2025/03/12 更新


ノムラ シノブ
野村 忍
医学博士 ( 東京大学 )
博士(医学) ( 東京大学 )


  • 2000年

    早稲田大学人間科学部 教授

  • 1996年

    東京大学心療内科 助教授



    神戸大学   医学部   医学科  
















  • 臨床心理学 / 内科学一般


  • 心身医学、行動医学、ストレス科学、臨床心理学



  • 過敏性腸症候群患者の治癒プロセスに関する質的研究

    河西 ひとみ, 辻内 琢也, 藤井 靖, 野村 忍

    心身医学   57 ( 1 ) 59 - 68  2017年


    <p>本研究は, 過敏性腸症候群 (IBS) の軽快・治癒プロセスを明らかにすることを目的とし, 主観的に軽快・治癒に至った7名のIBS患者にインタビューを行った. 分析には質的研究法の複線径路等至性モデル (Trajectory Equifinality Model : TEM) を使用した. 結果, プロセスは3型に分けられ, すべての型が 「IBS症状の発現」 から 「とらわれ」, 次に 「対処行動」 と 「IBS症状の一部軽快」 に至るまでは同じ径路をたどったが, 以降の径路は 「環境調整」 と 「心理的葛藤に直面」 に分岐した. 分岐後は, いずれの径路を選択した型も, サポート資源を受け取ることによって, すべての型において 「受容的諦め」, 「人生観の変化」, 「IBS体験への肯定的意味づけ」 という認知的変容体験を経て, 主観的な軽快・治癒に至った. また, 7例中3例において, 他者からの受容・共感と, 変化への圧力の相補的な働きがプロセスを推し進めた可能性が示唆された.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Seasonality in mood and behaviours of Japanese residents in high-latitude regions: transnational cross-sectional study

    Yumiko Kurata, Shuhei Izawa, Shinobu Nomura

    BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL MEDICINE   10 ( 1 )  2016年12月


    Background: Daylight hours in high-latitude regions tend to be longer than those in Japan in summer, and shorter than those in Japan in winter. For example, daylight hours in London in winter are one-third those of Tokyo. Therefore, this study investigated and compared seasonal changes in mood and behaviours of Japanese individuals living in and outside Japan.
    Methods: Surveys were conducted with Japanese residents in summer and winter in the UK (n = 106), Nordic countries (n = 40), Southeast Asia (n = 50), and Japan (n = 96). First, summer and winter General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ28) scores of each regional group were analysed. Subsequently, month-wise differences in mood and behaviours were compared across the four geographical regions.
    Results: Summer and winter GHQ28 scores of participants living in the UK and Nordic countries differed significantly, while no seasonal differences were observed for residents in Japan and Southeast Asia. Further, in the UK and Nordic countries, summer was associated with better mood and more activity, while winter was linked to lowered mood and reduced activity.
    Conclusion: The results indicate that Japanese living in the UK and Nordic countries (high-latitude regions) experience seasonal fluctuations in depressive symptoms that may be linked to drastic seasonal environmental changes. Observed over a 12-month period, their mood and behaviour declined in winter and improved in summer. Therefore, considering the prevalence of overseas stressors that differ from those in their home country, it is necessary to investigate the effectiveness of support systems that help migrants adapt to seasonal changes in high-latitude regions.


  • The effect of group art therapy on older Korean adults with Neurocognitive Disorders

    Hyun-Kyung Kim, Kyung Mee Kim, Shinobu Nomura

    ARTS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY   47   48 - 54  2016年02月


    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of group art therapy on improving the emotional capacities of older Korean adults with Neurocognitive Disorders (ND). In Korea, little research has been conducted on patients with mental disorders in nursing homes to measure the effectiveness of art therapy. Expanding upon previous research, this study tested an art therapy program that included 36 treatment sessions and used a wide variety of materials, including traditional materials, such as rice paper, Korean paints and brushes, and ink sticks. The program's goals were to reduce patients' levels of depression and improve their ability to express themselves. This research analyzed the effect of art therapy using the Short Geriatric Depression Scale and computer analysis of painting patterns. Older Korean adults with ND were shown to have decreased levels of depression and increased levels of self-expression, demonstrating that group art therapy was effective at improving the condition of older patients with ND. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Development and future perspectives of behavioral medicine in Japan

    Shinobu Nomura

    BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL MEDICINE   10 ( 1 )  2016年02月


    Development and Future Perspectives of Behavioral Medicine in Japan The study of the "Type A behavior pattern and myocardial infarction" was one of the main themes in the early stage of Behavioral Medicine. After that, behavior modification came to be widely applied to the treatment of various kinds of chronic diseases, and a general concept of Behavioral Medicine was subsequently formed. The Japanese Society of Behavioral Medicine was established in 1992 and is comprised of researchers in the fields of clinical medicine, social medicine, and psycho-behavioral science. Recently, we devised a core curriculum for behavioral science and behavioral medicine and have published a Japanese version of the "Textbook of Behavioral Medicine" in conformity with it. It is a primer that includes all of the basics and clinical applications of Behavioral Medicine and is edited as a manual that can be utilized in clinical practice. We hope this book will contribute to the development of Behavioral Medicine in Japan, to a more healthy life for our people, and to the improvement of the QOL of our patients. In this paper, I discuss the future perspectives from my personal opinion while looking back on the history of Behavioral Medicine in Japan.


  • 巻頭言

    野村 忍

    不安症研究   8 ( 1 ) 1 - 1  2016年


  • 女子学生を対象とした新版食行動異常傾向測定尺度の開発

    山蔦 圭輔, 佐藤 寛, 笹川 智子, 山本 隆一郎, 中井 義勝, 野村 忍

    心身医学   56 ( 7 ) 737 - 747  2016年


    はじめに : 近年, 摂食障害を呈する女子学生が増加している. 本研究の目的は, 新版食行動異常傾向測定尺度 (Abnormal Eating Behavior Scale new version : 以下AEBS-NV) の開発と信頼性および妥当性を検討することであった. 対象者 : 一般女子学生へ調査を実施し, 調査用紙への身長・体重を除く項目へ完答し, また摂食障害の罹患歴がない者226名 (20.4±2.6歳) (調査1) および104名 (19.9±1.1歳) (調査2) を分析対象とした. 方法 : 想定した項目の因子構造を確認するため, 因子分析を行った. また, 尺度の妥当性を検討するため, 因子得点により対象者を3群に分類し (low group : LG, middle group : MG, high group : HG), EAT-26およびEDI得点について, 群における一要因分散分析を行った. また, 尺度のカットオフポイントを検討するため, 下位尺度得点ごとにROC分析を行った. 結果 : 因子分析の結果, "非機能的ダイエット" 因子・ "食事へのとらわれ" 因子・ "むちゃ食い" 因子の3因子 (14項目) が抽出され, 信頼性係数の値は十分であ


  • Anger tendency may be associated with duration of illness in panic disorder

    Nagisa Sugaya, Eiji Yoshida, Shin Yasuda, Mamoru Tochigi, Kunio Takei, Takeshi Otowa, Tadashi Umekage, Yoshiaki Konishi, Yuji Sakano, Shinobu Nomura, Yuji Okazaki, Hisanobu Kaiya, Hisashi Tanii, Tsukasa Sasaki



    Background: Several studies have reported an increased tendency towards anger in patients with panic disorder (PD). If this propensity for anger arises from the pathological process of PD, it may be associated with the duration of the illness. The present study therefore examined the relationship between duration of PD and the personality tendency to experience anger in PD patients.
    Methods: Participants were 413 patients (132 men and 281 women; age = 38.7 years) with PD. Diagnoses were confirmed using the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Illness duration ranged from less than a year to 51 years. After participants completed the Revised NEO Personality Inventory, we examined the association between illness duration and the Angry Hostility and Impulsiveness subscale scores. In the analysis, participants were divided into two groups by duration of illness (long group, n = 186 and short group, n = 200) using the median value (9 years) as a cut-off because of the skewed distribution of the duration. Patients with an illness duration of 9 years (n = 27) were excluded from the comparison.
    Results: The duration of illness was significantly correlated with the Angry Hostility score (p = 0.002) after controlling for age. Scores were significantly higher in the long group than in the short group (p = 0.04). No significant association was observed between Impulsiveness scores and duration of illness.
    Conclusion: The present study suggests that longer PD duration is related to a stronger tendency to experience anger.

    DOI PubMed

  • Effect of prolonged stress on the adrenal hormones of individuals with irritable bowel syndrome

    Nagisa Sugaya, Shuhei Izawa, Keisuke Saito, Kentaro Shirotsuki, Shinobu Nomura, Hironori Shimada

    BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL MEDICINE   9 ( 1 )  2015年01月


    Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of prolonged stress on the salivary adrenal hormones (cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA], DHEA-sulfate [DHEA-S]) of individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
    Methods: The participants were female college students, including 10 with IBS and 16 without IBS (control group), who were scheduled for a 2-week teaching practice at a kindergarten. Participants were asked to collect saliva for determining adrenal hormones immediately and 30 min after awakening and before sleep, 2 weeks before the practice, the first week of the practice, the second week of the practice, and a few days after the practice.
    Results: Regarding cortisol/DHEA ratio, significantly increased levels were found during the first week of the practice, and a significant interaction between group and time was found; the ratio at 30 min after awakening in the IBS group was higher than that in the control group. For the other adrenal hormone indexes, no significant differences due to the presence of IBS were found.
    Conclusions: Individuals with IBS showed an elevated cortisol/DHEA ratio after awakening compared with individuals without IBS, and the elevated ratio peaked under the prolonged stress. The present study suggests that the cortisol effect is dominant in individuals with IBS under prolonged stress.

    DOI PubMed

  • The Preliminary Study of Individual Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Japanese Patients With Social Anxiety Disorder

    Kentaro Shirotsuki, Yoshio Kodama, Shinobu Nomura

    PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES   11 ( 2 ) 162 - 170  2014年05月


    Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of both individual and group cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) programs for social anxiety disorder (SAD) with patients in many countries. The present preliminary study reports the effectiveness of individual CBT for Japanese patients with SAD. Fifteen outpatients diagnosed with SAD completed an individual CBT program of six 50-min sessions with several components, including cognitive restructuring to modify cost and probability bias, repeated speech exposure, and homework about idiosyncratic anxiety-provoking situations. The results show that SAD symptoms improved after completion of the program. Large effect sizes were found for cognitive factors of SAD. In addition, repeated speech exposure was highly effective for improving the self-perception of subjective anxiety. The present findings suggest that an individual CBT program can be effective for reducing SAD symptoms with Japanese patients.


  • Development of the Stressor Scale for Japanese Overseas Residents (UK Version)

    Yumiko Kurata, Shinobu Nomura

    Journal of International Health   29 ( 1 ) 1 - 9  2014年02月


    Objectives<BR>To develop a stressor scale for Japanese overseas residents that takes their general and specific circumstances into consideration.<BR>Methods<BR>In Study 1, an original version of the Stressor Scale for Japanese Overseas Residents - United Kingdom version (SSJR-UK) consisting of 47 items was drafted based on the Daily Hassles Scale and 13 items extracted using the KJ Method. Next, we administered it to Japanese residents in the UK (n = 369) to assess its reliability and construct validity. In Study 2, a subset of the UK group (n = 100) was compared to three other groups: Nordic countries (n = 65), Southeast Asia (n = 61), and Japan (n = 148) to identify stressors specific to life in the UK.<BR>Results<BR>Factor analysis was conducted using promax rotation and the following six factors were identified: daily life circumstances, psychological pressure, sense of fulfilment, health and future of the family, interpersonal relationships, and oral communication. Overall Cronbach's alpha was .90, which provides evidence of the scale's high internal consistency. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients between each SSJR-UK factor scores and the CES-D were .28-.58 (p < .01) and between SSJR-UK factor scores and the SRS18 were .38-.67 (p <.01), which are indicative of the construct validity of the scale. The discriminability of the scale indicated that only the overall score and scores for the factors specific to conditions in the UK were significantly higher than in the other countries: F (4,370) = 9.19 (p < .001) and F (4,370) = 16.48 (p < .001), respectively.<BR>Conclusion<BR>The SSJR-UK has sufficient reliability and validity to measure the stressors of Japanese residents in the UK.

    DOI CiNii

  • The preliminary study of individual cognitive behavior therapy for Japanese patients with social anxiety disorder.

    Shirotsuki Kentaro, Kodama Yoshio, Nomura Shinobu

    The preliminary study of individual cognitive behavior therapy for Japanese patients with social anxiety disorder.   11 ( 2 )  2014年


    :Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of both individual and group cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) programs for social anxiety disorder (SAD) with patients in many countries. The present preliminary study reports the effectiveness of individual CBT for Japanese patients with SAD. Fifteen outpatients diagnosed with SAD completed an individual CBT program of six 50-min sessions with several components, including cognitive restructuring to modify cost and probability bias, repeated speech exposure, and homework about idiosyncratic anxiety-provoking situations. The results show that SAD symptoms improved after completion of the program. Large effect sizes were found for cognitive factors of SAD. In addition, repeated speech exposure was highly effective for improving the self-perception of subjective anxiety. The present findings suggest that an individual CBT program can be effective for reducing SAD symptoms with Japanese patients.


  • Development of the Stressor Scale for Japanese Overseas Residents (UK Version)

    Kurata Yumiko, Nomura Shinobu

    国際保健医療   29 ( 1 ) 1 - 9  2014年


    Objectives&lt;BR&gt;To develop a stressor scale for Japanese overseas residents that takes their general and specific circumstances into consideration.&lt;BR&gt;Methods&lt;BR&gt;In Study 1, an original version of the Stressor Scale for Japanese Overseas Residents - United Kingdom version (SSJR-UK) consisting of 47 items was drafted based on the Daily Hassles Scale and 13 items extracted using the KJ Method. Next, we administered it to Japanese residents in the UK (n = 369) to assess its reliability and construct validity. In Study 2, a subset of the UK group (n = 100) was compared to three other groups: Nordic countries (n = 65), Southeast Asia (n = 61), and Japan (n = 148) to identify stressors specific to life in the UK.&lt;BR&gt;Results&lt;BR&gt;Factor analysis was conducted using promax rotation and the following six factors were identified: daily life circumstances, psychological pressure, sense of fulfilment, health and future of the family, interpersonal relationships, and oral communication. Overall Cronbach&#039;s alpha was .90, which provides evidence of the scale&#039;s high internal consistency. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients between each SSJR-UK factor scores and the CES-D were .28-.58 (p &lt;

    DOI CiNii

  • 怒り反芻に対するメタ認知的信念尺度の作成及び信頼性と妥当性の検討

    金ヌルプルンソル, 山口摩弥, 今井正司, 熊野宏昭, 野村忍

    認知療法研究   7 ( 2 ) 180 - 188  2014年


  • An increase in salivary interleukin-6 level following acute psychosocial stress and its biological correlates in healthy young adults

    Shuhei Izawa, Nagisa Sugaya, Kenta Kimura, Namiko Ogawa, Kosuke C. Yamada, Kentaro Shirotsuki, Ikuyo Mikami, Kanako Hirata, Yuichiro Nagano, Shinobu Nomura

    BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY   94 ( 2 ) 249 - 254  2013年10月


    Although interleukin-6 (IL-6) has been investigated frequently in stress research, knowledge regarding the biological processes of IL-6 in association with psychosocial stress remains incomplete. This study focused on salivary IL-6 and reports its temporal variation and biological correlates following acute psychosocial stress. Fifty healthy young adults (39 male and 11 female students) were subjected to the psychosocial stress test 'Trier Social Stress Test' (TSST), wherein the participants were asked to deliver a speech and perform a mental arithmetic task in front of 2 audiences. Collection of saliva samples, measurement of heart rate, and assessment of negative moods by visual analogue scales were conducted before, during, and after TSST. Salivary IL-6 levels increased by approximately 50% in response to the TSST and remained elevated for 20 min after the stress tasks were completed. Cluster analyses revealed that individuals with sustained elevation of IL-6 levels following the TSST exhibited a lower cortisol response compared to individuals with lower IL-6 levels. In the correlation analyses, a greater IL-6 response was associated with a higher heart rate during the mental arithmetic task (r = .351, p < .05) and with a lower cortisol response (r = -.302, p < .05). This study demonstrates that salivary IL-6 levels are elevated for a relatively long period following acute psychosocial stress, and suggests that sympathetic activity and cortisol secretion are involved in elevation of salivary IL-6 levels. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • Irritable bowel syndrome, its cognition, anxiety sensitivity, and anticipatory anxiety in panic disorder patients

    Nagisa Sugaya, Eiji Yoshida, Shin Yasuda, Mamoru Tochigi, Kunio Takei, Toshiyuki Ohtani, Takeshi Otowa, Takanobu Minato, Tadashi Umekage, Yuji Sakano, Junwen Chen, Hironori Shimada, Shinobu Nomura, Yuji Okazaki, Hisanobu Kaiya, Hisashi Tanii, Tsukasa Sasaki

    PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES   67 ( 6 ) 397 - 404  2013年09月


    Aim: The present study examined the effect of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), cognitive appraisal of IBS, and anxiety sensitivity on anticipatory anxiety (AA) and agoraphobia (AG) in patients with panic disorder (PD).
    Methods: We examined 244 PD patients who completed a set of questionnaires that included the Rome II Modular Questionnaire to assess the presence of IBS, the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI), the Cognitive Appraisal Rating Scale (CARS; assessing the cognitive appraisal of abdominal symptoms in four dimensions: commitment, appraisal of effect, appraisal of threat, and controllability), and items about the severity of AA and AG. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview was used to diagnose AG and PD.
    Results: After excluding individuals with possible organic gastrointestinal diseases by using red flag items,' valid data were obtained from 174 participants, including 110 PD patients without IBS (PD/IBS[-]) and 64 with IBS (PD/IBS[+]). The PD/IBS[+] group had higher AA and higher comorbidity with AG than the PD/IBS[-] group. In the PD/IBS[+] group, the controllability score of CARS was significantly correlated with AA and ASI. Multiple regression analysis showed a significant effect of ASI but not of controllability on AA in PD/IBS[+] subjects.
    Conclusion: This study suggested that the presence of IBS may be related to agoraphobia and anticipatory anxiety in PD patients. Cognitive appraisal could be partly related to anticipatory anxiety in PD patients with IBS with anxiety sensitivity mediating this correlation.


  • 不安のコントロール感に関する基礎的検討ー社交不安障害の観点からー

    城月健太郎, 児玉芳夫, 野村忍, 足立總一郎

    心身医学   53 ( 5 ) 408 - 415  2013年05月



    DOI CiNii

  • 慢性疼痛患者の原因疾患別にみた心理的評価

    小林如乃, 米良仁志, 野村忍

    心身医学   53 ( 4 ) 343 - 353  2013年04月

  • Seasonal mood and Behavioral Changes for Japanese Residents in the United Kingdom

    Yumiko Kurata, Shinobu Nomura

    Psychology   3 ( Special Issue ) 848 - 855  2012年09月


  • Effects of prolonged stress on salivary cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone: A study of a two-week teaching practice

    Shuhei Izawa, Keisuke Saito, Kentaro Shirotsuki, Nagisa Sugaya, Shinobu Nomura

    PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY   37 ( 6 ) 852 - 858  2012年06月


    This study investigated variations in salivary levels of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in a prolonged stressful situation (a two-week teaching practice). Thirty-three women for whom a two-week teaching practice at a kindergarten was scheduled were asked to collect saliva samples at awakening, 30 min after awakening, and bedtime at four time points: two weeks before the practice, the first week of the practice, the second week of the practice, and a few days after the practice. In addition, they completed questionnaires for assessing perceived stress and subjective moods on each day. A linear mixed model indicated that cortisol levels significantly increased during the first and second week of the practice compared with those before and after the practice period, and that DHEA levels significantly decreased after the practice period compared with those at the other time points. Further, cortisol awakening response after the practice period significantly reduced compared with that at the other time points. Scores of perceived stress and negative moods were also higher during the practice period. This study showed that prolonged stress affected cortisol and DHEA secretion during as well as after the stress period. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Psychological Distress of the Bereaved Seeking Medical Counseling at a Cancer Center

    Mayumi Ishida, Hideki Onishi, Mei Matsubara, Yukio Tada, Hiroshi Ito, Masaru Narabayashi, Yasutsuna Sasaki, Shinobu Nomura, Yosuke Uchitomi

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY   42 ( 6 ) 506 - 512  2012年06月


    The death of a loved one is one of the most stressful events in life and is related to the physical and psychological wellbeing of the bereaved. Some bereaved individuals seek medical counseling to alleviate their distress. However, no studies have focused on the bereaved who have lost a loved one to cancer and have asked for medical help at a cancer center as a result. The aim of this study was to investigate the distress of the bereaved who sought consultation, as basic information for considering support.
    We conducted a survey of people consulting outpatient services for bereaved families between April 2007 and September 2009. Data were obtained from medical records at initial consultation and qualitatively analyzed by content analysis using all statements related to their distress.
    Their statements were classified into 11 categories, which were further classified into six themes. The main categories of bereavement-related distress were as follows: (i) regret; (ii) anger; (iii) memories; (iv) loneliness; (v) anxiety; and (vi) hopelessness. oRegret' was frequently recognized in their distress and it includes some points related to the cancer trajectory.
    Psychological distresses of the bereaved who have lost a loved one and have asked for medical counseling are revealed. Their distresses are strongly related to the cancer trajectory of a family member. Some of these distresses are related to medical misunderstanding about the course of cancer. These findings might provide basic information for considering their appropriate treatment.


  • Adrenal hormone response and psychophysiological correlates under psychosocial stress in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome

    Nagisa Sugaya, Shuhei Izawa, Kenta Kimura, Namiko Ogawa, Kosuke C. Yamada, Kentaro Shirotsuki, Ikuyo Mikami, Kanako Hirata, Yuichiro Nagano, Shinobu Nomura, Hironori Shimada



    Objective: In this study, we investigated levels and relative ratios of adrenal hormones (including cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA], and DHEA-sulfate [DHEA-S]) and their psychophysiological correlates under acute psychosocial stress in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).Methods: Fifty-three college students participated in the study (male: 42, female: 11; mean age: 22.64 years), including 13 individuals with IBS (IBS group) and 40 individuals without IBS (control group). The participants were exposed to a standardized laboratory stressor, which included delivering a speech and performing a mental arithmetic task. We measured subjective stress levels and salivary cortisol, DHEA, and DHEA-S levels at relevant time points before, during, and after the tasks.Results: DHEA-S level and the DHEA-S/DHEA ratio in the IBS group were significantly lower than those in the control group, and the cortisol/DHEA-S ratio in the IBS group was higher than that in the control group throughout the experiment. In the IBS group, the appraisal of a threat was positively correlated with cortisol levels (r = 0.61), and the appraisal of controllability was negatively correlated with cortisol levels (r = -0.64) and with the cortisol/DHEA ratio (r = -0.71). The control group showed a significant positive correlation between the appraisal of threat and cortisol levels (r = 0.32).Conclusion: The present study indicates that individuals with IBS had lower DHEA-S levels, and that their stressful cognitive appraisals under acute psychosocial stress caused the effects of cortisol to dominate. This adrenal hormone response may be involved in exacerbating abdominal symptoms in individuals with IBS. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • Psychological distress of the bereaved seeking medical counseling at a cancer center.

    Ishida Mayumi, Onishi Hideki, Matsubara Mei, Tada Yukio, Ito Hiroshi, Narabayashi Masaru, Sasaki Yasutsuna, Nomura Shinobu, Uchitomi Yosuke

    Psychological distress of the bereaved seeking medical counseling at a cancer center.   42 ( 6 )  2012年


    OBJECTIVE:The death of a loved one is one of the most stressful events in life and is related to the physical and psychological wellbeing of the bereaved. Some bereaved individuals seek medical counseling to alleviate their distress. However, no studies have focused on the bereaved who have lost a loved one to cancer and have asked for medical help at a cancer center as a result. The aim of this study was to investigate the distress of the bereaved who sought consultation, as basic information for considering support.;METHODS:We conducted a survey of people consulting outpatient services for bereaved families between April 2007 and September 2009. Data were obtained from medical records at initial consultation and qualitatively analyzed by content analysis using all statements related to their distress.;RESULTS:Their statements were classified into 11 categories, which were further classified into six themes. The main categories of bereavement-related distress were as follows: (i) regret; (ii) anger; (iii) memories; (iv) loneliness; (v) anxiety; and (vi) hopelessness. &#039;Regret&#039; was frequently recognized in their distress and it includes some points related to the cancer trajectory.;


  • 電気痙攣療法を受療する慢性痛患者とその他の慢性痛患者の心理的諸問題に関する比較

    小林如乃, 米良仁志, 野村忍

    日本ペインクリニック学会誌   19 ( 1 ) 31 - 39  2012年


  • 線維筋痛症患者の心理的特徴─非線維筋痛症慢性痛患者との比較検討─

    小林如乃, 米良仁志, 野村忍

    日本ペインクリニック学会誌   19 ( 1 ) 25 - 30  2012年


    線維筋痛症(fibromyalgia syndrome:FMS)は痛みだけでなく種々の身体症状や精神症状を呈する疾患である.本邦では心理尺度を用いたFMS患者の心理的特徴に関する報告は少なく,これを調査し把握することを目的とした.FMS患者(n=20)で精神健康調査票(general health questionnaire:GHQ)を用いて調査し,FMS以外の慢性痛患者(非FMS慢性痛患者,n=20)を対照に比較した.さらに,FMS患者にはハミルトンうつ病評価尺度(Hamilton's rating scale for depression:HRSD)による評価を行った.罹病期間はFMS患者24.1カ月,非FMS慢性痛患者54.1カ月であった.FMS患者のGHQ総合得点と全下位尺度得点は非FMS慢性痛患者より有意に高く,HRSDの結果中等度のうつ状態にあることが示された.これらのことから,FMS患者は著しく精神的健康度が低く,心身ともに疲弊していることが示唆され,治療の際には痛みだけでなく精神症状や心理社会的要因も含めた評価と治療が不可欠であると考えられる.

    DOI CiNii

  • 摂食障害の治療初期における患者が有する治療に対する抵抗感の検討

    小林仁美, 石川俊男, 野村忍

    女性心身医学   16 ( 2 ) 146 - 152  2011年11月



    DOI CiNii

  • Relationship Between Cognitive Factors and Anxiety in Individuals with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Sugaya N, Nomura S, Shimada H

    International Journal of Behavioral Medicine   19   308 - 315  2011年09月

  • ビデオ観察と認知的介入からなるビデオフィードバックがスピーチ課題の自己評価に与える影響

    城月健太郎, 笹川智子, 野村忍

    認知療法研究   4   37 - 45  2011年05月

  • Cynical hostility, anger expression style, and acute myocardial infarction in middle-aged Japanese males

    Izawa S, Eto Y, Yamada CK, Nakano M, Yamada H, Nagayama M, Kikuchi T, Nomura S

    Behavioral Medicine   37   81 - 86  2011年02月

  • Psychiatric disorders in patients who lost family members to cancer and asked for medical help: descriptive analysis of outpatient services for bereaved families at Japanese cancer center hospital.

    Ishida Mayumi, Onishi Hideki, Wada Mei, Tada Yukio, Ito Hiroshi, Narabayashi Masaru, Sasaki Yasutsuna, Nomura Shinobu, Uchitomi Yosuke

    Psychiatric disorders in patients who lost family members to cancer and asked for medical help: descriptive analysis of outpatient services for bereaved families at Japanese cancer center hospital.   41 ( 3 )  2011年


    OBJECTIVE:There have been no previous studies about consultation of the bereaved who have lost a loved one to cancer and ask for medical help. The aim of this study was to investigate their basic characteristics and their psychiatric disorders.;METHODS:A retrospective study using clinical and background data obtained over 30 months (from April 2007 to September 2009) was conducted at outpatient services for bereaved families at the Department of Psycho-Oncology at Saitama Medical University International Medical Center, Japan.;RESULTS:During the period of investigation, 51 patients underwent consultation. The patients were frequently female (P &lt; 0.0001) and the spouse of the deceased. Regarding the psychiatric diagnoses, major depression was the most common (39%), followed by adjustment disorders (28%).;CONCLUSIONS:This study revealed basic characteristics and psychiatric disorders of the bereaved who asked for medical help. Most of the patients were women (86.3%) and 86.3% of them received a psychiatric diagnosis. This information is important for both physicians and psychologists since the bereaved who have lost a loved one to cancer often ask for medical help in clinical setting


  • 社交不安障害における情報処理バイアス

    城月健太郎, 野村忍

    認知療法研究   4 ( 2 ) 130 - 139  2011年


  • Psychiatric disorders in patients who lost family members to cancer and asked for medical help:Descriptive analysis of outpatient services for bereaved families at Japanese cancer center hospital

    Ishida, M, Onishi, H, Wada, M, Tada, Y, Ito, H, Narabayashi, M, Sasaki, Y, Nomura, S, Uchitomi, Y

    Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology   41 ( 3 ) 380 - 385  2010年11月

  • 企画セッション3 NIRSによる映像視聴時の前頭前野活動の評価

    山田 クリス孝介, 野村 忍

    バイオフィードバック研究   37 ( 2 ) 91 - 96  2010年10月


    近赤外分光法(near-infrared spectroscopy:NIRS)は神経イメージング技法の1つであり,その非侵襲性と簡便性から近年多くの研究者の注目を集めている.我々は,このNIRSを用いてストレスの測定と評価に関する研究を推進しており,本稿では2つの基礎的研究を紹介した.1つはヴァーチャル・リアリティ(仮想現実,virtual reality:VR)視聴時の脳活動を測定,評価した研究である.健常な大学生を対象に2種類のVR映像を呈示し,映像の種類に関わらず,映像を視聴することによって同じように脳が活性化したことが示唆された.もう1つは感情喚起時の前頭前野活動に関する研究である.International Affective Picture System(IAPS)を用い,3つの感情状態(ネガティブ,中性,ポジティブ)を喚起した時の前頭前野活動をNIRSによって測定した.測定されたデータから,感情の種類によって活動部位が異なることが示唆された.

    DOI CiNii

  • NIRSによる映像視聴時の前頭前野活動の評価

    山田クリス孝介, 野村忍

    バイオフィードバック研究   37 ( 2 ) 91 - 96  2010年10月


    近赤外分光法(near-infrared spectroscopy:NIRS)は神経イメージング技法の1つであり,その非侵襲性と簡便性から近年多くの研究者の注目を集めている.我々は,このNIRSを用いてストレスの測定と評価に関する研究を推進しており,本稿では2つの基礎的研究を紹介した.1つはヴァーチャル・リアリティ(仮想現実,virtual reality:VR)視聴時の脳活動を測定,評価した研究である.健常な大学生を対象に2種類のVR映像を呈示し,映像の種類に関わらず,映像を視聴することによって同じように脳が活性化したことが示唆された.もう1つは感情喚起時の前頭前野活動に関する研究である.International Affective Picture System(IAPS)を用い,3つの感情状態(ネガティブ,中性,ポジティブ)を喚起した時の前頭前野活動をNIRSによって測定した.測定されたデータから,感情の種類によって活動部位が異なることが示唆された.

    DOI CiNii

  • 摂食障害におけるQuality of Lifeに関連する要因の包括的検討

    小林仁美, 石川俊男, 野村忍

    女性心身医学   15 ( 1 ) 144 - 153  2010年07月


    本研究では摂食障害(Eating Disorders:ED)のQuality of Life(QOL)およびEDのQOLに影響を与える要因について検討した.自己記入式質問紙調査を実施し,ED患者76名(男性3名,女性73名,25.96±6.97歳)および健常群36名(女性36名,21.77±6.68歳)を分析対象とした.調査材料としてWorld Health Organization Quality of Life 26(QOL-26),State-Trait Anxiety Scale(STAI),Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale(CES-D)を用いた.ED群のQOL-26は,健常群よりもQOL-26の下位因子において有意な低下が認められた(all p<.001).ED群において,病型,排出行動の有無および罹病期間,BMIによるQOLの違いは認められなかった.一方,過食行動の有無で比較をしたところ,過食行動を伴うEDにおけるQOL-26の「全体」領域での有意な低下(p<.05)が認められた.過食行動,STAI,CES-Dを独立変数とした重回帰分析の結果,過食行動とQOL-26「社会的関係」領域(p<.01),CES-D得点とQOL-26「身体的」「心理的」「社会的関係」「環境」「平均」領域(all p<.001)との間に有意な関連が認められた.本研究の結果から,ED患者のQOLが低下していること,QOLが保持されている状態が病識欠如などのED特有の問題を反映している可能性があること,特に抑うつ症状の改善がQOLの向上という視点からも重要であることが示唆された.

    DOI CiNii

  • Bereavement Dream? –Successful antidepressant treatment for bereavement-related distressing dreams in patients with major depression

    Ishida, M, Onishi, H, Wada, M, Wada, T, Wada, M, Uchitomi, Y, Nomura, S

    Palliative and Supportive Care   8 ( 1 ) 95 - 98  2010年03月


  • [How do the cost bias and probability bias influence social anxiety symptoms?].

    Shirotsuki Kentaro, Sasagawa Satoko, Nomura Shinobu

    [How do the cost bias and probability bias influence social anxiety symptoms?].   81 ( 4 )  2010年


    :The cost and probability bias in social situations are considered to be a maintaining factor for social anxiety disorder (SAD) symptoms. However, the process by which the cost and probability bias influences other SAD symptoms, such as avoidance behavior, self-perception of autonomic responses, and anxiety in social situations has not been investigated. We developed a model of the cost and probability bias and investigated the process through which the cost and probability bias influences SAD symptoms. Undergraduate students (N=290) were administered self-report measures assessing each component of SAD symptoms. A path analysis was conducted using the cost and probability bias model, which indicated high validity for the model (goodness of fit index = .99, adjusted goodness of fit index = .92, root mean square error of approximation = .09). The results also indicated that the cost bias had a strong effect on each component of SAD symptoms, and that the probability bias mediated the relationship between fear of negative evaluation and the cost bias. These findings suggest that changing the cost and probability bias may improve SAD symptoms.

  • Effect of day-to-day variations in adrenal cortex hormone levels on abdominal symptoms.

    Sugaya Nagisa, Izawa Shuhei, Ogawa Namiko, Shirotsuki Kentaro, Kobayashi Hitomi, Yamada Kosuke C, Tsumura Hideki, Nomura Shinobu, Shimada Hironori

    Effect of day-to-day variations in adrenal cortex hormone levels on abdominal symptoms.   4 ( 1 )  2010年


    INTRODUCTION:The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is known to be related to abdominal symptoms, and the relationship between abdominal pain and cortisol secretory patterns has been previously investigated using a cross-sectional approach. Here, we investigated the effect of day-to-day variations in salivary cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate levels on abdominal symptoms in healthy individuals.;METHODS:Eleven college students (4 males and 7 females) participated in this study. The participants were asked to collect their saliva immediately after awakening and before bedtime for eight consecutive days. They also completed a questionnaire about abdominal symptoms before bedtime. The linear mixed model was applied to analyze the effects of the day-by-day variability or the 8-day average adrenal hormone level (at awakening, before bedtime, slope from awakening to bedtime) on abdominal symptoms.;RESULTS:The day-to-day variability of cortisol levels before bedtime was negatively related with loose stool, while the day-to-day variability of the cortisol slope was positively correlated with loose stool. A low 8-day average dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate level at awakening was po


  • Bereavement dream? Successful antidepressant treatment for bereavement-related distressing dreams in patients with major depression.

    Ishida Mayumi, Onishi Hideki, Wada Mei, Wada Tomomi, Wada Makoto, Uchitomi Yosuke, Nomura Shinobu

    Bereavement dream? Successful antidepressant treatment for bereavement-related distressing dreams in patients with major depression.   8 ( 1 )  2010年


    OBJECTIVE:The death of a person is a stressful event. Such stress affects the physical and psychological well-being of the bereaved. As an associated mental disorder, major depressive disorder (MDD) is common. Some dream of the deceased, and these dreams are called bereavement dreams. Some MDD patients also experience dreams. These two types of dreams are sometimes difficult to differentiate. The dream of the bereaved might be only a bereavement-related dream, yet it might be a symptom of MDD. Herein, we report one patient who had distressing dreams after the death of her mother.;METHODS:A 63-year-old woman was referred for psychiatric consultation because of generalized fatigue and insomnia. Questioning her about recent events, she said that her mother had died of colonic carcinoma 5 months previously. Two months after the death, she suddenly started dreaming of her mother, getting angry with her almost every night. Generalized fatigue, insomnia, and distressing dreams appeared simultaneously. The dream caused much distress, making her afraid to fall asleep.;RESULTS:Her psychiatric features fulfilled the DSM-IV-TR criteria for MDD, single episode. The death of her mother was consi


  • 感情喚起時の前頭前野活動

    山田 クリス孝介, 平田 華奈子, 野村 忍

    日本知能情報ファジィ学会 ファジィ システム シンポジウム 講演論文集   26 ( 0 ) 237 - 237  2010年


    感情喚起時の脳の活動メカニズムを明らかにすることは、うつ病や不安障害などの精神障害を理解するために重要な問題である。脳の前頭前皮質は感情の制御に重要な役割を担っていると考えられ、大きな注目を集めている。本発表では、感情と脳に関する先行研究を概観し、我々の研究について紹介する。我々の研究では、健常な大学生を対象に、感情喚起時の前頭前野活動を近赤外線分光法(near-infrared spectroscopy: NIRS)により測定した。NIRSは大脳皮質の血流量を非侵襲的に測定できる装置である。感情喚起にはInternational Affective Picture System(IAPS; Lang et al., 1995)を使用し、IAPSの中から不快、中性、快画像をそれぞれ15枚ずつ選定した。各画像(不快、中性、快)をブロック計画で提示し、各ブロックにおける前頭前野活動を比較した。


  • 唾液中副腎皮質ホルモン測定における唾液採取法と室温保存の影響

    小川 奈美子, 井澤 修平, 野村 忍, 町田 和彦

    生理心理学と精神生理学   28 ( 3 ) 219 - 224  2010年


    唾液バイオマーカーの利用は増加しているが,唾液を採取する器具の違いがホルモン濃度に与える影響は十分に検討されていない。本研究ではストローによる採取(Passive Drool),コットンロールによる採取,ポリマーロールによる採取について,コルチゾール,デヒドロエピアンドロステロン(DHEA),硫酸基結合型DHEA(DHEA-S)の各濃度への影響を調査した。また,検体の室温保存が各ホルモン濃度へ与える影響を検討するために,唾液検体を採取直後に冷凍保存する条件,4日後,9日後に冷凍保存する条件を設け,条件間の濃度の比較もおこなった。参加者は成人男性7 名,女性13 名であった。DHEAでは0日,4日と比べて9日目で濃度が高くなり,DHEA-Sはストローによる採取よりもコットンロールによる採取で濃度が高くなった。唾液を検体として内分泌を測定する場合,これらの影響を考慮しながら研究計画を立てる必要がある。


  • 地域高齢者の外出に対する自己効力感尺度の開発

    山崎 幸子, 藺牟田 洋美, 橋本 美芽, 野村 忍, 安村 誠司

    日本公衆衛生雑誌   57 ( 6 ) 439 - 447  2010年


    目的 近年,地域で介護予防を進めていくための強化分野の 1 つとして,「閉じこもり予防•支援」が展開されており,その効果を評価する心理的側面を含めた指標が求められている。行動変容の視点によれば,閉じこもりの改善には,外出に特化した自己効力感が潜在的に影響していると想定されるが,評価尺度は未だ存在しない。そこで本研究では,地域高齢者の外出に対する自己効力感を測定する尺度(self-efficacy scale on going out among community-dwelling elderly:以下,SEGE と略す)を開発し,その信頼性と妥当性を検証することを目的とした。&lt;br/&gt;方法 都内 A 区在住の地域高齢者18人から項目収集を行い,得られた項目をもとに,某県 O 市の地域高齢者258人に対する予備調査によって,13項目から成る尺度原案を作成した。本調査は,都内 A 区在住の地域高齢者8,000人を無作為抽出し,郵送法による調査を実施した。調査内容は,尺度原案,年齢,性別などの基本属性および妥当性を検討する

    DOI CiNii

  • 入眠時選択的注意が入眠困難に及ぼす影響:—数息観による注意の統制を用いた検討—

    山本 隆一郎, 野村 忍

    行動医学研究   15 ( 1 ) 22 - 32  2010年


    本研究の目的は,実際の就寝環境における入眠時選択的注意が入眠困難に及ぼす影響を2週間のホームワーク実験によって検証することが目的であった。13名の入眠困難者は実験群と統制群に割り付けられた。実験群は,後半の1週間,就寝時の注意統制のため毎日寝床で数息観(自発的な呼吸を数える禅瞑想課題)を実施した。実験群と統制群における,入眠時選択的注意尺度得点,入眠時認知活動尺度得点,1週間の平均入眠潜時の違いを検討するため,2要因反復測定分散分析(2群×2時期)を行った。その結果,入眠時選択的注意得点において有意な交互作用が確認された(F(1,11)=6.24,p=.030)。また入眠時認知活動尺度の第2因子(眠れないことへの不安)得点において交互作用の有意傾向が確認され(F(1,11)=3.78, p=.078)た。さらに1週間の入眠潜時において交互作用の有意傾向が確認された(F(1.11)=3.35, p=.095)。本研究より,入眠時選択的注意の入眠困難に及ぼす影響が示唆さ

    DOI CiNii

  • 日本語版 Speech Perception Questionnaireの作成の試み

    城月 健太郎, 笹川 智子, 野村 忍

    健康心理学研究   23 ( 1 ) 75 - 84  2010年


    The Speech Perception Questionnaire (SPQ) is a subjective and objective measure of public speaking performance. The purpose of present study was to develop the Japanese version of the SPQ. First, the permission was obtained from the author of the original SPQ and it was translated into Japanese. Then, the content validity of a back-translated version of the Japanese SPQ was confirmed and approved by the author of the original SPQ. Three hundred and forty-three undergraduate students were screened by using the Short Fear of Negative Evaluation scale (SFNE). Of these, two groups of participants, with high (HS group; n = 10) and low social anxiety (LS group; n = 10) were selected based on the scores of SFNE. The participants engaged in 3-minute speech task. ANOVA were conducted on the Z-scores of the SPQ based on their self-ratings and observers&#039; ratings. The results indicated that the HS group rated their own performance to be worse than the LS group (p &lt; .05). Moreover, there was a significantly greater discrepancy between their self-ratings and observers&#039; ratings in the SPQ (p &lt; .05). Furthermore, Cronbach&#039;s α indicated the high internal consistency of the SPQ. These results sugge


  • Effect of day-to-day variations in adrenal cortex hormone levels on abdomonal symptoms

    Sugaya N, Izawa S, Ogawa N, Shirotsuki K, Kobayashi H, Yamada KC, Tsumura H, Nomura S, Shimada H

    Biopsychosocial Medicine   4 ( 1 ) 2  2010年

  • 日本の児童生徒における社会不安の特徴:Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children(SPAI-C)を用いた検討

    笹川智子, 高橋史, 佐藤寛, 赤松亜紀, 嶋田洋徳, 野村忍

    心身医学   49 ( 8 ) 909 - 921  2009年08月

  • 入眠時選択的注意が入眠困難に及ぼす影響ー数息観による注意の統制を用いた検討ー

    山本隆一郎, 野村忍

    行動医学研究   15 ( 1 ) 22 - 32  2009年05月


    本研究の目的は,実際の就寝環境における入眠時選択的注意が入眠困難に及ぼす影響を2週間のホームワーク実験によって検証することが目的であった。13名の入眠困難者は実験群と統制群に割り付けられた。実験群は,後半の1週間,就寝時の注意統制のため毎日寝床で数息観(自発的な呼吸を数える禅瞑想課題)を実施した。実験群と統制群における,入眠時選択的注意尺度得点,入眠時認知活動尺度得点,1週間の平均入眠潜時の違いを検討するため,2要因反復測定分散分析(2群×2時期)を行った。その結果,入眠時選択的注意得点において有意な交互作用が確認された(F(1,11)=6.24,p=.030)。また入眠時認知活動尺度の第2因子(眠れないことへの不安)得点において交互作用の有意傾向が確認され(F(1,11)=3.78, p=.078)た。さらに1週間の入眠潜時において交互作用の有意傾向が確認された(F(1.11)=3.35, p=.095)。本研究より,入眠時選択的注意の入眠困難に及ぼす影響が示唆され,数息観による注意統制が入眠困難に効果的である可能性が考えられた。

    DOI CiNii

  • Social Cost/Probability Scaleの開発

    城月健太郎, 野村忍

    心身医学   49 ( 2 ) 143 - 152  2009年02月

  • ECTを受ける慢性疼痛患者の精神的健康度の調査

    小林如乃, 橋本誠, 米良仁志, 野村忍

    慢性疼痛   28   221 - 225  2009年

  • Relationship between subtypes of irritable bowel syndrome and severity of symptoms associated with panic disorder

    Nagisa Sugaya, Hisanobu Kaiya, Hiroaki Kumano, Shinobu Nomura



    Objective. To investigate the relationship between subtypes of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and severity of symptoms associated with panic disorder (PD). Material and methods. The study comprised 178 consecutive new PD outpatients. Sixty-four patients met the Rome-II criteria for IBS (IBS[+]; 29 diarrhea-predominant IBS (IBSD), 14 constipation-predominant IBS (IBSC), 21 other types of IBS). Results. IBSD patients with agoraphobia avoided a greater number of scenes owing to fear of panic attack than did PD patients without IBS (IBS[-]) and with agoraphobia. IBS[+] patients with avoidant behavior due to fear of IBS symptoms had significantly higher Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) scores and avoided a larger number of scenes owing to fear of panic attack than IBS[+] patients with agoraphobia and without avoidant behavior due to fear of IBS symptoms or IBS[-] patients with agoraphobia. Conclusions. The results suggest that the presence of IBSD or avoidant behavior because of fear of IBS symptoms may be associated with a more severe form of agoraphobia, and the latter may also be associated with depression.


  • 過敏性腸症候群における心理社会的ストレスに対する副腎皮質および自律神経反応

    菅谷渚, 井澤修平, 大内佑子, 城月健太郎, 山田クリス孝介, 小川奈美子, 長野祐一郎, 野村忍

    心身医学   47 ( 12 ) 1013 - 1022  2007年12月


    本研究では,過敏性腸症候群(irritable bowel syndrome ; IBS)における心理社会的ストレス負荷時の副腎皮質ホルモン〔コルチゾールおよびデヒドロエピアンドロステロン(DHEA)〕,自律神経活動の反応を検討した.DHEAおよび自律神経指標についてはIBS群と統制群の差は認められなかったが,IBS群のコルチゾールの反応性は統制群よりも低下していた.本研究の結果から,IBS群において心理社会的ストレス負荷時のコルチゾールとDHEAの反応は一致していないことが示唆された.

    DOI CiNii

  • 敵意性が唾液中コルチゾールに及ぼす影響

    井澤修平, 平田麗, 児玉昌久, 野村忍

    心理学研究   78 ( 3 ) 277 - 283  2007年08月

  • Episodic stress associated with writing a graduation thesis and free cortisol secretion after awakening

    Shuhei Izawa, Nagisa Sugaya, Namiko Ogawa, Yuichiro Nagano, Masako Nakano, Emiko Nakase, Kentaro Shirotsuki, Kosuke Chris Yamada, Kazuhiko Machida, Masahisa Kodama, Shinobu Nomura

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY   64 ( 2 ) 141 - 145  2007年05月


    Cortisol secretion after awakening, an index of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis activity, appears to be related to psychosocial stressors, or to symptoms caused by psychosocial stressors. The relationship between the quality, duration, and magnitude of psychosocial factors and cortisol secretion is however, unclear. Therefore, the effect of episodic stress associated with writing a graduation thesis on cortisol secretion after awakening was investigated. Saliva samples were collected from 10 undergraduate students at awakening, and 30, 45, and 60 min after awakening 1 month, 2 weeks, and a few days before the thesis submission and 1 week after the submission. They also completed the Short form of Profile of Moods Scale (POMS-S) on the night before each sampling. Results indicated that cortisol levels were higher a few days before the thesis submission compared to 1 month before submission. Scores of "Fatigue" and "Tension-Anxiety" in POMS-S were also higher a few days before submission. These results suggest that episodic stress associated with writing a graduation thesis caused an increase in cortisol levels after awakening. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • 日常の出来事・気分が唾液中分泌型免疫グロブリンA濃度に与える影響

    井澤修平, 平田麗, 児玉昌久, 野村忍

    生理心理学と精神生理学   25 ( 3 ) 237 - 244  2007年


    一貫しない唾液中分泌型免疫グロブリンA (sIgA) 濃度と心理社会的な要因の関連はsIgAの日内変動や急性ストレスによる変動が原因と考えられる。本研究ではそのような変動を避けるために起床時に測定したslgAと日常の出来事・気分の関連を調査した。54人の大学生が2週間の間隔を空けて2回, 起床後すぐに唾液を採取した。また唾液採取の前日, 実験参加者は過去2週間の日常の出来事や気分について質問紙で回答した。一回目から二回目の変化値について日常の出来事・気分とsIgAの間の相関を求めたところ, 日常のネガティブな出来事を多く報告していた参加者や抑うつ気分を報告していた参加者は低いsIgA濃度を示した (それぞれr=-.294, r=-.283) 。また男性ではネガティブな出来事が, 女性では抑うつ気分がsIgAの値と負の相関を示した。女性ではポジティブな出来事と気分がsIgA濃度と正の相関を示した。ネガティブな心理社会的要因はsIgAの減少を, ポジティブな心理社会的要因はsIgAの増加を, それぞれ引き起こすことが示された。

    DOI CiNii

  • Dimensions of hostility in Japanese undergraduate students

    S Izawa, M Kodama, S Nomura



    Japanese undergraduate students (N = 512) completed the Japanese versions of 4 hostility questionnaires: Aggression Questionnaire (Ando et al., 1999); State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (Suzuki & Haruki, 1994); Midler Anger Coping Questionnaire (Otake et al., 2000); and Cynicism Questionnaire (Izawa & Nomura, 2004). Dimensions of hostility, determined by factor analysis for the 12 subscales of the 4 questionnaires, revealed a 4-factor solution: Expressive Hostility, Inhibitive Hostiliol, Assertiveness, and Hostile Cognition. Prior studies with Western participants had suggested a 2-factor solution of Expression and Experience dimensions of hostility. However our results forcing a 2-jactor solution showed a different pattern: The first factor included Expressive Hostility and Hostile Cognition, and the second factor included Inhibitive Hostility. These results indicate that the dimensions of hostility in Japanese students differed from those in American and European participants. This may be related to characteristics of Japanese society that emphasize cooperative behavior and not expressing angry emotions.

  • 過敏性腸症候群を伴うパニック障害患者の臨床的特徴

    菅谷渚, 貝谷久宣, 野村忍

    心身医学   45 ( 12 ) 915 - 922  2005年12月


    過敏性腸症候群(IBS)を伴うパニック障害(PD)患者の臨床的特徴を調査することを目的とし, DSM-IVの基準を満たすPD患者150名(平均年齢33.7±9.5歳)を対象に調査を行った.その結果, PD患者中36.0%がIBSを伴っていた.IBS先行例は38.9%, PD先行例は29.6%, 同時発症例は14.8%であった.IBSを伴う患者は伴わない患者と比較して, 広場恐怖併存率と抑うつの程度が有意に高く, 予期不安頻度に高い傾向がみられた.さらに, IBSと広場恐怖両方を伴う患者とIBSを伴わず広場恐怖を伴う患者はIBSと広場恐怖両方を伴わない患者と比較して予期不安の程度・頻度および抑うつの程度が有意に高かつた.

    DOI CiNii

  • 過敏性腸症候群を伴うパニック障害患者の臨床的特徴

    菅谷渚, 貝谷久宣, 熊野宏昭, 野村忍

    心身医学   45 ( 12 ) 915 - 922  2005年12月


    過敏性腸症候群(IBS)を伴うパニック障害(PD)患者の臨床的特徴を調査することを目的とし, DSM-IVの基準を満たすPD患者150名(平均年齢33.7±9.5歳)を対象に調査を行った.その結果, PD患者中36.0%がIBSを伴っていた.IBS先行例は38.9%, PD先行例は29.6%, 同時発症例は14.8%であった.IBSを伴う患者は伴わない患者と比較して, 広場恐怖併存率と抑うつの程度が有意に高く, 予期不安頻度に高い傾向がみられた.さらに, IBSと広場恐怖両方を伴う患者とIBSを伴わず広場恐怖を伴う患者はIBSと広場恐怖両方を伴わない患者と比較して予期不安の程度・頻度および抑うつの程度が有意に高かつた.

    DOI CiNii

  • 日本語版Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory(MFI)の信頼性・妥当性の検討

    菅谷渚, 貝谷久宣, 岩佐玲子, 野村忍

    産業ストレス研究   12 ( 3 ) 233 - 240  2005年08月

  • 日本語版Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory(MFI)の信頼性・妥当性

    菅谷渚, 貝谷久宣, 岩佐玲子, 野村忍

    産業ストレス研究   12 ( 3 ) 233 - 240  2005年08月

  • 敵意性の自己・他者評定における予備的検討

    井澤修平, 児玉昌久, 野村忍

    心理学研究   75 ( 6 ) 530 - 535  2005年02月

  • 社会的スキル訓練を用いたアレキシサイミア特性低減の試み

    中野雅子, 野村忍, 坂野雄二

    早稲田大学臨床心理学研究   4 ( 1 ) 47 - 50  2005年02月

  • キャリア成熟が若年勤労者の職業性ストレスにおよぼす影響

    石澤桂子, 管野純, 野村忍

    早稲田大学臨床心理学研究   4 ( 1 ) 15 - 24  2005年02月

  • 摂食障害


    女性心身医学   9 ( 3 ) 228 - 231  2004年11月

  • 女子学生における食行動異常(第1報)

    山蔦圭輔, 野村忍

    女性心身医学   9 ( 3 ) 211 - 218  2004年11月

  • 怒りの表出・抑制と健康診断時の血圧の関連性

    井澤修平, 児玉昌久, 野村忍

    ストレス科学研究   19   13 - 17  2004年

  • 敵意性と怒り喚起時の心臓血管反応性の関連

    井澤修平, 長野祐一郎, 依田麻子, 児玉昌久, 野村忍

    生理心理学と精神生理学   22 ( 3 ) 215 - 224  2004年


  • シニシズム尺度の作成と妥当性の検討

    井澤修平, 野村忍

    行動医学研究   10 ( 2 ) 66 - 72  2004年


    多くの欧米の研究者は、冠動脈疾患のリスクを考慮するうえで、敵意性、とくにシニシズムの役割を強調している。本研究の目的は、シニシズム尺度 (CQ) の作成とその妥当性を検討することであった。718名の学生と102名の従業員を対象にBarefootら (1989) の分類に基づく13のシニシズムを表す項目を実施した。探索的・検証的因子分析を行った結果、6項目1因子が抽出された。これらの項目の信頼性係数は学生サンプルで.753、従業員サンプルで.758であった。CQは敵意尺度の間に中程度の関連が示された。また日常ストレッサー・気分との相関を求めたところ、シニシズムの高いものは高頻度の日常ストレッサーと怒り気分を示した。12週間の間隔をあけて行われた再テスト結果との相関係数は十分に高いものであった (r=.704)。これらの結果はCQの妥当性と信頼性を支持するものである。CQはパブリックヘルスの調査において標準化された有用な尺度であると考えられる。

    DOI CiNii

  • Coronary prone personality としての敵意概念の検討

    井澤修平, 児玉昌久, 野村忍

    ストレス科学研究   18 ( 1 ) 39 - 45  2003年06月

  • 血圧バイオフィードバック療法の現状とその将来:Evidence-Based Medicineの見地から

    中尾睦宏, 野村忍

    心身医学   43 ( 4 ) 221 - 231  2003年04月


    血圧バイオフィードバック療法は,測定機器の開発につれ高血圧症に臨床応用する研究が増えてきた.22件のランダム化比較試験による血圧バイオフィードバック研究の結果を合わせ,高血圧患者905人への降圧効果をメタ分析で検討した.その結果,非介群に比べ,血圧降下量の差は収縮期で7.3[2.6, 12.0]mmHg,拡張期で5.8[2.9, 8.6]mmHgとなり,バイオフィードバック群のほうが大きな効果を示した(値は平均と95%信頼区間).一方,一般的なストレスマネージメントなどを行った群と比較したところ,バイオフィードバック群は降圧量に有意差を認めなかった.今後は,血圧バイオフィードバック療法自体の特異的な治療効果を明らかにする必要がある.

    DOI CiNii

  • 怒り表出・経験と心臓血管系反応の関連について

    井澤修平, 依田麻子, 児玉昌久, 野村忍

    行動医学研究   9 ( 1 ) 16 - 22  2003年01月


    人の心理・行動特性と疾病の関連について多くの研究が行われている。とくに近年、海外では怒り・敵意と冠動脈疾患の関連について数多くの研究が多様な視点から行われている。しかし日本においてそのような試みは十分に行われていない。本研究では、怒り・敵意の次元と心臓血管系反応の関連について調査する事を目的とした。<br>202人の大学生にBuss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BAQ) を実施し、そのうちの32人に実験協力の依頼が行われた。安静期測定の後、被験者は鏡映描写器を用いた迷路課題を2回行った。1回目は統制条件で、彼らは通常どおり課題を行った。2回目は対人ストレス条件であり、彼らは課題の遂行中に、「もっと速くやってください」「枠からはみ出さないように丁寧にやってください」「もっと本気をだしてやってください」などの言語刺激が与えられた。またBAQに対する因子分析の結果、「怒り表出」「怒り経験」「自己主張」の3因子が得られ、これらの因子得点を各被験者の怒り・敵意特性得点とみなした。<br>結果、統制条件から対人ストレス条件にかけて、血圧・心拍率が有意に上昇しており、また怒り気分が上昇していた。BAQの3因子と対人ストレス条件から統制条件への心臓血管系の変化値の相関を求めたところ、「怒り表出」は収縮期血圧の上昇と有意に関連していた。また男性の「怒り経験」と平均血圧・拡張期血圧の間に有意傾向の負の相関係数が認められた。<br>これらの結果は、怒り・敵意の次元のうちでも、怒り表出の要素が心臓血管系の賦活と関連していることを示唆している。近年の日本の横断的研究では、怒り表出に関連する因子と冠動脈疾患の関連を述べているが、本研究の結果はこれらの研究成果と一致するものとなった。対人ストレス葛藤に伴うエピソード的な怒り表出が過剰な心臓血管系賦活を引き起こし、冠動脈疾患の発症と関連する可能性が示された。また男性における「怒り経験」と平均血圧・拡張期血圧の間の負の相関係数は実験状況による可能性が推測された。

    DOI CiNii

  • パニック障害の医療経済学的評価


    こころの科学   107 ( 1 ) 50 - 54  2003年01月

  • Blood pressure-lowering effects of biofeedback treatment in hypertension: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

    M Nakao, E Yano, S Nomura, T Kuboki

    HYPERTENSION RESEARCH   26 ( 1 ) 37 - 46  2003年01月


    To examine the blood pressure-lowering effects of biofeedback treatment in patients with essential hypertension, a meta-analysis was conducted on studies published between 1966 and 2001. A total of 22 randomized controlled studies with 905 essential hypertensive patients were selected for review. Compared with clinical visits or self-monitoring of blood pressure (non-intervention controls), biofeedback intervention resulted in systolic and diastolic blood pressure reductions that were greater by 7.3 mmHg (for systole; 95% confidence interval: 2.6 to 12.0) and 5.8 mmHg (for diastole; 95% confidence interval: 2.9 to 8.6). Compared with sham or non-specific behavioral intervention controls, the net reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressures by biofeedback intervention were 3.9 (95% confidence interval: -0.3 to 8.2) and 3.5 (-0.1 to 7.0) mmHg, respectively. The results of multiple regression analysis also indicated that biofeedback intervention decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressures more than non-intervention controls (p&lt;0.001), but not more than sham or non-specific behavioral intervention controls (p&gt;0.05), when controlling for the effects of initial blood pressures. When biofeedback intervention types were classified into two types, simple biofeedback and relaxation-assisted biofeedback, only the relaxation-assisted biofeedback significantly decreased both systolic and diastolic blood pressures (p&lt;0.05) compared with those in sham or non-specific behavioral intervention controls. The results suggested that biofeedback was more effective in reducing blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension than no intervention. However, the treatment was only found to be superior to sham or non-specific behavioral intervention when combined with other relaxation techniques. Further studies will be needed to determine whether biofeedback itself has an anti hypertensive effect beyond the general relaxation response.

  • Self-Rating Scaleはどう役立てればよいか


    Modern Physician   22 ( 9 ) 1075 - 1078  2002年09月

  • 広場恐怖を伴うパニック障害に対する集団認知行動療法プログラムの効果ー地域の心理相談室における検討ー

    陳峻文, 坂野雄二, 貝谷久宣, 野村 忍

    行動療法研究   28 ( 1 ) 1 - 13  2002年03月

  • 労働ストレスと生活習慣病


    最新医学   57 ( 6 ) 1351 - 1359  2002年

  • Depressive mood accompanies hypercholesterolemia in young Japanese adults

    M Nakao, K Ando, S Nomura, T Kuboki, Y Uehara, T Toyooka, T Fujita

    JAPANESE HEART JOURNAL   42 ( 6 ) 739 - 748  2001年11月


    Screening of young hypercholesterolemics is important because they are highly susceptible to atherosclerotic diseases. However, in some cases, serum cholesterol level may be elevated temporarily due to stress or other psychological factors. This study examined the effects of mood states on 'persistent' hypercholesterolemia in comparison with 'temporary' hypercholesterolemia among students entering a university. The subjects were 114 untreated first-year Students aged 18 to 20 years old. All had been screened positive for hypercholesterolemia (serum total cholesterol greater than or equal to220 mg/dl) upon enrolling in the university. Three months after the screening, they were divided into two groups according to the re-examined serum total cholesterol level; a persistent hypercholesterolemic group (n=41) with &gt;220 mg/dl and a temporary hypercholesterolemic group (n=73) with &lt;220 mg/dl. At that time, they completed the Profile of Mood States (POMS) with tension-anxiety, depression, anger-hostility, vigor, fatigue and confusion scales. The POMS depression scores and the female ratio were higher (both p&lt;0.01) and body mass index was lower (p&lt;0.05) in the persistent hypercholesterolemic subjects than in the temporary-hypercholesterolemic subjects the POMS depression scores were still higher (p&lt;0.05) after controlling for the effects of gender, body mass index, and other POMS scales by multiple logistic regression analysis, Depressive mood appeared to relate to hypercholesterolemia when the university students were screened. Assessment of mood states may be important in screening young hypercholesterolemic patients.

  • 職場のメンタルヘルスとストレス管理


    血圧   8 ( 8 ) 55 - 60  2001年

  • Blood pressure biofeedback treatment of white-coat hypertension

    M Nakao, S Nomura, T Shimosawa, T Fujita, T Kuboki

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH   48 ( 2 ) 161 - 169  2000年02月


    Objective: The objective of the study was to compare blood pressure (BP) biofeedback treatment (BF) effects between white-coat hypertension and essential hypertension. Methods: Fifteen white-coat hypertensive out-patients and 23 essential hypertensive out-patients were randomly assigned to groups A or B. Subjects in group A underwent BF once a week for a total of four sessions. Those in group B visited the clinic only to measure BP and later underwent the same BF. Results: In group A, BPs of white-coat hypertensives and essential hypertensives were significantly reduced by 22/11 and 14/8 mmHg, respectively. In group B, they were unchanged during the same period but later suppressed by BF. Under BF, pulse and respiratory rates were significantly higher, and elevation of diastolic BP due to mental stress testing was better suppressed in white-coat hypertensives than in essential hypertensives. Conclusion: This treatment was effective in both types of hypertension, and presser response to stress seems to be important in the differentiated BF effect. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

  • 働き盛りのストレス


    ストレス科学   14 ( 4 ) 231 - 238  2000年

  • 摂食障害患者の自我状態の評価


    JJPEN   22 ( 10 ) 695 - 698  2000年

  • ストレス関連疾病と自律訓練法


    綜合臨床   49 ( 12 ) 3033 - 3037  2000年

  • ストレスマネジメント


    ストレス科学研究   15   32 - 37  2000年

  • ストレスの評価


    医学のあゆみ   195 ( 2 ) 121 - 124  2000年

  • 心身医学入門


    女性心身医学   4 ( 1 ) 69 - 72  1999年12月

  • Blood Pressure Biofeedback Treatment, Organ Damage and Sympathetic Activity in Mild Hypertension

    Nakao M, Nomura S, Shimozawa T, Fujita T, Kuboki T

    Psychother Psychosom   68   341 - 347  1999年10月


  • 軽症高血圧のフィードバック療法


    綜合臨床   48 ( 9 ) 2235 - 2236  1999年09月

  • ストレスと高血圧


    医学のあゆみ   189 ( 9 ) 690 - 693  1999年05月



  • 心身相関医学の最新知識

    久保木富房, 久保千春, 野村忍編

    日本評論社  2012年11月 ISBN: 9784535983717

  • 過敏性腸症候群の認知行動療法

    野村忍監訳, T, ne

    星和書店  2011年05月 ISBN: 9784791107728

  • 情報化時代のストレスマネジメント

    野村 忍

    日本評論社  2006年07月

  • 心療内科からみためまい


    CLIENT21/中山書店  1999年09月

  • Approaches to the Treatment of Somatoform disorders in Internal Medicine

    Nomura S, Kuboki T, Yamanaka G

    Somatoform Disorders: A Worldwide Perspective/SpringerーVerlag  1999年06月

  • ストレス性健康障害の治療


    現代のエスプリ/至文堂  1999年05月



  • パニック障害の治療戦略:本邦実生活対応型バーチャルリアリティーソフトウェアの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    野村 忍, 吉田 菜穂子, 吉田 菜穂子, 野村 忍



  • パニック障害の治療戦略:本邦実生活対応型バーチャルリアリティーソフトウェアの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))



    野村 忍, 吉田 菜穂子, 吉田 菜穂子, 野村 忍



  • 本態性高血圧症に対するバイオフィードバックの降圧効果の検討

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    野村 忍, 中尾 睦宏



  • 本態性高血圧症に対するバイオフィードバックの降圧効果の検討

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))



    野村 忍, 中尾 睦宏




  • 恐怖症治療システム及び恐怖症治療装置

    河合 隆史, 李 在鱗, ダグラス・イームズ, 野村 忍, 中島 隆行




  • 行動医学的ストレスマネージメントプログラムの日米比較


    イギリス   University College London


  • 感性スペクトル解析装置を用いた脳機能の定量的評価



    本研究の目的は、武者らの開発した感性スペクトル解析装置(ESA-16)を用いて感情状態などの脳機能を測定することである。対象は、健常学生10名(男子4名、女子6名、平均年齢21.2歳)であり、事前に研究計画について説明し同意を得た。安静条件、リラックスビデオ(やすらぎのハーモニー)鑑賞、後安静期において、ESA-16による脳機能、日本語版POMS、自覚的アンケートを比較検討した。ESA-16は、脳波の位相の相互相関パターンから喜怒哀楽などの感情状態をリアルタイムで定量的に検出する装置である。POMSは、「緊張ー不安」、「抑うつー落ち込み」、「怒りー敵意」、「活気」、「疲労」、「混乱」の6つの気分状態を測定する標準的な心理テストである。その結果、POMSではビデオ鑑賞前後でpaired t-検定を行い、「抑うつー落ち込み」、「疲労」、「混乱」の3尺度において有意な改善効果が認められた。ESA-16では、ビデオ鑑賞前後で4つの感情状態についてウィルコクソン符号順位和検定を行ったが、有意な差は検出し得なかった。自覚的アンケートでは、「リラックスした」、「安らいだ」、「自信が出た」、「眠かった」などが報告された。POMSおよび自覚的アンケートの結果からは、ビデオ鑑賞により気分状態の改善、リラックス効果が認められたが、ESA-16による感情状態の変化は定量的に確認することはできなかった。その理由としては、対象者数の問題、ESA-16の感情尺度の精度の問題、個人差要因などが考えられる。ただし、ケース毎に検討すると自覚的気分状態とESA-16の感情尺度が相関する例も認められ、今後の更なる検討を要する。今回は、主にリラックス状態に焦点をあてた研究を行ったが、今後の研究としては、怒り、悲しみ、喜び、楽しさの4感情状態を惹起するビデオを鑑賞させ、ESA-16と他の生理的指標(心拍変動、皮膚電気反射、唾液中コルチゾール活性など)とPOMSなどの心理的指標による評価を行い、相互の関連性を検討することによりESA-16による定量的脳機能評価尺度を作成し、心身症や失感情症などへの臨床応用を行いたい。

  • 音楽療法によるリラックス効果の検討


