Updated on 2024/10/24


FEGAN, James E.
Faculty of International Research and Education
Job title
Professor Emeritus
M.A. (ケンブリッジ大学) ( ケンブリッジ大学 )

Research Interests

  • Various


Books and Other Publications

  • Education Across Borders: Philosophy, Policy & Pedagogy - New Paradigms and Challenges

    Waseda University MediaMix, C. Ltd.  2005

Research Projects

  • Education across Borders: The Politics, the Policies, the Constraints (sequel to 2006 publication)


    Project Year :


  • アジア太平洋サイバー犯罪、インターネットセキュリティ研究


    Project Year :


  • FUN Special Research Allowance B3 572000 yen for preliminary work (Apr. 2006-Mar. 2007)

    International Collaboration

    Project Year :


  • Asia-Pacific Cyber Law, Cybercrime and Internet Security

    0032 (Japanese Only)

    Project Year :



  • "Making English Work for You"

    James Fegan

    40周年記念早稲田大学語学教育研究所総合講座講義録    2003

  • "A preliminary evaluation of a videoconference exchange"

    共著 with, Field, M, C. Sheppard

    Bulletin of the Institute of Language Teaching, Waseda University   57   57 - 81  2002


Overseas Activities

  • 大学間の有効な交流のモダリティについての研究、実態調査(1、2);英米詩研究(3)


    アメリカ   ユタ大学

    イギリス   ケンブリッジ大学・キール大学

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 電子テキストとインターネットの新しい可能性を生かした有効な外国語教育の追求


     View Summary

    JF's project focus, originally a text-and image-handling CALL approach integrating OCR, CD-ROM and the Internet and 3 software items (dealt with in “Your Way ― A powerful 3-component CALL “tool” for working with words” (James Fegan, Victoria Muehleisen, Kenneth Cole; ILT Forum 8, March 1998) ― Clip Mate, a versatile clipboad-enhancing utility, The SemWare Editor, a powerful tool for text search and reformatting, and WordSmith Tools, primarily for generating word lists, concordances and relevant statistics), broadened to one stressing the potential for international links for Waseda via the Internet and media. His 3-state, 6-university visit to the United States in February 1998 was productive. He was able to observe well-conceived CALL-related facilities and practice, also bringing back useful materials, information and ideas related to language testing, Distance Education, writing, and reading in a foreign language. He also had the opportunity to outline the Project's “3-component tool” approach to text and the Internet for CALL. Most importantly, perhaps, he was able to set on foot efforts to create and promote electronic Waseda-US links of an academic nature going beyond the Project's language-learning mandate, opening up possibilities he is convinced will bear significant fruit in the future. He obtained useful information regarding not only ESL CALL, but also relating to, for example, Chinese and Korean. JF will continue to correspond with the producers of the tool components with a view to their enhancement for CALL purposes. VM explored ways of using the resources of the Internet, with students using e-mail to correspond in English with university students at other universities (in the United States, Thailand, Finland, and Japan). Students, from Elementary to Advanced English Writing level, used the WWW to gather information from English language web pages, for written and oral class presentations. Students made English web pages, creating materials which now available on the Internet, as part of her home page, at http://faculty.web.waseda.ac.jp/vicky. Publications describing VM's project activity:‘English via the Internet: Using the Internet in University Classes’(In Paul Lewis and Shiozawa Tadashi, eds. CALL Basics and Beyond, Proceedings of the Second Annual JALT CALL N-SIG Conference, Chubu University, Aichi, Japan, May 31-June 1, 1997). “Projects Using the Internet In College English Classes”(Internet-TESL Journal, Vol. III, No. 6, June 1997). Presentations describing this work: “Using the Internet to teach language and culture: Making a class web page”(36th Annual JACET Convention, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. September 5-7, 1997). Upcoming: ‘Organizing E-mail penpal exchanges’and ‘Making an interesting and useful teacher's home page’(Workshop) at CALL Human Connections, 3rd Annual JALT CALL N-SIG International Conference on Computers and Language Learning in Japan, May 30 and 31, 1998, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology (Tokyo Touritsu Kagaku Gijitsu Daigaku).PR (with JF collaborating) used OCR to produce electronic text of Law-related materials for glossing, etc., that made their study significantly easier, also exploiting the potential of the “3-component tool”and CD-ROM and Interent resources. During the project period, shi published “WOMEN AND THE LAW: AN ANNOTATED INTERNET-BASED BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL LEGAL RESEARCH”in the “Texas Journal of Women and the Law”. She also developed a new course, “Using the Internet for Legal Research and Writing”. While her focus has been essentially an ESP one, the materials assembled and resources mapped will be of ESL users at different levels and in any discipline.WT, with concerns more specifically in the area of literature and related issues, gave project-related presentations at two international conferences. At the University of Maryland, in the Literature and Technology session of “Breaking the Barriers from Multimedia to Media”, the presentation ‘The Hype of Hyperworlds, or Where Hype is Hypno’ addressed the use of multimedia technology in classroom language-learning situations. An article on high-tech innovations to appear in “The Australian Review of Books”(in progress) will also look at the issue of language learning in the assault on traditional sensibilities.ML focused on applying personal computers and the use of e-mail and the Internet to the teaching of German to Japanese learners. He compiled lists of WWW-links relevant to the teaching of German, sources of authentic text material and organizations which play an important part in the field of education, German arts, culture and social life. He gave presentations on the use of E-mail and the World Wide Web at the Goethe Institute (Doitsu Bunka Centre), in the ARBEITSKREIS FUER DIDAKTIK DER DEUTSCHEN SPRACE, based at the ILT with Japanese, Austrian and German teacher members from various universities all over Tokyo. During a Monbusho-sponsored course for Japanese teachers of German in Nojiri/Nagano he gave a workshop about the Internet as a new teaching aid. In November 1996 he was invited to Korea, to speak at a conference of Korean teachers of German and their German colleagues in Korea, where he showed the results of the use of video cameras by students (an individual Waseda tokuteikadai research project at the time) and evaluations of these films by learners of German in other countries via e-mail (with German as the language of communication). Based on his work in this joint 5-member project, in his new post of Director of the Centre for German for Foreign Students/German as a Foreign Language at the University of Kiel, he has both installed PCs in order to improve access to sources and material for the staff and, at their partner university, Adam-Mickiewicz-University (Poznan, Poland), has given a presentation on new ways to broaden the partners' exchange on the basis of Internet communication involving both teachers and students.Resources, etc., acquired under the project will continue to contribute to post-project CALL-related teaching and publiction activity. The project members wish to thank the University and all concerned for their support.

  • コンピューターによるEDの詩,書簡の意味・統語論的マッピング-ED関連の電子データベースの作用と応用


     View Summary

    The resources (hardware and software) assembled and the electronic texts worked on during the projectwill continue to facilitate research and publication-related activity (currently, contributions (5entries) to the Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia and the Emily Dickinson Lexicon (150-200entries), both to be published by the U.S. publisher Greenwood Press, publication scheduled, respectively,for 1998 and 1997. The funding recipient will also be utilising them for the production of electronicresources incorporating editions and other materials considered to have influenced Dickinson, a task,however, posing some technical problems.