Updated on 2025/03/09


KOMATSU, Keiichi
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Job title
Professor Emeritus
理学博士 ( 東京工業大学 )

Education Background


    Tokyo Institute of Technology   Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering  

Professional Memberships



Research Areas

  • Algebra


  • Weber’s class number problem in the cyclotomic ℤ2-extension of ℚ, II

    Takashi Fukuda, Keiichi Komatsu

    Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux   22 ( 2 ) 359 - 368  2010

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    Let hn denote the class number of n-th layer of the cyclotomic ℤ2-extension of ℚ. Weber proved that hn (n ≥ 1) is odd and Horie proved that hn (n ≥ 1) is not divisible by a prime number ℓ satisfying ℓ ≡ 3, 5 (mod 8). In a previous paper, the authors showed that hn (n ≥ 1) is not divisible by a prime number ℓ less than 107. In this paper, by investigating properties of a special unit more precisely, we show that hn (n ≥ 1) is not divisible by a prime number ℓ less than 1.2 • 108. Our argument also leads to the conclusion that hn (n ≥ 1) is not divisible by a prime number ℓ satisfying ℓ = ± 1 (mod 16).


  • Weber's Class Number Problem in the Cyclotomic Z(2)-Extension of Q

    Takashi Fukuda, Keiichi Komatsu

    EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS   18 ( 2 ) 213 - 222  2009

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    Let h(n) denote the class number of Q(2cos(2 pi/2(n+2))). Weber proved that h(n) is odd for all n >= 1. We claim that if l is a prime number less than 10(7), then for all n >= 1, l does not divide h(n).

  • On the Iwasawa lamda-invariant of the cyclotomic Z_2-extension of Q(sqrt{p})

    Keiichi Komatsu, Takashi Fukuda

    Math. Comp.   78   1797 - 1808  2009

  • Iwasawa lambda-invariants and Mordell-Weil ranks of abelian varieties with complex multiplication

    Takasih Fukuda, Keiichi Komatsu, Shuji Yamagata

    ACTA ARITHMETICA   127 ( 4 ) 305 - 307  2007

  • On the Iwasawa λ-invariant of the cyclotomic Z?-extension of a real quadratic field

    Tokyo Journal of Mathematics   Vol.28,No.1,pp.259-264  2005

  • On the iwasawa λ-invariant of the cyclotomic z2-extension of a real quadratic field

    Takashi Fukuda, Keiichi Komatsu

    Tokyo Journal of Mathematics   28 ( 1 ) 259 - 264  2005

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    We study the λ-invariant of the cyclotomic Z2-extension of [Math equation] with p ≡ 3 (mod 8), q ≡ 1 (mod 8) and (q/p) = −1. With further conditions on q, we show that λ-invariant is zero. © 2005 International Academic Printing Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Z(p)-extensions associated to elliptic curves with complex multiplication

    T Fukuda, K Komatsu


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    Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q with complex multiplication by the ring of integers of an imaginary quadratic field K. We apply an elliptic unit version of Ichimura-Sumida criterion for the Z(p)-extension F-infinity/F associated to E and try to determine the characteristic polynomial of the maximal unramified abelian p-extension of F-infinity.


  • Zp-extensions associated to elliptic curves with complex multiplication,Pholosophical Society

    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge   Vol.137m,pp.541-550  2004

  • On Minkowski units constructed by special values of siegel modular functions

    Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux   15/ , 133-140  2003

  • On Minkowski units constructed by special values of Siegel modular functions

    Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux   15, pp.133-140  2003

  • On Minkowski units constructed by special values of siegel modular functions

    Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux   15/ , 133-140  2003

  • Noncyclotomic Zp-extensions of imaginary quabratic fields

    Experimental Mathematics   11/4, 469-475  2002

  • An application of Siegel modular functions of Kronecker limit formula

    Lecture note of Computer Science 2369 Springer   Vol. 2369 108-119  2002

  • On Iwasawa λ3-invariants of cyclic cubic fields of prime conductor

    Mathematics of Computation/American Mathematical Society   70;236,pp.1707-1712  2002

  • Noncyclotomic Zp-extensions of imaginary quabratic fields

    Experimental Mathematics   11/4, 469-475  2002

  • An application of Siegel modular functions of Kronecker limit formula

    Lecture note of Computer Science 2369 Springer   Vol. 2369 108-119  2002

  • On Iwasawa λ3-invariants of cyclic cubic fields of prime conductor

    Methematics of Computation   Vol. 70 No. 236 1707-1712  2001

  • On Iwasawa λ3-invariants of cyclic cubic fields of prime conductor

    Methematics of Computation   Vol. 70 No. 236 1707-1712  2001

  • Ichimura-Sumida criterion for Iwasawa -invariants

    Proceedings of the Japan Academy   76; 7, pp. 111-115  2000.11

  • On a unit group generated by special values of Siegel modular functions

    Mathematics of Computation   69; 231, pp. 1207-1212  2000.07

  • Construction of a normal basis by special values of Siegel modular functions

    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society   128; 2, pp. 315-323  2000.04

  • Construction of a normal basis by special values of Siegel modular functions

    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society   128: 2 (315-323)  2000.02

  • Ichimura-Sumida criterion for Iwasawa Iambda-invariants

    Pruceedings of the Japan Academy Ser. A   Vol. 76 No. 7 111-115  2000

  • On a unit group generated by special values of Siegel modular functions

    Mathematics of Computation   69/231,1207-1212  2000

  • Construction of a normal basis by special values of Siegel modular functions

    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society   128/2,315-323  2000

  • Ichimura-Sumida criterion for Iwasawa Iambda-invariants

    Pruceedings of the Japan Academy Ser. A   Vol. 76 No. 7 111-115  2000

  • On a unit group generated by special values of Siegel modular functions II

    Proceedings of the Japan Academy   75; Ser.A No.10 (194-197)  1999.10

  • On the Iwasawa λ-invariantsof quaternion exteision

    Acta Arithmetica   LxxxVII;3,pp.219-221  1999.02

  • On the Iwasawa λ-invariants of guaternion extensions

    Acta Artithmetica   LXXXV(]G0002[)/3,219-221  1999

  • On the Z3-extension ofacertain cubic cyclic field

    Proceedings of the Japan Academy   74;10,pp.165-166  1998.12

  • On the Z3-extension of a certain cubic cyclic field

    Proceedings of the Japan Academy   74/10,165-166  1998

  • On Iwasawa λp-invariants of relative real cyclic extensions of degree P

    Tokyo Journal of Mathematics/Kinokuniya   20;2(475-480)  1997.12

  • Construction of Normal Bases by Special Values of Hilbert Modular Functions

    Proceedings of the Japan Academy   73;3  1997.03

  • On Iwasawa 入p-invariants of relative real cyclic extensions of degree p

    Tokyo Journal of Mathematics   20/2,475-480  1997

  • Construction of normal bases by special values of Hilbert modular functions

    Proceeding of Japan Academy   73/SerA,42-44  1997

  • A Capitulation Problem and Greenberg's Conjecture on real quadratic fields

    Mathematics of Computation   65/213,313-318  1996

  • A capitulation problem and Greenberg's conjecture on real quadratic fields

    Mathematics of computation/Amerikan Machemical Society   65;213  1996.01

  • 楕円曲線論入門

    シュプリンガ-・フェアラーク東京    1995.11

  • Normal basis and Greenberg's conjecture

    Mathematische Annalen   300/1,157  1994

  • Modular construction of normal basis

    Journal of Mathematical Society of Japan   46/2,235  1994

  • Normal bases and Zp-extensions

    Journal of algebra   163/2,335-347  1994

  • Normal bases and λ-invariants of number fields

    Proceedings of Japan Academy   67/7  1991

  • K-groups and ideal class groups of number fields

    Manuscripta mathematica   72  1991

  • Eine Bemerkung (]J1168[)ber Dedekindsche Zetafunktionen und K-Gruppe

    Archiv der mathematik   54/2  1990

  • On the maximal p-extensions of real quadratic fields unramified outside p

    Journal of Algebra   123/1  1989

  • K-groups and λ-invariants of algebraic number fields

    Tokyo Journal of Mathematics   11/2  1988

  • On Zp-extensions of real quadratic fields

    Journal of mathematical Society of Japan   38/1  1986

  • On zeta-functions and cyclotomic Zp-extensions of algebraic number fields

    T(]J1152[)hoku Mathematical Journal   36/4  1984

  • On adele rings of arithmetically equivalent fields

    Acta Arithmetica   43  1984

  • On a certain property of profinite groups

    Proceedings of the Japan Academy   58/7  1982

  • On the adele rings and Zeta-functions of algebraic number fields

    Kodai Mathematical Journal   1/3  1978

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Research Projects

  • On Weber's class number one problem

    Project Year :


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    Let p be a prime number, B_p,∞ the cyclotomic Z_p-extension of the rational number field Q, B_p,n the n-th layer of B_p,∞/Q and h_p,n the class number of B_p,n. We obtained the following:Let p be a prime number which is not congruent to 1 or -1 modulo 16. Then the p-part of the class number h_p,m,n of B_2,mB_p,n is bounded as n tends to infinity for the fixed m. We can see the result in [④]

  • Noether's Problem for Cremona Groups over algebraic number fields and its application to Number theory

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASHIMOTO Kiichiro, KOMATSU Keiichi, MURAKAMI Jun, MIYAKE Katsuya, KIDA Masanari, TSUNOGAI Hiroshi

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    We studied the Noether's Problem, which asks the rationality of the fixed field of the rational function field of several variables over a given field, with respect to a given finite subgroup G of the Cremona group. We solved this problem affirmatively in the case where G is one of the transitive permutation groups of degree six, and obtained the explicit description of the fixed field as expected. The results are now being collected and prepared in some papers, although it will take some time before the completion. During the period of the research, we had in each year a workshop entitled as "Galois theory and related topics", and discussed the various related problems.. They were held in the university of Yamagata (2007), Tokushima (2008), and Kanazawa (2009). We also had a conference on number theory each year at Waseda university and communicated with many experts of this subject, including those from foreign countries.

  • Special values of Siegel modular functions and Jacobian variety

    Project Year :


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    We construct certain algebraic integers αm as special values of two variable theta functions in the ray class field of a certain quartic field modulo 2m, and study a property of prime i deals which appear in αm in connection to the relationships between cyclotomic units and exponential functions and between elliptic units and elliptic functions, Moreover, we study a relationship between the Mordell-Weil rank of an abelian variety with complex multiplication and the Iwasawa λ-invariant of a certain ZLP-extension.

  • Construction of Generic Polynomials in Galois Theory and application to Number Theory

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASHIMOTO Kiichiro, KOMATSU Keiichi, MURAKAMI Jun, MIYAKE Katsuya, FUKUDA Takashi, TSUNOGAI Hiroshi

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    Thanks to the current Grant-in-Aid, we were able to organize seven research workshops inviting the most active mathematicians on this field, through which we had many discussions on our subjects.
    This enabled us to make a considerable developments along our reseach project on Galois theory.
    As for the main theme of constructing generic polynomials with given finite groups over Q, our first result is the construction of concrete and simple families of quintic polynomials with two parameters for each of the five transitive permutation groups of degree 5. As a remarkable application we have established the proof of the genericity of the famous family of A_5 polynomials of degree 6 found by A.Bumer, in connection with algebraic curves of genus two whose Jacobian have real multiplication of discriminant 5.
    Our second result is concerned with the Noethers' Problem for the meta abelian groups of exponent 8 which are subgroups of the affine transformation group over Z/8Z. We have proved the affirmative answer for the linear representation of degree 4 for each of them, in contrast with the negative answer for cyclic group of order 8. As a biproduct of this result, we obtained a simple crite

  • Units groups generated by special values of Siegel modular functions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMATSU Keiichi, HASHIMOTO Kiichiro

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    In 1976, Coates and Wiles gave large improvement to Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for some elliptic curves with complex multiplication by using elliptic units in abelian extensions of imaginary quadratic fields. Main purpose of car investigation is to consider Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture of the Jacobian variety of some genus-2-curves with complex multiplications.
    In our investigation, we obtained the following :
    We put ζ=e^(2πi)/(13) and α=5+5^3+5^9. Then the field k=Q(α) is the CM-field
    corresponding to the Jacobian variety J(C) of the curve C :
    We construct unit groups in abelian extensions of k by special values of Siegel modular functions at a CM-point corresponding to J(C). moreover we write the values of Hecke L-functions associated to the above abelian fields using units given by Siegel modular functions.

  • Construction of abelian equations and study of Gaussian sums

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASHIMOTO Kiichiro, UMEGAKI Atsuki, KOMATSU Keiichi

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    The main subject of our research project is the constructive sapect of the Inverse Galois theory, and our aim is to develop the systematic method to construct the family of abelian equations, which has been one of the central problems in number theory. In this research work we focused our interests to the case of cyclic equations. We proposed a new idea to make a geometric generalization of the so called Gaussian period relations in the theory of cyclotomy. Namely making use of the mechanism by which a cyclotomic polynomials give rise as irreducible polynomials of Gaussian periods, we introduced e independent variables y_0,【triple bond】y_<e-1> and constructed e^2 rational functions u_<ij> of y's, in the similar way as the cyclotomic numbers are defined. Then we proved that Q(y_0【triple bond】y_<e-1>) is a cyclic extension of Q(u'_<ij>s). By this way, we have succeeded to construct small degree e a parametric family of cyclic polynomials of degree e ; especially for e=7, we found, a simple family whose coefficients are integral polynomials in our parameter n with constant term n^7. This gives an essentially new development in the so called Lehmer project. We remark that this

  • Construction of normal bases by special values of modular functions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMATSU Keiichi, ADACHI Norio, HASHIMOTO Kiichiro

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    In 1998, we have obtained the following ;
    We constructed normal bases in the first layer of a Zp-extension of a certain abelian extension of (]SU.[) by special values of Siegel modular functions. We used the Jacobian variety with a principal polalization of the curve y^2=1-x^5.
    In 1999, we have obtained the following ;
    We constructed Minkowshi units in the ray class field of (]SU.[) modulo 6 by special velues of Siegel modular functions. We constructed also a unit group in the ray class field of (]SU.[) modulo 18 by special values of Siegel modular functions.
    In 2000, we have obtained the following ;
    We constructed all unies in the ray class field of (]SU.[) by special values of Siegel modular functions.

  • Research on the arithmetic of algebraic curves and jacobian varieties

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASHIMOTO Kiichiro, HASEGAWA Yuji, ADACHI Norio, KOMATSU Keiichi, KAGAWA Takaaki, OZAKI Manabu

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    In 1994 Wiles and Taylor have settled the proof of Taniyama-Shimura conjecture for (semistable) elliptic curves over Q. This, with its application to the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, was one of the greatest achievment in this century. In our previous research, we extended the result of Wiles-Taylor proving the modularity of certain abelian varieties over Q, including Q-curves over number fields, and jacobians of QM-curves of GL (2) -type. The aim of the present research has been to provide as many as possible the concrete examples of algebraic curves over Q, for which our modularity criterion for their jacobian can be applied, as well as to investigate various arithmetic properties of such curves. Some of our main results are :
    ・ We obtained some families of genus 2 curves over Q whose jacobian varieties are of GL (2) -type, and checked their modularity numerically and theoretically.
    ・ Conversely, for each cusp f (z) of weight 2 whose Fourier coefficients generate a quadratic field K, we tried to find an algebraic curve over QィイD4-ィエD4 shose jacobian variety is isogenous to the Shimura's abelian surface AィイD2fィエD2 attached to f. We have settled this problem i

  • パラメータをふくむ非線形方程式の初期値問題の仮定の改良

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    考える方程式はつぎのような小さいパラメータをふくむ非線形方程式の初期値問題である。(A)(x+εu+【ε^2】a(u))【u^1】+q(x)u=r(x),(u(1)=b)ここで、つぎの仮定をおく。q(x),r(x)は0≦x≦1でreal-valued analytic,q(0)=9-0>0,α(u)=【α_0】+【α_1】u+…+【αsu^s】(S≧3,【α_s】≠0)。ε=0のときの初期値問題(B)の解を【u_0】(x)とする。【u_0】(x)=(b-w(1)【x^(-q0)】P(x)+W(x)。W(x)は0≦x≦1で解析的な、【xu^1】+q(x)u=r(x)の特殊解で、p(x)=exp(-∫(q-【q_0】)/【t^(dt)】)b≠w(1),【u_0】(x)q(x)-r(x)≠0,(0≦x≦1)のときに(A)の解はu=【u_0】(ξ),x=x(ξ,ε【ξ^(-sq0/2)】)で与えられる。ここでX(ξ,ζ)はζのベキ級数で、0<ξ≦1,|ζ|≦δで一様収束,係数は0<ξ≦1で解析的でx(1,ζ)=1.本研究の目的はつぎの定理である。定理 b>w(1)のとき(i)区間I:【(ε/δ)^(1/((S-1)9-0))】≦ξ≦1,0<ε≦【ε_0】でF=_x(ξ,ζ)+ε【u_0】+【ε^2】α(【u_0】)≠0,【ii】 x(ξ,ε【ξ^(-sq0/2)】)=0は区間I内に根ξ=【ξ!^】(ε)をもつ。かつ【ξ!^】=【ε^(1/(q-0+1))】{【〔((b-w(11)p(d))/(q-0+1)〕^(1/(q-p+1)】+0(1)}(ε→0)。こ

  • 解析関数の特殊値に対する超越数論

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    1.解析関数の代数点における値が超越数とならないとき, その代数点は例外点と呼ばれるが, 例外点の個数を上から評価するシュナイダー・ラング型定理の拡張を研究した.(1) リーマン面への拡張. 複素平面の場合の完全な拡張が得られ, 裏面の第1論文で発表した.(2) 単位円上の関数に対しては, 知られている結果より良い評価式を得ることができていたが, その改良をできるだけ一般の形に拡張し第2論文とした.(3) 上記(1)(2)の結果等は若林の東京大学学位論文としてまとめられ既に審査済みで, 63年3月に学位授与の予定.(4) 若林は(1)(2)について口答発表を行った.(i) 函数論分科会シンポジウム, 於長崎大学, 62年7月.(ii) ディオファントス近似国際会議, 於Oberwolfach, ドイツ, 63年3月.2.超越数論で有名な「四指数問題」を研究した. 上記(2)て考案された方法の考え方を適用し若干の進展が得られた.3.多変数関数の場合のシュヴァルツの補題を研究したが, 状勢を調べたに留る.4.間下は四元数射影空間およ

  • 代数多様体の数論的性質について

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  • 代数体のZpー拡大とKー理論について

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    代数体kに対して,その整数環をO_kとし,O_kのQuillenの意味のn次Kー群をKn(O_k)とし,kのデデキントのzetaー関数をζ_k(s)とする。Lichtenbaumにより,Kn(O_k)とζ_k(s)の間に密接な関係があることが予想されているが,我々の研究により次の事が判った。1.代数体k_1のQ上のガロア閉包をLとし,Lのk_1上の体次数を(L:k_1)とする。このとき代数体k_2に対して,ζ_<k1>(s)=ζ_<k2>(s)ならば,(L:k_1)を割らない素数PについてKn(Q_<k1>)のtorsion部分のPーsylow部分群とKn(O_<k2>)のtorsion部分のPーsylow部分群が同型になることが判った。(Komatsu,Eine Bemerkung uber Dedekindsche zetafunktionen und KーGruppe,Archiv cler Math vol.54(1990))。さらにζ_<k1>(s)=ζ_<k2>(s)ならばKn(O_<k1>)とKn(O_<k2>)のfree rankが等しいことが判った。これはLichtenbaum予想を間接的に支える結果である。さて,Pを奇素数とし,kを総実な代数体,k'をkのPー拡大(k'/kがガロア拡大で,ガロア群の位数がPのへきになっている拡大)とする。さらに,k'/Kで分岐する素イテアルで分岐指数とその素イデアルが互いに素

  • 解析関数の値の超越性について

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  • 有限群のカルタン行列の固有値

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    Gを有限群、標数p>0の代数的閉体F上の群環をFGとし、そのblockをB、Bのdefect groupをDとする。BのCartan行列のCの固有値、特にPerron-Frobenius固有値ρについてはあまりよく知られていなかったが、我々は次のようないくつかの事実を発見した。1.trivial FG-加群のprojective coverの次元をu、Gの最大正規p-部分群の位数をqとすると、q≦ρ≦uが成り立つ。Gがp-可解群のとき、あるいはDが巡回群のときは、ρ≦|D|が成り立つ。ここで一般の場合の評価式において、下限と上限が共にBに無関係な量であるのは、満足すべき結果ではない。Bに依存する量であってかつきれいな形で書けることが望ましい。2.ρは整数とは限らないが、もし整数ならば|D|以下のpのべきになることがわかった。Dが巡回群のときは、|D|に一致する。これが巡回群でなくても一般に成り立つのではないかと思われるが、まだ未解決である。3.ρはCの様々な性質を反映している。Cの列和達はBに属する既約FG-加群のprojective cover達の組成因子の個

  • リー群と調和写像

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  • 有限群のカルタン行列とその固有値

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    Gを有限群,標数をP>0の代数的閉体F上の群環をFGとし、そのblockをB,Bのdetect groupをDとする。Bに属する既約FG-加群の個数をl(B)とする。BのCartan行列CのPerron-Frobenius固有値についていくつかの事実を調べてきたが,今年度は残された問題のうち次の結果を得た。1.Pの評価がblockに関する量で言い表すことがうまくできなかったが,次の事実を発見した。H:Gの部分群,bをHのblockとし,bのCartan行列をC,そのPerron-Frobenius固有値をPとする。(1)P≦l(b)P・max__<1≦i≦l(B)>{βi/ai}(2)P≦l(B)P・max__<1≦i≦l(b)>{αi/bi} ここでai,bi,αi,βiはB,bに附随するある行列の第i行和と第i列の最大成分を表す。(1)から良く知られた不等式P≦max__<1≦i≦l(B)>{ui/fi}等を得る。2.Brauer予想“k(B)≦1D1"はGがP-可解のときもまだ示されていない。l(B)≦k(B)だから、Brauer予想が正しければl(B)≦1D1も成立つはずであるが,これもGがP-可解のときすら分っていない。予想:GがP-可解のときl(B)^2≦Σ__<i.j>cig 但しC=(Cij)が成り立てば固有値Pを経由してl(B)≦1D1が言える。

  • リー群内極小部分多様体の安定性について

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  • 代数体のZ^<LP>_p-拡大の正規底のmodular unitsによる構成

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    虚2次体のZ_p-拡大の正規底をelliptic modular functionの特殊値で構成する問題は研究代表者によって既に解決された。今年度は虚ア-ペル体上のア-ペル拡大の正規底をHilbert modular functionの特殊値で構成する問題を研究し、次の結果を得た。有理数体上2m次の巡回拡大体でCM体であるものをKとし、Fをその最大実部分体とする、整数環Q_KのQ_Fの基底を1つωとし、Im(ω^<(ν)>)>0 ν=1,2…,mとする。Φ:K^x→K^x Φ(α)=α^<(1)>‥α^<(m)> で定義する。さらにNを正の整数としI_NをNと素なKのideal群とする。S_N={(α)∈I_N:α≡1【approaches】(mwdN)}S^^1__N={(α)∈I_N:(Φ(α1)∈S_<>}このときKの類数が1でΦ(I_N)S^^1__NΦI_Nならばθ=Σ^^ρ__<i=1>(ε_γιω^<(l)>,,ω^<(m)>)/(Gγ):u_<ξi> ,v_<ξi>,:NはKのS_<N'>に対する類体の正規底を構成している。(εγ)/(Gγ)はHrllort modlar functionとなっている

  • Explicit Study of Automorphic Forms of Several Variables and Algebraic and Geometric Invariants

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