Education Background
Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/09
Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering
Weber’s class number problem in the cyclotomic ℤ2-extension of ℚ, II
Takashi Fukuda, Keiichi Komatsu
Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 22 ( 2 ) 359 - 368 2010
Weber's Class Number Problem in the Cyclotomic Z(2)-Extension of Q
Takashi Fukuda, Keiichi Komatsu
EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS 18 ( 2 ) 213 - 222 2009
On the Iwasawa lamda-invariant of the cyclotomic Z_2-extension of Q(sqrt{p})
Keiichi Komatsu, Takashi Fukuda
Math. Comp. 78 1797 - 1808 2009
Iwasawa lambda-invariants and Mordell-Weil ranks of abelian varieties with complex multiplication
Takasih Fukuda, Keiichi Komatsu, Shuji Yamagata
ACTA ARITHMETICA 127 ( 4 ) 305 - 307 2007
On the Iwasawa λ-invariant of the cyclotomic Z?-extension of a real quadratic field
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics Vol.28,No.1,pp.259-264 2005
On the iwasawa λ-invariant of the cyclotomic z2-extension of a real quadratic field
Takashi Fukuda, Keiichi Komatsu
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 28 ( 1 ) 259 - 264 2005
Z(p)-extensions associated to elliptic curves with complex multiplication
T Fukuda, K Komatsu
Zp-extensions associated to elliptic curves with complex multiplication,Pholosophical Society
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Vol.137m,pp.541-550 2004
On Minkowski units constructed by special values of siegel modular functions
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 15/ , 133-140 2003
On Minkowski units constructed by special values of Siegel modular functions
Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 15, pp.133-140 2003
On Minkowski units constructed by special values of siegel modular functions
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 15/ , 133-140 2003
Noncyclotomic Zp-extensions of imaginary quabratic fields
Experimental Mathematics 11/4, 469-475 2002
An application of Siegel modular functions of Kronecker limit formula
Lecture note of Computer Science 2369 Springer Vol. 2369 108-119 2002
On Iwasawa λ3-invariants of cyclic cubic fields of prime conductor
Mathematics of Computation/American Mathematical Society 70;236,pp.1707-1712 2002
Noncyclotomic Zp-extensions of imaginary quabratic fields
Experimental Mathematics 11/4, 469-475 2002
An application of Siegel modular functions of Kronecker limit formula
Lecture note of Computer Science 2369 Springer Vol. 2369 108-119 2002
On Iwasawa λ3-invariants of cyclic cubic fields of prime conductor
Methematics of Computation Vol. 70 No. 236 1707-1712 2001
On Iwasawa λ3-invariants of cyclic cubic fields of prime conductor
Methematics of Computation Vol. 70 No. 236 1707-1712 2001
Ichimura-Sumida criterion for Iwasawa -invariants
Proceedings of the Japan Academy 76; 7, pp. 111-115 2000.11
On a unit group generated by special values of Siegel modular functions
Mathematics of Computation 69; 231, pp. 1207-1212 2000.07
Construction of a normal basis by special values of Siegel modular functions
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 128; 2, pp. 315-323 2000.04
Construction of a normal basis by special values of Siegel modular functions
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 128: 2 (315-323) 2000.02
Ichimura-Sumida criterion for Iwasawa Iambda-invariants
Pruceedings of the Japan Academy Ser. A Vol. 76 No. 7 111-115 2000
On a unit group generated by special values of Siegel modular functions
Mathematics of Computation 69/231,1207-1212 2000
Construction of a normal basis by special values of Siegel modular functions
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 128/2,315-323 2000
Ichimura-Sumida criterion for Iwasawa Iambda-invariants
Pruceedings of the Japan Academy Ser. A Vol. 76 No. 7 111-115 2000
On a unit group generated by special values of Siegel modular functions II
Proceedings of the Japan Academy 75; Ser.A No.10 (194-197) 1999.10
On the Iwasawa λ-invariantsof quaternion exteision
Acta Arithmetica LxxxVII;3,pp.219-221 1999.02
On the Iwasawa λ-invariants of guaternion extensions
Acta Artithmetica LXXXV(]G0002[)/3,219-221 1999
On the Z3-extension ofacertain cubic cyclic field
Proceedings of the Japan Academy 74;10,pp.165-166 1998.12
On the Z3-extension of a certain cubic cyclic field
Proceedings of the Japan Academy 74/10,165-166 1998
On Iwasawa λp-invariants of relative real cyclic extensions of degree P
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics/Kinokuniya 20;2(475-480) 1997.12
Construction of Normal Bases by Special Values of Hilbert Modular Functions
Proceedings of the Japan Academy 73;3 1997.03
On Iwasawa 入p-invariants of relative real cyclic extensions of degree p
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 20/2,475-480 1997
Construction of normal bases by special values of Hilbert modular functions
Proceeding of Japan Academy 73/SerA,42-44 1997
A Capitulation Problem and Greenberg's Conjecture on real quadratic fields
Mathematics of Computation 65/213,313-318 1996
A capitulation problem and Greenberg's conjecture on real quadratic fields
Mathematics of computation/Amerikan Machemical Society 65;213 1996.01
シュプリンガ-・フェアラーク東京 1995.11
Normal basis and Greenberg's conjecture
Mathematische Annalen 300/1,157 1994
Modular construction of normal basis
Journal of Mathematical Society of Japan 46/2,235 1994
Normal bases and Zp-extensions
Journal of algebra 163/2,335-347 1994
Normal bases and λ-invariants of number fields
Proceedings of Japan Academy 67/7 1991
K-groups and ideal class groups of number fields
Manuscripta mathematica 72 1991
Eine Bemerkung (]J1168[)ber Dedekindsche Zetafunktionen und K-Gruppe
Archiv der mathematik 54/2 1990
On the maximal p-extensions of real quadratic fields unramified outside p
Journal of Algebra 123/1 1989
K-groups and λ-invariants of algebraic number fields
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 11/2 1988
On Zp-extensions of real quadratic fields
Journal of mathematical Society of Japan 38/1 1986
On zeta-functions and cyclotomic Zp-extensions of algebraic number fields
T(]J1152[)hoku Mathematical Journal 36/4 1984
On adele rings of arithmetically equivalent fields
Acta Arithmetica 43 1984
On a certain property of profinite groups
Proceedings of the Japan Academy 58/7 1982
On the adele rings and Zeta-functions of algebraic number fields
Kodai Mathematical Journal 1/3 1978
On Weber's class number one problem
Project Year :
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HASHIMOTO Kiichiro, KOMATSU Keiichi, MURAKAMI Jun, MIYAKE Katsuya, KIDA Masanari, TSUNOGAI Hiroshi
Construction of Generic Polynomials in Galois Theory and application to Number Theory
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Units groups generated by special values of Siegel modular functions
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Construction of abelian equations and study of Gaussian sums
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Construction of normal bases by special values of modular functions
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Research on the arithmetic of algebraic curves and jacobian varieties
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HASHIMOTO Kiichiro, HASEGAWA Yuji, ADACHI Norio, KOMATSU Keiichi, KAGAWA Takaaki, OZAKI Manabu
代数体のZ^<LP>_p-拡大の正規底のmodular unitsによる構成
Explicit Study of Automorphic Forms of Several Variables and Algebraic and Geometric Invariants