東京教育大学大学院 理学研究科 地質学鉱物学
Tokyo University of Education, Graduate School Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Deology and Mineralogy Course
早稲田大学 理工学部 資源工学
2025/02/02 更新
東京教育大学大学院 理学研究科 地質学鉱物学
Tokyo University of Education, Graduate School Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Deology and Mineralogy Course
早稲田大学 理工学部 資源工学
資源地質学会 評議員
日本地学教育学会 評議員
学文社 2004年
Genesis of placer gold, looking over the morphology and chemical conpositions
Metallogery in Coastal Province, Far East Russia.
Survey for ore deposits in Transbaikal Province, Russia
Surey for ore deposits in Sikhote-Aline area, Far East, Russia
Survey for ore deposits in Atakama Province, Republic of Chile
Survey for ore deposits in Atakama Province, Republic of Chile
Survey for ore deposits in Chung-Cheong Pukde, Korea
Melt and fluid mclusions in minerals from granitoids.
Genesis of placer gold, looking over the morphology and chemical compositions
円城寺 守
早稲田大学教育学部「がくぶほう」 ( 94 ) 6 - 7 2005年
Chemical Composition of ores from the Takara Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit,Central Japan.
YAKUSHI, Daigoro, ENJOJI, Mamoru
Resource Geology 54 ( 4 ) 437 - 446 2004年
円城寺 守
早稲田大学教育学部報 ( 92 ) 2 - 15 2004年
円城寺 守
エネルギー・資源 25 ( 3 ) 39 - 43 2004年
Chemical composition of ores from the Takara volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, central Japan
D Yakushi, M Enjoji
RESOURCE GEOLOGY 54 ( 4 ) 437 - 446 2004年
In situ pressure-temperature conditions of a tectonic mélange: Constraints from fluid inclusion analysis of syn-mélange veins
The Island Arc 12:4 2003年
Depth of oceanic-crust underplating in a subduction zone: interferences from fluid inclusion analyses of crack-seal veins.
Geology 31,11 2003年
In situ pressure-temperature conditions of a tectonic mélange: Constraints from fluid inclusion analysis of syn-mélange veins
The Island Arc 12:4 2003年
Depth of oceanic-crust underplating in a subduction zone: interferences from fluid inclusion analyses of crack-seal veins.
Geology 31,11 2003年
P-T conditions of cataclastic deformation associated with underplating: An example from the Cretaceous Shimanto complex, Kii Peninsula, SW Japan.
Earth Planets Space 54, 1133-1138 2002年
P-T conditions of cataclastic deformation associated with underplating: An example from the Cretaceous Shimanto complex, Kii Peninsula, SW Japan.
Earth Planets Space 54, 1133-1138 2002年
Geochemistry of placer gold from the Yamizo River, Northern Ibaraki, Japan.
早稲田大学教育学部学術研究 49;pp.1-8 2001年
地球から見る総合学習としての自然科学 早稲田大学教育総合研究所企画研究「総合的な学習の時間を生かす複合・学際的テーマと教材作成のプランニングに関する研究」成果報告。
pp.107-115 2001年
「水が織りなす地球表層の科学巡検」の試みと意義 早稲田大学教育総合研究所企画研究「総合的な学習の時間を生かす複合・学際的テーマと教材作成のプランニングに関する研究」成果報告書。
pp.116-128 2001年
Geochemistry of placer gold from the Yamizo River, Northern Ibaraki, Japan.
早稲田大学教育学部学術研究 49;pp.1-8 2001年
Vein Generation and Paleotemperature in an Under plated Accretionary complex: An Example from the Ancient Accretionary Complex, the Cretaceous Shimanto Subbelt, Kii Peninsula, SW Japan
AGU West Pacific Geophygical Meeting, Tokyo 2000年
Fluid flow and its P-T condition along decollement: example from the ancient underplated Shimanto complex, SWJapan
AGU Fall Meeting, 2000年
通商産業省 資源エネルギー庁 pp.201-206 2000年
地学教育 53(5);pp.219-223 2000年
日本地質学会、島根大学 2000年
Vein Generation and Paleotemperature in an Under plated Accretionary complex: An Example from the Ancient Accretionary Complex, the Cretaceous Shimanto Subbelt, Kii Peninsula, SW Japan
AGU West Pacific Geophygical Meeting, Tokyo 2000年
Fluid flow and its P-T condition along decollement: example from the ancient underplated Shimanto complex, SWJapan
AGU Fall Meeting, 2000年
円城寺 守
早稲田大学教育学部報「教育学部創設50周年特別記念号」 ( 83 ) 11 - 13 1999年
Mid Cretaceous episodic magmatism and tin mineralization in the Khingan-Okhotsk volcano-plutonic belts,
講演要旨集/資源地質学会 p-02 1998年
Halogen geochemistry of granitoids from the southern Shikhote-Alin, Far East Russia.
講演要旨集/資源地質学会 p-03 1998年
Granitoids and mineralization in Shikhote-Alin, Far East Russia.
講演要旨集/資源地質学会 p-01 1998年
Gold mineralization of the Mnogovershinnoe deposit from the northern Shikhote-Alin, Far East Russia.
講演要旨集/資源地質学会 p-04 1998年
円城寺 守
早稲田大学教育学部報 ( 79 ) 15 1998年
平成9年度業務報告「東欧諸国の地質鉱床」金属鉱業事業団資源情報センター (85-103) 1998年
地質ニュース/実業公報社 530;(42-48) 1998年
Mid Cretaceous episodic magmatism and tin mineralization in the Khingan-Okhotsk volcano-plutonic belts,
講演要旨集/資源地質学会 p-02 1998年
Halogen geochemistry of granitoids from the southern Shikhote-Alin, Far East Russia.
講演要旨集/資源地質学会 p-03 1998年
Granitoids and mineralization in Shikhote-Alin, Far East Russia.
講演要旨集/資源地質学会 p-01 1998年
Gold mineralization of the Mnogovershinnoe deposit from the northern Shikhote-Alin, Far East Russia.
講演要旨集/資源地質学会 p-04 1998年
地球惑星科学合同学会予講集 112p.13 1997年
地球惑星科学関連学会予稿集 G31p.28 1997年
金属鉱業事業団地質解析委員会報告資源エネルギー庁 1997年
筑波フォーラム/筑波大学 No.45 1997年
金属鉱業事業団地質解析委員会報告資源エネルギー庁 1996年
“Crystalline”inclusions in quartz of granitic rocks from Okayama, Japan.
Ann. Rep. Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba No.21,53-56 1995年
“Crystalline”inclusions in quartz of granitic rocks from Okayama, Japan.
Ann. Rep. Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba No.21,53-56 1995年
Ore minerals and fluid inclusions from the gold and silver deposits of the Choquelimpie mine, Northern Chile.
Sci. Rep. Geol. Econ. Apl., Univ. Concepcion, No.2,1-15 1994年
Banded and massive iron mineralization in Chungju mine (I); Geology and ore petrology of iron ore deposits.
Econ. Environ. Geol. 1994年
Ore minerals and fluid inclusions from the gold and silver deposits of the Choquelimpie mine, Northern Chile.
Sci. Rep. Geol. Econ. Apl., Univ. Concepcion, No.2,1-15 1994年
Banded and massive iron mineralization in Chungju mine (I); Geology and ore petrology of iron ore deposits.
Econ. Environ. Geol. 1994年
Gold mineralization in the Taechang deposits, Chungcheong-Buk-Do, Korea.
Ann. Rep. Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba. No.11,73-78 1992年
Gold mineralization in the Taechang deposits, Chungcheong-Buk-Do, Korea.
Ann. Rep. Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba. No.11,73-78 1992年
Fluid flow and its P-T condition along decollement: example from the ancient underplated Shimanto complex, SW Japan.
Hashimoto, Y, Enjoji, M, Sakaguchi, A, Kimura. G
AGU Fall Meeting,
Vein Generation and Paleotemperature in an Under plated Accretionary complex: An Example from the Ancient Accretionary Complex, the Cretaceous Shimanto Subbelt, Kii Peninsula, SW Japan.
Hashimoto, Y, Enjoji, M, Sakaguchi, A, Kimura. G
AGU West Pacific Geophygical Meeting, Tokyo
On the texture of Cu ore from the Atacama Kozan mine, Atacama, Chile.
Sekiguchi, H, Abe, A, Enjoji, M
Silicate melt inclusions in quartz from the Tokuwa Granitic rocks, Yamanashi, Central Japan.
Enjoji, M, Ishiguro, K, Sekiguchi, H
32nd International Geological Congress
Internal structure of quartz crystals, with special reference to the Waga-Sennin iron deposit, Iwate, Northern Japan.
Nishimura, R, Enjoji, M
32nd International Geological Congress
The effect of Li-A type zeolite on alkali aggregate reaction.
Shoyama, T, Uehara, M, Sasaki, T, Enjoji, M, Tsutsumi, S
13th International Clay Conference
Preparation and properties of alkali silica gels.
Ishida, M, Mori, K, Uehara, M, Sasaki, T, Enjoji, M, Tsutsumi, S
13th International Clay Conference
3-D geometric analyses of intragranular and transgranular healed and sealed microcracks in granite: examples near the Nojima Fault, SW Japan.
Takagi, H, Nishijima, K, Yamazaki, S, Enjoji, M
2005 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City
チリ共和国Galleguillos 鉱山における鉱化作用.
関口寿史, 高原昌樹, 円城寺 守
西村 亮, 円城寺守
薬師大五郎, 円城寺守
薬師大五郎, 円城寺守
石黒 慶, 円城寺守
Fluid flow and its P-T condition along decollement: example from the ancient underplated Shimanto complex, SW Japan.
Hashimoto, Y, Enjoji, M, Sakaguchi, A, Kimura. G
AGU Fall Meeting,
Vein Generation and Paleotemperature in an Under plated Accretionary complex: An Example from the Ancient Accretionary Complex, the Cretaceous Shimanto Subbelt, Kii Peninsula, SW Japan.
Hashimoto, Y, Enjoji, M, Sakaguchi, A, Kimura. G
AGU West Pacific Geophygical Meeting, Tokyo
On the texture of Cu ore from the Atacama Kozan mine, Atacama, Chile.
Sekiguchi, H, Abe, A, Enjoji, M
Silicate melt inclusions in quartz from the Tokuwa Granitic rocks, Yamanashi, Central Japan.
Enjoji, M, Ishiguro, K, Sekiguchi, H
32nd International Geological Congress
Internal structure of quartz crystals, with special reference to the Waga-Sennin iron deposit, Iwate, Northern Japan.
Nishimura, R, Enjoji, M
32nd International Geological Congress
The effect of Li-A type zeolite on alkali aggregate reaction.
Shoyama, T, Uehara, M, Sasaki, T, Enjoji, M, Tsutsumi, S
13th International Clay Conference
Preparation and properties of alkali silica gels.
Ishida, M, Mori, K, Uehara, M, Sasaki, T, Enjoji, M, Tsutsumi, S
13th International Clay Conference
3-D geometric analyses of intragranular and transgranular healed and sealed microcracks in granite: examples near the Nojima Fault, SW Japan.
Takagi, H, Nishijima, K, Yamazaki, S, Enjoji, M
2005 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City