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ナカハシ ワタル
中橋 渉
社会科学総合学術院 社会科学部


  • 2020年04月

    早稲田大学   社会科学総合学術院(社会科学部)   准教授

  • 2018年04月

    早稲田大学   社会科学総合学術院(社会科学部)   講師(専任)

  • 2013年10月

    総合研究大学院大学   先導科学研究科   特別研究員

  • 2013年04月

    琉球大学大学院   医学研究科   ポスドク研究員

  • 2009年01月

    明治大学   研究・知財戦略機構   研究推進員

  • 2007年10月

    東京大学大学院   理学系研究科生物科学専攻   大学院研究生



  • 2004年04月

    東京大学大学院   理学系研究科   生物科学専攻博士課程  

  • 2002年04月

    東京大学大学院   理学系研究科   生物科学専攻修士課程  

  • 1998年04月

    東京大学   理学部   生物学科人類学課程  

  • 1996年04月

    東京大学   教養学部   理科二類  











  • 自然人類学 / 生態学、環境学


  • 数理モデル

  • 人類進化

  • 理論人類学

  • 自然人類学

  • 遺伝子文化共進化



  • Cultural skill and language: How structuration affects cultural evolution

    Wataru Nakahashi

    Journal of Theoretical Biology   471   13 - 21  2019年03月  [査読有り]



  • Estimating hominid life history: the critical interbirth interval

    Wataru Nakahashi, Shiro Horiuchi, Yasuo Ihara

    Population Ecology   60 ( 1-2 ) 127 - 142  2018年04月  [査読有り]


    Unlike any great apes, humans have expanded into a wide variety of habitats during the course of evolution, beginning with the transition by australopithecines from forest to savanna habitation. Novel environments are likely to have imposed hominids a demographic challenge due to such factors as higher predation risk and scarcer food resources. In fact, recent studies have found a paucity of older relative to younger adults in hominid fossil remains, indicating considerably high adult mortality in australopithecines, early Homo, and Neanderthals. It is not clear to date why only human ancestors among all hominoid species could survive in these harsh environments. In this paper, we explore the possibility that hominids had shorter interbirth intervals to enhance fertility than the extant apes. To infer interbirth intervals in fossil hominids, we introduce the notion of the critical interbirth interval, or the threshold length of birth spacing above which a population is expected to go to extinction. We develop a new method to obtain the critical interbirth intervals of hominids based on the observed ratios of older adults to all adults in fossil samples. Our analysis suggests that the critical interbirth intervals of australopithecines, early Homo, and Neanderthals are significantly shorter than the observed interbirth intervals of extant great apes. We also discuss possible factors that may have caused the evolutionary divergence of hominid life history traits from those of great apes.



  • Evolution of emotional contagion in group-living animals

    Wataru Nakahashi, Hisashi Ohtsuki

    Journal of Theoretical Biology   440   12 - 20  2018年03月  [査読有り]


    Emotional contagion refers to an instantaneous matching of an emotional state between a subject and an object. It is believed to form one of the bases of empathy and it causes consistent group behavior in many animals. However, how this emotional process relates to group size remains unclear. Individuals with the ability of emotional contagion can instantaneously copy the emotion of another group member and can take relevant behavior driven by this emotion, but this would entail both cost and benefit to them because the behavior can be either appropriate or inappropriate depending on the situation. For example, emotional contagion may help them escape from a predator but sometimes induce mass panic. We theoretically study how these two aspects of emotional contagion affect its evolution in group-living animals. We consider a situation where an environmental cue sometimes indicates a serious event and individuals have to make a decision whether to react to them. We show that, as the group size increases, individuals with the ability of emotional contagion would evolutionarily weaken their sensitivity to environmental cues. We also show that a larger group yields a larger benefit to them through such evolutionary change. However, larger group size prevents the invasion of mutants with the ability of emotional contagion into the population of residents who react to environmental cues independently of other group members. These results provide important suggestions on the evolutionary relationship between emotional contagion and group living.



  • Cultural sexual selection in monogamous human populations

    Wataru Nakahashi

    ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE   4 ( 6 ) 160946  2017年06月  [査読有り]


    In humans, both sexes sometimes show peculiar mating preferences that do not appear to increase their fitness either directly or indirectly. As humans may transmit their preferences and target culturally, and these may be artificially modifiable, I develop theoretical models where a preference and/or a trait are culturally transmitted with a restriction of the trait modification. I assume a monogamous population where some individuals fail to find a mate, and this affects the preference and the trait in the next time step. I show that a strong aversion to, or high tolerance of, failed individuals are necessary for the evolution of irrational preferences that neither seek good genes nor any direct benefit. This evolution is more likely to occur when the preference and/or the trait are cultural rather than genetic. These results may partly explain why humans sometimes show mating preferences for exaggerated physical and cultural traits.



  • The effect of trauma on Neanderthal culture: A mathematical analysis

    W. Nakahashi

    HOMO-JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE HUMAN BIOLOGY   68 ( 2 ) 83 - 100  2017年  [査読有り]


    Traumatic lesions are often observed in ancient skeletal remains. Since ancient medical technology was immature, severely traumatized individuals may have frequently lost the physical ability for cultural skills that demand complex body movements. I develop a mathematical model to analyze the effect of trauma on cultural transmission and apply it to Neanderthal culture using Neanderthal fossil data. I estimate from the data that the proportion of adult individuals who suffered traumatic injuries before death was approximately 0.79-0.94, in which 0.37-0.52 were injured severely and 0.13-0.19 were injured before adulthood. Assuming that every severely traumatized individual and a quarter to a half of the other traumatized individuals lost the capacity for a cultural skill that demands complex control of the traumatized body part, I estimate that if an upper limb is associated with a cultural skill, each individual had to communicate closely with at least 1.5-2.6 individuals during adulthood to maintain the skill in Neanderthal society, and if a whole body is associated, at least 3.1-11.5 individuals were necessary. If cultural transmissions between experts and novices were inaccurate, or if low frequency skills easily disappeared from the population due to random drift, more communicable individuals were necessary. Since the community size of Neanderthals was very small, their high risk of injury may have inhibited the spread of technically difficult cultural skills in their society. It may be important to take this inhibition into consideration when we study Neanderthal culture and the replacement of Neanderthals by modern humans. (C) 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.



  • Coevolution of female ovulatory signals and male–male competition in primates

    Wataru Nakahashi

    Journal of Theoretical Biology   392   12 - 22  2016年03月  [査読有り]



  • When is emotional contagion adaptive?

    Wataru Nakahashi, Hisashi Ohtsuki

    JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY   380   480 - 488  2015年09月  [査読有り]


    Empathy plays an important role in animal social behavior. Since emotional contagion forms one of the bases of empathy, here we study conditions for emotional contagion to be adaptive, compared with other behavioral rules such as behavioral mimicry. We consider the situation where the focal individual (=observer) reacts to a behavior of another individual (=demonstrator). By emotional contagion one spontaneously copies the emotional state of the demonstrator and takes a behavior driven by that emotion. By behavioral mimicry, in contrast, one copies the behavior of the demonstrator itself. Through mathematical models we show that emotional contagion is adaptive when the environmental similarity between the demonstrator and the observer is intermediate. The advantage of adopting emotional contagion over behavioral mimicry increases when observing others' behavior is difficult or cognitively demanding. We show that emotional contagion is often a more flexible strategy than behavioral mimicry in order to cope with the living environment. In other words, emotional contagion often works as a better social learning strategy. These results suggest some ecological conditions that would favor the evolution of emotional contagion, and give a part of the explanations of why emotional contagion is frequently observed in group-living animals. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • The evolution of culturally transmitted teaching behavior

    Wataru Nakahashi

    Learning Strategies and Cultural Evolution During the Palaeolithic     23 - 33  2015年01月  [査読有り]


    The replacement of Neanderthals by modern humans may possibly have been influenced by the different cultural transmission mechanisms of the two hominins. Since teaching is widespread in modern human societies, but extremely rare in animals, it may have played an important role in human cultural evolution. In modern humans, how and whom to teach may, in part, be transmitted culturally. Therefore, in this paper, I develop a cultural transmission model of teaching. I show that even when costly, teaching can evolve provided that teachers transmit their cultural traits more actively than non-teachers. Teaching is more likely to evolve when the cost of social learning is low relative to individual learning, social learning is accurate, the environment is stable, and the effect of teaching is extensive. Under certain conditions, two states, existence and non-existence of teaching in the population, are evolutionarily stable (bistable).When this happens, social learning is sometimesmaintained by teaching under unstable environments where social learning cannot exist without teaching. Differences in subsistence strategy and group structure between Neanderthals and modern humans may have affected the evolution of the teaching behaviors of the two hominins.



  • The effect of cultural interaction on cumulative cultural evolution

    Wataru Nakahashi

    JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY   352   6 - 15  2014年07月  [査読有り]


    Cultural transmission and cultural evolution are important for animals, especially for humans. I developed a new analytical model of cultural evolution, in which each newborn learns cultural traits from multiple individuals (exemplars) in parental generation, individually explores around learned cultural traits, judges the utility of known cultural traits, and adopts a mature cultural trait. Cultural evolutionary speed increases when individuals explore a wider range of cultural traits, accurately judge the skill level of cultural traits (strong direct bias), do not strongly conform to the population mean, increase the exploration range according to the variety of socially learned cultural traits (condition dependent exploration), and make smaller errors in social learning. Number of exemplars, population size, similarity of cultural traits between exemplars, and one-to-many transmission have little effect on cultural evolutionary speed. I also investigated how cultural interaction between two populations with different mean skill levels affects their cultural evolution. A population sometimes increases in skill level more if it encounters a less skilled population than if it does not encounter anyone. A less skilled population sometimes exceeds a more skilled population in skill level by cultural interaction between both populations. The appropriateness of this analytical method is confirmed by individual-based simulations. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Evolution of division of labor: Emergence of different activities among group members

    Wataru Nakahashi, Marcus W. Feldman

    JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY   348   65 - 79  2014年05月  [査読有り]


    The division of labor is an important component of the organization of human society. However, why this division evolved in hominids requires further investigation. Archeological evidence suggests that it appeared after the emergence of Homo sapiens and contributed to the great success of our species. We develop a mathematical model to investigate under what conditions division of labor should evolve. We assume two types of resources the acquisition of which demands different skills, and study the evolution of the strategy that an individual should use to divide its lifetime into learning and using each skill. We show that division of labor likely evolves when group size is large, skill learning is important for acquiring resources, and there is food sharing within a group. We also investigate division of labor by gender under the assumption that the genders have different efficiencies in acquiring each resource. We show that division of labor by gender likely evolves when skill learning is important and the difference in efficiencies between genders in acquiring resources is large. We discuss how the results of our analysis might apply to the evolution of division of labor in hominids. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Evolution of improvement and cumulative culture

    Wataru Nakahashi

    THEORETICAL POPULATION BIOLOGY   83   30 - 38  2013年02月  [査読有り]


    Humans have created highly developed cultures, brought about by iterative improvements in technology. Using a mathematical model, I investigated the conditions under which cultural traits tend to be improved for a higher level of culture to evolve. In the model, I consider three ways of learning: individual learning, simple social learning, and improvements of socially learned cultural traits (social improvement). I obtain the evolutionarily stable number of cultural traits acquired through each way of learning. I show that organisms improve many socially learned cultural traits under the following conditions: (1) environmental stability is intermediate; (2) the environment is severe; (3) the success rate of individual learning is high; (4) the utility of cultural traits acquired by individual learning is large; (5) the accuracy of social learning is high; and (6) the increase in the utility of beneficial cultural traits attained by social improvement is large. I also show that when organisms have greater ability for social improvement, the average utility of the beneficial cultural trait increases, the proportion of beneficial cultural traits among all cultural traits decreases, and the total number of cultural traits acquired by the three ways of learning is constant. These results shed light on the origins of human cumulative culture. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Cultural Evolution and Learning Strategies in Hominids

    Wataru Nakahashi

    Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans Volume 1     245 - 254  2013年  [査読有り]


  • A Mathematical Model of Cultural Interactions Between Modern and Archaic Humans

    Wataru Nakahashi

    Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans Volume 1     255 - 263  2013年  [査読有り]


  • Adaptive Social Learning Strategies in Temporally and Spatially Varying Environments How Temporal vs. Spatial Variation, Number of Cultural Traits, and Costs of Learning Influence the Evolution of Conformist-Biased Transmission, Payoff-Biased Transmission, and Individual Learning

    Wataru Nakahashi, Joe Yuichiro Wakano, Joseph Henrich



    Long before the origins of agriculture human ancestors had expanded across the globe into an immense variety of environments, from Australian deserts to Siberian tundra. Survival in these environments did not principally depend on genetic adaptations, but instead on evolved learning strategies that permitted the assembly of locally adaptive behavioral repertoires. To develop hypotheses about these learning strategies, we have modeled the evolution of learning strategies to assess what conditions and constraints favor which kinds of strategies. To build on prior work, we focus on clarifying how spatial variability, temporal variability, and the number of cultural traits influence the evolution of four types of strategies: (1) individual learning, (2) unbiased social learning, (3) payoff-biased social learning, and (4) conformist transmission. Using a combination of analytic and simulation methods, we show that spatial-but not temporal-variation strongly favors the emergence of conformist transmission. This effect intensifies when migration rates are relatively high and individual learning is costly. We also show that increasing the number of cultural traits above two favors the evolution of conformist transmission, which suggests that the assumption of only two traits in many models has been conservative. We close by discussing how (1) spatial variability represents only one way of introducing the low-level, nonadaptive phenotypic trait variation that so favors conformist transmission, the other obvious way being learning errors, and (2) our findings apply to the evolution of conformist transmission in social interactions. Throughout we emphasize how our models generate empirical predictions suitable for laboratory testing.



  • Evolution of ape and human mating systems

    Wataru Nakahashi, Shiro Horiuchi

    JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY   296   56 - 64  2012年03月  [査読有り]


    Humans (Homo sapiens) generally form multiple-male-multiple-female groups that include multiple family units. This social structure is maintained because dominant males do not monopolize females and, thus, allow subordinate males to mate, and human females are not generally promiscuous. Although apes show great variation in mating systems, the human-type mating system is unique among primates. The mating systems of apes and humans have evolved in response to their adaptation to different ecological conditions. We created and analyzed a mathematical model to investigate the conditions for each type of mating system to evolve. We focused on the mating strategy of alpha males and the mating and grouping strategies of females. We defined the human-type mating system as one with multiple-male-multiple-female groups in which alpha males do not monopolize females and females are not promiscuous. We demonstrated that the human-type mating system could evolve when a large group is advantageous and the cost of female promiscuity is great. Moreover, the human- and Pan-type mating systems can be bistable. Our results shed light on the origin of the human family. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Evolution of learning capacities and learning levels

    Wataru Nakahashi

    THEORETICAL POPULATION BIOLOGY   78 ( 3 ) 211 - 224  2010年11月  [査読有り]


    Humans strongly depend on individual and social learning, both of which are highly effective and accurate. I study the effects of environmental change on the evolution of the effectiveness and accuracy of individual and social learning (individual and social learning levels) and the number of pieces of information learned individually and socially (individual and social learning capacities) by analyzing a mathematical model. I show that individual learning capacity decreases and social learning capacity increases when the environment becomes more stable; both decrease when the environment becomes milder. I also show that individual learning capacity increases when individual learning level increases or social learning level decreases, while social learning capacity increases when individual or social learning level increases. The evolution of high learning levels can be triggered when the environment becomes severe, but a high social learning level can evolve only when a high individual learning level can simultaneously evolve with it. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Evolution of learning in subdivided populations that occupy environmentally heterogeneous sites

    Kenichi Aoki, Wataru Nakahashi

    THEORETICAL POPULATION BIOLOGY   74 ( 4 ) 356 - 368  2008年12月  [査読有り]


    We study the effects of natural selection and migration on the numbers of individual learners and social learners in subdivided populations that occupy environmentally heterogeneous sites. The island model and the circular stepping model each have four classes of globally stable equilibria (fixation of individual learners, polymorphism of individual and social learners, fixation of social learners, and extinction). The linear stepping stone model has an additional class of equilibria, which are characterized by the complete absence of phenotypes adapted to the interior sites. Low and high rates of migration favor social and individual learners, respectively, in all three models. In addition, we use the stepping stone models to study the range expansion of a species, initially confined to one environmentally homogeneous site, into the spatially heterogeneous world. The successive peaks of the transient spatial distributions of the number of individual learners occur at initially empty sites. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Quantitative genetic models of sexual selection by male choice

    Wataru Nakahashi

    THEORETICAL POPULATION BIOLOGY   74 ( 2 ) 167 - 181  2008年09月  [査読有り]


    There are many examples of male mate choice for female traits that tend to be associated with high fertility. I develop quantitative genetic models of a female trait and a male preference to show when such a male preference can evolve. I find that a disagreement between the fertility maximum and the viability maximum of the female trait is necessary for directional male preference (preference for extreme female trait values) to evolve. Moreover, when there is a shortage of available male partners or variance in male nongenetic quality, strong male preference can evolve. Furthermore, I also show that males evolve to exhibit a stronger preference for females that are more feminine (less resemblance to males) than the average female when there is a sexual dimorphism caused by fertility selection which acts only on females. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • The evolution of conformist transmission in social learning when the environment changes periodically

    Wataru Nakahashi

    THEORETICAL POPULATION BIOLOGY   72 ( 1 ) 52 - 66  2007年08月  [査読有り]


    Conformity is often observed in human social learning. Social learners preferentially imitate the majority or most common behavior in many situations, though the strength of conformity varies with the situation. Why has such a psychological tendency evolved? I investigate this problem by extending a standard model of social learning evolution with infinite environmental states (Feldman, M.W., Aoki, K., Kumm, J., 1996. Individual versus social learning: evolutionary analysis in a fluctuating environment. Anthropol. Sci. 104, 209-231) to include conformity bias. I mainly focus on the relationship between the strength of conformity bias that evolves and environmental stability, which is one of the most important factors in the evolution of social learning. Using the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) approach, I show that conformity always evolves when environmental stability and the cost of adopting a wrong behavior are small, though environmental stability and the cost of individual learning both negatively affect the strength of conformity. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.






  • ラエトリの足跡化石を残したのはカップルなのか親子なのか

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    中橋 渉


    アウストラロピテクス・アファレンシス(Australopithecus afarensis)が残したと考えられているラエトリ(Laetoli)の足跡化石をもとに、古人類社会の様相を探究するのが本研究課題の目的である。すなわち、並んで歩く足跡を残した大小2個体の関係性を明らかにすることで、アウストラロピテクス・アファレンシスの体サイズの性的二型の程度や、父親の子育ての有無などについて、重要な知見を得ることが期待できる。そこで、アウストラロピテクス・アファレンシスと最も近縁な現生種であるホモ・サピエンスを対象に、2個体が並んで歩くときの歩行パターンを調べ、どのような関係性の2個体の時に、ラエトリの足跡化石にみられるパターンと類似するのかを調べている。また、世界各地のライブカメラを用いて2個体が並んで歩く時の歩行データを収集することで、地域差(文化差)ではない、ホモ・サピエンスという種自体の特性を探っている。当該年度は、新型コロナウイルス問題の影響で予定通りにデータ収集が進まなかったが、歩いている人々の歩行パターンが解析可能な解像度のライブカメラを調査し、その映像を一部収集した。また、アウストラロピテクスの足化石の形態の分析と、現代人の歩行パターンについての文献調査を行い、ラエトリの足跡化石の足長と歩幅から推定される身長を明らかにし、それによって、どの程度の身長差の2個体のデータをライブカメラの映像から抽出するべきかを考察した。さらに、動画データを解析するためのソフトウェアの使用法を調査し、解析にかかる時間を短縮できるようにした。これらの調査によって、今後のデータ収集と解析が無駄なく行える体制が整った。

  • ヒトの拡散過程の比較生物学的分析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)



    中橋 渉


    ヒト(ホモ・サピエンス)が出ユーラシアを果たし、大繁栄した要因を探るには、ヒトを他種と比較し、その特異性を探る必要がある。例えば拡散の速さがヒトの特異性を示すという通説があるが、昨年度の研究において、侵入生物のデータベース(Global InvasiveSpecies Database)を用いてヒト以外の哺乳動物の拡散過程を調査し、彼らの拡散速度がヒトと比べて決して遅くはないことを示し、その通説が誤りであることを明らかにした。今年度は、ヒトの拡散における地域差の要因を探る研究を行った。すなわち、ホモ・サピエンスの最初の侵入時の年あたりの拡散速度は、ヨーロッパで約0.8km、アジアで約1.5km、アメリカで約13kmと、アメリカで10倍程度に加速しているが(ただし考古データの解釈次第で、多少前後する)、それがなぜかである。通説ではユーラシアにいた旧人(ネアンデルタール人、デニソワ人など)が強敵だった、アメリカ大陸は人類未踏の地だったため容易に獲得できる資源が豊富だった、などと言われているが、数理モデルと考古データを用いた解析から、それらの通説では拡散速度の違いを説明できないことが示された。逆説的に、この点にヒトの特異性の鍵が潜んでいるとも考えられる。このようなヒトの特異性とも関連していると考えられる、社会組織の効率化、不確定状況における行動選考、社会行動を支える因子、などについても研究した。なお一部の研究は指導学生の協力を得て行った。このように、数理モデルを用いて考古データを定量的に分析し、通説の妥当性を検討することは人類進化の研究において極めて重要であり、出ユーラシアプロジェクト全体に対しても大きな示唆を与えるものである。

  • 文化技術の構造から言語進化を探る

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)



    中橋 渉


    昨年度は、言語と文化技術の両方に関与する、構造性を理解し使いこなす能力(本研究では構成能力と呼ぶ)の出現が文化技術の発展に与える影響を数理モデルで研究した。そして、構成能力が生じた場合、個々の技術を積み上げ式で学習する必要のある組み合わせ技術は高度化しないが、並行学習可能な組み合わせ技術は高度化することを示した(Nakahashi 2019)。すなわち考古証拠から、積み上げ学習が必要な組み合わせ技術があまり高度化しないにもかかわらず、並行学習可能な組み合わせ技術が高度化した時期を明らかにできれば、構成能力の出現時期を推測できる。それを踏まえ本年度は、考古証拠をもとに上記2種類の文化技術の発展史を検証した。積み上げ学習が必要な組み合わせ技術の指標としては石器技術を用い、並行学習可能な組み合わせ技術の指標としては分布域の広さを用いた。すると、人類の拡散史における最大の拡散は200万年前頃に起こっているが、石器技術がそのころに激変しているとは到底言えないことが分かった。そしてこの時期以外に石器技術の発展と分布域の拡大に大きな食い違いがある時期は存在しない。このことから、構成能力は200万年前頃に出現したと強く示唆される。当時起こった脳容量の急増がそれと関連していると考えられる。また、構成能力がどのような条件で進化するのかを数理モデルで検討した。さらに、言語能力に関係するといわれる解剖学的特徴について、現生人類と類人猿や古人類でどう相違するかの調査を行った。これらの研究成果について、本研究が属する新学術領域「共創的コミュニケーションのための言語進化学」の開催した研究集会や、日本人類学会大会などの学術集会で発表した。

  • 数理モデルを用いた古人類の生活史の推定

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    中橋 渉, 井原 泰雄, 堀内 史朗



  • 遺伝子文化共進化の数理的研究

    明治大学  現象数理若手プロジェクト



    中橋 渉

  • 家族制の進化の現象数理学

    明治大学  現象数理若手プロジェクト



    中橋 渉

  • 人間特有の現象に対する学習の影響―進化ゲーム理論による分析―

    明治大学  現象数理若手プロジェクト



    中橋 渉







  • 社会科学総合学術院   大学院社会科学研究科