - 1603  2019年


    Compact and ultra-sensitive immunoassay with fast response is a most attractive topic in microfluidic applications of bioassay, medical diagnosis, etc. In this research we present thin-layered ELISA microchip with immobilized antibody which can be stored both in dry and wet conditions. We optimized the immobilization conditions and confirmed 1 month stability of the assay in dry conditions and 7 month stability in wet conditions and demonstrated high sensitivity of the developed method.

  • Structural analysis of water confined in nanochannels

    Kazuma Mawatari, Jun Shirai, Koji Ohara, Shinji Kohara, Toshio Yamaguchi, Koji Yoshida, Takehiko Kitamori

    23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019     1026 - 1027  2019年


    Nanofluidics is gathering attention due to the unique chemical operations and unique liquid properties, and fundamental studies in the solution chemistry are required for further development. For this, revealing the liquid structure in nanochannels is significant to investigate liquid/fluid behavior in nanochannels. In this study, a new nano X-ray diffractometry device is developed, and unique liquid structures are observed.

  • Thermal diffusivity measurement in nanochannel by photothermal optical phase shift

    Kazuma Mawatari, Tokio Sato, Takehiko Kitamori

    23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019     1030 - 1031  2019年


    Liquid properties in nanochannels are one of the important issues in nanofluidics. In this study, a new method to investigate thermal diffusivity in nanochannels is proposed. Our detection method, photothermal optical phase shift (POPS), was modified to allow thermal diffusivity measurement: thermal diffusion POPS (TD-POPS). As a result, thermal diffusivity of water was successfully measured in a 400 μm wide and 500 nm deep nanochannel.

  • Rapid alteration of serum interleukin-6 levels may predict the reactivity of i.v. cyclophosphamide pulse therapy in systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease

    Numajiri Hiroko, Yoshizaki Ayumi, Fukasawa Takemichi, Ebata Satoshi, Nakamura Kouki, Yamashita Takashi, Saigusa Ryosuke, Miura Syunsuke, Hirabayashi Megumi, Yoshizaki Asako, Sumida Hayakazu, Asano Yoshihide, Kazoe Yutaka, Mawatari Kazuma, Kitamori Takehiko, Sato Shinichi

    JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY   45 ( 10 ) 1221 - 1224  2018年10月  [査読有り]



  • Direct Interaction between Autoreactive B Cells and Endothelial Colony Forming Cells Induces Cytokine Production from B Cells through B Cell Receptor and IL-6-JAK2-STAT3 Signaling Pathway, Suppressing Proliferation of Endothelial Colony Forming Cells in S

    Fukasawa Takemichi, Yoshizaki Ayumi, Ebata Satoshi, Nakamura Kouki, Asano Yoshihide, Kazoe Yutaka, Mawatari Kazuma, Kitamori Takehiko, Sato Shinichi

    ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY   70  2018年09月  [査読有り]

  • Transport of a Micro Liquid Plug in a Gas-Phase Flow in a Microchannel

    Kazoe Yutaka, Matsuno Takumi, Yamashiro Ippei, Mawatari Kazuma, Kitamori Takehiko

    MICROMACHINES   9 ( 9 )  2018年09月  [査読有り]



  • Metamaterials-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Nanoconfined Molecules by Plasmonics-Nanofluidics Hydrid Device

    Le Thu H. H, Morita Akihiro, Mawatari Kazuma, Kitamori Takehiko, Tanaka Takuo

    ACS PHOTONICS   5 ( 8 ) 3179 - 3188  2018年08月  [査読有り]



  • A single-molecule ELISA device utilizing nanofluidics

    Kentaro Shirai, Kazuma Mawatari, Ryoichi Ohta, Hisashi Shimizu, Takehiko Kitamori

    Analyst   143 ( 4 ) 943 - 948  2018年02月  [査読有り]


    Single molecule analysis is desired in many areas that require the analysis of ultra-small volume and/or extremely low concentration samples (e.g., single-cell biology, medicine diagnosis, virus detection, etc.). Due to the ultra-small volume or concentration, the sample contains only single or countable analyte molecules. Thus, specific single molecules should be precisely processed and detected for analysis. However, except nucleic acids, most molecules are difficult to amplify, and a new analytical methodology for specific single molecules is thus essential. For this, efficient chemical processing and detection, which are important analytical elements, should be developed. Here, we report a single-molecule ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) device utilizing micro/nanofluidic technology. Both chemical processing and detection were integrated into an ultra-small space (102 nm in size), and the integration allowed precise processing (∼100% capture) and detection of a specific single molecule (protein) for the first time. This new concept and enabling technology represent a significant innovation in analytical chemistry and will have a large impact on general biology and medicine.



  • Thermal diffusivity of water confined in extended-nano space: Measurement of extended-nano channels

    T. Sato, K. Mawatari, H. Shimizu, T. Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   1   450 - 451  2018年


    Physical chemistry in ultra-small space is important in many fields of engineering and liquid properties are found to be changed in extended-nano (101 -102 nm) space. Among liquid properties, thermophysical properties are essential to understand chemical and physical phenomena in these ultra-small spaces, although they have not been determined. Here, we developed photothermal technique for determination of thermal diffusivity in extended-nano space. In this report, we applied our technique to extended-nano space and succeeded to measure thermal diffusivity in 500 nm deep nanochannnel.

  • Gradient elution chromatography of femtoliter samples utilizing extended-nano fluidics

    Hisashi Shimizu, Kouto Toyoda, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   1   14 - 15  2018年


    A gradient elution system is developed for a chromatography using extended-nano (10-1000 nm) channel. The system, which allows flexible generation of designed gradient, realizes separations of amino acids and proteins sample at femtoliter scale.

  • Development of Laplace valve on hydrophilic surfaces using micro-nano structure and pinning effect

    Shin-Ichi Murata, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   1   572 - 573  2018年


    We developed a Laplace valve working even on hydrophilic surfaces to prevent adsorption of biological molecules onto surfaces using pinning effect which enhances the contact angle by micro-nano structures. A fluidic operation for pretreatment in single cell analysis was successfully performed using this Laplace valve. This method will be an important tool for fluid controls in micro-nanofluidics.

  • Proton transfer mechanism in extended-nano space investigated by H+/D+ isotope effect

    Kazuma Mawatari, Kohei Isogai, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   1   207 - 208  2018年


    Unique liquid properties and its mechanism in nanochannels are now gathering attention, because many researchers are recently utilizing unique characteristics of nanochannel. However, it remains unrevealed due to difficulty of measurement by conventional research tool. Here, we investigated the proton transfer mechanism and the limiting step by isotope effect. As a result, the proton transfer model was supported, and the limiting step was confirmed for the first time, which brings deep insights for nanofluidic design.

  • Bubble generation and removal for simple method of flow control in extended-nano channel

    Shun Furukawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   1   482 - 483  2018年


    Recently, as developing of fluidics from micro spaces to 101-102 nm (we call extended-nano spaces), fluid circuit has been increasingly complex. Thereby, more precise flow control has been required. Therefore, we conceived simple method of fluid control by generating and removing bubbles. Here, this paper reports verification of bubble removal in microchannel. It was estimated from result that a bubble is removed in shorter than 1 second in extended-nanochannel when super-cooled.

  • Simple and label-free ultra-sensitive concentration determination method in 101-102 nm space utilizing optical diffraction

    Yoshiyuki Tsuyama, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   2   953 - 954  2018年


    This paper reports a novel method of simple and ultra-sensitive detection of non-fluorescent molecules in 101 -102 nm (extended-nano space) utilizing optical diffraction by extended-nano channel. Our method showed high performance even for ultra-small channel and LOD of 17 zmol in 60 aL (200 nm) was achieved. This method will become a powerful tool for basic nanofluidics and its application.

  • Development of microfluidic droplet shooter for ultrahigh-sensitive mass spectrometry

    Yutaka Kazoe, Yusuke Shimizu, Yasushi Terui, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   2   989 - 990  2018年


    Here we proposed and developed a microfluidic device to continuously shoot pL droplets toward controlled direction at kHz, and verified a novel sample injection interface with mass spectrometry (MS). Utilizing microscale laminar gas flows of 10 m/s enabled formation and shooting of uniform droplets and accurate trajectory control. On the contrary to a few percent sample injection rate by conventional electrospray ionization (ESI), the proposed microdroplet shooter can achieve 100% injection for ultrahigh sensitive MS detection. This study will open a new horizon for separation analysis, especially proteins and peptides which are important in state-of-the-art biological researches and medical diagnosis.

  • Micro/nano-integrated fluidic device for living single-cell protein analysis

    Tatsuro Nakao, Yutaka Kazoe, Kyojiro Morikawa, Ayumi Yoshizaki, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   1   132 - 134  2018年


    Based on our concept of living single-cell protein analysis where single cell is processed in microchannel and secreted proteins are analyzed in nanochannel, we developed a micro/nano-integrated fluidic device where micro/nanochannels are hierarchically structured. All the 11 unit operations of single-cell analysis including single-cell isolation, femtoliter sampling, antigen-antibody reaction are integrated in femtoliter-to-picoliter space, and the working principle was verified by detecting a signal from 11 fL volume of 75 nM standard C-reactive protein solution (~500 molecules). This device can contribute to medicine and biology by providing a novel tool for elucidation of single-cell-level mechanism of cancer or immune diseases.

  • Nanochannel open/close valve utilizing glass deformation on a nanofluidic device

    Hiroki Sano, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   2   686 - 687  2018年


    In this study, we implemented a nanochannel open/close valve utilizing glass deformation into a nanofluidic device. Previously, we succeeded in principle verification of the valve fabricated on a thin glass sheet [1], but in this form integration into devices is difficult. Therefore, we fabricated the valve on a glass substrate, which can be used for nanofluidic devices, by making a 30 µm thickness on a small part of the substrate for the valve working. We verified the operation of the fabricated valve and achieved a pressure capacity over 400 kPa, which is sufficient for nanofluidic analytical applications.

  • Ultrasensitive detection of nonlabeled protein using UV photothermal optical phase shift detection

    Hisashi Shimizu, Shigenori Takeda, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   2   971 - 972  2018年


    An ultrasensitive photothermal detection system is developed for nonlabeled proteins. The detection principle is verified, and the mechanism of improvement of signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio is also revealed. As a result, detection of 30 molecules in 1.0 fL detection volume is realized. The detection performance is 20 times improved than our previous detection system.

  • Partial surface modification method of extended-nano channel using separable glass bonding

    Tomoaki Takeuchi, Kyojiro Morikawa, Ryoichi Ohta, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   2   628 - 629  2018年


    We developed low temperature bonding method which enabled repeating process of bonding, modification, separation of glass substrates without thermal distraction of modified chemical group on the surface. Using this method, partial surface modification of extended-nano channels (10-1000 nm) was realized. This surface modification method will be strong tool for functionalization of the extended-nano channel surface.

  • Development of micro/extended-nano filtering interface with extended-nanopillars

    Kyojiro Morikawa, Yutaka Kazoe, Hiroshi Tarui, Ryoichi Ohta, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   1   584 - 585  2018年


    We developed micro/extended-nano filtering interface using extended-nanopillars which is essential for sample introduction into extended-nano spaces (10-1000 nm) from micro spaces without clogging. To connect micro spaces (pL volume: 10-12 L) and extended-nano spaces (fL volume: 10-15 L), interface which had extended-nanopillars for filtering was successfully integrated in a chip. By introduction of beads and lysed cell samples, principle of filtering was verified.

  • Photothermal optical phase shift detection using optical fiber

    Naoki Wada, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   2   964 - 965  2018年


    An optical fiber based detection method for nonfluorescent molecules is proposed and its principle is verified. The detection device, photothermal optical phase shift (POPS) detection, detects a change in refractive index caused by heating using splitting and interference of a laser beam. The flexibility of the optical fiber is expected to accelerate integration of micro and nanofluidic analytical systems.

  • Stretchable micropatterned membrane integrated in microfluidic devices for pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell culture

    Kae Sato, Yuka Misawa, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   3   1622 - 1624  2018年


    We developed a microfluidic device for cyclic stretching culture of cells to mimic blood vessels [1]. We found that pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) aligned their axes perpendicular to the direction of stretch in this device. This orientation is different from circumferential alignment of smooth muscle cell (SMC) layer in the tunica media, the middle layer of a blood vessel. To solve this problem, a microfluidic device with a stretching polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane having ridge/groove micropatterns as a cell culture substrate was developed. PASMCs successfully aligned their axes parallel to the direction of stretch (circumferential direction) in the device.

  • Development of repeatable elisa on thin-layered fluidics

    Emi Mori, Takako Asaoka, Tatsuro Nakao, Ayumi Yoshizaki, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   4   2010 - 2012  2018年


    Thin-layered fluidics has realized high efficiency capture of low concentration protein, rapid analysis, and high sensitive detection in between the size of micro and extended-nano fluidics. In this research, for the purpose of practical repeatable use of the ELISA devices, we have investigated washing method, storage method, storage stability, and realized more than 10 times use and 120 days storage. The advantage of repeated measurement is that the patient sample can be measured continuously in the same channel after calibration of standard sample.

  • Development of 105 plate number liquid choromatography using extended-nanofluidic channel

    Kyojiro Morikawa, Yutaka Kazoe, Hisashi Shimizu, Yusuke Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   4   2038 - 2039  2018年


    We developed pressure driven reverse phase liquid chromatography using an extended-nano channel (10-1000 nm) for 105 plate numbers. The chromatography was performed using a 100 mm long extended-nano channel (the world's longest extended-nano channel) with 5 pL injection volume. The obtained theoretical plate numbers 7.2-8.9×104 were well accorded with theoretically-estimated one. From these results, performance of the system was verified, and it has potential to realize 105 plates for protein and peptide separation. This technique will be a strong tool for analysis of ultrasmall biological samples like a single cell.

  • Pressure-driven injection of charged solute molecules from micro to nanochannel

    Kazuma Okamoto, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018   1   438 - 439  2018年


    We revealed that 100% injection of solute molecules regardless of solute charges from micro to nanochannel, where the electrostatic interaction is dominant, is achieved utilizing MPa pressure-driven flow. Different injection rates depending on solute charges could be cancelled by the fluid drag on solute molecules. The results in this study provide important knowledge for conceptual design of nanofluidic devices for fL-analytical applications such as single cell/single molecule analysis.

  • Nano X-ray diffractometry device for nanofluidics

    Kazuma Mawatari, Hiroki Koreeda, Koji Ohara, Shinji Kohara, Koji Yoshida, Toshio Yamaguchi, Takehiko Kitamori

    Lab on a Chip   18 ( 8 ) 1259 - 1264  2018年  [査読有り]


    Nanofluidics is gaining attention because it has unique liquid and fluidic properties that are not observed in microfluidics. It has been reported that many liquid properties change when the size of a fluidic channel is reduced below 500-800 nm. To discuss the underlying mechanism, information on the microscopic liquid structure must be obtained (e.g., by X-ray diffractometry). However, the very small volume (attoliters to femtoliters) of a nanochannel and the large volume of its glass substrate prevent measurement of signals from the nanochannel liquid. In this study, we report a novel nanofluidic device that can be used in conjunction with X-ray diffractometry to analyze the structure of water confined in nanochannels. Top-down and bottom-up micro- and nano-fabrication processes were established, and the substrate thickness of the measurement area was reduced to only 2.7 μm, which was almost 1000 times smaller than that of conventional substrates (millimeter scale). With this new device, X-ray diffraction signals were clearly observed in nanochannels 500 nm wide and deep. Based on the X-ray diffraction pattern, the radial distribution function was calculated, which showed a structure nearly similar to that of a bulk sample. Therefore, X-ray diffractometry in nanochannels was realized. This method will provide important information on how a liquid behaves when confined in a nanospace and contribute to chemistry and biology on scales of 10-100 nm (e.g., inter- and intra-cellular spaces). It is also important for designing chemical reactions and fluidic circuits in nanochannels for realizing highly functional devices.



  • Communication—evaporation driven micro/nanofluidic pumping device

    Chenxi Wang, Te Wang, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Journal of the Electrochemical Society   165 ( 5 ) B184 - B186  2018年  [査読有り]


    A compact portable nanofluidic pump that enables precise manipulation of ultra-small amount of liquid is highly desirable for the trend in miniaturization. Here we develop an integrated micro/nanofluidic pumping device utilizing nanopillar structures with diminishing intervals and locally controlled evaporation. A continuous and steady flow rate of 2.7 pL/s was achieved for more than 12 h without external mechanical power source. The liquid transports in the nanofluidic channels were controllable by adjusting the temperature of evaporation surface. The picoliter-scale flow rates meet the demands for performing nanofluidic immunoassays and other interdisciplinary applications.



  • Single B Cell Analysis Revealed the Relationship Among the Cytokine Profile, Antibody Affinity, and Pathogenic Roles of Autoantigen-Reactive B Cells in Systemic Sclerosis

    Takemichi Fukasawa, Ayumi Yoshizaki, Satoshi Ebata, Kouki Nakamura, Ryosuke Saigusa, Takashi Yamashita, Yoshihide Asano, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Shinichi Sato

    ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY   69  2017年10月  [査読有り]

  • Single Cell Analysis Revealed That the Response to Cyclophosphamide Therapy Is Regulated By B Cells in Systemic Sclerosis-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease

    Satoshi Ebata, Ayumi Yoshizaki, Takemichi Fukasawa, Kouki Nakamura, Maiko Hirakawa, Takashi Yamashita, Shunsuke Miura, Ryosuke Saigusa, Megumi Hirabayashi, Asako Yoshizaki, Kaname Akamata, Yoshihide Asano, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Shinichi Sato

    ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY   69  2017年10月  [査読有り]

  • Contribution of Soluble Forms of Programmed Death 1 and Programmed Death Ligand 2 to Disease Severity and Progression in Systemic Sclerosis

    Takemichi Fukasawa, Ayumi Yoshizaki, Satoshi Ebata, Kouki Nakamura, Ryosuke Saigusa, Syunsuke Miura, Takashi Yamashita, Megumi Hirabayashi, Yohei Ichimura, Takashi Taniguchi, Yoshihide Asano, Hisashi Shimizu, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Shinichi Sato

    ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY   69 ( 9 ) 1879 - 1890  2017年09月  [査読有り]


    Objective. To determine the function and serum levels of soluble forms of programmed death 1 (sPD-1) and one of its ligands, soluble PD ligand 2 (sPD-L2), in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) and in a mouse model of topoisomerase I (topo I)-induced SSc.
    Methods. Serum levels of sPD-1 and sPD-L2 in 91 patients with SSc were examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Expression of PD-1 and PD-L2 on T cells, B cells, and macrophages was quantified by flow cytometry. The effects of blockade of PD-1 and PD-L2 were analyzed by microfluidic ELISA (micro-ELISA), a technique that can measure very low amounts of cytokines. In addition, the effects of sPD-1 and sPD-L2 on disease progression were assessed in mice with topo I-induced SSc.
    Results. Serum levels of sPD-1 and sPD-L2 were elevated in patients with SSc and correlated with the extent of fibrosis and immunologic abnormalities. Expression levels of PD-1 and PD-L2 were significantly elevated on SSc T cells, B cells, and macrophages. Micro-ELISA analysis of serum samples from patients with SSc showed that PD-L2 high B cells had higher levels of interleukin-10 (IL-10) production compared with PD-L2 low B cells, indicating that PD-L2 acts as a regulator of T cell cytokine production via cognate interactions with T cells and B cells. In mice with topo I-induced SSc, production of IL-10 by topo I-specific B cells in cultures with T cells and topo I protein was significantly higher than that by conventional B cells, and intraperitoneal injection of recombinant chimeric PD-1-Fc and PD-L2-Fc canceled these enhanced effects.
    Conclusion. These results suggest that sPD-1 and sPD-L2 contribute to disease development in SSc via the regulation of cognate interactions with T cells and B cells.



  • Dry etching and low-temperature direct bonding process of lithium niobate wafer for fabricating micro/nano channel device

    Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Koji Sugano, Hideki Takahashi, Hangyeol Seo, Yuriy Pihosh, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Osamu Tabata

    TRANSDUCERS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems     1245 - 1248  2017年07月  [査読有り]


    We have developed dry etching process of lithium niobate (LN) wafer using neutral loop discharge reactive ion etching (NLD-RIE) to fabricate both micro- and nano-channels for investigating proton diffusion enhancement in ferroelectric nanochannels. We have also developed low-temperature direct bonding process between LN wafers. Two-hundred parallel nanochannel array of 200-nm deep and wide and 400-μm long connected to two microchannels (width: 500 μm, depth: 5.9 μm) at the both ends were fabricated. We have succeeded in measuring the proton diffusion coefficient as high as 1.2×10-8 m2/s.



  • From Extended Nanofluidics to an Autonomous Solar-Light-Driven Micro Fuel-Cell Device

    Yuriy Pihosh, Jin Uemura, Ivan Turkevych, Kazuma Mawatari, Yutaka Kazoe, Adelina Smirnova, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION   56 ( 28 ) 8130 - 8133  2017年07月  [査読有り]


    Autonomous micro/nano mechanical, chemical, and biomedical sensors require persistent power sources scaled to their size. Realization of autonomous micro-power sources is a challenging task, as it requires combination of wireless energy supply, conversion, storage, and delivery to the sensor. Herein, we realized a solar-light-driven power source that consists of a micro fuel cell (mFC) and a photocatalytic micro fuel generator (mu FG) integrated on a single microfluidic chip. The mu FG produces hydrogen by photocatalytic water splitting under solar light. The hydrogen fuel is then consumed by the mu FC to generate electricity. Importantly, the by-product water returns back to the photocatalytic mu FG via recirculation loop without losses. Both devices rely on novel phenomena in extended-nano-fluidic channels that ensure ultra-fast proton transport. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate that mu FG/mu FC source achieves remarkable energy density of ca. 17.2 m Wh cm(-2) at room temperature.



  • Thermo-optical Characterization of Photothermal Optical Phase Shift Detection in Extended-Nano Channels and UV Detection of Biomolecules

    Hisashi Shimizu, Naoya Miyawaki, Yoshihiro Asano, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   89 ( 11 ) 6044 - 6050  2017年06月  [査読有り]


    The expansion of microfluidics research to nanofluidics requites absolutely sensitive and universal detection methods. Photothermal detection, which utilizes optical absorption and nonradiative relaxation, is promising for the sensitive detection of nonlabeled biomolecules in nanofluidic channels. We have previously developed a photothermal optical phase Shift,(POPS) detection method to detect nonfluorescent molecules sensitively, while a rapid decrease of the sensitivity in nanochannels and the introduction of an ultraviolet (DV) excitation system-were issues to be addressed. In the present study, our primary aim is to characterize the POPS signal in terms of the thermo-optical properties and quantitatively evaluate the causes-for the decrease in sensitivity. The UV excitation system is then introduced into the POPS detector to realize the sensitive detection Of nonlabeled biomolecules. The UV-POPS detection system is designed and constructed from scratch based on a symmetric microscope. The results of simulations and experiments reveal that the sensitivity decreases due to a reduction of the detection volume, dissipation of the heat, and cancellation of the changes in refractive indices. Finally, determination of the concentration of a nonlabeled protein (bovine serum albumin) is performed in a very thin 900 nm deep nanochannel. As a result, the limit of detection (LOD) is 2.3 mu m (600 molecules in the 440 attoliter detection volume), which is as low as that previously obtained for our visible POPS detector. UV-POPS detection is thus expected be a powerful technique for the study of biomolecules, including DNAs and proteins confined: in nanofluidic channels.



  • Investigation of Preservation Stability for a Small Amount of Patient Samples Using Microfluidic Device

    Emi Mori, Yumiko Hosoya, Ayumi Yoshizaki, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    BUNSEKI KAGAKU   66 ( 6 ) 453 - 457  2017年06月  [査読有り]


    All of the process from sampling to detection could be performed in microliter order by using a new device, mu ELISA, which is equipped with microfluidics and a thermal lens microscope. However, as for handling of a small amount of patient sample in clinical sites, when the sample volume is much smaller, a preservation method should be investigated while considering the influences of the S/V ratio in small area. In this research, preservation stability for a small amount of patient sample was investigated, by analyzing CRP. As a result, the inner wall of the container, liquid volume, and preservation time are should be taken into account and evaluated in advance.



  • Micro/extended-nano sampling interface from a living single cell

    L. Lin, K. Mawatari, K. Morikawa, Y. Pihosh, A. Yoshizaki, T. Kitamori

    ANALYST   142 ( 10 ) 1689 - 1696  2017年05月  [査読有り]


    Single-cell analysis is of increasing importance in many fields, but is challenging due to the ultra-small volumes (picoliters) of single cells. Indeed, analysis of a specific analyte might require the analysis of a single molecule or several molecules. Analytical processes usually include sampling, chemical processing, and detection. Although several papers have reported chemical processing and detection methods for single cells, a sampling method compatible with maintaining the viability of a single cell during sampling has yet to be developed. Here, we propose a femtoliter sampling method from a living single cell using micro/nanofluidic device technology. The sampling of 39 fL of cytoplasm from a single human aortic endothelial cell was demonstrated and its viability after sampling was confirmed.



  • A sensitive and rapid assay of BNP in patient blood by micro-ELISA

    Emi Mori, Toshinori Oohashi, Hisashi Imai, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL METHODS   9 ( 19 ) 2830 - 2834  2017年05月  [査読有り]


    Microfluidic immunoassays are expected to be the next-generation diagnosticmethods due to the small size of the reaction space and their high performance. Various tests are performed in clinics or for homemedical care. However, the analyticalmarkers are restricted in comparison to the clinical tests performed inmedical facilities. We developed a microfluidic ELISA (micro-ELISA) system, which utilized a microfluidic device for reactions and a thermal lens microscope (TLM) for detection. This system allowed a very sensitive and rapid assay due to the small size of the reaction space. In this study, to apply this systemfor clinic use, we investigated the detection of an unstable and low concentration (pg mL(-1)) marker in patient's plasma. Among the various markers, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), a heart failure marker, was chosen because BNP is one of the difficult markers to handle in clinics and at home due to its instability (biological half-life: similar to 20 minutes); moreover, its activity in the patient's sample declines within several hours. To overcome these problems, we investigated the chemical procedure. A streptavidin-beads/biotin-antibody reaction was applied because of its high association constant, and a one-step pre-mixed method was developed for a facile process and higher sensitivity. However, commercial standard BNP with sodium azide cannot be used in this pre-mixed method because sodium azide will inhibit the activity of HRP. Therefore, the preparation and preservation stability of the standard sample was evaluated. To maintain the stability of BNP, a buffer solution containing aprotinin was used for dilution in our investigations. In addition, to reduce the influence of the viscosity changes in patient's blood samples, a dilution procedure was also considered. Based on these investigations, the quantitative analysis of BNP in only 10 mL of patient's plasma was successfully realized, whereas the conventional 96-well microtiter plate method required about 500 mL of plasma sample. Moreover, a superior performance was demonstrated in the limit of quantitation (3.61 pg mL(-1)) and short assay time (20 min for 1 sample and 70 min for 5 samples). An excellent correlation was shown between the conventional method used in the University of Tokyo Hospital and our micro-ELISA method.



  • Extended-nano chromatography

    Hisashi Shimizu, Adelina Smirnova, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A   1490   11 - 20  2017年03月  [査読有り]


    A novel liquid chromatographic method utilizing the extended-nano space called extended-nano chromatography, encompassing the 10-1000nm region, has emerged recently. It utilizes an extended-nano fluidic channel, which is fabricated on a glass chip, as a separation column. The advantages of extended nano chromatography are that it uses extremely small sample volumes (attoliter to femtoliter) and demonstrate high separation efficiency. In this review, the fundamentals of extended-nano chromatography are summarized. Instrumentations to realize attoliter sample injections and sensitive detection methods are described. A fabrication method for nanochannel separation columns, including substrate bonding and surface modification, is also introduced. A highly efficient separation was performed within several seconds, as predicted by the theory. Future perspectives, including living single cell analysis and ultrahigh performance separation, are also discussed. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Clogging-Free Irreversible Bonding of Polycarbonate Membranes to Glass Microfluidic Devices

    Chenxi Wang, Xiaofang Gao, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY   164 ( 5 ) B3087 - B3090  2017年  [査読有り]


    An irreversible bonding method for bonding porous polycarbonate membranes to glass microfluidic devices is demonstrated. The membrane surfaces were modified with an ammonia solution that contained amino hydrophilic groups. Additionally, the glass substrates were terminated with hydroxyl groups after exposure to an oxygen plasma. Based on the dehydration reaction, reliable bonding between the glass and the porous membrane was achieved at 110 degrees C and was verified by the fluidic leakage tests for burst pressure (&gt; 500 kPa) and long-term durability (similar to 5 days). In particular, chemical modification by small ammonia molecules allowed bonding of the porous membranes without clogging to the pores. Therefore, this method has great potential for use in nanofluidic channels integrated with nanoporous membranes. Moreover, a simple disassembly strategy for the sandwich-structured microfluidic devices was proposed and realized for the reuse and recycling of glass substrates with microchannels in the event that the membrane morphology changes after long-term use. (C) The Author(s) 2017. Published by ECS.





  • Micro heat pipe device utilizing extended nanofluidics

    Chenxi Wang, Yutaka Kazoe, Kyojiro Morikawa, Hisashi Shimizu, Yuriy Pihosh, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    RSC ADVANCES   7 ( 80 ) 50591 - 50597  2017年  [査読有り]


    The next-generation cooling devices are gradually being scaled to smaller than the size of high-performance microchips to enable local heat removal from small hot spots. Realization of a micro/nanofluidic heat pipe device is a challenging task, as it requires high condensation efficiency in an ultra-small space and sufficient liquid transport without employing any wick. Herein, we demonstrate a two-phase loop micro heat pipe device based on unique liquid properties in extended nanospace (10-1000 nm) to meet the growing demands of the miniaturization of electronics and optoelectronics. The device, which contains a small volume of liquid (tens of nanoliter) and does not require a wick, can be conveniently embedded in the microchip. The capillary condensation of water on nanopillars was investigated. The experimental results showed a significant enhancement of the condensation rate on nanopillars for a faster vapor-liquid phase transition. In addition, a streaming potential measurement was performed to evaluate the liquid transport during operation of the micro heat pipe device. This method enables the measurement of water flow rates through extended nanochannels without requiring probe molecules. The micro heat pipe device was verified to work properly. Finally, the cooling performance of the micro heat pipe device was quantitatively estimated, and improvements were proposed to achieve highly efficient cooling.



  • Cell sheet mechanics: How geometrical constraints induce the detachment of cell sheets from concave surfaces

    Tadahiro Yamashita, Philip Kollmannsberger, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Viola Vogel

    ACTA BIOMATERIALIA   45   85 - 97  2016年11月  [査読有り]


    Despite of the progress made to engineer structured microtissues such as BioMEMS and 3D bioprinting, little control exists how microtissues transform as they mature, as the misbalance between cell generated forces and the strength of cell-cell and cell-substrate contacts can result in unintended tissue deformations and ruptures. To develop a quantitative perspective on how cellular contractility, scaffold curvature and cell-substrate adhesion control such rupture processes, human aortic smooth muscle cells were grown on glass substrates with submillimeter semichannels. We quantified cell sheet detachment from 3D confocal image stacks as a function of channel curvature and cell sheet tension by adding different amounts of Blebbistatin and TGF-beta to inhibit or enhance cell contractility, respectively. We found that both higher curvature and higher contractility increased the detachment probability. Variations of the adhesive strength of the protein coating on the substrate revealed that the rupture plane was localized along the substrate-extracellular matrix interface for non-covalently adsorbed adhesion proteins, while the collagen-integrin interface ruptured when collagen I was covalently crosslinked to the substrate. Finally, a simple mechanical model is introduced that quantitatively explains how the tuning of substrate curvature, cell sheet contractility and adhesive strength can be used as tunable parameters as summarized in a first semi-quantitative phase diagram. These parameters can thus be exploited to either inhibit or purposefully induce a collective detachment of sheet-like microtissues for the use in tissue engineering and regenerative therapies.
    Statement of Significance
    Despite of the significant progress in 3D tissue fabrication technologies at the microscale, there is still no quantitative model that can predict if cells seeded on a 3D structure maintain the imposed geometry while they form a continuous microtissue. Especially, detachment or loss of shape control of growing tissue is a major concern when designing 3D-structured scaffolds. Utilizing semi-cylindrical channels and vascular smooth muscle cells, we characterized how geometrical and mechanical parameters such as curvature of the substrate, cellular contractility, or protein-substrate adhesion strength tune the catastrophic detachment of microtissue. Observed results were rationalized by a theoretical model. The phase diagram showing how unintended tissue detachment progresses would help in designing of mechanically-balanced 3D scaffolds in future tissue engineering applications. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.



  • On-Chip Step-Mixing in a T-Nanomixer for Liquid Chromatography in Extended-Nanochannels

    Adelina Smirnova, Hisashi Shimizu, Yuriy Pihosh, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   88 ( 20 ) 10059 - 10064  2016年10月  [査読有り]


    Miniaturization of liquid chromatography separation columns is a key trend in chemical and biochemical areas, particularly in genomics; proteomics,"=and single-cell analysis. The work at this level relies upon a novel analytical platform that can deal with sample volumes that are much smaller than a cell. An extended-nanospace is within a scale of 10(1)-10(3) nm and defines the space between a single molecule and normal liquid. Our group has realized high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation in extended-nanospace with sample injections of hundreds of attoliters :and a separation efficiency of hundreds of thousands of plates/m that can overcome the limitations of a conventional packed column by a magnitude of several orders. However, gradient flow is needed to improve the separation performance, and in this work we present reversed-phase chromatography with step-mixing in extended-nanospace and describe its application. Six fluoresceritly labeled amino acids were separated in 16 s, separation of 17 labeled amino acids in only 50 s with a plate height for most of the peaks of less than 1 mu m.



  • Low-temperature bonding process for the fabrication of hybrid glass-membrane organ-on-a-chip devices

    Kyall J. Pocock, Xiaofang Gao, Chenxi Wang, Craig Priest, Clive A. Prestidge, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Benjamin Thierry



    The integration of microfluidics with living biological systems has paved the way to the exciting concept of "organs-on-a-chip," which aims at the development of advanced in vitro models that replicate the key features of human organs. Glass-based devices have long been utilized in the field of microfluidics but the integration of alternative functional elements within multilayered glass microdevices, such as polymeric membranes, remains a challenge. To this end, we have extended a previously reported approach for the low-temperature bonding of glass devices that enables the integration of a functional polycarbonate porous membrane. The process was initially developed and optimized on specialty low-temperature bonding equipment (mu TAS2001, Bondtech, Japan) and subsequently adapted to more widely accessible hot embosser units ( EVG520HE Hot Embosser, EVG, Austria). The key aspect of this method is the use of low temperatures compatible with polymeric membranes. Compared to borosilicate glass bonding (650 degrees C) and quartz/fused silica bonding (1050 degrees C) processes, this method maintains the integrity and functionality of the membrane (T-g 150 degrees C for polycarbonate). Leak tests performed showed no damage or loss of integrity of the membrane for up to 150 h, indicating sufficient bond strength for long-term cell culture. A feasibility study confirmed the growth of dense and functional monolayers of Caco-2 cells within 5 days. (C) 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)



  • High-Pressure Acceleration of Nanoliter Droplets in the Gas Phase in a Microchannel

    Yutaka Kazoe, Ippei Yamashiro, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    MICROMACHINES   7 ( 8 )  2016年08月  [査読有り]


    Microfluidics has been used to perform various chemical operations for pL-nL volumes of samples, such as mixing, reaction and separation, by exploiting diffusion, viscous forces, and surface tension, which are dominant in spaces with dimensions on the micrometer scale. To further develop this field, we previously developed a novel microfluidic device, termed a microdroplet collider, which exploits spatially and temporally localized kinetic energy. This device accelerates a microdroplet in the gas phase along a microchannel until it collides with a target. We demonstrated 6000-fold faster mixing compared to mixing by diffusion; however, the droplet acceleration was not optimized, because the experiments were conducted for only one droplet size and at pressures in the 10-100 kPa range. In this study, we investigated the acceleration of a microdroplet using a high-pressure (MPa) control system, in order to achieve higher acceleration and kinetic energy. The motion of the nL droplet was observed using a high-speed complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) camera. A maximum droplet velocity of similar to 5 m/s was achieved at a pressure of 1-2 MPa. Despite the higher fluid resistance, longer droplets yielded higher acceleration and kinetic energy, because droplet splitting was a determining factor in the acceleration and using a longer droplet helped prevent it. The results provide design guidelines for achieving higher kinetic energies in the microdroplet collider for various microfluidic applications.



  • Tandem photovoltaic-photoelectrochemical GaAs/InGaAsP-WO3/BiVO4 device for solar hydrogen generation

    Sonya Kosar, Yuriy Pihosh, Ivan Turkevych, Kazuma Mawatari, Jin Uemura, Yutaka Kazoe, Kikuo Makita, Takeyoshi Sugaya, Takuya Matsui, Daisuke Fujita, Masahiro Tosa, Yaroslav M. Struk, Michio Kondo, Takehiko Kitamori

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS   55 ( 4 )  2016年04月  [査読有り]


    We demonstrated highly efficient solar hydrogen generation via water splitting by photovoltaic-photoelectrochemical (PV-PEC) tandem device based on GaAs/InGaAsP (PV cell) and WO3/BiVO4 core/shell nanorods (PEC cell). We utilized extremely thin absorber (ETA) concept to design the WO3/BiVO4 core/shell heterojunction nanorods and obtained the highest efficiencies of generation, separation and transfer of the photoinduced charge carriers that are possible for the WO3/BiVO4 material combination. The PV-PEC tandem shows stable water splitting photocurrent of 6.56 mA.cm(-2) under standard AM1.5G solar light that corresponds to the record solar-to-hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiency of 8.1%. (C) 2016 The Japan Society of Applied Physics



  • Characterization of fluid flows in 101 NM extended-nano spaces

    Y. Kazoe, K. Ikeda, K. Morikawa, Y. Pihosh, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016     812 - 813  2016年


    We report measurements of mass flow rate for fluid flows in 101 nm channels in a transitional region between single molecules and continuum. We realized fabrication of square-shaped 101 nm channel with 100 nm roughness for the first time. The flow rate in the fabricated channels at sizes of 70-100 nm was successfully measured. This work provides a new research tool and greatly contributes to fields of nanofluidics and molecular fluid science.

  • Optimization of proton transport in extended-nanochannels towards increase performance of μ-fuel cell device

    Kouto Toyoda, Yuriy Pihosh, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016     1477 - 1478  2016年


    This paper reports on the strategy to increase the performance of the totally integrated light driven μ-fuel cell device (Fig.1), which was developed by our group [1] by optimizing extended-nanochannels (ENCs) length in μ-fuel cell device. The fabricated device based on optimized ENCs parameters showed 3.3 times improvement in comparison to our previously reported μ-FC device. This work will contribute to development of portable power generation device.

  • Behavior of solute molecules at micro to extended-nano channel

    Yue Xu, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016     794 - 795  2016年


    We characterized behavior of solute molecules at microchannel to extended-nano channel (102 nm) in pressure-driven flow for the first time. We found that the electrostatic repulsion between the solute molecules and channel wall significantly inhibits solute injection in 200 nm space. This study provides important information for novel devices for sampling, concentration and separation exploiting extended-nano spaces.

  • High-efficient proton conductor nanochannels array based on a ferroelectric proton transfer phase substrate towards a μ-fuel cell

    Y. Pihosh, H. Seo, K. Mawatari, Y. Kazoe, O. Tabata, T. Tsuchiya, T. Kitamori

    20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016     1481 - 1482  2016年


    In this work we report on realization of enhanced proton (H+) conductivity in extendednanochannels (ENCs) in a micro-fuel cell (μ-FC) device fabricated in combination with fused silica and LiNbO3 (LN) ferroelectric materials. Here we are demonstrating how to control nanospace surface potential in a μ-FC device via spontaneous polarization of a LN material, which results in H+ attraction to the nanochannels surface and its acceleration.

  • Femto-liter sampling control and transport by Laplace nano valve for single cell analysis

    L. Lin, K. Mawatari, K. Morikawa, T. Kitamori

    20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016     1122 - 1123  2016年


    The requirement for single cell analysis has increased because of cell heterogeneity in cell biology and medical fields. Micro/Nanofluidic chips will be a powerful tool to realize single cell analysis. In order to develop total integration living single cell analysis, highly precise fluidic control is one of the key tools. Here, we developed Laplace nano-valve using new surface patterning for fL sampling control and transport. This new method allows ultra small volume sample (fL) controlling essential for single cell and single-molecule analysis and contributes to cell biology and medical diagnosis.

  • Measurement of dielectric constant in extended-nano spaces by using ac impedance measurement

    K. Imai, K. Mawatari, K. Morikawa, T. Kitamori

    20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016     770 - 771  2016年


    We developed a measurement method of dielectric constant of water in 10-100 nm spaces (extended-nano spaces) by top-down and bottom-up fabrication process. The alternate current (AC) impedance signal of water and its capacitance was successfully obtained. This study provides important information for device engineering in nanofluidics.

  • Living single cell release and culture after femtoliter sampling by extended-nano/micro interface

    L. Lin, K. Mawatari, K. Morikawa, T. Kitamori

    20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016     353 - 354  2016年


    Recently, the requirement for living single cell analysis is rapidly increasing because of cell heterogeneity in cell biology and medical fields. However, single cell volume is ∼pL and too small to analyze by conventional method. Based on this consideration, we realized culture and release of single cell in microchip after fL sampling by micro/extended-nano interface. The results show that the cell maintained viability during long period culture after sampling. This study provides important information for living single cell dynamic process during cell culture after fL sampling.

  • Measurement of flow velocity distribution in extended-nano spaces by molecular image velocimetry

    S. Takeda, Y. Kazoe, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016     798 - 799  2016年


    We measured velocity distribution of size-regulated fluorescent dendrimers flowing through a 102 nm channel. New method of fluorescence modification of the dendrimer which uses methanol and PEG was proposed to further develop molecular image velocimetry (MIV), which measures the local position and velocity of the dendrimer in the nanochannel. The velocities of the dendrimer qualitatively indicate profile of pressure-driven flow in the nanochannel. Our method will greatly contribute to the fields of nanofluidics, surface chemistry and interface chemistry.

  • Thermal diffusivity measurement in extended-nano space by using differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope

    Y. Takagi, H. Shimizu, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016     800 - 801  2016年


    A measurement method of thermal diffusivity in micro/nanospace was developed. Using the method, increase of thermal diffusivity in a nanochannel of 300 nm deep was firstly observed. The change of thermal property is highly important to design chemical reaction systems and elucidate biological reactions at nanoscale.

  • Verification of a femtoliter-switching valve in extended-nano space utilizing thin glass deflection

    Hitomi Takahashi, Yuriy Pihosh, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016     1336 - 1337  2016年


    This paper reports on verification of a fL-valve for extended-nano fluidics exploiting tiny glass deflection for the first time. This work differs from the previous work1 in that precise valve control and reproductive operation were realized by implementation of an actuator control system with a feedback system of force and stage displacement. This is the first evidence indicating the fL-valve is usable in a novel integrated extended-nano fluidic system.

  • Extended-nano scale fluidics and applications to bioanalysis

    Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Yutaka Kazoe, Yuriy Pihosh, Takehiko Kitamori

    Intelligent Nanosystems for Energy, Information and Biological Technologies     65 - 84  2016年01月  [査読有り]


    Extended-nano space, which is in 10-1000 nm scale, is a transitional region from single molecules to continuous fluid. Even though many specific effects are expected, device engineering of extended-nano space has not been developed so far due to the lack of basic technologies for fluidic engineering. Previously, our group established a strategy of device integration for microchemical systems called continuous flow chemical processing and applied the strategy to various analytical systems. In addition, we have succeeded in developments of basic technologies including fabrication, fluidic control and detection for extended-nano space to find very unique effects such as higher viscosity, lower dielectric constant and higher proton mobility. In this chapter, the uniqueness, device engineering of extended-nano space and its application to bioanalytical devices are introduced. Especially, we focus on an ultimate chromatography using extended-nano space and its innovative performances to break the limits of conventional technologies.



  • Extended-nano fluidic devices and the unique liquid properties

    Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Solid State Phenomena   255   157 - 160  2016年  [査読有り]


    Microfluidic devices are downscaling to 10-100 nm space, which we call extended-nano space. Because the extended-nano space is a space to bridge isolated molecules and normal bulk fluid, new solution chemistry can be expected. However, it was difficult to investigate due to the ultra-small space. Our group developed fundamental technologies for the extended-nano fluidics such as nanofabrication and bonding for glass substrates, aL-fL pressure driven fluidic control, partial surface modification, and single molecule detection. Based on these technologies, many unique liquid properties were found such as viscosity increase, enhanced proton mobility, lower dielectric constant. In addition, the liquid property changes depended on channel size, channel shape, and kinds of liquid. New analytical and energy devices are created utilizing the unique properties in the extended-nano space. In this talk, fundamental technologies and unique liquid properties found in this space are mainly presented, which would have impact not only on chemistry and biology but also on semiconductor industry.



  • Guest editorial

    Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara

    Analytical Sciences   32 ( 1 ) 1  2016年  [査読有り]



  • Living Single Cell Analysis Platform Utilizing Microchannel, Single Cell Chamber, and Extended-nano Channel

    Ling Lin, Kazuma Mawatari, Kyojiro Morikawa, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES   32 ( 1 ) 75 - 78  2016年01月  [査読有り]


    Single cell analysis has been of great interest in recent years. In particular, to achieve living single cell analysis is the ultimate goal to study the dynamic process of the single cell. However, single cell volume is pL in scale, and it is difficult to realize living single cell analysis, even by microfluidic technology (nL-sub nL). Herein, a novel microfluidic platform was developed by integrating a single cell chamber and an extended-nano channel (aL-fL volume). A single cell was isolated and cultured for more than 12 h by pressure-driven flow control. In addition, an electric resistance measurement method was developed to monitor the cell viability without fluorescence labeling. This platform will provide a new method for living single cell analysis by utilizing the novel analytical functions of the extended-nano space.




    Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES   32 ( 1 ) 1 - 1  2016年01月  [査読有り]

  • Femtoliter high-performance liquid chromatography using extended-nano channels

    Hisashi Shimizu, Kyojiro Morikawa, Yilin Liu, Adelina Smirnova, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYST   141 ( 21 ) 6068 - 6072  2016年  [査読有り]


    A high-performance liquid chromatography system with 35 fL sample volume was developed using extended-nano (10-1000 nm) fluidic channels. For many years, miniaturization and enhancement of separation performance have been important issues in separation science. Recently, we have reported an ultimate miniaturization of chromatography using extended-nano channels with extremely high separation efficiency of 7 x 10(6) plates per m. However, the real theoretical plate number was limited to 10(3) due to the short nanochannel length. In this paper, the theoretical plate number was dramatically increased by developing a new high-pressure system with a very long nanochannel. A separation experiment of two fluorescent dyes demonstrated that the theoretical plate number could be improved to 1.4 x 10(4), which is much higher than that with conventional HPLC. The theoretical plate number is also comparable to those of capillary monolithic columns. The extremely small sample volume of extended-nano chromatography could support innovative analytical techniques capable of analyzing a single living cell in the near future.



  • Whole blood analysis using microfluidic plasma separation and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay devices

    Hisashi Shimizu, Mariko Kumagai, Emi Mori, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL METHODS   8 ( 42 ) 7597 - 7602  2016年  [査読有り]


    In this study, a microfluidic plasma-separation device that realizes the whole blood analysis of C-reactive protein (CRP) using one drop of blood is developed. A small, fast, and easy-to-operate blood-testing device is desirable for point-of-care testing, home medical care, and medical cost reduction. Recently, significant advances have been made in analytical instrumentation, and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of a 1 mu L plasma sample has previously been realized. Moreover, recent developments in microfluidics have led to the miniaturization of analytical instruments. However, analytical centrifuges that are conventionally used for the separation of plasma and blood cells are very large and cumbersome to combine with microfluidic devices. Therefore, we propose a plasma-separation device combining microfluidics and membrane filtering. Herein, the proposed plasmaseparation device is applied to whole blood analysis using one drop of blood. Specifically, the device is designed and fabricated to realize high plasma-separation efficiency via the evaluation of fluidic resistance of a porous membrane. Then, the quality of the plasma separated using the device is evaluated and compared with that of the plasma separated using a conventional centrifuge. Our results reveal that the microfluidic plasma-separation device can efficiently provide a sample for the ELISA of CRP using one drop (50 mu L) of whole blood. The total analysis time including plasma separation and ELISA is approximately 25 min.



  • Extended-Nano Fluidic Devices and the Unique Liquid Properties

    Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori



    Microfluidic devices are downscaling to 10-100 nm space, which we call extended-nano space. Because the extended-nano space is a space to bridge isolated molecules and normal bulk fluid, new solution chemistry can be expected. However, it was difficult to investigate due to the ultra-small space. Our group developed fundamental technologies for the extended-nano fluidics such as nanofabrication and bonding for glass substrates, aL-fL pressure driven fluidic control, partial surface modification, and single molecule detection. Based on these technologies, many unique liquid properties were found such as viscosity increase, enhanced proton mobility, lower dielectric constant. In addition, the liquid property changes depended on channel size, channel shape, and kinds of liquid. New analytical and energy devices are created utilizing the unique properties in the extended-nano space. In this talk, fundamental technologies and unique liquid properties found in this space are mainly presented, which would have impact not only on chemistry and biology but also on semiconductor industry.



  • Reversed-phase Chromatography in an Extended Nanospace: Separating Amino Acids in Short and Long Nanochannels

    Adelina Smirnova, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES   31 ( 11 ) 1201 - 1204  2015年11月  [査読有り]


    Micro- and nanofluidics has attracted much attention, particularly concerning single-cell analysis when small amounts of liquids are examined. In present work we successfully fabricated extended-nano channels that were more narrow and shorter (2 mm) as well as wider and longer (10 mm), and accomplished a reversed-phase HPLC separation of labeled amino acids on these channels after octadecylsilylation (ODS). The separation performance characteristics were compared for both types of nano spaces. At an equal amount of pressure, the longer extended-nano channels showed permeability that was one-order higher (K = 47 x 10(-14) m(2)) and separation impedance (E = 13) that was one-order lower than that of the shorter version. Also, the separation plate number for the longer channel was 4000 with a plate height of 2.5 mu m. Both channels have advantages for use in single-cell analysis. The longer channel can be applied for the separation of macromolecules (proteomics), while the short version is more applicable to small molecules (amino acids).



  • Keto-Enol Tautomeric Equilibrium of Acetylacetone Solution Confined in Extended Nanospaces

    Takehiko Tsukahara, Kyosuke Nagaoka, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B   119 ( 46 ) 14750 - 14755  2015年11月  [査読有り]


    We aim to clarify the effects of size confinement, solvent, and deuterium substitution on keto-enol tautomerization of acetylacetone (AcAc) in solutions confined in 10-100 inn spaces (i.e., = extended; nanospaces) using H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The keto-enol equilibrium constants of AcAc [k(EQ) = [keto]/enol]) In various solvents confined in extended nanospaces of 200-3000 nm were examined using the area ratios of -CH3 peaks in keto, to enol forms. The results showed that the keto form of AcAc in hydrogen-bonded solvents such as water and ethanol increased, drastically with decreasing space sizes, below about 500 run, but the size confinement did not induce equilibrium shifts in aprotic solvents such as DMSO. The magnitudes of K-EQ enhancement were well correlated with solvent proton donicity. It followed from the determination of thermodynamic parameters that the stabilization of intermolecular interactions;between protons in water and carbonyl oxygen (C=O) in the keto form of AcAc were promoted by size-confinement, and that the keto form could be energetically and structurally favored in extended nanospaces vis-a-vis the bulk space. Furthermore) the measurements of deuterium dependence of the K-EQ. values verified that the nanoconfinement-induced shifts of keto-enol tautomerization of AcAc are attributable to high proton mobility via a proton hopping mechanism of the confined water.



  • Reversed-phase chromatography in extended-nano space for the separation of amino acids

    Adelina Smirnova, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A   1418   224 - 227  2015年10月  [査読有り]


    In this work we used reversed-phase chromatography in extended-nano channels to separate amino acids. A hydrophobic surface modification of extended-nano channels was established. A sample mixture of fluorescein and sulforhodamine B (0.5 and 0.05 mM respectively) was used for the demonstration of a reversed-phase separation mode. A small amount of sample band (30 fL) was injected into the separation channel, and two compounds were successfully separated. The maximum theoretical plate number of sulforhodamine B was 300,000 plates/m. Two sets of 3 amino acids (3.75 mM each) were separated using 0.01 M citrate buffer (pH 5.5) with 0.01 M sodium perchlorate and 12 and 25% of acetonitrile as a mobile phase. A successful separation (320,000 plates/m with plate height of 3.2 mu m for serine) was accomplished. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Spontaneous Packaging and Hypothermic Storage of Mammalian Cells with a Cell-Membrane-Mimetic Polymer Hydrogel in a Microchip

    Yan Xu, Kazuma Mawatari, Tomohiro Konno, Takehiko Kitamori, Kazuhiko Ishihara

    ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES   7 ( 41 ) 23089 - 23097  2015年10月  [査読有り]


    Currently, continuous culture/passage and cryopreservation are two major, well-established methods to provide cultivated mammalian cells for experiments in laboratories. Due to the lack of flexibility, however, both laboratory-oriented methods are unable to meet the need for rapidly growing cell-based applications, which require cell supply in a variety of occasions outside of laboratories. Herein, we report spontaneous packaging and hypothermic storage of mammalian cells under refrigerated (4 degrees C) and ambient conditions (25 degrees C) using a cell-membrane-mimetic methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer hydrogel incorporated within a glass microchip. Its capability for hypothermic storage of cells was comparatively evaluated over 16 days. The results reveal that the cytocompatible MPC polymer hydrogel, in combination with the microchip structure, enabled hypothermic storage of cells with quite high viability, high intracellular esterase activity, maintained cell membrane integrity, and small morphological change for more than 1 week at 4 degrees C and at least 4 days at 25 degrees C. Furthermore, the stored cells from the hydrogel and exhibited the ability to adhere to a surface and achieve confluence under standard cell culture conditions. Both hypothermic storage conditions are ordinary flexible conditions which can be easily established in places outside of laboratories. Therefore, cell packaging and storage using the hydrogel incorporated within the microchip would be a promising miniature and portable solution for flexible supply and delivery of small amounts of cells from bench to bedside.



  • Photocatalytic generation of hydrogen by core-shell WO3/BiVO4 nanorods with ultimate water splitting efficiency

    Yuriy Pihosh, Ivan Turkevych, Kazuma Mawatari, Jin Uemura, Yutaka Kazoe, Sonya Kosar, Kikuo Makita, Takeyoshi Sugaya, Takuya Matsui, Daisuke Fujita, Masahiro Tosa, Michio Kondo, Takehiko Kitamori

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   5  2015年06月  [査読有り]


    Efficient photocatalytic water splitting requires effective generation, separation and transfer of photo-induced charge carriers that can hardly be achieved simultaneously in a single material. Here we show that the effectiveness of each process can be separately maximized in a nanostructured heterojunction with extremely thin absorber layer. We demonstrate this concept on WO3/BiVO4+CoPi core-shell nanostructured photoanode that achieves near theoretical water splitting efficiency. BiVO4 is characterized by a high recombination rate of photogenerated carriers that have much shorter diffusion length than the thickness required for sufficient light absorption. This issue can be resolved by the combination of BiVO4 with more conductive WO3 nanorods in a form of coreshell heterojunction, where the BiVO4 absorber layer is thinner than the carrier diffusion length while it's optical thickness is reestablished by light trapping in high aspect ratio nanostructures. Our photoanode demonstrates ultimate water splitting photocurrent of 6.72 mA cm(-2) under 1 sun illumination at 1.23 VRHE that corresponds to -90% of the theoretically possible value for BiVO4. We also demonstrate a self-biased operation of the photoanode in tandem with a double-junction GaAs/InGaAsP photovoltaic cell with stable water splitting photocurrent of 6.56 mA cm(-2) that corresponds to the solar to hydrogen generation efficiency of 8.1%.



  • Analytical Method by Micro-ELISA for Small Amount of Patient Sample

    Emi Mori, Yumiko Hosoya, Yasushi Imai, Toshinori Oohashi, Hidekatsu Tazawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Hiroyuki Morita, Takehiko Kitamori

    BUNSEKI KAGAKU   64 ( 6 ) 461 - 468  2015年06月  [査読有り]


    Previously, we developed a new functional device (mu ELISA) by applying microfluidics and thermal-lens microscope. It has been clarified from our research that mu ELISA exhibits excellent performance for measuring human serum. However, when the analysis is performed for a very small amount of various patient samples in microliter order, differences in the composition or viscosity of each sample may effect the measurement values. In this research, the measurement conditions were determined for real patient serum by utilizing CRP. As a result, it has been confirmed that there is some effect that originates from some difference of each patient's serum. To obtain reliable measured values, it is necessary to dilute each sample by a buffer.



  • Behavior of Nanoparticles in Extended Nanospace Measured by Evanescent Wave-Based Particle Velocimetry

    Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   87 ( 8 ) 4087 - 4091  2015年04月  [査読有り]


    The transport and behavior of nanoparticles, viruses, and biomacromolecules in 10-1000 nm confined spaces (hereafter extended nanospaces) are important for novel analytical devices based on nanofluidics. This study investigated the concentration and diffusion of 64 nm nanoparticles in a fused-silica nanochannel of 410 nm depth, using evanescent wave-based particle velocimetry. We found that the injection of nanoparticles into the nanochannel by pressure-driven flow was significantly inhibited and that the nanoparticle diffusion was hindered anisotropically. A 0.2-pN repulsive force induced by the interaction between the nanoparticles and the channel wall is proposed as the dominant factor governing the behavior of nanoparticles in the nanochannel, on the basis of both experimental measurements and theoretical estimations. The results of this study will greatly further our understanding of mass transfer in extended nanospaces.



  • Structure and Dynamics of Water and Nonaqueous Solvents Confined in Extended Nanospaces Characterized by NMR Spectroscopy

    Takehiko Tsukahara, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    BUNSEKI KAGAKU   64 ( 4 ) 261 - 271  2015年04月  [査読有り]


    An extended nanospace (10-100 nm scale) makes it possible to induce unique physicochemical properties, because scientific and technological concepts in this region are shifted from the bulk condensed phase to single molecule, and from microfluidic technology to conventional nanotechnology, respectively. In this study, the molecular structure and dynamics of water and nonaqueous solvents confined in extended nanospaces on a fused-silica substrate were examined by using NMR chemical spectra, relaxation times, and so on. The results showed that the collective properties of molecular clusters with a size range from 10 to 100 nm in a liquid phase were characterized due to the effects of charged surface SiOH groups, and that unique properties differing from bulk water and surface-adsorbing water could appear in extended nanospaces. In particular, we found that (1) inhibition of molecular translational motions, (2) localization of proton charge distribution along a linear O center dot center dot center dot H-O hydrogen bonding chain, and (3) an enhancement of proton transfer of water due to the Grotthuss mechanism; ( SiO- center dot center dot center dot H+ center dot center dot center dot H2O) + H2O -&gt; SiO- +(H3O+ +H2O) -&gt; SiO- + (H2O + H3O+), were induced in extended nanospaces. Such changes appeared for sizes smaller than 800 nm. These results suggested that a proton transfer phase, in which water molecules are loosely coupled within about 50 nm from the surface, exists in extended nanospaces. This model could be qualitatively supported by a three-phase theory invoking the bulk, proton transfer, and surface-adsorbing phases.



  • Dielectric Constant of Liquids Confined in the Extended Nanospace Measured by a Streaming Potential Method

    Kyojiro Morikawa, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Tsukahara, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   87 ( 3 ) 1475 - 1479  2015年02月  [査読有り]


    Understanding liquid structure and the electrical properties of liquids confined in extended nanospaces (10-1000 nm) is important for nanofluidics and nanochemistry. To understand these liquid properties requires determination of the dielectric constant of liquids confined in extended nanospaces. A novel dielectric constant measurement method has thus been developed for extended nanospaces using a streaming potential method. We focused on the nonsteady-state streaming potential in extended nanospaces and successfully measured the dielectric constant of liquids within them without the use of probe molecules. The dielectric constant of water was determined to be significantly reduced by about 3 times compared to that of the bulk. This result contributes key information toward further understanding of the chemistry and fluidics in extended nanospaces.



  • Open/close valve for extended-nanochannel by glass deformation

    Y. Kazoe, T. Ohyama, Y. Pihosh, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1513 - 1515  2015年


    We report a novel open/close fluidic valve for nanochannels, exploiting smallness of extended nanospace (10-1000 nm) and tiny glass deformation. The working principle using deformation of rigid glass to open/close 100 nm channels, which has been difficult in conventional microchannels, was verified for the first time. This extended-nano fluidic valve without embedding any MEMS structure is a breakthrough in sophisticated fluidic control such as switching channels and integration of various unit operations (mixing, reaction, separation, etc.) to develop highly-integrated nanofluidic devices for various fields such as biology and energy engineering.

  • Formation of parallel aq/org two-phase flows in extended-nanochannel by partial hydrophobic modification

    Y. Kazoe, T. Ugajin, R. Ohta, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1029 - 1031  2015年


    We report establishment of a nm-partial hydrophobic modification method by focused ion beam (FIB) and formation of parallel aqueous/organic two-phase flows in extended-nanochannels by control of liquid-liquid interface. Using the parallel two-phase flow, we demonstrated solvent extraction by integrating phase confluence, extraction and phase separation into 25 fL volume. Due to 103 times/sec interaction between solute molecules and surface by diffusion in 100 nm space, extraction of lipid into the organic phase was completed within 4.5 ms. The ultra high performance compared to microfluidics will greatly contribute to novel applications such as single cell analysis.

  • Molecular image velocimetry for measuring flow velocity distribution in extended-nanochannel

    Y. Kazoe, Y. Hiramatsu, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1127 - 1129  2015年


    We report a novel measurement method of velocity distribution for 100 nm channels employing sizeregulated fluorescent single molecules as flow tracer, i.e., molecular image velocimetry (MIV). MIV enables study of fluid flow in nanochannels, which has been difficult for conventional particle image velocimetry (PIV) employing 100 nm particles of similar size to the channel. This method will further understanding of nanoscale fluid dynamics important for nanofluidics.

  • Liquid properties in extended-nano channels: Substrate material

    Kazuma Mawatari, Norikazu Harada, Keisuke Ikeda, Yutaka Kazoe, Takehiko Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1142 - 1144  2015年


    When the channel size was reduced to 10-100 nm space, which we call extended-nano space, various unique liquid properties were observed in SiO2 nanochannels for protonic solvents. SiOH groups on the substrate were verified to work as proton donors and affected the liquid property change. However, there is no investigation of the dependence on other proton-donor functional groups. In this presentation, the nanochannels were formed on a TiO2 material (photocatalytic material), which also included TiOH groups as proton donors and was expected to show the similar unique liquid properties. Finally, we verified that the viscosity increased for water confined in the TiO2 nanochannels as well. This results have a large impact on the nanofluidic sciences, when the various functional surface materials are used.

  • Measurement of electric conductivity of water in extended nanospace using streaming potential/current

    K. Morikawa, Y. Kazoe, C. C. Chang, T. Tsukahara, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1083 - 1085  2015年


    Understanding ion transport phenomena in extended nanospace (10-1,000 nm) is important for the evolution of nanofluidic devices. We developed non-probe measurement system of electric conductivity of water for elucidating proton transport in the extended nanospaces. The results showed that conductivity in extended nanospace was approximately 500 times higher than that in bulk. The measured conductivity was consistent with the calculated one, which was determined using electric double layer (EDL) model and specific macroscopic parameters previously measured in extended nanospaces. It will be important information for nanofluidics.

  • Fabrication of Mach-Zehnder waveguide based thermal lens detection device for sensitivity improvement

    Hiroki Morita, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1795 - 1797  2015年


    This paper reports a fabrication of detection device for micro/nanospace that detects absorbance of sample by photothermal effect. The device is integration of waveguide and micro/nanochannel and detects heat from sample based on wave-optics principle so that it is usable for detection in channel similar size to wavelength of light. Previously, we fabricated waveguide with femtosecond direct laser writing and verified detection principle of the device. In this study, we designed and fabricated new device for sensitivity improvement.

  • High efficient femtoliter reversed phase chromatography in a 10 mm extended-nanochannel for amino acids analysis

    A. Smirnova, H. Shimizu, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1951 - 1953  2015年


    In this paper we successfully fabricated a microchip with wide and long (800 nm hydrodynamic diameter and 10 mm length) extended-nano channel and realized the reversed phase liquid chromatography separation of amino acids after octadecylsilylation (ODS). The separation performance characteristics were obtained. The permeability of this nanochannel (K= 47×10-14 m2) is comparable with that of monolithic column, also it exhibit very low separation impedance (E = 13). Plate number counts were 4000 and plate height was 2.5 um. Due to its size this channel can be applied for macromolecules separation (proteomics).

  • Single-molecule immunoassay by developing extended-nano fluidic elisa device

    Ryoichi Ohta, Kazuma Mawatari, Kentaro Shirai, Hisashi Shimizu, Takehiko Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     933 - 935  2015年


    We proposed "single-molecule immunoassay", quantification of single protein molecules, by developing a nanofluidics-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) device. Extremely small volume(pL-aL) and high surface-to-volume ratio of nanochannels enables ∼100% capture of analyte molecules. Enzymatic amplification reaction and differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM) enables detection of individual molecules. Quantification of countable protein molecules was verified for the first time. Our method will contribute to single cell analysis field, in particular for ultrasensitive protein counting.

  • Efficient and rapid capture of DNA utilizing 100-1000 NM scale channel with DNA patterning

    T. Nakao, K. Mawatari, H. Shimizu, T. Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     858 - 860  2015年


    This paper reports the novel method of efficient and rapid capture of DNA utilizing 102-103 nm-sized glass channel with DNA patterning. In this paper, capture DNA was site-specifically (3 mm × 2 μm) grafted on a wall of channels and utilized as a DNA capture region in the glass chip (7 cm × 3cm). We utilized the methodology of 100% molecule capture by designing the channel considering the theory of Brownian motion. The capturing performance was evaluated by monitoring the change of fluorescence intensity while introducing the fluorescence-labeled target DNA. Capture with almost 100% efficiency and ∼10 min rapidity was achieved. This work is contributable as a novel platform for DNA analysis.

  • Yoctomole non-labeled protein detection in extended-nano channel by uv excitation differential interference contrast thermal lens microscopy

    Naoya Miyawaki, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1798 - 1800  2015年


    We report non-labeled protein detection at 100 yoctomole (10-22 mole) level with an optical path length of 900 nm by improving UV differential interference contrast thermal lens microscopy (UV-DIC-TLM). In the present study, we made UV-DIC-TLM optimized the optical configuration to obtain maximum signal, and realized 15-fold higher sensitivity than previous report [1].

  • Development of high-efficient proton conductor nanochannels array based on ferroelectric material

    H. Seo, Y. Pihosh, Y. Kazoe, K. Mawatari, K. Kitamura, O. Tabata, T. Tsuchiya, T. Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1124 - 1126  2015年


    In this work, we report on the possibility of controlling the surface potential of extended-nano channels (ENCs) made in a system of SiO2/LiNbO3 (LN), which can promote improvement of the proton diffusion rate. We detected the optimal thickness of a SiO2 film which is ∼ 5 nm, where the deposited material would not affect spontaneous polarization of the LN material, which results in enhanced protontransport in ENCs. Here, we describe the device concept, the effect of SiO2 thickness on the LN surface potential, demonstrate the device working principle and show its enhancement of 2.5 times in proton diffusion in comparison to the balk value.

  • Extended-nano heat pipe device for non-electric cooling

    Chenxi Wang, Yutaka Kazoe, Yuriy Pihosh, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kentaro Kasai, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     2044 - 2046  2015年


    A heat pipe device based on enhanced condensation and high driving Laplace pressure in extended-nano space (101-103 nm scale) is developed for a non-electric cooling. A vacuum system was specifically designed and established for our integrated heat pipe device. Compared to the working in ambient air, the extended-nano heat pipe is verified for proper working with higher flow rates in a vacuum environment for the first time. The cooling performance is evaluated quantitatively. Although the performance is still very low, higher performance is expected for cooling hot spots in large scale integration (LSI) by optimization of nanofabrication.

  • Structural analysis of water in extended-nano space

    Hiroki Koreeda, Kazuma Mawatari, Shinji Kohara, Toshio Yamaguchi, Koji Yoshida, Takehiko Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1139 - 1141  2015年


    Micro chemical systems are further downscaling to 10-100 nm space, which we call extended-nano space. In our laboratory, unique liquid properties were found in extended-nano space. So, we attempted to measure water structure for clarification of the mechanism of unique liquid properties. In this study, for the first time report structural analysis of water in extended-nano space by using synchrotron X-ray diffractometry and reducing background from microchemical chip and scattering by air. This method will contribute to clarify the mechanism of unique water properties in extended-nano space.

  • Femto-liter sampling method from living single cell by extended-nano/micro interface

    L. Lin, K. Mawatari, K. Morikawa, T. Kitamori

    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     54 - 56  2015年


    Recently, the requirement for living single cell analysis is rapidly increasing because of the recognition of the cell heterogeneity in cell biology and medical fields. However, single cell volume is ∼pL and too small to analyze by conventional method. Based on this consideration, we reached an idea to realize living single cell analysis by developing fL sampling from the single cell and analyzing the proteins/metabolites in the extended-nano channel. In this study, we reported fL sampling method from living single cell by developing an extended-nano/micro interface utilizing cell fusion with lipid-modified extended-nano channel. This new sampling method allows ultrasensitive analysis of living single cells and contributes to cell biology and tissue engineering.

  • Low-temperature bonded glass-membrane microfluidic device for in vitro organ-on-a-chip cell culture models

    Kyall J. Pocock, Xiaofang Gao, Chenxi Wang, Craig Priest, Clive A. Prestidge, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Benjamin Thierry



    The integration of microfluidics with living biological systems has paved the way to the exciting concept of "organs-on-a-chip", which aims at the development of advanced in vitro models that replicate the key features of human organs. Glass based devices have long been utilised in the field of microfluidics but the integration of alternative functional elements within multi-layered glass microdevices, such as polymeric membranes, remains a challenge.
    To this end, we have extended a previously reported approach for the low-temperature bonding of glass devices that enables the integration of a functional polycarbonate porous membrane. The process was initially developed and optimised on specialty low-temperature bonding equipment (mu TAS2001, Bondtech, Japan) and subsequently adapted to more widely accessible hot embosser units (EVG520HE Hot Embosser, EVG, Austria). The key aspect of this method is the use of low temperatures compatible with polymeric membranes. Compared to borosilicate glass bonding (650 degrees C) and quartz/fused silica bonding (1050 degrees C) processes, this method maintains the integrity and functionality of the membrane (T-g 150 degrees C for polycarbonate). Leak tests performed showed no damage or loss of integrity of the membrane for up to 150 hours, indicating sufficient bond strength for long term cell culture. A feasibility study confirmed the growth of dense and functional monolayers of Caco-2 cells within 5 days.



  • Special Issue: Nanofluidic Systems

    Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ISRAEL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY   54 ( 11-12 ) 1508 - 1508  2014年11月  [査読有り]


  • Novel sub-100 nm surface chemical modification by optical near-field induced photocatalytic reaction

    Thu Hac Huong Le, Kazuma Mawatari, Yuriy Pihosh, Tadashi Kawazoe, Takashi Yatsui, Motoichi Ohtsu, Takehiko Kitamori

    MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS   17 ( 4 ) 751 - 758  2014年10月  [査読有り]


    The surface modification is indispensable to facilitate new functional applications of micro/nanofluidics devices. Among many modification techniques developed so far, the photo-induced chemical modification is the most versatile method in terms of robustness, process simplicity, and feasibility of chemical functionality. In particular, the method is useful for closed spaces, such as post-bonded devices. However, the limitation by optical diffraction limit is still a challenging issue in scaling down the pattern sizes to nanoscale. Here, we demonstrated a novel surface modification on sub-100 nm scale utilizing the novel optical near-field (ONF) generated on nanostructures of photocatalyst (TiO2). The minimum pattern size of 40 nm, which was much smaller than diffraction limit, was achieved using a visible light source (488 nm) and a conventional irradiation setup. The controllability of pattern size by light intensity, the feasibility of functionality, and the non-contact working mode have impacts on surface patterning of post-bonded micro/nanofluidics devices. It is also worthy to note that our results verified for the first time the ONF on nanostructures of non-metal materials and its ability to manipulate the chemical reaction on nanoscale.



  • Nanostructured WO3/BiVO4 Photoanodes for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting

    Yuriy Pihosh, Ivan Turkevych, Kazuma Mawatari, Tomohiro Asai, Takashi Hisatomi, Jin Uemura, Masahiro Tosa, Kiyoshi Shimamura, Jun Kubota, Kazunari Domen, Takehiko Kitamori

    SMALL   10 ( 18 ) 3692 - 3699  2014年09月  [査読有り]


    Nanostructured photoanodes based on well-separated and vertically oriented WO3 nanorods capped with extremely thin BiVO4 absorber layers are fabricated by the combination of Glancing Angle Deposition and normal physical sputtering techniques. The optimized WO3-NRs/BiVO4 photoanode modified with Co-Pi oxygen evolution co-catalyst shows remarkably stable photocurrents of 3.2 and 5.1 mA/cm(2) at 1.23 V versus a reversible hydrogen electrode in a stable Na2SO4 electrolyte under simulated solar light at the standard 1 Sun and concentrated 2 Suns illumination, respectively. The photocurrent enhancement is attributed to the faster charge separation in the electronically thin BiVO4 layer and significantly reduced charge recombination. The enhanced light trapping in the nanostructured WO3-NRs/BiVO4 photoanode effectively increases the optical thickness of the BiVO4 layer and results in efficient absorption of the incident light.


  • Ubiquitous element approach to plasmonic enhanced photocatalytic water splitting: the case of Ti@TiO2 core-shell nanostructure

    Yuriy Pihosh, Ivan Turkevych, Kazuma Mawatari, Nobuko Fukuda, Ryoichi Ohta, Masahiro Tosa, Kiyoshi Shimamura, Encarnacion G. Villora, Takehiko Kitamori

    NANOTECHNOLOGY   25 ( 31 )  2014年08月  [査読有り]


    We demonstrate a new approach to plasmonic enhanced photocatalytic water splitting by developing a novel core-shell Ti@TiO2 brush nanostructure where an elongated Ti nanorod forms a plasmonic core that concentrates light inside of a nanotubular anodic TiO2 shell. Following the ubiquitous element approach aimed at providing an enhanced device functionality without the usage of noble or rare earth elements, we utilized only inexpensive Ti to create a complex Ti@TiO2 nanostructure with an enhanced UV and Vis photocatalytic activity that emerges from the interplay between the surface plasmon resonance in the Ti core, Vis light absorption in the Tirich oxide layer at the Ti/TiO2 interface and UV light absorption in the nanotubular TiO2 shell.



  • Thermal lens microscopy as a detector in microdevices

    Christopher L. Cassano, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Z. Hugh Fan

    ELECTROPHORESIS   35 ( 16 ) 2279 - 2291  2014年08月  [査読有り]


    The small length scales that make microfluidics attractive are also the source of some very stringent constraints, especially with respect to the detection approach used. The low concentrations often analyzed in microfluidic devices require highly sensitive detection methods that are effective even in vanishingly small sample volumes. Over the years, many detection approaches have been developed for microfluidics. The majority of these methods rely upon optical phenomena, with the most common being fluorescence detection. Fluorescence detection is well suited to microfluidics because it is both flexible and sensitive; however, it does have shortcomings. Weak fluorescence of targets, autofluorescence of materials, and photobleaching are a few of the issues that have to be dealt with when working with fluorescence detection. Another option that eliminates all of these problems is thermal lens microscopy (TLM), a photothermal spectroscopy technique. TLM is a flexible, sensitive detection approach for nonfluorescent molecules that is capable of carrying out single-molecule detection to label-free in vivo quantification. Despite the potential benefits of TLM, it is still an underutilized detection approach. We hope this review will help broaden the use of TLM for microchip-based CE, as well as a host of other microfluidic applications.



  • Synergistic effect between TiO2 and ubiquitous metal oxides on photocatalytic activity of composite nanostructures

    Ivan Turkevych, Sofia Kosar, Yuriy Pihosh, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Jinhua Ye, Kiyoshi Shimamura

    JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN   122 ( 1426 ) 393 - 397  2014年06月  [査読有り]


    We studied photocatalytic activity of highly porous nanotubular TiO2 films modified with nanoclusters of ubiquitous metal (Ti, Al, Zn, Sn, Cu, W) oxides prepared by chemical bath deposition and atomic layer deposition as well as nanoclusters of metal rich suboxides and mixed titania suboxides prepared by atomic layer deposition by following decomposition of methylene blue under simulated solar light. The mixed titania suboxide clusters constructed on the surface of TiO2 nanotubes by atomic layer deposition demonstrated significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity in comparison to the naked TiO2 nanotubes attributed to the better absorption of visible light due to the upward shift of the valence band near the TiO2 surface induced by the suboxide clusters that feature low valence states and metal-metal bonds. (C) 2014 The Ceramic Society of Japan. All rights reserved.



  • Extended-Nanofluidics: Fundamental Technologies, Unique Liquid Properties, and Application in Chemical and Bio Analysis Methods and Devices

    Kazuma Mawatari, Yutaka Kazoe, Hisashi Shimizu, Yuriy Pihosh, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   86 ( 9 ) 4068 - 4077  2014年05月  [査読有り]


    Engineering using liquids confined in channels 10-1000 nm in dimension, or "extended-nanofluidics," is the next target of microfluidic science. Liquid properties at this scale were unrevealed until recently because of the lack of fundamental technologies for investigating these ultrasmall spaces. In this article, the fundamental technologies are reviewed, and the emerging science and technology in the extended-nanospace are discussed.



  • Extended Nanofluidic Immunochemical Reaction with Femtoliter Sample Volumes

    Kentaro Shirai, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    SMALL   10 ( 8 ) 1514 - 1522  2014年04月  [査読有り]


    The growing need to optimize immunoassay performance driven by interest in analyzing individual cells has resulted in a decrease in the amount of sample required. Miniaturized immunoassays that use ultra-small femtoliter to attoliter sample volumes, a range known as the extended nanospace, can satisfy this analytical need; however, capturing every targeted molecule without loss in extended nanochannels for subsequent detection remains challenging. This is the first report of a successful extended nanofluidics-based quantitative immunochemical reaction capable of high capture efficiency using a femtoliter-scale sample volume. A novel patterning method using a photolithographic technique with vacuum ultraviolet light and low-temperature (100 degrees C) bonding enables patterning of functional groups for antibody immobilization before bonding, resulting in an immunochemical reaction space of only 86 fL. Reaction rate analyses indicate a decrease in the required sample volume to 810 fL and improvement in the limit of detection to 3 zmol, 5-6 orders of magnitude better than possible with the microfluidic immunoassay format. Highly efficient (near 100%) immunochemical reactions on a seconds time scale are possible due to the nm-scale diffusion length, which should be advantageous for the analysis of ultra-low-volume samples.



  • Determination of Cattle Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus by Micro-ELISA Method

    Yiyang Dong, Yan Xu, Zaixin Liu, Yuanfang Fu, Toshinori Ohashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES   30 ( 3 ) 359 - 363  2014年03月  [査読有り]


    The development of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) detection methods is crucial for animal food security, tackling regional FMDV epidemic, and global FMDV prognostic control. For these purposes, a fast and sensitive analysis method is required. In this study, we developed a microchip-based ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), micro-ELISA, to realize FMDV detection. Nickel(11) chelating chemistry was utilized to immobilize recombinant protein (antigen) on polystyrene micro-beads in order to determine FMDV antibodies in cattle serum samples. In addition, reaction protocol and conditions were investigated. As a result, the FMDV detection was successfully demonstrated with only a 10-mu L, sample volume in 25-minute assay time. Analytical sensitivity was evaluated by a maximum nominal positiveness percentage value (NPPV) of 303 and a dilution factor of 32x. The method's inter-run and intra-run CV (coefficients of variance) values were 15.5 and 17.1%, respectively, which were fully compatible with the OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) principle of validation of diagnosis assays for infectious diseases. The developed method should become a powerful tool for determining other animal contagious diseases and/or zoonosis.



  • Thermal lens detection device using Mach-Zehnder interferometer waveguide

    Hiroki Morita, Hisashi Shimizu, Masaaki Sakakura, Yasuhiko Shimotsuma, Kiyotaka Miura, Kazuyuki Hirao, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014     2306 - 2308  2014年


    This paper reports a detection device which realizes the miniaturization of differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM) [1]. The device comprises a Mach-Zehnder interferometer using optical waveguide contacting with a microfluidic channel and detects thermal lens phenomenon based on the principle of wave optics. The device is promising for detection of nonfluorescent molecules in micro/nanofluidic channel comparable or smaller than the wavelength of light.

  • Detection of countable number of molecules by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in extended nanochannels

    K. Shirai, R. Ohta, K. Mawatari, H. Shimizu, T. Kitamori

    18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014     817 - 819  2014年


    We developed a nanofluidics-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) device and realized quantification of countable number of molecules by combining enzymatic amplification reaction and ultrasensitive detection with a differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM). Our method will contribute to single cell analysis field, in particular for ultrasensitive protein counting.

  • On-chip micro ice-droplet bullet collider for mechanochemistry

    Y. Kazoe, T. Matsuno, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014     2438 - 2440  2014年


    We developed a method of shooting a micro ice droplet for on-chip mechanochemical reaction with collision to a target. The micro ice droplet shot from a microchannel was further accelerated by Helium gas flow. Ice droplet velocity of 200 m/s was achieved, which corresponds to GPa impact force sufficient to chemical activation. This method will provide microscale chemical operations such as accelerating reactions by oriented kinetic energy and noncatalytic reactions.

  • Development of 10∧1 NM scale local optical illumination method in extended-nano space by integrated nanoslit near-field probe

    Ryoichi Ohta, Kazuma Mawatari, Yutaka Kazoe, Yuriy Pihosh, Takehiko Kitamori

    18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014     2253 - 2255  2014年


    We propose a 101 nm-scale optical illumination method which enables spectroscopic measurements at 101 nm-scale localized region in closed nanochannels for the first time. Analytes in nanochannels were illuminated by 10-nm-scale near-field light, which is generated by nanoslit apertures on a thin metallic film integrated in the microchip. Transmitted light is also collected with the same nanoslit. The size of detection area was evaluated and found to be 101 nm-scale. This method will contribute to various researches in 101-102 nm fluidic systems by revealing the nanoscale distribution of flow and liquid property.

  • Detection of zeptomole nonlabeled protein in extended-nano channel using UV excitation differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM)

    H. Shimizu, Y. Asano, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014     2250 - 2252  2014年


    Nonlabeled protein was detected at zeptomole (zmol) order with an optical path length of 900 nm using UV differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (UV-DIC-TLM). The principle of DIC-TLM, which is based on wave optics, allowed sensitive detection in a nanofluidic channel comparable to the wavelength of light. By introducing UV excitation into the DIC-TLM, detection of nonlabeled protein was realized in a nanofluidic channel. This technology is promising for analytical devices using nanospace including chromatography and extremely small volume analysis such as single cell analysis.

  • Novel non-label thermal lens detection of uv-absorbing protein with visible excitation by using optical near-field effect

    T. H.H. Le, K. Mawatari, H. Shimizu, T. Yatsui, T. Kawazoe, M. Naruse, M. Ohtsu, T. Kitamori

    18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014     2274 - 2276  2014年


    This study reports a novel non-label detection of UV-absorbing proteins by thermal lens microscopy (TLM) using a visible excitation. The detection is enabled by utilizing the optical near-field (ONF) generated on nanostructures. Owning to its apparent high energy, here the ONF allows the optical excitation of molecules, even though the energy of incident photon is lower than the absorption energy of molecules. As a result, the detection of zeptomole of UV-absorbing proteins in a detection volume of ∼20aL has been realized. Our method is conceptually novel in overcoming the lack of appropriate excitation laser sources for detection of biomolecules such as proteins, DNA, etc., which usually have optical absorption in the UV range. It also promises important implications in detection for bioanalysis in ultra-small (∼10&lt
    nm) spaces.

  • High efficient femtoliter reversed phase chromatography in extended-nanospace for amino acids analysis

    A. Smirnova, H. Shimizu, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014     2372 - 2374  2014年


    This paper reports the reversed phase HPLC separation in the extended-nanospace (10&lt
    to 10&lt
    nm space). Single cell time-resolved analysis requires a novel analytical platform which has much smaller volume (fL to aL) than a cell (pL). Our extended-nanospace chromatography meets the requirements and has the potential to analyze the intracellular contents. In this work we present the reversed-phase modification of nanochannel with ODS and its application for amino acids separation.

  • Development of a nanostructured photoanode material for efficient water splitting towards fabrication of a micro-fuel generation device

    Yuriy Pihosh, Jin Uemura, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014     1939 - 1941  2014年


    In this paper we report on the fabrication of heterojunction photoanodes which are based on vertically oriented WO3 nanorods (NRs) capped with an extremely thin BiVO4 layer with the help of combination of Glancing Angle Deposition (GLAD) and physical sputtering techniques. We detected experimental parameters to optimize a nanostructure of WO3-NRs/BiVO4 photoanodes, which later were modified with a Co-Pi oxygen evolution co-catalyst and showed significantly enhanced photocurrent of 3.2 mA/cm2 at 1.23 VRHE under the standard simulated solar light.

  • Integrated heat pipe device using enhanced capillary condensation and high laplace pressure in extended nanospace

    Chenxi Wang, Yutaka Kazoe, Kyojiro Morikawa, Hisashi Shimizu, Kentaro Kasai, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014     1341 - 1343  2014年


    An integrated heat pipe device based on enhanced condensation speed and high driving Laplace pressure in extended-nano space (10&lt
    nm scale) is developed for a non-electric cooling. To verify the working principle, streaming potential measurements between the evaporator and condenser are carried out. This method provides a promising tool for the investigation of vapor-liquid phase transition in the extended-nano space. Liquid circulation between the evaporator and condenser are evaluated quantitatively demonstrating the extended-nano heat pipe working properly for the first time. It has great potentials for realization of high-performance cooling devices.

  • Enhancement of proton transfer by surface silanol groups in extended nanospace

    K. Ikeda, Y. Kazoe, T. Tsukahara, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014     61 - 63  2014年


    Understanding liquid properties in extended nanospace (10-1000 nm) is important for nanofluidic devices. Our group found unique liquid properties in fused-silica extended nanochannels and surface silanol groups have been considered to play a key role in these properties. Here, we controlled surface silanol density in extended nanochannels and evaluated proton transfer in water molecules confined in the channels. The result of NMR measurements strongly suggests that surface silanol groups enhance proton transfer in extended nanospace. Our result contributes to development of nanofluidic devices.

  • Fabrication of bio-mimetic extended nanospace and investigation of the unique liquid property: Ph Shift

    N. Miyawaki, K. Mawatari, Y. Kazoe, T. Kitamori

    18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014     1805 - 1807  2014年


    We for the first time successfully realized a nanometer-sized bio-mimetic device (so-called biomimetic extended nanospace), and report pH shift of solution in the space. These results suggest correlation between the size of extremely small cellular space and its acidity.

  • Detection of zeptomole quantities of nonfluorescent molecules in a 10(1) nm nanochannel by thermal lens microscopy

    T. H. H. Le, K. Mawatari, H. Shimizu, T. Kitamori

    ANALYST   139 ( 11 ) 2721 - 2725  2014年  [査読有り]


    Nanofluidics in 10(1) nm space, whose scale is comparable to the electric double layer (EDL) and the size of biomolecules, promises novel functional analytical devices. However, the detection, which is indispensable to the integrated chemical system, is still challenging in such an ultra-small space. Previously, we reported a differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM) based on the photothermal interferometry principle and succeeded in detection of nonfluorescent molecules in 10(2) nm spaces. However, the thermal diffusion into substrates becomes a problem for detection in 10(1) nm spaces. The DIC-TLM signals are significantly cancelled out in spaces much smaller than the confocal length (similar to 10(2) nm), which makes DIC-TLM detection in 10(1) nm space quite difficult. To overcome this problem, we propose a new channel structure that benefits the thermal diffusion and sensitivity enhancement in DIC-TLM by employing TiO2 as a substrate material for compensating the signal cancellation effect. As a result, DIC-TLM detection of nonfluorescent molecules (800 molecules) was successfully demonstrated in a nanochannel with a depth of 50 nm. The developed detection method will contribute to the functional nanofluidic devices utilizing 10(1) nm spaces.



  • Femtoliter-scale separation and sensitive detection of nonfluorescent samples in an extended-nano fluidic device

    Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYST   139 ( 9 ) 2154 - 2157  2014年  [査読有り]


    The separation and sensitive detection of nonfluorescent molecules at the femtoliter (fL) scale has been achieved for the first time in a nanofluidic channel. Smaller sample volumes and higher separation efficiencies have been significant targets for liquid chromatography for many years. However, the use of packed columns hindered further miniaturization and improvement of separation efficiency. Our group recently developed a novel chromatographic method using an open nanofluidic channel to realize attoliter sample injection and a separation efficiency of several million plates per m. However, because of the extremely small optical path length, this detection method was limited to fluorescent molecules. Herein, we describe the combination of nanofluidic chromatography with differential interference contrast thermal lens microscopy (DIC-TLM), a sensitive detection method for nonfluorescent molecules developed by our group that has the ability to detect 0.61 zmol (370 molecules) with an optical path length of 350 nm. As a result, separation of a 21 fL sample containing 250 zmol was possible at the limit of detection (LOD).



  • A competitive microfluidic immunological clenbuterol analysis using a microELISA system

    Qilong Chen, Jia-Hui Liu, Sai Wang, Liya Zhang, Yiyang Dong, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    RSC ADVANCES   4 ( 75 ) 39894 - 39896  2014年  [査読有り]


    We present a novel method to analyze clenbuterol based on a competitive microfluidic immunoassay scheme with a micro-ELISA system, and obtain a limit of detection that is less than 0.1 ng ml(-1) with a quantitative working range of 0.1 ng ml(-1) to 27.0 ng ml(-1). The approach was envisaged to be a promising method for efficient onsite clenbuterol control with good sensitivity and portability.



  • Evanescent Wave-Based Particle Tracking Velocimetry for Nanochannel Flows

    Yutaka Kazoe, Keizo Iseki, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   85 ( 22 ) 10780 - 10786  2013年11月  [査読有り]


    Understanding fluid flows in 10-1000 nm space, which we call extended nanospace, is important for novel nanofluidic devices in analytical chemistry. This study therefore developed a particle tracking velocimetry for measuring velocity distribution in nanochannel flows, by using the evanescent wave illumination. 64 nm fluorescent nanoparticles were used as flow tracer. The particle position was determined from fluorescent intensity by the evanescent wave field, with a spatial resolution smaller than light wavelengths. The time resolution of 260 mu s was achieved to make error by the Brownian diffusion of the tracer small to be neglected. An image processing by multitime particle tracking was established to detect the tracer nanoparticles of weak fluorescent intensity. Though the measurement region was affected by nonuniform particle distribution with the electrostatic interactions, pressure-driven flows of water in a nanochannel of 50 mu m width and 410 nm depth were successfully measured. The results of the velocity distribution in the depth-wise direction approximately showed agreement with the fluid dynamics with the bulk liquid properties from the macroscopic view, however, suggested slip velocities even in the hydrophilic channel. We suggest a possibility of appearance of molecular behavior in the fluid near the wall within 10 nm-order scale.



  • Numerical Simulation of Proton Distribution with Electric Double Layer in Extended Nanospaces

    Chih-Chang Chang, Yutaka Kazoe, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Ruey-Jen Yang, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   85 ( 9 ) 4468 - 4474  2013年05月  [査読有り]


    Understanding the properties of liquid confined in extended nanospaces (10-1000 nm) is crucial for nanofluidics. Because of the confinement and surface effects, water may have specific structures and reveals unique physicochemical properties. Recently, our group has developed a super resolution laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique to visualize proton distribution with the electrical double layer (EDL) in a fused-silica extended nanochannel (Kazoe, Y.; Mawatari, K.; Sugii, Y.; Kitamori, T. Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 8152). In this study, based on the coupling of the Poisson-Boltzmann theory and site-dissociation model, the effect of specific water properties in an extended nanochannel on formation of EDL was investigated by comparison of numerical results with our previous experimental results. The numerical results of the proton distribution with a lower dielectric constant of approximately 17 were shown to be in good agreement with our experimental results, which confirms our previous observation showing a lower water permittivity in an extended nanochannel. In addition, the higher silanol deprotonation rate in extended nanochannels was also demonstrated, which is supported by our previous results of NMR and streaming current measurements. The present results will be beneficial for a further understanding of interfacial chemistry, fluid physics, and electrokinetics in extended nanochannels.



  • Enhancement of capillary condensation in extended nanospace for high-performance micro heat pipe device

    Kentaro Kasai, Chenxi Wang, Hisashi Shimizu, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013   3   1577 - 1579  2013年


    We developed a facile measurement method of capillary condensation speed of water on nanopillars. The results show a significant enhancement of the condensation speed in nanospace compared to the bulk space. This phenomenon is utilized to achieve a novel "extended-nano heat pipe device", in which a non-electric cooling is expected to be realized. Our findings demonstrate a significantly high speed condensation (3 times) in nanospace for the first time and this specific property is adopted for realizing high-performance cooling devices.

  • Attoliter chromatography and detection for nonfluorescent biomolecules toward single cell analysis

    H. Shimizu, A. Smirnova, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013   2   1215 - 1217  2013年


    Ultrahigh-efficient separation of ultrasmall volume sample and high-sensitive detection were integrated in 100-nm fluidic channels utilizing attoliter chromatography (extended-nano chromatography) and differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM). DIC-TLM was firstly applied to extended-nano chromatography using high-speed nanofluidic control system, which verified a separation efficiency of 450,000 plates/m that was at least one order higher than conventional HPLC and the sample volume of 1.9 fL that was 9 order smaller. Also, the limit of detection was verified to be ∼105 molecules in the injection volume. Due to the extremely small scale of the analysis, single cell analysis is in prospect.

  • Study of molecular transport through specific liquid in bio-mimetic extended nanospaces

    Y. Kazoe, H. Li, H. Chinen, H. Kizoe, T. Saruko, T. Yamashita, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013   2   1267 - 1269  2013年


    Molecular transport in 100 nm inter/intra cellular spaces such as synaptic clefts and mitochondria has important roles in biological functions. Our group has developed a powerful in vitro tool, i.e., bio-mimetic extended nanospace (10-1000 nm), lipid bilayer-modified extended nanochannel for mimicking the cellular spaces. In this study, we have revealed liquid viscosity and molecular diffusion in bio-mimetic extended nanospace. The diffusion of proteins and ions was much slower by increased viscosity of confined liquid, which is considered to be induced by loosely coupled water molecules within 50 nm of the surface.

  • Near-field illumnination method for the spectroscopic measurement in extended-nano space

    R. Ohta, K. Mawatari, Y. Kazoe, Y. Pihosh, T. Kitamori

    17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013   3   1568 - 1570  2013年


    To reveal unique liquid properties at interface in nanochannels, a novel illumination method using near-field light, which enable nanoscale spectroscopy in confined nanochannels has been developed for the first time. In this report, the near-field probe integrated in microchip was designed and fabricated. The generation of near-field light which decays in depth direction in confined space was verified. Various spectroscopic measurements using this illumination method will contribute to various researches in nanofluidics by revealing the nanoscale distribution of flow and liquid property.

  • Development of heat-driven nanofluidic pump

    Yojiro Hiramatsu, Chenxi Wang, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013   2   760 - 762  2013年


    Nanofluidic devices are promising for interdisciplinary applications that require precise manipulation of extremely small amount of liquid. Generally, high driving pressure is needed to ensure continuous flow in extended-nano channels with size ranging of 10-1000 nm because of their high pressure loss. To miniaturize nanofluidic system, we report a novel heat-driven nanofluidic pump using large capillary force in nanospace and optimized evaporation. Continuous water flow is successfully driven into nanochannels without external pressure pumping. This study will contribute to miniaturize the pumping system to drive liquid to nanospace overcoming its large pressure loss.

  • Functionalized particle image velocimetry for simultaneous measurements in micro/nanochannel flows

    Y. Kazoe, K. Yamamoto, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013   3   1547 - 1549  2013年


    As chemical processes are downscaled and integrated into micro/nano spaces, understanding near-wall ion transport with fluid flows becomes important due to dominant surface effects. This study therefore developed functionalized nanotracer particles for simultaneous measurements of fluid velocity and ion concentration in micro/nanofluidic channels. A method to modify two kinds of fluorescent material on polystyrene bead of 100-1000 nm diameters was established to achieve pH measurement from observed fluorescent color. The method was demonstrated in a mixing of two solutions of different pH by pressure driven flows, and velocity and pH distributions with fluid flow could be successfully obtained.

  • A particle tracking velocimetry for extended nanochannel flows using evanescent wave illumination

    Y. Kazoe, K. Iseki, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013   1   104 - 106  2013年


    Understanding fluid flows in extended nanospace (10-1000 nm) is important for novel nanofluidic devices. Considering the fluid slip and unique liquid properties with heterogeneous liquid structure reported previously, extended- nanoscale fluid dynamics with molecular picture is required. Here, we developed an evanescent wave-based particle tracking velocimetry for extended nanochannel flows. The velocity distribution of pressure-driven flows in a 410 nm fused-silica channel was successfully measured. The results indicated slip velocities even in hydrophilic channel. We suggest a possibility for appearance of moelculear behavior in the fluid near the wall within 100-molecular thickness, which is close to the limit of continuum regime. Copyright © (2013) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society All rights reserved.

  • Development of UV excitation differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope toward counting of protein molecules

    Y. Asano, H. Shimizu, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013   2   916 - 918  2013年


    Single molecule detection is an indispensable technology for analyses using small space. Previously, we developed a differential interferential contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM) for counting of single nonfluorescent molecules, while the target molecules must have absorption in visible range. In this paper, UV excitation was introduced into the DIC-TLM toward single molecule detection of nonlabeled proteins. In particular, a DIC optical system was designed and developed for UV excitation and its principle was verified. In addition, the performance of the UV excitation DIC-TLM was evaluated by counting metallic nanoparticles.

  • Novel detection of non-absorbing molecules by optical near-field induced Thermal Lens Microscopy

    T. H.H. Le, K. Mawatari, H. Shimizu, T. Yatsui, T. Kawazoe, M. Naruse, M. Ohtsu, T. Kitamori

    17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013   1   675 - 677  2013年


    This study reports a novel detection method of Thermal Lens Microscopy (TLM), in which the excitation of analytes is manipulated by Optical Near-Field (ONF) generated on nanostructures. Owning to the property of apparent higher energy than incident photons, herein the ONF allows the electronic excitation of molecules even though the energy of incident light is lower than absorption energy of molecules. As a result, the detection of UV-absorbing molecules has been realized with visible excitation. Our result promises important implications in detection of biomolecules, which usually have absorption in UV range. It is also worthy to note that the present work is novel in using ONF on nanostructures of non-metal materials, which is conceptually different from the plasmonic field enhancement on metal nanoparticles. This study is expected to open a new perspective for ONF-induced spectroscopies realized by top-down nanofabrication. Copyright © (2013) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society All rights reserved. All rights reserved.

  • Molecular capture in extended nanochannels for femto liter scale immunoassay

    Kentaro Shirai, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013   1   107 - 109  2013年


    In the present study, we developed a novel selective molecular method for capturing zmol amounts of target antigens in femtoliter-scale volumes that is suitable for application to nanofluidic immunoassays. Our method involves antibody patterning in extended nanochannels using a photolithographic technique with vacuum ultraviolet light (VU V) and a low- temperature bonding method. The method allows for partial introduction of functional groups for antibody patterning before bonding, which is difficult in conventional processes due to the damage caused by heat and plasma. Using this extended nanofluidics method, we demonstrate for the first time the feasibility of quantitative immunochemical reactions with sample volumes smaller than that of a single cell. The volume of the constructed immunochemical reaction space was 86 fL. Analysis of the reaction rate in the femtoliter-scale reaction space indicated that the required sample volume was decreased to 810 fL, and the limit of detection was improved by 5-6 orders of magnitude, down to 3 zmol. This improvement in performance was achieved through femtoliter-scale fluid control and enabled a higher capture efficiency of near 100%. Copyright © (2013) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society All rights reserved.

  • Formation of pressure driven parallel AQU/ORG two phase flow in extended-nano space by a fib-based partial hydrophobic modification method

    Takuya Ugajin, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013   1   74 - 76  2013年


    We report formation of parallel two-phase How in extended-nano space by a novel partial modification method for the first time. Hydrophilic/hydrophobic partial modification with 10 nm order-resolution was achieved by the method using focused ion beam (FIB) with inclined extended nanochannel (l0-l000nm). Our study will contribute to develop nanofluidic systems using multi-phase Hows for chemical applications. Copyright © (2013) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society All rights reserved.

  • Evanescent wave-based particle tracking technique for velocity distribution in extended nanochannel

    Y. Kazoe, K. Iseki, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    Technical Proceedings of the 2013 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2013   2   277 - 280  2013年


    Understanding fluid flows in extended nanospace (10-1000 nm) is a fundamental issue to develop novel nanofluidic systems. The present study measured pressure driven flows in a 400 nm fused silica nanochannel by 100-300 kPa. A nanoscale particle tracking method using 64 nm fluorescent nanoparticle and the evanescent wave with total internal reflection of laser beam was developed to obtain the flow profile. The particle position in the nanochannel was determined from the fluorescent intensity, which is proportional to the evanescent wave intensity decaying exponentially from the wall. In order to reduce an error by the Brownian diffusion of tracer nanoparticles, the time resolution of the particle tracking was reduced to 260 us. Flow velocity in the nanochannel, which is much smaller than the optical diffraction limit, was successfully obtained. This study provides basic knowledge of fluid and mass transport in nanospace.

  • Studies on photothermal effect in nanofluidic channel toward ultrasensitive detection of nonfluorescent molecules using differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope

    H. Shimizu, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    Technical Proceedings of the 2013 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2013   2   358 - 361  2013年


    Thermal lens effect in nanofluidic channel was investigated by calculation and experiment. Recently, analytical chemistry has been rapidly miniaturized to micrometer and nanometer scale. In such small spaces, high sensitivity and versatility are required for detection techniques. Previously, our group has developed a differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM) to detect nonfluorescent molecules in nanofluidic channels smaller than wavelength of light. The DIC-TLM, which was based on light absorption and nonradiative relaxation followed by a change in refractive index, realized a sensitive determination of concentration of nonfluorescent molecules to date. However, heat transfer was remained as a problem to decrease sensitivity significantly. In this paper, the heat transfer was closely investigated by a computational method and the simulation results were compared with experimental result to discuss causes of the signal decrease and strategies to improve sensitivity.

  • Bonding of glass nanofluidic chips at room temperature by a one-step surface activation using an O2/CF4 plasma treatment

    Yan Xu, Chenxi Wang, Lixiao Li, Nobuhiro Matsumoto, Kihoon Jang, Yiyang Dong, Kazuma Mawatari, Tadatomo Suga, Takehiko Kitamori

    LAB ON A CHIP   13 ( 6 ) 1048 - 1052  2013年  [査読有り]


    A technical bottleneck to the broadening of applications of glass nanofluidic chips is bonding, due to the strict conditions, especially the extremely high temperatures (similar to 1000 degrees C) and the high vacuum required in the current glass-to-glass fusion bonding method. Herein, we report a strong, nanostructure-friendly, and high pressure-resistant bonding method, performed at room temperature (RT, similar to 25 degrees C) for glass nanofluidic chips, using a one-step surface activation process with an O-2/CF4 gas mixture plasma treatment. The developed RT bonding method is believed to be able to conquer the technical bottleneck in bonding in nanofluidic fields.



  • Reply to Comment on "Development of Measurement Technique for Ion Distribution in Extended Nanochannel by Super Resolution-Laser Induced Fluorescence"

    Yutaka Kazoe, Chih-Chang Chang, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   84 ( 24 ) 10855 - 10855  2012年12月  [査読有り]



  • Femtoliter Droplet Handling in Nanofluidic Channels: A Laplace Nanovalve

    Kazuma Mawatari, Shogo Kubota, Yan Xu, Craig Priest, Rossen Sedev, John Ralston, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   84 ( 24 ) 10812 - 10816  2012年12月  [査読有り]


    Analytical technologies of ultrasmall volume liquid, in particular femtoliter to attoliter liquid, is essential for single-cell and single-molecule analysis, which is becoming highly important in biology and medical diagnosis. Nanofluidic chips will be a powerful tool to realize chemical processes for such a small volume sample. However, a technical challenge exists in fluidic control, which is femtoliter to attoliter liquid generation in air and handling for further chemical analysis. Integrating mechanical valves fabricated by MEMS (micro-electric mechanical systems) technology into nanofluidic channels is difficult. Here, we propose a nonmechanical valve, which is a Laplace nanovalve. For this purpose, a nanopillar array was embedded in a nanochannel using a two-step electron beam lithography and dry-etching process. The nanostructure allowed precise wettability patterning with a resolution below 100 nm, which was difficult by photochemical wettability patterning due to the optical diffraction. The basic principle of the Laplace nanovalve was verified, and a 1.7 fL droplet (water in air) was successfully generated and handled for the first time.



  • Selective cell capture and analysis using shallow antibody-coated microchannels

    Kihoon Jang, Yo Tanaka, Jun Wakabayashi, Reina Ishii, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Mats Nilsson, Takehiko Kitamori

    BIOMICROFLUIDICS   6 ( 4 )  2012年12月  [査読有り]


    Demand for analysis of rare cells such as circulating tumor cells in blood at the single molecule level has recently grown. For this purpose, several cell separation methods based on antibody-coated micropillars have been developed (e.g., Nagrath , Nature 450, 1235-1239 (2007)). However, it is difficult to ensure capture of targeted cells by these methods because capture depends on the probability of cell-micropillar collisions. We developed a new structure that actively exploits cellular flexibility for more efficient capture of a small number of cells in a target area. The depth of the sandwiching channel was slightly smaller than the diameter of the cells to ensure contact with the channel wall. For cell selection, we used anti-epithelial cell adhesion molecule antibodies, which specifically bind epithelial cells. First, we demonstrated cell capture with human promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60) cells, which are relatively homogeneous in size; in situ single molecule analysis was verified by our rolling circle amplification (RCA) method. Then, we used breast cancer cells (SK-BR-3) in blood, and demonstrated selective capture and cancer marker (HER2) detection by RCA. Cell capture by antibody-coated microchannels was greater than with negative control cells (RPMI-1788 lymphocytes) and non-coated microchannels. This system can be used to analyze small numbers of target cells in large quantities of mixed samples. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4771968]



  • Micropatterning of biomolecules on a glass substrate in fused silica microchannels by using photolabile linker-based surface activation

    Kihoon Jang, Yan Xu, Kae Sato, Yo Tanaka, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    MICROCHIMICA ACTA   179 ( 1-2 ) 49 - 55  2012年10月  [査読有り]


    We report on a straightforward method for creating micropatterns of multiple biomolecules. The anti-fouling agent 2-methacryloyloxyethylphosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer and a photolabile linker (PL) were covalently linked to an amino-terminated silane surface. Patterns were generated by selective removal of the MPC polymer via UV irradiation. Multiple micropatterns of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled bovine serum albumin (BSA) and rhodamine-labeled goat fragment antigen-binding fragments (FAB) were deposited on a same glass substrate. We also employed micropatterning of multiple biomolecules in that Texas red-labeled BSA and FITC-labeled rabbit anti-mouse IgG were placed inside a microchannel.



  • Desktop near-field thermal-lens microscope for thermo-optical detection in microfluidics

    Adelina Smirnova, Mikhail A. Proskurnin, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ELECTROPHORESIS   33 ( 17 ) 2748 - 2751  2012年09月  [査読有り]


    A new compact near-field desktop-sized diode laser thermal-lens microscope for analysis in microfluidics was proposed. A novel beam-alignment and detection systems provided high signal stability and, along with reduced number of optical elements rendered the instrument portable. The detection of nonfluorescent model species (Fe(II)-bathophenanthroline chelate) in water showed good linearity in the range of 5 x 10-9 to 1 x 10-4 M, and the limit of detection was 3.5 x 10-9 M, which corresponded to 3.5 x 10-7 absorbance units and provided a 20-fold enhancement in sensitivity compared with existing schematic.



  • Viscosity and Wetting Property of Water Confined in Extended Nanospace Simultaneously Measured from Highly-Pressurized Meniscus Motion

    Lixiao Li, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Yasuhiko Sugii, Takehiko Kitamori

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS   3 ( 17 ) 2447 - 2452  2012年09月  [査読有り]


    Understanding fluid and interfacial properties in extended nanospace (10-1000 nm) is important for recent advances of nanofluidics. We studied properties of water confined in fused-silica nanochannels of 50-1500 nm sizes with two types of cross-section: (1) square channel of nanoscale width and depth, and (2) plate channel of microscale width and nanoscale depth. Viscosity and wetting property were simultaneously measured from capillary filling controlled by megapascal external pressure. The viscosity increased in extended nanospace, while the wetting property was almost constant. Especially, water in the square nanochannels had much higher viscosity than the plate channel, which can be explained considering loosely coupled water molecules by hydrogen bond on the surface within 24 nm. This study suggests specificity of fluids two-dimensionally confined in extended nanoscale, in which the liquid is highly viscous by the specific water phase, while the wetting dynamics is governed by the well-known adsorbed water layer of several-molecules thickness.



  • A palmtop-sized microfluidic cell culture system driven by a miniaturized infusion pump

    Naoki Sasaki, Mika Shinjo, Satoshi Hirakawa, Masahiro Nishinaka, Yo Tanaka, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Kae Sato

    ELECTROPHORESIS   33 ( 12 ) 1729 - 1735  2012年07月  [査読有り]


    A palmtop-sized microfluidic cell culture system is presented. The system consists of a microfluidic device and a miniaturized infusion pump that possesses a reservoir of culture medium, an electrical control circuit, and an internal battery. The footprint of the system was downsized to 87 x 57 mm, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the smallest integrated cell culture system. Immortalized human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were cultured in the system. HMEC-1 in the system proliferated at the same speed as cells in a microchannel perfused by a syringe pump and cells in a culture flask. HUVEC in the system oriented along the direction of the fluid flow. Claudin-5, a tight junction protein, was localized along the peripheries of the HUVEC. We expect that the present system is applicable to various cell types as a stand-alone and easy-to-use system for microfluidic bioanalysis.



  • High resolution separation by pressure-driven liquid chromatography in meander extended nanochannels

    Ryo Ishibashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A   1238   152 - 155  2012年05月  [査読有り]


    The rapidly developing interest in nanofluidics, which is used to examine liquids on an order that ranges from an attoliter to a femtoliter, correlates with the recent interest in decreased sample amounts, such as in the field of single-cell analysis. In this paper, we have succeeded in the normal phase separation of a 10(1) fL sample with a high number of theoretical plates (10(3) plates), and a fast separation (4 s), using a pressure-driven flow in extended nanochannels. A meander separation channel 1 mu m wide was introduced and showed no band broadening at the turns, unlike microchannels (10(1)-10(2) mu m wide), which is an important aspect in order to lengthen the channel in a space-limited micro/nanofluidic chip. Our device enables the fast separation of an ultra-small volume of sample with a high number of theoretical plates, and will serve as a general platform for the separation of aL to fL volumes of samples. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Highly Efficient and Ultra-small Volume Separation by Pressure-Driven Liquid Chromatography in Extended Nanochannels

    Ryo Ishibashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    SMALL   8 ( 8 ) 1237 - 1242  2012年04月  [査読有り]


    The rapidly developing interest in nanofluidic analysis, which is used to examine liquids ranging in amounts from the attoliter to the femtoliter scale, correlates with the recent interest in decreased sample amounts, such as in the field of single-cell analysis. For general nanofluidic analysis, the fact that a pressure-driven flow does not limit the choice of solvents (aqueous or organic) is important. This study shows the first pressure-driven liquid chromatography technique that enables separation of atto- to femtoliter sample volumes, with a high separation efficiency within a few seconds. The apparent diffusion coefficient measurement of the unretentive sample suggests that there is no increase in the viscosity of toluene in the extended nanospace, unlike in aqueous solvents. Evaluation of the normal phase separation, therefore, should involve only the examination of the effect of the small size of the extended nanospace. Compared to a conventionally packed high-performance liquid chromatography column, the separation here results in a faster separation (4 s) by 2 orders of magnitude, a smaller injection volume (100 fL) by 9 orders, and a higher separation efficiency (440 000 plates/m) by 1 order. Moreover, the separation behavior agrees with the theory showing that this high efficiency was due to the small and controlled size of the separation channel, where the diffusion through the channel depth direction is fast enough to be neglected. Our chip-based platform should allow direct and real-time analysis or screening of ultralow volume of sample.



  • Development of a pressure-driven injection system for precisely time controlled attoliter sample injection into extended nanochannels

    Ryo Ishibashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Katsuyoshi Takahashi, Takehiko Kitamori

    JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A   1228   51 - 56  2012年03月  [査読有り]


    The rapidly developing interest in nanofluidics, which is used to examine liquids on an order that ranges from an attoliter to a femtoliter, correlates with the recent interest in decreased sample amounts, such as in the field of single-cell analysis. For general nanofluidic analysis, the fact that a pressure-driven flow does not limit the choice of solvents (aqueous or organic) is an important aspect. In this paper, an automated injection system using a pressure-driven flow for several hundred nanometer-sized channels (extended nanochannels) is described. By automatically, and independently, switching four pressure lines using solenoid valves controlled by a sequencer with a time resolution of 10 ms, 550aL sample band in minimum was reproducibly injected under normal phase conditions. The reproducibility of the band injection was improved by one order when compared with the previous injection method, which enables determination of time zero for injection. These facts are essential for the further band analysis in nanochannels, where diffusion is dominant. This injection system using pressure-driven flow can be used with any kind of solvent, which should make it a significant tool for nanofluidic applications, such as immunoassay. DNA analysis, and chromatography. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Creation of a cell-based separation microdevice using human renal proximal tubule epithelial cells

    Xiaofang Gao, Kazuma Mawatari, Yutaka Kazoe, Yo Tanaka, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     602 - 604  2012年


    Here we report a cell-based separation microdevice using human renal proximal tubule epithelial cells. Near organ-level of separation efficiency and selectivity including reabsorption and clearance by renal tubule cells was demonstrated on chip. In addition, cell performance was directly measured under different operating parameters (flow rate and feeding concentration) in order to optimize the cell separating capability. This cell-base separation microdevice also referred to as bioartificial renal tubule on chip has the potential for drug screening and portable medical care device for kidney failure [1].

  • Highly specific zept-mole level DNA detection by combination of thermal lens microscope and rolling circle amplification

    Tatsuro Nakao, Kazuma Mawatari, Kae Sato, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     1984 - 1986  2012年


    We for the first time report the development of a DNA detection method which can quantify zept-mole level DNA by combination of Thermal Lens Microscope (TLM) and Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA). In this method, the target DNA is extended by RCA, and then the RCA products are detected by TLM, making use of high selectivity of RCA and high sensitivity of TLM. This method is more highly specific than PCR and the detection limit is 22 zeptmol. This study is contributable to cancer diagnosis and detection of viruses.

  • Smooth muscle cell culture in microchannel toward construction of multilayered vascular tissue in micro-scale

    Tadahiro Yamashita, Kazuma Mawatari, Yo Tanaka, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     1708 - 1710  2012年


    We here report a new culturing method to produce micro vascular-mimetic tissue consisting of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and endothelial cells (ECs) toward the practical use of tissue engineering. To achieve the stable coculture, the requirements for SMC culture in microchannels are clarified by basic experiments. Then, a new microchip that satisfies those requirements was developed by bonding glass substrate and porous polycarbonate membranes. Finally, the stable coculture of SMC and ECs in confined micro-space was demonstrated for the first time. Those knowledge and new system would contribute not only to the vascular tissue engineering but also to the cellular engineering in micro-space.

  • Ice droplet collider: Ultimate acceleration of droplet using microscale phase transition for chemical reaction by kinetic energy

    Takumi Matsuno, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     872 - 874  2012年


    We here report on ice droplet collider which uses kinetic energy of the highly accelerated ice droplet for chemical processes by colliding with the target. The method for controlling the ice droplet in gas phase by using microscale phase transition was created. It was confirmed that work given by air pressure directly converts to kinetic energy of the ice droplet. The ice droplet which was accelerated to velocity of 16 m/s at P = 400 kPa of air pressure can get 100 kJ/mol of kinetic energy by using high-pressure system. Chemical reaction can be realized by using this energy for collision.

  • Investigation of enzyme reaction in extended-nano space mimicking cellular environments

    Takashi Saruko, Kazuma Mawatari, Takeliiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     314 - 316  2012年


    We have succeeded in investigating enzyme reaction in extended-nano (10-1000 mil) space modified by phospholipid bilayers which mimics an intercellular structure (from several tens to several hundreds nanometer-spacing). Previously, enzyme reaction in intercellular space was difficult to detect both in vivo and in vitro. However, this analytical model enables to investigate enzyme reaction in intercellular space, and will be powerful tools for study 011 cell functions close to cell membranes.

  • Nano laplace valve for femtolitter liquid generation and handling realized by nanopillar-in-nanochannel fabrication and surface modification

    Kazuma Mawatari, Shogo Kubota, Yan Xu, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     1447 - 1449  2012年


    Femtolitter scale liquid (droplet in air) generation and handling methods by pressure-driven flow are essential for next analytical and bio technologies (e.g. pL scale single cell analysis). However, it was difficult to integrate valve function in nanofluidic systems due to the extremely small volume. Here, we report the integration of a chemical valve, Laplace valve, by developing nanoscale superhydrophobic patterning method. As a proof of concept, 1.7 fL water droplets were successfully generated and driven by air pressure.

  • Formation of parallel AQU/ORG two phase flow in extended nanochannel by partial modification with molecilar ablation using evanescent wave

    Hiroto Akaike, Yutaka Kazoe, Kentaro Kasai, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     1462 - 1464  2012年


    We report a novel method for formation of pressure driven parallel two phase flow in extended nanochamiel (10-1000 nm). A partial modification method by molecular ablation to spatially control the surface wettability in nanochamiel was developed using the evanescent wave, which illuminates a region shorter than the optical wavelength. This method suggested a potential to form the parallel two phase flow by controlling an interface between water (aqueous phase) and dodecane (organic phase), which showed specific property of 3 times higher Laplace pressure at 500 nm channel compared to microchamiels. The present study will contribute to develop nanofluidic systems using multi phase flows for chemical applications.

  • Attoliter liquid chromatography using extended-nano channel for separation of proteins in a single cell

    Hisashi Shimizu, Ryo Ishibashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     1162 - 1164  2012年


    A liquid chromatography using 100-nm scale (extended-nano) channels was developed for single cell analysis. Our method, extended-nano chromatography makes possible an ultrasmall sample (100 aL-1 fL) injection and high efficient separation (∼105-106 plates/m) using nanofluidic channel as separation column. In particular, hydrophilic interaction (HILIC) and reversed-phase chromatography was developed for separation of biomolecules including proteins in a single cell. In addition, an influence of a specific liquid property in extended-nano space was investigated for higher separation efficiency.

  • Development of light-driven h2/o2 generation chip for micro fuel cell devices

    Yasuhito Kajita, Yuriy Pihosh, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     2005 - 2007  2012年


    At present work, we report on the development of fuel generation chip driven by the solar light for portable micro fuel cell devices. In the chip, fuel (H2 and O2) are generated by the integrated photocatalyic water splitting system utilizing bottom up and top down technologies. Generated gases are separated by specially designed hydrophobic modified channels. We describe the device concept and fabrication technologies to integrate the photocatalytic system (which is based on TiO2 brush type nanorods structure) in the microchip. Also we demonstrate the working principle of the H2/O2 generation microchip under the solar light and the maximum of photocurrent density ~35-20 μA/cm2 has been recorded during the gas generation and separation.

  • Multi-step mixing in extended nanospace by continuous flow chemical processing with effect of ion hydration on liquid property

    Kentaro Kasai, Yutaka Kazoe, Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     1285 - 1287  2012年


    We report multi-step mixing of aqueous solutions of different ion concentration in a T-shaped nanochannel, where symmetry of mixing was broken by the ion hydration effect. When the ion species is K+ of small hydration radius, the fluidic resistance was increased as pure water probably due to different liquid structure by loosely coupled water molecules by the confinement, while Na+ and Li+ of large hydration radius made the fluidic resistance same as the bulk. The present study will contribute to develop nanofluidic systems for integration of chemical processes.

  • Hierarchical TIO2 brush type nanostructures for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting

    Yuriy Pihosh, Kazuma Mawatari, Ivan Turkevych, Thu H.H. Le, Yasuhito Kajita, Hiroyuki Chinen, Masahiro Tosa, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     148 - 150  2012年


    In this work, we developed a new type of nanostructured photoanode for a photoelectrochemical water splitting. The photoanode is based on hierarchical brush Titanium dioxide (TIO2) nanostructures (BTNs), which were fabricated by our recently reported Glancing Angle Deposition and Oxidation (GLADOX) technique. The maximum incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) of the BTNs photoanode was around 22% in the UV region and around 5% in the VIS light. The integral IPCE of the BTNs measured under bias of 0.5V under UV light illumination was 30 times higher compared to the photoanode based on TIO 2 nanorods and about 200 times higher compared to the one based on TIO2 flat film. These results demonstrate that the brush TIO 2 nanostructures is a promising material for effective hydrogen generation via photocatalytic water splitting.

  • Development of dielectric constant measurement method for unique reaction in extended-nano space

    Kyojiro Morikawa, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Tsukahara, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     701 - 703  2012年


    We developed a novel measurement method of dielectric constant of liquids in 101-103 nm space (extended-nano space). Using our streaming potential system [1], dielectric constant was measured by regarding an extended-nano channel as an electric circuit. We revealed that the dielectric constant of water in extended-nano space was dramatically decreased (approximately 1/4 in 580 nm channel compared to the bulk). The obtained unique results will be important information for unique reaction in extended-nano space, and this tool will contribute novel reaction analysis systems.

  • Patterning of biomolecules in extended nanochannel using low-temperature bonding

    Kentaro Shirai, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     713 - 715  2012年


    Single cell analysis has difficulties due to small sample volume as picoliter. Extended nanospace(10-1000 nm) which has been studied by our group has femtoliter to attoliter volume smaller than single cells and is applicable for the analysis. However, solid phase capture of analytes at defined positions for detection has not yet realized. Here, we developed a novel patterning method of biomolecules in extended nanospace by using low temperature bonding of fused silica, which avoids destruction of organic molecules by thermal bonding. Patterned probe DNA showed good selectivity and stability, and fast hybridization time was observed in nanochannels. The method can be applied to immunoassays for protein quantification.

  • Optical near-field induced chemical partial hydrophobic/ hydrophilic modification with sub-diffraction limit resolution

    T. H.H. Le, K. Mawatari, N. Hasumoto, Y. Pihosh, K. Kitamura, T. Yatsui, T. Kawazoe, M. Naruse, M. Ohtsu, T. Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     222 - 224  2012年


    This study reports a novel partial hydrophobic/hydrophilic modification using the optical near-field (ONF) induced photocatalytic reaction. Herein the achievement of sub-diffraction limit resolution by photo-induced method opens a new platform towards extended-nano (lOOmn- lOOOmn) fluidic devices, in which the partial surface modification is indispensible to exploit functional applications, yet difficult to realize due to the diffraction limit nature of light. It is also worthy to note that the simple experimental setup and feasible protocol in our method promise critical impacts 011 surface modification and the development of extended-nano devices.

  • Development of method for simultaneous measurement of viscosity and surface tension force in bio-mimetic extended-nano space

    Lixiao Li, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Yasuhiko Sugii, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     722 - 724  2012年01月  [査読有り]


    Understanding fluid and interfacial properties in inter/intracellular space is crucial for biological system. Here, an in vitro method to simultaneously measure the viscosity and wetting property was developed using capillary filling controlled by MPa external pressure in bio-mimetic extended-nano space (10 1-103 nm) which mimicked inter/intracellular space (101-103 nm). Bio-mimetic extended-nanoconfinement effect on water properties was evaluated. It suggested that specificity of two-dimensionally nanoconfined channel, in which the viscosity showing much higher values than bulk, while wetting property is independent on bio-mimetic extended-nanoconfinement. This study will offer a deeper understanding of biological fluid and also contribute to biological system design.

  • A room-temperature bonding of glass nanofluidic chips utilizing a surface activation with a fluorine-containing plasma treatment

    Yan Xu, Chenxi Wang, Kihoon Jang, Lixiao Li, Nobuhiro Matsumoto, Yiyang Dong, Kazuma Mawatari, Tadatomo Suga, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     1225 - 1227  2012年  [査読有り]


    We developed a strong bonding of glass nanofluidic chips at room temperature (RT) in ambient air, overcoming the strict requirements for glass fusion bonding conventionally performed at extremely high temperature (∼1,000 °C) in vacuum.

  • Water vapor containing plasma activation for room-temperature bonding

    Chenxi Wang, Jun Umeda, Yan Xu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Tadatomo Suga

    Proceedings of 2012 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration, LTB-3D 2012     157  2012年  [査読有り]


    A water vapor containing plasma activated bonding process is developed to optimize the bonding quality of Si/Si and glass/glass bondings in air ambient. Sufficient bonding strength was achieved at room temperature with no heating process. Meanwhile, good bonding efficiency was realized owing to the appropriate water molecules adsorbed on the surfaces. The whole processes are performed in low-vacuum and ambient air environment. The water vapor containing plasma activated bonding is thus low-cost and environmentally friendly process. © 2012 IEEE.



  • Low-temperature direct bonding of glass nanofluidic chips using a two-step plasma surface activation process

    Yan Xu, Chenxi Wang, Yiyang Dong, Lixiao Li, Kihoon Jang, Kazuma Mawatari, Tadatomo Suga, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   402 ( 3 ) 1011 - 1018  2012年01月  [査読有り]


    Owing to the well-established nanochannel fabrication technology in 2D nanoscales with high resolution, reproducibility, and flexibility, glass is the leading, ideal, and unsubstitutable material for the fabrication of nanofluidic chips. However, high temperature (similar to 1,000 A degrees C) and a vacuum condition are usually required in the conventional fusion bonding process, unfortunately impeding the nanofluidic applications and even the development of the whole field of nanofluidics. We present a direct bonding of fused silica glass nanofluidic chips at low temperature, around 200 A degrees C in ambient air, through a two-step plasma surface activation process which consists of an O(2) reactive ion etching plasma treatment followed by a nitrogen microwave radical activation. The low-temperature bonded glass nanofluidic chips not only had high bonding strength but also could work continuously without leakage during liquid introduction driven by air pressure even at 450 kPa, a very high pressure which can meet the requirements of most nanofluidic operations. Owing to the mild conditions required in the bonding process, the method has the potential to allow the integration of a range of functional elements into nanofluidic chips during manufacture, which is nearly impossible in the conventional high-temperature fusion bonding process. Therefore, we believe that the developed low-temperature bonding would be very useful and contribute to the field of nanofluidics.



  • Microchip-based cellular biochemical systems for practical applications and fundamental research: from microfluidics to nanofluidics

    Yan Xu, Kihoon Jang, Tadahiro Yamashita, Yo Tanaka, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   402 ( 1 ) 99 - 107  2012年01月  [査読有り]


    By combining cell technology and microchip technology, innovative cellular biochemical tools can be created from the microscale to the nanoscale for both practical applications and fundamental research. On the microscale level, novel practical applications taking advantage of the unique capabilities of microfluidics have been accelerated in clinical diagnosis, food safety, environmental monitoring, and drug discovery. On the other hand, one important trend of this field is further downscaling of feature size to the 10(1)-10(3) nm scale, which we call extended-nano space. Extended-nano space technology is leading to the creation of innovative nanofluidic cellular and biochemical tools for analysis of single cells at the single-molecule level. As a pioneering group in this field, we focus not only on the development of practical applications of cellular microchip devices but also on fundamental research to initiate new possibilities in the field. In this paper, we review our recent progress on tissue reconstruction, routine cell-based assays on microchip systems, and preliminary fundamental method for single-cell analysis at the single-molecule level with integration of the burgeoning technologies of extended-nano space.



  • Direct measurements of the saturated vapor pressure of water confined in extended nanospaces using capillary evaporation phenomena

    Takehiko Tsukahara, Taku Maeda, Akihide Hibara, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    RSC ADVANCES   2 ( 8 ) 3184 - 3186  2012年  [査読有り]


    Direct measurements of the saturated vapor pressures of water confined in extended nanospaces (10-100 nm scale) were realized using capillary evaporation phenomena. These results verified that the saturated vapor pressure was reduced with decreasing space sizes and that Kelvin's equation was applicable even in extended nanospaces.



  • Enhancement of Proton Mobility in Extended-Nanospace Channels

    Hiroyuki Chinen, Kazuma Mawatari, Yuriy Pihosh, Kyojiro Morikawa, Yutaka Kazoe, Takehiko Tsukahara, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION   51 ( 15 ) 3573 - 3577  2012年  [査読有り]



  • Development of nonintrusive measurement technique of flow rate and pressure drop for extended nanospace channel flows

    S. Kubori, Y. Kazoe, K. Mawatari, Y. Sugii, T. Kitamori

    15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011   2   1062 - 1064  2011年12月  [査読有り]


    We developed a method to measure μg/s order flow rate driven by MPa order pressure in extended nanospace (101-103 m). Highly pressurized mass flow rate was measured by an electric balance of 1 μg resolution. The obtained flow rate in 500 nm extended nanochannel showed lower value than predicted, which suggests specific fluid dynamics affected by structured water near channel surface and electric double layer in extended nanospace. This study is important to reveal basic science in the space and establish fundamental technology of extended nanofluidic systems for chemical analysis. Copyright © (2011) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society.

  • Integration of single cell manipulation, lysis, injection at sub-picoliter scale utlizing extended-nano space for single cell analysis

    Kentaro Shirai, Yasuhiko Sugii, Yo Tanaka, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011   2   1032 - 1034  2011年12月  [査読有り]


    We integrated the pre-preparation processes of single cell at picoliter scale on a quartz silica microchip. The processes contain single cell trap and separation into picoliter volume liquid, injection of cell lysis buffer of sub-picoliter volume, and injection of single cell lysate into the femtoliter volume space. Single cell was separated into 7 picoliter liquid by the use of chamber structure and chemically lysed with minimum dilution. Lysed sample was injected into the extended-nano channel by pressure. The developed method enabled manipulating samples extracted from single cell from picoliter to femtoliter scale and is useful for single-cell protein analysis. Copyright © (2011) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society.

  • Development of a visualization technique of proton concentration in extended nanospace channel using stimulated emission depletion microscopy

    Y. Kazoe, K. Mawatari, Y. Sugii, T. Kitamori

    15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011   2   1251 - 1253  2011年12月  [査読有り]


    Ion behavior confined in extended nanospace (101-103 nm) is important to develop novel miniaturized systems for biochemical analysis and further applications. The present study developed a measurement technique of ion distribution in nanochannel using stimulated emission depletion microscopy to achieve a spatial resolution of 87 nm. Fluorescein was used for ratiometric measurement of pH by two-excitation wavelengths. The proton distribution in a 2D nanochannel of 410 nm width and 405 nm depth was firstly measured at an uncertainty of pH 0.05, which was strongly related to the electric double layer. This technique will greatly contribute to establish nanofluidics and nanochemistry. Copyright © (2011) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society.

  • Microchip-based Plasma Separation from Whole Blood via Axial Migration of Blood Cells

    Arata Aota, Susumu Takahashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Yo Tanaka, Yasuhiko Sugii, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES   27 ( 12 ) 1173 - 1178  2011年12月  [査読有り]


    Highly efficient cell-free plasma separation from 200 mu L of human whole blood was realized via axial migration of blood cells and cross-flow filtration in a microchip. Although various analyses of small volumes of blood have been reported, a large volume of blood is necessary for obtaining blood cells and plasma for the conventional plasma separation technique of centrifugation. A highly efficient plasma separation method using small volumes of blood without hemolysis is an important issue. We developed a plasma separation method based on a microchip with a filter, which utilizes the axial migration of blood cells observed in blood vessels. Clogging and hemolysis on the filter can be prevented by the axial migration of the blood cells. Using this method, 65% of the plasma from 200 mu L of whole blood was successfully separated without hemolysis. When the plasma separation microchip interfaced with a micro-ELISA system was applied to C-reactive protein (CRP) analysis, the CRP concentration obtained by the microchip showed good correlation with that obtained by conventional centrifugation. Total analysis time, including plasma separation, was achieved in only 25 min.



  • Development of a Measurement Technique for Ion Distribution in an Extended Nanochannel by Super-Resolution-Laser-Induced Fluorescence

    Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Yasuhiko Sugii, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   83 ( 21 ) 8152 - 8157  2011年11月  [査読有り]


    Ion behavior confined in extended nanospace (10(1)-10(3) nm) is important for nanofluidics and nanochemistry with dominant surface effects. In this paper, we developed a new measurement technique of ion distribution in the nanochannel by super-resolution-laser-induced fluorescence. Stimulated emission depletion microscopy was used to achieve a spatial resolution of 87 nm higher than the diffraction limit. Fluorescein was used for ratiometric measurement of pH with two excitation wavelengths. The pH profile in a 2D nanochannel of 410 nm width and 405 nm depth was successfully measured at an uncertainty of 0.05. The excess protons, showing lower pH than the bulk, nonuniformly distributed in the nanochannel to cancel the negative charge of glass wall, especially when the electric double layer is thick compared to the channel size. The present study first revealed the ion distribution near the surface or in the nanochannel, which is directly related to the electric double layer. In addition, the obtained proton distribution is important to understand the nanoscale water structure between single molecules and continuum phase. This technique will greatly contribute to understanding the basic science in nanoscale and interfacial dynamics, which are strongly required to develop novel miniaturized systems for biochemical analysis and further applications.



  • Optical near-field induced visible response photoelectrochemical water splitting on nanorod TiO2

    Thu Hac Huong Le, Kazuma Mawatari, Yuriy Pihosh, Tadashi Kawazoe, Takashi Yatsui, Motoichi Ohtsu, Masahiro Tosa, Takehiko Kitamori

    APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS   99 ( 21 )  2011年11月  [査読有り]


    Here we report a way to induce the visible response of non-doped TiO2 in the photocatalytic electrochemical water splitting, which is achieved by utilizing the optical near-field (ONF) generated on nanorod TiO2. The visible response is attributed to the ONF-induced phonon-assisted excitation process, in which TiO2 is excited by sub-bandgap photons via phonon energy. Our approach directly gets involved in the excitation process without chemical modification of materials; accordingly it is expected to have few drawbacks on the photocatalytic performance. This study may offer another perspective on the development of solar harvesting materials. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3663632]



  • Development of a Microfluidic Platform for Single-cell Secretion Analysis Using a Direct Photoactive Cell-attaching Method

    Kihoon Jang, Hong Trang Thi Ngo, Yo Tanaka, Yan Xu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES   27 ( 10 ) 973 - 978  2011年10月  [査読有り]


    A precise understanding of individual cellular processes is essential to meet the expectations of most advanced cell biology. Therefore single-cell analysis is considered to be one of possible approach to overcome any misleading of cell characteristics by averaging large groups of cells in bulk conditions. In the present work, we modified a newly designed microchip for single-cell analysis and regulated the cell-adhesive area inside a cell-chamber of the microfluidic system. By using surface-modification techniques involving a silanization compound, a photo-labile linker and the 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer were covalently bonded on the surface of a microchannel. The MPC polymer was utilized as a non-biofouling compound for inhibiting non-specific binding of the biological samples inside the microchannel, and was selectively removed by a photochemical reaction that controlled the cell attachment. To achieve the desired single-macrophage patterning and culture in the cell-chamber of the microchannel, the cell density and flow rate of the culture medium were optimized. We found that a cell density of 2.0 x 10(6) cells/ml was the appropriate condition to introduce a single cell in each cell chamber. Furthermore, the macrophage was cultured in a small size of the cell chamber in a safe way for 5 h at a flow rate of 0.2 mu l/min under the medium condition. This strategy can be a powerful tool for broadening new possibilities in studies of individual cellular processes in a dynamic microfluidic device.



  • Detection of nonfluorescent molecules using differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope for extended nanochannel chromatography

    Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE   34 ( 20 ) 2920 - 2924  2011年10月  [査読有り]


    An ultrasensitive absorbance detector, the differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM), was employed for a chromatography system using silica nanochannel. Recently, separation of ultrasmall volume sample has been strongly required for single-cell biological and chemical analysis. Previously, we have developed a chromatography system using nanochannels of similar to 100 nm scale (extended nanochannels) fabricated on a silica substrate. The extended nanochromatography realized highly efficient separation of samples &lt;1 fL without packing materials. However, its detection method was limited to fluorescence method due to the small volume, and a new detector based on absorbance has been required. On the contrary, we have also developed DIC-TLM, a photothermal spectrometer based on absorption and thermal relaxation of sample for determination of concentration of nonfluorescent molecules in extended nanochannel. In this paper, we combined the extended nanochromatography and the DIC-TLM for separation and detection of nonfluorescent dyes. Particularly, basic performances of the DIC-TLM including quantitative performance and sensitivity were deliberated for injected samples of similar to fL volume.



  • Basic Structure and Cell Culture Condition of a Bioartificial Renal Tubule on Chip towards a Cell-based Separation Microdevice

    Xiaofang Gao, Yo Tanaka, Yasuhiko Sugu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES   27 ( 9 ) 907 - 912  2011年09月  [査読有り]


    Various separation processes have been integrated in microfluidics, such as capillary electrophoresis and chromatography, on a microchip. However, it is extremely difficult to separate a complicated biological system by conventional methods. Here, we report on a feasible structure and the culture condition of human renal proximal tubule epithelial cells (RPTECs), with the aim to construct a bioartificial renal tubule on a chip. Glass microchips and a polycarbonate membrane were sealed with no leakage after a surface modification. Furthermore, matrigel was selected as an optimized extracellular matrix (ECM) for cell-proliferation on the membrane. After culturing for 5 days, RPTECs reached confluent in the chip-membrane structure, which was confirmed by nuclei staining. So far, we have constructed the basic structure and cell proliferation circumstance for the future demonstration of the RPTECs separating function. This separation microdevice has promising potential to be applied as both a unit of a circulation cell culture system and a research platform of cell biology.

  • Shift of isoelectric point in extended nanospace investigated by streaming current measurement

    Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Yutaka Kazoe, Takehiko Tsukahara, Takehiko Kitamori

    APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS   99 ( 12 )  2011年09月  [査読有り]


    Isoelectric points in extended nanochannels (580-2720 nm) fabricated on fused-silica substrates were measured using the streaming current method. The isoelectric point obtained in a 2720 nm channel was almost the same as the isoelectric point reported for the bulk (2.6-3.2). However, the isoelectric point in the extended nanochannel (580 nm) was decreased to less than 2.0. This result provides important information for the modeling of ion transport in extended nanospace. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3644481]



  • Microflow Systems for Chemical Synthesis and Analysis: Approaches to Full Integration of Chemical Process

    Kazuma Mawatari, Yutaka Kazoe, Arata Aota, Takehiko Tsukahara, Kae Sato, Takehiko Kitamori

    JOURNAL OF FLOW CHEMISTRY   1 ( 1 ) 3 - 12  2011年08月  [査読有り]


    Integrated microchemical systems on microchips, which are based on continuous microflows, are expected to become important tools for analysis and chemical synthesis applications for biological sciences and technologies. For these purposes, general integration concepts have been developed, including microunit operations (MUOs) and continuous-flow chemical processing (CFCP) to create fully functional systems for various chemical processing applications. The general methodology has enabled analysis, synthesis, and fabrication of chemical systems on microchips, and these microsystems have demonstrated superior performance (e. g., rapid, simple, easy operation, and highly efficient processing) compared to conventional methodologies. Microchemical technology has now entered the phase of practical application. In this review, we discuss the methods for integration of continuous flow-based chemical process on microchips, relevant technologies, and applications.


  • Sensitive Gas Analysis System on a Microchip and Application for On-Site Monitoring of NH3 in a Clean Room

    Shinichiro Hiki, Kazuma Mawatari, Arata Aota, Maid Saito, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   83 ( 12 ) 5017 - 5022  2011年06月  [査読有り]


    A portable, highly sensitive, and continuous ammonia gas monitoring system was developed with a microfluidic chip. The system consists of a main unit, a gas pumping unit, and a computer which serves as an operation console. The size of the system is 45 cm width x 30 cm depth x 30 cm height, and the portable system was realized. A highly efficient and stable extraction method was developed by utilizing an annular gas/liquid laminar flow. In addition, a stable gas/liquid separation method with a PTFE membrane was developed by arranging a fluidic network in three dimensions to achieve almost zero dead volume at the gas/liquid extraction part. The extraction rate was almost 100% with a liquid flow rate of 3.5 mu L/min and a gas flow rate of 100 mL/min (contact time of similar to 15 ms), and the concentration factor was 200 times by calculating the NH3 concentration (w/w unit) in the gas and liquid phases. Stable phase separation and detection was sustained for more than 3 weeks in an automated operation, which was sufficient for the monitoring application. The lower limit of detection calculated based on a signal-to-noise ratio of 3 was 84 ppt, which showed good detectability for NH3 analysis. We believe that our system is a very powerful tool for gas analysis due to the advantages of portable size, high sensitivity, and continuous monitoring, and it is particularly useful in the semiconductor field.



  • Single-Molecule DNA Patterning and Detection by Padlock Probing and Rolling Circle Amplification in Microchannels for Analysis of Small Sample Volumes

    Yo Tanaka, Hui Xi, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Bjoern Renberg, Mats Nilsson, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   83 ( 9 ) 3352 - 3357  2011年05月  [査読有り]


    The rolling circle amplification (RCA) is a versatile DNA amplification method in which a DNA molecule is amplified using a single DNA primer, allowing the product to be counted as a single dot. Circular templates for RCA can arise from padlock probes in highly specific DNA target-mediated ligation reactions. However, improvement of detection efficiency represents an important challenge. In homogeneous assays, the detection efficiency is generally only under 0.1%, mainly because the sample volume is too large compared with the detection volume. Here, we used microchannel surfaces in a glass microchip for DNA detection in small volume samples. First, DNA patterning on glass surfaces in microchannels was demonstrated using chemical surface patterning by UV light. By using a photochemical reaction, we realized DNA patterning in a closed space. Second, RCA was demonstrated using dilutions of target molecules, and a calibration curve was obtained. The highest detection efficiency was 22.5% by virtue of the reduced sample volumes from several hundred microliters to 5.0 nL. Accordingly, a countable number of DNA molecules was successfully detected. This method is suitable for analysis of very small volume samples such as single cells, especially by using extended-nanochannels with dimensions of 10-1000 nm.



  • Micro and Nano Chemical Systems

    Tatsuhiro Yamamoto, Yutaka Kazoe, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY JAPAN   69 ( 5 ) 526 - 533  2011年05月  [査読有り]


    Integrated micro chemical systems on a chip have been attractive as evolutional tools for high speed, functional and compact instrumentation for chemical analysis, organic synthesis and many others. We have established micro unit operations (MUOs) and applied them to continuous flow chemical processing (CFCP). Recently, the space size of the system is further downscaled to 10(1)-10(2) nm, which we call extended nano space. We have developed fundamental research tools for the extended-nano space, located between conventional nanotechnology (10(0)-10(1) nm) and microtechnology (&gt;1 mu m) and have been studying this space as new research field. In this review, we focus on the methodology and application of integrated micro- and nano-chemical systems for chemical processing, organic synthesis and other applications.



  • Cultivation and recovery of vascular endothelial cells in microchannels of a separable micro-chemical chip

    Tadahiro Yamashita, Yo Tanaka, Naokazu Idota, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    BIOMATERIALS   32 ( 10 ) 2459 - 2465  2011年04月  [査読有り]


    Various micro cell culture systems have recently been developed. However, it is extremely difficult to recover cultured cells from a microchannel because the upper and lower substrates of a microchip are permanently combined. Therefore, we developed a cell culture and recovery system that uses a separable microchip with reversible combining that allows separation between closed and open channels. To realize this system, two problems related to microfluidic control-prevention of leakage and non-invasive recovery of cultured cells from the substrate-must be overcome. In the present study, we used surface chemistry modification to solve both problems. First, octadecyltrimethoxysilane (ODTMS) was utilized to control the Laplace pressure at the liquid/vapor phase interface, such that it was directed toward the microchannels, which suppressed leakage from the slight gap between two substrates. Second, a thermoresponsive polymer poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) (PNIPAAm) was used to coat the surface of the ODTMS-modified microchannel by UV-mediated photopolymerization. PNIPAAm substrates are well known for controlled cell adhesion/detachment by alteration of temperature. Finally, the ODTMS- and PNIPAAm-modified separable microchips were subjected to patterning, and human arterial endothelial cells (HAECs) were cultured in the resulting microchannels with no leakage. After 96 h of the culture, the HAECs were detached from the microchips by decreasing the temperature and were then recovered from the microchannels. This study is the first to demonstrate the recovery of living cells cultured in a microchannel, and may be useful as a fundamental technique for vascular tissue engineering. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Microfluidic extraction of copper from particle-laden solutions

    Craig Priest, Jingfang Zhou, Rossen Sedev, John Ralston, Arata Aota, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERAL PROCESSING   98 ( 3-4 ) 168 - 173  2011年03月  [査読有り]


    Microfluidic solvent extraction (SX) of metal ions from particle-laden aqueous solutions is demonstrated as an alternative to conventional solvent extraction for a system of industrial interest: extraction of Cu(2+) using 2-hydroxy-5-nonylacetophenone. In the presence of silica nanoparticles, bulk SX suffers from prolonged phase separation and, for hydrophobic particles, the formation of particle-stabilised emulsions, which can be indefinitely stable, leading to significant losses of valuable materials to the emulsion phase. In contrast, non-dispersive microfluidic SX can process fluids containing high particle concentrations (e.g. 61 g/L, 80 nm hydrophilic silica and 5 g/L, and 13 nm moderately hydrophobic silica). The SX was operated continuously for more than 7 h without blockage or failure of the microfluidic chip, in part due to the very short residence time of the silica nanoparticles in the aqueous phase. The microfluidic method is also able to access extraction kinetics for particle-laden systems, which cannot be obtained otherwise due to delayed phase separation. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Development of H2/O2 generation chip for micro fuel cell devices

    Yasuhito Kajita, Yuriy Pihosh, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011   1   653 - 655  2011年


    We here report on the development of the fuel generation chip for micro fuel cell devices. In the chip, H2 and O2 are generated by the photocatalyic water splitting and the generated gases are separated by hydrophobic modified channels. To verify the basic concept that water splitting and the gas-liquid separation are driven solely by light energy, we prepare a chip in which electrodes (TiO2 photoanode and Pt cathode) and partial surface modification are integrated. The photocatalytic water splitting and the gas-liquid separation were verified, respectively. Copyright © (2011) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society.

  • Laplace pressure valve utilizing nano-in-nano structure toward attoliter scale liquid handling

    Shogo Kubota, Kazuma Mawatari, Yan Xu, Takehiko Kitamori

    15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011   2   1068 - 1070  2011年


    This paper reports a method of handling attoliter (aL=10-18 L) scale liquid in pressure-driven nanofluidic control systems. In order to achieve this, nonmechanical valve was developed that utilized nano-in-nano structure fabricated by two-step etching process using e-beam lithography and dry etching. Copyright © (2011) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society.

  • Counting single DNA molecule by on-bead rolling circle amplification for quantitative analyses

    Reina Ishii, Naoki Sasaki, Kiichi Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Mats Nilsson, Takehiko Kitamori, Kae Sato

    15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011   1   70 - 72  2011年


    To realize an ultra sensitive determination of specific DNA, we developed and optimized on-bead rolling circle amplification (RCA) method for quantitative analyses. By using agarose beads, detection efficiency increased 100 times compared to the conventional RCA method, and quantitative analyses of 1 μL of samples containing 0.05 - 1.0 nM DNA were realized. Copyright © (2011) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society.

  • Multistep mixing, reaction and detection system in an extended-nano fluidic network

    Yo Tanaka, Hong Trang Ngo, Yutaka Kazoe, Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011   1   380 - 382  2011年


    In this report, we developed an extended-nano (10-1000 nm) fluidic network to realize continuous flow chemical processing (CFCP) for single cell secretion analysis. Firstly, equivalent mixing was demonstrated in the network by optimizing fabrication conditions and applied pressure. Secondly, chemical reaction was realized in the network, and the products were detected by differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM). This is the smallest reaction channel network, and will be applied for single cell activity analysis. Copyright © (2011) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society.

  • Chromatographic separation of nonfluorescent molecules using extended-nano channel and differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope

    H. Shimizu, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011   1   559 - 561  2011年


    Chromatographic separation and detection of nonfluorescent molecules were integrated in a nanochannel. Our method, extended-nano chromatography realized high-performance separation using pressure-driven flow in a 100-nm scale nanochannel. A photothermal detector, differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM) was employed for detection of nonfluorescent samples. In particular, two nonfluorescent dyes, Sudan I and Sudan Orange G were separated using hexane and silica nanochannel in normal-phase mode. The detection performance of DIC-TLM was closely examined in terms of time resolution, time response and quantitative performance. Combining extended-nano chromatography with DIC-TLM, separation of nonfluorescent molecules was firstly studied. Copyright © (2011) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society.

  • Reaction analysis in extended-nano space by a novel nmr chip and enhancement of diels-alder reactivity of cyclopentadiene

    Shota Yoshioka, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011   1   419 - 421  2011年


    Here, we report a first example of chemical reaction analyzed by NMR spectroscopy in extended-nano spaces (10-1000 nm scale spaces). To realize on-chip analysis of chemical reaction, a novel NMR chip was designed. We also show that a reaction speed of Diels-Alder reaction of cyclopentadiene was accelerated in extended-nano spaces. Copyright © (2011) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society.

  • A novel micro fuel cell utilizing extended-nanochannels as fast proton conductor

    Hiroyuki Chinen, Yuriy Pihosh, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011   3   2031 - 2033  2011年


    This paper reports rich proton conductivity in space around 10-1000 nm (called extended-nanospace) fabricated on a quartz glass substrate. We investigated the relationship between proton diffusion coefficient and scale of extended-nanochannel. By visualization of proton diffusion in extended-nanochannels utilizing fluorescent probe that changes fluorescent intensity corresponding to liquid pH, we verified the enhancement of proton diffusion coefficient in extended-nanochannel with scaling-down of channel space. This study suggests that extended-nanochannel is applied to novel proton conductor. Furthermore, it should lead to development of new micro fuel cell (MFC) that whole electric generation system is integrated within a quartz glass substrate.

  • Fabrication and realization of optical near-field induced visible response photocatalytic reaction on nanorod TiO<inf>2</inf> for micro fuel cell

    Thu H.H. Le, Yuriy Pihosh, Kazuma Mawatari, Kokoro Kitamura, Takashi Yatsui, Tadashi Kawazoe, Makoto Naruse, Motoichi Ohtsu, Takehiko Kitamori

    15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011   1   410 - 412  2011年


    Here we report the fabrication of TiO2 nanorod by using glancing angle deposition and confirm for the first time the novel way to induce the visible response of TiO2 in photoelectrochemical water splitting, that is achieved by the utilizing of optical near-field (ONF) generated on nanorod structures. The ONF allows the so-called phonon-assisted excitation process, which excites TiO2 with sub-bandgap photons via phonon energy, and hence induce the visible response. This study suggest that this kind of nanostructured photocatalyst is promising material for hydrogen production in fuel cell application. Moreover, we believe that the present approach can be applied not only to photocatalyst but also other solar-harvesting materials. Copyright © (2011) by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society.

  • Low Temperature Bonding of Glasses by Means of Surface Activation Using Water

    梅田準, 王晨曦, 許岩, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦, 須賀唯知

    第25回エレクトロニクス実装学会講演大会論文集    2011年  [査読有り]

  • Extended nanospace chemical systems on a chip for new analytical technology

    Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Tsukahara, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYST   136 ( 15 ) 3051 - 3059  2011年  [査読有り]


    Integration of chemical processes on a microchemical chip has gained much attention in the past decade, and the basic concepts of micro-integration and the supporting technologies have been intensively developed. As a result, many analytical and chemical synthesis applications were demonstrated. The superior performances were verified including shortening analysis time, decrease of sample and reagent volume, and easy chemical operations. Now, the micro-technologies are moving toward practical applications by establishing the systems in which the microchemical chip works as chemical central processing unit. Recently, as a new research field, integration is further proceeding to the 10(1)-10(3) nm scale, which we call extended nanospace. The extended nanospace locates the gap between the targets of conventional nanotechnology (10(0)-10(1) nm) and micro-technology (&gt;1 mu m), and the fluidics and chemistry have not been explored well due to a lack of fundamental technologies. For these purposes, many methodologies were established in recent years. Unique liquid properties were reported, which were quite different from those in microspace. Some properties can be expected by considering the characteristics of microspace and the downscaling, and the others are unexpected or are difficult to predict. These properties enabled new chemical operations which will be quite important as the next analytical technologies. Now, chemistry and fluidics in the extended nanospace are forming a new research field. In this review, we survey the fundamental technologies for extended nanospace researches and introduce several unique liquid properties. Finally, unique chemical operations are also illustrated leading to new analytical operations.



  • Rapid screening swine foot-and-mouth disease virus using micro-ELISA system

    Yiyang Dong, Yan Xu, Zaixin Liu, Yuanfang Fu, Toshinori Ohashi, Yo Tanaka, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    LAB ON A CHIP   11 ( 13 ) 2153 - 2155  2011年  [査読有り]


    In order to tackle both regional and global foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) epdimics, we hereby develop a rapid microfluidic thermal lens microscopic method to screen swine type O FMDV with good efficiency. The scheme has great merits in terms of field portability, sample volume, assay time, analytical sensitivity, and test reproducibility.



  • Thermal lens detection device

    Kazuma Mawatari, Toshinori Ohashi, Tomohiko Ebata, Manabu Tokeshi, Takehiko Kitamori

    LAB ON A CHIP   11 ( 17 ) 2990 - 2993  2011年  [査読有り]


    A thermal lens detection device was developed to realize an easy-to-use, portable and sensitive detector for nonfluorescent molecules. Two laser diodes (658 nm for excitation and 785 nm for probe) were made coaxial in an optical unit and were coupled to a single-mode optical fiber. On a microfluidic chip, a small holder for the optical fiber was fixed, and micro-lenses (numerical aperture of 0.2) were also integrated inside the holder. The micro-lenses were designed to realize an adequate chromatic aberration (50 mm), which was essential for sensitive thermal lens detection. Compared with conventional thermal lens detection systems which required very laborious and accurate optical alignment with the microchannel, the new device needed just attachment-detachment of the optical fiber, which was important for practical application. The lower limit of detection was 10 nM for nickel (II) phthalocyaninetetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt solutions (model sample), and the absorbance was 9 x 10(-6) AU. The absolute number of molecules detected was less than 200 zmol. The coefficient of variance for 5-time attachment-detachment of the optical probe was as small as 3.6%. The technical development allowed integration of the thermal lens detection devices inside a microsystem (e. g. enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay system), and practical microsystems were realized with sensitivities several-orders higher than absorptiometry.



  • Experimental investigation of droplet acceleration and collision in the gas phase in a microchannel

    Katsuyoshi Takahashi, Yasuhiko Sugii, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    LAB ON A CHIP   11 ( 18 ) 3098 - 3105  2011年  [査読有り]


    We developed a novel microfluidic system, termed a micro-droplet collider, by utilizing the spatial-temporal localized liquid energy to realize chemical processes, which achieved rapid mixing between droplets having a large volume ratio by collision. In this paper, in order to clarify the characteristics of the micro-droplet collider, dynamics of droplet acceleration, stationary motion and collision in the gas phase in a microchannel were experimentally investigated with visualized images using a microscope equipped with a high-speed camera. The maximum velocity of 450 mm s(-1) and acceleration of 1500 m s(-2) of a 1.6 nL water droplet were achieved at an air pressure of 100 kPa. Measurement results of dynamic contact angles of droplets indicated that wettability of the surface played an important role in the stability of droplet acceleration and collision. We found that the bullet droplet penetrated into the target droplet at collision, which differed from bulk scale. The deformation of the droplet was strongly suppressed by the channel structure, thus stable collision and efficient utilization of the droplet energy were possible. These results are useful for estimating the localized energy, for improving the system in order to realize extreme performance, and for extending the applications of microfluidic devices.



  • Evaporation Microfluidic Chip for Producing PET Radiopharmaceuticals

    Katsuhiko Ohsaki, Yosuke Mizukawa, Yoshikuni Kikutani, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Shigeki Yamazaki, Kazuhiro Takahashi


  • Dynamics of a micro droplet collider to extend microfluidic applications

    K. Takahashi, Y. Sugii, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010   1   422 - 424  2010年12月  [査読有り]


    Dynamics of droplet, which utilizes the spatial-temporal localized liquid energy to realize chemical processes in the gas phase in a microchannel, was experimentally investigated using a high-speed camera under the microscope observation. The velocity of 1.6 nL droplet became constant (220 mm s -1) due to the damping force after short from launcher by applying 20 kPa of air pressure. The droplet terminal velocities increased in proportion to the magnitude of the applied air pressure (50 to 200 kPa). The behaviors of droplet collision in a chamber seeded with fluorescent particles were investigated. The bullet droplet was penetrated into the target droplet although both droplets had the same cross section. The deformation is strongly suppressed by the channel structure, thus stable collision and efficient utilization of the droplet energy are possible. These results show usefulness to estimate the localized energy, to improve the system for realizing the extreme performance, and to extend the applications of the microfluidic devices.

  • Construction of vascular-mimetic tissue in a separable microchip

    T. Yamashita, Y. Tanaka, Y. Sugii, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010   2   1316 - 1318  2010年12月  [査読有り]


    We here report the new culturing method of vascular cells using a separable microchip whose substrates can be combined and separated reversibly. This separable microchip allowed to culture smooth muscle cells (SMCs) under the medium perfusion, and to subsequently recover the cultured cells from microchannel only by reducing the temperature. This system has a potential to produce micro scale vascular-mimetic tissue consisting of endothelial cells (ECs) and smooth muscle cells (SMCs), and will be useful for the regeneration of various tissues with multilayered complex structures.

  • The biological performance of cell-containing phospholipid polymer hydrogels in bulk and microscale form

    Yan Xu, Kihoon Jang, Tomohiro Konno, Kazuhiko Ishihara, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    BIOMATERIALS   31 ( 34 ) 8839 - 8846  2010年12月  [査読有り]


    The biological performances of a cell-containing phospholipid polymer hydrogel in bulk and miniaturized formats without an additional culture medium support were investigated and compared. The cell-containing hydrogel was formed spontaneously when solutions of commercial polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and the phospholipid polymer poly[2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC)-co-n-butyl methacrylate (BMA)-co-p-vinylphenylboronic acid (VPBA)] (PMBV) suspended with cells in a cell culture medium are mixed together. Bulk and miniaturized hydrogels, with approximate thicknesses of 3.1 mm and 400 mu m, respectively, were prepared in a 96-well microplate and a glass microchip, respectively. In both cases, the hydrogels were homogeneous, and cells were spatially encapsulated. The long-term observation (4 and 8 days) of cell morphology suggested that cells were passively attached to the interface of the hydrogel but were unable to spread and flatten, which inhibited cell growth in both hydrogels. Viability evaluations revealed that cells in both hydrogel formats maintained the same high viability levels after long-term encapsulation. Cytotoxicity assays indicated that the cells in the miniaturized hydrogel maintained a high degree of correlation in cytotoxic sensitivity with the cells in the bulk hydrogel and a routine medium culture. The PMBV/PVA hydrogel not only provides a beneficial cyto-compatible microenvironment for long-term cell survival without an additional culture medium support but also creates a static condition for cell sustainment in a microchip similar to that in bulk. The uniform long-term performances of PMBV/PVA hydrogels in bulk and miniaturized formats make them ideal for the development of long-term, flexible, three-dimensional, living cell-based tools for routine cell-based assays and applications on bulk to microscale levels. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Development of a micro droplet collider; the liquid-liquid system utilizing the spatial-temporal localized energy

    Katsuyoshi Takahashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Yasuhiko Sugii, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS   9 ( 4-5 ) 945 - 953  2010年10月  [査読有り]


    We introduce the liquid-liquid system to utilize both of the spatial and the temporal localized energy simultaneously by adding temporal localization to micro-fluidics. Liquid droplets in the gas phase confined in microchannels are used for spatial-temporal localization to realize various chemical processes. A highly accelerated droplet generates the high kinetic energy and momentum in the spatial localization. "Rapid" collision caused by the highly accelerated droplet enables the spatial and temporal localization of the high-energy, which induces the conversion and transfer of the high-energy. We refer to this new microfluidics system as a "micro droplet collider." We fabricated launchers for the droplet shot, tracks for the droplet run, and a chamber for the collision between two droplets on a microchip based on gas-liquid Laplace pressure. The acceleration of the droplet to the high velocity (10(6) mu m s(-1); 10(2) times faster velocity and 10(4) times higher energy than that of typical water-in-oil droplet format), rapid collision (&lt;100 mu s) at a small interface between droplets were achieved. Inelastic and minimally deformable collision was conducted, which enabled the utilization of the localized high-energy efficiently. As one application to chemical processes, we demonstrated rapid mixing (0.5 s) between two droplets (volume ratio; 1 (0.25 nl):10), a process that has not been achieved yet. Mixing time was 6,000 times faster than that of molecular diffusive mixing by utilizing the localized high-energy. The developed micro droplet collider is expected to contribute greatly to microfluidics and chemical processes on a microchip.



  • Sensitive Determination of Concentration of Nonfluorescent Species in an Extended-Nano Channel by Differential Interference Contrast Thermal Lens Microscope

    Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   82 ( 17 ) 7479 - 7484  2010年09月  [査読有り]


    A photothermal detector, named differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM), was used to determine the concentration of a nonfluorescent solution in a nanochannel. This method exploits a local change in the refractive index of a solution caused by light absorption. A solution was introduced into a 100-nm scale channel by a pressure-driven nanofluidic control system and its concentration was determined by DIC-TLM. The limit of detection (LOD) was 2.4 mu M in a nanochannel that was 21 mu m wide and 500 nm deep. The LOD was 3 orders of magnitude smaller than that of conventional method. Moreover, the detection volume was accurately determined to be merely 0.25 fL by using a nanochannel with an optical path length of 500 nm. Based on these results, the number of detected molecules was calculated to be 390. In addition, the concentration of a solution in a nanochannel that was 790 nm wide and 500 nm deep could be determined. Finally, the relationship between sensitivity and channel size was investigated and the sensitivity was found to decrease with decreasing nanochannel size, which indicates that the changes in the refractive indices of water and silica cancel each other out. The DIC-TLM realizes sensitive detection of nonfluorescent species in nanochannels without requiring any special fabrication techniques. Therefore, DIC-TLM is expected to be a highly useful analytical technique in nanofluidics.



  • On-chip antibody immobilization for on-demand and rapid immunoassay on a microfluidic chip

    Toshinori Ohashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    BIOMICROFLUIDICS   4 ( 3 )  2010年09月  [査読有り]


    Immunoassay is one of the important applications of microfluidic chips and many methodologies were reported for decreasing sample/reagent volume, shortening assay time, and so on. Micro-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (micro-ELISA) is our method that utilizes packed microbeads in the microfluidic channel and the immunoreactions are induced on the beads surface. Due to the large surface-to-volume ratio and small analytical volume, excellent performances have been verified in assay time and sample/reagent volume. In order to realize the micro-ELISA, one of the important processes is the immobilization of antibody on the beads surface. Previously, the immobilization process was performed in a macroscale tube by physisorption of antibody, and long time (2 h) and large amount of antibody (or high concentration) were required for the immobilization. In addition, the processes including the reaction and washing were laborious, and changing the analyte was not easy. In this research, we integrated the immobilization process into a microfluidic chip by applying the avidin-biotin surface chemistry. The integration enabled very fast (1 min) immobilization with very small amount of precious antibody consumption (100 ng) for one assay. Because the laborious immobilization process can be automatically performed on the microfluidic chip, ELISA method became very easy. On-demand immunoassay was also possible just by changing the antibodies without using large amount of precious antibodies. Finally, the analytical performance was investigated by measuring C-reactive protein and good performance (limit of detection &lt; 20 ng/ml) was verified. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3437592]



  • Single-cell attachment and culture method using a photochemical reaction in a closed microfluidic system

    Kihoon Jang, Yan Xu, Yo Tanaka, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Tomohiro Konno, Kazuhiko Ishihara, Takehiko Kitamori

    BIOMICROFLUIDICS   4 ( 3 )  2010年09月  [査読有り]


    Recently, interest in single cell analysis has increased because of its potential for improving our understanding of cellular processes. Single cell operation and attachment is indispensable to realize this task. In this paper, we employed a simple and direct method for single-cell attachment and culture in a closed microchannel. The microchannel surface was modified by applying a nonbiofouling polymer, 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer, and a nitrobenzyl photocleavable linker. Using ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation, the MPC polymer was selectively removed by a photochemical reaction that adjusted the cell adherence inside the microchannel. To obtain the desired single endothelial cell patterning in the microchannel, cell-adhesive regions were controlled by use of round photomasks with diameters of 10, 20, 30, or 50 mu m. Single-cell adherence patterns were formed after 12 h of incubation, only when 20 and 30 mu m photomasks were used, and the proportions of adherent and nonadherent cells among the entire UV-illuminated areas were 21.3%+/- 0.3% and 7.9%+/- 0.3%, respectively. The frequency of single-cell adherence in the case of the 20 mu m photomask was 2.7 times greater than that in the case of the 30 mu m photomask. We found that the 20 mu m photomask was optimal for the formation of single-cell adherence patterns in the microchannel. This technique can be a powerful tool for analyzing environmental factors like cell-surface and cell-extracellular matrix contact. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3494287]



  • Direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide based on microreactor technology

    Tomoya Inoue, Kenichiro Ohtaki, Yoshikuni Kikutani, Koichi Sato, Masateru Nishioka, Satoshi Hamakawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara, Fujio Mizukami, Takehiko Kitamori


  • A Microfluidic Hydrogel Capable of Cell Preservation without Perfusion Culture under Cell-Based Assay Conditions

    Yan Xu, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Tomohiro Konno, Kihoon Jang, Kazuhiko Ishihara, Takehiko Kitamori

    ADVANCED MATERIALS   22 ( 28 ) 3017 - 3021  2010年07月  [査読有り]


    A 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer hydrogel exhibits a remarkable ability to preserve cells on microfluidic chips without perfusion culture under cell-based assay conditions, with characteristics of maintenance of high cell viability, restraint of cell proliferation, and minimization of cellular function loss over a period of days and weeks. This would establish a revolutionary flexibility for cell-based applications.



  • Reactor design optimization for direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide

    Tomoya Inoue, Yoshikuni Kikutani, Satoshi Hamakawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Fujio Mizukami, Takehiko Kitamori

    CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL   160 ( 3 ) 909 - 914  2010年06月  [査読有り]


    A glass-fabricated microreactor was applied to the direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from hydrogen and oxygen. The direct synthesis reaction is a three-phase reaction, with gas (hydrogen and oxygen), liquid (reaction solution) and solid (catalyst) being involved. We designed an advanced microreactor in which an ideal gas-liquid distribution could be accomplished throughout the catalyst packed bed. We also set up a reaction system that enables the reaction operation at more than 2 MPa over 1 week. With these efforts, more than 3 wt% of hydrogen peroxide was successfully produced using the microreactor technology. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Extended-nano channel based rolling circle amplification to detect single molecule DNA

    Yo Tanaka, Hui Xi, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Björn Renberg, Mats Nilsson, Takehiko Kitamori

    14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010   2   1160 - 1162  2010年


    Single DNA detection becomes a focus in genomics, diagnosis, and medical genetics. Information of each single molecule in each single cell is necessary in medical genetics diagnoses. The Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA) is one of the popular methods to detect single DNA, however it is difficult to be applied to ultra small volume samples such as single cells. Here, we demonstrated patterning and detection of single molecule DNA in extended-nano (10-1000 nm) channels for small volume sample analysis.

  • Development of specific single-cell gene analysis system on a microchip

    Jun Wakabayashi, Yo Tanaka, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Yuki Tanaka, Mats Nilsson, Takehiko Kitamori

    14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010   2   764 - 766  2010年


    For detailed clarification of the molecular mechanism of cancer or other diseases, gene detection system at single cell and single molecule level is required. In order to realize that system, this paper reports both quantitative and qualitative analysis method of small amount of DNA by in situ padlock probe/rolling circle amplification (RCA) on a mi-crofluidic device.

  • One-step micro-elisa for highly sensitive determination of TSH

    Toshinori Ohashi, Osamu Fukahori, Hidekatsu Tazawa, Aya Harano, Tomohiko Ebata, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010   2   821 - 823  2010年


    To quantify biomolecules in samples with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with smaller sample volumes more rapidly and easily, we developed a fully automated system called "μELISA™" that uses microfluidics and highly sensitive thermal lens detection. We applied μELISA™ to a one-step sandwich immunoassay of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) for diagnosing thyroid function. We evaluated its performance using human serum samples and demonstrated that it is fast (15 min), highly sensitive (0.1-10 μIU-mL-1), highly precise (&lt
    8% variation), and easy to operate. As a result, our system is a potentially powerful and practical diagnostic tool for point-of-care testing (POCT).

  • Concentration determination in extended nanochannel using differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope

    H. Shimizu, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010   1   575 - 577  2010年


    Concentration of a nonfluorescent solution was determined in a 100-nm scale channel using a differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM). The DIC-TLM detects a refractive index change induced by sample heating as phase contrast. Concentration measurement was first performed in a nanochannel which is 21 \\xm wide and 500 nm deep. The limit of detection (LOD) was 2.4 μM and the LOD corresponded to 390 molecules in the detection volume of 0.25 fL. DIC-TLM is the only way to measure absorbance sensitively in such thin nanochannels.

  • Investigation of phonon-assisted optical near-field excitation on nanostructured TiO<inf>2</inf> towards on-chip fuel cell application

    Thu H.H. Le, Kazuma Mawatari, Kokoro Kitamura, Takashi Yatsui, Tadashi Kawazoe, Motoichi Ohtsu, Takehiko Kitamori

    14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010   3   1889 - 1891  2010年


    We report herein the investigation of a novel non-adiabatic optical near-field (ONF) excitation on nanostructured TiO2 photo-anode. The usage of ONF allows the transition to the dipole forbidden phonon states, which is called the phonon-assisted ONF transition, and hence allows us to excite TiO2 by sub-bandgap photon. Here, we investigated the usage of ONF to induce the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 with visible light instead of conventional UV light. By introducing nanostructure into TiO 2 photo-anode to generate optical near-field at the surface of electrode, we confirmed the enhancement of photo current in the visible range, and this current is attributed to the phonon-assisted ONF excitation. This study should lead to a novel approach to excite TiO2 by sub-bandgap photon, consequently improve its visible-light response photocatalytic performance. It also suggest that this kind of nanostructured semiconductor photocatalyst have promising properties for hydrogen production from water splitting.

  • Micro OS-ELISA: Rapid noncompetitive detection of a small biomarker peptide by open-sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (OS-ELISA) integrated into microfluidic device

    Masaki Ihara, Amane Yoshikawa, Yushu Wu, Hiroko Takahashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Kiyohito Shimura, Kae Sato, Takehiko Kitamori, Hiroshi Ueda

    LAB ON A CHIP   10 ( 1 ) 92 - 100  2010年  [査読有り]


    A novel detection system that combines the merits of open-sandwich (OS) enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay (ELISA) and a microfluidic sensor chip system, and which enables rapid and noncompetitive immunodetection of small antigens of less than 1000 in molecular weight, has been proposed. Equipped with a sensitive thermal lens microscope, a minute amount of the carboxyl-terminal peptide of human osteocalcin (BGP), a biomarker for bone metabolism, was quantified utilizing antigen-dependent stabilization of an antibody variable region (OS principle). In a short analysis time (similar to 12 min), we could attain a detection limit comparable to that of the microplate-based OS ELISA (1 mu g L(-1)). In addition, the effects of several pretreatments for serum-derived samples were investigated: an albumin absorption resin, addition of a protease inhibitor cocktail and heat treatment. Each pretreatment was found to be effective. Consequently, intrinsic BGP and its fragments could be detected in healthy human serum with a superior detection limit and working range compared to those of the conventional competitive ELISA method.



  • Femto Liquid Chromatography with Attoliter Sample Separation in the Extended Nanospace Channel

    Masaru Kato, Masanori Inaba, Takehiko Tsukahara, Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   82 ( 2 ) 543 - 547  2010年01月  [査読有り]


    A liquid chromatography system, comprising a separation column with a width and depth of a few hundred nanometers, wits fabricated on a glass microchip (femto liquid chromatography, fLC). The size of this system was approximately 10(11) times smaller than that of a conventional LC system, the flow rate was subpicoliter/minute, and the injection volume was a few hundred attoliters. The fLC system did not require packing stationary phase and was capable of separating solutes with different molecular charges (fluorescein and sulforhodamine B) that could not be separated on a conventional LC column whose surface was covered with the same functional group as that of the column of the fLC system. ne fLC system represented herein overcomes limitations of conventional chromatography separation, namely, heterogeneity of the stationary phases and eddy diffusion. Scale-down of the chromatography system brought advantages not only in reduction of sample volume but also in separation efficiency. The fLC system can analyze a very small amount of sample with high efficiency and will be useful in analyzing small samples, such as single cells and synaptic clefts. fLC greatly influences and benefits various fields such as life sciences, medicine, environmental science, and manufacturing by the improvement of separation technology.



  • Integrated extended-nano chemical systems on a chip

    Takehiko Tsukahara, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS   39 ( 3 ) 1000 - 1013  2010年  [査読有り]


    In a past decade, new research fields utilizing microfluidics have been formed. General microintegration methods were proposed, and the supporting fundamental technologies were widely developed. These methodologies made various applications in analytical and chemical synthesis fields, and their superior performances such as rapid, simple, and high efficient processing have been proved. Recently, the space is further downscaling to the 10(1)-10(2) nm scale (extended-nano space). The extended-nano space is located between conventional nanotechnology (10(0)-10(1) nm) and microtechnology (&gt;1 mu m), and the research tools are not well established. In addition, the extended-nano space is a transient space from single molecules to bulk condensed phase, and fluidics and chemistry are unknown. For these purposes, basic methodologies were developed, and new specific phenomena in fluidics and chemistry were found. These new phenomena were applied to unique chemical operations such as concentration and ion selection. The new research fields are now being created which are quite different with those in microspace. In this tutorial review, we focus on the basic researches in extended- nano space and survey the fundamental technologies for extended- nano space and reported specific liquid properties. Then, several unique chemical operations utilizing the properties are introduced. Finally, we show the future perspectives by showing the problems to be solved and illustrating the applications in development and in near future.



  • Streaming potential/current measurement system for investigation of liquids confined in extended-nanospace

    Kyojiro Morikawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Masaru Kato, Takehiko Tsukahara, Takehiko Kitamori

    LAB ON A CHIP   10 ( 7 ) 871 - 875  2010年  [査読有り]


    The extended-nanospace, a space on the scale of 10(1)-10(3) nm, is mostly unexplored due to the lack of sufficient experimental technology. Recently, the research of liquid properties in the extended-nanospace has gathered much interest, because the behavior of water molecules in this space is between that of liquid-like bulk phase water molecules and single molecules. Due to the large surface-to-volume ratio in the channel, the surface charge of the wall directly affects the water structure and ion distribution. The streaming potential/current measurement method, which is used to evaluate surface states directly, is an important and useful method to investigate the liquid properties. In this paper, we report a new method for measuring the streaming potential/current in size-controlled 2D extended-nanospace on glass substrate. Nano-in-microfluidic systems were fabricated on fused-silica glass substrates, and the liquid was air-driven using a pressure controller. An equivalent circuit of the detection system was designed to selectively detect the potential and current in the extended-nanospace. The basic measurement principle was verified using several different experiments. The absolute values obtained for the potential and current were also compared with the theoretical values for various channel sizes (360-1650 nm), and good agreement was observed for micrometre-scale channels. This technique will be valuable for the investigation of chemistry and fluidics in the extended-nanospace.



  • Microbead-based rolling circle amplification in a microchip for sensitive DNA detection

    Kae Sato, Atsuki Tachihara, Bjorn Renberg, Kazuma Mawatari, Kiichi Sato, Yuki Tanaka, Jonas Jarvius, Mats Nilsson, Takehiko Kitamori

    LAB ON A CHIP   10 ( 10 ) 1262 - 1266  2010年  [査読有り]


    The sensitive detection and quantification of DNA targets in the food industry and in environmental and clinical settings are issues of utmost importance in ensuring contamination-free food, monitoring the environment, and battling disease. Selective probes coupled with powerful amplification techniques are therefore of major interest. In this study, we set out to create an integrated microchemical chip that benefits from microfluidic chip technology in terms of sensitivity and a strong detection methodology provided jointly by padlock probes and rolling circle amplification (RCA). Here, we have integrated padlock probes and RCA into a microchip. The chip uses solid phase capture in a microchannel to enable washing cycles and decrease analytical area, and employs on-bead RCA for single-molecule amplification and detection. We investigated the effects of reagent concentration and amount of padlock probes, and demonstrated the feasibility of detecting Salmonella.



  • An efficient surface modification using 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine to control cell attachment via photochemical reaction in a microchannel

    Kihoon Jang, Kae Sato, Yo Tanaka, Yan Xu, Moritoshi Sato, Takahiro Nakajima, Kazuma Mawatari, Tomohiro Konno, Kazuhiko Ishihara, Takehiko Kitamori

    LAB ON A CHIP   10 ( 15 ) 1937 - 1945  2010年  [査読有り]


    This report describes a direct approach for cell micropatterning in a closed glass microchannel. To control the cell adhesiveness inside the microchannel, the application of an external stimulus such as ultraviolet (UV) was indispensible. This technique focused on the use of a modified 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer, which is known to be a non-biofouling compound that is a photocleavable linker (PL), to localize cells via connection to an amino-terminated silanized surface. Using UV light illumination, the MPC polymer was selectively eliminated by photochemical reaction that controlled the cell attachment inside the microchannel. For suitable cell micropatterning in a microchannel, the optimal UV illumination time and concentration for cell suspension were investigated. After selective removal of the MPC polymer through the photomask, MC-3T3 E1 cells and vascular endothelial cells (ECs) were localized only to the UV-exposed area. In addition, the stability of patterned ECs was also confirmed by culturing for 2 weeks in a microchannel under flow conditions. Furthermore, we employed two different types of cells inside the same microchannel through multiple removal of the MPC polymer. ECs and Piccells were localized in both the upper and down streams of the microchannel, respectively. When the ECs were stimulated by adenosine triphosphate (ATP), NO was secreted from the ECs and could be detected by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in Piccells, which is a cell-based NO indicator. This technique can be a powerful tool for analyzing cell interaction research.



  • Extended-nano fluidic systems for analytical and chemical technologies

    Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Tsukahara, Yasuhiko Sugii, Takehiko Kitamori

    NANOSCALE   2 ( 9 ) 1588 - 1595  2010年  [査読有り]


    Recently, integrated chemical systems have been further downscaled to the 10(1)-10(3) nm scale, which we call extended-nano space. The extended-nano space is a transient space from single molecules to bulk condensed phase, and fluidics and chemistry have not been explored. One of the reasons is the lack of research tools for the extended-nano space, because the space locates the gap between the conventional nanotechnology (10(0)-10(1) nm) and microtechnology (&gt;1 mu m). For these purposes, basic methodologies were developed such as nanofabrication, fluidic control, detection methods, and surface modification methods. Especially, fluidic control is one of the important methods. By utilizing the methodologies, new specific phenomena in fluidics and chemistry were reported, and the new phenomena are increasingly applied to unique applications. Microfluidic technologies are now entering new research phase combined with the nanofluidic technologies. In this review, we mainly focus on pressure-driven or shear-driven extended-nano fluidic systems and illustrate the basic nanofluidics and the representative applications.



  • Microfluidic Solvent Extraction of Copper for Mineral Processing

    Jingfang Zhou, Craig Priest, Rossen Sedev, John Ralston, Arata Aota, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    MNHMT2009, VOL 2     185 - 188  2010年  [査読有り]


    Solvent extraction of copper has been explored in a microfluidic chip (mu SX). The transfer efficiency and rate of phase separation in mu SX were compared to that achieved using conventional methods (bulk dispersion) both with and without fine silica particles present. Using the microfluidic approach, transfer efficiency was comparable to that achieved in conventional extraction. Phase separation is slow or totally arrested in bulk extraction, while instantaneous phase separation was achieved in mu SX, even at high particle concentrations.

  • Development of a Differential Interference Contrast Thermal Lens Microscope for Sensitive Individual Nanoparticle Detection in Liquid

    Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   81 ( 23 ) 9802 - 9806  2009年12月  [査読有り]


    A thermal lens microscope (TLM) with a new principle was developed to improve the detection limit of conventional TLM. The detection limit was decreased by introducing a differential interference contrast (DIC) method which realizes background-free photodetection. The new differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM) exploits phase contrast resulting from a photothermal effect instead of refraction used in conventional TLM. In order to produce high phase contrast, we fabricated a pair of DIC prisms with a large shear value of 5 mu m which is in accordance with the thermal diffusion length. First, we verified the principle of DIC-TLM. The background of TLM measurement was reduced to 1/100 by differential interference, and the signal-to-background (S/B) ratio was improved by I order of magnitude. The signal was confirmed to originate from phase contrast, and the expansion of the shear value was effective. Furthermore, we demonstrated counting of individual gold nanoparticles (5 nm) using DIC-TLM. The particles were counted with high signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, and the S/N ratio was improved by 1 order of magnitude. Finally, we discuss the possibility of single molecule counting in a liquid.



  • Graft linker immobilization for spatial control of protein immobilization inside fused microchips

    Kentaro Shirai, Bjorn Renberg, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Tomohiro Konno, Kazuhiko Ishihara, Takehiko Kitamori

    ELECTROPHORESIS   30 ( 24 ) 4251 - 4255  2009年12月  [査読有り]


    Fused silica glass microchips have several attractive features for lab-on-a-chip applications; they can be machined with excellent precision down to nanospace; are stable; transparent and can be modified with a range of silanization agents to change channel surface properties. For immobilization, however, ligands must be added after bonding, since the harsh bonding conditions using heat or hydrofluoric acid would remove all prior immobilized ligands. For spatial control over immobilization, UV-mediated immobilization offers several advantages; spots can be created in parallel, the feature size can be made small, and spatial control over patterns and positions is excellent. However, UV sensitive groups are often based on hydrophobic chemical moieties, which unfortunately result in greater non-specific binding of biomolecules, especially proteins. Here, we present techniques in which any -CH(x) (x = 1,2,3) containing surface coating can be used as foundation for grafting a hydrophilic linker with a chemical anchor, a carboxyl group, to which proteins and amine containing molecules can be covalently coupled. Hence, the attractive features of many well-known protein and biomolecule repelling polymer coatings can be utilized while achieving site-specific immobilization only to pre-determined areas within the bonded microchips.



  • Development of a Micro-Potentiometric Sensor for the Microchip Analysis of Alkali Ions

    Adelina Smirnova, Kazuma Mawatari, Hiroko Takahashi, Yo Tanaka, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES   25 ( 12 ) 1397 - 1401  2009年12月  [査読有り]


    This paper reports on the development of a micro-potentiometric sensor based on external microelectrodes introduced into a microchip. We miniaturized reference and ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) and embedded them into a plastic (PDMS) microchip; the miniaturization of ISE was attained by using a monolithic capillary-based membrane. This sensor was applied to the detection of alkali ions (Na(+), K(+) and NH(4+)) in a microflow on the mu g/L level.



  • Electrochemical studies on liquid properties in extended nanospaces using mercury microelectrodes

    Takehiko Tsukahara, Takuya Kuwahata, Akihide Hibara, Haeng-Boo Kim, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ELECTROPHORESIS   30 ( 18 ) 3212 - 3218  2009年09月  [査読有り]


    We developed a novel nanofluidic chip equipped with mercury microelectrodes, which enables electrochemical measurements to be made in 10-100 nm scale spaces (called extended nanospaces), and evaluated the performances. The effects of both space sizes and concentrations on the conductance (G) values of KCl solutions in extended nanospaces (216-5000 nm) were examined using impedance spectrometry. We found that the experimental G values in the extended nanospaces decreased non-linearly with decreasing KCl concentrations in the range of 10(-2) to 10(-7) M and could be explained by theoretical model taking account of surface charge density of on a glass surface. This was found to result from enhancement of proton concentrations of the confined solution owing to fast proton exchange between SiOH groups on surfaces and water. Moreover, the G values provided the specific resistance and capacitance of KCl solutions in the extended nanospaces. These results showed that the viscosity of KCl solutions increased by size-confinement and that the viscosity of solution in 216 rim-sized extended nanospaces became about 2.8 times as large as that of bulk solution. We concluded that the developed nanofluidic chip becomes a new experimental tool for demonstrating confinement-induced nanospatial electrochemical properties of liquids.



  • NMR Studies of Structure and Dynamics of Liquid Molecules Confined in Extended Nanospaces

    Takehiko Tsukahara, Wataru Mizutani, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B   113 ( 31 ) 10808 - 10816  2009年08月  [査読有り]


    We fabricated an NMR cell equipped with 10-100 nm scale spaces oil a glass substrate (called extended nanospaces), and investigated molecular structure and dynamics of water confined in the extended nanospaces by (1)H NMR chemical shift (delta(H)) and (1)H and (2)H NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate ((1)H- and (2)H-1/T(1)), (1)H NMR spin-spin relaxation rate ((1)H-1/T(2)), and (1)H NMR rotating-frame spin-lattice relaxation rate ((1)H-1/T(1 rho)) measurements of H(2)O and (2)H(2)O. The delta(H) and (1)H- and (2)H-1/T(1) results showed that size-confinement produces slower translational motions and higher proton mobility of water, but does not affect the hydrogen-bonding structure and rotational motions. Such unique phenomena appeared in the space size of 40 to 800 nm. However, the (1)H-1/T(1) value at 40 nm was still different from that in 4 nm porous nanomaterial, because translational and rotational motions were inhibited for H(2)O molecules in the nanomaterial. By examining temperature- and deuterium-dependence of the (1)H-1/T(1) values, the molecular translational motions of the confined water were found to be controlled by protonic diffusion invoking a proton hopping pathway between adjacent water rather than hydrodynamic translational diffusion. Furthermore, we clarified that proton exchange between adjacent water molecules in extended nanospaces could be enhanced by the chemical exchange of protons between water and SiOH groups on glass surfaces, ( SiO(-)center dot center dot center dot H(+)center dot center dot center dot H(2)O) + H(2)O -&gt; SiO(-) + (H(3)O(+) + H(2)O) -&gt; SiO(-) + (H(2)O + H(3)O(+)), based on (1)H-1/T(2) measurements. An enhancement of proton exchange rate of water due to the reduction of space sizes was verified from the results of (1)H-1/T(1 rho) values, and the rate of water in the 100 nm sized spaces is larger by a factor of more than ten from that of bulk water. Such size-confinement effects were distinctly observed for hydrogen-bond solvents with strong proton-donating ability, while they did not appear for aprotic and nonpolar solvent cases. Based oil these NMR results, we suggested that ail intermediate phase, in which protons migrate through a hydrogen-bonding network and the water molecules are loosely coupled within 50 nm from the Surface, exists mainly in extended nanospaces. This model could be supported by a three-phase theory based oil the weight average of three phases invoking the bulk, adsorbed, and intermediate phases.



  • The Direct Synthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide (ca. 5 wt %) from Hydrogen and Oxygen by Microreactor Technology

    Tomoya Inoue, Kenichiro Ohtaki, Yoshikuni Kikutani, Koichi Sato, Masateru Nishioka, Satoshi Hamakawa, Kazuma Mawatari, Fujio Mizukami, Takehiko Kitamori

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   38 ( 8 ) 820 - 821  2009年08月  [査読有り]


    5 wt % hydrogen peroxide was achieved by direct synthesis from hydrogen and oxygen at room temperature and 1.0 MPa, in a glass-fabricated microreactor designated for gas-liquid-solid reaction with ideal gas-liquid distribution to the catalyst packed bed.



  • Hands on: thermal bonding of nano- and microfluidic chips

    Bjoern Renberg, Kae Sato, Takehiko Tsukahara, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    MICROCHIMICA ACTA   166 ( 1-2 ) 177 - 181  2009年07月  [査読有り]


    Fused silica microchips have several attractive features; they are stable, transparent and allow fabrication with immense precision, also of nanochannels, which make them good candidates for both micro- and nanofluidics. Although fused silica microchips have been around for years, the single most difficult fabrication step, thermal bonding, remains a major hurdle. However, thermal bonding can be mastered by observing some simple rules. We provide an illustrated, step-by-step guide on how to prepare glass and fused silica microchips, pointing out pitfalls and advising correct manners for successful thermal bonding.



  • Lateral spatial resolution of thermal lens microscopy during continuous scanning for nonstaining biofilm imaging

    T. T. J. Rossteuscher, A. Hibara, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS   105 ( 10 ) 102030  2009年05月


    The possible application of continuous scanning thermal lens microscopy (TLM) as alternative online biofilm observation method is studied. As biofilm is a heterogeneous sample, the influence of spatially limited thermal flow at the sample heterogeneities and the biofilm-environment border has to be considered. The influence of the edges on the lateral resolution with respect to scanning velocity during continuous scanning TLM was therefore evaluated. Lateral scanning experiments on 100 nm thin gold stripes showed that the maximum scan speed can be predicted from a time constant of a lock-in amplifier and the beamwidth. Since three-dimensional mapping is needed to fully characterize the biofilm structure, depth scanning experiments with stained 4 mu m thick polystyrene samples with the coaxial TLM setup were evaluated for signal width at full width at half maximum. Thus, a minimum step width for depth scanning of 10 mu m for observation has been acquired. A three-dimensional image of unstained biofilm grown in a flow chamber was acquired using continuous scanning TLM.

    DOI CiNii


  • Surface modification by 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine coupled to a photolabile linker for cell micropatterning

    Kihoon Jang, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Tomohiro Konno, Kazuhiko Ishihara, Takehiko Kitamori

    BIOMATERIALS   30 ( 7 ) 1413 - 1420  2009年03月  [査読有り]


    This report describes a new surface-treatment technique for cell micropatterning. Cell attachment was selectively controlled on the glass surface using a photochemical reaction. This strategy is based on combining 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer, which is known to reduce nonspecific adsorption, and a photolabile linker (PI.) for selective cell patterning. The MPC polymer was coated directly on the glass surface using a straightforward surface modification method, and was removed by ultraviolet (UV) light illumination. All the surface mollification steps were evaluated using static water contact angle measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), measurements of non-specific protein adsorption, and the cell attachment test. After selective cleavage of the MPC polymer through the photomask, cells attached only to the UV-illuminated region where the MPC polymer was removed, which made the hydrophilic surface relatively hydrophobic. Furthermore, the size of the MC-3T3 E1 cell patterns could be controlled by single cell level. Stability of the cell micropatterns was demonstrated by culturing MC-3T3 E1 cell patterns for 5 weeks on glass slide. The micropatterns were stable during culturing; cell viability also was verified. This method can be a powerful tool for cell patterning research. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Integration of immunoassay into extended nanospace

    Ryu Kojima, Kazuma Mawatari, Bjoern Renberg, Takehiko Tsukahara, Takehiko Kitamori

    MICROCHIMICA ACTA   164 ( 3-4 ) 307 - 310  2009年03月  [査読有り]


    We report on the first successful miniaturization of sandwich immunoassay into an extended nanospace channel for the detection of alpha-fetoprotein. A fused silica microchip with a nanochannel flanked by two microchannels, to facilitate liquid handling, was constructed using photo- and electron beam lithography, ICP and thermal bonding. Reagents could be selectively introduced into the nanochannel and the flow be stopped by using a pressure controller that alternatively opened and closed inlet and outlet ports. The construction and handling of the nano-in-microchip device for immunoassay is described.



  • Circulation microchannel for liquid-liquid microextraction

    Yoshikuni Kikutani, Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    MICROCHIMICA ACTA   164 ( 3-4 ) 241 - 247  2009年03月  [査読有り]


    A new method has been developed for liquid-liquid microextraction utilizing a circulation microchannel. A glass microchemical chip having a circular shallow microchannel in contact with a surrounding deeper microchannel was fabricated by a two-step photolithographic wet-etching technique. Surface modification reagent was selectively introduced to the shallow channel by utilizing capillary force, and the surface of the shallow channel was selectively made hydrophobic. With the aid of the hydrophobic/hydrophilic surface patterning, it was possible to keep organic solvent in the circular channel while the aqueous sample solution was continuously flowing in the deep channel. As a result, concentration extraction from sample solution to stationary extractant with a nanoliter scale volume became possible. Concentration extraction has been difficult in a multiphase continuous flow. Function of the newly developed microextraction system was verified with methyl red as a test sample, and concentration extraction to reach equilibrium was successfully carried out. A novel surface modification method utilizing frozen liquid as a masking material was also developed as a reverse process to make the shallow channel hydrophilic and the deep channel hydrophobic. Visualization of circulation motion inside the circular shallow channel induced by flow in the deep channel was observed with a particle tracing method.



  • Phase separation of gas-liquid and liquid-liquid microflows in microchips

    Arata Aota, Kazuma Mawatari, Susumu Takahashi, Teruki Matsumoto, Kazuteru Kanda, Ryo Anraku, Akihide Hibara, Manabu Tokeshi, Takehiko Kitamori

    MICROCHIMICA ACTA   164 ( 3-4 ) 249 - 255  2009年03月  [査読有り]


    Phase separation of gas-liquid and liquid-liquid microflows in microchannels were examined and characterized by interfacial pressure balance. We considered the conditions of the phase separation, where the phase separation requires a single phase flow in each output of the microchannel. As the interfacial pressure, we considered the pressure difference between the two phases due to pressure loss in each phase and the Laplace pressure generated by the interfacial tension at the interface between the separated phases. When the pressure difference between the two phases is balanced by the Laplace pressure, the contact line between the two phases is static. Since the contact angle characterizing the Laplace pressure is restricted to values between the advancing and receding contact angles, the Laplace pressure has a limit. When the pressure difference between the two phases exceeds the limiting Laplace pressure, one of the phases leaks into the output channel of the other phase, and the phase separation fails. In order to experimentally verify this physical picture, microchips were used having a width of 215 mu m and a depth of 34 mu m for the liquid-liquid microflows, a width of 100 mu m and a depth of 45 mu m for the gas-liquid microflows. The experimental results of the liquid-liquid microflows agreed well with the model whilst that of the gas-liquid microflows did not agree with the model because of the compressive properties of the gas phase and evaporation of the liquid phase. The model is useful for general liquid-liquid microflows in continuous flow chemical processing.



  • Individual Nanoparticle Detection in Liquids by Thermal Lens Microscopy and Improvement of Detection Efficiency Using a 1-mu m Microfluidic Channel

    Nobuhiro Seta, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES   25 ( 2 ) 275 - 278  2009年02月  [査読有り]


    Nanoparticles are a key material in nanoscience and nanotechnology due to their unique physicochemical properties, so an analytical method is increasingly required. In the present research, we developed a method for individual nanoparticle detection by thermal lens microscopy and microfluidic chips. Pulsed signals were clearly observed, as nanoparticles were passing through the detection volume. The scale of the microfluidic channel was reduced from 100 to 1 mu m to improve the detection efficiency. As a result, a detection efficiency of 100% was demonstrated.



  • Nanochromatography, separation of solutes in extended-nano spaces using pressure-driven flow

    Masanori Inaba, Masaru Kato, Takehiko Tsukahara, Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     845 - 847  2009年


    Separation of small chemicals in the extended nanospace channel (10 1- 102 nm) was achieved using pressure-driven flow when water was used as a mobile phase. These chemicals were separated well by only passing through the nanochannel by the hydrodynamic flow. Theoretical plate number of peak was higher than that of conventional column and it was expected that it will be over 1,000,000 plates by further optimizations. This possibility showed that the nanochromatography system enable the separation of very small sample (atto L scale) with high efficiency. © 2009 CBMS.

  • Micro droplet collider: Its application to micromixer

    Katsuyoshi Takahashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Arata Aota, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1413 - 1415  2009年


    Micro droplet collider on a chip was newly developed. Two droplets were metered by utilizing microchannel structures and hydrophobic pressure barriers called Laplace valves (LVs). One droplet was shot and accelerated from one LV by controlled air pressure. The accelerated droplet successfully collided to the other droplet, which was metered and transported to a chamber beforehand. We applied this concept to micromixer as one demonstration. Mixing of two droplets which had 1:10 volume ratio (totally ∼5 nl) was achieved within 0.5 s, which was more than 6,000-fold faster than that of molecular diffusive mixing. © 2009 CBMS.

  • Capillary condensation and vapor-liquid coexisting process in extended nanospace

    Atsushi Kogo, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Tsukahara, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     836 - 838  2009年


    We succeeded in making thermal driven cyclic flow in a micro-nano chemical chip including vapor-liquid phase transition process. Laplace pressure pushing liquid water into extended nanochannels causes continuous vapor removal from nanochannels to a microchannel and liquid collection into nanochannels. We employed extended nanopillars as a condensation part in order to obtain efficient capillary condensation. We are also trying the application of the cyclic flow as a heat transfer device toward realization of a future nonelectric cooling system "extended nano heat pipe." © 2009 CBMS.

  • Graft linker immobilization for spatial control of antibody immobilization inside fused microchips

    Kentaro Shirai, Björn Renberg, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1566 - 1568  2009年


    A new method for antibody immobilization to the inside of fused silica microchips coated with a protein repelling polymer (2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine polymer, MPC polymer) is described. Antibody patterning is achieved by using a new photoreactive linker which is composed of three-parts: a carboxyl group (-COOH), a hydrophilic PEG spacer and a photoreactive benzophenone. The linker is grafted with UV which introduces free carboxyl groups to the microchannel surface. Antibodies are immobilized to these areas, by using amide bonding between protein -NH2's and linker's -COOH. Patterned anti-BSA antibodies retained functionality and were capable of antigen specific capture. © 2009 CBMS.

  • Plasma separation from whole blood by utilizing Saffman force in a microchip

    Arata Aota, Susumu Takahashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     116 - 118  2009年


    Plasma separation from minute volume of whole blood is essential technnologies. Microchip has a potential to realize it. However, highly separation efficiency and cell-free plasma separation from whole blood has not been realized yet. We focused on radial migration of blood cells by Saffman force, which depends on shear rate. A microchip was designed by considering shear rate and pressure balance between blood channel and plasma channel for preventing hemolysis. Separation efficiency of 65 % was realized without hemolysis and blood cells. Furthermore, the separation plasma was connected with an automatic micro-ELISA system and analyzed. © 2009 CBMS.

  • Surface modification of lipid bilayers in extended-nano space for making artificial intercellular structures

    Hisaki Emon, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Tsukahara, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1524 - 1526  2009年


    We have succeeded in modifying phospholipid bilayers in a few hundreds nanometer-sized channel (we call this extended-nano space) and creating "the biomimetic extended-nano space" which mimics an intercellular structure (from several tens to several hundreds nanometer-spacing). This space will be powerful tools for investigating solution properties and behavior of water molecules close to cell membranes. © 2009 CBMS.

  • Towards single molecule detection in minute volumes - UV-grafted dna probes with padlock probe detection and RCA amplification

    Hui Xi, Björn Renberg, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Mats Nilsson, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1554 - 1556  2009年


    The technique of Immobilizing DNA in extended nano-space (10-1000 nm) was developed. This technique can be used for rolling circle amplification (RCA) and will finally make single DNA detection and nano-immunoassay possible. Here, we combine UV-mediated immobilization to DNA, examine two different methods for immobilization, and couple to padlock probe and RCA. Detection of fluorescence labeled DNA hybridization to RCA demonstrated that DNA analysis in minute volumes succeeded. Our technique can be served to detect single DNA, and we are developing this technique in extended nano-sapce to define the mechnisms of DNA amplification by record RCA in real time. © 2009 CBMS.

  • Evaluation of glass surface state in extended-nano space using streaming potential measurement

    Kyojiro Morikawa, Masaru Kato, Takehiko Tsukahara, Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     839 - 841  2009年


    We developed a measurement method of a streaming potential in a few hundreds nanometer-sized channel (called extended-nano space) and evaluated the relationship between proton and silanol groups on glass surface. We discussed relationship between proton transfer phase [1] and introduced proton by investigating pH dependence. We found unique surface state in extended-nano space for the first time, and this discussion will be important for evaluation of surface reaction. © 2009 CBMS.

  • Development of microchip-based in situ rolling circle amplification for sepsis diagnosis

    Jun Wakabayashi, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Yuki Tanaka, Mats Nilsson, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1097 - 1099  2009年


    Sepsis is caused by bacterial infection and excessive immune response. Since bacteria are ingested into white blood cells, pathogen can be identified by analyzing leukocytes in whole blood and detecting bacterial DNA. We detected mitochondrial DNA, bacterial derived organelle, included in leukocytes, non-adherent cells, to diagnose sepsis. We applied in-situ rolling circle amplification (RCA) to genotyping, and realized in-situ RCA on microchip for the first time. © 2009 CBMS.

  • Measuring refractive indices of liquids in extended-nano space with nano grating channels

    Takuya Murao, Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1506 - 1508  2009年


    Water has been proved to have anomalous physical properties in extended-nano space (10-1000 nm): high viscosity, low dielectric constant [1] and high proton mobility [2]. The information of structure is necessary to understand these phenomena systematically. Then, we chose the refractive index as the parameter related with the structure in extended-nano space. This parameter is also important when we perform measurement which requires it such as thermal lens microscopy in extended-nano space. We developed the method of measuring refractive index with alternating gratings, and measured refractive in extended-nano space and micro space. © 2009 CBMS.

  • Single molecule detection of bacterial genomic DNA using microchip integrated Rolling Circle Amplification

    Atsuki Tachihara, Kae Sato, Björn Renberg, Kazuma Mawatari, Yuki Tanaka, Mats Nilsson, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1076 - 1078  2009年


    We report the first microchip integrated detection of bacterial genomic DNA using padlock probes and Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA). © 2009 CBMS.

  • Microfluidic solvent extraction for mineral processing of complex fluids

    Jingfang Zhou, Craig Priest, Rossen Sedev, John Ralston, Arata Aota, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1865 - 1867  2009年


    Microfluidic solvent extraction was studied as an alternative technique for mineral rocessing. Complex solutions containing sub-micron particles were used to imick the behavior of non-ideal leach solutions. Leach solutions containing particles or surfactant can be slow to phase separate from the organic phase in bulk extractions and, in many cases, phase separation is totally arrested. In contrast, we show that phase separation can be rapidly achieved on a microfluidic chip, even at high particle concentrations. © 2009 CBMS.

  • Development of differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope for single non-fluorescent molecule analysis in nanochannel

    Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of Conference, MicroTAS 2009 - The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1371 - 1373  2009年


    A new thermal lens microscope (TLM) was developed for single non-fluorescent molecule detection. The TLM, differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM) realizes background-free photodetection by interference and exploits phase contrast generated by absorption and thermal relaxation instead of refraction used in conventional TLMs. As a result, a background was reduced to 1/100 and gold nanoparticles (5 nm) were counted as pulse signals with extremely high signal-to-noise ratios (S/N=70). The signals are also recorded in a single molecule measurement. In addition, a precise determination will be possible by combining an extended-nanochannel. © 2009 CBMS.

  • Rapid analysis of methamphetamine in hair by micropulverized extraction and microchip-based competitive ELISA

    Hajime Miyaguchi, Hiroko Takahashi, Toshinori Ohashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Yuko T. Iwata, Hiroyuki Inoue, Takehiko Kitamori

    FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL   184 ( 1-3 ) 1 - 5  2009年01月  [査読有り]


    An automated full-range quantitation method for identifying d-methamphetamine in human hair using a microchip-based ELISA system (microELISA) in combination with a micropulverized extraction method for sample preparation has been developed. An antibody and a peroxidase-linked methamphetamine, both are commercially available, were used for the competitive ELISA assay. Method validation was carried Out using doped hair samples, and segmental analyses of real-case specimens were carried out by both microELISA and LC/MS/MS to verify the reliability and applicability of this new method. Due to the small size of the system and the lack of an evaporation process, sample preparation and quantitation can be accomplished easily and quickly (less than 30 min) in small-scale contamination-free environments. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • A micro-ELISA system for the rapid and sensitive measurement of total and specific immunoglobulin E and clinical application to allergy diagnosis

    Toshinori Ohashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Kae Sato, Manabu Tokeshi, Takehiko Kitamori

    LAB ON A CHIP   9 ( 7 ) 991 - 995  2009年  [査読有り]


    We have developed a novel, practical micro-ELISA system for sensitive and rapid allergy diagnosis. The enzymatic reactions occurred under stopped-flow conditions, resulting in both high precision and high sensitivity. A BSA-biotin-avidin linker was introduced for the immobilization of water-soluble allergens on polystyrene microbeads, enabling immobilization of allergens in sufficient density to provide high sensitivity. Evaluation of the system&apos;s performance showed a good detection limit (2 ng/mL) for total IgE measurement. In addition, a good correlation with a conventional method (CAP method) was demonstrated using human serum samples from 85 allergy patients. Importantly, sample volumes (5 mu L) were 10 times smaller and analysis time (12 min) was &gt; 20 times faster than the conventional method. All procedures were automatically regulated with our simple microfluidic system, and all the fluidic, optic and electronic components were integrated for portability. We believe that our system has the potential to become a very powerful tool, particularly for point-of-care diagnosis.



  • Serial DNA immobilization in micro- and extended nanospace channels

    Bjoern Renberg, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Naokazu Idota, Takehiko Tsukahara, Takehiko Kitamori

    LAB ON A CHIP   9 ( 11 ) 1517 - 1523  2009年  [査読有り]


    That focused arrays, even with a small set of ligands, provide more data than single point experiments is well established in the DNA microarray research field, but microarray technology has yet to be transferred to fused silica microchips. Fused silica microchips have several attractive features such as stability to pressure, solvents, acids and bases, and can be fabricated with minute dimensions, making them good candidates for nanofluidic research. However, due to harsh bonding conditions, DNA ligands must be immobilized after fabrication, thus preventing standard microarray spotting techniques from being used. In this paper, we provide tools for serial DNA immobilization in fused silica microchips using UV. We report the synthesis of a new UV-linker which was used to covalently couple functional DNA oligos to the inside of channels in fused silica microchips. With some simple modifications to our mask aligner, we were able to transfer OHP mask patterns, which allows the creation of basically any pattern in the channels. The functionality of the oligos was measured through the binding of fluorophore-labeled complementary target oligos. We examined parameters influencing DNA immobilization, and carry-over between spots after consecutive immobilizations inside the same channel. We also report the first successful multiple immobilizations of functional DNA oligos inside single channels of extended nanospace depth (460 nm).



  • Parallel multiphase microflows: fundamental physics, stabilization methods and applications

    Arata Aota, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    LAB ON A CHIP   9 ( 17 ) 2470 - 2476  2009年  [査読有り]


    Parallel multiphase microflows, which can integrate unit operations in a microchip under continuous flow conditions, are discussed. Fundamental physics, stabilization methods and some applications are shown.



  • Microfluidic Distillation Utilizing Micro-Nano Combined Structure

    Akihide Hibara, Kunihiko Toshin, Takehiko Tsukahara, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   37 ( 10 ) 1064 - 1065  2008年10月  [査読有り]


    This paper reports a novel distillation method in microchannels. For the gas-liquid separator in the evaporator, hydrophilic-hydrophobic patterned microchannel structure was utilized. In order to control condensation of the vapor, nanopillar structures having a capillary radius of 270 nm were fabricated after the separator. In the nanopillars, vapor pressure is lower than that at a flat liquid surface. An aqueous Solution of 9.0 wt % ethanol was used as a model sample, and concentration of the condensed liquid in the nanopillar was estimated as 19 wt %.



  • Circular dichroism thermal lens microscope in the UV wavelength region (UV-CD-TLM) for chiral analysis on a microchip

    Kazuma Mawatari, Shun Kubota, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   391 ( 7 ) 2521 - 2526  2008年08月  [査読有り]


    We have developed a circular-dichroism thermal lens microscope for UV wavelengths (UV-CD-TLM), for the first time, to realize sensitive chiral analysis on a microchip. Quasi-continuous-wave phase modulation of a pulsed UV laser was used to generate left-circularly polarized light and right-circularly polarized light and to detect the generated TL signal amplitude and phase with a lock-in amplifier. The amplitude and phase were used to determine the concentration and chirality, respectively, of a sample. The basic principle of UV-CD-TLM for chiral analysis on a microchip was verified by measuring aqueous solutions of optically active camphorsulfonic acids (CSA). Lower limits of detection (LOD) were calculated at S/N = 2 and were 8.7 x 10(-4) mol L(-1) (Delta A5.2 x 10(-6) Abs.) for (+)-CSA and 8.4 x 10(-4) mol L(-1) (Delta A=5.0 x 10(-6) Abs.) for (-)-CSA. In terms of number of molecules, LODs for UV-CD-TLM were calculated to be 8.7 fmol and 8.4 fmol, respectively. This is at least three orders of magnitude lower than previously obtained. The applicability of UV-CD-TLM for chiral analysis on a microchip was verified.



  • Development of a pressure-driven nanofluidic control system and its application to an enzymatic reaction

    Takehiko Tsukahara, Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   391 ( 8 ) 2745 - 2752  2008年08月  [査読有り]


    A novel air-pressure-based nanofluidic control system was developed and its performance was examined. We found that the flow in a 100 nm scale nanochannel on a chip (called an extended nanospace channel) could be controlled within the pressure range of 0.003-0.4 MPa, flow rate range of 0.16-21.2 pL/min, and residence time range of 24 ms-32.4 s by using the developed nanofluidic control system. Furthermore, we successfully demonstrated an enzyme reaction in which the fluorogenic substrate TokyoGreen-beta-galactoside (TG-beta-gal) was hydrolyzed to the fluorescein derivative TokyoGreen (TG) and beta-galactose by the action of beta-galactosidase enzyme as a calalyst in a Y-shaped extended nanospace channel. The parameters for the reaction kinetics, such as K (m), V (max) and k (cat), were estimated for the nanofluidic reaction, and these values were compared with the results of bulk and microfluidic reactions. A comparison showed that the enzyme reaction rate in the Y-shaped extended nanospace channel increased by a factor of about two compared with the rates in the bulk and micro spaces. We thought that this nanospatial property resulted from the activated protons of water molecules in the extended nanospace. This assumption was supported by the result that the pH dependence of the maximum enzyme activity in the Y-shaped extended nanospace channel was slightly different from that in the bulk and micro spaces.



  • Flowing thermal lens micro-flow velocimeter

    Yoshikuni Kikutani, Kazuma Mawatari, Kenji Katayama, Manabu Tokeshi, Takashi Fukuzawa, Mitsuo Kitaok, Takehiko Kitamori

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL   133 ( 1 ) 91 - 96  2008年07月  [査読有り]


    A novel micro-flow velocimeter, the flowing thermal lens micro-flow velocimeter (FTL-MFV) is developed in which a photothermally generated local refractive index change (a thermal lens) is utilized as a micro-tracer of flow. Flow velocity is measured from the time required for the thermal lens to travel between two points. Generation and detection of thermal lenses are carried out optically without contacting the flow. By choosing the wavelength of the excitation beam pulse so that it coincides with the absorption band of the solvent used, thermal lenses can be generated without adding anything to the liquid. Synchronous detection using a lock-in amplifier makes detection of thermal lens with a very small temperature rise possible. Thus, with the FTL-MFV, non-contact in situ measurement of flow can be carried out with only slight disturbance to the microfluid. In order to make the sensor small, optical fibers and SELFOC(TM) microlenses are used in focusing the excitation and probe beams. A dynamic range of 25-300 mu L/min is realized in measurement of flow rates in a microchannel. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Numerical analysis of thermal lens effect for sensitive detection on microchips

    Ryo Anraku, Kazuma Mawatari, Manabu Tokeshi, Masatoshi Nara, Takahiro Asai, Akihiko Hattori, Takehiko Kitamori

    ELECTROPHORESIS   29 ( 9 ) 1895 - 1901  2008年05月  [査読有り]


    Thermal lens microscope (TLM) is a sensitive detection method for nonfluorescent molecules and widely applied to detection in a capillary or on a microchip. In this paper, we developed a flexible design tool for TLM systems to meet various applications utilizing a microspace. The TL effect was modeled, including signal processing, and calculated by combining fluidic dynamics and wave optics software. The coincidence of the calculations and experiments was investigated by measuring the effects of optical path length or focus positions of the excitation beams on TL signals which are quite difficult to calculate by a conventional method. Good agreement was shown and the applicability of the TLM design tool was verified.



  • Integration of immunoassay into extended nanospace for analysis at single-molecule level

    Fukashi Hiruma, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Tsukahara, Takehiko Kitamori

    12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference     221 - 223  2008年


    We report a novel ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) system utilizing extended nanospace (3μm wide and 300 nm deep) for analysis at singlemolecule level. Nanofabrication, nanofluidic system and detector (thermal lens microscope, TLM) were realized. Repeatable immunoassay format was developed by chemisorption of capture antibody at glass wall. The performance was evaluated, and LOD of 20 molecules (60 pL sample volume) were verified. This system will become powerful tool for single cell analysis due to the quite small volume. © 2008 CBMS.

  • Evaluation of water property in extended-nano space using streaming current measurement

    Kyojiro Morikawa, Masaru Kato, Takehiko Tsukahara, Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference     1501 - 1503  2008年


    We developed a measurement method of a streaming current in a few hundreds nanometer-sized channel (called extended-nano space) and suggested that the electric double layer is larger than calculated Debye length. We propose a new model concerning the electric double layer and the proton transfer phase [1] and this model will be an important model for nanofluidics.

  • Study on vapor-liquid phase transition phenomena in extended-nano spaces

    Takehiko Tsukahara, Taku Maeda, Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference     1311 - 1313  2008年


    We have examined size-confinement effects on vapor pressure for water and non-aqueous liquids by analyzing capillary evaporation phenomena. These result have shown that the properties of vapor-liquid phase transition in 10 - 100 nm scale spaces (called extended-nano spaces) were quite different from those in bulk. © 2008 CBMS.

  • Automatic micro-elisa system and application to rapid hsCRP diagnosis

    Toshinori Ohashi, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference     1752 - 1754  2008年


    We developed a fully-automated micro ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) system utilizing beads-based immunoassay format. The ELISA system was applied to hsCRP (high sensitivity C-reactive protein) detection for point-of-care (POC) diagnosis of cardiac infarction or diabetes mellitus. The performance was evaluated with human serum sample, and rapid (8 min), sensitive (50-5000 ng/mL), high precision (3%) and easy handling for general practitioners (fully-automated) was demonstrated. Our system becomes powerful and practical diagnostic tool for POC diagnosis.

  • Development of pressure-driven separation in extended-nano spaces

    Masanori Inaba, Masaru Kato, Takehiko Tsukahara, Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference     1498 - 1500  2008年


    We report velocity measurements of compounds inside extended-nano spaces (101- 102 nm) on a chip using pressure-driven nanofluidic control system. This is the first experimental observation that velocity of compounds differ in nanochannel (near-unity aspect ratio) by hydrodynamic flow. We showed the possibility that pressure-driven separation was efficiently achieved in extended-nano spaces and it open a new pathway for high efficiency separation using nanochannel.

  • Development of differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope for counting individual nonfluorescent molecules

    Hisashi Shimizu, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference     1591 - 1593  2008年


    We present a novel single molecule detection technique using a Differential Interference Contrast Thermal Lens Microscope (DIC-TLM). DIC-TLM detects a phase difference generated by a thermal relaxation and its background-free optical system realizes sensitive detections of non-fluorescent substances. In this paper, we report the single molecule detection of porphyrin by the DIC-TLM.

  • UV-mediated ligand immobilization for multiplexed analysis in extended nanospace channels

    Bjorn Renberg, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Tsukahara, Naokazu Idota, Kae Sato, Takehiko Kitamori

    12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference     1528 - 1530  2008年


    A general method for immobilization of capture ligands in a single channel of extended nanospace depth is reported. For multiplexed analysis in a single channel, several ligands must be immobilized in the same channel. Since the bonding procedure (by heat/ HF) for glass and fused silica chips would destroy the ligands, we designed and synthesized a UV-activated linker for covalent ligand attachment inside the channels after fabrication. A modified mask aligner was used to align OHP or Cr masks to the channels to facilitate immobilization of the DNA capture oligos to pre-defined areas.

  • Selective two-phase mineral separation on a microfluidic chip

    Stefan Klink, Craig Priest, John Ralston, Rossen Sedev, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference     1796 - 1798  2008年


    We have explored microfluidic solvent extraction as a tool for high-throughput mineral separation. The microfluidic extraction efficiency for chromium, compared with bulk extraction, is shown for a range of concentrations and extraction (or contact) times. We also demonstrate selectivity for chromium from a model chromite leach solution and discuss throughput considerations.

  • Microchip-based sensitive and fast gas analysis system by gas/liquid two phase flow and thermal lens microscope

    Kazuma Mawatari, Arata Aota, Yoshikuni Kikutani, Nobuyuki Hanaoka, Takehiko Kitamori

    2008 AIChE Spring National Meeting, Conference Proceedings    2008年


    In modern semiconductor industry, ultra-clean environment is increasingly desired. Controlling ammonia gas concentration in a clean room is particularly important for fine patterning process because ammonia is a basic gas that can form salt with acidic gases and the salts deposited on a photomask turn into haze and deteriorates photo-patterning. In the next decade, control of ammonia concentration in 0.1 ppb level will be required. A discussion covers a sensitive and fast analysis method on a microchip for ammonia gas utilizing microchip technology
    basic performance of the proposed method
    and gas/liquid adsorption and concentration. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 42nd Loss Prevention Symposium (New Orleans, LA 4/6-10/2008).

  • Microchip-based cell analysis and clinical diagnosis system

    Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    LAB ON A CHIP   8 ( 12 ) 1992 - 1998  2008年  [査読有り]


    Cell analysis and clinical diagnosis systems are now becoming the largest field of application for microchip-based analytical systems. Technological advantages include: small volume, fast analysis time, highly integrated analytical functions, easy operation and small size. For these purposes, basic methodologies for general micro-integration and basic technologies, including fluidic control and ultrasensitive detection, are required. In this review, we introduce our approach to the general integration of various analytical functions and the application of cell analysis systems with cultured cells in microchannels, as well as practical analytical systems for clinical diagnosis utilizing human serum samples.



  • Nano ELISA system for highly efficient and sensitive molecular recognition

    Kazuma Mawatari, Ryu Kojima, Björn Renberg, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, uTAS 2007     1607 - 1609  2007年


    We report a novel method for highly efficient and sensitive molecular recognition by realizing ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) in nanospace for the first time. The nanofluidic system for nano ELISA is realized, and the basic principle of ELISA in nanochannels was verified.

  • Development of differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope

    H. Shimizu, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, uTAS 2007     458 - 460  2007年


    We present a new background-free photothermal spectroscopy based on thermal lens microscope (TLM) to realize single molecule counting. For single molecule counting, approximately 20 times increase of sensitivity is necessary compared with conventional TLMs. For this purpose, a new differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope (DIC-TLM) was developed. The basic principle was verified, and sensitivity was proved to be 5 times higher than conventional TLMs. We believe single molecule counting will be possible with some improvements.

  • Observation of biofilm in microchannel with thermal lens microscopy

    T. T.J. Rossteuscher, A. Hibara, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, uTAS 2007     273 - 275  2007年


    In this paper, for the first time, in situ, staining-free biofilm observation with high spatial resolution over a sufficient depth is presented. Biofilm was grown in a well-defined and reproducible way. The application of microfluidics and thermal lens microscopy (TLM) will provide a new powerful tool for the investigation of biofilm control and biofilm removal strategies.

  • Refractive index detector for nanochannel using alternative diffraction grating nanochannel

    Kazuma Mawatari, Kotaro Oda, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, uTAS 2007     473 - 475  2007年


    We report a novel refractive index detector for nanochannels utilizing alternative diffraction grating nanochannels. Reference and sample nanochannels were arranged alternatively, and each channels worked as diffraction gratings. By detecting the intensity of the diffracted beams, we could measure the difference of the refractive index between reference and sample channels. The basic principle was verified for the first time, and the performance was evaluated.

  • Highly sensitive detection of non-labeled peptides using UV excitation thermal lens microscope/liquid chromatography

    Shinichiro Hiki, Manabu Tokeshi, Masaya Kakuta, Kazuma Mawatari, Yoshikuni Kikutani, Kiichi Sato, Akihide Hibara, Kiyohito Shimura, Naoyuki Uchida, Takehiko Kitamori

    BUNSEKI KAGAKU   56 ( 1 ) 1 - 7  2007年01月  [査読有り]


    A UV excitation thermal-lens microscope (UV-TLM) with an excitation beam wavelength of 266 nm and liquid chromatograph (LC) were connected to build a new system (LC/UV-TLM) for the separation and highly sensitive label-free determination of biomolecules, such as peptides. A variation in the composition of the mobile phase with time, as in gradient elution, is very commonly utilized in LC for improved separations. Thermal-lens signals are generally highly dependent on the properties of the media surrounding the photo-absorber. This effect must be carefully considered in such situations where the composition of a solution drastically changes in time. Therefore, we tested the developed LC/UV-TLM system operated in a gradient elution mode, by observing the effects of the variation in the solution composition upon TLM signal intensities. In water/acetonitrile gradient elution, no serious effects were observed as long as the acetonitrile content was less than 40% v/v. We then tested the developed system in the separation of a standard sample solution of mixed synthetic peptides; we found that the developed system was 10-times more sensitive than a conventional system with the spectrophotometer used as a detector.



  • Quantitative detection and fixation of single and multiple gold nanoparticles on a microfluidic chip by thermal lens microscope

    K Mawatari, M Tokeshi, T Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES   22 ( 5 ) 781 - 784  2006年05月  [査読有り]


    A detection and fixation method of single and multiple gold nanoparticles on the wall of a microfluidic channel is demonstrated. A thermal lens microscope (TLM) with continuous-wave excitation (wavelength, 532 nm) and probe (wavelength, 670 nm) laser beams was used to realize the sensitive detection of heat generated by light absorption of individual gold natioparticles (50 nm in diameter); fixation of the individual nanoparticles was realized simultaneously. The fixation mechanism was investigated and attributed to an absorption-based optical force. In addition to single nanoparticle detection, multiple-nanoparticle detection and fixation was demonstrated. An acceleration of fixation was observed when the number of fixed particles was increased. TLM is expected to be a powerful tool for both the quantitative detection and precise fixation of individual nanoparticles.



  • Circular dichroism thermal lens microscope for sensitive chiral analysis on microchip

    M Yamauchi, K Mawatari, A Hibara, M Tokeshi, T Kitamori

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   78 ( 8 ) 2646 - 2650  2006年04月  [査読有り]


    A novel chiral detector, a circular-dichroism thermal lens microscope (CD-TLM), was developed to realize sensitive and selective detection of small volume chiral samples on a microchip. To realize chiral recognition on TLM, an excitation beam was phase-modulated at a frequency of 1.2 kHz, and left-circularly polarized light (LCPL) and right-circularly polarized light (RCPL) were generated. Then, the differential light absorption between LCPL and RCPL, which is the CD effect, was detected as thermal lens signal intensity and phase. As a standard sample, optically active tris(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) [Co(en)(3)]I-3+(3)- aqueous solutions were used for performance evaluations. First, we verified the basic principle for selective chiral analysis by comparing the signals in intensity-modulation and phase-modulation modes of the excitation beam. Also, we found that the g-factor, which is significant for determining enantiomeric excess, agreed well with the value obtained by the CD spectrometer. The limit of detection (LOD) for enantiopure [Co-(en)(3)]I-3+(3)- was 6.3 x 10(-5) M (1.9 X 10(-7) abs) for (-)-Co(en)(3)(3+), and the sensitivity in absorbance units was more than 250 times higher than that in a CD spectrophotometer. Finally, we demonstrated enantiomeric excess determination on a microchip. The LOD was 1.7% (8.5 x 10(-7) abs) for (-)Co(en)(3)(3+) and at least one order superior to the LOD of a CD spectrometer. The applicability of CD-TLM for sensitive chiral analysis on a microchip was verified, and CD-TLM is expected to be promising for microchip-based chiral synthesis and analysis systems.



  • “UV-excitation thermal lens microscope for non-labeled and ultrasensitive detection of non-fluorescent molecules

    S. Hiki, K.Mawatari, A.Hibara, M.Tokeshi, T.Kitamori

    Analytical Chemistry   78 ( 8 ) 2859 - 2863  2006年04月  [査読有り]



  • Micro-multiphase laminar flows for the extraction and detection of carbaryl derivative

    A Smirnova, K Mawatari, A Hibara, MA Proskurnin, T Kitamori

    ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA   558 ( 1-2 ) 69 - 74  2006年02月  [査読有り]


    A new solvent extraction concentration method utilizing microchip technology has been developed. As an important application of this system, carbaryl determination with thermal lens microscope detection was demonstrated. Carbaryl pesticide was hydrolyzed in an alkaline medium to 1-naphthol, was coupled with diazotized trimethylaniline, and, then, was extracted to toluene as a colored azo dye. Two microchips with modified complex-shape microchannels were used for mixing, reaction, extraction, and detection. A thermal lens microscope was used for the detection of the colored product. Optimum conditions for aqueous phase and organic phase flow rates inside the microchannels were identified. The calibration line indicated good linearity for concentrations of 3.4 x 10(-7) to 3.5 x 10(-6) M and a detection limit of 7 x 10(-8) M was obtained. This limit of detection is at least two orders less than LODs for conventional spectrophotometric methods. The results with the present integrated system suggested there was a good potential for implementing an on-site carbaryl analysis system. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Development of handy environmental atmospheric particle measurement device based on on-chip two-channel micro Coulter counter

    Kazuhiro Miyamura, Yoshikuni Kikutani, Kazuma Mawatari, Mitsuo Kitaoka, Takehiko Kitamori

    Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2006 Conference: 10th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     485 - 487  2006年


    A handy devise based on on-chip two-channel micro Coulter counters was developed for environmental atmospheric particle measurements. Size of the measurement device was 80 × 180 × 45 mm. It was designed to work with batteries and only 850 g in weight with batteries included. © 2006 Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems.

  • Flowing thermal lens micro flow velocimeter with on-chip microlens and detachable optical fibers

    Yoshikuni Kikutani, Kazuma Mawatari, Kenji Katayama, Yoshinori Matsuoka, Takashi Fukuzawa, Akihiko Hattori, Mitsuo Kitaoka, Manabu Tokeshi, Takehiko Kitamori

    Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2006 Conference: 10th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1271 - 1273  2006年


    Flowing thermal lens micro flow velocimeter (FTL-MFV) is an optical detector for measurement of flow rate in microchannel without disturbing the microfluid. By using optical fibers and micro rod lenses, we have fabricated a series of small FTL-MFVs. In this paper, we report on a FTL-MFV with an on-chip microlens, that we newly developed to simplify optical alignment process needed for FTL-MFV measurements. Performance of FTL-MFV was also improved by using an on-chip microlens. © 2006 Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems.

  • Sensitive chiral analysis method for microchip by circular dichroism UV thermal lens microscope (UV-CD-TLM)

    Kazuma Mawatari, Shun Kubota, Takehiko Kitamori

    Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2006 Conference: 10th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1582 - 1584  2006年


    We report a novel sensitive chiral analysis method for microchip-based synthesis or screening system of chiral compounds based on the circular dichroism (CD) thermal lens microscope (TLM) in UV wavelength region for wide range of chiral analysis: UV-CDTLM. The UV (266 nm) excitation laser beam was phase-modulated and used to detect TL effects for the light absorption of left circularly polarized (LCPL) or right circularly polarized (RCPL) beam. We illustrated the principle of UV-CD-TLM, and more than 5 orders higher sensitivity was verified than that in conventional CD spectrometer. © 2006 Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems.

  • Hydrophobic plating technique for fabrication of MEMS slide valve

    Michio Takayama, Yoshikuni Kikutani, Kazuma Mawatari, Mitsuo Kitaoka, Takehiko Kitamori

    Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2006 Conference: 10th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1118 - 1120  2006年


    Micro slide valves with glass/silicon/glass three-layered structures were fabricated using MEMS technologies. A part of the silicon layer, in which microchannels connecting the top and bottom sides were fabricated, could be slid to switch flow path between microchannels in the two glass layers. In order to suppress leakage, hydrophobic plating technique was applied to the surface of the sliding valves. The valves were tested under pressure of between 0 and 200 kPa. With the hydrophobic Ni plating, water leakage was reduced to 1/50 of that with the non-coated valve. © 2006 Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems.

  • Photothermal spectroscopy using diffraction grating nanochannels for detection in nano space

    Kotaro Oda, Kazuma Mawatari, Sho Asada, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2006 Conference: 10th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences     1274 - 1276  2006年


    We report a new photothermal spectroscopy using diffraction grating nano channels for detection in nano space. Photothermal effect was detected as intensity change of a diffracted probe beam due to refractive index change of heated sample solution inside nanochannels. The concept was verified by nanochannels of ∼nm width × ∼nm depth. The LOD (Limit of Detection) for Sunset Yellow solutions was 1.0×10-5 Abs. Further development to get higher sensitivity utilizing "Alternate diffraction grating method" is now investigated. © 2006 Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems.

  • Reflective thermal lens detection device

    K Mawatari, K Shimoide

    LAB ON A CHIP   6 ( 1 ) 127 - 130  2006年  [査読有り]


    A reflective thermal lens detection device was developed for realizing a portable and sensitive detector for a microsystem. An aluminum mirror was formed on the main plate of a microchip, and a reflected probe beam was detected with a single pick-up unit. The background signal due to light absorption of the aluminum mirror was 60 times reduced when the microchannel and the mirror were separated with an interval of 600 mm. The tilt angle of the microchip significantly affected the precision of the measurement. Then a quadrant photodiode was used to detect the center of gravity of the reflected probe beam to regulate the tilt angle within +/- 0.05 degrees, and this value was enough to achieve 1% CV (coefficient of variance) precision in the measurements. The limit of detection (LOD) was 60 nM for xylene cyanol solution, and the absorbance was 9.4 x 10(-6) AU. About 40 times higher sensitivity was obtained in comparison with a spectrophotometer.



  • Functional thermal lens microscopes for ultrasensitive analysis of non-fluorescent molecules and microchip chemistry

    Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    PHOTONICS NORTH 2006, PTS 1 AND 2   6343  2006年  [査読有り]


    Thermal lens microscope (TLM) is a kind of absorption spectrophotometry based on photothermal phenomena of non-fluorescent molecules. TLM has high sensitivity (single molecule concentration in fL detection volume) and wide applicability (non-fluorescent molecules). TLM was successfully applied to detection on microchip in clinical diagnosis, environmental analysis, single cell analysis and so on. The basic function of TLM is concentration determination in microspace. In addition, we have realized various functions on TLM for sensitive chiral analysis, individual nanoparticle counting and in situ flow sensing. In this presentation, we explain these functional TLMs for microchip chemistry.



  • Development of UV thermal lens microscope (UV-TLM) for ultrasensitive and direct detection of non-labeled biomolecules on a microchip

    Manabu Tokeshi, Shinichiro Hiki, Kazuma Mawatari, Akihide Hibara, Takehiko Kitamori

    Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2005 Conference: 9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences   1   452 - 454  2005年


    This paper describes the development of an ultraviolet thermal lens microscope (UVTLM) that can detect directly non-labeled biomolecules in microchips. The performance of the UV-TLM was evaluated by the limit of detection (LOD) using standard solution of adenine. The LOD for adenine was calculated to be 1.4×10-8 M. This sensitivity was 100 times higher than that obtained by conventional spectrophotometry. Copyright © 2005 by the Transducer Research Foundation, Inc.

  • Development of novel non-contact and in-situ microflow sensor using flowing thermal lens

    Yoshikuni Kikutani, Kazuma Mawatari, Manabu Tokeshi, Takashi Fukuzawa, Mitsuo Kitaoka, Takehiko Kitamori

    Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2005 Conference: 9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences   1   970 - 972  2005年


    Newly developed flowing thermal lens microflow velocimeter, in which photothermally produced local refractive index change was used as a tracer of micro flow, enabled noncontact and in-situ measurement of flow inside a microchemical chip. Characteristics of the flow sensor were investigated. Copyright © 2005 by the Transducer Research Foundation, Inc.

  • Thermal lens signal enhancement by utilizing two excitation laser pulses

    Akihide Hibara, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2005 Conference: 9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences   1   1488 - 1490  2005年


    This paper reports a novel thermal lens microscope utilizing two laser pulses for excitation in order to enhance thermal lens signal via repetitive excitation-relaxation by the second pulse. The two-color excitation thermal lens microscope (TCE-TLM) system showed 80-times higher signal than a single-beam excitation TLM. By controlling duration between the two excitation pulses, TCE-TLM can measure non-radiative lifetime of photoexcited triplet state. The lifetime measurement can be applied to qualitative analysis, which cannot be realized in normal TLM. Copyright © 2005 by the Transducer Research Foundation, Inc.

  • Microscopic radiation-pressure interface deformation method for characterization of micro liquid interfaces

    Akihide Hibara, Takeshi Ikemoto, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2005 Conference: 9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences   1   1140 - 1142  2005年


    A microscopic radiation-pressure interface-deformation method was developed in order to characterize chemical and mechanical properties of liquid interface in microchannels.. In this method, amplitude and phase signals of forced capillary waves induced by periodic irradiation of excitation beam were measured. Validity of this method was demonstrated by measuring critical micellar concentration of surfactant at water / heptane interface. Copyright © 2005 by the Transducer Research Foundation, Inc.

  • Micro distillation system on chip utilizing selective modification gas-liquid separator and capillary condensation in nanostructure

    Akihide Hibara, Kunihiko Toshin, Takehiko Tsukahara, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2005 Conference: 9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences   1   1561 - 1563  2005年


    This paper reports a novel distillation method in microchannel. For gas-liquid separator at evaporation part, hydrophilic-hydrophobic patterned microchannel structure was utilized. In order to control condensation of the evaporated vapor, nanopillar structures were fabricated after the separator. In the nanopillars, vapor pressure is lower than that at flat liquid surface, which is so-called capillary condensation. An aqueous solution of 10% ethanol was used as a model sample, and clear gas-liquid separation and condensation in the nanopillar were observed. Copyright © 2005 by the Transducer Research Foundation, Inc.

  • Circular dichroism thermal lens microscope for sensitive and selective detection of chiral samples on microchip

    Kazuma Mawatari, Masayo Yamauchi, Akihide Hibara, Manabu Tokeshi, Takehiko Kitamori

    Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2005 Conference: 9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences   1   1035 - 1037  2005年


    Thermal lens microscope (TLM) is a kind of absorption spectrometry with a sensitivity of single molecules in fL detection volume. In this paper, we report a newly functionalized TLM for selective and sensitive detection of chiral samples. We developed a circular dichroism (CD) thermal lens microscope by light phase modulation. We verified the basic principle and achieved two orders higher sensitivity than CD spectrometer. Copyright © 2005 by the Transducer Research Foundation, Inc.

  • UV and circular dichroism thermal lens microscope for integrated chemical systems and HPLC on microchip

    Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering   5953   1 - 8  2005年  [査読有り]


    Thermal lens microscope (TLM) is our original sensitive detector for non-fluorescent molecules in microspace. The principle is based on absorption of light followed by photothermal process. TLM has been successfully applied to sensitive detection on microchip, and TLM enabled various applications combined with microchip technologies. We are now developing HPLC microchips as one of the important separation techniques for analysis and synthesis. For HPLC microchip systems, direct and sensitive UV detection on microchip becomes key technology. Therefore, we extended applicability of TLM from visible to UV light absorbing samples by pulse UV laser excitation (UV-TLM). Quasi-continuous wave (QCW) method was applied for lock-in amplifier detection. By applying UV-TLM for biomolecules separation and detection, about two orders of higher sensitivity was achieved compared with UV spectrophotometer. For synthesis on microchip, recognition and detection of chiral samples become important in pharmaceutical field. Therefore, function of TLM was extended for selective detection of chiral samples by utilizing polarization modulation of excitation beam and resultant circular dichroism of sample (CD-TLM). The chirality of samples was detected selectively on microchip with two orders higher sensitivity than CD spectrophotometer. Finally, we explained the instrumentation using fiber optics and micro lens technology for achieving a miniaturized practical device.



  • Individual nano-particles detection on microchip by thermal lens microscope

    K Mawatari, S Hiki, A Hibara, M Tokeshi, T Kitamori

    Micro Total Analysis Systems 2004, Vol 2   ( 297 ) 434 - 436  2005年  [査読有り]


    Thermal lens microscope (TLM) is an ultra-sensitive method for detecting non-fluorescent samples in microspace. TLM is a kind of optical absorption spectrophotometry with comparable sensitivity to the laser induced fluorescence method. In this presentation, the applicability of TLM was extended from visible to ultraviolet (UV) light absorbing samples by UV laser excitation. The flow velocity was investigated for optimizing the sensitivity. The detection limit of 9.2 x 10-7 in absorbance unit was obtained and about 2 orders of magnitude superior to spectrophotometry: In addition, TLM was further developed for individual nanoparticles counting with visible laser excitation. Individual gold nanoparticles of 15 nm in diameter could be detected, and the detection limit of 5 nm, that was about 1 order lower in diameter than laser scattering method, was obtained.

  • Portable thermal lens spectrometer with focusing system

    K Mawatari, Y Naganuma, K Shimoide

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   77 ( 2 ) 687 - 692  2005年01月  [査読有り]


    A portable thermal lens spectrometer with a precise focusing system was developed. Astigmatism of the reflected excitation beam from the microchip was used for depth direction focusing. For width direction focusing, the scattering effect of the transmitted probe beam by a microchannel edge was used. The focusing system was evaluated with a 250 mum wide x 50 mum deep microchannel. Focusing resolutions for depth and width directions were 1 and 10 mum, respectively. The repeatability of the thermal lens signal (40 muM xylenecyanol solution) was proved to be similar to1% coefficient of variance when using these focusing methods. The limit of detection for a xylenecyanol solution was 30 nM, and the absorbance was 4.7 x 10(-6) AU. The sensitivity was 20-100 times higher than that obtained by spectrophotometry. In consequence, a practical thermal lens spectrometer was realized.



  • “Individual Detection of Single-Nanometer-Sized Particles in Liquid by Photothermal Microscope

    K.Mawatari, T.Kitamori, T. Sawada

    Analytical Chemistry   70 ( 23 ) 5037 - 5041  1998年12月  [査読有り]



  • 光熱変換分光法とマイクロ・ナノ流体デバイスへの展開

    津山慶之,馬渡和真( 担当範囲: 先端分析法第2版 第2章第3節)

    (株)エヌ・ティー・エス  2021年

  • 分析化学II(分光分析)

    馬渡, 和真, 一木, 隆範, 清水, 久史, 火原, 彰秀, 溝口, 照康, 東京大学工学教程編纂委員会

    丸善出版  2020年03月 ISBN: 9784621304990

  • ナノ計測診断デバイス

    馬渡 和真( 担当: 共著)

    科学技術・研究開発の国際比較2017年版、(独)科学技術振興機構  2017年

  • 計測診断デバイス

    馬渡 和真( 担当: 共著)

    科学技術・研究開発の国際比較2015年版、(独)科学技術振興機構  2015年

  • Micro and Extended-Nano Fluidics and Optics for Chemical and Bioanalytical Technology

    K.Mawatari, Y.Pihosh, Y.Kazoe, H.Shimizu, T.Kitamori( 担当: 共著)

    Progress in Nanophotonics 2, Springer  2015年

  • Extended-Nano Fluidic Systems for Chemistry and Biotechnology

    K.Mawatari, Y. Kazoe, T. Tsukahara, Y. Tanaka, D. Phlip, T. Kitamori( 担当: 共著)

    Imperial College Press  2012年

  • マイクロ流体デバイスによる生体情報センシングおよび臨床検査分析

    馬渡和真, 北森武彦( 担当: 共著)

    先端バイオマテリアルハンドブック, NTS  2012年

  • 震災後の工学は何をめざすのか

    馬渡 和真( 担当: 共著,  担当範囲: 第6章第1節、第6章第2節)

    内田老鶴圃  2012年

  • バイオデバイス

    馬渡 和真( 担当: 共著)

    科学技術・研究開発の国際比較2011年、(独)科学技術振興機構  2011年

  • 光熱変換分光法

    馬渡 和真( 担当: 共著)

    科学技術・研究開発の国際比較2009、(独)科学技術振興機構  2009年

  • 分析システムの集積化

    馬渡 和真( 担当: 共著)

    化学のフロンティア、化学同人  2009年

  • レーザー・光検出

    馬渡 和真( 担当: 共著)

    マイクロ・ナノ化学チップと医療・環境・バイオ分析、NTS  2009年

  • 熱レンズ顕微鏡

    馬渡 和真( 担当: 共著)

    レーザー分光分析、丸善(株)  2009年

  • Detection using thermal lensing

    馬渡 和真( 担当: 共著)

    Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics, Springer  2008年

  • 熱レンズ顕微鏡(TLM)

    馬渡 和真

    ナノバイオ大辞典、テクノシステム  2007年

  • 熱レンズ顕微鏡とマイクロ化学チップ分析システム

    馬渡 和真( 担当: 共著)

    光科学研究の最前線、国際文献社  2005年

  • マイクロチップを用いた環境粒子計測

    馬渡 和真( 担当: 共著)

    マイクロリアクタテクノロジー、NTS  2005年

  • 熱レンズ顕微鏡とマイクロ・ナノ化学チップ

    馬渡 和真( 担当: 共著)

    光科学研究の最前線2, ミュージアム図書 



  • (Plenary) 10th Shanghai International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry


    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • Macro-to-micro concentration devices for microfluidics

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    IEEE Nanomedicine 2023  

    発表年月: 2023年12月

  • Nano-bubble valve

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • ナノフルイディクスと溶液物性

    馬渡和真  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2023年06月

  • ナノ溶液化学・分析化学のための超微量液体光計測

    馬渡和真  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • Micro and Nano Fluidic Technology for Ultrasensitive Chemical Analysis

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    AIMA-VINALAB symposium 2023  

    発表年月: 2023年03月

  • ナノ流体工学で明らかにする10-100nm空間の溶液物性と構造

    馬渡和真  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • マクロ/マイクロ/ナノ融合流体工学による医療診断とバイオ分析の高度化

    馬渡和真  [招待有り]

    第4回Skin Disease Research Conference  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • Nanofluidic diffractometry for 10-100 nm nanofluidic science and analytical chemistry

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    The 23rd Annual Meeting of the China Association for Science and Technology  

    発表年月: 2021年09月

  • ナノ流体デバイス技術

    馬渡和真  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2020年12月

  • マイクロフルイディクスによる分析・診断技術の革新

    馬渡 和真  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2020年09月

  • マイクロナノ流体デバイスの極限を目指して

    馬渡 和真  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2020年09月

  • ナノ流体デバイスとシステム

    馬渡 和真  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2019年12月

  • Keynote: Nanofluidic engineering for ultrasensitive analytical technologies

    馬渡 和真  [招待有り]

    Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis  

    発表年月: 2019年10月

  • Keynote: Ultrasensitive non-label detection method for nanofluidics using nanochannel optical diffraction

    馬渡 和真  [招待有り]

    Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis  

    発表年月: 2019年10月

  • Invited: Liquid properties and chemical reactions in 100 nm nanochannels,

    馬渡 和真  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2019年09月

  • Invited: Single cell and single protein analysis by nanofluidic technologies

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    RSC Tokyo International Conference 2018  

    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • Invited: Detection technologies of nonfluorescent molecules for extended-nano single cell analytical device

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2018年

  • Invited: Detection Method of Non-fluorescent Molecules for Micro/extended-nano Fluidics and Its Application


    International Symposium on Bioanalysis, Biomedical Engineering and Nanotechnology (ISBBN 2018),  

    発表年月: 2018年

  • Invited: Microfluidics and nanofluidics for analytical chemistry

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    International Symposium on “Application of AnalyticalInstruments in Environmental, Food and Medical Research and Education”  

    発表年月: 2018年

  • Invited: Extended-nano fluidic devices and the unique liquid properties part I

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    応用物理学会 界面ナノ電子化学研究会  

    発表年月: 2017年05月

  • Invited: Extended-nano fluidic devices and the unique liquid properties part II

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    応用物理学会 界面ナノ電子化学研究会  

    発表年月: 2017年03月

  • Invited: Single cell and single molecule analytical technology by micro/extended-nano fluidic device

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2017年

  • Invited: X-ray Diffractometry for Structural Analysis of Water in Nanochannel

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    Microfluidic Compartmentalization Workshop  

    発表年月: 2017年

  • Invited: Living single cell sampling for single cell and single molecule analysis utilizing micro/extended-nano fluidic device

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2017年

  • Invited: Micro/nanofluidic technology for single cell and single protein analysis

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2017年

  • Invited: Single cell and single molecule analytical technology utilizing fL-pL space

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2017年

  • Invited: Extended-nano Fluidic Devices and the Unique Liquid Properties

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    Symposium on Ultra Clean Processing of Semiconductor Surfaces (UCPSS)  

    発表年月: 2016年

  • Invited: Single cell and single molecule analytical devices utilizing nanofluidic technology

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2016年

  • Invited: Ultrasensitive absorptiometry with near-field light for nanofluidic technology

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2015年

  • Invited: Engineering of extended-nano space for single molecule immunoassay

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    International Workshop on Extended-nano Fluidics  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • Invited: Micro and Nano Fluidic Technologies for Analytical Chemistry

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    JAIMA seminar  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • Invited: Single cell and single molecule analytical device by nanofluidic technology and ultrasensitive detection method

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    The 6th Japan-China-Korea Joint Conference on MEMS/NEMS 2015  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • Invited: Liquid properties and device application in extended-nano space

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    KAIST Open seminar  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • Invited: Transport in extended-nano channel and application to single molecule analytical device

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    International Workshop: “Transport in Microscopic Channels: Fundamentals, Engineering, and Application”  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • Invited: Single molecule immunoassay utilizing nanofluidics

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2014年

  • Invited: Extended-nano chemical devices

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    3rd FCC International Symposium  

    発表年月: 2014年

  • Invited: Development of functional analytical devices utilizing micro/extended-nano fluidics

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2014年

  • Invited: Micro/extended-nano fluidics for biotechnology

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    Global Initiatives Symposium  

    発表年月: 2014年

  • Invited: Single molecule immunoassay devices by extended-nano fluidic technology

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    8th International Workshops on Approaches to Single-Cell Analysis  

    発表年月: 2014年

  • Keynote: Analytical devices by nanofluidic technology

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    Royal Australian Chemical Institute National Congress  

    発表年月: 2014年

  • Invited: マイクロフルイディクス技術の紹介

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2014年

  • Invited: 手のひらに化学工場一マイクロ化学チップの機能と原理、何をするか、どう組むか

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2013年

  • Invited: Single molecule analytical device utilizing nanofluidic technology

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2013年

  • Invited: Construction of Bio Extended-Nano Space and Investigation of Liquid Properties

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    JSPS international symposium  

    発表年月: 2013年

  • Invited: 拡張ナノ流体の溶液物性とデバイス応用

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2013年

  • Invited: Extended-nano fluidics and chemistry

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    4th Australia and New Zealand Micro/Nanofluidics Symposium (ANZMNF) and Student Workshop  

    発表年月: 2013年

  • Invited: Optical near field technology for micro and extended-nano fluidics

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    JSPS Japan-Sweden workshop  

    発表年月: 2013年

  • Keynote: Thermal lens microcopy for micro and extended-nano fluidics

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    Dasan conference  

    発表年月: 2013年

  • Invited: 拡張ナノ流体

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2013年

  • Invited: 拡張ナノ空間を用いたaL-fL分析デバイスの開発

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2013年

  • Invited: Micro/Nano Analytical Devices on Chips and Instrumentation for Practical Use

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2012年

  • Invited: Integration of Chemical Processes in Extended Nanospace and Investigation of Unique Liquid Properties

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    12th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences  

    発表年月: 2012年

  • Invited: TiO2ナノ構造を用いた可視光水分解

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2012年

  • Invited: Extended-nano fluidic system for ultra-small volume analytical technology

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2012年

  • Invited: 高感度検出法の開発とマイクロ・拡張ナノ化学システムへの応用

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2012年

  • Invited: Micro and Extended-Nano Fluidics on Microchip for Chemistry and Bio-Medical Applications

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    The 8th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference (AJTEC2011)  

    発表年月: 2011年

  • Invited: マイクロ・拡張ナノ流体化学とデバイス・システム

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2011年

  • Invited: 拡張ナノ空間における溶液・光化学特性とデバイス開発

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2011年

  • Invited: Extended-nano fluidics system for chemistry and biotechnology

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    Seminar of The University of Florida  

    発表年月: 2011年

  • Invited: Chromatography in extended nanospace fabricated on fused-silica substrates for rapid, high resolution and attolitter scale separation

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    14th Asian Chemical Congress  

    発表年月: 2011年

  • Invited: Ultrasensitive detection of nonfluorescent molecules for chromatography in extended nanospace

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2011年

  • Invited: チップの上で化学分析

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2011年

  • Invited: 手のひらに化学工場一マイクロ化学チップの機能と原理、何をするか、どう組むか

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2011年

  • Invited: マイクロ・ナノ流体システムとドレストフォトンによる新規エネルギーデバイス

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2011年

  • Invited: マイクロ・ナノ化学システムと溶液物性研究

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2011年

  • Invited: Bio extended-nano space

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    Uppsala Univ-UnivTokyo workshop  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • Invited: Nanofluidics for bioanalysis

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    IBM-UnivTokyo workshop  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • Invited: Partial surface modification in extended-nano channel

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    UniSA-UnivTokyo workshop  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • Invited: Refractive index measurement in extended-nano space

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    Nangyang Tech Univ-UnivTokyo workshop  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • Invited: Chromatography in extended-nano space

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    Uppsala Univ-UnivTokyo workshop  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • Invited: Differential interference thermal lens microscope

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    ETH-UnivTokyo workshop  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • Invited: Partial surface modification for extended-nano chemistry by optical near-field

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    JSPS Japan-Germany seminar  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • Invited: マイクロ化学チップ―プロセス設計法―

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2010年

  • Invited: マイクロ・拡張ナノ流体システム

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2010年

  • Invited: Extended-nano fluidic system for analytical technology at pL to aL scale

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2010年

  • Invited: マイクロ化学チップ―プロセス設計法―

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2009年

  • Invited: マイクロ化学チップ―ガス分析システム―

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2009年

  • Invited: Plasma separation of whole blood utilizing radial migration of blood cells in a microchip

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    UniSA-UnivTokyo workshop  

    発表年月: 2009年

  • Invited: マイクロ・拡張ナノ化学システムの開発

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2009年

  • Invited: マイクロ・拡張ナノ化学システムの開発と表面修飾

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2009年

  • Invited: 熱レンズ顕微鏡を搭載した可搬型汎用全自動マイクロ免疫分析装置の実証・実用化

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2009年

  • Invited: マイクロ・ナノ流体

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2008年

  • Invited: Integration of immunoassay into microspace and extended-nano space

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    Uppsala Univ-UnivTokyo workshop  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • Invited: Single cell and single molecule analysis system in extended-nano space by nanofluidics and surface chemistry

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    UniSA-UnivTokyo workshop  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • Invited: マイクロ化学チップ―プロセス設計法―

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2008年

  • Invited: マイクロ化学チップ―開発の現状

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2007年

  • Invited: Functional thermal lens microscopes for ultrasensitive analysis of non-fluorescent molecules and microchip chemistry

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    SPIE Photonics North  

    発表年月: 2006年

  • Invited: UV and circular dichroism thermal lens microscope for integrated chemical systems and HPLC on microchip

    Kazuma Mawatari  [招待有り]

    SPIE International Congress on Optics and Optoelectronics  

    発表年月: 2005年



  • 食と環境の安全・安心を実現するハイテク簡易オペレーション分析デバイスの開発と人材育成

    科学技術振興機構(JST)&国際協力機構(JICA), 地球規模の環境課題の解決に資する研究(SATREPS)



  • Nano-homodyne-optofluidicsによる汎用超高感度ナノ物質検出法の創成

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    馬渡 和真, 加地 範匡

  • ナノ流体回路のための世界最小の人工バルブ:ナノバブルバルブ

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)



    馬渡 和真


    レーザー加熱によりバブルを生成するためのマイクロ流体デバイスを設計・製作した。クロムを金属膜とし、可視光をほぼ100%吸収する膜厚を設定して、ガラス基板上のチャンバー内に作り込んだ。そして、マイクロ流路を加工した基板を加工して、低温接合により両基板を接合した。耐圧試験の結果、400kPaの耐圧が得られ、マイクロ・ナノ流体のためのデバイスとして十分に機能することを確認した。幅100um, 深さ5umのマイクロ流路を用いて、加熱実験を実施したところ、安定にバブルが生成することを確認できた。また、表面が親水性の場合、送液時にバブルと壁面との隙間での流れが発生して、液体がリークするためのバルブして機能しないことを確認した。次にこの問題を解決するために、疎水性修飾剤を用いて流路内面全体を疎水性したところ、リーク流は発生しないことを確認し、バルブとして機能することを確認した。バルブ生成後の消失時間を測定したところ、24分以上要することを確認した。これはマイクロ流路ではラプラス圧が数kPaであり不十分であることが原因であると考えられる。以上から、次年度は表面を疎水性にすること、深さをナノスケールとすることでラプラス圧を大きくするとともに送液圧力も100kPa程度にすることで迅速にバブルを消失できることも本年度の知見から明らかになった。

  • 10-100nmナノ流体工学の検出法の創成と単一細胞プロテオミクスへの応用

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費基盤研究(A)



    馬渡 和真


    本研究では、10-100nmの流路における超高感度検出法として、ナノ流路からの光回折を用いた検出法(光熱変換回折法、Photothermal Optial Diffraction (POD))の原理を提案して、非蛍光性分子の超高感度検出、ナノクロマトグラフィとへの応用を目的としている。2019年度はPODのシステムを構築して、原理を実証することを目的とした。

  • 化学・生命科学のための極微小空間(10-100nm)溶液構造解析法




    馬渡 和真

  • 拡張ナノ熱光学流体デバイスの創成と無標識一分子検出の実現

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)



    北森 武彦, 嘉副 裕, 森川 響二朗, 馬渡 和真, 清水 久史



  • Fundamental technology for single cell epigenetic

    Canon foundation  Research fund



    馬渡 和真

  • International Symposium on Single Cell Research 2016

    伊藤国際学術研究センター  国際会議支援



    馬渡 和真

  • 拡張ナノ空間溶液のX線構造解析法の創成

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費・挑戦的萌芽研究



    馬渡 和真



  • 波動光学に基づいた拡張ナノ空間のための熱レンズ検出デバイスの創出

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)



    北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 嘉副 裕, 清水 久史, 三浦 清貴, 坂倉 政明



  • 高機能拡張ナノ化学システムのための近接場光化学プロセスの確立

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(A)



    馬渡 和真



  • Optical near-field technology for nanofluidics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)  科学研究費・若手研究(A)



    馬渡 和真

  • Micro droplet collider for new fluidic and chemical operation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)  科学研究費・挑戦的萌芽研究



    馬渡 和真

  • 拡張ナノ空間流体工学の創成

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別推進研究



    北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 杉井 康彦, 嘉副 裕, 田中 陽



  • Practical micro-ELISA system incorporating thermal lens microscope

    Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)  先端計測分析技術・機器開発プログラム



    大橋 俊則, 馬渡和真, サブリーダ

  • マイクロ液滴衝突法の創成と新規流体・化学操作への展開

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究



    馬渡 和真



  • Creation of novel concentration determination and time-resolved detection method utilizing nanofluidic optical grating

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)  科学研究費・挑戦的萌芽研究



    馬渡 和真

  • マイクロ化学チップを用いた単一細胞内単一DNA分子分析法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)



    北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 田中 陽, 佐藤 香枝, 加藤 大


    病原性とそうでない細菌の検出、また、医療診断、たとえばがん診断、敗血症診断などでは、単に単一DNAの分析のみならず、単一細胞内のDNAをin situ解析する高度な要求がある。現状は、単一細胞を扱うことが困難なため、複数の細胞を使っている上、長時間にわたる煩雑な酵素反応等の操作で行っているが、診断法として満足な方法は未だに開発されていない。一方、細胞操作をマイクロ化学チップに集積化することで、実験のプロセス効率化や単一細胞分析が可能になる。そこで、申請者は、マイクロ化学チップの持つフロー反応システムと特異的DNAプローブとDNA増幅反応(Padlock/RCA法)を併せて、従来にない全く新しい、高速、高精度に単一細胞内の単一DNA分子を検出するための革新的分析法を創出することを研究目的とした。

  • 気液混在マイクロ・ナノ化学プロセスの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)



    火原 彰秀, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 塚原 剛彦



  • 回折格子を利用したナノ空間液相の新規定量法および時間分解分光法の創成

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究



    馬渡 和真



  • 熱レンズ顕微鏡をベースとした単一分子測定法の創成

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究



    北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真





  • Regulatory B cells ameliorate the symptoms of systemic sclerosis via an antigen-specific manner: the novel therapeutic strategy for autoimmune diseases

    A. Yoshizaki, T. Fukasawa, S. Ebata, T. Taniguchi, Y. Asano, Y. Kazoe, K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori, S. Sato



  • 流体流路の階層サイズ構造とバイオデバイスへの応用

    北森武彦, 馬渡和真, 嘉副裕

    応用物理   84 ( 10 ) 882 - 888  2015年10月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


  • Development of a High Efficient Proton Conductor Media using Extended-Nano Space under the outer Electric Field

    Y. Pihosh, N. Kabeta, K. Mawatari, Y. Kazoe, K. Kitamura, Osamu Tabata, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, T. Kitamori

    The 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2014)     1236 - 1239  2014年10月

  • 超高感度検出法の開発とマイクロ・拡張ナノ化学への展開

    馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム : 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会誌   12 ( 1 ) 2 - 7  2013年03月


  • エバネッセント波を用いた拡張ナノ流路の速度分布計測

    嘉副裕, 井関恵三, 馬渡和真, 杉井康彦, 北森武彦

    日本分析化学会年会講演要旨集   61st   195  2012年09月


  • 腎尿細管細胞を用いた細胞に基づく分離マイクロデバイスの創成

    高小放, 田中陽, 王晨曦, 杉井康彦, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    分析化学討論会講演要旨集   72nd   171  2012年05月


  • 拡張ナノ流路の濡れ性制御による油水平行二相流形成

    赤池寛人, 嘉副裕, 杉井康彦, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    日本化学会講演予稿集   92nd ( 3 ) 965  2012年03月


  • 拡張ナノ流路における部分修飾による油水平行二相流の形成

    赤池寛人, 嘉副裕, 杉井康彦, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    化学工学会年会研究発表講演要旨集(CD-ROM)   77th   ROMBUNNO.E124  2012年02月


  • Extended-nanofluidic systems for chemistry and biotechnology

    Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Tsukahara, Yo Tanaka, Yutaka Kazoe, Philip Dextras, Takehiko Kitamori

    Extended-Nanofluidic Systems for Chemistry and Biotechnology     1 - 180  2012年01月



    For the past decade, new research fields utilizing microfluidics have been formed. General micro-integration methods were proposed, and the supporting fundamental technologies were widely developed. These methodologies have made various applications in the fields of analytical and chemical synthesis, and their superior performances such as rapid, simple, and high efficient processing have been proved. Recently, the space is further downscaling to 101–103nm scale (we call the space extended-nano space). The extended-nano space located between the conventional nanotechnology (100–101nm) and microtechnology (&gt
    1μm), and the research tools are not well established. In addition, the extended-nano space is a transient space from single molecules to bulk condensed phase, and fluidics and chemistry are not unknown. For these purposes, basic methodologies were developed, and new specific phenomena in fluidics and chemistry were found. These new phenomena were applied to unique chemical operations such as concentration and ion selection. The new research fields which are now being created are quite different from those in microspace. Unique devices are also increasingly being reported. In this book, we describe the fundamental technologies for extended-nano space and show the unique liquid properties found in this space and applications for single molecule or cell analysis. The research area is very new and hence, exciting. In contrast to other specialized areas, the research fields require wide knowledge (chemistry, fluidics, mechanics, photonics, biology etc.) and state-of-the-art technologies (bottom-up and top-down fabrication for various hard and soft materials, precise fluidic control, single molecule detection methods, and particle surface modification methods etc.), which have not been not covered by conventional review papers or books. Therefore, researchers or students new to the field need a new book covering these fields including recent research topics, applications and problems to be solved in the future. Our motivation is to summarize the state-of-the-art technologies for research and demonstrate new chemistry and fluidics in extended-nano space for students and researchers in academia or industry. We also emphasize the potential large impact microfluidic technologies have on chemistry and biochemistry.


  • エバネッセント波を用いたナノ流路の速度分布計測 (第40回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集) -- (オーガナイズドセッション マイクロ流動の可視化Ⅱ)

    嘉副 裕, 馬渡 和真, 杉井 康彦

    可視化情報学会誌 = ournal of the Visualization Society of Japan   32 ( 1 ) 145 - 148  2012年


  • Temperature-flexible cell microcontainers fabricated with a phosphorylcholine polymer hydrogel on chip

    Yan Xu, Kazuma Mawatari, Tomohiro Konno, Kazuhiko Ishihara, Takehiko Kitamori

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012     1048 - 1050  2012年01月


    A cell microcontainer which was fabricated with a phosphorylcholine polymer hydrogel on a microchip exhibited capability to flexibly preserve living cells for more than one week, not only at 37°C in a cell culture incubator but also at room temperature (RT) in a common indoor condition or at 2-6 °C in a household refrigerator. The use of the hydrogel microcontainer could facilitate various miniature cell-based tools to be used onsite or at home.

  • ナノPIVによる拡張ナノ流路内の速度分布計測

    嘉副裕, 馬渡和真, 杉井康彦, 北森武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   24th   28  2011年11月


  • 拡張ナノ流路における油水平行二相流形成法の開発

    赤池寛人, 嘉副裕, 杉井康彦, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   24th   12  2011年11月


  • 拡張ナノ空間における溶液流量と圧力の同時測定法の開発

    久保利翔, 嘉副裕, 杉井康彦, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   24th   9  2011年11月


  • MP-28 モデルベース解析手法によるマイクロ流体回路内の試料・試薬拡散の予測(ポスターセッション)

    三宅 亮, 岡部 修吾, 津留 英一, 遠藤 喜重, 馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦

    マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム   2011 ( 3 ) 123 - 124  2011年09月


    Model-based simulation platform for integrated micro-fluid circuit has been developed to calculate the complicated internal flow precisely and to optimize circuit configuration efficiently. It enables us to form simulation model easily and quickly through connecting blocks corresponding to fluid elements, and deals with transient, unsteady flow. Channel model with dispersion and reaction for model-based simulation platform was newly developed to predict mass-transfer and reaction in micro-channel and to optimize circuit configuration efficiently. The channel model well predicts dispersive flow in micro-channel, and is utilized to design micro-fluid circuit.


  • マイクロガス分析システムの開発と大気超微量アンモニアへの応用 (特集 マイクロ技術の新潮流)

    比企 伸一郎, 馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦

    ケミカルエンジニヤリング   56 ( 7 ) 514 - 520  2011年07月


  • pL空間内細胞前処理操作による単一細胞分析のためのマイクロ・拡張ナノインターフェースの構築

    白井健太郎, 杉井康彦, 田中陽, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   23rd   88  2011年06月


  • マイクロ流路における血管組織構築のための平滑筋細胞と内皮細胞の共培養

    山下忠紘, 田中陽, 杉井康彦, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   23rd   31  2011年06月


  • 熱レンズ顕微鏡を用いた非蛍光性生体試料の超高感度計測

    比企 伸一郎, 清水 久史, 馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦

    光学   40 ( 5 ) 208 - 215  2011年05月


  • マイクロ・拡張ナノ空間をつなぐインターフェースを用いた単一細胞内タンパク質分析法の開発

    白井健太郎, 杉井康彦, 田中陽, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    日本化学会講演予稿集   91st ( 2 ) 480  2011年03月


  • 科学技術・研究開発の国際比較 2011年版 ナノテクノロジー・材料分野

    一木修, 乾晴行, 井上晴夫, 河本邦仁, 北野彰彦, 近藤道雄, 佐藤謙一, 瀬恒謙太郎, 高木英典, 田中裕久, 谷岡明彦, 津崎兼彰, 堂免一成, 徳田君代, 長井龍, 西村睦, 羽田肇, 原田幸明, 福岡淳, 辺見昌弘, 本間格, 町田正人, 桃井恒浩, 森塚秀人, 柳下立夫, 横山伸也, 渡辺政廣, 石原聰, 大串始, 杉山滋, 田畑泰彦, 民谷栄一, 鄭雄一, 都甲潔, 西山伸宏, 馬場嘉信, 馬渡和真, 宮原裕二, 島津博基, 安達千波矢

    科学技術・研究開発の国際比較 2011年版 ナノテクノロジー・材料分野    2011年


  • Cell-based toxin screening integrated with a cell-sustainable hydrogel on chip for onsite and portable applications

    Y. Xu, Y. Xu, K. Jang, K. Jang, K. Mawatari, K. Mawatari, T. Konno, K. Ishihara, T. Kitamori, T. Kitamori

    14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010   3   1499 - 1501  2010年12月


    We demonstrate a microfluidic cell-based toxin screening with integration of a cell-sustainable hydrogel, which is capable of long-term maintenance of cell viability and biological sensitivity without conventional perfusion culture. The use of the cell-sustainable hydrogel would bring about an onsite and portable resolution for cell-based applications to be performed on microfluidic chips.

  • 拡張ナノ空間のためのナノ構造体による近接場光部分修飾法の評価

    赤池寛人, 蓮本尚佑, 馬渡和真, 杉井康彦, 北森武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   22nd   79  2010年11月


  • 単一細胞分析のためのマイクロ・拡張ナノインターフェースの構築

    白井健太郎, 杉井康彦, 田中陽, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   22nd   94  2010年11月


  • MNM-2A-6 マイクロ流体回路のためのモデルベース型流動解析手法の構築(セッション 2A MEMSデバイスを用いた熱・流体計測,マイクロ・ナノ工学における非線形力学,電気等価回路から考えるMEMS設計手法)

    三宅 亮, 岡部 修吾, 津留 英一, 遠藤 喜重, 馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦

    マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム   2010 ( 2 ) 53 - 54  2010年10月


    Model-based simulation platform for integrated micro-fluid circuit was newly developed to calculate the complicated internal flow precisely and to optimize circuit configuration efficiently. It enables us to form simulation model easily and quickly through connecting blocks corresponding to fluid elements, and deals with transient, unsteady flow. The simulation platform predicts well static characteristics and dynamic response in micro-channel, and is now utilized to design new device-paper MEMS chip.


  • マイクロチャンネルを利用した水素および酸素の直接反応による過酸化水素合成(2)

    井上 朋也, 大瀧 憲一郎, 菊谷 善国, 佐藤 剛一, 西岡 将輝, 濱川 聡, 火原 彰秀, 馬渡 和真, 水上 富士夫, 北森 武彦

    觸媒 = Catalyst   52 ( 6 ) 447 - 449  2010年09月


  • 拡張ナノ空間における単一細胞分析に向けた細胞溶解液導入のための流体デバイスの開発

    白井健太郎, 田中陽, 杉井康彦, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    日本分析化学会年会講演要旨集   59th   177  2010年09月


  • マイクロ液滴コライダーによる高体積比液滴間迅速混合の実現

    高橋克佳, 杉井康彦, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    日本分析化学会年会講演要旨集   59th   177  2010年09月


  • 拡張ナノ空間を利用した単一細胞分析のための細胞溶解法の構築

    白井健太郎, 杉井康彦, 田中陽, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    東京コンファレンス講演要旨集   2010   331  2010年08月


  • マイクロ化学チップを用いた高効率単一細胞内遺伝子検出法の開発

    若林潤, 田中陽, 田中陽, 佐藤香枝, 佐藤香枝, 馬渡和真, 馬渡和真, 田中有希, NILSSON Mats, 北森武彦, 北森武彦

    東京コンファレンス講演要旨集   2010   325  2010年08月


  • マイクロ流路内を高速運動するマイクロ液滴の可視化

    高橋克佳, 杉井康彦, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    可視化情報学会誌   30 ( Suppl.1 ) 463 - 464  2010年07月


  • 分離型マイクロ化学チップ内での血管平滑筋細胞の培養条件の検討

    山下忠紘, 田中陽, 杉井康彦, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   21st   97  2010年06月


  • 拡張ナノ空間における単一細胞分析に向けた細胞溶解液導入のための流体デバイスの開発

    白井健太郎, 田中陽, 杉井康彦, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   21st   99  2010年06月


  • マイクロ液滴コライダーにおける液滴の運動解析

    高橋克佳, 杉井康彦, 馬渡和真, 北森武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   21st   71  2010年06月


  • マイクロ化学チップを用いたpadlock probe/RCA法による細胞内遺伝子解析法の開発

    若林潤, 田中陽, 田中陽, 佐藤香枝, 佐藤香枝, 馬渡和真, 馬渡和真, 田中有希, NILSSON Mats, 北森武彦, 北森武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   21st   19  2010年06月


  • マイクロ化学チップを用いた高効率細胞内DNA検出法の開発

    若林潤, 田中陽, 佐藤香枝, 馬渡和真, 田中有希, MATS Nilsson, 北森武彦

    分析化学討論会講演要旨集   71st   100  2010年05月


  • マイクロリアクター技術に立脚した過酸化水素の直接製造プロセス開発

    井上朋也, 大瀧憲一郎, 菊谷善国, 佐藤剛一, 西岡将輝, 濱川聡, 馬渡和真, 火原彰秀, 水上富士夫, 北森武彦

    化学工学会秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集(CD-ROM)   42nd   630 - 630  2010年


  • マイクロ流路内気相中液滴の加速と衝突の解析

    高橋 克佳, 杉井 康彦, 馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦

    化学工学会 研究発表講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 1043 - 1043  2010年

    DOI CiNii

  • Padlock/RCA法による敗血症診断用マイクロ化学チップの開発

    若林潤, 佐藤香枝, 馬渡和真, 田中有希, NILSSON Mats, 北森武彦

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   19th   69  2009年05月


  • Long-term Cell Preservation in Chip at Room Temperature

    XU Yan, SATO Kae, MAWATARI Kazuma, KONNO Tomohiro, ISHIHARA Kazuhiko, KITAMORI Takehiko

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集   19th   70  2009年05月


  • マイクロRCA法による単一DNA分子検出法の開発

    立原淳貴, 佐藤香枝, 田中有希, 馬渡和真, MATS Nilsson, 北森武彦, 北森武彦

    分析化学討論会講演要旨集   70th   34  2009年05月


  • Portable microelisa system for toxicological hair analysis

    T. Ohashi, H. Miyaguchi, H. Takahashi, K. Mawatari, Y. T. Iwata, H. Inoue, T. Kitamori, T. Kitamori

    12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference     468 - 470  2008年01月


    An automated full-range quantitation method for identifying d-methamphetamine (d-MA) in human hair using a microchip-based ELISA system (microELISA) in combination with a micropulverized extraction method for sample preparation has been developed. An anti-d-MA antibody and a peroxidase-linked MA were used for the competitive ELISA assay. Method validation was carried out using doped hair samples, and segmental analyses of real-case specimens were carried out by both microELISA and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to verify the reliability and applicability of this new method. Sample preparation and quantitation can be accomplished easily and quickly (less than 30 min) in smallscale contamination-free environments. © 2008 CBMS.

  • マイクロ流路を用いた微量低分子診断マーカーの非競合高速度検出

    芳川 天音, 呉 雨書, 高橋 寛子, 馬渡 和真, 伊原 正喜, 北森 武彦, 上田 宏

    化学工学会 研究発表講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 326 - 326  2008年

    DOI CiNii

  • マイクロ油水平行向流の流動解析

    青田新, 馬渡和真, 杉井康彦, 火原彰秀, 北森武彦

    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM)   2007   H60  2007年09月


  • 光熱変換分光法

    馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦

    ぶんせき   ( 391 ) 350 - 355  2007年07月


  • Dynamics Measurement Of Structural Change Of Helical Polymer Using Thermal Lens Microscopy And Microfluidic Technique

    Keiko Osato, Manabu Tokeshi, Noritada Kaji, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori, Eiji Yashima, Yoshinobu Baba

    Micro Total Analysis System 2007   2007   1565-1567 - 1567  2007年


  • 細胞培養のためのマイクロチップ温度制御装置の開発

    田中有希, 西中正弘, 馬渡和真, 渡慶次学, 渡慶次学, 北森武彦, 北森武彦

    分析化学討論会講演要旨集   66th   16  2005年04月


  • 単一分子計測法

    馬渡 和真, 渡慶次 学, 北森 武彦

    ぶんせき   ( 357 ) 506 - 512  2004年09月


  • 非蛍光性分子の超高感度検出

    渡慶次学, 馬渡和真, 火原彰秀, 北森武彦

    応用物理   73 ( 6 ) 741 - 748  2004年




  • 微粒子計測装置及び微粒子計測方法

    馬渡和真, 津山慶之


  • 熱レンズ分析用光ファイバーカプラ、熱レンズ分析装置

    馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦, 田澤 英克



  • 抗サイトカイン抗体療法

    吉崎 歩, 深澤 毅倫, 佐藤 伸一, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 嘉副 裕



  • 光熱変換分光装置及び微量検体検出方法



  • 分光分析装置

    清水 久史, 馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦



  • インタフェース装置

    北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 嘉副 裕



  • 光触媒構造体および光電池

    ピホシュ ユーリ, 馬渡 和真, 嘉副 裕, 北森 武彦, テウレケウイチ イワン



  • プロトン伝導体および燃料電池

    嘉副 裕, ピホシュ ユーリ, 馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦, 北村 健二, 長田 貴弘, 田畑 修, 土屋 智由



  • 機能性デバイス、機能性デバイスの製造方法、分析システムおよび分析方法

    清水 久史, 馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦



  • 被検物質の定量方法及びそのための定量デバイス

    北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 清水 久史, 田澤 英克



  • 機能性デバイス及び機能性デバイスの製造方法

    北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真



  • 微分干渉熱レンズ顕微鏡

    清水 久史, 馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦



  • マイクロチップ

    大崎 勝彦, 水川 陽介, 山▲崎▼ 茂樹, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 菊谷 善国, 青田 新



  • マイクロチップ


    大崎 勝彦, 水川 陽介, 山▲崎▼ 茂樹, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 菊谷 善国, 青田 新



  • 機能性デバイス及び機能性デバイスの製造方法


    北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真



  • マイクロ化学チップ

    佐藤 香枝, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 田中 陽



  • マイクロチップを用いたPET用標識化合物の製造方法及び装置

    大崎 勝彦, 水川 陽介, 山▲崎▼ 茂樹, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 菊谷 善国, 青田 新



  • マイクロチップを用いたPET用標識化合物の製造方法及び装置


    大崎 勝彦, 水川 陽介, 山▲崎▼ 茂樹, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 菊谷 善国, 青田 新



  • マイクロ流路チップ及びそれを用いた気液相分離方法

    青田 新, 木平 ゆう子, 佐々木 真理, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真



  • マイクロ流路チップ及びそれを用いた気液相分離方法


    青田 新, 木平 ゆう子, 佐々木 真理, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真



  • マイクロチップを用いたフッ素F−18標識化合物の製造方法及び装置

    大崎 勝彦, 水川 陽介, 山▲崎▼ 茂樹, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 菊谷 善国, 青田 新



  • マイクロチップを用いたPET用標識化合物の調剤方法及び装置

    大崎 勝彦, 水川 陽介, 山▲崎▼ 茂樹, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 菊谷 善国, 青田 新



  • マイクロチップを用いたPET用標識化合物の調剤方法及び装置


    大崎 勝彦, 水川 陽介, 山▲崎▼ 茂樹, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 菊谷 善国, 青田 新



  • マイクロチップを用いたフッ素F−18標識化合物の製造方法及び装置


    大崎 勝彦, 水川 陽介, 山▲崎▼ 茂樹, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 菊谷 善国, 青田 新



  • 4−メトキシサリチル酸の合成方法

    曽我部 敦, 那須 昭夫, 北森 武彦, 上野 雅晴, 馬渡 和真, 菊谷 善国



  • エマルションをプラグ流に変化させる方法及びそのためのマイクロ流路

    火原 彰秀, 馬渡 和真, 北森 武彦



  • マイクロチップ、マイクロチップデバイス及びマイクロチップを用いた蒸発操作方法

    大崎 勝彦, 山▲崎▼ 茂樹, 北森 武彦, 上野 雅晴, 馬渡 和真, 菊谷 善国



  • マイクロチップ、マイクロチップデバイス及びマイクロチップを用いた蒸発操作方法


    大崎 勝彦, 山▲崎▼ 茂樹, 北森 武彦, 上野 雅晴, 馬渡 和真, 菊谷 善国



  • マイクロリアクターを用いた不飽和有機化合物の合成方法

    曽我部 敦, 那須 昭夫, 北森 武彦, 上野 雅晴, 馬渡 和真, 菊谷 善国



  • マイクロ化学システム及びそのTLM出力算出方法

    奈良 正俊, 安楽 竜, 浅井 貴弘, 山口 淳, 服部 明彦, 北森 武彦, 渡慶次 学, 火原 彰秀, 馬渡 和真



  • 円二色性熱レンズ顕微鏡装置

    山内 雅世, 火原 彰秀, 北森 武彦, 馬渡 和真, 渡慶次 学



  • 熱レンズ分光分析装置

    馬渡 和真, 下出 浩治



  • 反射型熱レンズ分光分析装置

    馬渡 和真, 下出 浩治



  • レーザー計測方法及び装置

    馬渡 和真



  • レーザー計測装置

    馬渡 和真



  • 光熱変換分光分析装置

    馬渡 和真








  • Basic microfluidics

    Vietnam National University  


  • Measurement and analysis device engineering

    Waseda University  


  • Spectroscopy

    Waseda University  


  • Quantitative Chemical Analysis

    Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Science  


  • Overview of Biodevice

    The University of Tokyo  


  • Basic microfluidics and nanofluidics

    Tokyo Metropolitan University  


  • 分析化学II


  • ナノバイオフュージョン


  • 応用計測科学


  • 化学基礎


  • 応用分光学特論第2


  • 応用分光学特論第1


  • 分析化学実験


  • 量子計測化学序論II


  • 量子計測化学序論I


  • Dean Forum Lecture 2015, Separation technology, Analytical application of microfluidic device


  • バイオデバイス概論


  • バイオデバイスの基礎技術


  • 量子化学III


  • 分析化学III


  • 分析化学II


  • 分析化学I


  • Microfluidic and nanofluidic engineering

    Waseda University  




  • 市民教育講座:ナノ流体デバイス技術



  • 市民教育講座:ナノ流体デバイスとシステム



  • 市民教育講座:ナノ流体デバイスとシステム



  • 市民教育講座「マイクロ分析システム」



  • 市民教育講座「マイクロ分析システム」



  • 市民教育講座「さらに小さく!10-6と10-9の間・・・拡張ナノ化学」

    文部科学省 GRENEプロジェクト 


  • 市民教育講座「一分子(粒子)計測法」



  • 市民教育講座「ナノテク入門」





  • 「分析化学会 (JSAC) 度溶液反応化学研究懇談会」,運営委員


  • Executive Technical Program Committee (ETPC) in MicroTAS conference


  • 第14回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム実行委員


  • International conference “IEEE Nanomedicine 2019,” Program committee


  • 東京大学戦略的パートナーシップベトナム国家大学ハノイ校リーダー


  • International conference “Post-Genomic Technology (IFPT’10) and the 11th International Workshop,” Organizing committee


  • Technical Program Committee in MicroTAS conference

  • International conference “International Conference on Single Cell Research 2016,” co-organized by JST CREST



  • International conference “International Conference on Single Cell Research 2016,” chairman


  • 厚生労働省,微量診断装置審査WG次世代医療機器・再生医療等製品評価指標作成事業,委員


  • Editor in special issue “Nanofluidic systems,” (Israel Journal of Chemistry 2014)


  • Editor in special issue “Microfluidics and nanofluidics in Japan” (Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2013)


  • JST-NSF International workshop “Workshop on bio-inspired engineering of next-generation sensors and actuators, Program committee


  • 第21回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会(CHEMINAS)」,実行副委員長





  • 2023年

    理工学術院総合研究所   兼任研究員


  • ナノフローサイトメーターに向けたナノ物質1個の吸光度とサイズのナノ空間同時測定




  • ナノフローサイトメーターの基盤形成


