2025/03/11 更新


イイノ ユタカ
飯野 穣
研究院(研究機関) スマート社会技術融合研究機構
博士(工学) ( 東京工業大学 )
1984.3 早稲田大学大学院 理工学研究科 電気工学科専攻 修士課程 修了
1984.4~2018.3 株式会社東芝にて、エネルギー管理技術、省エネ技術などの研究開発に従事
2015.3 東京工業大学大学院 理工学研究科 機械制御システム専攻 博士課程 修了 博士(工学)
2018.4~ 現職(早稲田大学)にてスマート社会の要素技術(電力、交通、情報)等の研究に従事


  • 2018年04月

    早稲田大学,スマート社会技術融合研究機構   先進グリッド技術研究所   研究院准教授,主任研究員

  • 2016年07月

    東芝インフラシステムズ(株)   ビル・施設ソリューション推進部   主幹

  • 1984年04月

    株式会社 東芝   総合研究所→電力社会システム技術開発センター→スマートコミュニティ推進部   主幹

  • 2007年04月

    東京工業大学大学院   理工学研究科博士課程   Ph.D. degree (Engineering)

  • 1982年04月

    早稲田大学大学院理工学研究科   電気工学専攻

  • 1978年04月

    早稲田大学   電気工学科



  • 2023年01月

    電気学会  スマート電力メーター活用の動向と展望に関する調査専門委員会 (幹事)

  • 2021年03月

    計測自動制御学会 英文論文集JCMSI編集委員会  編集委員

  • 2012年04月

    JST CREST  分散協調型エネルギー管理システム構築のための理論及び基盤技術の創出と融合展開 領域アドバイザー

  • 2015年01月

    計測自動制御学会  制御部門 副部門長および部門長











  • 制御、システム工学   エネルギーマネジメントシステム / 制御、システム工学   システム制御理論


  • 分散協調最適化

  • 分散型エネルギー資源

  • モデリング

  • 最適化

  • システム制御理論

  • 需要科学

  • エネルギーマネジメントシステム



  • 計測自動制御学会論文賞 1995号

    2021年09月   計測自動制御学会   マクロ交通流モデルに基づくサイバーフィジカル最適信号機制御とミクロ交通シミュレータを用いた検証  

    受賞者: 檀 隼人, 岡本 僚太, 畑中 健志, 向井 正和, 飯野 穣

  • 2021年 電子・情報・システム部門誌 優秀論文賞

    2021年09月   電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門   次世代型路面電車交通と配電系統の統合モデルによる電化公共交通都市を目指した電力交通間の相互作用の評価  

    受賞者: 小鯖 裕之, 小林 宏泰, 宮崎 輝, 飯野 穣, 近藤 圭一郎, 林 泰弘, 山本 良太, 長谷川 匡彦, 吉永 淳



  • Charging and Discharging Schedule Optimization Method Considering Renewable Energy and Distribution System for Electric Buses

    Natsuno Kato, Tsunayoshi Ishii, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Shingo Uchiyama, Kohei Oishi, Kenjiro Mori

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   144 ( 10 ) 526 - 539  2024年10月


    Electric buses are introduced toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, and there is a movement to utilize their storage batteries. On the other hand, the electric power system, where distributed energy resources are rapidly spreading, is becoming increasingly complex, and the impact of charging by electric buses on power system is an issue. In this study, we propose an optimization method for electric bus charge/discharge schedule that considers sector coupling between transportation system and power system. Then, we evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method from the viewpoints of both the distribution system operator and the electric bus operator by performing power flow calculations using a distribution system model. The results show that the proposed method can contribute to power demand shifting and smoothing power flow in distribution network by charging and discharging, and that multiple evaluation indices, e.g. peak-cutting of power flow, line occupation rate, distribution loss, reverse power flow utilization rate, renewable energy rate and CO2 emissions, are improved compared to the conventional charging scheduling method.



  • 8-1-2 分散協調EMSのリアルタイム制御による地域潮流の混雑緩和評価

    山下 聡史, 三宅 治良, 坂元 賢太郎, 進士 聖雄, 飯野 穣, 石井 綱吉, 林 泰弘

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集   33   196 - 197  2024年07月


  • Development of Evaluation Process for Demand-Side Resilience against Power Outage

    N. Sakai, T. Tobo, R. Takahashi, Y. Iino, K. Yabe, Y. Hayashi

    CIGRE Science and Engineering   2024 ( 32 )  2024年02月


    Power outage caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons is likely to take a few days to restore service and has been one of the issues for social infrastructure. As climate change could make weather events severer and more frequent, it is getting more important to reinforce resilience against the malfunction of power system. Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), represented by integrated systems of photovoltaic power (PV) and batteries, are supposed to be effective to improve reliability of power supply as a part of Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) for consumers whose business needs continuous energy. However, clarifying the bene t of DERs in case of power outage is not easy due to variety of causes and uncertainty of occurrence. The objective of this study is to develop a process of evaluating the ‘resilience value’ of DERs. This process is expected to help reduce costs to reinforce overhead power lines against natural disasters by boosting DER installation on the demand-side. The evaluation process mainly consists of ve steps: evaluation condition setup, probabilistic risk assessment, resilience curve analysis, risk curve construction, and resilience value calculation. For the evaluation condition setup, speci cations of power supply equipment including DERs and daily load patterns of consumers changing with weather are collected to set evaluation conditions. Probabilistic risk assessment identi es likely combinations of component states in the demand-side energy system exposed to hazards by event tree analyses. In the resilience curve analysis, transient balance between consumer load and available DER supply during power outage is calculated for each combination of component states by optimizing objective functions to minimize costs considering the penalty for lost load which is divided according to three importance levels. Risk curves are drawn with lost load associated with each combination of component states and cumulative probabilities for its occurrence, providing expected values of lost load caused by the hazards. Eventually, ‘resilience value’ is acquired as the difference between values of lost load (VoLL) with DERs and without any demand-side countermeasures. As a case-study, the resilience values of a single ve-storied building in case of an earthquake were evaluated. The building had been originally equipped with an emergency diesel generator (EDG) for its critical load demand and was assumed to add PV power system with batteries at the roof oor in the evaluation. For the risk analysis, fragility values of six system components by an earthquake leading to seven-day power outage were determined, and occurrence probabilities for combinations of component states were acquired. Resilience values were calculated from the difference in the area formed by the risk curves. The results showed that resilience values for the total service life of the equipment would increase if the renewable DERs were added to the building. The application of the evaluation process will be extended to complex facilities with multiple buildings and DERs connected with each other.

  • 市場価格とインバランスリスクを考慮したDERの最適市場入札戦略に関する研究

    今井龍之介, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 宮澤歩夢, 今枝大和

    電気学会 論文誌B   144 ( 2 ) 68 - 78  2024年02月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]



  • スポット市場・需給調整市場に対するコージェネ発電機群によるkWhとΔkWの同時入札戦略の提案と評価

    飯野穣, 今井龍之介, 林泰弘, 宮澤歩夢, 今枝大和

    電気学会 論文誌B   144 ( 2 ) 112 - 122  2024年02月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]



  • Proposal and Evaluation of Hierarchical EMS using an Adaptive-Robust EMS Method.

    Masao Shinji, Yutaka Iino, Tsunayoshi Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Satoshi Yamashita, Jumpei Doi, Takahiro Matsuzaki, Jiro Miyake, Kentaro Sakamoto

    ISGT EUROPE     1 - 5  2024年


  • Generalize the Bidding Strategy of Distributed Energy Resources for the Balancing Market

    Ryunosuke Imai, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ayumu Miyasawa, Kojiro Nishioka

    International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM    2024年


    In recent years, there has been an emerging trend towards aggregation businesses in the distributed energy resources (DERs) that consumers utilise, where aggregators bundle their balancing power values for the balancing market. Therefore, this study proposes a three-stage optimization market bidding strategy for DERs. It incorporates a bidding strategy that considers the balancing market's characteristics and the conventional function of supplying electricity to consumers. The proposed method comprises three optimization stages. First, a bidding plan is devised. Second, a plan is formulated accounting for the execution results. Third, the plan is modified based on the output command value. The approach incorporates formulations accommodating DER activation and availability costs alongside simultaneous optimization by an energy service provider and aggregator. The effectiveness is evaluated based on market transaction simulations utilising real market data.



  • Evaluation of Power Characteristics under Constant PCS Power Factor Operation in PV Distribution Line

    Yasuhiro Kodama, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Osei Ikeda, Daisuke Munakata

    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy   143 ( 11 ) 585 - 592  2023年11月



  • 配電系統の混雑緩和に向けた分散型エネルギーリソース活用に関する技術動向

    金子 曜久, 藤本 悠, 飯野 穣

    電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌)   143 ( 9 ) 520 - 523  2023年09月



  • Electric Bus Charge/Discharge Scheduling Optimization Method for Power Flow Smoothing in a Distribution System

    Natsuno Kato, Yuto Ihara, Yasuhiro Kodama, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ryo Maeda, Kohei Oishi, Kenjiro Mori

    2023 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech)    2023年04月


  • Identifying Faulty Sections in Distribution Line Loop Operation using Section Switchgear with Sensor without Branch Lines

    Yasuhiro Kodama, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering   18 ( 6 ) 856 - 864  2023年03月



  • Challenges in Smartizing Operational Management of Functionally-Smart Inverters for Distributed Energy Resources: A Review on Machine Learning Aspects

    Yu Fujimoto, Akihisa Kaneko, Yutaka Iino, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energies   16 ( 3 ) 1330 - 1330  2023年01月


    The widespread introduction of functionally-smart inverters will be an indispensable factor for the large-scale penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs) via the power system. On the other hand, further smartization based on the data-centric operation of smart inverters (S-INVs) is required to cost-effectively achieve the same level of power system operational performance as before under circumstances where the spatio-temporal behavior of power flow is becoming significantly complex due to the penetration of DERs. This review provides an overview of current ambitious efforts toward smartization of operational management of DER inverters, clarifies the expected contribution of machine learning technology to the smart operation of DER inverters, and attempts to identify the issues currently open and areas where research is expected to be promoted in the future.



  • 分散型エネルギー資源の所有・運用形態によるエネルギー融通性能の比較評価

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集   66   761 - 764  2023年


  • Robustness Evaluation of Operational Methods for Off-grid Renewable Energy Systems Installed on Remote Islands

    Kazuki Nagasawa, Yasuhiro Kodama, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Satoru Akagi, Jun Yoshinaga

    2022 International Conference on Smart City and Green Energy (ICSCGE)    2022年11月


  • 需要家利益と系統貢献価値の同時実現を目指した住宅需要家群向けDER最適配置計画

    笠原亮太, 飯野穣, 林泰弘, 金子雄

    電気学会 論文誌B   142 ( 9 ) 404 - 414  2022年09月  [査読有り]  [国内誌]



  • バスの段階的な電動化を考慮した充電スケジュール最適化によるPV地産地消能力の評価

    富澤 勇輝, 井原 雄人, 児玉 安広, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 池田 欧世, 吉永 淳

    電気学会 論文誌B   142 ( 2 ) 67 - 76  2022年02月  [査読有り]



  • 分散協調EMS方式による需要家群のレジリエンス性能の向上

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集   65   49 - 52  2022年


  • Multipurpose Charging Schedule Optimization Method for Electric Buses: Evaluation Using Real City Data

    Yuki Tomizawa, Yuto Ihara, Yasuhiro Kodama, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ohsei Ikeda, Jun Yoshinaga

    IEEE Access   10   56067 - 56080  2022年  [査読有り]



  • Model Predictive Control with Pattern Learning of Prediction and Control Trajectory and its Application to a Battery EMS Problem

    Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2021 60th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2021     170 - 175  2021年09月


    While the model predictive control method can be widely applied to energy systems and industrial fields, it is difficult to evaluate the reproducibility in advance, and there is a limit to the quality assurance of the control system. In this paper, we propose the prediction/control trajectory of the model predictive control as a control parameter and tried to simplify the model predictive control algorithm by limiting it to a finite number of scenario patterns using the k-means clustering method. This approach does not require optimization calculations and can reduce the computational load and ensure the reproducibility of control operations. The proposed method was applied to the energy management system (EMS) problem with battery storage. The target is an energy system consisting of fluctuating demand load and photovoltaic power generation as a variable renewable energy resource, and storage battery and commercial power reception, and the proposed method is applied to the optimization of storage battery operation. Focusing on the net load pattern as the predicted trajectory and the storage battery's state of charge (SOC) pattern as the control trajectory, the proposed pattern learning model predictive control EMS method was applied to each pattern. The former corresponds to output feedback control and the latter corresponds to state feedback control. Also, state observer-based control is considered where the state is estimated by neural network. As a result of evaluation by simulation of EMS operation for one year based on actual data of PV power generation and demand, control loss increase of only about 8% compared to the optimal control case, with only 3 representative patterns of prediction and control trajectory parameters. So, the effectiveness of the proposed method was confirmed. We also confirmed the robustness against demand forecast error and representative pattern selection error.

  • HEMSとの協調を考慮した需要家蓄電池の配電系統電圧制御手法

    福井 将悟, 宮崎 輝, 飯野 穣, 広橋 亘, 林 泰弘, 松本 直也, 松本 侑, 稲垣 信

    電気学会 論文誌B   141 ( 5 ) 336 - 344  2021年05月  [査読有り]



  • 可制御空間最大化MPC方式の提案と分散型エネルギー資源調整力最適化EMS問題への適用

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集   64   49 - 52  2021年

    DOI CiNii

  • Charging Schedule Optimization Method for Electric Buses with PV Installed at Bus Stations: Sensitivity Analysis of PV Capacity based on Real City Data

    Yuki Tomizawa, Yutaka Iino, Yuto Ihara, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Teru Miyazaki, Ryota Yamamoto

    2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES)    2020年11月  [査読有り]


  • Backup generator output control method of off-grid system based on renewable energy in remote island

    Kazuki Nagasawa, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Teru Miyazaki, Tomoaki Shoji, Yutaka Iino, Jun Yoshinaga

       2020年11月  [査読有り]


  • 次世代型路面電車交通と配電系統の統合モデルによる電化公共交通都市を目指した電力交通間の相互影響の評価

    小鯖 裕之, 小林 宏泰, 宮崎 輝, 飯野 穣, 近藤 圭一郎, 林 泰弘, 山本 良太, 長谷川 匡彦, 吉永 淳

    電気学会 論文誌B   140 ( 8 ) 892 - 904  2020年08月  [査読有り]



  • Evaluation and Visualization of kW / kWh Cost of a District Heating and Cooling System for Electricity Adjustment

    Kohei Tomita, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yutaka Iino, Yuto Yamamoto, Kosuke Kobayashi

    Proceedings of 2020 4th International Conference on Green Energy and Applications, ICGEA 2020     22 - 27  2020年03月


    A District Heating and Cooling system (DHC) with Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is able to not only satisfy regional heat and cold demand but also generate and control electricity by CHP. Therefore, a DHC with CHP has potential as control reserve for electricity adjustment (EA). In Japan, an EA auction was established to secure control reserve efficiently. In our previous research, potential of EA by a DHC for this auction has already evaluated. Furthermore, it was found that kW and kWh costs of a DHC for EA mainly depend on the heat and cold demand. Operators of DHCs need to comprehend the exact costs for EA when they bid on the auction. Therefore, fluctuations in costs for EA due to changes in heat and cold demand have been a critical issue for operators in decision making for the bid. However, costs for EA of a DHC with comprehensive assumption of various heat and cold demands has not been evaluated. Therefore, in this paper, the kW and kWh costs of an existing DHC are quantified and visualized as a multidimensional function based on the conditions of heat and cold demands. In addition, the factors behind those results are discussed. As a result, this research made it possible to predict the costs for EA of the DHC with heat and cold demand forecasts, and the operator could use it as auxiliary information in decision making for the bid.



  • 系統貢献を目的とした地域冷暖房システムの大規模運転計画問題分割手法

    冨田 康平, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 山本 有途, 小林 広介, 速川 敦彦

    電気学会論文誌B   140 ( 2 ) 94 - 103  2020年02月  [査読有り]




  • 可制御軌道に基づく分散型エネルギー資源アグリゲーション制御

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集   63   341 - 344  2020年

    DOI CiNii

  • Cyber-physical Optimal Traffic Signal Control Based on a Macroscopic Traffic Model and Its Verification Using Microscopic Traffic Simulator

    Hayato DAN, Ryota OKAMOTO, Takeshi HATANAKA, Masakazu MUKAI, Yutaka IINO

    Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   56 ( 3 ) 106 - 115  2020年


  • Design of a Traffic Simulator with Real-time Feedback and Signal Optimization and Demonstration

    Hayato DAN, Ryota OKAMOTO, Yasuaki WASA, Takeshi HATANAKA, Masakazu MUKAI, Yutaka IINO

    Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   56 ( 7 ) 379 - 385  2020年


  • Multiple Scenario-based Model Predictive Control with Decision Time Limit Determination of Scenario Selection

    飯野 穣

    2019 58th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan    2019年09月  [査読有り]



  • Coordinated Energy Management Systems for Multi-Energy Negotiated Transaction with Marginal Cost Information and Its Properties from the Viewpoint of Graph Complexity

    飯野 穣

    計測自動制御学会英文論文集JCMSI   11 ( 6 ) 486 - 494  2018年11月  [査読有り]


  • 需要家設備の負荷調整力を最大化するEMS技術の制御理論的考察

    飯野 穣, 小林 延久, 林 泰弘

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集   61   436 - 439  2018年

    DOI CiNii

  • Feasibility and Performance Analysis of Model Predictive Signal Control Based on a Micro Traffic Model Including Individual Vehicle Motion

    Ryota OKAMOTO, Yuki TEZUKA, Masakazu MUKAI, Takeshi HATANAKA, Yutaka IINO, Toru NAMERIKAWA

    Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   54 ( 12 ) 849 - 856  2018年


  • Experimental Services of Energy Management for Energy Users in Business Region on Miyakojima City All-Islands EMS Demonstration Project

    Yutaka Iino, Yoshihiro Ogita, Gaku Shimoda, Masaru Zenhira, Satoru Mikami, Yukio Ikema

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   200 ( 4 ) 19 - 29  2017年09月  [査読有り]


    Smart grid and demand response (DR) had been attracting attention and evaluated in several demonstration projects. Many DR experimental results for residential and large-scale buildings had been evaluated, while evaluation for small size buildings seems to be not enough. In this paper, a new energy service combined EMS method is proposed for small size buildings. Then results of its application to Miyako Island All-Islands EMS Demonstration Project are introduced. The experimental services include not only DRs but also peak cutting recommendations and energy analysis reports. The results show combination of services can realize more effects than individual service. Especially the peak cutting recommendations and energy analysis reports help energy consumers to learn and understand how to save and manage energy usages that lead to effective DR potentials. Also the experimental system developed for energy data measurement and DR management as an island community EMS is intrduced. (C) 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • Coordinated Energy Management Systems for Multi-Energy Negotiated Transaction with Marginal Cost Information

    Yutaka Iino



    Recently the multi-energy network had attracted attentions, which includes electricity, heat and fuel energies. These energies should be traded in market dynamics to maximize total economic benefits. However, energy transmission constraints caused by heat and/or fuel network structure restrict trading with market transaction. So in this paper coordinated EMS based on negotiated transaction mechanism is considered. Then a transaction protocol based on marginal cost of energy accommodation is proposed. Some properties of general multi-energy network of negotiated transaction are also discussed.



  • デマンドレスポンス能力推定のための負荷調整力評価モデルの構築

    飯野穣, 藤川勉, 金子沙織, 下田学, 片岡和人, 荻本和彦

    電気学会論文誌 B   137 ( 5 ) 372 - 380  2017年  [査読有り]



  • 宮古島市全島EMS実証事業における事業者向けエネルギーサービス試行実験

    飯野穣, 荻田能弘, 下田学, 善平勝, 三上暁, 池間幸生

    電気学会論文誌 B   136 ( 6 ) 537 - 546  2016年  [査読有り]



  • 座談会:分散協調型エネルギー管理システム―2020年を見据えて―

    滑川 徹, 藤田 政之, 浅野 浩志, 飯野 穣, 三平 満司, 杉江 俊治, マルタ マルミローリ, 山西 健司

    計測と制御   55 ( 7 ) 539 - 546  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 外調機自動制御における制御ループの異常診断手法

    田丸 慎悟, 飯野 穣

    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集   2016   329 - 332  2016年



    DOI CiNii

  • Model Predictive Control for Demand Response Aggregation Management System with response delay time and uncertainty model

    Yutaka Iino, Takeshi Hatanaka, Masayuki Fujita

    2014 Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference (SICE)     1478 - 1483  2014年  [査読有り]


    In the Smart Grid Technology, Demand Response (DR) scheme had attracted attentions as a new effective electricity supply-demand balance control method. The aim of this paper is to formulate DR aggregation management system with multiple electricity energy users as a control and optimization theory framework. Where, the demand response delay dynamics and stochastic uncertainty as behaviors in each energy user are included as the DR aggregation system model, to represent actual DR aggregation service management process in the electricity market mechanism. For the generalized formulation of the problem, the Model Predictive Optimization & Control scheme is introduced, where control performance, economical value with DR incentive, and also operational risk to fail DR target achievement are formulated. Some practical calculation procedure of dispatching DR command to each energy user as the DR aggregator is also shown.



  • Physical and JIT Model-Based Hybrid Modeling Approach for Building Thermal Load Prediction

    Yutaka Iino, Masahiko Murai, Dai Murayama, Ichiro Motoyama

    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN   185 ( 2 ) 30 - 39  2013年11月  [査読有り]


    Energy conservation in building fields is a key issue from an environmental point of view as well as of the industrial, transportation, and residential fields. Half of the total energy consumption in a building is a result of HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems. In order to conserve energy in an HVAC system, a thermal load prediction model for a building is required. This paper proposes a hybrid modeling approach using a physical and just-in-time (JIT) model for the thermal load predictions for a building. The proposed method has features and benefits such as (1) it is applicable to cases in which past operating data for load prediction model learning are poor; (2) it has a self-checking function, which determines if the data-driven load prediction and the physical- based one are consistent at all times, so that it can determine if something is wrong in the load prediction procedure; (3) it has the ability to adjust the load prediction in real time against a sudden change in the model parameters and environmental conditions. The proposed method is evaluated using real operating data from an existing building, and the improvement in load prediction performance is illustrated. (C) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 185(2): 30-39, 2013; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.22293



  • Strategy Identification of Energy Users in Real Time Electricity Market and Demand Response

    Yutaka Iino, Takeshi Hatanaka, Masayuki Fujita

    2012 PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE (SICE)     2094 - 2097  2012年  [査読有り]


    A parameter estimation problem for strategy of energy user is considered. The problem is called strategy identification of energy users. Supposing the real time electricity market and/or demand response, the user behavior data are used to estimate the strategy of energy users. In a case study, estimation of battery capacity owned by the energy user is illustrated and the identifiability condition is considered. The method is useful to manage the electricity market and / or demand response control, predicting the energy user behaviors.

  • Consideration on systematic analysis and evaluation of energy system efficiency

    飯野 穣

    SICE Annual Conference 2011 Proceedings    2011年09月  [査読有り]


  • ビル熱需要予測の物理モデルとデータベースモデルの融合によるハイブリッドモデリング手法

    飯野穣, 村井雅彦, 村山大, 本山一郎

    電気学会論文誌 C   131 ( 8 ) 1431 - 1438  2011年  [査読有り]



  • Dynamic Topology Optimization for Dependable Sensor Networks

    Yutaka Iino, Takeshi Hatanaka, Masayuki Fujita



    In this paper, wireless sensor network (WSN) topology optimization for dependability is considered, where two metrics "reliability" and "integrity" for WSN are defined. First, static topology optimization problem for reliability, integrity and joint optimization of them are investigated and some trade-off relationships are clarified. Then, dynamic topology optimization problem is proposed, where some node connections to their parents' nodes change dynamically with a stochastic distribution rate. Then a heuristic optimization method and some functions for each node to realize a decentralized optimization are proposed. Finally some numerical examples are illustrated to demonstrate the effectiveness of these optimization methods and the optimal WSN topology in various optimization problems.



  • Hybrid modeling with physical and JIT model for building thermal load prediction and optimal energy saving control

    飯野 穣

    2009 ICCAS-SICE Proceedings    2009年08月  [査読有り]

  • Event-predictive Control for Energy Saving of Wireless Networked Control System

    Yutaka Iino, Takeshi Hatanaka, Masayuki Fujita

    2009 AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-9     2236 - 2242  2009年  [査読有り]


    This paper discusses on a new concept of Event-predictive control, which is an extension of the Event-triggered control. The aim of the research is to apply such asynchronous sampling control strategy to a wireless networked control system to save battery energy consumption in the wireless nodes. The key idea is to maximize the control interval, under the condition of appropriate control performance, to save communication energy cost for battery life of wireless network nodes incorporated in the control system. A heuristic new concept of "predictive event" is introduced which is pre-determined as a cross-point of future predictive response of the controlled system and the stable region trajectory named "admissible set trajectory" to ensure recoverability to stable region. Then the sleep and wake mode of the wireless node is controlled according to the predictive events. Some considerations on stability condition are discussed, which is extendable to a class of nonlinear plants under some assumptions. A numerical example is illustrated to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.



  • Hierarchical Model Predictive Control Applied to a Cement Raw Material Mixing Process

    飯野 穣

    計測自動制御学会英文論文集JCMSI   1 ( 3 ) 207 - 215  2008年11月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]


  • Wireless Sensor Network based Control System Considering Communication Cost

    飯野 穣

    17th IFAC World Congress     2573 - 2576  2008年07月  [査読有り]


  • Hierarchical MPC Supervisory Control with Sensitivity and Controllability Monitoring

    Yutaka Iino

    2008 PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7     2022 - 2025  2008年  [査読有り]


    Model Predictive Control (MPIC) enables to handle multi-objective optimal operations and control in various kinds of process controls. In fact, simultaneous optimization of stability, quality constrains and economical optimality, sometimes it fails into "infeasible" solution. Then a Supervisory Control Function in the hierarchical MPC configuration is proposed. It evaluates sensitivity of optimization and controllability in sense of "control degrees of freedom" and adjusts the control system structure as multi-input and multi-output closed loop system to be feasible. It realizes a kind of automatic "Plug and Play" function for control input. Some numerical simulations for general blending control in material process are evaluated to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.



  • Wireless sensor network based control system - Trade off between sensor power saving and control performance

    Yutaka Iino, Masayuki Fujita

    PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-8     2573 - 2576  2007年  [査読有り]


    This paper is discussed on some new control methodologies for wireless sensor network based closed loop control system. Such a system is required to save battery energy consumption, which will be achieved by saving communication speed. Then some new control strategies considering communication interval, which corresponds to sampling period of discrete control system, are considered here. At first, communication saved control problems is defined. Then, some heuristic control methods are proposed. One of them is based on the optimization of a cost function including control performance and communication penalty. Then two types of control optimization problems are defined, which correspond to state observer problem and state feedback control problem. These wireless sensor network conscious control methods will meet to industrial requirements.



  • Risk based model predictive control with hybrid system structure and its application to thermal power plants

    Yutaka Iino, Shigeru Matsumoto, Akinori Kamito

    2006 SICE-ICASE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-13     5276 - +  2006年  [査読有り]


    An industrial Model Predictive Control method, which combines usual linear control and sequence control, is re-formulated. to a hybrid control algorithm. The plant start up and shut down sequence is naturally used in the industrial control method, but has not been analyzed theoretically. In this paper, the Thermal Power Plant optimal load distribution problem is formulated as Model Predictive Control with the constrained condition, and also the embedded start up and shut down optimal control sequence is designed with different objective functions. The new hierarchical control system structure is discussed as a hybrid control system, which can dramatically reduce the calculation effort, in spite of plant non-linearity, constraints and parameter uncertainty. A simulation example applied to a thermal power plant is demonstrated to show the effectiveness of the control method.



  • 予見・予測制御

    飯野 穣, 江上 正, 大嶋 正裕, 児島 晃, 清水 佳子, 鈴木 勝幸, 鷹羽 浄嗣, 中村 裕司, 増田 士朗, 山本 透, 久保 智裕

    計測と制御   39 ( 5 ) 311 - 320  2000年

    DOI CiNii

  • Model Based Extended Wavelet Analysis and its application to fault diagnosis of an elevator system

    Y Iino, M Yukitomo, H Ogawa, K Kanazawa, Y Yamagishi

    (SYSID'97): SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION, VOLS 1-3     621 - 626  1998年  [査読有り]


    A new wavelet analysis method is proposed, that is a combination of the wavelet transform, a nonlinear transformation and a correlation analysis. In this paper, it is called 'Extended Wavelet Analysis (EWA)' procedure. Furthermore, the 'Model Based EWA' method is proposed in which the nonlinear transformation is based on a model of the diagnosed object. It can analyze a short transient signal and it is effective for the correlation analysis between the wavelet spectrum and arbitrary variables in the object. It was applied to the diagnosis of an elevator system. Some simulation results and experimental results reveal the effectiveness of the EWA procedure.

  • Model Predictive Control with Multi-objective Cost Function considering Stabilization and Linear Cost Optimization

    飯野 穣

    IFAC ADCHEM ’97    1997年06月  [査読有り]

  • 最近の計算機環境下での実制御系設計

    飯野 穣, 石川 潤, 小黒 龍一, 高浜 盛雄, 松村 利夫, 光田 慎治, 榮坂 俊雄

    計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   35 ( 10 ) 798 - 806  1996年10月

    DOI CiNii



  • 電力地産地消を目的とした地域エネルギーマネジメントシステムにおけるメガソーラー導入への可制御電源の寄与効果検証

    宮澤 歩夢, 飯野 穣, 藤本 悠, 光岡 正隆, 林 泰弘

    電気学会 令和3年 全国大会  

    発表年月: 2021年03月

  • 多目的価値の実現を目的とした住宅需要家群向けDER最適配置計画の検討

    笠原 亮太, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 金子 雄

    電気学会 令和3年 全国大会  

    発表年月: 2021年03月

  • 蓄電池とディーゼル発電機の協調制御による再エネ活用オフグリッドの運用手法

    長澤 和輝, 飯野 穣, 児玉 安広, 林 泰弘, 赤木 覚, 吉永 淳

    電気学会 令和3年 全国大会  

    発表年月: 2021年03月

  • エネルギー管理システムの計画軌道パターン学習による簡易予測制御方式の検討

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    計測自動制御学会 第8回制御部門マルチシンポジウム(MSCS2021)  

    発表年月: 2021年03月

  • Feasibility Evaluation of Off-grid Performance in Distribution Network with Actual Data

    Kazuki Nagasawa, Yutaka Iino, Yasuhiro Kodama, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Satoru Akagi, Jun Yoshinaga

    The 4th International Workshop on Power Engineering in Remote Islands (IWPI2021)  

    発表年月: 2021年02月

  • 分散型エネルギー資源の相互エネルギー融通による環境価値の評価

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2021年01月

  • 可制御軌道に基づく分散型エネルギー資源アグリゲーション制御

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2020年11月

  • HEMSとの協調を考慮した需要家蓄電池の配電系統電圧制御手法

    福井 将悟, 宮崎 輝, 飯野 穣, 広橋 亘, 林 泰弘, 松本 直也, 松本 侑, 稲垣 信

    電気学会 令和2年 電力・エネルギー部門大会(第31回)  

    発表年月: 2020年09月

  • 実都市データを用いたPV逆潮流削減を目的とした電動バスの最適充電スケジュール決定手法

    富澤 勇輝, 井原 雄人, 宮崎 輝, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 山本 良太, 吉永 淳, 篠崎 一樹

    電気学会 令和2年 電力・エネルギー部門大会(第31回)  

    発表年月: 2020年09月

  • スマートハウス重点機器群による 需要家利益と系統貢献の両立にむけた基礎検討

    笠原 亮太, 飯野 穣, 林 泰弘, 金子 雄, 河口 俊朗, 岸本 卓也

    電気学会 令和2年 電力・エネルギー部門大会(第31回)  

    発表年月: 2020年09月

  • 需要家EMS群と協調した地産地消型エネルギー・環境マネジメントシステムの提案と評価

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2020年07月

  • 複合エネルギーシステムのエネルギー構造モデルによる分析・可視化手法の提案

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー資源学会 第36回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス  

    発表年月: 2020年01月

  • 複数の電力市場を想定した分散型エネルギー資源のアグリゲーション手法に関する考察

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年11月

  • スマートシティの最近の話題

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘  [招待有り]

    計測自動制御学会 産業応用部門大会  

    発表年月: 2019年10月

  • 負荷調整力アグリゲーションにおける需要家分散型エネルギー資源のポテンシャル評価プロセスの提案

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘

    エネルギー資源学会 第38回エネルギー・資源学会 研究発表会  

    発表年月: 2019年08月

  • マルチシナリオベースモデル予測制御方式の提案

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • 需要家の負荷データに基づく負荷調整力ポテンシャルの視覚的評価方法の提案

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2019年01月

  • 需要家設備の負荷調整力を最大化するEMS技術の制御理論的考察

    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘


    発表年月: 2018年11月

  • ビル設備を活用した負荷調整力創出の可能性と課題に関する一考察

    飯野 穣, 小林 延久


    発表年月: 2018年06月



  • 太陽光発電の大量導入を目的とした協調的次世代配電系統運用手法の体系化

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    林 泰弘, 藤本 悠, 飯野 穣, 金子 曜久, 金子 奈々恵, 石井 英雄

  • エネルギー自動分析のためのデータモデルと物理モデルのハイブリッドモデル分析手法

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    飯野 穣, 林 泰弘












  • 理工学術院   大学院先進理工学研究科


  • 2022年

    カーボンニュートラル社会研究教育センター   兼任センター員