Updated on 2025/02/16


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
Doctor of Engineering ( Nagoya University )

Research Experience

  • 2022.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • 2018.10

    Japan Science and Technology Agency

  • 2018.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • 2015.10

    Nagoya University   Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability Division of Systems Research   Associate professor

  • 2014.12

    Nagoya University   EcoTopia Science Institute Division of Green Systems   Associate professor

  • 2008.04

    Nagoya University   Graduate School of Engineering Department of Micro-Nano Systems Engineering   Assistant Professor

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Committee Memberships

  • 2023

    可視化情報学会  監事

  • 2022.04

    日本機械学会マイクロ・ナノ工学部門  運営委員会 委員

  • 2015

    日本機械学会  流体工学部門 広報委員

  • 2017

    可視化情報学会  理事

  • 2015

    文部科学省科学技術政策研究所科学技術動向研究センター  専門調査員

  • 2014

    可視化情報学会  学会誌編集委員会 幹事

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Research Areas

  • Fluid engineering / Thermal engineering / Aerospace engineering


  • 可視化情報学会 功労賞


  • 日本機械学会マイクロ・ナノ工学部門 一般表彰 新分野開拓表彰

    2022.11   日本機械学会マイクロ・ナノ工学部門  

    Winner: 松田佑

  • 日本機械学会流体工学部門 一般表彰 フロンティア表彰

    2022.11   日本機械学会流体工学部門  

    Winner: 松田佑

  • 日本機械学会東海支部研究賞


    Winner: 松田 佑

  • 可視化情報学会賞(奨励賞)


    Winner: 松田 佑

  • 文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞


    Winner: 松田 佑

  • コニカミノルタ画像科学奨励賞


    Winner: 松田佑

  • 日本機械学会賞(論文)


  • 日本機械学会奨励賞(研究)


    Winner: 松田佑

  • 可視化情報学会賞(論文賞)


  • 日本機械学会賞(論文)


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  • Spatiotemporal feature extraction using frequency-domain approach for flow-field data analysis

    Tsubasa Ikami, Masaki Okawa, Makoto Takagi, Yasuhiro Egami, Yu Matsuda, Hiroki Nagai

    Physics of Fluids   36 ( 12 )  2024.12

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    Large-scale spatiotemporal data can easily be obtained from fluid-flow measurements owing to the development of measurement instruments. Data-driven analysis methods such as Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) are used to analyze large-scale data and decompose flow-field structures into spatiotemporal correlations. In addition to decomposing the data into modes, selecting and extracting dominant features automatically are necessary. This study proposes a new analysis method that simultaneously selects the dominant POD modes and their corresponding dominant frequencies by estimating the amplitude and initial phase of the POD coefficients in the frequency domain rather than directly estimating the POD coefficients. The proposed method is applied to two types of experimental flow-field data to validate the method. In the first case, the proposed method is applied for noise reduction in pressure-sensitive paint data with a low signal-to-noise ratio. The results show that the proposed method can reduce noise more accurately and naturally than the other methods. In the second case, the dominant frequencies in the flow field and their spatial structures are estimated for vortex shedding at the trailing edge of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 0012 airfoil. The data are acquired using particle image velocimetry. The results show that the proposed method can decompose flow-field data containing multiple frequency components into spatial correlations, and it can be used as a tool for feature extraction in the flow field.


  • Triple decomposition and sparse representation for noisy pressure-sensitive paint data

    Koyo Kubota, Makoto Takagi, Tsubasa Ikami, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Nagai, Takahiro Kashikawa, Koichi Kimura, Yu Matsuda

    Physics of Fluids   36 ( 7 )  2024.07

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    Triple decomposition is a powerful analytical method for a deep understanding of the flow structure by extracting the mean value, organized coherent motion, and stochastic part from a fluctuating quantity. Here, we perform the triple decomposition of the spatial two-dimensional data, especially pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) data, since the PSP method is widely used to measure the pressure distribution on a surface in wind tunnel testing. However, the PSP data measuring near atmospheric pressure contain significant noise, and this makes it difficult to conduct the decomposition. To construct phase-averaged data representing an organized coherent motion, we propose a relatively simple method based on a multi-dimensional scaling plot of the cosine similarity between each PSP datum. Then, the stochastic part is extracted by selecting phase-averaged data with an appropriate phase angle based on the similarity between the measurement and phase-averaged data, and the PSP data are successfully decomposed. Moreover, we consider sparse optimal sensor positions, in which the data are effectively represented, based on the stochastic part as a data-driven approach. The optimal sensor positions are determined as a combinatorial optimization problem and estimated using Fujitsu computing as a service digital annealer. We reconstruct the pressure distribution from the pressure data at the optimal sensor positions using the mean value, organized coherent motion, and stochastic part obtained from the triple decomposition. The root mean square error between the pressure measured by a pressure transducer and the reconstructed pressure obtained by the proposed method is small, even when the number of modes and sensor points is small. The application of PSP measurement is expected to expand further, and the framework for calculating triple decomposition and sparse representation based on the decomposition will be useful for detailed flow analysis.



  • Clustering method for time-series images using quantum-inspired digital annealer technology

    Tomoki Inoue, Koyo Kubota, Tsubasa Ikami, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Nagai, Takahiro Kashikawa, Koichi Kimura, Yu Matsuda

    Communications Engineering   3 ( 1 )  2024.01

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    Time-series clustering is a powerful data mining technique for time-series data in the absence of prior knowledge of the clusters. Here we propose a time-series clustering method that leverages an annealing machine, which accurately solves combinatorial optimization problems. The proposed method facilitates an even classification of time-series data into closely located clusters while maintaining robustness against outliers. We compared the proposed method with an existing standard method for clustering an online distributed dataset and found that both methods yielded comparable results. Furthermore, the proposed method was applied to a flow measurement image dataset containing noticeable noise with a signal-to-noise ratio of approximately unity. Despite a small signal variation of approximately 2%, the proposed method effectively classified the data without any overlaps among the clusters. In contrast, the clustering results of the existing methods exhibited overlapping clusters. These results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method.



  • Nano-particle motion in a monolithic silica column using the single-particle tracking method

    Yusaku Abe, Naoki Tomioka, Yu Matsuda

    Nanoscale Advances    2024


  • Clustering Method for Time-Series Images Using Quantum-Inspired Computing Technology

    Yu Matsuda, Tomoki Inoue, Koyo Kubota, Tsubasa Ikami, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Nagai, Takahiro Kashikawa, Koichi Kimura



  • Data-driven optimal sensor placement for high-dimensional system using annealing machine

    Tomoki Inoue, Tsubasa Ikami, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Nagai, Yasuo Naganuma, Koichi Kimura, Yu Matsuda

    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing   188   109957 - 109957  2023.04



  • Applying single-pixel ensemble correlation to process of calculating displacements in background oriented schlieren

    Hikaru Sugisaki, Chungil Lee, Yuta Ozawa, Kumi Nakai, Yuji Saito, Taku Nonomura, Keisuke Asai, Yu Matsuda

    AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum    2022.06



  • Structured light illumination for pressure-sensitive paint measurement under ambient light

    Yu Matsuda, Satoshi Katayama, Tsubasa Ikami, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Nagai

    Review of Scientific Instruments   93 ( 5 ) 055101 - 055101  2022.05

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    We propose a pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) method under ambient light based on structured light illumination. In the PSP method, pressure is obtained by measuring the variation of the emission light intensity from a PSP coating when it is illuminated by a light source. Since the extraction of the emission light from ambient light is difficult in the conventional PSP method, the existence of ambient light induces a noticeable measurement error. While spatially uniform light is used as illumination light in the conventional PSP method, structured light, the spatial intensity of which is actively controlled, is used in the proposed method. By measuring the PSP emission by varying the spatial pattern of the structured light illumination, one can eliminate ambient light, which is not synchronized with the structured light and can measure pressure without the effect of ambient light. In this study, we demonstrate the pressure measurement under ambient light using structured light with a sinusoidal wave generated by a digital mirror device. The measured pressure agrees well with the pressure measured by a pressure transducer connected to a pressure tap. The proposed method is promising under ambient light conditions.



  • Experimental measurements of thermal and tangential momentum accommodation coefficients on solid surfaces: Water vapor in comparison with noble gases

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Taiki Mori, Yuki Ozaki, Yu Matsuda, Tomohide Niimi

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer   183   122195 - 122195  2022.02  [Refereed]



  • Markerless Image Alignment Method for Pressure-Sensitive Paint Image

    Kyosuke Suzuki, Tomoki Inoue, Takayuki Nagata, Miku Kasai, Taku Nonomura, Yu Matsuda

    Sensors   22 ( 2 )  2022.01

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    We propose a markerless image alignment method for pressure-sensitive paint measurement data replacing the time-consuming conventional alignment method in which the black markers are placed on the model and are detected manually. In the proposed method, feature points are detected by a boundary detection method, in which the PSP boundary is detected using the Moore-Neighbor tracing algorithm. The performance of the proposed method is compared with the conventional method based on black markers, the difference of Gaussian (DoG) detector, and the Hessian corner detector. The results by the proposed method and the DoG detector are equivalent to each other. On the other hand, the performances of the image alignment using the black marker and the Hessian corner detector are slightly worse compared with the DoG and the proposed method. The computational cost of the proposed method is half of that of the DoG method. The proposed method is a promising for the image alignment in the PSP application in the viewpoint of the alignment precision and computational cost.

    DOI PubMed


  • Development of Differential PSP Technique for Detecting Small Pressure Fluctuations

    Y. Egami, M. Takizawa, S. Watanabe, Yu Matsuda

    AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022    2022

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    We have developed a differential pressure measurement technique using pressure-sensitive paints to measure small pressure fluctuations with high accuracy. The application of PSP to the measurement of small pressure fluctuations has been widely studied. However, the change in luminescent intensity due to pressure variation of 100 Pa near atmospheric pressure is less than 0.1%. Furthermore, the resolution of a 12-bit (4096 gradations) high-speed camera is insufficient to measure such small fluctuations, which hinders the improvement of measurement accuracy. This study proposes a PSP technique to measure small pressure fluctuations with high resolution using a photomultiplier tube (PMT) that outputs an analog signal. The analog output signal of the PMT was filtered to separate the AC and DC components, and the small AC component was measured with high resolution to improve the accuracy. We conducted a verification test using a resonance tube to measure small pressure p fluctuations and succeeded in measuring the pressure fluctuation of Pp-p ~ 47 Pa at 155 Hz with high S/N. We also tried to apply this technique to measuring two-dimensional pressure fluctuation fields using a resonance cavity. We have demonstrated that a two-dimensional p pressure fluctuation field of Pp-p ~ 50 Pa at 1300 Hz can be measured without any special post-signal processing for noise reduction.



  • Single-pixel correlation applied to background-oriented schlieren measurement

    Hikaru Sugisaki, Chungil Lee, Yuta Ozawa, Kumi Nakai, Yuji Saito, Taku Nonomura, Keisuke Asai, Yu Matsuda

    Experiments in Fluids   63 ( 1 )  2022.01



  • FRET Measurement of Polymer Response under Shear

    Ryo Iwao, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Makoto Obata, Yu Matsuda

    Sensors    2021.12



  • Mechanism of supersonic mixing enhancement by a wall-mounted three-dimensional cavity

    Masayuki Anyoji, Fujio Akagi, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami, Taro Handa

    Acta Astronautica   188   491 - 504  2021.11

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    The detailed mechanism of supersonic mixing enhancement by a novel device is investigated computationally based on the Navier-Stokes equations. The device is a wall-mounted three-dimensional cavity, several parts of the rear face of which are cut out, and the lower wall of the cut-out part has a slope directed toward the injector from which the injectant is discharged. The flow structures and behaviors observed in the computational results are confirmed in the experimental results. Experimental information about the high-frequency (several tens of kHz) pressure oscillation in the cut-out part is acquired in this study using a pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) responding to rapid change in pressure. The computational results reveal that a hairpin-like vortex is formed inside the cavity. The vortex works on the shear layer across the cavity to deflect it upward. The deflected shear layer shields the injectant from the primary flow, which causes the injectant to penetrate deep into the primary flow. The computational results also clarify that the expansion and compression waves produced in the rectangular part of the cavity are delivered effectively to the injector along the slope of the cut-out part, which is confirmed in the PSP measurement results. The delivered waves actuate the jet issuing from the injector to fluctuate up and down periodically with a large amplitude.



  • Pressure-Sensitive Nano-Sheet for Optical Pressure Measurement

    Yu Matsuda, Riki Orimo, Yusaku Abe, Yuri Hiraiwa, Yosuke Okamura, Yuta Sunami

    Sensors   21 ( 21 ) 7168 - 7168  2021.10

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    Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) is a powerful measurement technique to obtain pressure distribution on a model of interest by measuring the emission intensity of the PSP coating with a camera. Since a PSP coating is prepared by applying a solution containing an organic solvent, generally, by sprayer, the properties such as the pressure- and the temperature-sensitivity depends on the skill of the person applying it. This fabrication process is one of the barriers to use of the PSP technique because of the legal restrictions on the use of organic solvents. Thus, a sticker-like PSP coating is useful because it does not require the use of organic solvent and the applying skill. In this study, we have fabricated freestanding Pressure-Sensitive Nano-Sheet (PSNS) by a sacrificial layer process using a spin-coating method. We employed Pt(II) meso-tetra(pentafluorophenyl)porphine (PtTFPP) as a pressure-sensitive dye and poly(1-trimethylsilyl-propyne) (PTMSP) and poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) as a polymer binder; thus, the PSNS samples based on PTMSP and PLLA were prepared. The pressure- and the temperature-sensitivity, the lifetime of the luminescence, and the quantum yield of the fabricated PSNS have been investigated. The pressure-sensitivity of PTMSP-based PSNS is higher than that of PLLA-based PSNS. Conversely, the quantum yield of PLLA-based PSNS is higher than that of PTMSP-based PSNS.



  • Noise Reduction in PSP Images Using Mathematical Optimization Method

    Tomoki INOUE, Yu MATSUDA, Tsubasa IKAMI, Taku NONOMURA, Yasuhiro EGAMI, Hiroki NAGAI

    Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering   87 ( 7 ) 7_610 - 7_613  2021.07



  • Data-driven approach for noise reduction in pressure-sensitive paint data based on modal expansion and time-series data at optimally placed points

    Tomoki Inoue, Yu Matsuda, Tsubasa Ikami, Taku Nonomura, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Nagai

    Physics of Fluids   33 ( 7 )  2021.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    We propose a noise reduction method for unsteady pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) data based on modal expansion, the coefficients of which are determined from time-series data at optimally placed points. In this study, the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) mode calculated from the time-series PSP data is used as a modal basis. Based on the POD modes, the points that effectively represent the features of the pressure distribution are optimally placed by the sensor optimization technique. Then, the time-dependent coefficient vector of the POD modes is determined by minimizing the difference between the time-series pressure data and the reconstructed pressure at the optimal points. Here, the coefficient vector is assumed to be a sparse vector. The advantage of the proposed method is a self-contained method, while existing methods use other data, such as pressure tap data for the reduction of the noise. As a demonstration, we applied the proposed method to the PSP data measuring the Kármán vortex street behind a square cylinder. The reconstructed pressure data agreed very well with the pressures independently measured by pressure transducers. This modal-based approach will be applicable not only to PSP data but other types of experimental data.



  • Single-molecule tracking measurement of PDMS layer during curing process

    Ryo Iwao, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi, Yu Matsuda

    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications   565  2021.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

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    The curing process of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) was microscopically investigated by the single-molecule tracking method based on the diffusion motion of fluorescent dye molecules adding to the PDMS layer stored at a temperature of 308K. The PDMS layer was completely cured at 900 min after adding a curing agent. We compared the time- and ensemble-averaged mean square displacements (MSDs) of the tracked molecules at 90, 510, and 900 min after adding the curing agent into the PDMS layer. The discrepancies were observed between the time- and ensemble-averaged MSDs, indicating weak ergodicity breaking. The spatially averaged diffusion coefficient exhibited a two-step decrease: first step was rapid decrease suggesting the extent of crosslinking, and second step was slow one suggesting the increase of crosslink density. The single-molecule trajectory scale analysis revealed the heterogeneous distribution of the diffusion coefficient. By calculating the heat map from the slope of moment scaling spectrum (MSS) of each single-molecule trajectory, cluster structures were recognized. The spatial correlation of the slope of MSS decreased with the time elapsed. These results suggested the existence of the heterogeneous structure in the PDMS layer during the curing process.



  • Ruthenium-based fast-responding pressure-sensitive paint for measuring small pressure fluctuation in low-speed flow field

    Y. Egami, Y. Hasegawa, Y. Matsuda, T. Ikami, H. Nagai

    Measurement Science and Technology   32 ( 2 )  2020.11  [Refereed]

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    A sprayable fast-responding pressure-sensitive paint (fast-PSP) has been developed to measure time-resolved small pressure fluctuation on model surfaces. To realize PSP with fast response, high robustness, and high luminescence intensity, we have developed a novel ruthenium complex-based fast-PSP. The binder layers of the proposed fast-PSP were prepared by mixing room-temperature-vulcanizing silicone (silicone) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles with different sizes and their effects on the properties including the time response, pressure sensitivity, and luminescence intensity were investigated. The effects of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface treatments of TiO2 particle on the structure and mechanical robustness of the binder layer were also studied. The developed fast-PSP was applied to the flow field measurements behind a square cylinder and was evaluated. We have succeeded in obtaining time-series data of pressure fluctuation with high accuracy even at a mean velocity of 20 m s-1.



  • Dynamics of impact cratering on granular bed by hydrogel sphere

    Yu Matsuda, Ryota Kamiya, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomomi Uchiyama

    Physics of Fluids   32 ( 6 )  2020.06  [Refereed]

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    © 2020 Author(s). A lot of studies on the dynamics of a granular impact cratering by a liquid drop have been carried out. However, the results so far are controversial due to the complex impact dynamics of a liquid drop, such as deformation, splash, and penetration into the granular bed. In this study, we focused on the dynamics of the granular impact cratering by a hydrogel sphere, which deforms without splashing and penetrating. We investigated the maximal deformation time of the sphere and the lift-off time of the grains. Both the maximal deformation time and the lift-off time are similar to each other and depend on the -1/2 power of the Young's modulus of the hydrogel sphere. This power law of the maximum deformation time is the same as an impact of a gel sphere on a flat solid surface. The angle of the ejected curtain was evaluated. The angle is larger for the impact with small deformation of the sphere than that for the impact with large deformation, and the angle is less dependent on the free-fall height. We also investigated the distributions of the ejected grains using the grains dyed by a fluorescent dye. The distribution was visualized by the fluorescent images captured before and after the impact. At the crater rim, the number of the dyed grains flying to and away are balanced. The number of the dyed grains gathered at the dimensionless distance from the crater center of 1.15, where the distance is nondimensionalized by the crater radius, is the largest. This maximum value for the number of the gathered grains is larger for the impact with small deformation than that with large deformation. This result is consistent with the dependence of the impact mode on the angle of the ejected curtain.



  • Simultaneous measurement of gas-liquid interface motion and temperature distribution on heated surface using temperature-sensitive paint

    Yu Matsuda, Osamu Kawanami, Riki Orimo, Keigo Uete, Atsufumi Watanabe, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer   153  2020.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    © 2020 We developed a simultaneous measurement technique for temperature distribution on a heated surface and gas-liquid interface motion of two-phase flows in microgap channel using temperature-sensitive paint (TSP). Since the TSP layer is optically transparent, the proposed method enables us to simultaneously measure the temperature distribution and the motion of gas-liquid interface through the TSP layer using an in-house stereoscope-like device. Since the refractive index of gas-phase differs from that of liquid-phase, the luminescent intensity of TSP in gas-phase varies from that in liquid-phase even though the temperatures are same in both phases. Then, we proposed a correction method for temperature distribution in gas-phase. To validate the proposed method, the temperature distribution measurements were conducted in liquid single-phase flow. The Nusselt numbers calculated from the measured temperatures were in good agreement with the Sieder-Tate equation. Then, we measured the temperature distributions for the boiling flows under several heated temperature conditions. The temperature distributions at growing bubble and bubble coalescence were successfully measured. TSP is useful method for investigating the temperature distribution in two-phase flows.



  • Peculiarities of low-Reynolds-number supersonic flows in long microchannel

    Taro Handa, Keiichiro Kitahara, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami

    Microfluidics and Nanofluidics   23 ( 7 ) 88  2019.07  [Refereed]



  • Electrophoretic Separation on an Origami Paper-Based Analytical Device Using a Portable Power Bank

    Yu Matsuda, Katsunori Sakai, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    Sensors   19 ( 7 )  2019.04  [Refereed]

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    © 2019 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

    DOI PubMed


  • Impact cratering on a granular bed by hydrogel spheres having intermediate property between solid and liquid

    Yu Matsuda

    Physical Review E   99 ( 3-1 ) 032906  2019.03  [Refereed]

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    © 2019 American Physical Society.

    DOI PubMed

  • Effects of solvents for luminophore on dynamic and static characteristics of sprayable polymer/ceramic pressure-sensitive paint

    Y. Egami, S. Konishi, Y. Sato, Y. Matsuda

    Sensors and Actuators A: Physical   286 ( 2 ) 188 - 194  2019.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V.



  • Measurement of conductive heat transfer through rarefied binary gas mixtures

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Jumpei Hosoi, Yu Matsuda, Tomohide Niimi

    Vacuum   160   164 - 170  2019.02  [Refereed]

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd



  • Investigation on choking behavior of gas flow in microducts

    B. Han, Y. Matsuda, Y. Egami, T. Handa

    Microfluidics and Nanofluidics   22   122  2018.11  [Refereed]

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    © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018



  • Estimation of diffusive states from single-particle trajectory in heterogeneous medium using machine-learning methods

    Yu Matsuda, Itsuo Hanasaki, Ryo Iwao, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics   20   24099 - 24108  2018.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    © 2018 The Royal Society of Chemistry



  • Distributions of temperature and heat flux around bubbles of flow boiling in narrow channel

    Osamu Kawanami, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami, Itsuro Honda, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    International Heat Transfer Conference   2018-August   835 - 842  2018  [Refereed]

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    © 2018 International Heat Transfer Conference. All rights reserved. Boiling and Two-phase flow in narrow channel has been recently proposed for cooling the heat sources directly in application of thermal management for electronic devices. Many researches were carried out to investigate the mechanism of heat transfer in the narrow channel. In this study, the boiling heat transfer and gas-liquid behavior on the heated surface in narrow channel is investigated experimentally by using Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP). Experiments are performed in a single rectangular narrow channel having 10 mm width, 35 mm heated length and 0.5 mm height and using FC-72 as a test fluid. TSP coated on the heated wall located at upper side of the channel is used to obtain the local temperature and subsequently local heat flux distribution. In addition, simultaneous flow visualizations are conducted to observe and explore the flow boiling in narrow channel. Flow rate of FC-72 is 24-30 ml/min and heated water at 45-50 ◦C is used as a heat source for boiling of the test fluid. Pressure at the inlet of the test section is about 50 kPa. As a result, the heat flux in the thin liquid film region that is located around bubbles is 4-5 times higher than that of other region.

  • Fine printing of pressure- and temperature-sensitive paints using commercial inkjet printer

    Yu Matsuda, Tomohiro Kameya, Yuichi Suzuki, Yuki Yoshida, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL   250   563 - 568  2017.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    We have proposed an instant method for painting of pressure- and temperature-sensitive paints (PSP and TSP) using a commercial inkjet printer. This method enables us to finely and separately paint PSP and TSP to prevent them from being mixed and the interaction between PSP and TSP dyes. Moreover, the pressure-sensitivity of inkjet-printed PSP was similar to those of conventional PSPs. We consider this method is promising to measure pressure distribution with temperature variation, because the printing pattern of PSP and TSP is easily designed by an illustration software to adjust pressure distribution of interest. The pressure distribution induced by jet impingement was measured by the grid pattern of PSP and TSP as a demonstration. The pattern of PSP and TSP was well-defined; thus, the emissions from PSP and TSP can be easily separated and analyzed even when the emissions were captured by a CCD camera at the same time. This is also an advantage of our method. The pressure distribution agreed well with the pressures measured by pressure taps. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Self-peeling-off in the drying of particulate films mixed with cellulose nanofibres

    Yuto Ooi, Itsuo Hanasaki, Daiki Mizumura, Yu Matsuda

    MICRO & NANO LETTERS   12 ( 8 ) 511 - 515  2017.08  [Refereed]

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    Industrial applications of cellulose nanofibres (CNFs) include the additive to a wide range of materials from display and cosmetic to pigment inks. Many of these expected applications are based on the mixture of colloidal particles and CNFs in aqueous dispersion. In particular, the mixed dispersion is typically processed in such a way that the droplet or shallow wide volume of dispersion is dried on the substrate or container. In this work, the basic physical properties that these diverse kinds of potential applications share in common are focused on. The colloidal films were fabricated consisting of polystyrene particles and CNFs under the condition of various concentration combinations through the drying of aqueous dispersion in polystyrene well plates. It has been found that the films fabricated from higher concentrations of CNF tend to peel-off spontaneously in the drying process. The basic mechanism of phenomenon is attributed to the contraction of CNFs during the drying by hydrogen bonding between the filaments.



  • Robust evaluation of diffusion coefficient against displacement threshold parameter of single particle tracking algorithm

    Reiji Motohashi, Itsuo Hanasaki, Yuto Ooi, Yu Matsuda

    MICRO & NANO LETTERS   12 ( 8 ) 506 - 510  2017.08  [Refereed]

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    Single particle/molecule tracking is widely used for the evaluation of diffusion coefficients using diverse tracking algorithms. Many of them require the subtle decision of displacement threshold parameter to enable the appropriate tracking, though it depends on both of the diffusion coefficient itself and the measurement system. A simple and highly transferable technique is proposed to overcome this difficulty based on the evaluation of diffusion coefficient from the peak position of the distribution of squared displacements in the logarithmic scale. In combination with its linear dependence on time, this protocol is remarkably robust against the too large value of the displacement threshold including that covers the whole image. Furthermore, the proposed technique is compatible with many of the existing algorithms by construction.



  • Molecular-dynamics study on characteristics of energy and tangential momentum accommodation coefficients

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yu Matsuda, Tomohide Niimi

    PHYSICAL REVIEW E   96 ( 1 ) 013116  2017.07  [Refereed]

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    Gas-surface interaction is studied by the molecular dynamics method to investigate qualitatively characteristics of accommodation coefficients. A large number of trajectories of gas molecules colliding to and scattering from a surface are statistically analyzed to calculate the energy (thermal) accommodation coefficient (EAC) and the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient (TMAC). Considering experimental measurements of the accommodation coefficients, the incident velocities are stochastically sampled to represent a bulk condition. The accommodation coefficients for noble gases showqualitative coincidencewith experimental values. To investigate characteristics of these accommodation coefficients in detail, the gas-surface interaction is parametrically studied by varying the molecular mass of gas, the gas-surface interaction strength, and the molecular size of gas, one by one. EAC increases with increasing every parameter, while TMAC increases with increasing the interaction strength, but decreases with increasing the molecular mass and the molecular size. Thus, contradictory results in experimentally measured TMAC for noble gases could result from the difference between the surface conditions employed in the measurements in the balance among the effective parameters of molecular mass, interaction strength, and molecular size, due to surface roughness and/ or adsorbed molecules. The accommodation coefficients for a thermo-fluid dynamics field with a temperature difference between gas and surface and a bulk flow at the same time are also investigated.



  • Conductive heat transfer in a gas confined between two concentric spheres: From free-molecular to continuum flow regime

    H. Yamaguchi, M. T. Ho, Y. Matsuda, T. Niimi, I. Graur

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER   108   1527 - 1534  2017.05  [Refereed]

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    The conductive heat transfer through a gas confined between two concentric spherical shells maintained at different temperatures is investigated from the free-molecular to the continuum flow regime. The heat flux, measured using a recently proposed experimental system to extract the thermal accommodation coefficient, is compared with analytical expressions and numerical results. From this comparison it is found that in the free-molecular flow limit, the experimental data are well explained by the analytical expression for the arbitrary radius and temperature ratios of the spherical surfaces. In the continuum limit, the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity coefficient should be considered in the analytical expression. In the transitional flow regime, a revised function for the heat flux interpolation is proposed to give better fitting to the numerical results. By employing these knowledge, the thermal accommodation coefficient extraction procedure for the system is revised, and it is shown that the recalculated accommodation coefficient allows to reproduce well the measured heat flux. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Suppressing the coffee-ring effect of colloidal droplets by dispersed cellulose nanofibers

    Yuto Ooi, Itsuo Hanasaki, Daiki Mizumura, Yu Matsuda

    SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS   18 ( 1 ) 316 - 324  2017  [Refereed]

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    We report that the addition of a small amount of cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) into an aqueous dispersion of colloidal particles suppresses the coffee-ring effect when the dispersion dries on a solid substrate, as revealed by the computational analysis of experimental time-series images and by particle image velocimetry. The addition of CNFs is much more effective than the increase of colloidal particle concentration at the same weight percentage; it is also more environment friendly than the use of typical molecular surfactants. This finding is promising for the fabrication of metamaterials from colloidal dispersions and for ink printing in electronics, where CNFs can also serve as a substrate for flexible devices.



  • Phenomena peculiar to underexpanded flows in supersonic micronozzles

    Taro Handa, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami

    MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS   20 ( 12 ) 166  2016.12  [Refereed]

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    In the present study, the characteristics of supersonic flows in micronozzles are experimentally and computationally investigated for Reynolds numbers ranging from 618 to 5560. In the experiments, the flows are created in a rectangular contoured nozzle whose heights at its throat and exit are 286 and 500 mu m, respectively. The number-density distribution along the nozzle centerline is measured using the laser-induced fluorescence technique under an underexpanded condition for each Reynolds number. The experimental results reveal that the underexpanded flow expands along the streamwise direction in a range where the cross-sectional area of the nozzle is constant although the flow in such a range has been believed to be compressed owing to friction. The results also reveal that the unexpected range where the flow expands extends with a decrease in Reynolds number. In the computations, the Navier-Stokes equations are solved numerically. The computational results agree very well with the experimental results; i.e., the computational code used in the present study is validated by the experiments. By using the computational results, the reason for the appearance of the phenomena peculiar to supersonic micronozzle flows is discussed. As a result, it is found that information about the back pressure under which the flow is underexpanded can reach into the inside of a micronozzle. Such a property induces the unexpected phenomena observed in the experiments.



  • Viscous slip coefficients for binary gas mixtures measured from mass flow rates through a single microtube

    H. Yamaguchi, K. Takamori, P. Perrier, I. Graur, Y. Matsuda, T. Niimi

    PHYSICS OF FLUIDS   28 ( 9 ) 092001/1-8  2016.09  [Refereed]

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    The viscous slip coefficient for helium-argon binary gas mixture is extracted from the experimental values of the mass flow rate through a microtube. The mass flow rate is measured by the constant-volume method. The viscous slip coefficient was obtained by identifying the measured mass flow rate through a microtube with the corresponding analytical expression, which is a function of the Knudsen number. The measurements were carried out in the slip flow regime where the first-order slip boundary condition can be applied. The measured viscous slip coefficients of binary gas mixtures exhibit a concave function of the molar ratio of the mixture, showing a similar profile with numerical results. However, from the detailed comparison between the measured and numerical values with the complete and incomplete accommodation at a surface, it is inappropriate to estimate the viscous slip coefficient for the mixture numerically by employing separately measured tangential momentum accommodation coefficient for each component. The time variation of the molar ratio in the downstream chamber was measured by sampling the gas from the chamber using the quadrupole mass spectrometer. In our measurements, it is indicated that the volume flow rate of argon is larger than that of helium because of the difference in the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient. Published by AIP Publishing.



  • Faster Convergence of Diffusion Anisotropy Detection by Three-Step Relation of Single-Particle Trajectory

    Yu Matsuda, Itsuo Hanasaki, Ryo Iwao, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   88 ( 8 ) 4502 - 4507  2016.04  [Refereed]

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    We focus on the issue of limited number of samples in the single particle tracking (SPT) when trying to extract the diffusion anisotropy that originates from the particle asymmetry. We propose a novel evaluation technique of SPT making use of the relation of the consecutive three steps. More specifically, the trend of the angle comprised of the three positions and the displacements are plotted on a scatter diagram. The particle anisotropy dependence of the shape of the scatter diagram is examined through the data from the standard numerical model of anisotropic two-dimensional Brownian motion. Comparison with the existing method reveals the faster convergence in the evaluation. In particular, our proposed method realizes the detection of diffusion anisotropy under the conditions of not only less number of data but also larger time steps. This is of practical importance not only when the abundant data is hard to achieve but also when the rotational diffusion is fast compared to the frame rate of the camera equipment, which tends to be more common for smaller particles or molecules of interest.



  • Polymer-Particle Pressure-Sensitive Paint with High Photostability

    Yu Matsuda, Kenta Uchida, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    SENSORS   16 ( 4 )  2016.04  [Refereed]

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    We propose a novel fast-responding and paintable pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) based on polymer particles, i.e. polymer-particle (pp-) PSP. As a fast-responding PSP, polymer-ceramic (PC-) PSP is widely studied. Since PC-PSP generally consists of titanium (IV) oxide (TiO2) particles, a large reduction in the luminescent intensity will occur due to the photocatalytic action of TiO2. We propose the usage of polymer particles instead of Ti(O)2 particles to prevent the reduction in the luminescent intensity. Here, we fabricate pp-PSP based on the polystyrene particle with a diameter of 1 mu m, and investigate the pressure-and temperature-sensitives, the response time, and the photostability. The performances of pp-PSP are compared with those of PC-PSP, indicating the high photostability with the other characteristics comparable to PC-PSP.



  • Micro-molecular tagging velocimetry of internal gaseous flow

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Kohei Hayashida, Yukihiro Ishiguro, Kensuke Takamori, Yu Matsuda, Tomohide Niimi

    MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS   20 ( 2 ) 32 - 10  2016.02  [Refereed]

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    Dual-laser micro-molecular tagging velocimetry (mu MTV) for internal gaseous flows on the microscale has been successfully demonstrated. MTV is a non-intrusive optical technique suitable for gaseous flow measurement by using molecules as tracers. In our dual-laser mu MTV technique, seeded NO2 molecules in a flow were tagged by photodissociation, producing NO molecules that can be distinguished from surrounding molecules. The tagged NO molecules were traced and visualized by laser-induced fluorescence. However, the fluorescence was in the deep ultraviolet region, and a reflective objective with a finite conjugate optical system was employed for imaging on the microscale. The seeded and tagged molecules of NO2 and NO are stable in the gas phase at around room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Thus, this technique is free from condensation at the walls and is feasible for measurements of internal gaseous flow on the microscale. To demonstrate the validity of our dual-laser mu MTV technique, the cross-sectional flow velocity profile in a rectangular microchannel and flow velocities in a micronozzle were measured and compared with numerical results.



  • Development of fast response bi-luminophore pressure-sensitive paint by means of an inkjet printing technique

    Y. Egami, J. Ueyama, S. Furukawa, T. Kameya, Y. Matsuda, H. Yamaguchi, T. Niimi

    MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY   26 ( 6 ) 064004  2015.06  [Refereed]

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    A novel fast response bi-luminophore pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) by inkjet printing of sensor-dot arrays on an anodized aluminum (AA) substrate has been developed for unsteady flow measurements. A bi-luminophore AA-PSP, which is a combination of PSP and temperature-sensitive paint (TSP), is essential for precise pressure measurements, because the PSP result needs the temperature correction. However, a conventional bi-luminophore AA-PSP prepared by a dipping method does not work well due to the interference between the PSP and TSP luminophores. To overcome this problem, we have developed isolated dot arrays of PSP and TSP formed on an anodized aluminum substrate by an inkjet printing method. In this study, platinum tetrakis (pentafluorophenyl) porphyrin (PtTFPP) and ZnS-AgInS2 (ZAIS) were employed as pressure- and temperature-sensitive dyes, respectively. A suitable solvent was chosen for each dye to form the dots with uniform, high luminescence intensity, and high sensitivity. The developed bi-luminophore AA-PSP could simultaneously measure pressure and temperature and could reduce the temperature effect of the PSP from -0.97%/K (without temperature correction) to -0.01%/K (with temperature correction). It showed a pressure response time of 17.8 +/- 0.8 mu s at 90% pressure rise to a step change of pressure, which is in the same range as a conventional AA-PSP.



  • Electric Conductive Pattern Element Fabricated Using Commercial Inkjet Printer for Paper-Based Analytical Devices

    Yu Matsuda, Shobu Shibayama, Keigo Uete, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY   87 ( 11 ) 5762 - 5765  2015.06  [Refereed]

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    Herein, we proposed the addition of an inkjet-printed conductive pattern to paper-based analytical devices (PADs) in order to expand their applications. An electric conductive pattern was easily, quickly, and inexpensively fabricated using a commercial inkjet printer. The addition of a printed electric element will enhance the applications of PADS without the loss Of properties such as cost efficiency, disposability, and portability. In this study, we applied an inkjet-printed heater to a piece of paper and investigated its characteristics. The use of the heater as a valve, concentrator, and heat :source for chemical reactions on PADs was investigated. Previously, these functions were difficult to realize with PADs the inkjet-printed heater was used as a valve and concentrator through evaporation Of the working fluid and Solvent, and was also found to be useful for providing heat for chemical reactions. Thus, the combination of printed electric circuits and PADs has many potential applications.



  • The applications of pressure-sensitive paint in microfluidic systems

    Chih-Yung Huang, Yu Matsuda, James W. Gregory, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS   18 ( 5-6 ) 739 - 753  2015.05  [Refereed]

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    Pressure-sensitive paint is an experimental technique that has been developed for decades and recently applied for microscale measurements to retrieve surface pressure data. Promising results have been reported at various flow regions including transition flow, supersonic flow, and unsteady flow regimes. The experimental results acquired by pressure-sensitive paint have been compared with computational simulation and theoretical analysis, and good agreements have been established. This technique provides not only qualitative information but also quantitative data for the flow field inside microfluidic systems. This paper summarizes the methodology and applications of pressure-sensitive paint in microscale measurements as well as their usage for oxygen detection in several areas. Critical comments and future aspects of the technique have also been provided.



  • Measurement of thermal accommodation coefficients using a simplified system in a concentric sphere shells configuration

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Takamasa Imai, Tadashi Iwai, Akira Kondo, Yu Matsuda, Tomohide Niimi

    JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A   32 ( 6 ) 061602  2014.11  [Refereed]

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    For heat transfer in the microscale, the interaction between the gas and the solid surface is characterized by the thermal accommodation coefficient, and is important owing to the large surface-to-volume ratio existing as a consequence of the small size. However, there are few data of the thermal accommodation coefficients on the nonmetal surfaces often employed in microdevices. In this research, a novel simplified system in a spherically symmetric configuration is proposed, achieving a low-cost measurement of the thermal accommodation coefficient for both metal and nonmetal surfaces. Tiny flat-plate samples on a heater are placed at the center of a spherical vacuum chamber, and the conductive heat flux is measured and analyzed under the assumption of a concentric spherical shells geometry based on the low-pressure method. An approximate relation for the heat flux is also employed to measure under the near free-molecular and the transitional flow regimes. The proposed novel measurement system is validated by measurements of the thermal accommodation coefficient on a platinum surface with helium, argon and xenon. The measured heat fluxes as a function of pressure are well fitted by the approximate relation, and the obtained thermal accommodation coefficients agree well with the data in the literature. Finally, the measurement is demonstrated on a nonmetal surface of glass, showing good feasibility of the measurement system. (C) 2014 American Vacuum Society.



  • Property changes of temperature-sensitive paint immobilized in acrylic polymer matrices

    Yasuhiro Egami, Yu Matsuda, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL   195   677 - 681  2014.05  [Refereed]

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    This study is aimed to investigate the effect of different structures of acrylic polymers on the properties of temperature-sensitive paint (TSP). TSP is composed of a temperature-sensitive luminophore and a polymer binder to fix the luminophore on a model substrate. Until now, the development of TSP has been focused primarily on searching for luminophores with high-temperature sensitivity and high luminescent intensity. However, recent studies revealed that polymers had a significant effect on TSP properties as well as luminophores. In this study, we systematically studied the effects of different structures of acrylic polymers on the temperature and pressure sensitivity and luminescent intensity of europium(III) thenoyltrifluoroacetonatetrihydrate (EuTTA)-based TSP. It was experimentally observed that EuTTA with acrylic polymers with longer straight side chain showed higher temperature sensitivity and lower luminescent intensity than those with shorter ones. In addition, an acrylic polymer with branched side chain presented lower sensitivity, higher pressure sensitivity, and higher luminescent intensity than that with straight side chain. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Pressure-Sensitive Molecular Film

    Y. Matsuda, H. Yamaguchi, T. Niimi

    Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics     1-10  2014.04  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Investigation of inkjet printing conditions for microdot pressure-sensitive sensor on anodized aluminum substrate

    UEYAMA Junichi, FURUKAWA Sei, KAMEYA Tomohiro, MATSUDA Yu, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide, EGAMI Yasuhiro

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series A   80 ( 811 ) FE0040 - FE0040  2014.03  [Refereed]

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    A pressure-sensitive dot array sensor has been developed by means of an inkjet printing device on an anodized aluminum (AA) substrate. Pressure-Sensitive Paint formed on AA substrate (AA-PSP) has been used for unsteady pressure measurements due to its high-speed responsiveness. A bi-luminophore AA-PSP is demanded for precise pressure measurements, because PSP needs the temperature correction. However, a conventional bi-luminophore AA-PSP prepared by a dipping method does not work well due to the interference between the two luminophores. To overcome this problem, we have been developing the isolated dot arrays of PSP and TSP formed on an anodized aluminum substrate by an inkjet printing method. As the first step of realizing the combined AA-PSP・TSP, we fabricated a pressure-sensitive dot array sensor on an anodized aluminum substrate using Ru(dpp)3 as a pressure-sensitive luminophore. Ru(dpp)3 was dissolved in four different solvents: methanol, dichloromethane, chloroform and the mixed solvent of dichloromethane and chloroform, and the effect of the solvents on PSP dots was investigated. The formed PSP dots exhibited significantly different properties, such as the luminescence intensity distribution and pressure sensitivity, depending on the solvents. The PSP solution with methanol resulted in the O-shaped stain of luminophore due to the "coffee-ring effect". The PSP solution with dichloromethane and that with the mixed solvent of dichloromethane and chloroform formed dots with uniform luminescence intensity distribution. In addition, the PSP with dichloromethane or dichloromethane + chloroform had comparable pressure sensitivity with conventional AA-PSP prepared by a dipping method, while the PSP with methanol showed very poor pressure sensitivity.

    DOI CiNii

  • Recent Progress in Pressure-Sensitive Paint

    EGAMI Yasuhiro, MATSUDA Yu

    Transactions of Visualization Society of Japan   34 ( 132 ) 2 - 2  2014

    DOI CiNii

  • Dual luminescent arrays sensor fabricated by inkjet-printing of pressure- and temperature-sensitive paints

    Tomohiro Kameya, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL   190   70 - 77  2014.01  [Refereed]

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    A novel dual luminescent sensor, which consists of discrete dot arrays of pressure-and temperature-sensitive paints (PSP and TSP), has been developed for a precise pressure measurement on a solid surface. The sensor arrays were well-ordered by inkjet-printing of PSP and TSP solutions. Since pressure- and temperature-sensitive luminophores are isolated from each other, the dual luminescent arrays sensor avoids the interaction between the two luminophores that has been one of the major issues of conventional dual luminescent sensors. It is an advantage of the dual-array sensor that an optimal solvent and an optimal binding material can be used for each luminophore. In this study, a 2-propanol solution of PtTFPP and a toluene solution of ZnS-AgInS2 (ZAIS) nano-particles were employed as PSP and TSP solutions, respectively. The newly developed dual-array sensor could prevent the interaction between PtTFPP and ZAIS that was observed in the mixture sensor of these luminophores, and had comparable pressure and temperature sensitivities with conventional PSP or TSP. Moreover, the pressure distribution on the surface with a non-uniform temperature distribution was successfully measured by the dual-array sensor. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Unsteady pressure-sensitive paint measurement based on the heterodyne method using low frame rate camera

    Yu Matsuda, Daisuke Yorita, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohiro Kameya, Noriaki Kakihara, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Keisuke Asai, Tomohide Niimi

    REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS   84 ( 10 ) 105110  2013.10  [Refereed]

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    The pressure-sensitive paint technique based on the heterodyne method was proposed for the precise pressure measurement of unsteady flow fields. This measurement is realized by detecting the beat signal that results from interference between a modulating illumination light source and a pressure fluctuation. The beat signal is captured by a camera with a considerably lower frame rate than the frequency of the pressure fluctuation. By carefully adjusting the frequency of the light and the camera frame rate, the signal at the frequency of interest is detected, while the noise signals at other frequencies are eliminated. To demonstrate the proposed method, we measured the pressure fluctuations in a resonance tube at the fundamental, second, and third harmonics. The pressure fluctuation distributions were successfully obtained and were consistent with measurements from a pressure transducer. The proposed method is a useful technique for measuring unsteady phenomena. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.



  • Reduction of Temperature Effects in Pressure-Sensitive Paint Measurements

    Y. Egami, K. Fujii, T. Takagi, Y. Matsuda, H. Yamaguchi, T. Niimi

    AIAA JOURNAL   51 ( 7 ) 1779 - 1783  2013.07  [Refereed]

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    © 2013 the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.



  • Erratum: Experimental measurement on tangential momentum accommodation coefficient in a single microtube (Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (2011) 11 (57-64) DOI 10.1007/s10404-011-0773-x)

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tsuneo Hanawa, Oto Yamamoto, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohide Niimi

    Microfluidics and Nanofluidics   14 ( 5 ) 903  2013.05  [Refereed]

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    © 2013, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.



  • ZnS-AgInS2 nanoparticles as a temperature sensor

    Yu Matsuda, Tsukasa Torimoto, Tomohiro Kameya, Tatsuya Kameyama, Susumu Kuwabata, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL   176   505 - 508  2013.01  [Refereed]

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    Luminescent semiconductor nanoparticles have been applied to temperature measurements, because their emission is intense and the emission wavelength can be adjusted by particle size. However, most of luminescent nanoparticles contain highly toxic elements such as Cd, Se, and Te. In this study, the temperature characteristics of a new low-toxic luminescent nanoparticles, ZnS-AgInS2 (ZAIS), have been investigated. The temperature sensitivity of luminescent intensity of ca. -1 %/K was comparable to other luminescent nanoparticles. The thermally induced red shift of ca. 0.1 nm/K was observed, which is similar to other nanoparticles. The measurement revealed that the oxygen sensitivity of ZAIS is negligibly small. It is also shown that ZAIS nanoparticles are photostable compared with CdSe/ZnS. As a result, ZAIS is one of the most preferable candidates to take the place of other toxic nanoparticles especially for bio-related experiments. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Organic Electroluminescent Sensor for Pressure Measurement

    Yu Matsuda, Kaori Ueno, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohide Niimi

    SENSORS   12 ( 10 ) 13899 - 13906  2012.10  [Refereed]

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    We have proposed a novel concept of a pressure sensor called electroluminescent pressure sensor (ELPS) based on oxygen quenching of electroluminescence. The sensor was fabricated as an organic light-emitting device (OLED) with phosphorescent dyes whose phosphorescence can be quenched by oxygen molecules, and with a polymer electrode which permeates oxygen molecules. The sensor was a single-layer OLED with Platinum (II) octaethylporphine (PtOEP) doped into poly(vinylcarbazole) (PVK) as an oxygen sensitive emissive layer and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) mixed with poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) as an oxygen permeating polymer anode. The pressure sensitivity of the fabricated ELPS sample was equivalent to that of the sensor excited by an illumination light source. Moreover, the pressure sensitivity of the sensor is equivalent to that of conventional pressure-sensitive paint (PSP), which is an optical pressure sensor based on photoluminescence.

    DOI PubMed


  • Application of MTV to Internal Gaseous<BR>Flow through Rectangular Channel


    Transactions of the Visualization Society of Japan   32 ( 6 ) 15-20 - 20  2012.07  [Refereed]

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    Recently, the Molecular Tagging Velocimetry (MTV) has been eagerly studied as a nonintrusive velocity measurement technique, which is a similar technique to the Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) whereas using tagged molecules instead of particles: the tagged molecules are tracked and visualized to obtain the displacement during a certain period, and the flow velocity was calculated from the time of flight technique. By using the photodissociation of NO2 as a tagging technique, we applied MTV to the internal gaseous flow through a rectangular channel. The flow velocity distribution indicates the Poiseuille-like flow in the center plane. The flow velocity of the center axis was compared with the theoretical value where 2D flow between parallel plates was assumed, and showed good agreement within an experimental error. The time duration between the tagging and the visualization was able to extend at least 100μs, which allows us to measure much lower velocity.

    DOI CiNii

  • Investigation on heat transfer between two coaxial cylinders for measurement of thermal accommodation coefficient

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Kazuaki Kanazawa, Yu Matsuda, Tomohide Niimi, Alexey Polikarpov, Irina Graur

    PHYSICS OF FLUIDS   24 ( 6 ) 062002  2012.06  [Refereed]

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    The heat flux between two coaxial cylinders was measured in the range from the free molecular to the early transitional flow regimes for extraction of the thermal accommodation coefficient using an approximate relation on the pressure dependence of the heat flux. The experimental coaxial cylinders' geometry has been traditionally implemented for the measurement of the thermal accommodation coefficient using the low-pressure method; however, the actual experimental setup was characterized by large temperature difference and large cylinders' radius ratio. Compared to the original low-pressure method, much higher pressure range was applied. In order to verify assumptions in the accommodation coefficient extraction, the heat flux under measurement conditions was simulated numerically by the nonlinear S-model kinetic equation. Very good agreement was found between the measured and the simulated heat flux. The proposed procedure of the thermal accommodation coefficient extraction was discussed in detail and verified. The temperature dependence of the thermal accommodation coefficient was also found. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4726059]



  • Pressure-sensitive paint measurement on co-rotating disks in a hard disk drive

    Tomohiro Kameya, Yu Matsuda, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohide Niimi

    OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING   50 ( 1 ) 82 - 86  2012.01  [Refereed]

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    There is much demand for improvement in the performance of a hard disk drive (HDD) along with recent rapid developments of information technology. While high-speed disk rotation of a HDD is necessary to accommodate such needs, it causes disk flutter induced by pressure fluctuation on disks and degrades reliability of a HOD. In order to understand the mechanism of the fluttering phenomenon, it is important to know pressure field on the rotating disk. However, it is impossible to measure the pressure by ordinary methods such as pressure taps. Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) is a pressure measurement technique based on the oxygen quenching of luminescence and enables us to measure the pressure non-invasively. In general, however, the temperature sensitivity of PSP makes it difficult to measure the precise pressure on the surface with temperature distribution. We measured the time-averaged pressure on the disk rotating at 10 000-20 000 rpm for the first time by adopting a temperature-insensitive PSP composed of pyrene sulfonic acid (PySO(3)H) as a luminophore. It was found that the pressure forms a concentric circular distribution and decreases toward the center of the disk. Additionally, we elucidate how disk rotational speed and spacing between co-rotating disks influence on the pressure field. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • A Discusion of Spatial Resolution of Pressure-Sensitive Paint

    Yu MATSUDA, Hiroki YAMAGUCHI, Yasuhiro EGAMI, Tomohide NIIMI

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series B   78 ( 790 ) 1260 - 1266  2012  [Refereed]

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    © 2012 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.



  • Combined Pressure-/Temperature-Sensitive Paint Arranged in Dot Array

    Tomohiro KAMEYA, Yu MATSUDA, Yasuhiro EGAMI, Hiroki YAMAGUCHI, Tomohide NIIMI

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series B   78 ( 791 ) 1327 - 1335  2012  [Refereed]

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    © 2012 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.



  • Unsteady 2D measurement of dissolved oxygen distribution using luminescent sensor film

    Yu Matsuda, Fumihiro Nagashima, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohide Niimi

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL   160 ( 1 ) 1464 - 1467  2011.12  [Refereed]

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    We have proposed a novel utilization of pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) as a luminescent dissolved oxygen (DO) sensor film, which consists of an oxygen sensing dye and polymer matrix, for time resolved DO distribution measurements. The DO measurement is based on the variation of the luminescent intensity due to oxygen quenching; thus, the unsteady DO distribution can be easily obtained from the time series emission images of the sensor film. The effect of the wettability of the sensor films on the DO sensitivity was investigated. It was clarified that the sensitivity is independent of the wettability. The feasibility test of the unsteady DO distribution measurement with the sensor film was demonstrated in the periodic oscillatory flow. The measured frequency agreed well with that measured by fluorescein seeded in the flow, showing the applicability of the DO sensor film to unsteady DO distribution measurement. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Pressure-sensitive channel chip for visualization measurement of micro gas flows

    Yu Matsuda, Ryota Misaki, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS   11 ( 4 ) 507 - 510  2011.10  [Refereed]

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    We have developed a new pressure sensing tool named pressure-sensitive channel chip (PSCC) by combining the pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique with the poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) micro-molding technique. The PSP technique based on the oxygen quenching of luminescence is a potential diagnostic tool for pressure measurement of micro gas flows. However, the application of PSP to micro scale measurement is very difficult, because the thickness and the surface roughness of conventional PSPs cannot be neglected compared with the characteristic length of micro channels, and the spatial resolution is not enough for micro scale measurements due to the aggregations of luminophore. PSCC is fabricated with PDMS containing a pressure-sensitive luminophore; thus PSCC is a micro channel which itself works as a pressure "distribution" sensor. A micro converging-diverging nozzle with the throat width of 120 mu m was demonstrated. The pressure distribution on the nozzle surface was successfully obtained by PSCC without the shortcomings of conventional PSPs.



  • Experimental measurement on tangential momentum accommodation coefficient in a single microtube

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tsuneo Hanawa, Oto Yamamoto, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohide Niimi

    MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS   11 ( 1 ) 57 - 64  2011.07  [Refereed]

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    The tangential momentum accommodation coefficient (TMAC) was investigated experimentally from the mass flow rate through a single microtube under the slip flow and the early part of the transition regime. The measurements were carried out by the constant-volume method under the mean Knudsen number smaller than 0.3, which is based on the mean pressure of the inlet and the outlet of the microtube, to apply the second-order slip boundary condition. To measure TMACs on various materials, quite large microtube was employed, which require the reduction in leakage. TMAC was obtained from the slip coefficient determined by the relation of the mass flow rate to the mean Knudsen number. The obtained mass flow rate was well explained by the theoretical equation. TMACs of deactivated-fused silica with argon, nitrogen, and oxygen were measured, showing the tangential momentum was not accommodated completely to the surface, and the values showed good agreement with previous studies. From the comparison between microtubes with different inner diameter, it is showed that TMAC is determined mainly by gas species and surface material.



  • Error analysis of pressure-sensitive paint measurement

    Yu Matsuda, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohide Niimi

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B   77 ( 777 ) 1189 - 1200  2011  [Refereed]

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    Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) is a useful measurement technique to obtain the pressure distribution on a surface, and has been applied to many measurements in wind tunnel testing. The measurement error of PSP has not been discussed in most reports, while the evaluation of the error is very important for quantitative measurements. In this study, we propose the calibration method which enables us to find the defect of PSPs or the failure of the calibration tests easily. Based on the first-and second-order polynomial Stern-Volmer equations, the propagation of error is analyzed. As a result, it is clarified that the experimental values must be fitted by the Stern-Volmer equations with the constraint condition of (p/P refI ref/I) = (1,1) at T = T ref, and the relative error in pressure can be reduced. It is also shown that the error becomes quite large when plp ref ≈-B/2C in the second-order polynomial Stern-Volmer equation. We propose an indicator for the choice of the polynomial order of the Stern-Volmer equation at T/T ref ≈ 1, p/p ref ≈ 1. © 2011 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.



  • Pressure-sensitive molecular film for investigation of micro gas flows

    Yu Matsuda, Toru Uchida, Suguru Suzuki, Ryota Misaki, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS   10 ( 1 ) 165 - 171  2011.01  [Refereed]

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    For the development of micro- and nano-technology, it has been strongly desired to understand thermo-fluid phenomena inside or around micro- and nano-devices. An optical measurement technique based on the absorption and the emission of photons by molecules is useful for experimental analyses of thermo-fluid phenomena of micro and nanoflows. The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique is a potential diagnostic tool for pressure measurements of micro/nano gas flows because it works as a so-called "molecular sensor". However, the micro-scale measurement of PSP has been limited by the aggregation of the luminescent molecules and their thick film due to the use of a polymer binder. In our previous work, we adopted the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique to fabricate pressure-sensitive molecular film (PSMF) with ordered molecular assemblies, and investigated properties of PSMF. In this study, a novel approach to enhance the luminescent intensity of PSMF is proposed, and the pressure distribution in a micro-nozzle is successfully measured by using PSMF. Moreover, we compared the pressure distribution measured by PSMF with that numerically analyzed by the direct simulation monte carlo (DSMC) method, showing good agreement with each other.



  • Experimental study on rotational temperatures in nitrogen molecular beam

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tatsuya Moriyama, Kyohei Ide, Jun Ito, Yu Matsuda, Tomohide Niimi

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B   77 ( 774 ) 282 - 291  2011  [Refereed]

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    Rotational energy distribution in a nitrogen molecular beam was experimentally studied by (2+2) N 2-REMPI(Resonantly Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization). REMPI is known to have high detection sensitivity, which allows obtaining the signal under the very low number density condition like a molecular beam, successfully. Obtained REMPI spectrum was fitted by a theoretical spectrum to determine rotational temperature. The spectrum was well fitted, showing the rotational energy distribution obeyed the equilibrium Boltzmann distribution. The rotational temperature in a molecular beam must be similar to the frozen rotational temperature in a free jet, since a free jet is used as a beam source in the Kantrowitz-Grey type. The parameter p 0d, which is a product of the source pressure p 0 and the orifice diameter d, is known to characterize a free jet. Therefore, the rotational temperature in a molecular beam was analyzed in terms of the parameter p 0d. The rotational temperature was able to be described by the power of the parameter p 0d. The rotational temperature and the obtained function were compared with the value in literatures, which showed good agreement. © 2011 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.



  • S1604-1-1 Measurement of time-averaged pressure distribution on a rotating disk by pressure-sensitive paint

    KAMEYA Tomohiro, MATSUDA Yu, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2010   123 - 124  2010

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    The PSP technique is a nonintrusive pressure measurement method based on the oxygen quenching of the luminescence of luminophore. Since the PSP measurement is generally affected by temperature changes, it is difficult to precisely measure the pressure on a surface with non-uniform temperature distribution. In this study, we focused on pyrene sulfonic acid (PySO_3H) as a luminophore of PSP. It is known that the PySO_3H has two peaks in the emission spectra which have opposite temperature-dependent properties. Temperature effects can be eliminated by measuring the luminescence at an appropriate wavelength band between these two peaks. We successfully obtained the time-averaged pressure distribution on the rotating disk by the use of PySO_3H. The pressure shows a concentric circle distribution and decreases toward the disk center at every rotational speed (10000-20000rpm). It is also found that the pressure difference between the inner and the outer region of the disk is proportional to the square of the disk angular velocity.

    DOI CiNii

  • T0501-3-4 Measurement of Tangential Momentum Accommodation Coefficient in Microtube

    YAMAMOTO Oto, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, HANAWA Tsuneo, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2010   99 - 100  2010

     View Summary

    Along with the developments of the Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), the Knudsen number, which is the non-dimensional parameter for rarefaction, of the flow inside such systems becomes large. In these high Knudsen number flows, a gas-surface interaction has become important. To illustrate the gas-surface interaction, an accommodation coefficient α is widely used as an empirical parameter. The tangential momentum accommodation coefficient (TMAC), one of the accommodation coefficients, has close relation to the pressure loss through a micro channel. Therefore, TMAC is an important coefficient for micro flow analyses. To obtain TMAC experimentally, the mass flow rate measurements in microtubes were carried out using the constant volume method. Since the mean Knudsen number was less than 0.3, the velocity slip boundary condition is applicable. The results obtained experimentally were analyzed in frame of the Navier-Stokes equation associated with the second order velocity slip boundary condition. Then the slip coefficient of the boundary condition was obtained, and finally TMAC was determined.

    DOI CiNii

  • T0501-4-1 Experimental Study on Energy Accommodation Coefficient of Metal Surface

    KANAZAWA Kazuaki, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, AOKI Yuta, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2010   105 - 106  2010

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    The micro flows such as flow around MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System), are so-called the high-Knudsen number flow. In these flows, the gas-surface interaction becomes important. The energy accommodation coefficient, which is an empirical parameter defined by Knudsen, is often used to analyze heat transport phenomena. The energy accommodation coefficient varies depending on the combination of surface and gas. Thus, it is important to use the appropriate energy accommodation coefficient for each pair of surface and gas for accurate thermal management. In this report, we obtained the energy accommodation coefficients for argon and oxygen in contact with platinum surface by the Low-Pressure (LP) method, using the theoretical heat flux equation expanded to transition regime. The experimental results were compared with the previous results by Thomas and Olmer(1943), which reported a relation between the energy accommodation coefficient and the surface temperature. Our results are in good agreement with their results.

    DOI CiNii

  • T0501-4-2 Pressure Measurements of Micro Gas Flow using Pressure Sensitive Dye

    MISAKI Ryota, MATSUDA Yu, SUZUKI Suguru, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2010   107 - 108  2010

     View Summary

    To analyze micro-scale flows, we need a measurement technique of the molecular level. The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique employs the interactions between luminophores and oxygen molecules; hence it is suitable for pressure measurement in the flows. However, there are few reports concerning application of PSP to fnicro-flows, because conventional PSPs are too thick owing to their polymer binders. Therefore, we had developed pressure-sensitive molecular film (PSMF) with a thickness of about 1Onm by using the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique, and obtained the pressure distribution on the surface along micro-channels. PSMF is, however, inferior to the ordinary PSP in the signal-to-noise ratio, because of the small amount of luminophores in the film. In this study, based on PSP and soft lithography techniques, we have developed a novel micro fluidic channel itself has a pressure sensitive property, emitting appreciable luminescence. Additionally, we investigated the pressure sensitivity of this new PSP device, and measured the pressure along a micro-nozzle.

    DOI CiNii

  • Pressure distribution measurement on a rotating disk surface by pressure-sensitive paint

    Tomohiro Kameya, Yu Matsuda, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohide Niimi

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   76 ( 771 ) 3002 - 3007  2010  [Refereed]

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    A pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) measurement technique is a non-contact optical method based on the oxygen quenching of its luminescence. By using PSP, we measured the pressure distribution on the disk in a hard disk drive, which is difficult to measure by conventional contact methods such as pressure taps. In the PSP measurement, we have to take the temperature non-uniformity on the rotating disk into consideration because the temperature distribution causes measuring error. We employed pyrene sulfonic acid (PySO3H) as a luminophore of PSP, which has small temperature dependency at appropriate wavelength of the luminescence, and successfully obtained the pressure distribution on the disk rotated at various speeds (10 000-20 000 rpm). The result showed that the pressure is higher at the disk outside than at the center, and forms a concentric circle distribution. In addition, we found that the pressure difference between the inner and outer region of the disk increases as a square of disk rotation speed and a decrease in the distance between the co-rotating adjacent disks.



  • Extension and characterization of pressure-sensitive molecular film

    Yu Matsuda, Hideo Mori, Yoshiki Sakazaki, Toru Uchida, Suguru Suzuki, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS   47 ( 6 ) 1025 - 1032  2009.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) has the potential as a diagnostic tool for pressure measurement in high Knudsen number regime because it works as a so-called "molecular sensor". However, there are few reports concerning application of PSP to micro-devices, because conventional PSPs are too thick owing to polymer binders. In our previous work, we adopted the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique to fabricate the pressure-sensitive molecular film (PSMF) using Pd(II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PdMP), which has pressure sensitivity only in the low pressure range (below 130 Pa). In this study, aiming for pressure measurement under an atmospheric pressure condition, we have constructed four samples of PSMFs composed of Pt(II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PtMP), Pt(II) Mesoporphyrin IX dimethylester (PtMPDME), Pt(II) Protoporphyrin IX (PtPP) and Cu(II) Mesoporphyrin IX dimethylester (CuMPDME) as luminescent molecules. The pressure sensitivity of those PSMFs was measured, and it was clarified that the pressure sensitivity of PSMF-PtMP is the highest among the four samples. Moreover, the temperature dependency of PSMF-PtMP was investigated, and we found that the temperature dependency of PSMF is dominated not by the oxygen diffusion in the layer, but by non-radiative deactivation process of excited luminescent molecules.



  • Measurement of Oxygen Concentration Distribution inside a Mixing Channel using Oxygen Sensitive Luminophore Second Report, Effect of Channel Geometries on Critical Reynolds Number:Second Report, Effect of Channel Geometries on Critical Reynolds Number

    Matsuda Yu, Hayashida Masaya, Nagashima Humihiro, Yamaguchi Hiroki, Niimi Tomohide

    Transactions of the Visualization Society of Japan   29 ( 10 ) 51-57 - 57  2009.10  [Refereed]

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    To design more efficient chemical reactors, fuel cells, or μ-TAS, it is important to understand the behavior of oxygen, which has close relation with chemical reactions in devices. Conventional oxygen probes such as galvanic cell type cannot be applied to unsteady oxygen concentration measurements in small systems, because such probes have long response time and large probe head. In this study, we have focused on the pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique, which enables us to measure 2-dimensional oxygen concentration distribution with milliseconds time response. As an application of oxygen concentration measurement technique using PSP, we measured oxygen concentration in the mixing channel which is the same type as the first report. It is well known that the flow structure of the mixing channel changes from steady to unsteady (e.g. oscillation and chaotic motion) with increasing the Reynolds number. The flow fields are analyzed 2-dimensionaly in previous studies, thus we investigated the effect of 3-dimensional geometry of the channel on the flow structure and found that the critical Reynolds number for the transition from steady to unsteady flow depends not on the length but on the depth of the channel.

    DOI CiNii

  • Discussion on measurement mechanism of pressure-sensitive paints

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yu Matsuda, Hideo Mori, Tomohide Niimi

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL   142 ( 1 ) 224 - 229  2009.10  [Refereed]

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    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) is a very useful tool to measure pressure distributions on surfaces. In general, a measured pressure distribution by the paint shows good agreement with that by pressure taps. The paint is considered to represent the thermodynamic pressure. Recently, the paint has been adopted to rarefied gas flows and micro/nanoflows, i.e. high Knudsen number regime, and exhibited feasibility of pressure measurement in wide range of flows. In this study, we have discussed the physical meaning of luminescent intensity emitted from the paint through high Knudsen number regime measurements. It is known that a pressure tap shows good agreement with surface pressure and not with thermodynamic pressure in this regime, because of the temperature jump. High Knudsen number flow is required to be treated as a molecular flow; thus we discussed the PSP measurement mechanism by the molecular kinetic theory. The pressure profile of PSP was examined by a DSMC numerical result, and it was verified that PSP indicates the surface pressure. The temperature sensitivity was also investigated analytically in detail in continuum flow regime to discuss the suggestion that "PSP measures pressure, not density" [H. Bell, E.T. Schairer, L.A. Hand, R.D. Mehta, Surface pressure measurements using luminescent coatings, Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 33 (2001) 155-206]. From these analyses, however, we suggest that PSP measures a number flux of oxygen molecules toward the surface. The effect of a macroscopic flow against PSP in high Knudsen number flow is also discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.



  • Experimental analyses of high Knudsen number flows

    Tomohide Niimi, Hideo Mori, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yu Matsuda

    International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Fluid Sciences   1 ( 3 ) 213 - 227  2009.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In late years, the necessity of high Knudsen number flows, such as highly rarefied gas flows with large mean free path and gaseous flows around nanodevices with small characteristic length have increased significantly, especially in fields of researches on space technology, surface science, fabrication of thin film for semi-conductor and so on. In this paper, we describe mainly the optical diagnostic techniques for the high Knudsen number flows, such as laser induced fluorescence (LIF), resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) and pressure sensitive molecular film (PSMF), and our experimental results obtained by the use of the techniques, i.e., applications of LIF to visualization of flow field structures including complicated shock wave system and to a measurement of rotational temperature, establishment of a REMPI system and its application to detection of rotational nonequilibrium in highly rarefied gas flows, and development of the suitable PSMF for low density and micro-scale gas flows.



  • Measurement of Oxygen Concentration Distribution inside a Mixing Channel using Oxygen Sensitive Luminophore-First Report, Visualization of Flow Structure-

    Yu Matsuda, Masaya Hayashida, Humihiro Nagashima, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    Transactions of the Visualization Society of Japan   29 ( 8 ) 27-33 - 33  2009.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    To design more efficient chemical reactors, fuel cells, or micro-TAS, it is important to understand the behavior of oxygen concentration relates to chemical reactions in devices. In small systems, commonly used oxygen probes such as galvanic cell type cannot be used for unsteady oxygen concentration measurements, because such probes have long response time and large probe head. In this study, we have focused on the pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique, and tried to apply the PSP technique to oxygen concentration measurement in small systems. The PSP technique enables us to measure 2-dimenstional oxygen concentration distribution, since PSP is based on oxygen quenching of luminescent molecules. Moreover, the time response of PSP is of the order of milliseconds. As an application of oxygen concentration measurement technique using PSP, we measured the concentration of mixing channel and clarified the effect of inlet Reynolds number on flow structures.

    DOI CiNii

  • T0501-3-6 Experimental Study on Measurement of Energy Accommodation Coefficient to Metal Surface

    AOKI Yuta, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, KANAZAWA Kazuaki, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2009   129 - 130  2009

     View Summary

    The flow around MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) is so-called the high-Knudsen number flow. The flow field cannot be treated as a continuum and the thermal conduction must not be treated by ordinary Fourier's law. In high-Knudsen number flows, the gas-surface interaction becomes important and the energy accommodation coefficient, an empirical parameter, is often used to analyze heat transport phenomena. The energy accommodation coefficient is different depending on combination of surface and gas. Thus, it is important to use the appropriate energy accommodation coefficient for each pair of surface and gas for accurate thermal management. In this report, we obtained the energy accommodation coefficients for argon and oxygen in contact with platinum surface by the Low-Pressure (LP) method, using the theoretical heat flux equation expanded to transition regime. The experimental result was compared with previous result by Thomas and Olmer (1943), which reported a relation between the energy accommodation coefficient and the surface temperature, and they are good agreement.

    DOI CiNii

  • T0501-3-5 Pressure measurement of micro-scale flow using pressure sensitive molecular film

    SUZUKI Suguru, MATSUDA Yu, UCHIDA Toru, MISAKI Ryota, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2009   127 - 128  2009

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    To analyze micro/nano scale flows, we need to adopt a measurement technique in the molecular level. The pressure sensitive molecular film (PSMF) technique employs interaction between luminophores and oxygen molecules; hence it is suitable for pressure measurement in the flows. Previously, we researched the pressure sensitivity and the temperature dependence of PSMF. Typically, luminophores of PSMF are easily degraded by light and oxygen molecules, and it is very important to consider the photo-degradation in the measurement. In this study, we studied the photo-degradation of PSMF under two different pressure conditions to reveal the effect of oxygen molecules. Additionally, the time profile of the photo-degradation was measured. From the asymptotical behavior, it was clarified that the pre-illumination reduced the photo-degradation. We successfully obtained the pressure distribution of a micro-nozzle by pre-illuminated PSMF.

    DOI CiNii

  • Discussion on mechanism of pressure-sensitive paint through application to high Knudsen number regime

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yu Matsuda, Hideo Mori, Tomohide Niimi

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B   75 ( 752 ) 730 - 735  2009  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) is very useful and easy way to obtain the pressure distribution on surfaces. Usually the pressure distribution by the paint shows good agreement with that obtained by other methods, like a pressure tap. Here, in this study, we discuss on the property that the paint really shows, especially in high Knudsen number regime. In this regime, it is well known that a pressure tap shows good agreement with surface pressure, and not gas pressure. Therefore, a PSP experimental result is examined with a DSMC numerical result, and shows good agreement with surface pressure. To argue against the suggestion that "PSP measures pressure, not density" [Bell, J. H. et al., Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 33 (2001), 155206.], a temperature sensitivity is investigated in detail. From these arguments, it is suggested that the PSP measures a number flux toward a surface.



  • 516 Measurement of pressure distribution on shrouded co-rotating disks by pressure sensitive paint

    Hayashida Masaya, Matsuda Yu, Naito Dai, Mori Hideo, Niimi Tomohide

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2008   231 - 232  2008

     View Summary

    Non-uniform pressure distribution on shrouded co-rotating disks at high speed causes disk flutter. For stable rotation of disks at high speed, it is necessary to analyze pressure distribution on the disk surfaces and understand the mechanism of the disk flutter. To clarify the behavior of the flow around high-speed co-rotating disks, we have measured pressure distribution of disk surfaces by means of pressure sensitive paint. As a result, it is clarified that the pressure difference between the outer part and the inner part of the middle disk of the triple co-rotating disks is larger than that of the top disk, and the average pressure on the middle disk is lower than that of the top disk.

    DOI CiNii

  • 511 Development of Pressure Sensitive Molecular Film Applicable to High Knudsen Number Flows

    UCHIDA Toru, MATSUDA Yu, SAKAZAKI Yoshiki, SUZUKI Suguru, MORI Hideo, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2008   221 - 222  2008

     View Summary

    To analyze a micro/nano scale flow, we need to adopt a measurement technique that treats the flow as a molecular flow, because the flow cannot be treated as continuum. The pressure sensitive molecular film (PSMF) technique employs interaction between molecules, hence it is suitable for pressure measurement in the flow. We developed PSMF that is effective in the low pressure range. Typically, effective pressure range of PSMF depends mainly on the kind of luminophores. In this study, we adopt new luminophores in order to develop a new PSMF for near-atmospheric pressure range. Furthermore, because luminophores of PSMF are easily deteriorated by light, it is very important to consider photo-deterioration in pressure measurement by PSMF. In this study, we also analyzed photo-deterioration of PSMF to clarify basic photo-deterioration feature of PSMF.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of Pressure Sensitive Molecular Film Composed of Platinum Porphyrin Complex

    MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, SAKAZAKI Yoshiki, UCHIDA Toru, NIIMI Tomohide

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers B   74 ( 738 ) 385-391 - 391  2008  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) has potential as a diagnostic tool for pressure measurement in the high Knudsen number regime because it works as a so-called "molecular sensor". However, there are few reports concerning application of the PSP to micro devices, because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to the use of polymer binder. In our previous work, we have adopted Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique to fabricate pressure sensitive molecular films (PSMFs) using Pd (II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PdMP). The PSMF based on PdMP has pressure sensitivity at low pressure range (below 130 Pa) only. In this study, we have constructed PSMF composed of Pt(II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PtMP) to apply pressure measurement near atmospheric pressure condition. The pressure sensitivity and temperature dependency of PSMF based on PtMP has tested, and it is clarified that the PSMF of PtMP has equivalent pressure sensitivity of polymer PSP and the temperature dependency of PSMF is dominated by non-radiative deactivation process of excited luminophore molecule. The pressure distribution on the solid surface interacting with supersonic free-jet can be measured with PSMF composed of PtMP.

    DOI CiNii


  • Development of pressure sensitive molecular film applicable to pressure measurement for high Knudsen number flows

    Yu Matsuda, Hideo Mori, Tomohide Niimi, Hiroyuki Uenishi, Madoka Hirako

    EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS   42 ( 4 ) 543 - 550  2007.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Experimental analyses of thermo-fluid phenomena of micro- and nano-flows with high Knudsen number need the measurement techniques based on interaction of atoms or molecules with photons. The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique has potential as a diagnostic tool for pressure measurement in the high Knudsen number regime because it works as a so-called "molecular sensor". However, application of PSP to micro devices is very difficult because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to the use of polymer binder and does not have sufficient spatial resolution for pressure measurement of micro-flows. In this study, we have adopted the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique to fabricate pressure sensitive molecular films (PSMFs) using Pd(II) Octaethylporphine (PdOEP) and Pd(II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PdMP) to resolve ordinary PSPs problems, and have tested these PSMFs to evaluate the feasibility of the pressure measurement around micro-devices. It is clarified that the PSMF composed of PdMP has higher sensitivity than that of PdOEP. Since it is also considered that the sensitivity of PSMFs can be increased by introducing arachidic acid (AA) as spacer molecules of LB films to prevent the aggregation of luminescent molecules, we have produced PSMFs with several molar ratio of PdMP to AA. At the most suitable ratio, the PSMF has high sensitivity in the low pressure region with high Knudsen number, even if the amount of the luminescent molecules in the PSMF layer is smaller than that in conventional PSPs. This result indicates that the PSMF is feasible to measure the pressure in high Knudsen number flows such as micro-flows.



  • Discussion on mechanism of pressure-sensitive paints

    Yamaguchi, H., Matsuda, Y., Mori, H., Niimi, T.

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B   73 ( 1 )  2007

  • Development of the pressure sensitive molecular film technique depending on the pressure ranges

    Sakazaki Yoshiki, Matsuda Yu, Uchida Toru, Mori Hideo, Yamaguchi Hiroki, Niimi Tomohide

    Transactions of Visualization Society of Japan   27 ( 2 ) 109 - 110  2007

     View Summary

    There is an increasing importance of micro/nano scale flows for the development of MEMS/NEMS (Micro/Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems). The pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique is considered to be suitable for analyses of these flows in principle. We, therefore, have developed pressure sensitive molecular film(PSMF) based on the Langmuir-Blodgett(LB) technique, which is a method to make high ordered mono-molecular films, to overcome problems of the existing PSP at micro/nano systems. In this study, we adopt two luminophores for the PSMF in order to select the one for low pressure range and the other for near-atmospheric pressure depending on the pressure range of interest. We clarify their fundamental properties such as pressure sensitivity. As a result, it is confirmed that the PSMF with Palladium(II) MesoporphyrinIX (PtMP) is effective in the low pressure range and that with Platinum(II) MesoporphyrinIX (PdMP) is effective in the atmospheric pressure range.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development and assessment of pressure sensitive molecular film

    Matsuda Yu, Mori Hideo, Yamaguchi Hiroki, Sakazaki Yoshiki, Uchida Toru, Niimi Tomohide

    Transactions of Visualization Society of Japan   27 ( 1 ) 25 - 26  2007

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique has the potential as a diagnostic tool for measurement in the high Knudsen number regime because it works as a so-called "molecular sensor". However, application of the PSP technique to micro-systems is difficult because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to the use of polymer binder. We constructed pressure sensitive molecular film (PSMF), using Platinum(II) MesoporphyrinlX (PtMP), and have examined our PSMF to evaluate the possibility of application to the measurement of micro-flow. It is found that the pressure sensitivity of PtMP based PSMF is equal to the that of polymer PSP.

    DOI CiNii

  • 感圧塗料の測定原理についての一考察

    山口 浩樹, 松田 佑, 森 英男, 新美 智秀

    日本機械学会論文集B編   73 ( 725 ) 112-117  2007  [Refereed]

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    © 2007 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.



  • Development of Pressure Sensitive Molecular Film Suitable to Pressure Measurement of High Knudsen Number Flows

    MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide, UENISHI Hiroyuki, HIRAKO Madoka

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers B   72 ( 718 ) 1475-1482 - 1482  2006  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) has potential as a diagnostic tool for pressure measurement in the high Knudsen number regime because it works as a so-called "molecular sensor". However, there are few reports concerning application of the PSP to micro devices because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to the use of polymer binder. In this study, we have adopted Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique to fabricate pressure sensitive molecular films (PSMFs) using Pd(II) Octaethylporphine (PdOEP) and Pd(II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PdMP), and have tested these PSMFs to evaluate the feasibility of the pressure measurement around micro-devices. It is clarified that the PSMF composed of PdMP has higher sensitivity than that of PdOEP. Since it is also considered that the sensitivity of PSMFs can be increased by introducing arachidic acid as the spacer molecules to prevent the aggregation of luminescent molecules, we have produced PSMFs with several molar ratio of PdMP to arachidic acid. At the most suitable ratio, the PSMF has sufficient sensitivity in the low pressure region with high Knudsen number, even if the amount of the luminescent molecules in the PSMF layer is smaller than those in conventional PSPs. This indicates that the PSMF is feasible to measure the pressure in high Knudsen number flows such as micro-flows.

    DOI CiNii



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Books and Other Publications

  • マイクロ・ナノ熱工学の進展

    マイクロ・ナノ熱工学の進展編集委員会, 丸山, 茂夫, 稲田, 孝明, 塩見, 淳一郎, 染矢, 聡, 大宮司, 啓文, 高木, 周, 竹村, 文男, 千足, 昇平, 松田, 弘文, 宗像, 鉄雄, 山本, 淳, 内田, 健一, 小原, 拓, 嘉副, 裕, 丹下, 学, 花村, 克悟, 丸田, 薫, 山口, 康隆

    エヌ・ティー・エス  2021.05 ISBN: 9784860437220

  • Pressure-sensitive molecular film, Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2nd edition, Editor: Dongqing Li

    Y. Matsuda, H. Yamaguchi, T. Niimi( Part: Joint author)

    2015 ISBN: 9781461454885


  • Counteracting coffee-ring phenomena by cellulose nanofibers

    大井雄登, 花崎逸雄, 水村大起, 松田佑


    Presentation date: 2017.07

  • Measurement of molecular diffusion in polymer network using single-molecule tracking

    岩尾亮, 松田佑, 山口浩樹, 新美智秀


    Presentation date: 2017.07

  • LIF法を用いた超音速マイクロ内部流れの密度計測と流れ解析

    半田太郎, 松田佑, 江上泰広


    Presentation date: 2017

  • Measurement of heat transfer on a gas-solid interface in high Knudsen number flow

    TATSUNO Yusuke, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Measurement of cavity-induced pressure oscillation in a supersonic mixing field using AA-PSP

    MASUDA Yuhei, OKA Takayuki, YAMABE Koichiro, AKAGI Fujio, HANDA Taro, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro, YAMAGUCHI Sumio

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Development of Paintable Fast-Responding PSP without using Oxide Ceramic-Particles

    松田佑, 内田健太, 江上泰広, 山口浩樹, 新美智秀


    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Visualization and Measurement of Jet Impinging on Surface by Inkjet Printed PSP

    YOSHIDA Yuki, MATSUDA Yu, KAMEYA Tomohiro, EGAMI Yasuhiro, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2016

     View Summary

    <p>Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) is an optical and non-intrusive pressure measurement technique, and is used in wind tunnel testing. In general, PSP is applied to a model surface by a sprayer by hand, resulting in non-uniform layer. Recently, we proposed a novel PSP paint technique using an inkjet printer. This technique enable us to easily paint uniform PSP. In this study, we fabricated a combined PSP and TSP (temperature-sensitive paint) by inkjet printer. PSP and TSP were symmetrically painted on a substrate. Then, we measured the pressure and temperature distribution induced by impingement jet. The obtained pressure distribution was in good agreement with the literature.</p>

  • AA-PSP measurement of a supersonic mixing field with a cavity-induced flow

    OKA Takayuki, HANDA Taro, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro, AKAGI Fujio, YAMAGUCHI Sumio, YAMABE Koichiro, MASUDA Yuhei

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2016

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    <p>The supersonic mixing field induced by a novel wall-mounted cavity having a three-dimensional shape is investigated experimentally and computationally. In the experiments, the phase-averaged pressure oscillation fields are measured by using anodized aluminum pressure-sensitive paint (AA-PSP). The experimental results are compared with the computational results obtained by solving the Navier-Stokes equations. It is found from the experimental and computational results that pressure waves propagate in the cavity and that the waves act on the jet so as that it fluctuates largely. Such large fluctuation of jet is one of the primary reasons why mixing is enhanced by using the proposed cavity.</p>

  • Study on diffusion process of nanoparticles in a PDMS layer using SPT technique

    Iwao R, Matsuda Y, Yamaguchi H, Niimi T

    2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2015 

    Presentation date: 2016

  • インクジェットプリントにより作製した電気回路のPaper‐Based Analytical Deviceへの応用



    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • マイクロ流路を通過する水分子の質量流量の計測

    高森研輔, 山口浩樹, 馬渕修, 松田佑, 新美智秀


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • J0540106 Mass Flow Rate Measurement of Water Molecules through a Micro-channel


    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2015

     View Summary

    Along with the development of micro- and nano-technologies, gas-surface interaction becomes important due to large surface area-to-volume ratio in micro-scale gas flows. In such flows, the Knudsen number (Kn) is often employed as a parameter of rarefaction of flows. When 0.01<Kn≦0.1, a flow is classified as the slip flow with a finite velocity slip at boundary. In this regime, the mass flow rate increases from the rate in the continuum regime because of the velocity slip. The mass flow rate depends on the combination of molecule and surface. In this study, we measured the mass flow rate of water molecules to investigate the characteristics on gas properties. The constant-volume technique was employed for measuring the mass flow rate through a micro channel. The obtained results suggested that the adsorption of water molecules on the measurement system influenced the accurate measurement of the mass flow rate.

  • 1012 Preparation of pressure-sensitive paint using commercial inkjet printer

    SUZUKI Yuichi, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2015

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique is an optical technique for measuring surface pressure on a model surface. The PSP technique has been used in wind-tunnel tests because of its great advantages such as non-intrusive and global pressure measurement. In general, PSP is painted by a sprayer by hand, resulting in low reproducibility. In this study, we used a commercial inkjet printer for printing PSP on substrates. PSP was printed on three substrates: chromatography paper, label seal, and viewgraph. We investigated the pressure and temperature sensitivities of these PSPs. PSP printed on the chromatography paper showed the best characteristics among them. And, we succeeded in preparation of PSP using the commercial inkjet printer.

  • 1002 Measurement of pressure distribution in thermal transpiration flow

    SAKAIDA Hayata, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2015

     View Summary

    Thermal transpiration (thermal creep) flow, which is induced only by temperature gradient along a channel, is one of the most interesting phenomena in micro gas flows. The thermal transpiration flow has been studied both numerically and experimentally; however, the detailed condition inside a channel has not been enough studied experimentally, and it makes difficult to compare numerical and experimental results directly. In this study, the pressure distribution on a micro channel surface in thermal transpiration flow was measured by means of the Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) technique. And the pressure distribution was a convex profile along the channel.

  • マイクロ流路を利用したTMACの計測

    馬渕修, 山口浩樹, 村木秀行, 松田佑, 新美智秀


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Improvement of the PSP Measurement Accuracy Using the Heterodyne Method

    松田佑, 柿原典央, 依田大輔, 江上泰広, 山口浩樹, 浅井圭介, 新美智秀


    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • A study on the characteristics of Q-dot-based temperature-sensitive paint

    杉村 幸寿, 松田 佑, 山口 浩樹

    可視化情報学会誌 = ournal of the Visualization Society of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2014

  • J0550103 Measurement of tangential momentum accommodation coefficient by using a micro-channel

    MABUCHI Osamu, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MURAKI Hideyuki, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2014

     View Summary

    Along with the development of microtechnology, the gas-surface interaction becomes important due to large surface area-to-volume ratio in micro-scale flows. As a parameter on gas-surface interaction related to a flow rate, Tangential Momentum Accommodation Efficient (TMAC) is often employed. TMAC represents the degree on tangential momentum exchange between molecule and surface. In this study, TMAC was measured for several gas species to investigate the characteristics on gas properties. The constant-volume technique was employed for measuring the mass flow rate through a microchannel. Monatomic gases of helium, argon and xenon were employed as test gases. The microchannel was made of Fused Silica as non-metal material. TMAC was calculated by comparing the measured mass flow rate and the theoretical one with the second order slip boundary condition. The obtained results suggested that the molecular weight has only small influence on TMAC.

  • Experimental investigations of flow boiling heat transfer and flow behaviors in microgap channel

    Kawamami O, Matsuda Y, Egami Y, Honda I, Yamaguchi H, Niimi T

    Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC 2014 

    Presentation date: 2014

  • Single particle tracking study on diffusion process in a polymer matrix

    Matsuda Y, Iwao R, Yamaguchi H, Niimi T

    2014 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2014 

    Presentation date: 2014

  • Pressure-sensitive channel chip for measurement of micro gas flows

    河合佑亮, 松田佑, 柴山尚武, 山口浩樹, 新美智秀


    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • Visualization of pressure distribution on a surface of a micro-scale channel

    MATSUDA Yu, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide  [Invited]

    Transactions of Visualization Society of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2013.04

     View Summary

    &nbsp;&nbsp;In micro gas flows, some interesting phenomena at/near a wall, velocity slip, temperature jump, and thermal transpiration, play an important role; thus, the development of a measurement technique, which measure a physical quantity at a wall, is very important. The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique has potential as a diagnostic tool for pressure measurement of a solid surface. However, the application of PSP to micro gas flow measurement is very difficult, because the conventional PSP is too thick and does not have sufficient spatial resolution. Pressure-sensitive molecular film (PSMF) with ordered molecular assemblies has been developed. PSMF is fabricated by the Langmuir-Blodgett method. We also developed a micro channel by the PDMS micro-molding technique with mixing a pressure-sensitive dye into PDMS: i.e., a micro channel fabricated by PSP, which is named PSCC. In this paper, we show the PSMF/PSCC fabrication procedure and the applicability of them to micro gas flow measurement.

  • G0102 Effect of hydrophobic treatment on pressure-sensitive microdot arrays formed on anodized aluminum substrate

    UEYAMA Junichi

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2013

     View Summary

    A fast response pressure-sensitive dot array sensor has been developed by means of an inkjet printing technique on an anodized aluminum substrate, which has been used for unsteady flow measurements. However, PtTFPP based dot array sensor has several problems: non-uniform distribution of luminescent intensity due to "coffee ring effect" and low luminescent intensity. To solve these problems, we fabricated the PtTFPP-based dot array sensor on an anodized aluminum substrate with hydrophobic treatment. The hydrophobic treatment was applied to an anodized aluminum in three ways: dipping in the solution of dodecanoic acid in hexadecane, dipping in the solution of dodecanoic acid in water, and spraying the fluorine hydrophobic coat. The effect of the three hydrophobic treatments on the characteristics of PSP dots was investigated.

  • J053044 Micro Gas Flow Measurement by Pressure-Sensitive Molecular Film


    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2013

     View Summary

    It has been desired to measure pressure distribution in a micro channel for understanding micro-scale thermo-fluid phenomena. Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique is an optical measurement technique using luminescent molecules, seemed to be suitable for analysis of micro/nano flow. However, the spatial resolution of PSP is insufficient for applying to micro-scale measurements due to the aggregation of the luminescent molecules. Therefore, we fabricated pressure-sensitive molecular film (PSMF) by Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) method. LB method can fabricate very thin molecular film with controlling the intermolecular spacing of luminescent molecules. PSMF fabricated by this method has enough high spatial resolution to measure micro-gas flows. The pressure distribution in a micro channel with a bend of 90° was measured by PSMF. The low pressure region was found at near the inner wall behind the bend suggesting the flow separation. Additionally, the high pressure area downstream of the separation region was observed, indicating the flow reattachment.

  • G0101 Effect of Solvent on Properties of Pressure Sensitive Microdot Arrays


    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2013

     View Summary

    By means of an inkjet printing device, a pressure-sensitive dot array sensor has been developed for unsteady pressure measurements. A conventional bi-luminophore anodized aluminum Pressure-Sensitive Paint (AA-PSP) prepared by a dipping method does not work well due to the interference between the two luminophores. To avoid this problem, we developed a pressure-sensitive dot array sensor on an anodized aluminum substrate using Ru(dpp)3 as a pressure-sensitive luminophore dissolved in four solvents: methanol, dichloromethane, chloroform, and the mixed solvent of dichloromethane and chloroform. Formed PSP dots exhibited significantly different properties including the luminescence intensity distribution inside the dot and pressure sensitivity by the solvents. As a result, the PSP solutions with dichloromethane or the mixed solution of dichloromethane and chloroform, which evaporated quicker than other solvents, formed dots with the uniform distribution of luminescence and showed that comparable pressure sensitivity with conventional AA-PSP prepared by a dipping method.

  • J053035 Study on fundamental characteristics of Knudsen pump


    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2013

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    Knudsen pump is a pump based on thermal transpiration, which is a specific phenomenon in a high Knudsen number flow. Since the pump does not have any moving parts and can be miniaturized to micro scale, it is a favorable pump in micro electro mechanical system (MEMS). However, there are many points to be clarified on characteristics and performances of Knudsen pumps. In this study, a Knudsen pump with commercially available parts and porous membranes was fabricated, and effects of temperature difference and the number of membranes on pressure difference and time constant for pressure time variation were investigated. The fabricated Knudsen pump with four membranes generated about 70 Pa from an atmosphere with temperature difference of 71 K with four membranes. The pressure difference was proportional to the temperature difference and the number of membrane, while the time constants were independent of them. This result suggested that the Knudsen pump was able to generate higher pressure difference or flow rate with increasing in the number of membranes.

  • W052001 Micro Gaseous Flow as a High Knudsen Number Flow

    TAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2013

     View Summary

    Recently, micro gaseous flow has been a novel research filed along with the development in the micro technology. In the micro gaseous flow, the Knudsen number, which is a ratio of the mean free path to the characteristic length of the system, becomes large, and such a high Knudsen number flow should be investigated as a molecular flow. We organized a session meeting in the Japanese Society for Mechanical Engineers for the investigation on the micro gaseous flow. The closed discussions by the members gave the deep insight to the field, but much more interaction in the research network in future is expected for the further progress in the field. The recent developments in the measurement techniques for the micro gaseous flow in our group have been introduced.

  • Development of organic electroluminescent sensor for pressure/oxygen measurement

    Matsuda Y, Ueno K, Yamaguchi H, Egami Y, Niimi T

    ASME 2013 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, ICNMM 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • Pressure measurement of gas flows through a micro-channel by phosphorescence dye

    Matsuda Y, Kawai Y, Shibayama S, Yamaguchi H, Niimi T

    2013 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • Temperature-sensitive Paint Measurement of Two-dimensional Temperature Distribution on a Heated Surface for Boiling

    田尾哲也, 河南治, 松田佑, 江上泰広, 本田逸郎, 山口浩樹, 新美智秀


    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • PSP/TSP combined sensor using PtTFPP and CdSe/ZnS

    亀谷 知宏, 松田 佑, 江上 泰広

    可視化情報学会誌 = ournal of the Visualization Society of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • 1A2-V02 Ultra Long-Lifetime Fluorescent Measurement by Compensation of Photo-degradation Using Difference Information(Nano/Micro Manipulation System)

    MARUYAMA Hisataka, KARIYA Ryo, NAKAMURA Shohei, MASUDA Taisuke, Matsuda Yu, Honda Ayae, ARAI Fumihito


    Presentation date: 2012

     View Summary

    In this paper, we proposed long-lifetime fluorescent measurement by compensation of photo-bleaching with the difference of photo intensity. In this method, difference of fluorescent intensity is compensated using single exponential function to make the difference amount uniform between two fluorescent intensities. We evaluated the dependencies of measurement lifetime by fluorescent lifetime and the sensitivity by the decay coefficient of fluorescent lifetime by numerical simulation. From these results, the proposed method has much higher sensitivity and longer lifetime to conventional compensation method of photo-bleaching. We demonstrate the photosynthesis activity of single Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 in the micro chamber with gas barrier layer.

  • J053014 Development of a Measurement System of Energy Accommodation Coefficient using Flat Samples

    IMAI Takamasa, YAMAGUCH Hiroki, SHIRASAKI Nobuhiro, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2012

     View Summary

    Flows inside micro-systems are so-called high-Knudsen number flows. The flow field cannot be treated as a continuum and the thermal conduction can not be described by ordinary Fourier's law. In high-Knudsen number flows, gas-surface interaction becomes significant and the energy accommodation coefficient is often employed to analyze heat transport phenomena. The energy accommodation coefficient varies depending on combination of surface materials and gas species. Thus, it is important to measure the accurate energy accommodation coefficient for each pair of surface material and gas species. In this study, we obtained the energy accommodation coefficients for nitrogen and oxygen in contact with a platinum surface in accordance with the Low-Pressure method using the theoretical heat flux equation expanded to transition regime. The experimentally obtained energy accommodation coefficients were compared with previous results in the literature as a function of surface temperature, showing good agreement with each other.

  • J053011 Development of combined pressure and temperature sensor using PtTFPP and CdSe/ZnS

    KAMEYA Tomohiro, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2012

     View Summary

    In pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) measurements, pressure is deduced from the luminescence intensity of PSP. Since the intensity depends not only on pressure but also on temperature, a PSP result has to be compensated by the temperature of a surface to which PSP is applied. In this paper, we propose a novel combined pressure and temperature sensor composed of PSP and TSP dot arrays. PtTFPP and CdSe/ZnS were adopted as PSP and TSP luminophores, respectively. PtTFPP is widely used as PSP luminophore, and CdSe/ZnS has several favorable features as TSP luminophore such as tunable luminescence peak wavelength, narrow full width at half maximum, high quantum yield and broad absorption band. The dot array sensor was fabricated by inkjet printing of the luminophores. We examined its photostability under an illumination light, pressure and temperature sensitivities. Each luminophore is separately arranged in dot array; thus the interaction between both luminophores is prevented. The dot array sensor has pressure sensitivity of 0.62 %/kPa as a pressure sensor, and temperature sensitivity of -0.61%/K as a temperature sensor

  • In-situ measurement of photosynthesis using single synecocystis sp. PCC 6803 in a microchamber with gas barrier wall

    Maruyama H, Matsuda Y, Niimi T, Unozumi N, Nanatani K, Arai F

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Development of pressure-sensitive channel chip for micro gas flows

    Matsuda Y, Yamaguchi H, Niimi T

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Measurement of the rotational temperature in a nitrogen molecular beam by REMPI

    Yamaguchi H, Moriyama T, Ide K, Ito J, Matsuda Y, Niimi T

    AIP Conference Proceedings 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Measurement of photosynthesis activity using single synecocystis SP. PCC 6803 on microchambers having gas barrier wall and fluorescence oxygen sensor

    Maruyama H, Matsuda Y, Niimi T, Unozumi N, Nanatani K, Arai F

    2012 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Combined pressure and temperature sensor using pressure- and temperature-sensitive paints

    Kameya T, Matsuda Y, Egami Y, Yamaguchi H, Niimi T

    2012 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Reduction of temperature effect in pressure-sensitive paint measurements by model materials and coatings

    Egami Y, Fujii K, Takagi T, Matsuda Y, Yamaguchi H, Niimi T

    28th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology, Ground Testing, and Flight Testing Conference 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Tangential momentum accommodation coefficient measurements for various materials and gas species

    Yamaguchi H, Matsuda Y, Niimi T

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Ultra long-lifetime and high-sensitive fluorescent measurement using difference compensation method for single cell analysis

    Maruyama H, Kariya R, Nakamura S, Matsuda T, Matsuda Y, Niimi T, Honda A, Arai F

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • J054041 Experimental Study on Measurement of Energy Accommodation Coefficienton Nonmetal Surface

    SHIRASAKI Nobuhiro, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, IMAI Takamasa, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2011

     View Summary

    The flow around micro-systems is so-called the high-Knudsen number flow. The flow field cannot be treated as a continuum and the thermal conduction should not be treated by ordinary Fourier's law. In high-Knudsen number flows, the gas-surface interaction becomes important and the energy accommodation coefficient is often employed to analyze heat transport phenomena. The energy accommodation coefficient varies depending on combination of surface materials and gas species. Thus, it is important to use the appropriate energy accommodation coefficient for each pair of surface and gas for accurate thermal management. In this report, we obtained the energy accommodation coefficients for argon in contact with platinum surface in accordance with the Low-Pressure method, using the theoretical heat flux equation expanded to transition regime. The experimental result was compared with previous result in literature, which reported a relation between the energy accommodation coefficient and the surface temperature, and they are in good agreement.

  • J054023 Simultaneous pressure and temperature measurements by pressure and temperature-sensitive paints

    KAMEYA Tomohiro, MATSUDA Yu, LI Huaxia, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2011

     View Summary

    Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) is a pressure sensor based on the oxygen quenching of the luminescence of luminophore. In general, the luminescent intensity of PSP depends not only on pressure but also on temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to simultaneously measure the temperature with the pressure to improve the accuracy of PSP measurement. The compound sensor composed of pressure and temperature-sensitive luminophore was developed for simultaneous measurements of pressure and temperature. However, some of such compound sensors suffer the degradation of the sensitivity and other properties. In this paper, we show the possibility of a compound PSP/TSP sensor using PtTFPP and CdSe/ZnS.

  • Pressure-sensitive molecular film for experimental analyses of micro gas-flows

    Matsuda Y, Yamaguchi H, Egami Y, Niimi T

    ASME 2011 9th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, ICNMM 2011 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • Influence of polymer characteristics on TSP properties

    江上 泰広, 高 斯, 松田 佑

    Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • 1503 Development of pressure sensitive paint for measurements of dissolved oxygen concentration of water

    NAGASHIMA Fumihiro, MATSUDA Yu, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2010

     View Summary

    It is important to understand the behavior of oxygen concentration distribution inside micro-channels for the improvement of micro devices or fuel cells. Most of oxygen sensors such as galvanic or polaro-graphic type cannot be used for unsteady measurements in a small system because of their long response time and large probe heads. We focused on pressure sensitive paint (PSP) for the measurement of the oxygen concentration dissolved in the water in a small system. Up to the present, the PSP techniques have been mainly applied to gas-flows. However, the PSP technique is based on the oxygen quenching of luminescent molecules and would be used in both gas and liquid-flows. In this paper, we investigated the oxygen sensitivity of three types of PSP in the water, and selected a suitable polymer for a binder of PSP.

  • 1511 Measurement of rotational energy distribution in nitrogen molecular beam by REMPI

    MORIYAMA Tatsuya, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, IDE Kyohei, MATSUDA Yu, Egami Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2010

     View Summary

    In order to analyze high Knudsen number flows, it is important to understand the interactions of gas molecules and solid surfaces. Molecular beams have been used to study these interactions. Properties such as the translational energy and momentum of a molecular beam have been analyzed very well; however, there are very few reports analyzing the rotational energy of diatomic or polyatomic molecular beam experimentally. Resonantly enhanced multi-photon ionization (REMPI) is a spectroscopic technique, which is able to measure molecular internal energy distribution in very low density gas flows. In this study, we have detected and analyzed the rotational energy distribution in a nitrogen molecular beam by 2R+2 REMPI.

  • T0501-4-2 Pressure Measurements of Micro Gas Flow using Pressure Sensitive Dye

    MISAKI Ryota, MATSUDA Yu, SUZUKI Suguru, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2010

     View Summary

    To analyze micro-scale flows, we need a measurement technique of the molecular level. The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique employs the interactions between luminophores and oxygen molecules; hence it is suitable for pressure measurement in the flows. However, there are few reports concerning application of PSP to fnicro-flows, because conventional PSPs are too thick owing to their polymer binders. Therefore, we had developed pressure-sensitive molecular film (PSMF) with a thickness of about 1Onm by using the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique, and obtained the pressure distribution on the surface along micro-channels. PSMF is, however, inferior to the ordinary PSP in the signal-to-noise ratio, because of the small amount of luminophores in the film. In this study, based on PSP and soft lithography techniques, we have developed a novel micro fluidic channel itself has a pressure sensitive property, emitting appreciable luminescence. Additionally, we investigated the pressure sensitivity of this new PSP device, and measured the pressure along a micro-nozzle.

  • T0501-4-1 Experimental Study on Energy Accommodation Coefficient of Metal Surface

    KANAZAWA Kazuaki, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, AOKI Yuta, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2010

     View Summary

    The micro flows such as flow around MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System), are so-called the high-Knudsen number flow. In these flows, the gas-surface interaction becomes important. The energy accommodation coefficient, which is an empirical parameter defined by Knudsen, is often used to analyze heat transport phenomena. The energy accommodation coefficient varies depending on the combination of surface and gas. Thus, it is important to use the appropriate energy accommodation coefficient for each pair of surface and gas for accurate thermal management. In this report, we obtained the energy accommodation coefficients for argon and oxygen in contact with platinum surface by the Low-Pressure (LP) method, using the theoretical heat flux equation expanded to transition regime. The experimental results were compared with the previous results by Thomas and Olmer(1943), which reported a relation between the energy accommodation coefficient and the surface temperature. Our results are in good agreement with their results.

  • T0501-3-4 Measurement of Tangential Momentum Accommodation Coefficient in Microtube

    YAMAMOTO Oto, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, HANAWA Tsuneo, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2010

     View Summary

    Along with the developments of the Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), the Knudsen number, which is the non-dimensional parameter for rarefaction, of the flow inside such systems becomes large. In these high Knudsen number flows, a gas-surface interaction has become important. To illustrate the gas-surface interaction, an accommodation coefficient α is widely used as an empirical parameter. The tangential momentum accommodation coefficient (TMAC), one of the accommodation coefficients, has close relation to the pressure loss through a micro channel. Therefore, TMAC is an important coefficient for micro flow analyses. To obtain TMAC experimentally, the mass flow rate measurements in microtubes were carried out using the constant volume method. Since the mean Knudsen number was less than 0.3, the velocity slip boundary condition is applicable. The results obtained experimentally were analyzed in frame of the Navier-Stokes equation associated with the second order velocity slip boundary condition. Then the slip coefficient of the boundary condition was obtained, and finally TMAC was determined.

  • S1604-1-1 Measurement of time-averaged pressure distribution on a rotating disk by pressure-sensitive paint

    KAMEYA Tomohiro, MATSUDA Yu, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2010

     View Summary

    The PSP technique is a nonintrusive pressure measurement method based on the oxygen quenching of the luminescence of luminophore. Since the PSP measurement is generally affected by temperature changes, it is difficult to precisely measure the pressure on a surface with non-uniform temperature distribution. In this study, we focused on pyrene sulfonic acid (PySO_3H) as a luminophore of PSP. It is known that the PySO_3H has two peaks in the emission spectra which have opposite temperature-dependent properties. Temperature effects can be eliminated by measuring the luminescence at an appropriate wavelength band between these two peaks. We successfully obtained the time-averaged pressure distribution on the rotating disk by the use of PySO_3H. The pressure shows a concentric circle distribution and decreases toward the disk center at every rotational speed (10000-20000rpm). It is also found that the pressure difference between the inner and the outer region of the disk is proportional to the square of the disk angular velocity.

  • Experimental study on measurement of tangential momentum accommodation coefficient in microtube

    Yamaguchi H, Hanawa T, Yamamoto O, Matsuda Y, Egami Y, Niimi T

    ASME 2010 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels Collocated with 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, ICNMM2010 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Pressure-sensitive paint measurement on co-rotating disks

    Kameya T, Matsuda Y, Yamaguchi H, Egami Y, Niimi T

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Experimental measurement of energy accommodation coefficient by low-pressure method

    Yamaguchi H, Aoki Y, Kanazawa K, Matsuda Y, Niimi T

    Proceedings of the ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference 2009, MNHMT2009 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Pressure measurement of micro scale gas flow by using pressure-sensitive molecular film

    MATSUDA Yu, SUZUKI Suguru, MISAKI Ryota, UCHIDA Toru, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • Pressure Measurements of Micro-Gas Flow using Pressure Sensitive Molecular Film

    MATSUDA Yu, UCHIDA Toru, SUZUKI Suguru, MISAKI Ryota, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • T0501-3-6 Experimental Study on Measurement of Energy Accommodation Coefficient to Metal Surface

    AOKI Yuta, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, KANAZAWA Kazuaki, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2009

     View Summary

    The flow around MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) is so-called the high-Knudsen number flow. The flow field cannot be treated as a continuum and the thermal conduction must not be treated by ordinary Fourier's law. In high-Knudsen number flows, the gas-surface interaction becomes important and the energy accommodation coefficient, an empirical parameter, is often used to analyze heat transport phenomena. The energy accommodation coefficient is different depending on combination of surface and gas. Thus, it is important to use the appropriate energy accommodation coefficient for each pair of surface and gas for accurate thermal management. In this report, we obtained the energy accommodation coefficients for argon and oxygen in contact with platinum surface by the Low-Pressure (LP) method, using the theoretical heat flux equation expanded to transition regime. The experimental result was compared with previous result by Thomas and Olmer (1943), which reported a relation between the energy accommodation coefficient and the surface temperature, and they are good agreement.

  • T0501-3-5 Pressure measurement of micro-scale flow using pressure sensitive molecular film

    SUZUKI Suguru, MATSUDA Yu, UCHIDA Toru, MISAKI Ryota, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2009

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    To analyze micro/nano scale flows, we need to adopt a measurement technique in the molecular level. The pressure sensitive molecular film (PSMF) technique employs interaction between luminophores and oxygen molecules; hence it is suitable for pressure measurement in the flows. Previously, we researched the pressure sensitivity and the temperature dependence of PSMF. Typically, luminophores of PSMF are easily degraded by light and oxygen molecules, and it is very important to consider the photo-degradation in the measurement. In this study, we studied the photo-degradation of PSMF under two different pressure conditions to reveal the effect of oxygen molecules. Additionally, the time profile of the photo-degradation was measured. From the asymptotical behavior, it was clarified that the pre-illumination reduced the photo-degradation. We successfully obtained the pressure distribution of a micro-nozzle by pre-illuminated PSMF.

  • 0907 Measurement of oxygen concentration in a mixing channel using pressure-sensitive paint

    Nagashima Fumihiro, Matsuda Yu, Hayashida Masaya, Yamaguchi Hiroki, Egami Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2009

     View Summary

    In the field of chemical industries, it is desired to downsize chemical reactors for easy controlling, synthesizing a wide variety of products in small quantities and so on. It is well known that flow field structure in a mixing channel changes from steady to unsteady with an increase in Reynolds number. These flow fields have been analyzed numerically, but there are few reports analyzed experimentally. We have focused on the pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique, which enables us to measure the distribution of oxygen concentrations. Using the PSP technique, we tried to reveal the flow field structure and evaluate the flow unsteadiness in a parallel mixing channel depending on inlet Reynolds numbers.

  • 0906 Pressure measurement on a rotating disk using pressure-sensitive paint

    KAMEYA Tomohiro, MATSUDA Yu, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2009

     View Summary

    For a hard disk drive, high-speed rotation is required to achieve fast access to data on a disk. However, the high-speed rotation induces pressure fluctuation on the disk and results in disk fluttering. Therefore, it is important to investigate the pressure distribution on the disk to realize high-speed and stable disk rotation. We have measured the pressure distribution on the disk rotated at various speeds by using pressure-sensitive paint, which is appropriate for measuring the pressure of rotating objects. As a result, it is clarified that the pressure distribution forms concentric circles and the pressure difference between the outer and inner part of the disk increases with an increase in the disk rotation speed.

  • 0905 Measurement of rotational energy of nitrogen molecular beam using REMPI

    IDE Kyohei, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MORIYAMA Tatsuya, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2009

     View Summary

    To analyze high Knudsen number flows, interactions of gas molecules and solid surfaces are very important. Molecular beams have been widely used to diagnose these interactions. While properties such as translational energy and momentum of molecular beam have been analyzed very well, there are very few reports analyzing rotational energy of diatomic or polyatomic molecular beam experimentally. Resonantly enhanced multi-photon ionization (REMPI) is a spectroscopic technique, which is able to measure molecular internal energy in very low density gas flows. In this study, we have tried to detect a nitrogen molecular beam by 2R+2 REMPI, and analyzed rotational energy distribution of nitrogen molecules in the molecular beam.

  • Development of pressure sensitive molecular film as a measurement technique for micro-flows

    Matsuda Y, Mori H, Sakazakf Y, Uchida T, Suzuki S, Yamaguchi H, Niimi T

    AIP Conference Proceedings 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Application of Pressure Sensitive Paint to High Knudsen Number Flows

    YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide


    Presentation date: 2008

     View Summary

    The pressure sensitive paint (PSP) is very useful and easy way to obtain the pressure distribution on surfaces. Recently, PSP has been applied to various flow fields, like high Knudsen number flows. In this study, we discuss on measurement mechanism of PSP, especially in high Knudsen number regime. It is well known that a pressure tap shows good agreement with surface pressure, and not gas pressure in this regime. Therefore, a PSP experimental result is examined by DSMC method, and compared with gas and surface pressures. We suggest that PSP measures a number flux toward a surface.

  • Development of a pressure sensitive molecular film as a measurement technique for micro gas flows

    Matsuda Yu, Mori Hideo, Sakazaki Yoshiki, Uchida Toru, Suzuki Suguru, Yamaguchi Hiroki, Niimi Tomohide


    Presentation date: 2008

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique has potential as a diagnostic tool for pressure measurement of micro gas-flows because it is based on interaction of molecules with photons. However, the application of the PSP to micro-flows is very difficult, because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to polymer binder. In our previous work, we adopted Langmuir-Blodgett technique to fabricate a pressure sensitive molecular film (PSMF). In this study, we have constructed PSMF composed of Pt(II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PtMP) to be applied to pressure measurement near atmospheric pressure condition. The pressure sensitivity of PSMF-PtMP was tested, and it was clarified that the PSMF-PtMP has equivalent pressure sensitivity of polymer PSPs (e.g. PtOEP/GP-197). Moreover, we have applied PSMF to pressure measurement of a gas flow through the 170μm width micro-channel, and the pressure distribution on the surface along the channel was successfully obtained.

  • 220 Pressure distribution measurement of the high speed co-rotating disk by Pressure Sensitive Paint

    Hayashida Masaya, Matsuda Yu, Naito Dai, Mori Hideo, Niimi Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • 219 The selection of luminescent molecule for pressure sensitive molecular film

    UCHIDA Toru, MATSUDA Yu, SAKAZAKI Yoshiki, MORI Hideo, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Conference of Tokai Branch 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • 516 Measurement of pressure distribution on shrouded co-rotating disks by pressure sensitive paint

    Hayashida Masaya, Matsuda Yu, Naito Dai, Mori Hideo, Niimi Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2008

     View Summary

    Non-uniform pressure distribution on shrouded co-rotating disks at high speed causes disk flutter. For stable rotation of disks at high speed, it is necessary to analyze pressure distribution on the disk surfaces and understand the mechanism of the disk flutter. To clarify the behavior of the flow around high-speed co-rotating disks, we have measured pressure distribution of disk surfaces by means of pressure sensitive paint. As a result, it is clarified that the pressure difference between the outer part and the inner part of the middle disk of the triple co-rotating disks is larger than that of the top disk, and the average pressure on the middle disk is lower than that of the top disk.

  • 511 Development of Pressure Sensitive Molecular Film Applicable to High Knudsen Number Flows

    UCHIDA Toru, MATSUDA Yu, SAKAZAKI Yoshiki, SUZUKI Suguru, MORI Hideo, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2008

     View Summary

    To analyze a micro/nano scale flow, we need to adopt a measurement technique that treats the flow as a molecular flow, because the flow cannot be treated as continuum. The pressure sensitive molecular film (PSMF) technique employs interaction between molecules, hence it is suitable for pressure measurement in the flow. We developed PSMF that is effective in the low pressure range. Typically, effective pressure range of PSMF depends mainly on the kind of luminophores. In this study, we adopt new luminophores in order to develop a new PSMF for near-atmospheric pressure range. Furthermore, because luminophores of PSMF are easily deteriorated by light, it is very important to consider photo-deterioration in pressure measurement by PSMF. In this study, we also analyzed photo-deterioration of PSMF to clarify basic photo-deterioration feature of PSMF.

  • Development of the pressure sensitive molecular film technique depending on the pressure ranges

    SAKAZAKI Yoshiki, MATSUDA Yu, UCHIDA Toru, MORI Hideo, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • Development and assessment of pressure sensitive molecular film

    MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, SAKAZAKI Yoshiki, UCHIDA Toru, NIIMI Tomohide

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • 1310 Discussion on Application of Pressure Sensitive Paint in High Knudsen Number Flow(2)

    YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2007

     View Summary

    Pressure sensitive paints are widely used in many applications. The pressure distribution on surfaces obtained by the paint shows good agreement with that by other methods, like a pressure tap. Recently, the paint has been adopted to high Knudsen number flows, such as rarefied gas flows and micro/nano flows. The mechanism of the paint is based on the oxygen quenching of luminescent molecules in the paint. Usually the static pressure is inversely proportional to the luminescent intensity of the paint, because of the static gas condition. In high Knudesen number flows, it is not clear whether this relation holds or not. Here, in this study, we tried to relate the number flux of oxygen molecules and the pressures to the luminescence intensity, and clarify the limit of application in high Knudsen number flows.

  • 1310 Discussion on Application of Pressure Sensitive Paint in High Knudsen Number Flow(1)

    YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Discussion on Luminescent Intensity of Pressure Sensitive Paint in High Knudsen Number Flow

    YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide


    Presentation date: 2007

     View Summary

    The Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) is very useful and easy way to obtain the pressure distribution on surfaces. The pressure distribution obtained by the paint shows good agreement with that by other methods, like a pressure tap. Recently, the paint has been adopted to the high Knudsen number regime. The mechanism of the PSP is mainly discussed within the framwork of the luminescence intensity and the oxygen quenching, while it is unclear that luminescence intensity is really proportional to the pressure, especially in the high Knudsen number regime. Usually it is considered that the luminescent represents a pressure, but it is not clear yet that this "pressure" means "static" or "total" pressure. Here, in this study, we tried to relate the flux of oxygen molecules and a pressure to the luminescence intensity, and clarify the limit of application from the molecular kinetics point of view.

  • Development and assessment of a pressure sensitive molecular film as a measurement technique for micro-flows

    Matsuda Yu, Mori Hideo, Yamaguchi Hiroki, Sakazaki Yoshiki, Uchida Toru, Niimi Tomohide


    Presentation date: 2007

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique has the potential as a diagnostic tool for measurement in the high Knudsen number regime because it works as a so-called "molecular sensor". However, application of the PSP technique to micro-systems is difficult because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to the use of polymer binder and does not have sufficient spatial resolution for pressure measurement of micro-flows. We constructed pressure sensitive molecular film (PSMF), using Platinum (II) MesoporphyrinIX (PtMP) as a luminescent molecule, and have examined our PSMF to evaluate the possibility of application to the measurement of micro-flows. It is clarified that the pressure sensitivity of PtMP based PSMF is equal to the that of conventional polymer PSP. The pressure distribution on the solid surface interacting with supersonic free-jet can be measured with PSMF composed of PtMP. This indicates that the PSMF is feasible to measure the pressure in high Knudsen number flows such as micro-flows.

  • Development of pressure sensitive molecular film suitable for measurement in high knudsen number flows

    Mori H, Matsuda Y, Yamaguchi H, Sakazaki Y, Uchida T, Niimi T

    2007 Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference - HT 2007 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Discussion on luminescent intensity of pressure sensitive paint

    Yamaguchi H, Matsuda Y, Mori H, Niimi T

    2007 Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference - HT 2007 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Development and assessment of an ordered molecular film PSP

    MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide, UENISHI Hiroyuki, SAKAZAKI Yoshiki

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 

    Presentation date: 2006.07

  • AM06-20-006 Application of pressure sensitive molecular film and its assessment

    Matsuda Yu, Mori Hideo, Niimi Tomohide, Uenishi Hiroyuki, Sakazaki Yoshiki


    Presentation date: 2006

     View Summary

    To measure pressure distribution in high Knudsen number regimes, we have adopted a pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique, because the PSP works as a so-called "molecular sensor". However, application of the PSP to micro-devices is very difficult because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to the use of polymer binder. Moreover, they have not sufficient spatial resolution for pressure measurement of micro-flows because of the aggregation of luminescent molecules in polymer binders. In our past work, we have adopted Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique to fabricate pressure sensitive molecular films (PSMFs) using Pd(II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PdMP) to resolve the problems of ordinary PSPs mentioned above. However the luminescent intensity of PSMF is low, leading to low SN ratio because the amount of luminescent molecules in the layer is small. In this study, we have applied localized surface plasmon resonance to increase luminescent intensity of PSMF and have tested PSMFs to evaluate the feasibility of the pressure measurement around the micro-devices. A PSMF with nanometer order thickness and high spatial resolution is suitable for analyses of micro-flow.

  • Development of pressure sensitive molecular film as a measurement technique for micro-and nano-devices

    Mori H, Matsuda Y, Niimi T, Uenishi H, Sakazaki Y

    2006 IEEE International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechanical and Human Science, MHS 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Application of pressure sensitive luminophores for micro- and nano-systems

    Matsuda Yu, Hideo Mori, Tomohide Niimi, Hiroyuki Uenishi, Madoka Hirako

    Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Eighth Symposium on Micro- and Nano-Mechatronics for Information-Based Society - The 21st Century COE Progr 

    Presentation date: 2005.12

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    Experimental analyses of thermo-fluid phenomena of micro- and nano-flows with high Knudsen number need the measurement techniques based on interaction of atoms or molecules with photons. The pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique has the capability to be applied to high Knudsen number flows, such as micro-flows and low density gas flows. In this study, to inspect the feasibility of PSP for measurement of pressure on a solid surface in high Knudsen number flows, fundamental properties of PSPs are examined especially in the range of pressure below 1 Torr. As an application of PSP to measurement in high Knudsen number conditions, the pressure distribution on a jet-impinging small solid surface is measured. However, application of the PSP technique to a micro-system is very difficult, because of large thickness of conventional PSPs. Therefore, we have adopted Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) method to fabricate a pressure sensitive molecular film (PSMF) applicable to pressure measurement around micro/nano devices. Finally, the dependence of luminescence intensity of PSP on the molecular number flux onto the solid surface is discussed, because molecular number flux is an important quantity to analyze the interaction between high Knudsen number flows and solid surfaces.

  • AM05-06-008 Application of Molecular Film PSP and its Assessment

    Matsuda Yu, Mori Hideo, Niimi Tomohide, Uenishi Hiroyuki, Hirako Madoka


    Presentation date: 2005

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique has the potential as a diagnostic tool for measurements in the high Knudsen number regime because it works as a so-called "molecular sensor". However, application of the PSP technique to micro-systems has never been reported because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to the use of polymer binder. We constructed PSP molecular films, using Pd(II) Octaethylporphine (PdOEP) and an amphiphilic palladium metal complex, and have examined these PSP molecular films to evaluate the possibility of application to the measurement of micro flow. It is found that the latter PSP molecular film has sufficient sensitivity in the low pressure region with high Knudsen number, even if the amount of the luminescent molecules in PSP molecular film layer is smaller than that in conventional PSP. This indicates that the PSP molecular film is feasible to measure the pressure in high Knudsen number flow such as micro flows.

  • G205 Development and assessment of a molecular film PSP

    MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide, UENISHI Hiroyuki, HIRAKO Madoka

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • 922 Analysis of PSP in High Knudsen Number Regime

    MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide, HIRAKO Madoka, UENISHI Hiroyuki, MATSUDA Yu

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2005

     View Summary

    The pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique has the capability to be applied to high Knudsen number flows, such as low density gas flows, micro-flows, and so on. However, applications of the PSP technique to micro/nanodevices have never been reported, because of the thickness of the conventional PSPs and of the low resolution caused by the aggregation of luminescent molecules. In this study, we have constructed ultrathin PSP films for micro/nanodevices by the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique. Two luminophores are examined to select the suitable one for LB-PSP. Moreover, the dependence of luminescence intensity and oxygen sensitivity of the LB-PSP on the number of the layer is clarified.

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Research Projects

  • バイオミネラル多孔質体内での分子挙動解析とミクロ-マクロ物性間の相関関係の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    松田 佑, 江上 泰広

  • Development of PSP measurement system for detecting fien differential pressure on the surface of rotating blade

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • Improvement of single-molecule tracking method using data assimilation and study of molecule adsorption and diffusion motions inside hierarchical porous material

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Matsuda Yu

     View Summary

    Porous materials play an important role in a wide range of devices such as catalysts, adsorbents, and ion exchange membranes. For example, in catalysis, chemical reaction proceeds by diffusion and adsorption of target molecules on the catalyst surface. Then, it is important to accurately model the migration of target molecules on/inside a solid catalyst. In this study, the adsorption and diffusion phenomena of molecules in a porous material were investigated by Single Molecule Tracking (SMT). As a result, direct measurement of constrained motion and adsorption phenomena of molecules in the pore was realized. We also studied on the development of SMT data analysis methods based on data assimilation.

  • Study of boundary conditions for engineering surfaces in micro thermal-fluid fields

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Yamaguchi Hiroki

     View Summary

    In a micro-thermal flow field with a large Knudsen number, the boundary conditions at solid surfaces have a large influence. The boundary condition in such a field is usually modeled using a parameter called the accommodation coefficient, which represents the average degree of accommodation of gas molecules to the solid surface. In this study, we developed systems to measure the energy accommodation coefficient (EAC) for heat transport and the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient (TMAC) for flow resistance on the same solid surface sample. A method to determine the parameters of the boundary condition model from the measured accommodation coefficients was studied based on the data in literature. Finally, we obtained the parameters from our measured data, and the boundary condition model was studied.

  • Development of high precision PSP method using structured illumination

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    Project Year :


    Matsuda Yu

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint technique has been received much attention because PSP enable us to measure pressure distribution with high spatial resolution. In this study, we have developed a high precision PSP method using a structured illumination. We also develop an image alignment method using an AR marker. The applicability of this method was investigated. The skin-friction extraction method based on the PSP data was also investigated using the skin-friction field induced by a gaseous jet impingement.

  • Remarkable improvement of accuracy of unsteady global pressure measurement by high-luminescence LEC-PSP

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    EGAMI Yasuhiro

     View Summary

    Pressure-Sensitive Paint is a new technique to optically measure pressure distribution on a model surface with a CCD/CMOS camera. In this study, we have developed an electrically excited high-luminescence PSP based on the principle of luminescent electrochemical cells (LECs) to measure fast fluid phenomena with high accuracy in a very short exposure time of 1-100 &#181;s. First, the preparation method of LECs using the pressure-sensitive dye PtTFPP was studied, and the preparation conditions including the preparation materials, their proportions and film thicknesses were found.
    The pressure sensitivity of the LEC-PSP was confirmed to be comparable to that of the conventional spray-coated PSP. The LEC-PSP showed 36 times higher intensity than the conventional one, which can significantly improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the acquired images and the associated measurement accuracy.

  • Study on the phenomena and heat transfer characteristics in internal compressible microflows using advanced optical diagnostic methods

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Handa Taro

     View Summary

    The advanced optical measurement techniques have been applied to internal compressible microflows. The following conclusions have been obtained.
    (1) A supersonic expansion region peculiar to microduct flow has been observed. (2) Neither a normal shock wave nor a pseudo-shock wave appears in microduct flows. (3) A microduct flow changes gradually its supersonic state with the duct length under an underexpanded condition although a starting shock wave for large scale flows suddenly appears in a duct as its length exceeds a certain specific length. (4) For the compressible flows in the straight duct connected to a convergent nozzle, the length of in-duct choking, which is defined as a length between the sonic line and the duct exit, attains to the maximum at the Reynolds number of ~2000. (5) The temperature and pressure distributions on the duct wall (useful for estimating the local heat transfer on the microduct wall) have been successfully measured.

  • Study on relation of nano and macro scale polymer dynamics using improved single-molecule tracking method

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Matsuda Yu

     View Summary

    The domestic production of plastics has been over 10 million tons. The improvement of the efficiency of the production process is important for energy saving. The comprehensive understanding of curing process of polymers is essential for the development efficient polymer production process. In this study, we investigated the thermophysical properties of polymer layer during curing process at the single-molecular scale using single molecule tracking (SMT) method. The SMT method enables us to investigate or diffusion coefficient or the viscosity of the polymer in which the probe molecule travels. As a result, we found that there were some diffusive states in the polymer layer investigated in this study.

  • Improvement of paper-based analytical device by combining inkjet electric circuits printing technique

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    Matsuda Yu

     View Summary

    Paper-based analytical devices (PADs) have attracted a lot of attention, since they are cost efficient, disposable, and portable. In this study, we proposed the addition of printed electric circuits to PADs in order to improve their applications without the loss of the properties of PADs such as low cost, disposability, and portability. We fabricated electric circuits by printing a conductive ink using an inkjet printer. We developed the separation technique on PAD based on the electrophoresis. Our proposed method is simple and will improve PADs without the loss of the properties.

  • The pressure-sensitive paint technique based on the heterodyne method for a precise pressure measurement

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique has received much attention, as this technique enable us to measure pressure distribution. The PSP technique is an optical measurement technique based on oxygen quenching of luminescence. The application of PSP to pressure measurement near an atmospheric pressure is very difficult, because PSP is an absolute pressure sensor and it is difficult to detect small changes in luminescent intensity of PSP induced by small pressure changes. In this study, the heterodyne method was applied to the PSP technique. This method records the luminescent beat signal that result from interference between the PSP emission and modulating illumination light. The proposed method enables the precise measurement of pressure fluctuations, because only the signal at the frequency of interest can be detected. The 1 kHz pressure fluctuation of 50 Pa was successfully measured by this technique.

  • Boiling Heat Transfer at the Vicinity of 3-Phase Interface by Direct Comparison between Flow Behavior and Temperature Distribution on the Heated Surface

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    KAWANAMI Osamu, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro

     View Summary

    Boiling and Two-phase flow in microgap channel has been recently proposed for cooling the heat sources directly in application of thermal management for electronic devices. In this study, the boiling heat transfer and gas-liquid flow on the heated surface in microgap is investigated experimentally by using Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP). Experiments are performed in a single rectangular channel having microgap of 10 mm width, 35 mm heated length and 0.5 mm height using FC-72. TSP coated on the heated wall is used to obtain the local temperatures and subsequently local heat transfer coefficients. Flow rate of FC-72 is 200 mg/s and heated water at 339 K is used as a heat source for boiling of the test fluid. Observation of gas-liquid behavior and measurement of the temperature distributions on the heated surface could be achieved at the same time by TSP. As a result, the heat flux of the rear side of a boiling bubble is 1.2-1.5 times higher than that of the front side of a bubble.

  • Development of simultaneous multivariate measuring method by means of fast-responding bi-luminophore-pressure sensitive dot array sensor

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    EGAMI Yasuhiro, MATSUDA Yu

     View Summary

    A fast response bi-luminophore pressure-sensitive dot array sensor has been developed on an anodized aluminum (AA) substrate for unsteady flow measurements. We have applied the isolated dot arrays of PSP and TSP formed on an AA substrate by an inkjet printing method to prevent interference between the two luminophores. Suitable solvent was chosen for each dye to form the dots with uniform and high luminescence intensity, and high sensitivity. The created bi-luminophore AA-PSP could simultaneously measure pressure and temperature and could reduce the temperature effect from 0.97 %/degree C (without temperature correction) to 0.02 %/degree C (with temperature correction). It showed a pressure response time of 64 micro sec at 90 % pressure rise to a step change of pressure, which is in the same range with a conventional AA-PSP.

  • Development of smart micro-channel with functional molecular sensor

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    NIIMI Tomohide, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu

     View Summary

    In this study, we have developed a new sensing tool of a smart micro channel by combining the pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique and the soft lithography technique. This smart micro channel is fabricated by mixing PSP into a material for the channel; thus, the smart micro channel is a micro channel whose inner wall works as PSP. The smart micro channel was successfully demonstrated on the measurement of pressure in a gaseous flow, oxygen concentration in a liquid flow, and the temperature measurement.

  • Development of multi-valuable measurement method based on lifetime method of two-photon induced luminescence

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :



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    A measurement technique based on the lifetime method of two-photon induced luminescence was studied. Two-photon induced luminescence of temperature-sensitive dye was successfully observed by using pulse laser whoes pulse duration was of the order of pico seconds. Moreover, it was revealed that the lifetime of the luminescence was a function of temperature. Some dyes, such as quantum dots, were investigated as a novel temperature-sensitive dye to improve measurement accuracy.

  • Multidimensional and Multivariable Combined Simultaneous Measurement on High Knudsen Number Micro Flows

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    NIIMI Tomohide, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro

     View Summary

    Multidimensional and multivariable combined simultaneous measurement on high Knudsen number micro flows have been studied applying the knowledge of measurement technique in rarefied gas flows, where the Knudsen numbers are also large. The molecular tagging velocimetry using the laser induced fluorescence was developed for rarefied and mini-scale internal gas flows, and was applied to micro gaseous flows. The ordered molecular film sensors for pressure, temperature, and concentration measurement were investigated, and the pressure-sensitive molecular film was success-fully applied to micro gas flows.

  • 圧力高分解能を実現する有機EL-PSPの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究

    Project Year :


    新美 智秀, 山口 浩樹, 松田 佑, 江上 泰広

     View Summary


  • Measurements of Micro Scale Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flows

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    It is desired to understand thermo-fluid phenomena inside micro-devices. In this study, a measurement technique based on the pressure- and temperature-sensitive paint technique was studied. Firstly, the technique applicable to micro scale measurement was developed. Secondary, characteristics of PSP, which has been generally used in gas phase, in liquid phase were investigated. Moreover, the dual sensor of PSP and TSP was studied.

  • 分子線実験と数値実験の融合による気体‐表面相互作用の詳細解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究

    Project Year :


    新美 智秀, 山口 浩樹, 松田 佑, 森 英男

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▼display all


  • Development of Differential PressureSensitive Paint Technique for Detecting Small Pressure Fluctuations

    Yasuhiro Egami, Masaki Takizawa, Saki Watanabe, Yu Matsuda

    AIAA Journal   60 ( 11 ) 6478 - 6482  2022.11

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • Application of Low-Temperature Sensitive Fast Response PSP on Low-Speed Unsteady Flow and Its Validation

    江上泰広, 山崎遊野, 松田佑, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    東北大学流体科学研究所共同利用・共同研究拠点流体科学国際研究教育拠点活動報告書   2019 (CD-ROM)  2021


  • Microscale analysis of molecule behavior using single-molecule tracking

    安倍悠朔, 松田佑

    可視化情報シンポジウム(CD-ROM)   48th  2020


  • Noise Reduction Effect of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Unsteady PSP Measurements

    森重聡一郎, 山崎遊野, 松田佑, 松田佑, 伊神翼, 永井大樹, 江上泰広

    可視化情報シンポジウム(CD-ROM)   48th  2020


  • Investigation of Data Acquisition Conditions for Dynamic Mode Decomposition in Unsteady PSP Measurement

    伊神翼, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 松田佑, 松田佑, 山崎遊野, 江上泰広

    可視化情報シンポジウム(CD-ROM)   48th  2020


  • Development of High Luminescence PSP using Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cell Principle

    田中睦輝, 森竜雄, 松田佑, 松田佑, 米川文広, 坂上知, 多根静香, 江上泰広

    可視化情報シンポジウム(CD-ROM)   48th  2020


  • Measurement of heat transfer and surface temperature in micro gap channel during forced convection boiling using Temperature-Sensitive Paint

    折茂里樹, 河南治, 江上泰広, 松田佑

    可視化情報シンポジウム(CD-ROM)   48th  2020


  • A Study on Data Extraction Method for Single-Molecule Tracking

    安倍悠朔, 松田佑

    可視化情報シンポジウム(CD-ROM)   47th  2019


  • Visualization Measurement on Micro Gaseous Flows using CW Laser

    木村圭佑, 山口浩樹, 松田佑, 新美智秀

    可視化情報シンポジウム(CD-ROM)   47th  2019


  • Study on alignment method for PSP measurement image

    片山哲, 松田佑, 松田佑

    可視化情報シンポジウム(CD-ROM)   47th  2019


  • 紙流体チップ上での物質分離技術の開発

    前田日奈美, 松田佑, 山口浩樹, 新美智秀

    日本機械学会東海支部総会講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   67th  2018


  • Pressure- and Temperature-Sensitive Paints Techniques for Thermal-Fluids Studies


    Enermix   97 ( 4 ) 382 - 388  2018  [Invited]


  • Introduction to PSP and TSP Measurements

    染矢 聡, 沼田 大樹, 松田 佑, 坂村 芳孝

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan   37 ( 147 ) 158 - 164  2017.10


  • Rapid printing of two-color PSP and TSP using commercial inkjet printer

    Masato Ide, Yu Matsuda, Yuki Yoshida, Tomohiro Kameya, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    Ninth JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference    2017.10

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Intensity-Based PSP and TSP Measurements

    沼田 大樹, 森 英男, 松田 佑, 坂村 芳孝

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan   37 ( 147 ) 171 - 176,図巻頭1p  2017.10

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • PSP/TSP実験入門

    染矢聡, 沼田大樹, 松田佑, 坂村芳孝

    可視化情報学会誌   37 ( 147 ) 158‐164  2017.10


  • Various Pressure- and Temperature-Sensitive Substances and Their Characteristics

    江上 泰広, 染矢 聡, 松田 佑, 満尾 和徳, 沼田 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan   37 ( 147 ) 165 - 170,図巻頭1p  2017.10

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Flow Measurement Techniques Based on Fluorescence/Phosphorescence Lifetime : Lifetime Based PSP/TSP and Molecular Tagging Measurements

    松田 佑, 依田 大輔, 森 英男, 半田 太郎

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan   37 ( 147 ) 177 - 181,図巻頭1p  2017.10

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • インクジェットプリンタPSPを用いた噴流場の可視化計測

    吉田裕貴, 松田佑, 亀谷知宏, 江上泰広, 山口浩樹, 新美智秀

    日本機械学会第94期流体工学部門講演会,山口大学    2016.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 感圧・感温塗料のフロンティア:分子センサの可能性と新展開に向けて

    江上泰広, 浅井圭介, 三ツ石方也, 中北和之, 天尾豊, 坂村芳孝, 松田佑

    豊田研究報告   ( 69 ) 183‐188  2016.05


  • Study on diffusion process of nanoparticles in a PDMS layer using SPT technique

    Ryo Iwao, Yu Matsuda, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2015    2016.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The Brownian motions of ZnS-AgInS2 (ZAIS) nanoparticles in a poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) layer were observed using the single-particle tracking (SPT) technique. The positions of each nanoparticle can be detected with spatial resolution of O(10 nm), and reflect the environment near each nanoparticles
    thus, SPT can obtain information on the nanoscale structure or the spatial heterogeneity of the medium. In this study, ZAIS nanoparticles were illuminated by an excitation laser, and the emission of the nanoparticle was taken by using an EM-CCD camera. We analyzed each motion of the nanoparticle in the PDMS layer under two conditions: before and after adding a curing agent. The histograms of the diffusion coefficients had single peak for all of the particles in the layer before adding the curing agent and some particles in the layer after adding the one. On the other hand, the histogram of the other particles had two peaks. This indicates these particles diffused in the heterogeneous layer, showing spatial heterogeneous curing process in the layer.


  • 1002 Measurement of pressure distribution in thermal transpiration flow

    SAKAIDA Hayata, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    Fluids engineering conference ...   2015   "1002 - 1"-"1002-2"  2015.11

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    Thermal transpiration (thermal creep) flow, which is induced only by temperature gradient along a channel, is one of the most interesting phenomena in micro gas flows. The thermal transpiration flow has been studied both numerically and experimentally; however, the detailed condition inside a channel has not been enough studied experimentally, and it makes difficult to compare numerical and experimental results directly. In this study, the pressure distribution on a micro channel surface in thermal transpiration flow was measured by means of the Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) technique. And the pressure distribution was a convex profile along the channel.


  • 1013 Effect of Solvents on Time Responsiveness of Sprayable Fast Pressure-Sensitive Paint

    EGAMI Yasuhiro

    Fluids engineering conference ...   2015   "1013 - 1"-"1013-2"  2015.11

     View Summary

    A sprayable fast pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) has been developed to measure pressure fluctuation on models made of non-aluminum-alloy materials with complex shapes. It is important to distribute a pressure-sensitive dye only over the surface to improve responsiveness of the fast PSP. In this study, fast PSP's were prepared by applying the solution of a pressure-sensitive dye onto a pre-coated porous binary layer and the effect of the solvents of dye solution was investigated. By choosing a polymer dissolving solvent for the dye solution, one could succeed to develop a PtTFPP based PSP with a pressure response time of 17.8 μs at 90 % pressure rise to a step change of pressure. This was about 10 times faster than a previous fast PSP (191μs) using a polymer dissolving solvent for dye solution.


  • 1012 Preparation of pressure-sensitive paint using commercial inkjet printer

    SUZUKI Yuichi, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    Fluids engineering conference ...   2015   "1012 - 1"-"1012-2"  2015.11

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    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique is an optical technique for measuring surface pressure on a model surface. The PSP technique has been used in wind-tunnel tests because of its great advantages such as non-intrusive and global pressure measurement. In general, PSP is painted by a sprayer by hand, resulting in low reproducibility. In this study, we used a commercial inkjet printer for printing PSP on substrates. PSP was printed on three substrates: chromatography paper, label seal, and viewgraph. We investigated the pressure and temperature sensitivities of these PSPs. PSP printed on the chromatography paper showed the best characteristics among them. And, we succeeded in preparation of PSP using the commercial inkjet printer.


  • J0540106 Mass Flow Rate Measurement of Water Molecules through a Micro-channel


    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2015   "J0540106 - 1"-"J0540106-3"  2015.09

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    Along with the development of micro- and nano-technologies, gas-surface interaction becomes important due to large surface area-to-volume ratio in micro-scale gas flows. In such flows, the Knudsen number (Kn) is often employed as a parameter of rarefaction of flows. When 0.01<Kn≦0.1, a flow is classified as the slip flow with a finite velocity slip at boundary. In this regime, the mass flow rate increases from the rate in the continuum regime because of the velocity slip. The mass flow rate depends on the combination of molecule and surface. In this study, we measured the mass flow rate of water molecules to investigate the characteristics on gas properties. The constant-volume technique was employed for measuring the mass flow rate through a micro channel. The obtained results suggested that the adsorption of water molecules on the measurement system influenced the accurate measurement of the mass flow rate.


  • (2)ドット配列による感圧/感温塗料の複合化(論文,日本機械学会賞〔2014年度(平成26年度)審査経過報告〕)

    亀谷 知宏, 松田 佑, 江上 泰広, 山口 浩樹, 新美 智秀

    日本機械学會誌   118 ( 1158 ) 256 - 256  2015.05


  • 陽極酸化型マイクロドット感圧センサの開発

    古川聖, 小林大二郎, 磯貝清也, 亀谷知宏, 松田佑, 山口浩樹, 新美智秀, 江上泰広

    日本機械学会東海支部第46回学生員卒業研究発表講演会,中部大学    2015.03

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • J0550103 Measurement of tangential momentum accommodation coefficient by using a micro-channel

    MABUCHI Osamu, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MURAKI Hideyuki, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2014   "J0550103 - 1"-"J0550103-3"  2014.09

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    Along with the development of microtechnology, the gas-surface interaction becomes important due to large surface area-to-volume ratio in micro-scale flows. As a parameter on gas-surface interaction related to a flow rate, Tangential Momentum Accommodation Efficient (TMAC) is often employed. TMAC represents the degree on tangential momentum exchange between molecule and surface. In this study, TMAC was measured for several gas species to investigate the characteristics on gas properties. The constant-volume technique was employed for measuring the mass flow rate through a microchannel. Monatomic gases of helium, argon and xenon were employed as test gases. The microchannel was made of Fused Silica as non-metal material. TMAC was calculated by comparing the measured mass flow rate and the theoretical one with the second order slip boundary condition. The obtained results suggested that the molecular weight has only small influence on TMAC.


  • マイクロドット型複合PSPの開発

    古川聖, 上山淳一, 江上泰広, 亀谷知宏, 松田佑, 山口浩樹, 新美智秀

    航空宇宙流体科学サマースクール2014 志賀島国民休暇村    2014.08

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • (15)感圧・感温塗料計測の高精度化に関する研究(研究奨励,日本機械学会賞〔2013年度(平成25年度)審査経過報告〕)

    松田 佑

    日本機械学會誌   117 ( 1146 ) 302 - 302  2014.05


  • Experimental investigations of flow boiling heat transfer and flow behaviors in microgap channel

    Osamu Kawamami, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami, Itsuro Honda, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi

    Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC 2014    2014.01

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    Boiling and Two-phase flow in microgap channel has been recently proposed for cooling the heat sources directly in application of thermal management for electronic devices. Many researches were carried out to investigate the mechanism of heat transfer in the microgap channel. In this study, the boiling heat transfer and gas-liquid flow on the heated surface in microgap is investigated experimentally by using Temperature- Sensitive Paint (TSP). Experiments are performed in a single rectangular channel having microgap of 10 mm width, 35 mm heated length and 0.5 mm height using FC-72 as a test fluid with inlet subcooling 13.9 K under atmospheric pressure conditions. TSP coated on the heated wall is used to obtain the local temperatures and subsequently local heat transfer coefficients. In addition, simultaneous flow visualizations are conducted to observe and explore the flow boiling in microgap channel. Flow rate of FC-72 is 200 mg/s and heated water at 339 K is used as a heat source for boiling of the test fluid. Observation of gas-liquid behavior and measurement of the temperature distributions on the heated surface could be achieved at the same time by TSP. As a result, the heat flux of the rear side of a boiling bubble is 1.2-1.5 times higher than that of the front side of a bubble.

  • Single Particle Tracking Study on Diffusion Process in a Polymer Matrix

    Yu Matsuda, Ryo Iwao, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi


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    The diffusion process of nanoparticles in a polymer matrix was studied by the single-particle tracking (SPT) method. ZnS-AgInS2 (ZAIS) nanoparticles were dispersed in poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) and were tracked before and 20 hours after adding a curing agent in the PDMS. The averaged diffusion coefficients of the ZAIS nanoparticles in PDMS 20 hours after adding the curing agent was 1/2 of that without the curing agent. While the diffusion coefficients of the nanoparticles in the PDMS without the curing agent were of similar value, that in the PDMS in the curing process showed broad distribution in value.

  • Combined PSP・TSP sensor fabricated with inkjet-printing technique

    KAMEYA Tomohiro, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan   34 ( 132 ) 28-34 - 34  2014.01  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

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    This paper presents a novel combined PSP・TSP sensor, which is composed of arrays of tiny PSP and TSP dots. We fabricated the combined sensor, dual-array sensor, by inkjet-printing of PSP and TSP solutions. The dual-array sensor is unique among combined PSP・TSP sensors in the point that PSP and TSP luminophores are discretely arranged on a measurement surface. This prevents interactions between PSP and TSP luminophores that has been one of major issues in conventional combined sensors, and makes it possible to select optimal binding material and solvent for each luminophore. From emission spectrum, pressure and temperature sensitivities of a fabricated dual-array sensor, the dual-array sensor is able to combine any luminophores without paying attention to the interaction issues. Moreover, a demonstration shows that the dual-array sensor is a favorable pressure sensor for the measurements on surfaces with non-uniform temperature distribution.

    DOI CiNii

  • 疎水処理を施した陽極酸化基板におけるマイクロドット型感圧センサの形成

    上山淳一, 古川聖, 神澤優一, 亀谷知宏, 松田佑, 山口浩樹, 新美智秀, 江上泰広

    第91期日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会,九州大学    2013.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • マイクロドット型感圧センサ特性における溶媒の影響

    古川聖, 上山淳一, 神澤優一, 亀谷知宏, 松田佑, 山口浩樹, 新美智秀, 江上泰広

    第91期日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会,九州大学    2013.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • J053044 Micro Gas Flow Measurement by Pressure-Sensitive Molecular Film


    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "J053044 - 1"-"J053044-3"  2013.09

     View Summary

    It has been desired to measure pressure distribution in a micro channel for understanding micro-scale thermo-fluid phenomena. Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique is an optical measurement technique using luminescent molecules, seemed to be suitable for analysis of micro/nano flow. However, the spatial resolution of PSP is insufficient for applying to micro-scale measurements due to the aggregation of the luminescent molecules. Therefore, we fabricated pressure-sensitive molecular film (PSMF) by Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) method. LB method can fabricate very thin molecular film with controlling the intermolecular spacing of luminescent molecules. PSMF fabricated by this method has enough high spatial resolution to measure micro-gas flows. The pressure distribution in a micro channel with a bend of 90° was measured by PSMF. The low pressure region was found at near the inner wall behind the bend suggesting the flow separation. Additionally, the high pressure area downstream of the separation region was observed, indicating the flow reattachment.


  • J053035 Study on fundamental characteristics of Knudsen pump


    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "J053035 - 1"-"J053035-4"  2013.09

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    Knudsen pump is a pump based on thermal transpiration, which is a specific phenomenon in a high Knudsen number flow. Since the pump does not have any moving parts and can be miniaturized to micro scale, it is a favorable pump in micro electro mechanical system (MEMS). However, there are many points to be clarified on characteristics and performances of Knudsen pumps. In this study, a Knudsen pump with commercially available parts and porous membranes was fabricated, and effects of temperature difference and the number of membranes on pressure difference and time constant for pressure time variation were investigated. The fabricated Knudsen pump with four membranes generated about 70 Pa from an atmosphere with temperature difference of 71 K with four membranes. The pressure difference was proportional to the temperature difference and the number of membrane, while the time constants were independent of them. This result suggested that the Knudsen pump was able to generate higher pressure difference or flow rate with increasing in the number of membranes.


  • W052001 Micro Gaseous Flow as a High Knudsen Number Flow

    TAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "W052001 - 1"-"W052001-2"  2013.09

     View Summary

    Recently, micro gaseous flow has been a novel research filed along with the development in the micro technology. In the micro gaseous flow, the Knudsen number, which is a ratio of the mean free path to the characteristic length of the system, becomes large, and such a high Knudsen number flow should be investigated as a molecular flow. We organized a session meeting in the Japanese Society for Mechanical Engineers for the investigation on the micro gaseous flow. The closed discussions by the members gave the deep insight to the field, but much more interaction in the research network in future is expected for the further progress in the field. The recent developments in the measurement techniques for the micro gaseous flow in our group have been introduced.


  • Effect of Hydrophobic Treatment on Pressure-Sensitive Microdot Arrays Fabricated by Inkjet Printing

    J. Ueyama, S. Furukawa, T. Kameya, Y. Matsuda, H. Yamaguchi, T. Niimi, Y. Egami

    4th German-Japanese Joint Seminar on Molecular Imaging Technology for Interdisciplinary Research, Munich, Germany    2013.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Development of Fast Response Pressure-Sensitive Microdot Arrays

    S. Furukawa, Y. Kamizawa, J. Ueyama, T. Kameya, Y. Matsuda, H. Yamaguchi, T. Niimi, Y. Egami

    4th German-Japanese Joint Seminar on Molecular Imaging Technology for Interdisciplinary Research, Munich, Germany    2013.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • A Report of VSJ Culture Forum in Nagoya

    NIIMI Tomohide, SAKAI Yasuhiko, NAGATA Koji, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan   33 ( 130 ) 108 - 108  2013.07


  • Experimental measurement on tangential momentum accommodation coefficient in a single microtube (vol 11, pg 57, 2011)

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tsuneo Hanawa, Oto Yamamoto, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohide Niimi

    MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS   14 ( 5 ) 903 - 903  2013.05



  • 微小流路壁面における圧力分布の可視化

    松田佑, 山口浩樹, 新美智秀

    可視化情報学会誌   33 ( 129 ) 61-65,43(4) - 23  2013.04

     View Summary

    In micro gas flows, some interesting phenomena at/near a wall, velocity slip, temperature jump, and thermal transpiration, play an important role; thus, the development of a measurement technique, which measure a physical quantity at a wall, is very important. The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique has potential as a diagnostic tool for pressure measurement of a solid surface. However, the application of PSP to micro gas flow measurement is very difficult, because the conventional PSP is too thick and does not have sufficient spatial resolution. Pressure-sensitive molecular film (PSMF) with ordered molecular assemblies has been developed. PSMF is fabricated by the Langmuir-Blodgett method. We also developed a micro channel by the PDMS micro-molding technique with mixing a pressure-sensitive dye into PDMS: i.e., a micro channel fabricated by PSP, which is named PSCC. In this paper, we show the PSMF/PSCC fabrication procedure and the applicability of them to micro gas flow measurement.


  • Pressure Measurement of Gas Flows Through a Micro-Channel by Phosphorescence Dye

    Yu Matsuda, Yusuke Kawai, Shobu Shibayama, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi


     View Summary

    Gas flows through a micro-channel were experimentally studied by using PSCC (Pressure-Sensitive Channel Chip). PSCC is a micro-channel fabricated by PDMS containing a pressure-sensitive dye, and then it works as both a micro-channel and PSP (Pressure-Sensitive Paint). The micro-channel (PSCC) with 200 x 91 mu m cross section and 2.0 mm long was fabricated. The pressure distribution with the inlet and outlet pressures of 101 kPa and 30 kPa was successfully measured. The measured pressure distribution indicates that the gas flow near the exit of the channel should be treated as compressible flow and the gas flow was choked at the end.


    Yu Matsuda, Kaori Ueno, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohide Niimi


     View Summary

    Pressure-sensitive paints (PSP) and pressure-sensitive molecular film (PSMF) are drawing much attention, since the techniques enable us to measure pressure/oxygen concentration distribution with high spatial resolution. A measurement system of PSP/PSMF is generally composed of a sensor layer (PSP/PSMF itself), an illumination light source, a photodetector, and optics such as optical filters and mirrors. Since dye molecules in a sensor layer are photo-excited by an illumination light, the measurement system needs optical windows to transmit UV light for the illumination light and needs an optical filter to eliminate the illumination light, which also reduces the luminescence detected by a photo-detector. We have proposed a novel concept of a pressure sensor called electroluminescent pressure/oxygen sensor (ELPS/ELOS) based on oxygen quenching of electroluminescence without an external illumination light source. The sensor was fabricated as an organic light-emitting device (OLED) with phosphorescent dyes whose phosphorescence can be quenched by oxygen molecules, and with a polymer electrode which permeates oxygen molecules. The pressure sensitivity of the fabricated ELPS sample was equivalent to that of the sensor excited by an illumination light source. Moreover, the pressure sensitivity of the sensor is comparable to that of conventional PSP.

  • Reduction of temperature effect in pressure-sensitive paint measurements by model materials and coatings

    Y. Egami, K. Fujii, T. Takagi, Y. Matsuda, H. Yamaguchi, T. Niimi

    28th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology, Ground Testing, and Flight Testing Conference 2012    2012.12

     View Summary

    Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) generally changes its luminescence intensity not only with pressure but also with temperature. The effect of temperature variations on a model surface decreases the measurement accuracy of PSP. Therefore, it is important to minimize temperature variations on the surface during wind tunnel testing. In this study, we have investigated the effect of model materials and coatings on the temperature variations on a model surface. Plate models made of three different materials: aluminium alloy, stainless steel, and wood with two thicknesses: 2 and 10 mm were prepared and then coated with PSP. Temperature variations on the model surfaces heated with hot air flow was measured by means of an infrared camera. The results revealed that the magnitude of the temperature variations on the model surface strongly depends on the model material and thickness, and applied coatings. The model with a higher heat capacity showed a smaller rate of temperature change on the model surface. Moreover, the models coated with PSP showed 2-3 times higher temperature change rates than those without the coating due to the low thermal conductivity of the applied layer. To resolve this problem, a high thermal conductive PSP has been developed by mixing high thermal conductive particles. This novel PSP successfully reduced the rate of the temperature change to almost the same level as a non-coated metal model surface. © 2012 by Y. Egami. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  • ZnS-AgInS2ナノ粒子の温度特性

    柿原典央, 松田佑, 鳥本司, 亀谷知宏, 亀山達矢, 桑畑進, 山口浩樹, 新美智秀

    第8回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム,JAXA調布    2012.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • J053014 Development of a Measurement System of Energy Accommodation Coefficient using Flat Samples

    IMAI Takamasa, YAMAGUCH1 Hiroki, SHIRASAKI Nobuhiro, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2012   "J053014 - 1"-"J053014-3"  2012.09

     View Summary

    Flows inside micro-systems are so-called high-Knudsen number flows. The flow field cannot be treated as a continuum and the thermal conduction can not be described by ordinary Fourier's law. In high-Knudsen number flows, gas-surface interaction becomes significant and the energy accommodation coefficient is often employed to analyze heat transport phenomena. The energy accommodation coefficient varies depending on combination of surface materials and gas species. Thus, it is important to measure the accurate energy accommodation coefficient for each pair of surface material and gas species. In this study, we obtained the energy accommodation coefficients for nitrogen and oxygen in contact with a platinum surface in accordance with the Low-Pressure method using the theoretical heat flux equation expanded to transition regime. The experimentally obtained energy accommodation coefficients were compared with previous results in the literature as a function of surface temperature, showing good agreement with each other.


  • J053011 Development of combined pressure and temperature sensor using PtTFPP and CdSe/ZnS

    KAMEYA Tomohiro, MATSUDA Yu, EGAMI Yasuhiro, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2012   "J053011 - 1"-"J053011-4"  2012.09

     View Summary

    In pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) measurements, pressure is deduced from the luminescence intensity of PSP. Since the intensity depends not only on pressure but also on temperature, a PSP result has to be compensated by the temperature of a surface to which PSP is applied. In this paper, we propose a novel combined pressure and temperature sensor composed of PSP and TSP dot arrays. PtTFPP and CdSe/ZnS were adopted as PSP and TSP luminophores, respectively. PtTFPP is widely used as PSP luminophore, and CdSe/ZnS has several favorable features as TSP luminophore such as tunable luminescence peak wavelength, narrow full width at half maximum, high quantum yield and broad absorption band. The dot array sensor was fabricated by inkjet printing of the luminophores. We examined its photostability under an illumination light, pressure and temperature sensitivities. Each luminophore is separately arranged in dot array; thus the interaction between both luminophores is prevented. The dot array sensor has pressure sensitivity of 0.62 %/kPa as a pressure sensor, and temperature sensitivity of -0.61%/K as a temperature sensor


  • 1A2-V02 Ultra Long-Lifetime Fluorescent Measurement by Compensation of Photo-degradation Using Difference Information(Nano/Micro Manipulation System)

    MARUYAMA Hisataka, KARIYA Ryo, NAKAMURA Shohei, MASUDA Taisuke, Matsuda Yu, Honda Ayae, ARAI Fumihito

      2012   "1A2 - V02(1)"-"1A2-V02(4)"  2012.05

     View Summary

    In this paper, we proposed long-lifetime fluorescent measurement by compensation of photo-bleaching with the difference of photo intensity. In this method, difference of fluorescent intensity is compensated using single exponential function to make the difference amount uniform between two fluorescent intensities. We evaluated the dependencies of measurement lifetime by fluorescent lifetime and the sensitivity by the decay coefficient of fluorescent lifetime by numerical simulation. From these results, the proposed method has much higher sensitivity and longer lifetime to conventional compensation method of photo-bleaching. We demonstrate the photosynthesis activity of single Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 in the micro chamber with gas barrier layer.


  • (2)感圧塗料を用いた高速回転ディスク表面の圧力分布計測(論文,日本機械学会賞〔2011年度(平成23年度)審査経過報告〕)

    亀谷 知宏, 松田 佑, 山口 浩樹, 江上 泰広, 新美 智秀

    日本機械学會誌   115 ( 1122 ) 263 - 263  2012.05


  • Measurement of photosynthesis activity using single synecocystis SP. PCC 6803 on microchambers having gas barrier wall and fluorescence oxygen sensor

    Hisataka Maruyama, Yu Matsuda, Tomohide Niimi, Nobuyuki Unozumi, Kei Nanatani, F. Arai

    2012 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2012     476 - 478  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We developed a novel single cell measurement of photosynthesis activity using fluorescent oxygen sensor in a microchamber with gas barrier wall. We used Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, which is a series of cyanobacteria. The chamber wall contains oxygen sensor and gas barrier wall to measure the dissolved oxygen concentration in the chamber. The oxygen concentration is changed by aerobic respiration and photosynthesis of Synechocystis. The variation of the oxygen concentration was used for evaluation of aerobic respiration and photosynthesis of single Synechocystis. To achieve precise oxygen measurement, we used our proposed compensation method for photo-degradation of fluorescence. We demonstrated photosynthesis evaluation of single Synechocystis and calculated the photosynthetic performance of sugar production of single Synechocystis. © 2012 IEEE.


  • Measurement of the rotational temperature in a nitrogen molecular beam by REMPI

    H. Yamaguchi, T. Moriyama, K. Ide, J. Ito, Y. Matsuda, T. Niimi

    AIP Conference Proceedings   1501 ( 1 ) 1350 - 1354  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Molecular beams have been used for diagnoses of solid surfaces and gas-surface interactions. For molecular beams of polyatomic gases, it is important to clarify the distribution over the energy states of the internal degree of freedom. In this study, the rotational energy distribution in a nitrogen molecular beam was spectroscopically measured by the (2+2)N 2-REMPI (Resonantly Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization) technique. REMPI is known to have very high detection sensitivity, which allows us to detect molecules under the very low number density condition like in a molecular beam. A REMPI spectrum indicates the rotational energy distribution of molecules, and is not affected by secondary electrons, which simplifies the analysis. The molecular beam was generated using a Kantrowitz-Grey type beam source. The measured REMPI spectra were well fitted by a theoretical spectrum with the Boltzmann distribution, and the rotational temperatures were obtained. Since the supersonic freejet was employed as a beam source, the rotational temperature in the molecular beam was analyzed in accordance with the frozen rotational temperature in a supersonic freejet using the parameter p0d, which is a product of the source pressure p0 and the orifice diameter d. It was found that the rotational temperature is well described as a function of the parameter p0d under the fixed source tempearture condition. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


  • Ultra long-lifetime and high-sensitive fluorescent measurement using difference compensation method for single cell analysis

    H. Maruyama, R. Kariya, S. Nakamura, T. Matsuda, Y. Matsuda, T. Niimi, A. Honda, F. Arai

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems     3235 - 3240  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, we proposed long-lifetime and high-sensitive measurement using fluorescent intensity by compensation of photo-bleaching with the difference compensation for cell measurement. Photo-bleaching of fluorescence is one of the most crucial factors to cause measurement error in physiological measurement. In our approach, difference of fluorescent intensity between imaging time is compensated using single exponential function to make the difference amount uniform in each imaging time. We evaluated the dependencies of measurable time and the sensitivity by fluorescent lifetime and the decay coefficient of fluorescent lifetime using numerical simulation. From these results, the proposed method has much higher sensitivity and longer measurable time against conventional compensation method of photo-bleaching. By using the proposed method, we demonstrate the photosynthesis activity of single Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 in the micro chamber with gas barrier layer. © 2012 IEEE.


  • Development of Pressure-Sensitive Channel Chip for Micro Gas Flows

    Yu Matsuda, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi


     View Summary

    Optical measurement techniques are useful for experimental studies on micro gas flows, which enable us to non-intrusively measure the flows with a high spatial resolution. The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique, which is based on the emission of photons from luminophore, is a potential diagnostic tool for pressure measurement of micro gas flows. However, measurements by conventional PSPs are limited to the sub-millimeter order spatial resolution of ca. 200 mu m, indicating the difficulty of the micro scale measurements. The present study proposes pressure-sensitive channel chip (PSCC) which is a micro channel with the capability of measuring pressure. We focused on the poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) micro-molding technique, which is one of the most popular techniques to fabricate a micro channel easily. Moreover, PDMS is a polymer used as a binder in PSP because of high optical transparency, gas permeability, and gas diffusivity. Thus, we developed a micro channel by the PDMS micro-molding technique with mixing a pressure-sensitive luminophore into PDMS: i.e. a micro channel fabricated by PSP, which is named PSCC. A flow through a micro converging-diverging nozzle with the throat width of 120 mu m was demonstrated. The pressure distribution on the nozzle surface was successfully obtained by PSCC.


  • Combined Pressure and Temperature Sensor Using Pressure- and Temperature-Sensitive Paints

    Tomohiro Kameya, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi


     View Summary

    In pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) measurements, pressure is deduced from the luminescence intensity of PSP. Since the intensity depends not only on pressure but also on temperature, PSP results have to be compensated by the surface temperature; thus, we combined temperature-sensitive paint (TSP) with PSP for the compensation. PtTFPP and CdSe/ZnS were adopted as pressure and temperature sensitive luminophores, respectively. In this paper, we report the pressure and temperature sensitivities and the photostability of the combined sensor around an atmospheric pressure and room temperature.

  • Tangential Momentum Accommodation Coefficient measurements for various materials and gas species

    H. Yamaguchi, Y. Matsuda, T. Niimi


     View Summary

    The tangential momentum accommodation coefficient was measured from the gaseous flow through a single microtube. The mass flow rate was measured by the constant volume technique, where the rate is related to time rate of pressure variation in a fixed volume tank. The measured mass flow rate was fitted by the theoretical mass flow rate expressed by the slip velocity at the surface to deduce the slip coefficient, which can be related to the tangential accommodation coefficient. The mean Knudsen number, which is determined as the mean pressure of the inlet and the outlet, was set to be below 0.32, where the second-order slip boundary condition was suggested to be valid. The measurement system was designed to allow using a microtube with large diameter of several hundred micrometers. Since low pressure environment was essential for large Knudsen number condition for the flow through such large microtube, a low leakage measurement system realized by applying the UHV technology is needed. Applicability of sub millimeters size microtubes allowed us to measure the tangential momentum accommodation coefficients on various materials. In this study, we measured the tangential momentum accommodation coefficients on an engineering metal surface for various gas species.



    Yu Matsuda, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohide Niimi


     View Summary

    Pressure-sensitive paint (PS?) is an optical measurement technique based on the photo-chemical reaction between oxygen and luminescent molecules, and has potential as a diagnostic tool for pressure measurement in the high Knudsen number regime. However, the application of PSP to micro flow measurement is not straightforward, because conventional PSPs are too thick owing to their polymer binder. In our previous work, we fabricated pressure-sensitive molecular film (PSMF) by using the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique. In this study, we investigated the temperature dependency of Pt(II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PtMP) based PSMF, and found that the temperature dependency of the pressure sensitivity is very small. Moreover, we have applied PSMF to the pressure measurement of micro gas flows through the 170 mu m width micro channel and the 100 mu m width micro nozzle, and the pressure distributions were successfully obtained.

  • J054041 Experimental Study on Measurement of Energy Accommodation Coefficienton Nonmetal Surface

    SHIRASAKI Nobuhiro, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, IMAI Takamasa, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2011   "J054041 - 1"-"J054041-3"  2011.09

     View Summary

    The flow around micro-systems is so-called the high-Knudsen number flow. The flow field cannot be treated as a continuum and the thermal conduction should not be treated by ordinary Fourier's law. In high-Knudsen number flows, the gas-surface interaction becomes important and the energy accommodation coefficient is often employed to analyze heat transport phenomena. The energy accommodation coefficient varies depending on combination of surface materials and gas species. Thus, it is important to use the appropriate energy accommodation coefficient for each pair of surface and gas for accurate thermal management. In this report, we obtained the energy accommodation coefficients for argon in contact with platinum surface in accordance with the Low-Pressure method, using the theoretical heat flux equation expanded to transition regime. The experimental result was compared with previous result in literature, which reported a relation between the energy accommodation coefficient and the surface temperature, and they are in good agreement.


  • J054023 Simultaneous pressure and temperature measurements by pressure and temperature-sensitive paints

    KAMEYA Tomohiro, MATSUDA Yu, LI Huaxia, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2011   "J054023 - 1"-"J054023-3"  2011.09

     View Summary

    Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) is a pressure sensor based on the oxygen quenching of the luminescence of luminophore. In general, the luminescent intensity of PSP depends not only on pressure but also on temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to simultaneously measure the temperature with the pressure to improve the accuracy of PSP measurement. The compound sensor composed of pressure and temperature-sensitive luminophore was developed for simultaneous measurements of pressure and temperature. However, some of such compound sensors suffer the degradation of the sensitivity and other properties. In this paper, we show the possibility of a compound PSP/TSP sensor using PtTFPP and CdSe/ZnS.



    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tsuneo Hanawa, Oto Yamamoto, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohide Niimi


     View Summary

    Along with the progress in micro- and nano-technologies, such as Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and mu-TAS (Micro-Total Analysis Systems), the Knudsen number, which is a non dimensional parameter for rarefaction, of the flow around and inside the systems becomes large. In such high Knudsen number flows, gas-surface interaction has become important for flow field analyses. To illustrate overall gas-surface interaction without any detailed processes, an accommodation coefficient, a, is the most widely used as an empirical parameter for a practical purpose. One of accommodation coefficients, the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient (TMAC) alpha(t), is in closely related to the loss of the pressure through a micro channel. Therefore, TMAC is an important coefficient for flow inside micro/nano fluidic devices. To obtain TMAC from experiments, the mass flow rate measurements in a microtube were carried out using the constant volume method. The results obtained from the experiments were analyzed in frame of the Navier-Stokes equation associated with the second order velocity slip boundary condition. The mean Knudsen number was less than 0.3, where the velocity slip boundary condition is applicable. From the mass flow rates, the slip coefficient of the boundary condition was obtained, and then, TMAC was determined. The experimental apparatus showed very low leakage rate, and TMAC was determined with a high degree of accuracy. The TMACs of the same surface material with different dimensional parameters were compared for validation of the system.

  • 1503 Development of pressure sensitive paint for measurements of dissolved oxygen concentration of water

    NAGASHIMA Fumihiro, MATSUDA Yu, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    Fluids engineering conference ...   2010   439 - 440  2010.10

     View Summary

    It is important to understand the behavior of oxygen concentration distribution inside micro-channels for the improvement of micro devices or fuel cells. Most of oxygen sensors such as galvanic or polaro-graphic type cannot be used for unsteady measurements in a small system because of their long response time and large probe heads. We focused on pressure sensitive paint (PSP) for the measurement of the oxygen concentration dissolved in the water in a small system. Up to the present, the PSP techniques have been mainly applied to gas-flows. However, the PSP technique is based on the oxygen quenching of luminescent molecules and would be used in both gas and liquid-flows. In this paper, we investigated the oxygen sensitivity of three types of PSP in the water, and selected a suitable polymer for a binder of PSP.


  • 1511 Measurement of rotational energy distribution in nitrogen molecular beam by REMPI

    MORIYAMA Tatsuya, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, IDE Kyohei, MATSUDA Yu, Egami Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    Fluids engineering conference ...   2010   455 - 456  2010.10

     View Summary

    In order to analyze high Knudsen number flows, it is important to understand the interactions of gas molecules and solid surfaces. Molecular beams have been used to study these interactions. Properties such as the translational energy and momentum of a molecular beam have been analyzed very well; however, there are very few reports analyzing the rotational energy of diatomic or polyatomic molecular beam experimentally. Resonantly enhanced multi-photon ionization (REMPI) is a spectroscopic technique, which is able to measure molecular internal energy distribution in very low density gas flows. In this study, we have detected and analyzed the rotational energy distribution in a nitrogen molecular beam by 2R+2 REMPI.


  • Influence of polymer characteristics on TSP properties

    Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan   30   165 - 168  2010


  • Experimental Measurement of Energy Accommodation Coefficient by Low-Pressure Method

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yuta Aoki, Kazuaki Kanazawa, Yu Matsuda, Tomohide Niimi

    MNHMT2009, VOL 2     189 - 192  2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Heat transfer in micro flows has received much attention along with the development in micro- and nano-technology. In micro- and nano-flow fields, the Knudsen number, which is defined as a ratio of the molecular mean free path to the characteristic length of the system, becomes large because of the small characteristic length. In these so-called "high Knudsen number flows", the number of the collision of gas molecules to the surface is much larger than that of intermolecular collisions. Therefore, it is important for the high Knudsen number flows to understand the gas-surface interaction. Since detailed science of the gas-surface interaction is complicated, the empirical parameter called the accommodation coefficient is widely used for flow analyses of the flows.
    In this study, the energy accommodation coefficient for metal surface has been measured experimentally by the Low-Pressure method, in which the energy accommodation coefficient is obtained from the pressure dependency of the heat flux in the free-molecular flow regime. It is not easy to realize the free-molecular flow condition, and, thus, the relation between the heat flux and the pressure extended to much higher pressure condition was employed in this study. Experimental geometry was designed as concentric cylinders, and heat flux between two cylinders, whose surface temperatures was different, was measured. Experimental results are reported for argon and oxygen in contact with a platinum surface. The surface temperature dependence of the energy accommodation coefficient was also studied, and verified by the results of previous work.


    Tomohiro Kameya, Yu Matsuda, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro Egami, Tomohide Niimi


     View Summary

    There appears fluttering phenomena in a hard disk drive system with high-speed disks rotating inside a closed space, leading to degrade of reading and writing performance. The precise pressure distribution on the disk may improve the performance, but there has been no report because it is very hard to measure the surface pressure using conventional techniques, such as pressure taps. While pressure sensitive paint (PSP) seems to be suitable for the pressure measurement on the disk, we have to compensate its highly temperature-sensitive characteristics of PSP, because the temperature distribution on the disk is not assumed to be uniform. We employed PySO3H based PSP, which has small temperature sensitivity, and have obtained the pressure distribution on the disk rotated at various speeds (10000-20000 rpm) successfully. The result showed that the pressure is higher at the disk outside than at the center, and forms a concentric circle distribution. Moreover, we found that the pressure difference between the inner and outer region of the disk increases as a square of disk rotation speed.

  • 0906 Pressure measurement on a rotating disk using pressure-sensitive paint

    KAMEYA Tomohiro, MATSUDA Yu, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, EGAMI Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    Fluids engineering conference ...   2009   315 - 316  2009.11

     View Summary

    For a hard disk drive, high-speed rotation is required to achieve fast access to data on a disk. However, the high-speed rotation induces pressure fluctuation on the disk and results in disk fluttering. Therefore, it is important to investigate the pressure distribution on the disk to realize high-speed and stable disk rotation. We have measured the pressure distribution on the disk rotated at various speeds by using pressure-sensitive paint, which is appropriate for measuring the pressure of rotating objects. As a result, it is clarified that the pressure distribution forms concentric circles and the pressure difference between the outer and inner part of the disk increases with an increase in the disk rotation speed.


  • 0905 Measurement of rotational energy of nitrogen molecular beam using REMPI

    IDE Kyohei, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MORIYAMA Tatsuya, MATSUDA Yu, NIIMI Tomohide

    Fluids engineering conference ...   2009   313 - 314  2009.11

     View Summary

    To analyze high Knudsen number flows, interactions of gas molecules and solid surfaces are very important. Molecular beams have been widely used to diagnose these interactions. While properties such as translational energy and momentum of molecular beam have been analyzed very well, there are very few reports analyzing rotational energy of diatomic or polyatomic molecular beam experimentally. Resonantly enhanced multi-photon ionization (REMPI) is a spectroscopic technique, which is able to measure molecular internal energy in very low density gas flows. In this study, we have tried to detect a nitrogen molecular beam by 2R+2 REMPI, and analyzed rotational energy distribution of nitrogen molecules in the molecular beam.


  • 0907 Measurement of oxygen concentration in a mixing channel using pressure-sensitive paint

    Nagashima Fumihiro, Matsuda Yu, Hayashida Masaya, Yamaguchi Hiroki, Egami Yasuhiro, NIIMI Tomohide

    Fluids engineering conference ...   2009   317 - 318  2009.11

     View Summary

    In the field of chemical industries, it is desired to downsize chemical reactors for easy controlling, synthesizing a wide variety of products in small quantities and so on. It is well known that flow field structure in a mixing channel changes from steady to unsteady with an increase in Reynolds number. These flow fields have been analyzed numerically, but there are few reports analyzed experimentally. We have focused on the pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique, which enables us to measure the distribution of oxygen concentrations. Using the PSP technique, we tried to reveal the flow field structure and evaluate the flow unsteadiness in a parallel mixing channel depending on inlet Reynolds numbers.


  • Pressure measurement of micro scale gas flow by using pressure-sensitive molecular film

    MATSUDA Yu, SUZUKI Suguru, MISAKI Ryota, UCHIDA Toru, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

      29 ( 2 ) 237 - 238  2009.10


  • Development of Pressure Sensitive Molecular Film as a Measurement Technique for Micro-Flows

    Y. Matsuda, H. Mori, Y. Sakazaki, T. Uchida, S. Suzuki, H. Yamaguchi, T. Niimi

    RAREFIED GAS DYNAMICS   1084   527 - +  2009  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) has potential as a diagnostic tool for pressure measurement in the high Knudsen number regime because it works as a so-called "molecular sensor". However, there arc few reports concerning application of the PSP to micro devices, because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to the use of polymer binder. In our previous work, we have adopted Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique to fabricate pressure sensitive molecular films (PSMFs) using Pd(II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PdMP). The PSMF based on PdMP has pressure sensitivity only at low pressure range (below 3kPa). In this study, we have constructed PSMF composed of Pt(II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PtMP) to be applied to pressure measurement near atmospheric pressure. The pressure sensitivity of PSMF based on PIMP has been tested, and it is clarified that the PSMF of PIMP has equivalent pressure sensitivity of polymer PSP. Moreover, we have applied PSMF to measurement of pressure distribution of micro-channel gas flow, showing its usefulness.

  • Sensing Techniques for High Knudsen Number Flows

    T.Niimi, H.Yamaguchi, Y.Matsuda

    Journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics   28 ( 3 ) 217-224 - 224  2009  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • 220 Pressure distribution measurement of the high speed co-rotating disk by Pressure Sensitive Paint

    Hayashida Masaya, Matsuda Yu, Naito Dai, Mori Hideo, Niimi Tomohide

      2008 ( 57 ) 127 - 128  2008.03


  • 219 The selection of luminescent molecule for pressure sensitive molecular film

    UCHIDA Toru, MATSUDA Yu, SAKAZAKI Yoshiki, MORI Hideo, YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, NIIMI Tomohide

      2008 ( 57 ) 125 - 126  2008.03


  • Development of a pressure sensitive molecular film as a measurement technique for micro gas flows

    Matsuda Yu, Mori Hideo, Sakazaki Yoshiki, Uchida Toru, Suzuki Suguru, Yamaguchi Hiroki, Niimi Tomohide

      2008   35 - 35  2008

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique has potential as a diagnostic tool for pressure measurement of micro gas-flows because it is based on interaction of molecules with photons. However, the application of the PSP to micro-flows is very difficult, because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to polymer binder. In our previous work, we adopted Langmuir-Blodgett technique to fabricate a pressure sensitive molecular film (PSMF). In this study, we have constructed PSMF composed of Pt(II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PtMP) to be applied to pressure measurement near atmospheric pressure condition. The pressure sensitivity of PSMF-PtMP was tested, and it was clarified that the PSMF-PtMP has equivalent pressure sensitivity of polymer PSPs (e.g. PtOEP/GP-197). Moreover, we have applied PSMF to pressure measurement of a gas flow through the 170μm width micro-channel, and the pressure distribution on the surface along the channel was successfully obtained.


  • Application of Pressure Sensitive Paint to High Knudsen Number Flows

    YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide

      2008   36 - 36  2008

     View Summary

    The pressure sensitive paint (PSP) is very useful and easy way to obtain the pressure distribution on surfaces. Recently, PSP has been applied to various flow fields, like high Knudsen number flows. In this study, we discuss on measurement mechanism of PSP, especially in high Knudsen number regime. It is well known that a pressure tap shows good agreement with surface pressure, and not gas pressure in this regime. Therefore, a PSP experimental result is examined by DSMC method, and compared with gas and surface pressures. We suggest that PSP measures a number flux toward a surface.


  • Attending Report on 35^<th> Visualization Symposium


      27 ( 107 ) 279 - 280  2007.10


  • Development and assessment of a pressure sensitive molecular film as a measurement technique for micro-flows

    Matsuda Yu, Mori Hideo, Yamaguchi Hiroki, Sakazaki Yoshiki, Uchida Toru, Niimi Tomohide

      2007   97 - 97  2007

     View Summary

    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique has the potential as a diagnostic tool for measurement in the high Knudsen number regime because it works as a so-called "molecular sensor". However, application of the PSP technique to micro-systems is difficult because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to the use of polymer binder and does not have sufficient spatial resolution for pressure measurement of micro-flows. We constructed pressure sensitive molecular film (PSMF), using Platinum (II) MesoporphyrinIX (PtMP) as a luminescent molecule, and have examined our PSMF to evaluate the possibility of application to the measurement of micro-flows. It is clarified that the pressure sensitivity of PtMP based PSMF is equal to the that of conventional polymer PSP. The pressure distribution on the solid surface interacting with supersonic free-jet can be measured with PSMF composed of PtMP. This indicates that the PSMF is feasible to measure the pressure in high Knudsen number flows such as micro-flows.


  • Discussion on luminescent intensity of pressure sensitive paint

    Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yu Matsuda, Hideo Mori, Tomohide Niimi

    2007 Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference - HT 2007   1   87 - 90  2007  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) is very useful and easy way to obtain the pressure distribution on surfaces. Therefore the PSP has been adopted to various flow fields to obtain pressure distributions, showing good agreement with other methods, such as a pressure tap. Many kinds of flow fields have been used in the manufacturing process, like small scale, low pressure and/or high speed flows
    for example, semiconductor manufacturing processes where a mean free path of gas molecules is large, and micro-/nano-systems where a characteristic length is small. Recently the PSP is applied to these high Knudsen number flows. Usually it is considered that the luminescent of the PSP represents the surface pressure, but it is not clear yet that this "pressure" means "static" or "total" pressure. The PSP is considered to be in the boundary layer, leading to the local equilibrium of oxygen molecular density between in the gas phase and in the PSP is achieved. This becomes a large problem especially in the high Knudsen number regime. The mechanism of the PSP has been mainly discussed focused on the luminescence intensity and the oxygen quenching of luminescent molecules. Here, in this study, we tried to relate the flux of oxygen molecules and the surface pressure to the luminescence intensity of the PSP, and clarify the limit of application from the molecular kinetics point of view. The main target of this problem was in the high Knudsen number and the high Mach number flow fields. Copyright © 2007 by ASME.


  • Development of pressure sensitive molecular film suitable for measurement in high Knudsen number flows

    Hideo Mori, Yu Matsuda, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yoshiki Sakazaki, Toru Uchida, Tomohide Niimi


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    Pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique is based on the interaction of oxygen molecules with luminescent molecules, and it seems suitable for analyses of high Knudsen number flows which require diagnostic tools in the molecular level. However, application of the PSP technique to micro-devices is still very difficult because of the thickness of PSP layers of the order of microns and the aggregation of luminescent molecules caused by the "painting" methods. To resolve the problems of ordinary PSPs mentioned above, we adopt the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) method to fabricate pressure sensitive molecular films (PSMFs) having nanometer order thickness. The fundamental properties of the PSMFs such as the pressure sensitivity and the surface roughness are examined, to evaluate the feasibility of the PSMF technique for pressure measurement around micro-devices. A PSMF based on palladium(II) mesoporphyrin DC shows high pressure sensitivity in low pressure regime, while a PSMF based on platinum(II) mesoporphyrin IX is optimum for atmospheric pressure. It is also clarified that the PSMFs do not degrade the roughness of solid surfaces. The results indicate the feasibility of the PSMF technique for pressure measurement in high Knudsen number flows such as micro flows.

  • Discussion on Luminescent Intensity of Pressure Sensitive Paint in High Knudsen Number Flow

    YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide

    日本流体力学会年会講演論文集   2007   98 - 98  2007

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    The Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) is very useful and easy way to obtain the pressure distribution on surfaces. The pressure distribution obtained by the paint shows good agreement with that by other methods, like a pressure tap. Recently, the paint has been adopted to the high Knudsen number regime. The mechanism of the PSP is mainly discussed within the framwork of the luminescence intensity and the oxygen quenching, while it is unclear that luminescence intensity is really proportional to the pressure, especially in the high Knudsen number regime. Usually it is considered that the luminescent represents a pressure, but it is not clear yet that this &quot;pressure&quot; means &quot;static&quot; or &quot;total&quot; pressure. Here, in this study, we tried to relate the flux of oxygen molecules and a pressure to the luminescence intensity, and clarify the limit of application from the molecular kinetics point of view.


  • 1310 Discussion on Application of Pressure Sensitive Paint in High Knudsen Number Flow(2)

    YAMAGUCHI Hiroki, MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference   2007 ( 0 ) _1310 - 1_-_1310-4_  2007

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    Pressure sensitive paints are widely used in many applications. The pressure distribution on surfaces obtained by the paint shows good agreement with that by other methods, like a pressure tap. Recently, the paint has been adopted to high Knudsen number flows, such as rarefied gas flows and micro/nano flows. The mechanism of the paint is based on the oxygen quenching of luminescent molecules in the paint. Usually the static pressure is inversely proportional to the luminescent intensity of the paint, because of the static gas condition. In high Knudesen number flows, it is not clear whether this relation holds or not. Here, in this study, we tried to relate the number flux of oxygen molecules and the pressures to the luminescence intensity, and clarify the limit of application in high Knudsen number flows.


  • Development and assessment of an ordered molecular film PSP

    MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide, UENISHI Hiroyuki, SAKAZAKI Yoshiki

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl.   26 ( 1 ) 205 - 206  2006.07

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of pressure sensitive molecular film as a measurement technique for microand nano-devices

    Hideo Mori, Yu Matsuda, Tomohide Niimi, Hiroyuki Uenishi, Yoshiki Sakazaki


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    Gas flows in micro- and nano-systems having high Knudsen number must be treated as molecular flows, and experimental analyses of thermo-fluid phenomena in micro- and nano-systems need measurement techniques employing "molecular sensors". However, such measurement techniques are behind in development compared with molecular simulation techniques for numerical analyses. Pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique is based on the interaction of oxygen molecules with luminescent molecules, and it seems suitable for analyses of high Knudsen number flows, which require diagnostic tools in the molecular level. In this study, we fabricate pressure sensitive molecular films (PSMF) with very small thickness based on the PSP technique and the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film technique. It is clarified that the PSMF composed of palladium (II) mesoporphyrin IX (PdMP) as a luminophore and arachidic acid as a buffer has comparable pressure sensitivity with conventional PSPs in low pressure regime with high Knudsen number, even if the amount of the luminescent molecules in the PSMF layer is much smaller than that in conventional PSPs. The results indicate the feasibility of PSMF technique for pressure measurement in high Knudsen number flows such as micro flows.

  • AM06-20-006 Application of pressure sensitive molecular film and its assessment

    Matsuda Yu, Mori Hideo, Niimi Tomohide, Uenishi Hiroyuki, Sakazaki Yoshiki

    日本流体力学会年会講演論文集   2006   296 - 296  2006

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    To measure pressure distribution in high Knudsen number regimes, we have adopted a pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique, because the PSP works as a so-called &quot;molecular sensor&quot;. However, application of the PSP to micro-devices is very difficult because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to the use of polymer binder. Moreover, they have not sufficient spatial resolution for pressure measurement of micro-flows because of the aggregation of luminescent molecules in polymer binders. In our past work, we have adopted Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique to fabricate pressure sensitive molecular films (PSMFs) using Pd(II) Mesoporphyrin IX (PdMP) to resolve the problems of ordinary PSPs mentioned above. However the luminescent intensity of PSMF is low, leading to low SN ratio because the amount of luminescent molecules in the layer is small. In this study, we have applied localized surface plasmon resonance to increase luminescent intensity of PSMF and have tested PSMFs to evaluate the feasibility of the pressure measurement around the micro-devices. A PSMF with nanometer order thickness and high spatial resolution is suitable for analyses of micro-flow.


  • Application of pressure sensitive luminophores for micro- and nano-systems

    Matsuda Yu, Hideo Mori, Tomohide Niimi, Hiroyuki Uenishi, Madoka Hirako

    Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Eighth Symposium on Micro- and Nano-Mechatronics for Information-Based Society - The 21st Century COE Progr   2005   267 - 272  2005  [Refereed]

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    Experimental analyses of thermo-fluid phenomena of micro- and nano-flows with high Knudsen number need the measurement techniques based on interaction of atoms or molecules with photons. The pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique has the capability to be applied to high Knudsen number flows, such as micro-flows and low density gas flows. In this study, to inspect the feasibility of PSP for measurement of pressure on a solid surface in high Knudsen number flows, fundamental properties of PSPs are examined especially in the range of pressure below 1 Torr. As an application of PSP to measurement in high Knudsen number conditions, the pressure distribution on a jet-impinging small solid surface is measured. However, application of the PSP technique to a micro-system is very difficult, because of large thickness of conventional PSPs. Therefore, we have adopted Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) method to fabricate a pressure sensitive molecular film (PSMF) applicable to pressure measurement around micro/nano devices. Finally, the dependence of luminescence intensity of PSP on the molecular number flux onto the solid surface is discussed, because molecular number flux is an important quantity to analyze the interaction between high Knudsen number flows and solid surfaces.


  • 922 Analysis of PSP in High Knudsen Number Regime

    MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide, HIRAKO Madoka, UENISHI Hiroyuki, MATSUDA Yu

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2005 ( 0 ) 81 - 82  2005

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    The pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique has the capability to be applied to high Knudsen number flows, such as low density gas flows, micro-flows, and so on. However, applications of the PSP technique to micro/nanodevices have never been reported, because of the thickness of the conventional PSPs and of the low resolution caused by the aggregation of luminescent molecules. In this study, we have constructed ultrathin PSP films for micro/nanodevices by the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique. Two luminophores are examined to select the suitable one for LB-PSP. Moreover, the dependence of luminescence intensity and oxygen sensitivity of the LB-PSP on the number of the layer is clarified.

    DOI CiNii

  • G205 Development and assessment of a molecular film PSP

    MATSUDA Yu, MORI Hideo, NIIMI Tomohide, UENISHI Hiroyuki, HIRAKO Madoka

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference   2005 ( 0 ) 292 - 292  2005


  • AM05-06-008 Application of Molecular Film PSP and its Assessment

    Matsuda Yu, Mori Hideo, Niimi Tomohide, Uenishi Hiroyuki, Hirako Madoka

    日本流体力学会年会講演論文集   2005   102 - 102  2005

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    The pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique has the potential as a diagnostic tool for measurements in the high Knudsen number regime because it works as a so-called &quot;molecular sensor&quot;. However, application of the PSP technique to micro-systems has never been reported because the conventional PSP is too thick owing to the use of polymer binder. We constructed PSP molecular films, using Pd(II) Octaethylporphine (PdOEP) and an amphiphilic palladium metal complex, and have examined these PSP molecular films to evaluate the possibility of application to the measurement of micro flow. It is found that the latter PSP molecular film has sufficient sensitivity in the low pressure region with high Knudsen number, even if the amount of the luminescent molecules in PSP molecular film layer is smaller than that in conventional PSP. This indicates that the PSP molecular film is feasible to measure the pressure in high Knudsen number flow such as micro flows.


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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering

Research Institute

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    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 単一粒子計測法を用いた熱物性計測手法の開発と応用


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    多孔質材料は、触媒やフィルターとして非常に広範な工業製品において利用されている。多孔質体内では、分子やナノスケールの粒子が孔内で壁面に吸着したり、孔内を熱運動したりしており、より機能に優れた材料の開発には、これらの粒子の運動を直接計測し解析することが有効なアプローチのひとつと考えられる。そこで本研究では、単一粒子計測法(Single-Particle Tracking; SPT)により多孔質体内でのナノ粒子挙動の直接計測を実施した。本研究ではまず、画像のSN(signal-to-noise)比を高くしてナノ粒子運動を計測するためにナノ粒子の選定、さらには数密度の調整を行った。MPT計測の結果、多孔質体内でのナノ粒子の拡散係数はバルク溶液中に比べ大きく低下することを確認した。また多孔質体内でのナノ粒子運動は、通常のブラウン運動に近いものから、表面壁へ吸着したものまで多様な形態をとり、これに応じて拡散係数の分布も非常に広くなった。また得られたデータを統計解析することで特異な拡散挙動を示していることを定量的に示した。

  • 感圧・感温塗料計測法の高精度化に向けた研究


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    感圧・感温塗料(Pressure-/Temperature-Sensitive Paint; PSP/TSP)計測法は,蛍光・りん光分子の酸素消光あるいは熱消光作用を利用した圧力・温度分布計測法である.PSP/TSPでは,これらの色素分子を含んだ塗膜を計測対象に塗布し,これを光励起・発光させ,その発光強度の変化をカメラ撮影することで,物体表面の圧力・温度分布計測を流れ場に対して非侵襲に計測できる.圧力や温度といったスカラー量を非侵襲に分布計測できる手法は他になく,近年非常に注目を集めている計測法である.一方で,カメラ撮影することから,撮影の露光時間が短くなる,PSP/TSPの発光強度変化量が小さくなるような条件においては,計測量がカメラノイズと同程度になるという問題点がある.そのため,このようなノイズが多量に含まれた計測データの中から,興味のある信号を取り出す手法が重要となる.著者らはこれまで計測データのモード分解とスパースモデリングの枠組みを用いることでノイズ除去を行う手法を提案してきた.すなわち,流れ場の時系列データから特異値分解を行うことで,流れ場を空間モードとその時間変化の重ね合わせとして表現する.このとき,高次の空間モードにはノイズが多く含まれることから,高次のモードを除いて元のデータを再構成することでノイズを低減することが期待できる.しかし,再構成にあたって使用するモードを客観的な手法で選択する手法が無かったために,著者らはスパースモデリングを用いることで数理的に使用するモードを選択する手法を提案していた.今年度は,この手法についてさらなる改良を試みた.具体的には,計測データを特異値分解した際に現れる時間変化を表す項を使用していなかったため,これを含めることでさらなる改善を期待した.具体的には時間変化を表す項の解析にマルチチャンネル特異スペクトル解析を適用し,時間変化に関しても滑らかさを要求する.これを上述の手法に組み入れることで,空間モードと時間変化を適切に考慮した手法とした.本研究では,これを実際の計測データに適用しその有効性を確認した.

  • 感圧塗料計測法の高精度化に向けた研究


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  • 寿命法による感圧・感温塗料計測法の研究


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  • 感圧塗料計測法の高精度化に関する研究


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  • 単一分子計測法によるPDMS硬化過程のミクロスケールアナリシスス


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  • 感温塗料による強制対流沸騰場の気泡・温度同時計測手法の開発


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  • インクジェット電気回路プリント技術を活用した紙流体チップの高機能化


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