Hangzhou Dianzi University
2025/03/12 更新
Hangzhou Dianzi University
Artificial Intelligence
Intelligence Informatics
Compensation of communication latency in remote monitoring systems by video prediction
Toshio Sato, Yutaka Katsuyama, Xin Qi, Zheng Wen, Kazuhiko Tamesue, Wataru Kameyama, Yuichi Nakamura, Jiro Katto, Takuro Sato
IEICE Transactions on Communications 1 - 11 2024年
GNSS Spoofing Detection Using Multiple Sensing Devices and LSTM Networks
Xin QI, Toshio SATO, Zheng WEN, Yutaka KATSUYAMA, Kazuhiko TAMESUE, Takuro SATO
IEICE Transactions on Communications E106.B ( 12 ) 1372 - 1379 2023年12月
LSTM-Based GNSS Spoofing Detection for Drone Formation Flights
Zheng Wen, Xin Qi, Toshio Sato, Kazuhiko Tamesue, Yutaka Katsuyama, Kazue Sako, Jiro Katto, Takuro Sato
IECON 2023- 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 2023年10月
A Predictive Approach for Compensating Transmission Latency in Remote Robot Control for Improving Teleoperation Efficiency
Yutaka Katsuyama, Toshio Sato, Zheng Wen, Xin Qi, Kazuhiko Tamesue, Wataru Kameyama, Yuichi Nakamura, Takuro Sato, Jiro Katto
Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 6934 - 6939 2023年
GNSS Spoofing Detection using Multiple Sensing Devices and Decision Tree Classifier
Xin Qi, Toshio Sato, Zheng Wen, Masaru Takeuchi, Yutaka Katsuyama, Kazuhiko Tamesue, Kazue Sako, Jiro Katto, Takuro Sato
IEICE Proceeding Series 72 O3-5 2022年11月
Design and Implementation of Ledger-Based Points Transfer System for IoT Devices in LPWAN
Xin Qi, Keping Yu, Toshio Sato, Kouichi Shibata, Isao Konno, Takanori Tokutake, Rikiya Eguchi, Yusuke Maruyama, Zheng Wen, Kazuhiko Tamesue, Yutaka Katsuyama, Kazue Sako, Takuro Sato
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 1 - 13 2022年08月
Zheng Wen, Keping Yu, Xin Qi, Toshio Sato, San Hlaing Myint, Kazuhiko Tamesue, Yutaka Katsuyama, Hironori Dobashi, Yasushi Murakami, Ikuo Koyama, Kiyohito Tokuda, Wataru Kameyama, Takuro Sato
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 1 - 16 2022年06月
Xin Qi, Keping Yu, Toshio Sato, Kouichi Shibata, Eric Brigham, Takanori Tokutake, Rikiya Eguchi, Yusuke Maruyama, Zheng Wen, Kazuhiko Tamesue, Yutaka Katsuyama, Kazue Sako, Takuro Sato
2021 ITU Kaleidoscope: Connecting Physical and Virtual Worlds (ITU K) 2021年12月
Ledger-based Points Transfer System in LPWAN: From Disaster Management Aspect
Xin Qi, Keping Yu, Toshio Sato, Kouichi Shibata, Eric Brigham, Takanori Tokutake, Rikiya Eguchi, Yusuke Maruyama, Zheng Wen, Kazuhiko Tamesue, Yutaka Katsuyama, Kazue Sako, Takuro Sato
2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM) 2021年12月
Deep Learning Based Concealed Object Recognition in Active Millimeter Wave Imaging
San Hlaing Myint, Yutaka Katsuyama, Toshio Sato, Xin Qi, Kazuhiko Tamesue, Zheng Wen, Keping Yu, Kiyohito Tokuda, Takuro Sato
2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2021年11月
Content-oriented Multicamera Trajectory Forecasting Surveillance Network System
Xin Qi, Toshio Sato, Keping Yu, San Hlaing Myint, Yutaka Katsuyama, Kazuhiko Tamesue, Kiyohito Tokuda, Zheng Wen, Takuro Sato
2021 Twelfth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2021年08月
Toshio Sato, Xin Qi, Keping Yu, Zheng Wen, Yutaka Katsuyama, Takuro Sato
2021 17th International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications (MVA) 2021年07月
EDKSAP : Efficient Double-Key Stealth Address Protocol in Blockchain
Cong Feng, Liang Tan, Huan Xiao, Xin Qi, Zheng Wen, Yang Liu
Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2021 1196 - 1201 2021年
Ledger-based Points Transfer System in LPWAN: From Disaster Management Aspect.
Xin Qi 0002, Keping Yu, Toshio Sato, Kouichi Shibata, Eric Brigham, Takanori Tokutake, Rikiya Eguchi, Yusuke Maruyama, Zheng Wen, Kazuhiko Tamesue, Yutaka Katsuyama, Kazue Sako, Takuro Sato
ICT-DM 150 - 155 2021年
Congestion-Aware Suspicious Object Detection System Using Information-Centric Networking.
Xin Qi 0002, Toshio Sato, Keping Yu, Zheng Wen, San Hlaing Myint, Yutaka Katsuyama, Kiyohito Tokuda, Takuro Sato
18th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference(CCNC) 1 - 6 2021年
3D Remote Healthcare for Noisy CT Images in the Internet of Things Using Edge Computing
Jing Zhang, Dan Li, Qiaozhi Hua, Xin Qi, Zheng Wen, San Hlaing Myint
IEEE Access 9 15170 - 15180 2021年
3D Reconstruction for Motion Blurred Images Using Deep Learning-based Intelligent Systems
Jing Zhang, Keping Yu, Zheng Wen, Xin Qi, Anup Kumar Paul
Computers, Materials & Continua 66 ( 2 ) 2087 - 2104 2021年
A Lightweight Ledger-Based Points Transfer System for Application-Oriented LPWAN
Keping Yu, Kouichi Shibata, Takanori Tokutake, Rikiya Eguchi, Taiki Kondo, Yusuke Maruyama, Xin Qi, Zheng Wen, Toshio Sato, Yutaka Katsuyama, Kazue Sako, Takuro Sato
2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications, ICCC 2020 1972 - 1978 2020年12月
AI-Based W-Band Suspicious Object Detection System for Moving Persons Using GAN: Solutions, Performance Evaluation and Standardization Activities
Yutaka Katsuyama, Keping Yu, San Hlaing Myint, Toshio Sato, Zheng Wen, Xin Qi
2020 ITU Kaleidoscope: Industry-Driven Digital Transformation, ITU K 2020 2020年12月
PDKSAP : Perfected Double-Key Stealth Address Protocol without Temporary Key Leakage in Blockchain
Cong Feng, Liang Tan, Huan Xiao, Keping Yu, Xin Qi, Zheng Wen, You Jiang
2020 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC Workshops 2020 151 - 155 2020年08月
Toshio Sato, Xin Qi 0002, Keping Yu, Zheng Wen, San Hlaing Myint, Yutaka Katsuyama, Kiyohito Tokuda, Takuro Sato
23rd International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications(WPMC) 1 - 6 2020年
Blockchain-based Content-oriented Surveillance Network.
Xin Qi 0002, Keping Yu, Zheng Wen, San Hlaing Myint, Yutaka Katsuyama, Toshio Sato, Kiyohito Tokuda, Takuro Sato
91st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 1 - 6 2020年
Blockchain-Empowered Contact Tracing for COVID-19 Using Crypto-Spatiotemporal Information.
Zheng Wen, Keping Yu, Xin Qi 0002, Toshio Sato, Yutaka Katsuyama, Takuro Sato, Wataru Kameyama, Fumiyuki Kato, Yang Cao 0011, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Min Luo, Jun Hashimoto
22nd IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking(HealthCom) 1 - 6 2020年
Radiometric Passive Imaging for Robust Concealed Object Identification
San Hlaing Myint, Yutaka Katsuyama, Toshio Sato, Xin Qi, Zheng Wen, Keping Yu, Kiyohito Tokuda, Takuro Sato
Block Chain Based Internet of Medical Things for Uninterrupted, Ubiquitous, User-Friendly, Unflappable, Unblemished, Unlimited Health Care Services (BC IoMT U6HCS)
J. Indumathi, Achyut Shankar, Muhammad Rukunuddin Ghalib, J. Gitanjali, Qiaozhi Hua, Zheng Wen, Xin Qi
IEEE Access 8 216856 - 216872 2020年
Jing Zhang, Ling-Rui Gong, Keping Yu, Xin Qi, Zheng Wen, Qiaozhi Hua, San Hlaing Myint
IEEE Access 8 121513 - 121525 2020年
Keping Yu, Xin Qi, Toshio Sato, San Hlaing Myint, Zheng Wen, Yutaka Katsuyama, Kiyohito Tokuda, Wataru Kameyama, Takuro Sato
IEEE Access 8 81378 - 81393 2020年
A Context-Aware Framework for Reducing Bandwidth Usage of Mobile Video Chats
Xin Qi, Qing Yang, David T. Nguyen, Ge Peng, Gang Zhou, Bo Dai, Daqing Zhang, Yantao Li
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA 18 ( 8 ) 1640 - 1649 2016年08月 [査読有り]
Mining Personal Frequent Routes via Road Corner Detection
Tianben Wang, Daqing Zhang, Xingshe Zhou, Xin Qi, Hongbo Ni, Haipeng Wang, Gang Zhou
Parallel content-based sub-image retrieval using hierarchical searching
Lin Yang, Xin Qi, Fuyong Xing, Tahsin Kurc, Joel Saltz, David J. Foran
BIOINFORMATICS 30 ( 7 ) 996 - 1002 2014年04月 [査読有り]
佐藤俊雄, 勝山裕, 中村裕一, QI Xin, WEN Zheng, 爲末和彦, 亀山渉, 甲藤二郎, 佐藤拓朗
電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2023 2023年
甲藤二郎, 勝山裕, 佐藤俊雄, QI Xin, WEN Zheng, 金井謙治, SUN Heming, 亀山渉, 佐藤拓朗, 津田俊隆, 中村裕一, 近藤一晃, 下西慶, 小野浩司, 根波健一, 小林康雄, 森一倫, 永松衛二
電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2023 2023年
竹内健, 才所敏明, 四方順司, 佐藤俊雄, 佐古和恵, 甲藤二郎, 佐藤拓朗
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web) 123 ( 269(ICSS2023 51-68) ) 2023年
Content-oriented disaster network utilizing named node routing and field experiment evaluation
Xin Qi, Zheng Wen, Keping Yu, Kazunori Murata, Kouichi Shibata, Takuro Sato
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E102D ( 5 ) 988 - 997 2019年05月
Xin Qi, Yuwei Su, Keping Yu, Jingsong Li, Qiaozhi Hua, Zheng Wen, Jairo Lopez, Takuro Sato
IEEE Access 7 88138 - 88149 2019年01月
Content-Oriented Surveillance System Based on ICN in Disaster Scenarios
Koki Okamoto, Toru Mochida, Daichi Nozaki, Zheng Wen, Xin Qi, Takuro Sato
International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC 2018-November 484 - 489 2018年07月
AI Management System to Prevent Accidents in Construction Zones Using 4K Cameras Based on 5G Network
Daichi Nozaki, Koki Okamoto, Toru Mochida, Xin Qi, Zheng Wen, San Hlaing Myint, Kiyohito Tokuda, Takuro Sato, Kazuhiko Tamesue
International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC 2018-November 462 - 466 2018年07月
Naming scheme using NLP machine learning method for network weather monitoring system based on ICN
Toru Mochida, Daichi Nozaki, Koki Okamoto, Xin Qi, Zheng Wen, Takuro Sato, Keping Yu
International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC 2017- 428 - 434 2018年02月
A Novel ICN & Drone Based Emergency Information System for Disaster Area (回路とシステム)
Wen Zheng, Zhang Di, Qi Xin, Yu Keping, Sato Takuro
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 116 ( 421 ) 47 - 52 2017年01月
A Novel ICN & Drone Based Emergency Information System for Disaster Area (安全・安心な生活とICT)
Wen Zheng, Zhang Di, Qi Xin, Yu Keping, Sato Takuro
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 116 ( 422 ) 47 - 52 2017年01月
B-6-120 A Data Center Architecture Based on CCN
Zhang Lu, Qi Xin, Zhang Di, Sato Takuro
電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2016 ( 2 ) 120 - 120 2016年03月
BS-3-7 Analysis of Transmission Efficiency Based on Social Big Data(BS-3. Advanced Networking Technologies for Innovative Information Networks)
Hua Qiaozhi, Zhang Di, Qi Xin, Sato Takuro
電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2016 ( 2 ) "S - 25"-"S-26" 2016年03月
Qi Xin, Zhang Lu, Wen Zheng, Sato Takuro
電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2016 ( 2 ) 121 - 121 2016年03月
Content Oriented Surveillance System Based on Information-Centric Network
Xin Qi, Zheng Wen, Toshitaka Tsuda, Wataru Kameyama, Jiro Katto, Takuro Sato, Kouichi Shibata
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