Research Experience
Waseda University
Prof. Waseda University
無機材質研究所 研究員/主任研究官
Researcher, National Institute for Research
in Inorganic Materials
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/14
Waseda University
Prof. Waseda University
無機材質研究所 研究員/主任研究官
Researcher, National Institute for Research
in Inorganic Materials
日本表面科学会 理事
Japanese Society of Surface Science director
Japanese Society of Surface Science
Applied Electron Beam
Superconducting electron emitter
Electron beam
Surface phanon
Surface physics
日本顕微鏡学会 学会賞(瀬籐賞)
Setou Award ( The Japnase Society of Microscopy)
日本表面科学会 学会賞
Surface Science Award
Project Year :
Development of Ultra coherent Electron beam
Research for the Future Program
Project Year :
Atomic-scale field emitter with self-reparing function and thermodynamically stable structure
E.Rokuta, T.Itagaki, D.Miura, T.Moriyama, T.Ishikawa, B-L Cho, C.Oshima
applid. Surface Science 251 ( 1-4 ) 205 - 209 2005
Surface structural analysis of monolayer films composed of light elements by x-ray photoelectron diffraction
H Nakamura, N Fujihara, M Nojima, K Tamura, H Ishii, M Owari, C Oshima, Y Nihei
SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS 36 ( 12 ) 1513 - 1515 2004.12
真空 /日本真空協会 47 2004
Energy spectra of field emission electrons from multiwalled carbon nanotubes
C Oshima, K Matsuda, T Kona, Y Mogami, T Yamashita, Y Saito, K Hata, A Takakura
JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B 21 ( 4 ) 1700 - 1704 2003.07
Growth of Carbon Nanotubes Charcterized by Field Electron Emission
Ultramicroscopy / Elsevier Sicence 95 2003
Coherent electron, emission from carbon nanotubes: asymmetric Young's interference fringes
T Yamashita, K Matsuda, T Kona, Y Mogami, M Komaki, Y Murata, C Oshima
SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS 35 ( 1 ) 113 - 116 2003.01
Coherence electrons emitted from Carbon nanotubes and Nb Superconductor
J. Phys. Sociery of Japan / 日本欧文誌刊行会・日本物理学会 17 2003
固体物理/アグネ出版 38 2003
Hetero-epitaxial system of h-BN/Monolayer graphite on Ni(111)
Surface Review Letter/ World Scicence publisher 10 2003
Hetero-Epitaxila system ofmonolayer graphite / h-BN on Ni(111)
Surface Review Letter 10 2003
Dependence of photoelectron diffraction of single molecular adsorbing Ni(111) surface
H.Nakamuara, K.Tamura, H.Ishii, M.Owari, C.Oshima, Y.Nihei
BUnseki Kagaku 52 859 - 863 2003
表面科学 23,1 2002
Coherent electron emission from carbon nanotubes : Young's interference in field emission patterns
OYOBUTURI 71,3 ( 3 ) 332 - 335 2002
Young's Interference of Electrons in Field Emission Patterns
Phys. Rev. Lett. 88,3 2002
Adsorption and desorption of benzene on Si(111)-7 X 7 studied by scanning tunnelling microscopy
T Kawasaki, D Sakai, H Kishimoto, AA Akbar, T Ogawa, C Oshima
SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS 31 ( 2 ) 126 - 130 2001.02
Field Emission Microscopy of Carbon Nanotubes
Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001
Field emission spectroscopy from field-diffusion-growth nanotips
Applied Surface Science 182 2001
Modification of the surface phonon dispersion of a graphite monolayer adsorbed on Ni (111) caused by intercalation of Yb, Cu and Ag,
Surface Science 454-456, (2000) 437- 441. 2000
Hetero-Epitaxial Double Atomiclayer Graphene/ Monolayer h-BN Studied by HREELS
Inst. Phys Conf. Ser No 165, (2000) 31 2000
Structure of TiC(100) Surface Studied with Low-Energy Electron Diffrcation Intensity Analysis
Phys. Rev. B63 (2000) 073407 2000
A hetero-epitaxial Multi-Atomic Layer system of garphene and h-BN
Surface Revies and Letters 5&6, (2000) 521-526. 2000
A hetero-epitaxial- double- atomic layer system of monolayer Graphite/monolayer h-BN on Ni(111)
Solid State Communications 116 (2000) 37-40. 2000
Ultra-Coherent Electron Beams
Electronmicroscopy 35, (2000) 272-275. 2000
Field emission spectra from a superconducting Nb tips
Inst. Phys Conf. Ser No 165 (2000) 481-483. 2000
Angular resolved emission spectra from Nb .
Applied Surface Science 130-132, pp512-517 1998
Deformation of boron network at Lathanum boride (111) surface
Surface Science 416, pp 363-370 1998
Electronic states of monolayer micrographite on TiC(410) surface,
Applied Surfcae Science 130-132, pp 876882 1998
An apparatus for high resolution field emission spectroscopy
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 71/72 ; 353 1997
Surface Phonons of Lanthanum Hexaboride and its Thermionic Properties
ROKUTA Eiji, NAGAO Tadaaki, OSHIMA Chuuhei
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan 40;77 ( 2 ) 77 - 83 1997
Phonon Dispersion of an Epitaxial Monolayer Film of Hexagonal Boron Nitride on Ni(111)
Phys.Rev. Lett. 79;4609 1997
High resolution field emission spectra from Niobium (100) tip
Sci. Rep. RITU A44; 257 1997
Atomic structural analysis of a monolayer epitaxial Film of Hexagonal boron nitride/ Ni(111) by LEED intensity analysis
Sci. Rep. Ritu A44;211 1997
Characterization of ultra thin films by High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
J.Surface Analysis 3;322 1997
Electronic band structure ofmonolayer hexagonal boron nitride on TaC(111)
J. Surface Analysis 3 ;473 1997
Ultra-Thin epitaxial films of graphite and boron nitride on Solid Surfaces
J. Phys.; Condens. Matter 9;1 1997
Energy Spectra of Field Emission Electrons From a W<310> Tip
Surface Science 357/358,(1996)371-375 1996
HU,Electronic Spectroscopic Study of Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride Formed on Metal Surfaces
International J. Modern Physics B10,(1996) 3517-3537. 1996
Electronic States of Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride Formed on the Metal,Surfaces
Surface Science 357/358,(1996)307-311. 1996
Electron Stimulated Desorption Ions of Hydrogen and Deuterium Molecules in Extremely High Vacuum
Vacuum 47,(1996)571-573. 1996
Phonon Dispersion of the LaB6 (111) Surfaces,Surface Sci. 357-358
Surface Science 357/358,(1996)712-716. 1996
Oxygen Adsorption on the LaB6(100) and (111) Surfaces
Surface Sience 357/358,(1996)708-711. 1996
Oxygen Chemisorbed LaB6(100),(110) and (111) Surfaces
J. Vac. Sci.Technol. A14,(1996) 1674-1678 1996
Energy Ditribution of Field Emission Electrons From a Nb <111> Tip
Surface Science 357/358,(1996)218-221. 1996
固体物理/アグネ社 30 1995
固体物理/アグネ社 30 1995
Recent Progress in Experimental Techniques for Investigating Surface Properties.
J. Surf. Sci. Soc. Jpn. 16 ( 1 ) 24 - 29 1995
Vibrations of Alkali-metal Atoms chemisorped on Al(111)
Surface Sci./North-Holland 329 1995
Performance of an Ionization Gauge with a Large angle deflector (II)
J. Vac. Sci. Technol./アメリカ物理学会 B13 1995
Electronic Structure of Monolayer n-BN
Phys. Rev. Lett./アメリカ物理学会 75 1995
Electronic dispersion relations of Monolayer hexagonal boron Nitride
Phys. Rev./アメリカ物理学会 B51 1995
表面技術/表面技術協会 45 1994
Electronic States of Graphite overlayer on TaC(111)
Superconductor, Surface and Superbittice/Elsevier 1994