早稲田大学 国際教養学部
Harvard University Department of Music Postdoctoral Researcher
2025/03/12 更新
早稲田大学 国際教養学部
Harvard University Department of Music Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies (Music) PhD in Ethnomusicology
University of Toronto Faculty of Music, Department of Anthropology Hons. BA in Music and Anthropology
Royal Conservatory of Music Piano performance Associate Degree in Performance
Azerbaijani tar
ghazal poetry
Islamic studies
affect studies
post-Soviet studies
China International Postdoctoral Exchange Program Fellowship
2020年 Yunnan University
Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
2018年 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
The Youth Foundation Award
2015年 Ministry of Culture, Azerbaijan
W. Garfield Weston Fellowship Award
2014年 Garfield Weston Foundation
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) – Doctoral
2013年 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Award
2013年 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)
2011年 Government of Ontario
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) – Master’s
2011年 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
David Y. Timbrell Award
"Azerbaijani mugham and national identity" interview
VarYox platform https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0haufnOUGVc
Arrangement and performance of Ukrainian song “Prayer” on Azerbaijani Instruments
Consulate of Ukraine in Azerbaijan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ3f-43iiaM
"Polina Dessiatnitchenko, Ethnomusicologist, Tar Player, and Mugham Enthusiast" podcast
Caspian Post Episode 21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrmSca8ynjo
Concert and interview, “Ustad Dersi” program
Ictimai TV, Azerbaijan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IGhLEUpgXA
“Mugham: The Sound of Azerbaijan" guest speaker
BBC World Service, The Forum https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3cszjwj
Arrangement and performance of Ukrainian Folk Song “Shchedryk” on Azerbaijani Instruments
Consulate of Ukraine in Azerbaijan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZQ8IeOtfPw
Solo concert, Ictimai TV public television
Ictimai TV, Azerbaijan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsfZgHZgdS8
The Morphology of Dəstgah
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
Ethnomusicology Translations 13 2023年 [査読有り]
Affect and Phenomenology of the Karabakh Voice
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
Problems of Arts and Culture: International Scientific Journal 16 ( 4 ) 32 - 41 2022年12月 [招待有り]
The Pearl of Muğam Philosophy: Qəzəl Poetry and Musical Hermeneutics in Independent Azerbaijan
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
Ethnomusicology 66 ( 1 ) 81 - 105 2022年04月 [査読有り]
Phenomenology of Segah Mugham Creativity on the Tar
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
2022年02月 [招待有り]
Affective Hermeneutics: Love, Mugham and Post-Soviet Azerbaijani Subjectivities
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
Asian Music 53 ( 1 ) 2022年 [査読有り]
A Nation of Lovers: Mugham, Karabakh, and National Identities in Azerbaijan
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
Eastern Countries International Academy of Architecture 21 ( 2 ) 192 - 203 2021年
Recording review of “Mugham Souls, Traditional Music of Modern Azerbaijan”
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
World of Music (new series) 8 ( 1 ) 138 - 140 2019年 [招待有り]
"An Elder in Punk Clothes": Purged Frets and Finding True Mugham in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
Ethnomusicology Forum 27 ( 2 ) 136 - 156 2018年 [査読有り]
National Consciousness in pre-Soviet Azerbaijan and the Development of Mugham
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
Problems of Arts and Culture, International Scientific Journal 65 ( 3 ) 36 - 49 2018年 [招待有り]
Pre-Soviet Shusha and Baku: The Creation of the Azerbaijani Tar
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
Traditions of Mugham at the Intersection of Science and Art 224 - 234 2018年 [招待有り]
Musical and Ontological Possibilities of Mugham Creativity in pre-Soviet, Soviet, and post-Soviet Azerbaijan
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
Book review of Aida Huseynova’s “Music of Azerbaijan: from Mugham to Opera”
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
Fontes Artis Musicae 63 ( 4 ) 317 - 319 2016年
Rendering Musically the Form, Meters, and Meanings of Ghazal Poetry in Azerbaijani Shur Mugham
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
Azerbaijan Mugham Studies: Problems, Perspectives 185 - 194 2015年
Exploring Intersections of the Historical, Musical, Poetical Journeys of Azerbaijani Mugham
Dessiatnitchenko, Polina
World of Music: International Scientific Music Journal of Azerbaijan 4 ( 61 ) 35 - 41 2014年
Phenomenology of Segah Mugham Creativity on the Tar
Routledge 2022年02月 ISBN: 9780367470548
Meter, Rhythm, and Intertextual Gaps in the Performance of Azerbaijani Qəzəl Poetry
Polina Dessiatnitchenko [招待有り]
Analytical Approaches to World Music Special Topics Symposium
The Nightingales of Garabagh: Affect in Azerbaijani Mugham
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
Eighth Symposium of the International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on the Turkic Speaking World
Toward Decoloniality through Intertextuality and Meaning-Making of Azerbaijani Mugham
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
International Council for Traditional Music Annual Conference
“‘When it comes to Love, there is no Border!’: Classical Modal Music, Hybridity, and Intertextuality in post-Soviet West and Central Asia
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
Music and Spirituality Conference, The Sydney Sacred Music Festival
A Nation of Lovers: Mugham, Karabakh, and National Identities in Azerbaijan
Polina Dessiatnitchenko [招待有り]
National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Conference
The Nava Mugham Beyond: Azerbaijani Musicians on a Mission to Recover the Lost Ideal
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
Sixth International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music Conference
The Underground Conservatory of Azerbaijan: Affect, Intertextuality, and Islam in Private Musical Gatherings
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting
"Azerbaijani Ghazal Poetry” lecture presentation
Polina Dessiatnitchenko [招待有り]
Course “Multisensory Religion: Rethinking Islam through the Arts” (Harvard University)
'This Path Leads to Eternity!’: Azerbaijani Mugham, the Affect of Eşq, and the Post-Soviet Identities
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference
Performing a ‘Muslim Way of Thinking’: An Ethnomusicologist’s Moment of Alterity
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
British Forum for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference
‘Improvisation is not the right word!’: Native Terminology and Performance Techniques of Azerbaijani Mugham Creativity
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
Fifth International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music
Restoring and Inventing Fret Positions on the Tar in post-Soviet Azerbaijan
Polina Dessiatnitchenko [招待有り]
Middle East and Central Asia Music Forum
‘True Mugham is Within Yourself’: A Decolonial Approach to Musical Creativity in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
British Forum for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference
Performing ‘Mugham Thinking’: Creativities of Mugham in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
International Council of Traditional Music Annual Conference
National in Form, Socialist in Content: Disciplining the Temporality of Mugham in Soviet Azerbaijan
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
“Rhythms of Social Change: Time, Rhythm and Pace in Performance” Symposium
Improvising Post-Soviet Azerbaijani Identity in the Moment of Performance
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference
Azerbaijani Mugham and Possibilities of Improvisation in Discourses and Experience
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
8th International Doctoral Workshop in Ethnomusicology
Improvising the Beyond: Ghazal Poetry and the Creative Impulse of Azerbaijani Mugham
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
British Forum for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference
‘A Bird Needs Two Wings to Fly’: Relationship Between Music and Poetry in Azerbaijani Mugham
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
Conference on the Music of South, Central, and West Asia
Imagination and Interpretation in the Story of the Azerbaijani Mugham Dastgah
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
Northeast Modern Language Association Conference
Why is Sound Central to Religious Ritual? Performing a Distortion of Time in Ojibway Shamanistic Séances
Polina Dessiatnitchenko [招待有り]
Magic Circle Seminar, University of Cambridge
Performing and Experiencing a Distortion of Time: Chronotopes of Ojibway Curing Séances
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
Society for Ethnomusicology Niagara Chapter Meeting
Gerasim Stepanovich Lebedev’s Activities as Musician and Dramatist in India
Polina Dessiatnitchenko
Russian and Soviet Music: Reappraisal and Rediscovery
Music and Culture Along the Silk Road
Waseda University
Intermediate Seminar: Music and Identity in Modern Societies
Waseda University
First Year Seminar: Music As Culture
Waseda University
Music, Sound and Ritual
Waseda University
Music and Musicology
Waseda University
Introduction to Music and Musicology
Waseda University
Advanced Themes in Anthropology
Doshisha University
Music As Culture
Tufts University
Music and Politics in the Soviet Union and the Post-Soviet World
University of Toronto
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