Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Science and Engineering
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Dr. of Sci. ( Waseda University )
Doctor of Sci. ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 1993

    - 早稲田大学理工学総合研究センター 教授

  • 1993

    - Advanced Research Institute for Science and

  • 1979

    - 早稲田大学理工学研究所 教授

  • 1979

    - Science and Engineering Research Institute,

  • 1975

    - 早稲田大学理工学研究所 助教授

  • 1975

    - Science and Engineering Research Institute,

  • 1970

    - 早稲田大学理工学研究所 講師

  • 1970

    - Science and Engineering Research Institute,

  • 1965

    - 早稲田大学理工学研究所 助手

  • 1965

    - Science and Engineering Research Institute,


    Engineering, Waseda University, Professor




    Associate Professor


    Assistant Professor


    Research Associate

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Professional Memberships





Research Areas

  • Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics

Research Interests

  • 素粒子・原子核・宇宙線・宇宙物理

  • Nuclear Physics & Cosmic Ray Physics

  • Elementary Particles Physics



  • 宇宙放射線相互比較実験のための実時間放射線計測器(RRMD)の性能確認


Research Projects

  • 素粒子実験

  • 宇宙物理

  • 宇宙線計測

  • 放射線計測

  • 原子核実験

  • 液体キセノン検出器

  • Cosmic Ray Physics

  • Radiation Measurement

  • Experimental Nuclear Physics

  • liquid Xe detector

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  • Fluctuation in energy-loss measurements in allene-doped liquid argon for heavy ions

    K. Masuda, F. Nishikido, E. Shibamura, J. Kikuchi, T. Doke, T. Murakami


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    Liquid argon (LAr) has suitable properties for use as a particle-detector medium, however, its response to heavy ions is not linear, because of the non-perfect collection of charge produced by the incident ions due to the strong recombination between the liberated electrons and argon ions. We were able to improve the linearity of the response by doping photoionization materials, such as allene (C3H4), to LAr. Using allene-doped LAr, we made some experiments of the heavy ion calorimeters for the mass identification of relativistic iron ions, but this approach was unsuccessful. We therefore investigated the cause of the failure using relativistic heavy ions of neon, argon and iron. The energy resolutions obtained experimentally were of the order of several percent at the full width at half maximum (FWHM) for neon to iron ions passing through a LAr gap of 10mm. These values were 2 or 3 times worse than those predicted theoretically, and the poor energy resolution led to insufficient mass resolution. Here, we describe methods for measuring fluctuation in energy-loss signals in LAr, and discuss the factors determining the resolution. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Time-of-flight positron emission tomography using liquid xenon scintillation

    T. Doke, J. Kikuchi, F. Nishikido


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    Liquid xenon can be used as a scintillator for time-of-flight positron emission tomography (TOF-PFT) owing to its fast responses and high scintillation yield. For confirmation, a prototype model was constructed and tested. The results were better than those obtained with commercially available crystal PET scanners, except energy resolution Was Slightly worse than with a GSO crystal PET. Using the results and simulations, a full-size liquid xenon scintillation TOF-PET scanner was designed and its possible realization discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Nuclear effects on hadron production in d plus Au collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV revealed by comparison with p plus p data

    S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, A. Al-Jamel, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, J. P. Cussonneau, D. d'Enterria, K. Das, G. David, F. Deak, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, D. E. Fields, C. Finck, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, S. Gadrat, M. Germain, A. Glenn, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, E. P. Hartouni, M. Harvey, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, P. Hidas, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Horaguchi, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, M. Inaba, M. Inuzuka, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, K. Katou, T. Kawabata, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, R. Kohara, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, G. J. Kunde, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, Y. Le Bornec, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, M. C. McCain, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, T. Nakamura, J. Newby, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, V. Penev, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, A. Pierson, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. M. Qualls, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, T. J. Uam, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, V. Veszpremi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, N. Willis, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin, X. Zong

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   74 ( 2 )  2006.08

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    PHENIX has measured the centrality dependence of midrapidity pion, kaon, and proton transverse momentum distributions in d+Au and p+p collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The p+p data provide a reference for nuclear effects in d+Au and previously measured Au+Au collisions. Hadron production is enhanced in d+Au, relative to independent nucleon-nucleon scattering, as was observed in lower energy collisions. The nuclear modification factor for (anti)protons is larger than that for pions. The difference increases with centrality but is not sufficient to account for the abundance of baryon production observed in central Au+Au collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The centrality dependence in d+Au shows that the nuclear modification factor increases gradually with the number of collisions encountered by each participant nucleon. We also present comparisons with lower energy data as well as with parton recombination and other theoretical models of nuclear effects on particle production.


  • Azimuthal angle correlations for rapidity separated hadron pairs in d+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

    S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, A. Al-Jamel, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, J. P. Cussonneau, D. d'Enterria, K. Das, G. David, F. Deak, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, D. E. Fields, C. Finck, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, S. Gadrat, M. Germain, A. Glenn, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, H. -A Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, E. P. Hartouni, M. Harvey, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, P. Hidas, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Horaguchi, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, M. Inaba, M. Inuzuka, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, K. Katou, T. Kawabata, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, R. Kohara, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, G. J. Kunde, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, Y. Le Bornec, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, M. C. McCain, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, T. Nakamura, J. Newby, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, V. Penev, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, A. Pierson, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. M. Qualls, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V. -N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, T. J. Uam, H. W. Van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, V. Veszpremi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, N. Willis, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin, X. Zong

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   96 ( 22 )  2006.06

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    Deuteron-gold (d+Au) collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider provide ideal platforms for testing QCD theories in dense nuclear matter at high energy. In particular, models suggesting strong saturation effects for partons carrying small nucleon momentum fraction (x) predict modifications to jet production at forward rapidity (deuteron-going direction) in d+Au collisions. We report on two-particle azimuthal angle correlations between charged hadrons at forward/backward (deuteron/gold going direction) rapidity and charged hadrons at midrapidity in d+Au and p+p collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV. Jet structures observed in the correlations are quantified in terms of the conditional yield and angular width of away-side partners. The kinematic region studied here samples partons in the gold nucleus with x similar to 0.1 to similar to 0.01. Within this range, we find no x dependence of the jet structure in d+Au collisions.


  • Improved measurement of double helicity asymmetry in inclulsive midrapidity pi(0) production for polarized p+p collisions at root s=200 GeV

    S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, A. Al-Jamel, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, J. P. Cussonneau, D. d'Enterria, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, F. Deak, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, D. E. Fields, C. Finck, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, S. Gadrat, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A . Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, P. Hidas, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Horaguchi, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, M. Inaba, M. Inuzuka, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, K. Katou, T. Kawabata, T. Kawagishi, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, R. Kohara, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, Y. Le Bornec, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, M. C. McCain, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, T. Nakamura, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, V. Penev, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, A. Pierson, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. M. Qualls, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, T. J. Uam, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, R. Vertesi, V. Veszpremi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin, X. Zong

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   73 ( 9 )  2006.05

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    We present an improved measurement of the double helicity asymmetry for pi(0) production in polarized proton-proton scattering at root s=200 GeV employing the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The improvements to our previous measurement come from two main factors: Inclusion of a new data set from the 2004 RHIC run with higher beam polarizations than the earlier run and a recalibration of the beam polarization measurements for the earlier run, which resulted in reduced uncertainties and increased beam polarizations. The results are compared to a Next to Leading Order (NLO) perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (pQCD) calculation with a range of polarized gluon distributions.


  • Common suppression pattern of eta and pi(0) mesons at high transverse momentum in Au plus Au collisions at root SNN=200 GeV

    S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, R. Amirikas, L. Aphecetche, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, R. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, Y. Berdnikov, S. Bhagavatula, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, S. Borenstein, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, J. -S. Chai, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, P. Constantin, D. d'Enterria, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, O. Drapier, A. Drees, R. du Rietz, A. Durum, D. Dutta, Y. V. Efremenko, K. El Chenawi, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, L. Ewell, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, S. -Y. Fung, S. Garpman, T. K. Ghosh, A. Glenn, G. Gogiberidze, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, W. Guryn, H. - . Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, E. P. Hartouni, M. Harvey, R. Hayano, N. Hayashi, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, M. Hibino, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, W. Y. Jang, Y. Jeong, J. Jia, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. H. Kang, S. S. Kapoor, K. Katou, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, D. W. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, K. Kiyoyama, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, D. Koehler, T. Kohama, M. Kopytine, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, K. Kurita, Y. Kuroki, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, V. Ladygin, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, S. Lee, M. J. Leitch, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, Y. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, M. D. Marx, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, P. L. McGaughey, E. Melnikov, F. Messer, Y. Miake, J. Milan, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, R. E. Mischke, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, F. Muhlbacher, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, T. Nakamura, B. K. Nandi, M. Nara, J. Newby, P. Nilsson, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, K. Okada, M. Ono, V. Onuchin, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, A. Parmar, S. F. Pate, T. Peitzmann, J. -C. Peng, V. Peresedov, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, F. Plasil, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, P. Rosnet, S. S. Ryu, M. E. Sadler, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, M. Sakai, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, M. R. Shaw, T. K. Shea, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, T. Shiina, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Sivertz, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, M. Tamai, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, P. Tarjan, J. D. Tepe, T. L. Thomas, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, H. Tsuruoka, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, V. Veszpremi, L. Villatte, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, Y. Yang, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, S. J. Zhou, L. Zolin

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   96 ( 20 )  2006.05

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    Inclusive transverse momentum spectra of eta mesons have been measured within p(T)=2-10 GeV/c at midrapidity by the PHENIX experiment in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. In central Au+Au the eta yields are significantly suppressed compared to peripheral Au+Au, d+Au, and p+p yields scaled by the corresponding number of nucleon-nucleon collisions. The magnitude, centrality, and p(T) dependence of the suppression is common, within errors, for eta and pi(0). The ratio of eta to pi(0) spectra at high p(T) amounts to 0.40 < R-eta/pi(0)< 0.48 for the three systems, in agreement with the world average measured in hadronic and nuclear reactions and, at large scaled momentum, in e(+)e(-) collisions.


  • Jet structure from dihadron correlations in d+Au collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV

    S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, A. Al-Jamel, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, J. P. Cussonneau, D. d'Enterria, K. Das, G. David, F. Deak, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, D. E. Fields, C. Finck, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, S. Gadrat, M. Germain, A. Glenn, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier De Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, E. P. Hartouni, M. Harvey, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, P. Hidas, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Horaguchi, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, M. Inaba, M. Inuzuka, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, K. Katou, T. Kawabata, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, R. Kohara, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, G. J. Kunde, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, Y. Le Bornec, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, M. C. McCain, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, T. Nakamura, J. Newby, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, V. Penev, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, A. Pierson, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. M. Qualls, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, T. J. Uam, H. W. Van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, V. Veszpremi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, N. Willis, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin, X. Zong

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   73 ( 5 )  2006.05

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    Dihadron correlations at high transverse momentum p(T) in d+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV at midrapidity are measured by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. From these correlations, we extract several structural characteristics of jets: the root-mean-squared transverse momentum of fragmenting hadrons with respect to the jet root < j(T)(2)>, the mean sine-squared of the azimuthal angle between the jet axes < sin(2)phi(jj)>, and the number of particles produced within the dijet that are associated with a high-p(T) particle (dN/dx(E) distributions). We observe that the fragmentation characteristics of jets in d+Au collisions are very similar to those in p+p collisions and that there is little dependence on the centrality of the d+Au collision. This is consistent with the nuclear medium having little influence on the fragmentation process. Furthermore, there is no statistically significant increase in the value of < sin(2)phi(jj)> from p+p to d+Au collisions. This constrains the effect of multiple scattering that partons undergo in the cold nuclear medium before and after a hard collision.


  • J/psi production and nuclear effects for d+Au and p+p collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   96 ( 1 )  2006


  • Measurement of identified pi(0) and inclusive photon second-harmonic parameter v(2) and implications for direct photon production in root s(NN)=200 GeVAu+Au

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   96 ( 3 )  2006

  • Single electrons from heavy-flavor decays in p + p collisions at root s=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   96 ( 3 )  2006

  • Nuclear modification of electron spectra and implications for heavy quark energy loss in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   96 ( 3 )  2006

  • Dense-medium modifications to jet-induced hadron pair distributions in Au+Au collisions at root(NN)-N-S=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   97 ( 5 )  2006

  • Jet properties from dihadron correlations in p plus p collisions at root s=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review   D 74 ( 7 )  2006

  • Measurement of transverse single-spin asymmetries for midrapidity production of neutral pions and charged hadrons in polarized p+p collisions at root s=200 GeV

    SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, F Bauer, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, D d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, KA Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   95 ( 20 )  2005.11

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    Transverse single-spin asymmetries to probe the transverse-spin structure of the proton have been measured for neutral pions and nonidentified charged hadrons from polarized proton-proton collisions at midrapidity and root s = 200 GeV. The data cover a transverse momentum (pT) range 1.0-5.0 GeV/c for neutral pions and 0.5-5.0 GeV/c for charged hadrons, at a Feynman-x value of approximately zero. The asymmetries seen in this previously unexplored kinematic region are consistent with zero within errors of a few percent. In addition, the inclusive charged hadron cross section at midrapidity from 0.5 < P-T < 7.0 GeV/c is presented and compared to next-to-leading order perturbative QCD ( pQCD) calculations. Successful description of the unpolarized cross section above similar to 2 GeV/c suggests that pQCD is applicable in the interpretation of the asymmetry results in the relevant kinematic range.


  • Comparison between theoretical model and experimental calibrations and its inference for track formation in bubble detectors

    SL Guo, T Doke, L Li, BL Chen, DH Zhang, J Kikuchi, K Terasawa, M Komiyama, K Hara, T Fuse, N Yasuda, T Murakami

    RADIATION MEASUREMENTS   40 ( 2-6 ) 229 - 233  2005.11

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    Calculations on the formation of a linear track of a heavy ion in bubble detector have been carried out based on a theoretical model considering the minimum energy (including bubble surface energy, internal energy, evaporation energy, expansion energy, kinetic energy and viscous energy) required during the formation of a critical bubble at the cost of the ionization energy of the heavy ion. The calculated minimum energy is 8.99 keV for dichlorodifluoromethane (R-12) at 25 degrees C. The results of calculations have been combined with those of calibrations of bubble detectors with heavy ions at accelerator. The threshold (1.51 +/- 0.04) MeV mg(-1) cm(2) is obtained in the calibration with heavy ions for the above liquid and temperature. It shows that the distance over which the heavy ion traverses and transfers energy to the superheated liquid to produce a critical bubble is 4.67 times the radius of the seed bubble. The radius of the cylinder along which the heavy ion deposits energy to form a seed bubble is about 5.2 nm. This dimension indicates that the process of track formation in bubble detectors is consistent with the model of thermal spike. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • The response of the silicon-based linear energy transfer spectrometer (RRMD-111) to protons from 1 to 70 MeV

    K Terasawai, TB Borak, T Doke, T Fuse, K Hara, J Kikuch, H Kitamura, S Suzuki, Y Uchihori


     View Summary

    Experiments have been per-formed to measure the response of the silicon-based linear energy transfer (LET) spectrometer (RRMD-III) to protons with energies ranging from 1 to 70 MeV. The beam energies incident upon RRMD-III were obtained using plastic polycarbonate degraders with mono-energetic proton beams that were extracted at 70, 40 and 25MeV from a cyclotron. The energy loss in the degraders never exceeded 70% of the. incident energy in order that the energy spread of the emerging protons created by straggling and scattering effects could be suppressed. Estimates of the LET were influenced by the asymmetric energy distribution of the degraded beam. Protons with energies less than 12.2 MeV did not reach the second Si detector in RRMD-III and were not measured. Measured values of LET were within +/- 7% of the expected value for incident protons that had an energy sufficient to penetrate the second Si detector in RRMD-III (E > 15.4 MeV). The LET of stopping particles was computed using a lookup table listing LET vs E, and a simple stopping power formula for a particle with charge Z and energy E(R), where E(R) is the energy of the stopping particle measured in the second Si detector.

    DOI CiNii

  • Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the PHENIX Collaboration

    K Adcox, SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, A Al-Jamel, J Alexander, R Amirikas, K Aoki, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, R Armendariz, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, F Bauer, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, MT Bjorndal, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, TA Carey, JS Chai, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, CR Cleven, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, MP Comets, P Constantin, M Csanad, T Csorgo, JP Cussonneau, D d'Enterriai, T Dahms, K Das, G David, F Deak, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, JL Drachenberg, O Drapier, A Drees, AK Dubey, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, Dzhordzhadze, V, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, J Egdemir, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En' yo, B Espagnon, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, C Finck, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, B Forestier, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, Y Fukao, SY Fung, S Gadrat, S Garpman, F Gastineau, M Germain, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, T Gunji, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, A Hadjhenni, JS Haggerty, MN Hagiwara, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, H Harada, EP Hartouni, K Haruna, M Harvey, E Haslum, K Hasuko, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, P Hidas, H Hiejima, JC Hill, DS Ho, R Hobbs, M Holmes, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Horaguchi, HM Hur, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, M Inaba, M Inuzuka, MS Ippolitov, D Isenhower, L Isenhower, M Ishihara, T Isobe, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, J Jin, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, F Kajihara, S Kametani, N Kamihara, M Kaneta, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, K Katou, T Kawabata, T Kawagishi, AV Kazantsev, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YS Kim, YG Kim, E Kinney, WW Kinnison, A Kiss, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, R Kohara, B Komkov, M Konno, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, GJ Kunde, N Kurihara, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, Y Le Bornec, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, MK Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, MAL Leite, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Liu, X, Y Liu, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, Y Makdisi, A Malakhov, MD Malik, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, MC McCain, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, TV Moukhanova, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, Y Nagata, JL Nagle, M Naglis, Y Nakada, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, M Nguyen, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, B Norman, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, H Okada, K Okada, OO Omiwade, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, L Paffrath, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, WJ Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, H Pei, T Peitzmann, Penev, V, JC Peng, H Pereira, Peresedov, V, DY Peressounko, AN Petridis, A Pierson, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, H Qu, JM Qualls, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, AA Rose, SSE Rosendahl, P Rosnet, P Rukoyatkin, VL Rykov, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, B Sahlmueller, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, D Sharma, MR Shaw, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, M Shimomura, YH Shin, T Shohjoh, K Shoji, IG Sibiriak, A Sickles, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, S Skutnik, WC Smith, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, I, F Staley, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, C Suire, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, J Sziklai, T Tabaru, S Takagi, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, A Taranenko, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, M Togawa, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, VN Tram, Tserruya, I, Y Tsuchimoto, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, TJ Uam, T Ushiroda, H Valle, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, R Vertesi, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, M Wagner, H Wang, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, J Wessels, SN White, D Winter, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, M Wysocki, W Xie, K Yagi, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, Younus, I, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, O Zaudkte, C Zhang, Z Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, J Zimanyi, L Zolin, Zong, X

    NUCLEAR PHYSICS A   757 ( 1-2 ) 184 - 283  2005.08

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

     View Summary

    Extensive experimental data from high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions were recorded using the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The comprehensive set of measurements from the first three years of RHIC operation includes charged particle multiplicities, transverse energy, yield ratios and spectra of identified hadrons in a wide range of transverse momenta (PT), elliptic flow, two-particle correlations, nonstatistical fluctuations, and suppression of particle production at high PT. The results are examined with an emphasis on implications for the formation of a new state of dense matter. We find that the state of matter created at RHIC cannot be described in terms of ordinary color neutral hadrons. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Performance of prototype liquid xenon scintillation detector system for time-of-flight type positron emission tomography with improved photomultipliers

    F Nishikido, T Doke, J Kikuchi, T Mori, H Murayama, T Ooshita, H Takahashi


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    The properties of liquid Xe are considered to be advantageous for application to time-of-flight positron emission tomography (TOF-PET). Previously, we constructed a prototype liquid Xe TOF-PET detector using photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), which can operate at liquid xenon temperature, and investigated their performance. Their poor quantum efficiency and low gain, however, were not sufficient for use in TOF-PET. Recently, new PMTs with five times higher quantum efficiency in liquid Xe and ten times higher gain than the previous PMTs have been developed by Hamamatsu Photonics Co. The prototype PET detectors, presented here, were constructed using these new PMTs and tested. An energy resolution of 15.9% (FWHM), a position resolution of 2.1-3.5 mm (FWHM), and a timing resolution of 260 ps (FWHM) were achieved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Saturation of azimuthal anisotropy in Au plus Au collisions at root S-NN=62-200 GeV

    SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, A Al-Jamel, J Alexander, R Amirikas, K Aoki, L Aphecetche, R Armendariz, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, B Azmoun, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, F Bauer, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, R Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, MT Bjorndal, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, K Boyle, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, S Campbell, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, CR Cleven, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, MP Comets, P Constantin, M Csanad, T Csorgo, D d'Enterria, T Dahms, K Das, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, A Dion, JL Drachenberg, O Drapier, A Drees, KA Drees, AK Dubey, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, Dzhordzhadze, V, YV Efremenko, J Egdemir, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, B Espagnon, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, B Forestier, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, Y Fukao, SY Fung, S Gadrat, S Garpman, F Gastineau, M Germain, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, T Gunji, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, AH Henni, JS Haggerty, MN Hagiwara, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Harada, EP Hartouni, K Haruna, M Harvey, E Haslum, K Hasuko, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, H Hiejima, JC Hill, R Hobbs, M Holmes, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Horaguchi, HM Hur, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, M Inaba, D Isenhower, L Isenhower, M Ishihara, T Isobe, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, J Jin, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, F Kajihara, S Kametani, N Kamihara, M Kaneta, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, T Kawagishi, AV Kazantsev, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, YS Kim, E Kinney, WW Kinnison, A Kiss, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, B Komkov, M Konno, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, GJ Kunde, N Kurihara, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, Y Le Bornec, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, MK Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, MAL Leite, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, MD Malik, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, MC McCain, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, TV Moukhanova, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagata, JL Nagle, M Naglis, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, M Nguyen, P Nilsson, B Norman, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, H Okada, K Okada, OO Omiwade, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, WJ Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, H Pei, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, H Pereira, Peresedov, V, DY Peressounko, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, H Qu, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, SSE Rosendahl, P Rosnet, P Rukoyatkin, VL Rykov, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, B Sahlmueller, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, D Sharma, MR Shaw, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, M Shimomura, T Shohjoh, K Shoji, A Sickles, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, S Skutnik, WC Smith, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, C Suire, JP Sullivan, J Sziklai, T Tabaru, S Takagi, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, A Taranenko, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, M Togawa, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, VN Tram, Tserruya, I, Y Tsuchimoto, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, H Valle, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, R Vertesi, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, M Wagner, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, J Wessels, SN White, N Willis, D Winter, FK Wohn, CL Woody, M Wysocki, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, Younus, I, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, O Zaudkte, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, J Zimanyi, L Zolin

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   94 ( 23 )  2005.06

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    New measurements are presented for charged hadron azimuthal correlations at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=62.4 and 200 GeV. They are compared to earlier measurements obtained at root s(NN)=130 GeV and in Pb+Pb collisions at root s(NN)=17.2 GeV. Sizeable anisotropies are observed with centrality and transverse momentum (p(T)) dependence characteristic of elliptic flow (v(2)). For a broad range of centralities, the observed magnitudes and trends of the differential anisotropy, v(2)(p(T)), change very little over the collision energy range root s(NN)=62-200 GeV, indicating saturation of the excitation function for v(2) at these energies. Such a saturation may be indicative of the dominance of a very soft equation of state for root s(NN)similar to 60-200 GeV.


  • Absorption of scintillation light in a 1001 liquid xenon gamma-ray detector and expected detector performance

    A Baldini, C Bemporad, F Cei, T Doke, M Grassi, AA Grebenuk, DN Grigoriev, T Haruyama, K Kasami, J Kikuchi, A Maki, T Mashimo, S Mihara, T Mitsuhashi, T Mori, D Nicolo, H Nishiguchi, W Ootani, K Ozone, A Papa, R Pazzi, S Ritt, R Sawada, F Sergiampietri, G Signorelli, S Suzuki, K Terasawa, M Yamashita, S Yamashita, T Yoshimura, Y Yuri


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    An 8001 liquid xenon scintillation gamma-ray detector is being developed for the MEG experiment which will search for mu(+) -> e(+)gamma decay at the Paul Scherrer Institut. Absorption of scintillation light of xenon by impurities might possibly limit the performance of such a detector. We used a 1001 prototype with an active volume of 372 x 372 x 496 mm(3) to study the scintillation light absorption. We have developed a method to evaluate the light absorption, separately from elastic scattering of light, by measuring cosmic rays and a sources. By using a suitable purification technique, an absorption length longer than 100 cm has been achieved. The effects of the light absorption on the energy resolution are estimated by Monte Carlo simulation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Midrapidity direct-photon production in p+p collisions at root s=200 GeV

    SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, D d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, KA Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

    PHYSICAL REVIEW D   71 ( 7 )  2005.04

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    A measurement of direct photons in p+p collisions at root s=200 GeV is presented. A photon excess above background from pi(0)->gamma+gamma, eta ->gamma+gamma and other decays is observed in the transverse momentum range 5.5 < p(T)< 7 GeV/c. The result is compared to a next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD calculation. Within errors, good agreement is found between the QCD calculation and the measured result.


  • Systematic studies of the centrality and root S-NN dependence of the dE(T)/d eta and dN(ch)/d eta in heavy ion collisions at midrapidity

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review   C71 ( 3 )  2005


  • Nuclear modification factors for hadrons at forward and backward rapidities in deuteron-gold collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   94 ( 8 )  2005

  • Centrality dependence of charm production from a measurement of single electrons in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   94 ( 8 )  2005

  • Deuteron and antideuteron production in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   94 ( 12 )  2005

  • Jet structure of baryon excess in Au+Au collisions at root SNN=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review   C 71 ( 5 )  2005

  • Centrality dependence of direct photon production in root S-NN=200 GeVAu+Aucollisions

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   94 ( 23 )  2005

  • Production of phi mesons at midrapidity in root S-NN=200 GeVAu+Au collisions at relativistic energies

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review   C 72 ( 1 )  2005

  • Measurement of single electron event anisotropy in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review   C 72 ( 2 )  2005

  • Scintillation response of liquid Xe surrounded by PTFE reflector for gamma rays

    M Yamashita, T Doke, K Kawasaki, J Kikuchi, S Suzuki


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    The scintillation response of liquid xenon for gamma rays ranging from 30 to 4000 keV has been measured. The experiment was performed with a double phase Xe detector of 0.31 fiducial volume with PTFE reflector. The light collection efficiency for the detector was calculated by Monte Carlo simulation. The energy resolution and scintillation efficiency were compared with other results. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Double helicity asymmetry in inclusive midrapidity pi(0) production for polarized p+p collisions at root s=200 GeV

    SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, A Al-Jamel, J Alexander, K Aoki, L Aphecetche, R Armendariz, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, F Bauer, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, MT Bjorndal, JG Boissevain, H Borel, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, MP Comets, P Constantin, M Csanad, T Csorgo, JP Cussonneau, D d'Enterria, K Das, G David, F Deak, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, JL Drachenberg, O Drapier, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, Dzhordzhadze, V, YV Efremenko, H En'yo, B Espagnon, S Esumi, DE Fields, C Finck, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, Y Fukao, SY Fung, S Gadrat, M Germain, A Glenn, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, K Hasuko, R Hayano, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, P Hidas, H Hiejima, JC Hill, R Hobbs, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Horaguchi, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, M Inaba, M Inuzuka, D Isenhower, L Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, F Kajihara, S Kametani, N Kamihara, M Kaneta, JH Kang, K Katou, T Kawabata, A Kazantsev, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kinney, A Kiss, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, Kochetkov, V, R Kohara, B Komkov, M Konno, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, GJ Kunde, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, Y Le Bornec, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, MAL Leite, Li, X, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, MC McCain, PL McGaughey, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, J Newby, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, H Okada, K Okada, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, WJ Park, SF Pate, H Pei, Penev, V, JC Peng, H Pereira, Peresedov, V, A Pierson, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Qualls, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, S Rosendahl, P Rosnet, VL Rykov, SS Ryu, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, M Shimomura, A Sickles, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, S Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, S Takagi, EM Takagui, A Taketani, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, A Taranenko, P Tarjan, TL Thomas, M Togawa, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, VN Tram, Tserruya, I, Y Tsuchimoto, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, TJ Uam, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, N Willis, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, O Zaudtke, C Zhang, S Zhou, J Zimanyi, L Zolin, Zong, X

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   93 ( 20 )  2004.11

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    We present a measurement of the double longitudinal spin asymmetry in inclusive pi(0) production in polarized proton-proton collisions at roots=200 GeV. The data were taken at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider with average beam polarizations of 0.27. The measurements are the first in a program to study the longitudinal spin structure of the proton, using strongly interacting probes, at collider energies. The asymmetry is presented for transverse momenta 1-5 GeV/c at midrapidity, where next-to-leading-order perturbative quantum chromodynamic (NLO pQCD) calculations well describe the unpolarized cross section. The observed asymmetry is small and is compared to a NLO pQCD calculation with a range of polarized gluon distributions.


  • Measurement of linear energy transfer distribution at CE RN-EU high-energy reference field facility with real-time radiation monitoring device III and its comparison with dosimetric telescope

    T Doke, T Fuse, K Hara, T Hayashi, J Kikuchi, S Suzuki, K Terasawa


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    The distributions of linear energy transfer for LET (LETwater) in front of the 80-cm-thick concrete side shield at the CERN-EU high-energy reference field (CERF) facility were measured with a Si detector telescope named real-time radiation monitoring device-III (RRMD-III) covered with and without a 1 cm-thick acrylic plate. In these measurements, a difference of about 20% in the absorbed dose between the two LETwater distributions was observed as a result of protons, deuterons and tritons recoiled by neutrons. The LET,ate, distribution obtained using RRMD-III without the 1-cm-thick acrylic plate is compared with lineal energy distributions obtained using the dosimetric telescope (DOSTEL) detector under the same conditions. These dose equivalents are also compared with that obtained using HANDI TEPC which is used as the standard at the CERF facility.

    DOI CiNii

  • Performance of a prototype of liquid xenon scintillation detector system for positron emission tomography

    F Nishikido, T Doke, J Kikuchi, T Mori, K Takizawa, M Yamamoto


     View Summary

    Liquid Xe as a scintillator has a very fast response. The scintillation light decays with 2.2 ns and 22 ns, and the recombination light for gamma-rays decays with 45 ns. Also, the scintillation yield is very high, comparable to that of NaI(T1) crystals. These properties are considered to be advantageous for application to time of flight-positron emission tomography (TOF-PET). From this perspective, a prototype for a TOF-PET system which consists of two identical liquid xenon detectors has been constructed using liquid Xe as scintillator material and its energy resolution, position resolution and the time resolution were measured. The energy resolutions of 29.9% and 32.4% and position resolutions of 4.8 mm and 9.4 mm were obtained for the two identical detectors, respectively, and a time resolution of 650ps between the two detectors was obtained for 511 keV gamma rays from positron annihilation. The future development of liquid Xe TOF-PET is discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • Calibration and in-flight performance of the Compton telescope prototype LXeGRIT

    E Aprile, A Curioni, KL Giboni, M Kobayashi, UG Oberlack, S Ventura, EL Chupp, PP Dunphy, T Doke, J Kikuchi

    NEW ASTRONOMY REVIEWS   48 ( 1-4 ) 257 - 262  2004.02

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    The Liquid Xenon Gamma-Ray Imaging Telescope (LXeGRIT) is the first balloon-borne instrument developed to validate the concept of a monolithic detector with 3D imaging capability as a Compton telescope for MeV astrophysics. The geometrical area is about 350 cm(2), an order of magnitude smaller than that of COMPTEL and the thickness of sensitive LXe is 7 cm, of equivalent stopping power as COMPTEL D2 detector. The spectroscopic and imaging response of LXeGRIT has been fully characterized in calibration experiments on the ground and during balloon flight experiments. During its most successful flight campaign of 27 h from Ft Sumner, in Fall 2000, the LXeTPC was operated without any external shield. The gamma-ray background, measured at float altitude in the 0.5-10 MeV energy band, is well explained by the known atmospheric gamma-ray flux. Results on the LXeGRIT in-flight performance, effective area, minimum flux sensitivity and background level are presented in this paper. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • J/psi production in Au-Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review   C69 ( 1 )  2004

  • Single identified hadron spectra from root s(NN)=130 GeVAu+Au collisions

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review   C69 ( 2 )  2004

  • J/psi production from proton-proton collisions at root s=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Phys. Rev. Letters   92 ( 5 )  2004

  • Identified charged particle spectra and yields in Au plus Au collisions at root(SNN)=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review   C69 ( 3 )  2004

  • High-p(T) charged hadron suppression in Au+Au collisions at root(SNN)=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review   C69  2004

  • Measurement of nonrandom event-by-event fluctuations of average transverse momentum in root S-NN=200 GeV Au+Au and p+p collisions

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   99 ( 9 )  2004


  • Bose-Einstein correlations of charged pion pairs in Au+Au collisions at root(NN)-N-s = 200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   93 ( 15 )  2004

  • Double phase (liquid/gas) xenon scintillation detector for WIMPs direct search

    M Yamashita, T Doke, J Kikuchi, S Suzuki

    ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS   20 ( 1 ) 79 - 84  2003.10

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    A double phase (liquid/gas) xenon prototype detector of a 0.3 1 active volume for WIMPs direct search has been constructed and tested. Proportional scintillation signals are observed by a multi-wire anode mounted in gas phase after ionization electrons drifted successfully long distance in liquid xenon. Both direct and proportional scintillation were used to discriminate electron recoil from nuclear recoil. Basic performances of the detector and the rejection efficiency of background gamma rays were demonstrated. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • Status of bubble detectors for high-energy heavy ions

    SL Guo, L Li, BL Chen, T Doke, J Kikuchi, K Terasawa, M Komiyama, K Hara, T Fuse, T Murakami

    RADIATION MEASUREMENTS   36 ( 1-6 ) 183 - 187  2003.09

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    Five types of bubble detectors (T-15, T-34, T-12,T-24 and T-14)of large volume and different sensitivities were developed in the China Institute of Atomic Energy for the purpose of heavy ion research. Calibrations were carried out with beams of high-energy protons, He, C, Si, Ar, Fe, Kr and Xe, at accelerators in the energy region 150-650 MeV/u. The bubble detectors were demonstrated to be a family of detectors for recording tracks of high-energy heavy ions with atomic numbers from Z = 1 (proton) to all the numbers in the whole periodic table of elements. The threshold levels of the detectors differ from each other with values 0.05 +/- 0.01 (T-15), 1.62 +/- 0.05 (T-34) 1.68 +/- 0.03 (T-12)7 2.24 +/- 0.06 (T-24) and 6.04 +/- 0.80 (T-14) MeV mg(-1) cm(2) respectively, which are about the same or even lower than the levels of plastic track detectors for recording heavy ions. The distinguishing features of bubble detectors are high sensitivity, active recording, real-time display, volume registration and background discriminating capacities. Bubble detectors are a new type of high sensitivity detectors and are very promising for detection of heavy ions, neutrons and exotic particles. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Capacitive level meter for liquid rare gases

    R Sawada, J Kikuchi, E Shibamura, M Yamashita, T Yoshimura

    CRYOGENICS   43 ( 8 ) 449 - 450  2003.08

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    An international project to search mu --> egamma decay includes the use of a liquid xenon gamma ray detector. So, a liquid level meter working at a low temperature with low outgassing is needed and the prototype is constructed. The meter shows the liquid level by measuring the capacitance between electrodes with small intervals immersed in the liquid. The operation was successful with the estimated precision of 1 mm in RMS or better. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

    DOI CiNii

  • Centrality dependence of the high (PT) charged hadron suppression in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=130 GeV

    K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Kara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Ssingh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, AM Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

    PHYSICS LETTERS B   561 ( 1-2 ) 82 - 92  2003.05

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    PHENIX has measured the centrality dependence of charged hadron p(T) spectra from Au +An collisions at root(s)NN = 130 GeV The truncated mean p(T) decreases with centrality for p(T) > 2 GeV/c, indicating an apparent reduction of the contribution from hard scattering to high p(T) hadrdn production. For central collisions the yield at high p(T) is shown to be suppressed compared to binary nucleon-nucleon collision scaling of p + p, data. This suppression is monotonically increasing with centrality, but most of the change occurs below 30% centrality, i.e., for collisions with less than similar to140 participating nucleons. The observed p(T) and centrality dependence is consistent with the particle production predicted by models including hard scattering and subsequent energy loss of the scattered partons in the dense matter created in the collisions. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

    DOI CiNii

  • PHENIX on-line systems

    SS Adler, M Allen, G Alley, R Amirikas, Y Arai, TC Awes, KN Barish, F Barta, S Batsouli, S Belikov, MJ Bennett, M Bobrek, JG Boissevain, S Boose, C Britton, L Britton, WL Bryan, MM Cafferty, TA Carey, WC Chang, CY Chi, M Chi, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, P Constantin, KC Cook, H Cunitz, EJ Desmond, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, MS Emery, D Engo, N Ericson, DE Fields, S Frank, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, J Fried, J Gannon, TF Gee, R Gentry, P Giannotti, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, S Hahn, J Halliwell, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, J Harder, He, X, F Heistermann, TK Hemmick, M Hibino, JC Hill, K Homma, BV Jacak, U Jagadish, J Jia, F Kajihara, S Kametani, Y Kamyshkov, A Kandasamy, JH Kang, J Kapustinsky, K Katou, MA Kelley, S Kelly, J Kikuchi, SY Kim, YG Kim, E Kistenev, D Kotchetkov, K Kurita, JG Lajoie, M Lenz, W Lenz, XH Li, S Lin, MX Liu, S Markacs, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, J Mead, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, A Moore, M Muniruzzamann, M Musrock, JL Nagle, BK Nandi, J Newby, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, P O'Connor, H Ohnishi, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, K Oyama, L Paffrath, CE Pancake, VS Pantuev, AN Petridis, RP Pisani, T Plagge, F Plasil, ML Purschke, S Rankowitz, R Rao, M Rau, KF Read, SS Ryu, T Sakaguchi, HD Sato, R Seto, T Shiina, D Silvermyr, J Simon-Gillo, M Simpson, W Sippach, HD Skank, S Skutnik, GA Sleege, GD Smith, M Smith, PW Stankus, P Steinberg, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, A Taketani, M Tamai, Y Tanaka, WD Thomas, R Todd, F Toldo, G Turner, T Ushiroda, J Velkovska, HW van Hecke, M Van Lith, L Villatte, W Von Achen, JW Walker, HQ Wang, SN White, AL Wintenberg, C Witzig, L Wood, W Xie, GR Young, WA Zajc, C Zhang, L Zhang


     View Summary

    The PHENIX On-Line system takes signals from the Front End Modules (FEM) on each detector subsystem for the purpose of generating events for physics analysis. Processing of event data begins when the Data Collection Modules (DCM) receive data via fiber-optic links from the FEMs. The DCMs format and zero suppress the data and generate data packets. These packets go to the Event Builders (EvB) that assemble the events in final form. The Level-1 trigger (LVL1) generates a decision for each beam crossing and eliminates uninteresting events. The FEMs carry out all detector processing of the data so that it is delivered to the DCMs using a standard format. The FEMs also provide buffering for LVL1 trigger processing and DCM data collection. This is carried out using an architecture that is pipelined and deadtimeless. All of this is controlled by the Master Timing System (MTS) that distributes the RHIC clocks. A Level-2 trigger (LVL2) gives additional discrimination. A description of the components and operation of the PHENIX On-Line system is given and the solution to a number of electronic infrastructure problems are discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


  • PHENIX detector overview

    K Adcox, SS Adler, M Aizama, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, H Akikawa, J Alexander, A Al-Jamel, M Allen, G Alley, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, JB Archuleta, Archuleta, JR, R Armendariz, Armijo, V, SH Aronson, D Autrey, R Averbeck, TC Awes, B Azmoun, A Baldisseri, J Banning, KN Barish, AB Barker, PD Barnes, J Barrette, F Barta, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, VV Baublis, A Bazilevsky, R Begay, J Behrendt, S Belikov, R Belkin, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Bhaganatula, JC Biggs, AW Bland, C Blume, M Bobrek, JG Boissevain, S Boose, H Borel, D Borland, E Bosze, S Botelho, J Bowers, C Britton, L Britton, ML Brooks, AW Brown, DS Brown, N Bruner, WL Bryan, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, SA Butsyk, MM Cafferty, TA Carey, JS Chai, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, RB Chappell, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chiu, J Chiba, M Chiu, S Chollet, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, DJ Clark, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, R Conway, KC Cook, DW Crook, H Cunitz, R Cunningham, M Cutshaw, DG D'Enterria, CM Dabrowski, G Danby, S Daniels, A Danmura, G David, A Debraine, H Delagrange, J DeMoss, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, JL Drachenberg, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, MA Echave, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, MS Emery, D Engo, A Enokizono, K Enosawa, H En'yo, N Ericson, S Esumi, VA Evseev, L Ewell, O Fackler, J Fellenstein, T Ferdousi, J Ferrierra, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, B Fox, Z Fraenkel, S Frank, A Franz, JE Frantz, AD Frawley, J Fried, JP Freidberg, E Fujisawa, H Funahashi, SY Fung, S Gadrat, J Gannon, S Garpman, F Gastaldi, TF Gee, R Gentry, TK Ghosh, P Giannotti, A Glenn, AL Godoi, M Gonin, G Gogiberidze, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, SV Greene, Griffin, V, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, S Hahn, J Halliwell, H Hamagaki, RH Hance, AG Hansen, H Hara, J Harder, GW Hart, EP Hartouni, A Harvey, L Hawkins, RS Hayano, H Hayashi, N Hayashi, He, X, N Heine, F Heistermann, S Held, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JS Hicks, R Higuchi, JC Hill, T Hirano, DS Ho, R Hoade, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Honaguchi, CT Hunter, DE Hurst, R Hutter, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, M Inaba, MS Ippolitov, LD Isenhower, LD Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, Ivanov, VI, BV Jacak, G Jackson, J Jackson, D Jaffe, U Jagadish, WY Jang, R Jayakumar, J Jia, BM Johnson, J Johnson, SC Johnson, JP Jones, K Jones, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kahn, F Kajihara, S Kametani, N Kamihara, Y Kamyshkov, A Kandasamy, JH Kang, MR Kann, SS Kapoor, J Kapustinsky, KV Karadjev, Kashikhin, V, S Kato, K Katou, HJ Kehayias, MA Kelley, S Kelly, M Kennedy, B Khachaturov, AV Khanzadeev, A Khomutnikov, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, DW Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kluberg, H Kobayashi, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, BG Komkov, ML Kopytine, K Koseki, L Kotchenda, D Kotchetkov, IA Koutcheryaev, A Kozlov, VS Kozlov, PA Kravtsov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, LG Kudin, M Kurata-Nishimura, VV Kuriatkov, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, JJ LaBounty, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, VA Lebedev, VD Lebedev, DM Lee, S Lee, M Leitch, M Lenz, W Lenz, XH Li, Z Li, B Libby, M Libkind, W Liccardi, DJ Lim, S Lin, MX Liu, Liu, X, Y Liu, Z Liu, E Lockner, N Longbotham, JD Lopez, R Machnowski, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, S Marino, SK Mark, S Markacs, DG Markushin, G Martinez, XB Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, MC McCain, J Mead, E Melnikov, Y Melnikov, WZ Meng, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, NM Miftakhov, S Migluolio, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, K Minuzzo, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, Y Miyamoto, AK Mohanty, BC Montoya, A Moore, T Moore, DP Morrison, GG Moscone, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, MM Murray, M Musrock, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, J Negrin, J Newby, L Nikkinen, SA Nikolaev, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, P O'Conner, F Obenshain, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, CE Pancake, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, R Petersen, AN Petridis, CH Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, T Plagge, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, R Prigl, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, JM Qualls, S Rankowitz, G Rao, R Rao, M Rau, Ravinovich, I, R Raynis, KF Read, K Reygers, G Riabov, VG Riabov, YG Riabov, SH Robinson, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, EV Roschin, AA Rose, P Rosnet, R Roth, R Ruggiero, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, S Sakai, H Sako, T Sakuma, S Salomone, VM Samsonov, WF Sandhoff, L Sanfratello, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, R Savino, S Sawada, BR Schlei, R Schleuter, Y Schutz, M Sekimoto, Semenov, V, R Seto, Y Severgin, A Shajii, Shangin, V, MR Shaw, TK Shea, Shein, I, Shelikhov, V, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, T Shimada, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, M Simpson, CP Singh, Singh, V, W Sippach, M Sivertz, HD Skank, S Skutnik, GA Sleege, DC Smith, GD Smith, M Smith, A Soldatov, GP Solodov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, S Sorensen, Sourikova, I, F Staley, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, S Steffens, EM Stein, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, J Stewering, W Stokes, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki-Nara, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, Tarakanov, VI, OP Tarasenkova, JD Tepe, R Thern, JH Thomas, JL Thomas, TL Thomas, WD Thomas, GW Thornton, W Tian, R Todd, J Tojo, F Toldo, H Torii, RS Towell, J Tradeski, VA Trofimov, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tulli, G Turner, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, S Urasawa, A Usachev, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, M Van Lith, AA Vasiliev, Vasiliev, V, M Vassent, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, W Verhoeven, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, Vishnevskii, VI, MA Volkov, W Von Achen, AA Vorobyov, EA Vznuzdaev, M Vznuzdaev, JW Walker, Y Wan, HQ Wang, S Wang, Y Watanabe, LC Watkins, T Weimer, SN White, BR Whitus, C Williams, PS Willis, AL Wintenberg, C Witzig, FK Wohn, K Wolniewicz, BG Wong-Swanson, L Wood, CL Woody, LW Wright, J Wu, W Xie, N Xu, K Yagi, R Yamamoto, Y Yang, S Yokkaichi, Y Yokota, S Yoneyama, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, L Zhang, Z Zhang, S Zhou


     View Summary

    The PHENIX detector is designed to perform a broad study of A-A, p-A, and p-p collisions to investigate nuclear matter under extreme conditions. A wide variety of probes, sensitive to all timescales, are used to study systematic variations with species and energy as well as to measure the spin structure of the nucleon. Designing for the needs of the heavy-ion and polarized-proton programs has produced a detector with unparalleled capabilities. PHENIX measures electron and muon pairs, photons, and hadrons with excellent energy and momentum resolution. The detector consists of a large number of subsystems that are discussed in other papers in this volume. The overall design parameters of the detector are presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


  • PHENIX central arm particle ID detectors

    M Aizawa, Y Akiba, R Begay, J Burward-Hoy, RB Chappell, CY Chi, M Chiu, T Chujo, DW Crook, A Danmura, K Ebisu, MS Emery, K Enosawa, S Esumi, J Ferrierra, AD Frawley, Griffin, V, H Hamagaki, H Hara, RS Hayano, H Hayashi, TK Hemmick, M Hibino, R Higuchi, T Hirano, R Hoade, R Hutter, M Inaba, K Jones, S Kametani, S Kato, M Kennedy, J Kikuchi, A Kiyomichi, K Koseki, M Kurata-Nishimura, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, T Matsumoto, Y Miake, Y Miyamoto, GG Moscone, Y Nagasaka, S Nishimura, M Ono, K Oyama, R Raynis, T Sakaguchi, S Sakai, H Sako, S Salomone, S Sato, K Shigaki, T Shimada, M Suzuki-Nara, M Tamai, Y Tanaka, H Tsuruoka, S Urasawa, T Ushiroda, JW Walker, S Wang, AL Wintenberg, LW Wright, K Yagi, Y Yokota, GR Young


     View Summary

    The Ring-Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) and the Time-of-Flight (ToF) systems provide identification of charged particles for the PHENIX central arm. The RICH is located between the inner and outer tracking units and is one of the primary devices for identifying electrons among the very large number of charged pions. The ToF is used to identify hadrons and is located between the most outer pad chamber (PC3) and the electromagnetic calorimeter. A Time Zero (TO) counter that enhances charged particle measurements in p-p collisions is described. Details of the construction and performance of both the RICH, ToF and TO are given along with typical results from the first PHENIX data taking run. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


  • Suppressed pi(0) production at large transverse momentum in central Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    PHYS REV LETT   91 ( 7 )  2003

  • Scaling properties of proton and antiproton production in root s(NN)=200 GeV Au+Au collisions

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    PHYS REV LETT   91 ( 17 )  2003

  • Midrapidity neutral-pion production in proton-proton collisions at root s 200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Phys. Rev. Letters, 91 (24): Art. No. 241803 Dec. 12    2003

  • Absence of suppression in particle production at large transverse momentum in root s(NN)=200 GeV d+Au collisions

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   91 ( 7 )  2003

  • Elliptic flow of identified hadrons in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

    Adler SS, Afanasiev S, Aidala C

    Physical Review Letters   91 ( 18 )  2003

  • Event-by-event fluctuations in mean p(T) and mean e(T) in root s(NN)=130 GeVAu+Au collisions

    K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

    PHYSICAL REVIEW C   66 ( 2 )  2002.08

     View Summary

    Distributions of event-by-event fluctuations of the mean transverse momentum and mean transverse energy near mid-rapidity have been measured in Au+Au collisions at roots(NN)=130 GeV at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider. By comparing the distributions to what is expected for statistically independent particle emission, the magnitude of nonstatistical fluctuations in mean transverse momentum is determined to be consistent with zero. Also, no significant nonrandom fluctuations in mean transverse energy are observed. By constructing a fluctuation model with two event classes that preserve the mean and variance of the semi-inclusive p(T) or e(T) spectra, we exclude a region of fluctuations in roots(NN)=130 GeV Au+Au collisions.


  • Electron and ion spectrometer onboard the Nozomi spacecraft and its initial results in interplanetary space

    A Ihara, T Doke, N Hasebe, J Kikuchi, MN Kobayashi, K Maezawa, K Nagata, T Sakaguchi, T Shino, T Takashima, S Teruhi, B Wilken, T Yanagimachi

    ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS   17 ( 3 ) 263 - 278  2002.06

     View Summary

    The electron and ion spectrometer (EIS) is one of the fourteen instruments onboard the Nozomi spacecraft, a Mars orbiter, launched on July 4, 1998. EIS consists of two kinds of telescopes (TOF-E and DeltaE-E telescopes) designed to measure the fluxes of electrons and ions in the energy range from similar to40 keV to a few MeV. The DeltaE-E telescopes are used to measure electrons and protons, while the TOF-E telescope is mainly used to measure He, CNO-group, NeMgSi-group, and Fe-group. In this paper, (a) the objectives of this experiment, (b) the details of the instrument and (c) initial results of the observation in interplanetary space are described. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


  • LET distributions from CR-39 plates on Space Shuttle missions STS-84 and STS-91 and a comparison of the results of the CR-39 plates with those of RRMD-II and RRMD-III telescopes

    H Tawara, T Doke, T Hayashi, J Kikuchi, A Kyan, S Nagaoka, T Nakano, S Takahashi, K Terasawa, E Yoshihira

    RADIATION MEASUREMENTS   35 ( 2 ) 119 - 126  2002.04

     View Summary

    The LET distributions during the Space Shuttle missions STS-84 (altitude 270-412 km, average 375 km; inclination angle, 51.6degrees) and STS-91 (altitude 328-397 km, average 373 km; inclination angle, 51.6degrees) were measured using CR-39 plastic nuclear track detectors. A correction for the dip-angle dependence of the track-formation sensitivity of the CR-39 plates was applied to the data analysis. The absorbed doses and the dose equivalents around RRMD Detector Units, estimated from the LET distributions in the LET region of 4-200 keV/mum, fluctuated with standard deviations of +/-21% to +/-35% in both flight experiments. The LET distributions obtained from the CR-39 plates agreed well with that obtained from RRMD-II in STS-91. However, the particle fluxes obtained from RRMD-III in STS-84 and STS-91 were two or three times higher than those obtained from RRMD-II and the CR-39 plates. It was concluded that the LET distributions obtained from RRMD-II and the CR-39 plates in the present flight experiments did not include the contribution of target-fragmented secondary heavy particles produced by low-LET particles, such as relativistic or semi-relativistic protons and helium ions, whereas RRMD-III was able to detect these secondary particles because of its low triggering level. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Absolute scintillation yields in liquid argon and xenon for various particles

    T Doke, A Hitachi, J Kikuchi, K Masuda, H Okada, E Shibamura


     View Summary

    For the determination of the absolute scintillation yields-the nuniber of scintillation photons per unit absorbed energy-for a variety of particles in liquid argon, a series of simultaneous ionization and scintillation measurements were performed. The results verified that scintillation yields for relativistic heavy particles from Ne to La are constant despite their extensive range of linear energy transfer. Such a constant level, called "flat top response" level, manifests the maximum absolute scintillation yield in liquid argon. The maximum absolute scintillation yield is defined by the average energy to produce a single photon, W-ph(max) = 19.5 +/- 1.0 eV. In liquid xenon, the existence of the saute flat top response level was also found by conducting scintillation measurements on relativistic heavy particles. The W-ph(max) in liquid xenon was evaluated to be 13.8 0.9 eV using the Wph for I MeV electrons, obtained experimentally. The ratio between the two maximum scintillation yields at the flat top response level obtained in liquid argon and xenon is in good agreement with the estimation by way of the energy resolutions of scintillation due to alpha particles in both liquids.

    DOI CiNii

  • Transverse-mass dependence of two-pion correlations in Au+Au collisions at root(NN)-N-S=130 GeV

    Adcox K, Adler SS, Ajitanand NN

    Phys. Rev. Lletters   88 ( 19 )  2002

  • Suppression of hadrons with large transverse momentum in central Au+Au collisions at roots(NN)=130 GeV

    Adcox K, Adler SS, Ajitanand NN

    Phys. Rev. Letters   88 ( 2 )  2002

  • Proton tracks in bubble detector

    Guo SL, Li L, Chen BL e

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B   198 ( 3/4 ) 135 - 141  2002


  • Overview of PHENIX results from the first RHIC run

    Zajc WA, Adcox K, Adler SS

    Nuclear Phys.   A 698   39C-53C  2002

  • Net Charge Fluctuations in Au+Au Interactions at sqrt(SNN)=130GeV

    Adcox K

    Phys. Rev. Letters   89 ( 8 )  2002

  • Measurement of the lambda and lambda bar particles in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(SNN)=130GeV

    Adcox K

    Phys. Rev. Letters   89 ( 9 )  2002

  • Measurement of single electrons and implications for charm production in Au+Au collisions at root(NN)-N-S=130 GeV

    Adcox K, Adler SS, Ajitanand NN

    Phys. Rev. Letters   88 ( 19 )  2002

  • LET distributions measured at the CERF facility with RRMD-Ⅲ

    Doke T, K.Hara K, Hayashi T

    J.Radiat.Res.   43:Suppl.   S75-S80  2002


  • High-purity germanium gamma-ray spectrometer with stirling cycle cryocooler

    Kobayashi N, Hasebe N, Miyachi T

    Adv. Space Res.   30 ( 8 ) 1927 - 1931  2002


  • Flow Measurements via Two-particle Azimuthal Correlations in Au + Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 130 GeV


    Phys. Rev. Lett. 89(21)   89 ( 21 )  2002

  • Dose equivalents inside the MIR Space Station measured by the combination of CR-39 plates and TLDs and their comparison with those on Space Shuttle STS-79, -84, and -91 mission

    Doke T, T.Hayashi T, Kikuchi J

    Radiation Measurements   35 ( 5 ) 505 - 510  2002

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Centrality dependence of pi(+/-), K-+/-, P, and (p)over-bar production from root(NN)-N-S =130 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC

    Adcox K, Adler SS, Ajitanand NN

    Phys. Rev. Letters   88 ( 24 )  2002

  • Bragg curve spectrometry for 160 and 20Ne of around 100MeV/n using an allene doped liquid argon gridded ionization chamber

    Yunoki A, Doke T, Kikuchi J

    Proceedings of 14th International conference on dielectric liquid (ICDL 2002), Graz (Austria)     412 - 415  2002

  • The ion composition in solar energetic particle events observed in 1993-1995

    N Hasebe, T Doke, T Hayashi, J Kikuchii, M Kobayashi, H Shirai, N Takenaka, T Takashima, B Wilken, QG Zong

    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   70 ( 10 ) 3167 - 3173  2001.10

     View Summary

    Five large events of solar energetic particles (SEP) during three years from 1993 to 1995 have been observed by high energy particle (HEP) instruments onboard GEOTAIL spacecraft. The composition of energetic ions, their energy spectra and time profiles of ion intensity were measured for the SEP events. Three SEP events observed on Feb. 15, 1993, Mar. 4, 1993 and Oct. 20, 1994, are enriched in Fe ions (> 10 MeV/n). The enhancement of Fe ions was observed at the onset time of SEP events (Mar. 4, 1993 and Oct. 20, 1994). The onset of the SEP events seems to have a feature with "impulsive" and "gradual" characteristics. This indicates a mixture of different seed populations and acceleration processes operating in these events.

    DOI CiNii

  • A small scintillating fiber camera consisting of 0.25-mm square fibers for space dosimetry

    K Terasawa, T Doke, K Hara, N Hasebe, J Kikuchi, K Kudo, N Takeda, E Yoshihira

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE   48 ( 4 ) 1118 - 1121  2001.08

     View Summary

    A small scintillating fiber camera for space dosimetry was developed. The camera consists of a scintillating fiber stack bundled with 0.25-mm square fibers, two image intensifier units whose input windows are 40 mm in diameter, and two photomultipliers. Neutron events are distinguished from gamma-ray events by observing three-dimensional track images of recoil protons and electrons. Experimental results show that events caused by recoil protons with energies above 5 MeV can be distinguished from gamma-ray events. The purpose of this camera is to evaluate the LETinfinity of charged particles produced in the interaction of neutrons with the nucleus in scintillating fibers. The camera is expected to measure the dose contribution from higher energy neutron, especially, more than similar to 10 MeV, which is the upper limit energy of the present measurement in space.

    DOI CiNii

  • Centrality dependence of charged particle multiplicity in Au-Au collisions at root(S)NN=130 GeV

    K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, J Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kam, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, D Kochetkov, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdnev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   86 ( 16 ) 3500 - 3505  2001.04

     View Summary

    We present results for the charged-particle multiplicity distribution at midrapidity in Au-Au collisions at roots(NN) = 130 GeV measured with the PHENIX detector at RHIC. For the 5% most central collisions we find dN(ch)/d eta (|eta =0) = 622 +/- 1(stat) +/- 41(syst). The results, analyzed as a function of centrality show a steady rise of the particle density per participating nucleon with centrality.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Time and energy responses of liquid-xenon scintillation chamber for 20Ne ion beam at 135A MeV

    Kato T, Doke T, Kikuchi J

    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.   40 ( 5A ) 3377 - 3381  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • Time and energy resolution of liquid xenon scintillation chamber for 20Ne ion beam at 135AMeV

    Kato T, Doke T, Kikuchi J

    RIKEN-AF-NP   383  2001

  • Scintillating fiber camera for neutron dosimetry in spacecraft

    Terasawa K, Doke T, Hasebe N

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   457 ( 3 ) 499 - 508  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • Measurement of the midrapidity transverse energy distribution from √SNN = 130GeV Au+Au collision at RHIC

    Adcox K

    Phys. Rev. Letters   87 ( 5 )  2001

  • Measurement of LET-distribution, dose equivalent and quality factor with the RRMD-(]G0003[) on the space shuttle missions STS-84,-89 and-91

    Doke T, Hayashi T, Kikuchi J

    Radiation Measurements   33   373 - 387  2001


  • LET dependence of scintillation yields in liquid xenon

    Tanaka M, Doke T, Hitachi A

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   457 ( 3 ) 454 - 463  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • Characteristic of heavy ion tracks in bubble detector

    S.-L.Guo, L.Li, T.Doke

    Radiation Measurements   34 ( 1/6 ) 269 - 272  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • 重イオンビームによる液体キセノンの発光効率の測定

    平成11年度放射線医学総合研究所,重粒子線がん治療装置等共同利用研究報告書     258 - 259  2000

  • 液体アルゴンカロリメータにおけるエネルギー損失の揺らぎ

    平成11年度放射線医学総合研究所,重粒子線がん治療装置等共同利用研究報告書     264 - 265  2000

  • 液体アルゴンカロリメータにおけるエネルギー損失の揺らぎ,Fluctuation in energy loss of heavy ions in liquid argon calorimeters


    放射線医学総合研究所    2000

  • 重イオンビームによる液体キセノンの発光効率の測定

    菊池順 他

    放射線医学総合研究所    2000

  • The PHENIX ring imaging Cherenkov detector

    Akiba Y, Begay R, Burwood-Hoy J

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   453 ( 1/2 ) 279 - 283  2000


  • Temporal variation of charge signals in an allene-doped liquid argon ionization chamber

    Yunoki A, Doke T, Kato T

    Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Technical Report   2000-20  2000

  • Omni-directional silicon detector telescope for measurement of LET distribution in space

    Yoshihira E, Doke T, Hara K

    Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Technical Report   2000-21  2000

  • Liquid Xe homogeneous electro-magnetic calorimeter

    Okada H, Doke T, Kashiwagi T

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   451 ( 2 ) 427 - 438  2000

    DOI CiNii

  • Front-end readout system for PHENIX RICH

    Tanaka Y, Hara H, Ebisu K

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   455 ( 3 ) 576 - 588  2000

    DOI CiNii

  • Fluctuation in energy loss of heavy ions in liquid argon calorimeters

    Masuda K, Okada H, Tanaka M

    1999 Annual report of the research project with heavy ions at NIR-HIMAC     264 - 265  2000

  • Development of front end electronics for PHENIX RICH

    Sakaguchi T, Akiba Y, Ebisu K

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   453 ( 1/2 ) 382 - 385  2000


  • An allene-doped liquid argon ionization chamber for Ar and Ca ions at around 100 MeV/n

    A Yunoki, T Doke, N Fukuda, M Kase, T Kato, J Kikuchi, K Masuda, M Niimura, H Okada, K Ozaki, Y Piao, E Shibamura, M Tanaka, Tanihata, I, K Terasawa


     View Summary

    An allene-doped liquid argon ionization chamber with 48 mm x 48 mm x 40 mm sensitive volume has been constructed for precise energy measurement of heavy ions at around 100 MeV/n. An energy resolution of 0.6%-0.7% (FWHM) was achieved for Ca and Ar ions both at 78 MeV/n. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Straggling in energy loss of energetic heavy ions (Z <=-8) in thick silicon absorber

    N Hasebe, T Atarashiya, S Mitani, T Doke, J Kikuchi, T Takashima, K Itsumi, M Kobayashi, T Kashiwagi, K Nagata

    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   68 ( 5 ) 1556 - 1561  1999.05

     View Summary

    The energy loss distributions of heavy ions (Z less than or equal to 8) with high energies (2 MeV/u-50 MeV/u) in thick silicon detectors with uniform thickness have been measured in a wide range of fractional energy loss, Delta E/E-0, where Delta E is the energy loss and E-0 is the initial energy of incident ions. The measured distributions of energetic He, Li, Be, B and C ions are in good agreement with those predicted from Livingston-Bethe's theory when Delta E/E-0 < 0.2. However, the distributions for large fractional energy lasses Delta E/E-0 > 0.2, which are much wider than those expected from the theory, are approximately expressed by Stoquert's method considering the effect of velocity decrease into Livingston-Bethe's theory. In the previous experiment of the energy loss of heavy ions from K to Fe in thick Si detectors, Hasebe et al. obtained consistent results for heavier elements. By conbining the results in the previous and this works, it is concluded that the straggling in energy loss of heavy ions from roton to Fe with energies from about 5 MeV/u to a few hundred MeV/u in thick Si-absorber is explained by Stoquert's method.


  • The elimination method of ghost signals caused by particles incident on the electrode surrounding DSSD used for RRMD-(]G0003[)

    T.Sakaguchi, T.Doke, J.Kikuchi

    Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering Technical Report   99-17  1999

  • Scintillation yield in liquid argon for non-relativistic protons and helium ions

    T. Kato, T. Doke, J. Kikuchi

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   433 ( 3 ) 619 - 622  1999

    DOI CiNii

  • Ring imaging Cherenkov detector of PHENIX experiment at RHIC

    Y. Akiba, R. Begay, J. Burward-Hoy

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   433 ( 1/2 ) 143 - 148  1999

    DOI CiNii

  • Observation of galactic cosmic ray particles by the HEP-HI telescope on the GEOTAIL satellite

    T.Doke, N.Hasebe, T.Hayashi

    Adv. Space Res.   23 ( 3 ) 487 - 490  1999

  • Measurement of the directional distribution of incident particles in the Shuttle-Mir mission orbit

    T.Sakaguchi, T.Doke, N.Hasebe

    Journal of Geophysical Research   ( A10 ) 22,793-22799  1999


  • LET distribution measurement with a new real-time radiation monitoring device-(]G0003[) onboard the Space Shuttle STS-84

    T.Sakaguchi, T.Doke, N.Hasebe

    Nucl.Instr.And Meth. A   437 ( 1 ) 75 - 87  1999

    DOI CiNii

  • Gama-ray spectrometer for Japanese Lunar polar orbiter

    N.Hasebe, E.Shibamura, T.Atarashiya

    Adv. Space Res.   23 ( 11 ) 1873 - 1840  1999


  • Front-end readout system for PHENIX RICH

    Y.Tanaka, H.Hara, K.Ebisu, M.Hibino

    CNS Report   CNS-REP-22/April  1999

  • Application of real-time radiation dosimetry using a new silicon LET sensor

    T.Doke, T.Hayashi, J.Kikuchi

    Mutation Research   430 ( 2 ) 191 - 202  1999

    DOI CiNii

  • An allene-doped liquid argon ionization chamber for 0 and Ne ions at 100Mev/n

    A.Yunoki, T.Doke, M.Kase

    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.   38 ( 11 ) 6491 - 6497  1999

    DOI CiNii

  • 共回転相互作用領域による宇宙線の強度変動


    愛媛大学工学部紀要   17   463 - 471  1998

  • シリコン検出器中における高速軽イオンのエネルギー損失の揺らぎ


    愛媛大学工学部紀要   17   473 - 482  1998

  • シンチレーション・ファイバーを用いた3次元飛跡検出器による速中性子の計測


    放射線/日本応用物理学会・放射線分科会   24 ( 1 ) 119 - 126  1998

  • The Intensity Variation of Galactic Cosmic Rays by Merging Interaction Regions

    Kondoh K, Hasebe N, Doke T

    Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University   17   463 - 471  1998


  • Fast neutron measurement using a three-dimensional tracking detector consisting of scintillating fibers


    Ionizing radiation.   24 ( 1 ) 119 - 126  1998


  • シリコン検出器中における高速軽イオンのエネルギー損失の揺らぎ

    愛媛大学工学部紀要   17   473 - 482  1998

  • XENA : A liquid xenon Compton telescope for gamma ray astrophysics in the MeV region

    E.Aprile, V.Egorov, K.L.Giboni

    Proceedings of the SPIE conference on Hard X-Ray and Gamma Ray Detector Physics and Applications   SPIE3446/,July  1998


  • The electronics read out and data acquisition system for a liquid xenon time projection chamber as a balloon-borne Compton telescope

    E.Aprile, V.Egorov, K.L.Giboni

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   412 ( 2/3 ) 425 - 436  1998

    DOI CiNii

  • Scintillating fiber camera for neutron dosimetry in space

    K.Terasawa, T.Doke, N.Hasebe

    Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Technical Report   98  1998

  • New UV-sensitive Photomultiplier (R6041Q) for Direct Detection of Liquid Xenon Scintillation Light

    K.Terasawa, T.Doke, J.Kikuchi

    Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Technical Report   98 ( 12 ) 1 - 12  1998

  • Allen-doped liquid Ar homogeneous calorimeter for measurement of heavy ion fragmentation

    H.Okada, T.Doke, P.Egelhof

    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.   37 ( 12A ) 6587 - 6594  1998

    DOI CiNii

  • Photoionization quantum yields of organic molecules in liquid argon and xenon

    A Hitachi, H Ichinose, J Kikuchi, T Doke, K Masuda, E Shibamura

    PHYSICAL REVIEW B   55 ( 9 ) 5742 - 5748  1997.03

     View Summary

    Photoionization quantum yields of organic molecules in liquid argon and xenon have been measured. The liquid rare gases are excited by alpha particles, and vacuum ultraviolet photons emitted from the respective excimer ionize the organic molecules. The quantum yields for TMA (trimethylamine) and TEA (triethylamine) in liquid xenon are observed to be as large as 80% in contrast to much smaller values in the gases in the same excess energy region.

    DOI CiNii

  • The First Observation of Sulfur in Anomalous Cosmic Rays by the GEOTAIL and WIND Spacecrafts

    T.Takashima, T.Doke, T.Hayashi

    The Astrophysical Jounal   477   L111-L113  1997

  • Radiation Dosimetry Measurements with Real Time Radiation Monitoring Device (RRMD) -II in Space Shuttle STS-79

    T.Sakaguchi, T.Doke, T.Hayashi

    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.   36 ( 12A ) 7453 - 7459  1997

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Measurements of LET Distribution and Dose Equivalent onboard the Space Shuttle IML-2 (STS-65) and S/MM#4 (STS-79)

    T.Hayashi, T.Doke, J.Kikuchi

    Biological Science in Space   11 ( 4 ) 355 - 364  1997

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Composition and Energy Spectra of Anomalous Cosmic Ray Observed by the GEOTAIL Satellite

    N.Hasebe, K.Kondoh, Y.Mishima

    Adv. Space Res.   19 ( 5 ) 813 - 816  1997


  • Attenuation Length of Drifting Electrons in Allene-doped Liquid Argon

    M.Satoh, T.Doke, T.Kato

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   384 ( 2/3 ) 435 - 438  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • Attenuation Length Measurement of Scintillation Light in Liquid Rare Gases and their Mixtures Using an Improved Reflection Suppresser

    N.Ishida, M.Chen, T.Doke

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   384 ( 2/3 ) 380 - 386  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • A new silicon detector telescope for measuring the linear energy transfer distribution over the range from 0.2 to 400 keV/mu m in space

    T Doke, T Hayashi, N Hasebe, J Kikuchi, S Kono, T Murakami, T Sakaguchi, K Takahashi, T Takashima


     View Summary

    A new telescope consisting of three two-dimensional position-sensitive silicon detectors which can measure the Linear energy transfer (LET) distribution over the range from 0.2 to 400 keV/mu m has been developed as a real-time radiation monitor in manned spacecraft. First, the principle of LET measurement and its design method are described. Second, suitable electronic parameters for the LET measurement are experimentally determined. Finally, the telescope performance is investigated by using relativistic heavy ions. The first in-flight test of this type of telescope on the US Space Shuttle (STS-84) is scheduled for May, 1997.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Measurement of LET distribution and dose equivalent on board the space shuttle STS-65

    T Hayashi, T Doke, J Kikuchi, R Takeuchi, N Hasebe, K Ogura, S Nagaoka, M Kato, GD Badhwar

    RADIATION MEASUREMENTS   26 ( 6 ) 935 - 945  1996.11

     View Summary

    Space radiation dosimetry measurements have been made on board the Space Shuttle STS-65 in the Second International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-2). In these measurements, three kinds of detectors were used; one is a newly developed active detector telescope called ''Real-time Radiation Monitoring Device (RRMD)'' utilizing silicon semi-conductor detectors and others are conventional detectors of thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs) and CR-39 plastic track detectors. Using the RRMD detector, the first attempt of real-time monitoring of space radiation has been achieved successfully for a continuous period of 251.3 h, giving the temporal variations of LET distribution, particle count rates, and rates of absorbed dose and dose equivalent. The RRMD results indicate that a clear enhancement of the number of trapped particles is seen at the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) without clear enhancement of dose equivalent, while some daily periodic enhancements of dose equivalent due to high LET particles are seen at the lower geomagnetic cutoff regions for galactic cosmic ray particles (GCRs). Therefore, the main contribution to dose equivalent is seen to be due to GCRs in this low altitude mission (300 km). Also, the dose equivalent rates obtained by TLDs and CR-39 ranged from 146.9 to 165.2 mu Sv/day and the average quality factors from 1.45 to 1.57 depending on the locations and directions of detectors inside the Space-lab at this highly protected orbit fdr space radiation with a small inclination (28.5 degrees) and a low altitude (300 km). The LET distributions obtained by two different detectors, RRMD and CR-39, are in good agreement in the region of 15-200 keV/mm and difference of these distributions in the regions of LET < 15 keV/mm and LET > 200 keV/mm can be explained by considering characteristics of CR-39 etched track formation especially for the low LET tracks. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Time Stability of Liquid Xenon Photoionization Detectors

    H.Okada, T.Doke, K.Hasuike

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   374 ( 2 ) 188 - 192  1996

    DOI CiNii

  • The Liquid Xenon Gamma-Ray Imaging Telescope (LXeGRIT) for Medium Energy Astrophysics

    E.Aprile, F.Xu, E.L.Chupp, t

    SPIE Proc.   96  1996

  • Si-Detector Telescopes as Real Time Monitoring Devices for Measurement of LET-distributions in The JEM of The Space Station

    T.Doke, J.Kikuchi, T.Hayashi

    Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Technical Report   96 ( 12 )  1996

  • Phase I、Phase II Shuttle flight experiments for RRMDs

    T.Sakaguchi, T.Doke, J.Kikuchi

    Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Technical Report   96 ( 27 )  1996

  • Global Distribution of Trapped He Fluxes From OHZORA Satellite during the Geomagnetically Quiet Period of 1984-1987

    N.Hasebe, A.Ryowa, M.Kobayashi

    Radiation Belts : Models and Standards Geophysical Monograph 97, American Geophysical Union    1996

  • Data Analysis of The HEP-HI Telescope on board The GEOTAIL Satellite

    T.Takashima, T.Doke, N.Hasebe

    Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Technical Report   96 ( 13 )  1996




     View Summary

    The real time monitoring of environmental radiation in the Space-Lab of STS-65 (IML-2: inclination 28.5 degrees, altitude 300 km) has been achieved successfully through the flight by a new silicon detector telescope called ''Real time Radiation Monitoring Device'' (RRMD). It consists of two 2-dimensional position sensitive silicon detectors and six diode type silicon detectors. In this monitoring, the temporal variation of rates of particle flux, together with the dose equivalent and the LET distribution at three locations in the Space-Lab, were reasonably given in real time. The LET distribution obtained by the RRMD and CR-39 track detectors measured at the same location is in good agreement except at the highest LET region >200 keV/mu m and the lowest LET region <5 keV/mu m.

    DOI CiNii

  • The LXeCAT Instrument for Gamma-Ray Astrophysics

    E.Aprile, F.Xu, M.Zhou

    Astronomy and Astrophysics   10月23日  1995

  • The Imaging Liquid Xenon-coded Aperture Telescope (LXe-CAT)

    E.Aprile, A.Bolotnikov, D.Chen

    Imaging in High Energy Astronomy, Bassani and G.di Cocco(eds.)     333 - 337  1995

  • Search for New Metastable Particles Produced in Au + Au Collisions

    D.Beavis, M.J.Bennett, J.B.Carroll

    Physical Review Letters   75 ( 17 ) 3078 - 3081  1995

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Global Distributions of Trapped Particle Fluxes Observed by OHZORA Satellite during 1984-1987

    Ryowa, N.Hasebe, M.Kobayashi

    愛媛大学教養部紀要   28 ( 2 ) 71 - 82  1995


  • Corotating Ion Events Associated with Cosmic Ray Modulation

    N.Hasebe, K.Kondoh, M.Kobayashi

    J. Geomag. Geoelectr   47 ( 12 ) 1333 - 1338  1995

    DOI CiNii

  • Analysis of Data Obtained with Au Ions of 700 MeV/n Energy in an Allene-Doped Liquid Ar Homogeneous Calorimeter

    M.Ichige, S.Ben, H.J.Crawford

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A   362 ( 2/3 ) 506 - 516  1995

    DOI CiNii

  • The Energetic Particle Spectrometer HEP Onboard the Geotail Spacecraft

    T.Doke, M.Fijii, M.Fujimoto

    J. Geomag. Geoelectr   46 ( 8 ) 713 - 733  1994

    DOI CiNii

  • Rapidity Distribution of Antiprotons in Si+A Collisions

    D.Beavis, M.Bennett, J.B.Carroll

    Nuclear Phys   566   439C - 442C  1994


  • Rapid Recovery of Anomalous Cosmic Ray Flux at l Au in Solar Cycle 22

    N.Hasebe, Y.Mishima, K.Fujiki

    Geophysical Reserach letters   21 ( 25 ) 3027 - 3030  1994

    DOI CiNii

  • Energyloss Straggling of High Energy Heavy Ions in Silicon Detectors

    K.Nagata, K.Itsumi, T.Shino

    RIKEN Review   4   55  1994



    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   63 ( 1 ) 92 - 100  1994.01

     View Summary

    The energy loss straggling of heavy charged particles with relatively high energies passing through thick uniform Si detectors (1.0 mm-9.2 mm) has been studied in a wide range of the ratio Delta E/E(0) where Delta E is the energy loss and E(0) is the initial energy of the incident particles. The experimental results are compared with those predicted by straggling theories. It suggests that the measured distributions are in good agreement with those predicted from the Bohr's or Livingston-Bethe's theories when Delta E/E(0)<0.3 where the distributions are to be Gaussian-symmetric, However, the distributions for larger energy losses deviate from those expected from the theories. It is found that the experimental data are approximately expressed by the modified Stoquert's theory when the ratio Delta E/E(0)>0.3.

    DOI CiNii

  • Cosmic Ray and Solar Energetic Particle Observation by the HEP Telescopes Onboard the GEOTAIL Satellite

    N.Hasebe, Y.Mishima, K.Fujiki

    RIKEN Review   4   53 - 54  1994

  • シリコン中における高速重荷電粒子の電離損失の揺らぎ

    愛媛大学教養部紀要   /26  1993

  • New Mesh Type Silicon Photodiode and Its Performance

    T.Kashiwagi, T.Doke, J.Kikuchi

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth   327 ( 1 ) 148 - 151  1993

    DOI CiNii

  • Measurement of Attenuation Length of Scintillation Light in Liquid Xenon

    N.Ishida, T.Doke, J.Kikuchi

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth   327 ( 1 ) 152 - 154  1993

    DOI CiNii

  • Measurement of Attenuation Length of Drifting Electrons in Liquid Xenon

    M.Ichige, E.Aprile, T.Doke

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth   A333   355 - 363  1993

  • Improvement of Mass Resolution of Cosmic Ray Nuclei Using a △E X E Si Detector Telescope

    N.Hasebe, H.Moriya, T.Doke

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth   A325   335 - 342  1993

  • Homogeneous Scintillating LKr/Xe Calorimeters

    M.Chen, M.Mullins, D.Pelly

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth   327 ( 1 ) 187 - 192  1993





     View Summary

    Large two-dimensional position-sensitive silicon detectors (PSDs) with good position linearity, resolution and thickness uniformity have been developed. The PSDs have an effective area of 62 mm x 62 mm and a thickness of 500-mu-Am. The non-linearity and position resolution for the whole sensitive area are found to be less than 0.26 mm in rms and 0.44 mm in fwhm, respectively, when an energy of 157 MeV is deposited in the detector and a shaping time constant of 12-mu-s is used in the pulse processing. The non-uniformity of detector thickness is less-than-or-equal-to 0.1% in rms. The PSDs recently developed are good enough to separate iron isotopes in a telescope aboard the GEOTAIL spacecraft scheduled to be launched at July in 1992.

  • The W Values and Fano Factors in Helium and Argon-Doped Helium

    N.Ishida, J.Kikuchi, T.Doke

    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.   31   1465 - 1469  1992

  • Spatial and Temporal Features of 0.46-35 MeV Protons in the Space Station Environment : EXOS-C Observations

    M.A.Miah, K.Nagata, T.Kohno

    J. Geomag. Geoelectr   44 ( 8 ) 591 - 610  1992

    DOI CiNii

  • P-bar and d-Bar Production in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions : Results of BNL-E858

    P.Stankus, M.Aoki, J.Beatty

    Nucl. Phys   A544   603c-608c  1992

  • Measurements at 0 Degree of Negatively Charged Particles and Antinuclei Produced in Collision of 14.6a GeV/C Si on Al, Cu, and Au Targets

    M.Aoki, J.Beatty, D.Beavis

    Phys. Rev. Letters   69 ( 16 ) 2345 - 2348  1992

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Fano Factor in Xenon

    N.Ishida, J.Kikuchi, T.Doke, M.Kase

    Phys. Review   46 ( 3 ) 1676 - 1679  1992

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Energy resolution for gamma rays and electrons from 207Bi in liquid Xe doped with TEA

    H.Ichinose, T.Doke, A.Hitachi

    Nucl. Inst. & Math.   322 ( 2 ) 216 - 224  1992

    DOI CiNii



    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   60 ( 11 ) 3967 - 3975  1991.11

     View Summary

    A Heavy Ion cosmic ray Telescope (HIT) has been scheduled to be launched into the synchronous orbit in 1993 aiming to observe elemental and isotopic composition of solar energetic particles and galactic cosmic rays. In this paper, we report the results of accelerator beam experiments of a prototype model of HIT. The telescope consists of two dimensional Position Sensitive Detectors (PSDs) and energy loss detectors (PIN type and Li-drifted type). The mass resolution was 1.1 amu in FWHM for 110 MeV/n pure iron (Fe-56) beam. By exposing HIT to beams consisting of various nuclides produced by the projectile fragmentation process in a reaction induced by Fe-56 beam, we confirmed that the secondary elements from 16S to 25Mn were clearly separated and that also the isotopes were separated for each elements lighter than 22Ti. The observed mass resolution was 0.57 amu, 0.66 amu and 0.82 amu in FWHM for 18Ar, 20Ca and 22Ti, respectively. We can conclude that the HIT has good prospects of enough ability for our current purpose in space observation.

    DOI CiNii

  • Sampling calorimeter for high energy heavy particles filled with allene-doped liquid argon

    T. Doke, H. J. Crawford, J. M. Engelage, I. Flores, L. Greiner, T. Kashiwagi, J. Kikuchi, K. Masuda, K. Nishijima, E. Shibamura, T. J.M. Symons

    Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A   302 ( 2 ) 290 - 300  1991.04

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    A hadron calorimeter for investigating relativistic heavy ion reactions, filled with liquid argon doped with allene, has been tested for 1 GeV/n neon and iron ions, and 1.7 GeV/n helium, neon and iron ions. The electrode system of the calorimeter consists of G-10 plates placed in the first, second and third parts, 2 mm thick iron plates in the second part and 6 mm thick iron plates in the third part with a liquid argon gap of 3.5 mm. Some of the ions were stopped inside the calorimeter without fragmentation, which were treated separately. The calorimeter shows a good linear response to the total incident energy of ions for fragmented and stopped ions. The absolute yields of collected charge are consistent with the calculated values. An energy resolution in FWHM of 2-5% is obtained for stopped ions. For fragmented ions, the energy resolution in FWHM is given by [ 0.9+81.1 √E(GeV)]% for all relativistic ions and if the datum of helium ions is excluded, the resolution can be expressed by [ 4.8 + 53.2 √E(GeV)]%. The present energy resolution is better than those recently obtained with scintillation calorimeters at BNL and CERN. © 1991.


  • 液体アルゴンの純化と純度モニターシステム

      133   52 - 62  1991

  • The Response of a Liquid Xe Ionization Chamber to 5.3 MeV Alpha-Particles

    H.Ichinose, T.Doke, J.Kikuchi

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth.   305 ( 1 ) 111 - 115  1991

    DOI CiNii

  • Measurement of liquid xenon scintillation from heavy ions using a silicon photodiode

    K.Masuda, E.Aprile, H.L.Ding

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth.   309 ( 3 ) 489 - 496  1991

    DOI CiNii



    PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE   38 ( 4 ) 483 - 490  1990.04

    DOI CiNii

  • ΔE×E弁別法を利用したシリコン半導体望遠鏡による宇宙粒子線中の同位体弁別

    愛媛学教養部紀要   23   41 - 69  1990

  • Pitch Angle Distributions of the Low Latitude Precipitation Particles

    K.Nagata, T.Kohno, H.Murakami

    ISAS Res. Note,   ISAS RN 434   1 - 34  1990

  • Liquid Argon Calorimeter Doped with Allene for High Energy Heavy Ions

    T.Doke, H.J.Crawford, J.M.Engelage

    Report of Sci. & Engin. Res. Lab. , Waseda Univ.   12  1990

  • Inclusive Production of π0's in the Fragmentation Region at the Spps Collider

    E.Pare, T.Doke, M.Haguennauer

    Phys. Lett.   B242   531 - 535  1990

  • Identification of Projectile Fragments Using Position Sensitive Silicon Detectors

    Liu WP, T.Kubo, H.Kumagai

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth.   A287  1990


  • Energy Resolution for 1 MeV Electrons in Liquid Argon Doped with Allene

    H.Ichinose, T.Doke, A.Hitachi

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth.   A295  1990


  • Beam Test of Silicon detectors for Particle Identification by Bevalac Accelerator

    K.Nishijima, T.Doke, J.Kikuchi

    Bulletin of Sci. & Engin. Res. Lab. , Waseda Univ.   130   13 - 23  1990

  • A Fabrication Method and Problems of Large Area Si(Li) Detectors

    T.Kashiwagi, J.Kikuchi, T.Nakasugi, A.Nakamoto

    Bulletin of Sci. & Engin. Res. Lab. , Waseda Univ.   128   66 - 80  1990

  • A 5 in. Si(Li)/Pb Sampling Calorimeter Telescope for Observation of Cosmic Gamma Rays in the GeV Region

    T.Kashiwagi, T.Doke, J.Kikuchi

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth.   A290   579 - 588  1990

  • The Synoptic Data Set of the OHZORA Energetic Electron and Proton Observation

    T.Doke, J.Kikuchi

    ISAS     1 - 121  1989

  • Relation Between Scintillation and Ionization Produced by Relativistic Heavy Ions in Liquid Argon

    K.Masuda, E.Shibamura, T.Doke

    Phys. Rev.   39 ( 9 ) 4732 - 4734  1989

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Photon-Mediated Electron Multiplication in Liquid Xenon Doped with Trimethylamine

    T.Sano, K.Ashikaga, T.Doke

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth.   275 ( 2 ) 346 - 350  1989

    DOI CiNii

  • New Two-Dimensional Position Sensitive Silicon Detector with Good Position Linearity and Resolution

    T.Yanagimachi, T.Doke, N.Hasebe

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth.   275 ( 2 ) 307 - 314  1989

    DOI CiNii

  • Measurements of the W Values in Argon and Nitrogen for 0.38 keV to 4.3 MeV He2+ Ion

    H.Tawara, Y.Sekimoto, T.Ichinose

    Bulletin of Sci. & Engin. Res. Lab. Waseda Univ.   124   8 - 14  1989

  • Liquid Xenon Calorimeter for Observation of Cosmic Line Gamma-Rays in the GeV Region

    T.Doke, J.Kikuchi, E.Shibamura

    Nucl. Phys.   B10/B   150 - 158  1989

  • High Energy Particle Experiment for the GEOTAIL Mission

    T.Doke, J.Kikuchi, K.Nishijma

    ISAS Report ISSN   0298-433X   1 - 110  1989

  • Energy and Position Resolution of Silicon Calorimeter Used in the UA7 Experiment


    Nucl. Inst. & Meth.   274 ( 1/2 ) 129 - 133  1989

    DOI CiNii

  • Energy Resolution for Alpha Particles in Liquid Argon Doped with Allene

    K.Masuda, T.Doke, A.Hitachi

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth.   279 ( 3 ) 560 - 566  1989

    DOI CiNii

  • A Liquid Argon Calorimeter for Investigating High Energy Heavy Ion Reactions

    T.Doke, H.J.Crawford, J.M.Engelage

    Bulletin of Sci. and Engin. Res. Lab. , Waseda University   123 ( 123 ) 35 - 50  1989


  • Let Dependence of Scintillation Yields in Liquid Argon

    T.Doke, H.J.Crawfor

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth.   269 ( 1 ) 291 - 296  1988


  • Electron (0.19-3.2 MeV) and Proton (0.68-35 MeV) Precipitations Observed by Ohzora Satellite at Low Latitude Zones 6=1.6-1.8

    K.Nagata, T.Kohno

    Planet. Space Sci.   36 ( 6 ) 591 - 606  1988

    DOI CiNii

  • The Geographical Distribution of Electrons (0.05-3.2mev) and Protons (0.58-35 MeV) at Altitudes 350-850 km

    K.Nagata, H.Kondo

    ISAS Res. Note ISAS RN 358 (Jan. , 1987) Bulletin of Sci. &Engin. Res. Lab. Waseda Univ.   120   45 - 53  1988

  • Geographical Distributions of Electrons (0.05-3.2mev) and Protons (0.58-35 MeV) at Altitude Of 350-850 km

    K.Nagata, H.Kondo

    Bulletin of Science and Engineering Research Laboratory, Waseda University   120   45 - 53  1988




    DOI CiNii

  • A New Two-Dimensional Position Sensitive Detector with a Good Linear Response

    T.Doke, J.Kikuchi

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   261 ( 3 ) 605 - 609  1987

    DOI CiNii

  • Measurement of the W Values in Argon, Nitrogen and Methane for 0.93 to 5.3 MeV Alpha Particles

    H.Tawara, N.Ishida, J.Kikuchi, T.Doke

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth.   29 ( 3 ) 447 - 455  1987

    DOI CiNii

  • Energy Dependence of W Values for MeV Alpha Particles in Ar-Xe, Ar-N2 and Ar-Ch4 Mixtures

    H.Tawara, J.Kikuchi, T.Doke

    Nucl. Inst. & Meth.   29 ( 3 ) 456 - 460  1987

    DOI CiNii

  • Ionization and Scintillation Signals Produced by Relativistic La Ions in Liquid Argon

    H.J.Crawford, T.Doke

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   256 ( 1 ) 47 - 54  1987

    DOI CiNii

  • Photoionization in Liquid Argon Doped with Trimethylamine or Triethylamine

    S.Suzuki, T.Doke

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   245 ( 2/3 ) 366 - 372  1986

    DOI CiNii

  • A 4-inch Silicon/Tungsten Calorimeter for P-P- Collider Experiments

    A.Nakamoto, H.Murakami

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   251 ( 2 ) 275 - 285  1986

    DOI CiNii

  • 「大空」による高エネルギー粒子観測

    宇宙科学研究所報告   特集12   50 - 64  1985

  • A Pure Liquid Argon Calorimeter with Hith Energy Resolution for Electromagnetic Showers

    T.Doke, T.Hayashi

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   237 ( 3 ) 475 - 485  1985

    DOI CiNii

  • Scintillation Yields by Relativistic Heavy Ions and the Relation between Ionization and Scintillation in Liquid Argon

    T.Doke, H.J.Crawfor

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   235 ( 1 ) 136 - 141  1985

    DOI CiNii



    CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS   115 ( 2 ) 164 - 166  1985

    DOI CiNii

  • OHZORA High Energy Particle Observations

    K.Nagata, T.Kohno

    J. Geomag. Geoelectr.   37 ( 3 ) 329 - 345  1985

    DOI CiNii

  • Room Temperature Liquid Ionization Chambers Using Tetramethylsilane

    K.Masuda, T.Doke

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   241 ( 2/3 ) 607 - 609  1985


  • A Si (Li) Pb Shower Calorimeter for P-P- Collider Experiments

    A.Nakamoto, H.Murakami

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   238 ( 1 ) 53 - 60  1985


  • Fano Factor in Pure Argon

    M.Kase, T.Akioka, H.Mamyoda, J.Kikuchi, T.Doke

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   227 ( 2 ) 311 - 317  1984

    DOI CiNii

  • Effect of Ionization Density on the Time Dependence of Luminescence from Liquid Argon and Xenon

    A.Hitachi, T.Takahashi

    Phys. Rev.   27 ( 9 ) 5279 - 5285  1983

    DOI CiNii

  • 新しい放射線検出器の開発

      100   149 - 156  1982

  • Deposited Energy Loss of High Energy Heavy Ions in Thin Gas Layers

    K.Nagata, J.Kikuchi, T.Doke, G.R.Gruhn

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   196 ( 1 ) 41 - 43  1982

    DOI CiNii

  • Let Dependence of the Luminescence Yield from Liquid Argon and Xenon

    A.Hitachi, T.Takahashi

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   196 ( 1 ) 97 - 100  1982

    DOI CiNii




    DOI CiNii

  • Deposited Energy Loss of High Energy Heavy Ions in Thin Gas Layers

    K.Nagata, J.Kikuchi, T.Doke, G.R.Gruhn

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   188 ( 1 ) 217 - 222  1981

    DOI CiNii

  • Measurement of Relativistic Electron Energy Loss Distributions in Thin Gas Layers

    K.Nagata, J.Kikuchi

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   172 ( 3 ) 609 - 611  1980

    DOI CiNii

  • A Silicon-Emulsion Shower Counter for Cosmic Ray High Energy Electron Observation

    A.Nakamoto, H.Murakami

    IEEE NS   27 ( 1 ) 74  1980

  • Fano Factor in Gas Mixture of Ar+10%CH4

    M.Kase, J.Kikuchi, T.Doke

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   163 ( 1 ) 289 - 291  1979

    DOI CiNii

  • The Effect of Transition Radiation on the Ionization Loss of Relativistic Electrons Passing through a Gas Proportional Counter

    N.Hasebe, J.Kikuchi

    J. Phys. D : Appl. Phys.   11 ( 2 ) 97 - 100  1978

    DOI CiNii

  • Energy Loss of Relativistic Electron and its Fluctuation in Gas Proportional Counters

    N.Hasebe, J.Kikuchi

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   155 ( 3 ) 491 - 501  1978

    DOI CiNii

  • Half-Life of 238-U Spontaneous Fission and its Fragment Kinetic Energies

    M.Kase, J.Kikuchi, T.Doke

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   154   335 - 341  1978


  • 低レベルγ線測定試料の形状の最適化

    応用物理   45 ( 7 ) 632 - 639  1976


  • An Anticoincidence Shielded Dual NaI (Tl) Low Level Gamma-Ray Spectrometer

    N.Hasebe, T.Sugiyama

    早稲田大学理工学研究所報告   73   32 - 41  1976

  • Ionization Loss of Relativistic Electrons and its Fluctuations in Gas Proportional Counters

    K.Nagata, A.Kuge e

    J. Phys. D : Appl. Phys.   9 ( 13 ) 1907 - 1917  1976

    DOI CiNii

  • 半導体を用いたPosition Sensitive Detector

    応用物理   44 ( 11 ) 1215 - 1219  1975


  • An Optical Method for the Measurement of the Sound Pressure Amplitude in an Ultrasonic Hydrogen Bubble Chamber

    O.Ishihara, T.Ishii e

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   127 ( 1 ) 41 - 46  1975

    DOI CiNii

  • Energy Loss and Straggling of High-Energy Electrons in Silicon Detectors

    K.Nagata, T.Doke, J.Kikuchi, N.Hasebe, A.Nakamoto

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics   14   697 - 701  1975

  • Circular Position Sensitive Si (Li) Detector with Large Area and its Application as Cosmic Ray Isotope Identifier

    A.Nakamoto, K.Nagata, J.Kikuchi, T.Doke

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   130 ( 2 ) 475 - 479  1975

    DOI CiNii

  • 微弱ガンマ線スペクトロメーターとしての種々の寸法のNaI(Tl)及びGe(Li)検出器の比較

    早稲田大学理工学研究所報告   61   65 - 68  1973

  • 微弱放射能測定技術の現状、I アルファ放射能について


    応用物理   41 ( 3 ) 281 - 283  1972


  • Reduction of Alpha Ray Background in a Cylindrical Gridded Ionization Chamber by the Cathode Pulse Method

    J.Kikuchi, T.Doke

    Nucl. Instr. & Meth.   99   469 - 475  1972

▼display all


Internal Special Research Projects

  • 高エネルギー重イオン粒子のLETに対する液体Xeの発光効率の研究


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     近年開発された不安定核ビーム生成技術の確立に伴い安定線から遠く離れた中性子過剰領域における原子核の研究はめざましい発展を見せている。その中でも中性子ドリップライン付近での新同位元素の発見がいくつか報告されており実験が可能な軽い原子核から順に原子核の存在限界付近での探索が進められている。2004年現在建設中の理研RIビームファクトリー(RIBF)の運用が始まると従来の加速器では成し得なかったウランより軽いすべての元素の不安定核が生成される。特に酸素より重い原子核においては新同位元素の発見の可能性が高い。この新しい加速器を用いて生成断面積の小さなより中性子過剰でより重い原子核について研究を広げていく為に、それに対応した測定器の開発は非常に重要な次の段階へのステップとなってくる。具体的には、高計数率、高エネルギー分解能、放射線損傷に対する耐久力などの点で、より性能の高い測定器の開発が要求されている。液体Xeのシンチレーション光は特に発光の減衰時間が2nsec・22nsecとプラスチック・シンチレーター並に非常に短く、また光に対するW値も小さく、液体Xeはこの発光現象を利用して高計数率で利用可能な検出器の媒体とし期待されている。放射線医学総合研究所で数百 A MeVにまで加速されたC、Si、Ar、Feビームの突き抜けによるエネルギー損失で決まるLET(70~1000 MeV cm2/g)に対して発光量を測定した。そこでは上記のLET領域において予測値に近い発光量を観測し、他のシンチレーターに比べ比較的直線性を持っていることを実験的に確認することができた。また20Neビームを用いて理化学研究所で行なった照射実験の結果、液体Xe検出器の固有時間分解能として約30ps(sigama)、二つの光電子増倍管を用いた場合は22psが得られた。またエネルギー分解能は1.2%(2.5GeV Ne)であり、ビーム強度を1×106cpsまで変化させた場合にも出力信号の変化は1%以下であった。複数の光電子増倍管を用いれば、時間分解能・エネルギー分解能共にもっと改善できることを考慮すれば上の述べた目的にかなった検出器が製作可能であることがわかった。

  • 宇宙環境で使用可能な放射線線量計の開発

    1998   道家 忠義, 林 孝 義

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     スペース・ラボ、スペース・ステーション等の宇宙空間での実験や作業を行う機会が増加してきたために、長期滞在による人体への放射線被爆は重大な問題となってきた。最近の解析結果によれば、銀河宇宙線による被爆量は、太陽活動の静穏期に年間50レムにも達する。また、最近の観測例からの推定によれば、大型の太陽フレアーからの粒子線の寄与は、400レムにも達している。このような場合の線量当量への寄与はその大半がヘリウムより重い重粒子からの寄与である。これまでLET(linear energy transfer)分布の直接の測定は困難であるとされ、いわゆるRossi-chamberがしばしば使用されてきたが、これは間接的な測定であった。そこで我々は両面にstrip電極を持つシリコン位置検出器を用いる方法により、tissue equivalentなLET-chamberを考案した。これまでに3枚のシリコン位置検出器を組み合わせたテレスコープの開発と製作を終えて、その基本性能をα線・β線・加速器からの重イオンを用いて確認した。さらにこの検出器は1997年以降数回にわたってスペースシャトルに搭載して実際に観測を行い、大気圏外粒子のエネルギー分布をとることに成功した。 またその後、6枚のシリコン位置検出器をサイコロ状に組み合わせて、その周囲を生態等価物質で覆い全方向に対して均等な感度を持った立方体テレスコープを試作し、放医研の加速器からの重イオンを用いたテストを行い、良好な結果を得た。

  • 宇宙環境におけるLET分布の直接測定法の開発


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     両面に互いに直交した16のストリップ電極を持ち、有効面積が2cm×2cm で厚さ500μmの2次元PSD(Position sensitive detector)を開発した。このPSDでは、電極間を抵抗でつなぎ、その両端またはいくつかの電極よりの信号をとることにより粒子の通過位置を検出することができる。電極間をつなぐ抵抗の最適値を求めるためにシュミレーションによる解析を行うとともに、まずα線やβ線を用いて評価試験を行った。この結果より、電気信号は抵抗分割の両端と中央の3点から取るのが比較的良好な結果を与えるとが判明した。この結果をもとにして、3枚のPSDをならべた検出器を制作した。3枚のうち2枚の検出器の同時計数をとることによって、粒子の入射方向を知ることができる、したがって入射粒子のLETを直接測定することが可能である。この検出器について、理化学研究所や放射線医学研究所の重イオンビームおよび破砕核を用いて、プロトンからアルゴンまでの粒子について、評価実験を行った。その結果いままで、不可能とされてきた放射線によるLET分布の直接の測定が可能であることが示された。ただし、プロトンやエレクトロンのようなエネルギー損失の少ない粒子については、まだ十分な結果が得られたとは言い難く、今後の改良が必要である。今後は、このような粒子についての、エネルギー分解能と位置分解能をよくすること、さらに全方向に対して均等な感度を持つ検出器、すなわち6枚の検出器を組み合わせて、有効立体角の大きな正6面体(さいころ)の検出器を作ることが必要である。

  • 衛生搭載用TOF-SSDテレスコープ粒子弁別器の開発及び校正実験


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    PLANET-Bは火星の上層大気,電場,磁場,粒子などの観測を目的とした火星探査衛星で1998年に打ち上げられる予定である。数十~数百keVの電子,水素イオンから酸素イオンまでの粒子の弁別,方向分布,およびエネルギー分布測定をするための観測装置EIS(Electron and Ion Spectrometer)はこの衛星に搭載されることになっていて,そのプロトタイプ検出器の性能試験を行うことがこの研究の目的である。この検出器はTOF(Timeof flight)法によって入射粒子の飛行時間を測定してその速度を決定すると共に,シリコン検出器によって入射粒子の全エネルギーを測定して,入射粒子の種類(電荷Z)とエネルギーを測定するものである。また装置は衛星の回転軸(スピン軸)と直角方向に取り付けてあり,衛星の回転に同期して一周期に16回データーを取り込むことによって粒子の方向分布を知ることが出来る。入射粒子はまずカーボンの薄膜を通過した後に4cm後方に設置されたシリコン検出器に到達するが,この時に薄膜とシリコン双方で二次電子を放出する,この二次電子をMCPで検出して時間差を測定し,飛行時間を計ることが出来る。この時間差は上記のエネルギーと粒子に対しては5~100nsとなる。この装置の測定精度は主に時間測定の精度,エネルギー測定の精度によって決まるが,測定効率は二次電子放射の確立とこれの検出効率に大きく依存する。特に二次電子の放射効率は粒子の種類とエネルギーに依存するために,この装置の検出効率を決定するためには,α線,β線や加速器による校正実験が不可欠である。その為に早稲田大学理工学部のイオン加速器を使用して性能テストを行った。また早大の加速器で出すことができなかいエネルギーの粒子については,立教大学の加速器を使用して実験を行った。この実験結果はフライトモデルの設計に反映される。