Research Experience
School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/09
School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Engineering Department of Applied Physics
The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering Department of Applied Physics
American Association for the Advancement of Science
The American Physical Society
The Institute of Pure and Applied Physics
American Physical Society
Physical Society of Japan
low temperature, macroscopic quantum phenomena, Bose-Einstein condensation, superfluidity, superconductivity,Solid-State Physics II (Magnetism,Metal Physics,Cryogenics)
Collective modes and stability of Bose-Fermi mixtures with a BCS-BEC crossover
Hiroyuki Shibata, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Susumu Kurihara
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 ( 5 ) 053615 2007.05
BCS-BEC クロスオーバーを示すボース・フェルミ混合系の集団励起と安定性
柴田浩行, 余越伸彦, 栗原 進
Physical Review A 75 ( 5 ) 053615 2007.05
Antiferromagnetism in two-dimensional t-J model: A pseudospin representation
Daisuke Yamamoto, Susumu Kurihara
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 ( 13 ) 134520 2007.04
Gutzwiller study of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice under a magnetic field
T. Kimura, S. Tsuchiya, M. Yamashita, S. Kurihara
LASER PHYSICS 17 ( 1 ) 54 - 59 2007.01
Superfluid-Mott Insulator Transition of Spin-1 Bosons in an Optical Lattice under a Magnetic Field
Takashi Kimura, Shunji Tsuchiya, Makoto Yamashita, Susumu Kurihara
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 75 ( 7 ) 074601 2006.07
木村 敬, 土屋俊二, 山下 眞, 栗原 進
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 75 ( 7 ) 074601 2006.07
Spin-charge mixing effects on resonant tunneling in a polarized Luttinger liquid
K Kamide, Y Tsukada, S Kurihara
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73 ( 23 ) 235326 2006.06
上出健仁, 塚田悠司, 栗原 進
Physical Review B 73 ( 23 ) 235326 2006.06
Phase dependence of phonon tunnelling in bosonic superfluid-insulator- superfluid junctions
Ippei Danshita, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Susumu Kurihara
New Journal of Physics 8 44 2006.03
Thermal transport properties of a charge density wave 10.1143/jpsj.75.014601
H Yoshimoto, S Kurihara
段下一平, 余越伸彦, 栗原 進
New Journal of Physics 8 44 2006
Collective excitations of Bose-Einstein condensates in a double-well potential
Ippei Danshita, Kyota Egawa, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Susumu Kurihara
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 74 ( 12 ) 3179 - 3185 2005.12
Bosonization approach to the edge reconstruction of two-dimensional electron systems in a quantum dot
Yanagi, I, S Kurihara
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72 ( 24 ) 245337 2005.12
段下一平, 江川恭太, 余越伸彦, 栗原 進
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 74 ( 12 ) 3179 - 3185 2005.12
Bogoliubov excitations in a Kronig-Penney potential
Danshita, I, S Kurihara, S Tsuchiya
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 72 ( 5 ) 053611 2005.11
Kronig-Penney ポテンシャル中のボゴリューボフ励起
段下一平, 栗原 進, 土屋俊二
Physical Review A 72 053611 2005.11
栗原 進
固体物理 40 ( 10 ) 2005.10
Spin current through superconductor - Tomonaga Luttinger liquid hybrid systems
Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Susumu Kurihara
Physica B: Condensed Matter 359-361 ( SPEC. ISS. ) 606 - 608 2005.04
Zeeman effect on resonant tunneling in spin-polarized Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid
K Kamide, Y Tsukada, S Kurihara
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 359 645 - 647 2005.04
Bosonization approach to the edge reconstruction in a two-dimensional quantum dot
Yanagi, I, S Kurihara
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 359 1457 - 1459 2005.04
Possibility of a first-order superfluid-Mott-insulator transition of spinor bosons in an optical lattice
T Kimura, S Tsuchiya, S Kurihara
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 94 ( 11 ) 110403 2005.03
Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Susumu Kurihara
Physical Review B 71 104512 2005.03
超伝導体-Luttinger流体複合系のジョセフソン π 状態
余越伸彦, 栗原 進
Physical Review B 71 104512 2005.03
木村 敬, 土屋俊二, 栗原 進
Physical Review Letters 94 110403 2005.03
Gutzwiller study of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice
T Kimura, S Tsuchiya, S Kurihara
JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 138 ( 3-4 ) 651 - 656 2005.02
Gutzwiller study of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice
T Kimura, S Tsuchiya, S Kurihara
JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 138 ( 3-4 ) 651 - 656 2005.02
余越伸彦, 栗原 進
Physica B 359-361 606 - 608 2005
Superfluid-Mott insulator transition of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice
S Tsuchiya, S Kurihara, T Kimura
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 70 ( 4 ) 043628 2004.10
栗原 進
数理科学 42 ( 10 ) 11 - 18 2004.10
Calculation of entropy and specific heat in the spin polaron formulation at finite temperature
AA Morales, DM Yanga, S Kurihara
JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 17 ( 2 ) 283 - 287 2004.04
A. A. Morales, D. M. Yanga, 栗原 進
Journal of Superconductivity 17 ( 2 ) 283 - 287 2004.04
Quasi-Resonant Tunneling of Phonons
Ippei Danshita, Susumu Kurihara
Laser Physics 15 371 - 375 2004
Phase dependence of tunneling of phonon excitations between two Bose-Einstein condensates
Ippei Danshita, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Susumu Kurihara
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 134 ( 1-2 ) 737 - 742 2004.01
光学格子上のSpin 1 ボソンの超流動-Mott 絶縁体転移
土屋俊二, 栗原 進, 木村 敬
Physical Review A 70 043628 2004
段下一平, 栗原 進
Laser Physics 15 371 - 375 2004
段下一平, 余越伸彦, 栗原 進
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 134 ( 1/2 ) 737 - 742 2004.01
Analytical treatment of interacting Fermi gas in arbitrary dimensional harmonic trap
Hiroyuki Yoshimoto, Susumu Kurihara
Journal of Physics A 36 10461 - 10470 2003.10
吉元広行, 栗原 進
Journal of Physics A Vol. 36, page 10461 10461 - 10470 2003.10
Superfluidity in 3He-4He double layer
Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Susumu Kurihara
Physical Review B 68 064501 2003.08
余越伸彦, 栗原 進
Physical Review B Vol. 68, page 064501 064501 2003.08
Perturbation theory of spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates
S Ohtsuka, S Kurihara
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 68 ( 1 ) 013601 2003.07
Singlet superconductivity phase in carbon nanotubes
Kenji Kamide, Takashi Kimura, Munehiro Nishida, Susumu Kurihara
Physical Review B 68 024506 2003.07
大塚晋吾, 栗原 進
Physical Review A Vol. 68, No.1, 013601-1 013601 2003.07
上出健仁, 木村 敬, 西田宗弘, 栗原 進
Physical Review B 68 024506 2003.07
Josephson pi states in superfluid He-3 B-phase/A-phase/B-phase junctions
M Nishida, S Kurihara, N Hatakenaka
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 329 84 - 85 2003.05
Superconducting and density-wave correlation functions in carbon nanotubes
K Kamide, M Nishida, S Kurihara
Superconductor-insulator transition in a random two-dimensional system
Masahiko Kasuga, Susumu Kurihara
Physica C 384 47 - 53 2003
Critical behavior of disordered superconducting-insulating transition in two-dimensional systems
Masahiko Kasuga, Susumu Kurihara
Physica C 384 307 - 313 2003
超流動3HeのB相/A相/B相 型接合におけるジョセフソンπ状態
西田宗弘, 栗原 進, 畠中憲之
Physica B Vol. 329-333 84 - 85 2003
春日正彦, 栗原 進
Physica C 384 307 - 313 2003
Collective Excitations of Dilute Bose-Fermi Superfluid Mixtures
B. H. Valtan, Munehiro Nishida, Susumu Kurihara
Laser Physics 12 2002.12
The hole spectral function in the finite temperature Green's function scheme
AA Morales, DM Yanga, S Kurihara
JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 15 ( 4 ) 277 - 280 2002.08
A. A. Morales, D. M. Yanga, 栗原 進
Journal of Superconductivity 15 ( 4 ) 277 - 280 2002.08
Spectral weight, excitation stability and critical velocity in a Bose-condensed gas
S Ohtsuka, K Sano, S Kurihara
PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 107 ( 5 ) 903 - 915 2002.05
Quantum interference of a damped particle
S Ohtsuka, S Kurihara
PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 107 ( 5 ) 889 - 902 2002.05
大塚晋吾, 栗原 進
Progress of Theoretical Physics 107 ( 5 ) 903 - 915 2002.05
Supercurrent through hybrid junctions with anisotropic Cooper-pair condensates
M Nishida, N Hatakenaka, S Kurihara
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 88 ( 14 ) 145302 2002.04
西田宗弘, 畠中憲之, 栗原 進
Physical Review Letters 88 145302 2002.03
B. H. Valtan, 西田宗弘, 栗原 進
Laser Physics 12 217 - 222 2002
Topological excitations in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
S Tuchiya, S Kurihara
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 70 ( 5 ) 1182 - 1185 2001.05
Is evolution from weak to strong coupling superconductivity always continuous?
S Saito, H Yoshimoto, YY Suzuki, S Kurihara
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 70 ( 5 ) 1186 - 1189 2001.05
土屋俊二, 栗原 進
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 70 1182 - 1185 2001.05
斎藤慎一, 吉元広行, 鈴木康夫, 栗原 進
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 70 1186 - 1189 2001.05
Infrared divergence in d.c. Josephson current through charge density wave
K Sano, S Kurihara
PHYSICA C 351 ( 3 ) 308 - 322 2001.04
Infrared anomaly of dc Josephson current in super/charge density wave/super Josephson junctions
K Sano, S Kurihara
PHYSICA C 352 ( 1-4 ) 223 - 227 2001.04
Resonant states and currents in superconducting multilayers
H Ishikawa, S Kurihara, Y Enomoto
PHYSICA C 350 ( 1-2 ) 62 - 68 2001.02
Josephson phase dynamics in He-3 weak links
K Matsunaga, M Nishida, D Matsumoto, S Kurihara, N Hatakenaka, H Takayanagi
PHYSICA B 284 285 - 286 2000.07
Electronic states and currents in superconducting multilayers
H Ishikawa, S Kurihara, Y Enomoto
PHYSICA C 336 ( 3-4 ) 181 - 191 2000.07
Effect of finite screening length on charge Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii transition
Y Miyachi, S Kurihara
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 69 ( 7 ) 2356 - 2357 2000.07
宮地幸哉, 栗原 進
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 69 ( 7 ) 2356 - 2357 2000.07
松永慶子, 西田宗弘, 松本大地, 栗原 進, 畠中憲之, 高柳英明
Physica B 284-288/,285 285 - 286 2000
Progress of Theoretical Physics 102/953 2000
斎藤慎一, 鈴木康夫, 栗原 進
物性研究 71/4,656 1999
d=∞ Hubbardモデルの量子相転移
斎藤慎一, 鈴木康夫, 栗原 進
物性研究 72/6,840 1999
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 68/12, 1999
Quantum Transition to Supersolid Phase
Journal of Superconductivity/Plenum Publishing Corporation 12(231) 1999
Gutzwiller-Type Projected BCS Ground States for Attractive Hubbard Model in Infinite Dimensions
Progress of Theoretical Physics 102; 5 1999
Decay of Superflow Confined in Thin Torus: Quantum Nucleation of Phase Slips
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 68; 12 1999
物性研究 71; 4 1999.01
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 113/,897 1998
Quantum Phase Transition in the Infinite Dimensional Hubbard Model
Journal of Low Temperature Physics/ Plenum 113(897) 1998
Coexistence of Superconductivity and Charge Density Waves in d=∞ Attractive Hubbard Model
Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories/World Scientific 5, p506 1998
ジョセフソン マイクロメーザー
Czechoslovakian Journal of Physics 46/2311 1996
Physica B 219-220/723 1996
Physics Letters A 204/,223 1995
栗原 進
岩波書店 2004.09
Electronic States and Josephson Currents in Superconducting Multilayers
Hideaki Ishikawa, Susumu Kurihara, Y. Enomoto
, Studies of High Temperature Superconductors , ed. A. Norikar, Nova Science Publishers, NY. 2001
石川英明, 栗原 進
Studies of High Temperature Superconductors, Nova Science Publishers, NY. 2001
Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories, World Scientific 1998
メゾスコピック系の物理 1996
丸善株式会社 1996
丸善 1994
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)
COE: Physics of Self-Organization systems
COE : Molecular Nano-Engineering