東京大学 理学系研究科 化学専攻
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東京大学 理学系研究科 化学専攻
SFGspectroscopic study on photo-reactive liquid crystal alignment materials
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) studies on photochemical processes on SERS-active substrates
Sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopic study on the structures and molecular interactions of molecules on various interfaces
Photoelastic modulation IR (PEM-IR) spectroscopic studies on structures and molecular interactions of monomolecular films at the air-water interface
FT-IR spectroscopic studies on the adsorption structures and reaction mechanisms of molecules adsorbed on single metal surfaces
Studies on strustures and reactions of various interfaces by using high sensitivity vibrational spectroscopy
UHV-STM studies on the structures and reactions of adsorbates on metal/insulator substrates
Infrared external reflection absirption spectroscopic study on the strucutres of the Langmuir-Blodgett films of palmitoyl-L and DL-lysine on a Ge plate
H.Yasukawa, C.Ohe, K.Itoh
J. Mol. Str. 735/736 53 - 62 2005年
Infrared external reflection absorption spectroscopic study on the structures of the Langmuir-Blodgett films of palmitoyl-L and DL lysine on a Ge plate
H.Yasukawa, C.Ohe, K.Itoh
J. Mol. Str. 735/736 53 - 62 2005年
Raman microspectroscopic study on polymerization and degradation processes of a diacetylene derivative at surface enhanced Raman scattering active substrates. 1. Reaction kinetics
K Itoh, T Nishizawa, J Yamagata, M Fujii, N Osaka, Kudryashov, I
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 109 ( 1 ) 264 - 270 2005年01月
Infrared external reflection absirption spectroscopic study on the strucutres of the Langmuir-Blodgett films of palmitoyl-L and DL-lysine on a Ge plate
H.Yasukawa, C.Ohe, K.Itoh
J. Mol. Str. 735/736 53 - 62 2005年
Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic studies on the adsorption structures of dimethyl sulfide and methyl ethyl sulfide on Ag(110) and Cu(110)
T Kasahara, H Shinohara, Y Oshima, K Kadokura, Y Uriu, C Ohe, K Itoh
SURFACE SCIENCE 558 ( 1-3 ) 65 - 79 2004年06月
Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic study on the rotational isomerism of methyl propyl ether on Cu(110) and Ag(110)
H Shinohara, T Kasahara, K Kadokura, Y Uryu, K Itoh
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 108 ( 11 ) 3584 - 3591 2004年03月
Sum frequency generation spectroscopic studies on the structures of the monolayers of L, DL-ornithine and L, DL-lysine derivatives
Chikaomi Ohe, Koichi Itoh
Shinku/Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan 47 ( 7 ) 535 - 543 2004年
In situ observation of the thermochromic phase transition of the merocyanine J-aggregates monolayer at the air-water interface using external infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy
N Kato, M Yamamoto, K Itoh, Y Uesu
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 107 ( 43 ) 11917 - 11923 2003年10月
Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic study on the rotational isomerism of methyl ethyl ether on Cu(110) and Ag(110)
J. Phys. Chem. B 107;5008-5015 2003年
Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic study on the rotational isomerism of methyl ethyl ether on Cu(110) and Ag(110)
J. Phys. Chem. B 107;5008-5015 2003年
DFT calculation analysis of the infrared spectra of ethylene adsorbed on Cu(110), Pd(110), and Ag(110)
K Itoh, T Kiyohara, H Shinohara, C Ohe, Y Kawamura, H Nakai
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 106 ( 41 ) 10714 - 10721 2002年10月
Infrared reflection absorption and sum frequency generation spectroscopic study on the structures of the LB films of palmitoyl-L- and DL-ornithine and palmitoyl-L- and DL-lysine
K Itoh, C Ohe, T Tsurumaru, S Yasukawa, T Yamaguchi, G Kasuya
VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY 29 ( 1-2 ) 197 - 203 2002年07月
Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic and DFT calculation studies on the adsorption structures of dimethyl ether on Ag(110), Cu(110), and their atomic oxygen-reconstructed surfaces
T Kiyohara, M Akita, C Ohe, K Itoh
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 106 ( 14 ) 3469 - 3478 2002年04月
Infrared reflection absorption and sum frequency generation spectroscopic study on the structures of the LB films of palmitoyl-L- and DL ornithine and palmitoyl-L- and DL-lysine
Vibrational Spectroscopy 29;197-203 2002年
Infrared reflection absorption and sum frequency generation spectroscopic study on the structures of the LB films of palmitoyl-L- and DL ornithine and palmitoyl-L- and DL-lysine
Vibrational Spectroscopy 29;197-203 2002年
Phase transition of octadecylurea at the air-water interface studied by infrared external reflection spectroscopy
Langmuir 16;3920-3926 2000年
Phase transition of octadecylurea at the air-water interface studied by infrared external reflection spectroscopy
Langmuir 16;3920-3926 2000年
Carboxylate-counterion interactions and changes in these interactions during photopolymerization of a long-chain diacetylene monocarboxylic acid at air-water interfaces: External infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic study
J. Phys. Chem. 103; 435-444 1999年
Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic study on the adsorption structures of ethylene on Ag(110) and atomic oxygen pre-covered Ag(110) surfaces
Surface Sci. 427/428;374-380 1999年
Adsorption structures of ethylene on Ag(110) and atomic oxygen precovered Ag(110) surfaces: Infrared reflection-absorption and thermal desorption spectroscopic studies
J. Phys. Chem. 103;10189-10193 1999年
Carboxylate-counterion interactions and changes in these interactions during photopolymerization of a long-chain diacetylene monocarboxylic acid at air-water interfaces: External infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic study
C.Ohe, H.Ando, N.Sato, Y.Urai, M.Yamamoto, K.Itoh
J. Phys. Chem. 103 ( 3 ) 435 - 444 1999年
Carboxylate-counterion interactions and changes in these interactions during photopolymerization of a long-chain diacetylene monocarboxylic acid at air-water interfaces: External infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic study
J. Phys. Chem. 103; 435-444 1999年
Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic study on the adsorption structures of ethylene on Ag(110) and atomic oxygen pre-covered Ag(110) surfaces
Surface Sci. 427/428;374-380 1999年
Adsorption structures of ethylene on Ag(110) and atomic oxygen precovered Ag(110) surfaces: Infrared reflection-absorption and thermal desorption spectroscopic studies
J. Phys. Chem. 103;10189-10193 1999年
A combined method of multiple-reflection and optical-wave-guide Raman scattering spectroscopies for studying the electric-field-induced reorientation of a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell
Y Ohkata, T Tsuno, E Matsui, H Takanashi, K Itoh
CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 295 ( 1-2 ) 17 - 24 1998年10月
Infra-red reflection absorption spectroscopic study on adsorption structures of acrolein on polycrystalline gold and Au(111) surfaces under ultra-high vacuum conditions
M. Akita, N. Osaka, K. Itoh
Surface Science 405 ( 2-3 ) 172 - 181 1998年05月
Time-resolved total internal reflection Raman scattering study on electric-field-induced reorientation dynamics of nematic liquid crystal of 4-hexyl-4’-cyanobiphenyl
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 312 69 - 94 1998年
Surface-enhanced photopolymerization of a diacetylene derivative in Langmuir-Blodgett films on a silver island film
J. Phys. Chem. 102; 3765 - 3772 1998年
Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopic study on the adsorption structures of 1,3-butadiene at Au(111) and Ag(111) surfaces
J. Phys. Chem. 102; 6817 - 6824 1998年
Infrared external reflection spectroscopic study on the structures of a conducting Langmuir-Blodgett film of a tetrathiafulvalene derivative
Langmuir 17;17(1998) 1998年
A combined method of multipe-reflection and optical-wave-guide Raman scattering spectroscopies for studying the electric-field-induced reorientation of a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell
Chem. Phys. Lett. 295; 17 - 24 1998年
Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic study on adsorption structures of acrolein on polycrystalline gold and Au(111) surfaces under ultra-high vacuum conditions
Surf. Sci. 405;172-181 1998年
Time-resolved Total Internal Reflection Raman Scattering Study on Electric-Field-Induced Reorientation Dynamics of Nematic Liquid Crystal of 4-Hexyl-4'-Cyanobiphenyl
T. Morikawa, E. Shirai, J. Tanno, H. Takanashi, A. Yasuda, K. Itoh
Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopic study on the adsorption structures of 1,3-butadiene at Au(111) and Ag(111) surfaces
N.Osaka, M.Akita, K.Itoh
J. Phys. Chem. 102 ( 35 ) 6817 - 6824 1998年
Time-resolved Total Internal Reflection Raman Scattering Study on Electric-Field-Induced Reorientation Dynamics of Nematic Liquid Crystal of 4-Hexyl-4'-Cyanobiphenyl
T. Morikawa, E. Shirai, J. Tanno, H. Takanashi, A. Yasuda, K. Itoh
Surface-enhanced photopolymerization of a diacetylene derivative in Langmuir-Blodgett films on a silver island film
J. Phys. Chem. 102; 3765 - 3772 1998年
Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic study on adsorption structures of acrolein on polycrystalline gold and Au(111) surfaces under ultra-high vacuum conditions
Surf. Sci. 405;172-181 1998年
Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopic study on the adsorption structures of 1,3-butadiene at Au(111) and Ag(111) surfaces
J. Phys. Chem. 102; 6817 - 6824 1998年
Infrared external reflection spectroscopic study on the structures of a conducting Langmuir-Blodgett film of a tetrathiafulvalene derivative
Langmuir 17;17(1998) 1998年
A combined method of multipe-reflection and optical-wave-guide Raman scattering spectroscopies for studying the electric-field-induced reorientation of a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell
Chem. Phys. Lett. 295; 17 - 24 1998年
1996年 高橋 博彰, 松本 和子, 石原 浩二, 浜 義昌, 田隅 三生, 前田 章夫 他国内19名, P.R・Griffiths(U.S.A), R.A・Kellner(Austria), J.E.Bertie(Canada), G.Guelachville(France)