Northwestern University Engineering Department Postdoc
Georgia Institute of Technology School of Psychology Postdoc
Roosevelt University Psychology Department Assistant Professor
2025/03/12 更新
Northwestern University Engineering Department Postdoc
Georgia Institute of Technology School of Psychology Postdoc
Roosevelt University Psychology Department Assistant Professor
University of Central Florida Psychology Department Industrial Organizational Psychology
California State University, San Bernardino Psychology Department Industrial Organizational Psychology
California State University, Stanislaus
Social Networks
The Top Paper Award in the Group Communication Division of the 2015 National Communication Association Conference
2015年 Communication Association Conference
Best Conference Poster Award in INGRoup
2015年 Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research
Annual Graduate Research Forum Best in Social Sciences Award Winner
2008年 University of Central Florida
ICT を介した情報共有で生じる認知的負荷に及ぼすコーディネーションの効果と職務成果への影響
大沼沙樹, 村瀬俊朗
日本経営学会誌 ( 56 ) 16 - 31 2024年08月
Cognitive versatility and adaptation to fluid participation in hospital emergency department teams
Ishani Aggarwal, Anna T. Mayo, Toshio Murase, Evelyn Y. Zhang, Brandy Aven, Anita Williams Woolley
2024年 [査読有り]
Bridging the boundary without sinking the team: Communication, identification, and creativity in multiteam systems.
Asencio, R, Murase, T, Chollet, B, DeChurch, L. A, Zaccaro, S. J
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 27 28 - 49 2023年 [査読有り]
谷口諒, 高田直樹, 村瀬俊朗
経営学会誌 2023年 [査読有り]
大沼沙樹, 秋保亮太, 村瀬俊朗
組織論レビュー 2022年12月 [査読有り]
村瀬俊朗, 王ヘキサン, 鈴木宏治
組織科学 55 ( 1 ) 16 - 30 2021年 [招待有り]
Development and validation of a situational judgement test of Japanese leadership knowledge
Murase, T, Roebuck, A, Takahashi, K
Asia Pacific Business Review 25 227 - 250 2019年
Sequential Synchrony Analysis
Murase, T, Poole, Asencio, R, McDonald, J. D
Group processes: Computational and data driven approaches 2017年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Data Descriptor: Data from a pre-publication independent replication initiative examining ten moral judgement effects
Warren Tierney, Martin Schweinsberg, Jennifer Jordan, Deanna M. Kennedy, Israr Qureshi, S. Amy Sommer, Nico Thornley, Nikhil Madan, Michelangelo Vianello, Eli Awtrey, Luke Lei Zhu, Daniel Diermeier, Justin E. Heinze, Malavika Srinivasan, David Tannenbaum, Eliza Bivolaru, Jason Dana, Clintin P. Davis-Stober, Christilene du Plessis, Quentin F. Gronau, Andrew C. Hafenbrack, Eko Yi Liao, Alexander Ly, Maarten Marsman, Toshio Murase, Michael Schaerer, Christina M. Tworek, Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, Lynn Wong, Tabitha Anderson, Christopher W. Bauman, Wendy L. Bedwell, Victoria Brescoll, Andrew Canavan, Jesse J. Chandler, Erik Cheries, Sapna Cheryan, Felix Cheung, Andrei Cimpian, Mark A. Clark, Diana Cordon, Fiery Cushman, Peter H. Ditto, Alice Amell, Sarah E. Frick, Monica Gamez-Djokic, Rebecca Hofstein Grady, Jesse Graham, Jun Gu, Adam Hahn, Brittany E. Hanson, Nicole J. Hartwich, Kristie Hein, Yoel Inbar, Lily Jiang, Tehlyr Kellogg, Nicole Legate, Timo P. Luoma, Heidi Maibeucher, Peter Meindl, Jennifer Miles, Alexandra Mislin, Daniel C. Molden, Matt Motyl, George Newman, Hoai Huong Ngo, Harvey Packham, P. Scott Ramsay, Jennifer L. Ray, Aaron M. Sackett, Anne-Laure Sellier, Tatiana Sokolova, Walter Sowden, Daniel Storage, Xiaomin Sun, Jay J. Van Bavel, Anthony N. Washburn, Cong Wei, Erik Wetter, Carlos T. Wilson, Sophie-Charlotte Darroux, Eric Luis Uhlmann
SCIENTIFIC DATA 3 2016年10月 [査読有り]
Sequential Analysis of Process
Poole, M. S, Lambert, N. J, Murase, T, McDonald, J. D, Asencio, R
Sage Handbook of Process Organization Studies on Quantitative Sequence Methods 2016年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Information elaboration and team performance: Examining the psychological origins and environmental contingencies
Christian J. Resick, Toshio Murase, Kenneth R. Randall, Leslie A. DeChurch
Collaboration in multiteam systems: The leader and the architect
DeChurch, L.A, Doty, D.A, Murase, T, Jimenez
Collaboration in a Comprehensive Approach to Operations: Effective Collaboration in Joint, Multinational, Multiagency Teams and Staffs 2013年 [査読有り]
Leadership and emergence collective cognition
Murase, T, Resick, C. J, Jiménez, M, Sanz, E, DeChurch, L. A
Theories of team cognition: Cross-disciplinary perspectives 2011年 [査読有り]
Enhancing Helping Behavior in Remote Work: The Role of Awareness, Information-related Capacity, and TMX
Bishan Wang, Toshio Murase
Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup)
発表年月: 2024年07月
Deciphering the Role of Attention in the Acquisition of Meta-knowledge through ESM
Takehiko Murai, Koji Suzuki, Toshio Murase
発表年月: 2024年06月
谷口諒, 高田直樹, 村瀬俊朗
発表年月: 2024年06月
時間に追われ翻弄される職場:上司の時間への緊急感による 部下の疲労感の増加とヘルプ行動の減少
王ヘキサン、柳昂, 村瀬俊朗
発表年月: 2024年06月
陳琦, 唐煜涵, 村瀬俊朗
発表年月: 2024年06月
エンタープライズソーシャルメディアで 知識共有を促進する上での注意の役割を解明する
鈴木 宏治, 村井 健彦, 村瀬 俊朗
発表年月: 2024年06月
陳琦, 村瀬俊朗
発表年月: 2023年06月
王ヘキサン, 村瀬俊朗
発表年月: 2023年06月
副業の参加と本業のパフォーマンスの関係性に関する研究: 資源回復視点と波及理論視点から
陳琦, 村瀬俊朗
発表年月: 2023年06月
機械学習を用いたEnterprise Social Media上での知識活動の特定と役割推定
鈴木宏治, 村井健彦, 村瀬俊朗
発表年月: 2023年06月
鈴木宏治, 村井健彦, 村瀬俊朗
発表年月: 2022年
外部環境に対する認知相違の発生メカニズムの探索 :部門横断的チームでの検証.
王ヘキサン, 大沼沙樹, 秋保亮太, 村瀬俊朗
発表年月: 2022年
秋保亮太, 大沼沙樹, 村瀬俊朗
発表年月: 2020年
デジタル世界での従業員の情報共有ネットワーク ―業績に対する効果的活動の探る―.
村瀬俊朗, 三浦豊史
発表年月: 2020年
秋保亮太, 大沼沙樹, 村瀬俊朗
第22回経営行動科学学会. 立命館大学、大阪、日本.
発表年月: 2019年
村瀬俊朗, 関口倫紀
第22回経営行動科学学会. 立命館大学、大阪、日本.
発表年月: 2019年
村瀬俊朗, 江夏幾多郎, 大沼沙樹
発表年月: 2019年
Unlearning in creative endeavors.
Taniguchi, R, Takada, N, Murase, T
Mirai Seminar 2019, Stockholm, Sweden.
発表年月: 2019年
Investigating the effect of shared cognitive schema of environment on team performance.
Akiho, R, Onuma, S, Murase, T
Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup), Lisbon, Portugal.
発表年月: 2019年
Content and Structure of Compilational Emergent States.
Murase, T, Roebuck, A
Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup), Lisbon, Portugal.
発表年月: 2019年
働き方改革促進におけるエンタープライズ・ソーシャル・メ ディア活用の光と影―組織の効率性に及ぼす影響―.
大沼沙樹, 村瀬俊朗, 田中悟, 趙愛子, 奥秋麗, 池上重輔
第21回経営行動科学学会. 日本大学、東京、日本.
発表年月: 2018年
高坂啓介, 村瀬俊朗, 伊藤泰生
第21回経営行動科学学会. 日本大学、東京、日本.
発表年月: 2018年
The emergence and evolution of leadership in string quartets.
Gatto, N, Murase, T, Hersch, S, Baldwin, N
The annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, CA, USA.
発表年月: 2016年
The effect of synchronization of group processes on multiteam system effectiveness.
Murase, T, Asencio, R, McDonald, J, Poole M.S, DeChurch, L. A, Contractor, N
The annual meeting of National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
発表年月: 2015年
The MyDream Team Builder: A recommender system for assembling & enabling effective teams.
Asencio, R, Huang, Y, DeChurch, L, Contractor, N, Sawant, A, Murase, T
Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup), Philadelphia, PA, USA.
発表年月: 2015年
Searching for team process in behavioral sequences.
Asencio, R, Murase, T, Poole M.S, McDonald, J, DeChurch, L. A, Contractor, N
The annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
発表年月: 2015年
Measuring shared mental models through digital traces of behavior.
Murase, T, Asencio, R, McDonald, J. D, Poole, M. S, DeChurch, L A, Mathieu, J. E, Contractor, N
Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup), Raleigh, NC, USA.
発表年月: 2014年
Understanding network data: the utility of exponential random graph model.
Murase, T
The annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, HI, USA.
発表年月: 2014年
A global perspective on leadership measurement through a cross-cultural lens.
Takahashi, K, Murase, T
The annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, HI, USA.
発表年月: 2014年
What is your leadership score? A leadership situational judgment test.
Murase, T, Takahashi, K, Ikari, K, Ono, Y, Hattori, Y
The annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, HI, USA.
発表年月: 2014年
Managing multiple embeddedness and the development of shared cognition in Multiteam Systems.
Murase, T, Asencio, R, DeChurch, L. A, Chollet, B, Zaccaro, S. J
The Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Orlando, FL, USA.
発表年月: 2013年
The effect of embeddedness in multiple contexts on shared MTS cognition.
DeChurch, L. A, Asencio, R, Murase, T, Zaccaro, J
The Annual Meeting of Sunbelt XXXIII, Hamburg, Germany.
発表年月: 2013年
Teams are becoming complex: Time to think networks.
Murase, T
The Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Houston, Texas, USA.
発表年月: 2013年
Innovation in cross-functional multiteam systems.
Asencio, R, Murase, T, DeChurch, L. A, Chollet, B, Zaccaro, S. J
The Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Houston, Texas, USA.
発表年月: 2013年
Exploring homophily-heterophily effects of motivational states on cooperation and conflict in teams.
Murase, T, Doty, D, Resick, C. J, Kwan, H. K, Shao, P
The Annual Meeting of INGroup, Chicago, IL, USA.
発表年月: 2012年
Measuring behavioral process of complex teams under compilational models.
Murase, T, DeChurch, A. L, Darling, B, Ramsay, S
The Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Boston, MA, USA.
発表年月: 2012年
Cooperation or conflict? Relational implications of goal striving in teams.
Resick, C. J, Murase, T, DeChurch, L. A, Doty, D, Kwan, H. K, Shao, P
The Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Boston, MA, USA.
発表年月: 2012年
DeChurch, L.A., Murase, T., Wax, A.,& Contractor, N. S.
The origins, consequences of relational pluralism in, multiteam systems
The Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
発表年月: 2012年
Dissecting complex team processes using network analysis: the relation between attributes, faultlines, emergent states, and performance.
Wax, A, DeChurch, L. A, Murase, T, Contractor, N. S
The Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, CA, USA.
発表年月: 2012年
In the eye of the follower: The impact of follower personality on reactions to leader behavior.
Seely, P. W, Wax, A, DeChurch, L, Murase, T
he annual meeting of;he;Society for Industrial;Organizational Psychology;San Diego;CA, USA
発表年月: 2012年
Dissecting complex team processes using network analysis: The relation between attributes, faultlines, emergent states, and performance.
Wax, A, Jiménez, M, Murase, T, DeChurch, L
Management & Social Networks, Geneva.
発表年月: 2012年
A hypergraph approach to understanding the assembly of scientific research teams.
Lungeanu, A, Murase, T, Carter, D. R, Contactor, N
the Annual Meeting of Sunbelt XXXII, Redondo Beach, CA, USA.
発表年月: 2012年
The Impact of virtuality on team effectiveness: a meta-analytic integration.
DeChurch, L. A, Mesmer-Magnus, J. R, Seely, P, Murase, T, Cooke, E
The Annual Meeting of Academy of Management.
発表年月: 2011年
Multiteam system effectiveness: leadership, communication, and trust within and between teams.
DeChurch, L.A, Murase, T, Doty, D
The European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, Maastricht, Netherlands.
発表年月: 2011年
Toward a taxonomy of multiteam perspectives.
Murase, T, Doty, D, DeChurch, L. A, Lugo, C
The 26th Annual Meeting of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL, USA.
発表年月: 2011年
The impact of virtuality on team effectiveness: A meta-analytic integration.
Seely, P, Murase, T, DeChurch, L. A, Mesmer-Magnus, L, Cooke, E
The 26th Annual Meeting of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL, USA.
発表年月: 2011年
Leadership arrangement in science teams.
Murase, T, DeChurch, L.A
The 2nd Annual Conference for the Science of Team Science, Chicago, IL, USA.
発表年月: 2011年
Collaboration within and across teams: leadership forms and network structures.
Dechurch, L. A, Doty, D, Murase,T, Jiménez, M, Seely, P, Sanz, E
The Annual Meeting of Sunbelt XXXI, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.
発表年月: 2011年
Doty, D., Murase, T., & DeChurch, A. L.
The rise, fall of leaders in leadership, a network perspective
The Annual Meeting of Sunbelt XXXI, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.
発表年月: 2011年
Bringing the actor back into the network: examining the relative validity of actor attribute-adjusted networks on team performance.
Murase, T, DeChurch, A. L
The Annual Meeting of Sunbelt XXXI, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.
発表年月: 2011年
Detecting changes in teams over time: Network versus traditional metrics.
Doty, D, Murase, T, Sanz, E, Randolph, C, DeChurch, L. A
The Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.
発表年月: 2010年
Leadership across levels: A twenty-year review.
DeChurch, L. A, Hiller, N. J, Murase, T, Doty, D. A, Salas, E
The Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.
発表年月: 2010年
Teams in the 21st century: Progress and perspective for the IPO model.
Murase, T, Sanz, E, Jiménez, M, Benishek, L. E, DeChurch, L. A, Salas, E, Martinez, D
The 4th Annual Conference of INGRoup, DC, USA.
発表年月: 2010年
Examining leadership in complex network environments.
DeChurch, L. A, Resick, C. J, Doty, D. A, Murase, T, Jiménez, M, Burks, S, Mathieu, J
The Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
発表年月: 2010年
Leadership and emergence in organizations: A meta-analysis.
Daniel, D. A, Seely, P, Murase, T, DeChurch, L. A, Hiller, N
The Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
発表年月: 2010年
Trust and information sharing within and across team boundaries.
Jiménez, M, Kison, S, Doty, D.A, Murase, T, Mathieu, J.E, Burke, C.S
The Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, GA, USA.
発表年月: 2010年
Team decision making in uncertain environments;Strategic consensus;collective leadership;elaboration of information
DeChurch, L. A, Resick, C. J, Randall, K. R, Murase, T
The 3rd Conference on Management & Social Networks: Stretching Boundaries, Annecy, France.
発表年月: 2009年
The 20 year summary of USA-based leadership research
Murase, T, Takahashi, K
The Annual Conference of Japanese Industrial Organizational Psychology, Hachinohe, Aomori, Japan.
発表年月: 2009年
The inferential capacity of leadership research: A 20-Year Review.
Murase, T, Hiller, N. J, DeChurch, L. A, Doty, D. A, Kison, S
The Annual Conference of Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, USA.
発表年月: 2009年
Strategic mental model consensus and adaptation in decision-making teams.
Bedwell, W, Sanz, E, Murase, T, Jiménez, M, Resick, C. J, DeChurch, L. A
Annual Conference of the Interdisciplinary Network of Group Researchers, Colorado Springs, CO, USA.
発表年月: 2009年
Elaboration of information and team decision-making effectiveness in uncertain environments.
Resick, C. J, DeChurch, L. A, Randall, K. R, Murase, T, Jiménez, M
The Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, .LA, USA.
発表年月: 2009年
Modeling multiteam dynamics: Using SURREALISM to investigate complex inter-team interactions.
Doty, D. A, Murase, T, Wooten, S, DeChurch, L. A
The Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, .LA, USA.
発表年月: 2009年
A taxonomy of platforms for MTS research: A critical review.
The Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA, USA.
発表年月: 2009年
Understanding the inspirational motivation of transformational leadership and followers’ psychological mechanisms.
Kison, S, Randolph, C, Murase, T
the Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence at University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA.
発表年月: 2009年
Personality, values, and team effectiveness: Examining the role of cognitive motivation.
Murase, T, Jiménez, M, Randall, K. R, Resick, C. J, DeChurch, L. A
The Annual Conference of Academy of Management, L.A., CA, USA.
発表年月: 2008年
The motivational bases of effective teamwork.
Resick, C. J, DeChurch, L. A, Murase, T, Jiménez, M, Randall, K. R
The 3rd Annual Conference of INGRoup, Kansas City, MO, USA.
発表年月: 2008年
Coworker informational work accommodations to family: Scale development and validation.
Mesmer-Magnus, J. R, Murase, T, DeChurch, L. A, Jiménez, M
The Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA, USA.
発表年月: 2008年
Modeling team adaptation: What role does external leader sensemaking play?
Randall, K. R, Resick, C. J, Murase, T, Jiménez, M
The Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA, USA.
発表年月: 2008年
Leadership research methodology: The state of the science.
Murase, T
the Forum for Graduate Student Research at University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA.
発表年月: 2008年
Strategic mental model consensus and adaptation in decision-making teams
Resick, C. J, DeChurch, L. A, Murase, T, Jiménez, M, Headley, G, Perdikogiannis, S
the Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
発表年月: 2007年
Personality and teamwork: Cognitive motivation as a multi-level linking mechanism
Randall, K. R, Murase, T, Resick, C. J, DeChurch, L. A
the Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
発表年月: 2007年
A multilevel investigation of individual differences and group performance
Gilbert J. A, Murase, T
The 86th Annual Convention of Western Psychological Association
発表年月: 2006年
The effects of participative safety and support for innovation on group creativity
Murase, T, Gilbert, J
The 86th Annual Convention of Western Psychological Association
発表年月: 2006年
Relationships among teamwork knowledge skills;abilities;organizational citizenship behavior;he big five;self-monitoring
Kimura, S, Moreno, H, Murase, T, Holforty, J, Wyatt, W
The 17th Annual Convention of American Psychological Society
発表年月: 2005年
Language-specific features and categorization
Chien, Y, Koshino, H, Reimer, J. F, Kimura, S, Murase, T
発表年月: 2005年
イノベーション過程におけるアイデア検証の転換とProhibitive Voiceの関係性の探索
日本学術振興会 基盤研究(B)
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
村瀬 俊朗
村瀬俊朗, 秋保亮太, 王ヘキサン、陳キ
看護教育 2023年 [招待有り]
Psychological Research Methods for Human Computer Interaction
Georgia Institute of Technology
Introduction to Statistics
Roosevelt University
Advanced Research Methods
Roosevelt University
Intermediate Statistics (ANOVA)
Roosevelt University
Teams and Groups
Roosevelt University
Research Methods
Roosevelt University
Social Networks in Organizations
Roosevelt University
産業経営研究所 兼任研究所員
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