Updated on 2024/07/22


KIKUCHI, Yasushi
Faculty of International Research and Education
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Ed.D.(De La Salle University)

Professional Memberships


    American Anthropological Association





Research Interests

  • 社会人類学

  • 文化人類学(含民族学・民俗学)

  • Social Anthropology


Research Projects

  • 開発人類学の理論形成

  • 社会経済開発・発展へ社会人類学はどのように寄与できるか、また、すべきかを人類学的志向に基づいて研究


  • < Three Dimensional Graphic Evaluation Method in Development Anthropology>


  • Development Anthropology: Beyond Economics.


  • < Beyond Filipino Kinship System- The emergence of Quasi-Corporate Group in Cognatic Society>


  • < Cultural Influence on Diagnosis and Treatment > Presented for The Mental and Psychological Care of Survivors of Violent Trauma in Multicultural World.


  • < Science Based Strategies > Presented for Mental Health 21, Mental Health Policy and Recovery of Conflict/Post conflict Societies


  • < Traditional Healing in Three Cultures>


  • < Social Role of the Filipino Kinship Systemthrough Theoretical Issues of Cognatic Form.>


  • <ODAの効率を高めるために開発人類学は何ができるか> 開発の人類学


  • <文化の多様性を考慮した解発援助( ミクロネシア )> 経済協力評価報告(各論)


  • < 第三者評価―メトロマニラ貧困地域電化事業 > 円借款案件事後評価報告 下巻:


  • 第三者評価―ホンデュラス、チリ/開発人類学 事業評価報告書

    国際協力事業団(JICA)編   pp.295-305  1998

  • 開発人類学からのODA

    国際開発研究   7;2,pp.249-262  1998

  • creative diversity in development anthropology

    人文社会学研究/理工学部複合領域人文社会研究会編   38;pp.213-227  1998

  • The Social Role of The Filipino Ritual Kinship System.

    Presented at Conference of 97th Annual meeting for American Anthropological Association. In Philadelphia.   29  1998

  • Emergenc of National Identity in Philippine Multi -Ethnic Society.

    Economic Development and Social Transformation in Asian Countries   research series no. 39  1998

  • Anthropology at The Japanese International Cooperation Agency - are the best years yet come?

    The 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Science at the College of William and Mary, Willamsberg   iIn proceeding pp.202-203  1998

  • The media and the meltdown presented at media in the asia pacific world.

    press and polotics in econimic crisis. at UCLA    1998

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Overseas Activities

  • トラウマに対する文化的治療法とコミュニティー診断の研究


    アメリカ   ハーバード大学