Kazuki AONO, Masanari UKAI, Yoriaki NITTA, Chiaki SHIMOYAMA, Kentaro KIMURA, Akihiro SHIMIZU, Shin-ichi TANABE
Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) 89 ( 822 ) 448 - 459 2024年08月
Kazuki AONO, Masanari UKAI, Daiki TAKEHARA, Kentaro KIMURA, Akihiro SHIMIZU, Atsushi TAKAMUKU, Daisuke HATORI, Shin-ichi TANABE
Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) 88 ( 813 ) 829 - 837 2023年11月
1被引用数(Scopus) -
Well-being and Workplace Productivity of Workers Combining Office Work and Working from Home
Toshiki Shinno, Masanari Ukai, Yuta Fukawa, Takuya Murakami, Kosuke Iihara, Osamu Kiyota, Osamu Kunitomo, Hiromichi Nishida, Shin Ichi Tanabe
Healthy Buildings Europe 2023: Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries 2 624 - 631 2023年
Takuya MURAKAMI, Masanari UKAI, Yuta FUKAWA, Yuto CHIMOTO, Kosuke IIHARA, Osamu KIYOTA, Hiromichi NISHIDA, Shin-ichi TANABE
Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) 87 ( 802 ) 888 - 894 2022年12月
4被引用数(Scopus) -
Building wellness performance and work engagement
Masanari Ukai, Yuto Chimoto, Takuya Murakami, Yuya Suzuki, Shin‐ichi Tanabe
JAPAN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 5 ( 4 ) 540 - 547 2022年10月 [査読有り]
4被引用数(Scopus) -
新納 稔樹, 鵜飼 真成, 深和 佑太, 村上 卓也, 飯原 康介, 清田 修, 國友 理, 西田 裕道, 田辺 新一
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2022.8 89 - 92 2022年
Work Environment Considering Emotional Intelligence Quotient of Workers in Hybrid Workstyle
Kosuke Iihara, Masanari Ukai, Yuta Fukawa, Yuto Chimoto, Takuya Murakami, Shino Kanie, Osamu Kiyota, Osamu Kunitomo, Hitromichi Nishida, Shin Ichi Tanabe
17th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2022 2022年
Activity-Based Workingを採用したメガプレートオフィスにおける執務者満足度と知的生産性に関する研究
千本雄登, 鵜飼真成, 蟹江梓乃, 大野繁郎, 岡村幸枝, 中村大介, 田辺新一
日本建築学会環境系論文集 86 ( 788 ) 818 - 828 2021年10月
5被引用数(Scopus) -
鵜飼真成, 千本雄登, 村上卓也, 鈴木優弥, 田辺新一
日本建築学会環境系論文集 86 ( 781 ) 271 - 278 2021年03月 [査読有り]
飯原 康介, 鵜飼 真成, 深和 佑太, 千本 雄登, 村上 卓也, 清田 修, 西田 裕道, 田辺 新一
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2021.8 265 - 268 2021年
Field study of thermal environment acceptability using ostracon voting device
Masanari Ukai, Yuta Ichikawa, Tatsuo Nobe
Proceedings - Windsor Conference 2014: Counting the Cost of Comfort in a Changing World 668 - 677 2019年
Development and evaluation of chair-mounted isothermal airflow generator cool chair 2016
Masanari Ukai, Gaku Tateyama, Yusuke Doi, Jun Koyama, Tatsuo Nobe
ECOS 2018 - Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems 2018年
Operational status evaluation of integrated hybrid VRF system
Atsushi Hashimoto, Masanari Ukai, Yuma Furuhashi, Ken Yasuda, Tatsuo Nobe
ECOS 2018 - Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems 2018年
Dynamic evaluation method for indoor thermal environmental acceptability using P-R chart
Masanari Ukai, Tatsuo Nobe
Proceedings of 10th Windsor Conference: Rethinking Comfort 161 - 175 2018年
Measurement survey on thermal and acoustic environment in natural ventilating office building
Gaku Tateyama, Masanari Ukai, Hiroshi Muramatsu, Tatsuo Nobe
Healthy Buildings Europe 2017 2017年
Simplified on-site performance evaluation method for VRF systems
Yasuhiro Sugata, Mitsuhide Yasuda, Masanari Ukai, Tatsuo Nobe
Healthy Buildings Europe 2017 2017年
Thermal comfort investigation of air-conditioning system with variable airflow in office
Takuya Wakao, Masanari Ukai, Tatsuo Nobe
Healthy Buildings Europe 2017 2017年
Comparison between thermal environmental stabilities of radiant and convective air-conditioning systems
Masanari Ukai, Tatsuo Nobe
Healthy Buildings Europe 2017 2017年
A study on probabilistic thermal acceptability evaluation
Masanari Ukai, Goo Tsusaka, Tatsuo Nobe
Proceedings - 9th International Windsor Conference 2016: Making Comfort Relevant 985 - 993 2016年
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