2025/03/14 更新


リュウ ジンカ
リュウ ジンカ
理工学術院 先進理工学部


  • Design and Application of Anatomically Inspired Actuation Systems for Humanoid Robot



    In the year of processing research on humanoid robots, we focused onadvancing a human anatomy-inspired approach for both actuation and tactilefeedback. For the actuation system, a new robotic finger was designed with asignificantly more accurate recreation of human-like structures compared toexisting models. This novel approach incorporates a highly human-similarstructure and utilizes a multi-material-based additive manufacturing method,which can produce a robot finger in ten hours with no post-assembly required.The finger was mounted on a specially designed test bench using Shape MemoryAlloy (SMA) wire actuators. Test results demonstrated that this approachachieves more human-like motion compared to traditional methods. The design iscurrently undergoing further improvements.Research also progressed in tactile feedback. New designs for SMA-basedtactile sensors were developed, and experiments showed improved performance.The new sensor is now being miniaturized for future implementation within therobot finger’s skin. Additionally, a multi-array SMA sensor was developed andtested for cutaneous sensation. This work has been published in theinternational journal Actuators and presented at the international conferenceIEEE ICMA 2024.