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トリイ ショウジ
鳥居 祥二
理学博士 ( 京都大学 )


  • 2019年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院   名誉教授   招聘研究教授

  • 2019年04月

    神奈川大学   工学部   特任教授

  • 2018年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院先進理工学部物理学科 (組織変更による)   教授

  • 2005年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学研究所   教授

  • 2002年04月

    神奈川大学   工学部物理学教室   教授

  • 1996年04月

    神奈川大学   工学部物理学教室   助教授

  • 1994年04月

    神奈川大学   工学部物理学教室   専任講師

  • 1983年04月

    神奈川大学   工学部物理学教室   助手

  • 1982年08月

    京都大学   理学部   研修員

  • 1982年01月

    米国ユタ州立大学   物理学科   Research Associate

  • 1979年04月

    東京大学   宇宙線研究所   教務補佐員

  • 1977年07月

    日本学術振興会   東京大学宇宙線研究所   奨励研究員

  • 1977年04月

    東京大学   宇宙線研究所   教務補佐員



  • 1974年04月

    京都大学   大学院理学研究科   博士課程  


  • 1972年04月

    京都大学   大学院理学研究科   修士課程  


  • 1968年04月

    京都大学   理学部   物理学  


  • 2018年05月

    東京大学宇宙線研究所  協議会委員

  • 2016年04月

    東京大学宇宙線研究所  協議会委員

  • 2003年04月

    宇宙科学研究所  宇宙理学委員会委員

  • 2003年04月

    宇宙科学研究所  大気球委員会宇宙線分野幹事

  • 2010年04月

    東京大学宇宙線研究所  協議会委員

  • 2009年10月

    JAXA宇宙科学研究所  小型科学衛星専門委員会委員

  • 2008年08月

    日本学術振興会  特別研究員等審査専門委員及び国際事業審査会書面審査委員

  • 2003年09月

    東京大学宇宙線研究所  共同利用運営委員会委員

  • 2007年02月

    文部科学省  科学技術・学術審議会専門委員

  • 2005年09月

    日本物理学会  理事

  • 2003年10月

    日本学術会議  物理学研究連絡委員会委員

  • 2005年08月

    日本学術振興会  特別研究員等審査会専門委員

  • 2003年04月

    宇宙線研究者会議  委員長












  • 素粒子、原子核、宇宙線、宇宙物理に関する実験   高エネルギー宇宙線、宇宙線加速機構、暗黒物質、宇宙ステーション、CALET / 素粒子、原子核、宇宙線、宇宙物理に関する理論 / 天文学


  • 宇宙線、電子、ガンマ線、暗黒物質、近傍加速源、高エネルギー、国際宇宙ステーション


  • 宇宙科学研究所賞 特別賞

    2019年01月   宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所   CALETによる高エネルギー宇宙線電子の観測  

    受賞者: 鳥居 祥二

  • 2018 ISS Awards

    2018年07月   American Astronautical Society (NASA)   Compelling Results in Physical Sciences and Materials Development  

    受賞者: 鳥居 祥二



  • Observation of Spectral Structures in the Flux of Cosmic-Ray Protons from 50 GeV to 60 TeV with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station

    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, A. Bruno, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, K. Ebisawa, A. W. Ficklin, H. Fuke, S. Gonzi, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, K. Kobayashi, K. Kohri, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, A. A. Moiseev, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A. de Nolfo, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, P. Papini, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, S. Sugita, A. Sulaj, M. Takita, T. Tamura, T. Terasawa, S. Torii, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida, W. V. Zober

    Physical Review Letters   129 ( 10 )  2022年09月  [査読有り]



  • CALET Search for Electromagnetic Counterparts of Gravitational Waves during the LIGO/Virgo O3 Run

    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, A. Bruno, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, K. Ebisawa, A. W. Ficklin, H. Fuke, S. Gonzi, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, K. Kobayashi, K. Kohri, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, A. A. Moiseev, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A. de Nolfo, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, N. Ospina, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, P. Papini, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, S. Sugita, A. Sulaj, M. Takita, T. Tamura, T. Terasawa, S. Torii, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida, W. V. Zober

    The Astrophysical Journal   933 ( 1 ) 85 - 85  2022年07月  [査読有り]



    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the International Space Station consists of a high-energy cosmic-ray CALorimeter (CAL) and a lower-energy CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (CGBM). CAL is sensitive to electrons up to 20 TeV, cosmic-ray nuclei from Z = 1 through Z ∼ 40, and gamma rays over the range 1 GeV–10 TeV. CGBM observes gamma rays from 7 keV to 20 MeV. The combined CAL-CGBM instrument has conducted a search for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) since 2015 October. We report here on the results of a search for X-ray/gamma-ray counterparts to gravitational-wave events reported during the LIGO/Virgo observing run O3. No events have been detected that pass all acceptance criteria. We describe the components, performance, and triggering algorithms of the CGBM—the two Hard X-ray Monitors consisting of LaBr3(Ce) scintillators sensitive to 7 keV–1 MeV gamma rays and a Soft Gamma-ray Monitor BGO scintillator sensitive to 40 keV–20 MeV—and the high-energy CAL consisting of a charge detection module, imaging calorimeter, and the fully active total absorption calorimeter. The analysis procedure is described and upper limits to the time-averaged fluxes are presented.


  • Direct Measurement of the Nickel Spectrum in Cosmic Rays in the Energy Range from 8.8 GeV/n to 240 GeV/n with CALET on the International Space Station

    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, A. Bruno, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, K. Ebisawa, A. W. Ficklin, H. Fuke, S. Gonzi, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, K. Kobayashi, K. Kohri, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, A. A. Moiseev, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A. de Nolfo, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, N. Ospina, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, P. Papini, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, S. Sugita, A. Sulaj, M. Takita, T. Tamura, T. Terasawa, S. Torii, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida, W. V. Zober

    Physical Review Letters   128 ( 13 )  2022年04月  [査読有り]


    The relative abundance of cosmic ray nickel nuclei with respect to iron is by far larger than for all other transiron elements; therefore it provides a favorable opportunity for a low background measurement of its spectrum. Since nickel, as well as iron, is one of the most stable nuclei, the nickel energy spectrum and its relative abundance with respect to iron provide important information to estimate the abundances at the cosmic ray source and to model the Galactic propagation of heavy nuclei. However, only a few direct measurements of cosmic-ray nickel at energy larger than ∼3 GeV/n are available at present in the literature, and they are affected by strong limitations in both energy reach and statistics. In this Letter, we present a measurement of the differential energy spectrum of nickel in the energy range from 8.8 to 240 GeV/n, carried out with unprecedented precision by the Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) in operation on the International Space Station since 2015. The CALET instrument can identify individual nuclear species via a measurement of their electric charge with a dynamic range extending far beyond iron (up to atomic number Z=40). The particle's energy is measured by a homogeneous calorimeter (1.2 proton interaction lengths, 27 radiation lengths) preceded by a thin imaging section (3 radiation lengths) providing tracking and energy sampling. This Letter follows our previous measurement of the iron spectrum [1O. Adriani (CALET Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 241101 (2021).PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.126.241101], and it extends our investigation on the energy dependence of the spectral index of heavy elements. It reports the analysis of nickel data collected from November 2015 to May 2021 and a detailed assessment of the systematic uncertainties. In the region from 20 to 240 GeV/n our present data are compatible within the errors with a single power law with spectral index -2.51±0.07.

    DOI PubMed

  • EMIC‐Wave Driven Electron Precipitation Observed by CALET on the International Space Station

    A. Bruno, L. W. Blum, G. A. Nolfo, R. Kataoka, S. Torii, A. D. Greeley, S. G. Kanekal, A. W. Ficklin, T. G. Guzik, S. Nakahira

    Geophysical Research Letters   49 ( 6 )  2022年03月  [査読有り]


  • Measurement of the Iron Spectrum in Cosmic Rays from 10 GeV/n to 2.0 TeV/n with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station

    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, A. Bruno, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, S. Gonzi, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, K. Kobayashi, K. Kohri, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, J. Link, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, A. A. Moiseev, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A. de Nolfo, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, N. Ospina, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, P. Papini, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, S. Sugita, A. Sulaj, M. Takita, T. Tamura, T. Terasawa, S. Torii, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida

    Physical Review Letters   126 ( 24 )  2021年06月  [査読有り]


    The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET), in operation on the International Space Station since 2015, collected a large sample of cosmic-ray iron over a wide energy interval. In this Letter a measurement of the iron spectrum is presented in the range of kinetic energy per nucleon from 10 GeV/n to 2.0 TeV/n allowing the inclusion of iron in the list of elements studied with unprecedented precision by space-borne instruments. The measurement is based on observations carried out from January 2016 to May 2020. The CALET instrument can identify individual nuclear species via a measurement of their electric charge with a dynamic range extending far beyond iron (up to atomic number Z=40). The energy is measured by a homogeneous calorimeter with a total equivalent thickness of 1.2 proton interaction lengths preceded by a thin (3 radiation lengths) imaging section providing tracking and energy sampling. The analysis of the data and the detailed assessment of systematic uncertainties are described and results are compared with the findings of previous experiments. The observed differential spectrum is consistent within the errors with previous experiments. In the region from 50 GeV/n to 2 TeV/n our present data are compatible with a single power law with spectral index -2.60±0.03.

    DOI PubMed

  • Direct Measurement of the Cosmic-Ray Carbon and Oxygen Spectra from 10  GeV/n to 2.2  TeV/n with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station

    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, M. G. Bagliesi, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, A. Bruno, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, S. Gonzi, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, K. Kobayashi, K. Kohri, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, J. Link, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, A. A. Moiseev, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A. de Nolfo, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, N. Ospina, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, F. Palma, P. Papini, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, S. Sugita, J. E. Suh, A. Sulaj, M. Takita, T. Tamura, T. Terasawa, S. Torii, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida

    Physical Review Letters   125 ( 25 ) 251102 - 251102  2020年12月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    In this paper, we present the measurement of the energy spectra of carbon and oxygen in cosmic rays based on observations with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station from October 2015 to October 2019. Analysis, including the detailed assessment of systematic uncertainties, and results are reported. The energy spectra are measured in kinetic energy per nucleon from 10  GeV/n to 2.2  TeV/n with an all-calorimetric instrument with a total thickness corresponding to 1.3 nuclear interaction length. The observed carbon and oxygen fluxes show a spectral index change of ∼0.15 around 200  GeV/n established with a significance >3σ. They have the same energy dependence with a constant C/O flux ratio 0.911±0.006 above 25  GeV/n. The spectral hardening is consistent with that measured by AMS-02, but the absolute normalization of the flux is about 27% lower, though in agreement with observations from previous experiments including the PAMELA spectrometer and the calorimetric balloon-borne experiment CREAM.

    DOI PubMed

  • Direct Measurement of the Cosmic-Ray Proton Spectrum from 50 GeV to 10 TeV with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station

    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, M. G. Bagliesi, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, S. Bonechi, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, A. Bruno, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, V. Di Felice, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, N. Hasebe, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, K. Kohri, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, T. Lomtadze, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, A. A. Moiseev, K. Mori, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, H. Murakami, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A. de Nolfo, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, F. Palma, P. Papini, A. V. Penacchioni, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, J. E. Suh, A. Sulaj, I. Takahashi, M. Takayanagi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, S. Torii, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida

    Physical Review Letters   122 ( 18 )  2019年05月  [査読有り]



    In this paper, we present the analysis and results of a direct measurement of the cosmic-ray proton spectrum with the CALET instrument onboard the International Space Station, including the detailed assessment of systematic uncertainties. The observation period used in this analysis is from October 13, 2015 to August 31, 2018 (1054 days). We have achieved the very wide energy range necessary to carry out measurements of the spectrum from 50 GeV to 10 TeV covering, for the first time in space, with a single instrument the whole energy interval previously investigated in most cases in separate subranges by magnetic spectrometers (BESS-TeV, PAMELA, and AMS-02) and calorimetric instruments (ATIC, CREAM, and NUCLEON). The observed spectrum is consistent with AMS-02 but extends to nearly an order of magnitude higher energy, showing a very smooth transition of the power-law spectral index from-2.81±0.03 (50-500 GeV) neglecting solar modulation effects (or-2.87±0.06 including solar modulation effects in the lower energy region) to-2.56±0.04 (1-10 TeV), thereby confirming the existence of spectral hardening and providing evidence of a deviation from a single power law by more than 3σ.

    DOI PubMed

  • Characteristics and Performance of the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) Calorimeter for Gamma-Ray Observations

    N. Cannady, Y. Asaoka, F. Satoh, M. Tanaka, S. Torii, M. L. Cherry, M. Mori, O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, M. G. Bagliesi, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, S. Bonechi, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, J. H. Buckley, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, G. Collazuol, V. Di Felice, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, M. Hareyama, N. Hasebe, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, K. Kohri, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, T. Lomtadze, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, A. A. Moiseev, K. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, H. Murakami, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A.De Nolfo, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, F. Palma, P. Papini, A. V. Penacchioni, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, J. E. Suh, A. Sulaj, I. Takahashi, M. Takayanagi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida

    Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series   238 ( 1 ) 1 - 16  2018年09月  [査読有り]


    © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. The CALorimetric Electron Telescope primary detector (CALET-CAL) is a 30 radiation-length-deep hybrid calorimeter designed for the accurate measurement of high-energy cosmic rays. It is capable of triggering on and giving near complete containment of electromagnetic showers from primary electrons and gamma rays from 1 GeV to over 10 TeV. The first 24 months of on-orbit scientific data (2015 November 01-2017 October 31) provide valuable characterization of the performance of the calorimeter based on analyses of the gamma-ray data set in general and bright point sources in particular. We describe the gamma-ray analysis, the expected performance of the calorimeter based on Monte Carlo simulations, the agreement of the flight data with the simulated results, and the outlook for long-term gamma-ray observations with the CAL.


  • Search for GeV Gamma-Ray Counterparts of Gravitational Wave Events by CALET

    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, M. G. Bagliesi, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, S. Bonechi, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, V. Di Felice, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, M. Hareyama, N. Hasebe, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, K. Kohri, T. Lomtadze, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, A. A. Moiseev, K. Mori, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, H. Murakami, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A. De Nolfo, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, F. Palma, P. Papini, A. V. Penacchioni, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, J. E. Suh, A. Sulaj, I. Takahashi, M. Takayanagi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, S. Torii, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida

    Astrophysical Journal   863 ( 2 ) 1 - 9  2018年08月  [査読有り]


    © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. We present the results of searches for gamma-ray counterparts of the LIGO/Virgo gravitational wave events using CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) observations. The main instrument of CALET, CALorimeter (CAL), observes gamma-rays from ∼1 GeV up to 10 TeV with a field of view (FOV) of nearly 2 sr. In addition, the CALET gamma-ray burst monitor views ∼3 sr and ∼2π sr of the sky in the 7 keV-1 MeV and the 40 keV-20 MeV bands, respectively, by using two different crystal scintillators. The CALET observations on the International Space Station started in 2015 October, and here we report analyses of events associated with the following gravitational wave events: GW151226, GW170104, GW170608, GW170814, and GW170817. Although only upper limits on gamma-ray emission are obtained, they correspond to a luminosity of 1049 ∼ 1053 erg s-1 in the GeV energy band depending on the distance and the assumed time duration of each event, which is approximately on the order of luminosity of typical short gamma-ray bursts. This implies that there will be a favorable opportunity to detect high-energy gamma-ray emission in further observations if additional gravitational wave events with favorable geometry will occur within our FOV. We also show the sensitivity of CALET for gamma-ray transient events, which is on the order of 10-7 erg cm-2 s-1 for an observation of 100 s in duration.


  • On-orbit operations and offline data processing of CALET onboard the ISS

    Y. Asaoka, S. Ozawa, S. Torii, O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, M. G. Bagliesi, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, S. Bonechi, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, V. Di Felice, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, M. Hareyama, N. Hasebe, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, A. Javaid, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, S. Kuramata, T. Lomtadze, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, K. Mizutani, A. A. Moiseev, K. Mori, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, H. Murakami, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A. de Nolfo, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, L. Pacini, F. Palma, P. Papini, A. V. Penacchioni, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, I. Takahashi, M. Takayanagi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida, T. Yuda

    Astroparticle Physics   100   29 - 37  2018年07月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET), launched for installation on the International Space Station (ISS) in August, 2015, has been accumulating scientific data since October, 2015. CALET is intended to perform long-duration observations of high-energy cosmic rays onboard the ISS. CALET directly measures the cosmic-ray electron spectrum in the energy range of 1 GeV to 20 TeV with a 2% energy resolution above 30 GeV. In addition, the instrument can measure the spectrum of gamma rays well into the TeV range, and the spectra of protons and nuclei up to a PeV. In order to operate the CALET onboard ISS, JAXA Ground Support Equipment (JAXA-GSE) and the Waseda CALET Operations Center (WCOC) have been established at JAXA and Waseda University, respectively. Scientific operations using CALET are planned at WCOC, taking into account orbital variations of geomagnetic rigidity cutoff. Scheduled command sequences are used to control the CALET observation modes on orbit. Calibration data acquisition by, for example, recording pedestal and penetrating particle events, a low-energy electron trigger mode operating at high geomagnetic latitude, a low-energy gamma-ray trigger mode operating at low geomagnetic latitude, and an ultra heavy trigger mode, are scheduled around the ISS orbit while maintaining maximum exposure to high-energy electrons and other high-energy shower events by always having the high-energy trigger mode active. The WCOC also prepares and distributes CALET flight data to collaborators in Italy and the United States. As of August 31, 2017, the total observation time is 689 days with a live time fraction of the total time of ∼ 84%. Nearly 450 million events are collected with a high-energy (E > 10 GeV) trigger. In addition, calibration data acquisition and low-energy trigger modes, as well as an ultra-heavy trigger mode, are consistently scheduled around the ISS orbit. By combining all operation modes with the excellent-quality on-orbit data collected thus far, it is expected that a five-year observation period will provide a wealth of new and interesting results.


  • Extended Measurement of the Cosmic-Ray Electron and Positron Spectrum from 11 GeV to 4.8 TeV with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station

    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, M. G. Bagliesi, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, S. Bonechi, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, V. Di Felice, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, M. Hareyama, N. Hasebe, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, K. Kohri, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, T. Lomtadze, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, A. A. Moiseev, K. Mori, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, H. Murakami, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A. De Nolfo, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, F. Palma, P. Papini, A. V. Penacchioni, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, J. E. Suh, A. Sulaj, I. Takahashi, M. Takayanagi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, S. Torii, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida

    Physical Review Letters   120 ( 26 ) 1 - 7  2018年06月  [査読有り]



    © 2018 American Physical Society. Extended results on the cosmic-ray electron + positron spectrum from 11 GeV to 4.8 TeV are presented based on observations with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the International Space Station utilizing the data up to November 2017. The analysis uses the full detector acceptance at high energies, approximately doubling the statistics compared to the previous result. CALET is an all-calorimetric instrument with a total thickness of 30 X0 at normal incidence and fine imaging capability, designed to achieve large proton rejection and excellent energy resolution well into the TeV energy region. The observed energy spectrum in the region below 1 TeV shows good agreement with Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) data. In the energy region below ∼300 GeV, CALET's spectral index is found to be consistent with the AMS-02, Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT), and Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE), while from 300 to 600 GeV the spectrum is significantly softer than the spectra from the latter two experiments. The absolute flux of CALET is consistent with other experiments at around a few tens of GeV. However, it is lower than those of DAMPE and Fermi-LAT with the difference increasing up to several hundred GeV. The observed energy spectrum above ∼1 TeV suggests a flux suppression consistent within the errors with the results of DAMPE, while CALET does not observe any significant evidence for a narrow spectral feature in the energy region around 1.4 TeV. Our measured all-electron flux, including statistical errors and a detailed breakdown of the systematic errors, is tabulated in the Supplemental Material in order to allow more refined spectral analyses based on our data.

    DOI PubMed

  • Energy Spectrum of Cosmic-Ray Electron and Positron from 10 GeV to 3 TeV Observed with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station

    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, M. G. Bagliesi, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, S. Bonechi, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, V. Di Felice, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, M. Hareyama, N. Hasebe, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, A. Javaid, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, S. Kuramata, T. Lomtadze, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, K. Mizutani, A. A. Moiseev, K. Mori, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, H. Murakami, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A. De Nolfo, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, F. Palma, P. Papini, A. V. Penacchioni, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, I. Takahashi, M. Takayanagi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, S. Torii, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida, T. Yuda

    Physical Review Letters   119 ( 18 ) 1 - 6  2017年11月  [査読有り]



    © 2017 Published by the American Physical Society. First results of a cosmic-ray electron and positron spectrum from 10 GeV to 3 TeV is presented based upon observations with the CALET instrument on the International Space Station starting in October, 2015. Nearly a half million electron and positron events are included in the analysis. CALET is an all-calorimetric instrument with total vertical thickness of 30 X0 and a fine imaging capability designed to achieve a large proton rejection and excellent energy resolution well into the TeV energy region. The observed energy spectrum over 30 GeV can be fit with a single power law with a spectral index of -3.152±0.016 (stat+syst). Possible structure observed above 100 GeV requires further investigation with increased statistics and refined data analysis.

    DOI PubMed

  • Energy calibration of CALET onboard the International Space Station

    Y. Asaoka, Y. Akaike, Y. Komiya, R. Miyata, S. Torii, O. Adriani, K. Asano, M. G. Bagliesi, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, S. Bonechi, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, V. Di Felice, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, M. Hareyama, N. Hasebe, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, A. Javaid, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, H. Kitamura, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, S. Kuramata, T. Lomtadze, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, K. Mizutani, A. A. Moiseev, K. Mori, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, H. Murakami, Y. E. Nakagawa, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, F. Palma, P. Papini, A. V. Penacchioni, B. F. Rauch, S. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, I. Takahashi, M. Takayanagi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida, T. Yuda

    Astroparticle Physics   91   1 - 10  2017年05月  [査読有り]


    © 2017 The Authors In August 2015, the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET), designed for long exposure observations of high energy cosmic rays, docked with the International Space Station (ISS) and shortly thereafter began to collect data. CALET will measure the cosmic ray electron spectrum over the energy range of 1 GeV to 20 TeV with a very high resolution of 2% above 100 GeV, based on a dedicated instrument incorporating an exceptionally thick 30 radiation-length calorimeter with both total absorption and imaging (TASC and IMC) units. Each TASC readout channel must be carefully calibrated over the extremely wide dynamic range of CALET that spans six orders of magnitude in order to obtain a degree of calibration accuracy matching the resolution of energy measurements. These calibrations consist of calculating the conversion factors between ADC units and energy deposits, ensuring linearity over each gain range, and providing a seamless transition between neighboring gain ranges. This paper describes these calibration methods in detail, along with the resulting data and associated accuracies. The results presented in this paper show that a sufficient accuracy was achieved for the calibrations of each channel in order to obtain a suitable resolution over the entire dynamic range of the electron spectrum measurement.



    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, M. G. Bagliesi, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, S. Bonechi, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, V. Di Felice, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, M. Hareyama, N. Hasebe, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, A. Javaid, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, H. Kitamura, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, S. Kuramata, T. Lomtadze, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, K. Mizutani, A. A. Moiseev, K. Mori, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, H. Murakami, Y. E. Nakagawa, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, F. Palma, P. Papini, A. V. Penacchioni, B. F. Rauch, S. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, I. Takahashi, M. Takayanagi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, S. Torii, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida, T. Yuda

    Astrophysical Journal Letters   829 ( 1 ) 1 - 5  2016年09月  [査読有り]


    © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.. We present upper limits in the hard X-ray and gamma-ray bands at the time of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) gravitational-wave event GW151226 derived from the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) observation. The main instrument of CALET, CALorimeter (CAL), observes gamma-rays from ∼1 GeV up to 10 TeV with a field of view of ∼2 sr. The CALET gamma-ray burst monitor (CGBM) views ∼3 sr and ∼2π sr of the sky in the 7 keV-1 MeV and the 40 keV-20 MeV bands, respectively, by using two different scintillator-based instruments. The CGBM covered 32.5% and 49.1% of the GW151226 sky localization probability in the 7 keV-1 MeV and 40 keV-20 MeV bands respectively. We place a 90% upper limit of 2 ×10-7 erg cm-2 s-1 in the 1-100 GeV band where CAL reaches 15% of the integrated LIGO probability (∼1.1 sr). The CGBM 7σ upper limits are 1.0 ×10-6 erg cm-2 s-1 (7-500 keV) and 1.8 ×10-6 erg cm-2 s-1 (50-1000 keV) for a 1 s exposure. Those upper limits correspond to the luminosity of 3-5 ×1049 erg s-1, which is significantly lower than typical short GRBs.


  • Relativistic electron precipitation at International Space Station: Space weather monitoring by Calorimetric Electron Telescope

    Ryuho Kataoka, Yoichi Asaoka, Shoji Torii, Toshio Terasawa, Shunsuke Ozawa, Tadahisa Tamura, Yuki Shimizu, Yosui Akaike, Masaki Mori

    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS   43 ( 9 ) 4119 - 4125  2016年05月  [査読有り]


    The charge detector (CHD) of the Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on board the International Space Station (ISS) has a huge geometric factor for detecting MeV electrons and is sensitive to relativistic electron precipitation (REP) events. During the first 4 months, CALET CHD observed REP events mainly at the dusk to midnight sector near the plasmapause, where the trapped radiation belt electrons can be efficiently scattered by electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves. Here we show that interesting 5-20 s periodicity regularly exists during the REP events at ISS, which is useful to diagnose the wave-particle interactions associated with the nonlinear wave growth of EMIC-triggered emissions.


  • Event-by-Event Analysis for TeV Electron Candidates with CALET on the International Space Station

    Nicholas W Cannady, Yosui Akaike, Shoji Torii, Oscar Adriani, Katsuaki Asano, Yoichi Aaoka, Eugenio Berti, Gabriele Bigongiari, Walter Robert Binns, Massimo Bongi, Paolo Brogi, Alessandro Bruno, Nicholas Wade Cannady, Guide Castellini, Caterina Checchia, Walter Robert Cherry, Gianmaria Collazuol, Georgia A. de Nolfo, Ken Ebisawa, Anthony W. Ficklin, Hideyuki Fuke, Sandro Gonzi, T. Gregory Guzik, Thomas Hams, Kinya Hibino, Masakatsu Ichimura, Kunihito Ioka, Wataru Ishizaki, Martin H. Israel, Katsumasa Kasahara, Jun Kataoka, Ryuho Kataoka, Yusaku Katayose, Chihiro Kato, Norita Kawanaka, Yuta Kawakubo, Kenko Kobayashi, Kazunori Kohri, Henric S. Krawczynski, John F. Krizmanic, Paolo Maestro, Pier Simone Marrocchesi, Alberto Maria Messineo, Jason W. Mitchell, Shoko Miyake, Alexander Moiseev, Masaki Mori, Nicola Mori, Holger Martin Motz, Kazuoki Munakata, Satoshi Nakahira, Jun Nishimura, Shoji Okuno, Jonathan Ormes, Shunsuke OZAWA, Lorenzo Pacini, Paolo Pacini, Brian Flint Rauch, Ricciarini Ricciarini, Kazuhiro Sakai, Takanori Sakamoto, Makoto Sasaki, Yuki Shimizu, Atsushi Shiomi, Piero Spillantini, Francesco Stolzi, Satoshi Sugita, Arta Sulaj, Masato Takita, Tadahisa Tamura, Toshio Terasawa, Yoshiki Tsunesada, Yukio Uchihori, Elena Vannuccini, John P. Wefel, Kazutaka Yamaoka, Shohei Yanagita, Atsumasa Yoshida, Kenji Yoshida, Wolfgang V Zober

    Proceedings of 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2023)    2023年07月


  • CALET Observations during the First 5 Years on the ISS

    P. S. Marrocchesi, O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, Y. Asaoka, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, A. Bruno, N. Cannady, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, A. W. Ficklin, T. G. Guzik, M. Ichimura, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, Y. Kawakubo, J. F. Krizmanic, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, L. Pacini, F. Palma, P. Papini, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, F. Stolzi, A. Sulaj, T. Tamura, S. Torii, J. P. Wefel, K. Yoshida, W. V. Zober

    Physics of Atomic Nuclei   84 ( 6 ) 985 - 994  2021年11月


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope CALET is collecting science data on the International Space Station since October 2015 with excellent and continuous performance. Energy is measured with a deep homogeneous calorimeter (1.2 nuclear interaction lengths, 27 radiation lengths) preceded by an imaging pre-shower (3 radiation lengths, 1mm granularity) providing tracking and 10-5 electron/proton discrimination. Two independent sub-systems identify the charge Z of the incident particle from proton to iron and above (Z<40). CALET measures the cosmic-ray electron + positron flux up to 20 TeV, gamma rays up to 10 TeV, and nuclei up to the PeV scale. In this paper, we report the on-orbit performance of the instrument and summarize the main results obtained during the first 5 years of operation, including the electron + positron energy spectrum and the individual spectra of protons, heavier nuclei and iron. Solar modulation and gamma-ray observations are also concisely reported, as well as transient phenomena and the search for gravitational wave counterparts.


  • Performance of RHICf detector during operation in 2017

    O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, R. D'Alessandro, Y. Goto, B. Hong, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, M.H. Kim, H. Menjo, I. Nakagawa, K. Ohashi, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, K. Sato, R. Seidl, K. Tanida, S. Torii, A. Tricomi

    Journal of Instrumentation   16 ( 10 ) P10027 - P10027  2021年10月  [査読有り]


  • First Detection of sub-PeV Diffuse Gamma Rays from the Galactic Disk: Evidence for Ubiquitous Galactic Cosmic Rays beyond PeV Energies

    M. Amenomori, Y. W. Bao, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, Xu Chen, Y. Chen, Cirennima, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, J. H. Fang, K. Fang, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Qi Gao, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, Y. Y. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, H. B. Jin, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, S. Kato, K. Kawata, W. Kihara, Y. Ko, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, Y. H. Lin, B. Liu, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, W. Liu, Y.-Q. Lou, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Munakata, H. Nakada, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, T. Ohura, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, H. Sugimoto, W. Takano, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, Y. Yokoe, A. F. Yuan, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, S. P. Zhao, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Physical Review Letters   126 ( 14 )  2021年04月  [査読有り]


  • Plasma waves causing relativistic electron precipitation events at International Space Station: Lessons from conjunction observations with Arase satellite

    Ryuho Kataoka, Yoichi Asaoka, Shoji Torii, Satoshi Nakahira, Haruka Ueno, Shoko Miyake, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Satoshi Kurita, Masafumi Shoji, Yoshiya Kasahara, Mitsunori Ozaki, Shoya Matsuda, Ayako Matsuoka, Yasumasa Kasaba, Iku Shinohara, Keisuke Hosokawa, Herbert Akihito Uchida, Kiyoka Murase, Yoshimasa Tanaka

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics    2020年08月  [査読有り]


  • Measurement of energy flow, cross section and average inelasticity of forward neutrons produced in $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV proton-proton collisions with the LHCf Arm2 detector

    O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, R. D’Alessandro, S. Detti, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, K. Ohashi, P. Papini, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, K. Sato, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W.C. Turner, M. Ueno

    Journal of High Energy Physics   2020 ( 7 )  2020年07月


  • Radiation Dose During Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events at the International Space Station

    H. Ueno, S. Nakahira, R. Kataoka, Y. Asaoka, S. Torii, S. Ozawa, H. Matsumoto, A. Bruno, G.A. Nolfo, G. Collazuol, S.B. Ricciarini

    Space Weather   18 ( 7 )  2020年07月  [査読有り]


  • Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetry for Very Forward Neutral Pion Production in Polarized p+p Collisions at s=510  GeV

    M. H. Kim, O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, R. D’Alessandro, Y. Goto, B. Hong, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, J. H. Lee, T. Ljubicic, Y. Makino, H. Menjo, I. Nakagawa, A. Ogawa, J. S. Park, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, K. Sato, R. Seidl, K. Tanida, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, M. Ueno, Q. D. Zhou

    Physical Review Letters   124 ( 25 )  2020年06月


  • LHCf program for run III

    A. Tiberio, O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, R. D’Alessandro, S. Detti, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, K. Ohashi, P. Papini, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, K. Sato, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, M. Ueno

    Proceedings of Science   382  2020年


    The LHC-forward (LHCf) experiment has measured the very forward neutral particle production cross section in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at the LHC up to √s = 13 TeV and √sN N = 8.16 TeV, respectively. The experiment employs two independent detectors placed on opposite sides along the beam line approximately 140 meters away from the interaction point of the ATLAS experiment (IP1). The detectors are able to measure neutral particles with pseudorapidity greater than 8.4, up to zero-degree. These measurements are extremely useful for the calibration of the hadronic interaction models used to simulate the atmospheric showers of secondary particles induced from an high energy cosmic ray. Decreasing the uncertainty between different models it is possible to improve the precision of the high energy cosmic rays measurements. In this contribution the LHCf physics motivation for the Run III of LHC are discussed. The beam parameters and the expected operation time needed for our minimum physics program are described for both p-p run at 14 TeV and p-O run at 9.9 TeV. Finally, a brief summary of the ongoing upgrade on the Arm2 detector is given.

  • CALET Results after Three Years on Orbit on the International Space Station

    P. Maestro, O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, Y. Asaoka, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, A. Bruno, N. Cannady, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, T. G. Guzik, M. Ichimura, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, Y. Kawakubo, J. F. Krizmanic, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, L. Pacini, F. Palma, P. Papini, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, F. Stolzi, A. Sulaj, T. Tamura, S. Torii, J. P. Wefel, K. Yoshida

    Physics of Atomic Nuclei   82 ( 6 ) 766 - 772  2019年11月


  • First Detection of Photons with Energy beyond 100 TeV from an Astrophysical Source

    M. Amenomori, Y. W. Bao, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, Xu Chen, Y. Chen, Cirennima, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, J. H. Fang, K. Fang, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Qi Gao, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, H. B. Jin, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, S. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, Y. H. Lin, B. Liu, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, Y.-Q. Lou, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, H. Mitsui, K. Munakata, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, Y. Sengoku, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, K. Yagisawa, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, A. F. Yuan, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Physical Review Letters   123 ( 5 )  2019年07月  [査読有り]


  • The energy spectrum of forward photons measured by the RHICf experiment in vs = 510 GeV proton-proton collisions

    K. Sato, Y. Itow, H. Menjo, M. Ueno, K. Ohashi, T. Sako, Y. Goto, I. Nakagawa, R. Saidl, J. S. Park, M. H. Kim, B. Hong, K. Tanida, S. Torii, K. Kasahara, N. Sakurai, O. Adriani, R. D'Alessandro, L. Bonechi, E. Berti, A. Tricomi

    Proceedings of Science   358  2019年


    The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider forward (RHICf) experiment aims at understanding the high-energy hadronic interaction by measuring the cross sections of very forward neutral particles in proton-proton collisions at vs = 510 GeV. For the analysis of the photon measurement, the trigger efficiency and the particle identification performance are studied by using the Monte Carlo simulation data and the experimental data. In the RHICf operation, two kinds of trigger modes (Shower, HighEM) were implemented. The trigger efficiency of the Shower trigger is 100% for photons with the energies more than 20 GeV. The HighEM trigger is designed to detect high energy photons effectively, and the trigger efficiency of the HighEM trigger is 90% for photons with the energies more than 130 GeV. The correction factor for the photon identification is calculated by using the efficiency and purity. It is found that this correction does not make a sizeable effect on the shape of the energy spectrum because the energy dependency of the factor is small.

  • An interpretation of the cosmic ray e+ + e− spectrum from 10GeV to 3TeV measured by CALET on the ISS

    Saptashwa Bhattacharyya, Holger Motz, Yoichi Asaoka, Shoji Torii

    International Journal of Modern Physics D   28 ( 02 ) 1950035 - 1950035  2019年01月  [査読有り]


    A combined interpretation of the Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) [Formula: see text] spectrum up to 3[Formula: see text]TeV and the AMS-02 positron spectrum up to 500[Formula: see text]GeV was performed and the results are discussed. To parametrize the background electron flux, we assume a smoothly broken power-law spectrum with an exponential cutoff for electrons and fit this parametrization to the measurements, with either a pulsar or 3-body decay of fermionic Dark Matter (DM) as the extra electron–positron pair source responsible for the positron excess. We found that depending on the parameters for the background, both DM decay and the pulsar model can explain the combined measurements. While the DM decay scenario is constrained by the Fermi-LAT [Formula: see text]-ray measurement, we show that 3-body decay of a 800[Formula: see text]GeV DM can be compatible with the [Formula: see text]-ray flux measurement.

    We discuss the capability of CALET to discern decaying DM models from a generic pulsar source scenario, based on simulated data for five years of data-taking.


  • Influence of Earth-directed Coronal Mass Ejections on the Sun’s Shadow Observed by the Tibet-III Air Shower Array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, T. Miyazaki, K. Munakata, T. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, T. Niwa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamauchi, Z. Yang, A. F. Yuan, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    The Astrophysical Journal   860 ( 1 ) 13 - 13  2018年06月  [査読有り]


  • CALETが開始した高エネルギー宇宙の新たな探求

    鳥居 祥二, 浅岡 陽一, 森 正樹, 吉田 篤正

    日本物理学会誌 = Butsuri   73 ( 6 ) 388 - 392  2018年06月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Evaluation of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Strength Using the Cosmic-Ray Shadow of the Sun

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, T. Miyazaki, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, T. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, T. Niwa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamauchi, Z. Yang, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Physical Review Letters   120 ( 3 )  2018年01月  [査読有り]


  • Detection of the thermal component in GRB 160107A

    Yuta Kawakubo, Takanori Sakamoto, Satoshi Nakahira, Kazutaka Yamaoka, Motoko Serino, Yoichi Asaoka, Michael L. Cherry, Shohei Matsukawa, Masaki Mori, Yujin Nakagawa, Shunsuke Ozawa, Ana V. Penacchioni, Sergio B. Ricciarini, Akira Tezuka, Shoji Torii, Yusuke Yamada, Atsumasa Yoshida

    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan   70 ( 1 )  2018年01月  [査読有り]


    © The Author(s) 2018. We present the detection of a blackbody component in gamma-ray burst GRB 160107A emission by using the combined spectral data of the CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (CGBM) and the MAXI Gas Slit Camera (GSC). MAXI/GSC detected the emission ∼45 s prior to the main burst episode observed by the CGBM. The MAXI/GSC and the CGBM spectrum of this prior emission period is fitted well by a blackbody with temperature 1.0 +0.3-0.2 keV plus a power law with a photon index of -1.6 ± 0.3. We discuss the radius of the photospheric emission and the main burst emission based on the observational properties. We stress the importance of coordinated observations via various instruments collecting high-quality data over a broad energy coverage in order to understand the GRB prompt emission mechanism.


  • Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger

    Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adams, C., Adams, T., Addesso, P., Adhikari, R. X., Adya, V. B., Affeldt, C., Afrough, M., Agarwal, B., Agathos, M., Agatsuma, K., Aggarwal, N., Aguiar, O. D., Aiello, L., Ain, A., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Allen, G., Allocca, A., Altin, P. A., Amato, A., Ananyeva, A., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Angelova, S. V., Antier, S., Appert, S., Arai, K., Araya, M. C., Areeda, J. S., Arnaud, N., Arun, K. G., Ascenzi, S., Ashton, G., Ast, M., Aston, S. M., Astone, P., Atallah, D. V., Aufmuth, P., Aulbert, C., AultONeal, K., Austin, C., Avila-Alvarez, A., Babak, S., Bacon, P., Bader, M. K. M., Bae, S., Baker, P. T., Baldaccini, F., Ballardin, G., Ballmer, S. W., Banagiri, S., Barayoga, J. C., Barclay, S. E., Barish, B. C., Barker, D., Barkett, K., Barone, F., Barr, B., Barsotti, L., Barsuglia, M., Barta, D., Barthelmy, S. D., Bartlett, J., Bartos, I., Bassiri, R., Basti, A., Batch, J. C., Bawaj, M., Bayley, J. C., Bazzan, M., Bécsy, B., Beer, C., Bejger, M., Belahcene, I., Bell, A. S., Berger, B. K., Bergmann, G., Bero, J. J., Berry, C. P. L., Bersanetti, D., Bertolini, A., Betzwieser, J., Bhagwat, S., Bhandare, R., Bilenko, I. A., Billingsley, G., Billman, C. R., Birch, J., Birney, R., Birnholtz, O., Biscans, S., Biscoveanu, S., Bisht, A., Bitossi, M., Biwer, C., Bizouard, M. A., Blackburn, J. K., Blackman, J., Blair, C. D., Blair, D. G., Blair, R. M., Bloemen, S., Bock, O., Bode, N., Boer, M., Bogaert, G., Bohe, A., Bondu, F., Bonilla, E., Bonnand, R., Boom, B. A., Bork, R., Boschi, V., Bose, S., Bossie, K., Bouffanais, Y., Bozzi, A., Bradaschia, C., Brady, P. R., Branchesi, M., Brau, J. E., Briant, T., Brillet, A., Brinkmann, M., Brisson, V., Brockill, P., Broida, J. E., Brooks, A. F., Brown, D. A., Brown, D. D., Brunett, S., Buchanan, C. C., Buikema, A., Bulik, T., Bulten, H. J., Buonanno, A., Buskulic, D., Buy, C., Byer, R. L., Cabero, M., Cadonati, L., Cagnoli, G., Cahillane, C., Calderón Bustillo, J., Callister, T. A., Calloni, E., Camp, J. B., Canepa, M., Canizares, P., Cannon, K. C., Cao, H., Cao, J., Capano, C. D., Capocasa, E., Carbognani, F., Caride, S., Carney, M. F., Casanueva Diaz, J., Casentini, C., Caudill, S., Cavaglià, M., Cavalier, F., Cavalieri, R., Cella, G., Cepeda, C. B., Cerdá-Durán, P., Cerretani, G., Cesarini, E., Chamberlin, S. J., Chan, M., Chao, S., Charlton, P., Chase, E., Chassande-Mottin, E., Chatterjee, D., Chatziioannou, K., Cheeseboro, B. D., Chen, H. Y., Chen, X., Chen, Y., Cheng, H. -P., Chia, H., Chincarini, A., Chiummo, A., Chmiel, T., Cho, H. S., Cho, M., Chow, J. H., Christensen, N., Chu, Q., Chua, A. J. K., Chua, S., Chung, A. K. W., Chung, S., Ciani, G., Ciolfi, R., Cirelli, C. E., Cirone, A., Clara, F., Clark, J. A., Clearwater, P., Cleva, F., Cocchieri, C., Coccia, E., Cohadon, P. -F., Cohen, D., Colla, A., Collette, C. G., Cominsky, L. R., Constancio, M., Jr., Conti, L., Cooper, S. J., Corban, P., Corbitt, T. R., Cordero-Carrión, I., Corley, K. R., Cornish, N., Corsi, A., Cortese, S., Costa, C. A., Coughlin, M. W., Coughlin, S. B., Coulon, J. -P., Countryman, S. T., Couvares, P., Covas, P. B., Cowan, E. E., Coward, D. M., Cowart, M. J., Coyne, D. C., Coyne, R., Creighton, J. D. E., Creighton, T. D., Cripe, J., Crowder, S. G., Cullen, T. J., Cumming, A., Cunningham, L., Cuoco, E., Dal Canton, T., Dálya, G., Danilishin, S. L., D'Antonio, S., Danzmann, K., Dasgupta, A., Da Silva Costa, C. F., Dattilo, V., Dave, I., Davier, M., Davis, D., Daw, E. J., Day, B., De, S., DeBra, D., Degallaix, J., De Laurentis, M., Deléglise, S., Del Pozzo, W., Demos, N., Denker, T., Dent, T., De Pietri, R., Dergachev, V., De Rosa, R., DeRosa, R. T., De Rossi, C., DeSalvo, R., de Varona, O., Devenson, J., Dhurandhar, S., Díaz, M. C., Di Fiore, L., Di Giovanni, M., Di Girolamo, T., Di Lieto, A., Di Pace, S., Di Palma, I., Di Renzo, F., Doctor, Z., Dolique, V., Donovan, F., Dooley, K. L., Doravari, S., Dorrington, I., Douglas, R., Dovale Álvarez, M., Downes, T. P., Drago, M., Dreissigacker, C., Driggers, J. C., Du, Z., Ducrot, M., Dupej, P., Dwyer, S. E., Edo, T. B., Edwards, M. C., Effler, A., Ehrens, P., Eichholz, J., Eikenberry, S. S., Eisenstein, R. A., Essick, R. C., Estevez, D., Etienne, Z. B., Etzel, T., Evans, M., Evans, T. M., Factourovich, M., Fafone, V., Fair, H., Fairhurst, S., Fan, X., Farinon, S., Farr, B., Farr, W. M., Fauchon-Jones, E. J., Favata, M., Fays, M., Fee, C., Fehrmann, H., Feicht, J., Fejer, M. M., Fernandez-Galiana, A., Ferrante, I., Ferreira, E. C., Ferrini, F., Fidecaro, F., Finstad, D., Fiori, I., Fiorucci, D., Fishbach, M., Fisher, R. P., Fitz-Axen, M., Flaminio, R., Fletcher, M., Fong, H., Font, J. A., Forsyth, P. W. F., Forsyth, S. S., Fournier, J. -D., Frasca, S., Frasconi, F., Frei, Z., Freise, A., Frey, R., Frey, V., Fries, E. M., Fritschel, P., Frolov, V. V., Fulda, P., Fyffe, M., Gabbard, H., Gadre, B. U., Gaebel, S. M., Gair, J. R., Gammaitoni, L., Ganija, M. R., Gaonkar, S. G., Garcia-Quiros, C., Garufi, F., Gateley, B., Gaudio, S., Gaur, G., Gayathri, V., Gehrels, N., Gemme, G., Genin, E., Gennai, A., George, D., George, J., Gergely, L., Germain, V., Ghonge, S., Ghosh, Abhirup, Ghosh, Archisman, Ghosh, S., Giaime, J. A., Giardina, K. D., Giazotto, A., Gill, K., Glover, L., Goetz, E., Goetz, R., Gomes, S., Goncharov, B., González, G., Gonzalez Castro, J. M., Gopakumar, A., Gorodetsky, M. L., Gossan, S. E., Gosselin, M., Gouaty, R., Grado, A., Graef, C., Granata, M., Grant, A., Gras, S., Gray, C., Greco, G., Green, A. C., Gretarsson, E. M., Griswold, B., Groot, P., Grote, H., Grunewald, S., Gruning, P., Guidi, G. M., Guo, X., Gupta, A., Gupta, M. K., Gushwa, K. E., Gustafson, E. K., Gustafson, R., Halim, O., Hall, B. R., Hall, E. D., Hamilton, E. Z., Hammond, G., Haney, M., Hanke, M. M., Hanks, J., Hanna, C., Hannam, M. D., Hannuksela, O. A., Hanson, J., Hardwick, T., Harms, J., Harry, G. M., Harry, I. W., Hart, M. J., Haster, C. -J., Haughian, K., Healy, J., Heidmann, A., Heintze, M. C., Heitmann, H., Hello, P., Hemming, G., Hendry, M., Heng, I. S., Hennig, J., Heptonstall, A. W., Heurs, M., Hild, S., Hinderer, T., Hoak, D., Hofman, D., Holt, K., Holz, D. E., Hopkins, P., Horst, C., Hough, J., Houston, E. A., Howell, E. J., Hreibi, A., Hu, Y. M., Huerta, E. A., Huet, D., Hughey, B., Husa, S., Huttner, S. H., Huynh-Dinh, T., Indik, N., Inta, R., Intini, G., Isa, H. N., Isac, J. -M., Isi, M., Iyer, B. R., Izumi, K., Jacqmin, T., Jani, K., Jaranowski, P., Jawahar, S., Jiménez-Forteza, F., Johnson, W. W., Jones, D. I., Jones, R., Jonker, R. J. G., Ju, L., Junker, J., Kalaghatgi, C. V., Kalogera, V., Kamai, B., Kandhasamy, S., Kang, G., Kanner, J. B., Kapadia, S. J., Karki, S., Karvinen, K. S., Kasprzack, M., Katolik, M., Katsavounidis, E., Katzman, W., Kaufer, S., Kawabe, K., Kéfélian, F., Keitel, D., Kemball, A. J., Kennedy, R., Kent, C., Key, J. S., Khalili, F. Y., Khan, I., Khan, S., Khan, Z., Khazanov, E. A., Kijbunchoo, N., Kim, Chunglee, Kim, J. C., Kim, K., Kim, W., Kim, W. S., Kim, Y. -M., Kimbrell, S. J., King, E. J., King, P. J., Kinley-Hanlon, M., Kirchhoff, R., Kissel, J. S., Kleybolte, L., Klimenko, S., Knowles, T. D., Koch, P., Koehlenbeck, S. M., Koley, S., Kondrashov, V., Kontos, A., Korobko, M., Korth, W. Z., Kowalska, I., Kozak, D. B., Krämer, C., Kringel, V., Krishnan, B., Królak, A., Kuehn, G., Kumar, P., Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Kuo, L., Kutynia, A., Kwang, S., Lackey, B. D., Lai, K. H., Landry, M., Lang, R. N., Lange, J., Lantz, B., Lanza, R. K., Larson, S. L., Lartaux-Vollard, A., Lasky, P. D., Laxen, M., Lazzarini, A., Lazzaro, C., Leaci, P., Leavey, S., Lee, C. H., Lee, H. K., Lee, H. M., Lee, H. W., Lee, K., Lehmann, J., Lenon, A., Leonardi, M., Leroy, N., Letendre, N., Levin, Y., Li, T. G. F., Linker, S. D., Littenberg, T. B., Liu, J., Lo, R. K. L., Lockerbie, N. A., London, L. T., Lord, J. E., Lorenzini, M., Loriette, V., Lormand, M., Losurdo, G., Lough, J. D., Lousto, C. O., Lovelace, G., Lück, H., Lumaca, D., Lundgren, A. P., Lynch, R., Ma, Y., Macas, R., Macfoy, S., Machenschalk, B., MacInnis, M., Macleod, D. M., Magaña Hernandez, I., Magaña-Sandoval, F., Magaña Zertuche, L., Magee, R. M., Majorana, E., Maksimovic, I., Man, N., Mandic, V., Mangano, V., Mansell, G. L., Manske, M., Mantovani, M., Marchesoni, F., Marion, F., Márka, S., Márka, Z., Markakis, C., Markosyan, A. S., Markowitz, A., Maros, E., Marquina, A., Marsh, P., Martelli, F., Martellini, L., Martin, I. W., Martin, R. M., Martynov, D. V., Mason, K., Massera, E., Masserot, A., Massinger, T. J., Masso-Reid, M., Mastrogiovanni, S., Matas, A., Matichard, F., Matone, L., Mavalvala, N., Mazumder, N., McCarthy, R., McClelland, D. E., McCormick, S., McCuller, L., McGuire, S. C., McIntyre, G., McIver, J., McManus, D. J., McNeill, L., McRae, T., McWilliams, S. T., Meacher, D., Meadors, G. D., Mehmet, M., Meidam, J., Mejuto-Villa, E., Melatos, A., Mendell, G., Mercer, R. A., Merilh, E. L., Merzougui, M., Meshkov, S., Messenger, C., Messick, C., Metzdorff, R., Meyers, P. M., Miao, H., Michel, C., Middleton, H., Mikhailov, E. E., Milano, L., Miller, A. L., Miller, B. B., Miller, J., Millhouse, M., Milovich-Goff, M. C., Minazzoli, O., Minenkov, Y., Ming, J., Mishra, C., Mitra, S., Mitrofanov, V. P., Mitselmakher, G., Mittleman, R., Moffa, D., Moggi, A., Mogushi, K., Mohan, M., Mohapatra, S. R. P., Montani, M., Moore, C. J., Moraru, D., Moreno, G., Morriss, S. R., Mours, B., Mow-Lowry, C. M., Mueller, G., Muir, A. W., Mukherjee, Arunava, Mukherjee, D., Mukherjee, S., Mukund, N., Mullavey, A., Munch, J., Muñiz, E. A., Muratore, M., Murray, P. G., Napier, K., Nardecchia, I., Naticchioni, L., Nayak, R. K., Neilson, J., Nelemans, G., Nelson, T. J. N., Nery, M., Neunzert, A., Nevin, L., Newport, J. M., Newton, G., Ng, K. K. Y., Nguyen, P., Nguyen, T. T., Nichols, D., Nielsen, A. B., Nissanke, S., Nitz, A., Noack, A., Nocera, F., Nolting, D., North, C., Nuttall, L. K., Oberling, J., O'Dea, G. D., Ogin, G. H., Oh, J. J., Oh, S. H., Ohme, F., Okada, M. A., Oliver, M., Oppermann, P., Oram, Richard J., O'Reilly, B., Ormiston, R., Ortega, L. F., O'Shaughnessy, R., Ossokine, S., Ottaway, D. J., Overmier, H., Owen, B. J., Pace, A. E., Page, J., Page, M. A., Pai, A., Pai, S. A., Palamos, J. R., Palashov, O., Palomba, C., Pal-Singh, A., Pan, Howard, Pan, Huang-Wei, Pang, B., Pang, P. T. H., Pankow, C., Pannarale, F., Pant, B. C., Paoletti, F., Paoli, A., Papa, M. A., Parida, A., Parker, W., Pascucci, D., Pasqualetti, A., Passaquieti, R., Passuello, D., Patil, M., Patricelli, B., Pearlstone, B. L., Pedraza, M., Pedurand, R., Pekowsky, L., Pele, A., Penn, S., Perez, C. J., Perreca, A., Perri, L. M., Pfeiffer, H. P., Phelps, M., Piccinni, O. J., Pichot, M., Piergiovanni, F., Pierro, V., Pillant, G., Pinard, L., Pinto, I. M., Pirello, M., Pitkin, M., Poe, M., Poggiani, R., Popolizio, P., Porter, E. K., Post, A., Powell, J., Prasad, J., Pratt, J. W. W., Pratten, G., Predoi, V., Prestegard, T., Price, L. R., Prijatelj, M., Principe, M., Privitera, S., Prodi, G. A., Prokhorov, L. G., Puncken, O., Punturo, M., Puppo, P., Pürrer, M., Qi, H., Quetschke, V., Quintero, E. A., Quitzow-James, R., Raab, F. J., Rabeling, D. S., Radkins, H., Raffai, P., Raja, S., Rajan, C., Rajbhandari, B., Rakhmanov, M., Ramirez, K. E., Ramos-Buades, A., Rapagnani, P., Raymond, V., Razzano, M., Read, J., Regimbau, T., Rei, L., Reid, S., Reitze, D. H., Ren, W., Reyes, S. D., Ricci, F., Ricker, P. M., Rieger, S., Riles, K., Rizzo, M., Robertson, N. A., Robie, R., Robinet, F., Rocchi, A., Rolland, L., Rollins, J. G., Roma, V. J., Romano, R., Romel, C. L., Romie, J. H., Rosińska, D., Ross, M. P., Rowan, S., Rüdiger, A., Ruggi, P., Rutins, G., Ryan, K., Sachdev, S., Sadecki, T., Sadeghian, L., Sakellariadou, M., Salconi, L., Saleem, M., Salemi, F., Samajdar, A., Sammut, L., Sampson, L. M., Sanchez, E. J., Sanchez, L. E., Sanchis-Gual, N., Sandberg, V., Sanders, J. R., Sassolas, B., Sathyaprakash, B. S., Saulson, P. R., Sauter, O., Savage, R. L., Sawadsky, A., Schale, P., Scheel, M., Scheuer, J., Schmidt, J., Schmidt, P., Schnabel, R., Schofield, R. M. S., Schönbeck, A., Schreiber, E., Schuette, D., Schulte, B. W., Schutz, B. F., Schwalbe, S. G., Scott, J., Scott, S. M., Seidel, E., Sellers, D., Sengupta, A. S., Sentenac, D., Sequino, V., Sergeev, A., Shaddock, D. A., Shaffer, T. J., Shah, A. A., Shahriar, M. S., Shaner, M. B., Shao, L., Shapiro, B., Shawhan, P., Sheperd, A., Shoemaker, D. H., Shoemaker, D. M., Siellez, K., Siemens, X., Sieniawska, M., Sigg, D., Silva, A. D., Singer, L. P., Singh, A., Singhal, A., Sintes, A. M., Slagmolen, B. J. J., Smith, B., Smith, J. R., Smith, R. J. E., Somala, S., Son, E. J., Sonnenberg, J. A., Sorazu, B., Sorrentino, F., Souradeep, T., Spencer, A. P., Srivastava, A. K., Staats, K., Staley, A., Steinke, M., Steinlechner, J., Steinlechner, S., Steinmeyer, D., Stevenson, S. P., Stone, R., Stops, D. J., Strain, K. A., Stratta, G., Strigin, S. E., Strunk, A., Sturani, R., Stuver, A. L., Summerscales, T. Z., Sun, L., Sunil, S., Suresh, J., Sutton, P. J., Swinkels, B. L., Szczepańczyk, M. J., Tacca, M., Tait, S. C., Talbot, C., Talukder, D., Tanner, D. B., Tápai, M., Taracchini, A., Tasson, J. D., Taylor, J. A., Taylor, R., Tewari, S. V., Theeg, T., Thies, F., Thomas, E. G., Thomas, M., Thomas, P., Thorne, K. A., Thorne, K. S., Thrane, E., Tiwari, S., Tiwari, V., Tokmakov, K. V., Toland, K., Tonelli, M., Tornasi, Z., Torres-Forné, A., Torrie, C. I., Töyrä, D., Travasso, F., Traylor, G., Trinastic, J., Tringali, M. C., Trozzo, L., Tsang, K. W., Tse, M., Tso, R., Tsukada, L., Tsuna, D., Tuyenbayev, D., Ueno, K., Ugolini, D., Unnikrishnan, C. S., Urban, A. L., Usman, S. A., Vahlbruch, H., Vajente, G., Valdes, G., van Bakel, N., van Beuzekom, M., van den Brand, J. F. J., Van Den Broeck, C., Vander-Hyde, D. C., van der Schaaf, L., van Heijningen, J. V., van Veggel, A. A., Vardaro, M., Varma, V., Vass, S., Vasúth, M., Vecchio, A., Vedovato, G., Veitch, J., Veitch, P. J., Venkateswara, K., Venugopalan, G., Verkindt, D., Vetrano, F., Viceré, A., Viets, A. D., Vinciguerra, S., Vine, D. J., Vinet, J. -Y., Vitale, S., Vo, T., Vocca, H., Vorvick, C., Vyatchanin, S. P., Wade, A. R., Wade, L. E., Wade, M., Walet, R., Walker, M., Wallace, L., Walsh, S., Wang, G., Wang, H., Wang, J. Z., Wang, W. H., Wang, Y. F., Ward, R. L., Warner, J., Was, M., Watchi, J., Weaver, B., Wei, L. -W., Weinert, M., Weinstein, A. J., Weiss, R., Wen, L., Wessel, E. K., Wessels, P., Westerweck, J., Westphal, T., Wette, K., Whelan, J. T., Whitcomb, S. E., Whiting, B. F., Whittle, C., Wilken, D., Williams, D., Williams, R. D., Williamson, A. R., Willis, J. L., Willke, B., Wimmer, M. H., Winkler, W., Wipf, C. C., Wittel, H., Woan, G., Woehler, J., Wofford, J., Wong, K. W. K., Worden, J., Wright, J. L., Wu, D. S., Wysocki, D. M., Xiao, S., Yamamoto, H., Yancey, C. C., Yang, L., Yap, M. J., Yazback, M., Yu, Hang, Yu, Haocun, Yvert, M., Zadrożny, A., Zanolin, M., Zelenova, T., Zendri, J. -P., Zevin, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, M., Zhang, T., Zhang, Y. -H., Zhao, C., Zhou, M., Zhou, Z., Zhu, S. J., Zhu, X. J., Zimmerman, A. B., Zucker, M. E., Zweizig, J., LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, Wilson-Hodge, C. A., Bissaldi, E., Blackburn, L., Briggs, M. S., Burns, E., Cleveland, W. H., Connaughton, V., Gibby, M. H., Giles, M. M., Goldstein, A., Hamburg, R., Jenke, P., Hui, C. M., Kippen, R. M., Kocevski, D., McBreen, S., Meegan, C. A., Paciesas, W. S., Poolakkil, S., Preece, R. D., Racusin, J., Roberts, O. J., Stanbro, M., Veres, P., von Kienlin, A., GBM, Fermi, Savchenko, V., Ferrigno, C., Kuulkers, E., Bazzano, A., Bozzo, E., Brandt, S., Chenevez, J., Courvoisier, T. J. -L., Diehl, R., Domingo, A., Hanlon, L., Jourdain, E., Laurent, P., Lebrun, F., Lutovinov, A., Martin-Carrillo, A., Mereghetti, S., Natalucci, L., Rodi, J., Roques, J. -P., Sunyaev, R., Ubertini, P., INTEGRAL, Aartsen, M. G., Ackermann, M., Adams, J., Aguilar, J. A., Ahlers, M., Ahrens, M., Samarai, I. Al, Altmann, D., Andeen, K., Anderson, T., Ansseau, I., Anton, G., Argüelles, C., Auffenberg, J., Axani, S., Bagherpour, H., Bai, X., Barron, J. P., Barwick, S. W., Baum, V., Bay, R., Beatty, J. J., Becker Tjus, J., Bernardini, E., Besson, D. Z., Binder, G., Bindig, D., Blaufuss, E., Blot, S., Bohm, C., Börner, M., Bos, F., Bose, D., Böser, S., Botner, O., Bourbeau, E., Bourbeau, J., Bradascio, F., Braun, J., Brayeur, L., Brenzke, M., Bretz, H. -P., Bron, S., Brostean-Kaiser, J., Burgman, A., Carver, T., Casey, J., Casier, M., Cheung, E., Chirkin, D., Christov, A., Clark, K., Classen, L., Coenders, S., Collin, G. H., Conrad, J. M., Cowen, D. F., Cross, R., Day, M., de André, J. P. A. M., De Clercq, C., DeLaunay, J. J., Dembinski, H., De Ridder, S., Desiati, P., de Vries, K. D., de Wasseige, G., de With, M., DeYoung, T., Díaz-Vélez, J. C., di Lorenzo, V., Dujmovic, H., Dumm, J. P., Dunkman, M., Dvorak, E., Eberhardt, B., Ehrhardt, T., Eichmann, B., Eller, P., Evenson, P. A., Fahey, S., Fazely, A. R., Felde, J., Filimonov, K., Finley, C., Flis, S., Franckowiak, A., Friedman, E., Fuchs, T., Gaisser, T. K., Gallagher, J., Gerhardt, L., Ghorbani, K., Giang, W., Glauch, T., Glüsenkamp, T., Goldschmidt, A., Gonzalez, J. G., Grant, D., Griffith, Z., Haack, C., Hallgren, A., Halzen, F., Hanson, K., Hebecker, D., Heereman, D., Helbing, K., Hellauer, R., Hickford, S., Hignight, J., Hill, G. C., Hoffman, K. D., Hoffmann, R., Hokanson-Fasig, B., Hoshina, K., Huang, F., Huber, M., Hultqvist, K., Hünnefeld, M., In, S., Ishihara, A., Jacobi, E., Japaridze, G. S., Jeong, M., Jero, K., Jones, B. J. P., Kalaczynski, P., Kang, W., Kappes, A., Karg, T., Karle, A., Kauer, M., Keivani, A., Kelley, J. L., Kheirandish, A., Kim, J., Kim, M., Kintscher, T., Kiryluk, J., Kittler, T., Klein, S. R., Kohnen, G., Koirala, R., Kolanoski, H., Köpke, L., Kopper, C., Kopper, S., Koschinsky, J. P., Koskinen, D. J., Kowalski, M., Krings, K., Kroll, M., Krückl, G., Kunnen, J., Kunwar, S., Kurahashi, N., Kuwabara, T., Kyriacou, A., Labare, M., Lanfranchi, J. L., Larson, M. J., Lauber, F., Lesiak-Bzdak, M., Leuermann, M., Liu, Q. R., Lu, L., Lünemann, J., Luszczak, W., Madsen, J., Maggi, G., Mahn, K. B. M., Mancina, S., Maruyama, R., Mase, K., Maunu, R., McNally, F., Meagher, K., Medici, M., Meier, M., Menne, T., Merino, G., Meures, T., Miarecki, S., Micallef, J., Momenté, G., Montaruli, T., Moore, R. W., Moulai, M., Nahnhauer, R., Nakarmi, P., Naumann, U., Neer, G., Niederhausen, H., Nowicki, S. C., Nygren, D. R., Obertacke Pollmann, A., Olivas, A., O'Murchadha, A., Palczewski, T., Pandya, H., Pankova, D. V., Peiffer, P., Pepper, J. A., Pérez de los Heros, C., Pieloth, D., Pinat, E., Price, P. B., Przybylski, G. T., Raab, C., Rädel, L., Rameez, M., Rawlins, K., Rea, I. C., Reimann, R., Relethford, B., Relich, M., Resconi, E., Rhode, W., Richman, M., Robertson, S., Rongen, M., Rott, C., Ruhe, T., Ryckbosch, D., Rysewyk, D., Sälzer, T., Sanchez Herrera, S. E., Sandrock, A., Sandroos, J., Santander, M., Sarkar, S., Sarkar, S., Satalecka, K., Schlunder, P., Schmidt, T., Schneider, A., Schoenen, S., Schöneberg, S., Schumacher, L., Seckel, D., Seunarine, S., Soedingrekso, J., Soldin, D., Song, M., Spiczak, G. M., Spiering, C., Stachurska, J., Stamatikos, M., Stanev, T., Stasik, A., Stettner, J., Steuer, A., Stezelberger, T., Stokstad, R. G., Stössl, A., Strotjohann, N. L., Stuttard, T., Sullivan, G. W., Sutherland, M., Taboada, I., Tatar, J., Tenholt, F., Ter-Antonyan, S., Terliuk, A., Tešić, G., Tilav, S., Toale, P. A., Tobin, M. N., Toscano, S., Tosi, D., Tselengidou, M., Tung, C. F., Turcati, A., Turley, C. F., Ty, B., Unger, E., Usner, M., Vandenbroucke, J., Van Driessche, W., van Eijndhoven, N., Vanheule, S., van Santen, J., Vehring, M., Vogel, E., Vraeghe, M., Walck, C., Wallace, A., Wallraff, M., Wandler, F. D., Wandkowsky, N., Waza, A., Weaver, C., Weiss, M. J., Wendt, C., Werthebach, J., Whelan, B. J., Wiebe, K., Wiebusch, C. H., Wille, L., Williams, D. R., Wills, L., Wolf, M., Wood, T. R., Woolsey, E., Woschnagg, K., Xu, D. L., Xu, X. W., Xu, Y., Yanez, J. P., Yodh, G., Yoshida, S., Yuan, T., Zoll, M., IceCube Collaboration, Balasubramanian, A., Mate, S., Bhalerao, V., Bhattacharya, D., Vibhute, A., Dewangan, G. C., Rao, A. R., Vadawale, S. V., AstroSat Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager Team, Svinkin, D. S., Hurley, K., Aptekar, R. L., Frederiks, D. D., Golenetskii, S. V., Kozlova, A. V., Lysenko, A. L., Oleynik, Ph. P., Tsvetkova, A. E., Ulanov, M. V., Cline, T., IPN Collaboration, Li, T. P., Xiong, S. L., Zhang, S. N., Lu, F. J., Song, L. M., Cao, X. L., Chang, Z., Chen, G., Chen, L., Chen, T. X., Chen, Y., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. P., Cui, W., Cui, W. W., Deng, J. K., Dong, Y. W., Du, Y. Y., Fu, M. X., Gao, G. H., Gao, H., Gao, M., Ge, M. Y., Gu, Y. D., Guan, J., Guo, C. C., Han, D. W., Hu, W., Huang, Y., Huo, J., Jia, S. M., Jiang, L. H., Jiang, W. C., Jin, J., Jin, Y. J., Li, B., Li, C. K., Li, G., Li, M. S., Li, W., Li, X., Li, X. B., Li, X. F., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. W., Liang, X. H., Liao, J. Y., Liu, C. Z., Liu, G. Q., Liu, H. W., Liu, S. Z., Liu, X. J., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. N., Lu, B., Lu, X. F., Luo, T., Ma, X., Meng, B., Nang, Y., Nie, J. Y., Ou, G., Qu, J. L., Sai, N., Sun, L., Tan, Y., Tao, L., Tao, W. H., Tuo, Y. L., Wang, G. F., Wang, H. Y., Wang, J., Wang, W. S., Wang, Y. S., Wen, X. Y., Wu, B. B., Wu, M., Xiao, G. C., Xu, H., Xu, Y. P., Yan, L. L., Yang, J. W., Yang, S., Yang, Y. J., Zhang, A. M., Zhang, C. L., Zhang, C. M., Zhang, F., Zhang, H. M., Zhang, J., Zhang, Q., Zhang, S., Zhang, T., Zhang, W., Zhang, W. C., Zhang, W. Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. F., Zhang, Y. J., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z. L., Zhao, H. S., Zhao, J. L., Zhao, X. F., Zheng, S. J., Zhu, Y., Zhu, Y. X., Zou, C. L., Insight-HXMT Collaboration, Albert, A., André, M., Anghinolfi, M., Ardid, M., Aubert, J. -J., Aublin, J., Avgitas, T., Baret, B., Barrios-Martí, J., Basa, S., Belhorma, B., Bertin, V., Biagi, S., Bormuth, R., Bourret, S., Bouwhuis, M. C., Brânzaș, H., Bruijn, R., Brunner, J., Busto, J., Capone, A., Caramete, L., Carr, J., Celli, S., Cherkaoui El Moursli, R., Chiarusi, T., Circella, M., Coelho, J. A. B., Coleiro, A., Coniglione, R., Costantini, H., Coyle, P., Creusot, A., Díaz, A. F., Deschamps, A., De Bonis, G., Distefano, C., Di Palma, I., Domi, A., Donzaud, C., Dornic, D., Drouhin, D., Eberl, T., El Bojaddaini, I., El Khayati, N., Elsässer, D., Enzenhöfer, A., Ettahiri, A., Fassi, F., Felis, I., Fusco, L. A., Gay, P., Giordano, V., Glotin, H., Grégoire, T., Ruiz, R. Gracia, Graf, K., Hallmann, S., van Haren, H., Heijboer, A. J., Hello, Y., Hernández-Rey, J. J., Hössl, J., Hofestädt, J., Hugon, C., Illuminati, G., James, C. W., de Jong, M., Jongen, M., Kadler, M., Kalekin, O., Katz, U., Kiessling, D., Kouchner, A., Kreter, M., Kreykenbohm, I., Kulikovskiy, V., Lachaud, C., Lahmann, R., Lefèvre, D., Leonora, E., Lotze, M., Loucatos, S., Marcelin, M., Margiotta, A., Marinelli, A., Martínez-Mora, J. A., Mele, R., Melis, K., Michael, T., Migliozzi, P., Moussa, A., Navas, S., Nezri, E., Organokov, M., Păvălaș, G. E., Pellegrino, C., Perrina, C., Piattelli, P., Popa, V., Pradier, T., Quinn, L., Racca, C., Riccobene, G., Sánchez-Losa, A., Saldaña, M., Salvadori, I., Samtleben, D. F. E., Sanguineti, M., Sapienza, P., Sieger, C., Spurio, M., Stolarczyk, Th., Taiuti, M., Tayalati, Y., Trovato, A., Turpin, D., Tönnis, C., Vallage, B., Van Elewyck, V., Versari, F., Vivolo, D., Vizzoca, A., Wilms, J., Zornoza, J. D., Zúñiga, J., ANTARES Collaboration, Beardmore, A. P., Breeveld, A. A., Burrows, D. N., Cenko, S. B., Cusumano, G., D'Aì, A., de Pasquale, M., Emery, S. W. K., Evans, P. A., Giommi, P., Gronwall, C., Kennea, J. A., Krimm, H. A., Kuin, N. P. M., Lien, A., Marshall, F. E., Melandri, A., Nousek, J. A., Oates, S. R., Osborne, J. P., Pagani, C., Page, K. L., Palmer, D. M., Perri, M., Siegel, M. H., Sbarufatti, B., Tagliaferri, G., Tohuvavohu, A., Swift Collaboration, Tavani, M., Verrecchia, F., Bulgarelli, A., Evangelista, Y., Pacciani, L., Feroci, M., Pittori, C., Giuliani, A., Del Monte, E., Donnarumma, I., Argan, A., Trois, A., Ursi, A., Cardillo, M., Piano, G., Longo, F., Lucarelli, F., Munar-Adrover, P., Fuschino, F., Labanti, C., Marisaldi, M., Minervini, G., Fioretti, V., Parmiggiani, N., Gianotti, F., Trifoglio, M., Di Persio, G., Antonelli, L. A., Barbiellini, G., Caraveo, P., Cattaneo, P. W., Costa, E., Colafrancesco, S., D'Amico, F., Ferrari, A., Morselli, A., Paoletti, F., Picozza, P., Pilia, M., Rappoldi, A., Soffitta, P., Vercellone, S., AGILE Team, Foley, R. J., Coulter, D. A., Kilpatrick, C. D., Drout, M. R., Piro, A. L., Shappee, B. J., Siebert, M. R., Simon, J. D., Ulloa, N., Kasen, D., Madore, B. F., Murguia-Berthier, A., Pan, Y. -C., Prochaska, J. X., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Rest, A., Rojas-Bravo, C., 1M2H Team, Berger, E., Soares-Santos, M., Annis, J., Alexander, K. D., Allam, S., Balbinot, E., Blanchard, P., Brout, D., Butler, R. E., Chornock, R., Cook, E. R., Cowperthwaite, P., Diehl, H. T., Drlica-Wagner, A., Drout, M. R., Durret, F., Eftekhari, T., Finley, D. A., Fong, W., Frieman, J. A., Fryer, C. L., García-Bellido, J., Gruendl, R. A., Hartley, W., Herner, K., Kessler, R., Lin, H., Lopes, P. A. A., Lourenço, A. C. C., Margutti, R., Marshall, J. L., Matheson, T., Medina, G. E., Metzger, B. D., Muñoz, R. R., Muir, J., Nicholl, M., Nugent, P., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Quataert, E., Sako, M., Sauseda, M., Schlegel, D. J., Scolnic, D., Secco, L. F., Smith, N., Sobreira, F., Villar, V. A., Vivas, A. K., Wester, W., Williams, P. K. G., Yanny, B., Zenteno, A., Zhang, Y., Abbott, T. M. C., Banerji, M., Bechtol, K., Benoit-Lévy, A., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Buckley-Geer, E., Burke, D. L., Capozzi, D., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Castander, F. J., Crocce, M., Cunha, C. E., D'Andrea, C. B., da Costa, L. N., Davis, C., DePoy, D. L., Desai, S., Dietrich, J. P., Eifler, T. F., Fernandez, E., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Giannantonio, T., Goldstein, D. A., Gruen, D., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Jeltema, T., Johnson, M. W. G., Johnson, M. D., Kent, S., Krause, E., Kron, R., Kuehn, K., Lahav, O., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., March, M., Martini, P., McMahon, R. G., Menanteau, F., Miller, C. J., Miquel, R., Mohr, J. J., Nichol, R. C., Ogando, R. L. C., Plazas, A. A., Romer, A. K., Roodman, A., Rykoff, E. S., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schindler, R., Schubnell, M., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Sheldon, E., Smith, M., Smith, R. C., Stebbins, A., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Thomas, R. C., Troxel, M. A., Tucker, D. L., Vikram, V., Walker, A. R., Wechsler, R. H., Weller, J., Carlin, J. L., Gill, M. S. S., Li, T. S., Marriner, J., Neilsen, E., Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaboration, DES Collaboration, Haislip, J. B., Kouprianov, V. V., Reichart, D. E., Sand, D. J., Tartaglia, L., Valenti, S., Yang, S., DLT40 Collaboration, Benetti, S., Brocato, E., Campana, S., Cappellaro, E., Covino, S., D'Avanzo, P., D'Elia, V., Getman, F., Ghirlanda, G., Ghisellini, G., Limatola, L., Nicastro, L., Palazzi, E., Pian, E., Piranomonte, S., Possenti, A., Rossi, A., Salafia, O. S., Tomasella, L., Amati, L., Antonelli, L. A., Bernardini, M. G., Bufano, F., Capaccioli, M., Casella, P., Dadina, M., De Cesare, G., Di Paola, A., Giuffrida, G., Giunta, A., Israel, G. L., Lisi, M., Maiorano, E., Mapelli, M., Masetti, N., Pescalli, A., Pulone, L., Salvaterra, R., Schipani, P., Spera, M., Stamerra, A., Stella, L., Testa, V., Turatto, M., Vergani, D., Aresu, G., Bachetti, M., Buffa, F., Burgay, M., Buttu, M., Caria, T., Carretti, E., Casasola, V., Castangia, P., Carboni, G., Casu, S., Concu, R., Corongiu, A., Deiana, G. L., Egron, E., Fara, A., Gaudiomonte, F., Gusai, V., Ladu, A., Loru, S., Leurini, S., Marongiu, L., Melis, A., Melis, G., Migoni, Carlo, Milia, Sabrina, Navarrini, Alessandro, Orlati, A., Ortu, P., Palmas, S., Pellizzoni, A., Perrodin, D., Pisanu, T., Poppi, S., Righini, S., Saba, A., Serra, G., Serrau, M., Stagni, M., Surcis, G., Vacca, V., Vargiu, G. P., Hunt, L. K., Jin, Z. P., Klose, S., Kouveliotou, C., Mazzali, P. A., Møller, P., Nava, L., Piran, T., Selsing, J., Vergani, S. D., Wiersema, K., Toma, K., Higgins, A. B., Mundell, C. G., di Serego Alighieri, S., Gótz, D., Gao, W., Gomboc, A., Kaper, L., Kobayashi, S., Kopac, D., Mao, J., Starling, R. L. C., Steele, I., van der Horst, A. J., GRAWITA: GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm, Acero, F., Atwood, W. B., Baldini, L., Barbiellini, G., Bastieri, D., Berenji, B., Bellazzini, R., Bissaldi, E., Blandford, R. D., Bloom, E. D., Bonino, R., Bottacini, E., Bregeon, J., Buehler, R., Buson, S., Cameron, R. A., Caputo, R., Caraveo, P. A., Cavazzuti, E., Chekhtman, A., Cheung, C. C., Chiang, J., Ciprini, S., Cohen-Tanugi, J., Cominsky, L. R., Costantin, D., Cuoco, A., D'Ammando, F., de Palma, F., Digel, S. W., Di Lalla, N., Di Mauro, M., Di Venere, L., Dubois, R., Fegan, S. J., Focke, W. B., Franckowiak, A., Fukazawa, Y., Funk, S., Fusco, P., Gargano, F., Gasparrini, D., Giglietto, N., Giordano, F., Giroletti, M., Glanzman, T., Green, D., Grondin, M. -H., Guillemot, L., Guiriec, S., Harding, A. K., Horan, D., Jóhannesson, G., Kamae, T., Kensei, S., Kuss, M., La Mura, G., Latronico, L., Lemoine-Goumard, M., Longo, F., Loparco, F., Lovellette, M. N., Lubrano, P., Magill, J. D., Maldera, S., Manfreda, A., Mazziotta, M. N., McEnery, J. E., Meyer, M., Michelson, P. F., Mirabal, N., Monzani, M. E., Moretti, E., Morselli, A., Moskalenko, I. V., Negro, M., Nuss, E., Ojha, R., Omodei, N., Orienti, M., Orlando, E., Palatiello, M., Paliya, V. S., Paneque, D., Pesce-Rollins, M., Piron, F., Porter, T. A., Principe, G., Rainò, S., Rando, R., Razzano, M., Razzaque, S., Reimer, A., Reimer, O., Reposeur, T., Rochester, L. S., Saz Parkinson, P. M., Sgrò, C., Siskind, E. J., Spada, F., Spandre, G., Suson, D. J., Takahashi, M., Tanaka, Y., Thayer, J. G., Thayer, J. B., Thompson, D. J., Tibaldo, L., Torres, D. F., Torresi, E., Troja, E., Venters, T. M., Vianello, G., Zaharijas, G., Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration, Allison, J. R., Bannister, K. W., Dobie, D., Kaplan, D. L., Lenc, E., Lynch, C., Murphy, T., Sadler, E. M., Australia Telescope Compact Array, ATCA:, Hotan, A., James, C. W., Oslowski, S., Raja, W., Shannon, R. M., Whiting, M., Australian SKA Pathfinder, ASKAP:, Arcavi, I., Howell, D. A., McCully, C., Hosseinzadeh, G., Hiramatsu, D., Poznanski, D., Barnes, J., Zaltzman, M., Vasylyev, S., Maoz, D., Las Cumbres Observatory Group, Cooke, J., Bailes, M., Wolf, C., Deller, A. T., Lidman, C., Wang, L., Gendre, B., Andreoni, I., Ackley, K., Pritchard, T. A., Bessell, M. S., Chang, S. -W., Möller, A., Onken, C. A., Scalzo, R. A., Ridden-Harper, R., Sharp, R. G., Tucker, B. E., Farrell, T. J., Elmer, E., Johnston, S., Venkatraman Krishnan, V., Keane, E. F., Green, J. A., Jameson, A., Hu, L., Ma, B., Sun, T., Wu, X., Wang, X., Shang, Z., Hu, Y., Ashley, M. C. B., Yuan, X., Li, X., Tao, C., Zhu, Z., Zhang, H., Suntzeff, N. B., Zhou, J., Yang, J., Orange, B., Morris, D., Cucchiara, A., Giblin, T., Klotz, A., Staff, J., Thierry, P., Schmidt, B. P., OzGrav, (Deeper, DWF, Wider, program, Faster, AST3, CAASTRO Collaborations, Tanvir, N. R., Levan, A. J., Cano, Z., de Ugarte-Postigo, A., González-Fernández, C., Greiner, J., Hjorth, J., Irwin, M., Krühler, T., Mandel, I., Milvang-Jensen, B., O'Brien, P., Rol, E., Rosetti, S., Rosswog, S., Rowlinson, A., Steeghs, D. T. H., Thöne, C. C., Ulaczyk, K., Watson, D., Bruun, S. H., Cutter, R., Figuera Jaimes, R., Fujii, Y. I., Fruchter, A. S., Gompertz, B., Jakobsson, P., Hodosan, G., Jèrgensen, U. G., Kangas, T., Kann, D. A., Rabus, M., Schrøder, S. L., Stanway, E. R., Wijers, R. A. M. J., VINROUGE Collaboration, Lipunov, V. M., Gorbovskoy, E. S., Kornilov, V. G., Tyurina, N. V., Balanutsa, P. V., Kuznetsov, A. S., Vlasenko, D. M., Podesta, R. C., Lopez, C., Podesta, F., Levato, H. O., Saffe, C., Mallamaci, C. C., Budnev, N. M., Gress, O. A., Kuvshinov, D. A., Gorbunov, I. A., Vladimirov, V. V., Zimnukhov, D. S., Gabovich, A. V., Yurkov, V. V., Sergienko, Yu. P., Rebolo, R., Serra-Ricart, M., Tlatov, A. G., Ishmuhametova, Yu. V., MASTER Collaboration, Abe, F., Aoki, K., Aoki, W., Asakura, Y., Baar, S., Barway, S., Bond, I. A., Doi, M., Finet, F., Fujiyoshi, T., Furusawa, H., Honda, S., Itoh, R., Kanda, N., Kawabata, K. S., Kawabata, M., Kim, J. H., Koshida, S., Kuroda, D., Lee, C. -H., Liu, W., Matsubayashi, K., Miyazaki, S., Morihana, K., Morokuma, T., Motohara, K., Murata, K. L., Nagai, H., Nagashima, H., Nagayama, T., Nakaoka, T., Nakata, F., Ohsawa, R., Ohshima, T., Ohta, K., Okita, H., Saito, T., Saito, Y., Sako, S., Sekiguchi, Y., Sumi, T., Tajitsu, A., Takahashi, J., Takayama, M., Tamura, Y., Tanaka, I., Tanaka, M., Terai, T., Tominaga, N., Tristram, P. J., Uemura, M., Utsumi, Y., Yamaguchi, M. S., Yasuda, N., Yoshida, M., Zenko, T., J-GEM, Adams, S. M., Anupama, G. C., Bally, J., Barway, S., Bellm, E., Blagorodnova, N., Cannella, C., Chandra, P., Chatterjee, D., Clarke, T. E., Cobb, B. E., Cook, D. O., Copperwheat, C., De, K., Emery, S. W. K., Feindt, U., Foster, K., Fox, O. D., Frail, D. A., Fremling, C., Frohmaier, C., Garcia, J. A., Ghosh, S., Giacintucci, S., Goobar, A., Gottlieb, O., Grefenstette, B. W., Hallinan, G., Harrison, F., Heida, M., Helou, G., Ho, A. Y. Q., Horesh, A., Hotokezaka, K., Ip, W. -H., Itoh, R., Jacobs, Bob, Jencson, J. E., Kasen, D., Kasliwal, M. M., Kassim, N. E., Kim, H., Kiran, B. S., Kuin, N. P. M., Kulkarni, S. R., Kupfer, T., Lau, R. M., Madsen, K., Mazzali, P. A., Miller, A. A., Miyasaka, H., Mooley, K., Myers, S. T., Nakar, E., Ngeow, C. -C., Nugent, P., Ofek, E. O., Palliyaguru, N., Pavana, M., Perley, D. A., Peters, W. M., Pike, S., Piran, T., Qi, H., Quimby, R. M., Rana, J., Rosswog, S., Rusu, F., Sadler, E. M., Van Sistine, A., Sollerman, J., Xu, Y., Yan, L., Yatsu, Y., Yu, P. -C., Zhang, C., Zhao, W., GROWTH, JAGWAR, Caltech-NRAO, TTU-NRAO, NuSTAR Collaborations, Chambers, K. C., Huber, M. E., Schultz, A. S. B., Bulger, J., Flewelling, H., Magnier, E. A., Lowe, T. B., Wainscoat, R. J., Waters, C., Willman, M., Pan-STARRS, Ebisawa, K., Hanyu, C., Harita, S., Hashimoto, T., Hidaka, K., Hori, T., Ishikawa, M., Isobe, N., Iwakiri, W., Kawai, H., Kawai, N., Kawamuro, T., Kawase, T., Kitaoka, Y., Makishima, K., Matsuoka, M., Mihara, T., Morita, T., Morita, K., Nakahira, S., Nakajima, M., Nakamura, Y., Negoro, H., Oda, S., Sakamaki, A., Sasaki, R., Serino, M., Shidatsu, M., Shimomukai, R., Sugawara, Y., Sugita, S., Sugizaki, M., Tachibana, Y., Takao, Y., Tanimoto, A., Tomida, H., Tsuboi, Y., Tsunemi, H., Ueda, Y., Ueno, S., Yamada, S., Yamaoka, K., Yamauchi, M., Yatabe, F., Yoneyama, T., Yoshii, T., MAXI Team, Coward, D. M., Crisp, H., Macpherson, D., Andreoni, I., Laugier, R., Noysena, K., Klotz, A., Gendre, B., Thierry, P., Turpin, D., Consortium, TZAC, Im, M., Choi, C., Kim, J., Yoon, Y., Lim, G., Lee, S. -K., Lee, C. -U., Kim, S. -L., Ko, S. -W., Joe, J., Kwon, M. -K., Kim, P. -J., Lim, S. -K., Choi, J. -S., KU Collaboration, Fynbo, J. P. U., Malesani, D., Xu, D., Optical Telescope, Nordic, Smartt, S. J., Jerkstrand, A., Kankare, E., Sim, S. A., Fraser, M., Inserra, C., Maguire, K., Leloudas, G., Magee, M., Shingles, L. J., Smith, K. W., Young, D. R., Kotak, R., Gal-Yam, A., Lyman, J. D., Homan, D. S., Agliozzo, C., Anderson, J. P., Angus, C. R., Ashall, C., Barbarino, C., Bauer, F. E., Berton, M., Botticella, M. T., Bulla, M., Cannizzaro, G., Cartier, R., Cikota, A., Clark, P., De Cia, A., Della Valle, M., Dennefeld, M., Dessart, L., Dimitriadis, G., Elias-Rosa, N., Firth, R. E., Flörs, A., Frohmaier, C., Galbany, L., González-Gaitán, S., Gromadzki, M., Gutiérrez, C. P., Hamanowicz, A., Harmanen, J., Heintz, K. E., Hernandez, M. -S., Hodgkin, S. T., Hook, I. M., Izzo, L., James, P. A., Jonker, P. G., Kerzendorf, W. E., Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z., Kromer, M., Kuncarayakti, H., Lawrence, A., Manulis, I., Mattila, S., McBrien, O., Müller, A., Nordin, J., O'Neill, D., Onori, F., Palmerio, J. T., Pastorello, A., Patat, F., Pignata, G., Podsiadlowski, P., Razza, A., Reynolds, T., Roy, R., Ruiter, A. J., Rybicki, K. A., Salmon, L., Pumo, M. L., Prentice, S. J., Seitenzahl, I. R., Smith, M., Sollerman, J., Sullivan, M., Szegedi, H., Taddia, F., Taubenberger, S., Terreran, G., Van Soelen, B., Vos, J., Walton, N. A., Wright, D. E., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Yaron, O., pre="(">ePESSTO, <author, Chen, T. -W., Krühler, T., Schady, P., Wiseman, P., Greiner, J., Rau, A., Schweyer, T., Klose, S., Nicuesa Guelbenzu, A., GROND, Palliyaguru, N. T., Tech University, Texas, Shara, M. M., Williams, T., Vaisanen, P., Potter, S. B., Romero Colmenero, E., Crawford, S., Buckley, D. A. H., Mao, J., SALT Group, Díaz, M. C., Macri, L. M., García Lambas, D., Mendes de Oliveira, C., Nilo Castellón, J. L., Ribeiro, T., Sánchez, B., Schoenell, W., Abramo, L. R., Akras, S., Alcaniz, J. S., Artola, R., Beroiz, M., Bonoli, S., Cabral, J., Camuccio, R., Chavushyan, V., Coelho, P., Colazo, C., Costa-Duarte, M. V., Cuevas Larenas, H., Domínguez Romero, M., Dultzin, D., Fernández, D., García, J., Girardini, C., Gonçalves, D. R., Gonçalves, T. S., Gurovich, S., Jiménez-Teja, Y., Kanaan, A., Lares, M., Lopes de Oliveira, R., López-Cruz, O., Melia, R., Molino, A., Padilla, N., Peñuela, T., Placco, V. M., Quiñones, C., Ramírez Rivera, A., Renzi, V., Riguccini, L., Ríos-López, E., Rodriguez, H., Sampedro, L., Schneiter, M., Sodré, L., Starck, M., Torres-Flores, S., Tornatore, M., Zadrożny, A., Castillo, M., TOROS: Transient Robotic Observatory of the South Collaboration, Castro-Tirado, A. J., Tello, J. C., Hu, Y. -D., Zhang, B. -B., Cunniffe, R., Castellón, A., Hiriart, D., Caballero-García, M. D., Jelínek, M., Kubánek, P., Pérez del Pulgar, C., Park, I. H., Jeong, S., Castro Cerón, J. M., Pandey, S. B., Yock, P. C., Querel, R., Fan, Y., Wang, C., BOOTES Collaboration, Beardsley, A., Brown, I. S., Crosse, B., Emrich, D., Franzen, T., Gaensler, B. M., Horsley, L., Johnston-Hollitt, M., Kenney, D., Morales, M. F., Pallot, D., Sokolowski, M., Steele, K., Tingay, S. J., Trott, C. M., Walker, M., Wayth, R., Williams, A., Wu, C., Murchison Widefield Array, MWA:, Yoshida, A., Sakamoto, T., Kawakubo, Y., Yamaoka, K., Takahashi, I., Asaoka, Y., Ozawa, S., Torii, S., Shimizu, Y., Tamura, T., Ishizaki, W., Cherry, M. L., Ricciarini, S., Penacchioni, A. V., Marrocchesi, P. S., CALET Collaboration, Pozanenko, A. S., Volnova, A. A., Mazaeva, E. D., Minaev, P. Yu., Krugov, M. A., Kusakin, A. V., Reva, I. V., Moskvitin, A. S., Rumyantsev, V. V., Inasaridze, R., Klunko, E. V., Tungalag, N., Schmalz, S. E., Burhonov, O., IKI-GW Follow-up Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Abramowski, A., Aharonian, F., Ait Benkhali, F., Angüner, E. O., Arakawa, M., Arrieta, M., Aubert, P., Backes, M., Balzer, A., Barnard, M., Becherini, Y., Becker Tjus, J., Berge, D., Bernhard, S., Bernlöhr, K., Blackwell, R., Böttcher, M., Boisson, C., Bolmont, J., Bonnefoy, S., Bordas, P., Bregeon, J., Brun, F., Brun, P., Bryan, M., Büchele, M., Bulik, T., Capasso, M., Caroff, S., Carosi, A., Casanova, S., Cerruti, M., Chakraborty, N., Chaves, R. C. G., Chen, A., Chevalier, J., Colafrancesco, S., Condon, B., Conrad, J., Davids, I. D., Decock, J., Deil, C., Devin, J., deWilt, P., Dirson, L., Djannati-Ataï, A., Donath, A., O'C. Drury, L., Dutson, K., Dyks, J., Edwards, T., Egberts, K., Emery, G., Ernenwein, J. -P., Eschbach, S., Farnier, C., Fegan, S., Fernandes, M. V., Fiasson, A., Fontaine, G., Funk, S., Füssling, M., Gabici, S., Gallant, Y. A., Garrigoux, T., Gaté, F., Giavitto, G., Giebels, B., Glawion, D., Glicenstein, J. F., Gottschall, D., Grondin, M. -H., Hahn, J., Haupt, M., Hawkes, J., Heinzelmann, G., Henri, G., Hermann, G., Hinton, J. A., Hofmann, W., Hoischen, C., Holch, T. L., Holler, M., Horns, D., Ivascenko, A., Iwasaki, H., Jacholkowska, A., Jamrozy, M., Jankowsky, D., Jankowsky, F., Jingo, M., Jouvin, L., Jung-Richardt, I., Kastendieck, M. A., Katarzyński, K., Katsuragawa, M., Kerszberg, D., Khangulyan, D., Khélifi, B., King, J., Klepser, S., Klochkov, D., Kluźniak, W., Komin, Nu., Kosack, K., Krakau, S., Kraus, M., Krüger, P. P., Laffon, H., Lamanna, G., Lau, J., Lees, J. -P., Lefaucheur, J., Lemière, A., Lemoine-Goumard, M., Lenain, J. -P., Leser, E., Lohse, T., Lorentz, M., Liu, R., Lypova, I., Malyshev, D., Marandon, V., Marcowith, A., Mariaud, C., Marx, R., Maurin, G., Maxted, N., Mayer, M., Meintjes, P. J., Meyer, M., Mitchell, A. M. W., Moderski, R., Mohamed, M., Mohrmann, L., Morå, K., Moulin, E., Murach, T., Nakashima, S., de Naurois, M., Ndiyavala, H., Niederwanger, F., Niemiec, J., Oakes, L., O'Brien, P., Odaka, H., Ohm, S., Ostrowski, M., Oya, I., Padovani, M., Panter, M., Parsons, R. D., Pekeur, N. W., Pelletier, G., Perennes, C., Petrucci, P. -O., Peyaud, B., Piel, Q., Pita, S., Poireau, V., Poon, H., Prokhorov, D., Prokoph, H., Pühlhofer, G., Punch, M., Quirrenbach, A., Raab, S., Rauth, R., Reimer, A., Reimer, O., Renaud, M., de los Reyes, R., Rieger, F., Rinchiuso, L., Romoli, C., Rowell, G., Rudak, B., Rulten, C. B., Sahakian, V., Saito, S., Sanchez, D. A., Santangelo, A., Sasaki, M., Schlickeiser, R., Schüssler, F., Schulz, A., Schwanke, U., Schwemmer, S., Seglar-Arroyo, M., Settimo, M., Seyffert, A. S., Shafi, N., Shilon, I., Shiningayamwe, K., Simoni, R., Sol, H., Spanier, F., Spir-Jacob, M., Stawarz, Ł., Steenkamp, R., Stegmann, C., Steppa, C., Sushch, I., Takahashi, T., Tavernet, J. -P., Tavernier, T., Taylor, A. M., Terrier, R., Tibaldo, L., Tiziani, D., Tluczykont, M., Trichard, C., Tsirou, M., Tsuji, N., Tuffs, R., Uchiyama, Y., van der Walt, D. J., van Eldik, C., van Rensburg, C., van Soelen, B., Vasileiadis, G., Veh, J., Venter, C., Viana, A., Vincent, P., Vink, J., Voisin, F., Völk, H. J., Vuillaume, T., Wadiasingh, Z., Wagner, S. J., Wagner, P., Wagner, R. M., White, R., Wierzcholska, A., Willmann, P., Wörnlein, A., Wouters, D., Yang, R., Zaborov, D., Zacharias, M., Zanin, R., Zdziarski, A. A., Zech, A., Zefi, F., Ziegler, A., Zorn, J., Żywucka, N., H. E. S. S. Collaboration, Fender, R. P., Broderick, J. W., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Stewart, A. J., ter Veen, S., Shulevski, A., LOFAR Collaboration, Kavic, M., Simonetti, J. H., League, C., Tsai, J., Obenberger, K. S., Nathaniel, K., Taylor, G. B., Dowell, J. D., Liebling, S. L., Estes, J. A., Lippert, M., Sharma, I., Vincent, P., Farella, B., Wavelength Array, LWA: Long, Abeysekara, A. U., Albert, A., Alfaro, R., Alvarez, C., Arceo, R., Arteaga-Velázquez, J. C., Avila Rojas, D., Ayala Solares, H. A., Barber, A. S., Becerra Gonzalez, J., Becerril, A., Belmont-Moreno, E., BenZvi, S. Y., Berley, D., Bernal, A., Braun, J., Brisbois, C., Caballero-Mora, K. S., Capistrán, T., Carramiñana, A., Casanova, S., Castillo, M., Cotti, U., Cotzomi, J., Coutiño de León, S., De León, C., De la Fuente, E., Diaz Hernandez, R., Dichiara, S., Dingus, B. L., DuVernois, M. A., Díaz-Vélez, J. C., Ellsworth, R. W., Engel, K., Enríquez-Rivera, O., Fiorino, D. W., Fleischhack, H., Fraija, N., García-González, J. A., Garfias, F., Gerhardt, M., Gonzõlez Muñoz, A., González, M. M., Goodman, J. A., Hampel-Arias, Z., Harding, J. P., Hernandez, S., Hernandez-Almada, A., Hona, B., Hüntemeyer, P., Iriarte, A., Jardin-Blicq, A., Joshi, V., Kaufmann, S., Kieda, D., Lara, A., Lauer, R. J., Lennarz, D., León Vargas, H., Linnemann, J. T., Longinotti, A. L., Raya, G. Luis, Luna-García, R., López-Coto, R., Malone, K., Marinelli, S. S., Martinez, O., Martinez-Castellanos, I., Martínez-Castro, J., Martínez-Huerta, H., Matthews, J. A., Miranda-Romagnoli, P., Moreno, E., Mostafá, M., Nellen, L., Newbold, M., Nisa, M. U., Noriega-Papaqui, R., Pelayo, R., Pretz, J., Pérez-Pérez, E. G., Ren, Z., Rho, C. D., Rivière, C., Rosa-González, D., Rosenberg, M., Ruiz-Velasco, E., Salazar, H., Salesa Greus, F., Sandoval, A., Schneider, M., Schoorlemmer, H., Sinnis, G., Smith, A. J., Springer, R. W., Surajbali, P., Tibolla, O., Tollefson, K., Torres, I., Ukwatta, T. N., Weisgarber, T., Westerhoff, S., Wisher, I. G., Wood, J., Yapici, T., Yodh, G. B., Younk, P. W., Zhou, H., Álvarez, J. D., HAWC Collaboration, Aab, A., Abreu, P., Aglietta, M., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Albury, J. M., Allekotte, I., Almela, A., Alvarez Castillo, J., Alvarez-Muñiz, J., Anastasi, G. A., Anchordoqui, L., Andrada, B., Andringa, S., Aramo, C., Arsene, N., Asorey, H., Assis, P., Avila, G., Badescu, A. M., Balaceanu, A., Barbato, F., Barreira Luz, R. J., Becker, K. H., Bellido, J. A., Berat, C., Bertaina, M. E., Bertou, X., Biermann, P. L., Biteau, J., Blaess, S. G., Blanco, A., Blazek, J., Bleve, C., Boháčová, M., Bonifazi, C., Borodai, N., Botti, A. M., Brack, J., Brancus, I., Bretz, T., Bridgeman, A., Briechle, F. L., Buchholz, P., Bueno, A., Buitink, S., Buscemi, M., Caballero-Mora, K. S., Caccianiga, L., Cancio, A., Canfora, F., Caruso, R., Castellina, A., Catalani, F., Cataldi, G., Cazon, L., Chavez, A. G., Chinellato, J. A., Chudoba, J., Clay, R. W., Cobos Cerutti, A. C., Colalillo, R., Coleman, A., Collica, L., Coluccia, M. R., Conceição, R., Consolati, G., Contreras, F., Cooper, M. J., Coutu, S., Covault, C. E., Cronin, J., D'Amico, S., Daniel, B., Dasso, S., Daumiller, K., Dawson, B. R., Day, J. A., de Almeida, R. M., de Jong, S. J., De Mauro, G., de Mello Neto, J. R. T., De Mitri, I., de Oliveira, J., de Souza, V., Debatin, J., Deligny, O., Díaz Castro, M. L., Diogo, F., Dobrigkeit, C., D'Olivo, J. C., Dorosti, Q., Dos Anjos, R. C., Dova, M. T., Dundovic, A., Ebr, J., Engel, R., Erdmann, M., Erfani, M., Escobar, C. O., Espadanal, J., Etchegoyen, A., Falcke, H., Farmer, J., Farrar, G., Fauth, A. C., Fazzini, N., Feldbusch, F., Fenu, F., Fick, B., Figueira, J. M., Filipčič, A., Freire, M. M., Fujii, T., Fuster, A., Gaïor, R., García, B., Gaté, F., Gemmeke, H., Gherghel-Lascu, A., Ghia, P. L., Giaccari, U., Giammarchi, M., Giller, M., Głas, D., Glaser, C., Golup, G., Gómez Berisso, M., Gómez Vitale, P. F., González, N., Gorgi, A., Gottowik, M., Grillo, A. F., Grubb, T. D., Guarino, F., Guedes, G. P., Halliday, R., Hampel, M. R., Hansen, P., Harari, D., Harrison, T. A., Harvey, V. M., Haungs, A., Hebbeker, T., Heck, D., Heimann, P., Herve, A. E., Hill, G. C., Hojvat, C., Holt, E., Homola, P., Hörandel, J. R., Horvath, P., Hrabovský, M., Huege, T., Hulsman, J., Insolia, A., Isar, P. G., Jandt, I., Johnsen, J. A., Josebachuili, M., Jurysek, J., Kääpä, A., Kampert, K. H., Keilhauer, B., Kemmerich, N., Kemp, J., Kieckhafer, R. M., Klages, H. O., Kleifges, M., Kleinfeller, J., Krause, R., Krohm, N., Kuempel, D., Kukec Mezek, G., Kunka, N., Kuotb Awad, A., Lago, B. L., LaHurd, D., Lang, R. G., Lauscher, M., Legumina, R., Leigui de Oliveira, M. A., Letessier-Selvon, A., Lhenry-Yvon, I., Link, K., Lo Presti, D., Lopes, L., López, R., López Casado, A., Lorek, R., Luce, Q., Lucero, A., Malacari, M., Mallamaci, M., Mandat, D., Mantsch, P., Mariazzi, A. G., Maris, I. C., Marsella, G., Martello, D., Martinez, H., Martínez Bravo, O., Masías Meza, J. J., Mathes, H. J., Mathys, S., Matthews, J., Matthiae, G., Mayotte, E., Mazur, P. O., Medina, C., Medina-Tanco, G., Melo, D., Menshikov, A., Merenda, K. -D., Michal, S., Micheletti, M. I., Middendorf, L., Miramonti, L., Mitrica, B., Mockler, D., Mollerach, S., Montanet, F., Morello, C., Morlino, G., Müller, A. L., Müller, G., Muller, M. A., Müller, S., Mussa, R., Naranjo, I., Nguyen, P. H., Niculescu-Oglinzanu, M., Niechciol, M., Niemietz, L., Niggemann, T., Nitz, D., Nosek, D., Novotny, V., Nožka, L., Núñez, L. A., Oikonomou, F., Olinto, A., Palatka, M., Pallotta, J., Papenbreer, P., Parente, G., Parra, A., Paul, T., Pech, M., Pedreira, F., Pȩkala, J., Peña-Rodriguez, J., Pereira, L. A. S., Perlin, M., Perrone, L., Peters, C., Petrera, S., Phuntsok, J., Pierog, T., Pimenta, M., Pirronello, V., Platino, M., Plum, M., Poh, J., Porowski, C., Prado, R. R., Privitera, P., Prouza, M., Quel, E. J., Querchfeld, S., Quinn, S., Ramos-Pollan, R., Rautenberg, J., Ravignani, D., Ridky, J., Riehn, F., Risse, M., Ristori, P., Rizi, V., Rodrigues de Carvalho, W., Rodriguez Fernandez, G., Rodriguez Rojo, J., Roncoroni, M. J., Roth, M., Roulet, E., Rovero, A. C., Ruehl, P., Saffi, S. J., Saftoiu, A., Salamida, F., Salazar, H., Saleh, A., Salina, G., Sánchez, F., Sanchez-Lucas, P., Santos, E. M., Santos, E., Sarazin, F., Sarmento, R., Sarmiento-Cano, C., Sato, R., Schauer, M., Scherini, V., Schieler, H., Schimp, M., Schmidt, D., Scholten, O., Schovánek, P., Schröder, F. G., Schröder, S., Schulz, A., Schumacher, J., Sciutto, S. J., Segreto, A., Shadkam, A., Shellard, R. C., Sigl, G., Silli, G., Šmída, R., Snow, G. R., Sommers, P., Sonntag, S., Soriano, J. F., Squartini, R., Stanca, D., Stanič, S., Stasielak, J., Stassi, P., Stolpovskiy, M., Strafella, F., Streich, A., Suarez, F., Suarez-Durán, M., Sudholz, T., Suomijärvi, T., Supanitsky, A. D., Šupík, J., Swain, J., Szadkowski, Z., Taboada, A., Taborda, O. A., Timmermans, C., Todero Peixoto, C. J., Tomankova, L., Tomé, B., Torralba Elipe, G., Travnicek, P., Trini, M., Tueros, M., Ulrich, R., Unger, M., Urban, M., Valdés Galicia, J. F., Valiño, I., Valore, L., van Aar, G., van Bodegom, P., van den Berg, A. M., van Vliet, A., Varela, E., Vargas Cárdenas, B., Vázquez, R. A., Veberič, D., Ventura, C., Vergara Quispe, I. D., Verzi, V., Vicha, J., Villaseñor, L., Vorobiov, S., Wahlberg, H., Wainberg, O., Walz, D., Watson, A. A., Weber, M., Weindl, A., Wiedeński, M., Wiencke, L., Wilczyński, H., Wirtz, M., Wittkowski, D., Wundheiler, B., Yang, L., Yushkov, A., Zas, E., Zavrtanik, D., Zavrtanik, M., Zepeda, A., Zimmermann, B., Ziolkowski, M., Zong, Z., Zuccarello, F., Pierre Auger Collaboration, Kim, S., Schulze, S., Bauer, F. E., Corral-Santana, J. M., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., González-López, J., Hartmann, D. H., Ishwara-Chandra, C. H., Martín, S., Mehner, A., Misra, K., Michałowski, M. J., Resmi, L., ALMA Collaboration, Paragi, Z., Agudo, I., An, T., Beswick, R., Casadio, C., Frey, S., Jonker, P., Kettenis, M., Marcote, B., Moldon, J., Szomoru, A., van Langevelde, H. J., Yang, J., Euro VLBI Team, Cwiek, A., Cwiok, M., Czyrkowski, H., Dabrowski, R., Kasprowicz, G., Mankiewicz, L., Nawrocki, K., Opiela, R., Piotrowski, L. W., Wrochna, G., Zaremba, M., Żarnecki, A. F., Pi of the Sky Collaboration, Haggard, D., Nynka, M., Ruan, J. J., Chandra Team at McGill University, Bland, P. A., Booler, T., Devillepoix, H. A. R., de Gois, J. S., Hancock, P. J., Howie, R. M., Paxman, J., Sansom, E. K., Towner, M. C., Desert Fireball Network, DFN:, Tonry, J., Coughlin, M., Stubbs, C. W., Denneau, L., Heinze, A., Stalder, B., Weiland, H., ATLAS, Eatough, R. P., Kramer, M., Kraus, A., Time Resolution Universe Survey, High, Troja, E., Piro, L., Becerra González, J., Butler, N. R., Fox, O. D., Khandrika, H. G., Kutyrev, A., Lee, W. H., Ricci, R., Ryan, R. E., Jr., Sánchez-Ramírez, R., Veilleux, S., Watson, A. M., Wieringa, M. H., Burgess, J. M., van Eerten, H., Fontes, C. J., Fryer, C. L., Korobkin, O., Wollaeger, R. T., RIMAS, RATIR, Camilo, F., Foley, A. R., Goedhart, S., Makhathini, S., Oozeer, N., Smirnov, O. M., Fender, R. P., Woudt, P. A., South Africa/MeerKAT, SKA

    The Astrophysical Journal   848 ( L12 ) 1 - 59  2017年10月  [査読有り]


    On 2017 August 17 a binary neutron star coalescence candidate (later designated GW170817) with merger time 12:41:04 UTC was observed through gravitational waves by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors. The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor independently detected a gamma-ray burst (GRB 170817A) with a time delay of ̃ 1.7 { { s } } with respect to the merger time. From the gravitational-wave signal, the source was initially localized to a sky region of 31 deg2 at a luminosity distance of {40}-8+8 Mpc and with component masses consistent with neutron stars. The component masses were later measured to be in the range 0.86 to 2.26 {M}. An extensive observing campaign was launched across the electromagnetic spectrum leading to the discovery of a bright optical transient (SSS17a, now with the IAU identification of AT 2017gfo) in NGC 4993 (at ̃ 40 { { Mpc } }) less than 11 hours after the merger by the One-Meter, Two Hemisphere (1M2H) team using the 1 m Swope Telescope. The optical transient was independently detected by multiple teams within an hour. Subsequent observations targeted the object and its environment. Early ultraviolet observations revealed a blue transient that faded within 48 hours. Optical and infrared observations showed a redward evolution over ̃10 days. Following early non-detections, X-ray and radio emission were discovered at the transient's position ̃ 9 and ̃ 16 days, respectively, after the merger. Both the X-ray and radio emission likely arise from a physical process that is distinct from the one that generates the UV/optical/near-infrared emission. No ultra-high-energy gamma-rays and no neutrino candidates consistent with the source were found in follow-up searches. These observations support the hypothesis that GW170817 was produced by the merger of two neutron stars in NGC 4993 followed by a short gamma-ray burst (GRB 170817A) and a kilonova/macronova powered by the radioactive decay of r-process nuclei synthesized in the ejecta. <P />Any correspondence should be addressed to ....


  • Monte Carlo study of a new experiment at RHIC measuring the nuclear effect for cosmic ray observations

    T. Suzuki, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, T. Sako, S. Torii

    Journal of Instrumentation   12 ( 9 )  2017年09月  [査読有り]


    We have studied the potential performance of an experiment designed to measure neutral particles emitted in the forward region (η&gt
    6) of proton-nitrogen (p-N) inelastic collisions at sNN=200 GeV. Such measurements will provide for the first time direct information about interactions between proton cosmic rays and the atmosphere at collider energies and will aid in the understanding of the nuclear effect of light-ions in the forward region which is expected to be dominated by the shadowing effect due to rescattering inside nuclear matter
    this in turn will allow for the development of better air shower models. We first studied differences among the nuclear effects produced by the interaction models QGSJETII-03, DPMJET 3.04, and EPOS 1.99. We quantified the nuclear effects by calculationg the ratio of energy spectra of p-N collisions and proton-proton (p-p) collisions, which revealed a difference at the 30% level in the forward pion and neutron spectra. In order to assess the expected performance of an experiment designed to measure this difference, a full Monte Carlo calculation was conducted assuming the use of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider forward (RHICf) detector at Brookhaven National Laboratory installed at 1,800 cm from the interaction point. We have comfirmed that the detector would be able to identify and measure photons of energies below 100 GeV with position and energy resolutions better than 0.4 mm and 16%, respectively. One can discriminate the nuclear effect incorporated into various interaction models used in air shower simulations by measuring the photon spectrum in two different pseudorapidity ranges: η&gt
    10.5 and 8.8&lt


  • Decaying fermionic dark matter search with CALET

    S. Bhattacharyya, H. Motz, S. Torii, Y. Asaoka



    The ISS-based CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) detector can play an important role in indirect search for Dark Matter (DM), measuring the electron+positron flux in the TeV region for the first time directly. With its fine energy resolution of approximately 2% and good proton rejection ratio (1 : 10(5)) it has the potential to search for fine structures in the Cosmic Ray (CR) electron spectrum. In this context we discuss the ability of CALET to discern between signals originating from astrophysical sources and DM decay. We fit a parametrization of the local interstellar electron and positron spectra to current measurements, with either a pulsar or 3-body decay of fermionic DM as the extra source causing the positron excess. The expected CALET data for scenarios in which DM decay explains the excess are calculated and analyzed. The signal from this particular 3-body DM decay which can explain the recent measurements from the AMS-02 experiment is shown to be distinguishable from a single pulsar source causing the positron excess by 5 years of observation with CALET, based on the shape of the spectrum. We also study the constraints from diffuse gamma-ray data on this DM-only explanation of the positron excess and show that especially for the possibly remaining parameter space a clearly identifiable signature in the CR electron spectrum exists.


  • Performance study for the photon measurements of the upgraded LHCf calorimeters with Gd2SiO5 (GSO) scintillators

    Makino Y, Tiberio A, Adriani O, Berti E, Bonechi L, Bongi M, Caccia Z, D'Alessandro R, Del Prete M, Detti S, Haguenauer M, Itow Y, Iwata T, Kasahara K, Masuda K, Matsubayashi E, Menjo H, Mitsuka G, Muraki Y, Papini P, Ricciarini S, Sako T, Sakurai N, Suzuki T, Tamura T, Torii S, Tricomi A, Turner W. C, Ueno M, Zhou Q. D



  • Northern Sky Galactic Cosmic Ray Anisotropy between 10 and 1000 TeV with the Tibet Air Shower Array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, T. Miyazaki, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, T. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, T. Niwa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamauchi, Z. Yang, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    The Astrophysical Journal   836 ( 2 ) 153 - 153  2017年02月  [査読有り]


  • The performance for the TeV photon measurement of the LHCf upgraded detector using Gd2SiO5 (GSO) scintillators

    Y. Makino, O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, T. Iwata, K. Kasahara, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, M. Ueno, Q. D. Zhou

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment   845   490 - 493  2017年02月  [査読有り]


    The Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment measures the forward particle production at the LHC to verify hadronic interaction models used in air shower experiments. We have upgraded very small sampling and imaging calorimeters using GSO scintillators to measure the most energetic particles generated in s=13 TeV p–p collisions at the zero-degree region of the LHC. Upgraded detectors were calibrated at the SPS North area facility in CERN and it was confirmed that the detector can measure electro-magnetic showers with energy resolution of 3% and position resolution of better than 123 μm for 100 GeV electrons. The operation of LHCf in 13 TeV p–p collisions has been successfully completed with integrated luminosity of 5 nb−1. Reconstructed π0 peak with the mass resolution of 3.7% and stability less than 1% during the operation implies that our measurement was stable enough in the high irradiation condition.


  • The LHCf experiment: Forward particles production spectra at LHC

    E. Berti, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, Y. Iwata, K. Kasahara, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, M. Ueno, Q. D. Zhou

    Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C   40 ( 1 )  2017年01月  [査読有り]


    The LHC forward (LHCf) experiment consists of two small sampling calorimeters installed in the LHC tunnel at ±140 from IP1, so that it can detect neutral particles produced by p-ion collisions in the very forward region (pseudorapidity n &gt
    8.4). The main aim of LHCf is to provide precise measurements of the particles produced in high-energy p-p and p-Pb collisions in order to tune hadronic interaction models used by ground-based cosmic rays experiments. In this paper we will discuss the present status of the LHCf experiment, the collected data and measurements done, as well as future prospects.


  • Measurements of longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions for neutral pions in the forward-rapidity region with the LHCf detector

    Phys. Rev. D   94   032007  2016年08月  [査読有り]


  • Latest results from the LHCf experiment

    T. Suzuki, O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, R. D. Alessandro, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, T. Iwata, K. Kasahara, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, K. Sato, M. Shinoda, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, M. Ueno, Q. D. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science   128556  2016年


    The LHC forward (LHCf) is a small experiment at the LHC designed to measure neutral particles emitted in the very forward region (pseudo-rapidity n &gt
    8.4). It has measured proton-proton collisions at √s = 0.9,2.76,7 and 13 TeV, and proton-lead collisions at √SNN = 5.02 and 8.16 TeV. Its main purpose is to provide precise measurements of the production spectra of these forward particles, in order to calibrate hadronic interaction models used in air shower observations. In this paper we will present the current status of the LHCf experiment, regarding in particular collected data and analysis results, as well as future prospects.

  • CALET's sensitivity to Dark Matter annihilation in the galactic halo

    H. Motz, Y. Asaoka, S. Torii, S. Bhattacharyya

    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics   2015 ( 12 ) 047 - 047  2015年12月  [査読有り]


    CALET (Calorimetric Electron Telescope), installed on the ISS in August 2015, directly measures the electron+positron cosmic rays flux up to 20 TeV. With its proton rejection capability of 1 : 105 and an aperture of 1200 cm2· sr, it will provide good statistics even well above one TeV, while also featuring an energy resolution of 2%, which allows it to detect fine structures in the spectrum. Such structures may originate from Dark Matter annihilation or decay, making indirect Dark Matter search one of CALET's main science objectives among others such as identification of signatures from nearby supernova remnants, study of the heavy nuclei spectra and gamma astronomy. The latest results from AMS-02 on positron fraction and total electron+positron flux can be fitted with a parametrization including a single pulsar as an extra power law source with exponential cut-off, which emits an equal amount of electrons and positrons. This single pulsar scenario for the positron excess is extrapolated into the TeV region and the expected CALET data for this case are simulated. Based on this prediction for CALET data, the sensitivity of CALET to Dark Matter annihilation in the galactic halo has been calculated. It is shown that CALET could significantly improve the limits compared to current data, especially for those Dark Matter candidates that feature a large fraction of annihilation directly into e+ + e-, such as the LKP (Lightest Kaluza-Klein particle).



    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, T. Miyazaki, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, T. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, T. Niwa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamauchi, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    The Astrophysical Journal   813 ( 2 ) 98 - 98  2015年11月  [査読有り]


    We search for continuous gamma-ray emission from the Crab Nebula above 100 TeV, using the data collected from March 2008 to July 2009 by the Tibet air shower array and the 100 m2 muon detector. We find that our MC simulation is in good agreement with the experimental data. No significant excess is found. An upper limit, comparable to the world's best limit until now, is obtained above 140 TeV.


  • Measurement of very forward neutron energy spectra for 7 TeV proton–proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider

    Phys. Lett. B   750   360 - 366  2015年11月  [査読有り]


  • Energy calibration of Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) in space

    Tae Niita, Shoji Torii, Yosui Akaike, Yoichi Asaoka, Katsuaki Kasahara, Shunsuke Ozawa, Tadahisa Tamura

    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH   55 ( 11 ) 2500 - 2508  2015年06月


    The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is a space experiment, currently under development by Japan in collaboration with Italy and the United States. CALET will measure the flux of cosmic ray electrons (including positrons) up to 20 TeV, gamma-rays up to 10 TeV and nuclei from Z = 1 up to 40 up to 1000 TeV during a two-year mission on the International Space Station (ISS), extendable to five years. The unique feature of CALET is its thick, fully active calorimeter that allows measurements well into the TeV energy region with excellent energy resolution (< 3%), coupled with a fine imaging upper calorimeter to accurately identify the starting point of electromagnetic showers. For continuous high performance of the detector, it is required to calibrate each detector component on orbit. We use the measured response to minimum ionizing particles for the energy calibration, taking data in a dedicated trigger mode and selecting useful events in off-line analysis. In this paper, we present on-orbit and off-line data handling methods for the energy calibration developed through beam tests at CERN-SPS and Monte Carlo simulations. (C) 2015 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • A balloon experiment using CALET prototype (bCALET-2)

    Tae Niita, Shoji Torii, Katsuaki Kasahara, Hiroyuki Murakami, Shunsuke Ozawa, Yoshitaka Ueyama, Yosui Akaike, Tadahisa Tamura, Kenji Yoshida, Yusaku Katayose, Yuki Shimizu, Hideyuki Fuke

    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH   55 ( 2 ) 753 - 760  2015年01月  [査読有り]


    CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) is a high energy cosmic-ray detector to be installed on International Space Station in 2015 to carry out accurate measurements of high energy electrons and gamma-rays. For verification of the detector performance, we carried out balloon experiments using CALET prototype detectors in May 2006 (bCALET-1) and in August 2009 (bCALET-2). In this paper we mainly report about the second experiment using bCALET-2. bCALET-2 is a calorimetric instrument composed of a 3.58 radiation length thick tungsten-scintillating fiber imaging calorimeter (IMC) and a 13.4 radiation length thick bismuth germanium-oxide calorimeter (TASC). The concept of the structure is similar to that of CALET, but the number of sensors and the thickness of materials were optimized for the balloon experiment. The observation was carried out at the Taiki Aerospace Research Field of JAXA in Hokkaido, and the detector was flown successfully for 2.5 h at a level altitude of 35 km. The observed events were analyzed by methods developed through Monte Carlo simulations, and the energy spectra of electrons and atmospheric gamma-rays in the energy range of 1-30 GeV were obtained and compared to the results of previous experiments. (C) 2014 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Status and performance of the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the international space station

    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, Y. Asaoka, K. Asano, M. G. Bagliesi, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, M. Bongi, J. H. Buckley, A. Cassese, G. Castellini, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, K. Ebisawa, V. di Felice, H. Fuke, T. G. Guzik, T. Hamsa, N. Hasebe, M. Hareyama, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, M. H. Israel, A. Javaid, E. Kamioka, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, N. Kawanaka, H. Kitamura, T. Kotani, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, A. Kubota, S. Kuramata, T. Lomtadze, P. Maestro, L. Marcelli, P. S. Marrocchesi, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, K. Mizutani, H. M. Motz, A. A. Moiseev, K. Mori, M. Mori, N. Mori, K. Munakata, H. Murakami, Y. E. Nakagawa, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, F. Palma, P. Papini, B. F. Rauch, S. Ricciarini, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, M. Shibata, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, I. Takahashi, M. Takayanagi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, S. Torii, Y. Tunesada, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida, T. Yuda

    Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements   256-257   225 - 232  2014年12月  [査読有り]


    © 2014 Elsevier B.V. The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) space experiment, currently under development by Japan in collaboration with Italy and the United States, will measure the flux of cosmic-ray electrons (including positrons) to 20 TeV, gamma rays to 10 TeV and nuclei with Z=1 to 40 up to 1,000 TeV during a two-year mission on the International Space Station (ISS), extendable to five years. These measurements are essential to search for dark matter signatures, investigate the mechanism of cosmic-ray acceleration and propagation in the Galaxy and discover possible astrophysical sources of high-energy electrons nearby the Earth. The instrument consists of two layers of segmented plastic scintillators for the cosmic-ray charge identification (CHD), a 3 radiation length thick tungsten-scintillating fiber imaging calorimeter (IMC) and a 27 radiation length thick lead-tungstate calorimeter (TASC). CALET has sufficient depth, imaging capabilities and excellent energy resolution to allow for a clear separation between hadrons and electrons and between charged particles and gamma rays. The instrument will be launched to the ISS within 2014 Japanese Fiscal Year (by the end of March 2015) and installed on the Japanese Experiment Module-Exposed Facility (JEM-EF). In this paper, we will review the status and main science goals of the mission and describe the instrument configuration and performance.


  • Transverse-momentum distribution and nuclear modification factor for neutral pions in the forward-rapidity region in proton-lead collisions at s NN =5.02 TeV

    O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Del Prete, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, D. Pfeiffer, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics   89 ( 6 )  2014年06月  [査読有り]


    The transverse momentum (pT) distribution for inclusive neutral pions in the very forward rapidity region has been measured, with the Large Hadron Collider forward detector (LHCf), in proton-lead collisions at nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energies of sNN=5.02TeV at the LHC. The pT spectra obtained in the rapidity range -11.0&lt
    -8.9 and 0&lt
    0.6GeV (in the detector reference frame) show a strong suppression of the production of neutral pions after taking into account ultraperipheral collisions. This leads to a nuclear modification factor value, relative to the interpolated pT spectra in proton-proton collisions at s=5.02TeV, of about 0.1-0.4. This value is compared with the predictions of several hadronic interaction Monte Carlo simulations. © 2014 CERN, for the LHCf Collaboration.


  • Predicted CALET measurements of electron and positron spectra from 3 to 20 GeV using the geomagnetic field

    B. F. Rauch

    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH   53 ( 10 ) 1438 - 1443  2014年05月  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is an imaging calorimeter under construction for launch to the ISS in 2014 for a planned 5 year mission. CALET consists of a charge detection module (CHD) with two segmented planes of 1 cm thick plastic scintillator, an imaging calorimeter (IMC) with a total of 3 radiation lengths (X-o) of tungsten plates read out with 8 planes of interleaved scintillating fibers, and a total absorption calorimeter (TASC) with 27 X-o of lead tungstate (PWO) logs. The primary objectives of the experiment are to measure the electron e(-) + e(+) energy spectra from 1 GeV to 20 TeV, to detect gamma-rays above similar to 10 GeV, and to measure the energy spectra of nuclei from protons through iron up to 1000 TeV. In this paper we describe how the geomagnetic field at the 51.6 degrees inclination orbit of the ISS can be used to allow CALET to measure the distinct electron and positron fluxes. The positron fraction has been seen to rise above 10 GeV by previous experiments (HEAT, AMS-01), and more recently to continue to increase to higher energies (similar to 80 GeV for PAMELA, similar to 200 GeV for Fermi and similar to 350 GeV with the best statistics for AMS-02). Utilizing the geomagnetic cutoff, CALET will be able to distinguish electrons and positrons in the similar to 3-20 GeV energy range where the positron fraction turns upward to complement existing high statistics measurements. (C) 2013 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Predicted CALET measurements of ultra-heavy cosmic ray relative abundances

    B. F. Rauch

    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH   53 ( 10 ) 1444 - 1450  2014年05月  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is an imaging calorimeter under construction for launch to the ISS in 2014 for a planned 5 year mission. CALET consists of a charge detection module (CHD) with two segmented planes of 1 cm thick plastic scintillator, an imaging calorimeter (IMC) with a total of 3 radiation lengths (X-o) of tungsten plates read out with 8 planes of interleaved scintillating fibers, and a total absorption calorimeter (TASC) with 27 X-o of lead tungstate (PWO) logs. The primary objectives of the instrument are to measure electron energy spectra from 1 GeV to 20 TeV, to detect gamma-rays above 10 GeV, and to measure the energy spectra of nuclei from protons through iron up to 1,000 TeV. In this paper we describe how the geomagnetic field at the 51.6 degrees inclination orbit of the ISS can be used to allow CALET to measure the rare ultra-heavy (UH) cosmic ray (CR) abundances, which provide important clues for the CR source and acceleration mechanism. The CHD scintillator response is relatively insensitive to energy above minimum ionization, and the angle-dependent rigidity as a function of geomagnetic latitude can be exploited to discriminate particles above this energy threshold. Such events require corrections for trajectory in instrument that can be made with only the top 4 layers of the IMC, which allows for considerably greater geometric acceptance than for events that require passage through the TASC for energy determination. Using this approach CALET will be able to measure UH CR relative abundances over its expected mission with superior statistics to previous space instruments. (C) 2013 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • The performance of the LHCf detector for hadronic showers

    K. Kawade, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Del Prete, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A-L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, Y. Shimizu, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION   9   P03016  2014年03月  [査読有り]


    The Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment has been designed to use the LHC to benchmark the hadronic interaction models used in cosmic-ray physics. It measures neutral particles emitted in the very forward region of the LHC p-p or p-N collisions. In this paper, the performances of the LHCf detectors for hadronic showers was studied with MC simulations and beam tests. The detection efficiency for neutrons varies from 70% to 80% above 500 GeV. The energy resolutions are about 40% and the position resolution is 0.1 to 1.3 mm depending on the incident energy for neutrons. The energy scale determined by the MC simulations and the validity of the MC simulations were examined using 350 GeV proton beams at the CERN-SPS.


  • LHCLCfLC detector performance during the 2009-2010 LHC run

    O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Haguenauer, T. Iso, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    International Journal of Modern Physics A   28 ( 25 )  2013年10月


    Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) has successfully completed the operation during the LHC 2009-2010 period and the detectors were removed in July 2010. The event trigger, data analysis and background have been intensively studied in order to derive inclusive single photon and π0 spectra. In this paper, the details of these intensive studies are described. © 2013 The Authors.


  • Probe of the Solar Magnetic Field Using the “Cosmic-Ray Shadow” of the Sun

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, K. Hakamada, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, H. Onuma, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Physical Review Letters   111 ( 1 )  2013年07月  [査読有り]


  • Development of high performance Avalanche Photodiodes and dedicated analog systems for HXI/SGD detectors onboard the Astro-H mission

    T. Saito, T. Nakamori, M. Yoshino, H. Mizoma, J. Kataoka, K. Kawakami, Y. Yatsu, M. Ohno, K. Goto, Y. Hanabata, H. Takahashi, Y. Fukazawa, M. Sasano, S. Torii, H. Uchiyama, K. Nakazawa, K. Makishima, S. Watanabe, M. Kokubun, T. Takahashi, K. Mori, H. Tajima

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment   699   230 - 234  2013年01月  [査読有り]


    Hard X-ray Imager and Soft Gamma-ray Detector are being developed as onboard instruments for the Astro-H mission, which is scheduled for launch in 2014. In both detectors, BGO scintillators play key roles in achieving high sensitivity in low Earth orbit (LEO), by generating active veto signals to reject cosmic-ray events and gamma-ray backgrounds from radio-activated detector materials. In order to maximize background rejection power, it is also important to minimize the energy threshold of this shield. As a readout sensor of weak scintillation light from a number of BGO crystals in a complicated detector system, high performance, reverse-type Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs), with an effective area of 10×10mm2 are being employed, instead of bulky photomultiplier tubes (PMTs).Another advantage of using APDs is their low power consumption, although the relatively low gain of APDs (compared to conventional PMTs) requires dedicated analog circuits for noise suppression. In this paper, we report on the development and performance of APD detectors specifically designed for the Astro-H mission. In addition to APD performance, various environmental tests, including radiation hardness and qualification thermal cycling, will be described in detail. Moreover, a dedicated charge sensitive amplifier and analog filters are newly developed and tested here to optimize the performance of APDs to activate fast veto signals within a few μs from the BGO trigger. We will also report on overall performance testing of a prototype BGO detector system that mimics the data acquisition system onboard Astro-H. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


  • Results from the LHCf experiment

    M. Bongi, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Haguenauer, T. Iso, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C   36 ( 1 ) 120 - 123  2013年  [査読有り]


    LHCf is an experiment designed to study the very forward emission of neutral particles produced in collisions at the LHC. Its results can be used to calibrate the hadron interaction models of the Monte Carlo codes which allow the interpretation of energy spectrum and composition of high-energy cosmic rays as measured by air shower ground detectors. The experiment has already completed taking data in proton-proton collisions at √s = 900 GeV and at √s = 7TeV during 2009 and 2010. The detectors are now being upgraded and they will be installed again in the LHC tunnel for proton-ion collisions and for operation with protons at √s = 14TeV. In this paper results and comparisons with the predictions obtained from Monte Carlo simulations will be reported. © Società Italiana di Fisica.


  • Performance of very thin Gd2SiO5 scintillator bars for the LHCf experiment

    T. Suzuki, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, T. Murakami, K. Masuda, T. Sako, S. Torii

    Journal of Instrumentation   8 ( 1 )  2013年01月  [査読有り]


    To increase the radiation resistivity of the calorimeter, the LHCf group plans to replace its plastic scintillator with Gd2SiO5 (GSO) scintillator. In this report, we present the basic performance of very thin GSO scintillator bars that will replace the scintillating fibers employed as the position sensitive part of the current LHCf detector. The size of a bar is 1 mm × 1 mm × 40 mm. White acrylic paint was painted on one group of GSO bars and a second group was unpainted. After observing a clear peak of cosmic ray muons corresponding to 3 to 4 photoelectrons, a quantitative test was performed by using a 290 MeV/n carbon beam at HIMAC in Japan. The non-painted bars have less position dependence of light collection efficiency (effective attenuation length is about 140 mm) and less piece-to-piece variation. The unpainted bars show about 8% cross talk between adjacent bars which is larger than the painted ones. However, for estimating the center of a cascade shower inside the calorimeter, uniformity of light collection is more important than cross talk, so we have decided to use non-painted bars in the LHCf detector. A simulation of a 100 GeV electron injected in the center of the detector shows that position dependence and cross talk cause only a 0.04 mm shift of the shower centroid without any correction applied. This shows that these effects are relatively small compared to the uncertainty of the beam center position which was 1 mm for the LHCf experiments already performed at s =7 TeV. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl.


  • 宇宙線を直接捉える

    鳥居 祥二

    日本物理學會誌   67 ( 12 ) 821 - 827  2012年12月




  • CALET's sensitivity to Dark Matter annihilation in the galactic halo

    H.Motz, Y.Asaoka, S.Torii, S.Bhattacharyya

    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics   2012 ( 047 )  2012年12月  [査読有り]

  • Forward photon energy spectrum at LHC 7 TeV p-p collisions measured by LHCf

    H. Menjo, O. Adriani, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. Dalessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, D. MacIna, T. Mase, K. Masuda, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment   692   224 - 227  2012年11月  [査読有り]


    The LHCf experiment is one of the LHC forward experiments. The aim is to measure the energy and the transverse momentum spectra of photons, neutrons and π0s at the very forward region (the pseudo-rapidity range of η&gt
    8.4), which should be critical data to calibrate hadron interaction models used in the air shower simulations. LHCf successfully operated at s=900GeV and s=7TeV proton-proton collisions in 2009 and 2010. We present the first physics result, single photon energy spectra at s=7TeV proton-proton collisions and the pseudo-rapidity ranges of η&gt
    10.94 and 8.81&lt
    8.9. The obtained spectra were compared with the predictions by several hadron interaction models and the models do not reproduce the experimental results perfectly. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


  • Measurement of forward neutral pion transverse momentum spectra for √s=7TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC

    O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, T. Iso, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, T. Mase, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   86 ( 9 )  2012年11月  [査読有り]


    The inclusive production rate of neutral pions in the rapidity range greater than y=8.9 has been measured by the Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment during √s=7TeV proton-proton collision operation in early 2010. This paper presents the transverse momentum spectra of the neutral pions. The spectra from two independent LHCf detectors are consistent with each other and serve as a cross-check of the data. The transverse momentum spectra are also compared with the predictions of several hadronic interaction models that are often used for high-energy particle physics and for modeling ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray showers. © 2012 CERN. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the.


  • Is the large-scale sidereal anisotropy of the galactic cosmic-ray intensity really instable at TeV energies?

    M. Amenomori, X.J. Bi, D. Chen, W.Y. Chen, S.W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L.K. Ding, X.H. Ding, C.F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z.Y. Feng, Q.B. Gou, H.W. Guo, Y.Q. Guo, H.H. He, Z.T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H.B. Hu, J. Huang, H.Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G.M. Le, A.F. Li, W.J. Li, C. Liu, J.S. Liu, H. Lu, X.R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X.L. Qian, X.B. Qu, T. Saito, T.Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T.K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y.H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H.R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A.F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L.M. Zhai, H.M. Zhang, J.L. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X.X. Zhou

    Astroparticle Physics   36 ( 1 ) 237 - 241  2012年08月  [査読有り]


  • Calibration of LHCf calorimeters for photon measurement by CERN SPS test beam

    T. Mase, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukui, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, M. Mizuishi, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, P. Papini, A-L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, T. Sumi, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, A. Viciani, H. Watanabe, K. Yoshida



    Energy resolution and linearity of the LHCf calorimeters for electromagnetic showers were measured at the SPS H4 beam line in 2007 using electron beams of 50-200 GeV and muon beams of 150 GeV. The absolute energy scale was determined in these data. The results that were obtained ( &lt; 5% energy resolution) are well understood by using Monte Carlo simulations and are good enough for the requirements of the LHCf experiment. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • 高エネルギー宇宙を解明するCALETミッション

    鳥居 祥二

    電気学会論文誌. A, 基礎・材料・共通部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. A, A publication of Fundamentals and Materials Society   132 ( 8 ) 603 - 608  2012年


    The CALET (CALrimetric Electron Telescope) is an Astrophysics mission for the International Space Station (ISS) that will search for signatures of Dark Mater and provide the highest energy direct measurements of the cosmic ray electron spectrum in order to observe discrete sources of high energy particle acceleration in our local region of the Galaxy. CALET will address many of the outstanding questions including; (1) the nature of the sources of high energy particles and photons, through the high energy spectrum, (2) the details of particle transportation in the Galaxy, and (3) signatures of dark matter, in either the high energy electrons or gamma ray spectrum. It will also be capable of monitoring gamma ray transients and solar modulation. The unique feature of CALET is its thick, fully active calorimeter that allows well into the TeV energy region with excellent energy resolution, coupled with a fine imaging upper calorimeter to accurately identify the starting point of electromagnetic showers. It is in the TeV region that we anticipate being able to observe, for first time, an unambiguous signature of energetic particles (electrons) accelerated in specific sources in our local region of the Galaxy and then propagating to Earth.

    DOI CiNii

  • Luminosity determination in √s = 7 TeV proton collisions using the LHCf front counter at LHC

    K. Taki, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, D. MacIna, T. Mase, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Journal of Instrumentation   7 ( 1 )  2012年01月  [査読有り]


    In the Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment, the luminosity is determined with the counting rates of detectors called Front Counter. During the LHCf physics operation at √ s = 7 TeV in 2010, two series of calibration run in the conversion factors from the counting rate to the luminosity were carried out on 26th of April and 9th of May. Using the luminosities determined in the April and May scans with 5 % and 4 % accuracy, the conversion factors were determined with 5.0 % accuracy, providing the luminosity determination at the LHCf experiment with this accuracy. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA.


  • Measurement of zero degree inclusive photon energy spectra for root s= 900 GeV proton-proton collisions at LHC

    O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, T. Iso, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, T. Mase, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A.-L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Physics Letter   B715   298  2012年  [査読有り]

  • Beam test performance of a scintillator-based detector for the charge identification of relativistic ions

    P. S. Marrocchesi, O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, M. G. Bagliesi, A. Basti, G. Bigongiari, S. Bonechi, M. Bongi, M. Y. Kim, T. Lomtadze, P. Maestro, T. Niita, S. Ozawa, Y. Shimizu, S. Torii



    We report on the measurements performed with relativistic ions from Be to Fe, at the Fragment Separator (FRS) of the GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, to test the performance of charge-sensitive detectors that were designed to separate - via multiple dE/dx measurements - fully stripped nuclei of cosmic origin in the experiment CALET. The latter is a space mission by the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) scheduled to be launched to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2013. The CALET instrument is managed by an international collaboration and it is scheduled to take data for 5 years on the Exposure Facility (JEM-EF) of the Japanese module KIBO on the ISS.
    The aim of the test was to accurately measure the response of the scintillator to different nuclear species and parametrize the saturation of the scintillation light in order to assess the impact of this effect on the charge resolution of the instrument. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • Measurement of zero degree single photon energy spectra for root s=7 TeV proton-proton collisions at LHC

    O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D&apos;Alessandro, A. Faus, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. -L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, A. Viciani, K. Yoshida

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   703 ( 2 ) 128 - 134  2011年09月  [査読有り]


    In early 2010. the Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment measured very forward neutral particle spectra in LHC proton-proton collisions. From a limited data set taken under the best beam conditions (low beam-gas background and low occurrence of pile-up events), the single photon spectra at root s = 7 TeV and pseudo-rapidity (eta) ranges from 8.81 to 8.99 and from 10.94 to infinity were obtained for the first time and are reported in this Letter. The spectra from two independent LHCf detectors are consistent with one another and serve as a cross check of the data. The photon spectra are also compared with the predictions of several hadron interaction models that are used extensively for modeling ultra-high energy cosmic-ray showers. Despite conservative estimates for the systematic errors, none of the models agree perfectly with the measurements. A notable difference is found between the data and the DPMJET 3.04 and PYTHIA 8.145 hadron interaction models above 2 TeV where the models predict higher photon yield than the data. The QGSJET II-03 model predicts overall lower photon yield than the data, especially above 2 TeV in the rapidity range 8.81 &lt; eta &lt; 8.99. (C) 2011 CERN for the benefit of the LHCf collaboration


  • Calorimetric electron telescope mission Search for dark matter and nearby sources

    Shoji Torii



    We are developing the CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission for the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility, JEM-EF, of the International Space Station, ISS. Major scientific objective is a search for nearby cosmic ray sources and dark matter by carrying out a precise measurement of the electrons in 1 GeV-20TeV and the gamma-rays in 20 MeV-several TeV. CALET has, moreover, a capability to measure cosmic ray H, He and heavy ions up to 1000 TeV. It will also have a function to monitor the solar activity and the gamma-ray bursts. The phase A study has started on a schedule of the launch in early 2014 by the H-II Transfer Vehicle, HTV, for a 5-year observation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • First results from LHCf for forward physics in √s = 7TeV proton-proton interactions

    L. Bonechi, O. Adriani, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, Y. Shimizu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C   34 ( 6 ) 253 - 257  2011年  [査読有り]


    The LHCf Collaboration has completed the first step of its scheduled physics program for the study of emission of neutral particles in the forward region of proton-proton (pp) interactions at LHC. Between 2009 and 2010 the LHCf experiment has successfully taken data at 900 GeV and 7TeV total energy in the center-of-mass frame of reference (CM). After a short presentation of the experimental apparatus, the results for the γ-ray spectrum at √s = 7TeV are presented in this paper. © CERN.


  • Comparison of hadron interaction models with measurement of forward spectra by the LHCf apparatus

    IL NUOVO CIMENTO   34 ( 2 ) 135 - 140  2011年  [査読有り]


  • Monte Carlo study of forward pi0 production spectra to be measured by the LHCf experiment for the purpose of benchmarking hadron interaction models at 10**17 eV

    H. Menjo, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, A. Faus, K. Fukui, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, G. Mitsuka, M. Mizuishi, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, P. Papini, A.-L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W.C. Turner, J. Velasco, A. Viciani, K. Yoshida

    Astroparticle physics   34   513-520  2011年  [査読有り]


    The LHCf experiment aims to improve knowledge of forward neutral particle production spectra at the<br />
    LHC energy which is relevant for the interpretation of air shower development of high energy cosmic<br />
    rays. Two detectors, each composed of a pair of sampling and imaging calorimeters, have been installed<br />
    at the forward region of IP1 to measure p 0 energy spectra above 600 GeV. In this paper, we present a<br />
    Monte Carlo study of the p 0 measurements to be performed with one of the LHCf detectors for pro-<br />
    ton–proton collisions at ffiffi s p<br />
    ¼ 14 TeV. In approximately 40 min of operation at luminosity 0:8 <br />
    10 29 cm 2 s 1 during the beam commissioning phase of LHC, about 1.5 10 4 p 0 events are expected to<br />
    be obtained at two transverse positions of the detector. The backgrounds from interactions of secondary<br />
    particles with beam pipes and interactions of beam particles with residual gas in the beam pipes are<br />
    expected to be less than 0.1% of the signal from p 0 s. We also discuss the capability of LHCf measurements<br />
    to discriminate between the various hadron interaction models that are used for simulation of high<br />
    energy air showers, such as DPMJET3.03, QGSJETII-03, SIBYLL2.1 and E

  • Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) to observe cosmic-ray electrons and gamma-rays on the International Space Station

    Tadahisa Tamura, Shoji Torii



    We have proposed to make observations of high energy cosmic rays with CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) on the International Space Station. Our main objective is to observe electrons up to 20 TeV to investigate origin and propagation of electrons in the Galaxy. Acceleration in nearby supernovae can lead to contributions to the electron spectrum in energies up to tens of TeV. Balloon experiments have observed an excess at sub TeV energies, which could, according to some models, be associated with dark matter particles. CALET will be able to confirm the anomaly with high energy resolution and high statistics. Gamma-rays from 20 MeV to 10 TeV and nuclei up to 1000 TeV can be also observed by CALET. We have finished the conceptual design for CALET. The selection process for the next phase is scheduled for mid-2009. If approved, CALET will be launched in 2013 and will be placed at the Japanese Experiment Module-Exposed Facility (JEM-EF) at the International Space Station (ISS). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • Simulated performance of the calorimetric electron telescope (CALET) experiment

    Y. Akaike, K. Taira, K. Kasahara, S. Torii, Y. Shimizu, K. Yoshida

    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH   45 ( 5 ) 690 - 697  2010年03月  [査読有り]


    CALET is a detector planned to be on-board the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility (JEM-EF) of the International Space Station. The CALET mission aims at revealing unsolved problems in high energy phenomena of the Universe by carrying out a precise measurement of the high energy electrons in 1 GeV-20 TeV, the gamma-rays in 20 MeV to a few TeV and the nuclei in a few 10 GeV-1000 TeV. The main detector is composed of imaging calorimeter (IMC), total absorption calorimeter (TASC), silicon pixel array (SIA) and anti-coincidence detector (ACD) to detect various kinds of particles in very wide energy range. The total absorber thickness is 31 radiation lengths for electromagnetic particles and 1.4 interaction mean free paths for protons. Monte Carlo simulation study has been carried out for optimization of the detector performance in observing each kind of particles. We obtained following performance about the observation of very high energy (&gt;100 GeV) electrons, which is a main target of the CALET experiment: (1) Effective geometrical factor is about 7000 cm(2) sr. (2) Energy resolution is better than a few %. (3) Angular resolution is better than 0.1 degrees. (4) Proton rejection power is similar to 10(5) with the electron detection efficiency better than 95%. We also present the simulated performance of the CALET experiment in observing other particles. (C) 2009 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



    X. X. Zhou

    The Astrophysical Journal   711 ( 1 ) 119 - 124  2010年03月  [査読有り]



    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. Fan, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, X. Y. Gao, Q. X. Geng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, H. H. He, M. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, Q. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. C. Li, J. Y. Li, C. Liu, Y.-Q. Lou, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, J. Mu, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, B. Wang, H. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. G. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, C. T. Yan, X. C. Yang, S. Yasue, Z. H. Ye, G. C. Yu, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, N. J. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, and X. X. Zhou

    The Astrophysical Journal   709 ( 1 ) L6 - L10  2010年01月  [査読有り]


  • Astroparticle physics at LHC: The LHCf experiment ready for data taking

    M. Bongi, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, G. Castellini, R. D&apos;Alessandro, D. A. Faus, K. Fukui, M. Grandi, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, M. Mizuishi, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimzu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, A. Viciani, K. Yoshida



    LHCf is a high-energy physics experiment designed to study the forward production of neutral particles in proton-proton collisions at the LHC. The set-up consists of two small calorimetric systems symmetrically placed 140 m away on both the sides of the ATLAS interaction point. Results from the experiment will provide valuable information to the calibration of the nuclear interaction models used in the Monte Carlo codes for air-shower simulations, which are of great importance for present and future ground-based cosmic-ray experiments. In particular, since LHCf will start taking data in the first phase of operation of the LHC (during the beam commissioning phase at 5 + 5 TeV energy) and will complete its data taking at the beginning of the 7 + 7 TeV runs (laboratory equivalent collision energy 10(17) eV), it will span an energy range up to the region between the "knee" and the GZK cut-off of the cosmic-ray spectrum. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • Observation of an Energetic Radiation Burst from Mountain-Top Thunderclouds

    H. Tsuchiya, T. Enoto, T. Torii, K. Nakazawa, T. Yuasa, S. Torii, T. Fukuyama, T. Yamaguchi, H. Kato, M. Okano, M. Takita, K. Makishima

    Phys. Rev. Lett.   102 ( 25 )  2009年06月  [査読有り]

    DOI DOI2

  • Dark matter model selection and the ATIC/PPB-BETS anomaly

    Chuan-Ren Chen, Koichi Hamaguchi, Mihoko M. Nojiri, Fuminobu Takahashi, Shoji Torii



    We argue that we may be able to sort out dark matter models in which electrons are generated through the annihilation and/or decay of dark matter, by using a fact that the initial energy spectrum is reflected in the cosmic-ray electron flux observed at the Earth even after propagation through the Galactic magnetic field. To illustrate our idea we focus on three representative initial spectra:
    (i) monochromatic
    (ii) flat and
    (iii) double-peak ones.
    We find that those three cases result in significantly different energy spectra, which may be probed by the Fermi satellite in operation or an up-coming cosmic-ray detector such as CALET.


  • 宇宙線陽電子・電子の過剰で暗黒物質が見えた?

    鳥居 祥二

    日本物理學會誌   64 ( 4 ) 239 - 240  2009年04月



    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. Fan, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, X. Y. Gao, Q. X. Geng, H. W. Guo, H. H. He, M. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, Q. Huang, H. Y. Jia, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, J. Y. Li, Y.-Q. Lou, H. Lu, S. L. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, J. Mu, K. Munakata, A. Nagai, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, H. Onuma, T. Ouchi, S. Ozawa, J. R. Ren, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, B. Wang, H. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. G. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, C. T. Yan, X. C. Yang, S. Yasue, Z. H. Ye, G. C. Yu, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, N. J. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    The Astrophysical Journal   692 ( 1 ) 61 - 72  2009年02月  [査読有り]


  • Scientific prospects of electron and gamma-ray observations with the CALET instrument on-board ISS

    Kenji Yoshida, Aya Kubota, Shoji Torii, Katsuaki Kasahara, Yosui Akaike, Tadahisa Tamura, Masaki Mori

    31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2009    2009年


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, is a new all-sky gamma-ray and electron observatory being developed for the Exposure Facility of Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EF) on the International Space Station (ISS). The mission goal is to investigate high-energy universe by observing cosmic-ray electrons in 1 GeV - 20 TeV, gamma rays in 20 MeV - 10 TeV, and protons, heavier nuclei in several 10 GeV - 1 PeV. The main instrument consists of an imaging calorimeter of scintillating fibers, IMC, and a total absorption calorimeter of BGO, TASC. CALET has a unique capability to observe highenergy electrons and gamma rays with an energy resolution better than a few % above 100 GeV, an angular resolution of 0.1 deg above 100 GeV, a wide field of view of around 1.8 sr, and a hadron rejection power larger than 105. This capability enables us to search for nearby cosmic-ray sources, dark matter, and survey the variable gamma-ray sky.

  • Conceptual design of data acquisition system for CALET on the ISS

    Tadahisa Tamura, Shoji Torii, Shunsuke Ozawa, Hiroyuki Murakami, Yusaku Katayose, Shin Kubo, Atsumasa Yoshida, Shiro Ueno, Hiroshi Tomida

    31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2009    2009年


    We have been developing CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) to make observations of high energy electrons, gamma-rays, and nuclei on the International Space Station (ISS). CALET consists of an imaging calorimeter (IMC), a total absorption calorimeter (TASC), a silicon array (SIA), and an anti coincidence detector (ACD). Triggers to start data acquisition of CAL are generated by combining information on tracks in IMC, partial shower energies in TASC, and traverse of charged particles through ACD. Three trigger conditions can be used simultaneously. The first one is for high energy cosmic rays over 10 GeV. The second one is for low energy electrons and protons affected by solar activities between 1 GeV and 10 GeV. The third one is for low energy gamma-rays from 20 MeV to 10 GeV. CALET can detect gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in a wide energy range with a gamma-ray burst monitor (GBM) and CAL. Data of sum of energy deposit in TASC and event time are stored in ring memory for a certain period even if the low energy gamma-ray trigger is off.

  • CALET observations of cosmic ray electrons in the heliosphere

    Yoshiko Komori, Shoji Torii, Tadahisa Tamura, Kenji Yoshida, Toshio Terasawa, Kazuoki Munakata

    31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2009    2009年


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) mission has been proposed to measure electrons and gamma rays in a wide energy range on the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM)/International Space Station (ISS) and the development is being carried out successfully. CALET has a large geometric factor that makes it possible to continuously and precisely measure electron intensities, and can provide statistically sufficient data for GeV energies, though the low energy measurements will be performed in a restricted time period and are severely restricted by ISS orbits. The purpose of the CALET mission pertaining to solar physics is to get new information on the cosmic ray transport in the heliosphere. We estimate the energy dependence of the diffusion of electrons through the solar magnetic field. Further we simultaneously observe electrons and protons in the 1- 10 GeV energy range and investigate the charge sign dependence of solar modulation. We also discuss some expectations in different solar polarities, using a correlation between the cosmic-ray intensity and the neutron monitor counting rate. For short-term measurements, we expect to detect several Forbush decreases in electron flux. In such decreases, shortterm variations of negative charges might differ from those of positive ones.

  • Simulated performance of CALET on ISS orbit

    Yosui Akaike, Katsuaki Kasahara, Shoji Torii, Shunsuke Ozawa, Koichi Taira, Kenji Yoshida

    31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2009    2009年


    Calorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, is being developed to be on board the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility, JEM/EF, of the International Space Station, ISS. Major goals of the mission are to search for nearby cosmic ray sources and dark matter by carrying out a precise measurement of the electrons in 1 GeV - 20 TeV and the gamma-rays in 20 MeV - A few TeV. CALET will measure the protons and the nuclei up to 1000 TeV as well. The main detector is composed of Imaging Calorimeter, IMC, Total Absorption Calorimeter, TASC, Silicon Array, SIA, and Anti-Coincidence Detector, ACD, to detect various kinds of particles in very wide energy range. The total absorber thickness is 31 X0 for electromagnetic particles and 1.4 ̧ for protons. To get optimized CALET performance in observing each kind of particles, we have been carrying out Monte Carlo simulation. In this paper, we estimate the trigger rate at the ISS orbit by calculating the cosmic ray flux at an altitude of 400 km. The rate is 37 Hz for the shower trigger over 10 GeV, which is mainly adopted in the CALET mission. An expected performance of detector such as the geometrical factor, the energy resolution, the angular resolution and the electron/proton separation is also presented.

  • Development of a high dynamic range front-end electronics for the total absorption calorimeter of CALET

    Yusaku Katayose, Makio Shibata, Takayuki Asai, Masaki Go, Shoji Torii, Shunsuke Oazwa, Tadahisa Tamura, Kinya Hibino, Shoji Okuno, Hiroyuki Murakami, Yukio Uchihori, Hisashi Kitamura, Kenji Yoshida, Shin Kubo

    31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2009    2009年


    Read-out systems using Si photodiodes and front-end circuits(FEC) were studied in order to measure the energy deposit with a dynamic range from 1MIP(minimum ionization particle) to 106MIPs in a crystal scintillator bar of the total absorption calorimeter (TASC) of the CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) instrument. Four types of FEC were investigated for the photodiode read out. Two of them were A225(AMP-TEK), which consisted of a hybrid charge sensitive preamplifier and a shaping amplifier, and MPX-08 (NOVA), which is a charge-integrating chip. It was confirmed that the A225 had a resolution of approximately 0.31 fC and a maximum range of approximately 2 pC. A new hybrid integrated circuit(IC) is being developed to measure the light yield of a scintillator with a dynamic range of seven orders by using two photodiodes. This FEC consists of two preamplifiers that have a different gain. The performance of a high-gain preamplifier was evaluated. The resolution is approximately 0.5 fC and the maximum range is more than 25 pC. A new application specified integrated circuit(ASIC), which has a high dynamic range of four orders, is being developed. This ASIC consists of one preamplifier circuit and two shaping circuits that have a different gain. The prototype IC was designed using the 0.5-μm BiCMOS process. The outline of read-out systems using each type of FEC and the state of the development of each system are described below.

  • CALET Mission on JEM/EF of the ISS

    Shoji Torii

    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   78   68 - 73  2009年01月


    Y We are developing the CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission for the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility, JEM-EF, of the International Space Station. Major scientific objectives are to search for the nearby cosmic ray sources and dark matter by carrying out a precise measurement of the electrons in 1 GeV - 20 TeV and gamma rays in 20 MeV several 10 TeV. CALET has a unique capability to observe electrons and gamma rays over 1 TeV since the hadron rejection power can be larger than 105 and the energy resolution better than a few % over 100 GeV. The detector consists of an imaging calorimeter with scintillating fibers and tungsten plates and a total absorption calorimeter with BGO scintillators. CALET has also a capability to measure cosmic ray H, He and heavy ions up to 1000 TeV. It also will have a function to monitor solar activity and gamma ray transients. The phase A study has started on a schedule of launch in 2013 by H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) for a 5 year observation.


  • LHCf: A calibration tool for cosmic ray physics at LHC

    O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, RD'Alessandro, D. A. Faus, K. Fukui, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, M. Mizuishi, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, A. Viciani, H. Watanabe, K. Yoshida

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   78   125 - 129  2009年  [査読有り]


    The LHCf detector has been designed to measure the energy spectra of 7, n0 and neutrons produced very forward in the proton-proton collisions at LHC, with 14 TeV center of mass energy. The equivalent energy in the laboratory system (1017 eV) will allow significant improvement in knowledge of the mechanisms important for longitudinal development of Very High Energy Cosmic Ray (VHECR) showers, in a region never directly explored. This paper reports on the status and expected performances of the LHCf experiment, which is ready for the data taking in the very first phase of the LHC running. © 2009 The Physical Society of Japan.


  • CALET measurements of cosmic ray electrons in the heliosphere

    Yoshiko Komori, Shoji Torii, Yuki Shimizij, Tadahisa Tamura, Kenji Yoshida, Toshio Terasawa, Kazuoki Munakata

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   78   188 - 191  2009年  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) mission has been proposed to measure electrons and gamma rays in a wide energy range on the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) /International Space Station (ISS) and approved for the phase A study by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). In this paper we present the purposes of the CALET mission pertaining to solar physics and expected results from measurements of electrons in the 1-100GeV energy range. Cosmic rays in this energy region are largely modulated by solar activity and their intensity has both long-term and short-term variations. Measuring such variations precisely will give new information about the transport of cosmic rays in the heliosphere. We estimate the energy dependence of the diffusion of cosmic rays through the solar magnetic field and verify some transport models. Electrons in this energy range are mostly negative though CALET does not distinguish the sign of charges directly. We therefore investigate the charge sign dependence of variations using a correlation between the electron intensity and the neutron monitor counting rate, which indicates the variation of proton intensity. We also expect to detect Forbush decreases in the electron flux. In such decreases, short-term variations of negative charges might differ from those of positive ones. © 2009 The Physical Society of Japan.


  • Balloon borne experiment with CALET prototype

    Y. Shimizu, S. Torii, K. Kasahara, Y. Akaike, Y. Fukuta, K. Hidaka, K. Taira, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, Y. Katayose, H. Murakami

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   78   165 - 168  2009年  [査読有り]


    We carried out a balloon observation of cosmic rays with a prototype of the CALET (bCALET-1) at the Sanriku Balloon Center of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. The main purpose of the experiment was verification of the CALET. The detector consists of 1024 scintillating fibers for precise imaging and 24 BGO scintillator for total absorption of showers. The observation was carried at an altitude between 35 and 37 km for about 3.5 hours. We measured electrons in the energy region between 1 to 10 GeV. The prototype system was verified in the balloon environment. We have obtained the electron flux which is useful to investigate solar modulation. In combination with the flux between 10 to 100GeV measured by BETS, rigidity cutoff effect was clearly observed. These results showed good agreement with that of our Monte-Carlo simulation and demonstrated the detection capability of the CALET in the enegy region below 10 GeV. Now we are planning a series of balloon experiments with larger-scale detectors and longer-duration flights, which include one-month observation by a super-pressure balloon. © 2009 The Physical Society of Japan.


  • Performance of the Arm#1 detector for LHCf experiment

    M. Mizuishi, O. Adriani, L. Boneohi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, D. A.faus, K. Fukui, M. Grandi, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, A. Viciani, H. Watanabe, K. Yoshida

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   78   173 - 176  2009年  [査読有り]


    The Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment will provide the energy and transverse momentum spectra of neutral particles produced in the very forward region of p-p collision at 7+7 TeV, corresponding to a laboratory frame energy of 1017 eV. The LHCf apparatus is composed of two independent detectors installed at zero degree collision angle from the ATLAS interaction point. To assess performance of LHCf detectors, we carried out a beam test in 2007 at the CERN SPS H4 beamline. We report results of the Arm#1 detector, using scintillating fibers for measuring shower positions, obtained from electron primary beams of 50-200 GeV, and proton primary beams of 150-350 GeV and muon primary beams of 150-200 GeV. We obtained energy resolution of electrons as a function of the primary energy. The position resolution of shower axis is obtained by using a position determined with the Si microstrip detectors. We also reconstructed the real geometry of each SciFi by the use of muon primary beams. Finally, we report an analysis of π0 invariant mass observed by coupling the two photons decayed. © 2009 The Physical Society of Japan.


  • Expected performance of CALET by Monte carlo simulation

    Y. Akaike, K. Kasahara, S. Torii, Y. Shimizij, K. Taira, K. Yoshida, I. Watanabe

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   78   169 - 172  2009年  [査読有り]


    The CALET(CALorimetric Electron Telescope) is a detector planned to be on board the JEM-EF(Exposed Facility of Japanese Experiment Module) of the International Space Station to investigate high energy universe by observing high energy gamma-rays, electrons and hadronic cosmic rays. The main part of CALET is composed of an IMaging Calorime- ter(IMC), a Total AbSorption Calorimeter(TASC), SIlicon Array(SIA) and Anti-Coincidence Detector(ACD). Monte Carlo simulation has been carried out to obtain basic performance of CALET on orbit. © 2009 The Physical Society of Japan.


  • Development of a high dynamic range Read-out system using multiple photodiodes for the total absorption calorimeter of the CALorimetric electron telescope

    Y. Katayose, M. Shibata, S. Torii, Y. Shimizu, T. Tamura, K. Hibino, S. Okuno, K. Yoshida, H. Kitamura, Y. Uchihori, H. Murakami, S. Kubo

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   78 ( SUPPL. A ) 177 - 180  2009年  [査読有り]


    Read-out systems using Si-PIN photodiodes and front-end circuits(FEC) were studied to measure the energy deposit with a dynamic range from 1MIP(Minimum Ionization Particle) to 106 MIPs in a BGO bar of the total absorption calorimeter (TASC) of the CALET (CALori- metric Electron Telescope) instrument. Three types of FEC were tested for the photodiode read out. Two were A225(AMP-TEK), which consists of a hybrid charge sensitive preamplifier and a shaping amplifier, and MPX-08 (NOVA), which is a charge-integrating chip. It was confirmed that the A225 has a resolution of about 0.31 fC and a maximum range of about 2 pC. It was found that the use of the A225 makes a wide range measurement with six orders of magnitude possible using three photodiodes. A new hybrid integrated circuit is being developed to measure a BGO signal with a dynamic range of seven orders using two photodiodes. This FEC consists of two preamplifiers, one for a smaller photodiode and one for a larger one. A high-gain preamplifier was developed and its performance was evaluated. The resolution is about 0.5 fC and the maximum range is more than 25 pC. This makes a dynamic range with four orders of magnitude possible using one photodiode. The outline of a read-out systems using each type of FEC and the state of the development of each system is described below. © 2009 The Physical Society of Japan.


  • Electron spectrum in 10-1000 gev from bets &amp; ppb-bets and future balloon observation

    T. Tamjra, S. Torii, K. Yoshida, H. Kitamura, T. Yamagami, J. Chang, I. Iijima, A. Kadokura, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, Y. Matsuzaka, K. Mizutani, H. Murakami, M. Namiki, J. Nishimura, S. Ohta, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, N. Tateyama, H. Yamagishi, T. Yuda

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   78 ( SUPPL. A ) 57 - 62  2009年  [査読有り]


    We carried out electron observations with balloons to investigate acceleration and propagation of electrons in the universe. We developed BETS (Balloon-borne Electron Telescope with Scintillation fibers) for electron observations in Sanriku. We obtained electron energy spectrum from 10 GeV to 100 GeV with it. At higher energies, the energy spectrum of electron might show some structure caused by nearby sources like the Vela supernova remnant. In order to observe the energy spectrum above 100 GeV, we needed a thicker calorimeter and a longer observation time. We developed PPB-BETS (Polar Patrol Balloon-BETS) by improving BETS to carry out a long duration ballooning in Antarctica. Energy spectrum of electrons from 100 GeV to 1000 GeV was obtained by a successful fight for 13 days. The arrival direction of electrons seems to be consistent with isotropic distribution for the data taken with PPB-BETS, although we need better statistics to make it clear. We have a future plan to make an observation of electrons and gamma-rays with a scale model of CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) by long duration ballooning in the southern hemisphere for 2 weeks. We proposed CALET for the cosmic-ray observations on the International Space Station (ISS), and it has been selected as one of mission candidates for the second utilization plan on the Exposure Facility of the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EF). We are developing a scale model of 1/16 of CALET. © 2009 The Physical Society of Japan.


  • A Program for the Precise Observations of Ultra Heavy Nuclei in Galactic Cosmic Rays

    S.Kodaira, T. Doke, N. Hasebe, M. Hareyama, M. Miyajima, K. Sakurai, S. Ota, M. Sato, Y. Shimizu, M. Takano, S. Torii, N. Yasuda, S. Nakamura, H. Tawara, K. Ogura, S. Mikado, H. Shibuya, K. Nakazawa

    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 78 (Suppl. A)(2009)   78   138 - 141  2009年


    The origin of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) nuclei is still unknown. Precise observation of ultra heavy GCRs would be an important step in resolving their origin including the remaining problems in cosmic ray astrophysics. A program to observe UH nuclei in GCRs is proposed which involves the use of a high performance solid-state track detector on board a long-duration balloon. The program focuses measuring the elemental and isotopic compositions of UH nuclei up to the actinides. The observation of nuclear composition covers a wide range of scientific themes including studies of nucleosynthesis in cosmic ray sources, chemical evolution of galactic material, the characteristic time of cosmic rays, and heating and acceleration mechanisms of cosmic ray particles.

    DOI CiNii

  • Gamma-ray burst monitor for the CALET mission

    Satoshi Nakahira, Kazutaka Yamaoka, Atsumasa Yoshida, Kei Suzuki, Takaaki Doshida, Takuya Oyama, Hiroshi Tomida, Satoshi Hatori, Kyo Kume, Shoji Torii

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   78 ( SUPPL. A ) 184 - 187  2009年  [査読有り]


    A gamma-ray burst monitor fot the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is under development. The aim of the CALET GRB Monitor (CALET-GBM) is to obtain a wide-band energy spectrum of GRB over an unprecedented nine decades in energy (from several keV to a few TeV) together with the CALET Imaging Calorimeter (IMC) and the Total Absorption Calorimeter (TASC). The GBM is under designing so as to have a sensitivity from several keV to 20 MeV. Furthermore our undergoing plan is to use six LaBr3(Ce) crystals from several keV to about 1 MeV measurement (one BGO for higher energy), in which light yield is about twice as large as that of NaI(Tl). LaBr3(Ce) is very attractive material, but this crystal has not been used yet as a detector for long exposure in space. Therefore its radiation hardness and proton induced background due to incoming protons are not fully understood. To evaluate its performance in high radiation environment of ISS orbit, we carried out proton beam irradiation tests. Proton- induced radioactive gamma-rays were measured from a few minutes after the irradiation to a period longer than two months by a Germanium detector, and most of radioactive nuclei induced by protons are identified. We have manufactured a proto-type model of LaBr3(Ce) that is of 3 inch diameter and half inch thick with 220 μm beryllium entrance window. In preliminary measurements, 6.4 keV Fe Kα fluorescence line is clearly detected. We expect that the lower energy threshold is around 4 ke V or even lower. © 2009 The Physical Society of Japan.


  • Cosmic-ray electron spectrum above 100 GeV from PPB-BETS experiment in Antarctica

    K. Yoshida, S. Torii, T. Yamagami, T. Tamura, H. Kitamura, J. Chang, I. Iijima, A. Kadokura, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, Y. Matsuzaka, K. Mizutani, H. Murakami, M. Namiki, J. Nishimura, S. Ohta, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, N. Tateyama, H. Yamagishi, T. Yuda

    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH   42 ( 10 ) 1670 - 1675  2008年11月  [査読有り]


    Cosmic-ray electrons have been observed in the energy region from 10 GeV to 1 TeV with the PPB-BETS by a long duration balloon flight using a Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) in Antarctica. The observation was carried out for 13 days at an average altitude of 35 km in January 2004. The PPB-BETS detector is an imaging calorimeter composed of scintillating-fiber belts and plastic scintillators inserted between lead plates. In the study of cosmic-ray electrons, there have been some suggestions that high-energy electrons above 100 GeV are a powerful probe to identify nearby cosmic-ray sources and search for particle dark matter. In this paper, we present the energy spectrum of cosmic-ray electrons in the energy range from 100 GeV to I TeV at the top of atmosphere, and compare our spectrum with the results from other experiments. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Production and test of the LHCf microstrip silicon system

    L. Bonechi, O. Adriani, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, A. Faus, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Matsumoto, H. Menjo, M. Mizuishi, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, H. Watanabe, K. Yoshida

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment   596 ( 1 ) 85 - 87  2008年10月  [査読有り]


    After a preliminary installation test, successfully performed in 2007, both the detectors of the LHCf experiment are now ready to be installed at the CERN LHC accelerator for the first physics run. A beam test at SPS in September 2007 allowed to verify the performance of the apparata. Production and test of the silicon tracker developed for one of them are shortly discussed in this work. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • Development of the Emulsion Chamber Detector for Space Observations

    Yi-Ming Hu, Jin Chang, Yi-Zhong Gong, Ren-Jian Zhang, Nan-Sen Wang, He-Sen Tang, S. Torii, J. Nishimura, T. Kobayashi, Y. Shimizu, F. Makino

    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics   32 ( 4 ) 449 - 458  2008年10月  [査読有り]


    The emulsion chamber detector on board the "ShiJian-8" satellite is the first one in China designed especially for observing in space the highenergy electrons and γ-rays. In this paper, the principle of the detector design, the method of data processing and the preliminary results of observations are introduced. The design lifetime of the detector is 15 days on the orbit, and the energy range of detectable particles is 100GeV∼5TeV. © 2008.


  • *The LHCf detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

    O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, D.A. Faus, K. Fukui, M. Grandi, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, M. Mizuishi, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A.L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W.C. Turner, J. Velasco, A. Viciani, H. Watanabe, K. Yoshida

    Journal of Instrumentation   3   S08006  2008年08月  [査読有り]

  • The All‐Particle Spectrum of Primary Cosmic Rays in the Wide Energy Range from 1014to 1017eV Observed with the Tibet‐III Air‐Shower Array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. Fan, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, X. Y. Gao, Q. X. Geng, H. W. Guo, H. H. He, M. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, Q. Huang, H. Y. Jia, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, J. Y. Li, Y.‐Q. Lou, H. Lu, S. L. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, J. Mu, K. Munakata, A. Nagai, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, H. Onuma, T. Ouchi, S. Ozawa, J. R. Ren, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, B. Wang, H. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. G. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, C. T. Yan, X. C. Yang, S. Yasue, Z. H. Ye, G. C. Yu, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, N. J. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi. Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    The Astrophysical Journal   678 ( 2 ) 1165 - 1179  2008年05月  [査読有り]


  • Dark matter search with the CALET detector on-board ISS

    S. Torii, K. Yoshida, K. Kasahara, T. Tamura, J. Chang

    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH   41 ( 12 ) 2032 - 2036  2008年  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission is proposed for the observation of high-energy electrons and gamma-rays at the Exposed Facility of the Japanese Experiment Module on the International Space Station. The CALET has a capability to observe the electrons (without separation between e(+) and e(-)) in 1 GeV-10 TeV and the gamma-rays in 20 MeV-several TeV with a high-energy resolution of 2% at 100 GeV, a good angular resolution of 0.06 degree at 100 GeV, and a high proton-rejection power of nearly 106. The CALET has a geometrical factor of similar to 1 m(2)sr, and the observation period is expected for more than three years. The very precise measurement of electrons enables us to detect a distinctive feature in the energy spectrum caused from WIMP dark matter in the Galactic halo. The excellent energy resolution of CALET, which is much better than GLAST or air Cherenkov telescopes over 10 GeV, enables us to detect gamma-ray lines in the sub-TeV region from WIMP dark matter annihilations. The CALET has, therefore, a unique capability to search for WIMP dark matter by the hybrid observations of electrons and gamma-rays. (C) 2008 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • New Estimation of the Spectral Index of High-Energy Cosmic Rays as Determined by the Compton-Getting Anisotropy

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. Fan, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, X. Y. Gao, Q. X. Geng, H. W. Guo, H. H. He, M. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, Q. Huang, H. Y. Jia, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, J. Y. Li, Y.-Q. Lou, H. Lu, S. L. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, J. Mu, K. Munakata, A. Nagai, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, H. Onuma, T. Ouchi, S. Ozawa, J. R. Ren, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, B. Wang, H. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. G. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, C. T. Yan, X. C. Yang, S. Yasue, Z. H. Ye, G. C. Yu, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, N. J. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    The Astrophysical Journal   672 ( 1 ) L53 - L56  2008年01月  [査読有り]


  • The calorimetric electron telescope (CALET) project

    Shoji Torii, F. Makino, N. Tateyama, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, T. Kashiwagi, K. Hibino, K. Anraku, T. Yamashita, J. Nishimura, T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, M. Takayanagi, M. Shibata, Y. Katayose, Y. Uchihori, H. Kitamura, K. Kasahara, H. Murakami, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, K. Mizutani, T. Yuda, J. Chang

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   77 ( SUPPL. B ) 41 - 44  2008年  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission is proposed for the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility, JEM-EF, of the International Space Station. The scientific objective is to investigate the origin of the cosmic electrons and gamma-rays in very high energy region. The detector is composed of an imaging calorimeter of scintillating fibers and a total absorption calorimeter. The thickness of all absorber is 36 r.1 for electro-magnetic particles and 1.7m.f.p for protons. Total mass of the payload is nearly 2.500kg, and the effective geometrical factor is 0.5-1.0m2sr. The detector is capable of measuring the electrons from a few GeV to 10 TeV and the gamma-rays from 20MeV to several TeV, keeping the energy resolution within a few % over 10 GeV. The hadron rejection power should be nearly 106 in order to observe the electrons up to 10TeV and it is achieved by measuring the fine structure of shower development. Much higher hadron-rejection power in the gamma-ray observation could be easily attained by the anti-conincidence counter covering the detector. Observation of protons and heavy nulei from 1 to 1000 TeV is also consedered to investigate the acceleartion limit in supernova shocks. We are expecting to launch the CALET around 2010 by the Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle, HTV. © 2008 The Physical Society of Japan.


  • Design and development of Gamma-ray Burst Monitor for the CALET Mission

    S. Nakahira, K. Yamaoka, A. Yoshida, T. Doshida, K. Suzuki, S. Sugita, T. Oyama, Y. E. Nakagawa, H. Tomida, S. Torii

    AIP Conference Proceedings   1000   616 - 619  2008年  [査読有り]


    We propose to provide a gamma-ray burst monitor (GBM) for the CALET mission to monitor gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) together with the CALET Imaging Calorimeter detector. The major purpose is to derive a wide-band energy spectrum of GRBs over an unprecedented 9 decades of energy (from a few keV to a few TeV) in combination with the CALET tower detector. Hence it is desirable to have the CALET-GBM covering an energy range from a few keV to about 20 MeV to avoid a gap in the observational energy bands. The design of GBM is underway to fulfill this requirement. The current detector candidate is BGO, and a LaBr (Ce) scintillator which has a superior energy resolution to that of NaI(Tl). In this paper, design and expected performance of the CALET-GBM is shown. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


  • Moon shadow by cosmic rays under the influence of geomagnetic field and search for antiprotons at multi-TeV energies

    M. Amenomori, S. Ayabe, X.J. Bi, D. Chen, S.W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L.K. Ding, X.H. Ding, C.F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z.Y. Feng, X.Y. Gao, Q.X. Geng, H.W. Guo, H.H. He, M. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H.B. Hu, J. Huang, Q. Huang, H.Y. Jia, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G.M. Le, A.F. Li, J.Y. Li, Y.-Q. Lou, H. Lu, S.L. Lu, X.R. Meng, K. Mizutani, J. Mu, K. Munakata, A. Nagai, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, H. Onuma, T. Ouchi, S. Ozawa, J.R. Ren, T. Saito, T.Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T.K. Sako, T. Sasaki, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y.H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, B.S. Wang, H. Wang, X. Wang, Y.G. Wang, H.R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, C.T. Yan, X.C. Yang, S. Yasue, Z.H. Ye, G.C. Yu, A.F. Yuan, T. Yuda, H.M. Zhang, J.L. Zhang, N.J. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X.X. Zhou

    Astroparticle Physics   28 ( 1 ) 137 - 142  2007年09月  [査読有り]


  • The CALET experiment on ISS

    S. Torii

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS   166   43 - 49  2007年04月  [査読有り]


    We are preparing the CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission for the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility, JEM-EF, of the International Space Station. The scientific objective is to reveal unresolved problems in high-energy phenomena of the Universe by carrying out a precise measurement of the electrons in 1 GeV similar to 10 TeV and the gamma-rays in 20 MeV similar to several TeV. The CALET has a unique capability to measure the electrons and gamma-rays over 1 TeV since the hadron rejection power might be as much as similar to 10(6) and the energy resolution of electromagnetic particles better than a few % over 100 GeV. Therefore, it is promising to detect the change of energy spectra related to the acceleration, source and propagation of cosmic-rays and the gamma-ray line signature expected from dark matter annihilation. We will discuss not only the science but the techniques, the observation and the current status of project. The CALET is expected to be launched around 2012 by the Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle, HTV, and to be on orbit for three years.


  • LHCf: A LHC detector for astroparticle physics(共著)

    D'Alessandro, R, Adriani, O, Bonechi, L, Bongi, M, Papini, P, Castellini, G, Faus, A, Velasco, J, Haguenauer, M, Itow, Y, Mase, T, Masuda, K, Matsubara, Y, Matsumoto, H, Menjo, H, Muraki, Y, Sako, T, Watanabe, Y, Kasahara, K, Tamura, T, Yoshida, K, Torii, S, Tricomi, A, Turner, W. C

    Acta Physica Plonica B   38 ( 3 ) 829 - 838  2007年03月  [査読有り]

  • Balloon observation of electrons and gamma rays with CALET prototype

    Y. Shimizu, S. Torii, K. Kasahara, Y. Akaike, Y. Fukuta, K. Hidaka, K. Taira, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, Y. Katayose, H. Murakami

    Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2007   2 ( 1 ) 433 - 436  2007年


    We carried out a balloon observation of cosmic rays using a prototype of the CALET at the Sanriku Balloon Center of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. The prototype detector consists of 1024 scintillating fibers for track imaging and 24 BGO scintillator logs for total absorption of showers. The observation was carried at an altiude between 35 and 37 km for about 3.5 hours. We measured electrons and-rays in the energy region between 1 to 100 GeV, and 20 MeV to 1 GeV, respectively. In addition to verification of the prototype system, we have obtained the electron flux which is useful to investigate solar modulation. Now we are planning a series of balloon experiments with larger-scale detectors and longer-duration flights, which includes one-month observation by a super-pressure balloon.

  • Prospects of gamma-ray observations and dark matter search with CALET

    K. Yoshida, A. Kubota, S. Torii, K. Kasahara, Y. Shimizu, T. Tamura, J. Chang

    Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2007   4 ( 1 ) 817 - 820  2007年


    We are developing the CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) instrument for the observation of high-energy electrons and gamma rays at the Exposed Facility of the Japanese Experiment Module on the International Space Station (ISS). CALET has a capability to observe electrons (+positrons) in 1 GeV-10 TeV and gamma rays in 20 MeV-10 TeV with a high energy resolution of &lt
    2 % over 100 GeV, a good angular resolution of 0.06 deg at 100 GeV, and a high proton rejection power of 106. CALET has the geometrical factor of nearly 0.8 m2sr and three-years observation is expected. Thus, CALET is a complementary gamma-ray detector with GLAST, HESS and so on. In particular, the excellent energy resolution of CALET, which is much better than GLAST or air Cherenkov telescopes over 10 GeV, is ideal for detection of gamma-ray lines in the GeV-TeV region from WIMP dark matter annihilations. The high precise observations of electrons(+positrons) also enable us to detect distinctive positron features from WIMP annihilations. In this paper, we present prospects of gamma-ray observations and dark matter search by the hybrid observations of gamma rays and electrons with CALET.

  • Expected performance of CALET

    K. Kasahara, S. Torii, Y. Shimizu, Y. Akaike, K. Taira, K. Yoshida, I. Watanabe

    Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2007   3 ( 2 ) 1433 - 1436  2007年


    CALET is a detector planned to be on board ISS to investigate high energy universe by observing high energy gamma-rays, electrons and other cosmic ray. It is now in the phase A/B study period of the JAXA program. The performance of CALET was studied earlier[1] but the design structure (mainly its size) has been changed since that time. We have been performing new M.C simulations corresponding to the new structure to evaluate its basic performance. This is to report some of the new results.

  • Development of high dynamic range read-out system using multi-photodiode for the total absorption calorimeter of calet

    Y. Katayose, M. Shibata, S. Torii, Y. Shimizu, T. Tamura, K. Hibino, S. Okuno, K. Yoshida, H. Kitamura, Y. Uchihori, H. Murakami

    Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2007   2 ( OG PART 1 ) 437 - 440  2007年


    We are developing a total absorption calorimeter (TASC) of the CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) instrument for observing high energy electrons and gamma rays on the ISS (International Space Station). A read-out system using a multi-photodiode and a front-end circuit including analog ASIC, 16 bit ADC and FPGA has been developed to measure the energy deposit with the dynamic range from 1MIPs(Minimum Ionization Particle) up to 106MIPs in a BGO bar of TASC. The output signal of 1 MIP was calibrated by cosmic-ray muon. The ADC count of light yield of BGO by a cosmic-ray muon was 10.8fC on average. The dynamic range of the read-out system was confirmed from 1MIPs to about 2400 MIPs with both of LED pulse and heavy ions beam.

  • Development of data acquisition system for calet on the ISS

    Tadahisa Tamura, Shoji Torii, Yuki Shimizu, Kin'ya Hibino, Shoji Okuno, Kenji Yoshida, Hisashi Kitamura, Yukio Uchihori, Hiroyuki Murakami

    Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2007   2 ( OG PART 1 ) 441 - 444  2007年


    We have proposed a plan of CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) to Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to make observations of high energy cosmic rays, electrons, gamma-rays, and nuclei, on the International Space Station (ISS). It has been approved as one of phase-A projects starting in FY2007. The calorimeter (CAL) which is a main instrument of CALET consists of an imaging calorimeter (IMC) and a total absorption calorimeter (TASC). The CAL also has a silicon array (SIA) over the IMC and an anticoincidence detector (ADC) which covers the whole of detector. We will have a preliminary report of the data acquisition system of CALET on the ISS in order to carry out simultaneous observations of electrons, gamma-rays, and nuclein various energy regions.

  • Simulation study on high energy cosmic electron detection by shower image

    Rong Xu, Jin Chang, S. Torii, K. Kasahara, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida

    CHINESE JOURNAL OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS   7 ( 6 ) 839 - 844  2007年  [査読有り]


    Many projects have recently been carried out and proposed for observing high energy electrons since it is realized that cosmic ray electrons are very important when studying the dark matter particles and the acceleration mechanism of cosmic rays. An imaging calorimeter, BETS (Balloon-borne Electron Telescope with Scintillator fiber), has been developed for this purpose. Using pattern analysis of the shower development, the electrons can be selected from those primary cosmic ray proton events with flux heights one-tenth that of the electrons. The Monte-Carlo simulation is indispensable for the instrument design, the signal trigger and the data analysis. We present different shower simulation codes and compare the simulation results with the beam test and the flight data of BETS. We conclude that the code FLUKA2002 gives the most consistent results with the experimental data.

  • The CALET Mission for Observing High Energy Cosmic Rays on Japanese Experiment Module of ISS

    S. Torii, Y. Shimizu, N. Hasebe, N. Hareyama, S. Kodaira, J. Nishimura, T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, H. Fuke, M. Takayanagi, H. Tomida, S. Ueno, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, K. Hibino, T. Yuda, K. Yoshida, S. Okuno, P. S. Marrocchesi, P. Maestro, M. G. Bagliesi, V. Millucci, M. Meucci, G. Bigongiari, R. Zei, R. E. Streitmatter, J. W. Mitchel, L. M. Barbier, A. A. Moiseev, J. F. Krizmanic, O. Adriani, P. Papini, P. Spillantini, L. Bonechi, E. Vannuccini, G. Case, M.L. Cherry, T.G. Guzik, J. B. Isbert, J.P. Wefel

    J. Japan Soc. Microgravity Applications 24, 1, 120 (2007).   24 ( 1 ) 120 - 126  2007年


  • The CALET Project for Investigating High Energy Universe


    Energy Budget in the High Energy Universe     211 - 216  2006年12月

  • Anisotropy and Corotation of Galactic Cosmic Rays

    M. Amenomori, S. Ayabe, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Z. Feng, Z. Y. Feng, X. Y. Gao, Q. X. Geng, H. W. Guo, H. H. He, M. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, H. Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, Q. Huang, H. Y. Jia, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, J. Y. Li, Y.-Q. Lou, H. Lu, S. L. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, J. Mu, K. Munakata, A. Nagai, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, H. Onuma, T. Ouchi, S. Ozawa, J. R. Ren, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, T. Sasaki, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, B. Wang, H. Wang, X. Wang, Y. G. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, C. T. Yan, X. C. Yang, S. Yasue, Z. H. Ye, G. C. Yu, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, N. J. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Science   314 ( 5798 ) 439 - 443  2006年10月  [査読有り]


    The intensity of Galactic cosmic rays is nearly isotropic because of the influence of magnetic fields in the Milky Way. Here, we present two-dimensional high-precision anisotropy measurement for energies from a few to several hundred teraelectronvolts (TeV), using the large data sample of the Tibet Air Shower Arrays. Besides revealing finer details of the known anisotropies, a new component of Galactic cosmic ray anisotropy in sidereal time is uncovered around the Cygnus region direction. For cosmic-ray energies up to a few hundred TeV, all components of anisotropies fade away, showing a corotation of Galactic cosmic rays with the local Galactic magnetic environment. These results have broad implications for a comprehensive understanding of cosmic rays, supernovae, magnetic fields, and heliospheric and Galactic dynamic environments.


  • High energy electron observation by polar patrol balloon flight in Antarctica

    Shoji Torii, Tadahisa Tamura, Kenji Yoshida, Hisashi Kitamura, Takamasa Yamagami, Hiroyuki Murakami, Nobuhito Tateyama, Jun Nishimura, Yoshitaka Saito, Shigeo Ohta, Michiyoshi Namiki, Yukihiko Matsuzaka, Issei Iijima, Masaki Ejiri, Hisao Yamagishi, Akira Kadokura, Makio Shibata, Yusaku Katayose, Katsuaki Kasahara, Kohei Mizutani, Tadashi Kobayashi, Yoshiko Komori, Toshinori Yuda, Jin Chang

    Advances in Polar Upper Atmosphere Research   20 ( 20 ) 52 - 62  2006年08月  [査読有り]


    We accomplished a balloon observation of the high-energy cosmic-ray electrons in 10-1000 GeV to reveal the origin and the acceleration mechanism. The observation was carried out for 13 days at an average altitude of 35km by the Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) around Antarctica in January 2004. The detector is an imaging calorimeter composed of scintillating-fiber belts and plastic scintillation counters sandwiched between lead plates. The geometrical factor is about 600 cm 2sr, and the total thickness of lead absorber is 9 radiation lengths. The performance of the detector has been confirmed by a test flight at the Sanriku Balloon Center and by an accelerator beam test using the CERN-SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron at CERN). The new telemetry system using the Iridium satellite, the power system supplied by solar panels and the automatic flight level control operated successfully during the flight. We collected 5.7 × 10 3 events over 100 GeV, and selected the electron candidates by a preliminary data analysis of the shower images. We report here an outline of both detector and observation, and the first result of the electron energy spectrum over 100 GeV obtained by an electronic counter. © 2006 National Institute of Polar Research.

  • Observation program of isotope composition in the ultra heavy cosmic rays

    Hasebe N, Hareyama M, Kodaira S, Sakurai K, Yamashita N, Miyachi T, Okudaira O, Takano M, Torii S, Doke T, Ogura K, Yasuda N, Uchihori Y, Tawara H, Nakamura S, Shibata T, Yanagimachi T, Wanajo S

    Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications - Proceedings of the 9th Conference     223 - 228  2006年  [査読有り]

  • The LHCf experiment at the LHC accelerator

    L. Bonechi, O. Adriani, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, A. Faus, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Matsumoto, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, T. Sako, T. Tamura, K. Tanaka, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, H. Watanabe, K. Yoshida

    CALORIMETRY IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   867   266 - +  2006年  [査読有り]


    The claimed discovery of atmospheric shower induced by cosmic-ray with energy beyond the GZK cutoff by the AGASA experiment in 1994-1995, although Dot confirmed by other important experiments like Fly's Eye and Hi-Res, together with the poor knowledge of the composition of cosmic rays around and beyond the Knee region, have highlighted the necessity of new experiments that should increase our present knowledge of HECR and UHECR. For this reason big efforts have been addressed to the development of new experiments, like Auger, TA and EUSO, for a systematic study of the UHE atmospheric showers with increased capabilities with respect to the previous experiments. Moreover complementary experiments should allow a precise calibration of the methods used for the reconstruction of cosmic-ray showers in atmosphere. Their aim is the measurement of quantities that are used in these procedures and that are Dot yet precisely known. Under this perspective the LHCf experiment is a compact experiment which has been proposed for the study of neutral pion and gamma production at high energy in proton-proton interaction in the very forward region of the LHC accelerator. It will help calibrating the algorithms that are used to reconstruct the atmospheric shower events for energy beyond the Knee. The LHCf apparatus and the results of the first beam test, held in 2004, are shortly discussed in this work.

  • Development of front-end electronics with large dynamic range for space applications

    S Torii, T Tamura, T Yamashita, S Kubo, PS Marrocchesi, MG Bagliesi, G Bigongiari, R Cecchi, MA Ciocci, P Maestro, M Meucci, Millucci, V, F Morsani



    A new low-noise, low-power, front-end chip with a dynamic range larger than 104 was designed for operation on space-based or balloon-borne experiments. Its performance were optimized with negative polarity signals for the readout of Multi-Anode Photomultipliers (MAPMT). A suitable set of operation parameters were also determined for the readout of Hybrid Photo Diodes (positive polarity). The chip performances were tested for both polarities with two different test boards implementing 16-bit digitization. Test results are reported.


  • Are protons still dominant at the knee of the cosmic-ray energy spectrum?

    M. Amenomori, S. Ayabe, D. Chen, S.W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L.K. Ding, X.H. Ding, C.F. Feng, Z.Y. Feng, X.Y. Gao, Q.X. Geng, H.W. Guo, H.H. He, M. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H.B. Hu, J. Huang, Q. Huang, H.Y. Jia, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G.M. Le, J.Y. Li, H. Lu, S.L. Lu, X.R. Meng, K. Mizutani, J. Mu, K. Munakata, A. Nagai, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, H. Onuma, T. Ouchi, S. Ozawa, J.R. Ren, T. Saito, M. Sakata, T. Sasaki, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y.H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, X. Wang, Y.G. Wang, H.R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, C.T. Yan, X.C. Yang, S. Yasue, Z.H. Ye, G.C. Yu, A.F. Yuan, T. Yuda, H.M. Zhang, J.L. Zhang, N.J. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi. Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X.X. Zhou

    Physics Letters B   632 ( 1 ) 58 - 64  2006年01月  [査読有り]


    A hybrid experiment consisting of emulsion chambers, burst detectors and the Tibet-11 air-shower array was carried out at Yangbajing (4300 m a.s.l., 606 g/cm(2)) in Tibet to obtain the energy spectra of primary protons and heliums. From three-year operation, these energy spectra are deduced between 10(15) and 10(16) eV by triggering the air showers associated with a high energy core and using a neural network method in the primary mass separation. The proton spectrum can be expressed by a single power-law function with a differential index of -3.01 +/- 0.11 and -3.05 +/- 0.12 based on the QGSJET + HD and SIBYLL + HD models, respectively, which are steeper than that extrapolated from the direct observations of -2.74 +/- 0.01 in the energy range below 10 14 eV. The absolute fluxes of protons and heliums are derived within 30% systematic errors depending on the hadronic interaction models used in Monte Carlo simulation. The result of our experiment suggests that the main component responsible for the change of the power index of the all-particle spectrum around 3 x 1015 eV, so-called "knee", is composed of nuclei heavier than helium. This is the first measurement of the differential energy spectra of primary protons and heliums by selecting them event by event at the knee energy region. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • Variation of Sun shadow in the Solar Cycle 23 observed with the Tibet air shower array

    M. Amenomori, S. Ayabe, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Z. Y. Feng, X. Y. Gao, Q. X. Geng, H. W. Guo, H. H. He, M. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, Q. Huang, M. Izumi, H. Y. Jia, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, J. Y. Li, H. Lu, S. L. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, J. Mu, K. Munakata, A. Nagai, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, H. Onuma, T. Ouchi, S. Ozawa, J. R. Ren, T. Saito, M. Sakata, T. Sasaki, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, T. Utsugi, B. S. Wang, H. Wang, X. Wang, Y. G. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, C. T. Yan, X. C. Yang, S. Yasue, Z. H. Ye, G. C. Yu, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, N. J. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    SOLAR ACTIVITY CYCLE AND PARTICLE ACCELERATION   38 ( 5 ) 936 - 941  2006年  [査読有り]


    According to many solar observations, the solar activity, during the Solar Cycle 23, is gradually declining to the quiet phase from the high state in 2000-2004. The Tibet air shower array has been continuing the observation of the shadow that cosmic rays make in the geomagnetic fields for the sun shadow at the multi-TeV region. We discuss the variation of the Sun&apos;s shadow with the Gnevyshev gap (GG) in the maximum phase of the Solar Cycle 23. Unfortunately, the bottom in GG corresponds to off-observation period. Nonetheless, we found the anti-correlation between the significance of the Sun&apos;s shadow and the variation of the magnetic field intensity around GG, although the statistical significance is not, so high. It is expected that a detailed analysis of the Sun&apos;s shadow will reveal interesting features of the anti-correlation. (c) 2006 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Study of &gt; 100 GeV electrons with BETS detector using a long duration balloon flight in Antarctica

    S. Torii, K. Yoshida, T. Tamura, H. Kitamura, T. Yamagami, N. Tateyama, K. Anraku, T. Yamashita, J. Chang, J. Nishimura, Y. Saito, S. Ohta, M. Namiki, Y. Matsuzaka, I. Iijima, H. Yamagishi, A. Kadokura, K. Kasahara, S. Ogawa, M. Fujii, Y. Tasaki, H. Kaiho, M. Shibata, Y. Katayose, T. Inoue, K. Mizutani, Y. Hirai, H. Murakami, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, T. Yuda

    NEXT GENERATION OF SCIENTIFIC BALLOON MISSIONS   37 ( 11 ) 2095 - 2102  2006年  [査読有り]


    We have observed cosmic-ray electrons from 10 to 1000 GeV by a long duration balloon flight using Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) in Antarctica. The observation was carried out for 13 days at an altitude of 35 km in January 2004. The detector is an imaging calorimeter composed of scintillating-fiber belts and plastic scintillators inserted between lead plates. The geometrical factor of detector is about 600 cm(2) sr and the total thickness of lead absorber is 9 radiation lengths. The performance of the detector has been confirmed by the CERN-SPS beam test and also investigated by Monte-Carlo simulations. New telemetry system using a commercial satellite of iridium, power supply by solar batteries, and automatic level control using CPU have successfully been developed and operated during the flight. We have collected 5.7 x 10(3) events over 100 GeV including nearly 100 candidates of primary electrons. (c) 2005 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • The LHCf experiment at LHC

    O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, R. D'Alessandro, P. Papini, D. A. Faus, J. Velasco, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Matsumoto, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, T. Sako, K. Kasahara, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida

    CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS   56 ( A107 ) A107 - A116  2006年


    The LHCf experiment will be installed in 2007 on the LHC collider in the forward direction at 140 m. from the ATLAS interaction point. The purpose of LHCf is to precisely measure the pion production cross section near zero degrees through the measurement of the photons produced in neutral pion decay. This measurement is crucial for the simulation of the showers induced in the atmosphere by very high energy cosmic rays; the 14 TeV energy available in the center of mass frame corresponds in fact to an equivalent energy of 10(17) eV in the laboratory system. The paper focus on the proposed experiment and on the physics results that we expect from it.


  • Observation of PeV gamma rays from the monogem ring with the tibet air shower array

    M Amenomori, S Ayabe, D Chen, SW Cui, Danzengluobu, LK Ding, XH Ding, CF Feng, ZY Feng, XY Gao, QX Geng, HW Guo, HH He, M He, K Hibino, N Hotta, HB Hu, HB Hu, J Huang, Q Huang, HY Jia, F Kajino, K Kasahara, Y Katayose, C Kato, K Kawata, Labaciren, GM Le, JY Li, H Lu, SL Lu, XR Meng, K Mizutani, J Mu, K Munakata, A Nagai, H Nanjo, M Nishizawa, M Ohnishi, Ohta, I, H Onuma, T Ouchi, S Ozawa, Ren, JR, T Saito, TY Saito, M Sakata, T Sasaki, M Shibata, A Shiomi, T Shirai, H Sugimoto, M Takita, YH Tan, N Tateyama, S Torii, H Tsuchiya, S Udo, H Wang, Wang, X, YG Wang, HR Wu, L Xue, Y Yamamoto, CT Yan, XC Yang, S Yasue, ZH Ye, GC Yu, AF Yuan, T Yuda, HM Zhang, JL Zhang, NJ Zhang, XY Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, XX Zhou

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   635 ( 1 ) L53 - L56  2005年12月  [査読有り]


    We searched for steady PeV gamma-ray emission from the Monogem ring region with the Tibet air shower array from 1997 February to 2004 October. No evidence for statistically significant gamma-ray signals was found in a region 111 degrees &lt;= R.A. &lt; 114 degrees, 12 degrees.5 &lt;= decl. &lt; 15 degrees.5 in the Monogem ring where the MAKET-ANI experiment recently claimed a positive detection of PeV high-energy cosmic radiation, although our flux sensitivity is approximately 10 times better than MAKET-ANI's. We set the most stringent integral flux upper limit at a 99% confidence level of 4.0 x 10(-12) cm(-2) s(-1) sr(-1) above 1 PeV on diffuse gamma rays extended in the 3 degrees x 3 degrees region.


  • 南極周回気球による高エネルギー宇宙電子線の観測

    鳥居祥二, 山上隆正, 江尻全機

    日本物理学会誌   60 ( 12 ) 960 - 964  2005年12月  [査読有り]


    宇宙のどこかで加速され, 宇宙空間を伝播して地球に到達する宇宙線は, 宇宙の謎を解明する重要な情報をもたらす.電子の加速機構と銀河内での伝播プロセスの解明, 暗黒物質の探索を目指して, 宇宙電子線の観測を南極大陸成層圏に吹く周回風を利用した気球実験によって実施した.国内では不可能な13日間という長期間にわたる観測が実現され, これまでの全統計量に匹敵する高エネルギー領域での電子観測に成功した.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Northern Sky Survey for steady tera-electron volt gamma-ray point sources using the Tibet air shower array

    M Amenomori, S Ayabe, D Chen, SW Cui, Danzengluobu, LK Ding, XH Ding, CF Feng, ZY Feng, XY Gao, QX Geng, HW Guo, HH He, M He, K Hibino, N Hotta, HB Hu, HB Hu, J Huang, Q Huang, HY Jia, F Kajino, K Kasahara, Y Katayose, C Kato, K Kawata, Labaciren, GM Le, JY Li, H Lu, SL Lu, XR Meng, K Mizutani, J Mu, K Munakata, A Nagai, H Nanjo, M Nishizawa, M Ohnishi, Ohta, I, H Onuma, T Ouchi, S Ozawa, Ren, JR, T Saito, M Sakata, T Sasaki, M Shibata, A Shiomi, T Shirai, H Sugimoto, M Takashima, M Takita, YH Tan, N Tateyama, S Torii, H Tsuchiya, S Udo, T Utsugi, H Wang, Wang, X, YG Wang, HR Wu, L Xue, Y Yamamoto, CT Yan, XC Yang, S Yasue, ZH Ye, GC Yu, AF Yuan, T Yuda, HM Zhang, JL Zhang, NJ Zhang, XY Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Zhaxisangzzhu, XX Zhou

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   633 ( 2 ) 1005 - 1012  2005年11月  [査読有り]


    Results of a steady TeV gamma-ray point-source search using data taken from the Tibet HD ( 1997 February - 1999 September) and Tibet III ( 1999 November - 2001 October) arrays are presented. From 0 degrees to 60 degrees in declination, significant excesses from the well-known steady source Crab Nebula and the high state of the flare-type source Markarian 421 are observed. Because the levels of significance from other positions are not sufficiently high, 90% confidence level upper limits on the flux are set assuming different power-law spectra. To allow cross-checking, two independently developed analyses are used in this work.


  • Large-scale sidereal anisotropy of galactic cosmic-ray intensity observed by the Tibet air shower array

    M Amenomori, S Ayabe, SW Cui, Danzengluobu, LK Ding, XH Ding, CF Feng, ZY Feng, XY Gao, QX Geng, HW Guo, HH He, M He, K Hibino, N Hotta, HB Hu, J Huang, Q Huang, HY Jia, F Kajino, K Kasahara, Y Katayose, C Kato, K Kawata, Labciren, GM Le, JY Li, H Lu, SL Lu, XR Meng, K Mizutani, J Mu, K Munakata, A Nagai, H Nanjo, M Nishizawa, M Ohnishi, Ohta, I, H Onuma, T Ouchi, S Ozawa, Ren, JR, T Saito, M Sakata, T Sasaki, M Shibata, A Shiomi, T Shirai, H Sugimoto, M Takita, YH Tan, N Tateyama, S Torii, H Tsuchiya, S Udo, T Utsugi, BS Wang, H Wang, Wang, X, YG Wang, HR Wu, L Xue, Y Yamamoto, CT Yan, XC Yang, S Yasue, ZH Ye, GC Yu, AF Yuan, T Yuda, HM Zhang, JL Zhang, NJ Zhang, XY Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, XX Zhou

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   626 ( 1 ) L29 - L32  2005年06月  [査読有り]


    We present the large-scale sidereal anisotropy of Galactic cosmic-ray intensity in the multi-TeV region observed with the Tibet-III air shower array during the period from 1999 through 2003. The sidereal daily variation of cosmic rays observed in this experiment shows an excess of relative intensity around 4-7 hr local sidereal time as well as a deficit around 12 hr local sidereal time. While the amplitude of the excess is not significant when averaged over all declinations, the excess in individual declination bands becomes larger and clearer as the viewing direction moves toward the south. The maximum phase of the excess intensity changes from similar to 7 hr at the Northern Hemisphere to similar to 4 hr at the equatorial region. We also show that both the amplitude and the phase of the first harmonic vector of the daily variation are remarkably independent of primary energy in the multi-TeV region. This is the first result determining the energy and declination dependences of the full 24 hr profiles of the sidereal daily variation in the multi-TeV region with a single air shower experiment.


  • Balloon observations of temporal and spatial fluctuations in stratospheric conductivity

    Edgar A. Bering III, Robert H. Holzworth, Brandon D. Reddell, Michael F. Kokorowski, Akira Kadokura, Hisao Yamagishi, Natsuo Sato, Masaki Ejiri, Haruto Hirosawa, Takamasa Yamagami, Shoji Torii, Fumio Tohyama, Michio Nakagawa, Toshimi Okada

    Advances in Space Research   35 ( 8 ) 1434 - 1449  2005年  [査読有り]


    The first campaign of the Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) experiment (1st-PPB) was carried out at Syowa Station in Antarctica during 1990-1991 and 1992-1993. Based on the results of the 1st-PPB experiment, the next campaign (2nd-PPB) was carried out in the austral summer of 2002-2003. This paper will present stratospheric conductivity results from the 2nd-PPB experiment. In that experiment, three balloons were launched for the purpose of upper atmosphere physics observation (three balloons). Payloads of these three flights were identical with each other, and were launched as close together in time as allowed by weather conditions to constitute a cluster of balloons during their flights. Such a "Balloon Cluster" is suitable to observe temporal evolution and spatial distribution of phenomena in the ionospheric regions and boundaries that the balloons traversed during their circumpolar trajectory. More than 20 days of simultaneous fair weather 3-axis electric field and stratospheric conductivity data were obtained at geomagnetic latitudes ranging from sub-auroral to the polar cap. Balloon separation varied from ∼60 to &gt
    1000 km. This paper will present stratospheric conductivity observations with emphasis on the temporal and spatial variations that were observed. © 2005 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Balloon observations of temporal variation in the global circuit compared to global lightning activity

    Robert H. Holzworth, Edgar A. Bering III, Michael F. Kokorowski, Erin H. Lay, Brandon Reddell, Akira Kadokura, Hisao Yamagishi, Natsuo Sato, Masaki Ejiri, Haruto Hirosawa, Takamasa Yamagami, Shoji Torii, Fumio Tohyama, Michio Nakagawa, Toshimi Okada, Richard L. Dowden

    Advances in Space Research   36 ( 11 ) 2223 - 2228  2005年  [査読有り]


    Vertical electric current density was obtained from direct electric field and conductivity measurements on two stratospheric balloon payloads during the 2nd polar patrol balloon (PPB) campaign from Syowa Station in Antarctica during January 2003. Payloads of these two flights were identical and were launched 8-h apart resulting in separation distances of a few hundred km during the time of overlapping data. The float altitude of each was a little over 30 km. The global circuit return current derived from these measurements is compared to the global lightning activity determined by the world wide lightning location (WWLLN) network. The total number of lightning events detected anywhere in the world are simply summed to form an hourly lightning flash rate for the time of the PPB data. The WWLLN and return current density data are shown to have a strong correlation, often with a strong universal time daily variation, similar to that expected for the global circuit. © 2005 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • The CALET, CALorimetric electron telescope, on ISS/JEM

    S Torii, T Tamaura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, T Kashiwagi, K Hibino, K Anraku, T Yamashita, F Makino, J Chang, J Nishimura, T Yamagami, Y Saito, M Takayanagi, M Shibata, Y Katayose, T Inoue, Y Uchihori, H Kitamura, K Kasahara, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, K Mizutani, T Yuda

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS   134   23 - 30  2004年09月  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission is proposed for the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility, JEM-EF, of the International Space Station. The mission goal is to reveal the high-energy phenomena in the universe by carrying out a precise mesurement of the electrons in 1 GeV - 10 TeV and the gamma-rays in 20 MeV - several TeV The instrument will be composed of an imaging calorimeter of scintillating bers and a total absorption calorimeter of BGO. The total thickness of absorber is 36 r.1 for electro-magnetic particles and 1.8 m.f.p for protons. Total weight of the payload is nearly 2,500 kg, and the effective geometrical factor for the electrons might be similar to1.0 m(2) sr. The CALET has a unique capability to measure the electrons and gamma-rays over 1 TeV since the hadron rejection power can be 10(6) and the energy resolution of electro-magnetic particles is better than a few % over 100 GeV Therefore, it is promissing to detect the change of energy spectra and the line feature of energy distribution expected from the dark matter. We are expecting to launch the CALET around 20(10) by the Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle, HTV, and to carry out the observation more than three years.


  • The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) Mission of International Space Station


    Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Symposium on Space Science Technology and Science (Selected Papers)     863 - 868  2004年08月  [査読有り]

  • Observation by an air-shower array in Tibet of the Multi-TeV cosmic-ray anisotropy due to terrestrial orbital motion around the Sun

    M Amenomori, S Ayabe, SW Cui, Danzengluobu, LK Ding, XH Ding, CF Feng, ZY Feng, XY Gao, QX Geng, HW Guo, HH He, M He, K Hibino, N Hotta, HB Hu, HB Hu, J Huang, Q Huang, HY Jia, F Kajino, K Kasahara, Y Katayose, C Kato, K Kawata, Labaciren, GM Le, JY Li, H Lu, SL Lu, XR Meng, K Mizutani, S Mori, J Mu, K Munakata, H Nanjo, M Nishizawa, M Ohnishi, Ohta, I, H Onuma, T Ouchi, S Ozawa, Ren, JR, T Saito, M Sakata, T Sasaki, M Shibata, A Shiomi, T Shirai, H Sugimoto, M Takita, YH Tan, N Tateyama, S Torii, H Tsuchiya, S Udo, T Utsugi, BS Wang, H Wang, Wang, X, YG Wang, HR Wu, L Xue, Y Yamamoto, CT Yan, XC Yang, S Yasue, ZH Ye, GC Yu, AF Yuan, T Yuda, HM Zhang, JL Zhang, NJ Zhang, XY Zhang, Y Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, XX Zhou

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   93 ( 6 ) 1 - 4  2004年08月  [査読有り]


    We report on the solar diurnal variation of the galactic cosmic-ray intensity observed by the Tibet III air shower array during the period from 1999 to 2003. In the higher-energy event samples (12 and 6.2 TeV), the variations are fairly consistent with the Compton-Getting anisotropy due to the terrestrial orbital motion around the Sun, while the variation in the lower-energy event sample (4.0 TeV) is inconsistent with this anisotropy. This suggests an additional anisotropy superposed at the multi-TeV energies, e.g., the solar modulation effect. This is the highest-precision measurement of the Compton-Getting anisotropy ever made.


  • Multi-TeV gamma-ray flares from Markarian 421 in 2000 and 2001 observed with the Tibet air shower array

    M Amenomori, S Ayabe, SW Cui, Danzengluobu, LK Ding, XH Ding, CF Feng, ZY Feng, XY Gao, QX Geng, HW Guo, HH He, M He, K Hibino, N Hotta, HB Hu, HB Hu, J Huang, Q Huang, HY Jia, F Kajino, K Kasahara, Y Katayose, K Kawata, Labaciren, GM Le, JY Li, H Lu, SL Lu, XR Meng, K Mizutani, J Mu, H Nanjo, M Nishizawa, M Ohnishi, Ohta, I, T Ouchi, S Ozawa, Ren, JR, T Saito, M Sakata, T Sasaki, M Shibata, A Shiomi, T Shirai, H Sugimoto, K Taira, M Takita, YH Tan, N Tateyama, S Torii, H Tsuchiya, S Udo, T Utsugi, BS Wang, H Wang, Wang, X, YG Wang, L Xue, Y Yamamoto, XC Yang, ZH Ye, GC Yu, AF Yuan, T Yuda, HM Zhang, JL Zhang, NJ Zhang, XY Zhang, Y Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, XX Zhou

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   598 ( 1 ) 242 - 249  2003年11月  [査読有り]


    Several strong TeV gamma-ray flares were detected from Mrk 421 in the years 2000 and 2001 by the Tibet III air shower array at a level of statistical significance of 5.1 sigma. Mrk 421 was unprecedentedly active at X-ray and TeV gamma-ray energies during this period, and a positive correlation was found between the change of the all-sky monitor Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer X-ray flux and the Tibet TeV gamma-ray flux. When a power-law energy spectrum for gamma-rays from this source is assumed, the spectral index is calculated to be -3.24 +/- 0.69 at the most active phase in 2001. The spectral index observed by the Tibet air shower array is consistent with those obtained via imaging air Cerenkov telescopes.


  • Observation of multi-Tev diffuse gamma rays from the galactic plane with the Tibet air shower array

    M Amenomori, S Ayabe, SH Cui, LK Ding, XH Ding, CF Feng, ZY Feng, Y Fu, XY Gao, QX Geng, HW Guo, M He, K Hibino, N Hotta, J Huang, Q Huang, Huo, X, K Izu, HY Jia, F Kajino, K Kasahara, Y Katayose, K Kawata, Labaciren, GM Le, JY Li, H Lu, SL Lu, GX Luo, XR Meng, K Mizutani, J Mu, H Nanjo, M Nishizawa, M Ohnishi, Ohta, I, H Ooura, T Ouchi, S Ozawa, Ren, JR, T Saito, M Sakata, T Sasaki, M Shibata, A Shiomi, T Shirai, H Sugimoto, K Taira, M Takita, YH Tan, N Tateyama, S Torii, H Tsuchiya, S Udo, T Utsugi, CR Wang, H Wang, Wang, X, XW Xu, L Xue, XC Yang, Y Yamamoto, ZH Ye, GC Yu, AF Yuan, T Yuda, HM Zhang, JL Zhang, NJ Zhang, XY Zhang, Zhaxiciren, Zhaxisangzhu

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   580 ( 2 ) 887 - 895  2002年12月  [査読有り]


    Data from the Tibet III air shower array (with energies around 3 TeV) and from the Tibet II array (with energies around 10 TeV) have been searched for diffuse gamma rays from the Galactic plane. These arrays have an angular resolution of about 0.degrees9. The sky regions searched are the inner Galaxy, 20degrees less than or equal to l less than or equal to 55degrees, and outer Galaxy, 140 degrees l less than or equal to 225degrees, and \b\ less than or equal to 2degrees or less than or equal to 5degrees. No significant Galactic-plane gamma-ray excess was observed. The 99% confidence level upper limits for gamma-ray intensity obtained are (for \b\ less than or equal to 2degrees) 1.1 x 10(-15) cm(-2) s(-1) sr(-1) MeV-1 at 3 TeV and 4.1 x 10(-17) cm(-2) s(-1) sr(-1) MeV-1 at 10 TeV for the inner Galaxy, and 3.6 x 10(-16) cm(-2) s(-1) sr(-1) MeV-1 at 3 TeV and 1.3 x 10(-17) cm(-2) s(-1) sr(-1) MeV-1 at 10 TeV for the outer Galaxy, assuming a differential spectral index of 2.4. The upper limits are significant in the multi-TeV region when compared to those from Cerenkov telescopes in the lower energy region and other air shower arrays in the higher energy region; however, the results are not sufficient to rule out the inverse Compton model with a source electron spectral index of 2.0.


  • Atmospheric gamma-ray observation with the BETS detector for calibrating atmospheric neutrino flux calculations

    K Kasahara, E Mochizuki, S Torii, T Tamura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, T Yamagami, Y Saito, J Nishimura, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, M Honda, T Ohuchi, S Midorikawa, T Yuda

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   66 ( 5 ) 1 - 9  2002年09月  [査読有り]


    We observed atmospheric gamma rays around 10 GeV at balloon altitudes (15-25 km) and at a mountain (2770 m a.s.l). The observed results were compared with Monte Carlo calculations to find that an interaction model (Lund FRITIOF1.6) used in an old neutrino flux calculation was not good enough for describing the observed values. Instead, we found that two other nuclear interaction models, Lund FRITIOF7.02 and DPMJET3.03, gave much better agreement with the observations. Our data will serve for examining nuclear interaction models and for deriving a reliable absolute atmospheric neutrino flux in the GeV region.


  • Polar Patrol Balloon Experiment in Antarctica during 2002-2003

    A.Kadokura, S.Torii

    Advances in Polar Upper Atmosphere Physics   16   157 - 172  2002年09月  [査読有り]


    The first scientific campaign of the Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) experiment (1st-PPB) was performed at Syowa Station in Antarctica during 1990-1991 and 1992-1993. Based on the fruitful results of the 1st-PPB experiment, the next campaign (2nd-PPB) will be carried out in the austral summer of 2002-2003. This paper summarizes the 2nd-PPB experiment. Four balloons in total will be launched to make astrophysics observations (1 balloon) and upper atmosphere physics observations (3 balloons). The first payload will carry a very sophisticated instrument that will observe primary cosmic-ray electrons in the energy range of 10 GeV - 1 TeV. The payloads of the latter 3 flights are identical to each other. They will be launched in as rapid a succession as weather conditions permit to form a cluster of balloons during their flights. Such a "Balloon Cluster" is suitable for observing the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of various phenomena in the various magnetospheric and ionospheric regions and their boundaries that the balloons will traverse during their circumpolar trajectory. The expected flight duration of each balloon is 20 days. Observation data will be obtained mainly by a satellite communication system with a much higher temporal resolution than that used in the 1st-PPB experiment.


  • Atmospheric gamma-ray observation with the BETS detector for calibrating atmospheric neutrino flux calculations

    K. Kasahara, E. Mochizuki, S. Torii, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, K. Yoshida, T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, J. Nishimura, H. Murakami, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, M. Honda, T. Ohuchi, S. Midorikawa, T. Yuda

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology   66 ( 5 )  2002年  [査読有り]


    We observed atmospheric gamma rays around 10 GeV at balloon altitudes (15–25 km) and at a mountain (2770 m a.s.l). The observed results were compared with Monte Carlo calculations to find that an interaction model (Lund FRITIOF1.6) used in an old neutrino flux calculation was not good enough for describing the observed values. Instead, we found that two other nuclear interaction models, Lund FRITIOF7.02 and DPMJET3.03, gave much better agreement with the observations. Our data will serve for examining nuclear interaction models and for deriving a reliable absolute atmospheric neutrino flux in the GeV region. © 2002 The American Physical Society.


  • Observations of high-energy electrons with the BETS instrument and the future prospects

    S Torii, T Tamura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, T Ouchi, J Nishimura, T Yamagami, Y Saito, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, K Kasahara, T Yuda



    We have developed the balloon-borne electron telescope with scintillating fibers (BETS) for the observation of cosmic-ray electrons in 10-100 GeV. The detector is an imaging calorimeter consisting of the scintillating-fiber belts of 36 layers (each 280 mm wide) and the 8 plates of lead (each 5mm. thick). The rejection of the background protons was performed with an efficiency of similar to2000 using the shower imaging capability with high granulation. The balloon observations were carried out in 1997 and in 1998 at Sanriku Balloon Center (ISAS) in Japan. The observed electron flux is consistent around a few 10 GeV with the recent results reported by the HEAT group. Comparing the flux with theoretical expectations by a diffusion model, the best fit is obtained for the model of a diffusion coefficient of 2 x 10(28) (E/GeV)(0.3) cm(2)/sec in the SN rate of once per 30 years in the Galaxy.
    In January, 2003, a newly-developed scintillating fiber detector will be borne on the Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) in Antarctica and exposed for 30 days to the cosmic radiations. We can increase the statistics of electron number in 10-1000 GeV by 10 times comparing to the present data. (C) 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • The energy spectrum of cosmic-ray electrons from 10 to 100 GeV observed with a highly granulated imaging calorimeter

    S Torii, T Tamura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, J Nishimura, T Yamagami, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, K Kasahara, T Yuda

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   559 ( 2 ) 973 - 984  2001年10月  [査読有り]


    Cosmic-ray electrons(1) have been observed in the energy range from 12 to similar to 100 GeV with a new balloon-borne payload, the Balloon-borne Electron Telescope with Scintillating Fibers (BETS). This is the first publication of the absolute energy spectrum of electrons measured with a highly granulated fiber calorimeter. The calorimeter makes it possible to select electrons against the background protons by detailed observation of both the longitudinal and the lateral shower development. The performance of the detector was calibrated by the CERN-SPS accelerator beams: electrons from 5 to 100 GeV, protons from 60 to 250 GeV. The balloon observations were carried out twice, in 1997 and 1998, at the Sanriku Balloon Center (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science) in Japan. The observation time was similar to 13 hr in all at an altitude above 34 km. A total of 1349 electron candidates were collected, and the 628 events with energies above 12.5 GeV, well above the geomagnetic rigidity cutoff of similar to 10 GV, have been used to compose a differential absolute energy spectrum at the top of the atmosphere. The energy spectrum is described by a power-law index of 3.00 +/- 0.09, and the absolute differential intensity at 10 GeV is 0.199 +/- 0.015 m(-2) s(-1) sr(-1) GeV-1. The overall shape of the energy spectrum in 10 similar to 100 GeV can be explained by a diffusion model, in which we assume an energy-dependent diffusion coefficient (proportional toE(0.3)) for an injection spectrum, E-2.4.


  • New measurement of the electron flux from 10 GeV to 100 GeV with the BETS instrument

    S Torii, T Tamura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, T Yamagami, E Kamioka, Y Saito, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, K Kasahara, T Yuda, J Nishimura

    SUN AND SIMILAR STARS/COSMIC RAY SPECTRA AND COMPOSITION   26 ( 11 ) 1823 - 1826  2001年  [査読有り]


    The BETS (balloon-borne electron telescope with scintillating fibers) instrument has been developed for high-altitude balloon Rights to observe the cosmic ray electrons with energies of 10 GeV to several 100 GeV. The detector is a Lead/SciFi sampling calorimeter consisting of 36 SciFi belts (each 280 mm wide) and 8 lead plates (each 5 mm thick). The electron identification is performed by triggering the electro-magnetic showers on board and by analyzing the three-dimensional shower images by an intensified CCD camera. It is demonstrated in the Right data in 1995 and 1997 that a reliable identification of the electron component against the proton background is achieved up to a few 100 GeV. The performance of detector was tested by the CERN-SPS electron beams in 1996 and with the proton beams in 1997. The obtained energy spectrum is consistent with the recent observation by HEAT, although our result still has a little room for improvement. The energy spectrum from 10 GeV to 1000 GeV which is obtained by combining these data and the emulsion chamber data ( Nishimura et al. 1997)suggests that the diffusion constant is about 1 X 10(28) (E/GeV)(0.3) cm(2)/sec in the energy range between 10 GeV and 1000 GeV. A hump in the energy spectrum is observed around several hundred GeV, which is expected from a nearby source. (C) 2001 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Detection of TeV electrons as an evidence of the acceleration in nearby sources and a future project

    S Torii, K Sakurai, T Shirai, T Taira, T Tamura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, T Yamagami, E Kamioka, Y Saito, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, K Kasahara, T Yuda, J Nishimura

    SUN AND SIMILAR STARS/COSMIC RAY SPECTRA AND COMPOSITION   26 ( 11 ) 1867 - 1870  2001年  [査読有り]


    The TeV electrons observed in the solar system are considered to be produced in the sources within 1 kpc in distance and in period for the past 100,000 years. The supernova remnants as a candidate of the electron sources are, therefore, very limited in number as Monogem, Loop 1, Geminga and Vela. It is expected that the few sources cause a structural component in the energy spectrum and an anisotropy in the arrival directions. Our calculations show that the direct effects of these nearby sources can be detected by a yearly observation with a detector having a geometrical factor of 0.5 m(2) sr, We will present a future plan proposed for the observation of TeV electrons at the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) in ISS. (C) 2001 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Cosmic-ray electron flux from 10 to 100 GeV measured by the BETS instrument

    S Torii, T Tamura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, T Ouchi, J Nishimura, T Yamagami, Y Saito, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, K Kasahara, T Yuda

    ORIGIN AND ACCELERATION OF COSMIC RAYS   27 ( 4 ) 675 - 680  2001年  [査読有り]


    New measurements of the electron flux from 10 to 100 GeV were carried out with the BETS (balloon-borne electron telescope with scintillating fibers) instrument. The detector is an imaging calorimeter consisting of scintillating- fiber belts of 36 layers (each 280 mm wide) and the 8 plates of lead (each 5mm thick). Rejection of the background protons was performed at an efficiency of similar to 2000 using the shower imaging capability with high granulation. The observed electron flux around a few 10 GeV is consistent with the recent results reported by the HEAT group. Comparing the flux with theoretical expectations from a diffusion model, the best fit is obtained for the model of a diffusion coefficient of 2 x 10(28) (E/GeV)(0.3) cm(2)/sec for the SN rate of once per 30 years in the Galaxy. (C) 2001 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) for the Japanese exposure facility on the ISS

    K Yoshida, S Torii, N Tateyama, T Tamura, T Ouchi, T Kashiwagi, K Hibino, J Nishimura, T Yamagami, Y Saito, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, K Kasahara, T Yuda, M Ohnishi, M Shibata, F Makino

    ORIGIN AND ACCELERATION OF COSMIC RAYS   27 ( 4 ) 681 - 686  2001年  [査読有り]


    The CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) instrument is proposed for the observation of TeV electrons at the Japanese Experiment Module Exposure Facility (JEM/EF) on the ISS, which is composed of an imaging calorimeter with scintillating fibers and lead plates, and a total absorption calorimeter with BGO logs. Since TeV electrons could reach only from the nearby sources within a distance less than I kpc, we can expect that the energy spectrum has a structural component and the arrival directions show an anisotropy. Therefore, we should be able to localize and identify the nearby cosmic-ray sources by the TeV electron observation. We report the status of development of the CALET instrument, which has a capability to observe electrons up to 10 TeV and a proton rejection power of similar to 10(6). We expect to observe similar to 10(3) events over 1 TeV during the 3 years observation. By using the excellent imaging capability of the CALET, gamma-rays over the GeV region and the nuclear components up to 10(15) eV might also be observed. (C) 2001 COSPAR. Published by, Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Scintillating fiber camera for neutron dosimetry in spacecraft

    K Terasawa, T Doke, N Hasebe, J Kikuchi, K Kudo, T Murakami, N Takeda, T Tamura, S Torii, M Yamashita, E Yoshihira



    A scintillating fiber camera for three-dimensional imaging was newly developed for radiation dosimetry in spacecraft. The camera consists of a scintillating fiber stack, an image intensifier unit and photomultipliers for triggering events. The scintillating fiber stack has 100 scintillating fiber layers. The layers are alternatively stacked up to be perpendicular to each other. The stack is coupled to a two-stage image intensifier and then coupled to a CCD camera for the track readout. Each fiber layer consists of 100 scintillating fibers and the fiber stack composed of 100 layers leads us to a sensitive volume of 50 x 50 x 50 mm(3). Each fiber has a cross-section of 0.5 x 0.5 mm(2). It is found that the camera has the capability to clearly identify charged particles, neutrons and gamma -rays by observing individual three-dimensional images of those tracks. The threshold energy for identification of neutrons and gamma -rays is 5-10 MeV for recoil proton energy when the coincidence signals from 2 photomultipliers are used as triggers and is expected to be 2-3 MeV when the triggers from either photomultiplier are used. The whole energy region for neutron dosimetry will be covered by the combination with the Bonner spheres for the energy region lower than similar to 10 MeV. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


  • 宇宙ステーションからの宇宙線観測

    鳥居祥二, 槙野文命

    日本物理学会誌   56 ( 1 ) 8 - 16  2001年01月  [査読有り]



    DOI CiNii

  • The balloon-borne electron telescope with scintillating fibers (BETS)

    S Torii, T Tamura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, Y Ouchi, T Yamagami, Y Saito, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, K Kasahara, T Yuda, J Nishimura



    We describe a new detector system developed for high-altitude balloon flights to observe the cosmic-ray electrons above 10 GeV, The Balloon borne Electron Telescope with Scintillating (BETS) fibers instrument is an imaging calorimeter which is capable of selecting electrons against the large background of protons. The calorimeter is composed of a sandwich of scintillating optical-fiber belts and lead plates with a combination of three plastic scintillators for shower trigger. The total thickness of lead is 40 mm ( similar to 7.1 r.l.) and the number of fiber belts is nine. In each belt, alternating layers are oriented in orthogonal (x and y) directions. Two sets of an intensified CCD camera are adopted for read-out of the scintillating fibers in the x and y direction, respectively.
    The accelerator beam tests were carried out to study the performance of detector for electrons in 1996 and for protons in 1997 at CERN-SPS. The instrument was successfully flown aboard high-altitude balloon in 1997 and 1998. It is demonstrated by the flight data that a reliable identification of the electron component has been achieved in 10-100 GeV and the energy spectrum has been obtained. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


  • Performance of the BETS detector for cosmic ray electrons

    T Tamura, S Torii, K Yoshida, T Yamagami, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, K Kasahara, T Yuda, J Nishimura

    SCIENTIFIC BALLOONING   26 ( 9 ) 1397 - 1400  2000年  [査読有り]


    Performance of BETS detector as an electron imaging calorimeter was studied by electron and proton beams at CERN-SPS in 1996 and 1997. It is confirmed that the rejection power against proton backgrounds is better than 4x10(-4) in the energy range between 10 GeV and 100 GeV, the energy resolution ranges 15 similar to 18 %, and the angular resolution is 0 degrees.8 similar to 1 degrees.3. The balloon flights were carried out in 1995, 1997, and 1998 at the Sanriku Balloon Center in Japan. It is demonstrated in the flight data that the performance is adequate for observing electrons with reliable accuracy. (C) 2000 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

  • The calorimetric electron telescope (CALET) for the JEM exposure facility

    S Torii, N Tateyama, T Tamura, T Ouchi, K Kashiwagi, K Yoshida, K Hibino, Y Yamagami, Y Saito, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, K Kasahara, T Yuda, M Ohnishi, M Shibata, F Makino, J Nishimura



    The CALET instrument is proposed for the Japanese Experiment Module/ Exposure Facility (JEM/EF) on International Space Station (ISS) to resolve the long-term puzzles in high-energy cosmic-ray physics. The ISS gives us a unique opportunity to carry out the measurements of cosmic ray electrons with a relatively heavy and large detector, and for the long exposure. The instrument will be composed of an imaging calorimeter with scintillating fibers and a total absorption calorimeter for detecting the electrons up to 10,000 GeV. The origin of high-energy electrons and the diffusion characteristics in the Galaxy will be revealed by measuring the energy spectrum of electrons and the anisotropy of arrival directions. By the excellent capability of the CALET, both of the gamma-rays over GeV and nucleus component up to 10(15)eV might be investigated as additional possibilities of the observation.

  • Preliminary study of a topological trigger device for cosmic-ray detectors

    A Gorine, K Kasahara, M Kobayashi, K Kuroda, T Maki, Manuilov, I, H Murakami, K Okada, A Riazantsev, F Takeutchi, T Tamura, S Torii, T Yamagami, Y Yoshimura



    In view of implementing a topological trigger criterion in cosmic-ray detectors for efficient selection of required events a preliminary test has been done with a scintillating-fibre hodoscope using a position-sensitive photomultiplier. A space resolution of similar to 0.6 mm in sigma with a detection efficiency &gt; 97% has been obtained for charged particles of 5 GeV/c passing through 2 x 2 mm squared fibres. A custom-made discriminator, suppressing the cross-talk between adjacent fibres, allowed a better definition of track position even at high incident angles compared to the simple threshold discriminators. Simplicity as well as reliability of the prototype allow us to foresee a topological trigger device incorporated in different type of detectors, such as cosmic gamma or electron telescopes, solar neutron detectors and so on. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V, All rights reserved.

  • Sidereal daily variation of similar to 10 TeV cosmic-ray intensity observed by the Tibet air shower array

    K Munakata, T Hara, S Yasue, C Kato, DL Hall, S Mori, M Amenomori, S Ayabe, LK Ding, K Hibino, N Hotta, K Izu, HY Jia, F Kajino, K Kasahara, DM Mei, K Mizutani, K Morimoto, J Mu, H Nanjo, M Nishizawa, M Ohnishi, Ohta, I, T Ouchi, Ren, JR, T Saito, M Sakata, T Sasaki, ZZ Shi, M Shibata, A Shiomi, T Shirai, H Sugimoto, K Taira, YH Tan, N Tateyama, S Torii, H Wang, Y Yamamoto, T Yuda, CS Zhang, NJ Zhang



    We analyze the sidereal daily variation of galactic cosmic-ray intensity observed by the Tibet air-shower(AS) array in one year from January to December 1992. The Tibet AS array can detect the incident direction of each AS and allows us to examine the daily variations in different declination bands on the celestial sphere. The average hourly AS count is 26,372 and the total observation period is 5,651 hours. We analyze the hourly count rates of AS classified into nine cells according to the incident direction of each AS. The hourly count rates are corrected for the atmospheric pressure effect and also for the spurious variation due to the change in the AS size-distribution. We find that the resultant daily variations in sidereal, solar and anti-sidereal time are influenced by a significant variation (similar to 0.5%) which is common for the viewing directions. It is also found that such common variation is well eliminated in the "difference" variations between the eastern and western cells. From the harmonic analysis of the "difference" variations, it is concluded that there is no significant variation observed in one year of data. (C)1999 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

  • Measurement of TeV electrons on ISS/JEM

    S Torii, N Tateyama, T Tamura, T Ouchi, K Kashiwagi, K Yoshida, K Hibino, T Yamagami, Y Saito, H Murakmai, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, K Kasahara, T Yuda, M Ohnishi, M Shibata, J Nishimura



    By using the JEM (Japanese Experiment Module) facility on ISS, we are planning to carry out a precise measurement of the flux and energy spectrum of cosmic-ray electrons of 10 GeV to several TeV. Since the electrons over several 100 GeV could be contributed only from the nearby sources within a distance less than 1 kpc, it is expected in the high energy region that the energy spectrum has a structural component and the distribution of the arrival directions presents anisotropy. By helping to localize and identify the nearest cosmic ray sources, these data should help to resolve the long-term puzzle. The instrument used for the observation is a kind of scintilating-fiber/lead imaging calorimeter that has been used for the balloon observations. We are developing an improved detector having a geometrical factor of 0.5 m(2)sr and a higher rejection power against the background protons ( greater than or equal to 10(4)). It is expected to observe nearly 500 electrons over 1 TeV during the one-year observation.

  • A balloon-borne electron telescope with scintillating fibers

    H Murakami, J Nishimura, S Torii, K Kasahara, T Tamura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, T Yamagami, S Ohta, M Namiki, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, T Yuda

    ACTIVE EXPERIMENTS IN SPACE PLASMAS   21 ( 7 ) 1029 - 1032  1998年  [査読有り]


    A new balloon-borne cosmic-electron telescope incorporating a trigger system and an imaging calorimeter is described. The trigger system is adopted to select electrons with energies above 10 GeV, and to reduce the background protons to about 1%. The imaging calorimeter consists of scintillating-fiber belts, emulsion plates and lead plates (similar to 8 radiation length thick in total). Two-dimensional profiles of shower development are observed with the scintillating: fibers. An analysis of the profiles might reject 95 % of the miss-triggered protons at 85 % electron efficiency. The telescope was launched at Sanriku in September 1995,and flown for twelve hours at the average altitude of 38 km. We observed about 700 electrons over 10 GeV under 4 g cm(-2) Of average residual atmosphere. (C) 1998 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

  • A Pb-SciFi imaging calorimeter for high energy cosmic electrons

    S Torii, N Tateyama, T Tamura, K Yoshida, T Yamagami, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, T Yuda, J Nishimura

    SCIFI 97: CONFERENCE ON SCINTILLATING FIBER DETECTORS   450   578 - 585  1998年  [査読有り]


    The BETS (balloon-borne electron telescope with scintillating fiber) detector has been developed for high-altitude balloon flights to observe high-energy cosmic-electrons. The detector consists of an imaging calorimeter and a trigger system for particle identification and energy measurement. The calorimeter is composed of scintillating fibers and leads of a rotal thickness of similar to 8 r.l. Two sets of an image-intensifier and CCD camera system are adopted for read-out of 10,080 scintillating fibers. The accelerator tests were carried out to study performance of the detector by the CERN-SPS electron and proton beams. It is demonstrated in the flight data that a reliable identification of the electron component has been successfully achieved up to 100 GeV, and the energy spectrum has been measured.

  • A scintillating-fiber gamma-ray telescope

    S Torii, K Kasahara, J Nishimura, T Tamura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, T Yamagami, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, T Yuda

    ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS SUPPLEMENT SERIES   120 ( 4 ) C665 - C668  1996年12月  [査読有り]


    We describe a scintillating-fiber telescope which is to be operated on board a satellite for the observation of gamma rays from 20 MeV to a few hundred GeV. The telescope consists of a track detector composed of scintillating-fiber belts and lead plates, and a total absorption spectrometer crystal (TASC). The merit of using scintillating fibers is that the area of telescope can be enlarged more than one meter square without any particular technical difficulty. The basic performance of the telescope is shown by using simulation calculations and accelerator tests. Results of balloon experiments for primary cosmic electrons are also presented to show the tracking capability of scintillating fibers.

  • Shadowing of cosmic rays by the Sun near maximum or at the declining phase of solar activity

    M Amenomori, BZ Dai, LK Ding, ZY Feng, K Hibino, N Hotta, Q Huang, AX Huo, HY Jia, F Kajino, K Kasahara, Labaciren, SM Liu, DM Mei, L Meng, XR Meng, K Mizutani, J Mu, H Nanjo, M Nishizawa, M Ohnishi, Ohta, I, T Ouchi, Ren, JR, T Saito, M Sakata, ZZ Shi, M Shibata, A Shiomi, T Shirai, H Sugimoto, K Taira, YH Tan, N Tateyama, S Torii, H Wang, Y Yamamoto, GC Yu, P Yuan, T Yuda, CS Zhang, HM Zhang, Zhasang, Zhaxiciren, WD Zhou

    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   464 ( 2 ) 954 - 958  1996年06月  [査読有り]


    The shadows of the Sun and Moon have been detected in the 10 TeV cosmic-ray flux by the Tibet air shower array at an altitude of 4300 m above sea level. The observation covers the period 1990 June-1993 October, which almost coincides with a near-maximum and decreasing phase of the latest solar activity cycle. Using the data obtained in this period, we examined a yearly variation of the Sun's shadow, and found for the first time that the position of the Sun's shadow changed considerably every year with the phase of the solar activity. A different variation of the Sun's shadow was also found between the ''away'' and ''toward'' sectors of the interplanetary magnetic field. These results seem to suggest a causal relation between the shadow's movement and the changing inclination of the heliospheric current sheet of the large-scale magnetic field. Further observation with higher statistics will provide a new clue to obtain direct information on the relation between a time variation of the large-scale structure of the solar and interplanetary magnetic fields and the phase of the solar activity cycle.

  • Balloon-borne electron telescope with scintillating fibers

    S Torii, J Nishimura, K Kasahara, N Tateyama, T Tamura, K Yoshida, T Yamagami, S Ohta, M Namiki, T Kobayashi, H Murakami, T Yuda


  • Search for 100 TeV gamma rays from southern supernova remnants with the JANZOS array

    WH Allen, IA Bond, E Budding, M Camilleri, MJ Conway, A Daniel, KB Fenton, H Fujii, Z Fujii, N Hayashida, K Hibino, M Honda, JE Humble, S Kabe, K Kasahara, T Kifune, GD Lythe, O Maehara, A Masaike, Y Matsubara, K Mitsui, Y Miura, M Mori, Y Muraki, T Nakamura, M Nishizawa, PM Norris, S Ogio, T Saito, M Sakata, H Sato, HM Shimizu, M Spencer, Storey, JR, T Tanimori, M Teshima, S Torii, A Wadsworth, Y Watase, MD Woodhams, Y Yamamoto, PCM Yock, T Yuda



    The data base for the JANZOS air shower array has been examined for evidence of 100 TeV gamma ray emission by twenty-one southern supernova remnants for the period October 1987 to January 1993. Results are presented below.



    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   48 ( 2 ) 466 - 478  1993年07月  [査読有り]


    A search for point sources of gamma rays with energies greater than or similar to 100 TeV which has been made by the JANZOS Collaboration using an array of plastic scintillators located at Black Birch mountain in New Zealand is reported. The physical characteristics of the array are described, and also the techniques which have been used to analyze the data. Measurements of the angular resolution of the array using the Moon and/or Sun shadowing technique, and also a comparison test with the JANZOS array of Cerenkov mirrors, are reported. About 80 million events were observed in the period October 1987 to January 1992. Upper limits on the average gamma-ray fluxes at energies greater than or similar 100 TeV from SN 1987A, Vela Pulsar Vela X-1, LMC X-4, Sco X-1, Cen X-3, SMC X-1, Galactic Center, Cen A, 4U1145-619, 2Al822-371, and PSR1706-44 in this period are reported. The limits are compared with previous measurements which were made at various energies by several groups. Monthly measurements for the flux from SN1987A are also reported, and a search of the southern sky for unknown sources of ultrahigh energy gamma rays is described. Some plans for future observations are given.

  • Intensity of protons at the "knee" of the cosmic ray spectrum

    To Saito, T. Yuda, K. Kasahara, S. Torii, N. Hotta, M. Sakata, Y. Yamamoto

    ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS   1 ( 3 ) 257 - 267  1993年07月  [査読有り]


    A detailed study on the simultaneous observation of air showers and high energy families has been done through a Monte Carlo simulation. The simulation results are compared with the experimental data obtained at Mt. Norikura to obtain for the first time the absolute flux values of primary protons at energies around 10(15)-10(16) eV. A large-scale hybrid experiment of air shower array and emulsion chamber at high altitude can provide unique information about the primary composition at energies around 10(15)-10(17) eV. In particular the proton spectrum at the "knee" energy region can be obtained with accuracy better than 30%.

  • Upper limits on TeV gamma-ray emission from centaurus A, vela X-1, centaurus X-3, and circinus X-1

    W. H. Allen, I. A. Bond, E. Budding, M. J. Conway, A. Daniel, K. B. Fenton, H. Fujii, Z. Fujii, N. Hayashida, K. Hibino, M. Honda, J. E. Humble, S. Kabe, K. Kasahara, T. Kifune, G. D. Lythe, A. Masaike, Y. Matsubara, K. Mitsui, Y. Miura, M. Mori, Y. Muraki, M. Nagano, T. Nakamura, M. Nishizawa, P. M. Norris, S. Ogio, T. O. Saito, M. Sakata, H. Sato, H. M. Shimizu, M. Spencer, J. R. Storey, T. Tanimori, M. Teshima, S. Torii, A. Wadsworth, Y. Watase, M. D. Woodhams, Y. Yamamoto, P. C.M. Yock, T. Yuda

    Astrophysical Journal   405 ( 2 ) 554 - 558  1993年03月  [査読有り]


    The active galaxy Centaurus A and the X-ray binary systems Vela X-1, Centaurus X-3, and Circinus X-1 were monitored for VHE gamma-ray emission above 1 TeV with the JANZOS Cerenkov facility during 1988 and 1989. No evidence was found for persistent or episodic emission from any of these objects. Subseqeunt upper limits on the integral fluxes of 2.2 × 10-11, 2.8 × 10-11, 4.0 × 10-11, and 4.2 × 10-11 cm-2 s-1, respectively, were obtained for these objects. These limits are consistent with results of observations made by other groups.




    23RD INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE, VOL 1   1   420 - 423  1993年



    23RD INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE, VOL 1   1   349 - 352  1993年



    23RD INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE, VOL 1   1   227 - 230  1993年

  • Survey of ultra-high-energy gamma-ray emission in the magellanic clouds

    W. H. Allen, I. A. Bond, E. Budding, M. J. Conway, A. Daniel, K. B. Fenton, H. Fujii, Z. Fujii, N. Hayashida, K. Hibino, M. Honda, J. E. Humble, S. Kabe, K. Kasahara, T. Kifune, G. D. Lythe, A. Masaike, Y. Matsubara, K. Mitsui, Y. Miura, M. Mori, Y. Muraki, M. Nagano, T. Nakamura, M. Nishizawa, P. M. Norris, S. Ogio, T. O. Saito, M. Sakata, H. Sato, H. M. Shimizu, M. Spencer, J. R. Storey, T. Tanimori, M. Teshima, S. Torii, A. Wadsworth, Y. Watase, M. D. Woodhams, Y. Yamamoto, P. C.M. Yock, T. Yuda

    Astrophysical Journal   403 ( 1 ) 239 - 248  1993年  [査読有り]


    Various objects in the Magellanic Clouds were monitored for ultra-high-energy (UHE) gamma-ray emission during 1988 and 1990 using Cerenkov technique at large zenith angles with the JANZOS facility. During 1990 the equipment was modified to allow a sky coverage of 7° × 23° at large zenith angles. This enabled most of the extent of the Large Magellanic Cloud to be surveyed at ultra-high energies. An examination of the data base yielded no clear eivdence for persistent UHE emission from SN 1987A and selected X-ray pulsars in the Magellanic Clouds. Upper limits on the UHE fluxes (in cm-2 s-1) above the given threshold energies were obtained as follows: SMC X-1, 2.6 × 10-13 (&gt
    30 TeV)
    SN 1987A, 3.8 × 10-13 (&gt
    65 TeV)
    PSR 0540-693, 3.7 × 10-13 (&gt
    65 TeV)
    A0538-66, 1.1 × 10-13 (&gt
    130 TeV)
    LMC X-4, 3.5 × 10-13 (&gt
    140 TeV). We then examined the data base for pulsed UHE emission from PSR 0540 - 693 at the well-determined X-ray period (50 ms)
    and for the X-ray binary systems SMC X-1 and LMC X-4, we carried out pulsar periodicity searches on a night-by-night basis near their respective X-ray periods. No statistically significant evidence for pulsed UHE emission was found for these objects. The data base was further examined for evidence of previously undetected UHE sources in the Magellanic Clouds, and no significant DC excesses were found. Finally, we obtained upper limits on the UHE gamma-ray emission from these galaxies as a whole of 1.9 × 10-12 cm-2 s-1 msr-1 (&gt
    30 TeV) for the SMC and 1.8 × 10-13 cm-2 s-1 msr-1 (&gt
    65 TeV) for the LMC.


  • Possible observation of 100 TeV gamma rays from the active galaxy Centaurus a

    W. H. Allen, I. A. Bond, E. Budding, M. J. Conway, A. Daniel, K. B. Fenton, H. Fujii, Z. Fujii, N. Hayashida, K. Hibino, M. Honda, J. E. Humble, S. Kabe, K. Kasahara, T. Kifune, G. D. Lythe, A. Masaike, Y. Matsubara, K. Mitsui, Y. Miura, M. Mori, Y. Muraki, M. Nagano, T. Nakamura, M. Nishizawa, P. M. Norris, S. Ogio, To Saito, M. Sakata, H. Sato, H. M. Shimizu, M. Spencer, J. R. Storey, T. Tanimori, M. Teshima, S. Torii, A. Wadsworth, Y. Watase, M. D. Woodhams, Y. Yamamoto, P. C.M. Yock, T. Yuda

    Astroparticle Physics   1 ( 3 ) 269 - 276  1993年  [査読有り]


    We have searched for evidence of ultra-high energy gamma rays from the active galaxy Centaurus A in the data set of the JANZOS experiment during the period 13 October 1987 to 18 January 1992. No significant DC excess was found from this source. Excess events were found, however, in the period 14 April - 3 June 1990. The duration of the excess, 48 days, and equivalent luminosity, ~ 1043 erg s-1, are both similar to those measured previously for X-ray outbursts of Centaurus A. Furthermore, the events appear to exhibit the expected absorption feature at 200 TeV due to interactions with the 2.7 K background radiation, but the chance probability for the excess is at the 2% level. The equivalent time averaged flux during this period was (5.5 ± 1.5) × 10-12 photons cm-2s-1 at energies ≥ 110 TeV, about 20 times as large as the upper lim of steady emission, assuming a differential spectral index of -2.0. Further observations are required to confirm the result. © 1993.




    GAMMA-RAY DETECTORS   1734   220 - 230  1992年  [査読有り]



    COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS   64 ( 1 ) 109 - 120  1991年04月


    A subroutine package, GENAS, is presented which enables the user to generate air showers induced by gamma rays, protons, or heavy primaries ranging from 10(13) eV to 10(20) eV. GENAS is capable of producing air showers very rapidly while keeping the quality of the showers as if they were produced by the full Monte Carlo method. It includes the response of detectors consisting of a plastic scintillator under thin iron and an optional lead sheet. GENAS offers a means for investigating surface-array performance in a quantitative level.









    HIGH ENERGY GAMMA-RAY ASTRONOMY   220   300 - 304  1991年  [査読有り]

  • Photodiode sensed scintillation counter for detection of a large number of cascade shower electrons

    K. Hibino, F. Kajino, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, M. Sakata, M. Shima, Y. Yamamoto, H. Sugimoto, K. Taira, M. Shibata, T. Shirai, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, K. Kasahara, To Saito, T. Yuda, K. Mizutani, N. Hotta, I. Ohta, M. Amenomori, H. Nanjo

    Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A   300   202 - 206  1991年01月


    A scintillation counter equipped with a PIN silicon photodiode has been developed for the detection of high density electrons of cascade showers which are induced by high energy cosmic rays. This counter, being placed under an iron absorber of 14.5 r.l. in thickness, was tested at Mt. Norikura to detect high energy gamma-ray and hadron induced bursts. The minimum detectable number of shower electrons is found to be about 1.5×103 per unit detector of area 0.25 m2. This lower bound is corresponding to the number of electrons induced by a vertically incident gamma-ray with an energy of 0.8 TeV. © 1991.










    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   39 ( 5 ) 1275 - 1282  1989年03月  [査読有り]

  • Extensive air showers accompanied by -ray families with JE,H10 TeV and general extensive air showers

    Y. Fukushima, C. Hamayasu, T. Mitsumune, To Saito, M. Sakata, M. Shima, Y. Yamamoto, S. Dake, M. Kawamoto, M. Kusunose, N. Ohmori, K. Kasahara, T. Shirai, S. Torii, N. Hotta

    Physical Review D   39 ( 5 ) 1267 - 1274  1989年  [査読有り]


    Extensive air showers (EASs) accompanied by families of high-energy cascade showers were observed at Mt. Norikura (738 g cm-2). 99 families of -ray- and hadron-origin showers with total energies JE,H10 TeV were obtained. The success rate of the combination between families and EASs reaches to almost 90% (87 events). The families are associated with young EASs, with mean age parameter s0.7, whose sizes distribute widely over three orders of magnitude up to 108. The size spectrum of the family-associated EASs coincides with the general EASs in the size region above 5×106 but the former drops rapidly from the latter below this critical size. From the absolute intensity of JE,H spectrum the proton fraction in the primary cosmic rays is deduced to be (145)%, with an error of one standard deviation, in the primary energies (5×1014)1016 eV, in comparison with a Monte Carlo simulation assuming an adequate interaction model. This agrees with the result obtained by the work with other mountain data and is also compatible with the result inferred from the size spectrum gap between the family-associated EASs and the general EASs in the region below the critical size. 1989 The American Physical Society.




    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   38 ( 5 ) 1417 - 1425  1988年09月  [査読有り]



    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   38 ( 5 ) 1426 - 1432  1988年09月  [査読有り]



    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   38 ( 5 ) 1404 - 1416  1988年09月




    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   57 ( 4 ) 1143 - 1146  1988年04月

  • Primary cosmic-ray composition in the energy range of 1014 eV to 1016 eV and high-energy atmospheric cosmic rays observed with emulsion chambers at Mt. Kanbala

    J. R. Ren, H. H. Kuang, A. X. Huo, S. L. Lu, S. Su, Y. X. Wang, C. R. Wang, M. He, N. J. Zhang, P. Y. Cao, J. Y. Li, S. Z. Wang, G. Z. Bai, Z. H. Liu, G. J. Li, G. X. Gang, W. D. Zhou, R. D. He, M. Amenomori, H. Nanjo, N. Hotta, I. Ohta, K. Mizutani, K. Kasahara, T. Yuda, M. Shibata, T. Shirai, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Sugimoto, K. Taira

    Il Nuovo Cimento C   10 ( 1 ) 43 - 60  1987年01月  [査読有り]


    We report on the results of the measurements of energy spectra of atmospheric cosmic rays in the energy around 10 TeV measured with emulsion chambers at Mt. Kanbala (5500 m above sea-level, atmospheric depth 520 g/cm2). The power indices of the integral spectra take the values of 2.00±0.08 for gamma-rays and 1.90±0.10 for hadrons, in the energy range from 5 TeV to 20 TeV. Their intensities are compatible with those expected from the primary cosmic rays containing fewer protons than in the lower energy region. The energy spectrum of family events is also discussed with reference to the composition of primary cosmic rays. It is concluded that the portion of protons in the primary cosmic rays gradually decreases in the energy range from 1013 eV to 1015 eV. © 1987 Società Italiana di Fisica.





  • Inelastic p-air cross section at energies between 1016 and 1018 eV estimated from air-shower experiments

    T. Hara, Y. Hatano, N. Hayashida, M. Honda, K. Kamata, K. Kasahara, T. Kifune, Y. Mizumoto, M. Nagano, G. Tanahashi, S. Torii, S. Kawaguchi

    Physical Review Letters   50 ( 26 ) 2058 - 2061  1983年  [査読有り]


    The inelastic cross section of p-air collisions [σin(p-air)] between 1016 and 1018 eV is estimated by the observation of extensive air showers at Akeno. The flux of air showers at different zenith angles is analyzed with both a fixed muon number and a fixed electron number. σin(p-air) increases with energy as 290×Elab0.06±0.01 mb (Elab in teraelectron-volts) up to 1018 eV with the assumptions of Feynman scaling in the fragmentation region and at least 10% of the primary particles being protons. © 1983 The American Physical Society.


  • Gigantic gamma-ray family events with ΣE γ≥1000 TeV and hadronic interactions

    M. Akashi, M. Amenomori, E. Konishi, H. Nanjo, Z. Watanabe, K. Mizutani, K. Kasahara, E. Mikumo, S. Torii, T. Yuda, I. Mito, T. Shirai, N. Tateyama, T. Taira, M. Shibata, H. Sugimoto, K. Taira, N. Hotta

    Il Nuovo Cimento A   67 ( 3 ) 221 - 243  1982年02月  [査読有り]


    The characteristic features of big family events with ΣE γ≥103 TeV, which were observed with emulsion chambers at Mt. Fuji (3776 m above sea-level), are presented in comparison with the results of the Monte Carlo simulation. Moreover, the behaviour of the halo accompanying big family events is described in connection with that of high-energy gamma-rays incident upon the chamber. On the basis of the experimental data, some inferences about the hadronic interactions at energies around 104 TeV are discussed. The general tendency of our data does not seriously contradict the scaling prediction if the primaries are adequately mixed with heavy nuclei. In this case, the cross-sections should increase rapidly with energy up to 104 TeV at least. There exist no clear signs showing a rapid increase of the average transverse momentum. © 1982 Società Italiana di Fisica.




    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   25 ( 11 ) 2807 - 2819  1982年  [査読有り]

  • Nuclear interactions of super high energy cosmic-rays observed in mountain emulsion chambers

    S. G. Bayburina, A. S. Borisov, K. V. Cherdyntseva, Z. M. Guseva, V. G. Denisova, A. M. Dunaevskii, E. A. Kanevskaya, V. M. Maximenko, S. V. Pashkov, V. S. Puchkov, S. B. Shaulov, S. A. Slavatinsky, M. D. Smirnova, Yu A. Smorodin, A. V. Urysson, N. G. Zelevinskaya, G. B. Zhdanov, L. G. Afanasjeva, L. T. Baradzei, E. I. Gorochova, I. P. Ivanenko, N. P. Iljina, G. B. Khristiansen, T. V. Lazareva, A. K. Managadze, E. A. Murzina, I. V. Rakobolskaya, T. M. Roganova, N. G. Ryabova, G. T. Zatsepin, R. A. Mukhamedshin, S. D. Cananov, L. A. Khisanishvili, N. N. Roinishvili, M. S. Svanidge, J. A. Tecliashvili, T. V. Varsimashvili, Z. A. Azimov, I. B. Bodojanov, N. E. Gubar, Yu A. Gulov, F. Normuradov, Kh Shobaronov, N. A. Dobrotin, Yu A. Emeljanov, Yu T. Lukin, B. F. Shorin, E. G. Zaitseva, S. A. Azimov, A. R. Dzhuraev, E. G. Mulladjanov, Kh Nutritdinov, D. A. Talipov, I. Shamansurov, T. S. Juldashbaev, Z. Buja, E. Gladysz, J. Mazurkiewicz, S. Mikocki, M. Szarska, L. Zawiejski, H. Bielawska, R. Juskiewicz, J. L. Kacperski, A. Krys, J. Malinowski, K. Milczarek, J. Sroka, A. Tomaszewski, J. A. Wrotniak, K. Maluszynska, Z. Wlodarczyk, M. Akashi, M. Amenomori, E. Konishi, H. Nanjo, Z. Watanabe, K. Mizutani, K. Kasahara, S. Torii, T. Yuda, T. Shirai, N. Tateyama, T. Taira, I. Mito, M. Shibata, H. Sugimoto, K. Taira, N. Hotta, M. Ballester, C. Santos, J. Bellandi Filho, J. A. Chinellato, C. Dobrigkeit, C. M.G. Lattes, A. Marques, M. J. Menon, C. E. Navia O., K. Sawayanagi, E. Silva, E. H. Shibuya, A. Turtelli Jr., N. M. Amato, F. M. Oliveira Castro, R. H.C. Maldonado, H. Aoki, Y. Fuyimoto, S. Hasegawa, H. Kumano, H. Semba, T. Tabuki, M. Tamada, K. Tanaka, S. Yamashita, N. Arata, T. Shibata, K. Yokoi, A. Ohsawa

    Nuclear Physics, Section B   191 ( 1 ) 1 - 25  1981年11月  [査読有り]


    Here we present a summary of joint discussions on the results of three mountain experiments with large-scale emulsion chambers, at Pamir, Mt. Fuji and Chacaltaya. Observations cover gamma quanta, hadrons and their clusters (called "families"). The following topics are covered, concerning the characteristics of nuclear interactions the energy region 1014-1016 eV: (i) rapid dissipation seen in atmospheric diffusion of high-energy cosmic-rays
    (ii) multiplicity and Pt increase in produced pi-mesons in the fragmentation region
    (iii) existence of large-Pt jets, (iv) extremely hadron-rich family of the Centauro type
    (v) exotic phenomena in the extremely high energy region beyond 1016 eV. © 1981.


  • Energy spectra of atmospheric cosmic rays observed with emulsion chambers

    M. Akashi, M. Amenomori, E. Konishi, H. Nanjo, Z. Watanabe, M. Ichiju, K. Mizutani, K. Kasahara, S. Torii, T. Yuda, T. Shirai, N. Tateyama, T. Taira, I. Mito, M. Shibata, H. Sugimoto, K. Taira, N. Hotta

    Il Nuovo Cimento A   65 ( 3 ) 355 - 375  1981年10月  [査読有り]


    The energy spectra of gamma-rays, hadrons and muons in the atmosphere are summarized on the basis of the emulsion chamber experiments at Mt. Fuji and underground. The power indices of the spectra are 1.95±0.05 for gamma-rays and 1.80±0.07 for hadrons at Mt. Fuji in the energy range from 2 TeV to 50 TeV. The underground measurements have confirmed the muon spectrum at sea-level with the index of 2.70±0.10 in the range from 1 TeV to 10 TeV. These spectra of atmospheric cosmic rays are not explained simultaneously on the basis of the concept of scaling so long as the primary spectrum with the normal composition holds up to 1015eV. © 1981 Società Italiana di Fisica.




    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   24 ( 9 ) 2353 - 2368  1981年  [査読有り]

  • Investigation of Multiparticle Production above 10^14 eV through an Analysis of Gamma-Ray Families by the Monte-Carlo Method

    Shoji Torii

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan   44 ( 4 ) 1053 - 1061  1977年10月  [査読有り]




  • チベット空気シャワー観測装置による超高エネルギーガンマ線源の観測(5)

    加藤勢, 雨森道紘, 浅野駿太, 五味明日香, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 川島輝能, 川田和正, 小財正義, 倉茂大智, 宗像一起, 長屋開人, 中村佳昭, 中澤優樹, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 奥川創介, 小澤俊介, 齋藤敏治, 榊原陽平, 坂田通徳, さこ隆志, 佐古崇志, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 鷹野和紀子, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 横江誼衡


    発表年月: 2022年

  • Tibet-IIIとMDによる100TeV周辺陽子スペクトルの観測

    倉茂大智, 雨森道紘, 浅野駿太, 五味明日香, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 加藤勢, 川島輝能, 川田和正, 小財正義, 宗像一起, 長屋開人, 中村佳昭, 中澤優樹, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 奥川創介, 小澤俊介, 齋藤敏治, 榊原陽平, 坂田通徳, さこ隆志, 佐古崇志, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 鷹野和紀子, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 横江誼衡


    発表年月: 2022年

  • チベット実験で観測された宇宙線異方性の太陽圏磁場による変調(3)

    佐古崇志, 雨森道紘, 浅野駿太, 五味明日香, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 加藤勢, 川島輝能, 川田和正, 小財正義, 倉茂大智, 宗像一起, 長屋開人, 中村佳昭, 中澤優樹, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 奥川創介, 小澤俊介, 齋藤敏治, 榊原陽平, 坂田通徳, さこ隆志, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 鷹野和紀子, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 横江誼衡


    発表年月: 2022年

  • チベット空気シャワー観測装置を用いた数TeV領域でのガンマ線バースト探索

    五味明日香, 雨森道紘, 浅野駿太, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 加藤勢, 川島輝能, 川田和正, 小財正義, 倉茂大智, 宗像一起, 長屋開人, 中村佳昭, 中澤優樹, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 奥川創介, 小澤俊介, 齋藤敏治, 榊原陽平, 坂田通徳, さこ隆志, 佐古崇志, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 鷹野和紀子, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 横江誼衡


    発表年月: 2021年

  • チベット空気シャワー観測装置による超高エネルギーガンマ線源の観測(4)

    佐古崇志, 雨森道紘, 浅野駿太, 五味明日香, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 加藤勢, 川島輝能, 川田和正, 小財正義, 倉茂大智, 宗像一起, 長屋開人, 中村佳昭, 中澤優樹, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 奥川創介, 小澤俊介, 齋藤敏治, 榊原陽平, 坂田通徳, さこ隆志, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 鷹野和紀子, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 横江誼衡


    発表年月: 2021年

  • 空気シャワー観測装置による銀河面からのsub-PeV拡散ガンマ線の観測

    川田和正, 雨森道紘, 浅野駿太, 五味明日香, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 加藤勢, 川島輝能, 小財正義, 倉茂大智, 宗像一起, 長屋開人, 中村佳昭, 中澤優樹, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 奥川創介, 小澤俊介, 齋藤敏治, 榊原陽平, 坂田通徳, さこ隆志, 佐古崇志, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 鷹野和紀子, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 横江誼衡


    発表年月: 2021年

  • チベット空気シャワー観測装置による銀河面からの100TeV領域拡散ガンマ線の探索

    川田和正, 雨森道紘, 五味明日香, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 加藤勢, 木原渉, 高柚季乃, 小財正義, 倉茂大智, 宗像一起, 中田大樹, 中村佳昭, 中澤優樹, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 大浦敏宏, 奥川創介, 小澤俊介, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 鷹野和紀子, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 横江誼衡


    発表年月: 2021年

  • チベット空気シャワー観測装置による超高エネルギーガンマ線源の観測(3)

    佐古崇志, 雨森道紘, 五味明日香, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 加藤勢, 川田和正, 木原渉, 高柚季乃, 小財正義, 倉茂大智, 宗像一起, 中田大樹, 中村佳昭, 中澤優樹, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 大浦敏宏, 奥川創介, 小澤俊介, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 鷹野和紀子, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 横江誼衡


    発表年月: 2021年

  • CALETの電子・陽子解析による太陽変調の荷電依存性の観測

    高柚季乃, 加藤千尋, 宗像一起, 浅岡陽一, 鳥居祥二, 赤池陽水, 小林兼好, 片岡龍峰, 三宅晶子, 中平聡志, 笠原克昌


    発表年月: 2021年

  • Tibet-IIIとMDを用いたknee領域の陽子スペクトル測定法

    倉茂大智, 雨森道紘, 五味明日香, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 加藤勢, 川田和正, 木原渉, 高柚季乃, 小財正義, 宗像一起, 中田大樹, 中村佳昭, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 大浦敏宏, 奥川創介, 小澤俊介, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 鷹野和紀子, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 横江誼衡


    発表年月: 2020年

  • CALETの電子・陽子解析による太陽変調の観測

    高柚季乃, 加藤千尋, 宗像一起, 浅岡陽一, 鳥居祥二, 赤池陽水, 小林兼好, 片岡龍峰, 三宅晶子, 中平聡志, 笠原克昌


    発表年月: 2020年

  • チベット実験で観測された宇宙線異方性の太陽圏磁場による変調(2)

    佐古崇志, 雨森道紘, 五味明日香, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 加藤勢, 川田和正, 木原渉, 高柚季乃, 小財正義, 倉茂大智, 宗像一起, 中田大樹, 中村佳昭, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 大浦敏宏, 奥川創介, 小澤俊介, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 鷹野和紀子, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 鷲見治一, 横江誼衡


    発表年月: 2020年

  • チベット実験で観測された宇宙線異方性の太陽圏磁場による変調(1)

    佐古崇志, 雨森道紘, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 加藤勢, 川田和正, 木原渉, 高柚季乃, 小財正義, 三井嘉子, 宗像一起, 中田大樹, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 大浦敏宏, 小澤俊介, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 千石由佳子, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 鷹野和紀子, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 鷲見治一, 八木沢夏穂, 山本嘉昭, 横江誼衡


    発表年月: 2020年

  • Tibet空気シャワー観測装置による100TeV領域ガンマ線点源からのパルサー信号の探索(2)

    日比野欣也, 雨森道紘, 堀田直己, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 加藤勢, 木原渉, 川田和正, 高柚季乃, 小財正義, 三井嘉子, 宗像一起, 中田大樹, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 大浦敏宏, 小澤俊介, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 千石由佳子, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 鷹野和紀子, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 八木沢夏穂, 山本嘉昭, 横江誼衡


    発表年月: 2020年

  • チベット空気シャワー観測装置による超高エネルギーガンマ線源の観測(2)

    佐古崇志, 雨森道紘, 浅羽孝典, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 川田和正, 小財正義, 三井嘉子, 宗像一起, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐々木琢朗, 千石由佳子, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 若松海帆, 八木沢夏穂, 山本嘉昭


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • チベットYAC‐II実験での′′knee′′領域陽子・ヘリウム測定

    片寄祐作, 雨森道紘, 浅羽孝典, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 加藤千尋, 川田和正, 小財正義, 三井嘉子, 宗像一起, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 佐々木琢朗, 千石由佳子, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 若松海帆, 八木沢夏穂, 山本嘉昭


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • チベット空気シャワー観測装置による超高エネルギーガンマ線源の観測(1)

    川田和正, 雨森道紘, 浅羽孝典, 日比野欣也, 堀田直己, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 小財正義, 三井嘉子, 宗像一起, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 佐々木琢朗, 千石由佳子, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 杉本久彦, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 若松海帆, 八木沢夏穂, 山本嘉昭


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • MAXI/GSCを用いたCALET-CGBMのエネルギー応答関数の相互較正

    松川昌平, 坂本貴紀, 吉田篤正, 芹野素子, 手塚晃, 山岡和貴, 中平聡志, 高橋一郎, 石崎渉, 浅野勝晃, 浅岡陽一, 鳥居祥二, 小澤俊介, 清水雄輝, 田村忠久, RICCIARINI Sergio, CHERRY Mike L., 川久保雄太


    発表年月: 2019年

  • Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) Collaboration on the International Space Station

    Shoji Torii  [招待有り]

    The 4th International Conference on Science, Application and Technology of Xenon Radiation Detector  

    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) Experiment on the International Space Station

    Shoji Torii  [招待有り]

    APS/JPS Joint Symposium celebrating the 60th anniversary of Physical Review Letters  

    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the International Space Station: Latest results from the first three-year observations on orbit

    Shoji Torii  [招待有り]


    発表年月: 2018年09月

  • CALET による2.5年間の観測成果

    鳥居 祥二  [招待有り]

    基研研究会 素粒子物理学の進展2018  

    発表年月: 2018年08月

  • CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) Collaboration on the International Space Station

    Shoji Torii  [招待有り]

    JAXA/NASA Joint WS in San Francisco  

    発表年月: 2018年07月

  • The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the International Space Station: Latest results from the First Two-Years on Orbit

    Shoji Torii  [招待有り]

    AMS Days at La Palma, Spain  

    発表年月: 2018年04月

  • The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the ISS: Preliminary Results from the On-orbit Observations since October, 2015 (Highlight Talk)

    Shoji Torii  [招待有り]

    The 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference 2017(ICRC2017)  

    発表年月: 2017年07月

  • Investigating Leptonic 3-Particle Dark Matter Decay as the Source of the Positron Excess with CALET

    Motz Holger, Asaoka Yoichi, Torii Shoji, Bhattacharyya Saptashwa

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人 日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2016年



    <p>With supernova remnants assumed to be the main source of electron cosmic rays, an extra source emitting an equal amount of electrons and positrons could explain the observed positron excess. Candidates for this source are nearby PWN and Dark Matter annihilation or decay. The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the ISS is measuring the energy spectrum of electron+positron cosmic rays up to 20 TeV, which might contain a signature from the extra source. Dark Matter decaying in a 3-particle leptonic mode could fully explain the positron excess as it is not constrained by anti-proton measurements. A variety of branching fractions for the lepton generations and different propagation parameters were studied, identifying scenarios which are in agreement with current experimental data. The expected signal and background in CALET was calculated for these cases and the possibility to discern them from a PWN being the extra source analysed.</p>

  • 19aAZ-7 CALET観測における宇宙線到来方向の決定方法

    佐藤 郁也, 鳥居 祥二, 浅岡 陽一, 笠原 克昌, 赤池 陽水, 小澤 俊介, 竹本 翔一, 中平 聡, CALET チーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2016年

  • 19aAZ-11 RHIC加速器における超前方粒子測定実験 RHICf

    さこ 隆志, 伊藤 好孝, 奥野 友貴, 毛受 弘彰, 後藤 雄二, 中川 格, 三塚 岳, 谷田 聖, 笠原 克昌, 鈴木 拓也, 鳥居 祥二, 櫻井 信之, Adriani O., Bonechi L., D'Alessandro R., Tricomi A.

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2016年

  • 20pAH-6 RHICf実験 : RHICにおける超前方生成粒子測定

    後藤 雄二, 中川 格, 三塚 岳, 谷田 聖, さこ 隆志, 伊藤 好孝, 奥野 友貴, 毛受 弘彰, 笠原 克昌, 鈴木 拓也, 鳥居 祥二, 櫻井 信之, Adriani O., Bonechi L., D'Alessandro R., Tricomi A.

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2016年

  • 19aAT-3 Discerning Pulsar and Dark Matter Explanations of the Positron Excess with CALET

    Motz Holger, Asaoka Yoichi, Torii Shoji, Bhattacharyya Saptashwa

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2016年

  • 19aAZ-5 CALET軌道上データのイベント選別アルゴリズム

    竹本 翔一, 鳥居 祥二, 浅岡 陽一, 笠原 克昌, 赤池 陽水, 小澤 俊介, 神尾 泰樹, 田中 瑞樹, 宮田 諒平, 山口 優幸, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2016年

  • 19aAZ-4 軌道上データを用いたCALET検出器のMIP較正

    小宮 優馬, 鳥居 祥二, 笠原 克晶, 赤池 陽水, 浅岡 陽一, 小澤 俊介, Motz Holger, 清水 雄輝, 田村 忠久, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2016年

  • 19aAZ-2 ISS軌道上におけるCALETの電子観測条件最適化

    浅岡 陽一, 鳥居 祥二, 笠原 克昌, 赤池 陽水, 小澤 俊介, 安藤 祐貴, 神尾 泰樹, 佐藤 郁也, 竹本 翔一, 田中 瑞樹, 宮田 諒平, 山口 優幸, 大和 啓一, Motz Holger, 清水 雄輝, 田村 忠久, 上野 史郎, 冨田 洋, CALET チーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2016年

  • 19aAZ-3 CALET地上データ監視システム運用

    山口 優幸, 鳥居 祥二, 浅岡 陽一, 笠原 克昌, 赤池 陽水, 小澤 俊介, 神尾 泰樹, 佐藤 郁也, 竹本 翔一, 宮田 諒平, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2016年

  • 21pDC-10 Self Consistent Simulation of Cosmic Ray Propagation Including Dark Matter Signatures

    Bhattacharyya Saptashwa, Motz Holger, Torii Shoji, Asaoka Yoichi, Okada Yuko

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • 21pDC-5 CALET軌道上運用開始に向けたデータ管制システムの開発

    神尾 泰樹, 鳥居 祥二, 小澤 俊介, 下村 健太, 仁井田 多絵, 力石 和樹, 浅岡 陽一, 笠原 克昌, Motz Holger, 田村 忠久, 清水 雄輝, 赤池 陽水, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • 21pDC-8 CALETにおける原子核成分スペクトル観測性能

    佐藤 文佳, 鳥居 祥二, 斎藤 優, 仁井田 多絵, 浅岡 陽一, 笠原 克昌, 小澤 俊介, 赤池 陽水, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • 21pDC-9 Expected Dark Matter Sensitivity of CALET in Relation to Present and Future AMS-02 Observation

    Motz Holger, Asaoka Yoichi, Torii Shoji, Bhattacharyya Saptashwa, Niita Tae, Okada Yuko, Akaike Yosui, CALET collaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • 21pDK-13 RHIC超前方測定実験(RHICf)カロリーメータのGEANT4による性能評価

    奥野 友貴, 伊藤 好孝, さこ 隆志, 毛受 弘彰, 櫻井 信之, 笠原 克昌, 鳥居 祥二, 鈴木 拓也, 後藤 雄二, 谷田 聖, 朴 俊相, Adriani O., D'Alessandro R., Bonechi L., 三塚 岳, Tricomi A.

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • 23pDD-1 LHCにおける宇宙線相互作用検証実験LHCf : 全体報告(2015年春)

    さこ 隆志, 伊藤 好孝, 奥野 友貴, 櫻井 信之, 杉浦 佑樹, 周 啓東, 牧野 友耶, 増田 公明, 松原 豊, 松林 恵理, 村木 綏, 毛受 弘彰, 吉田 健二, 笠原 克昌, 鈴木 拓也, 鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, Haguenauer M., Turner W.C., Adriani O., Berti E., Bonechi L., Bongi M., D'Alessandro R., Delprete M., Grandi M., 三塚 岳, Papini P., Ricciarini S., Castellini G., Tiberio A., Tricomi A., Velasco J., Faus A., Perrot A.-L.

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • 26pSJ-8 CERN-SPS重イオンビーム試験によるCALET-CHDの電荷分解能

    岡田 侑子, 鳥居 祥二, 浅岡 陽一, 笠原 克昌, 小澤 俊介, 赤池 陽水, 田中 真文, 土川 恵理子, Motz Holger, 田村 忠久, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • 26pSJ-3 CALET観測模擬データを用いた軌道上観測条件の最適化

    大和 啓一, 鳥居 祥二, 浅岡 陽一, 笠原 克昌, 赤池 陽水, 小澤 俊介, 神尾 泰樹, 竹本 翔一, 山口 優幸, Motz Holger, 清水 雄輝, 田村 忠久, 上野 史郎, 冨田 洋, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • 26pSJ-2 Waseda CALET Operations Center (WCOC)におけるミッション運用

    浅岡 陽一, 鳥居 祥二, 赤池 陽水, 小澤 俊介, 笠原 克昌, 神尾 泰樹, 竹本 翔一, 仁井田 多絵, 山口 優幸, 大和 啓一, Motz Holger, 清水 雄輝, 田村 忠久, 上野 史郎, 冨田 洋, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • 27aSJ-1 LHCにおける宇宙線相互作用検証実験LHCf : 全体報告(2015年秋)

    さこ 隆志, 伊藤 好孝, 上野 真奈, 奥野 友貴, 周 啓東, 牧野 友耶, 増田 公明, 松原 豊, 松林 恵理, 村木 綏, 毛受 弘彰, 吉田 健二, 岩田 大祈, 笠原 克昌, 鈴木 拓也, 鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, 櫻井 信之, Haguenauer M., Turner W. C., Adriani O., Berti E., Bonechi L., Bongi M., D'Alessandro R., Delprete M., Grandi M., 三塚 岳, Papini P., Ricciarini S., Castellini G., Tiberio A., Tricomi A., Velasco J., Faus A., Perrot A.-L.

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • 19pSC-8 チベット空気シャワーアレイで観測された100TeV領域での銀河宇宙線の恒星時異方性の解析(19pSC 太陽系宇宙線・宇宙線生成核種,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    中村 佳昭, 雨森 道紘, 日比野 欣也, 堀田 直巳, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 片寄 祐作, 加藤 千尋, 川田 和正, 風間 光喜, 小財 正義, 水谷 興平, 宗像 一起, 中嶋 隆明, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 丹羽 健徳, 大西 宗博, 大島 貴広, 太田 周, 小澤 俊介, 齋藤 隆之, 齋藤 敏治, 坂田 通徳, 佐古 崇志, 柴田 槇雄, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 瀧田 正人, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 土屋 晴文, 有働 慈治, 山本 嘉昭, 山内 紘一, 湯田 利典, The Tibet ASγ Collaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2014年08月

  • 19aSC-5 Waseda CALET Operations Center(WCOC)における軌道上データ処理システムの開発(19aSC 高エネルギー宇宙線(CALET,LHCf),宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    浅岡 陽一, 鳥居 祥二, 小澤 俊介, 笠原 克昌, 神尾 泰樹, 下村 健太, 仁井田 多絵, Motz Holger, 力石 和樹, 田村 忠久, 上野 史郎, 清水 雄輝, 冨田 洋, 赤池 陽水, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2014年08月

  • 28aTS-5 ISS軌道上CALETテレメトリデータ模擬(28aTS 高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    下村 健太, 鳥居 祥二, 浅岡 陽一, 小澤 俊介, 笠原 克昌, 神尾 泰樹, 仁井田 多絵, MOTZ Holger, 力石 和樹, 田村 忠久, 上野 史郎, 清水 雄輝, 冨田 洋, 赤池 陽水, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2014年03月

  • 28aTS-4 CALET地上運用システム : WCOCの役割と準備状況(28aTS 高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    浅岡 陽一, 鳥居 祥二, 小澤 俊介, 笠原 克昌, 神尾 泰樹, 下村 健太, 仁井田 多絵, MOTZ Holger, 力石 和樹, 田村 忠久, 上野 史郎, 清水 雄輝, 冨田 洋, 赤池 陽水, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2014年03月

  • 29pTL-6 LHCにおける宇宙線相互作用検証実験LHCf : 全体報告(2014年春)(29pTL 高・超高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    さこ 隆志, 伊藤 好孝, 川出 健太郎, 牧野 友耶, 増田 公明, 松原 豊, 松林 恵理, 村木 綏, 杉浦 佑樹, 周 啓東, 毛受 弘彰, 櫻井 信之, 吉田 健二, 笠原 克昌, 清水 雄輝, 鈴木 拓也, 鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, Haguenauer M., Turner W. C., Adriani O., Bonechi L., Bongi M., D'Alessandro R., Delprete M., Grandi M., 三塚 岳, Papini P., Ricciarini S., Castellini G., Tricomi A., Velasco J., Faus A., Perrot A.-L.

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2014年03月

  • 28aTS-2 CALET's Potential to Identify the Origin of the Cosmic Ray Positron Excess

    Motz Holger, Bhattacharyya Saptashwa, Torii Shoji, Niita Tae, Asaoka Yoichi, Akaike Yosui

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2014年03月

  • 22pSP-8 CERN-SPS重粒子照射によるCALET電荷検出装置の性能テスト(高エネルギー宇宙線(CALET・BESS),宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    小澤 俊介, 赤池 陽水, 植山 良貴, 笠原 克昌, 金子 翔伍, 齋藤 優, 田村 忠久, 鳥居 祥二, 村田 彬, 仁井田 多絵

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2013年08月

  • 22pSP-4 Expected Sensitivity of CALET to Dark Matter Annihilation

    Motz Holger, Torii Shoji, Niita Tae, Asaoka Yoichi, Akaike Yosui, the CALET collaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2013年08月

  • 22pSP-10 CALETガンマ線バーストモニター開発の現状報告(高エネルギー宇宙線(CALET・BESS),宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    川久保 雄太, 中平 聡志, 冨田 洋, 上野 史郎, 中川 友進, 森国 城, 鳥居 祥二, CALETチーム, 井上 亮太, 寺澤 俊介, 瀬沼 一真, 藤岡 里英, 高橋 一郎, 坂本 貴紀, 吉田 篤正, 山岡 和貴

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人 日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2013年

  • 13pSN-1 LHCにおける宇宙線相互作用検証実験LHCf : 全体報告(2012年秋)(13pSN 高・超高エネルギー宇宙線(LHCf・Ashra),宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    〓 隆志, 磯 利弘, 伊藤 好孝, 川出 健太郎, 牧野 友耶, 増田 公明, 松原 豊, 松林 恵理, 三塚 岳, 村木 綏, 毛受 弘彰, 笠原 克昌, 鈴木 拓也, 鳥居 祥二, 清水 雄輝, 田村 忠久, 吉田 健二, Haguenauer M., Turner W.C., Adriani O., Bonechi L., Bongi M., D'Alessandro R., Papini P., Ricciarini S., Castellini G., Noda K., Tricomi A., Velasco J., Faus A., Perrot A.-L.

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2012年08月

  • チベット空気シャワーアレイで観測された太陽の影による太陽磁場構造の研究 1

    正川友朗, 雨森道紘, 陳鼎, 日比野欣也, 堀田直巳, 稲葉智基, 石崎章雅, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 川田和正, 菊地拓郎, 小財正義, 水谷興平, 元山達朗, 宗像一起, 中野義丈, 中尾優太, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田道徳, 佐古崇志, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 白井達也, 宍戸清哉, 杉本久彦, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治


    発表年月: 2012年03月

  • チベット空気シャワーアレイで観測された太陽の影による太陽磁場構造の研究 2

    川田和正, 雨森道紘, 陳鼎, 日比野欣也, 堀田直巳, 稲葉智基, 石崎章雅, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 菊地拓郎, 小財正義, 正川友朗, 水谷興平, 元山達朗, 宗像一起, 中野義丈, 中尾優太, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 白井達也, 宍戸清哉, 杉本久彦, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 山本嘉昭


    発表年月: 2012年03月

  • チベット空気シャワー検出器による高エネルギー宇宙線異方性の研究

    佐古崇志, 雨森道紘, 陳鼎, 日比野欣也, 堀田直巳, 稲葉智基, 石崎章雅, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 川田和正, 菊地拓郎, 小財正義, 正川友朗, 水谷興平, 元山達朗, 宗像一起, 中野義丈, 中尾優太, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 柴田槇雄, 塩見昌司, 白井達也, 宍戸清哉, 杉本久彦, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 山本嘉昭

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2011年08月

  • チベット空気シャワー検出器による高エネルギー宇宙線異方性の研究

    佐古崇志, 雨森道紘, 浅井孝行, 陳鼎, 郷昌樹, 日比野欣也, 堀田直巳, 稲葉智基, 井上大輔, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 川田和正, 小財正義, 正川友朗, 水谷興平, 元山達朗, 宗像一起, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 塩見昌司, 柴田槇雄, 白井達也, 宗田天志, 杉本久彦, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 山本嘉昭, 安江新一

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • チベット水チェレンコフミューオン観測装置15:建設報告

    吉越功一, 雨森道紘, 浅井孝行, 陳鼎, 郷昌樹, 日比野欣也, 堀田直巳, 稲葉智基, 井上大輔, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 川田和正, 小財正義, 正川友朗, 水谷興平, 元山達朗, 宗像一起, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 塩見昌司, 柴田槇雄, 白井達也, 杉本久彦, 宗田天志, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 山本嘉昭

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2010年08月

  • チベット空気シャワー観測装置の観測データモニタリングシステムの開発

    井上大輔, 雨森道紘, 浅井孝行, 陳鼎, 郷昌樹, 日比野欣也, 堀田直巳, 稲葉智基, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 川田和正, 小財正義, 正川友朗, 水谷興平, 元山達朗, 宗像一起, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 塩見昌司, 柴田槇雄, 白井達也, 杉本久彦, 宗田天志, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 山本嘉昭, 安江新一

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2010年08月

  • チベット空気シャワー観測装置によるTeV領域でのFermi/LATガンマ線放射天体の探索

    宗田天志, 雨森道紘, 浅井孝行, 陳鼎, 郷昌樹, 日比野欣也, 堀田直巳, 稲葉智基, 井上大輔, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 川田和正, 小財正義, 正川友朗, 水谷興平, 元山達朗, 宗像一起, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 塩見昌司, 柴田槇雄, 白井達也, 杉本久彦, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治, 山本嘉昭, 安江新一

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2010年08月

  • 11aSH-2 CALET-GBM開発報告(11aSH 高・超高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    水島 翼, 冨田 洋, 鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, CALETチーム, 吉田 篤正, 山岡 和貴, 中平 聡志, 大山 拓也, 綱島 浩介, 野中 雄気, 坂内 容子, 中川 友進

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人 日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • SELENE2ローバー搭載用中性子・ガンマ線分光計 I

    長谷部信行, 鳥居祥二, 片岡淳, 唐牛譲, 山下直之, 武田侑子, 長岡央, 森田幹雄, 小林進悟, 晴山慎, 三谷烈史, 高島健, 飯島祐一, 小林正規, 荒井朋子, D’USTON Claude, KIM Kyeong Ja, BRUECKNER Johannes


    発表年月: 2009年09月

  • チベット水チェレンコフミューオン観測装置 13 水圧・水温測定システムの開発

    井上大輔, 雨森道紘, 陳鼎, 伏下哲, 日比野欣也, 廣光佑亮, 堀田直巳, 黄晶, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 川田和正, 宮原裕之, 水谷興平, 宗像一起, 永井明, 長井雄一郎, 中村梨香, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 大内達美, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 塩見昌司, 柴田槇雄, 白井達也, 杉本久彦, 杉山賢視, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2009年03月

  • 29pSC-7 ATIC/PPB-BETSで観測された300-800GeV領域での宇宙線電子成分の過剰(29pSC 高・超高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    烏居 祥二, 吉田 健二, 田村 忠久

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2009年03月

  • 29pSC-12 CALET開発報告38 : ガンマ線バーストモニタの開発と観測性能(29pSC 高・超高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    中平 聡志, CALETチーム, 吉田 篤正, 山岡 和貴, 小谷 太郎, 鈴木 圭, 大山 拓也, 中川 友進, 冨田 洋, 鳥居 祥二

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人 日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2009年

  • SELENE2ローバ搭載用ガンマ線・中性子分光計

    森田幹雄, 長谷部信行, 鳥居祥二, 片岡淳, 唐牛譲, 早津佳那子, 武田侑子, 長岡央, 三谷烈史, 小林進悟, 晴山慎, 飯島祐一, 高島健, 小林正規, 荒井朋子, D’USTON C, GASNAULT O, 山下直之, KIM K. J, DOHM J. M


    発表年月: 2009年

  • SELENE2ローバー搭載用中性子・ガンマ線分光計

    長谷部信行, 鳥居祥二, 片岡淳, 唐牛譲, 山下直之, 武田侑子, 森田幹雄, 小林進悟, 晴山慎, 三谷烈史, 高島健, 小林正規, 荒井朋子, D’USTON Claude, KIM Kyeong Ja, BRUECKNER Johannes


    発表年月: 2009年

  • チベット空気シャワーアレイによる超新星残骸G40.5‐0.5からのTeV領域宇宙ガンマ線の観測

    長井雄一郎, 雨森道紘, 陳鼎, 伏下哲, 日比野欣也, 廣光佑亮, 堀田直巳, 黄晶, 井上大輔, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 川田和正, 宮原裕之, 水谷興平, 宗像一起, 永井明, 中村梨香, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 大内達美, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 塩見昌司, 柴田槇雄, 白井達也, 杉本久彦, 杉山賢視, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2008年08月

  • チベット水チェレンコフミューオン観測装置 10:計画概要とシミュレーション

    佐古崇志, 雨森道紘, 陳鼎, 伏下哲, 日比野欣也, 廣光佑亮, 堀田直巳, 黄晶, 井上大輔, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 川田和正, 宮原裕之, 水谷興平, 宗像一起, 永井明, 長井雄一郎, 中村梨香, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 大内達美, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 塩見昌司, 柴田槇雄, 白井達也, 杉本久彦, 杉山賢視, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2008年08月

  • チベット水チェレンコフミューオン観測装置 12:プロトタイプ検出器を用いたガンマ線の探索

    川田和正, 雨森道紘, 陳鼎, 伏下哲, 日野比欣也, 廣光佑亮, 堀田直巳, 黄晶, 井上大輔, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 宮原裕之, 水谷興平, 宗像一起, 永井明, 長井雄一郎, 中村梨香, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 大西宗博, 太田周, 大内達美, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 塩見昌司, 柴田槇雄, 白井達也, 杉本久彦, 杉山賢視, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2008年08月

  • チベット水チェレンコフミューオン観測装置 11:プロトタイプ検出器を用いた空気シャワー解析

    大西宗博, 雨森道紘, 陳鼎, 伏下哲, 日比野欣也, 廣光佑亮, 堀田直巳, 黄晶, 井上大輔, 梶野文義, 笠原克昌, 片寄祐作, 加藤千尋, 川田和正, 宮原裕之, 水谷興平, 宗像一起, 永井明, 長井雄一郎, 中村梨香, 南條宏肇, 西澤正己, 太田周, 大内達美, 小澤俊介, 齋藤隆之, 齋藤敏治, 坂田通徳, 佐古崇志, 塩見昌司, 柴田槇雄, 白井達也, 杉本久彦, 杉山賢視, 瀧田正人, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 土屋晴文, 有働慈治

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2008年08月

  • 22aSH-1 CALET開発報告28 : 全吸収カロリメータの大ダイナミックレンジSi PIN-PD読み出しシステムの開発(22aSH 高・超高エネルギー,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    片寄 祐作, 柴田 槇雄, 鳥居 祥二, 村上 浩之, 有働 慈治, 小澤 俊介, 田村 忠久, 吉田 健二, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2008年08月

  • 22aSH-5 CALET開発報告32 : シミュレーション計算による原子核成分観測性能の評価(22aSH 高・超高エネルギー,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    平 晃一, 笠原 克昌, 鳥居 祥二, 小澤 俊介, 有働 慈治, 赤池 陽水, 吉田 健二, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2008年08月

  • 23aZP-5 CALET開発報告27 : ガンマ線バーストモニタの開発(高・超高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    中平 聡志, 吉田 篤正, 山岡 和貴, 中川 友進, 杉田 聡司, 冨田 洋, 鳥居 祥二, CALETチーム

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2008年02月

  • 22aSH-3 CALET開発報告30 : ガンマ線バーストモニタの開発(22aSH 高・超高エネルギー,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    鈴木 圭, CALETチーム, 吉田 篤正, 山岡 和貴, 杉田 聡司, 中平 聡志, 大山 拓也, 土土田 亨彬, 鳥居 祥二, 富田 洋

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人 日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • 21pZJ-7 Tibet空気シャワーアレイによるTeV領域のγ線起源空気シャワーのエネルギー決定(21pZJ 高エネルギーγ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    柴田 槇雄, 雨森 道紘, 陳 鼎, 伏下 哲, 日比野 欣也, 平野 真也, 堀田 直巳, 黄 晶, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 片寄 祐作, 加藤 千尋, 川田 和正, 木村 圭太, 松本 矩尚, 宮原 裕之, 水谷 興平, 宗像 一起, 永井 明, 長井 雄一郎, 中村 梨香, 中村 俊彦, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大西 宗博, 太田 周, 大沼 宙系, 大川原 幹雄, 大内 達美, 小澤 俊介, 齋藤 隆之, 齋藤 敏治, 坂田 通徳, 佐古 崇志, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 杉山 賢視, 瀧田 正人, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 土屋 晴文, 有働 慈治, Wang Xiao, 山本 嘉昭, 閻 志涛, 安江 新一

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2007年08月

  • 26pSA-5 宇宙線中の超重核観測計画5 : 高性能固体飛跡検出器の開発現状2(26pSA 高・超高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    中村 正吾, 尾崎 雄一, 亀井 拓也, 太田 周也, 小平 聡, 桜井 邦朋, 佐藤 匡, 清水 雄輝, 鷹野 正利, 道家 忠義, 鳥居 祥二, 長谷部 信行, 宮地 孝, 宮島 光弘, 小倉 紘一, 渋谷 寛, 俵 裕子, 安田 仲宏

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2007年02月

  • 26pSA-4 宇宙線中の超重核観測計画4 : 高性能固体飛跡検出器の開発現状1(26pSA 高・超高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    小平 聡, 太田 周也, 佐藤 匡, 桜井 邦朋, 清水 雄輝, 鷹野 正利, 道家 忠義, 鳥居 祥二, 長谷部 信行, 晴山 慎, 宮島 光弘, 宮地 孝, 尾崎 雄一, 亀井 拓也, 中村 正吾, 安田 仲宏, 俵 裕子, 小倉 紘一, 渋谷 寛

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2007年02月

  • 26pSA-3 宇宙線中の超重核観測計画3 : 観測の概要(26pSA 高・超高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    晴山 慎, 太田 周也, 小平 聡, 桜井 邦朋, 佐藤 匡, 清水 雄輝, 鷹野 正利, 道家 忠義, 鳥居 祥二, 長谷部 信行, 宮島 光弘, 宮地 孝, 尾崎 雄一, 亀井 拓也, 中村 正吾, 安田 仲宏, 俵 裕子, 小倉 紘一, 渋谷 寛

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2007年02月

  • 26pSA-1 宇宙線中の超重核観測計画 : 観測意義と目標(26pSA 高・超高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)

    長谷部 信行, 太田 周也, 小平 聡, 桜井 邦朋, 佐藤 匡, 清水 雄輝, 鷹野 正利, 道家 忠義, 鳥居 祥二, 晴山 慎, 宮島 光弘, 宮地 孝, 尾崎 雄一, 亀井 拓也, 中村 正吾, 安田 仲宏, 俵 裕子, 小倉 紘一, 渋谷 寛

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2007年02月

  • CALETの開発(5)電子・ガンマ線観測と暗黒物質探索

    吉田 健二, 鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久

    宇宙科学シンポジウム   宇宙科学研究所  

    発表年月: 2005年01月

  • 27pSE-5 Sidereal anisotropy of 10 TeV cosmic-ray intensity observed by the Tibet III air shower array

    宗像 一起, 雨森 道紘, 綾部 俊二, 日比野 欣也, 堀田 直己, 黄 晶, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 片寄 祐作, 加藤 千尋, 河辺 れいり, 川田 和正, 木村 圭太, 水谷 興平, 永井 明, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大西 宗博, 太田 周, 大沼 宙系, 大内 達美, 斎藤 隆之, 齋藤 敏治, 阪根 宏彰, 坂田 通徳, 佐々木 孝雄, 薩美 和幸, 柴田 槇雄, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 高瀬 大輔, 瀧田 正人, 田中 英希, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 土屋 晴文, 宇津木 敏人, Wang Xiao, 山本 嘉昭, 安江 新一, 吉田 花菜子, 湯田 利典, Tibet ASγグループ

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2004年08月

  • 29pSF-1 気球による宇宙線観測(主題 : 気球による宇宙線観測の成果と展望 : 極地実験を中心に, 宇宙線)

    鳥居 祥二

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2004年08月

  • 27aZK-3 CALET開発報告3 : 2003年CERNビーム実験 解析(宇宙物理)(宇宙線)

    井上 武, 片寄 祐作, 柴田 槇雄, 田村 忠久, 鳥居 祥二

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2004年03月

  • 26pXD-6 宇宙ステーションにおける電子、ガンマ線観測計画

    鳥居 祥二

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2002年03月

  • 27pXB-10 PPB-BETSのCERN-SPSによる性能テスト

    鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, 吉田 健二, 立山 暢人, 西村 純, 山上 隆正, 斉藤 芳隆, 笠原 克昌, 小河 哲之, 藤井 森, 村上 浩之, 小林 正, 片寄 祐作, 古森 良志子, 湯田 利典

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2002年03月

  • 27pXB-12 第2フェルミ加速による宇宙線電子スペクトルの変化

    古森 良志子, 鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, 吉田 健二, 小林 正, 山上 隆正, 西村 純

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2002年03月

  • 宇宙ステーションにおけるCALET計画 (第2回宇宙科学シンポジウム)

    鳥居 祥二, 立山 暢人, 柏木 利介

    宇宙科学シンポジウム   宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部  

    発表年月: 2001年11月

  • 30aSD-3 宇宙線観測のためのシンチレーションファイバーの特性

    大内 達美, 田村 忠久, 鳥居 祥二, 笠原 克昌

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2001年03月

  • 29pSD-14 Tibet High Density arrayデータによる未知のTeVγ線天体の探索II

    高島 美弥子, 大西 宗博, 雨森 道紘, 綾部 俊二, 日比野 欣也, 堀田 直己, 平澤 拓也, 黄 晶, 伊津 耕平, 石川 弘, 磯田 彰, 梶野 文義, 門並 裕子, 小林 洋文, 笠原 克昌, 片寄 祐作, 川田 和正, 水谷 興平, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大浦 弘之, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 小澤 俊介, 齋藤 敏治, 坂田 通徳, 柴田 槇雄, 佐々木 孝雄, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 有働 繁治, 杉山 光, 平良 邦夫, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 角田 圭子, 宇津木 敏人, 許 賢武, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 利典

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2001年03月

  • スペースステーションにおける電子・ガンマ線観測

    鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, 立山 暢人

    宇宙科学シンポジウム   宇宙科学研究所  

    発表年月: 2001年01月

  • 23aTG-12 シミュレーションによる南極周回気球搭載用電子観測装置(Polar BETS)の開発

    吉田 健二, 大内 達美, 田村 忠久, 鳥居 祥二, 日比野 欣也, 笠原 克昌, 山上 隆正, 村上 浩之

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2000年09月

  • 23aTG-10 宇宙用イメージ・インテンシファイヤー振動試験結果報告

    大内 達美, 鳥居 祥二, 立山 暢人, 田村 忠久, 吉田 健二, 山上 隆正, 村上 浩之, 笠原 克昌, 遠藤 哲朗

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2000年09月

  • 23aTG-8 BETSによるバルーン高度でのガンマ線フラックスの観測'99、2000年

    望月 永子, 笠原 克昌, 鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, 立山 暢人, 吉田 健二, 大内 達美, 西村 純, 山上 隆正, 斎藤 芳隆, 村上 浩之, 小林 正, 湯田 利典, 本田 守広, 古森 良志子, 緑川 章一

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2000年09月

  • 25pTG-3 TibetII-High Densityアレイによる未知のTeVγ線天体の探索

    高島 美弥子, 大西 宗博, 雨森 道紘, 綾部 俊二, 日比野 欣也, 堀田 直己, 黄 晶, 伊津 耕平, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 片寄 祐作, 川田 和正, 水谷 興平, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 小澤 俊介, 齋藤 敏治, 坂田 通徳, 柴田 槇雄, 佐々木 孝雄, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 平良 邦夫, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 宇津木 敏人, 許 賢武, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 利典

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 2000年09月

  • 24pSE-4 スペースにおける宇宙線観測の現状と将来

    鳥居 祥二

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1999年09月

  • 31a-YE-12 Tibetにおける空気シャワーアレイとエマルションチェンバーの連動実験III

    綾部 俊二, 雨森 道紘, 日比野 欣也, 細川 尚史, 堀田 直己, 黄 晶, 稲積 清司, 井上 みさと, 石井 敦利, 岩崎 航太, 伊津 耕平, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 片寄 祐作, 川田 和正, 水谷 興平, 森本 幸司, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大久保 忍, 大西 宗博, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 小澤 俊介, 斎藤 敏治, 坂田 通徳, 佐々木 孝雄, 柴田 槇雄, 白井 達也, 菅 雄一, 杉本 久彦, 平良 邦夫, 立山 暢人, 楯山 智行, 鳥居 祥二, 宇津木 敏人, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 利典, 他The Tibet AS_γ Collaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1999年03月

  • 29a-YE-8 10^<20>eV宇宙線の到来方向からの10TeVガンマ線の有無

    川田 和正, 斎藤 敏治, 雨森 道紘, 綾部 俊二, 日比野 欣也, 堀田 直己, 細川 尚史, 穂積 清司, 井上 みさと, 石井 敦利, 伊津 耕平, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 片寄 祐作, 水谷 興平, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大西 宗博, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 大久保 忍, 小澤 俊介, 坂田 通徳, 佐々木 孝雄, 塩見 昌司, 柴田 槇雄, 白井 達也, 菅 雄一, 杉本 久彦, 平良 邦夫, 立山 暢人, 楯山 智行, 鳥居 祥二, 細川 尚史, 森本 幸司, 宇津木 敏人, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 利典, 他The Tibet ASγ Collaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1999年03月

  • 29a-YE-7 Tibet As ArrayによるCrabからのTeVガンマ線の検出

    塩見 昌司, 雨森 道紘, 綾部 俊二, 日比野 欣也, 細川 尚史, 堀田 直己, 稲積 清司, 井上 みさと, 石井 敦利, 岩崎 航太, 伊津 耕平, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 片寄 祐作, 川田 和正, 水谷 興平, 森本 幸司, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大久保 忍, 大西 宗博, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 小澤 俊介, 斎藤 敏治, 坂田 通徳, 佐々木 孝雄, 柴田 槇雄, 白井 達也, 菅 雄一, 杉本 久彦, 平良 邦夫, 立山 暢人, 楯山 智行, 鳥居 祥二, 宇津木 敏人, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 利典, 他The Tibet ASγ Collaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1999年03月

  • 31a-YX-11 チベットIIアレイによるCrab及びMrk421、 Mrk501からの超高エネルギーガンマ線の探査

    小林 智洋, 雨森 道紘, 青島 秀行, 綾部 俊二, 日比野 欣也, 本田 朋子, 堀田 直己, 居相 剛, 伊津 耕平, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 米納 盛浩, 前田 享之, 水谷 興平, 森本 幸司, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大西 宗博, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 齋藤 敏治, 坂田 通徳, 佐々木 孝雄, 柴田 槇雄, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 平良 邦夫, 田中 敦士, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 宇津木 敏人, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 俊典, 張 春生, The Tibet ASγ Collaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1997年03月

  • 31a-YX-2 気球搭載用GeV領域ガンマ線観測装置の開発

    鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, 柏木 利介, 吉田 健二, 笠原 克昌, 山上 隆正, 村上 浩之, 湯田 利典

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1997年03月

  • 29p-YX-4 BETS-2 気球実験データ解析

    吉田 健二, 西村 純, 鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, 立山 暢人, 笠原 克昌, 山上 隆正, 村上 浩之, 小林 正, 古森 良志子, 湯田 利典

    日本物理学会講演概要集   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1997年03月

  • 7a-D-6 Tibet ASγ arrayによる10TeVγ線の探索V

    雨森 道紘, Tibet ASγ Collaboration, 坂田 通徳, 青島 秀行, 綾部 俊二, 日比野 欣也, 本田 朋子, 堀田 直己, 伊津 耕平, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 小林 智洋, 米納 盛浩, 水谷 興平, 森本 幸司, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大西 宗博, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 齋藤 敏治, 佐々木 孝雄, 柴田 槇雄, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 平良 邦夫, 田中 敦士, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 宇津木 敏人, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 利典, 張 春生

    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1996年09月

  • 7a-D-7 銀河面方向からの10TeVガンマ線の探索

    本田 朋子, 雨森 道紘, 青島 秀行, 綾部 俊二, 日比野 欣也, 堀田 直己, 伊津 耕平, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 小林 智洋, 米納 盛浩, 水谷 興平, 森本 幸司, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大西 宗博, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 齋藤 敏治, 坂田 通徳, 佐々木 孝雄, 柴田 槇雄, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 平良 邦夫, 田中 敦士, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 宇津木 敏人, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 利典, 張 春生, The Tibet AS γ Collaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1996年09月

  • 7a-D-5 Tibet I Arrayのよるブラックホール蒸発現象の探査

    雨森 道紘, 青島 秀行, 綾部 俊二, 日比野 欣也, 本田 朋子, 堀田 直己, 伊津 耕平, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 小林 智洋, 米納 盛浩, 水谷 興平, 森本 幸司, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大西 宗博, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 齋藤 敏治, 坂田 通徳, 佐々木 孝雄, 柴田 槇雄, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 平良 邦夫, 田中 敦士, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 宇津木 敏人, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 利典, 張 春生, The Tibet AS γ Collaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1996年09月

  • 6a-D-12 新しいTibet空気シャワーarrayの性能

    伊津 耕平, 雨森 道紘, 青島 秀行, 綾部 俊二, 日比野 欣也, 本田 朋子, 堀田 直己, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 小林 智洋, 米納 盛浩, 水谷 興平, 森本 幸司, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大西 宗博, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 齋藤 俊治, 坂田 通徳, 柴田 槇雄, 佐々木 孝雄, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 平良 邦夫, 田中 敦士, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 利典, 張 春生, The Tibet AS γ Collaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1996年09月

  • 6a-D-11 blue LEDを用いた新型キャリブレーションシステム

    佐々木 孝雄, 雨森 道紘, 青島 秀行, 綾部 俊二, 日比野 欣也, 本田 朋子, 堀田 直己, 伊津 耕平, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 小林 智洋, 米納 盛浩, 水谷 興平, 森本 幸司, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大西 宗博, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 斎藤 俊治, 坂田 通徳, 柴田 槇雄, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 平良 邦夫, 田中 敦士, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 宇津木 敏人, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 利典, 張 春生, The Tibet AS γ Collaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1996年09月

  • 2p-WA-11 イメジーングによる高エネルギー宇宙電子観測(放射線物理,素粒子実験,原子格実験,宇宙線合同シンポジウム:放射線検出器と新しい応用)

    鳥居 祥二

    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1996年03月

  • 29a-YJ-4 シンチファイバーによる電子観測(BETS-1)解析報告II : 画像データ

    吉田 健二, 西村 純, 岩瀬 弘和, 鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, 山上 隆正, 村上 浩之, 能町 正治

    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1995年03月

  • 29p-K-5 シンチファイバーを用いた一次電子観測装置のリアルタイムモニターシステム

    吉田 健二, 西村 純, 岩瀬 弘和, 鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, 山上 隆正, 村上 裕之, 能町 正治

    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1994年09月

  • 28p-YW-2 シンチファイバーによる一次電子観測 II

    山上 隆正, 並木 道義, 西村 純, 桜井 邦朋, 笠原 克昌, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 吉田 賢二, 柏木 利介, 村上 浩之, 小林 正, 榎本 良治, 湯田 利典, 高橋 忠幸

    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1994年03月

  • 5a-D-5 シンチレーティングファイバーを用いた一次電子観測装置のCCDカメラデータ処理システム

    村上 浩也, 山上 隆正, 鳥居 祥二, 西村 純, 内山 貞幸, 森 国城

    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1993年09月

  • 1a-Y-4 Scintillating Fiberを用いた一次電子観測装置の開発

    鳥居 祥二

    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会   一般社団法人日本物理学会  

    発表年月: 1993年03月




  • CALET長期観測による銀河宇宙線の起源解明と暗黒物質探索

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    鳥居 祥二, 森 正樹, 田村 忠久


    本研究で実施しているISS日本実験棟「きぼう」に搭載したCALorimetric Electron Telescope(CALET)による高エネルギー宇宙線の観測は、2015年10月から約5.5年に亘って極めて順調に実施されている。JAXAと連携した軌道上観測の常時モニタリングを行って観測運用の最適化を図ることにより、効率的かつ安定的な観測が実現されている。その結果、主要な観測モードである高エネルギートリガーによる観測イベント数はすでに約13億イベントに達しており、(1) 1 GeV-10 TeV領域の電子、(2) 10 GeV-数100 TeV領域の陽子・原子核、(3)1GeV-1 TeV領域のガンマ線、の観測が達成されている。
    それらの観測結果の内で、電子観測ではすでに10 GeV-4.8 TeVのエネルギースペクトルの観測結果をPRL(2017、2018)において発表し、本研究の主要課題である近傍加速源の探索に不可欠な、TeV領域での観測について論文作成を準備している。陽子・原子核観測では、50 GeV-10 TeVにおける陽子のエネルギースペクトルの観測において、数100 GeV領域でのスペクトルの硬化を単一の観測装置により最高精度で検出し、PRL(2019)でEditor's Suggestionとして発表している。加えて、2020年度には、主要な一次核である炭素、酸素の10 GeV/n-2.2 TeV/nのエネルギースペクトルの観測結果をPRL(2020)において発表し、陽子と符合するスペクトルの硬化の検出に成功している。ガンマ線観測では、拡散成分や高輝度天体の観測に加えて、LIGO/Virgo-03ランでの重力波観測との連携による電磁波成分の観測結果の速報(GCNなど) を継続的に実施している。これらの最新の成果は、国際会議、日本物理学会等で適宜に発表している。

  • 高精度直接観測で探る高エネルギー宇宙線の加速と伝播

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(S))




  • 高精度直接観測による高エネルギー電子・陽電子生成源の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))




  • 宇宙線観測装置CALETの地上検証モデルを用いたCERN加速器での較正実験

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))




  • 観測と技術を融合した先端的宇宙科学研究

    文部科学省、学校法人早稲田大学  私立大学戦略的研究基盤形成支援事業(研究拠点形成)



    鳥居 祥二

  • CERN LHCf実験の解析深化と最高エネルギーへの新展開

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))




  • 高エネルギー宇宙電子線観測による近傍加速源・暗黒物質の探索

    日本学術振興会(早稲田大学)  二国間交流事業(中国)



    鳥居 祥二

  • 高エネルギー電子・陽電子観測による暗黒物質・近傍加速源の探索

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(S))




  • 最先端宇宙科学観測による新たな宇宙像の探究

    学校法人早稲田大学  重点領域研究費



    鳥居 祥二

  • CERN-SPS加速器による宇宙線電子・ガンマ線観測装置の較正実験

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))






  • CERN LHCf実験遂行と超高エネルギー核相互作用モデルの選別

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))





    LHCf実験はCERN LHC加速器を用いて,超高エネルギー宇宙線(UHECR)に匹敵するエネルギー領域で超前方に発生する粒子(ガンマ線=光子,中性子)のスペクトルを観測する.これにより宇宙線実験で使われているモンテカルロ(MC)シミュレーションで用いられる核相互作用モデルの検証を行い,UHECR の謎の解明に役立てるのが目的である.
    LHCfは2009年末に450GeV+450GeV衝突,2010年に3.5TeV+3.5TeV衝突の観測に成功した.これらは実験室系換算で4.3・10^<14>eVと2.6・10^<16>eVにそれぞれ相当する.MCのモデルとしてDPMJET(v3.04),PYTHIA(v8.145),QGSJET II(v03),SIBYLL(v2.1)およびEPOS(v1.99)を検証した.この全く未知の領域でのスペクトルは予想から全く外れている訳ではなかったものの,これらのどのモデルも実験結果を満足に再現するレベルには遠いことが判明した.光子のスペクトルは多くのMC モデルよりソフトな様相を呈し,ハドロンはハードな様相を呈している.また,LHCの他の実験(ATLAS,CMSなど)の中心領域での擬ラピディティ(η)分布の結果と合わせると,全てのモデルはLHC 領域で破綻すると言ってよい.DPMJETは低エネルギー領域では非常によいモデルであるが,LHCf での光子スペクトルはデータよりかなりハードである.η分布はLHC領域で突然データからずれる.PYTHIAはLHCのη分布を再現するように調整されたものを用いたが,光子についてはDPMJET と同じ様相を呈する.

  • 暗黒物質探索のための気球搭載型電子・陽電子観測装置の開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))




  • CERN-LHCにおける高輝度ビーム実験用解像型カロリメータ検出回路の開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究)




  • 高エネルギー電子、ガンマ線の衛星観測

    日本学術振興会(早稲田大学)  二国間交流事業(中国)



    鳥居 祥二

  • 「きぼう」船外実験プラットフォーム第二期利用候補「高エネルギー電子,ガンマ線観測装置(CALET) に関する共同研究

    独立行政法人宇宙航空研究開発機構  共同研究費



    鳥居 祥二

  • 宇宙初期を探る暗黒物質検出技術の開発

    財団法人三菱財団  助成金



    鳥居 祥二

  • TeV領域シャワー測定用の解像型カロリメータの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究)



    鳥居 祥二

  • スペース実験用カロリメータでの結晶シンチレータのVLSI読み出しシステムの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(横浜国立大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))






  • 超高エネルギー宇宙線現象解明のためのCERN LHC用ガンマ線観測装置製作

    科学研究費助成事業(芝浦工業大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))





    本研究の目的は,2008年に本格稼働が期待されるCERN LHC加速器用に観測装置を製作し,超前方に発生するガンマ線,パイゼロ,中性子のエネルギースペクトル求めることにある.それにより,超高エネルギー宇宙線の大気中での振る舞いのモンテカルロ・シミュレーションに用いられる核相互作用モデルの検証を行う.このために,周到な実地調査,現地研究者との打ち合わせ,実験提案書の作成,審査委員会への出席,プロトタイプ測定器の作成,CERN SPSビームを用いた予備実験、本実験用の装置の製作とそのビームテストを行った.プロトタイプ検出器の性能テスト結果はNuclear Instrument and Method誌に投稿した.また,各種国際会議での実験計画紹介を行い,高い評価を得ている.CERNでの審査は2年半におよび,2007年夏に正式にLHCでの6番目の実験,LHCf,として認可された.これは当初より採択されていたLHCでの大型実験以外で認められた初めての実験である.製作した装置はタングステンからなる約40輻射長のカロリメータで,2cmx2cmのタワーと4cmx4cmの2つのタワーからなる.シャワーの位置決めのためにシンチレーティング・ファイバーとマルチアノードPMTを、吸収ネエルギー測定のために,プラスチックシンチレータを使用する.装置にはビーム照射中も可動にするためのマニピュレータも付けた.設置場所はIP1と呼ばれるビーム衝突点から140m離れた地点に決定した.ここは,ビームパイプが2本に別れる地点であり,衝突で発生した粒子の最前方を観測可能である。そこには,TANと呼ばれる中性粒子吸収装置が設置されが,我々の目的に適した幅9cm長さ35cmの空洞がある.装置の設置テストも2007年1月に行い,短時間で可能なことを実証した.

  • 南極周回気球による高エネルギー電子加速源の探索

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))





    南極周回気球(PPB:Polar Patrol Balloon)は2004年1月5日午前0時57分(日本時間)昭和基地において放球され、約13日間のフライトに成功した。今回のPPB-BETS実験で、10GeV以上のイベントは22000イベント、100GeV以上のイベントは5700イベントを収集した。収集したイベントの中から、シャワー軸が天頂角30度以内で検出器底面の周囲2cmより内側を通過するイベントを選別した。さらに、陽子は相対的に広がったシャワーを示すため、エネルギー集中度(シャワー軸から5mm以内の輝度の和と全体の輝度の和の比)が0.75よりも大きいイベントを選別し、陽子イベントを除去した。残ったガンマ線と電子の選別は、0r.1.でのシンチファイバーシグナルの有無により判別を行った。こうして選別を行いエネルギーを決定した電子イベントから100GeV-数100GeV領域で一次電子エネルギースペクトルを導出した。ここで有効幾何学的因子は、実際の観測および解析に用いた条件でモンテカルロ・シミュレーションを行い決定している。導出した一次電子の100GeV付近のフラックスはこれまでのBETS等の観測結果と一致しており、100GeV-数100GeV領域のフラックスも100GeV以上の領域で観測データを出しているECC、ATICの結果と・P致している。また、1QQGeV以上の高エネルギーのガンマ線が後方散乱を引き起こしてトリガーされることを利用し、電子と同時に大気ガンマ線のデータ解析も行った。ガンマ線検出効率(有効幾何学的因子)についてはモンテカルロ・シミュレーションにより評価し、100GeV-1TeV領域の大気ガンマ線エネルギースペクトルを導出することに成功した。

  • TeV領域シャワーのイメージングが可能なシンチファイバー読み出しシステムの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究)



    鳥居 祥二

  • CERN-SPSのビームを用いた飛翔体搭載用解像型カロリーメータの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))





    1.平成14年度 既存のASICとフロントエンド回路を用いて64アノード光電子増倍管8本分(512ch)のシンチファイバーの出力を、マルチプレクサーにより1台のADCで読み出すシステムを製作し、CERN-SPSで性能テストを実施した。この方式では、ノイズが大きいことや読み出し速度が遅いことなど、いくつかの欠点が確認された。
    2.平成15年度 低ノイズでダイナミックレンジの広いASICの開発とともに、読み出し速度の高速化などを目的としてフロントエンド回路を新規に開発した。この回路では、基板上に16bitADCを実装して、32chごとに読み出すことにより大幅な高速化が可能となり、またFPGAを用いることにより汎用的な論理回路の構成が可能となった。さらに、VMEシステムによるデータ取得のための専用インターフェースの開発も行い、ビームテストにより、1kHzの速さで1000MIPs以上のダイナミックレンジを持つシンチファイバーの読み出しシステムが、低消費電力で実現できていることを検証した。
    3.平成16年度 前年度の検出器に改良を加え、世界最高のエネルギー(陽子350GeV,電子250GeV)での照射実験を実施し、シャワーの同定、検出に十分な性能を備え、軽量、小型、低消費電力といった飛翔体搭載条件を満たしたシステムが開発できたことが確認された。

  • 南極周回気球による高エネルギー大気ガンマ線の観測

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究)




  • 宇宙ステーション搭載用全吸収型カロリメータの基礎開発

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))






  • 高エネルギー電子、ガンマ線観測装置(CALET)の概念設計

    財団法人日本宇宙フォーラム  公募地上研究委託研究費




  • 高エネルギー宇宙電子、ガンマ線の観測的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    鳥居 祥二, CHANG Jin, 常 進


    神奈川大学では財団法人日本宇宙フォーラムの委託研究として、宇宙開発事業団、宇宙科学研究所等と共同で、宇宙ステーションにおける電子、ガンマ線観測を目指した装置開発(地上研究)を実施している。この研究では、装置概念設計に不可欠な最適化のためのシミュレーション計算を行い、観測上の制約条件をクリアーした上で、CALETの設計をほぼ完成することができた。さらに、2003年の8月から9月にかけて、CALETプロトタイプのビーム実験をCERNで行い、基本的性能の確認を行った。これらの成果は、ICRC03や2003年11月のSpacePart03(Washington)で鳥居が発表し、ProceedingsとしてNuclear Physicsに掲載が決まっている。

  • 南極周回気球による高エネルギー一次電子線観測

    国立極地研究所  南極地域観測第V期5カ年計画第2次PPB実験計画




  • 大気ニュートリノフラックス決定のための大気ガンマ線強度の高度変化の測定

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究(A))




  • シンチファイバー検出器を用いた高エネルギー電子、ガンマ線の観測

    財団法人日本宇宙フォーラム  公募地上研究委託研究費



  • チベットにおける高エネルギー宇宙粒子の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(国際学術研究)






  • TeV領域宇宙電子のNASAとの共同観測

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(国際学術研究)






  • 大気ガンマ線の観測による大気ニュートリノ・フラックスの絶対強度の決定

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))






  • CERNの高エネルギー電子ビームを用いた宇宙線観測装置の開発研究

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(国際学術研究)




  • CERN-SPSの陽子ビームを用いた宇宙線観測装置の研究開発

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(国際学術研究)





    平成8年度の電子ビームによるテストによって、電子に対する観測性能は明らかになったが、実際の観測では雑音となる陽子成分の除去性能を調べるのが今回の実験の目的である。このため、観測とほぼ同じエネルギー領域(30GeV〜250GeV)の陽子ビームを照射してテストを行なった。ビームテストはCERNのWest AreaにあるT1/X5のテストビームラインを用いて、9月9日から9月17日の9日間行なった。実験の実施にあたっては、特に250GeVの陽子のために2次ビームの利用が認められたほか、装置を載せる移動式架台や装置の搬入、移動作業にもCERN側の全面的協力がえられスケジュール通りの実験が行なわれた。

  • シンチ・ファイバー検出器による一次電子の長時間気球観測

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)




  • イメージ・インテンシファイヤーの宇宙環境下における実用化研究

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))




  • 気球によるGeV領域ガンマ線観測

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))






  • チベット高地における高エネルギー宇宙線の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(国際学術研究)




  • "Knee"エネルギー領域における一次宇宙線の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))




  • 超新星起源の高エネルギー電子成分の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(A))





    我々がこの研究費で開発を行なったシンチファイバー(SciFi)を用いた電子観測装置(BETS:Balloon Borne Electron Telescope with Scintillating Fibers)は、ほぼ期待どおりの性能を達成しており、気球実験により10GeV-100GeVの電子エネルギースペクトルの観測に成功している。そして、拡散モデルにもとずく計算結果との比較により、超新星起源の電子の加速と伝播に関する知見を得ている。この装置は、従来の装置では困難なTeV領域での観測を数年間にわたって行なう能力を持っており、今後はスペースでの観測を目指している。各年度毎の研究成果は以下に示すとおりである。

  • チベット高地における超高エネルギー宇宙線の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(国際学術研究)




  • チベット高地における超高エネルギー宇宙線の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(国際学術研究)




  • チベット高地における超高エネルギー宇宙線の観測

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(国際学術研究)






  • 原子核乾板による一次宇宙線中の反陽子の観測

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))




  • 10^<15>eV領域の宇宙線到来方向精密決定装置の開発

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(B))





    61年度建設の装置を62年度に改良し, 最終的に次のような空気シャワー観測装置を用いてテスト実験をした. 16台の高速タイミング用検出器を15m間隔で4×4のマトリックス状に配置した. 検出器は500×500×35のプラスチックシンチレータと高速光電子増倍管(PMT)をステンレス製の箱におさめたものである. 時間精度の向上のため箱の内部は白エナメル塗装とし, シンチレータ上部には0.5cm厚の鉛板を置いて高エネルギーγ線の電子対への変換を行った. データ取得にはマイクロコンピュータを使い, CAMACシステムを用いた. データは約1HZで光ディスクに記録した. タイミング用以外に8台の検出器も電子数計数用として中心部と外周部に配置した.
    我々の目的である, 1) 装置の長期安定性(特に屋外での風雪対策), 2) 1°以内の到来角決定精度の保証, は全て満されることが実証された. 2)に関しては, 到来角決定精度を具体的に評価し, 精度がシャワーの大きさ, 装置の台数, 時間精度に対してどのように依存するかを明らかにした. 現システムでの精度は, △Q〜0.7°(10^<15>eVの宇宙線に対して50%が△Q以内に入る)である. シンチレータの数を増すこととシンチレータの発光量および立上り時間を改良することで, 10^<14>eV台に対して△Q〜1°以内, 10^<15>eVに対しては△Q〜0.3°以内が実現できると考えられる. これによりチベット高原羊八井(4300m)での大規模システム展開のための完全な基礎が得られ, 信頼のおける10^<15>eV領域のガンマ線天文学が実現できると結論した.

  • チベット高原カンパラ山宇宙線に関する調査

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(海外学術研究)




  • 原子核乾板による一次宇宙線中の反陽子観測

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(B))




  • マイコンと大型計算機の連結による機能的 EC データ処理システムの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(神奈川大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))



    鳥居 祥二



  • Observation program of isotope composition in the ultra heavy cosmic rays

    N. Hasebe, M. Hareyama, S. Kodaira, K. Sakurai, N. Yamashita, T. Miyachi, O. Okudaira, M. Takano, S. Torii, T. Doke, K. Ogura, N. Yasuda, Y. Uchihori, H. Tawara, S. Nakamura, T. Shibata, T. Yanagimachi, S. Wanajo

    Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications - Proceedings of the 9th Conference     223 - 228  2020年12月


    The observational study of isotopic composition of ultra-heavy cosmic rays (UH-CRs) is the next important step after the ACE measurement of light isotopes, since no data has been available for both elemental and isotopic abundances in these cosmic rays. These abundances provide the clue for neutron capture nucleosynthesis, which is an essential for understanding the origin of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs). Long-duration-superpressure balloon over Antarctica capable of carrying large scientific payloads for a long period is under planning. A Large Isotope Spectrometer Array (LISA) made of solid-state track detectors (SSTD) will make the first measurement of the elemental and isotopic composition of GCRs for Z &gt; 30 in the energy above 100 MeV/n.

  • The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the International Space Station

    Yoichi Asaoka, S.Torii

    Proceedings of 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2019)    2019年07月


  • Solar Modulation of Galactic Cosmic-Ray Electrons Measured with CALET

    S. Miyake, Y. Migita, Y. Asaoka, Y. Akaike, S. Torii, T. Terasawa, R. Kataoka, K. Sakai

    Proceedings of Science (ICRC2019)   358   1126  2019年07月

  • The LHCf experiment: Recent physics results

    E. Berti, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, R. D'Alessandro, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, K. Ohashi, P. Papini, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, K. Sato, M. Shinoda, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, M. Ueno, Q. D. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science   340  2019年


    The main aim of the LHCf experiment is to provide precise measurements of the production spectra relative to neutral particles produced in the very forward region by high energy protonproton and proton-ion collisions. This information is necessary in order to test and tune hadronic interaction models used by ground-based cosmic rays experiments. In order to reach this goal, LHCf makes use of two small sampling calorimeters installed in the LHC tunnel at ±140 m from IP1, able to detect neutral particles having pseudo-rapidity η > 8:4. After the operations relative to p-p collisions at √s = 13 TeV, the collaboration focused the activity on the study of forward photons and neutrons production at this energy. In this paper, we discuss the recent results relative to the photons analysis, regarding, in particular, the inclusive production cross section, the role of diffractive and non-diffractive processes in forward photons production (investigated thanks to the LHCf-ATLAS joint analysis) and the forward differential energy flow.

  • 100 TeV gamma-ray observation of the crab Nebula with the Tibet air shower array

    M. Amenomori, Y. W. Bao, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, Xu Chen, Y. Chen, Cirennima, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, J. H. Fang, K. Fang, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Qi Gao, Q. B. Gou, Y. Y. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, H. B. Jin, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, S. Kato, K. Kawata, W. Kihara, Y. Ko, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, Y. H. Lin, B. Liu, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, W. Liu, Y. Q. Lou, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, H. Mitsui, K. Munakata, H. Nakada, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, T. Ohura, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, Y. Sengoku, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, H. Sugimoto, W. Takano, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, K. Yagisawa, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, Y. Yokoe, A. F. Yuan, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, S. P. Zhao, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science   358  2019年


    The Tibet air shower (AS) array and underground water-Cherenkov-type muon detector (MD) array have been successfully operated since 2014, at an altitude of 4,300 m in Tibet, China. we observed 24 gamma-ray events with energy greater than 100 TeV against 5.5 background events, which corresponds to 5.6s statistical significance [1]. The highest energy of the detected gamma rays is estimated to be 450 TeV. This is the first detection of gamma rays beyond 100 TeV from an astrophysical source, and a pioneering work opening a new higher energy window in the astronomy and astrophysics.

  • Extended measurement of cosmic-ray electron and positron spectrum from CALet on the ISS

    Shoji Torii, Yoichi Asaoka

    Proceedings of Science   358  2019年


    The CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope), launched to the International Space Station (ISS) on August 19, 2015 and accumulating scientific data since October 13, 2015, is an all-calorimetric instrument with total vertical thickness of 30 radiation lengths and fine imaging capability, optimized for a measurement of the electron and positron (all-electron) spectrum well into the TeV energy region. CALET will allow for the detailed search for various spectral structures of high-energy all-electron cosmic rays, perhaps providing the first experimental evidence of the presence of a nearby astrophysical cosmic-ray source. All-electron spectrum analysis starts with detailed detector calibrations covering from detector alignment to energy determination, followed by electron event selection and flux normalization. Special care was taken to identify electrons in the presence of a large hadron background. Possible source of systematic errors are carefully surveyed, and associated uncertainties are estimated for each contribution. As a result, all-electron spectrum is obtained including the TeV energy range. In this contribution, we will present the all-electron spectrum measured by CALET and compare it with those obtained by other experiments.

  • CALETによる国際宇宙ステーションにおける宇宙線直接観測


    RADIOISOTOPES (Web)   68 ( 12 )  2019年


  • ISS搭載カロリメータ型宇宙電子望遠鏡CALETの初期観測成果


    ISASニュース   ( 444 )  2018年


  • The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the ISS: Preliminary results from on-orbit observations since October, 2015

    Shoji Torii, for, the CALET Collaboration

    Proceedings of Science (ICRC2017)    2017年07月


  • The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the ISS

    Shoji Torii, for, the CALET Collaboration

    Preliminary results from on-orbit observations since October, 2015; Proceedings of Science (ICRC2017)   (ICRC2017)  2017年07月

  • RHIC forward experiment to study √ s dependence of forward particle production

    T. Sako, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, R. D'Alessandro, Y. Goto, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, M. Kim, Y. Makino, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, I. Nakagawa, J. Park, N. Sakurai, K. Sato, R. Seidl, M. Shinoda, T. Suzuki, K. Tanida, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, M. Ueno, Q. D. Zhou

    EPJ Web of Conferences   145  2017年06月  [査読有り]


    The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider forward experiment is ready to take data in the RHIC Run2017 √ s = 510 GeV p-p collisions using the LHCf Arm1 detector. New accelerator data are valuable to verify the Feynman scaling of FX1 production and to study the evolution of the break of scaling in neutron production. Using the transversely polarized proton beam, asymmetric production of forward neutrons is precisely measured. That is useful to understand the fundamental meson exchange in the proton-proton collisions.


  • Interplanetary coronal mass ejection and the sun's Shadow Observed by the Tibet Air Shower Array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, T. Miyazaki, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, T. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, T. Niwa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamauchi, Z. Yang, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science    2017年


    We continuously observed the Sun's shadow in 3 TeV cosmic-ray intensity with the Tibet-III air shower array since 2000. We find a clear solar-cycle variation of the deficit intensity in the Sun's shadow during the periods between 2000 and 2009. The MC simulation of the Sun's shadow based on the coronal magnetic field model does not well reproduce the observed deficit intensity around the solar maximum. However, when we exclude the transit periods during ICMEs towards to the Earth, the MC simulation shows better reproducibility. In the present paper, we report on the MC simulation and the analysis method of the Sun's shadow observed by the Tibet-III array.

  • Measurement of high energy cosmic rays by the new Tibet hybrid experiment

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, T. Miyazaki, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, T. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, T. Niwa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamauchi, Z. Yang, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science    2017年


    We have started a new hybrid air shower experiment at Yangbajing (4300 m a.s.l.) in Tibet in February 2014. This new hybrid experiment consists of the YAC-II comprised of 124 core detectors placed in the form of a square grid of 1.9 m spacing covering about 500 m2, the Tibet-III air shower array with the total area of about 50, 000 m2 and the underground MD array consisting of 80 cells, with the total area of about 4, 200 m2. This hybrid-array system is used to observe air showers of high energy celestial gamma-ray origin and those of nuclear-component origin. In this paper, a short review of the experiment will be followed by an overview on the current results on energy spectrum and chemical composition of CRs and test of hadronic interaction models.

  • Solar magnetic field strength and the "Sun's Shadow"

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, T. Miyazaki, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, T. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, T. Niwa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamauchi, Z. Yang, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science    2017年


    The angular displacement of the center of the observed Sun's shadow from the center of the optical solar disc tells us the information of average solar magnetic field strength in the space between the Sun and the Earth. We analyze the displacement of the Sun's shadow observed in 5 ∼ 240 TeV cosmic-ray intensity with the Tibet-III air shower array during 10 years between 2000 and 2009, and compare with the MC simulations based on the coronal magnetic field model and Parker's spiral interplanetary magnetic field model. We find that the observed North-South displacement is significantly larger than the prediction of simulations. This result uniquely suggests the underestimation of the average field strength between the Sun and the Earth in our model. In this work, we will report the actual solar magnetic field strength evaluated from the observed Sun's shadow.

  • Measurement of very forward particle production at RHIC with √s=510GeV proton-proton collisions

    T. Sako, Y. Itow, Q. D. Zhou, M. Ueno, M. Shinoda, K. Sato, H. Menjo, Y. Goto, I. Nakagawa, R. Seidl, J. S. Park, M. H. Kim, K. Tanida, S. Torii, K. Kasahara, T. Suzuki, N. Sakurai, O. Adriani, R. D'Alessandro, L. Bonechi, E. Berti, A. Tricomi

    Proceedings of Science    2017年


    The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider forward (RHICf) experiment has measured neutral particles produced in the very forward direction in the √s=510 GeV proton-proton collisions at RHIC in June 2017. The production cross sections of these particles are crucial to understand the hadronic interaction relevant to the air shower development at the cosmic-ray equivalent energy of 1.4×1014 eV, just below the energy of the knee. Together with the data at LHC, accelerator data can cover the interaction in the cosmic-ray energy of 1014 eV to 1017 eV. In addition, RHICf is able to improve the former measurements of single-spin asymmetry in the polarized protonproton collisions that is sensitive to the fundamental process of the meson exchange. Common data taking with the STAR experiment will shed light on the unexplored low mass diffraction process.

  • Searching for cosmic-ray signal from decay of fermionic dark matter with CALET

    Saptashwa Bhattacharyya, Holger Motz, Shoji Torii, Yoichi Asaoka

    Proceedings of Science    2017年


    The ISS-based CALET detector which is in operation since October 2015, can play an important role in indirect search of Dark Matter by measuring the electron + positron cosmic-ray spectrum in the TeV region for the first time directly. With its fine energy resolution (∼2%) and high proton rejection ratio (1: 105), CALET has a capability to detect fine structures in (e+ + e-) spectrum. In this work, we have investigated CALET's potential to discern between Dark Matter decay and nearby pulsars as the origin of the Cosmic Ray positron excess observed by PAMELA or AMS-02. A parametrization of the propagated electron and positron spectra is fitted to the existing measurements, where either 3-body decay of Fermionic Dark Matter or pulsar assumed responsible for the positron excess. Expected CALET data for Dark Matter decay models which can explain the positron excess are calculated and analyzed. The signal from a particular 3-body Dark Matter decay, which can explain the measurements from the AMS-02 experiment, is shown to be distinguishable from a single pulsar source by observing (e+ +e-) spectrum with CALET. We show that an especially clear separation of the pulsar model is possible from the Dark Matter model for which the diffuse γ-ray flux is possibly compatible with the Fermi-LAT data.

  • The tibet AS+MD project; status report 2017

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, T. Miyazaki, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, T. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, T. Niwa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamauchi, Z. Yang, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science    2017年


    We built a large (approximately 4,000 m2) water Cherenkov-type muon detector array under the existing Tibet air shower array at 4,300 m above sea level, to observe 10-1000 TeV gamma rays from cosmic-ray accelerators in our Galaxy with wide field of view at very low background level. A gamma-ray induced air shower has significantly less muons compared with a cosmic-ray induced one. Therefore, we can effectively discriminate between primary gamma rays and cosmic-ray background events by means of counting number of muons in an air shower event by the muon detector array. We make a status report on the experiment.

  • MIP calibration and the long-term stability of CALET onboard the International Space Station

    Yuma Komiya, Gabriele Bigongiari, Shoji Torii, Yoichi Asaoka

    Proceedings of Science    2017年


    In August 2015, the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) docked with the International Space Station (ISS). CALET will measure the cosmic ray electron spectrum over the energy range of 1 GeV to 20 TeV with a very high resolution of 2% above 100 GeV, based on a dedicated instrument incorporating an exceptionally thick 30 radiation-length calorimeter with both total absorption and imaging units (TASC and IMC). Each TASC readout channel must be carefully calibrated to obtain the degree of precision necessary to achieve the high energy resolution. This report describes the specific calibration methods, focusing on the calibration of the energy deposit of each channel to obtain an ADC unit to energy conversion factor using Minimum Ionizing Particles (MIP), known as "the MIP calibration." To fully calibrate each lead tungstate (PWO) log of the TASC, it is first necessary to correct the position dependent effects so as to equalize the response along its length. In addition, because both the PWO light yield and the APD gain will vary with temperature, it is also required to correct for this temperature dependence. Following these corrections for the position and temperature dependence, and also using events extracted using event selection based on likelihood analysis, it was possible to find the energy conversion factor. With the excellent agreement between the conversion factors obtained from proton and helium MIP data, the validity of the absolute calibration of the energy conversion factor was confirmed. In the end, this report describes the analysis of the long term stability of the MIP calibration, from which it was concluded that the time dependence of the MIP peak value was successfully removed.


  • Searching for anisotropy in electron+positron cosmic rays with CALET

    Holger Motz, Yoichi Asaoka, Shoji Torii, Saptashwa Bhattacharyya

    Proceedings of Science    2017年


    The ISS-based Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is directly measuring the energy spectrum and direction distribution of electron+positron cosmic-rays up to 20 TeV. A main goal of CALET is to identify a signature of a nearby supernova remnant (SNR) in electron+positron cosmic-rays. The Vela SNR has the highest potential to cause a spectral feature in the TeV region and/or a detectable anisotropy. Using the numerical cosmic-ray propagation code DRAGON, the spectrum and expected anisotropy of the Vela SNR together with background from more distant SNR was calculated depending on injection and propagation conditions. The results of these calculations were used to simulate CALET event sky-maps on which several analysis methods were employed to estimate the CALET sensitivity. Assuming that there is no anisotropy, the expected limits on the dipole amplitude from an all-sky search were calculated as a function of the selected energy range and the shape of the predicted spectra. However for the detection of a dipole anisotropy, the direction towards Vela is predetermined, and sensitivity is strongly boosted by a directed search. It is shown that with this method, CALET has a significant probability to identify an anisotropy signature from Vela. As it may disturb the Vela signature, the contribution to the local cosmic-ray anisotropy from several other nearby SNR and pulsars, as well as from the general source distribution in the galaxy was studied. It was found that Vela is expected to dominate and have a detectable signature, though there is some influence from other sources on direction and strength of the anisotropy. Furthermore, the implications of detecting an dipole anisotropy directed towards Vela for the local propagation parameters, such as the diffusion coefficient, are explained.


  • Status of the LHCf experiment

    Hiroaki Menjo, Oscar Adriani, Eugenio Berti, Lorenzo Bonechi, Massimo Bongi, Guido Castellini, Raffaello D'Alessandro, Maurice Haguenauer, Yoshitaka Itow, Katsuaki Kasahara, Kimiaki Masuda, Yutaka Matsubara, Yasushi Muraki, Ken Oohashi, Pauro Papini, Sergio Ricciarini, Takashi Sako, Nobuyuki Sakurai, Kenta Sato, Yuki Shimizu, Maiko Shinoda, Takuya Suzuki, Tadashi Tamura, Alessio Tiberio, Shoji Torii, Alessia Tricomi, Bill Turner, Mana Ueno, Kenji Yoshida, Qudong Zhou

    Proceedings of Science    2017年01月


    © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The LHCf experiment is an LHC experiment dedicated to measure the production spectra of forward neutral particles, photons, π0&#039;s, and neutrons. The aim of the LHCf is to provide critical data to test and tune hadronic interaction models which are used in MC simulations for cosmic-ray air shower developments. The LHCf had an operation in 2015 with pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV, which corresponds to the collision energy of 0.9 × 1017eV in the laboratory frame. The resent results of the LHCf, the inclusive energy spectra for forward photons and neutrons obtained with pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV, are presented. In addition, future prospects of LHCf analyses and activities are reviewed.

  • CALET results after three years on the International Space Station

    Y. Asaoka, O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, M. G. Bagliesi, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, S. Bonechi, M. Bongi, A. Bruno, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, V. Di Felice, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, K. Kohri, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, J. Link, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, A. A. Moiseev, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A. De Nolfo, S. Okuno, N. Opsina, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, F. Palma, V. Pal'Shin, P. Papini, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, F. Stolzi, S. Sugita, J. E. Suh, A. Sulaj, I. Takahashi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, T. Terasawa, S. Torii, Y. Tsunesada, Y. Uchihori, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series   1468 ( 1 )  2020年03月


    The CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) space experiment, which is currently conducting direct cosmic-ray observations onboard the International Space Station (ISS), is an all-calorimetric instrument optimized for cosmic-ray electron measurements with capability to measure hadrons and gamma-rays. Since the start of observation in October 2015, smooth and continuous operations have taken place. In this paper, we will give a brief summary of the CALET observations ranging from charged cosmic rays, gamma-rays, to space weather, while focusing on the energy spectra of electrons and protons.


  • 国際宇宙ステーションにおける宇宙線観測(CALET)—Special Issue on the “History of the Priority Researches”

    鳥居 祥二

    理工研報告特集号 : ASTE : advances in science, technology and environmentology : special issue / 早稲田大学理工学研究所ASTE70周年特集号編集委員会 編   15   55 - 70  2019年03月


  • Large-scale cosmic ray anisotropy with tibet air shower array

    M. Amenomori, Y. W. Bao, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, Xu Chen, Y. Chen, Cirennima, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, J. H. Fang, K. Fang, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Qi Gao, Q. B. Gou, Y. Y. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, H. B. Jin, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, S. Kato, K. Kawata, W. Kihara, Y. Ko, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, Y. H. Lin, B. Liu, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, W. Liu, Y. Q. Lou, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, H. Mitsui, K. Munakata, H. Nakada, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, T. Ohura, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, Y. Sengoku, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, H. Sugimoto, W. Takano, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, K. Yagisawa, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, Y. Yokoe, A. F. Yuan, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, S. P. Zhao, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science   358  2019年


    The large-scale sidereal anisotropy of cosmic rays is observed by Tibet air shower array in the northern hemisphere. Energy dependence of the cosmic-ray anisotropy from 300 TeV to 1 PeV is analysed. We find that the anisotropy maps above 300 TeV are distinct from that at the multi-TeV energy band. The spatial distribution of the GCR intensity of an excess and a deficit is observed in the 1 PeV anisotropy map. All these results may further our understanding of the origin and propagation of GCRs.

  • The results and future prospects of the LHCf experiment

    H. Menjo, O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Hagenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, K. Ohashi, P. Papini, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, K. Sato, Y. Shimizu, L. Silveri, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, M. Ueno, K. Yoshida

    Proceedings of Science   358  2019年


    The LHCf forward (LHCf) experiment measures the production cross sections of neutral particles emitted to the very forward region of an LHC interaction point in order to test the hadronic interaction models used in air-shower simulations. In this proceedings, we present the neutron and p0 spectra measured in pp collisions at vs = 13 TeV. In addition to them, many results will be delivered from currently on-going analyses of data obtained at LHCf-ATLAS common operation, and at the RHICf experiment with pp collisions at vs = 510 GeV, as well as from future LHCf operations with pp and pO collisions at LHC.

  • LHCf experiment: Forward physics at LHC for cosmic rays study

    M. Del Prete, O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, Y. Okuno, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, Y. Sugiura, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, Q. D. Zhou

    EPJ Web of Conferences   126  2016年11月  [査読有り]


    The LHCf experiment, optimized for the study of forward physics at LHC, completes its main physics program in this year 2015, with the proton-proton collisions at the energy of 13 TeV. LHCf gives important results on the study of neutral particles at extreme pseudo-rapidity, both for proton-proton and for proton-ion interactions. These results are an important reference for tuning the models of the hadronic interaction currently used for the simulation of the atmospheric showers induced by very high energy cosmic rays. The results of this analysis and the future perspective are presented in this paper.


  • LHCf Experiment: Physics Results

    M. Bongi, O. Adriani, E. Bertiah, L. Bonechi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Del Prete, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, T. Iwata, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, Y. Olcuno, P. Papini, A. -L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, Y. Shimizu, Y. Sugiura, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, M. Ueno, K. Yoshida, Q. D. Zhou

    NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS PROCEEDINGS   279   125 - 129  2016年10月  [査読有り]


    LHCf is an experiment designed to study the forward emission of neutral particles produced in proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions at the LHC. The detectors consists of a pair of electromagnetic sampling calorimeters installed on both sides of the ATLAS interaction point IP1 at a distance of 140 m, covering the pseudorapidity range from 8.4 to infinity. The experiment has successfully measured the energy spectra of gamma rays, neutral pions and neutrons in p-p collisions at 0.9 TeV and 7 TeV, and of neutral pions in p-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV and in p-p collisions at 2.76 TeV. The most recent data set has been acquired during a special physics run of p-p collisions at 13 TeV in June 2015 after the restart of the LHC. This set of measurements represent an useful contribution to the calibration and tuning of the hadronic interaction models used for the simulation of atmospheric showers induced by very-high energy cosmic rays, as the measured energy interval corresponds to the range 10(14) - 10(17) eV in the laboratory frame.


  • Latest LHCf physics results

    O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Del Prete, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, D. Pfeiffer, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings   273-275   2073 - 2077  2016年04月  [査読有り]


    The LHCf experiment is dedicated to the measurement of very forward particle production in the high energy hadron-hadron collisions at LHC, with the aim of improving the cosmic-ray air shower developments models. The detector has taken data in p-p collisions at different center of mass energies, from 900 GeV up to 7 TeV, and in p-Pb collisions at √s=5.02 TeV. The results of forward production spectra of neutrons in p-p collisions and π0 in p-Pb collisions, compared with the models most widely used in the High Energy Cosmic Ray physics, are presented in this paper.


  • CALET on the ISS: a high energy astroparticle physics experiment

    Pier Simone Marrocchesi



    CALET is a space mission of the Japanese Aerospace Agency (JAXA) in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and NASA. The CALET instrument (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) is planned for a long exposure on the JEM-EF, an external platform of the Japanese Experiment Module KIBO, aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The main science objectives include high precision measurements of the inclusive electron (+positron) spectrum below 1 TeV and the exploration of the energy region above 1 TeV, where the shape of the high end of the spectrum might reveal the presence of nearby sources of acceleration. With an excellent energy resolution and low background contamination CALET will search for possible spectral signatures of dark matter with both electrons and gamma rays. It will also measure the high energy spectra and relative abundance of cosmic nuclei from proton to iron and detect trans-iron elements up to Z similar to 40. With a large exposure and high energy resolution, CALET will be able to verify and complement the observations of CREAM, PAMELA and AMS-02 on a possible deviation from a pure power-law of proton and He spectra in the region of a few hundred GeV and to extend the study to the multi-TeV region.
    CALET will also contributeto clar ifythepresentexperimenta lpicture ontheenergy dependence oftheboron/carbonratio,belowandabove1TeV/n,thereby providing valuable informationon cosmic-raypropaga tioninthegalaxy.Gamma-raytransientswillbestudied with adedicated Gamma-rayBurstMonitor(GBM).


  • Measurements of very forward particles production spectra at LHC: The LHCf experiment

    E. Berti, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D. Alessandro, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, T. Iwata, K. Kasahara, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, M. Ueno, Q. D. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science   Part F128560  2016年


    Thanks to two small sampling calorimeters installed in the LHC tunnel at ±140 m from IP1, the LHC forward (LHCf) experiment is able to detect neutral particles produced by high energy proton-ion collisions in the very forward region (pseudo-rapidity η > 8.4). The main aim of LHCf is to provide precise measurements of the production spectra relative to these particles, in order to tune hadronic interaction models used by ground-based cosmic rays experiments. In this paper we will present the current status of the LHCf experiment, regarding in particular collected data and analysis results, as well as future prospects.

  • The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) for high-energy astroparticle physics on the International Space Station

    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, M. G. Bagliesi, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, S. Bonechi, M. Bongi, J. H. Buckley, G. Castellini, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, K. Ebisawa, V. Di Felice, H. Fuke, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, M. Hareyama, N. Hasebe, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, M. H. Israel, A. Javaid, E. Kamioka, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, N. Kawanaka, H. Kitamura, T. Kotani, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, A. Kubota, S. Kuramata, T. Lomtadze, P. Maestro, L. Marcelli, P. S. Marrocchesi, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, K. Mizutani, A. A. Moiseev, K. Mori, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, H. Murakami, Y. E. Nakagawa, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, F. Palma, P. Papini, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, M. Shibata, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, I. Takahashi, M. Takayanagi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, S. Torii, Y. Tunesada, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida, T. Yuda

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series   632 ( 1 )  2015年08月


    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is a space experiment, currently under development by Japan in collaboration with Italy and the United States, which will measure the flux of cosmic-ray electrons (and positrons) up to 20 TeV energy, of gamma rays up to 10 TeV, of nuclei with Z from 1 to 40 up to 1 PeV energy, and will detect gamma-ray bursts in the 7 keV to 20 MeV energy range during a 5 year mission. These measurements are essential to investigate possible nearby astrophysical sources of high energy electrons, study the details of galactic particle propagation and search for dark matter signatures. The main detector of CALET, the Calorimeter, consists of a module to identify the particle charge, followed by a thin imaging calorimeter (3 radiation lengths) with tungsten plates interleaving scintillating fibre planes, and a thick energy measuring calorimeter (27 radiation lengths) composed of lead tungstate logs. The Calorimeter has the depth, imaging capabilities and energy resolution necessary for excellent separation between hadrons, electrons and gamma rays. The instrument is currently being prepared for launch (expected in 2015) to the International Space Station ISS, for installation on the Japanese Experiment Module - Exposure Facility (JEM-EF).


  • Latest LHCf results and preparation to the LHC run for 13 TeV proton-proton interactions

    L. Bonechi, O. Adriani, E. Berti, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Del Prete, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, Y. Okuno, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, Y. Shimizu, Y. Sugiura, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, K. Yoshida, Q. D. Zhou

    EPJ Web of Conferences   95  2015年05月  [査読有り]


    The LHCf experiment is a CERN experiment dedicated to forward physics which is optimized to measure the neutral particle flow at extreme pseudo-rapidity values, ranging from 8.4 up to infinity. LHCf results are extremely important for the calibration of the hadronic interaction models used for the study of the development of atmospheric showers in the Earth atmosphere. Starting from the recent run of proton-Lead nucleus interactions at LHC, the LHCf and ATLAS collaborations have performed a common data taking which allows a combined study of the central and forward regions of the interaction. The latest results of LHCf, the upgrade of the detectors for the next 6.5 TeV + 6.5 TeV proton-proton run and the status of the LHCf-ATLAS common activities are summarized in this paper.


  • The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) for high-energy astroparticle physics on the International Space Station

    O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, M. G. Bagliesi, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, S. Bonechi, M. Bongi, J. H. Buckley, G. Castellini, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, K. Ebisawa, V. Di Felice, H. Fuke, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, M. Hareyama, N. Hasebe, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, M. H. Israel, A. Javaid, E. Kamioka, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, N. Kawanaka, H. Kitamura, T. Kotani, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, A. Kubota, S. Kuramata, T. Lomtadze, P. Maestro, L. Marcelli, P. S. Marrocchesi, J. W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, K. Mizutani, A. A. Moiseev, K. Mori, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, H. Murakami, Y. E. Nakagawa, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, F. Palma, P. Papini, B. F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, M. Shibata, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, I. Takahashi, M. Takayanagi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, S. Torii, Y. Tunesada, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, E. Vannuccini, J. P. Wefel, K. Yamaoka, S. Yanagita, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida, T. Yuda



    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is a space experiment, currently under development by Japan in collaboration with Italy and the United States, which will measure the flux of cosmic-ray electrons (and positrons) up to 20 TeV energy, of gamma rays up to 10 TeV, of nuclei with Z from 1 to 40 up to 1 PeV energy, and will detect gamma-ray bursts in the 7 keV to 20 MeV energy range during a 5 year mission. These measurements are essential to investigate possible nearby astrophysical sources of high energy electrons, study the details of galactic particle propagation and search for dark matter signatures. The main detector of CALET, the Calorimeter, consists of a module to identify the particle charge, followed by a thin imaging calorimeter (3 radiation lengths) with tungsten plates interleaving scintillating fibre planes, and a thick energy measuring calorimeter (27 radiation lengths) composed of lead tungstate logs. The Calorimeter has the depth, imaging capabilities and energy resolution necessary for excellent separation between hadrons, electrons and gamma rays. The instrument is currently being prepared for launch (expected in 2015) to the International Space Station ISS, for installation on the Japanese Experiment Module - Exposure Facility (JEM-EF).


  • Self consistent simulation of dark matter and background

    Saptashwa Bhattacharyy, Holger Motz, Shoji Torii, Yoichi Asaoka, Yuko Okad

    Proceedings of Science   30-July-2015  2015年


    Future space based experiments such as CALET and DAMPE will measure the electron and positron cosmic-ray spectrum with better energy resolution and up to higher energy, making detection of small features in the spectrum, which might originate from Dark Matter annihilation or decay in the galactic halo, possible. For precise prediction of these features, the numerical cosmic ray propagation code GALPROP is used, and was extended to calculate the flux at Earth from different Dark Matter scenarios with any given injection spectrum. The results from GALPROP for both the cosmic-ray background spectrum and the component from Dark Matter annihilation are dependent on the bin size in energy used in the calculation, due to energy loss playing a major role in the propagation of electrons. A modification to partly compensate the influence of the discretization of the energy shifted particles has been implemented in the code. The effect of this improvement is demonstrated with examples of the expected spectra for the cosmic ray background in combination with the annihilation spectrum of LKP Dark Matter calculated at different energy binning.

  • Sidereal anisotropy of galactic cosmic ray observed by the tibet air shower experiment and the IceCube experiment

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, T. Miyazaki, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, T. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, T. Niwa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamauchi, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science   30-July-2015  2015年


    We analyze for the first time the large-scale sidereal anisotropy of -10 TeV cosmic ray intensity observed in two hemispheres, by best fitting a model to the anisotropies observed with the Tibet AS array in the northern hemisphere and the IceCube in the southern hemisphere. We find that the first and second harmonics of the right ascension distribution observed in two hemispheres are consistent with each other and well reproduced by a model of the superposed uni-directional and bi-directional cosmic ray flows. It is also shown that the best-fit amplitude and orientation of each flow are consistent with the best-fit parameters reported so far by the Tibet AS experiment.

  • The TIBET AS+MD project; progress report 2015

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, T. Miyazaki, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, T. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, T. Niwa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamauchi, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science   30-July-2015  2015年


    We plan to build a large (approximately 10,000 m-2) water Cherenkov- type muon detector array under the existing Tibet air shower array at 4,300 m above sea level, to observe 10-1000 TeV gamma rays from cosmic-ray accelerators in our Galaxy with wide field of view at very low background level. A gamma-ray induced air shower has significantly less muons compared with a cosmic-ray induced one. Therefore, we can effectively discriminate between primary gamma rays and cosmic-ray background events by means of counting number of muons in an air shower event by the muon detector array. We will make a progress report on the project, as some part of it started data-taking in 2014.

  • Observation of primary cosmic rays with the new Tibet hybrid experiment (YAC-II + Tibet-III + MD)

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, T. Miyazaki, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, T. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, T. Niwa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamauchi, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science   30-July-2015  2015年


    We have started a new hybrid air shower experiment in Yangbajing (4300 m a.s.l.) in Tibet since February 2014. This new hybrid experiment consists of the YAC-II comprised of 124 core detectors placed in the form of a square grid of 1.9 m spacing covering about 500 m2, the Tibet-III AS array with the total area of about 50,000 m2 and the undergroundMDarray consists of 80 cells, with the total area of ∼4,500 m2. This hybrid-array system is used to observe air showers of high energy celestial gamma-ray origin and those of nuclear-component origin. Prototype experiment YAC-I was successfully carried out in 2009-2010 together with Tibet-III air-shower array. In this paper, performance of YAC-II and the preliminary results of YAC-I are presented.

  • Long term stability analysis on the MD-A under TIBET III array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, T. Miyazaki, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, T. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, T. Niwa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamauchi, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science   30-July-2015  2015年


    The underground muon detector with water Cherenkov technique is constructed as the upgrade of the Tibet air shower array, aiming at a higher sensitivity for gamma-ray observation. In one of the modules (MD-A), the full-sealing large Tyvek bag is used as a closed container. As the MD-A has been operated for more than one year, the long term stability of the performance of such detector is reported.

  • Recent results from the LHCf experiment

    A. Tiberio, O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Del Prete, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, D. Pfeiffer, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, Y. Shimizu, Y. Sugiura, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, Q. Zhou

    EPJ Web of Conferences   96  2015年  [査読有り]


    The LHC-forward (LHCf) experiment, situated at the LHC accelerator, has measured neutral particles production in a very forward region (pseudo-rapidity &gt
    8.4) in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions. The main purpose of the LHCf experiment is to test hadronic interaction models used in cosmic rays experiments to simulate cosmic rays induced air-showers in Earth's atmosphere. The experiment is composed of two independent detectors located at 140m from the ATLAS interaction point (IP1) on opposite sides
    each detector is composed of two sampling calorimeters. Latest physics results from p-p and p-Pb collisions (at √s = 7 TeV and 5.02 TeV respectively) will be discussed in this paper
    in particular, the inclusive energy spectra of neutrons in p-p collisions and the transverse momentum spectra of neutral pions for different pseudo-rapidity ranges in p-Pb collisions will be shown.


  • CALETの運用及びデータ解析・管理システムの概要(宇宙科学情報解析論文誌 第三号)

    赤池 陽水, 浅岡 陽一, 上野 史郎, 田村 忠久, 寺澤 敏夫, 冨田 洋, 鳥居 祥二, 中川 友進, 仁井田 多絵

    宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告   13   99 - 107  2014年03月


    CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) は国際宇宙ステーションの「きぼう」に搭載予定の宇宙線観測装置で、 2014年から 5年間の観測を実施予定である。CALETの主検出器は、電子( 1 GeV . 20 TeV)、ガンマ線( 10 GeV. 10 TeV)の観測に最適化したカロリメータで、優れたエネルギー分解能と強力な粒子識別能を有し、宇宙線近傍加速源と暗黒物質候補の探索が主な目的である。観測性能については、これまでに気球実験や加速器実験で検証が行われており、シミュレーション計算や加速器実験結果から高い精度が確認されている。本論文では、これらの性能評価を基に CALETが取得するデータの解析手法について解説する。また運用中における CALETの地上システムや、データの取り扱いについてその概要を紹介する。


  • Development of the upgraded LHCf calorimeter with Gd<inf>2</inf>SiO<inf>5</inf> (GSO) scintillators

    Y. Makino, O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Del Prete, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, Y. Sugiura, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, Q. D. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science    2014年


    The Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment was motivated to understand the hadronic interaction relevant to the cosmic-ray air shower development. LHCf has installed compact calorimeters at the LHC and observed neutral particles emitted around zero degree during 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV pp collisions and 5 TeV pPb collisions. Since the next operation in 2015 is expected under much higher radiation dose, we have upgraded the detectors, especially their scintillators, to be radiation harder. In this paper, we report the performance of the new imaging sensor, GSO-bar hodoscope tested by heavy-ion beam and 50-250 GeV electron beams. As the result, shower-peak position resolution of 123 μm for 100 GeV electron induced showers was achieved that is satisfactory for our physics goal.

  • Forward physics with the LHCf experiment: A LHC contribution to cosmic-ray physics

    L. Bonechi, O. Adriani, E. Berti, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Del Prete, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, Y. Shimizu, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    EPJ Web of Conferences   71  2014年  [査読有り]


    LHCf is a small detector installed at LHC accelerator to measure neutral particle flow in the forward direction of proton -proton (p - p) and proton -nucleus (p - A) interactions. Thanks to the optimal performance that has characterized the last years' running of the LHC collider, several measurements have been taken since 2009 in different running conditions. After data taking for p - p interactions at √ s = 900 GeV, 2.76 TeV and 7 TeV and proton - Lead nucleus (p -Pb) at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV (energy of a couple of projectile and target nucleons in their center of mass reference frame), LHCf is now going to complete its physics program with the 13 TeV p - p run foreseen in 2015. The complete set of results will become a reference data set of forward physics for the calibration and tuning of the hadronic interaction models currently used for the simulation of the atmospheric showers induced by very high energy cosmic rays. For this reason we think that LHCf is giving an important contribution for the study of cosmic rays at the highest energies. In this paper the experiment, the published results and the current status are reviewed. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014.


  • “Cosmic-ray shadow” of the sun at 3 tev observed by the tibet air shower array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, H. U. Haibing, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    The Sun’s shadow observed by the Tibet Air Shower Array at 3 TeV from the year 2000 to 2009 is reported. The year-to-year variations in the depth of the Sun’s shadow and in the displacement of the shadow’s center from the apparent direction of the Sun are discussed.

  • Study of neutral baryon production at the very forward region of the LHC

    K. Kawade, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D’Alessandro, M. Hagenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, D. Pfeiffer, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    The LHCf experiment is dedicated to verify the hadronic interaction models used in cosmic-ray physics. Forward baryon production is one of the keys to understand the air shower development. A preliminary results of neutral baryon spectra measured at very forward region of LHC s = 7TeV p-p collisions are presented in this paper. The responce of the detector for baryon measurement is studied based on MC simulations and a beam test at SPS. Experimental results at LHC are compared with the predictions from the known hadronic interaction models.

  • The results from LHCf: Very forward measurements for cosmic ray interactions

    H. Menjo, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D’Alessandro, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, D. Pfeiffer, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    The LHCf experiment is an unique dedicated experiment for measurement of very forward particle production relevant to cosmic-ray air shower developments by using small electromagnetic imaging calorimeters at the zero degree of the LHC interaction point, IP1. The operationa with p-p collisions at s = 900 GeV and 7 TeV have been done in 2009 and 2010. The results of forward production spectra of photons and π0s are compared with the existing cosmic ray interaction models, SYBILL, QGSJETII, DPMJET3, and EPOS1.99. None of them could completely reproduce the data. On-going hadron analysis will be also important to understand inelas-ticity of collisions. LHCf has also completed data taking for LHC p-Pb collisions to study nuclear effect relevant to air shower development. This is also very important to validate composition measurements by air-shower experiments based on XMAX. Current achievement of the LHCf experiment and possible future experiments at p-A and/or A-A collisions at LHC and RHIC are presented.

  • Observation of the large-scale sidereal anisotropy of the galactic cosmic ray intensity at 300 TeV with the Tibet Air Shower Array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    We report on the observation of the large-scale sidereal anisotropy of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) at median energy of ∼300 TeV. With long time and high-stability collection by the Tibet air shower array between October 1995 and February 2010, the data used in this analysis contains 3.1×108 air shower events with a median angular resolution of 0.3◦. A new anisotropy structure at 300 TeV is revealed, which significantly deviates from the picture of cosmic ray isotropic intensity and is different with previous anisotropy observation at Multi-TeV energy. The dominant feature is an excess region that localized at (α = 271.0◦, δ = 22.1◦), with a significance of 7.3σ (pre-trial) or 5.4σ (post-trial) and an optimized smoothing of 29◦. The maximum relative intensity region with an intensity of ∼ 2.0 × 10−3 is around (α = 255.0◦ , δ = −13.9◦), that is close to the highest excess region observed by IceCube at 400 TeV.

  • Average mass of primary cosmic rays in the knee energy region inferred from Tibet experiment

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    Study of the chemical composition of cosmic rays in the knee region has been made by the Tibet ASγ Collaboration using the Tibet-III air shower array and an air-shower-core detector. Based on the data of all-particle spectrum, proton, and helium spectra obtained by Tibet hybrid experiment, upper and lower limits of the average mass number of primary cosmic rays were estimated in the energy interval between 1015eV and 1016eV assuming unmeasured components (all − proton − helium) are any mixture of nuclei between carbon and iron. The lower limit of hln Ai with carbon model is approximately 2 and the upper limit with iron model is approximately 3.5 with weak energy dependences. The systematic errors involved in estimating hln Ai due to the primary energy determination or the interaction model dependence in deriving the flux of each nuclear element are discussed and found to be small enough to set the boundary for hln Ai. A comparison of our result with recent Icecube data suggests that the primary mass composition is dominated by carbon at 1015 eV and it tends to be dominated by iron at 1016 eV.

  • Observation of multi-Tev gamma rays from MGRO J2019+37 and MGRO J2031+41 with the tibet air shower array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    The Tibet III air shower array is located at 4300 m above sea level, Tibet, China. Multi-TeV gamma rays were observed from MGRO J2019+37 and MGRO J2031+41 in the Cygnus region using data taken by the Tibet III air shower array in the period between 1999 and 2010.

  • The CALET structure and thermal model used for beam test at CERN

    Ueyama Yoshitaka, Torii Shoji, Kasahara Katsuaki, Ozawa Shunsuke, Niita Tae, Nakamura Masanori, Kaneko Shogo, Katahira Ryo, Murata Akira, Tamura Tadahisa, Katayose Yusaku, Akaike Yosui, Shimizu Yuki

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is a new space experiment for astroparticle physics, which will carry out a five-year observation at the Japanese Experiment Module-Exposed Facility (JEM-EF) of the International Space Station (ISS). The experiment, currently under development by Japan in collaboration with Italy and the United States, will measure mainly the flux of cosmic-ray electrons (including positrons) to 20 TeV, gamma-rays to 10 TeV, and nuclei with Z=1 to 40 up to 1000 TeV. We have carried out a beam test of the CALET calorimeter at CERN-SPS by using the Beam-Test Model (BTM), which consisted of the Structure and Thermal Model (STM) and the Bread Board Model(BBM) of the front end circuits. The model consists of the same support structure as the CALET flight model and it includes the Imaging Calorimeter (IMC), the Total Absorption Calorimeter(TASC) and the Charge Detector(CHD). A part of the sensors; the scintillating fibers in the IMC, the PWO logs in the TASC, and the plastic scintillators paddles in the CHD, was adapted for the test. We will describe the model, and will report the basic performance obtained in the beam test.

  • Recent status of LHCf to improve the cosmic-ray air shower modeling

    O. Adriani, E. Berti, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D’Alessandro, M. Del Prete, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, Y. Makino, K. Masuda, E. Matsubayashi, Y. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, Y. Sugiura, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, A. Tiberio, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, Q. D. Zhou

    Proceedings of Science   2013-December  2013年


    The Large Hadron Collider forward experiment was motivated to test the hadronic interaction models used to describe the cosmic-ray induced air showers. In this paper, results of the LHCf for forward particle spectra measured in the LHC 0.9 and 7TeV p-p collisions and 5TeV p-Pb collisions are presented together with the future plan of the experiment.

  • A northern sky survey for TeV gamma-ray steady point sources using the Tibet-III air shower array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    The Tibet III air shower array, located at 4,300 m above sea level, Tibet, China, has a wide field of view and a high duty cycle. Results on TeV gamma-ray point source search using data taken from the Tibet-III (1999 November - 2010 May) array are presented. The event statistics employed in this analysis is approximately four times more than that used in our previously published results. The result shows the directions of the Crab and Mrk421 have excess of the number of the air shower events. The shape of the significance distributions from all surveyed directions is influcenced not only by the excess of the gamma-ray events from Crab and Mrk421 but also by the excess of air shower events from the Cygnus region and the Tail-in region. In the previous survey paper, the high significance value of each prominent directions except for the Crab, Mrk 421, Tail-in region and J1908+06 can be explained by the statistical fluctuations.

  • Observation of thundercloud-related charged particles in Tibet

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    In order to measure the correlation between thundercloud and atmospheric charged particles, we have installed some atmospheric electric field meter at a site of the Tibet Air Shower Array (4,300m a.s.l.) since February 2010. In this paper, we report preliminary result of coincident observation of data from the array and atmospheric electric field during thundercloud in term of until January 2011 and investigation of the frequency of the thundercloud until February 2012 by assuming some conditions of the thundercloud with the high energy particles. As the preliminary result, we observed the evidence that high energy particles more than 3 MeV significantly increased from the observation data with the passage of the thundercloud. It was found that the thundercloud in this area occurred mainly between winter season and summer. In addition, we found some periodicities of the occurrence frequency of the thundercloud.

  • Progress report on the MD-A under TIBET III array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Hu Haibing, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. I. Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    The underground muon detector array of 4500m2(5 modules) is constructed underneath the Tibet ASγ experiment, improving the γ/P separation ability and then the sensitivity for gamma ray observation around 100 TeV. Each module of the muon detector is a large water tank with PMTs in the center, using water Cherenkov technique to obtain the muon signal. In one module (MD-A), the large Tyvek bag is employed filled with high-purity water keeping long-term stability of the water quality. The test run data of MD-A have shown the detector has good position uniformity, and the muon signal can be clearly separated from the noises. In this paper, the design and performance of the detector are presented.

  • Hadronic interaction and EAS muon investigated with the (YAC-II+Tibet-III+MD) hybrid experiment

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Dan Zengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Laba Ciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisang Zhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    The Tibet hybrid experiment (Tibet-III+YAC+MD) consists of YAC (Yangbajing Air shower Core detector array), the Tibet-III air-shower array and the water-Cherenkov-type Muon Detector array (MD). The first step of YAC, called YAC-I that consists of 16 EAS core detectors located near the center of the Tibet-III, has been carried out since May, 2009. For the coincident events, Tibet-III provides the total energy and the direction of air showers and YAC-I observes high energy electromagnetic particles in the air-shower core region.We will operate MD this year to record the number of muons produced in air showers. In this paper, we will report on the check of hadronic interaction models (QGSJETII-04, EPOS LHC(v3400), SIBYLL2.1) at primary energy region around 1 PeV by observing EAS cores using (YAC-I+Tibet-III) hybrid experimental data.The effective live time is calculated as 128.6 days. Furthermore, we discuss about EAS muon multiplicity with the (Tibet-III+YAC+MD) data.

  • Test of the hadronic interaction model EPOS-LHC and QGSJETII-04 with Tibet EAS core data

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, X. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    A hybrid experiment has been started by The Tibet ASγ collaboration at Tibet, China. It consists of a burst-detector-grid (YAC, Yangbajing Air Shower Core array) and the Tibet air-shower array (Tibet-III). The Tibet-III array is used to measure the total energy and the arrival direction of the air-showers, and YAC-I observes high energy electromagnetic particles in air-shower cores. By comparing the MC data with our experimental data, we examine hadronic interaction models currently used for air-shower simulation code CORSIKA(ver.7.3500), especially EPOS-LHC(ver.3400) and QGSJETII-04. In this paper, the preliminary results on the interaction model check at *10 TeV energy region is reported using YAC-I data taken from May 1st 2009 through February 23rd 2010 with the effective live time 152.16 days.

  • Primary proton and helium spectra at energy range from 50 TeV to 1015 eV observed with (YAC-I + Tibet-III) hybrid experiment

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, T. L. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, C. F. Feng, Feng Zhaoyang, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Hu Haibing, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, M. Kozai, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, H. J. Li, W. J. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, M. Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, ICRC 2013   2013-October  2013年


    A new EAS hybrid experiment has been designed by constructing a YAC (Yangbajing Air shower Core detector array) inside the existing Tibet-III air shower array. The first step of YAC called”YAC-I” has been successfully carried out in 2009-2010 together with Tibet-III air-shower array. YAC-II has also been operated from 2011. In this proceeding, the primary proton and helium spectra at energy range from 50 TeV to 1015 eV derived from YAC-I data based on the newest interaction model EPOS-LHC (v.3400), QGSJETII-04 and SIBYLL2.1 are reported. The obtained (P+He) spectra is smoothly connected with direct observation data below 100 TeV and also with our previously reported results at higher energies within statistical errors. The knee of the (P+He) spectra is located around 400 TeV. The interaction model dependence in deriving the primary (P+He) spectra are found to be small (less than 25% in absolute intensity, 10% in position of the knee), and the composition model dependence is less than 10% in absolute intensity.

  • LHCf plan for p-Pb forward particle measurement

    T. Sako, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Haguenauer, T. Iso, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawede, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, Y. Shimizu, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    EPJ Web of Conferences   53  2013年  [査読有り]


    LHCf is planning to measure very forward particle emission in the LHC p-Pb collisions foreseen at the end of 2012. The measurement is expected to constrain the nuclear effect in the forward particle emission relevant to the CR-Air interaction. Model discrimination power of this measurement is presented together with some detail in technical feasibility. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2013.


  • Current status of the LHCf experiment and future plan

    K. Kawade, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Haguenauer, T. Iso, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, T. Suzuki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    EPJ Web of Conferences   53  2013年  [査読有り]


    The Large Hadron Collider forward (= LHCf) experiment has successfully finished the first phase of data taking at LHC √s = 0.9 and 7 TeV proton-proton collisions in 2010. As current status, we concentrate on analyzing the obtained data. As the first result, the energy spectra of photon measured by LHCf during = 7 TeV p-p collision has been published recently. Also the study of the upgraded version of LHCf detector for future = 14TeV run scenario is developed with the GSO scintillator. Another possible plan of p-A(nuclear) collision in LHC is also studied. In this paper, as the current status of the experiment, analyses, and works for foreseen detector upgrade are summarized. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2013.


  • 気球搭載型CALETプロトタイプ(bCALET-2)による電子・ガンマ線観測

    仁井田多絵, 鳥居祥二, 小澤俊介, 笠原克昌, 村上浩之, 赤池陽水, 植山良貴, 伊藤大二郎, 苅部樹彦, 近藤慧之輔, 九反万里恵, 田村忠久, 吉田健二, 片寄祐作, 清水雄輝, 福家英之

    宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 JAXA-RR-   ( 11-008 )  2012年


  • Early results of the LHCf experiment and their contribution to ultra-high-energy cosmic ray physics

    O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D&apos;Alessandro, A. Faus, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Yasushi Muraki, M. Nakai, K. Noda, P. Papini, A-L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, Y. Shimizu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, J. Velasco, W. C. Turner, K. Yoshida

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS   212-13   270 - 276  2011年03月  [査読有り]


  • Time dependence of loss-cone amplitude measured with the tibet air-shower array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzeng Luobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, La Baciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnish, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisa Ngzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   1   62 - 65  2011年


    The galactic cosmic-ray anisotropy at TeV energies has a large-scale deficit region distributed around 150 to 240 degrees in right ascension, which is called "Loss-Cone". The Milagro experiment in the U.S. detected a significant increase in the Loss-Cone amplitude at 6 TeV from July 2000 to July 2007, and argued that it could be due to variations in the heliosphere in relation to solar activities. In this presentation, we report on the time dependence of the Loss-Cone amplitude from November 1999 through December 2008 measured with the Tibet air-shower array. No time dependence was found in the Loss-Cone amplitude at energies of 4.4, 6.2, and 11 TeV. If the increase in the Loss-Cone amplitude Milagro detected were genuine, the same tendency would be seen at sub-TeV energies where the anisotropy is far more sensitive to solar activities. Matsushiro underground muon observation at 0.6 TeV during the corresponding period, however, reported no significant increase of the Loss-Cone amplitude.


  • Measurement of some properties of EAS-cores using new air-shower core array developed for the Tibet hybrid experiment

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   3   301 - 304  2011年


    We have operated the 500 m2 Yangbajing air-shower core (YAC-II) detector array near the center of the Tibet air-shower array ( Tibet-III ) to study the cosmic-ray chemical composition at the knee energy region since August, 2011. YAC-II array consists of 124 YAC detector units. Each unit of YAC-II consists of a lead layer of 3.5 cm thick and a scintillation counter which detects the burst size induced by high energy electromagnetic component in the air-shower cores. Each scintillator has the size 80 cm × 50 cm × 1 cm. 60 WLSFs (Wave Length Shifting Fiber) are installed inside the scintillator, a high-gain PMT and a low-gain PMT are coupled with it. The burst size can be measured from 1 MIP (Minimum Ionization Particles) to 106 MIPs. In this paper, the details of the hybrid experiment and the processes of the data reconstruction are described.


  • Calibration of the Yangbajing air-shower core detector (YAC) using the beam of BEPC

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnish, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. I. Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   3   290 - 293  2011年


    Aiming at the observation of cosmic-ray chemical composition at the knee energy region, a new type airshower- core detector (YAC, Yangbajing Air shower Core array) has been developed and set up at Yangbajing, 4300 m a.s.l. in Tibet, China since August, 1st, 2011. YAC will work together with the Tibet-III array and a large muon detector as a hybrid experiment. Each YAC detector unit consists of lead plates of 3.5 cm thick and a scintillation counter which detects the burst size induced by high energy electromagnetic component in the air-shower cores. The burst size is demanded to be measured from 1 MIP (Minimum Ionization Particles) to 106 MIPs. The linearity and the saturation of the plastic scintillator and PMT used in the YAC detector have been studied with the accelerator beam of the BEPCII (Beijing Electron Positron Collider, IHEP, China). The accelerator-beam experiment shows a good linearity between the incident particle flux and YAC-ADC output below 5×106 MIPs and the saturation effect of the plastic scintillator satisfies YAC detector's requirement.


  • Observation of atmospheric charged particles associated with thunderstorms at Tibet

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   11   372 - 375  2011年


    There are various explanations about the origin of lightning during thunderstorms. A possible explanation is that the cosmic rays may be caused of triggers of lightning. In order to measure any correlations between atmospheric charged particles and atmospheric electric field, we have installed some atmospheric electric field meter inside the Tibet Air Shower Array (4,300m a.s.l.) since February 2010. In this paper, we report preliminary result of coincident observation of data from the array with single particle counting technique and atmospheric electric field during thunderstorm in the 2010 rainy season.


  • Modeling of the galactic cosmic-ray anisotropy at TeV energies

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   11   103 - 106  2011年


    A possible origin of the large-scale anisotropy of TeV galactic cosmic rays is discussed. It can be well modeled by a superposition of the Global Anisotropy and the Midscale Anisotropy. The Global Anisotropy would be generated by galactic cosmic rays interacting with the magnetic field in the local interstellar space of a few parsec scale surrounding the heliosphere. On the other hand, the Midscale Anisotropy would be caused by the modulation of galactic cosmic rays in the heliotail. The Midscale Anisotropy can be expressed as two intensity enhancements placed along the Hydrogen Deflection Plane, each symmetrically centered away from the heliotail direction. It is found that the separation angle between the heliotail direction and each of the two intensity enhancements monotonously decreases as energy increases from 4 TeV to 30 TeV.


  • The forward particle production in the energy range of 1 PeV as seen with the Tibet hybrid Experiment

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzeng Luobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Laba Ciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. I. Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisa Ngzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   1   157 - 160  2011年


    We are now operating the 500 m2 Yangbajing air-shower core (YAC-II) array near the center of the Tibet air-shower array ( Tibet-III ) to observe cosmic-ray chemical composition at the knee energy region since February 2011. The first step of YAC, called YAC-I, containing 16 detector units, was operated from May, 2009 to February, 2010. In this paper, we used the YAC-I and Tibet-III coincident data set obtained from May, 2009 through January, 2010 to present the electromagnetic spectrum of air shower cores at around 10 15 eV energy region. The effective live time is calculated as 100.5 days. We would like to report the comparison of our experimental data with MC model prediction in this paper.


  • Correlation between solar activity and the sun's shadow observed by the tibet air shower array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   11   239 - 242  2011年


    We analyze the solar cycle variation of the Sun's shadow in 10 TeV cosmic ray intensity observed with the Tibet air shower array over an entire period of the Solar Cycle 23 between 1996 and 2008. The amplitude of the variation is as large as one half of the deficit intensity expected when all cosmic rays arriving from the direction of the optical Sun disk are excluded from the observation. The correlations between the deficit intensity in the Sun's shadow and cosmic-ray modulation parameters are overall significant. Among those parameters, we find the highest correlation with the Heliospheric Current Sheet tilt-angle.


  • Observation of sub-PeV gamma rays from the galactic plane using the tibet air shower array with the prototype muon detector

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, D. Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, L. Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Z. Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   7   20 - 23  2011年


    We are now proposing the 10,000m2 water-Cherenkov-type muon detector (MD) array under the Tibet air shower (AS) array to find new gamma-ray sources with a wide field of view and unprecedented flux sensitivity. In the late fall of 2007, a prototype MD in area of 100m2 was constructed under the existing Tibet AS array. In this paper, we search for sub-PeV (>200TeV) diffuse/point-like gamma rays from the Galactic plane using the muon-poor air shower events observed by the Tibet AS array and the Prototype MD.


  • Test of the hadronic interaction models at around *10 TeV with Tibet EAS core data

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzeng Luobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Laba Ciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. I. Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisa Ngzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   1   149 - 152  2011年


    A hybrid experiment has been started by ASγ collaboration at Tibet, China, since May 2009, that consists of a burst-detector-grid (YAC, Yangbajing Air shower Core array) and the Tibet air-shower array (Tibet-III). The first step of YAC, called YAC-I, contains 16 detector units and observes high energy electromagnetic particles in air-shower cores within several meters from the shower axis, and Tibet-III array measures the total energy and the arrival direction of air showers. YAC-I is used to check hadronic interaction models currently used for air-shower simulations such as QGSJET, SIBYLL , EPOS etc. through the multi-parameter measurement in air-shower cores. In this paper, we used a data set collected from May 1st 2009 through February 23rd 2010 by the YAC-I. The effective live time used for the present analysis is 169.65 days. The preliminary results of the interaction model checking at *10 TeV energy region is reported in this paper.


  • Study of the large Tyvek bag technique for the water Cherenkov detector in TIBET AS+MD

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   6   411 - 414  2011年


    The Tibet AS-gamma collaboration is constructing 4500 m2 underground muon detector array by using water Cherenkov technique, to form the TIBET AS+MD hybrid array. The muon detector will improve the sensitivity of gamma ray and electron observation above 10 TeV by rejecting the cosmic ray background. In TIBET AS+MD, both water-recycling system and closed container techniques are now being studied. In this paper, the progress and performance of the large Tyvek bag is reported.


  • On temporal variations of the multi-TeV cosmic ray anisotropy using the Tibet III Air Shower Array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzeng Luobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. I. Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisa Ngzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   1   137 - 140  2011年


    We analyze the large-scale two-dimensional sidereal anisotropy of multi-TeV cosmic rays by Tibet Air Shower Array, with the data taken from 1999 November to 2008 December. To explore temporal variations of the anisotropy, the data set is divided into nine intervals, each in a time span of about one year. The sidereal anisotropy of magnitude about 0.1% appears fairly stable from year to year over the entire observation period of nine years. This indicates that the anisotropy of TeV Galactic cosmic rays remains insensitive to solar activities since the observation period covers more than a half of the 23rd solar cycle.


  • Air-shower core detector array to study the mass composition of cosmic rays beyond 100 TeV by Tibet hybrid experiment

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. I. Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   6   160 - 163  2011年


    New air-shower core detector YAC has been developed to measure cosmic-ray mass composition around the energy region of the knee. Prototype experiment YAC1 was successfully carried out in 2009-2010 together with Tibet III air-shower array. Enlarged installation YAC2 is also under construction and will be operated in fall 2011. Preliminary result of YAC1 and performance of YAC2 are presented in this paper. The test of interaction models currently used in air-shower simulation was made using YAC1 results. Burst size flux predicted by QGSJET2 and SIBYLL models are compatible with data of YAC1 while QGSJET1 predicts 20 % lower flux and EPOS does 30 % lower flux. Proton flux was derived from YAC1 data based on QGSJET2 model and it is smoothly connected with direct observation data at lower energies and also with previously reported our works at higher energies.


  • A monte carlo study to measure the energy spectra of the primary cosmic-ray components at the knee using a new Tibet AS core detector array

    M. Amenomori, X. J. Bi, D. Chen, W. Y. Chen, S. W. Cui, Danzeng Luobu, L. K. Ding, X. H. Ding, C. F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z. Y. Feng, Q. B. Gou, H. W. Guo, Y. Q. Guo, H. H. He, Z. T. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H. B. Hu, J. Huang, W. J. Li, H. Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Laba Ciren, G. M. Le, A. F. Li, C. Liu, J. S. Liu, H. Lu, X. R. Meng, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, S. Ozawa, X. L. Qian, X. B. Qu, T. Saito, T. Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T. K. Sako, J. Shao, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y. H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, H. Wang, H. R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, Z. Yang, S. Yasue, A. F. Yuan, T. Yuda, L. M. Zhai, H. M. Zhang, J. L. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. I. Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhaxisa Ngzhu, X. X. Zhou

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   1   153 - 156  2011年


    A new hybrid experiment has been started by ASγ experiment at Tibet, China, since August 2011, which consists of a low threshold burst-detector-grid (YAC-II, Yangbajing Air shower Core array), the Tibet air-shower array (Tibet-III) and a large underground water Cherenkov muon detector (MD). In this paper, the capability of the measurement of the chemical components (proton, helium and iron) with use of the (Tibet-III+YAC-II) is investigated by means of an extensive Monte Carlo simulation in which the secondary particles are propagated through the (Tibet-III+YAC-II) array and an artificial neural network (ANN) method is applied for the primary mass separation. Our simulation shows that the new installation is powerful to study the chemical compositions, in particular, to obtain the primary energy spectrum of the major component at the knee.


  • The LHCf experiment

    K. Noda, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Proceedings of Science   18  2011年


    LHCf is a collider experiment dedicated to cosmic-ray physics. It measures the energy spectrum of very forward particles generated in pp collisions in LHC. Its aim is to minimize systematic errors in air-shower simulations used in ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray experiments like the Pierre Auger Observatory. In this paper we briefly summarize the current status of the experiment: DAQ, analyses, and works for foreseen detector upgrade.

  • Inclusive photon energy spectra at zero degree of the LHC 7 TeV proton-proton collisions by the LHCf experiment

    G. Mitsuka, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, T. Mase, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   5   63 - 66  2011年  [査読有り]


    The Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment measured the energy spectra of the neutral particles from the LHC proton-proton collisions into the very forward region. The analysis results of single-photon spectra at vs=7 TeV taken in May 15, 2010 are presented in this paper. The spectra from two independent LHCf detectors are consistent with one another. The photon spectra are also compared with the predictions of several hadronic interaction models that are employed in many experiments aiming for measuring high-energy cosmic-ray showers.


  • The performance of the LHCf detectors

    T. Mase, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, D. Macina, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, K. Yoshida

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   5   27 - 30  2011年  [査読有り]


    The performance of the LHCf detectors was studied at the CERN SPS beam line in 2007 using 50-200GeV electron, 150-350GeV proton and 150GeV muon beams. Full Monte Carlo calculations of the SPS beam test were performed by using the Cosmos and Epics MC code and very good agreements were obtained between data and MC. The detector performance such as the radiation damage were monitored during the 2009-2010 operation by using the π0 mass. In this paper, we will present performance of the LHCf detectors studied at the SPS beam and the LHC condition.


  • Data analysis of the LHCf Si microstrip sensors

    K. Noda, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   5   35 - 38  2011年  [査読有り]


    LHCf is a collider experiment dedicated to obtaining information relevant to ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray physics. One of the two LHCf detectors has position-sensitive silicon microstrip layers that are read out with front end electronics. These electronics saturate for high energy photon showers because of the limited dynamic range of the preamplifier. Consequently we are planning an upgrade of the processing circuits in anticipation of LHC operation at increased collision energy, and we are developing an analysis method to correct for the saturation effect. An overview of these data analysis methods will be given in this paper.


  • Study of GSO scintillator for upgrade of LHCf detectors

    K. Kawade, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, K. Yoshida

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   5   55 - 58  2011年  [査読有り]


    Gd2SiO5 (GSO) scintillator has very excellent radiation resistance with fast decay time and large amount of light yield. The radiation hardness of GSO was examined by using Carbon ion beams at Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC). Through two nights of irradiation a GSO scintillator was received 7 × 105 Gy of total dose and no decrease of light yield was observed. On the other hand an increase of light yield by 25% was observed. The increase is marginally proportional to the total dose at the rate of 0.025%/Gy and it is saturated at 1 kGy. Recovery to the initial light yield was also observed during the day between two nights. The time scale of recovery is about 15,000 seconds. In case of the LHCf experiment, very forward region (pseudo-rapidity &gt
    8.4) experiment at the LHC, the irradiation rate is expected to about 100Gy for 10nb-1 of data taking at vs = 14TeV proton-proton collisions. Expected increase of less than a few % will not be a big problem for the LHCf experiment.


  • The CALET CHD for determination of nuclear charge

    Yuki Shimizu, Oscar Adriani, Yosui Akaike, Carlo Avanzini, Maria Grazia Bagliesi, Andrea Basti, Gabriele Bigongiari, Massimo Bongi, Guido Castellini, Daijiro Ito, Mikihiko Karube, Katsuaki Kasahara, Me Young Kim, Keinosuke Kondo, Temuriaz Lomtadze, Masanori Nakamura, Paolo Maestro, Pier Simone Marrocchesi, Fabio Morsani, Tae Niita, Sergio Bruno Ricciarini, Shoji Torii, Yoshitaka Ueyama

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   6   391 - 394  2011年  [査読有り]


    Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) will be a high energy cosmic ray observatory on the Japanese Experimental Module - Exposed Facility of the International Space Station. In addition to electrons and gamma-rays, CALET has an excellent detection capability of cosmic ray nuclei. In order to determine the atomic number of measured nuclei, the CHarge Detector (CHD) is placed on the top of the calorimeter. The CALET-CHD consists of two orthogonal layers of plastic scintillator charge-measuring modules. Each layer is segmented into 14 scintillator paddles (45 cm×3.2 cm×1 cm) for the reduction of back scattering effects. We evaluated the charge resolution of the plastic scintillators with heavy ion accelerators. In this presentation, we will report the design of the CALET-CHD and its nuclei identification capability as inferred from heavy ion beam tests.


  • Current status of the LHC forward (LHCf) experiment

    T. Sako, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, T. Iso, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, T. Mase, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   5   59 - 62  2011年  [査読有り]


    The Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment has successfully finished the first phase of data taking at LHC vs = 0.9 and 7 TeV proton-proton collisions in 2010. In this paper, the introduction to LHCf, its first results and future plans are presented.


  • Capability of the CALET experiment for measuring elemental abundances of galactic cosmic ray nuclei heavier than nickel (Z=28)

    B. F. Rauch, W. R. Binns, M. H. Israel, P. S. Marrocchesi, Y. Shimizu, S. Torii

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   6   355 - 358  2011年  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is an imaging calorimeter planned for launch to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2013. The instrument consists of a segmented plastic scintillator charge measuring module, an imaging calorimeter consisting of 8 scintillating fiber planes with a total of 3 radiation lengths of tungsten plates interleaved with the fiber planes, and a total absorption calorimeter consisting of crossed lead tungstate (PWO) logs with a total of 27 radiation lengths depth. The primary objectives of the experiment are to measure electron energy spectra from 1 GeV to 20 TeV, to detect gamma-rays over the energy range from 10 GeV to 10 TeV, and to measure the energy spectra of nuclei from protons through iron. In this paper we discuss the capabilities of the instrument for measuring the abundances of nuclei heavier than nickel (Z=28). In particular we will present the maximum charge that can be detected due to instrument dynamic range, the expected charge resolution, and an estimate of the numbers of events expected in 5 years of space flight in the ISS 51.6 degree inclination orbit.


  • Position sensitive detector at the upgraded LHCf detector

    T. Suzuki, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, T. Mase, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   5   19 - 22  2011年  [査読有り]


    The LHC forward (LHCf) experiment is an experiment to measure the neutral particles emitted in the very forward region of the collision point of LHC. Its goal is to provide data to discriminate the various hadronic interaction models used in cosmic-ray physics. The first phase of the experiment has been achieved on July 2010 with center-of-mass energy vs =7 TeV, and the first result has been submitted. The data analysis of data is still ongoing. The next phase is planned on 2014 at vs = 14 TeV. An upgrade of the detector is necessary to cope with the radiaiton damage of our plastic scintillator and the position sensitive scintillating fiber (SciFi) due to the higher beam intensity with the higher energy than the 7 TeV case. For this purpose, GSO scintillator, which has a high radiation resistivity, has been chosen. Small scaled GSO scintillators (GSO bars) have been manufactured to construct a position sensitive detector. The detector, GSO bundle, consists of GSO bars in a single hodoscope plane. In this paper, we describe the expected performance of a GSO bar system in order to replace SciFi. For this purpose, we made a single layer hodoscope consisting of several GSO bars and performed tests using low-energy heavy ion (Carbon) beam as well as cosmic ray muons. We discuss mainly the position resolution and the simulated performance when the system is applied to cascade showers.


  • The event trigger system for CALET

    Yoshitaka Ueyama, Shoji Torii, Katsuaki Kasahara, Hiroyuki Murakami, Shunsuke Ozawa, Yosui Akaike, Tae Niita, Masanori Nakamura, Keisuke Yoshida, Tadahisa Tamura, Shoji Okuno, Yusaku Katayose, Yuki Shimizu

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   6   387 - 390  2011年  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, is a mission to study high energy phenomena in the universe by observing high energy cosmic rays (electrons, gamma rays, and nuclei) on the International Space Station. The instrument consists of a segmented plastic scintillator charge-measuring module, an imaging calorimeter consisting of 8 scintillating fiber planes interleaved with tungsten plates of 3 radiation length, and a total absorption calorimeter consisting of orthogonal PWO logs of 27 radiation length. It is necessary to eliminate the background events, mostly low energy protons that prevent efficient observation of high energy cosmic rays. Therefore, CALET has an on-board trigger system to select events which are 1) high energy showers, 2) low energy showers and 3) non-interacting protons or heavy nuclei. These triggers are generated by a combination of the signals from the charge detector, the imaging calorimeter, and the top layer of PWO in the total absorption calorimeter. A CERN-SPS beam test of the CALET prototype detector was carried out by using muons, electrons, and hadrons. We introduce the CALET trigger system and present its performance verified during the beam test.


  • High-dynamic range readout system using dual APD/PD for the CALET-TASC

    Daijiro Ito, Yusaku Katayose, Kunishiro Mori, Hiroyuki Murakami, Shunsuke Ozawa, Yuki Shimizu, Shoji Torii, Yoshitaka Ueyama, Ryosuke Funahashi

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   6   375 - 378  2011年  [査読有り]


    The CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) instrument is under development to observe cosmic-ray electrons, gamma-rays, and nuclei on the International Space Station (ISS). Total absorption calorimeter (TASC) of the CALET is adopted to image the development of shower particles with a stack of lead tungstenate (PWO) scintillators. Since it is necessary to measure in very high dynamic range, from a minimum ionization particle (MIP) to 106 shower particles, we developed a front-end circuit (FEC) which has a dynamic range of 7 orders of magnitude. Scintillation photons from PWO are read out by hybrid packages of Si avalanche photodiode and Si photo diodes (Dual APD/PD). Signals from each photodiode are amplified by a charge sensitive amplifier (CSA) with a high dynamic range of 4 orders of magnitude. Two amplifier circuits with different gains are provided for signal processing with each CSA. We will report on the basic performance of the FEC of CALET-TASC, especially the Dual APD/PD, hybrid integrated circuit (HIC) for the CSA, and the pulse shaping and main amplifier.


  • Measurements of cosmic-ray electron and gamma-ray flux with balloon-borne CALET prototype

    T. Niita, S. Torii, K. Kasahara, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, Y. Katayose, H. Murakami, S. Ozawa, Y. Shimizu, Y. Akaike, Y. Ueyama, D. Ito, M. Karube, K. Kondo, M. Kyutan

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   6   21 - 24  2011年  [査読有り]


    We carried out the balloon experiments using CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) prototype detectors in May 2006 (bCALET-1) and August 2009 (bCALET-2) for verification of both the detector performance and the capability of measuring the cosmic rays at higher atmosphere. The bCALET-2 instrument for observing the electrons and the gamma rays at energies in 1-100 GeV is composed of an imaging calorimeter consisting of 4096 scintillating fibers with a total of 3.6 radiation lengths of tungsten plates, and a total absorption calorimeter consisting of crossed 60 BGO logs with a total of 13.4 radiation lengths depth. The bCALET-2 was launched from the Taiki Aerospace Research Field, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, in Hokkaido, and flew successfully for 2.5 hours at a level altitude of 35 km. In this paper, we will present the spectra of electrons and gamma rays in the energy range of 1-100 GeV measured by bCALET-2, comparing with our previous observations, bCALET-1 and BETS. The detector performance is studied by comparing with the simulations, and the observed fluxes are found to be compatible with the expected.


  • Energy spectrum of neutral pion at LHC proton-proton collisions measured by the LHCf experiment

    H. Menjo, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   3   348 - 351  2011年  [査読有り]


    The LHCf experiment is an LHC forward experiment dedicated to high energy cosmic-ray physics. The LHCf has completed the first phase of physics program, data taking at √s=900 GeV and 7 TeV proton-proton collisions, in July 2010. The LHCf detectors have capability of measurement of forward π0 with more than 600 GeV by reconstruction from photon pairs measured by the two calorimeter towers. A data set taken by the Arm2 detector in 15 May 2010 was analyzed. In this paper, the measured π0 energy spectrum is presented.


  • Performance of the CALET prototype: CERN beam test

    Mikihiko Karube, Shoji Torii, Katsuaki Kasahara, Shunsuke Ozawa, Yosui Akaike, Toshihide Aiba, Yoshitaka Ueyama, Masanori Nakamura, Keisuke Yoshida, Tadahisa Tamura, Shoji Okuno, Yusaku Katayose, Yuki Shimizu

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   6   383 - 386  2011年  [査読有り]


    We are developing the CALET mission to observe high energy cosmic rays at the Japanese Experiment Module/Exposed Facility (JEM/EF) on the International Space Station. The instrument will be flown in 2013, and will be used for 5 years. The primary scientific purpose of CALET is to search for nearby cosmic ray sources and dark matter. We carried out an accelerator beam test with high energy particles with the CALET prototype at the CERN-SPS. The purpose of this test was to assess the detector performance as well as to study the accuracy of the Monte Carlo simulation method. The prototype detector consists of an imaging calorimeter with 256 scintillating fibers and a total absorption calorimeter consisting of 16 PWO logs. The longitudinal structure is similar with the CALET instrument. We used positron and proton beams in the energy region from 6 to 200 GeV, and from 30 to 150 GeV, respectively. Comparing the experimental data with the simulation results, we have measured the energy deposition in each component, the energy resolution, the lateral shower spread and the e/p separation capability.


  • Expected CALET telescope performance from monte carlo simulations

    Yosui Akaike, Katsuaki Kasahara, Shoji Torii, Shunsuke Ozawa, Yuki Shimizu, Mikihiko Karube, Keisuke Yoshida, Kenji Yoshida, Masakatsu Ichimura

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   6   371 - 374  2011年  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, is a versatile detector for exploring the high energy universe, planned to be placed on the Japanese Experiment Module Facility of the International Space Station, ISS. CALET is designed to perform direct measurements of electrons from 1 GeV to 20 TeV, gamma-rays from 10 GeV to 10 TeV, and protons and nuclei from several 10 GeV to 1000 TeV. The main detector consists of a Charge Detector (CHD), an Imaging Calorimeter (IMC), and a Total Absorption Calorimeter (TASC). The total thickness of the calorimeter is 30 X0 for electromagnetic particles or 1.3 λ for protons. We have been carrying out Monte Carlo simulations with EPICS to study the CALET performance. With its imaging and deep calorimeter, CALET provides excellent proton rejection, ∼ 105, and a high energy resolution, ∼2%, over 100 GeV for electromagnetic particles, which make possible the observation of electrons and gamma-rays into the TeV region. In this paper, we will present the expected performance in observing the different particle species, including the geometric factor, the trigger efficiency, the energy resolution and the particle identification power.


  • First year results from LHCf

    K. Kasahara, M. Nakai, Y. Shimizu, T. Suzuki, S. Torii, K. Yoshida, T. Tamura, K. Fukatsu, Y. Itow, K. Kawade, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, G. Mitsuka, T. Sako, K. Suzuki, K. Taki, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, M. Haguenauer, W. C. Turner, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, M. Grandi, P. Papini, S. Ricciarini, K. Noda, A. Tricomi, A. Faus, J. Velasco, D. Macina, A. L. Perrot

    AIP Conference Proceedings   1367   58 - 63  2011年  [査読有り]


    We give a brief description of the purpose of the LHCf experiment, detectors and their performance, and what has been done in the first year experiment. A short summary of results at √s=900 GeV is given although the energy is not an "intrinsic" LHC energy. Since detailed results at √s=7 TeV will appear soon elsewhere, here we limit ourselves to giving also a brief account of what will come in that paper. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


  • Data analysis techniques for LHCf

    G. Mitsuka, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, D. Marina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, K. Yoshida

    AIP Conference Proceedings   1367   212 - 215  2011年  [査読有り]


    Analysis techniques in LHCf are presented, in which all techniques are required to have a high resolution and efficiency in order to overcome the severe situation, small lateral aperture and longitudinally short length of the detector. In this paper, methods for reconstructing an energy of electromagnetic shower are discussed following the data flow of measured data and Monte Carlo simulations. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


  • The performance of the LHCf detector

    T. Mase, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, D. Macina, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, K. Yoshida

    AIP Conference Proceedings   1367   216 - 219  2011年  [査読有り]


    The LHCf experiment is designed to measure energies and transverse momenta of neutral particles emitted in the forward region of s=14TeV p-p collision at ±140m away from the interaction point1 (IP1) of LHC. The energy resolution is confirm to be within 5% and the position resolution is better than 0.2 mm for gamma-rays with energies from 100 GeV to 200 GeV by the test beam results at the CERN-SPS. LHCf has taken data at 2009 and 2010 at s=900GeV and 7 TeV collision. A brief summary of LHCf operation at LHC is also reported here. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


  • The balloon-bone CALET prototype detector (bCALET)

    Shunsuke Ozawa, Shoji Torii, Katsuaki Kasahara, Hiroyuki Murakami, Yosui Akaike, Yoshitaka Ueyama, Daijiro Ito, Motohiko Karube, Keinosuke Kondo, Tae Niita, Tadahisa Tamura, Yusaku Katayose, Kenji Yoshida, Yoshitaka Saito, Hideyuki Fuke, Jiro Kawada

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   6   71 - 74  2011年  [査読有り]


    The CALET payload will be installed in the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility (JEM-EF) of the International Space Station (ISS). We developed a balloon-borne payload to evaluate the performance of CALET by carrying out precursor flights for the electron and gamma-ray observations. The first flight of bCALET-1 (balloon-borne CALET prototype) was carried out in 2006, and the enhanced version, bCALET-2, was successfully flown in August 2009. The bCALET-2 is composed of IMaging Calorimeter (IMC) and Total AbSorption Calorimeter (TASC). The IMC has an area of 256 mm × 256 mm, and is consisted of 8 layers of scintillating fiber belts with a total 3.6 radiation lengths of tungsten plates interleaved within the fiber planes for imaging the pre-shower development. TASC is consisted of crossed BGO logs (25 mm × 25 mm × 300 mm in each) with a total of 13.4 radiation lengths depth, for measuring the total energy deposit of incoming shower particles. The geometry factor is nearly 320 cm2sr over 10 GeV. We succeeded the observation of the electron energy spectrum in 1 GeV ∼ several 10 GeV electron and the atmospheric gamma-rays in 1 GeV ∼ a few 10 GeV, which are consistent with previous observations by BETS. The results are compared with simulations for confirming the detector performance.


  • Study of GSO scintillator for the LHCf upgrade

    K. Kawade, T. Suzuki, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. -L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, K. Yoshida



    The GSO scintillator has a very excellent radiation resistance, fast decay time and large amounts of light yield. Because of these features,GSO will be used to upgrade the current LHCf detector. We examined the features of GSO by using heavy ion beam at Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chib a (HIMAC) Japan. The linearity of PMT R7400 for the large light yield of GSO with a Xe-132 beam and the radiation hardness with a C-12 beam were measured. As a result, GSO scintillator showed a good linearity up to the signal corresponding to 6 TeV EM-shower maximum in the LHCf detector, and a good radiation hardness up to 7x10(5) Gy. For the LHCf Arm1 detector, small scaled GSO crystals (GSO bars), have been fabricated for the position determination detector. 5 GSO bars have been manufactured and its performance have been evaluated using C-12 beam. It slight yield and position dependency have been evaluated.


  • Overview of the CALET Mission to the ISS

    S. Torii, O. Adriani, K.Asano, M.G. Bagliesi, G. Bigongiari, W.R. Binns, M.Bongi, J.Buckley, G. Castellini, M.L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, K. Ebisawa, V. Di Felice, H. Fuke, A.Gherardi, T.G. Guzik, T. Hams, N. Hasebe, M. Hareyama, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, J. B. Isbert, E. Kamioka, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, J. Kataoka, R.Kataoka, N. Kawanaka, M.Y. Kim, H. Kitamura, Y. Komori, T. Kotani, H.S. Krawczynski, J.F. Krizmanic, A. Kubota, S. Kuramata, T.Lomtadze, P. Maestro, L. Marcelli, P. S. Marrocchesi, V. Millucci, J.W. Mitchell, K. Mizutani, A.A. Moiseev, K.Mori, M. Mori, N.Mori, F. Morsani, K. Munakata, H. Murakami, Y.E.Nakagawa, J. Nishimura, S. Okuno, J.F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, P. Papini, B.Rauch, S.Ricciarini, Y. Saito, M. Sasaki, M. Shibata, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, M. Takayanagi, M. Takita, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, Y. Tunesada, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, E. Vannuccini, J.P. Wefel, K.Yamaoka, A. Yoshida, K. Yoshida, T. Yuda

    Proc. Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf., Beijing, OG1.5, 0766 (2011)   5 ( 0766 )  2011年

  • The CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (CGBM)

    Kazutaka Yamaoka, Atsumasa Yoshida, Yuki Nonaka, Yoko Sakauchi, Takumi Hara, Tatsuma Yamamoto, Kunishiro Mori, Satoshi Nakahira, Taro Kotani, Yujin E. Nakagawa, Hiroshi Tomida, Shiro Ueno, Tadahisa Tamura, Shoji Torii

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011   9   111 - 114  2011年  [査読有り]


    The CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (CGBM) is the secondary scientific instrument of the CALET mission to be attached to the ISS, sensitive to X and gamma-rays from 7 keV to 20 MeV. The scientific goal of the CGBM is to search out a clue to radiation mechanisms of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) by obtaining very broadband spectra from optical to TeV gamma-rays together with the primary instrument, the calorimeter (CAL) sensitive to GeV-TeV gamma-rays, and the star camera (ASC). The CGBM sensor consists of the hard X-ray monitor (HXM) sensitive to the 7-1000 keV range and the soft gamma-ray monitor (SGM) to 100 keV-20 MeV utilizing two LaBr3 (Ce) and one BGO scintillators. The LaBr3 crystals would be employed first for GRB observations in space. The electonics box (E-box) processing signals from the sensors, is equipped with analog circuits for a wide dynamic range, onboard GRB trigger system, and 10 Mbyte memory for GRB data accumulation. In this paper, we will describe the scientific performance and the development status of the CGBM.


  • 宇宙からの贈り物 (2009年の成果の総まとめ 特集:物理科学,この1年) -- (素粒子物理)

    鳥居 祥二

    パリティ   25 ( 1 ) 41 - 43  2010年01月


  • Early Physics Results of the LHCf Experiment

    A. Tricomi, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Hagenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, Y. Shimizu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, W. C. Turner, K. Yoshida



    The LHCf experiment at LHC has been designed to calibrate the hadron interaction models used in High Energy Cosmic Ray (HECR) Physics through the measurement of the forward neutral particle produced in p-p interaction. The uncertainty caused by the poor knowledge of the interaction between very high energy primary cosmic ray and the earth's atmosphere prevents the precise deduction of astrophysical parameters from the observational data those causing the most important source of systematic error in HECR dedicated experiments. A calibration of the energy scale in the 10(15) divided by 10(17) eV energy range accessible to LHC provides crucial input for a better interpretation of primary cosmic ray properties. In this paper, the status of the LHCf experiment with special emphasis to the first Physics results is discussed.

  • 国際宇宙ステーション搭載用電子,ガンマ線観測装置(CALET)基礎開発

    鳥居 祥二, 小澤 俊介, 清水 雄輝

    核理研研究報告 = Research report of Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University   42   53 - 57  2010年


  • LHCf: calibration of hadron interaction models for high energy cosmic-ray physics at the LHC energy

    T. Mase, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, A. Faus, M. Grandi, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, D. Macina, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, P. Papini, A-L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, A. Viciani, K. Yoshida



    LHCf measures the energy and transverse momentum of neutral particles produced in the forward region of the LHC interaction point. In high energy cosmic ray measurements, the results strongly depend on the hadron interaction model which is used in the air shower simulation. LHCf will take data at root s= 0.9, 2.4, 7, 10 and 14 TeV collisions at LHC and provide crucial calibration points for the hadron interaction models.

  • The Performance of LHCf Detector

    K. Kawade, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, A. Faus, M. Grandi, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, M. Nakai, P. Papini, A-L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, A. Viciani, K. Yoshida



    In cosmic ray physics, the uncertainty of the hadron interaction model causes systematic errors of air shower simulations in high-energy region. To solve the problem, the LHCf experiment measures energies and transverse momenta of neutral particles emitted in the forward region of 14TeV p-p collision at CERN LHC. Two LHCf detectors, consisting of sampling and imaging calorimeters, are installed at zero degree collision angle at +/- 140m from the interaction point 1 (IP1). The energy resolution is confirmed as to be &lt;5% and the position resolution &lt;0.2mm for gamma-rays with energies from 100GeV to 200GeV by test beam results at the CERN SPS. Use of the Front Counter reduces the beam-gas background by a factor 50.

  • The LHCf experiment at the LHC: Physics Goals and Status

    A. Tricomi, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D&apos;Alessandro, A. Faus, K. Fukui, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, M. Mizuishi, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, A. Viciani, K. Yoshida

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS   196   30 - 35  2009年12月  [査読有り]


    The LHCf experiment is the smallest of the six experiments installed at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). While the general purpose detectors have been mainly designed to answer the open questions of Elementary Particle Physics, LHCf has been designed as a fully devoted Astroparticle experiment at the LHC. Indeed, thanks to the excellent performances of its double arm calorimeters, LHCf will be able to measure the flux of neutral particles produced in p-p collisions at LHC in the very forward region, thus providing an invaluable help in the calibration of air-shower Monte Carlo codes currently used for modeling cosmic rays interactions in the Earth atmosphere. Depending on the LHC machine schedule, LHCf will take data in an energy range from 900 GeV up to 14 TeV in the centre of mass system (equivalent to 10(17) eV in the laboratory frame), thus covering one of the most interesting and debated region of the Cosmic Ray spectrum, the region around and beyond the "knee".


  • Status of the LHCf apparatus at LHC

    L. Bonechi, O. Adriani, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D&apos;Alessandro, A. Faus, K. Fukui, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, M. Mizuishi, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, A. Viciani, K. Yoshida

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS   197   154 - 157  2009年12月  [査読有り]


    The LBCf experiment at the LHC accelerator is ready for data taking. Both the LHCf detectors have been successfully tested and installed in their running configuration. The status of the apparatus, control software and some results of the last beam test at the SPS accelerator are presented in this work.


  • The LHCf experiment at CERN: motivations and current status.

    R. D&apos;Alessandro, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, D. A. Faus, K. Fukui, M. Grandi, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, M. Mizuishi, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, A. Viciani, K. Yoshida

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS   190   52 - 58  2009年05月  [査読有り]


    LHCf is an experiment currently installed at CERN at the LHC complex. It consists of two small calorimeters each one placed 140 meters away from the ATLAS interaction point. Their purpose is to study forward production of neutral particles in proton-proton collisions at extremely low angles. The results will provide invaluable inputs to the many air-shower Monte Carlo codes currently used For modeling cosmic rays interactions in the Earth atmosphere. Depending on machine start up, data will be taken from 900 GeV in the centre of mass tip to 14 TeV (laboratory equivalent collision energy of 10(17) ev), thus covering an energy range up to and beyond the "knee" of the cosmic ray spectrum.


  • SELENE2ローバ搭載用ガンマ線・中性子分光計

    森田幹雄, 長谷部信行, 鳥居祥二, 片岡淳, 唐牛譲, 早津佳那子, 武田侑子, 長岡央, 三谷烈史, 小林進悟, 晴山慎, 飯島祐一, 高島健, 小林正規, 荒井朋子, D’USTON C., GASNAULT O., 山下直之, KIM K. J., DOHM J. M.

    太陽系科学シンポジウム講演集録(CD-ROM)   31st  2009年


  • The CALET Mission on ISS

    鳥居 祥二

    Proc.of the 31st ICRC(Electric Edition)     1 - 4  2009年

  • Dark Matter Search by High-Energy Electron Observations

    YOSHIDA Kenji, TORII Shoji, KASAHARA Katsuaki, SHIMIZU Yuki, TAMURA Tadahisa



    It has been pointed out in particle physics that mono-energetic electrons and positrons can be produced in the annihilation of WIMP dark matter. Although the propagation through the Galaxy would broaden the line spectrum, the observed spectrum would still have the distinctive feature in the region of sub-TeV, which indicates the existence of WIMP dark matter in the Galactic halo. The recent positron fraction spectrum by the PAMELA experiment shows a significant sharp rise up to ∼100 GeV, and the electron + positron spectrum by the ATIC experiment also shows an excess in the several 100 GeV region. In order to increase greatly the amount of statistics up to higher energies, we need to observe the high-energy electrons and positrons for much longer exposure times by space utilization such as CALET on the ISS.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of the GRB Monitor for the CALET experiment

    Kazutaka Yamaoka, Atsumasa Yoshida, Taro Kotani, Satoshi Nakahira, Kei Suzuki, Takuya Ohyama, Takaaki Doshida, Tohru Kojima, Takayuki Shiraki, Tomoki Kataoka, Yujin E. Nakagawa, Hiroshi Tomida, Shoji Torii

    AIP Conference Proceedings   1133   88 - 90  2009年  [査読有り]


    The CALET mission is a Japanese-led effort involving candidate experiments on the International Space Station, planned for launch in 2013. The CALET main detector is a pair conversion telescope which is dedicated to observing high energy electrons and gamma-rays in the GeV-TeV range. CALET can observe gamma-ray bursts over an unprecedented 9 decade energy range from ∼keV to ∼TeV with a combination of a gamma-ray burst monitor (GBM) with low energy coverage. GBM is now designed as multiple scintillators made of BGO and LaBr3 (Ce) scintillators. The prototype LaBr3(Ce) crystal with 3 inch diameter and 0.5 inch thickness displays a very good performance: 2.9±0.1 % FWHM energy resolution at 662 keV and 4 keV lower energy threshold. Furthermore, degradations in performance by the anticipated proton irradiation in the orbit are not significant. Results on proton-induced background are also presented. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


  • 国際宇宙ステーションでの宇宙線観測のためのCALETミッション

    TAMURA Tadahisa, TORII Shoji, KASAHARA Katsuaki, OKUDAIRA Osamu, HASEBE Nobuyuki, HAREYAMA Makoto, MIYAJIMA Hiromitsu, MIYAJI Takashi, YAMASHITA Naoyuki, UENO Shiro, SAITO Yoshitaka, TAKAYANAGI Masahiro, TOMITA Hiroshi, NISHIMURA Jun, FUKE Hideyuki, YAMAGAMI Takamasa, OKUNO Shoji, TATEYAMA Nobuto, HIBINO Kinya, SHIOMI Atsushi, SHIOMI Atsushi, TAKITA Masato, YUDA Toshinori, SHIMIZU Yuki, KAKIMOTO Fumio, TSUNESADA Yoshiki, TERASAWA Toshio, KOBAYASHI Tadashi, YOSHIDA Atsumasa, YAMAOKA Kazutaka, KATAYOSE Yusaku, SHIBATA Makio, YOSHIDA Kenji, ICHIMURA Masaichi, KURAMATA Shuichi, UCHIHORI Yukio, KITAMURA Hisashi, MURAKAMI Hiroyuki, KOMORI Yoshiko, MIZUTANI Kohei

    Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Space Technology Japan (Web)   7 ( ists26 )  2009年


  • Crystal identification performance of the jPET detector depending on refractive index of optical cement between scintillators

    Atsushi Ohmura, Fumihiko Nishikido, Naoko Inadama, Yujiro Yazaki, Hiroto Osada, Kengo Shibuya, Taiga Yamaya, Eiji Yoshida, Shoji Torii, Hideo Murayama



    Previously we developed the four-layer DOI detector which consists of four layers of scintillation crystal arrays and a position sensitive photomultiplier tube (PS-PMT). To control the behavior of scintillation light in each DOI crystal array, some reflectors between crystals are removed so that all crystal responses in the four layers are expressed in one two-dimensional (2D) position histogram by implementing an Anger-type calculation of the PS-PMT signals.
    Since the method utilizes spread of scintillation light through the space between crystals with no reflectors, positioning performance in the 2D position histogram depends on the crystal dimensions, the crystal surface finish, and refractive index of the material in the space. That indicates the degradation of positioning performance as the result of changing crystal condition can be mitigated by using an optical cement of appropriate refractive index. In this work, we studied crystal identification performance by using an optical cement of variable refractive index. The results reveal that 2D position histogram changes as a function of the refractive index change of the optical cement between crystals.

  • CAET Mission on the ISS

    S. Torii, M. Hareyama, N. Hasebe, K. Kasahara, S. Kobayashi, S. Kodaira, H. Murakami, S. Ozawa, S. Udo, N. Yamashita, K. Ebisawa, H. Fuke, J. Nishimura, Y. Saito, M. Takayanagi, H. Tomida, S. Ueno, T. Yamagami, K. Hibino, S. Okuno, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, T. Kobayashi, T. Kotani, K. Yamaoka, A. Yoshida, Y. Shimizu, M. Takita, T. Yuda, Y. Katayose, M. Shibata, E. Kamioka, A. Kubota, K. Yoshida, M. Ichimura, S. Kuramata, Y. Tunesada, T. Terasawai, H. Kitamura, Y. Uchihori, Y. Komori, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, A. Shiomi, J. W. Michell, A. J. Ericsson, T. Hams, J. F. Krizmanic, A. A. Moissev, M. Sasaki, J. F. Ormes, M. L. Cherry, T. G. Guzik, J. P. Wefel, W. R. Binns, M. H. Israel, H. Krawzczynski, P. S. Marrocchesi, M. G. Gagliesi, G. Bigongiari, A. Caldarone, M. Y. Kim, R. Cecchi, P. Maestro, V. Millucci, R. Zei, C. Avanzini, T. Avanzini, A. Messine, F. Morsani, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, P. Papini, E. Vannuccini, J. Chan, W. Gan, T. Lu, Y. Ma, H. Wang, G. Chen

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering   7021  2008年12月


    We are developing the CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission for the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility, JEM-EF, of the International Space Station. Major scientific objectives are to search for the nearby cosmic ray sources and dark matter by carrying out a precise measurement of the electrons in 1 GeV - 20 TeV and gamma rays in 20 MeV - several 10 TeV. CALET has a unique capability to observe electrons and gamma rays over 1 TeV since the hadron rejection power can be larger than 105 and the energy resolution better than a few % over 100 GeV. The detector consists of an imaging calorimeter with scintillating fibers and tungsten plates and a total absorption calorimeter with BGO scintillators. CALET has also a capability to measure cosmic ray H, He and heavy ions up to 1000 TeV. It also will have a function to monitor solar activity and gamma ray transients. The phase A study has started on a schedule of launch in 2013 by H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) for 5 year observation.


  • The CALET space observatory for JEM-EF on the international space station

    J. P. Wefel, S. Torii, Y. Shimizu, K. Kasahara, N. Hasebe, M. Hareyama, S. Kodaira, O. Okudaira, N. Yamashita, M. Miyazima, T. Miyaji, M. Tkayanagi, S. Ueno, H. Tomida, Y. Saito, H. Fuke, T. Yamagami, J. Nishimura, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, K. Hibino, S. Okuno, A. Shiomi, M. Takita, T. Yuda, F. Kakimoto, Y. Tsunesada, T. Terasawa, T. Kobayashi, A. Yoshida, K. Yamaoka, Y. Katayose, M. Shibata, M. Ichimura, S. Kuramata, Y. Uchihori, A. Kitamura, K. Yoshida, H. Murakami, Y. Komor, K. MIZUTANl, K. Munakata, R. E. Streitmatter, J. W. Mitchell, L. M. BARBlER, A. A. MOlSEEV, J. F. Krizmanic, J. F. Ormes, G. Case, M. L. Cherry, T. G. Guzik, J. B. Isbert, W. R. Binns, M. H. Israel, H. S. Krawczynski, P. S. Marrocchesi, G. Bigongiari, K. Batkov, M. Y. Kim, M. G. Bagliesi, P. Masestro, V. Millucci, R. Zei, O. Adriani, P. Papini, E. Vannuccini, L. Bonechi, J. Chang, J. Yan, W. Gan, G. Chen, Y. Ma, H. Wang

    Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications - Proceedings of the 10th Conference     911 - 915  2008年12月


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, is a new Space Observatory being developed for the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility, JEM-EF, of the International Space Station. Major scientific objectives are to search for nearby cosmic ray sources and dark matter by carrying out a precise measurement of the electron spectrum from 10&#039;s of GeV-10 TeV and of gamma rays in the range 20 MeV several TeV. CALET has a unique capability to observe electrons and y-rays over 1 TeV, with a hadron rejection power better than 105 and an energy resolution of a few % beyond 100 GeV. Moreover, CALET will follow PAMELA, GLAST and other experiments and can both extend and refine the observations made by those missions. The main instrument, to be described, consists of an imaging calorimeter combined with a total absorption calorimeter. With auxiliary detectors, the CALET Observatory will also monitor solar activity and study pray bursts. The phase NB study is underway for a proposed 2013 launch on the H-I1 Transfer Vehicle (HTV) for 3- 5 years of observation on EM-EF.

  • PET用光分配方式DOI検出器における接着剤の屈折率の影響

    大村 篤史, 村山 秀雄, 稲玉 直子, 山谷 泰賀, 吉田 英治, 錦戸 文彦, 澁谷 憲悟, 高橋 慧, 鳥居 祥二

    医学物理 : 日本医学物理学会機関誌 = Japanese journal of medical physics : an official journal of Japan Society of Medical Physics   28   41 - 42  2008年04月


  • 宇宙線観測装置CALETのフロントエンド回路の耐放射線性能

    田村忠久, 日比野欣也, 奥野祥二, 鳥居祥二, 清水雄輝, 赤池陽水, 平晃一, 日高健, 福田康博, 吉田賢二, 片寄祐作, CHEN D., 内堀幸夫, 北村尚, 山岡和貴

    NIRS-M (National Inst. of Radiological Sciences)   ( 214 )  2008年


  • The LHCf experiment: modelling cosmic rays at LHC

    Alessia Tricomi, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, A. Faus, K. Fukui, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, D. Macina, T. Mase, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, M. Mizuishi, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, P. Papini, A. L. Perrot, S. B. Ricciarini, T. Sako, Y. Shimizu, T. Tamura, K. Taki, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, H. Watanabe, K. Yoshida



    The LHCf experiment at LHC has been designed to provide a calibration of nuclear interaction models used in cosmic ray physics up to energies relevant to test the region between the knee and the GZK cut-off. Details of the detector and its performances are discussed.


  • 宇宙線観測装置CALETのフロントエンド回路の耐放射線性能

    田村忠久, 日比野欣也, 奥野祥二, 鳥居祥二, 清水雄輝, 吉田賢二, 片寄祐作, CHEN D., 内堀幸夫, 北村尚

    NIRS-M (National Inst. of Radiological Sciences)   ( 203 )  2007年


  • Large scale observation program of ultra heavy nuclei in galactic cosmic rays

    N. Hasebe, T. Doke, M. Hareyama, S. Kodaira, T. Miyachi, M. Miyajima, O. Okudaira, K. Sakurai, S. Ota, M. Sato, Y. Shimizu, M. Takano, S. Torii, N. Yamashita, N. Yasuda, S. Nakamura, T. Kamei, H. Tawara, K. Ogura, S. Mikado, H. Shibuya, K. Nakazawa, A. J. Westph

    Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2007   2   51 - 54  2007年01月


    Our galaxy is filled with relativistic nuclei and electrons, being called galactic cosmic rays (GCRs). The origin of GCRs nuclei is still unknown. The precise observation of ultra heavy (UH) GCRs (Z ≥ 30) is important to resolve the remaining problems in cosmic ray astrophysics. Observation program of UH nuclei in GCRs is proposed with the use of high performance solid-state track detector (SSTD) on board long-duration balloon. The program focuses to measure the isotopic abundance above iron-peak elements and the composition of the rare ultra heavy nuclei up to actinide elements with relativistic energy. The observation of nuclear composition covers a wide range of scientific themes including studies of nucleosynthesis of cosmic ray sources, chemical evolution of galactic material, the characteristic time of cosmic rays, heating and acceleration mechanism of cosmic ray particles. In order to achieve the objectives, the super-ressure balloon capable of carrying very large scientific payloads for long extended period is best suited. The possible approach based on a large telescope array consisting of modularized SSTD stacks is described.

  • Energy spectrum and arrival directions of high-energy electrons over 100 GeV observed with PPB-BETS

    K. Yoshida, S. Torii, T. Tamura, H. Kitamura, T. Yamagami, J. Chang, I. Iijima, A. Kadokura, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, Y. Matsuzaka, K. Mizutani, H. Murakami, M. Namiki, J. Nishimura, S. Ohta, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, N. Tateyama, H. Yamagishi, T. Yuda

    Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2007   2 ( OG PART 1 ) 59 - 62  2007年  [査読有り]


    We have observed cosmic-ray electrons from 10 GeV to 1 TeV with PPB-BETS by a long duration balloon flight using Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) in Antarctica. The observation was carried out for 13 days at an altitude of 35 km in January 2004. The detector is an imaging calorimeter composed of scintillating-fiber belts and plastic scintillators inserted between lead plates. The geometrical factor of detector is about 600 cm2sr and the total thickness of lead absorber is 9 radiation lengths. We have collected 5.7103 events over 100 GeV including nearly 100 candidates of primary electrons. During the flight, sun aspect sensors and geomagnetic aspect sensors operated to determine the attitude of the instrument. The arrival directions of high-energy electrons over 100 GeV, together with the energy spectrum, are suggested to be a powerful probe to identify nearby cosmic- ray electron sources. In this paper, we present the energy spectrum and arrival directions of cosmic-ray electrons from 100 GeV to 1 TeV observed with PPB-BETS.

  • The CALET mission on international space station

    S. Torii, Y. Shimizu, K. Kasahara, N. Hasebe, M. Hareyama, S. Kodaira, O. Okudaira, N. Yamashita, M. Miyazima, T. Miyaji, M. Tkayanagi, S. Ueno, H. Tomida, Y. Saito, H. Fuke, T. Yamagami, J. Nishimura, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, K. Hibino, S. Okuno, A. Shiomi, M. Takita, T. Yuda, F. Kakimoto, Y. Tsunesada, T. Terasawa, T. Kobayashi, A. Yoshida, K. Yamaoka, Y. Katayose, M. Shibata, M. Ichimura, S. Kuramata, Y. Uchihori, A. Kitamura, K. Yoshida, H. Murakami, Y. Komori, K. Mizutani, K. Munakata, R. E. Streitmatter, J. W. Mitchell, L. M. Barbier, A. A. Moiseev, J. F. Krizmanic, J. F. Ormes, J. P. Wefel, G. Case, M. L. Cherry, T. G. Guzik, J. B. Isbert, W. R. Binns, M. H. Israel, H. S. Krawczynski, P. S. Marrocchesi, G. Bigongiari, K. Batkov, M. Y. Kim, M. G. Bagliesi, P. Masestro, V. Millucci, R. Zei, O. Adriani, P. Papini, E. Vannuccini, L. Bonechi, J. Chang, J. Yan, W. Gan

    Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2007   2   393 - 396  2007年01月


    We are developing the CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission for the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility, JEM-EF, of the International Space Station. Major scientific objectives are to search for the nearby cosmic ray sources and dark matter by carrying out a precise measurement of the electrons in 1 GeV - 10 TeV and rays in 20 MeV - several TeV. CALET has a unique capability to observe electrons and rays over 1 TeV since the hadron rejection power can be better than 105 and the energy resolution better than a few % over 100 GeV. The detector consists of an imaging calorimeter, SciFi and W, and a total absorption calorimeter, BGO. CALET has also a capability to measure protons and nuclei up to 1000 TeV, and it will have a function to monitor solar activity and ?ray bursts with additional instruments. The phase A study has started on a schedule of launch in 2013 by H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) for 5 years observation. Details of each part of CALET will be presented in accompanying papers in this conference.

  • Performance of the prototype detector for the LHCf experiment

    Sako, T, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, A. Faus, M. Haguenauer, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Matsumoto, H. Menjo, Y. Muraki, Y. Obata, T. Tamura, K. Tanaka, S. Torii, W. C. Turner, J. Velasco, K. Yoshida

    Nuclear Instrument and Method   A578   146-159  2007年  [査読有り]




  • Gamma-ray burst monitor for the CALET mission

    K. Yamaoka, A. Yoshida, Y. E. Nakagawa, S. Sugita, S. Nakahira, H. Tomida, S. Torii

    Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2007   3 ( OG PART 2 ) 1465 - 1468  2007年  [査読有り]


    We propose to provide a gamma-ray burst monitor (GBM) for the CALET mission to monitor gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) simultaneously with the CALET main detector. The major purpose is to derive a wide-band energy spectrum of GRB over an unprecedented 9 decades of energy (from a few keV to a few TeV) in combination with the CALET tower detector. Hence it is desirable to have the CALET-GBM covering an energy range from a few keV to about 20 MeV to avoid a gap in observational energy band. The design of GBM is underway to fulfill this requirement. The current detector candidate is LaBr3(Ce) scintillator which has a superior energy resolution to that of NaI(Tl). The design and expected performance of the CALET-GBM will be presented in this paper.

  • 放射線高速計測システムの耐放射線性能向上のための研究開発

    田村 忠久, 鳥居 祥二, 高柳 昌弘, 久保 信

    神奈川大学工学研究所所報   29   51 - 58  2006年11月


  • The high precision observation of ultra heavy cosmic ray nuclei

    Nobuyuki Hasebe, Tadayoshi Doke, Makoto Hareyama, Satoshi Kodaira, Takashi Miyachi, Mitsuhiro Miyajima, Osamu Okudaira, Kunitomo Sakurai, Masatoshi Takano, Shoji Torii, Naoyuki Yamashita, Nakahiro Yasuda, Shogo Nakamura, Hiroko Tawara, Koichi Ogura, Hiros

    Proceedings of 20th European Cosmic Ray Symposium    2006年09月

  • High performance solid-state track detector for the observation of trans-ion isotopes in galactic cosmic rays

    Satoshi Kodaira, Tadayoshi Doke, Makoto Hareyama, Nobuyuki Hasebe, Takashi Miyachi, Mitsuhiro Miyajima, Osamu Okudaira, Kunitomo Sakurai, Masatoshi Takano, Shoji Torii, Naoyuki Yamashita, Nakahiro Yasuda, Hiroko Tawara, Shogo Nakamura, Koichi Ogura, Hiros

    Proceedings of 20th European Cosmic Ray Symosium    2006年09月

  • 「高エネルギー宇宙線計測」ワーキンググループ報告

    鳥居 祥二, 長谷部 信行, 宮島 光弘, 宮地 孝, 晴山 慎, 奥平 修, 山下 直之, 小平 聡, 西村 純, 槇野 文命, 山上 隆正, 斎藤 芳隆, 福家 英之, 高柳 昌弘, 上野 史郎, 富田 洋, 田村 忠久, 立山 暢人, 吉田 健二, 奥野 祥二, 日比野 欣也, 湯田 利典, 柴田 槇雄, 片寄 祐作, 倉又 秀一, 市村 雅一, 内堀 幸夫, 北村 尚, 笠原 克昌, 村上 浩之, 小林 正, 古森 良志子, 水谷 興平, 寺沢 敏夫, Torii Shoji, Hasebe Nobuyuki, Miyajima Mitsuhiro, Miyachi Takashi, Hareyama Makoto, Okudaira Osamu, Yamashita Naoyuki, Kodaira Satoshi, Nishimura Jun, Makino Fumiyoshi, Yamagami Takamasa, Saito Yoshitaka, Fuke Hideyuki, Takayanagi Masahiro, Ueno Shiro, Tomita Hiroshi, Tamura Tadahisa, Tateyama Nobuhito, Yoshida Kenji, Okuno Shoji, Hibino Kinya, Yuda Toshinori, Shibata Makio, Katayose Yusaku, Kuramata Shiyuuichi, Ichimura Masakatsu, Uchihori Yukio, Kitamura Hisashi, Kasahara Katsuaki, Murakami Hiroyuki, Kobayashi Tadashi, Komori Yoshiko, Mizutani Kouhei, Terasawa Toshio

    宇宙利用シンポジウム = Space Utilization Research: Proceedings of Space Utilization Symposium   ( 22 )  2006年03月


    第22回宇宙利用シンポジウム(2006年1月17日-19日, 日本学術会議6階会議室 六本木、東京)形態: カラー図版あり共催: 日本学術会議著者人数: 34人資料番号: AA0064113032


  • 宇宙線超重核観測計画

    長谷部信行, 道家道義, 晴山慎, 桜井邦朋, 小平聡, 鷹野正利, 鳥居祥二, 宮地孝, 宮島光弘, 奥平修, 山下直之, 安田仲宏, 俵裕子, 中村正吾, 小倉紘一, 渋谷寛

    Space Radiation   5 ( 1 ) 3 - 37  2006年03月

  • 南極周回気球による高エネルギー電子の観測

    鳥居祥二, 山上隆正, 田村忠久, 吉田健二, 北村尚, 安楽和明, 山下太郎, 西村純, 斉藤芳隆, 並木道義, 松坂幸彦, 太田茂雄, 門倉昭, 山岸久雄, 江尻全機, 村上博之, 柴田槙雄, 片寄祐作, 笠原克昌, 小林正, 古森良志子, 水谷興平, 湯田利典, 常進

    宇宙航空研究開発機構報告   JAXA RR-05 ( 012 ) 57 - 83  2006年03月


  • 結晶シンチレーターを用いた全吸収カロリメータの重粒子線検出性能に関する研究

    片寄祐作, 岩崎正統, 内堀幸夫, 奥野祥二, 北村尚, 小平聡, 柴田槇雄, 田村忠久, CHEN D., 豊田哲也, 鳥居祥二, 日比野欣也, 吉田賢二

    NIRS-M (National Inst. of Radiological Sciences)   ( 192 )  2006年


  • 高エネルギー電子,ガンマ線観測計画(CALET)


    ICRRニュース   ( 60 )  2006年


  • 最高エネルギー領域の宇宙線研究(レビュー)


    ICRRニュース   ( 60 )  2006年


  • CALET for high energy electron and gamma-ray measurements on ISS

    S Torii

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS   150   345 - 348  2006年01月  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission is proposed for the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility, JEM-EF, of the International Space Station. The mission goal is to reveal the high-energy phenomena in the universe by carrying out a precise mesurement of the electrons in the range 1 GeV-10 TeV and the gamma-rays in the range 20 MeV to several TeV. The detector will be composed of an imaging calorimeter of scintillating fibers (IMC) and a total absorption calorimeter of BGO (TASC). The total absorber thickness is 36 r.l for electromagnetic particles and 1.8 m. p for protons. The total payload weight is nearly 2.5 t and the effective geometrical factor for the electrons similar to 1.0 m(2)sr. The CALET has a unique capability to measure the electrons and gamma-rays above 1 TeV since the hadron rejection power can be 106 and the energy resolution for electromagnetic particles is better than a few % above 100 GeV Therefore, it is promising to detect any change of the energy spectra and a line signature in the energy distribution, as expected from the dark matter.


  • 宇宙環境におけるシンチファイバー検出器の実証化研究

    田村 忠久, 鳥居 祥二, 常 進, 高柳 昌弘, HAGUENAUER Maurice

    神奈川大学工学研究所所報   28   49 - 58  2005年11月


  • CALETの開発(5)電子・ガンマ線観測と暗黒物質探索

    吉田 健二, 鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久

    宇宙科学シンポジウム   5   265 - 268  2005年01月


  • 結晶シンチレーターを用いた全吸収カロリメータの重粒子線検出性能に関する研究

    片寄祐作, 井上武, 岩塚正博, 内堀幸夫, 奥野祥二, 北村尚, 柴田槙雄, 田村忠久, 鳥居祥二, 日比野欣也, 三橋庸智, 吉田賢二

    NIRS-M (National Inst. of Radiological Sciences)   ( 180 )  2005年


  • LHCf : A new experiment to study very forward particle emission at LHC

    T. Sako, Y. Muraki, Y. Itow, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, H. Menjo, Y. Obata, K. Tanaka, H. Matsumoto, K. Kasahara, S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, M. Haguenauer, W. C. Turner, O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, J. Velasco, A. Faus

    Proceedings of the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference Vol 8: HE 1.5     189 - 192  2005年  [査読有り]


    A new accelerator experiment to study very forward particle emission in the LHC collider, LHCf, is presented. Because a collision of 7 TeV protons corresponds to 10(17) eV in the laboratory system, our experiment can give a firm base for simulating air showers generated from ultra high energy cosmic rays. This is indispensable information for the ongoing large experiments like TA, Auger and EUSO for the near future. The LHCf detector is composed of three tower electromagnetic calorimeters and scintillating fibers (SciFi) to measure core position of the shower. To avoid multi particle hits, each tower has a small cross section (2cm x 2cm, 3cm x 3cm and 4cmx4cm). We have confirmed that we can measure shower energy with &lt; 5% resolution even using such small calorimeters. A project overview and the results of a beam test carried out in August 2004 at CERN SPS are presented.

  • The CALET mission on international space station

    S. Torii, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, K. Hibino, T. Yuda, K. Yoshida, K. Kashiwagi, S. Okuno, J. Nishimura, T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, H. Fuke, M. Takayanagi, H. Tomida, S. Ueno, F. Makino, M. Shibata, Y. Katayose, S. Kuramata, M. Ichimura, Y. Uchihori, H. Kitamura, K. Kasahara, H. Murakami, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, K. Mizutani, T. Terasawam, R. E. Streitmatter, J. W. Mitchell, L. M. Barbier, A. A. Moiseev, J. F. Krizmanic, J. F. Ormes, W. R. Binns, M. H. Israel, H. S. Krawzczynski, G. Case, M. L. Cherry, T. G. Guzik, J. B. Isbert, J. P. Wefel, P. S. Marrocchesi, P. Maestro, M. G. Bagliesi, V. Millucci, M. Meucci, G. Bigongiari, R. Zei, F. Ligabue, F. Morsani, O. Adriani, P. Papini, P. Spillantini, L. Bonechi, E. Vannuccini, J. Chang, W. Gan, T. Lu

    29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2005   3   329 - 332  2005年  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) mission is proposed for the observation of various components of cosmic-rays as well as ?-rays on the Exposure Facility of the Japanese Experiment Module ( EF/JEM ) on the International Space Station (ISS). The detector is composed of an imaging calorimeter of scintillating fibers (IMC), a total absorption calorimeter of BGO (TASC) and a silicon pad module at the top of IMC . The total thickness of absorber is 36 r.l for the electromagnetic particles and 1.8 m.f.p for protons. The total weight of the payload, including the detector, the support, the interface instruments with JEM so on, is nearly 2,500 kg and the geometrical factor for the electrons is about 1 m2 sr. The CALET has a unique capability to measure electrons and ?-rays beyond 1 TeV since the hadron rejection power is 106. The energy resolution for the electro-magnetic particles is better than a few % above 100 GeV. The detector is optimally designed to detect changes in the energy spectra caused by physical processes, or a line signature in the energy distribution expected from annihilations of dark matter candidates. This paper is the first presentation by the international team of the CALET collaboration.

  • Observation of high-energy electron, gamma ray, and dark matter with CALET

    K. Yoshida, S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Kasahara, J. Chang, H. Fuke, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, T. Kashiwagi, Y. Katayose, H. Kitamura, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, S. Kuramata, F. Makino, K. Mizutani, H. Murakami, J. Nishimura, S. Okuno, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, M. Takayanagi, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, S. Tomida, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, T. Yamagami, T. Yuda

    29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2005   3   337 - 340  2005年  [査読有り]


    We are proposing the CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) for the observation of high-energy electrons and gamma rays at the Exposed Facility of the Japanese Experiment Module on the International Space Station. The CALET has a capability to observe electrons (+positrons) in 1GeV-10TeV and gamma rays in 20MeV- 10TeV with a high energy resolution of 2%@100GeV, an angular resolution of 0.06deg@100GeV, and a high proton rejection power of 10. CALET has the geometrical factor of nearly 1m-sr and three-years observation is expected. Precise electron observation of CALET enables us to identify cosmic-ray electron sources by the detection of distinctive features in the energy spectrum and anisotropy toward nearby sources. The ISS orbit enables CALET to survey all of the sky in a wide field of view of 2 sr without attitude control of the instrument. In addition, by the hybrid observations of high-energy electrons and gamma rays, the CALET can search for WIMP dark matter.

  • Simulation study on high energy electron and gamma-ray detection with CALET

    J. Chang, S. Torii, K. Kasahara, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida

    Proceedings of the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol 3: OG1     273 - 276  2005年  [査読有り]


    High energy electron detection is very important to understand the cosmic ray origin, acceleration, and propagation. Until now only several electrons above 1 TeV have been observed. The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) will perform a direct measurement of electrons and gamma rays up to 10 TeV. Its advanced design employs both an imaging calorimeter (IMC) and a total absorption calorimeter (TASC). The proton rejection power for electrons is nearly 10(6) with the absorber thickness 36 r.l. By using the shower difference in development between electrons and hadrons, it is enough to observe electron up to 10 TeV with high precision. In this work, we present the Monte Carlo simulation results on high energy electron and gamma-ray detection with CALET.

  • Performance of the CALET calorimeter by accelerator beam test

    Y. Katayose, S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, H. Murakami, H. Fuke, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Kasahara, K. Kashiwagi, H. Kitamura, Y. Komori, S. Kuramata, T. Kobayashi, F. Makino, K. Mizutani, J. Nishimura, S. Okuno, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, M. Takayanagi, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, H. Tomida, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, T. Yamagami, T. Yuda

    Proceedings of the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol 3: OG1     325 - 328  2005年  [査読有り]


    We are developing the CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) instrument for observing high energy electrons and gamma rays on ISS. For confirming the CALET capability expected by simulations, we made a small model of CALET with a size of 2/3 in thickness and had the experimental tests by using beams available in CERN. The beams used are 50GeV, 100GeV electrons and 150 GeV protons. The energy resolution is sigma/E = 4.0 +/- 0.1% and 2.25 +/- 0.04% for 50GeV and 100GeV electrons, respectively. About 97.3% of protons can be rejected by shower image, while approximately 96.8% of electrons are correctly identified. The performance of the model was also investigated by Monte Carlo simulation to compare with the results by beam tests. We confirmed good consistency between simulation and the beam test.

  • CALET observation of nuclear components in primary cosmic rays

    M. Ichimura, S. Kuramata, S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, K. Kasahara, J. Chang, H. Fuke, K. Hibino, T. Kashiwagi, Y. Katayose, H. Kitamura, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, F. Makino, K. Mizutani, H. Murakami, J. Nishimura, S. Okuno, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, M. Takayanagi, N. Tateyama, T. Terasawa, S. Tomida, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, T. Yamagami, T. Yuda

    Proceedings of the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol 3: OG1     321 - 324  2005年  [査読有り]


    Although CALET is originally designed for detections of electrons and gamma rays, nuclear components of primary cosmic rays, from protons to iron nucleus and more, are also observable by CALET, utilizing the total absorption calorimeter (TASC). TASC has 1.6 m.f.p. for protons which is enough to measure the energy of protons up to 1000 TeV. Using the observed spectra, the following items will be discussed: (1) the detailed structure of the spectrum, checking the change of the spectrum index and comparing indices of various components. More than 300 iron nuclei with the energy greater than 1 TeV/n will be observed. (2) secondary/primary ratio. Especially we can observe the both of B/C ratio and sub-Fe/Fe ratio. At the space station, the observation is free from the atmospheric contamination corrections. These observations are essential for the acceleration mechanisms and the propagation of cosmic rays.

  • CALET observations of galactic electrons in the heliosphere

    Y. Komori, S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, J. Nishimura, T. Terasawa, H. Fuke, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Kasahara, K. Kashiwagi, Y. Katayose, H. Kitamura, T. Kobayashi, S. Kuramata, F. Makino, K. Mizutani, H. Murakami, S. Okuno, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, M. Takayanagi, N. Tateyama, H. Tomida, Y. Uchihori, S. Ueno, T. Yamagami, T. Yada

    Proceedings of the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol 2: SH3     453 - 456  2005年  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope(CALET) mission is proposed to measure galactic electrons and gamma rays on ISS/JEM for three years[l]. In this paper we report the purpose of this project in solar physics and the expected results from precise measurement of electron energy spectrum in the 1-100GeV energy range. The CALET measurement of long-term variations of the energy spectrum will produce a wealth of data to investigate electron propagation in the heliosphere. CALET does not distinguish positive charge from negative one. However, we can evaluate the charge sign dependence of solar modulation using correlation with the neutron monitors, since most particles are negative electrons in this energy range. Further we estimate transport parameters, mainly the energy dependence of diffusion coefficient in the heliosphere. CALET will also have a capability of measuring the short-term variation of around ten Forbush decreases(Fds) for three years. Precise measurements of the energy spectral variation of Fds will give a conclusion of the energy dependence of Fds.

  • Atmospheric gamma-ray observation over 100GeV with PPB-BETS by long duration balloon flight in Antarctica

    K. Yoshida, H. Kitamura, S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Kasahara, J. Chang, I. Iijima, A. Kadokura, Y. Katayose, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, Y. Matsuzaka, K. Mizutani, H. Murakami, M. Namiki, J. Nishimura, S. Ohta, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, N. Tateyama, T. Yamagami, H. Yamagishi, T. Yuda

    Proceedings of the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference Vol 9: HE 2     53 - 56  2005年  [査読有り]


    Since atmospheric gamma rays at high altitude are mainly produced by a single interaction of primary cosmic rays with atmospheric nuclei, they are very useful to study nuclear interaction models and atmospheric neutrinos. We have observed atmospheric gamma rays from 100 GeV to 1 TeV with PPB-BETS by a long duration balloon flight of Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) in Antarctica. The observation was carried out for 13 days at an altitude of similar to 35 km in January 2004. The detector of PPB-BETS is an imaging calorimeter composed of scintillating-fiber belts and plastic scintillators inserted between lead plates. We have collected 5.7 x 10(3) events over 100 GeV. The number of observed atmospheric gamma rays is 1.0 X 10(2) events in the energy range of 100 GeV to 1 TeV.

  • The CALET instrument for experiment on the ISS

    S. Torii, T. Tamura, K. Yoshida, N. Tateyama, K. Hibino, T. Yuda, K. Kashiwagi, S. Okuno, J. Nishimura, T. Yamagami, M. Takayanagi, Y. Saito, H. Fuke, H. Tomida, S. Ueno, F. Makino, M. Shibata, Y. Katayose, S. Kuramata, M. Ichimura, Y. Uchihori, H. Kitamura, H. Murakami, K. Kasahara, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, K. Mizutani, T. Terasawa, J. Chang

    Proceedings of the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol 3: OG1     333 - 336  2005年  [査読有り]


    We propose the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) mission for Japanese Experiment Module, Exposed Facilisty (JEM-EF) on ISS to address some of the most profound questions in particle astrophysics. CALET is composed of two kinds of calorimeter, an imaging calorimeter, IMC, at upper part and a total absorption calorimeter, TASC, at lower part. The IMC is employed to detect the shower profile by using scintillating fibers with 64-anode PMT read-out system. The TASC is consisted of BGO logs to measure the energy deposits in each shower. Total weight of the payload is nearly 2,500 kg and the geometrical factor for electrons is about 1 m(2) sr. CALET has a unique capability to measure electrons and gamma-rays beyond 1 TeV since it can have a superior hadron rejection power of 10(6) for electrons and much better for gammarays. It can also measure protons and heavy nuclei in proximity of the Knee. The energy resolution for electromagnetic particles is better than a few % above 100 GeV. We will present a baseline design of the detector, and report the present status of detector development. Compatibility of the defector with the JEM Exposed Facility will also be discussed.

  • Observation of electrons above 100 GeV with the BETS detector using long-duration balloon in Antarctica

    S. Torii, T. Tamura, T. Yamagami, M. Ejiri, H. Kitamura, I. Ijima, A. Kadokura, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, T. Kobayashi, Y. Komori, Y. Matsuzaka, K. Mizutani, H. Murakami, M. Namiki, J. Nishimura, S. Ohta, Y. Saito, M. Shibata, N. Tateyama, H. Yamagishi, K. Yoshida, T. Yuda, J. Chang

    Proceedings of the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol 3: OG1     29 - 32  2005年  [査読有り]


    We had a long duration balloon flight for observing cosmic-ray electrons from 10 GeV to 1000 GeV by the Polar. Patrol Balloon (PPB) in Antarctica. The observation was carried out for 13 days at an average altitude of 35 km in January 2004. The detector is an imaging calorimeter composed of scintillating-fiber belts and plastic scintillators inserted between lead plates. The performance of the detector has been confirmed by the beam test at CERN-SPS and also investigated by Monte-Carlo simulations. We have collected 5.7 x 10(3) events above 100GeV including nearly 100 candidates of primary electrons. Preliminary result of the electron energy spectrum in 100-1000 GeV has been obtained.

  • 宇宙ステーションに搭載可能な多チャンネル光電子増倍管システムの開発

    鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, 常 進, 高柳 昌弘, 大津 一郎

    神奈川大学工学研究所所報   27   76 - 82  2004年11月


  • 「ISS」を利用した宇宙科学分野の研究

    鳥居 祥二

    日本機械学會誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers   107 ( 1025 ) 261 - 263  2004年04月


  • CALET:国際宇宙ステーションにおける電子、ガンマ線観測計画

    鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, 槇野 文命

    宇宙科学シンポジウム   4   325 - 328  2004年01月


  • CALETの開発(1)国際宇宙ステーション搭載への構造・熱適合性

    高柳 昌弘, 鳥居 祥二, CALETチーム

    宇宙科学シンポジウム   4   329 - 331  2004年01月


  • 結晶シンチレーターを用いた全吸収カロリメータの重粒子線検出性能に関する研究

    片寄祐作, 日比野欣也, 井上武, 市来高彦, 北村尚, 奥野祥二, 田村忠久, 鳥居祥二, 内堀幸夫

    NIRS-M (National Inst. of Radiological Sciences)   ( 173 )  2004年


  • 11aSA-12 チベット空気シャワーアレイによる TeV 領域宇宙線反陽子陽子存在比の測定

    城戸 証, 雨森 道紘, 綾部 俊二, 日比野 欣也, 堀田 直己, 黄 晶, 泉 全人, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 片寄 裕作, 河辺 れいり, 河村 洋, 川田 和正, 水谷 興平, 南條 宏肇, 西澤 正己, 大西 宗博, 大沼 宙系, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 小澤 俊介, 齋藤 敏治, 阪根 宏彰, 坂田 通徳, 佐々木 孝雄, 柴田 槇雄, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 平良 邦夫, 高瀬 大輔, 瀧田 正人, 田中 純, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 土屋 晴文, 有働 慈治, 宇津木 敏人, Wang Xiao, 渡辺 悠介, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 利典, The Tibet ASγ Collaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集   58 ( 2 ) 84 - 84  2003年08月


  • 高エネルギー電子、ガンマ線観測計画(CALET:CALorimetric Electron Telescope)

    鳥居 祥二, 槙野 文命, 立山 暢人

    宇宙科学シンポジウム   3   239 - 246  2003年01月


  • スペースステーション搭載用宇宙線観測装置の重粒子検出性能に関する研究

    田村忠久, 鳥居祥二, 日比野欣也, 吉田賢二, 奥野祥二, 内掘幸夫, 北村尚, 片寄祐作

    NIRS-M (National Inst. of Radiological Sciences)   ( 166 )  2003年


  • The CALET, CALorimetric Electron Telescope, Mission for the International Space Station

    S Torii, T Tamaura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, T Kashiwagi, K Hibino, K Anraku, T Yamashita, F Makino, J Nishimura, T Yamagami, Y Saito, M Shibata, Y Katayose, Y Uchihori, H Kitamura, M Takayanagi, K Kasahara, H Murakami, T Kobayashi, Y Komori, K Mizutani, T Yuda

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS   113   103 - 110  2002年12月  [査読有り]


    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission is proposed for the Japanese Experiment Module Exposure Facility of the International Space Station. Major goals of the mission are precise measurements of the electrons in a few GeV - 10 TeV and the gamma-rays in 100 MeV - several TeV, keeping an energy resolution of a few % over 100 GeV. From the measurements, a systematic investigation of high-energy electromagnetic process in universe will be performed. A detection of SUSY particle which is a candidate of the dark matter would also be expected. The detector is composed of an imaging calorimeter of scintillating fibers and a total absorption calorimeter. Total thickness of the absorber is 45 r.l for electro-magnetic particles and 2.1 m.f.p for protons. Total weight of the payload is nearly 2,200 kg, and the effective geometrical factor should be similar to 1.0 m(2) sr. The hadron rejection power can be 10(6) for electrons.


  • スペース実験のためのVLSIを用いた高速画像読み出しシステムの開発

    田村 忠久, 鳥居 祥二

    神奈川大学工学研究所所報   ( 25 ) 32 - 35  2002年11月


  • 24pXA-10 Tibet III空気シャワーアレイによるTeV領域宇宙線恒星時日周変動の観測

    有働 慈治, 雨森 道紘, 綾部 俊二, 陳 鼎, 日比野 欣也, 平澤 拓也, 堀田 直己, 黄 晶, 伊津 耕平, 門並 裕子, 梶野 文義, 笠原 克昌, 片寄 裕作, 川田 和正, 南條 宏肇, 水谷 興平, 宗像 一起K, 長谷 真希, 西澤 正己, 大西 宗博, 大浦 弘之, 太田 周, 大内 達美, 小澤 俊介, 齋藤 敏治, 坂田 通徳, 佐々木 孝雄H, 関口 陽子, 柴田 槇雄, 塩見 昌司, 白井 達也, 杉本 久彦, 平良 邦夫J, 高部 政志M, 高島 美弥子, 瀧田 正人, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 土田 義和, 土屋 晴文, 角田 圭子, 宇津木 敏人, 山本 嘉昭, 湯田 利典, 他 The Tibet ASγCollaboration

    日本物理学会講演概要集   57 ( 1 ) 64 - 64  2002年03月


  • スペースステーション搭載用宇宙線観測装置の重粒子検出性能に関する研究

    田村忠久, 鳥居祥二, 日比野欣也, 吉田賢二, 奥野祥二, 内掘幸夫, 北村尚, 片寄祐作

    NIRS-M (National Inst. of Radiological Sciences)   ( 159 )  2002年


  • 宇宙ステーションにおけるCALET計画 (第2回宇宙科学シンポジウム)

    鳥居 祥二, 立山 暢人, 柏木 利介

    宇宙科学シンポジウム   2   357 - 364  2001年11月


  • 大気ニュートリノ・フラックス計算較正のためのBETSによる大気ガンマ線の観測

    笠原克昌, 望月永子, 鳥居祥二, 立山暢人, 田村忠久ほか

    宇宙科学研究所報告   41   65 - 72  2001年02月




  • スペースステーションにおける電子・ガンマ線観測

    鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久, 立山 暢人

    宇宙科学シンポジウム   1   143 - 150  2001年01月


  • スペースステーション搭載用宇宙線観測装置の重粒子検出性能に関する研究

    田村忠久, 鳥居祥二, 日比野欣也, 吉田賢二, 大内達美, 内掘幸夫, 北村尚

    NIRS-M (National Inst. of Radiological Sciences)   ( 147 )  2001年


  • 太陽変調による銀河宇宙線電子スペクトルの変化

    古森良志子, 鳥居祥二, 田村忠久, 山上隆正, 小林正ほか

    宇宙科学研究所報告   40   85 - 99  2000年03月


    宇宙線電子は太陽磁気圏内で, 太陽磁場の影響を受けその強度は減少する。その割合は電子のエネルギーによって変化するが, ISEE3/ICE衛星による経年変化の観測によると, 最大強度と最小強度は5.8GeVにおいて3倍程度の差がある。したがって, BETSによる10GeV領域の電子観測においても, 太陽変調の影響は無視できないと考えられる。ここでは, 現在までの電子観測値と太陽変調のForce Field近似を使って, 太陽変調パラメータと観測時のClimax中性子モニターの値との間に成り立つ関係式を求めた。その結果, 太陽磁場の極性が異なるA^+とA^-期において, 関係式は明らかに異なり, その差は1980-90年代において顕著であり, 1960-70年代では小さいが, 両時代ともに差がみとめられた。また得られた関係式から, 三陸で行われたBETS観測時における太陽変調の大きさはBETS97においては420MV, BETS98においては630MV程度と推定される。太陽変調の値を求める際に仮定した電子の星間スペクトル値から, 銀河磁場の大きさを推定した。その結果, 極方向の磁場の大きさは観測のeffective path lengthを1.2kpcとするとB_&bottom;=5.2-5.7μGとなり, 逆中心方向においてもほぼ同じ値を与える。また, 一様磁場を2&acd;3μGとすると, ランダムな磁場は1.5&acd;3倍程度大きい事がわかった。


  • BETSによる10GeVから100GeV領域での電子エネルギースペクトル測定

    鳥居祥二, 山上隆正, 村上浩之, 田村忠久, 吉田健二ほか

    宇宙科学研究所報告   40   77 - 83  2000年03月


    BETS (Balloon Borne Electron Telescope with Scintillating Fibers)による, 10GeVから100GeVまでの電子エネルギースペクトルの最新の観測結果を報告する。この装置は, 約10,000本のシンチレーティング・ファイバーと4cm(7.1r.l.)厚の鉛板から構成されたイメージング・カロリメータである。電子選別のために, 陽子の除去を宇宙線シャワーのイメージングによって行っており, その除去能力は約2,500倍であることが確かめられている。この報告では, 1997年と1998年に三陸で行った気球観測の結果について, これまでの他の観測値と比較する。そして, 銀河中での電子の拡散係数やsolar modulationの効果について議論している。


  • シンチファイバーを用いた宇宙ガンマ線検出器の開発

    山上隆正, 太田茂雄, 並木道義, 松坂幸彦, 鳥居祥二, 吉田健二, 笠原克昌, 村上浩之, 湯田利典

    搭載機器基礎開発成果報告書   13  2000年


  • Measurement of high-energy cosmic-ray electrons with a Polar Patrol Balloon

    Torii Shoji, Yamagami Takamasa, Yuda Toshinori, Kasahara Katsuaki

    Advances in polar upper atmosphere research   13   176 - 181  1999年09月


    One of the major purpose of recent cosmic-ray studies is to know the origin, acceleration mechanism and propagation properties inside the Galaxy. Along this line many efforts have been spent to observe a precise spectrum of the electron component of cosmic-rays. The main difficulty to study high-energy electrons is the detection of these electrons. The flux is much lower than the abundant proton component, and we need an observation of long duration and a detector with a high rejection power against the background protons. We propose to carry a newly developed scintillating-fiber detector on the Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) and to expose it for 30 days. The goal of this observation is to determine a definite electron energy-spectrum ranging from 10 GeV to TeV region based on a high statistical accuracy with a long exposure by the PPB. In the result, we can expect to obtain direct evidence for the origin of high-energy electrons and a precise knowledge of their propagation in the Galaxy including solar modulation effects on the electron flux.


  • シンチ・ファイバーを用いた気球搭載用電子望遠鏡

    鳥居 祥二, 立山 暢人, 田村 忠久

    神奈川大学工学部報告   ( 37 ) 59 - 61  1999年03月


  • 気球による高エネルギー電子,ガンマ線観測


    ICRRニュース   ( 38 )  1999年


  • 宇宙線電子の銀河内拡散再加速過程

    古森 良志子, 西村 純, 小林 正, 鳥居 祥二, 山上 隆正, 吉田 健二, 田村 忠久

    宇宙科学研究所報告. 特集   37   95 - 111  1998年03月


    宇宙線は銀河内を伝播する際, 磁場の乱れによる散乱を受けながら拡散していくと考えられている。Heinbachらは, 宇宙線が散乱の際に起こる確率論的第二フェルミ加速を計算し, この再加速過程をとり入れたモデルを拡散再加速モデルと名づけた。ここでは, 宇宙線電子成分における拡散再加速モデルを扱った。計算の結果, 電子のソーススペクトル指数が-2.4の場合, 100MeVから10GeVにかけて盛り上りがみられ, これは銀河背景電波から焼き直し10GeVで直接観測値に合わせたスペクトルと一致しない。そこでソース指数を10GeVで(-2.1&acd;-2.2)から-2.4に変化させると不一致をとり除くことができた。さらに, OSSE, COMPTEL, COS-B, EGRETの銀河ガンマ線の観測値をっかって再加速モデルの検証を行なった。再加速効果はスペクトルのMeV領域に現れ, ソース指数が10GeVで(-2.2&acd;-2.3)から-2.4に変化するようなモデルで観測値とほぼ一致することがわかった。以上全体の観測値と比較した結果, Heinbachの拡散再加速モデルでは, 電子のソーススペクトルを10GeVで-2.2から-2.4に変化させることによって大体うまく説明できることが明らかになった。再加速モデルは, 宇宙線の伝播過程を拡散のみで説明できるという利点があるが, その場合電子のソーススペクトルは10GeV付近で変化している必要がある。


  • 新方式電子検出器(BETS)の開発

    鳥居祥二, 田村忠久, 吉田健二, 山上隆正, 村上浩之, 湯田利典

    搭載機器基礎開発成果報告書   11  1998年


  • BETSによる電子観測

    田村忠久, 鳥居祥二, 笠原克昌, 山上隆正, 村上浩之, 小林正, 古森良志子, 湯田利典, 西村純

    ICRR報告   ( 118-98-1 )  1998年


  • シンチレーション・ファイバーを用いた3次元飛跡検出器による速中性子の計測

    寺沢 和洋, 道家 忠義, 菊池 順, 高橋 賢一, 鳥居 祥二, 田村 忠久

    放射線   24 ( 1 ) 119 - 126  1998年01月


  • BETS-2 による高エネルギ : 電子観測

    山上 隆正, 太田 茂雄, 並木 道義, 西村 純, 鳥居 祥二, 笠原 克昌, 立山 暢人, 田村 忠久, 吉田 健二, 村上 浩之, 小林 正, 古森 良志子, 湯田 利典, 森 国城, 内山 貞幸

    宇宙科学研究所報告. 特集   34   45 - 73  1997年03月


    BETS (Balloon-Borne Electron Telescope with Scintillating Fiber)と呼ばれる気球搭載型の観測装置による新しい電子観測について紹介する。BETSは, シンチファイバーと鉛板からなるイメージング・カロリメータを用いて, 10Gevから100GeVのエネルギー領域で陽子雑音を充分に除去する性能があることが実証されている。装置の性能は, シミュレーション計算とCERNのSuper Proton Synchrotron (SPS)の電子ビームを用いたテストによって調べられている。1995年9月に行った3回めの三陸での気球実験で得られたエネルギー・スペクトルの初期的結果を, 各種の解析方法とともに報告する。


  • スペースシャトル(STS-84)内での宇宙放射線量の実時間計測装置(RRMD)の重イオンによる事前テスト及び,立体体型テレスコープの開発

    道家忠義, 菊池順, 林孝義, 鳥居祥二, 田村忠久, 高島健, 坂口貴男, 高橋賢一, 村上健

    NIRS-M (National Inst. of Radiological Sciences)   ( 120 )  1997年


  • 宇宙環境ガンマ線測定装置の基礎研究

    西村純, 笠原克昌, 白井達也, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 吉田健二

    神奈川大学工学研究所所報   ( 20 )  1997年


  • 宇宙環境ガンマ線測定装置の基礎研究

    西村純, 笠原克昌, 白井達也, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 吉田健二

    神奈川大学工学研究所所報   ( 19 )  1996年


  • シンチレーティング・ファイバーによるγ線観測計画


    ICRR報告   ( 115-95-1 )  1995年


  • 宇宙環境ガンマ線測定装置の基礎研究

    西村純, 笠原克昌, 白井達也, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二, 吉田健二

    神奈川大学工学研究所所報   ( 18 )  1995年


  • A balloon borne electron telescope with scintillating fibers

    S Torii, J Nishimura, K Kasahara, T Tamura, N Tateyama, K Yoshida, T Yamagami, T Kobayashi, H Murakami, T Yuda

    24TH INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE, VOL 3     575 - 578  1995年  [査読有り]


    We describe a new balloon borne cosmic electron telescope which incorporates a trigger system (TS) and an imaging calorimeter (IC). The TS has the capability of reducing background protons to about 2 % above 10GeV. The IC consists of scintillating fiber belts, emulsion plates and lead plates (similar to 8c.u. thick in total). The two-dimensional profile of cascade development observed with the IC can be employed additionally to reject 98 % of the background protons. The total performance of the telescope was tested by a balloon flight at Sanriku in Sep. 1994.

  • シンチ・ファイバーによる一次電子の観測

    山上隆正, 並木道義, 鳥居祥二, 西村純, 吉田健二, 高橋忠幸, 小林正, 湯田利典, 村上浩之

    搭載機器基礎開発成果報告書   7  1994年


  • シンチレーティング・ファイバーを用いたGeV領域宇宙ガンマ線観測

    鳥居祥二, 道家忠義, 菊池順, 柏木利介, 中本淳, 増田公明, 湯田利典, 笠原克昌, 村木やすし

    ICRR報告   ( 101-92-4 )  1992年


  • SN1987Aからの超高エネルギーガンマー線の観測

    佐藤文隆, 政池明, 中村卓史, 清水裕彦, 湯田利典, 永野元彦, 木舟正, 手嶋政広, 鳥居祥二

    ICRR報告   ( 101-92-4 )  1992年




    22ND INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-5     B491 - B494  1991年  [査読有り]



    22ND INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-5     D82 - D85  1991年  [査読有り]

  • GeV領域宇宙ガンマ線用高角度分解能カウンターテレスコープの開発

    道家忠義, 菊池順, 柏木利介, 村上浩之, 中本淳, 増田公明, 湯田利典, 笠原克昌, 鳥居祥二

    ICRR報告   ( 84-90-5 )  1990年


  • KNEE領域での宇宙線の加速と伝播


    ICRR報告   ( 88-90-9 )  1990年


  • SN1987Aからの超高エネルギーガンマー線の観測

    佐藤文隆, 政池明, 清水裕彦, 長谷川博一, 藤本真克, 中村健蔵, 湯田利典, 永野元彦, 鳥居祥二

    ICRR報告   ( 84-90-5 )  1990年


  • 200MeV-200GeV宇宙ガンマ線の直接測定計画


    ICRR報告   ( 97-91-8 )  1990年


  • A new project to search for high energy gamma ray point souces in Tibet

    K. Hibino, F. Kajino, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, To Saito, M. Shima, M. Sakata, Y. Yamamoto, M. Amenomori, H. Nanjo, T. Shirai, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Sugimoto, K. Taira, K. Kasahara, T. Yuda, K. Mizutani, N. Hotta, I. Ohta, M. Shibata, J. R. Ren, H. Y. Dai, H. H. Kuang, A. X. Huo, S. L. Lu, S. Su, Y. H. Tan, Y. X. Wang, C. R. Wang, M. He, N. J. Chang, P. Y. Cao, J. Y. Li, B. T. Zou, G. Z. Bai, Z. H. Liu, G. J. Li, Q. X. Geng, R. D. He, W. D. Zhou, S. Z. Wang

    Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements)   10   219 - 227  1989年01月


    A new experiment to observe gamma rays around 100 TeV at Yanbajing (4300 m) in Tibet, China is planned by a collaboration between China and Japan. To study the feasibility of this experiment a test array was built at Mt. Norikura in Japan. Preliminary results from a search for gamma rays from Cyg X-3 and Her X-1 observed by this air shower array showed the upper limit fluxes of 5.6 × 10-13cm-2s-1 and 3.0 × 10-13cm-2s-1 with a 95% confidence level above TeV, respectively. At the first step experiment we will set up 65 scintillation counters in Tibet. An angular resolution of the apparatus will be better than 1° at an energy of 100 TeV. The detectors are monitored by a nitrogen laser system automatically which guarantees a long term quality of the data. © 1989.


  • ガンマ線とAS対応実験

    山本嘉昭, 西川喜良, 坂田通徳, 斎藤敏治, 嶋正仁, 大盛信晴, 笠原克昌, 白井達也, 鳥居祥二

    ICR-報告   ( 64-87-3 )  1987年


  • 宇宙線データの自動解析システム

    平良俊雄, 白井達也, 立山暢人, 鳥居祥二

    神奈川大学工学研究所所報   ( 10 )  1987年


  • 山上ASγ計画


    ICR-報告   ( 59-86-5 )  1986年


  • スクリーン・タイプ X 線フィルムによるシャワーの検出

    吉田 篤正, 藤井 正美, 西村 純, 小林 正, 平良 俊雄, 白井 達也, 立山 暢人, 鳥居 祥二, 会津 英子, 野村 良志子, 数野 美つ子, 西尾 昭男

    宇宙科学研究所報告. 特集   13   55 - 68  1985年08月


    In emulsion chamber experiments, the detection of high energy showers has been carried out by naked eye scanning using non-screen type X-ray films. If we use non-screen type X-ray films such as the Sakura N-type, the detection threshold is about 1 to 2 TeV as depending on exposure conditions. In order to improve this threshold, we have tested screen type X-ray films contained in the emulsion chamber exposed at balloon altitude, and found it about 200 GeV for such films. This type of X-ray films is useful to detect showers in the medium energy range, a few hundred GeV, of cosmic ray electrons.


  • 富士山エマルションチェンバ実験によるE=1014~1016eV付近の組成


    宇宙線研究   28 ( 2 )  1985年


  • ECおよびAS装置の連動による1016~1017eV領域での相互作用および一次宇宙線成分の研究計画


    宇宙線研究   26 ( 4 )  1983年


  • 宇宙線による素粒子の研究

    平良俊雄, 白井達也, 立山のぶ人, 鳥居祥二

    神奈川大学工学研究所所報   ( 6 )  1983年





  • CALETによる重力波候補イベントのX線・γ線領域におけるフォローアップ観測

    2015年   浅岡陽一


    重力波源は可視光・電波に加えてX線・ガンマ線といった電磁波の発生源でもある.特に,ガンマ線バースト(GRB)の内,継続時間が2秒以下で”硬い”スペクトルをもつShortGRB は,中性子星連星もしくは中性子星とブラックホールの合体によって生まれると考えられている.本研究では,平成27年にISS「きぼう」で観測を開始するCALorimetericElectron Telescope (CALET) に搭載される主検出器のCalorimeterとGamma-ray Burst Monitor (CGBM) により,X線・ガンマ線領域での重力波候補イベントのフォローアップ観測を10月中旬の運用開始以来実施している。現在までに,その期間における重力波検出の公開情報は、LIGOチームからまだ発表されていないが、発表があり次第に、それと同期したガンマ線バーストの有無が検証可能である。

  • ISSにおける高エネルギー宇宙線・γ線観測による暗黒物質・近傍加速源の探索・解明

    2013年   浅岡陽一, 小澤俊介


     宇宙物理学の未解明問題である宇宙線加速源や暗黒物質の解明を行うことを目的として、ステーション(ISS)の日本実験棟(きぼう)で2014年度より観測を開始する予定の高エネルギー宇宙電子線観測装置(CALET: CALorimetric Electron Telescope) のデータ解析センターの構築を実施している。CALETが目的としている宇宙線の研究は、粒子の生成・消滅という素粒子・原子核物理学と,粒子の加速・伝播という宇宙物理学の2つの視点から行われている. 宇宙の構造や個々の天体現象の総合的理解のためには,可視光,赤外,X線などの電磁波の観測に加えて,宇宙線や高エネルギーガンマ線の観測による,素粒子的宇宙像と天文学的宇宙像の双方の解明が不可欠である.しかしながら,これらの観測は,測定技術上の困難さにより未開拓な領域であり,これらの高エネルギー粒子の起源は宇宙科学に残されたフロンティアの一つとなっている. 特に数100 ギガ電子ボルト(GeV)以上の電子やガンマ線は直接観測が難しく,今後に新発見を含む飛躍的な観測の成果が期待されている. CALETプロジェクトでは,高エネルギー電子・ガンマ線に加えて,陽子・原子核成分,太陽変調を受けた電子,及びガンマ線トランジェントの観測を行い,惑星間空間から銀河系外にいたる全宇宙の領域で,いわば「宇宙線天文台」として高エネルギー宇宙現象の解明を目的としている. 本研究の成果として、理工学研究所に設置する早稲田大学CALETオペレーションセンター(WCOC:Waseda CALET Operations Center) において, ISSから筑波宇宙センターを経由してほぼリアルタイムで送信される観測データのモニター及びデータ解析のために不可欠なデータ記録システムとデータ表示システムの製作を実施した。この結果、ハード的にはWCOCの構築はほぼ終了し、今後に筑波宇宙センターとのデータ及びコマンドの送受信システムの構築、及び国際研究チームによるデータ解析ソフトの開発を実施してCALETの軌道上観測に備える予定である。

  • 宇宙環境で利用可能なAPD読み出しシステムの基礎開発



    本研究では、高エネルギー宇宙線の観測による宇宙における高エネルギー現象の解明を目的とした、国際宇宙ステーションにおけるCALETプロジェクトの要素技術開発として、全吸収型カロリメータの読み出しシステムの開発を行った。CALETでは、1GeVから1000TeVに及ぶ6ケタのエネルギー領域の観測のため、PWOと呼ばれる結晶シンチレータをAPD/PDで4系統の異なるゲインにわけて読みだす技術開発を行っている。そのうち、特にAPD/PDのシグナルを電荷増幅するために必要なハイブリッドIC(HIC)の基礎開発をおこなった。 この開発では、まず4ケタのダイナミックレンジと低ノイズを実現するHICを開発・製作し、試験回路によって地上性能を確かめた。そして、宇宙用回路部品としての品質保証や安全基準をクリア―することを確認するため、熱サイクル試験や放射線試験を実施して、宇宙環境での利用が可能な搭載品として性能実証を行っている。さらに、実際にCERNにおけるビーム実験により、PWOにおける電子シャワーの発光量をAPD/PDで測定して、シミュレーション計算との比較により、CALETのTASCとして、高エネルギー宇宙線の観測に所期の性能が実現されていることを確認している。 これらの成果は、全体報告のなかで概略を報告しているが、2011年度に開催される国際会議で詳しく報告し、査読付き論文に投稿を行う予定で成果をまとめている。

  • CERN-LHCにおける重粒子衝突実験用検出システムの基礎開発

    2009年   赤池 陽水, Osacar Adriani


     本研究は、イタリア、フランス、スペイン、米国と国内研究機関の共同研究であり、昨年より本格的稼働を始めたCERN-LHCのATLAS(IP1)の両側の各々140mのところに、ARM#1とARM#2と呼ぶ2台の測定器を設置して実験を行う。いずれの測定器も、両者とも最前方領域(>100GeV)における中性粒子(γ線、中性子)のエネルギーを、各粒子の入射位置を検出して測定できる。さらに、このような2台の測定器を用いることにより、互いに異なるアクセプタンスを実現することが可能となり、観測のバイアスを極小化することができるというメリットがある。各測定器のカロリメータの構造はほぼ同じであるが、位置検出のためARM#1はシンチ・ファイバーを、ARM#2ではシリコン・ストリップを用いる。 早稲田大学グループは、 ARM#1の心臓部ともいうべきシンチファイバー検出器の製作を行ない、粒子位置検出性能を確定して本実験におけるデータ解析を担当している。これまでに、3.5TeVx3.5TeVの低輝度ビームによる陽子衝突実験が実施されており、期待通りの成果をあげている。これらの陽子衝突の実験データをもとに、将来の重粒子衝突実験のための高頻度トリガー用回路システム試作のための基礎開発を行った。重原子核衝突では一つの検出器に複数の粒子が同時入射することが判明しており、それを避ける方策を検討するために、トリガー方法や検出器設計の見直しも実施している。

  • 宇宙粒子線観測装置用多チャンネル回路システムの基礎開発



    本研究では国際宇宙ステーションに搭載を目的として開発を行っている電子、ガンマ線観測装置(CALET)の主要部分である全吸収型カロリメータ(TASC)に関する回路システムの開発を実施した。TASCは、BGOと呼ばれるシンチレータ(棒状)をX,Y方向交互に積層して構成される。宇宙線シャワーによるBGOによる発光現象をフォトダイオード(PD)により測定して、その3次元的な発達形状によりエネルギー、到来方向、粒子種別を決めることができる。エネルギー範囲が20MeVから1000TeVと実に8桁のエネルギー領域での測定が必要であるため、読み出し大ダイナミックレンジをもつ多チャンネル回路システムの開発を実施した。その結果、最重要な開発要素であった、低ノイズ型のプレアンプの基礎開発に成功している。このシステムでは1個のBGOに面積の異なる2個のPDをパッケージ化したDual PDを用い、その各PDごとに今回開発をおこなったパッケージICで構成されるプレアンプを用いる。そして、さらに各プレアンプにゲインの異なるアンプを用いて、全体として4チャンネルの読み出しをおこなって、8桁に及ぶダイナミックレンジを確保することができる。現在は、今回の開発成果をもとにBGOを読み出すためのシステム全体の製作を実施している。以上の研究のためには、実際の観測で必要とされる性能確認のためにシミュレーション計算を実施している。そして、実際にプロトタイプとして製作する気球搭載型装置への利用方法について検討も実施した。これらの発表のため修士課程院生各1名が国際会議に出席して発表を行っている。そのほか、開発報告や研究全体についての発表を国際会議および国内会議(物理学会、宇宙科学シンポジウムなど)で行っている。

  • CERN-LHCによる最高エネルギー領域宇宙線相互作用の解明

    2007年   笠原 克昌, 清水 雄輝


    本研究では、欧州共同素粒子原子核研究機構(CERN)で2008年中頃に稼動が予定されている世界最高エネルギーの加速器(LHC: Large Hadron Collider)を用いて、最高エネルギー宇宙線の解明に不可欠な相互作用の研究を実施する。このため、検出装置の製作後に、CERNでのビームテスト実験を実施して、装置性能の確認のためのデータ解析を実施した。そして、装置をLHCのATLASと呼ばれる装置の最前方領域に設置し、実験環境下での装置稼動性能について十分な性能評価を実施した。 この研究は日欧米の共同研究であるが、我々は早稲田大学グループとして本特定課題のテーマとして、ビームテストとデータ解析を実施している。このため、さらに、シンチファイバーを用いた装置の開発、データ取得システムの製作を担当して所期の性能を実現し、本実験の実施に備えている。さらに、本年に実施が予定されている7TeV陽子同士の衝突実験だけでなく、将来の重イオン衝突実験に備えて、データ取得に必要な検出器の回路システムの高速化に関する開発研究をイタリアのグループと共同して開発している。具体的には、PACE3と呼ばれるアナログパイプライン機能を有するASICを用いて64アノード光電子増倍管の高速読み出しシステムの開発を実施した。このシステムの利用により、従来は困難であった高輝度ビームや重イオン衝突のような高頻度な2次粒子の計測が可能となる。 このシステムの開発の成功により、陽子-陽子の相互作用だけでなく、原子核-原子核の衝突の測定も可能になり、これまで未解明であった最高エネルギー領域での宇宙線成分の研究にとっても大きな貢献が可能になることが期待されている。

  • 高エネルギー電子加速源探索のための飛翔体搭載用解像型カロリメータの開発

    2007年   笠原 克昌, 清水 雄輝


    本研究では、宇宙線発見以来の謎である高エネルギー宇宙線の加速源を探索するために、気球を用いた成層圏での宇宙線観測を実施することを目的として、宇宙線シャワーをイメージングできるカロリメータの開発を行っている。宇宙線中に含まれる電子成分は、高エネルギー領域では電磁相互作用によるエネルギー損失をうけるため、エネルギーが高くなるほど寿命が短くなり加速源も地球近傍に限られる。このため、電子観測により他の成分の観測では不可能な、加速源の直接検出が可能になる。しかし、このためには大型装置による気球観測を実施して、TeV領域に迫る観測を実施することが不可欠になる。 我々が開発している装置では、宇宙線が引き起こすシャワー現象を1mm以内の位置分解能でイメージングし、その形状の違いにより粒子識別を実施するとともに、エネルギーを測定するという利点を有している。本研究課題では、従来の小型プロトタイプ製作の経験をもとに、さらに大型装置の製作を目的として、特に気球搭載に不可欠な省電力かつ高速な回路システムと装置自動較正システムの開発を実施した。この結果、世界的にみても最高レベルの性能を有する装置の開発に成功しており、2009年中までに観測を実施する予定で、装置の完成を目指している。

  • 長期間気球観測による高エネルギー電子加速源の探索

    2006年   清水 雄輝


    この研究では、将来の国際宇宙ステーションでの観測を目的とした観測装置(CALET)のために開発されている先進的技術を用いて、プロトタイプとなる装置を製作し、長期間気球実験により10GeV~数TeVの電子と20MeV以上のガンマ線の観測を実施するための装置基礎開発を行っている。観測装置は、電子、ガンマ線を陽子などのほかの宇宙線成分から選別するため、イメージングカロリメータ(IMC)と全吸収型カロリメータ(TASC) から構成されている。IMCは1.05 r.l厚(0.15 r.l.×7層)の鉛を吸収層として用い、4096本(256chx16層)のシンチファイバー(1mm角)で 電子、ガンマ線のシャワー発生点を検出し、粒子の入射位置と方向を測定し入射粒子の電荷量を測定する。10 GeV以下のガンマ線については、装置上面と側面を覆うプラスチック・シンチレータを用いた、荷電粒子除去(アンチ)用システムにより、陽子雑音を機上で除去する。TASCは、断面が2.5cm角で長さ25cmのBGOのLOGを、10本を一層としてX,Y交互に4層重ねた構造で、厚さは8.9 r.l.である。エネルギーを測定するとともに、シャワーの横拡がりと一次元的発達の情報から、IMCにおけるシャワー可視化技術との併用により、オフライン解析で陽子を除去する。シャワーのトリガーは、3層のプラスチック・シンチレータのコインシデンスによって行う。このシステムでは、シャワー発達の様子に応じたディスクリレベルの設定により、機上で陽子雑音を1/10程度に落とすことが可能である。 気球搭載装置では、特に軽量化と省電力化が要求されるため、装置の基幹部分であるIMCにおけるシンチファイバー読み出し用回路システムについて、アナログASICを用いた前置増幅回路の性能試験と改良を行った。さらに、これらのシステムを欧州共同原子核研究所(CERN)での電子、陽子ビームにより性能試験を実施した。このビームテストの結果、シンチファイバーによる高エネルギー電磁シャワーの可視化が、1kHzのデータ取得スピードが実現できることが判明している。そして、気球観測では不可欠なトリガー機能について、FPGAを用いたフレキシブルな開発が可能であることも実証できている。データ解析はまだ進行中であるが、別途実施した気球観測のデータと合わせて、電子、ガンマ線のエネルギースペクトルの導出により、高エネルギー宇宙電子の加速源についての研究を実施する。

  • 多アノード光電子増倍管を用いたシンチレーション光計測システムの開発



     本研究においては、64アノードの光電子増倍管からのシグナルを高速かつ低消費電力で処理するためのフロントエンド回路の改良を実施して、加速器実験や宇宙実験に利用が可能なデータ取得システムの開発を行った。主な改良項目としては、Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA)の利用によるトリガー信号処理、データ通信プロトコルの改良によるシステム全体の高速化である。 この改良によって、従来は数Hzのレートに限定されていた、気球搭載型の宇宙電子線、ガンマ線の観測装置の高速化が可能となり、100Hz程度のデータ取得性能が実現されている。このような高頻度トリガーによる観測によって従来は困難であった10GeV以下のエネルギー領域での、宇宙線フラックスの太陽変調による影響や、大気ニュートリノ振動を調べるための相互作用モデルの研究が可能となる。加速器実験の分野では、欧州共同原子核研究所(CERN)の世界最大の衝突型加速器(LHC)による、超高エネルギー核相互作用の研究に必要なイメージングカロリメータの開発、製作をこのシステムを用いて実施している。この装置の性能確認のためのビームテストが2006年8月に予定されており、このテストにおいて本システムの性能を明らかにする予定である。 この開発において得られた成果は、医療分野などにおける光計測技術としても利用が可能であり、今後は産業利用についての検討を行い、より広範囲な利用のための開発を実施する予定である。
