2025/03/13 更新


フジエ マサカツ
藤江 正克


  • 機械力学、メカトロニクス


  • 生物・生体工学



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  • Position Control of Needle Tip Based on Physical Properties of LIver and Force Sensor

    Yo Kobayashi, Jun Okamoto, Masakatsu, G. Fujie

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatroics   18 ( 2 ) 167 - 176  2006年

  • 粘弾性・非線形性を考慮した肝臓の材料特性のモデリング

    小林 洋, 岡本 淳, 藤江 正克

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌   7 ( 4 ) 559 - 565  2006年


  • Position Control of Needle Tip Based on Physical Properties of LIver and Force Sensor

    Yo Kobayashi, Jun Okamoto, Masakatsu, G. Fujie

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatroics   18 ( 2 ) 167 - 176  2006年

  • Bipolar coagulation-capable microforceps - Wire-driven microforceps for a neurosurgery support system

    T Kawai, K Kan, K Hongo, K Nishizawa, F Tajima, MG Fujie, T Dohi, K Takakura



  • Physical Properties of Liver and Development of Intelligent Manipulator for Needle Insertion

    Yo Kobayashi, Jun Okamoto, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2005     1644 - 1651  2005年


  • Development of a Hydraulically-driven Flexible Manipulator Including Passive Safety Method

    Haruna Okayasu, Jun Okamoto, M. G. Fujie, H. Iseki

    Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2005     2901 - 2907  2005年


  • Robot Surgery based on the Physical Properties of the Brain -Physical Brain Model for Planning and Navigation of a Surgical Robot-

    Aiko Yoshizawa, Jun Okamoto, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2005    2005年


  • Manipulators for intrauterine fetal surgery in an Open MRI

    Kanako Harada, Kota Tsubouchi, Toshio Chiba, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2005     504 - 509  2005年


  • Research on QoS requirement for robotic tele-surgery

    K. Kawamura, M.G. Fujie

    The 1st Asian Symposium on Computer Aided Surgery    2005年

  • Development of Surgery Assisting Manipulator s for RAO

    Masaru Yanagihara, Jun Okamoto, Norihiro Mitsui, Hideo Yano, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    The 1st Asian Symposium on Computer Aided Surgery    2005年

  • Development of MRI Compatible SCARA-type Manipulator Using New Gimbals Mechanism

    M. Oura, Y. Mita, Y. Kobayashi, K. Kishi, J. Okamoto, M. G. Fujie

    The 1st Asian Symposium on Computer Aided Surgery    2005年

  • Manipulators for intrauterine fetal surgery in an Open MRI -Report on first prototype-

    Kanako Harada, Kota Tsubouchi, Toshio Chiba, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    CARS 2005 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery    2005年

  • QoS optimal conditions for robotic tele-surgery

    K.Kawamura, J.Okamoto M.Fujie

    CARS 2005 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery    2005年

  • A new approach to minimally invasive neurosurgery with passive manipulator

    H. Okayasu, J. Okamoto, M. G. Fujie, H. Iseki

    CARS 2005 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery    2005年

  • Development of Heartbeat Sensing System for Robotic Surgery

    T. Umeda, J. Okamoto, M.G. Fujie

    The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, MachineDesign and Tribology     DDI-402  2005年

  • Development of Surgical Assist Manipulator Securing

    J. Okamoto, T. Hara, H. Iseki, M.G.Fujie

    The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, MachineDesign and Tribology     DDI-302  2005年

  • Development of Dual-Armed Surgical Master-Slave Manipulator System with MR Compatibility

    Kousuke Kishi, Fujio Tajima, Kazutoshi Kan, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Ken-ichi Sudo, Shin-ichi Takamoto, Takeyoshi Dohi

    Robotics and Mechatronics   17 ( 3 ) 285 - 292  2005年

  • Development of a hydraulically-driven flexible manipulator for neurosurgery

    H. Okayasu, J. Okamoto, M. G. Fujie, H. Iseki

    Robotics and Mechatronics   17 ( 2 ) 149 - 157  2005年


  • ロボット手術プランニングのための脳の力学的モデリング

    吉澤 愛子, 岡本 淳, 藤江 正克

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌   7 ( 2 ) 105 - 113  2005年


  • 高齢者用電動アシスト歩行支援機の開発

    竹内郁雄, 柄川索, 小関篤志, 藤江正克, 田村俊世

    ライフサポート   17 ( 1 ) 22 - 28  2005年


    It is essential for elderly people to walk by themselves to keep their independence in their daily lives. support their walking, we have developed an electrically assisted walking support device capable of meeting individual use's assistance requirement. Because the walking ability differs person by person, it is necessary to tune the control parameters of the device suitable to individual walking capability. To achieve this, auto-tuning technology that automatically adjusts control parameters such as virtual inertia or viscous resistance was developed and tested by a patient who can hardly walk without help. Test results showed that the electrically assisted walking support device provides high adaptability to elderly people for their mobility.

    DOI CiNii

  • 液圧駆動脳ヘラマニピュレータの開発-マニピュレータのメカニズムと要素試作機による特性評価-

    岡安はる奈, 岡本淳, 藤江正克, 伊関洋

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌   7 ( 1 ) 51 - 58  2005年


  • 遠隔ロボット手術用リアルタイムシミュレーション技術の開発

    川村 和也, 田島 孝重, 岡本 淳, 藤江 正克

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌   7 ( 1 ) 7 - 14  2005年


    Medical robotics have started using methods of minimally invasive surgery as standard, and this technology has been used for remote operations i.e. tele-surgery. There is an actual case which exclusive communication lines were used during robotic tele-surgery. However, using special communication lines is not average method. So, the construction of the general robotic tele-surgical environments is required. In this paper, the simulation system is composed of three modules that have been developed to simulate signal characteristics in a public line. The modules are (1) QoS simulator algorithm, (2) QoS compensation algorithm and (3) Slave simulator algorithm. The requirement of the network QoS to establish the most suitable means of control was clarified. And then, an ultrasonic motor was driven and its performance was experimented to demonstrate the feasibility of (2) QoS compensation algorithm. The output value was compared with the input value of the ultrasonic motor. Buffering the network disorders was shown.

    DOI CiNii

  • Physical Properties of Liver and Development of Intelligent Manipulator for Needle Insertion

    Yo Kobayashi, Jun Okamoto, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2005     1644 - 1651  2005年


  • Development of a Hydraulically-driven Flexible Manipulator Including Passive Safety Method

    Haruna Okayasu, Jun Okamoto, M. G. Fujie, H. Iseki

    Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2005     2901 - 2907  2005年


  • Robot Surgery based on the Physical Properties of the Brain -Physical Brain Model for Planning and Navigation of a Surgical Robot-

    Aiko Yoshizawa, Jun Okamoto, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2005    2005年


  • Manipulators for intrauterine fetal surgery in an Open MRI

    Kanako Harada, Kota Tsubouchi, Toshio Chiba, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2005     504 - 509  2005年


  • Research on QoS requirement for robotic tele-surgery

    K. Kawamura, M.G. Fujie

    The 1st Asian Symposium on Computer Aided Surgery    2005年

  • Development of Surgery Assisting Manipulator s for RAO

    Masaru Yanagihara, Jun Okamoto, Norihiro Mitsui, Hideo Yano, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    The 1st Asian Symposium on Computer Aided Surgery    2005年

  • Development of MRI Compatible SCARA-type Manipulator Using New Gimbals Mechanism

    M. Oura, Y. Mita, Y. Kobayashi, K. Kishi, J. Okamoto, M. G. Fujie

    The 1st Asian Symposium on Computer Aided Surgery    2005年

  • Manipulators for intrauterine fetal surgery in an Open MRI -Report on first prototype-

    Kanako Harada, Kota Tsubouchi, Toshio Chiba, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    CARS 2005 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery    2005年

  • QoS optimal conditions for robotic tele-surgery

    K.Kawamura, J.Okamoto M.Fujie

    CARS 2005 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery    2005年

  • Position control of needle tip with force feedback and liver model

    Y Kobayashi, J Okamoto, MG Fujie

    CARS 2005: COMPUTER ASSISTED RADIOLOGY AND SURGERY   1281   719 - 724  2005年


    Because the deflection is easier to occur with thin needle, the movement of the needle in consideration of the deflection is required. The deflection correction with (a) the force feedback, (b) liver model (c) force feedback and liver model is carried out to control the position of the needle tip. The experimental result shows the method using (c) represents optimal effectiveness of all the proposed approaches. (c) 2005 CARS & Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • A new approach to minimally invasive neurosurgery with passive manipulator

    H. Okayasu, J. Okamoto, M. G. Fujie, H. Iseki

    CARS 2005 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery    2005年

  • Development of Heartbeat Sensing System for Robotic Surgery

    T. Umeda, J. Okamoto, M.G. Fujie

    The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, MachineDesign and Tribology     DDI-402  2005年

  • Development of Surgical Assist Manipulator Securing

    J. Okamoto, T. Hara, H. Iseki, M.G.Fujie

    The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, MachineDesign and Tribology     DDI-302  2005年

  • Development of Dual-Armed Surgical Master-Slave Manipulator System with MR Compatibility

    Kousuke Kishi, Fujio Tajima, Kazutoshi Kan, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Ken-ichi Sudo, Shin-ichi Takamoto, Takeyoshi Dohi

    Robotics and Mechatronics   17 ( 3 ) 285 - 292  2005年

  • Development of a hydraulically-driven flexible manipulator for neurosurgery

    H. Okayasu, J. Okamoto, M. G. Fujie, H. Iseki

    Robotics and Mechatronics   17 ( 2 ) 149 - 157  2005年


  • A Prototype Master-Slave System Consisting of Two MR-Compatible Manipulators with Interchangeable Surgical Tools

    Fujio Tajima, Kousuke Kishi, Kouji Nishizawa, Kazutoshi Kan, Hiroshi Ishii, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Takeyoshi Dohi, Ken-ichi Sudo, Shin-ichi Takamoto

    Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2004    2004年

  • Physical property of liver for robot-assisted needle insertion

    Y. Kobayashi, J. Okamoto, M. G. Fujie

    Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery     1335  2004年

  • Passive manipulator for neurosurgery

    H. Okayasu, M. G. Fujie, H. Iseki

    Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery CARS 2004     1282  2004年

  • Development of the Walking Support Robot with the Weight Bearing Mechanism Supporting Ischia-Cushion for Ischia and Behavior of Ischia during Walking

    Kuroko Shiho, Fujie Masakatsu G, Takashima Takamichi, Tkeuchi Ikuo

    Proceedings of 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society     11.11.4-12  2004年

  • Physical Properties of the Liver for Needle Insertion Control

    Yo Kobayashi, J.un Okamoto, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    Proceedings of 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems     2960 - 2966  2004年

  • A Prototype Master-Slave System Consisting of Two MR-Compatible Manipulators with Interchangeable Surgical Tools

    Fujio Tajima, Kousuke Kishi, Kouji Nishizawa, Kazutoshi Kan, Hiroshi Ishii, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Takeyoshi Dohi, Ken-ichi Sudo, Shin-ichi Takamoto

    Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2004    2004年

  • Physical property of liver for robot-assisted needle insertion

    Y. Kobayashi, J. Okamoto, M. G. Fujie

    Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery     1335  2004年

  • Passive manipulator for neurosurgery

    H. Okayasu, M. G. Fujie, H. Iseki

    Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery CARS 2004     1282  2004年

  • Development of the Walking Support Robot with the Weight Bearing Mechanism Supporting Ischia-Cushion for Ischia and Behavior of Ischia during Walking

    Kuroko Shiho, Fujie Masakatsu G, Takashima Takamichi, Tkeuchi Ikuo

    Proceedings of 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society     11.11.4-12  2004年

  • Physical Properties of the Liver for Needle Insertion Control

    Yo Kobayashi, J.un Okamoto, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    Proceedings of 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems     2960 - 2966  2004年

  • An MR-Compatible Surgical Manipulator: Part of a Unified Support System for Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Disease

    Fujio Tajima, Kousuke Kishi, Kouji Nishizawa, Kazutoshi Kan, Hiroshi Ishii, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Takeyoshi Dohi, Ken-ichi Sudo, Shin-ichi Takamoto

    Advanced Robotics   17 ( 6 ) 561 - 575  2003年

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of multi-DOF brain retract manipulator with safety method

    J Okamoto, M Lida, K Nambu, MG Fujie, M Umezu



    To extend applicable area of minimally invasive neurosurgery, multi-DOF brain retract manipulator is developed. By inserting this manipulator deeper into the brain as an conductor and then other micromanipulator afterwards, it will be possible to realize new minimally invasive neurosurgery. The brain retract manipulator system is controlled by new safety method with brain retraction pressure monitoring system, Tendon-driven unit which controls lock or free status of each joint of multi-joint spatula, Passive-hybrid control system that assure the system a suitable safety. In evaluation test with a hog, insertion of the multi-joint spatula as deep as the cerebral base was realized, and the possibility of securing the space between the temporal lobe and the cerebral base is verified.

  • A new method to extend applicable area of minimally invasive neurosurgery by brain retract manipulator

    J Okamoto, M Iida, K Nambu, MG Fujie, M Umezu, H Iseki



    To extend applicable area of minimally invasive neurosurgery, multi-DOF brain retract manipulator is developed. By inserting this manipulator deeper into the brain as an conductor and then other micromanipulator afterwards, it will be possible to realize new minimally invasive neurosurgery. The brain retract manipulator system is controlled by new safety method with brain retraction pressure monitoring system, Tendon-driven unit which controls lock or free status of each joint of multi-joint spatula, Passive-hybrid control system that assure the system a suitable safety. In evaluation test with a hog, insertion of the multi-joint spatula as deep as the cerebral base was realized, and the possibility of securing the space between the temporal lobe and the cerebral base is verified.

  • Development of multi-DOF brain retract manipulator for minimally invasive neurosurgery

    J Okamoto, M Iida, K Nambu, H Okayasu, MG Fujie, M Umezu, H Iseki



    In order to extend applicable area of minimally invasive neurosurgery, multi-DOF brain retract manipulator is developed. By inserting this manipulator deeper into the brain as a conductor and then other micromanipulator [K. Kan, M. Fujie, F. Tajima, K. Nishizawa, T. Kawai, A. Shose, Development of HUMAN system with three micromanipulators and minimally invasive neurosurgery, Proc. on the 15th International Symposium and Exhibition of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2001), 2001, pp. 144-149.] afterwards, it will be possible to realize new minimally invasive neurosurgery. The brain retract manipulator system consists of the following mechanisms: 10-DOF polyarticular spatula, brain retraction pressure monitoring system, Tendon-driven unit, which controls lock or free status of each joint of polyarticular spatula, passive-hybrid control system that assures the system a suitable safety, and 6-DOF SCARA type supporting structure. In evaluation test with a hog, insertion of the polyarticular spatula as deep as the cerebral base was realized, and the possibility of securing the space between the temporal lobe and the cerebral base is verified. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


  • Development of a hydraulic-driven flexible manipulator for neurosurgery

    H Okayasu, J Okamoto, MG Fujie, M Umezu, H Iseki



    Minimally invasive surgery has recently become a key word in medical engineering. In this operation, to introduce instruments, spatulas, which push tissues aside and retain the approach path to the affected area and workspace for introducing instruments, are necessary. So, a new type of hydraulic-driven flexible manipulator for neurosurgery has been developed. With a balloon put on, by using only physiological saline for drive system that assures safety, especially in pressure, to brain tissue as well has a simple mechanism. In addition, this gives the advantage of MRI compatibility. We first designed and made the prototype, and then evaluated it. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


  • An MR-compatible master-slave manipulator with interchangeable surgical tools

    F Tajima, K Kishi, K Kan, H Ishii, K Nishizawa, MG Fujie, T Dohi, K Sudo, S Takamoto



    This paper describes design, implementation and evaluation of a prototype of magnetic resonance (MR)-compatible master-slave manipulator with interchangeable surgical tools. The manipulator is designed so as to fit vertical-magnetic-field open-configuration MR imagers. Also, it is designed so that the surgical tool at the arm tip is interchangeable. We evaluated MR compatibility of the manipulator including a surgical tool by moving it close to a phantom in the field of view of an open-configuration MR imager. No noticeable deformation, but some signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) deterioration, was observed in the MR images. Consulted clinicians then evaluated its manipulability by maneuvering the master-slave manipulator system. After several-minute trial and error, they could perform each primitive motion for suturing task to training materials. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


  • An MR-Compatible Surgical Manipulator: Part of a Unified Support System for Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Disease

    Fujio Tajima, Kousuke Kishi, Kouji Nishizawa, Kazutoshi Kan, Hiroshi Ishii, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Takeyoshi Dohi, Ken-ichi Sudo, Shin-ichi Takamoto

    Advanced Robotics   17 ( 6 ) 561 - 575  2003年

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of MR Compatible Surgical Manipulator toward a Unified Support System for Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Disease

    Fujio Tajima, Kousuke Kishi, Kouji Nishizawa, Kazutoshi Kan, Yasuhiro Nemoto, Haruo Takeda, Shin-ichiro Umemura, Hiroshi Takeuchi, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Takeyoshi Dohi, Ken-ichi Sudo, Shin-ichi Takamoto

    Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention    2002年

  • Development of MR Compatible Surgical Manipulator toward a Unified Support System for Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Disease

    Fujio Tajima, Kousuke Kishi, Kouji Nishizawa, Kazutoshi Kan, Yasuhiro Nemoto, Haruo Takeda, Shin-ichiro Umemura, Hiroshi Takeuchi, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Takeyoshi Dohi, Ken-ichi Sudo, Shin-ichi Takamoto

    Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention    2002年

  • Development of surgery assisting manipulator for RAO

    Masaru Yanagihara, Jun Okamoto, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Norihiro Mitsui, Hideo Yano

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Robotics 2004  

  • Development of surgery assisting manipulator for RAO

    Masaru Yanagihara, Jun Okamoto, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Norihiro Mitsui, Hideo Yano

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Robotics 2004  




  • 歩行時の上肢と下肢の協調性を高める歩行訓練ロボットの開発



     これまで,高齢者の歩行の安定性が低下する要因として,歩行中の上肢の運動,特に体幹の回旋量が減少することが明らかになっている.高齢者が上肢と下肢を連動させるタイミング等の協調的に動作させるコツを失ってしまったため,下肢の振り出しが適切に促進されず,つまずき等の転倒を起こしてしまうことが原因である.そこで,本研究では,上肢と下肢が協調して動作する回旋運動をモデル化し,そのモデルを取り入れたロボットにより,上肢と下肢を結ぶ骨盤動作のみをアシストをすることで,つまずき等の転倒を予防した高齢者の歩行動作を誘導する訓練システムを開発する. 本研究では,上肢の運動と下肢の運動を連動させることで,下肢の振り出しを促進し,歩容を改善させる歩行訓練システムの研究を行う.本研究で提案する歩行訓練システムを開発するため,上肢と下肢を連動させるタイミング等の協調的に動作させる運動力学的な条件の工学的な解明,および,そのモデルに基づいて適切に下肢の振り出しをアシストするロボットの開発を実施する.この際,上肢と下肢にそれぞれ機械的なアシストを加え連動させる場合では,システム全体の大型化や使用者の装着の手間等の負担が大きくなる.そこで,本研究では,上肢と下肢を結ぶ骨盤に注目し,上肢の回旋角度の情報に基づいて,骨盤動作のみをアシストすることで,下肢の回旋角度を誘導する手法を開発する. 上記の内容に対して,上肢と下肢を連動させるタイミング等の協調的に動作させる運動力学条件の工学的解明と上肢と下肢が協調して動作する体幹の回旋運動モデルの構築を行った.運動力学条件の工学的解明では,高齢者の歩行中の運動学的パラメータを変化させることによって,体幹の回旋するタイミングや量,どのように変化しているかを計測し,分析を行った.また,体幹の回旋運動モデルの構築では,明らかとなった運動力学条件に基づき,上肢の回旋運動の情報と下肢の回旋運動の情報が逆位相になるような骨盤の回旋運動を決定する運動モデルの構築を行った.

  • 下肢麻痺者に対するリハビリ効果をもった長下肢装具処方のためのシステム構築




  • 開腹手術と同等の操作性を有するSILS・NOTES支援手術ロボットの開発




  • MRI画像によるナビゲーション機能を有するNOTES支援ロボットシステムの開発

    2009年   小林洋

