Updated on 2025/03/12


FUJII, Kazunori
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Job title
Assistant Professor(non-tenure-track)
博士(理学) ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Areas

  • Structural biochemistry / Chemistry and chemical methodology of biomolecules


  • The Thermal Stability of the Collagen Triple Helix Is Tuned According to the Environmental Temperature.

    Kazunori K Fujii, Yuki Taga, Yusuke K Takagi, Ryo Masuda, Shunji Hattori, Takaki Koide

    International journal of molecular sciences   23 ( 4 )  2022.02  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Triple helix formation of procollagen occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) where the single-stranded α-chains of procollagen undergo extensive post-translational modifications. The modifications include prolyl 4- and 3-hydroxylations, lysyl hydroxylation, and following glycosylations. The modifications, especially prolyl 4-hydroxylation, enhance the thermal stability of the procollagen triple helix. Procollagen molecules are transported to the Golgi and secreted from the cell, after the triple helix is formed in the ER. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the thermal stability of the collagen triple helix and environmental temperature. We analyzed the number of collagen post-translational modifications and thermal melting temperature and α-chain composition of secreted type I collagen in zebrafish embryonic fibroblasts (ZF4) cultured at various temperatures (18, 23, 28, and 33 °C). The results revealed that thermal stability and other properties of collagen were almost constant when ZF4 cells were cultured below 28 °C. By contrast, at a higher temperature (33 °C), an increase in the number of post-translational modifications and a change in α-chain composition of type I collagen were observed; hence, the collagen acquired higher thermal stability. The results indicate that the thermal stability of collagen could be autonomously tuned according to the environmental temperature in poikilotherms.

    DOI PubMed


  • Lowering the culture temperature corrects collagen abnormalities caused by HSP47 gene knockout.

    Kazunori K Fujii, Yuki Taga, Takayuki Sakai, Shinya Ito, Shunji Hattori, Kazuhiro Nagata, Takaki Koide

    Scientific reports   9 ( 1 ) 17433 - 17433  2019.11  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Heat shock protein 47 (HSP47) is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident molecular chaperone that specifically recognizes triple helical portions of procollagens. The chaperone function of HSP47 is indispensable in mammals, and hsp47-null mice show an embryonic lethal phenotype accompanied by severe abnormalities in collagen-based tissue structures. Two leading hypotheses are currently accepted for the molecular function of HSP47 as a procollagen-specific chaperone. One is facilitation of procollagen folding by stabilizing thermally unstable triple helical folding intermediates, and the other is inhibition of procollagen aggregation or lateral association in the ER. The aim of this study was to elucidate the functional essence of this unique chaperone using fibroblasts established from hsp47-/- mouse embryos. When the cells were cultured at 37 °C, various defects in procollagen biosynthesis were observed, such as accumulation in the ER, over-modifications including prolyl hydroxylation, lysyl hydroxylation, and further glycosylation, and unusual secretion of type I collagen homotrimer. All defects were corrected by culturing the cells at a lower temperature of 33 °C. These results indicated that lowering the culture temperature compensated for the loss of HSP47. This study elucidated that HSP47 stabilizes the elongating triple helix of procollagens, which is otherwise unstable at the body temperature of mammals.

    DOI PubMed


  • Structural optimization of cyclic peptides that efficiently detect denatured collagen.

    Takita KK, Fujii KK, Ishii K, Koide T

    Organic & biomolecular chemistry   17 ( 31 ) 7380 - 7387  2019.08  [Refereed]

    DOI PubMed


  • Cyclic Peptides for Efficient Detection of Collagen

    Koh K. Takita, Kazunori K. Fujii, Tetsuya Kadonosono, Ryo Masuda, Takaki Koide

    ChemBioChem   19 ( 15 ) 1613 - 1617  2018.08  [Refereed]

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    © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim We report here a new class of collagen-binding peptides, cyclic collagen-mimetic peptides (cCMPs), that efficiently hybridize with the triple-helix-forming portions of collagen. cCMPs are composed of two parallel collagen-like (Xaa-Yaa-Gly)n strands with both termini tethered by covalent linkages. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and western blotting analysis showed that cCMPs exhibit more potent affinity toward collagen than reported collagen-binding peptides and can specifically detect different collagen polypeptides in a mixture of proteins. Collagen secreted from cultured cells was detected by confocal microscopy with fluorescein-labeled cCMP. The cCMP is also shown to detect sensitively folding intermediates in the endoplasmic reticulum, something that was difficult to visualize with conventional collagen detectors. Molecular-dynamics simulations suggested that a cCMP forms a more stably hybridized product than its single-chain counterpart; this could explain why cCMP has higher affinity toward denatured collagen. These results indicate the usefulness of cCMPs as tools for detecting denatured collagen.

    DOI PubMed





Internal Special Research Projects

  • プロコラーゲン特異的分子シャペロンHSP47の機能の起源

    2023   井上陽々

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    コラーゲンは細胞外マトリクスを構成する主要なタンパク質であり、全ての多細胞動物に存在している。HSP47は小胞体内腔に局在する分子シャペロンであり、コラーゲン前駆体であるプロコラーゲンの3重らせん部分に結合する。少なくとも哺乳類ではHSP47が必須であることが知られているものの、その他のどのような生物がコラーゲンの生合成にHSP47を利用しているのかは明らかになっていない。そこで本研究では、HSP47が生物進化のどの段階で獲得されたのかを明らかにすることを目指した。コラーゲンの構造を模倣した3重らせんペプチドと、様々な生物のHSP47(またはHSP47様タンパク質)を酵母に共発現させ、それらが相互作用するのかをtwo-hybrid法により確かめた。その結果、脊椎動物と尾索動物において相互作用が検出された。さらに、酵母の培養温度を上昇させることでその相互作用がみられなくなることから、これらのHSP47(様タンパク質)は3重らせん構造を形成したペプチドに結合していることが確かめられた。一方で、頭索動物、棘皮動物、節足動物においては、相互作用を検出できなかった。また、大腸菌発現系を用いて発現させたHSP47(様タンパク質)と、ウシ真皮由来I型コラーゲンまたはコラーゲン様ペプチドとの相互作用をin vitro固相結合法により評価したところ、酵母two-hybrid法の結果と同様、脊椎動物と尾索動物のHSP47(様タンパク質)のみがコラーゲン結合性を示した。これらの結果から、HSP47は進化の過程で頭索動物との分岐後、尾索動物と脊椎動物の分岐前に獲得されたことが示唆された。

  • コラーゲン分子進化のキャパシターとしての分子シャペロンHSP47

    2023   井上陽々

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  • 人工コラーゲンを用いたPC12細胞の神経様細胞分化調節機構の解析

    2022   岡島珠実

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  • コラーゲン3重らせん構造の熱安定性とHSP47の関係

    2021   小出 隆規

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    本研究では、プロコラーゲン特異的分子シャペロンHSP47により、プロコラーゲン3重らせん構造が熱的に安定化されていることを明らかにすることを目指している。そのために酵母two-hybrid systemを応用し、酵母に発現させたコラーゲン様ペプチドが、3重らせん構造を形成しているのかを判別可能なシステムの開発を試みた。レポーター遺伝子のプロモーター結合ドメインまたは活性化ドメインと、コラーゲン様アミノ酸配列をもつポリペプチドを融合し、共に酵母に発現させたところ、レポーター遺伝子の発現によりこれらのペプチド間の相互作用の有無を判別できることが確かめられた。

  • 環境温度が魚類コラーゲンに与える影響

    2020   小出 隆規

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