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キクヤマ サカエ
菊山 榮
理学博士 ( 東京大学 )


  • 1975年

    - 早稲田大学 教授

  • 1975年

    - Waseda University, Professor

  • 1969年

    早稲田大学 助教授

  • 1969年


  • 1967年

    早稲田大学 講師

  • 1967年


  • 1965年

    東京大学 助手

  • 1965年

    Tokyo University, Research Associate

  • 1963年

    アルバートアインシュタイン医科大学 研究助手

  • 1963年

    Albert Einstein College of Medicine,


    Research Assistant




    東京大学   生物科学研究科   動物学  




    東京大学   理学部   生物学科動物学課程  




  • 2002年

    日本動物学会  評議員

  • 2000年

    日本比較内分泌学会  会長

  • 1996年

    日本動物学会  評議員

  • 1998年

    ヨーロッパ比較内分泌学会(European Society for Coparative Endocrinology)  国際学術委員

  • 1998年

    行動神経内分泌学会  評議員

  • 1997年

    国際比較内分泌学会連合(International Federation of Comparative Endocrinological Societies)  評議員

  • 1996年

    日本比較生理生化学会  評議員

  • 1993年

    日本動物学会  評議員

  • 1991年

    日本動物学会  評議員

  • 1988年

    日本動物学会  評議員
































    アジアオセアニア比較内分泌学会(Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology)


    国際神経行動学会(International Society for Neuroethology)


    ヨーロッパ比較内分泌学会(European Society for Coparative Endocrinology)


    国際比較内分泌学会連合(International Federation of Comparative Endocrinological Societies)







  • 比較内分泌学

  • 生物形態・構造

  • 比較内分泌学 比較生理学 発生生物学

  • Comparative endocrinology Comparative physiology Developmental biology Morphology Structureof Organism Comparative Endocrinology


  • Zoological Scince Award(日本動物学会論文賞)


  • Zoological Science Award


  • The Yoshimura Prize(下垂体研究会)


  • The Yoshihama Prize


  • Zoological Science Award(日本動物学会論文賞)


  • Zoological Science Award


  • 日本動物学会賞


  • The Zoological Society Prize


  • Zoological Science Award(日本動物学会論文賞)


  • Zoological Science Award





  • Hormonal regulation of growth in amphibians

    "Biology of Amphibians vol. 6: Endocrinology of Amphibians" (H. Heatwale, Ed.), Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton (Australia)  2004年


  • カニクイガエル幼生の水,塩及び浸透圧調節(海外学術研究-学術調査)


  • カニクイガエルの水,塩及び浸透圧調節:生理学的,形態学的及び発生学的観点より(海外学術研究-学術調査)



  • 両生類の変態


  • 両生類のフェロモン


  • 両生類下垂体機能の調節


  • 視床下部―下垂体系の起源


  • 両生類の変態・成長・生殖のホルモン調節


  • 間脳視床下部一下垂体の発生・分化


  • 両生類有尾目の求愛行動


  • 両生類下垂体ホルモンの分泌調節


  • Endocrine control of amphibian metamorphosis, growth and reproduction

    The Other Research Programs

  • Development and differentiation of hypothalamo-hypophyseal system

    The Other Research Programs

  • Courtship behavior of urodeles

    The Other Research Programs

  • Regulation of pituitary hormone secretion in amphibians

    The Other Research Programs



  • Molecular cloning of bullfrog prolactin receptor cDNA: changes in prolactin receptor mRNA level during metamorphosis

    Hasunuma, I, K Yamamoto, S Kikuyama

    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY   138 ( 3 ) 200 - 210  2004年09月


    In amphibian larvae, prolactin (PRL) is known to possess growth-promoting and anti-metamorphic activities. For further understanding of the role of PRL in larvae, bullfrog PRL receptor (bfPRLR) cDNA was obtained from the tail fin of premetamorphic tadpoles by use of the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) coupled with 5'- and 3'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The predicted bfPRLR was composed of 617 amino acids, contained a single transmembrane domain, and showed 33-57% sequence homologies with known sequences of vertebrate PRLRs. When bfPRLR was transiently expressed, specific binding of I-125-labeled bullfrog PRL (bfPRL) was observed. By Northern blot analysis, a 3-kb transcript was detected in the tail fin. By RTPCR bfPRLR mRNA expression was detected mainly in the brain, kidney, skin, and tail throughout prometamorphic and middle climactic periods. The results of an RNase protection assay revealed that the bfPRLR mRNA level in the tail fin increased around the onset of climax (stage XX) and was maintained at a relatively high value at least until mid-climax (stage XXII). It also revealed that bfPRLR mRNA level in the kidney of larvae gradually rose as metamorphosis progressed. The results support the view that PRL in larval period acts not only on the larval organs but also on the organs that are necessary for the adult life to maintain or develop their structures and functions. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


  • Molecular cloning of bullfrog corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF): effect of homologous CRF on the release of TSH from pituitary cells in vitro

    Y Ito, R Okada, H Mochida, H Hayashi, K Yamamoto, S Kikuyama

    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY   138 ( 3 ) 218 - 227  2004年09月


    Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) plays multiple roles in vertebrate species. In non-mammalian vertebrates, CRF has been considered to be the major thyrotropin (TSH)-releasing factor. This notion, however, was derived from experimental data on CRF of mammalian origin. Moreover, in the case of amphibians it has never been directly proved that CRF stimulates the release of TSH from the pituitary. The presently described experiment was conducted to provide direct evidence that homologous CRF enhances the release of TSH from the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) pituitary. First, cloning of cDNA encoding bullfrog CRF (fCRF) was accomplished. The cDNA encoding fCRF precursor was isolated from a cDNA library of the bullfrog hypothalamus. The amino acid sequence of fCRF predicted from the amplified cDNA sequence showed 83 and 95% identities with the sequences of ovine and human CRFs, respectively. An antiserum against the fCRF synthesized on the basis of the amino acid sequence was raised and used for immunohistochemical staining of the hypothalamus-hypophyseal region of the bullfrog brain. It stained some of the cell bodies situated mainly in the preoptic area, the nucleus infundibularis dorsalis and nucleus hypothalamicus ventralis and the axons that terminate in the median eminence and neural lobe. The synthetic fCRF was tested for its TSH-releasing activity toward anterior pituitary cells of adult bullfrogs in an in vitro system. As a result, the fCRF caused the release of TSH from the dispersed pituitary cells into the culture medium concentration-dependently, as measured by a specific radioimmunoassay for bullfrog TSH. The potency of the fCRF was almost equivalent to that of ovine CRF. Human urocortin III (hUCN III), a CRF receptor type 2 (CRF-R2) specific agonist enhanced the release of TSH from the pituitary cells in culture, suggesting the involvement of CRF-R2 in the CRF-induced TSH release in the bullfrogs. Culture of pituitary cells in the presence of the hypothalamic extract (HE) and alpha-helical CRF9-41, a CRF-R antagonist, revealed that the antagonist suppressed the TSH-releasing activity of the HE by approximately 50%, suggesting that endogenous CRF contributes as a TSH-releasing factor. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


  • Processing of multiple forms of preprosodefrin in the abdominal gland of the red-bellied newt Cynops pyrrhogaster: regional and individual differences in preprosodefrin gene expression

    T Iwata, JM Conlon, T Nakada, F Toyoda, K Yamamoto, S Kikuyama

    PEPTIDES   25 ( 9 ) 1537 - 1543  2004年09月


    Peptides derived from the post-translational processing of preprosodefrin were isolated from an extract of the abdominal glands of male red-bellied newts Cynops pyrrhogaster obtained 5 months prior to the onset of the breeding season. Structural characterization of the peptides showed that the pheromone sodefrin (SIPSKDALLK) is stored in a biologically inactive COOH-terminally extended form (SIPSKDALLKISA). It follows, therefore. that the activation of a protease that cleaves at a Lys-Ile bond to generate the active pheromone must occur by the time of onset of reproductive behavior. Additional peptides (representing preprosodefrin-(146-175)-peptide and preprosodefrin-(159-173)-peptide), that are derived from the precursor by cleavage at monobasic and dibasic processing sites, were also purified from the extract. The isolation of paralogs of these peptides, including an inactive COOH-terminally extended form of [Asn(10)]sodefrin, provides evidence for the expression of multiple genes encoding preprosodefrin. PCR products derived from total RNAs from the abdominal gland of individual newts collected from three different regions of Japan were analyzed. The data confirm the existence of multiple genes encoding sodefrin and its variants whose expression varied according to the individuals and the regions. However, genes encoding sodefrin were found to be expressed in all the specimens sampled. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


  • Peptide pheromones in newts

    F Toyoda, K Yamamoto, T Iwata, Hasunuma, I, M Cardinali, G Mosconi, AM Polzonetti-Magni, S Kikuyama

    PEPTIDES   25 ( 9 ) 1531 - 1536  2004年09月



    This article reviews the current state of understanding of reproductive pheromones in amphibians, focusing mainly on the purification and characterization of peptide pheromones in newts of the genus Cynops, molecular cloning of cDNAs encoding the pheromone molecules, and hormonal control of secretion of these pheromones. Pheromones that attract sexually developed female Cynops pyrrhogaster and C. ensicauda newts were isolated from the male abdominal glands. The C. pyrrhogaster and C. ensicauda pheromones are peptides, designated sodefrin and silefrin. with the amino acid sequences SIPSKDALLK and SILSKDAQLK, respectively. Each pheromone attracts only conspecific females. Molecular cloning of cDNAs encoding sodefrin and silefrin revealed the presence of precursor proteins that are considered to generate these pheromone peptides. Pheromone precursor mRNA levels and radioimmunoassayable pheromone concentrations in the abdominal glands were elevated by prolactin and androgen. Sexual dimorphism and hormone dependency of the responsiveness of vomeronasal epithelium to sodefrin were noted. Significance of pheromones in the form of peptide for those performing reproductive behavior in an aquatic environment was also discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


  • Possible direct induction by estrogen of calcitonin secretion from ultimobranchial cells in the goldfish

    N Suzuki, K Yamamoto, Y Sasayama, T Suzuki, T Kurokawa, A Kambegawa, AK Srivastav, S Hayashi, S Kikuyama

    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY   138 ( 2 ) 121 - 127  2004年09月


    The plasma level of calcitonin (CT), a calcium (Ca)-regulating hormone, is known to increase in female teleosts during the reproductive period. In the present study, a correlation between plasma CT and Ca and one between plasma CT and the gonad somatic index were demonstrated in the female goldfish but not in the male. To clarify the relationship between CT and Ca, we examined the plasma CT and Ca levels after injecting immature goldfish with estrogen. At day 1, the plasma CT level significantly increased, whereas the plasma Ca level was not changed from its initial level. This result suggests that the trigger of CT secretion is estrogen and that estrogen directly acts on the ultimobranchial gland (UBG), a CT-secreting organ. To determine whether the UBG is equipped with estrogen receptor (ER), an ER binding assay and immunohistochemical staining of UBG cells with an antibody against ER were conducted. As a result, estrogen-specific binding (K-d, 18.52 nM; B-max, 1.35 pmol/mg protein) and ER-immunoreactivity in the UBG were demonstrated. Furthermore, the expression of alpha, beta, and gamma types of ER in the UBG was also detected by use of the reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. Thus, we concluded that estrogen acts on the UBG to induce the release of CT, which in turn plays an important role in reproduction directly and/or indirectly through Ca. This is the first report on the existence of ERs in a teleost UBG and the occurrence of CT secretion caused by estrogen. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


  • Effect of bullfrog LH and FSH on newt testes under different temperatures

    S Tanaka, M Sakai, MA Hattori, S Kikuyama, K Wakabayashi, Y Hanaoka

    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY   138 ( 1 ) 1 - 7  2004年08月


    Environmental temperature plays important roles for amphibian gonadal function. In this study, we examined the responses of testicular tissue of adult male newts (Cynops pyrrhogaster) to amphibian gonadotropins both in vitro and in vivo under different temperatures. When minced testes were incubated in vitro at different temperatures (8-37 degreesC) under an atmosphere of 95% O-2-5% CO2 for 3 It with bullfrog luteinizing hormone (LH) or follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), LH stimulated testosterone production more than FSH. The testosterone production increased as the incubation temperature increased. Hypophysectomized newts were injected with bullfrog LH or FSH and maintained at 8 or 18 degreesC. In the 18 degreesC group, the testicular weight of the hypophysectornized control decreased when compared with that of with the intact control. The testicular weight of the LH-treated hypophysectornized group decreased more than that of the hypophysectornized control, indicating that LH induced the evacuation of mature spermatozoa from the testes of LH-treated hypophysectomized newts. In the FSH-treated newts, the testicular weight was greater than that in the hypophysectomized control, and was maintained at a value similar to that of the intact control. In the 8 degreesC group, there was no significant difference in testicular size among the intact control, hypophysectomized control, and FSH-treated newts. LH strongly induced spermiation as it did at 18 degreesC. The plasma testosterone level in the hypophysectornized newts decreased dramatically, but LH was effective in restoring it. Its effect was more potent at 8 degreesC than at 18 degreesC. On the other hand, FSH did not induce a significant increase in the plasma testosterone levels at either temperatures. The results indicate a temperature-dependent difference in responsiveness of the testis both in vitro and in vivo to LH and FSH. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


  • Detection of sodefrin-responsive cell in the newt vomeronasal epithelium by calcium imaging.

    Trends in Comparative Endocrinology     432 - 434  2004年

  • In vitro effect of bisphenol A on the thyroid hormone receptor gene expression in the Xenopus tail and testis.

    “Trends in Comparative Endocrinology” (T. Oishi, K. Tsutsui, S. Tanaka, S. Kikuyama, Eds), Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology.     590 - 593  2004年

  • Molecular cloning of bullfrog corticotropin-releasing hormone cDNA.

    “Trends in Comparative Endocrinology” (T. Oishi, K. Tsutsui, S. Tanaka, S. Kikuyama, Eds.), Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology.     248 - 250  2004年

  • Possible existence of processing enzymes generating sodefrin molecule in the abdominal gland.

    “Trends in Comparative Endocrinology” (T. Oishi, K. Tsutsui, S. Tanaka, S. Kikuyama, Eds), Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology.     426 - 428  2004年

  • Localization of prolactin receptor in the newt brain.

    “Trends in Comparative Endocrinology” (T. Oishi, K. Tsutsui, S. Tanaka, S. Kikuyama, Eds.), Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology.     257 - 259  2004年

  • Localization of orexin-A-like immunoreactivity in prolactin cells in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) pituitary

    T Yamamoto, H Suzuki, H Uemura, K Yamamoto, S Kikuyama

    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY   135 ( 2 ) 186 - 192  2004年01月


    Immunohistochemical techniques were employed to investigate the distribution of orexin-A-like immunoreactivity in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) pituitary. Orexin-A-immunoreactive cells were scattered throughout the pars distalis. We found that these cells corresponded to the cells immunostained with antiserum against bullfrog prolactin (fPRL). Immunoelectron microscopic analysis indicated that an orexin-A-like substance coexisted with fPRL within secretory granules. Western blot analysis of bullfrog pituitary extract revealed that anti-human orexin-A antiserum labeled two separate bands which were not labeled with anti-fPRL antiserum. The present study has, for the first time, provided evidence of the intragranular colocalization of orexin-A-like and PRL immunoreactivities in the bullfrog pituitary. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


  • Effects of RF-amide peptides on the release of TSH from the bullfrog pituitary.

    “Trends in Comparative Endocrinology” (T. Oishi, K. Tsutsui, S. Tanaka, S. Kikuyama, Eds), Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology.     298 - 300  2004年

  • Prolactin induces courtship behavior in the male newts acting centrally.

    “Trends in Comparative Endocrinology” (T. Oishi, K. Tsutsui, S. Tanaka, S. Kikuyama, Eds), Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology.     46 - 48  2004年

  • Development of radioimmunoassay for bullfrog thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): effects of hypothalamic releasing hormones on the release of TSH from the pituitary in vitro

    R Okada, K Yamamoto, A Koda, Y Ito, H Hayashi, S Tanaka, Y Hanaoka, S Kikuyama

    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY   135 ( 1 ) 42 - 50  2004年01月


    A bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) beta-subunit (TSHbeta) antiserum was produced by employing a C- terminal peptide synthesized on the basis of the amino acid sequence deduced from bullfrog TSHbeta cDNA. Immunohistochemical studies revealed that the bullfrog adenohypophyseal cells that immunologically reacted with the anti-bullfrog TSHbeta corresponded to those positively stained with an antiserum against human (h) TSHbeta. The antiserum was used for the development of a specific and sensitive radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the measurement of bullfrog TSH. The sensitivity of the RIA was 0.75+/-0.07 ng TSH/100 mul assay buffer. The interassay and intraassay coefficients of variation were 7.6 and 5.3%, respectively. Several dilutions of pituitary homogenates of larval and adult bullfrogs, or medium in which bullfrog pituitary cells were cultured, yielded dose-response curves that were parallel to the standard curve. Bullfrog prolactin, growth hormone, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and alpha-subunit derived from glycoprotein hormones did not react in this assay. Immunoassayable TSH in the pituitary culture medium was confirmed to exist in the form of TSHbeta coupled with the alpha-subunit by an immunoprecipitation experiment using the TSHbeta antiserum and an alpha-subunit antiserum. TSH released from pituitary cells into the medium was also confirmed to possess a considerable activity in stimulating the release of thyroxine from the thyroid glands of larval bullfrogs in vitro.
    The effects of hypothalamic hormones such as mammalian gonadotropin-releasing hormone (mGnRH), ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone (oCRH), and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) on the release of TSH by dispersed anterior pituitary cells of the bullfrog larvae and adults were also studied. CRH markedly stimulated the release of TSH from both adult and larval pituitary cells. Both TRH and GnRH moderately stimulated the release of TSH from adult pituitary cells but not from the larval cells. This is the first report on the development of an RIA for amphibian,TSH, which has provided the direct evidence that the release of TSH from the amphibian pituitary is enhanced by the hypothalamic releasing hormones such as CRH, TRH, and GnRH. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


  • Effects of hypothalamic factors of the release of TSH from bullfrog pituitary cells.

    “Trends in Comparative Endocrinology” (T. Oishi, K. Tsutsui, S. Tanaka, S. Kikuyama, Eds), Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology.     245 - 247  2004年

  • Otoconin and chitinase: digression from amphibian pituitary research.

    “Trends in Comparative Endocrinology” (T. Oishi, K. Tsutsui, S. Tanaka,     6 - 9  2004年

  • Expression of prolactin receptor mRNA in the abdominal gland of the newt Cynops ensicauda.

    Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A   38   70 - 88  2004年

  • Multihormonal control of vitellogenesis in lower vertebrates.

    Int. Rev. Cytol.   239   1 - 46  2004年


  • Teratogenic and anti-metamorphic effects of bisphenol A on embryonic and larval Xenopus laevis

    S Iwamuro, M Sakakibara, M Terao, A Ozawa, C Kurobe, T Shigeura, M Kato, S Kikuyama

    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY   133 ( 2 ) 189 - 198  2003年09月


    Effects of bisphenol A (BPA) on embryonic and larval development were investigated. In Xenopus laevis blastulae treated with 2.5-3.0 x 10(-5) M BPA or with 10(-5) M 17beta estradiol (E-2), malformation of the head region, scoliosis (curved vertebrate), and suppression of organogenesis were observed. In addition, 10(-5)-10(-4) M BPA blocked tri-iodothyronine (T-3)-inducible resorption of the tail segments from premetamorphic (stage 52-54) larvae in vitro. When stage 52 tadpoles were immersed in 1.0-2.5 x 10(-5) M BPA, deceleration of both spontaneous and thyroxin (T-4)-induced metamorphic changes occurred. Furthermore, BPA suppressed thyroid hormone receptor (TR.) beta gene expression both in vivo and in vitro. Thus, we concluded that BPA at the concentrations examined affects both embryonic development and larval metamorphosis. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


  • Occurrence of β-endorphin binding sites in the pituitary of the frog Rana esculenta: effect of β-endorphin on luteinizing hormone secretion.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.   132 ( 3 ) 391 - 398  2003年07月


  • Postmetamorphic changes in parvalbumin expression in the hindlimb skeletal muscle of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana

    T Hasebe, K Umezawa, M Sugita, T Iwata, K Yamamoto, T Obinata, S Kikuyama



    Anuran amphibians, animals that spend a terrestrial life after metamorphosis, exhibit a marked development of hindlimbs during and after metamorphosis. In order to see whether changes occur in the muscle protein components in the course of postmetamorphic development, we subjected gastrocnemius muscle extracts from growing froglets to two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE). As a result, we found two proteins to undergo a change in level. One spot, indicating a molecular mass of approximately 12 kDa and an isoelectric point (pI) of 5.0 first became detectable at 45 days after metamorphosis. Another spot, corresponding to a protein of 11 kDa and pI 4.8, was prominent until the former spot appeared. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis and comparison of the spots with those of parvalbumin (PA) revealed that these two proteins were PAalpha and PAbeta. Northern blot analysis using PAalpha and PAbeta cDNAs as probes revealed that the PAbeta mRNA level declined whereas that of PAalpha mRNA rose as the frogs grew. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


  • Occurrence of prohormone convertase-like substances in the neural complex cells of the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi

    G Kawahara, K Terakado, S Tanaka, S Kikuyama

    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY   131 ( 1 ) 32 - 37  2003年03月


    Our previous study on the distribution of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-like substances in the neural complex (cerebral ganglion, dorsal strand, and neural gland) of an ascidian Halocynthia roretzi revealed that some of the cells in the cerebral ganglion and the cells scattered along the dorsal strand were immunopositive with antiserum against ACTH. In order to ascertain whether these cells are equipped with prohormone convertases, we performed immunohistochemical studies on the neural complex by using antisera against PC1 and PC2. A considerable number of cells around the dorsal strand and a few cells in the neural ganglion were immunopositive with PC1 and/or PC2 antibodies. Immunoelectron microscopic study demonstrated that some granulated cells situated in the cerebral ganglion and along the dorsal strand contained PC1- or PC2-like substances within their secretory granules. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of 66-kDa PC1-like and 70-kDa PC2-like substances in the neural complex. Moreover, immunostaining of consecutive sections showed that the majority of the cells containing PC1- and/or PC2-like substances corresponded to the cells immunoreactive with antisera against ACTH and CLIP but not to those immunoreactive with an antiserum against PRL. Cells belonging to the neural gland neither contained electron-dense granules nor showed immunoreactivity with any antisera employed in this experiment. The possibility that some of the cells situated in the cerebral ganglion and along the dorsal strand are progenitors of vertebrate adenohypophyseal cells is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


  • Hormonal regulation of growth in amphibians.

    Biology of Amphibians vol. 6: Endocrinology of Amphibians (H. Heatwale, Ed.)/Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton (Australia)   pp. 2267-2300  2003年

  • Endocrinology of reproduction.

    Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela (D. M. Server, Ed.)/Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire   pp. 275-321  2003年

  • Ghrelin directly interacts with neuropeptide-Y-containing neurons in the rat arcurate cucleus: Ca2+ signaling via protein kinase A and N-type channel-dependent mechanisms and cross talk with leptin and orexin.

    Diabetes   52; 1-9  2003年

  • Regional concentration and chromatographic characterization of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) in the brain of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana.

    Zool. Sci.   20; 1003-1009  2003年


  • Expression of the receptor for pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PAC1-R) in the ractive astrocytes.

    Mol. Brain Res.   115; 10-20  2003年

  • Involvement of arginine vasotocin in reproductive events in the male newt Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    Horm. Behav.   44; 346-353  2003年


  • Novel Neuropeptides related to frog growth hormone-releasing peptide: isolation, sequence, and functional analysis.

    Endocrinology   144; 3879-3884  2003年


  • Molecular cloning of otoconin-22 cDNA in the bullfrog endolymphatic sac: Effect of calcitonin on otoconin mRNA levels.

    Endocrinology   144; 3284-3296.  2003年

  • ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCA2 (ABC2) expression in the developing spinal cord and PNS during myelination

    CJ Zhou, N Inagaki, SJ Pleasure, LX Zhao, S Kikuyama, S Shioda

    JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY   451 ( 4 ) 334 - 345  2002年09月


    We examined developmental characteristics of the ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCA2 (or ABC2)-expressing cells in rat spinal cord and peripheral nerves. In adult spinal cord, ABCA2 immunoreactivity was detected in lysosome-like organelles of mature oligodendrocyte cell bodies, and a single specific band was detected by Western blot analysis. In postnatal developing spinal cord, ABCA2 immunolabeling was first detected in a small number of cells restricted to the ventral marginal area and the dorsal funiculus at birth (PO). ABCA2-positive cells were immunolabeled by O4, a marker for late progenitor and immature oligodendrocytes. At the same time, myelin basic protein was apparent in the same restricted regions. The number of ABCA2 and O4 co-immunolabeled cells increased quickly in both dorsal and ventral regions from P2 and reached a peak at P8. After transient expression from PO to P8, O4 labeling in white matter tracts decreased and disappeared. In contrast, ABCA2-positive oligodendrocytes persisted in gray and white matter throughout the spinal cord into adulthood. These data suggest a role for the ABCA2 transporter in maturation of oligodendrocyte lineage cells and the onset of myelination in the central nervous system. In addition, ABCA2 immunoreactivity was detected in the ciliated region of the ependyma in the central canal from early postnatal development. ABCA2 immunoreactivity was also detected in the Schwann cell lineage in developing spinal nerves and in adult trigeminal and sciatic nerves. ABCA2 was also expressed in numerous undetermined cells distributed in para-nerve connective tissues and nerve sheaths throughout early postnatal development. These data indicate multiple levels of involvement for ABCA2 in nervous system development especially with strong evidence for a role in myelination. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


  • Hypophyseal development in vertebrates from amphibians to mammals

    K Kawamura, T Kouki, G Kawahara, S Kikuyama

    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY   126 ( 2 ) 130 - 135  2002年04月



    Classically, it has been widely accepted that epithelial hypophysis develops from the stomodeal ectoderm. This notion was based on purely morphological observation of normal specimens. Recently, evidence is being accumulated that indicates another lineage for the developmental origin of adenohypophysis. This minireview focuses on several series of experimental works that have demonstrated a neuroectodermal origin of the hypophysis in vertebrates from amphibians to mammals. Phylogenetic consideration of the pituitary-like structures of prechordal animals is also presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


  • Environmental Estrogens and reproductive biology in amphibians

    G Mosconi, O Carnevali, MF Franzoni, E Cottone, Lutz, I, W Kloas, K Yamamoto, S Kikuyama, AM Polzonetti-Magni

    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY   126 ( 2 ) 125 - 129  2002年04月



    In this paper, the effects of an estrogenic compound, 4-nonyl-phenol (NP), on the amphibians Rana esculenta and Triturus carnifex are described together with those on sexual differentiation in Xenopus laevis. NP increased plasma vitellogenin in male frogs and newts in a dose-related manner; moreover, inhibitory effects on gonadotropin and prolactin (PRL) secretion by pituitary were found together with an elevation of plasma androgens. NP treatment also caused a remarkable increase in number of prolactin-immunolabeled cells, suggesting that xenoestrogen might induce, at least in the newt pituitary, a PRL accumulation possibly due to a reduction of the hormone release. In addition, both NP and bisphenol A caused feminization by increasing the percentage of female phenotypes in X. laevis, and the in vivo effects were more pronounced than those of estradiol-17beta. (C) 2002 Elsevier science (USA).


  • Comparative peptidomics of the endocrine pancreas: islet hormones from the clawed frog Xenopus laevis and the red-bellied newt Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    J. Endocrinol.   175; 769-777  2002年


  • Expression of parvalbumin isoforms in the postmetamorphic bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana.

    Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists (R. Keller, H. Dircksen, D. Sedlmeier, and H. Vaudry, Eds.)/Monduzzi Editore, Bologna   pp. 523-526  2002年

  • Regional and individual differences in the gene expression of sodefrin variant in the abdominal gland of Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    Proceedings of the 21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists(R. Keller, H. Dircksen, D. Sedlmeier, and H. Vaudry, Eds.)/Monduzzi Editore, Bologna   pp. 323-325  2002年

  • Adrenocorticotropin-Like Immunoreactivity in the Granules of Neural Complex Cells of the Ascidian Halocynthia roretzi.

    Zool. Sci.   19; 1061-1065  2002年


  • Peptide and protein pheromones in amphibians.

    Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B-Biochem. Mol. Biol.   132; 69-74  2002年


  • A novel amphibian hypothalamic neuropeptide: Isolation, localization, and biological activity.

    Endocrinology   143; 411-419  2002年


  • Temperature-dependent prolactin secretion and reproductive biology of the newt Triturus carnifex Laur.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.   126; 261-268  2002年


  • Molecular cloning of a putative gastric chitinase in the toad Bufo japonicus.

    Zool. Sci.   19; 293-297  2002年


  • Isolation and sequence of a novel amphibian pancreatic chitinase.

    Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B-Biochem. Mol. Biol.   132; 381-388  2002年


  • Identification of a cDNA encoding a novel amphibian growth hormone-releasing peptide and localization of its transcript.

    J. Endocrinol.   174; 395-402  2002年


  • Orexin-1 receptor immunoreactivity in chemically identified target neurons in the rat hypothalamus.

    Neurosci. Lett.   324; 5-8  2002年


  • PACAP and its receptors exert pleiotropic effects in the nervous system by activating multiple signaling pathways.

    Curr. Protein Pept. Sci.   3; 423-439  2002年


  • Blockade of amphibian metamorphosis by an endocrine disruptor, bisphenol A.

    Fourth Intercongress Symposium of the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology/Guangzhou, China    2002年

  • Effects of 4-nonyl-phenol on pituitary lactotrophs of the male urodele amphibian Triturus carnifex

    21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Bonn, Germany    2002年

  • The effects of environmental estrogens on the reproductive biology of frog (Rana esculenta) and newt (Triturus carnifex).

    21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Bonn, Germany    2002年

  • Effect of an endocrine disruptor, bisphenol A on amphibian metamorphosis.

    21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Bonn, Germany    2002年

  • Isolation of a novel pancreatic chitinase and its emergence during anuran metamorphosis.

    21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Bonn, Germany    2002年

  • Regional and individual difference in the gene expression of sodefrin variants in the abdominal gland of Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Bonn, Germany    2002年

  • Molecular cloning of ascidian prohormone convertase 2.

    21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Bonn, Germany    2002年

  • Changes in the expression of parvalbumin isoforms in the hindlimb skeletal muscle during the course of postmetamorphic development of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana.

    21st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Bonn, Germany    2002年

  • プロラクチンは中枢に作用してイモリ求愛行動を誘起する

    第27回日本比較内分泌学会大会及びシンポジウム/岡山    2002年

  • 脊椎動物における新規視床下部LPXRFamideペプチドの同定

    第27回日本比較内分泌学会大会及びシンポジウム/岡山    2002年

  • ウシガエル脳中PACAPの生化学的特徴づけ

    第27回日本比較内分泌学会大会及びシンポジウム/岡山    2002年

  • マボヤPC2およびPitx様物質をコードするcDNAのクローニング

    第27回日本比較内分泌学会大会及びシンポジウム/岡山    2002年

  • ウシガエルTSHβ免疫陽性物質の放出に及ぼす視床下部ホルモンの影響

    第27回日本比較内分泌学会大会及びシンポジウム/岡山    2002年

  • ウシガエルプロラクチン受容体のcDNAクローニング

    第27回日本比較内分泌学会大会及びシンポジウム/岡山    2002年

  • ナメクジウオの配偶子および初期胚の凍結保存

    第27回日本比較内分泌学会大会及びシンポジウム/岡山    2002年

  • ウシガエル鰓後腺におけるプロホルモン変換酵素(PC1, PC2)の発現

    第27回日本比較内分泌学会大会及びシンポジウム/岡山    2002年

  • Identification and biological activity of a frog GH-releasing peptide-related peptide.

    Zool. Sci. (Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/Kanazawa, Japan (Sep. 24-27, 2002)   Vol.19, No. 12; pp. 1484  2002年

  • Development of novel and sensitive enzyme-immunoassay for PACAP: comparison of brain PACAP concentrations among some vertebrate species.

    Zool. Sci. (Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/Kanazawa, Japan   Vol.19, No. 12; pp. 1484  2002年

  • Bisphenol A suppresses the elevation of thyroid hormone receptor beta induced by thyroid hormone in Xenopus larvae.

    Zool. Sci. (Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/Kanazawa, Japan   Vol.19, No. 12; pp. 1485  2002年

  • Direct innervation of the diencephalon by a subset of the primary olfactory neurons.

    Zool. Sci. (Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/Kanazawa, Japan   Vol.19, No. 12; pp. 1485  2002年

  • Purification and cDNA cloning of a pancreatic chitinase from the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana.

    Zool. Sci. (Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/Kanazawa, Japan   Vol.19, No. 12; pp. 1486  2002年

  • Inhibitory effects of estrogen and bisphenol A on thyroxine-induced resorption of bullfrog tadpole tail.

    Zool. Sci. (Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/Kanazawa, Japan   Vol.19, No. 12; pp. 1493  2002年

  • Two-dimensional electrophoretic profiles of erythrocyte surface proteins in the bullfrog during metamorphic transition.

    Zool. Sci. (Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/Kanazawa, Japan   Vol.19, No. 12; pp. 1494  2002年

  • Development of radioimmunoassay for bullfrog TSHβ subunit: effect of TRH on the release of immunoassayable TSHβ from the bullfrog pituitary.

    Zool. Sci. (Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/Kanazawa, Japan   Vol.19, No. 12; pp. 1494  2002年

  • Regulation of otoconin-22 mRNA expression in the bullfrog endolymphatic sac by calcitonin

    Zool. Sci. (Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/Kanazawa, Japan   Vol.19, No. 12; pp. 1495  2002年

  • Central action of arginine vasotocin in the induction of courtship behavior of the male newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    Zool. Sci. (Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/Kanazawa, Japan   Vol.19, No. 12; pp. 1495  2002年

  • Gene expression of sodefrin and its variants in the newt abdominal gland.

    Zool. Sci. (Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/Kanazawa, Japan   Vol.19, No. 12; pp. 1495  2002年

  • Cosecretion of prolactin and growth hormone by dispersed pituitary cells of the adult bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana

    A Oguchi, T Aida, A Koda, S Shioda, S Nakajo, T Kobayashi, S Tanaka, K Yamamoto, S Kikuyama

    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY   122 ( 1 ) 10 - 16  2001年04月


    The coexistence of prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GPI) was previously demonstrated in newly hatched bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpoles, whereas in adult bullfrogs, there were no cells containing both PRL and GH. However, a cell blot assay with enzymatically dispersed adult pituitary cells demonstrated the existence of cells secreting both PRL and GH. The number of cells secreting both PRL and GH was reduced by a protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, but not by an RNA synthesis inhibitor, actinomycin D. In situ hybridization and immunostaining of intact pituitary glands revealed the existence of GH mRNA in some of the PRL-immunoreactive cells and of PRL mRNA in some of the GH-immunoreactive cells. We propose that dispersion of the pituitary cells triggered the translation of GH mRNA in the PRL cells and/or of PRL mRNA in the GH cells. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


  • Molecular cloning of newt prolactin (PRL) cDNA: Effect of temperature on PRL mRNA expression

    N Takahashi, Hasunuma, I, T Iwata, K Umezawa, K Yamamoto, A Marin, Perroteau, I, C Vellano, S Kikuyama

    GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY   121 ( 2 ) 188 - 195  2001年02月


    A partial prolactin (PRL) cDNA was specifically PCR amplified from a cDNA library constructed from pituitary mRNAs of the newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster) and cloned into plasmid vectors. One clone thus obtained contained a 739-bp insert encoding the C-terminal amino acid sequence of the mature hormone molecule. Using this clone as a probe, the full-length newt PRL cDNA was screened from the cDNA library. The PRL cDNA clone thus obtained consisted of 1024 bp encoding the entire sequence of the mature PRL molecule in addition to its signal peptide. The amino acid sequence of newt PRL deduced from its nucleotide sequence showed higher homologies with those PRL sequences of tetrapod animals than with those of teleosts. Northern blot analysis revealed the newt PRL mRNA size to be approximately 1 kb. In situ hybridization using the newt PRL cDNA as a probe revealed that the pituitary region expressing PRL mRNA corresponded to that immunoreactive with antiserum against PRL. PRL mRNA levels in the pituitary of newts subjected to room and low temperatures were determined by Northern analysis employing the PRL cDNA as a probe. PRL mRNA levels were significantly higher in the pituitaries of newts subjected to 10 degrees than in those of newts kept at 23 degrees. Likewise, immunoassayable plasma PRL levels were higher in animals subjected to 10 degrees than in those kept at 23 degrees. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


  • Developmental origin of the rat adenohypophysis prior to the formation of Rathke's pouch.

    Development   128; 959-963  2001年

  • ATP-binding cassette transporter ABC2/ABCA2 in the rat brain: a novel mammalian lysosome-associated membrane protein and a specific marker for oligodendrocytes but not for myelin-sheaths.

    J. Neurosci   21; 849-857  2001年

  • PACAP activates PKA, PKC and Ca2+ signaling cascades in rat neuroepithelial cells.

    Peptides   22; 1111-1117  2001年


  • Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide and its receptors in amphibians.

    Microsc. Res. Tech.   54; 137-157  2001年


  • Cloning of prolactin cDNA: Temperature-dependent prolactin mRNA expression.

    Perspective in Comparative Endocrinology: Unity and Diversity (H. J. T. Goos, R. K. Rastogi, H. Vaudry, and R. Pierantoni, Eds.)/Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, Italy   pp. 121-126  2001年

  • Endocrine control of reproductive behavior of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    Perspective in Comparative Endocrinology: Unity and Diversity (H. J. T. Goos, R. K. Rastogi, H. Vaudry, and R. Pierantoni, Eds.)/Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, Italy   pp. 317-324  2001年

  • Effects of hypothalamic factors on the thyroid-stimulating hormone β subunit mRNA expression in the bullfrog pituitary.

    Perspective in Comparative Endocrinology: Unity and Diversity (H. J. T. Goos, R. K. Rastogi, H. Vaudry, and R. Pierantoni, Eds.)/Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, Italy   pp. 627-632  2001年

  • Identification and distribution of growth hormone and prolactin cells in pars distalis of Rana tigerina.

    Perspective in Comparative Endocrinology: Unity and Diversity (H. J. T. Goos, R. K. Rastogi, H. Vaudry, and R. Pierantoni, Eds.)/Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, Italy   pp. 813-819  2001年

  • Bullfrog ghrelin is modified by n-Octanoic acid at its third threonine residue.

    J. Biol. Chem.   276; 40441-40448  2001年


  • Application and modification of in situ RT-PCR for detection and cellular localization of PAC1-R splice variant mRNAs in frozen brain sections.

    Biotech. Histochem.   76; 75-83  2001年

  • Endocrine regulation of urodele reproductive behavior.

    Recent Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (J. Y. L. Yu, Ed.)/Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC   pp. 1-11  2001年

  • Effect of activins on pituitary function in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana.

    Recent Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (J. Y. L. Yu, Ed.)/Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC   pp. 160-166  2001年

  • Sodefrin-like pheromone in the abdominal gland of Cynops ensicauda: molecular cloning and purification.

    Recent Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (J. Y. L. Yu, Ed.)/Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC   pp. 281-287  2001年

  • Hormonal regulation of synthesis and discharge of a female newt-attracting pheromone, sodefrin.

    Association for Chemoreception Sciences XXIIIrd Annual Meeting/Sarasota, USA   Abstract; pp. 50  2001年

  • Studies of the development and function of pituitary gland with toad (Bufo japonicus) embryos and larvae.

    International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology/Camerino, Italy   Abstract; pp. 2  2001年

  • PACAP and its receptors in amphibians: From gene characterization to functional implications.

    International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology/Camerino, Italy   Abstract; pp. 1  2001年

  • Peptides derived from the post-translational processing of prosodefrin in the abdominal gland of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology/Camerino, Italy   Abstract; pp. 28  2001年

  • Involvement of arginine vasotocin in the expression of courtship behavior and pheromone and spermatophore discharge in the male newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology/Camerino, Italy   Abstract; pp. 29  2001年

  • Molecular cloning of sodefrin-like peptide cDNA of the newt, Triturus carnifex Laur.

    International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology/Camerino, Italy   Abstract; pp. 34  2001年

  • Environmental estrogens and reproductive biology of the wild population of frog, Rana esculenta.

    International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology/Camerino, Italy   Abstract; pp. 109  2001年

  • Endocrine control of reproductive behavior of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster>/I>.

    14th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology/Sorrento, Italy   Abstract  2001年

  • Changes in parvalbumin expression in the hindlimb muscle of metamorphosing and postmetamorphic Rana catesbeiana.

    14th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology/Sorrento, Italy   Abstract; pp. 97  2001年

  • Requirement of both thyroid hormone and corticoid for the development of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons in the rostral preoptic hypothalamus of the toad, Bufo japonicus.

    14th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology/Sorrento, Italy   Abstract; pp. 97  2001年

  • Signal-transduction pathway mediating the action of a newt pheromone, sodefrin.

    14th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology/Sorrento, Italy   Abstract; pp. 68  2001年

  • Cloning of prolactin cDNA: Temperature-dependent prolactin mRNA expression.

    14th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology/Sorrento, Italy   Abstract  2001年

  • Existence of PC1- and PC2-like immunoreactive substances in the ascidian neural complex.

    14th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology/Sorrento, Italy   Abstract  2001年

  • A novel amphibian hypothalamic peptide: Isolation, localization and effect of RFa on the release of bullfrog gonadotropins.

    14th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology/Sorrento, Italy   Abstract; pp. 54  2001年

  • Direct projection of olfactory axons to the posterior hypothalamus.

    14th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology/Sorrento, Italy   Abstract; pp. 35  2001年

  • Effects of hypothalamic factors on the thyroid-stimulating hormone b subunit mRNA expression in the bullfrog pituitary.

    14th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology/Sorrento, Italy   Abstract  2001年

  • マボヤ神経複合体内に存在するPC2様物質

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • ヒキガエル膵臓に存在するキチナーゼ様タンパク質の単離とそのcDNAクローニング

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • アフリカツメガエルの初期発生および変態におよぼすビスフェノールAの影響について

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • ウシガエル亜成体の成長に伴う後肢パルブアルブミン発現の変化

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • ウシガエル下垂体前葉中のTSH b mRNA発現に及ぼす視床下部因子の影響

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • ヒキガエルの体色明化中枢の発達に必要なホルモン条件

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • イモリ雄性ホルモン受容体cDNAクローニングとそのmRNAの発現に及ぼすホルモンの影響

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • イモリ腹腺プロラクチン受容体mRNA発現のホルモン調節

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • ウシガエル視床下部由来の成長ホルモン放出活性をもつ新しいペプチド

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • 嗅覚一次ニューロンから間脳に至る直接的神経投射

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • 雄イモリ求愛行動とプロラクチンの中枢作用

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • ウシガエル内リンパ嚢における炭酸カルシウム結晶形成に関与するotoconin22の発現調節

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • ソデフリンによるイモリ鋤鼻上皮細胞内カルシウムイオン濃度の変化

    日本動物学会第72回大会/福岡    2001年

  • ヒキガエルpreoptic recess organ前方部の発達とそのホルモン依存性

    第26回日本比較内分泌学会大会/東京    2001年

  • ウシガエル亜成体の成長に伴う後肢筋タンパク質の発現変化

    第26回日本比較内分泌学会大会/東京    2001年

  • マボヤPC2cDNAのクローニング

    第26回日本比較内分泌学会大会/東京    2001年

  • 魚類の生殖時におけるカルシトニン(CT)の生理作用

    第26回日本比較内分泌学会大会/東京    2001年

  • 両生類の成長ホルモン放出ペプチドのcDNAクローニング

    第26回日本比較内分泌学会大会/東京    2001年

  • イモリの求愛行動発現を引き起こす後葉ホルモンの中枢作用

    第26回日本比較内分泌学会大会/東京    2001年

  • ソデフリンおよびそのバリアントの遺伝子発現

    第26回日本比較内分泌学会大会/東京    2001年

  • ヒキガエル膵臓に特異的なキチナーゼの単離・同定

    第26回日本比較内分泌学会大会/東京    2001年

  • ウシガエルTSHb mRNA発現に及ぼす下垂体ホルモン放出ホルモンの影響

    第26回日本比較内分泌学会大会/東京    2001年

  • アカハライモリ雄性ホルモン受容体cDNAクローニングとそのmRNAの発現に及ぼすホルモンの影響

    第26回日本比較内分泌学会大会/東京    2001年

  • イモリ腹腺内プロラクチン受容体mRNA発現のホルモン調節

    第26回日本比較内分泌学会大会/東京    2001年

  • 嗅覚細胞から間脳への直接的神経投射の存在

    第26回日本比較内分泌学会大会/東京    2001年

  • 両生類の生殖行動と分子シグナル

    行動の分子生物学(山元大輔編)/東京(シュプリンガー・フェアラーク)    2000年

  • Production of a recombinant newt growth hormone and its application for the development of a radioimmunoassay.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.   117; pp.103-116  2000年


  • Splice variants of PAC1 receptor during early neural development of rats.

    Peptides   21; pp.1177-1183  2000年


  • Cellular distribution of the splice variants of the receptor for pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PAC1-R) in the rat brain by in situ RT-PCR.

    Mol. Brain Res.   75; pp.150-158  2000年


  • Effect of prolactin and androgen on the expression of a female-attracting pheromone silefrin in the abdominal gland of the newt.

    Biol. Reprod.   63; pp.1867-1872  2000年

  • Hormonal control of urodele reproductive behavior.

    Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B   126; pp.221-229  2000年


  • Cloning of bullfrog thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) β subunit cDNA: expression of TSHβ mRNA during metamorphosis.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.   119; pp.224-231  2000年


  • Hormonal influence on the olfactory response to a female-attracting pheromone, sodefrin, in the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B   126; pp.239-245  2000年


  • Silefrin, a sodefrin-like pheromone in the abdominal gland of the sword-tailed newt, Cynops ensicauda.

    FEBS Lett.   472; pp.267-270  2000年


  • Distribution of PACAP receptor and its splice variants in the rat brain by in situ RT-PCR.

    Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.   921; pp.373-374  2000年


  • Ontogeny of PACAP receptor and its splice variants in the rat brain.

    Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.   921; pp.375-376  2000年


  • Characterization of the spermiation response, luteinizing hormone release and sperm quality in the American toad (Bufo americanus) and the endangered Wyoming toad (Bufo baxteri).

    Reprod. Fertil. Dev.   12; pp.51-58  2000年

  • Occurrence of immunoreactive activin/inhibin βB in thyrotropes and gonadotropes in the bullfrog pituitary: possible paracrine/autocrine effects of activin B on gonadotropin secretion.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.   118; pp.68-76  2000年


  • Effect of activin A and follistatin on the release of pituitary hormones in the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana.

    Zool. Sci.   17; pp.971-975  2000年


  • Newt prolactin and its involvement in reproduction.

    Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol.   78; pp.984-993  2000年


  • Molecular evolution of the growth hormone-releasing hormone/pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide gene family. Functional implication in the regulation of growth hormone secretion.

    J. Mol. Endocrinol.   25; pp.157-168  2000年

  • Endocrine regulation of reproductive behavior in the newt Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    Zool. Sci.   17; pp.561-570  2000年


  • 変態最盛期ウシガエル幼生型赤血球の選択的除去機構

    第52回日本動物学会関東支部大会/東京    2000年

  • Silefrin, a female-attracting pheromone in the abdominal grand of the sword-tailed newt, Cynops ensicauda.

    XXII Annual Meeting of Associations for Chemoreceptor Sciences/Sarasota   Abstract; pp13  2000年

  • Sodefrin-like pheromone in the abdominal gland of the sword-tailed newt, Cynops ensicauda.

    Fourth Congress of the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology/Taipei   Abstract; pp48  2000年

  • Effect of activin A on the pituitary function in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana.

    Fourth Congress of the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology/Taipei   Abstract; pp69  2000年

  • Molecular cloning of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) and its receptor in the frog Rana ridibunda: effects of PACAP and growth hormone-releasing hormone on growth hormone release.

    The Endocrine Society's 82nd Annual Meeting/Toronto   Abstract; pp166  2000年

  • Ultrashort neural pathway emanating from the olfactory epithelium and projecting to the posterior hypothalamus.

    20th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Faro   Abstract; pp50  2000年

  • Electrophoretic profiles of erythrocyte proteins from the bullfrog before and after metamorphosis.

    20th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Faro   Abstract; pp58  2000年

  • Developmental origin of the adenohypophysis in the rat prior to the formation of Rathke's pouch.

    20th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Faro   Abstract; pp59  2000年

  • PACAP and its receptor in the frog Rana ridibunda: cloning, distribution and effects of PACAP and GHRH on GH release.

    20th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Faro   Abstract; pp61  2000年

  • Molecular cloning of bullfrog TSHβ subunit cDNA: changes in TSHβ mRNA expression during metamorphosis.

    20th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Faro   Abstract; pp73  2000年

  • Effect of prolactin and androgen on the expression of a newt pheromone, silefrin.

    20th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Faro   Abstract; pp105  2000年

  • Temperature dependent prolactin secretion and its involvement in the seasonal reproductive cycle in Triturus carnifex Laur.

    20th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Faro   Abstract; pp107  2000年

  • Silefrin, a sodefrin-like pheromone in the sword-tailed newt, Cynops ensicauda.

    20th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Faro   Abstract; pp110  2000年

  • Cloning of sodefrin-like cDNA of the newt, Triturus carnifex Laur.

    20th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Faro   Abstract; pp96  2000年

  • Immunohistochemical distribution and ultrastructural localization of ABC2 in the rat brain.

    XV International Symposium on Morphological Sciences/Kyoto   Abstract; pp97  2000年

  • マボヤ神経複合体内に存在するPC1、PC2免疫陽性細胞

    日本動物学会第71回大会 (Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/東京 (Zoological Society of Japan)   Abstract; pp10  2000年

  • 嗅神経の一部は超短絡的に視床下部に向けて投射する

    日本動物学会第71回大会 (Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/東京 (Zoological Society of Japan)   Abstract; pp10  2000年

  • ラトケ嚢形成前のラット下垂体原基

    日本動物学会第71回大会 (Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/東京 (Zoological Society of Japan)   Abstract; pp10  2000年

  • 下垂体に於ける下垂体原基を抗原としたモノクローナル抗体免疫陽性細胞の分布

    日本動物学会第71回大会 (Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/東京 (Zoological Society of Japan)   Abstract; pp11  2000年

  • ホルモンにより誘起されるアカハライモリの鋤鼻上皮の形態変化

    日本動物学会第71回大会 (Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/東京 (Zoological Society of Japan)   Abstract; pp14  2000年

  • 変態期ウシガエル赤血球タンパク質の電気泳動パターンの変化

    日本動物学会第71回大会 (Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/東京 (Zoological Society of Japan)   Abstract; pp17  2000年

  • 変態期のウシガエル下垂体中POMCmRNAの発現

    日本動物学会第71回大会 (Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/東京 (Zoological Society of Japan)   Abstract; pp18  2000年

  • シリフリン発現に及ぼすプロラクチン・雄性ホルモンの効果

    日本動物学会第71回大会 (Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/東京 (Zoological Society of Japan)   Abstract; pp20  2000年

  • アクチビンの下垂体前葉細胞機能に及ぼす影響

    日本動物学会第71回大会 (Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/東京 (Zoological Society of Japan)   Abstract; pp14  2000年

  • イモリプロラクチンmRNA発現におよぼす温度の影響

    日本動物学会第71回大会 (Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)/東京 (Zoological Society of Japan)   Abstract; pp5  2000年

  • シリケンイモリ雌誘引物質シリフリンの発現および分泌に及ぼすホルモンの影響

    第25回日本比較内分泌学会 (Proceedings of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)/能登 (Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)   Abstract; pp30  2000年

  • ホルモンにより誘起されるアカハライモリの鋤鼻嗅覚上皮の形態的変化

    第25回日本比較内分泌学会 (Proceedings of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)/能登 (Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)   Abstract; pp31  2000年

  • マボヤ神経節および背索にはPC1、PC2様免疫陽性細胞が存在する

    第25回日本比較内分泌学会 (Proceedings of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)/能登 (Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)   Abstract; pp35  2000年

  • 新しく見いだされた両生類の新規視床下部ペプチド

    第25回日本比較内分泌学会 (Proceedings of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)/能登 (Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)   Abstract; pp51  2000年

  • ウシガエル下垂体ホルモン放出に及ぼす影響

    第25回日本比較内分泌学会 (Proceedings of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)/能登 (Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)   Abstract; pp56  2000年

  • ラット神経板形成時の腺性下垂体原基

    第25回日本比較内分泌学会 (Proceedings of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)/能登 (Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)   Abstract; pp57  2000年

  • ウシガエルの成長ホルモン分泌促進因子・グレリンの構造決定とその特性

    第25回日本比較内分泌学会 (Proceedings of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)/能登 (Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology)   Abstract; pp60  2000年

  • Identification and cellular localization of ABC2 in the rat CNS: a new marker protein for oligodendrocytes.

    Society for Neuroscience's: 30th Annual Meeting/New Orleans   Abstract; pp99  2000年

  • Novel hypothalamic peptide regulating gonadotropin release II. Isolation, localization and function of an amphibian RFa peptide.

    Brain Nose & Pituitary International Symposium/Tokyo   Abstract; pp52  2000年

  • Origin of the rat adenohypophysis.

    Brain Nose & Pituitary International Symposium/Tokyo   Abstract; pp53  2000年

  • Existence of possible ancestral pituitary cells in the ascidian neural complex.

    Brain Nose & Pituitary International Symposium/Tokyo   Abstract; pp54  2000年

  • Olfactory responses to a female-attracting pheromone, sodefrin, in the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    Brain Nose & Pituitary International Symposium/Tokyo   Abstract; pp66  2000年

  • A direct neural pathway that connects the olfactory epithelium and the posterior hypothalamus.

    Brain Nose & Pituitary International Symposium/Tokyo   Abstract; pp76  2000年

  • 両生類からみた下垂体の起源

    生体調節研究所シンポジウム 脳・下垂体・生殖腺/群馬   Abstract; pp2  2000年

  • 両生類有尾目の生殖とフェロモン

    日本生化学会関東支部シンポジウム「化学受容研究の最近の進歩」   Abstract; pp6  2000年

  • Endocrine regulation of urodele reproductive behavior.

    Fourth Congress of the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology/Taipei   Abstract; pp3  2000年

  • 両生類のプロラクチンと変態への関与

    研究集会予稿集「プロラクチン研究の新展開」   Abstract; pp15  2000年

  • 有尾両生類の生殖行動と下垂体ホルモン

    日本下垂体研究会第15回学術集会/岩手   Abstract; pp14  2000年

  • Local mechanisms regulating frog reproduction.

    20th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Faro   Abstract; pp44  2000年

  • Peptide and protein pheromones in amphibians

    20th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/Faro   Abstract; pp86  2000年

  • Expression and transduction of PACAP receptor during brain development

    Brain Nose & Pituitary International Symposium/Tokyo   Abstract; pp42  2000年

  • Female newt-attracting activity of sodefrin-related peptides.

    日本動物学会第70回大会/山形   pp.20  1999年

  • Effect of activin B on the function of the bullfrog anterior pituitary.

    日本動物学会第70回大会/山形   pp.18  1999年

  • Effect of arginine vasotocin on the abdominal gland contraction of the male newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    日本動物学会第70回大会/山形   pp.17  1999年

  • Axonal projection to the posterior hypothalamus from the neurons of olfactory origin.

    日本動物学会第70回大会/山形   pp.16  1999年

  • Local effect of prolactin on the proliferation of epidermal cells of the red-bellied newt (Cynops phyrrhogaster).

    日本動物学会第70回大会/山形   pp.16  1999年

  • Immunocytochemical localization of secretory phospholipase A2-like protein obtained from the pituitary gland and its surrounding tissue of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana.

    日本動物学会第70回大会/山形   pp.16  1999年

  • Selective removal of larval red blood cells by hepatic and splenic macrophages and changes in the electrophoretic profiles of erythrocyte proteins during metamorphosis of the bullfrog.

    日本動物学会第70回大会/山形   pp.11  1999年

  • Molecular cloning of bullfrog TSH 遵m subunit cDNA.

    日本動物学会第70回大会/山形   pp.10  1999年

  • Isolation of a sodefrin-like pheromone from the abdominal gland of the sword-tailed newt (Cynops ensicauda).

    日本動物学会第70回大会/山形   pp.9  1999年

  • Purification of an antigen molecule of the monoclonal antibody raised against toad pituitary primordium.

    日本動物学会第70回大会/山形   pp.8  1999年

  • Distribution of PACAP receptor and its splice variants in the rat brain by insitu RT-PCR.

    4th International Symposium of VIP, PACAP, Glucagon and Related Peptides/Elsinore   83; pp.62  1999年

  • Ontogeny of PACAP receptor and its splice variants in the rat brain.

    4th International Symposium of VIP, PACAP, Glucagon and Related Peptides/Elsinore   83; pp.62  1999年

  • Effects of neurohypophyseal hormones on reproductive behavior in the newt, Cyops pyrrhogaster.

    Fifth International Coongress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry/Calgary   pp.91  1999年

  • Analysis of bullfrog POMC-immunoreactive products in two different types of in vitro translation systems.

    Fifth International Coongress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry/Calgary   pp.88  1999年

  • Newt prolactin and its involvement in reproduction.

    Fifth International Coongress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry/Calgary   pp.20  1999年

  • ウシガエルPOMC由来ペプチドによる下垂体機能の調節

    下垂体研究会第14回学術集会/栃木   pp.19  1999年

  • 雌誘引活性ソデフリンに対する雌イモリの嗅覚応答

    神経科学学会/大阪   pp.25  1999年

  • 有尾両生類生殖ホルモンおよびフェロモンによる調節

    鋤鼻研究会/能登   pp.7  1999年

  • Cloning of sodefrin-like peptide cDNA of the sword-tailed newt.

    The Association for Chemoception Sciences/Sarasota   pp.12  1999年

  • ウシガエルPOMC関連ペプチドによる下垂体機能の調節

    第51回日本動物学会関東支部大会/浦和   pp.13  1999年

  • ヒキガエルの背地反応調節センターについて

    第51回日本動物学会関東支部大会/浦和   pp.13  1999年

  • Temperature dependent prolactin plasma changes in crested newts, Triturus carnifex.

    The Frontiers of the Biology of Amphibia. The International Symposium/Hiroshima   pp.70  1999年

  • Molecular cloning of sodefrin-like peptide cDNA of the newt, Triturus carnifex LAUR.

    The Frontiers of the Biology of Amphibia. The International Symposium/Hiroshima   pp.69  1999年

  • Olfactory response to a female-attracting pheromone, sodefrin, in the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    The Frontiers of the Biology of Amphibia. The International Symposium/Hiroshima   pp.69  1999年

  • Hormonal control of urodele reproductive behavior.

    The Frontiers of the Biology of Amphibia. The International Symposium/Hiroshima   pp.34  1999年

  • Ontogenic profile of FSH and LH in Rana esculenta.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol./Academic Press   116; pp.114-121  1999年


  • Enhancement by proopiomelanocortin-derived peptides of growth hormone and prolactin secretion by bullfrog pituitary cells.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol./Academic Press   115; pp.101-109  1999年


  • Changes of the pituitary proopiomelanocortin mRNA levels during metamorphosis of the bullfrog larvae.

    Zool. Sci./The Zoological Society of Japan   16; pp.255-260  1999年


  • Expression of adenohypophyseal hormone genes in metamorphosing bullfrog larvae.

    Recent Developments in Comparative Endocrinology and Neurobiology/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.274-276  1999年

  • Ontogeny and phylogeny of the hypophysis and hypothalamus.

    Recent Developments in Comparative Endocrinology and Neurobiology/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.263-266  1999年

  • Plasma levels of FSH and LH in the frog, Rana esculenta, during larval development.

    Recent Developments in Comparative Endocrinology and Neurobiology/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.201-202  1999年

  • Thyrotropin-immunopositive glandular cells attached to the caudal region of the frog anterior pituitary gland.

    Recent Developments in Comparative Endocrinology and Neurobiology/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.197-198  1999年

  • Identification of novel neuropeptides from the amphibian brain.

    Recent Developments in Comparative Endocrinology and Neurobiology/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.171-177  1999年

  • Effects of proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides on pituitary function in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana.

    Recent Progress in Molecular and Comparative Endocrinology/Hormone Research Center, Chonnam National University   pp.503-509  1999年

  • Involvement of arginine vasotocin in courtship behavior and spermatophore deposition in the male newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    Recent Progress in Molecular and Comparative Endocrinology/Hormone Research Center, Chonnam National University   pp.201-207  1999年

  • Rapid and selective removal of larval erythrocytes from the systemic circulation during metamorphosis of the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana.

    Develop. Growth Differ./Blackwell Science   41; pp.639-643  1999年


  • Elevation of plasma prolactin concentration by low temperature is the cause of spermatogonial cells death in the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol./Academic Press   113; pp.302-311  1999年


  • Olfactory responses to a female-attracting pheromone in the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    Advances in Chemical Signals in Vertebrates/Plenum Publishers   pp.607-615  1999年

  • Female-attracting peptide pheromone in newt cloacal glands.

    Advances in Chemical Signals in Vertebrates/Plenum Publishers   pp.127-136  1999年

  • Molecular cloning of newt sex pheromone precursor cDNAs: evidence for the existence of species-specific forms of pheromone.

    FEBS Lett./Elsevier Science   457; pp.400-404  1999年


  • The pituitary-skin connection in amphibians. Reciprocal regulation of melanotrope cells and dermal melanocytes

    Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci./The New York Academy of Sciences   885; pp.41-56  1999年


  • Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide receptors during development: expression in the rat embryo at primitive streak stage.

    Neuroscience/Elsevier Science Ltd.   93; pp.375-391  1999年


  • Prolactin opens the sensitive period for androgen regulation of a larynx-specific myosin heavy chain gene.

    J. Neuroendobiol./John Wiley & Sons Inc.   41; pp.443-451  1999年


  • Effects of the two somatostatin variants somatostatin-14 and [Pro(2),Met(13)]somatostatin-14 on receptor binding, adenylyl cyclase activity and growth hormone release from the frog pituitary

    L Jeandel, A Okuno, T Kobayashi, S Kikuyama, H Tostivint, Lihrmann, I, N Chartrel, JM Conlon, A Fournier, MC Tonon, H Vaudry

    JOURNAL OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY   10 ( 3 ) 187 - 192  1998年03月


    Two isoforms of somatostatin from frog brain have been recently characterized, namely somatostatin-14 (SS1) and [Pro(2), Met(13)]somatostatin-14 (SS2). The genes encoding for the precursors of these two somatostatin variants are expressed in hypothalamic nuclei involved in the control of the frog pituitary. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of SS1 and SS2 on adenohypophysial cells. Autoradiographic studies using [I-125-Tyr(o), D-Trp(8)] SS1 as a radioligand revealed that somatostatin binding sites are evenly distributed in the frog pars distalis. The SS2 variant was significantly (P < 0.01) more potent than SS1 in competing with the radioligand (IC50=1.2+/-0.2 and 5.6+/-0.6 nM, respectively). Both SS1 and SS2 induced a modest but significant reduction in cAMP formation in dispersed distal robe cells but did not affect spontaneous growth hormone (GH) release. Synthetic human GRF (hGRF) induced a significant increase in cAMP accumulation and GH release in this system. Both SS1 and SS2 inhibited the stimulatory effects of hGRF on cAMP formation and GH secretion. These data show that the SS1 and SS2 variants can regulate adenohypophysial functions. The fact that GH cells are exclusively located in the dorsal area of the frog adenohypophysis, while somatostatin receptors are present throughout the pars distalis, indicates that the two somatostatin isoforms may control the secretion of pituitary hormones additional to GH in amphibians.

  • Gonadotropins and reproductive function in the anuran amphibian, Rana esculenta

    A. M. Polzonetti-Magni, G. Mosconi, O. Carnevali, K. Yamamoto, Y. Hanaoka, S. Kikuyama

    Biology of Reproduction   58 ( 1 ) 88 - 93  1998年01月


    In this study, the measurement both of peripheral gonadotropins (FSH and LH) and of sex steroids in male and female wild anuran, Rana esculenta, was performed during the annual reproductive cycle
    moreover, the role of gonadotropins in the vitellogenic process and in ovarian steroidogenesis was investigated through in vitro experiments. LH plasma changes in males showed high values during autumn-winter months and during the mating period, when high androgen levels were found. Conversely, for the first time in male vertebrates, a clear correspondence between plasma FSH and estradiol-17β (E2) was shown. In females, FSH peak values were found at the beginning of the mating period in parallel with those of plasma vitellogenin (VTG) and E2
    in contrast, high LH levels went together with ovarian weight (gonadosomatic index), which is considered a good marker for the plasma sequestration of VTG by growing oocytes. The in vivo results are corroborated by in vitro studies showing the direct effects of both FSH and LH in inducing hepatic VTG synthesis and release in the culture media. Lastly, although it is not yet known whether or not FSH and LH have separate functions in amphibians, it was clearly shown that they induce ovarian steroid production. These results are discussed in terms of the high seasonality previously demonstrated in this wild frog.

    DOI PubMed

  • ”ラトケ前・ラトケ後”-下垂体の発生に関する考察

    第13回下垂体研究会学術集会発表抄録集   pp.11  1998年

  • Effects of Proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-Derived Peptides on Pituitary Function in the Bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana

    The Third International Symposium of Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology. Book of Abstracts   pp.32  1998年

  • Involvement of Arginine Vasotocin (AVT) in Courtship Behabior and Spermatophore Deposition in the Newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    The Third International Symposium of Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology. Book of Abstracts   pp.17  1998年

  • Hormonal Control of Response to and Secretion of Sodefrin in the Red-Bellied Newt

    Abstracts of the International Symposium "Current Studies in Reproductive Biology"   pp. 1  1998年

  • Effect of Arginine Vasotocin on Courtship Behavior in the Newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Abstracts of 19th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.79  1998年

  • Hormonal Effect on Olfactory Responses to Sodefrin in the Female Newt,Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Abstracts of 19th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.70  1998年

  • Tyrotropin-Immunopositive Glandular Cells Attached to the Caudal Region of the Frog Anterior Pituitary Gland

    Abstracts of 19th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.68  1998年

  • Cloning of Sodefrin cDNA: Expression of Sodefrin mRNA in the Newt Abdominal Gland

    Abstracts of 19th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.34  1998年

  • Different Electrophoretic Profiles of High Molecular Weight Proteins from Larval and Adult Type Red Blood Cells of the Bullfrog

    Abstracts of 19th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.31  1998年

  • Plasma Levels of FSH and LH in the Frog, Rana esculenta, during Larval Development

    Abstracts of 19th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.24  1998年

  • Possible Paracrine Control of Pituitary Function by Proopiomelanocortin-Derived Peptides in the Bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana

    Abstracts of 19th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.1  1998年

  • Interactions between Lectin and Sugar on the Vomeronasal Epithelium Measured with the Atomic Force Microscope

    The Association for Chemoreception Sciences. Book of Abstracts   pp.169  1998年

  • Hormonal Control of Response and Secretion of a Newt Sex Pheromone, Sodefrin

    The Association for Chemoreception Sciences. Book of Abstracts   pp.137  1998年

  • Expression of the Bullfrog Adenohypophyseal Hormone Genes during Metamorphosis

    Abstracts of 19th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.37  1998年

  • Ontogeny and Phylogeny of the Hypothalamus-Hypophysis

    Abstracts of 19th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists/European Society for Comparative Endocrinology   pp.36  1998年

  • Effect of Arginine Vasotocin on Reproductive Behabior in the Newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    第21回日本神経科学・第41回日本神経化学合同大会   pp.58  1998年

  • 有尾両生類の生殖現象における後葉ホルモンの作用

    日本動物学会近畿支部大会アブストラクト   pp.18  1998年

  • 雌イモリ誘引物質ソデフリンに対する雌イモリの嗅覚応答

    第75回日本生理学会大会アブストラクト   pp.98  1998年

  • Hormonal Control of Reproductive Behavior of the Red-Bellied Newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Abstracts of the 4th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology (Folia Endocrinologica Japonica)/The Japan Endocrine Society   74;2,pp.486  1998年

  • Background Adaptation Center in the Toad, Bufo japonicus

    Abstracts of the 4th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology (Folia Endocrinologica Japonica)/The Japan Endocrine Society   74;2,pp.451  1998年

  • Elevation of Plasma Prolactin Concentrations by Low Temperature Is the Cause of Spermatogonial Cell Death in the Japanese Newt, Cynopspyrrhogaster

    Proseedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan/Zoological Society of Japan   pp.61  1998年

  • Involvement of the Foregut Endoderm in the Pituitary Development as Revealed by a Monoclonal Antibody against Toad Pituitary Primordium

    Proseedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan/Zoological Society of Japan   pp.14  1998年

  • Changes in the Electrophoretic Pattern of Membrae-Bound Proteins from Red Blood Cells of the Bullfrog During Metamorphosis

    Proseedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan/Zoological Society of Japan   pp.14  1998年

  • Role of the Infundibular Primordium in the Development of the Neural Lobe of Hypophysis

    Proseedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan/Zoological Society of Japan   pp.13  1998年

  • Effect of Activin, Inhibin and Follistatin on the Release of Gonadotropic Hormone from the Bullfrog Pituitary

    Proseedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan/Zoological Society of Japan   pp.12  1998年

  • Possible Involvement of Arginine Vasotocin in Reproductive Events of the Male Newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Proseedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan/Zoological Society of Japan   pp.12  1998年

  • Effect of prolactin on proliferative activity of epidermis in the newt, Cynops pyrrhogater by application of bromodeoxyuridine

    Proceeding of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan/ Zoological Society of Japan   pp.11  1998年

  • Cloning of cDNA Encoding Beta Subunit of Bullfrog Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone

    Proseedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan/Zoological Society of Japan   pp.11  1998年

  • Cloning of Sodefrin-Like Peptide cDNA of Sword-Tailed Newt: Expression of The mRNA in the Abdominal Gland

    Proseedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan/Zoological Society of Japan   pp.11  1998年

  • Adpituitary Gland: Follicular Structure Bearing Thyrotropin-Immunoreactive Cells Attached to the Caudal Region of the Pars Distalis in the Frog Pituitary Gland

    Proseedings of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology/Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology   13;pp.42  1998年

  • Hormonal Control of the Reproductive Behavior of the Red-Bellied Newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Proseedings of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology/Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology   13;pp.23  1998年

  • Prolactin and Stress Response in Frog Rana esculenta

    Annals of the New York Academy of Science/The New York Academy of Science   839;pp.639-641  1998年


  • Genomic DNA Fragmentation in Red Blood Cells of the Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) during Metamorphosis

    Annals of the New York Academy of Science/The New York Academy of Science   839;pp.634-635  1998年


  • Beta-Endorphin Binding Sites in Pars Distalis of the Frog, Rana esculenta

    Annals of the New York Academy of Science/The New York Academy of Science   839;pp.520-521  1998年


  • Cosecretion of Prolactin and Growth Hormone by the Pituitary of the Bullfrog

    Annals of the New York Academy of Science/The New York Academy of Science   839;pp.453-454  1998年


  • Developmental Origin of the Olfactory System and GnRH Neurons in the Amphibia

    Annals of the New York Academy of Science/The New York Academy of Science   839;pp.201-204  1998年


  • Sodefrin, a Novel Peptide Pheromone in the Newt Cloacal Grand

    Annals of the New York Academy of Science/The New York Academy of Science   839;pp.60-65  1998年


  • Morphogenesis of the Hypothalamus and Hypophysis: Their Association, Dissociation and Reassociation before and after "Rathke"

    Arch. Histol. Cytol.   61;3,pp.189-198  1998年


  • Developmental Studies for Identification of the Inhibitory Center of Melanotropes in the Toad, Bufo japonicus

    Development Growth and Differentiation/Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists   40;pp.651-658  1998年


  • 有尾両生類のフェロモン

    日本味と匂学会誌   5;pp.15-22  1998年


  • Lack of Inhibitory Control of Melanophore-Stimulating Hormone Secretion in the Larval Toad, Bufo japonicus

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   15;pp.749-752  1998年


  • 日本動物学会論文賞


  • Female-Attracting Peptide Pheromone in Newt Cloacal Glands

    Chemical Signals in Vertebrate   ;pp9-10  1997年

  • Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal Complex as a Single Entity: An Ontogenic Viewpoint

    Molecular Ancestry of Vertebrate Plypeptide Hormones and Neuropeptides   ;pp.10-13  1997年

  • Olfactory Responses to a Female-Attracting Peptide Pheromone, "Sodefrin" in the Newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Chemical Signals in Vertebrates   ;pp.29  1997年

  • Distribution and Ultrastructural Localization of PACAP Receptors in the Rat Pancreatic Islets

    Abstract, 3rd International Symposium on VIP, PACAP, and Related Peptides   ;pp.20  1997年

  • Olfactory Responses to a Female-Attracting Peptide, Sodefrin in the Newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Buletin de la Societ醇S Franco-Japonase de Biologie   ;pp.11  1997年

  • Simultaneous Secretion of Prolactin and Growth Hormone by the Dispersed Pituitary Cells of the Bullfrog

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.22  1997年

  • Molecular Cloning of Sodefrin cDNA

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.21  1997年

  • Paracrine Control of Pituitary Function by Proopiomelanocortine-Derived Peptides in the Bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.21  1997年

  • Presence of a Prolactin-Like Immunoreactive Substance in the Ascidian Neural Complex

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.20  1997年

  • Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Reactivity with the Monoclonal Antibody against toad Pituitary Primordium

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.20  1997年

  • Role of the Adjacent Tissues in the Differentiation of Embryonic Pituitary Cells in Bufo japonicus

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.20  1997年

  • Application of Recombinant Newt Growth Hormone to the Development of a Homologous Radioimmunoassay

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.19  1997年

  • Molecular Cloning and Expression of Newt Growth Hormone

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.18  1997年

  • Olfactory Responses to a Female-Attracting Peptide Pheromone, Sodefrin in the Newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.18  1997年

  • Hormonally Induced Synaptic Plasticity in Mauthner Cells of Male Red-Bellied Newts

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.17  1997年

  • Selective Removal of Larval Type Red Blood Cells from Climactic Tadpoles during Bullfrog Metamorphosis

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.16  1997年

  • Ectopically Transplanted Infundibular Primordium Does Not Induce Formation of the Neurohypophysis and Brain-Adenohypophyseal Conjugation

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.14  1997年

  • Cloning of Newt Prolactin cDNA

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.5  1997年

  • プレセニリンIのER膜上での配向解析

    第70回日本生化学会大会発表抄録集   ;pp.639  1997年

  • Age-Associated Changes in Plasma Concentration of Gorwth Hormone (GH), Prolaction (PRL), Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Thyroxine (T4) in the Growth-Retarded Mouse

    Proceedings of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology/Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology   22;12,pp.53  1997年

  • Possible Involvement of Arginine Vasotocin in Reproductive Events of the Male Newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Proceedings of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology/Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology   22;12,pp.21  1997年

  • Molecular Cloning of Sodefrin-Like Peptide cDNA of the Sword-Tailed Newt (Cynops ensicauda)

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.1747-1750  1997年

  • Hypophysio-Thyroidal Axis in Growth-Retarded Mice

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.1101-1105  1997年

  • Stimulation by Proopiomelanocortin-Derived Peptides of GH and PRL Release by Bullfrog Dispersed Anterior Pituitary Cells

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.1033-1037  1997年

  • Cosecretion of Prolactin and Growth Hormone by the Dispersed PituitaryCells of the Bullfrog Pituitary

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.985-989  1997年

  • Cloning and Expression of Newt Prolactin Receptor

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.979-983  1997年

  • Recombinant Newt Growth Hormone and Its Application to Radioimmunoassay

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.921-925  1997年

  • Distribution of Endothelin 3-Like Immunoreactivity in Bullfrog and Soft-Shelled Turtle Pituitaries

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.789-793  1997年

  • Role of the Infundibular Primordium in the Development of Adeno- and Neurohypophyses in the Toad

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.781-784  1997年

  • Production of a Monoclonal Antibody against Primordial Toad Pituitaries

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.775-779  1997年

  • Role of the Foregut Endoderm in the Differentiation of Pituitary Cells in Bufo japonicus Embryos

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.771-774  1997年

  • Ascidian Neural Complex Cells Contain Prolactin-Like Immunoreactive Granules

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.755-758  1997年

  • Expression of Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide (PACAP) Receptor Messenger RNA in the Developing Rat Brain by in situ Hybridization

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.671-675  1997年

  • Molecular Cloning of Two Somatostatin Precursors in the Frog Brain. Differential Localization of the mRNAs and Binding Affinity of the Two Somatostatin Variants

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.661-665  1997年

  • Changes in the Genomic DNA of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) and Replacement of the RBC Population during Metamorphosis of the Bullfrog

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.393-396  1997年

  • Possible Involvement of Arginine Vasotocin in Reproductive Events in the Male Newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.365-369  1997年

  • Plasma Hormonal Changes during the Annual Reproductive Cycle of Rana esculenta Living in a Lagoon

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.361-364  1997年

  • Newt Sex Pheromone: Hormonal Control of Its Secretion

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.349-354  1997年

  • Paracrine Factors Influencing LH Release from Frog Pituitary

    Advances in Comparative Endocrinology (S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama eds)/Monduzzi Editore   pp.343-347  1997年

  • Mice Lacking Bombesin Receptor Subtype-3 Develop Metabolic Defects and Obesity

    Nature/Macmillan Magazines   390;6656,pp.165-169  1997年


  • Stimulation by Proopiomelanocortin-Derived Peptides of LH Release by Bullfrog Dispersed Anterior Pituitary Cells

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.827-831  1997年

  • Hormonal Alteration of Synaptic Input to Mauthner Cells of the Adult Male Red-Bellied Newts

    Zoological Science/Zoological Society of Japan   14;pp.651-657  1997年


  • Enhancement by Prolactin of the GnRH-Induced Release of LH from Dispersed Anterior Pituitary Cells of the Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)

    General and Comparative Endocrinology/Academic Press   107;pp.128-135  1997年


  • Female-Attracting Pheromone in Newt Cloacal Glands

    Brain Research Bulletin/Elsevier Science   44;4,pp.415-422  1997年


  • 両生類

    新編畜産大事典(田先威和夫監修)/養賢堂   pp.1457-1466  1997年

  • Localization of Prolactin Cells in Amphibian Pituitary Using the in situ Hybridization Technique

    Abstracts of the 7th National Congress of the Italian Society of Neurosciences (Trends in Neurosciences Supplement)   20;9,pp.44  1997年

  • Distribution of Endothelin 3-Like Immunoreactivity in Gonadotrophs of the Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) Pituitary

    General and Comparative Endocrinology/Academic Press   107;pp.12-22  1997年


  • Prolactin-Like Immunoreactivity in the Granules of Neural Complex Cells in the Ascidian Halocynthia roretzi

    Cell & Tissue Research/Springer-Verlag   289;pp.63-71  1997年


  • Sodefrin,a novel peptide pheromone in newt cloacal gland.

    18th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists:From Molecular to Integrative Biology    1996年

  • Urodele sex pheromone: Hormonal control of its secretion and response to it.

    International Symposium on Amphibian Endocrinology    1996年

  • Female-attracting pheromone in newt cloacal glands.

    Vth International Conference on Hormones,Brain and Behavior    1996年

  • 両生類の変態に関わる甲状腺ホルモン以外のホルモン

    共同利用シンポジウム 動物の変態・現象とその分子機構    1996年

  • The involvement of reproductive hormones in downstream and upstream migratory behaviors of salmonid fish.

    International Symposium of Fish Endocrinology    1996年

  • Immunohistochemical studies on the localization of activin/inhibin bB in Xenopus pituitary.

    International Conference on Inhibin,Activin, Follistatin: Recent Advances and Future Views    1996年

  • Origin of GnRH cells and olfactory organs in amphibians.

    18th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists from Molecular to Integrative Biology    1996年

  • Molecular cloning and nucleotide analysis of newt prolactin and growth hormone cDNAs.

    International Symposium on Amphibian Endocrinology    1996年

  • Gonadotropins and reproductive function in the anuran amphibian,Rana esculenta.

    International Symposium on Amphibian Endocrinology    1996年

  • Possible role of prolactin cells in the regulation of pituitary hormonesecretion in the bullfrog.

    Third Congress of the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology    1996年

  • アカハライモリの肛門腺腹腺のアンドロゲン受容体に関する免疫組織化学的研究

    日本解剖学会    1996年

  • ヒメマスの母川回帰行動における生殖内分泌系の関与

    日本水産学会    1996年

  • 原索動物神経複合体におけるプロラクチン陽性細胞

    日本電子顕微鏡学会    1996年

  • カエル脳に存在する2種のソマトスタチンとその生理活性

    日本神経内分泌学会    1996年

  • Cosecretion of prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) by the pituitary of the bullfrog.

    18th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists from Molecular to Integrative Biology.    1996年

  • Prolactin and stress response in frog Rana esculenta.

    18th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists from Molecular to Integrative Biology.    1996年

  • b-endorphin binding sites in pars distalis of frog,Rana esculenta.

    18th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists from Molecular to Integrative Biology.    1996年

  • Development and application of a radioimmunoassay for a female-attracting pheromone in the newt,Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    18th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists from Molecular to Integrative Biology.    1996年

  • Genomic DNA fragmentation in red blood cells of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) during metamorphosis.

    18th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists from Molecular to Integrative Biology.    1996年

  • Role of the foregut endoderm in the development of epithelial hypophysis.

    18th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists from Molecular to Integrative Biology.    1996年

  • Hormonal control of responses to a female-attracting pheromone,sodefrin in the newt,Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    TOYODA Fumiyo, YAMAMOTO Kazutoshi, TANAKA Sigeyasu, KIKUYAMA Sakae

    Proceeding of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology   11   17 - 17  1996年


  • Role of the foregut endoderm and the brain anlagen in the development of epithelial hypophysis.


    Proceeding of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology   11   11 - 11  1996年


  • Presence of prolactin-like substance in the secretory granules in the neural complex cells of a protochordate,Halocynthia roretzi.

    Zoological Science supplement   13  1996年

  • Morphological study of the olfactory system in the newt,Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    Zoological Science supplement   13  1996年

  • Molecular cloning of a cDNA comparable to sodefrin cDNA in sword-tailed newt (Cynops Ensicauda).

    Zoological Science supplement   13  1996年

  • Radioimmunoassay for a newt sex pheromone,sodefrin: Hormonal influence on the content in the abdominal gland.

    Zoological Science supplement   13  1996年

  • Effects of arginine vasotocin on reproductive events of the male newt,Cynops pyrrhogaster.

    Zoological Science supplement   13  1996年

  • Effect of physical blockage of connection between the primordial hypophysis and the embryonic hypothalamus on the formation of the parsintermedia of pituitary gland in the toad.

    Zoological Science supplement   13  1996年

  • Effect of POMC peptides on the pituitary cell function in the bullfrog,Rana catesbeiana.

    Zoological Science supplement   13  1996年

  • Contact with the foregut endoderm is essential for the development of epithelial hypophysis in bufo.

    Zoological Science supplement   13  1996年

  • Coexistence of PRL- and GH-mRNAs in the bullfrog pituitary.

    Zoological Science supplement   13  1996年

  • Distribution of endothelin 3-like immunoreactivity in the gonadotrophs of the female bullfrog.

    Zoological Science supplement   13  1996年

  • Cloning and nucleotide sequence analysis of urodele prolactin and growth hormone cDNAs.

    Zoological Science supplement   13  1996年

  • Selective removal of larval type red blood cells in metamorphosing bullfrog tadpoles.

    Zoological Science supplement   13  1996年

  • Genomic DNA fragmentation in red blood cells of the bullfrog during metamorphosis.Develop.

    Growth Devel Differ.   38,605-615  1996年


  • Radioimmunoassay of a newt sex pheromone, sodefrin,and the influence of hormones on its level in the abdominal gland.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.   104,356-363  1996年


  • Involvement of endogenous prolactin in the expression of courtship behavior in the newt, Cynops Pyrrhogaster.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.   102,191-196  1996年


  • Release of a-subunit of glycoprotein hormones from the bullfrog pituitary: Possible effect of a-subunit on prolactin cell function.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.   102,141-146  1996年


  • Occurrence of immunoreactive activin/inhibin bB in gonadotrophs,Thyrotrophs,and somatotrophs of the Xenopus pituitary.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.   102,1-10  1996年


  • Estrogen receptors in the stingray (Dasyatis akajei) Ultimobranchial gland.

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.   101,107-114  1996年


  • Immunohistochemical analysis of androgen receptor in the abdominal glands of the cloaca of male red-bellied newts, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Zool. Sci.   13,429-433  1996年


  • Origin of adenohypophysis and olfactory system in toad: Demonstration by chimera production.

    C. R. Soc. Biol.    1996年

  • 内分泌学

    朝倉書店    1996年

  • 発生生物学

    朝倉書店    1996年

  • 腺性下垂体の起源

    日本神経内分泌学会    1995年

  • イモリのペプチド性フェロモン

    脳腸ホルモン学会   10;2  1995年

  • 両生類の生活史の内分泌学

    日本内分泌学会   71;6  1995年

  • Developmental origin of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal system in the amphibian embryo and its relationships to the olfactory primordium

    /韓国生物科学協会    1995年

  • Embryological basis for a novel concept of hypothalamo-hypophyseal system

    Abstract of 41th Annual Meeting of the Italian Embryology Group    1995年

  • Female-attractant from the abdominal gland of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Abstract of 9th Summer Conference of Sullang Developmental Biology Research Group    1995年

  • Effect of ablation of presumptive preoptic recess organ on background adaptation in toads

    Proceeding of the Japan Society for Comprative Endocrinology   10  1995年

  • Endogenous prolactin is involved in the expression of courtship behavior in the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    KIKUYAMA Sakae, TOYODA Fumiyo, MATSUDA Kouhei, YAMAMOTO Kazutoshi

    Proceeding of the Japan Society for Comprative Endocrinology   10   37 - 37  1995年


  • Fragmentation of genomic DNA in red blood cells of the bullfrog during metamorphosis

    Zool. Sci./Zoological Society of Japan   suppl., v.12  1995年

  • Effect of frog brain-derieved somatostatin-related peptides on GH release from the pituitary in vitro

    Zool. Sci./Zoological Society of Japan   suppl., v.12  1995年

  • Possible involvement of endogenous prolactin in the expression of courtship behavior in the male newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster)

    Zool. Sci./Zoological Society of Japan   suppl., v.12  1995年

  • Electrical response of olfactory epithelium to sodefrin in the female newt

    Zool. Sci./Zoological Society of Japan   suppl., v.12  1995年

  • Evidence that male newts (Cynops pyrrhogaster) discharge sodefrin into an encironmental water

    Zool. Sci./Zoological Society of Japan   suppl., v.12  1995年

  • Immunohistochemical analysis of androgen receptor in the abdominal glands of the cloaca of male red-bellie newts

    Zool. Sci./Zoological Society of Japan   suppl., v.12  1995年

  • Radioimmunoassay of bullfrog adrenocorticotropin

    Zool. Sci./Zoological Society of Japan   suppl., v.12  1995年

  • Cosecretion of prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) by thedispersed pituitary cells of the bullfrog

    Zool. Sci./Zoological Society of Japan   suppl., v.12  1995年

  • Hormones and reproductive behavior of amphibians

    Clinical Neuroscience   13;130-131  1995年

  • In vitro development of Xenopus skin glands producing 5-hydroxytryptamine and caerulein

    Experientia   51;1040-1044  1995年


  • Morphology of the skin glands of the crab-eating frog (Rana cancrivora)

    Zool. Sci./Zoological Society of Japan   12, 623-626  1995年

  • Plasma prolactin levels related to changes of salinity in the green water frog, Rana esculenta

    Netherlands J. Zool.   45;53-56  1995年

  • A sex-attractant in the cloacal gland of the newt

    Netherlands J. Zool.   45;160-162  1995年

  • Hormonal induction of male-like behavior in the female newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    Zool. Sci./Zoological Society of Japan   12, 815-818  1995年

  • Sexual activity- dependent changes in Mauthner cell morphology inmale red-bellied newts

    J. Neurobiol.   28;126-132  1995年


  • Une nouvelle pheromone sexuelle isolee a partir des glandes abdominales du Triton male, Cynops pyrrhogaster

    C. R. Soc. Biol.   189;1143-1148  1995年

  • Growth hormone and prolactin in amphibian reproduction

    Zool. Sci./Zoological Society of Japan   12(6);683-694  1995年

  • Pituitary immunocytochemistry and prolactin plasma levels in hypophysectomized female newts, Triturus carnifex Laur, bearing a long-term pituitary autograft.

    Boll. Zool.   62;239-242  1995年

  • Development and application of a homologous radioimmunoassay for Xenopus prolactin

    Gen. Comp. Endocrinol./Academic Press   99;28-34  1995年

  • Sodefrin: A female-attracting peptide pheromone in newt cloacal glands

    Science   267;1643-1645  1995年


  • Induction from the posterior hypothalamus is essential for the development of the pituitary proopiomelanocortin (POMC) cells of the toad (Bufo japonicus)

    Cell. Tiss. Res.   279;233-239  1995年

  • Xenopus prolactin: purification, properties and radioimmunoassay

    Technology Bulletin/早大理工学研究所   23;19-30  1995年

  • Chemical signals during courtship of the newt

    Human Sci./人間総合研究センタ-   7;93-100  1995年




  • イモリ雌由来のフェロモンの単離・同定・局在・遺伝子クローニング




  • 新しい脳下垂体調節因子の単離・同定および生理活性

    2004年   加藤 尚志, 岩田 武男, Hubert Vaudry, 岡田 令子


     我々は先に広島大学グループとの共同研究により、ウシガエル視床下部より4種のRFアミドペプチド群を単離・同定・生理活性の解析を行った(Koda et al., 2000, Endocrinology 143, 411-419; Sawada et al., 2002, J. Endocrinol. 174, 395-402)が、同様な方法でイモリ脳より上記ウシガエルのものに似たアミノ酸配列を有するペプチドを得、主としてプロラクチン、生長ホルモンの放出活性に焦点をあてて生理活性の解析を行った結果両ホルモンの放出を促進するペプチド、生長ホルモンの放出のみを促進するペプチドの存在を確認した。 一方我々はこれまで困難を極めていた両生類甲状腺刺激ホルモンの放射免疫測定法の開発に成功した。それを用いて、これまで知られている神経ペプチド(哺乳類由来のものも含む)の甲状腺刺激ホルモン放出促進・抑制効果についてのスクリーニングを行った。その結果、LHRHとTRHには幼生下垂体に対しては効果がなく、成体下垂体には弱い放出活性を示すこと、CRF(ヒツジ由来)には幼生、成体下垂体に対して強い放出活性を示すことがわかった。そこでウシガエルCRFをコードするcDNAのクローニングを行い、それから推定されるウシガエルCRFのアミノ酸配列にしたがってペプチドを合成した。それを用いて活性を測定したところ、ヒツジ由来のものと同等の活性をウシガエルCRFに認めた。またCRFによる甲状腺刺激ホルモン放出活性は甲状腺ホルモンによって抑制を受けることも確認された。なお、CRF以外のペプチドでは、アミノ酸配列がCRFに似ているsauvagineに放出活性がみとめられた。更にsomatostatinには抑制作用があること、カエルで生長ホルモン放出活性があることが知られているPACAPに甲状腺刺激ホルモン放出活性があることがわかった。これらの結果から甲状腺刺激ホルモンは多種類のペプチドにより調節されており、はじめに哺乳動物で名付けられたペプチドの名称が必ずしもあてはまらないことが明らかになった。 一方我々はイモリ視床下部のプロラクチン受容体発現部位の解析中に、下垂体後葉ホルモン含有神経にプロラクチン受容体が発現していることを発見した。現在プロラクチンの後葉ホルモン放出調節の可能性を検討している。

  • 脳内ペプチドの下垂体および正中隆起部レベルにおける作用




  • フェロモンおよびホルモンによる生殖行動の調節

    1999年   石居 進, 小口 敦子



  • 脳-脳下垂体系研究の新展開

    1998年   石居 進, 山内 兄人, 川内 浩司, 平野 哲也, 新井 康允, A. Fasolo, F. Gracia-Navarro, A. Polzonetti, H. Vaudry, A. Gorbman, G. Grau


     上記研究課題に関する国際会議を実現させるために、代表者および分担者は主たる関連国際誌上で公表されている研究内容、レベルの把握を心掛け、また国内分担者は研究期間中に開催された関連がありそうな国内外の約40回に渡る会議・シンポジウムに参加し情報の収集につとめるとともに国外研究者との交流をはかった。 特に1997年に早稲田大学で行った脊椎動物のホルモンおよび神経ペプチドの分子祖先に関する会議では、多数の関連研究者の出席のもと活発な意見の交換を行った。一連の活動を通じて、脳および下垂体のほかに嗅覚系を会議のテーマとして加えることが必要であるという結論に達した。その理由としては、生体内でホルモンのほかにフェロモンが化学情報伝達に関与していること、特にフェロモン受容器官としての鋤鼻器官がヒトに存在するかという問題に注目が集まっており、フェロモン関連分野の研究の発展は目覚ましいものがあること、脳のある種の神経ペプチド産生細胞は嗅上皮由来であり、下垂体と嗅覚系は発生学上近縁の細胞群より分化すること、などが挙げられる。そこで国内の鋤鼻研究会の主たるメンバーとも意見の交換を行い、脳と下垂体に加えて嗅覚系を入れて「国際会議 脳・鼻・下垂体」を2000年に早稲田大学で開催することに決定した。

  • 生殖における嗅覚系の役割

    1997年   石居 進, 高橋 則行


    イモリより単離した雌誘引フェロモン(ソデフリン)は、鼻腔をふさいだ動物や嗅球と嗅上皮間を遮断した動物には無効であることを確認したうえで、このフェロモンが嗅上皮のどの部分で感知するかを調べた。その結果、フェロモンによって鼻腔側室部の嗅上皮でもっとも強い嗅電図記録が得られることがわかった。この部分は有尾目では原始的鋤鼻器官と見做されている部分であり、哺乳類では鋤鼻器官がフェロモンの受容部位である。イモリでこの器官の上皮を形態学的に調べたところ、哺乳類鋤鼻器官の上皮細胞と同様に微絨毛のみをそなえていた。この部分にDiIを注入し、中枢のどこに神経が投射しているかを調べた結果、主として副嗅球に投射していることがわかった。一方、ソデフリンの一次構造から推定される塩基配列をもとに、ソデフリンのcDNAノクローニングを試みたところ、1360bpからなるcDNAが得られ、そのうち570塩基がソデフリン前駆体をコードしていることがわかり、ソデフリン分子は前駆体のC末端に存在することがわかった。研究成果の発表:Kikuyama, S., Toyoda, F., Iwata, T., Umezawa, K., Takahashi, N., Matsukawa, H. and Miura, S. 1998: Sodefrin, A novel peptide pheromone in the newt cloacal gland. Trends in Comparative Endocrinology and Neurobiology. in press, NY Academy of SciencesKikuyama, S., Toyoda, F., Yamamoto, K., Tanaka, S. and Hayashi, H.1997: Female-attracting pheromone in newt cloacal glands. Brain Res. Bull. 44:415-422 ElsevierYamamoto, K., Takahashi, N., Shioda, A., Kobayashi, T., Nakai, T., MiuraS., Kouki, T. and Kikuyama, S.1997: Recombinant newt growth hormone and its application to radioimmunoassay. Advances in Comparative Endocrinology. pp. 921-925 Monduzzi EditoreKikuyama, S.1997: Newt sex pheromone: Hormonal control of its sectretion. Advances in Comparative Endocrinology.pp. 349-354 Monduzzi EditoreIwata, T., Takahashi, N., Miura, S., Toyoda, F., Hayashi, H. and Kikuyama, S.1997: Molecular cloning of sodefrin-like peptide cDNA of the sword-tailed newt. Advances in Comparative Endocrinology. pp. 1747-1750 Monduzzi EditoreKato, T., Matsukawa, H., Shioda, A., Miura, S., Yamamoto, K., Fujita, T. and Kikuyama, S.1997: Cloning and expression of newt prolactin receptor. Advances in Comparative Endocrinology.pp. 979-983 Monduzzi EditoreToyoda, F., Yamamoto, K., Tanaka, S. and Kikuyama, S1997: Possible involvement of arginine vasotocin in reproductive events in the male newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. Advances in Comparative Endocrinology. pp. 365-369 Monduzzi Editore

  • 有尾両生類の性フェロモンに関する研究

    1995年   石居 進, 小室 輝昌


