Updated on 2025/03/14


Affiliated organization, Research Innovation Center
Job title
Junior Researcher(Assistant Professor)
博士(工学) ( 2019.03 早稲田大学 )




共著に、『クリティカル・ワード 現代建築』(2022年、フィルムアート社)、『コミュニティシップ』(2022年、学芸出版社)、『吉阪隆正 パノラみる』(2022年、ECHELLE-1)、『無形学へ かたちになる前の思考』(2017 年、水曜社)ほか。

主要論文に、「首都圏における住環境の価値表現としての住宅広告の「語り」の時空間的動態」(2015 年、日本建築学会計画系論文集716 号)、「都心回帰下の首都圏における住環境のイメージの空間構造とその遷移」(2017 年、日本建築学会計画系論文集738号)など。



UIA2011 東京大会設計競技 JIA 賞銅賞・茨城賞(2011 年)、U30 都市計画- 都市設計競技 最優秀賞(2014 年)、早稲田大学早苗賞(2014 年)、日本生活学会 博士論文賞(2021年)ほか受賞。

Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Fac. of Creative Science & Engineering, Dep. of Architecture   Assistant Professor

  • 2020.09

    Saitama University   Faculty of Economics

  • 2017.04

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science   Research Fellow

  • 2015.04

    Waseda University   Fac. of Creative Science & Engineering   PhD student

  • 2013.04

    Waseda University   Fac. of Creative Science & Engineering   Master, Architecture

  • 2009.04

    Waseda University   Fac. of Creative Science & Engineering, Dep. of Architecture   Bachelor, Architecture

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Education Background

  • 2015.04

    Waseda University   Fac. of Creative Science & Engineering   PhD student  

  • 2013.04

    Waseda University   Fac. of Creative Science & Engineering   Master student  

  • 2009.04

    Waseda University   Fac. of Creative Science & Engineering   Dept. of Architecture  

Committee Memberships

  • 2024.04

    Japan Society of Lifology  chair of the business committee

  • 2024.03

    日本生活学会  常任理事

  • 2023.12

    練馬区  都市計画審議会まちづくり・提案担当部会 委員

  • 2023.04

    株式会社ジェイアール東日本企画  EKISUMERアドバイザー

  • 2021.12

    練馬区  都市計画審議会 委員

  • 2021.11

    日本都市計画学会  編集委員

  • 2022.06

    日本生活学会  理事

  • 2021.04

    日本都市計画学会  学術委員

  • 2019.04

    早稲田大学キャンパスマスタープラン ワーキンググループ  委員

  • 2019.10

    日本建築学会  建築雑誌ゲスト編集委員

  • 2016.04

    宮城県加美町宮崎地区 商店街活性化拠点づくりサポート会議  委員

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Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Architectural planning and city planning   CIty Planning, Living Enironment Desidgn

Research Interests

  • 都市論

  • 都市再生

  • public space

  • 景観

  • gentrification

  • City Planning

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  • 博士論文賞

    2021.06   日本生活学会   首都圏の民間による集合住宅供給における住環境価値の商品化と立地地域の変容

    Winner: 吉江俊

  • Sanae Prize


    Winner: Shun YOSHIE

  • UIA2011 Student Competition JIA Bronze Prize, Ibaraki Prize

    2011.09   Union internationale des Architectes, The Japan Institute of Architecture  

    Winner: Shun YOSHIE

  • U30 City Planning, Urban Design Competition

    Urban Design Centre Matsuyama, Tokyo University  

    Winner: Shun YOSHIE



  • Participation of "Localists" in the boundary area between residents and professionals in the development of the railway line

    Yuki Uehara, Haruhiko Goto, Shun Yoshie, Shuhsien Rin

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   59 ( 3 ) 760 - 767  2024  [Refereed]


  • INTOLERANCE OF URBAN ENVIRONMENT FORMED BY DEFENSIVE ARCHITECTURE Based on the field workshop for seeking defensive elements in 3 downtown areas in Tokyo

    Erica YAMATO, Haruhiko GOTO, Shun YOSHIE, Shokan RIN

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   88 ( 810 ) 2336 - 2347  2023.08  [Refereed]



    Yu KAWAI, Haruhiko GOTO, Shun YOSHIE

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   88 ( 808 ) 1939 - 1949  2023.06  [Refereed]



    Toki IZUMIKAWA, Haruhiko GOTO, Shun YOSHIE, Ryoya MORITA

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   87 ( 795 ) 842 - 853  2022.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this project is to examine the transformation of shrines that have progressed with re-urbanization and to discuss the issues of shrines at the turning point by clarifying the spatial change and development process through a survey of shrines that have been developed under the initiative of the private sector in Tokyo ward area. Through the research, it was clarified that the shrines have progressed due to the unique development, changes in visitors’ behavior, and the creation of new value. On the contrary, the relationship between the various powers surrounding the shrine was found to be unbalanced.


  • 身近な公共空間としての「まちかど」の印象評価に基づく類型とその立地 : 戦災被害を逃れた4地域の分析から

    澤田 郁実, 後藤 春彦, 吉江 俊

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   86 ( 779 ) 185 - 195  2021.01  [Refereed]


  • 社会的少数者によるオフラインミーティングの諸相と開催都市の人口規模による差異

    廣瀬 耀也, 後藤 春彦, 吉江 俊

    日本建築学会計画系論文集   ( 778 ) 2671 - 2681  2020.12  [Refereed]


  • A STUDY ON THE STREET BEHAVIOR WITH EXCHANGES OF GOODS:- Through field surveys and analysis of psychological factors seen in Akihabara -

    HOJO Misaki, GOTO Haruhiko, YAMACHIKA Yasunari, YOSHIE Shun

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   ( 775 ) 1931 - 1941  2020.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    <p> In Akihabara, where various specialty stores accumulate, people gather searching for limited and rare products and exchange them to share their hobbies and interests outside the store, forming a kind of public sphere.</p><p> This paper clarifies the mechanism of forming "the place for exchanges of goods".</p><p> To grasp this mechanism that are common in the outdoor space of Akihabara is also important in considering the value of downtown, which used to be discussed with words "bustle" and was not considered its social meaning.</p><p> </p><p> 1) Geographical characteristics of group staying behavior on the street</p><p> By patrolling Akihabara district, the distribution of places for exchanges of goods on the street was clarified from the wide-area viewpoint. Through this survey 12 locations were extracted where "appreciation and exchange" activities were concentrated, and from these locations it became clear that place for exchanges of goods tend to be formed in the near ground where manga, anime, and game content is sold.</p><p> </p><p> 2) Behavior and spatial transformation of places for exchanges of goods</p><p> From the fixed-point observation investigation, the change of the range in which space for exchanges of goods forms and the change of the behavior were analyzed. As a result, special characters of places where exchanges of goods are likely to happen were grasped from a microscopic viewpoint. It has become clear that place for exchanges of goods occurs avoiding the flow of people. It was also confirmed that the larger the number of members, the more they stayed in the environment surrounded by street objects.</p><p> </p><p> 3) Behavioral psychology of people who form places for exchanges of goods</p><p> Hearing investigation clarified what kind of behavioral psychology were seen behind forming the places for exchanges of goods, and what kind of actions were done for making their own place on the street. As a result, two types of actions were identified: "exchange of goods" and "exchange of information". It was confirmed that places for exchanges of goods occurs not only in search of a consensus of interests, but also in search of mutual empathy through the exchange of information in which people can deepen their knowledge of hobbies and preferences. It also became clear that they formed or joined in places for exchanges of goods with 9 kinds of behavioral psychology.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • GEOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND SOCIAL ROLE OF RENTAL SPACE IN TOKYO AREA:-Focusing on the role as a place of side work and hobby activities-

    MATSUURA Haruka, GOTO Haruhiko, YOSHIE Shun

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   85 ( 768 ) 317 - 327  2020.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    <p> Encouraged by the "Work-Life Balance Charter" formulated in 2007, which recommended various ways of working and living, the promotion of side jobs in companies and the activities of people in their hobbies and leisure have become active.</p><p> As the work environment changes, people not only realize hobbies and side jobs, but also create encounters and relationships with others through rental spaces dealt on the website.</p><p> In this way, rental space, which has emerged in large numbers in urban areas and is being used for a variety of purposes, has the potential to become a place for new interaction.</p><p> In this paper, we conducted basic research on 1, 000 rental spaces in the Tokyo area (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama), and clarified the basic performance and regional characteristics of rental spaces.</p><p> In addition, by conducting interviews with owners of rental spaces where they engage in side-business or hobby activities, we were able to get close to the actual status of rental spaces management and usage, and clarified the social role of them.</p><p> These results are considered to be important and have implications for the utilization of urban building stock for diverse ways of working and self-realization.</p><p> </p><p> 1) Basic performance and regional characteristics of rental spaces</p><p> Existing uses of rental space are classified into four categories: residential, commercial, entertainment and rental only. The recommended uses on the website are classified into four categories: corporate, personal, interactive, and presentation.</p><p> Next, performance of RS as an existing building stock and performance of rental space for each recommended application were clarified. In addition, we were able to obtain 3 types of regional characteristics of rental space from the information of existing uses of them, and found 16 characteristic regions explained by them.</p><p> </p><p> 2) Reason for occurrence of rental spaces and devices for operation</p><p> As a result of interviews with rental space owner, we found that there were four reasons for the occurrence of rental spaces. Also, by starting rental spaces, we learned that these place has become a place to support and contribute, and a place where new encounters and relationships are created. Also, we found out that the owner carries out his own examination when renting a place.</p><p> </p><p> 3) Actual situation of use of rental spaces and values for users</p><p> As a result of analyzing the actual use of rental spaces obtained by interview survey to the owners, it was clarified that the users are seeking five values of place; "Space to be rented that meets the purpose needed in the short term", "Space for showing their hobby", "Space for challenge of new work transformed from their hobbies", "Space for realization of free self world view" and "Space for mental recovery".</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Spatial configuration and management of serviced housing for the elderly with spaces open to the neighboring communities

    Yoshino Ryosuke, Goto Haruhiko, Yoshie Shun

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   55 ( 3 ) 1342 - 1349  2020  [Refereed]

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    <p>In this paper, we focused on space and management of serviced housing for the elderly with spaces open to the neighboring communities, and showed that it provides the richness of life that the elderly, not necessarily the wealthy, can enjoy. In terms of space, three arrangements have been devised to enable residents and local residents to coexist, and this knowledge can be applied to other cases. On the management side, it was found that the intervention intention of enterprises supporting the active exchange of the resident group was important in encouraging the active action of residents.In addition, two surveys revealed the spatial characteristics of the common spaces, the contrivance of order when many people use them, the development history of housing, and the actual condition of use of open common spaces.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Macroscopic Analysis of Gentrification

    Shun YOSHIE

    JABS   134 ( 1729 ) 8 - 9  2019.10  [Invited]

  • THE CHARACTER OF "SENSE OF PLACE" AND ITS INHERITANCE THROUGH SURVEYS OF HABITUAL USE OF PLACES IN UNIVERSITY TOWN:- Through surveys of use of places by university students in Takadanobaba -

    MATSUNAGA Mikio, GOTO Haruhiko, YOSHIE Shun

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   760 ( 760 ) 1411 - 1421  2019.06  [Refereed]

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    <p> Edward Relph, a Canadian geographer said that there are psychological connections named "sense of place" between people and place, and they are important in terms of making good places. In Japan, It is said that the urban developments without consideration of psychological connections have destroyed places and their social memory. The purpose of this research is to analyze the character and inheritance of "sense of place", by observing habitual use of places inherited in university students in Takadanobaba. There were three investigations and followings were obtained:</p><p> </p><p>1) The whole picture of places where university students usually use</p><p> It became clear that the places where university students usually use can be divided into fifty four groups based on the industry classification. University facilities, Izakaya, Ramen shop etc. were the most popular places. And it became clear that the places where university students usually use can be roughly divided into nine groups through analysis of purpose for using place. There are the places for intellectual activities, cultural activities, sports, shopping, drinking parties, eating, gathering, killing time and rest. Moreover, it became clear that university students were relating nine places with each other to be network.</p><p> </p><p>2) The target youth's formation process of Local-oriented mind</p><p> 162 habitual uses of places are gained through the survey. They can be roughly classified into two actions. One is action done by using necessary items already prepared in the places, and the other is actions done by bringing necessary items from other places by themselves. The latter is done in the outdoor space, and it became clear that it is done outside of university more than inside of university. It is confirmed that most places where habitual use of places are done were located around each campus and Takadanobaba Station. And it became clear that many habitual uses of places are done in three types of places; places for leisure activity, places as node, and places for moving.</p><p> </p><p>3) Actors for inheritance of "sense of place"</p><p> 134 habitual uses of places are inherited beyond school grade. Groups or people keeping on planning events and the groups with multi-generation members are main actors for inheritance of the habitual use of places, thus they are considered to be one of the actors for inheritance of "sense of place". And it became clear that two environments were important for the inheritance of "sense of place"; appropriate urban space for purpose and the experience of seeing behavior of others.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • FORMATION PROCESS OF LOCAL ORIENTED MIND OF YOUTH ON THE BACKGROUND OF THEIR INTENTION OF SETTLEMENT:-Through group hearing of youth and analysis of life stories in the Kameari area in Katsushika Ward, Tokyo-

    HIROSE Yoya, GOTO Haruhiko, YOSHIE Shun

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   758 ( 758 ) 913 - 923  2019.04  [Refereed]

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    <p> In many developed countries including Japan, it has been pointed out that the conventional intermediate group that stabilized society has been dismantled, and isolated individuals are exposed. On the other hand, in recent years, the group of young people who tend to build a strong human relationship locally and to complete the living area there has been drawing attention as one of the typologies of behavior that characterize the youth near the city center. They have been discussed mainly in the field of marketing in terms of their consumption behavior. Moreover, it has been pointed out that this group of youth tends to participate in regional events actively, such as local festivals and to have an orientation for local settlement. It is thought that their orientation for local settlement is based on local-oriented mind, which is formed with friends of elementary and junior high school days.</p><p> The purpose of this paper is to clarify the process that the group of young people, as an intermediate group based on the experiences of elementary and junior high school days, forming local-oriented mind from group discussion and life story survey. There were three investigations and following was obtained:</p><p> </p><p> 1) The target youth's sense of belonging to local area</p><p> The local memories shared by the group were collected by group discussion under daily circumstances and classified into seven topics. Also, by analyzing the transition of conversation, it became clear that the topic related to the comparison with the city center is the important one linked with many topics. Based on the result, this paper analyzed how the target young people form a sense of belonging to the localities from the viewpoint of the distinction of behaviors in between city center and their local area. As a result, the target young people formed a sense of belonging to the localities by we-feeling; They do not pay attention to interpersonal attitudes, conversation contents, and clothes except for superior people in their local area. They try to be associate with someone carefully in the local are because they think the rumors spread very quickly. And unlike in the city, they can enjoy entertainment activities without considering trends.</p><p> </p><p> 2) The target youth's formation process of Local-oriented mind</p><p> Through interview of life story, it became obvious that the range of activities in junior high school days influences the formation of intermediate group by analyzing the local scope affecting the formation of intermediate group from the psychological local scope and places spoken as activity places by developmental stages of youth. Also, by analyzing the temporal and spatial changes of young activities that form local-oriented and its factors from contents of narratives, it became found that from the late infancy to the late adolescence, while receiving the influence of a friend relationship during junior high school, activities forming local-oriented mind is changing.</p><p> </p><p> 3) Consciousness for the living in the future and its background factors</p><p> From the results of the survey on the consciousness for the living in the future, it became clear that the intermediate group itself is mediating the local-oriented mind and influences the intention of settlement and the positive participation of local events.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • THE PLANNING HISTORY OF CHIBA NEWTOWN AND GENERATION PROCESS OF NON-DWELLING FACILITIES:Through the interview on developers and analysis of physical environment

    TAJIMA Reina, GOTO Haruhiko, YOSHIE Shun

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   758 ( 758 ) 871 - 881  2019.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    <p> The purpose of this study is to clarify the history of the development in Chiba Newtown and the process of the generation of non-dwelling facilities through the interviews on the developers and analysis of the physical change of living environment. Through the research, followings were identified:</p><p> </p><p> 1)The transition in Chiba NT development for 45 years</p><p> ChibaNT has been developed for 45 years, and the plan was changed several times. At first, the project aimed to supply housings and it registered as the "new housing and urban development project". Thus, residential area occupied a large proportion of area in masterplan. However, the plan and its concept changed and the development area were shrunk, and it had decisive influence on forming today's living environment. Especially, the number of commercial and business facility estates has increased based on the change of plan which introduces specific business facilities and multiple land use. And also the developers actively attracted private enterprises by introducing "Limited-term land rent right." In addition, the change was influenced from rapid change of housing demands and the attack of expropriation committee in Chiba by citizens who are protesting against Narita Airport construction.</p><p> </p><p> 2)Emergence process and accumulation of non-dwelling facilities</p><p> Huge part of the area for residential estate change to the area for the commercial and business facilities, under the influences of the change of the plan including the shrinking of the development area, extension of planning period, and introducing of the estate of specific business facilities and multiple land use. Especially, the ratio of commercial and business facility estates in Chuou district and Makinohara district became large, and a lot of non-dwelling facilities were built between 1995 and 2015. And this change overlaps with the change on the masterplan. In 1995, small commercial facilities located near ChibaNT-Chuou Sta. and at neighborhood centers and a business concentration area were being formed on the north side of ChibaNT-Chuou Sta. On the other hand, in 2015, large commercial facilities located near ChibaNT-Chuou Sta. and along the main road, and the new residential areas are constructing. Laboratories and offices accumulated in "business mall", and logistics facilities were being formed in the northeastern part of the Chuou district.</p><p> As described above, there are two types of accumulation trend in the commercial and business facility estate, which was changed from residential estate. One is the accumulation of large commercial facilities, another one is that of logistics and business facilities.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Commodification of Values for Living Environment and the Transformation of Residential Area Seen in the Private-led Housing Supply within Tokyo Metropolitan Area

    Shun YOSHIE

    Doctoral Thesis, Waseda Univ.    2019.02  [Refereed]

  • 「第二の都市化」のなかのコミュニティ


    コミュニテイ = The community   162   85 - 89  2019  [Invited]

  • TRANSITION OF URBAN UPDATE AND SPATIAL CHANGES IN THE 77 PROJECTS OF URBAN REDEVELOPMENT IN TOKYO:-Focusing on the aims of the district plan and the articles of architectural journals-

    TSUSHIMA Hideyuki, GOTO Haruhiko, YOSHIE Shun

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   83 ( 746 ) 659 - 669  2018.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    &nbsp;Looking over the updating of urban space such as advanced use of space and function update is highly suggestive in reading social issues of each age and the consciousness of planners. Nowadays, with the relocation of the Olympic games and Tsukiji Market, interest in urban space renewal is increasing. It is not a regional fragmentary discussion, but it is required to summarize the whole picture of space updating and designer's awareness that has gone through in Tokyo and to critically discuss future updating methods.<br>&nbsp;In this paper, taking the 77 districts of urban redevelopment as an example, we examined what kinds of areas have been subject to renewal in Tokyo and how the new city image has been drawn for those areas in a timely manner. Through this investigation, the whole picture of the renewal of urban space that has been done so far was identified based on the statistical analysis.<br><br>&nbsp;1) The typology of existing environment and building change<br>&nbsp;We classified the former land use targeted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for redevelopment projects and analyzed the renewal of building use and building coverage by development on a timely basis for each type. As a first result, seven types of conventional land use were obtained, and it became clear that they are changing to biased use. Secondly, at the initial stage of redevelopment, the pension rate of business facilities has been on an upward trend, but in recent years a wider open space has been added. On the other hand, it was found that the building peculiarity is planned to increase in the redevelopment of the residential area in recent years.<br><br>&nbsp;2) The transition of aims of district plan by administration<br>&nbsp;We categorized the development goals that Tokyo Metropolitan Government gave to each district plan and analyzed their regional differences and transitions. As a result, four types of aim were obtained. While the "Cutting-edge development driving type" that forms a new city has decreased, it is clarified that "Habitability raising type" that improves the basic performance for living in the area tends to increase mainly in the three central wards of Tokyo.<br><br>&nbsp;3) Planner's discourses about concept of area update and interpretation of existing environments<br>&nbsp;By analyzing the narratives on architectural specialty magazines that argued about the plans in the areas targeted for redevelopment, we revealed the transition of discussions that occurred with redevelopment. In the early stage of redevelopment, despite the immature debate, there was a tendency to tell the consciousness for new age and forming of new urban images. In recent years the discussion has matured, and development has been discussed from various viewpoints. However, the trend of new age consciousness and urban images tends to be decreasing, and it became clear that the explanation of the problems rooted in the community and the necessity of urban renewal are becoming the main story for urban update, instead of creating the new vision of Tokyo.

    DOI CiNii


    ISHIWATA Tomoha, GOTO Haruhiko, YOSHIE Shun

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   83 ( 744 ) 251 - 261  2018.02  [Refereed]

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    &nbsp;In Tokyo, the accumulation of various restaurants is realized as resources of food culture. Nowadays, &ldquo;eating experiences&rdquo; in restaurants is getting important. However, the study on the quality of eating experiences and its geographical characters has hardly been conducted. Thus, it is important to reveal the empirical value of eating in the urban area. The purpose of this study is to identify the geographical characteristics of restaurants accumulation and &ldquo;eating experiences&rdquo; within Tokyo wards area. Through this research, the following has been identified:<br><br>&nbsp;1) The distribution characteristics of restaurants accumulation<br>&nbsp;In the 3rd chapter, the correlations among the geographical distribution trend of 19 types of restaurants were revealed. They were divided into 3 similar groups and 7 independent groups. Then these accumulations were categorized into 3 similar groups. &ldquo;Types with correlation between diner (A. - E.)&rdquo; accumulated along Yamanote line and the linear area spreading from central Tokyo area to Shibuya area. &ldquo;F. Traditional food and Japanese Food&rdquo; accumulated into northern Tokyo wards area. &ldquo;G. Soba and Udon and Chinese Food&rdquo; accumulated into eastern Tokyo wards area.<br>&nbsp;Second, the accumulation characteristic of all restaurants was figured out and it became clear that restaurants accumulated in 5 areas; (a) area with some parallel lines in Tokyo wards area, (b) lines from Shinjuku to eastern wards area, (c) lines from Shibuya to eastern wards area, (d) around Ikebukuro, and (e) some station areas on the suburban railroads. Third, based on these characteristics of restaurants accumulation and the number of passengers, station areas could be divided into 4 similar groups; (a) Multiple types, Few passengers, (b) Multiple types, Many passengers, (c) Single type, Few passengers, and (d) Single type, Many passengers.<br><br>&nbsp;2) The typology of eating experiences and its differences among station areas<br>&nbsp;In the 4th chapter, station areas with noticeable trend of each groups based on the characteristics of restaurants accumulation and the number of passengers were extracted. These were 9 station areas, which are Keiseiueno, Uenookachimachi, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Higashishinjuku, Daikanyama, Kitasenju, Ohtemachi, and Meguro. Second, regional characteristics based on &ldquo;eating experience&rdquo; were cleared. As a result, 82 types of enjoyable &ldquo;eating experience&rdquo; in Tokyo wards area were extracted. Then, they are divided into &ldquo;contents (32)&rdquo;, &ldquo;spaces (26)&rdquo;, &ldquo;events (15)&rdquo; and &ldquo;surroundings (9)&rdquo;. With respect to &ldquo;contents&rdquo;, Higashishinjuku and Daikanyama shows original trend but others didn't have distinguished trend. With respect to &ldquo;spaces&rdquo;, there were no differences by station areas. With respect to &ldquo;events&rdquo;, there were no differences by station areas without Higashishinjuku and Ohtemachi. With respect to &ldquo;surroundings&rdquo;, it was identified that the &ldquo;surroundings&rdquo; is the most unique &ldquo;earing experiences&rdquo; which differs by station areas. Then, summarizing characteristics of station areas based on these 4 &ldquo;eating experiences&rdquo;, 5 regional characteristics based on specialized cluster within &ldquo;contents&rdquo; and extra specialization in eating experiences were identified; (a) enjoy contents (Uenookachimachi and Higashishinjuku), (b) enjoy alcoholic drink and spaces, (c) enjoy ambience, (d) enjoy events, and (e) enjoy location and night view. These characteristics were different from those we have seen in the analysis of restaurants accumulation and the number of passengers. Therefore these were unique characteristics seen from &ldquo;eating experiences&rdquo;.

    DOI CiNii


    KURATA Natsumi, GOTO Haruhiko, YOSHIE Shun

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   83 ( 743 ) 33 - 43  2018.01  [Refereed]

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    &nbsp;As demands of consumers are getting more diverse, downtown and residential areas in Japan have changed to satisfy various image requirements, not just functional differences. It should not be overlooked that the activities of people who make, sell, and interact with their hobbies are growing to a non-negligible economic scale, with invisible change of landscape. In this research, through interview surveys at multiple exhibition spot sale meetings held in the Tokyo metropolitan area, we grasp the actual state of the hand-made craft market and the social background of their formation. We grasped the position of handmade craft market in chapter 2 and clarified the following three points.<br><br>&nbsp;1) The system of the places for activities constituting the hand-made craft market of hobbies<br>&nbsp;The places for procurement of materials diversified in the real space and the Internet space, and they came to satisfy the quality, kindness, reasonable prices, convenience for the producers. Production of handmade crafts are enhanced by outside places and services such as shared workshops and the vendor services. In addition, the places for selling works has also diversified, with exhibitions and craft market services, the producers felt delighted that their work gained empathy with the purchasers and exchanges between artists and fans were born. These facts lead to their motivation for making. Almost all of the producers are using SNS to receive information and stimulated from works of other artists, and they also try to exhibit / advertise their works in SNS. It was found that the development of SNS supported the hand-made craft market, which have physical and non-physical places on the internet, crossing the process of materials procurement, production of handcrafts, and selling of their works.<br><br>&nbsp;2) Types of hobby handmade craft market participants and their characters<br>&nbsp;Participants who started making their works and joined the handmade craft market could be classified into six types, and characters of each types are revealed, based on their motivations, sex, using of interest, working environment, school, occupation and so on. There are diverse participants, one purely enjoys making their works, while another one tries to sell their works, and some have activities for exhibitions and exchanges. It was found that these diverse participants with different purposes were gathered and formed a hand-made craft market.<br><br>&nbsp;3) Space and social function of the places for making handcrafts, case study of shared studios<br>&nbsp;In the chapter 5, we targeted at the &ldquo;share studio&rdquo;, which is a new working model for handmade crafts. The share studio is a space that can be flexibly changed in layout according to the purpose of use, such as the installation of wheeled equipment, and it has the features that they are located in convenient places close to the station. We had investigation at three shared studios in Tokyo. They are not only providing a place for production but also a system of support for manufacturing of both hobbies and main businesses, while they are also providing a place for exchange of artists and information. They also have a role of expanding the base of monozukuri. They are widely used as a place of production for people who are hard to make their works in their own houses. These shared studios are established as a place to support "making things by yourself that is not by mass production".

    DOI CiNii


    YOSHIE Shun, GOTO Haruhiko

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   82 ( 738 ) 1955 - 1965  2017.08  [Refereed]

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    &nbsp;Since the Japanese housing system was marketed at the end of the 20th century, a huge amount of private sale housings were built and became a receiver for the people who returned to the metropolitan area. As more than 20 years have passed since the arrival of the era of urban core revival, it is indispensable to analyze &ldquo;lifestyle images&rdquo; seen in the housing market to read changes in the living environment.<br>&nbsp;The purpose of this paper is to clarify how residential housing has changed the living environment by analyzing expressions used in housing advertisement. There were three investigations and following was obtained:<br><br>&nbsp;1) Location and value change of private sale housing under the era of urban core revival<br>&nbsp;It became clear that the private sale housing in the era of urban core revival can be roughly divided into two groups. One is a group of houses (named &ldquo;standard private sale houses&rdquo;) with a price of 30-60 million yen in size of 60-89 square meters and a floor height of 15 floors or less, and the other is a group of houses with various characters (named &ldquo;special private sale houses&rdquo;). The former is distributed throughout the metropolitan area, whereas the latter was found to have a radial distribution structure centered around the Yamanote line. Also, paying attention to the difference in living environment value, the former will only enjoy the basic value, while the latter will enjoy more diverse and image-wise value. As mentioned above, two groups with different properties have been supplied to private sale houses to promote population return to central Tokyo.<br><br>&nbsp;2) Transition of the regional image caused by soaring and falling of residential land prices<br>&nbsp;Based on the value expression of the location area in the housing advertisement, it became clear that the regional images were categorized into six clusters, each having a unique distribution tendency. While three regional images of &ldquo;CL1: low convenience area with lacking of living facilities&rdquo;, &ldquo;CL3: low image area with lacking of natural values&rdquo;, and &ldquo;CL4: high ground permanent-living area&rdquo; tend to be distributed throughout the metropolitan area, &rdquo;CL2 education / security specialized area&rdquo; tend to be distributed around 20km from central Tokyo, and &ldquo;CL5: urban area with entertainment&rdquo; and &ldquo;CL6: advanced image inclusive area&rdquo; are distributed mainly around the peripheral area and some coastal areas. Next, looking at the transition of regional images under the return to the city center, we found that the transition to &ldquo;CL3: low image area with lacking of natural values&rdquo; is mainly progressing in the whole metropolitan area. Areas that achieved transitions of regional images different from these were extracted as "transitions of unique area images" from this analysis.<br><br>&nbsp;3) Actual state of the areas that achieved transitions of unique regional images<br>&nbsp;In the six areas that achieved "transitions of unique area images", small factories, condominiums, detached houses, apartment complexes, corporate houses were found to be subject to renewal. Among them, in the price rising region, there is a diverse characteristic in the change of building uses, and accordingly there was a difference in the transition of the regional images. On the other hand, in the price falling area, construction of condominiums is progressing but there is no clear difference in the change of building use. Instead of it, it was grasped that cognitive changes in location areas such as expansion of the view of the surrounding area, replacement from the natural environment to the child rearing environment, accreditation and boost by the administration are strongly influenced on the transition of regional images in the price falling area.

    DOI CiNii

  • Study on Shared Regional Images and Narrative Groups within the Tokyo Shitamachi Area.:Focusing on the Shitamachi Image before the development of the Tokyo-Skytree

    Joi Moe, Goto Haruhiko, Yoshie Shun

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   51 ( 3 ) 1117 - 1122  2016  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    "Shitamachi" area became famous along with the development of Tokyo-Skytree. On top of that, urban renewal is also occurring in this area, and by these various factors, Shitamachi is gradually changing. Thus, it is important to record the Shitamachi image (personal images of the traditional regions in Japanese cities) shared until these days. The purpose of this study is to identify the changes in the Shitamachi image among different age groups and how these images have been passed down over generations. Through this research, the followings have been identified: 1) Various narrative groups and the differences in narration of regional images. 2) Generation gap of the Shitamachi image seen from the relationship between narration of regional images and narrative group.

    DOI CiNii


    YOSHIE Shun, GOTO Haruhiko

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   81 ( 727 ) 1959 - 1969  2016  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    &nbsp;Since people's needs for living environment are currently getting more diverse and qualitative, traditional model which links life-stages directly to housings like &ldquo;jutaku-sugoroku (board game of housings)&rdquo; in modern ages, will not enough effective to grasp the actual situation of people's housing preference action.<br>&nbsp;Instead of evaluating grade of the living environment by a unitary index, the method to reevaluate the living environment by plural subjective values is needed.<br><br>&nbsp;Based on such idea, the author had found over 100 values of lifestyle, which were supplied to housing market, by analyzing the housing advertisements from 1980 to 2010. To compare with these results, this paper on the contrary aims to clarify the desires for living environment that people have when they choose their own housings.<br>&nbsp;In this research questionnaires were distributed for 5,749 residents around Tokyo metropolitan area, to investigate how strongly they want each values when they were selecting their house, and were they satisfied enough or not.<br><br>&nbsp;In chapter 3, by analyzing the answers of questionnaires, desires for living environment were classified into 5 groups: 1) desires for urban images, 2) desires for luxury images, 3) desires for accessibilities, 4) desires for everyday life, and 5) desires for nature images. These desires have a qualitative variation from &ldquo;basic desires&rdquo; to &ldquo;selective&rdquo; ones.<br>&nbsp;Based on these desires and social characters, the subjects that select living environment were also classified into 5 groups: 1) a group with low income and basic desires, 2) a group with middle ages from suburbs who concentrates on everyday life desires, 3) a group with middle ages from suburbs who had desires around everyday life, 4) a group with middle and old ages from cities who had balanced desires, 5) a group with old ages and pursues all types of desires.<br><br>&nbsp;In chapter 4, process of housing preference was analyzed by evaluating compromise and satisfaction of desires. As a result, 5) a group with old ages and pursues all types of desires tends to have a choice that satisfies their first desires, while 4) a group with middle and old ages from cities who had balanced desires tends to have a choice with total change of their first desires. The subject groups 1), 2), 3) tend to have a choice with partial change in desires.<br>&nbsp;In short, a subject group that strongly intends desires tends to have lower satisfaction and compromise after deciding their house to buy.<br>&nbsp;At the same time, it was grasped that, as a result, the choice with the change of first desires will lead to the choice of a variety of housing types. Thus, the housing preference with less change of the first desires will let them enjoy "values as they demanded". In contrast to these cases, the housing preference with more change of desires will be accommodated by diverse housing types, with a satisfaction of desires that they did not have at first, namely "values they found".

    DOI CiNii


    Shun YOSHIE

    Waseda University    2015.03


    YOSHIE Shun, GOTO Haruhiko, YAMAMURA Shu

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   80 ( 716 ) 2231 - 2241  2015  [Refereed]

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    &nbsp;The purpose of this research is to identify the spatiotemporal characteristics of values of living environment, based on the analysis of housing advertisements within the Tokyo metropolitan area from 1980 to 2010. (1)Firstly the values were sampled as 102 groups based on their meanings, and their tendency of increase and decrease was revealed. (2) Secondly the housings were classified into 7 types and their geographical characteristics were identified. (3)And finally the qualitative changes of the values which reflect the transformation of the center of tokyo metropolitan area were revealed, which were represented as &ldquo;being high-rised&rdquo; of housings, &ldquo;being imageable&rdquo; of the nature, &ldquo;being security - biased&rdquo; of safeties, and &rdquo;being individual - biased&rdquo; of families. At the same time in the whole metropolitan area, &ldquo;being indoor&ldquo; of the comfortableness and diversification of families were also identified.

    DOI CiNii

  • The City as an Image: The Dilusional Diversity Seen in Shibuya After the Collapse of the Bubble Economy

    Shun YOSHIE

    Waseda University    2013.03

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Books and Other Publications


    吹田良平、河上直美( Part: Joint author, 反転業務都市 都市に〈迂回する経済〉を実装する)

    株式会社トゥーヴァージンズ  2025.01

  • 「迂回する経済」の都市論 : 都市の主役の逆転から生まれるパブリックライフ

    吉江, 俊( Part: Sole author)

    学芸出版社  2024.09 ISBN: 9784761529123

  • Sharing Tokyo: Artifice and the Social World

    Mohsen Mostafavi, Kayoko Ota, Shun Yoshie( Part: Joint author, The Urban Planning of Takamasa Yoshizaka)

    Actor  2023.03 ISBN: 9781638400608

  • 住宅をめぐる〈欲望〉の都市論――民間都市開発の台頭と住環境の変容

    吉江 俊( Part: Sole author)

    春風社  2023.02 ISBN: 9784861108280

  • 吉阪隆正パノラみる = YOSIZAKA TAKAMASA panorama world : from life‐size to the earth

    アルキテクト, 北田, 英治, 齊藤, 祐子, 東京都現代美術館( Part: Joint author)

    Echelle‐1  2022.05 ISBN: 9784904700082

  • コミュニティシップ : 下北線路街プロジェクト。挑戦する地域、応援する鉄道会社

    橋本, 崇, 向井, 隆昭, 吹田, 良平( Part: Joint author, 「「迂回する経済」と発酵するコミュニティ試論」)

    学芸出版社  2022.05 ISBN: 9784761528157

  • 転変建築 : 移ろいゆくもの : 特集

    ( Part: Joint editor, 「時間による空間の転変」)

    早稲田大学理工学術院創造理工学研究科建築学専攻 : 早稲田大学理工学術院創造理工学部建築学科 : 早稲田大学建築学研究所,建築資料研究社 (発売)  2022.04 ISBN: 9784863588097

  • クリティカルワード 現代建築 : 社会を映し出す建築の100年史

    山崎, 泰寛, 本橋, 仁, 勝原, 基貴, 熊谷, 亮平, 吉江, 俊(総論「近代化とその両義性の都市論」および都市論・都市計画に関する57のキーワード)

    フィルムアート社  2022.03 ISBN: 9784845918126


    吹田良平( Part: Joint author, 「迂回する経済とハイパー・ネイバーフッド ——ポスト・コロナ・シティの風景を構想する」)

    トゥーヴァージンズ  2021.10

  • 無形学へ ーかたちになる前の思考ー まちづくりを俯瞰する5つの視座

    後藤春彦, 三宅諭, 高嶺翔太, 山崎義人, 佐久間康富, 佐藤宏亮, 山村崇, 山川志典, 吉江俊ほか( Part: Joint author, コラム, 終章)

    水曜社  2017.04

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  • オーセンティケーション 地域のすがたを模索する:なにをどこまで変えるのか?

    吉江俊  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2024.07

  • 〈不連続統一体〉再考 都市論と都市計画の往還

    吉江俊  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.07

  • 『アメリカ大都市の死と生』、 そしていま

    吉江俊  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • 都市論からみた 「不連続統一体」 の示唆

    吉江俊  [Invited]

    稲門建築会 春の大会 記念講演会 

    Presentation date: 2022.05

  • 「欲望の地理学」と 「食の経験」研究の展望

    吉江俊  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2022.02

  • 駅から始まるパブリックライフの再生

    吉江俊  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2022.01

  • 今和次郎 吉阪隆正 その先へ

    吉江俊  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2022.01

  • 東京臨海の「欲望の地理学」

    吉江俊  [Invited]

    竹中工務店シンポジウム TOKYO臨海を世界で一番住みやすい街にするには 

    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • 欲望の地理学から 〈迂回する経済〉のデザインへ

    吉江俊  [Invited]

    日本生活学会 生活学カフェ 

    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • 〈第四の場所〉と〈迂回の計画〉 ——都市研究の前線から

    吉江俊  [Invited]

    日本建築学会 建築文化考シンポジウム 都市のそのさき 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

  • 迂回する都市論

    吉江俊  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.03

  • 「にぎわい」を超える 都市再生を考える:経験の空間としてのPublic Realm

    吉江俊  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • 「ホテルライクな住居」の出現と変容 ―都心回帰に伴い台頭した新たな居住心理とその空間


    2019 年度日本建築学会大会(北陸) 学術講演会研究発表 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Tokyo: Hidden Contexts to Read the Chaotic Cityscapes

    Shun YOSHIE  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • Marketization, Neoliberal Housing Policies and the Housing Design. The Case of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area

    Shun YOSHIE  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 欲望の地理学— イメージのランドスケープから 〈消費の空間〉を読み解く

    吉江俊  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • 住宅供給システムの市場化とともに生じる住様式と住宅供給者の変化 1980-2010 年における首都圏の住宅広告の解読を通して


    2017年度日本建築学会大会(中国) 学術講演会 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 住環境の「欲望」の地理的分析に基づく首都圏の空間構造変化に関する研究 ―居住環境を選択する主体ならびに市場に供給される住様式の両面の考察から―



    Presentation date: 2016.05

  • 首都圏ライフスタイル研究、 その一連の成果と課題



    Presentation date: 2016.04

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Research Projects

  • 開発圧力の高い大都市中心部における多様性の維持と民間企業の 役割に関する研究

    一般財団法人 第一生命財団  一般財団法人第一生命財団 調査研究助成

    Project Year :


  • 自然との共生を実現する《Garden City型》次世代住宅地モデル開発

    国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)  官民による若手研究者発掘支援事業

    Project Year :


  • 「公共景」の概念化と実装に向けたデザインガイドラインに関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    吉江 俊

     View Summary

    公共空間への参入については、さらに「公共空間の利用を阻む環境的要因」について詳細な調査を行った。ここでは大学生13名を対象としたワークショップにより、公共空間から人びとを締め出す空間要素「Defensive Architecture」と、それがつくる環境「Defensive Environment」を抽出・類型化した。本成果は、日本建築学会計画系論文集(査読付きの学術誌)に発表準備中である。さらに首都圏居住者800名へのWEBアンケート調査も実施し、コロナ流行前後での屋外行動のニーズ把握も行った。

  • A Study on Gentrification and Evaluation of Public Intervention in Metropolitan Areas

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Yoshie Shun

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    Gentrification is a phenomenon in which urban redevelopment leads to upward change of areas, forcing traditional residents to move or emotionally lose their place. It is one of the most important urban issues emerging in capitalist countries. In this study, it was first summarized that the differences in gentrification between European cases and large cities in Japan and was published in the monthly journal of AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan).
    In addition, methodology to visualize the progress of gentrification in the three major metropolitan areas of the Tokyo were developed, and grasped the change in Chukyo area, Kinki area and Tokyo area. And through the research, the evaluation guideline of "urban regeneration" was classified by repeating the workshop with specialists who participate in urban redevelopment.
    During the study period, we published 10 peer-reviewed papers, including the journal of architecture and planning.

  • ライフスタイルの地理的分析に基づく首都圏における住環境の質的圏域性に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    吉江 俊

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    (1)では全国的には持ち家住宅が今なお増加傾向にあること、1990 年代後半から分譲住宅が急増しており、高度経済成長期における新築の主流であった賃貸住宅を上回り、民間企業による住宅建設が急増したことなどを明らかにした。また国内の全体像把握のほかに、筆者が企画段階から携わったドイツ・アーヘン工科大学の国際シンポジウム「Growing Bad? The Sub-Urban Housing Challenge」の議論にて先進諸国の住宅供給について様々な知見が得られるなど、当初の計画を上回る成果が獲得された。
    (2)では住宅デザインと首都圏居住者の暮らしの変化の全体像および立地地域の変容の全体像を明らかにし、変容する立地地域のフィールド調査と課題の抽出を行った。ここでは民間住宅開発とともに、都心から半径20km 円周部に立地する地域において地域像の高次が進む傾向にあることがわかった。実地調査からこれらの地域では、小規模な工場や民間集合住宅、戸建住宅などが新たに高層集合住宅へ変化している点が共通して確認された。また大きな面積を占めていた社宅が解体されることで、街区スケールの建物変化が生じている様子が各所で把握された。


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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 民間開発時代の都市におけるライフスタイル分布の地理的分析に関する研究・技術開発


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    (1)民間企業による都市再開発が描くライフスタイルの内容抽出・統計学的分析手法の開発 住宅広告から得られたライフスタイルの語り、および外食情報ウェブサイトから得られた飲食環境の語りを、多変量解析によって類型化し、ライフスタイルに関する複数の質的パラメータを抽出することに成功した。(2)GIS(地理空間システム)を用いたライフスタイルの空間的可視化 (1)のデータを地理空間と紐づけて東京圏スケールでその分布を可視化した。また、それらの点から空間的な範域を予測するカーネル密度推計によって、ライフスタイルの空間分布を推計し可視化する手法を開発した。