2025/02/16 更新


イシムラ コウセイ
石村 康生
理工学術院 創造理工学部
博士(工学) ( 2001年03月 東京大学 )


  • 2018年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院 創造理工学部 総合機械工学科   教授

  • 2010年10月

    東京大学大学院   工学系研究科 航空宇宙工学専攻   准教授(併任)

  • 2008年04月

    国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構   宇宙科学研究所   准教授

  • 2009年04月

    総合研究大学院大学   宇宙科学専攻   准教授(併任)

  • 2004年

    北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科 助教

  • 2001年

    北海道大学大学院工学研究科 助手

  • 1998年

    日本学術振興会 特別研究員 DC1



  • 1998年04月

    東京大学大学院   工学系研究科   航空宇宙工学専攻 博士後期課程  

  • 1996年04月

    東京大学大学院   工学系研究科   航空宇宙工学専攻 博士前期課程  

  • 1992年04月

    京都大学   工学部   航空工学科  


  • 2022年

    宇宙太陽発電学会  理事

  • 2022年04月

    日本航空宇宙学会  広報理事

  • 2020年

    日本機械学会  編集委員会 委員

  • 2017年

    International Symposium on Space Technology and Science  論文編集委員

  • 2016年

    宇宙システム開発利用促進機構  SSPSロードマップ検討専門委員会 委員

  • 2006年

    ISTS  プログラム小委員会 委員

  • 2010年

    日本航空宇宙学会  構造部門委員会 委員,編集委員会 委員

  • 2002年04月

    無人宇宙実験システム研究機構(USEF)  宇宙太陽発電システム実用化技術検討委員会 専門委員会委員等

  • 2006年

    SI2006(第7回計測自動制御学会(SICE)システムインテグレーション部門講演会  現地実行委員会 幹事,実行委員会 幹事委員












  • 航空宇宙工学   構造・機構システム / 機械力学、メカトロニクス / ロボティクス、知能機械システム


  • 構造振動

  • 宇宙構造物工学

  • 高精度構造物

  • 知能機械学

  • 宇宙機力学


  • 技術賞

    2017年04月   日本航空宇宙学会   ASTRO-H衛星搭載の軟X線分光器の世界最高水準エネルギー分光性能実現のための擾乱アイソレート技術  

  • スペースフロンティア

    2017年03月   日本機械学会 宇宙工学部門   ASTRO-H(ひとみ)搭載機器の高精度アライメントの実現  

    受賞者: ASTRO-H「ひとみ」アライメントチーム

  • スペースフロンティア

    2015年03月   日本機械学会 宇宙工学部門   宇宙インフレータブル構造の宇宙実証(SIMPLE)開発/運用  

  • 技術賞

    2014年04月   日本航空宇宙学会   展開型柔構造大気圏突入機の開発と観測ロケット実験による飛行実証  

  • Group Achievement Award

    2014年   NASA   The Astro-H Soft X-ray Telescope Team  

  • 第50回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 若手奨励賞,最優秀論文賞, 大型宇宙システムへのマルチインフレータブルの適用




  • 21st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science Omiya,May 24-31,1998 American Astronautical Society Award of Student Session





  • Design of a Deployable Sandwich Panel Using Shape Memory Polymers

    Ziyue LU, Kosei ISHIMURA, Atsuhiko SENBA

    Journal of Evolving Space Activities   1 ( 27 )  2023年05月  [査読有り]


  • Sensitivity Modeling for LiteBIRD

    T. Hasebe, P. A. R. Ade, A. Adler, E. Allys, D. Alonso, K. Arnold, D. Auguste, J. Aumont, R. Aurlien, J. Austermann, S. Azzoni, C. Baccigalupi, A. J. Banday, R. Banerji, R. B. Barreiro, N. Bartolo, S. Basak, E. Battistelli, L. Bautista, J. Beall, D. Beck, S. Beckman, K. Benabed, J. Bermejo-Ballesteros, M. Bersanelli, J. Bonis, J. Borrill, F. Bouchet, F. Boulanger, S. Bounissou, M. Brilenkov, M. L. Brown, M. Bucher, E. Calabrese, M. Calvo, P. Campeti, A. Carones, F. J. Casas, A. Catalano, A. Challinor, V. Chan, K. Cheung, Y. Chinone, J. Cliche, F. Columbro, W. Coulton, J. Cubas, A. Cukierman, D. Curtis, G. D’Alessandro, K. Dachlythra, P. de Bernardis, T. de Haan, E. de la Hoz, M. De Petris, S. Della Torre, C. Dickinson, P. Diego-Palazuelos, M. Dobbs, T. Dotani, D. Douillet, L. Duband, A. Ducout, S. Duff, J. M. Duval, K. Ebisawa, T. Elleflot, H. K. Eriksen, J. Errard, T. Essinger-Hileman, F. Finelli, R. Flauger, C. Franceschet, U. Fuskeland, S. Galli, M. Galloway, K. Ganga, J. R. Gao, R. T. Genova-Santos, M. Gerbino, M. Gervasi, T. Ghigna, S. Giardiello, E. Gjerløw, M. L. Gradziel, J. Grain, L. Grandsire, F. Grupp, A. Gruppuso, J. E. Gudmundsson, N. W. Halverson, J. Hamilton, P. Hargrave, M. Hasegawa, M. Hattori, M. Hazumi, S. Henrot-Versillé, L. T. Hergt, D. Herman, D. Herranz, C. A. Hill, G. Hilton, E. Hivon, R. A. Hlozek, T. D. Hoang, A. L. Hornsby, Y. Hoshino, J. Hubmayr, K. Ichiki, T. Iida, H. Imada, K. Ishimura, H. Ishino, G. Jaehnig, M. Jones, T. Kaga, S. Kashima, N. Katayama, A. Kato, T. Kawasaki, R. Keskitalo, T. Kisner, Y. Kobayashi, N. Kogiso, A. Kogut, K. Kohri, E. Komatsu, K. Komatsu, K. Konishi, N. Krachmalnicoff, I. Kreykenbohm, C. L. Kuo, A. Kushino, L. Lamagna, J. V. Lanen, G. Laquaniello, M. Lattanzi, A. T. Lee, C. Leloup, F. Levrier, E. Linder, T. Louis, G. Luzzi, J. Macias-Perez, T. Maciaszek, B. Maffei, D. Maino, M. Maki, S. Mandelli, M. Maris, E. Martínez-González, S. Masi, M. Massa, S. Matarrese, F. T. Matsuda, T. Matsumura, L. Mele, A. Mennella, M. Migliaccio, Y. Minami, K. Mitsuda, A. Moggi, A. Monfardini, J. Montgomery, L. Montier, G. Morgante, B. Mot, Y. Murata, J. A. Murphy, M. Nagai, Y. Nagano, T. Nagasaki, R. Nagata, S. Nakamura, R. Nakano, T. Namikawa, F. Nati, P. Natoli, S. Nerval, T. Nishibori, H. Nishino, F. Noviello, C. O’Sullivan, K. Odagiri, H. Ogawa, H. Ogawa, S. Oguri, H. Ohsaki, I. S. Ohta, N. Okada, N. Okada, L. Pagano, A. Paiella, D. Paoletti, A. Passerini, G. Patanchon, V. Pelgrim, J. Peloton, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, G. Pisano, G. Polenta, D. Poletti, T. Prouvé, G. Puglisi, D. Rambaud, C. Raum, S. Realini, M. Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, A. Ritacco, G. Roudil, J. Rubino-Martin, M. Russell, H. Sakurai, Y. Sakurai, M. Sandri, M. Sasaki, G. Savini, D. Scott, J. Seibert, Y. Sekimoto, B. Sherwin, K. Shinozaki, M. Shiraishi, P. Shirron, G. Signorelli, G. Smecher, F. Spinella, S. Stever, R. Stompor, S. Sugiyama, R. Sullivan, A. Suzuki, J. Suzuki, T. L. Svalheim, E. Switzer, R. Takaku, H. Takakura, S. Takakura, Y. Takase, Y. Takeda, A. Tartari, D. Tavagnacco, A. Taylor, E. Taylor, Y. Terao, J. Thermeau, H. Thommesen, K. L. Thompson, B. Thorne, T. Toda, M. Tomasi, M. Tominaga, N. Trappe, M. Tristram, M. Tsuji, M. Tsujimoto, C. Tucker, J. Ullom, L. Vacher, G. Vermeulen, P. Vielva, F. Villa, M. Vissers, N. Vittorio, B. Wandelt, W. Wang, K. Watanuki, I. K. Wehus, J. Weller, B. Westbrook, J. Wilms, B. Winter, E. J. Wollack, N. Y. Yamasaki, T. Yoshida, J. Yumoto, A. Zacchei, M. Zannoni, A. Zonca

    Journal of Low Temperature Physics   211 ( 5-6 ) 384 - 397  2022年12月



  • A broadband x-ray imaging spectroscopy in the 2030s: the FORCE mission

    Koji Mori, Takeshi G. Tsuru, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Yoshihiro Ueda, Shin Watanabe, Takaaki Tanaka, Manabu Ishida, Hironori Matsumoto, Hisamitsu Awaki, Hiroshi Murakami, Masayoshi Nobukawa, Ayaki Takeda, Yasushi Fukazawa, Hiroshi Tsunemi, Tadayuki Takahashi, Ann E. Hornschemeier, Takashi Okajima, William W. Zhang, Brian J. Williams, Tonia Venters, Kristin Madsen, Mihoko Yukita, Hiroki Akamatsu, Aya Bamba, Teruaki Enoto, Yutaka Fujita, Akihiro Furuzawa, Kouichi Hagino, Kosei Ishimura, Masayuki Itoh, Tetsu Kitayama, Shogo B. Kobayashi, Takayoshi Kohmura, Aya Kubota, Misaki Mizumoto, Tsunefumi Mizuno, Hiroshi Nakajima, Kumiko K. Nobukawa, Hirofumi Noda, Hirokazu Odaka, Naomi Ota, Toshiki Sato, Megumi Shidatsu, Hiromasa Suzuki, Hiromitsu Takahashi, Atsushi Tanimoto, Yukikatsu Terada, Yuichi Terashima, Hiroyuki Uchida, Yasunobu Uchiyama, Hiroya Yamaguchi, Yoichi Yatsu

    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray   12181  2022年08月



  • Experimental demonstration of deformable reflector antenna system with high accuracy deformation measurement

    Hiroaki Tanaka, Nozomu Kogiso, Fumika Sakano, Nobuhisa Katsumata, Kenji Yamazaki, Ken Higuchi, Kosei Ishimura, Takashi Iwasa, Naoko Kishimoto, Motoharu Fujigaki, Akihiro Doi, Satomi Nakahara, Yutaka Hasegawa, Yusuke Kono

    Acta Astronautica   194   93 - 105  2022年05月



  • 高精度変位計測装置の大気球環境での機能実証(2021年度飛翔実験)

    石村 康生, 河野 太郎, 鳥阪 綾子, 宮下 朋之, 土居 明広, 山崎 真穂, 安田 優也, 田中 宏明, 小木曽 望, 中尾 達郎, 田村 誠, 水村 好貴, 福家 英之, 小幡 奏天, 山本 晃也

    宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告   21-003   35 - 49  2022年02月  [査読有り]


  • Optical Characterization of OMT-Coupled TES Bolometers for LiteBIRD

    Hubmayr, J., Ade, P.A.R., Adler, A., Allys, E., Alonso, D., Arnold, K., Auguste, D., Aumont, J., Aurlien, R., Austermann, J.E., Azzoni, S., Baccigalupi, C., B, ay, A.J., Banerji, R., Barreiro, R.B., Bartolo, N., Basak, S., Battistelli, E., Bautista, L., Beall, J.A., Beck, D., Beckman, S., Benabed, K., Bermejo-Ballesteros, J., Bersanelli, M., Bonis, J., Borrill, J., Bouchet, F., Boulanger, F., Bounissou, S., Brilenkov, M., Brown, M.L., Bucher, M., Calabrese, E., Calvo, M., Campeti, P., Carones, A., Casas, F.J., Catalano, A., Challinor, A., Chan, V., Cheung, K., Chinone, Y., Chiocchetta, C., Clark, S.E., Clermont, L., Clesse, S., Cliche, J., Columbro, F., Connors, J.A., Coppolecchia, A., Coulton, W., Cubas, J., Cukierman, A., Curtis, D., Cuttaia, F., D?Aless, ro, G., Dachlythra, K., de Bernardis, P., de Haan, T., de la Hoz, E., De Petris, M., Della Torre, S., Daz Garca, J.J., Dickinson, C., Diego-Palazuelos, P., Dobbs, M., Dotani, T., Douillet, D., Doumayrou, E., Dub, , L., Ducout, A., Duff, S.M., Duval, J.M., Ebisawa, K., Elleflot, T., Eriksen, H.K., Errard, J., Essinger-Hileman, T., Farrens, S., Finelli, F., Flauger, R., Fleury-Frenette, K., Franceschet, C., Fuskel, , U., Galli, L., Galli, S., Galloway, M., Ganga, K., Gao, J.R., Genova-Santos, R.T., Georges, M., Gerbino, M., Gervasi, M., Ghigna, T., Giardiello, S., Gjerlw, E., Gonzles, R.G., Gradziel, M.L., Grain, J., Gr, sire, L., Grupp, F., Gruppuso, A., Gudmundsson, J.E., Halverson, N.W., Hamilton, J., Hargrave, P., Hasebe, T., Hasegawa, M., Hattori, M., Hazumi, M., Henrot-Versill, S., Hensley, B., Herman, D., Herranz, D., Hilton, G.C., Hivon, E., Hlozek, R.A., Hoang, D., Hornsby, A.L., Hoshino, Y., Ichiki, K., Iida, T., Ikemoto, T., Imada, H., Ishimura, K., Ishino, H., Jaehnig, G., Jones, M., Kaga, T., Kashima, S., Katayama, N., Kato, A., Kawasaki, T., Keskitalo, R., Kintziger, C., Kisner, T., Kobayashi, Y., Kogiso, N., Kogut, A., Kohri, K., Komatsu, E., Komatsu, K., Konishi, K., Krachmalnicoff, N., Kreykenbohm, I., Kuo, C.L., Kushino, A., Lamagna, L., Lanen, J.V., Laquaniello, G., Lattanzi, M., Lee, A.T., Leloup, C., Levrier, F., Linder, E., Link, M.J., Lonappan, A.I., Louis, T., Luzzi, G., Macias-Perez, J., Maciaszek, T., Maffei, B., Maino, D., Maki, M., M, elli, S., Maris, M., Marquet, B., Martnez-Gonzlez, E., Martire, F.A., Masi, S., Massa, M., Masuzawa, M., Matarrese, S., Matsuda, F.T., Matsumura, T., Mele, L., Mennella, A., Migliaccio, M., Minami, Y., Mitsuda, K., Moggi, A., Monelli, M., Monfardini, A., Montgomery, J., Montier, L., Morgante, G., Mot, B., Murata, Y., Murphy, J.A., Nagai, M., Nagano, Y., Nagasaki, T., Nagata, R., Nakamura, S., Nakano, R., Namikawa, T., Nati, F., Natoli, P., Nerval, S., Neto Godry Farias, N., Nishibori, T., Nishino, H., Noviello, F., O?Neil, G.C., O?Sullivan, C., Odagiri, K., Ochi, H., Ogawa, H., Ogawa, H., Oguri, S., Ohsaki, H., Ohta, I.S., Okada, N., Pagano, L., Paiella, A., Paoletti, D., Pascual Cisneros, G., Passerini, A., Patanchon, G., Pelgrim, V., Peloton, J., Pettorino, V., Piacentini, F., Piat, M., Piccirilli, G., Pinsard, F., Pisano, G., Plesseria, J., Polenta, G., Poletti, D., Prouv, T., Puglisi, G., Rambaud, D., Raum, C., Realini, S., Reinecke, M., Reintsema, C.D., Remazeilles, M., Ritacco, A., Rosier, P., Roudil, G., Rubino-Martin, J., Russell, M., Sakurai, H., Sakurai, Y., S, ri, M., Sasaki, M., Savini, G., Scott, D., Seibert, J., Sekimoto, Y., Sherwin, B., Shinozaki, K., Shiraishi, M., Shirron, P., Shitvov, A., Signorelli, G., Smecher, G., Spinella, F., Starck, J., Stever, S., Stompor, R., Sudiwala, R., Sugiyama, S., Sullivan, R., Suzuki, A., Suzuki, J., Suzuki, T., Svalheim, T.L., Switzer, E., Takaku, R., Takakura, H., Takakura, S., Takase, Y., Takeda, Y., Tartari, A., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A., Taylor, E., Terao, Y., Terenzi, L., Thermeau, J., Thommesen, H., Thompson, K.L., Thorne, B., Toda, T., Tomasi, M., Tominaga, M., Trappe, N., Tristram, M., Tsuji, M., Tsujimoto, M., Tucker, C., Ueki, R., Ullom, J.N., Umemori, K., Vacher, L., Van Lanen, J., Vermeulen, G., Vielva, P., Villa, F., Vissers, M.R., Vittorio, N., W, elt, B., Wang, W., Wehus, I.K., Weller, J., Westbrook, B., Weymann-Despres, G., Wilms, J., Winter, B., Wollack, E.J., Yamasaki, N.Y., Yoshida, T., Yumoto, J., Watanuki, K., Zacchei, A., Zannoni, M., Zonca, A.

    Journal of Low Temperature Physics   209 ( 3-4 )  2022年



  • LiteBIRD satellite: JAXA's new strategic L-class mission for all-sky surveys of cosmic microwave background polarization

    Masashi Hazumi, Peter A. Ade, Alexandre Adler, Erwan Allys, Kam Arnold, Didier Auguste, Jonathan Aumont, Ragnhild Aurlien, Jason Austermann, Carlo Baccigalupi, Anthony J. Banday, R. Banjeri, Rita B. Barreiro, Soumen Basak, Jim Beall, Dominic Beck, Shawn Beckman, Juan Bermejo, Paolo de Bernardis, Marco Bersanelli, Julien Bonis, Julian Borrill, Francois Boulanger, Sophie Bounissou, Maksym Brilenkov, Michael Brown, Martin Bucher, Erminia Calabrese, Paolo Campeti, Alessandro Carones, Francisco J. Casas, Anthony Challinor, Victor Chan, Kolen Cheung, Yuji Chinone, Jean F. Cliche, Loris Colombo, Fabio Columbro, Javier Cubas, Ari Cukierman, David Curtis, Giuseppe D'Alessandro, Nadia Dachlythra, Marco De Petris, Clive Dickinson, Patricia Diego-Palazuelos, Matt Dobbs, Tadayasu Dotani, Lionel Duband, Shannon Duff, Jean M. Duval, Ken Ebisawa, Tucker Elleflot, Hans K. Eriksen, Josquin Errard, Thomas Essinger-Hileman, Fabio Finelli, Raphael Flauger, Cristian Franceschet, Unni Fuskeland, Mathew Galloway, Ken Ganga, Jian R. Gao, Ricardo Genova-Santos, Martina Gerbino, Massimo Gervasi, Tommaso Ghigna, Eirik Gjerløw, Marcin L. Gradziel, Julien Grain, Frank Grupp, Alessandro Gruppuso, Jon E. Gudmundsson, Tijmen de Haan, Nils W. Halverson, Peter Hargrave, Takashi Hasebe, Masaya Hasegawa, Makoto Hattori, Sophie Henrot-Versillé, Daniel Herman, Diego Herranz, Charles A. Hill, Gene Hilton, Yukimasa Hirota, Eric Hivon, Renee A. Hlozek, Yurika Hoshino, Elena de la Hoz, Johannes Hubmayr, Kiyotomo Ichiki, Teruhito Iida, Hiroaki Imada, Kosei Ishimura, Hirokazu Ishino, Greg Jaehnig, Tooru Kaga, Shingo Kashima, Nobuhiko Katayama, Akihiro Kato, Takeo Kawasaki, Reijo Keskitalo, Theodore Kisner, Yohei Kobayashi, Nozomu Kogiso, Alan Kogut, Kazunori Kohri, Eiichiro Komatsu, Kunimoto Komatsu, Kuniaki Konishi, Nicoletta Krachmalnicoff, Ingo Kreykenbohm, Chao-Lin L. Kuo, Akihiro Kushino, Luca Lamagna, Jeff V. Lanen, Massimiliano Lattanzi, Adrian T. Lee, Clément Leloup, François Levrier, Eric Linder, Thibaut Louis, Gemma Luzzi, Thierry Maciaszek, Bruno Maffei, Davide Maino, Muneyoshi Maki, Stefano Mandelli, Enrique Martinez-Gonzalez, Silvia Masi, Tomotake Matsumura, Aniello Mennella, Marina Migliaccio, Yuto Minami, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Joshua Montgomery, Ludovic Montier, Gianluca Morgante, Baptiste Mot, Yasuhiro Murata, John A. Murphy, Makoto Nagai, Yuya Nagano, Taketo Nagasaki, Ryo Nagata, Shogo Nakamura, Toshiya Namikawa, Paolo Natoli, Simran Nerval, Toshiyuki Nishibori, Haruki Nishino, Fabio Noviello, Créidhe O'Sullivan, Hideo Ogawa, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Shugo Oguri, Hiroyuki Ohsaki, Izumi S. Ohta, Norio Okada, Nozomi Okada, Luca Pagano, Alessandro Paiella, Daniela Paoletti, Guillaume Patanchon, Julien Peloton, Francesco Piacentini, Giampaolo Pisano, Gianluca Polenta, Davide Poletti, Thomas Prouvé, Giuseppe Puglisi, Damien Rambaud, Christopher Raum, Sabrina Realini, Martin Reinecke, Mathieu Remazeilles, Alessia Ritacco, Gilles Roudil, Jose A. Rubino-Martin, Megan Russell, Haruyuki Sakurai, Yuki Sakurai, Maura Sandri, Manami Sasaki, Giorgio Savini, Douglas Scott, Joseph Seibert, Yutaro Sekimoto, Blake Sherwin, Keisuke Shinozaki, Maresuke Shiraishi, Peter Shirron, Giovanni Signorelli, Graeme Smecher, Samantha Stever, Radek Stompor, Hajime Sugai, Shinya Sugiyama, Aritoki Suzuki, Junichi Suzuki, Trygve L. Svalheim, Eric Switzer, Ryota Takaku, Hayato Takakura, Satoru Takakura, Yusuke Takase, Youichi Takeda, Andrea Tartari, Ellen Taylor, Yutaka Terao, Harald Thommesen, Keith L. Thompson, Ben Thorne, Takayuki Toda, Maurizio Tomasi, Mayu Tominaga, Neil Trappe, Matthieu Tristram, Masatoshi Tsuji, Masahiro Tsujimoto, Carole Tucker, Joe Ullom, Gerard Vermeulen, Patricio Vielva, Fabrizio Villa, Michael Vissers, Nicola Vittorio, Ingunn Wehus, Jochen Weller, Benjamin Westbrook, Joern Wilms, Berend Winter, Edward J. Wollack, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Tetsuya Yoshida, Junji Yumoto, Mario Zannoni, Andrea Zonca

    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave    2020年12月



  • Concept design of low frequency telescope for CMB B-mode polarization satellite LiteBIRD

    Yutaro Sekimoto, Peter Ade, Alexandre Adler, Erwan Allys, Kam Arnold, Didier Auguste, Jonathan Aumont, Ragnhild Aurlien, Jason Austermann, Carlo Baccigalupi, Anthony Banday, Ranajoy Banerji, Rita Barreiro, Soumen Basak, Jim Beall, Dominic Beck, Shawn Beckman, Juan Bermejo, Paolo de Bernardis, Marco Bersanelli, Julien Bonis, Julian Borrill, Francois Boulanger, Sophie Bounissou, Maksym Brilenkov, Michael Brown, Martin Bucher, Erminia Calabrese, Paolo Campeti, Alessandro Carones, Francisco Casas, Anthony Challinor, Victor Chan, Kolen Cheung, Yuji Chinone, Jean Cliche, Loris Colombo, Fabio Columbro, Javier Cubas, Ari Cukierman, David Curtis, Giuseppe D'Alessandro, Nadia Dachlythra, Marco De Petris, Clive Dickinson, Patricia Diego-Palazuelos, Matt Dobbs, Tadayasu Dotani, Lionel Duband, Shannon Duff, Jean Duval, Ken Ebisawa, Tucker Elleflot, Hans Eriksen, Josquin Errard, Thomas Essinger-Hileman, Fabio Finelli, Raphael Flauger, Cristian Franceschet, Unni Fuskeland, Mathew Galloway, Ken Ganga, Jian Gao, Ricardo Genova-Santos, Martina Gerbino, Massimo Gervasi, Tommaso Ghigna, Eirik Gjerløw, Marcin Gradziel, Julien Grain, Frank Grupp, Alessandro Gruppuso, Jon Gudmundsson, Tijmen de Haan, Nils Halverson, Peter Hargrave, Takashi Hasebe, Masaya Hasegawa, Makoto Hattori, Masashi Hazumi, Sophie Henrot-Versillé, Daniel Herman, Diego Herranz, Charles Hill, Gene Hilton, Yukimasa Hirota, Eric hivon, Renee Hlozek, Yurika Hoshino, Elena de la Hoz, Johannes Hubmayr, Kiyotomo Ichiki, Teruhito iida, Hiroaki Imada, Kosei Ishimura, Hirokazu Ishino, Greg Jaehnig, Tooru Kaga, Shingo Kashima, Nobuhiko Katayama, Akihiro Kato, Takeo Kawasaki, Reijo Keskitalo, Theodore Kisner, Yohei Kobayashi, Nozomu Kogiso, Alan Kogut, Kazunori Kohri, Eiichiro Komatsu, Kunimoto Komatsu, Kuniaki Konishi, Nicoletta Krachmalnicoff, Ingo Kreykenbohm, Chao-Lin Kuo, Akihiro Kushino, Luca Lamagna, Jeff Lanen, Massimiliano Lattanzi, Adrien Lee, Clément Leloup, François Levrier, Eric Linder, Thibaut Louis, Gemma Luzzi, Thierry Maciaszek, Bruno Maffei, Davide Maino, Muneyoshi Maki, Stefano Mandelli, Enrique Martinez-Gonzalez, Silvia Masi, Tomotake Matsumura, Aniello Mennella, Marina Migliaccio, Yuto Minanmi, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Josua Montgomery, Ludovic Montier, Gianluca Morgante, Baptise Mot, Yasuhiro Murata, John Murphy, Makoto Nagai, Yuya Nagano, Takeo Nagasaki, Ryo Nagata, Shogo Nakamura, Toshiya Namikawa, Paolo Natoli, Simran Nerval, Toshiyuki Nishibori, Haruki Nishino, Créidhe O'Sullivan, Hideo Ogawa, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Shogo Oguri, Hiroyuki Osaki, Izumi Ohta, Norio Okada, Nozomi Okada, Luca Pagano, Alessandro Paiella, Daniela Paoletti, Guillaume Patanchon, Julien Peloton, Francesco Piacentini, Giampaolo Pisano, Gianluca Polenta, Davide Poletti, Thomas Prouvé, Giuseppe Puglisi, Damien Tambaud, Christopher Raum, Sabrina Realini, Martin Reinecke, Mathieu Remazeilles, Alessa Ritacco, Gilles Roudil, Jose Rubino-Martin, Megan Russell, Haruyuki Sakurai, Yuki Sakurai, Maura Sandri, Manami Sasaki, Giorgio Savini, Douglas Scott, Joseph Seibert, Blake Sherwin, Keisuke Shinozaki, Maresuke Shiraishi, Peter Shirron, Giovanni Signorelli, Graeme Smecher, Samantha Stever, Radek Stompor, Hajime Sugai, Shinya Sugiyama, aritoki Suzuki, Junichi Suzuki, Trygve Svalheim, Eric Switzer, Ryota Takaku, hayato Takakura, satoru Takakura, Yusuke Takase, Youichi Takeda, Andrea Tartari, Ellen Taylor, Yutaka Terao, Harald Thommesen, Keith L. Thompson, Ben Thorne, Takayuki Toda, Maurizio Tomasi, Mayu Tominaga, Neil Trappe, Matthieu Tristram, Masatoshi Tsuji, Masahiro Tsujimoto, Carole Tucker, Joe Ullom, Gerard Vermeulen, Patricio Vielva, Fabrizio Villa, Michael Vissers, Nicola Vittorio, Ingunn Wehus, Jochen Weller, Benjamin Westbrook, Joern Wilms, Berend Winter, Edward Wollack, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Tetsuya Yoshida, Junji Yumoto, Mario Zannoni, Andrea Zonca

    Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X    2020年12月



  • Overview of the medium and high frequency telescopes of the LiteBIRD space mission

    Ludovic Montier, Baptiste Mot, Paolo de Bernardis, Bruno Maffei, Giampaolo Pisano, Fabio Columbro, Jon E. Gudmundsson, Sophie Henrot-Versillé, Luca Lamagna, Joshua Montgomery, Thomas Prouvé, Megan Russell, Giorgio Savini, Samantha Stever, Keith L. Thompson, Masahiro Tsujimoto, Carole Tucker, Benjamin Westbrook, Peter A. Ade, Alexandre Adler, Erwan Allys, Kam Arnold, Didier Auguste, Jonathan Aumont, Ragnhild Aurlien, Jason Austermann, Carlo Baccigalupi, Anthony J. Banday, Ranajoy Banerji, Rita B. Barreiro, Soumen Basak, Jim Beall, Dominic Beck, Shawn Beckman, Juan Bermejo, Marco Bersanelli, Julien Bonis, Julian Borrill, Francois Boulanger, Sophie Bounissou, Maksym Brilenkov, Michael Brown, Martin Bucher, Erminia Calabrese, Paolo Campeti, Alessandro Carones, Francisco J. Casas, Anthony Challinor, Victor Chan, Kolen Cheung, Yuji Chinone, Jean F. Cliche, Loris Colombo, Javier Cubas, Ari Cukierman, David Curtis, Giuseppe D'Alessandro, Nadia Dachlythra, Marco De Petris, Clive Dickinson, Patricia Diego-Palazuelos, Matt Dobbs, Tadayasu Dotani, Lionel Duband, Shannon Duff, Jean M. Duval, Ken Ebisawa, Tucker Elleflot, Hans K. Eriksen, Josquin Errard, Thomas Essinger-Hileman, Fabio Finelli, Raphael Flauger, Cristian Franceschet, Unni Fuskeland, Mathew Galloway, Ken Ganga, Jian R. Gao, Ricardo Genova-Santos, Martina Gerbino, Massimo Gervasi, Tommaso Ghigna, Eirik Gjerløw, Marcin L. Gradziel, Julien Grain, Frank Grupp, Alessandro Gruppuso, Tijmen de Haan, Nils W. Halverson, Peter Hargrave, Takashi Hasebe, Masaya Hasegawa, Makoto Hattori, Masashi Hazumi, Daniel Herman, Diego Herranz, Charles A. Hill, Gene Hilton, Yukimasa Hirota, Eric Hivon, Renee A. Hlozek, Yurika Hoshino, Elena de la Hoz, Johannes Hubmayr, Kiyotomo Ichiki, Teruhito Iida, Hiroaki Imada, Kosei Ishimura, Hirokazu Ishino, Greg Jaehnig, Tooru Kaga, Shingo Kashima, Nobuhiko Katayama, Akihiro Kato, Takeo Kawasaki, Reijo Keskitalo, Theodore Kisner, Yohei Kobayashi, Nozomu Kogiso, Alan Kogut, Kazunori Kohri, Eiichiro Komatsu, Kunimoto Komatsu, Kuniaki Konishi, Nicoletta Krachmalnicoff, Ingo Kreykenbohm, Chao-Lin L. Kuo, Akihiro Kushino, Jeff V. Lanen, Massimiliano Lattanzi, Adrian T. Lee, Clément Leloup, François Levrier, Eric Linder, Thibaut Louis, Gemma Luzzi, Thierry Maciaszek, Davide Maino, Muneyoshi Maki, Stefano Mandelli, Enrique Martinez-Gonzalez, Silvia Masi, Tomotake Matsumura, Aniello Mennella, Marina Migliaccio, Yuto Minami, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Gianluca Morgante, Yasuhiro Murata, John A. Murphy, Makoto Nagai, Yuya Nagano, Taketo Nagasaki, Ryo Nagata, Shogo Nakamura, Toshiya Namikawa, Paolo Natoli, Simran Nerval, Toshiyuki Nishibori, Haruki Nishino, Créidhe O'Sullivan, Hideo Ogawa, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Shugo Oguri, Hiroyuki Ohsaki, Izumi S. Ohta, Norio Okada, Nozomi Okada, Luca Pagano, Alessandro Paiella, Daniela Paoletti, Guillaume Patanchon, Julien Peloton, Francesco Piacentini, Gianluca Polenta, Davide Poletti, Giuseppe Puglisi, Damien Rambaud, Christopher Raum, Sabrina Realini, Martin Reinecke, Mathieu Remazeilles, Alessia Ritacco, Gilles Roudil, Jose A. Rubino-Martin, Haruyuki Sakurai, Yuki Sakurai, Maura Sandri, Manami Sasaki, Douglas Scott, Joseph Seibert, Yutaro Sekimoto, Blake Sherwin, Keisuke Shinozaki, Maresuke Shiraishi, Peter Shirron, Giovanni Signorelli, Graeme Smecher, Radek Stompor, Hajime Sugai, Shinya Sugiyama, Aritoki Suzuki, Junichi Suzuki, Trygve L. Svalheim, Eric Switzer, Ryota Takaku, Hayato Takakura, Satoru Takakura, Yusuke Takase, Youichi Takeda, Andrea Tartari, Ellen Taylor, Yutaka Terao, Harald Thommesen, Ben Thorne, Takayuki Toda, Maurizio Tomasi, Mayu Tominaga, Neil Trappe, Matthieu Tristram, Masatoshi Tsuji, Joe Ullom, Gerard Vermeulen, Patricio Vielva, Fabrizio Villa, Michael Vissers, Nicola Vittorio, Ingunn Wehus, Jochen Weller, Joern Wilms, Berend Winter, Edward J. Wollack, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Tetsuya Yoshida, Junji Yumoto, Mario Zannoni, Andrea Zonca

    Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave    2020年12月



  • Updated Design of the CMB Polarization Experiment Satellite LiteBIRD

    H. Sugai, P. A.R. Ade, Y. Akiba, D. Alonso, K. Arnold, J. Aumont, J. Austermann, C. Baccigalupi, A. J. Banday, R. Banerji, R. B. Barreiro, S. Basak, J. Beall, S. Beckman, M. Bersanelli, J. Borrill, F. Boulanger, M. L. Brown, M. Bucher, A. Buzzelli, E. Calabrese, F. J. Casas, A. Challinor, V. Chan, Y. Chinone, J. F. Cliche, F. Columbro, A. Cukierman, D. Curtis, P. Danto, P. de Bernardis, T. de Haan, M. De Petris, C. Dickinson, M. Dobbs, T. Dotani, L. Duband, A. Ducout, S. Duff, A. Duivenvoorden, J. M. Duval, K. Ebisawa, T. Elleflot, H. Enokida, H. K. Eriksen, J. Errard, T. Essinger-Hileman, F. Finelli, R. Flauger, C. Franceschet, U. Fuskeland, K. Ganga, J. R. Gao, R. Génova-Santos, T. Ghigna, A. Gomez, M. L. Gradziel, J. Grain, F. Grupp, A. Gruppuso, J. E. Gudmundsson, N. W. Halverson, P. Hargrave, T. Hasebe, M. Hasegawa, M. Hattori, M. Hazumi, S. Henrot-Versille, D. Herranz, C. Hill, G. Hilton, Y. Hirota, E. Hivon, R. Hlozek, D. T. Hoang, J. Hubmayr, K. Ichiki, T. Iida, H. Imada, K. Ishimura, H. Ishino, G. C. Jaehnig, M. Jones, T. Kaga, S. Kashima, Y. Kataoka, N. Katayama, T. Kawasaki, R. Keskitalo, A. Kibayashi, T. Kikuchi, K. Kimura, T. Kisner, Y. Kobayashi, N. Kogiso, A. Kogut, K. Kohri, E. Komatsu, K. Komatsu, K. Konishi

    Journal of Low Temperature Physics   199 ( 3-4 ) 1107 - 1117  2020年05月


    © 2020, The Author(s). Recent developments of transition-edge sensors (TESs), based on extensive experience in ground-based experiments, have been making the sensor techniques mature enough for their application on future satellite cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization experiments. LiteBIRD is in the most advanced phase among such future satellites, targeting its launch in Japanese Fiscal Year 2027 (2027FY) with JAXA’s H3 rocket. It will accommodate more than 4000 TESs in focal planes of reflective low-frequency and refractive medium-and-high-frequency telescopes in order to detect a signature imprinted on the CMB by the primordial gravitational waves predicted in cosmic inflation. The total wide frequency coverage between 34 and 448 GHz enables us to extract such weak spiral polarization patterns through the precise subtraction of our Galaxy’s foreground emission by using spectral differences among CMB and foreground signals. Telescopes are cooled down to 5 K for suppressing thermal noise and contain polarization modulators with transmissive half-wave plates at individual apertures for separating sky polarization signals from artificial polarization and for mitigating from instrumental 1/f noise. Passive cooling by using V-grooves supports active cooling with mechanical coolers as well as adiabatic demagnetization refrigerators. Sky observations from the second Sun–Earth Lagrangian point, L2, are planned for 3 years. An international collaboration between Japan, the USA, Canada, and Europe is sharing various roles. In May 2019, the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA, selected LiteBIRD as the strategic large mission No. 2.



  • Corrigendum to “A balloon-borne very long baseline interferometry experiment in the stratosphere: Systems design and developments” [Adv. Space Res. 63 (2019) 779–793](S027311771830718X)(10.1016/j.asr.2018.09.020)

    Doi, A., Kono, Y., Kimura, K., Nakahara, S., Oyama, T., Okada, N., Satou, Y., Yamashita, K., Matsumoto, N., Baba, M., Yasuda, D., Suzuki, S., Hasegawa, Y., Honma, M., Tanaka, H., Ishimura, K., Murata, Y., Shimomukai, R., Tachi, T., Saito, K., Watanabe, N., B, o, N., Kameya, O., Yonekura, Y., Sekido, M., Inoue, Y., Sakamoto, H., Kogiso, N., Shoji, Y., Ogawa, H., Fujisawa, K., Narita, M., Shibai, H., Fuke, H., Uehara, K., Koyama, S.

    Advances in Space Research   66 ( 3 )  2020年



  • 宇宙太陽発電システムの構造に関する課題

    石村 康生

    宇宙太陽発電   5 ( 0 ) 60 - 64  2020年


    <p> 本論文では,SSPSの構造やメカニズムの設計要求をSSPSの上流要件から明らかにした.全ての設計条件を構造システムの観点から定めることはできない.例えば,SSPSのように非常に大きな構造物のための剛性要求のコンセプトは,そのような非常に大きな構造物に適用できる高度制御システムのコンセプトに沿って定められるべきである.最後に,SSPSの組み立て作業に関する要求や意見を述べる.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 宇宙形状可変鏡における複数アクチュエーションの連成とヒステリシス

    武田 真司, 小出 紗英, 大本 圭祐, 坂本 啓, 田中 宏明, 石村 康生, 大熊 政明

    航空宇宙技術   19 ( 0 ) 151 - 158  2020年


    <p>For the observation of microwave in space over 100 GHz by radio astronomical satellites, this study develops shape-deformable antenna reflectors. When a certain portion of the antenna reflector prototype is deformed, the entire reflector is affected by the partial deformation. The purpose of this study is firstly clarifying the effect of coupling in reflector displacement. Secondly, this study tries the performance evaluation of hysteresis elimination by a piezoelectric strain feedback system under the effect of the displacement coupling. To achieve these objectives, this study quantifies the displacement coupling, the relations between piezoelectric strain and reflector displacement, and the residual reflector displacement error under the feedback control when multiple actuators are driven simultaneously. As a result, this study clarifies that there is a non-negligible coupling effect and the stress history dependence in the reflector surface deformation, causing the limit in the accuracy of the feedback system. Based on these experimental observations, this paper presents three design improvement plans that will possibly solve these problems.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Approximated Completion Conditions of Kinematic Couplings for Precise Deployable Structures

    ISHIMURA Kosei, TANAKA Hiroaki, OGI Yoshiro, OGAWA Yuki, TSUNODA Hiroaki, SATO Yasutaka, MAEDA Osamu, ABE Kazuhiro



    <p>In this paper, the completion conditions for a latch mechanism with a kinematic coupling, which consists of three v-groove/sphere pairs (Maxwell type), are approximately derived as a relationship between the slope angle of v-grooves and friction coefficient. The kinematic coupling is an economical and suitable method for attaining high repeatability in fixtures. Therefore, the kinematic coupling is used in various types of deployable space structures, such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the extensible optical bench of ASTRO-H (Hitomi). In previous studies, numerical simulations were carried out to determine the amount of additional force that should be applied to complete the latch from the incomplete state. However, it is difficult to use such numerical solutions as general design criteria. In this paper, approximated completion conditions are described using analytic functions. As a result, the derived completion conditions are intuitively clear and usable as design guidelines. The most severe condition, where two v-groove/sphere pairs are latched and only one pair remains unlatched, is clarified. It is shown that there are an optimum slope angle and upper limit of the friction coefficient for latch completion. Finally, the most severe completion condition is verified through experiments.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Fundamental performance of a smart structural system utilizing thermal expansion for pointing

    Takeshi Shimada, Kosei Ishimura, Kawano Taro

    Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures   30 ( 9 ) 1397 - 1408  2019年05月  [査読有り]


    © The Author(s) 2017. This study involved designing and developing a smart structural system for pointing control of large-scale trusses. The system consisted of a pointing control mechanism, an internal displacement-sensor, and a controller. The significant points of the system included the following: (1) artificial thermal expansions of truss members were utilized as linear actuators, (2) elastic hinges were employed instead of ball joints, and (3) the internal displacement-sensor that did not require external jigs and possessed high measuring accuracy was applied. The study involved conducting a feasibility study and an experimental demonstration. The results indicated that the pointing control mechanism produced a sufficient tilt angle to satisfy typical requirements of recent scientific satellites. Furthermore, the findings confirmed that the hysteresis of the pointing control mechanism could be kept sufficiently small due to the absence of sliding parts. The difference between the finite element analysis and the measured value corresponded to 2:9% for a 3:6m long truss. Additionally, the results suggested that the proposed smart structural system for pointing exhibited high control accuracy and tracking performance for a periodic motion. The root mean square error value for a circular trajectory with a radius of 500µm for a period of 15 min corresponded to 4:6% for the 3:6m long truss.



  • On orbit structural performance of hitomi (Astro-h)

    Kosei Ishimura, Kenji Minesugi, Taro Kawano, Manabu Ishida, Kazunori Shoji, Kazuhiro Abe

    AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum    2019年


    Hitomi (ASTRO-H) was an X-ray astronomical satellite launched on Feb. 17, 2016. The Hitomi satellite had both two soft X-ray telescopes with a focal length of 5.6 m and two hard X-ray telescopes with a focal length of 12 m for observation with a wide energy range. In this paper, the structural performance of Hitomi satellite on orbit was reported. On Feb.28, 2016, a 6m Extensible Optical Bench (EOB) was successfully deployed. During the deployment, the induced vibration of EOB was observed. One of the major causes was estimated to be periodic constraint changes of the EOB’s root. After the deployment, the established stiffness and alignment performance of the EOB agreed well with the predicted values. Furthermore, high shape stability of the structure could be obtained on orbit.



  • Strategy and Demonstration of Latch Mechanisms with Kinematic Coupling for Precise Deployable Structures

    TAKAGI Kentaro, TANAKA Hiroaki, ISHIMURA Kosei



    <p>This paper proposes a new strategy for improving deployment repeatability in deployable structures using kinematic couplings. In this strategy, the order of the pressing and the pressing load applied to the coupling are controlled to meet the necessary conditions. The basic theory for latch completion conditions is derived based on our previous study, which revealed the mating completion conditions of kinematic couplings. An experimental model that consists of two circular plates and three parts of two-degrees of restraint (2-DOR) (balls with grooves) with pressing load mechanisms using tension springs is developed. The shape repeatability in the experimental model is evaluated by measuring the relative displacements of two plates in each installation while changing the pressing order and load applied. The effects pressing order and load applied on shape repeatability are evaluated through these experiments, and the effectiveness of the strategy for pressing load adjustment is demonstrated.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • A balloon-borne very long baseline interferometry experiment in the stratosphere: Systems design and developments

    Akihiro Doi, Yusuke Kono, Kimihiro Kimura, Satomi Nakahara, Tomoaki Oyama, Nozomi Okada, Yasutaka Satou, Kazuyoshi Yamashita, Naoko Matsumoto, Mitsuhisa Baba, Daisuke Yasuda, Shunsaku Suzuki, Yutaka Hasegawa, Mareki Honma, Hiroaki Tanaka, Kosei Ishimura, Yasuhiro Murata, Reiho Shimomukai, Tomohiro Tachi, Kazuya Saito, Naohiko Watanabe, Nobutaka Bando, Osamu Kameya, Yoshinori Yonekura, Mamoru Sekido, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Hikaru Sakamoto, Nozomu Kogiso, Yasuhiro Shoji, Hideo Ogawa, Kenta Fujisawa, Masanao Narita, Hiroshi Shibai, Hideyuki Fuke, Kenta Uehara, Shoko Koyama

    Advances in Space Research   63 ( 1 ) 779 - 793  2019年01月


    © 2018 The balloon-borne very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) experiment is a technical feasibility study for performing radio interferometry in the stratosphere. The flight model has been developed. A balloon-borne VLBI station will be launched to establish interferometric fringes with ground-based VLBI stations distributed over the Japanese islands at an observing frequency of approximately 20 GHz as the first step. This paper describes the system design and development of a series of observing instruments and bus systems. In addition to the advantages of avoiding the atmospheric effects of absorption and fluctuation in high frequency radio observation, the mobility of a station can improve the sampling coverage (“uv-coverage”) by increasing the number of baselines by the number of ground-based counterparts for each observation day. This benefit cannot be obtained with conventional arrays that solely comprise ground-based stations. The balloon-borne VLBI can contribute to a future progress of research fields such as black holes by direct imaging.



  • In-flight performance of the Canadian Astro-H Metrology System

    Luigi C. Gallo, Alexander Koujelev, Stéphane Gagnon, Timothy Elgin, Martin Guibert, Ryo Iizuka, Manabu Ishida, Kosei Ishimura, Naoko Iwata, Taro Kawano, Casey Lambert, Franco Moroso, Shiro Ueno, Takayuki Yuasa

    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems   4 ( 2 )  2018年04月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 The Authors. The Canadian Astro-H Metrology System (CAMS) on the Hitomi x-ray satellite is a laser alignment system that measures the lateral displacement (X/Y) of the extensible optical bench (EOB) along the optical axis of the hard x-ray telescopes (HXTs). The CAMS consists of two identical units that together can be used to discern translation and rotation of the deployable element along the axis. This paper presents the results of in-flight usage of the CAMS during deployment of the EOB and during two observations (Crab and G21.5-0.9) with the HXTs. The CAMS was extremely important during the deployment operation by providing real-time positioning information of the EOB with micrometer-scale resolution. We show how the CAMS improves data quality coming from the hard x-ray imagers. Moreover, we demonstrate that a metrology system is even more important as the angular resolution of the telescope increases. Such a metrology system will be an indispensable tool for future high-resolution x-ray imaging missions.



  • HITOMI (ASTRO-H) X-ray astronomy satellite

    Tadayuki Takahashi, Motohide Kokubun, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Richard L. Kelley, Takaya Ohashi, Felix Aharonian, Hiroki Akamatsu, Fumie Akimoto, Steven W. Allen, Naohisa Anabuki, Lorella Angelini, Keith Arnaud, Makoto Asai, Marc Audard, Hisamitsu Awaki, Magnus Axelsson, Philipp Azzarello, Chris Baluta, Aya Bamba, Nobutaka Bando, Marshall W. Bautz, Thomas Bialas, Roger Blandford, Kevin Boyce, Laura W. Brenneman, Gregory V. Brown, Esra Bulbul, Edward M. Cackett, Edgar Canavan, Maria Chernyakova, Meng P. Chiao, Paolo S. Coppi, Elisa Costantini, Steve O' Dell, Michael DiPirro, Chris Done, Tadayasu Dotani, John Doty, Ken Ebisawa, Megan E. Eckart, Teruaki Enoto, Yuichiro Ezoe, Andrew C. Fabian, Carlo Ferrigno, Adam R. Foster, Ryuichi Fujimoto, Yasushi Fukazawa, Stefan Funk, Akihiro Furuzawa, Massimiliano Galeazzi, Luigi C. Gallo, Poshak Gandhi, Kirk Gilmore, Margherita Giustini, Andrea Goldwurm, Liyi Gu, Matteo Guainazzi, Daniel Haas, Yoshito Haba, Kouichi Hagino, Kenji Hamaguchi, Ilana M. Harrus, Isamu Hatsukade, Takayuki Hayashi, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Kiyoshi Hayashida, Jan Willem Den Herder, Junko S. Hiraga, Kazuyuki Hirose, Ann Hornschemeier, Akio Hoshino, John P. Hughes, Yuto Ichinohe, Ryo Iizuka, Hajime Inoue, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Kazunori Ishibashi, Manabu Ishida, Kumi Ishikawa, Kosei Ishimura, Yoshitaka Ishisaki, Masayuki Itoh, Masachika Iwai, Naoko Iwata, Naoko Iyomoto, Chris Jewell, Jelle Kaastra, Tim Kallman, Tsuneyoshi Kamae, Erin Kara, Jun Kataoka, Satoru Katsuda, Junichiro Katsuta, Madoka Kawaharada, Nobuyuki Kawai, Taro Kawano, Shigeo Kawasaki, Dmitry Khangulyan, Caroline A. Kilbourne, Mark Kimball

    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems   4 ( 2 )  2018年04月  [査読有り]


    © The Authors. The Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission is the sixth Japanese x-ray astronomy satellite developed by a large international collaboration, including Japan, USA, Canada, and Europe. The mission aimed to provide the highest energy resolution ever achieved at E > 2 keV, using a microcalorimeter instrument, and to cover a wide energy range spanning four decades in energy from soft x-rays to gamma rays. After a successful launch on February 17, 2016, the spacecraft lost its function on March 26, 2016, but the commissioning phase for about a month provided valuable information on the onboard instruments and the spacecraft system, including astrophysical results obtained from first light observations. The paper describes the Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission, its capabilities, the initial operation, and the instruments/spacecraft performances confirmed during the commissioning operations for about a month.



  • 宇宙アンテナ形状制御機構の熱変形低減法の試作による評価

    柏山礼興, 坂本啓, 田中宏明, 大熊政明, 石村康生

    日本機械学会論文集(Web)   84 ( 863 ) ROMBUNNO.17‐00566(J‐STAGE)  2018年


  • Evaluation of Thermal Characteristics of Thermal Expansion Actuator in a Vacuum

    SHIMADA Takeshi, ISHIMURA Kosei, OGAWA Hiroyuki, OKAZAKI Shun



    <p>In the development of the recent scientific satellites, requirements of increases in size and improvements in shape accuracy of observation instruments have become more stringent. In order to satisfy those requirements, our research group has examined a pointing control mechanism utilizing artificial thermal expansion as a linear actuator. Our previous research indicated that the pointing control mechanism could satisfy a design requirement of the next generation scientific satellites under a certain orbital environment. It is desirable to conduct performance evaluation under various orbital environments to design a flight model. In order to do that, a detailed thermal mathematical model needs to be built. In this paper, estimated parameters in a thermal mathematical model were estimated by correlating numerical simulation with experiments obtained by thermal vacuum experiments. As a result, the temperature errors between the numerical simulation and the experiments were minimized when the thermal conductance of elastic hinges of the pointing control mechanism was lower than expected. This implies that the estimation of the thermal conductance of the elastic hinge needs to be carefully done.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Validation of On-Orbit Thermal Deformation and Finite Element Model Prediction in X-Ray Astronomical Satellite Hitomi

    KAWANO Taro, ISHIMURA Kosei, IIZUKA Ryo, OMAGARI Kuniyuki, KITO Akira



    <p>The validation of deformation caused by the thermal expansion of structures is an important issue for the success of a mission that requires the large-scale and precise positioning of instruments. Therefore, an accurate alignment monitor system was installed in the X-ray astronomy satellite Hitomi to correct observation data. We compared the analysis results of a finite element model with the flight telemetry data of the alignment monitor installed on Hitomi to validate the finite element model. As a result, it was shown that the finite element analysis was able to reproduce the global and slow trends of thermal deformation on orbit. However, the analysis could not reproduce the rapid changes in thermal deformation. To realize more precise and large structures in the future, we need to identify these rapid changes and correctly improve the FE model of thermal deformation through ground tests prior to launch.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Induced Vibration of High-Precision Extensible Optical Bench during Extension on Orbit

    ISHIMURA Kosei, ISHIDA Manabu, KAWANO Taro, MINESUGI Kenji, ABE Kazuhisa, SASAKI Takashi, IIZUKA Ryo, BANDO Nobutaka



    <p>An Extensible Optical Bench (EOB) for a X-ray satellite (ASTRO-H) had a length of 6.4m in extended configuration. Although the same type of extensible mast was used in Space Radio Telescope (Halca) in 1997, the tip mass was quite different in the case of ASTRO-H. Due to the tip mass of 150 kg, the natural frequency of EOB was less than 1Hz in the extended configuration. ASTRO-H was launched on Feb. 17, 2016, and the EOB was extended on Feb. 28, 2016, successfully. However, because the vibration of EOB occurred during the extension, the extension operation was carried out over four passes intermittently. When the amplitude of induced vibration excessed the predefined threshold, we stopped the extension, then stayed until the vibration was damped. In this paper, the induced vibration during extension and its mechanism are reported. Through simulations, it is confirmed that one of the major causes of the vibration is a periodic change of gap between mast and canister at the root of EOB.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Vibration isolation system for cryocoolers of soft x-ray spectrometer on-board ASTRO-H (Hitomi)

    Yoh Takei, Susumu Yasuda, Kosei Ishimura, Naoko Iwata, Atsushi Okamoto, Yoichi Sato, Mina Ogawa, Makoto Sawada, Taro Kawano, Shingo Obara, Chikara Natsukari, Atsushi Wada, Shinya Yamada, Ryuichi Fujimoto, Motohide Kokubun, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Hiroyuki Sugita, Kenji Minesugi, Yasuo Nakamura, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Tadayuki Takahashi, Seiji Yoshida, Shoji Tsunematsu, Kenichi Kanao, Katsuhiro Narasaki, Kiyomi Otsuka, F. Scott Porter, Caroline A. Kilbourne, Meng P. Chiao, Megan E. Eckart, Gary A. Sneiderman, James T. Pontius, Dan McCammon, Paul Wilke, John Basile

    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems   4 ( 1 )  2018年01月  [査読有り]


    © The Authors 2018. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI. The soft x-ray spectrometer (SXS) onboard ASTRO-H (named Hitomi after launch) is a microcalorimeter-type spectrometer, installed in a dewar to be cooled at 50 mK. The energy resolution of the SXS engineering model suffered from microvibration from cryocoolers mounted on the dewar. This is mitigated for the flight model (FM) by introducing vibration isolation systems between the cryocoolers and the dewar. The detector performance of the FM was verified before launch of the spacecraft in both ambient condition and thermal-vacuum condition, showing no detectable degradation in energy resolution. The in-orbit detector spectral performance and cryocooler cooling performance were also consistent with that on ground, indicating that the cryocoolers were not damaged by launch environment. The design and performance of the vibration isolation system along with the mechanism of how the microvibration could degrade the cryogenic detector is shown. Lessons learned from the development to mitigate unexpected issues are also described.



  • Ground Based Test Verification of a Nonlinear Vibration Isolation System for Cryocoolers of the Soft X-ray Spectrometer (SXS) onboard ASTRO-H (Hitomi)

    Bradley Allen, Catherine Borst, Scott Kidney, Mark Mimovich, Chris Paavola, Timothy Pargett, Paul Wilke, Christian Smith, Kosei Ishimura, Yoh Takei, Susumu Yasuda

    2017 IEEE AEROSPACE CONFERENCE    2017年  [査読有り]


    Inherently nonlinear vibration isolation systems offer compelling analytical performance advantages over their linear alternates. Verification testing followed by post-test correlation is essential to convincing otherwise conservative project management teams to adopt these technologies for their mission. This paper details a comprehensive test verification program developed and executed for a novel vibration isolation system developed for the Soft X-ray Spectrometer (SXS) onboard ASTRO-H (named Hitomi after launch). More specifically, the dual-stage / thermally conductive / nonlinear vibration isolation system developed for on-orbit amelioration of cryocooler-induced mechanical vibration, needed to undergo ground testing to demonstrate both on-orbit performance and launch induced response level rejection to protect sensitive payload temperature control components. The system, referred to as the VIS, realizes both small signal transmissibility at high frequency and small acceleration and displacement against vibration during launch and ground testing.



  • Development of a smart reconfigurable reflector prototype for an extremely high-frequency antenna

    Tanaka Hiroaki, Hiraku Sakamoto, Akiya Inagaki, Kosei Ishimura, Akihiro Doi, Yusuke Kono, Tomoaki Oyama, Kazuki Watanabe, Yu Oikawa, Takeshi Kuratomi

    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES   27 ( 6 ) 764 - 773  2016年04月  [査読有り]


    A prototype for a space-borne smart reconfigurable reflector, whose reflector surface can be changed intentionally using surface adjustment actuators, has been developed, and its performance was evaluated through experiments. The smart reconfigurable reflector was designed as a sub-reflector of a space antenna for observations in the extremely high-frequency band (frequency range: 30 -300 GHz) and is used for correcting the path length errors in the antenna system caused by surface deformations of the main reflector. It consists of a solid surface, supporting members, and surface adjustment actuators. The surface adjustment actuators are a key part of the smart reconfigurable reflector, and each consists of a piezoelectric stack actuator and a displacement magnifying mechanism. Functional tests were performed in order to investigate the performance of the actuator. The results indicate that the actuator has a stroke of more than 0.9 mm with an accuracy of 0.01 mm and a force of more than 90 N. The control accuracy was much better than the required surface accuracy for an extremely high-frequency antenna system. The effectiveness of the developed reflector system was demonstrated through numerical simulations and shape modification experiments. In order to clarify the effectiveness of the developed smart reconfigurable reflector, the performance of the antenna system, equipped with the smart reconfigurable reflector, was evaluated. The experimental results confirmed the performance expected from the numerical simulation and indicated that the antenna could be adequately controlled as expected.



  • Actuator Design for Space Smart Reflector to Reduce Thermal Distortion

    GOTOU Kouta, SAKAMOTO Hiraku, INAGAKI Akiya, TANAKA Hiroaki, ISHIMURA Kousei, OKUMA Masaaki



    <p>This study clarifies the effect of thermal deformation in the reconfigurable space reflector system, through a series of experiments in thermostatic chamber using a prototype of reconfigurable space reflectors. This study then discusses possible countermeasures against precision degradation of such system due to the thermal deformation, exploiting a linkage model and a finite element method model. Though reconfigurable reflector systems have the mismatch in the coefficient of thermal expansion among their structural members, the effect of the mismatch may be minimized by using monometallic mechanism design, and a proper combination of several materials.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • ひとみ衛星搭載軟X線望遠鏡(SXT-S 及び SXT-I)の軌道上での性能

    Maeda Yoshitomo, Ishida Manabu, Iizuka Ryo, Iwata Naoko, Minesugi Kenji, Ishimura Kosei, Kawano Taro, Ogawa Hiroyuki, Taniguchi Shohei, Kawamoto Masamitsu, Shionome Yu, Someya Kentaro, Sato Takuro, Ichihara Kou, Tomikawa Kazuki, Sato Toshiki, Kikuchi Naomichi, Serlemitsos Peter, Soong Yang, Okajima Takashi, Olsen Larry, Robinson David, McGuinness Dan, Szymkiewicz Richard, Hahne Devin, Sytwu Joseph, Kearney John, Toomey Emory, Lozipone Larry, Brown Clif, Numata Ai, Galassi Nick, Thorpe Rosemary, Contino Dominic, Pless Paul, Schofield Mark, Chang Bill, Rice Brian, Henry Chris, Glenn Kevin, Koenecke Richard, Cottingham Christine, Mori Hideyuki, Hayashi Takayuki, Tawara Yuzuru, Tachibana Kenji, Torii Tatsuharu, Tamura Keisuke, Ishibashi Kazunori, Kunieda Hideyo, Ogasaka Yasushi, Sakurai Ikuya, Mochida Masayuki, Kawabata Eiji, Ito Toshihiro, Iwase Toshihiro, Kurebayashi Yuuki, Watanabe Tsuyoshi, Awaki Hisamitsu, Ogi Keiji, Itoh Keitaro, Izumiya Takanori, Awaya Takashi, Okada Gohta, Minami Sari, Sugita Satoshi, Miyazawa Takuya, Furuzawa Akihiro

    日本物理学会講演概要集   71   369 - 369  2016年


    <p>X線天文衛星「ひとみ」には、軟X線望遠鏡(Soft X-ray Telescope: SXT)が二台搭載された。米国のGSFC/NASAが主体で開発されている。SXT-S、SXT-Iと呼ばれ、それぞれの焦点面検出器はX線カロリメーター検出器 SXS、X線CCDカメラ SXI に対応する。どちらの検出器にも天体の像が結ばれていることが確認できた。また、スペクトル中には地上のキャリブレーションで予想していた反射鏡表面に金のMやLの吸収端が見えていた。当講演では、機上で得られた性能及び、地上との予測の比較を報告する。</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Artificial Lagrange Points for Spacecraft with a Tethered Anchor

    ISHIMURA Kosei, KAWACHI Taisuke, TANAKA Hiroaki, SAKAMOTO Hiraku, TANAKA Koji, YAMAKAWA Hiroshi



    <p>New artificial Lagrange points for spacecraft with a tethered anchor are presented in this paper. The positions of conventional artificial Lagrange points generated by solar radiation pressure are restricted depending on the sail lightness number. Using a tethered anchor, that restriction can be relaxed. Around the L2 point, the new artificial Lagrange points for spacecraft with a tethered anchor are derived based on the circular restricted three-body problem. The dependence of the position of the new artificial Lagrange point on the parameters such as mass ratio and tether's length is investigated for spacecraft with a tethered anchor. The trajectories of spacecraft with and without tethered anchors are calculated numerically. Results show that the tethered anchor can halve the offset of artificial Lagrange points. The effect of tethered anchor on the shift of artificial Lagrange point increases if a tether is long and the mass ratio manc /msc is large.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • The ASTRO-H (Hitomi) X-ray astronomy satellite

    Tadayuki Takahashi, Motohide Kokubun, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Richard Kelley, Takaya Ohashi, Felix Aharonian, Hiroki Akamatsu, Fumie Akimoto, Steve Allen, Naohisa Anabuki, Lorella Angelini, Keith Arnaud, Makoto Asai, Marc Audard, Hisamitsu Awaki, Magnus Axelsson, Philipp Azzarello, Chris Baluta, Aya Bamba, Nobutaka Bando, Marshall Bautz, Thomas Bialas, Roger Blandford, Kevin Boyce, Laura Brenneman, Greg Brown, Esra Bulbul, Edward Cackett, Edgar Canavan, Maria Chernyakova, Meng Chiao, Paolo Coppi, Elisa Costantini, Jelle De Plaa, Jan Willem Den Herder, Michael DiPirro, Chris Done, Tadayasu Dotani, John Doty, Ken Ebisawa, Megan Eckart, Teruaki Enoto, Yuichiro Ezoe, Andrew Fabian, Carlo Ferrigno, Adam Foster, Ryuichi Fujimoto, Yasushi Fukazawa, Akihiro Furuzawa, Massimiliano Galeazzi, Luigi Gallo, Poshak Gandhi, Kirk Gilmore, Margherita Giustini, Andrea Goldwurm, Liyi Gu, Matteo Guainazzi, Daniel Haas, Yoshito Haba, Kouichi Hagino, Kenji Hamaguchi, Atsushi Harayama, Ilana Harrus, Isamu Hatsukade, Takayuki Hayashi, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Kiyoshi Hayashida, Junko Hiraga, Kazuyuki Hirose, Ann Hornschemeier, Akio Hoshino, John Hughes, Yuto Ichinohe, Ryo Iizuka, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Hajime Inoue, Kazunori Ishibashi, Manabu Ishida, Kumi Ishikawa, Kosei Ishimura, Yoshitaka Ishisaki, Masayuki Itoh, Naoko Iwata, Naoko Iyomoto, Chris Jewell, Jelle Kaastra, Timothy Kallman, Tuneyoshi Kamae, Erin Kara, Jun Kataoka, Satoru Katsuda, Junichiro Katsuta, Madoka Kawaharada, Nobuyuki Kawai, Taro Kawano, Shigeo Kawasaki, Dmitry Khangulyan, Caroline Kilbourne, Mark Kimball, Ashley King

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering   9905  2016年  [査読有り]


    © 2016 SPIE. The Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission is the sixth Japanese X-ray astronomy satellite developed by a large international collaboration, including Japan, USA, Canada, and Europe. The mission aimed to provide the highest energy resolution ever achieved at E > 2 keV, using a microcalorimeter instrument, and to cover a wide energy range spanning four decades in energy from soft X-rays to gamma-rays. After a successful launch on 2016 February 17, the spacecraft lost its function on 2016 March 26, but the commissioning phase for about a month provided valuable information on the on-board instruments and the spacecraft system, including astrophysical results obtained from first light observations. The paper describes the Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission, its capabilities, the initial operation, and the instruments/spacecraft performances confirmed during the commissioning operations for about a month.




    Takeshi Shimada, Kosei Ishimura, Taro Kawano



    We designed and developed a novel smart structural system for pointing control of large-scale support structures, such as trusses. The system consists of a pointing control mechanism, an internal displacement-sensor and a controller. Remarkable points of our system are (1) artificial thermal expansion of truss members is utilized as linear actuators, (2) elastic hinges are applied instead of boll joints, and (3) the internal displacement sensor which does not need external jigs and has high measuring accuracy is applied. In this paper, we conducted the feasibility study and the experimental demonstration. As a result of the feasibility study, the proposed pointing control mechanism can produce several hundred arcseconds of the rotational displacements within three minutes, therefore it has potential for using in practical operations. As a result of the experimental demonstration, we confirmed that the hysteresis of the pointing control mechanism can be kept sufficiently small due to the absence of the sliding parts, and has high control accuracy and followability (the error RMS value for a circle of the radius of 500 in is 3.6 %).

  • Application of preview information to pointing control of truss structure using artificial thermal expansion on orbit

    Yusuke Funakoshi, Kosei Ishimura, Yoshiro Ogi, Takashi Iwasa

    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES   26 ( 6 ) 730 - 739  2015年04月  [査読有り]


    The pointing performance of a truss structure on orbit that is used for a large space telescope is discussed. To achieve advanced science missions, large and precise support structures such as truss structures are needed. However, the preciseness of the structure might be lost due to various disturbances on orbit. Therefore, to realize ultra-large and precise support structures, active shape control of the structures is needed. To control the shape, we use artificial thermal expansion caused by heaters instead of mechanical actuators. Control systems without mechanical mechanisms have high reliability, which is very attractive for use on orbit. However, there are some constraints regarding the usage of heaters. The control input is restricted to positive inputs because heaters can give off heat but cannot dissipate heat actively, and there will be upper limits on the heat input. To improve the control performance under such constraints, we apply model predictive control as a feedforward control method with preview information. In this article, we mainly show the effectiveness of model predictive control compared with proportional-integral control, which is one of the typical feedback control methods. We developed a structural mathematical model and a thermal mathematical model in order to evaluate the performance of the control system. It is confirmed through numerical simulations that the total error is reduced by model predictive control compared with proportional-integral control.



  • Long-term durability of tri-axial woven CFRP tube structure extended along the spin axis of spinning platforms for the SCOPE mission

    Jun Koyanagi, Akihito Watanabe, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Tsuyoshi Ozaki, Ken Higuchi, Kosei Ishimura, Yasumasa Kasaba

    ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS   23 ( 2 ) 115 - 128  2014年03月  [査読有り]


    This study investigates the strength and long-term durability of a spin-axis extensible rigid antenna element, made of tri-axial woven carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP), for a spinning spacecraft. Due to a slight deviation between the spin axis and antenna-extended axis with the spin, the antenna is subjected to centrifugal body force; the centrifugal force enhances the antenna deflection. A relationship between centrifugal force and antenna deflection is derived from beam theory. As the apparent material modulus decreases with time, the deflection increases simultaneously. The time dependence of mechanical properties of the tri-axial woven CFRP is hence examined by a creep test. The time-dependent failure criterion of the antenna is then examined using a flexural durability test. Based on the beam theory and experimental results, we examine the long-term reliability of applying the tri-axial woven CFRP to extensible rigid antenna for the spinning spacecraft, especially for SCOPE mission; it is verified that the current design tolerance for the mission assures certain durability for long-term usage.




    Yusuke Funakoshi, Kosei Ishimura, Yoshiro Ogi, Takashi Lwasa



    Pointing performance of the truss structure on orbit which is used for large space telescope is discussed. To achieve advanced science missions, large and precise support structures such as truss structures are needed. However, the preciseness of the structure might be lost due to various disturbances on orbit. Therefore, to realize ultra large and precise support structures, active shape control of the structures is needed. To control the shape, we use artificial thermal expansion caused by heaters instead for mechanical actuators. Control systems without mechanism have high reliability, which is very attractive to use on orbit. However, there are some constraints in the usage of heaters. To improve the control performance under such constraints, we apply "Model based Predictive Control (MPC)" as feedforward control method with preview information. In this paper, we mainly show the effectiveness of MPC compared PI control, which is one of the typical feedback control methods. We constructed structural mathematical model and thermal mathematical model in order to show performance of control system. It is confirmed that total error is decreased by MPC compared with the case of PI control through 'numerical simulations.



  • The ASTRO-H X-ray astronomy satellite

    Tadayuki Takahashi, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Richard Kelley, Felix Aharonian, Hiroki Akamatsu, Fumie Akimoto, Steve Allen, Naohisa Anabuki, Lorella Angelini, Keith Arnaud, Makoto Asai, Marc Audard, Hisamitsu Awaki, Philipp Azzarello, Chris Baluta, Aya Bamba, Nobutaka Bando, Marshall Bautz, Thomas Bialas, Roger D. Blandford, Kevin Boyce, Laura Brenneman, Gregory Brown, Ed Cackett, Edgar Canavan, Maria Chernyakova, Meng Chiao, Paolo Coppi, Elisa Costantini, Jelle De Plaa, Jan Willem Den Herder, Michael Dipirro, Chris Done, Tadayasu Dotani, John Doty, Ken Ebisawa, Teruaki Enoto, Yuichiro Ezoe, Andrew Fabian, Carlo Ferrigno, Adam Foster, Ryuichi Fujimoto, Yasushi Fukazawa, Stefan Funk, Akihiro Furuzawa, Massimiliano Galeazzi, Luigi Gallo, Poshak Gandhi, Kirk Gilmore, Matteo Guainazzi, Daniel Haas, Yoshito Haba, Kenji Hamaguchi, Atsushi Harayama, Isamu Hatsukade, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Takayuki Hayashi, Kiyoshi Hayashida, Junko Hiraga, Kazuyuki Hirose, Ann Hornschemeier, Akio Hoshino, John Hughes, Una Hwang, Ryo Iizuka, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Kazunori Ishibashi, Manabu Ishida, Kumi Ishikawa, Kosei Ishimura, Yoshitaka Ishisaki, Masayuki Itoh, Naoko Iwata, Naoko Iyomoto, Chris Jewell, Jelle Kaastra, Timothy Kallman, Tuneyoshi Kamae, Jun Kataoka, Satoru Katsuda, Junichiro Katsuta, Madoka Kawaharada, Nobuyuki Kawai, Taro Kawano, Shigeo Kawasaki, Dmitry Khangaluyan, Caroline Kilbourne, Mark Kimball, Masashi Kimura, Shunji Kitamoto, Tetsu Kitayama, Takayoshi Kohmura, Motohide Kokubun, Saori Konami, Tatsuro Kosaka, Alexander Koujelev, Katsuji Koyama, Hans Krimm, Aya Kubota, Hideyo Kunieda

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering   9144  2014年  [査読有り]


    © 2014 SPIE. The joint JAXA/NASA ASTRO-H mission is the sixth in a series of highly successful X-ray missions developed by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), with a planned launch in 2015. The ASTRO-H mission is equipped with a suite of sensitive instruments with the highest energy resolution ever achieved at E > 3 keV and a wide energy range spanning four decades in energy from soft X-rays to gamma-rays. The simultaneous broad band pass, coupled with the high spectral resolution of ΔE ≤ 7 eV of the micro-calorimeter, will enable a wide variety of important science themes to be pursued. ASTRO-H is expected to provide breakthrough results in scientific areas as diverse as the large-scale structure of the Universe and its evolution, the behavior of matter in the gravitational strong field regime, the physical conditions in sites of cosmic-ray acceleration, and the distribution of dark matter in galaxy clusters at different redshifts.



  • Novel Technique for Spacecraft's Thermal Deformation Test Based on Transient Phenomena

    ISHIMURA Kosei, MINESUGI Kenji, KAWANO Taro, WADA Atsushi, SHOJI Kazunori, IKEDA Mizuho, OMAGARI Kuniyuki

    Trans Jpn Soc Aeronaut Space Sci Aerosp Technol Jpn (Web)   12 ( ists29 ) PC.29-PC.34 (J-STAGE)  2014年


  • Initial Operation and Deployment Experiment of Inflatable Extension Mast in SIMPLE on JEM Exposure Platform in ISS

    HIGUCHI Ken, MIYAZAKI Yasuyuki, ISHIMURA Kosei, FURUYA Hiroshi, TSUNODA Hiroaki, SENDA Kei, WATANABE Akihito, KAWABATA Nobuyoshi, KURATOMI Takeshi, Simple Project Team

    Trans Jpn Soc Aeronaut Space Sci Aerosp Technol Jpn (Web)   12 ( ists29 ) PC.1-PC.7 (J-STAGE) - Pc_7  2014年


    A space inflatable extension mast designed on an idea of structural rigidization simulation system has been projected and provided to verify its engineering technology and to obtain the structural property for a long-term operation in space environment. The inflatable mast extended successfully in orbit, and has sent the telemetry data for more than seven months, so far. The experiment progress meets both its minimum and full success criteria for this mast. The simulation model of this mast is made up based upon the ground test, and predicts the natural frequency in orbit. Lightweight extendible masts are fundamental and essential structural elements to construct space structures; therefore a pivotal first step of conditions to utilize space inflatable structures has been actually achieved.


  • Shape Retainment by Utilizing Hysteresis in Piezoelectric Ceramics

    IKEDA Tadashige, TAKAHASHI Tomoki, UCHIDA Tomonori, ISHIMURA Kosei

    Trans Jpn Soc Aeronaut Space Sci Aerosp Technol Jpn (Web)   12 ( ists29 ) PC.69-PC.74 (J-STAGE) - Pc_74  2014年


    As a future high-precision space structure system, smart structure systems which measure and correct their shape on orbit have been studied. In the smart structure systems piezoelectric ceramics are often used as an actuator. To correct and retain the shape of the structure, electric voltage must be applied continuously. To reduce the amount of electricity usage, a new control method was proposed, where the fact that strain of the piezoelectric ceramics remains without applied voltage after a pulsed voltage input was utilized effectively. In the previous study, the feasibility of the proposed method had been verified for a piezoelectric ceramic plate and a beam with the piezoelectric ceramic plate bonded. The result had shown that the strain of the piezoelectric ceramic plate and the tip displacement of the beam had remained after the pulse, although the beam had vibrated. In this study the strain response for the pulsed voltage was observed for various types of piezoelectric ceramic plates including hard type and soft type, and the vibration of the beam was suppressed by applying a feedback control or a trigonometric shaped pulse input.


  • Shape control of multi-cellular inflatable panels

    N. Katayama, K. Ishimura, K. Minesugi, Daniel J. Inman

    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering   8 ( 3 ) 276 - 282  2013年09月


    Multi-cellular inflatable structures are ultralight and robust against membrane damage such as pinholes caused by space debris. Due to their robustness, inflatable structures supported by inner gases can be applied as space structures. In the present study, shape control for a simple multi-cellular inflatable panel was achieved via a novel diaphragm mechanism. When the bending actuator in a center membrane bends, the inner pressures of sub-cells become different, and the diaphragm mechanism bends as a whole. Because a sliding component is not included, this deformable system is a reliable mechanism. In addition, the proposed mechanism has higher rigidity than that of a bending actuator used alone. In the present paper, we investigate the feasibility of a novel diaphragm mechanism and its characteristics using experimental and numerical results. © 2013 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.



  • 弾性梁を組み込んだ円筒膜構造の大変位解析

    荻 芳郎, 石村康生, 川口健一

    膜構造研究論文集    2012年

  • Effect of Attachment Errors of Flexible Appendages on the Spin Axis of a Rigid Body

    OGI Yoshiro, HIGUCHI Ken, ISHIMURA Kosei

    Trans Jpn Soc Aeronaut Space Sci Aerosp Technol Jpn (Web)   10 ( ists28 ) PC.7-PC.12 (J-STAGE) - Pc_12  2012年


    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of attachment errors of two beam-type flexible appendages mounted on a rigid body along the spin axis. For such a system, the sufficient conditions for achieving asymptotical dynamic stability are maximization of the moment of inertia about the spin axis and existence of a lower limit of the beam's natural frequency against the spin rate; these conditions can be acquired by Lyapunov's direct method. However, such conditions are limited to ideal configurations; for realistic satellites, attachment errors are unavoidable. In this study, each appendage that simulates a continuously flexible beam is modeled as a mass particle connected to the rigid body's space through springs. This paper illustrates mathematical formulations for acquiring the equilibrium state and determining the dynamic stability using Lyapunov's direct method. Numerical examples show that attachment errors either improve or worsen the stability in terms of the sufficient conditions.


  • Shape Prediction of Large Deployable Antenna Structure on Orbit


    Trans Jpn Soc Aeronaut Space Sci Aerosp Technol Jpn (Web)   10 ( ists28 ) PC.35-PC.40 (J-STAGE) - Pc_40  2012年


    For the worst-case analysis of a space structure's shape on orbit, various factors such as effects of thermal deformation, aged deterioration, and material hysteresis should be considered. Furthermore, the parameters of each factor have some uncertainty, such as in material properties. Therefore, in shape prediction, the consideration of these various factors and their parameters' uncertainties leads to a combinatorial explosion. To solve this problem, the factors are classified by the mode shape of deformation. If the mode shapes of some factors have high correlation, those factors are categorized in the same group. Within each group, maximum and minimum deformations are analyzed considering the uncertainty in the parameters. Among the groups with low correlation, deformations are evaluated using a combination of the maximum and minimum deformations from each group. As a result, the combinations of factors and parameters are drastically reduced. Such a shape prediction method was applied to a large deployable antenna structure of ASTRO-G. In this study, the performance of this antenna is evaluated using GRASP analysis for the predicted antenna shapes.


  • New concept of compressive load transmitting member applicable to large space structures

    Takahira Aoki, Kosei Ishimura

    ACTA ASTRONAUTICA   67 ( 3-4 ) 449 - 454  2010年08月  [査読有り]


    Large space structures require limitations in weight and assembly effort in order to be realistically constructed and operated. Components for transmitting tensile and compressive loads are the most fundamental, wires and membranes being ones that are most efficient for tensile load transmission, whereas the development of lightweight component for compressive load transmission is still expected. New concept of compression carrying component is proposed, based on the simple principle of momentum conservation. This new concept utilizes the momentum of medium that reciprocates between the load transmitting points. Various media for this new component are examined from the points of utility, handling and load carrying capacity. Proposed innovative component may be readily realized by adopting photon or ion particles, if the required level of load is small. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • The ASTRO-H mission

    Tadayuki Takahashi, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Richard Kelley, Felix Aharonian, Fumie Akimoto, Steve Allen, Naohisa Anabuki, Lorella Angelini, Keith Arnaud, Hisamitsu Awaki, Aya Bamba, Nobutaka Bando, Mark Bautz, Roger Blandford, Kevin Boyce, Greg Brown, Maria Chernyakova, Paolo Coppi, Elisa Costantini, Jean Cottam, John Crow, Jelle De Plaa, Cor De Vries, Jan Willem Den Herder, Michael DiPirro, Chris Done, Tadayasu Dotani, Ken Ebisawa, Teruaki Enoto, Yuichiro Ezoe, Andrew Fabian, Ryuichi Fujimoto, Yasushi Fukazawa, Stefan Funk, Akihiro Furuzawa, Massimiliano Galeazzi, Poshak Gandhi, Keith Gendreau, Kirk Gilmore, Yoshito Haba, Kenji Hamaguchi, Isamu Hatsukade, Kiyoshi Hayashida, Junko Hiraga, Kazuyuki Hirose, Ann Hornschemeier, John Hughes, Una Hwang, Ryo Iizuka, Kazunori Ishibashi, Manabu Ishida, Kosei Ishimura, Yoshitaka Ishisaki, Naoki Isobe, Masayuki Ito, Naoko Iwata, Jelle Kaastra, Timothy Kallman, Tuneyoshi Kamae, Hideaki Katagiri, Jun Kataoka, Satoru Katsuda, Madoka Kawaharada, Nobuyuki Kawai, Shigeo Kawasaki, Dmitry Khangaluyan, Caroline Kilbourne, Kenzo Kinugasa, Shunji Kitamoto, Tetsu Kitayama, Takayoshi Kohmura, Motohide Kokubun, Tatsuro Kosaka, Taro Kotani, Katsuji Koyama, Aya Kubota, Hideyo Kunieda, Philippe Laurent, François Lebrun, Olivier Limousin, Michael Loewenstein, Knox Long, Grzegorz Madejski, Yoshitomo Maeda, Kazuo Makishima, Maxim Markevitch, Hironori Matsumoto, Kyoko Matsushita, Dan McCammon, Jon Miller, Shin Mineshige, Kenji Minesugi, Takuya Miyazawa, Tsunefumi Mizuno, Koji Mori, Hideyuki Mori, Koji Mukai, Hiroshi Murakami, Toshio Murakami, Richard Mushotzky

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering   7732  2010年  [査読有り]


    © 2010 SPIE. The joint JAXA/NASA ASTRO-H mission is the sixth in a series of highly successful X-ray missions initiated by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS). ASTRO-H will investigate the physics of the high-energy universe by performing high-resolution, high-throughput spectroscopy with moderate angular resolution. ASTRO-H covers very wide energy range from 0.3 keV to 600 keV. ASTRO-H allows a combination of wide band X-ray spectroscopy (5-80 keV) provided by multilayer coating, focusing hard X-ray mirrors and hard X-ray imaging detectors, and high energy-resolution soft X-ray spectroscopy (0.3-12 keV) provided by thin-foil X-ray optics and a micro-calorimeter array. The mission will also carry an X-ray CCD camera as a focal plane detector for a soft X-ray telescope (0.4-12 keV) and a non-focusing soft gamma-ray detector (40-600 keV). The micro-calorimeter system is developed by an international collaboration led by ISAS/JAXA and NASA. The simultaneous broad bandpass, coupled with high spectral resolution of ΔE ~7 eV provided by the micro-calorimeter will enable a wide variety of important science themes to be pursued.



  • Behavior transition between biped and quadruped walking by using bifurcation

    Kenji Asa, Kosei Ishimura, Mitsuo Wada

    ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS   57 ( 2 ) 155 - 160  2009年02月  [査読有り]


    In this research, we focus our discussion on the discontinuous dynastic behavior transition of a walking robot. For the transition, bifurcation of potential function is utilized. We demonstrate the behavior transition of the walking robot between biped and quadruped locomotion as an adaptation to the environment depending on the gradient of a slope. The behavior transition is carried out by using bifurcation of parameters used for control. We also show the effectiveness of hysteresis in the transition. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Orbital Experiment of Nano-satellite "HIT-SAT" as a Sub-payload of M-V Rocket

    SATO Tatsuhiro, MITSUHASHI Ryuichi, SATORI Shin, ISHIMURA Kosei, TOTANI Tsuyoshi, NAKAMURA Akihiro, HORI Kotaro, YASUNAKA Toshihiko, HIT-SAT Development Team



    A small satellite named Hokkaido Satellite &ldquo;TAIKI&rdquo; has been designed by NPO Frontier Incubation center for space applications and intellectual activities in Hokkaido. The missions of TAIKI are an agricultural remote sensing using a hyper-spectral sensor and a hi-vision video image filming. As the first step of the Hokkaido satellite project, a space experiment using a 2.7kg nano-satellite was executed. To demonstrate the performance of the bus system of the small satellite, a cube-sat &ldquo;HIT-SAT&rdquo; was developed as a scale model of the Hokkaido Satellite. This paper describes the development and results of launch and operation. The HIT-SAT is 2.7 kg in weight and 12cm cubed sizes. The bus system of the satellite consists of five subsystems; power generation system, structure system, data handling system, communication system and attitude control system. The HIT-SAT was launched successfully on Sep. 23, 2006 (JST) as a sub-payload of M-V-7 rocket. The CW telemetry has been received around the world by many radio amateurs.

    DOI CiNii

  • On-Orbit Verification of Space Inflatable Structures

    AOKI Takahira, FURUYA Hiroshi, ISHIMURA Kosei, MIYAZAKI Yasuyuki, SENDA Kei, TSUNODA Hiroaki, HIGUCHI Ken, ISHIZAWA Junichiro, KISHIMOTO Naoko, SAKAI Ryoji, WATANABE Akihito, WATANABE Kazuki

    Trans Jpn Soc Aeronaut Space Sci Space Technol Jpn (Web)   7 ( ists26 ) TC.1-TC.5 (J-STAGE) - Tc_5  2009年


    This paper gives an overview of the currently planned on-orbit space verification experimental device complex composed of multiple inflatable demonstration units, proposed by the authors' group. The compact device named SIMPLE is designed to be suitable for one of the shared experimental installations that constitute a single experimental block attached to the Exposed Facility of Kibo Japanese Experimental Module (JEM) of ISS. The SIMPLE mission was accepted by JAXA as the candidate of the secondary application of the Exposed Facility of JEM at the end of last year.


  • Fundamental Characteristics of Inflatable Structure Composed of Sealed Multi-Cells


    Trans Jpn Soc Aeronaut Space Sci Space Technol Jpn (Web)   7 ( ists26 ) PC.43-PC.48 (J-STAGE) - Pc_48  2009年


    Inflatable structure is an attractive candidate as ultra-light space structures with high packaging efficiency. They consist of flexible membrane and some components for the deployment. For such pneumatic structure with membrane, the damage of the membrane caused by space debris is one of serious problems for the utilization in space. To solve the problem, multi-cellular inflatable structures are proposed. Inflatable structures composed of multi-cells are robust against the damage of membrane. In this paper, a new type of inflatable cylinder which is composed of sealed multi-cells was investigated. Because deployment of the structure can be driven by the gas pressure of the sealed multi-cells, no complex components such as gas tanks and electric valves are required for the deployment. The fundamental characteristics of the deployment are investigated experimentally. As a result, it is shown that the inflatable cylinder composed of sealed multi-cells can achieve the deployment with simple hold-release mechanism even though some cells are damaged. Furthermore, by applying with inner bellows and outside constraint wires, the deployment sequence can be controlled and almost straight deployment can be realized.


  • Coupling among pitch motion, axial vibration, and orbital motion of large space structures

    Kosei Ishimura, Ken Higuchi

    JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING   21 ( 2 ) 61 - 71  2008年04月  [査読有り]


    The parameter dependency of large space structures on the coupling among attitude motion, structural vibration, and orbital motion has been investigated, particularly for structure's such as tethered satellite systems. Tethered satellites are noticed for their possible applications. From space solar power systems to deorbit system, the applications of tethered satellites spread out over various fields. In this paper, we investigate planar motion of a satellite model, which consists of two tip particles and a massless spring. For such a space structure, the characteristics of the planar motion are shown to be determined by the mass ratio of tip particles, the natural frequency ratio of axial vibration to orbital motion, and the axial length ratio of the spring to the orbital radius. Among these three parameters, the natural frequency ratio has the greatest influence on the coupling phenomenon. Furthermore, the parameter range over which the coupling phenomenon occurs is specified.



  • 超小型衛星「HIT‐SAT」の電源系のデータ解析結果

    西舘純, 佐藤立博, 青柳賢英, 大野努, 田中喜規, 竹浪恭平, 佐鳥新, 三橋龍一, 廣田尚久, 石村康生, 杉本康一郎, 松島幸太, 戸谷剛, 榊原隆浩, 堀耕太郎, 江良聡, 中村明広, 安中俊彦, 植松努

    北海道工業大学研究紀要   36 ( 36 ) 191 - 195  2008年03月  [査読有り]

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 研究活動スタートアップトレーニングに関する教育実践

    石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    科学技術コミュニケーション   3 ( 3 ) 30 - 39  2008年03月


    This paper describes startup training for newcomers of our laboratory which was carried out in 2007. The students in 4th grade are assigned to each laboratory and start their bachelor thesis from April. However, the research for bachelor thesis is quite different from the learning experienced until 3rd grade. To fill the gap, we carried out special startup training for newcomers of our laboratory. Through the training, the fundamental skill of newcomers such as abilities of gathering, analyzing, and classifying information, presentation, and discussion were improved remarkably.


  • Coupling between structural deformation and attitude motion of large planar space structures suspended by multi-tethers

    Kosei Ishimura, Ken Higuchi

    ACTA ASTRONAUTICA   60 ( 8-9 ) 691 - 710  2007年04月  [査読有り]


    A planar space structure suspended by multi-tethers is one candidate for large and lightweight structures. For such flexible structures, coupling phenomena between structural deformation and attitude motion must be considered. In the present paper, the dynamic characteristics of a planar structure suspended by multi-tethers are investigated. Simulation results reveal that the coupling occurs for low tether stiffness. In addition, it is shown that the coupling can also occur if a number of the tethers become slack. Thermal deformation of the planar structure is one cause of tether slack. Thermal deformation and the induced attitude motion are also investigated. It is shown that roll and yaw motions become unstable due to thermal deformation. Finally, we modify the condition of the connection between sub-panels in order to reduce the overall thermal deformation, and it is confirmed that large deformation can be inhibited by the modification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • A new concept of solar power satellite: Tethered-SPS

    Susumu Sasaki, Koji Tanaka, Ken Higuchi, Nobukatsu Okuizumi, Shigeo Kawasaki, Naoki Shinohara, Kei Senda, Kousei Ishimura

    ACTA ASTRONAUTICA   60 ( 3 ) 153 - 165  2007年02月


    Tethered solar power satellite (Tethered-SPS) consisting of a large panel with a capability of power generation/transmission and a bus system which are connected by multi-wires is proposed as an innovative solar power satellite (SPS). The power generation/transmission panel is composed of a huge number of perfectly equivalent power modules. The electric power generated by the solar cells at the surface of each module is converted to the microwave power in the same module. Since the modules are controlled by the bus system using wireless LAN, no wired signal/power interfaces are required between the modules. The attitude in which the microwave transmission antenna is directed to the ground is maintained by the gravity gradient force. The tethered panel is composed of individual tethered subpanels which are loosely connected to each other. This configuration enables an evolutional construction in which the function of the SPS grows as the construction proceeds. A scale model of the tethered subpanel can be used for the first step demonstration experiment of the SPS in the near future. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 改良型GLDBによるハイパースペクトル画像の高精度クラスタリング(データマイニング)

    青木 賢, 石村 康生, 妹尾 一弘, 和田 充雄, 佐鳥 新

    電子情報通信学会論文誌. D, 情報・システム   90 ( 2 ) 416 - 426  2007年02月


    ハイパースペクトル画像は,従来のマルチスペクトル画像と比較して,高周波数分解能であることから,対象物の分光スペクトル分布をより詳細に取得できる.そのため,従来よりも精ちな画像分類が可能と期待される.一方で,データ量が増大することから計算コストが膨大となるといつた課題点も指摘されている.そこで,本論文では,従来の特徴抽出・選択を行うクラスタリング手法の一つであるGLDB(Generalized-Local Discriminant Bases)アルゴリズムを改良することにより,高速性を維持し,かつ高精度な画像分類を実現する三つのクラスタリング手法の有効性の検証を行った.実データを用いて実験を行った結果,本論文で用いた画像に関しては,特徴抽出処理により得られた平均特徴数は従来手法よりも減少し,処理時間の短縮,分類精度の向上が実現できた.最後に,三つの改良手法の特徴を比較し,各手法の用途に関する考察を行った.


  • 未知ダイナミクスに対してLyapunov安定な非ホロノミック宇宙ロボットの適応姿勢制御(機械力学,計測,自動制御)

    萩原 学, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    日本機械学會論文集. C編   71 ( 708 ) 2586 - 2592  2005年08月


    This research is concerned with shape and attitude control of nonholonomic space robot. An integrator backstepping method with neural network is applied to the kinematics control of 2-dimensional free-flying space robot to expand it into dynamics control. The stability of control method is guaranteed by Lyapunov theory, even if there are some unstructured dynamics and/or unmodeled bounded disturbance. Therefore the controller does not have to know about the strict dynamical parameters of the robot. The effectiveness of proposed controller is confirmed through numerical simulations.



  • 受動二足歩行のカオスダイナミクスとその実機評価(機械力学,計測,自動制御)

    山北 浩介, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    日本機械学會論文集. C編   71 ( 705 ) 1669 - 1677  2005年05月


    Passive walking is generated by the dynamic interaction of gravity and ground on slope and the walking doesn&#039;t need active control or energy input. Moreover, it is known that chaotic behavior appears when the slope angle exceeds a certain value. In this research, we make use of this chaos dynamics of passive walking, and attempt not only on slope but also on a level ground and uphill by OGY method. In the simulation, the walking in such environment is succeeded. Moreover, we evaluate the OGY method through experiments of an actual robot. At last, we success walking with the control in real ...



  • Coupled map lattice model based on driving strategy for city traffic simulation

    K Hamaoka, M Wada, K Ishimura

    Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology     1173 - 1182  2005年  [査読有り]


    In city traffic flow, vehicles driven by human interact with each other with velocity fluctuations. We simulate the such city traffic and analyze it. It should be important to research the relation between traffic signals and drivers' strategies. Then, we. prepare two CML(coupled map lattice) models to treat complex traffic system with varying their characteristics, and research the effects of traffic signals. Each model has different strategies to avoid collision between vehicles. The one is the "Mixture Model" strategy which changes vehicles' running dynamics when their gaps have gotten narrow, and the other is the "Tracking Model" strategy which decelerate vehicles' goal velocities to follow previous one when their gaps have gotten narrow. We compare these CML models on a oneway traffic lane under the aperiodic boundary condition. "The transition point, of the jam" which separates between "free flow phase" and "congestion phase" is observed. In free flow phase, major differences are not confirmed between these models. But, when it gets congested, each model takes on dissimilar complex features stem from difference of strategies. Additionally, we research effect of signal control parameters in free flow phase. We observed that whole performance is improved as cycle length is getting shorter, at that time offset can't be very effective. When cycle length is long, whole performance is not very lower if offset is proper.


  • A new pulse-coupled neural network algorithm for image segmentation

    J Chen, M Wada, K Ishimura




  • 重力傾斜安定型太陽発電衛星の外乱環境下での組立手順の検討

    石村 康生, 高井 伸明, 佐々木 進

    宇宙技術   4   15 - 20  2005年



    DOI CiNii

  • 表面筋電図のカオス解析手法による筋疲労の評価

    吉田 英恵, 氏家 英樹, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    バイオメカニズム学会誌   28 ( 4 ) 201 - 212  2004年11月




  • 神経系の引き込みによる2足ロボットの歩行運動生成

    松浦 俊, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan   22 ( 3 ) 336 - 342  2004年04月


    This study focuses on emergence of biped robot locomotion based on the concept called&#039;Global Entrainment.&#039;Originally, this concept was proposed as a principle of human locomotion emergence; locomotion is self-organized as limit cycles of the coupled dynamical systems, which consist of the neurons, body and environment. In this paper, the author designs the neural system using computer simulations of the biped robot at first. With the designed neural system, the simulated robot steps with oscillatory motion in the lateral plane, and then starts to walk. It is also investigated that the reali...


  • Tethered solar power satellite

    Sasaki S, Tanaka K, Higuchi K, Okuizumi N., Kawasaki S., Shinohara N ., Senda K., Ishimura K., USEF SSPS Study Team

    宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告   3   1 - 12  2004年03月


    A solar power system, in which a large flat panel with a capability of power generation and transmission is suspended by multi-wires, is proposed as an innovative Solar Power Satellite (SPS). This SPS concept is highly robust and potentially low cost, with special features in the integration, construction, attitude control, heat management, and evolutional development strategy. The power generation and transmission panel is composed of a huge number of perfectly equivalent modular panels, that is essential for low-cost mass production. The electric power generated by the solar cells at the surface of each module is converted to the microwave power in the same module. There are no wired signal/power interfaces between the modules. All modules are controlled by a wireless LAN system. The wireless interface between the modules leads to easy deployment and integration. Since the solar light is not concentrated in this configuration, quite different from the recent SPS concepts equipped with condensing lens or mirrors, the temperature of the module is kept within an operational range for the commercial electrical parts without any active heat rejection. The attitude in which the microwave transmission antenna is directed to the ground is automatically maintained by the gravity gradient force of the suspension system. The tethered panel is composed of individual tethered subpanels which are loosely connected to each other. This configuration enables an evolutional construction in which the function of the SPS grows as the construction proceeds. A scale model of the tethered sub-panel can be used for the first step demonstration experiment of the SPS in the near future. The demonstration experiment can verify the power transmission from the orbit to the ground, which is the most important subject at this stage of the SPS research. This concept of the SPS has disadvantages that the power to the ground varies with the local time and the working ratio is 64 % on the average as compared with the sun-pointing type SPS, but they are well compensated by the advantages in the electrical, mechanical, thermal and integration aspects.


  • The Evaluation of Agreement Between Dynamics of Electric Wheelchair and Human Behavior.

    Shigenobu Shimada, Kosei Ishimura, Mitsuo Wada

    JRM   16 ( 4 ) 434 - 442  2004年  [査読有り]



  • Conceptual Study of SSPS Demonstration Experiment

    Susumu Sasaki, Koji Tanaka, Shigeo Kawasaki, Naoki Shinohara, Ken Higuchi, Nobukatsu Okuizumi, Kei Senda, Kousei Ishimura, USEF SSPS, Study Team

    The Radio Science Bulletin   ( 310 ) 9 - 14  2004年  [査読有り]

  • Averaging interaction in the decentralized control of modularized structures

    K Ishimura, MC Natori, M Wada, K Higuchi



    Modularized structures are promising as present and future structures from the viewpoints of their high fault tolerance and easy extensible nature. Averaging interactive cooperation in the decentralized control of modularized structures is studied. The averaging interaction is defined as an interaction, which averages some physical properties of each module such as deformation, shape and stress. The most remarkable point of this study is that analogy of the heat conduction is used to realize the averaging interaction. The interaction based on a heat conduction equation enables us to grasp the physical sense of control parameters intuitively. Furthermore, the stable characteristics of heat conduction imply control stability. As case studies, two subjects are discussed: position control of the end-effector of a variable geometry truss, and deployment control of a modularized structure. Some numerical results are shown to illustrate the capability of the proposed control method.



  • An autonomous distributed control of free-floating variable geometry trusses

    K Ishimura, MC Natori, K Higuchi



    An autonomous distributed control has been presented as novel control methods for complex or large systems. In this paper, it is applied to the position control of variable geometry trusses, which have high redundancy. It is shown that the fault-tolerance of the system is easily realized through this control method. Additional behavior for obstacle avoidance is also accomplished easily. Furthermore, the area of avoidable obstacles can be extended through the cooperation of each agent. Compared with a conventional control method using inverse kinematics, the proposed method is shown to be more effective from the viewpoint of calculation time.



  • Deployment analysis and control of modularized structures

    K Ishimura, MC Natori, K Higuchi



    Deployment behavior of modularized structures is numerically analyzed from the viewpoint of synchronism. Elastic panels with single and double accordion folding patterns are examined as examples of modularized structures. Through computer simulations, it is shown that asynchronous deployments are caused by inertia forces. To improve the synchronism of the deployment, an autonomous distributed control method is introduced. Because the control method uses only local information, some advantages are expected; parallel processing, flexible extensibility and fault-tolerance. The control rule is derived by the analogy of heat conduction. Stable characteristic of heat conduction implies stability of the control method. Furthermore physical sense of control parameters can be understood intuitively because the control method is based on real physical phenomenon. It is confirmed that the autonomous distributed control can improve the synchronism of the deployment.



  • Neural control of quadruped robot for autonomous walking on soft terrain

    S Shimada, T Egami, K Ishimura, M Wada

    DISTRIBUTED AUTONOMOUS ROBOTIC SYSTEMS 5     415 - 423  2002年  [査読有り]


    In the neurophysiology it has been clarified that some rhythm generators called the Central Pattern Generator (CPG) exists in animal locomotion. The CPG is able to generate various walking patterns without any previous plan and environment model. Using the CPG one can simplify the complicated walking system. In this paper, the CPG model for quadruped static walk is proposed and applied to the quadruped robot, TITAN-VIII. Moreover, we consider the irregular terrain as a walking environment with the sensor to recognize the softness of ground. By using the neural reflex control, it is shown that the robot can autonomously walk the soft terrain.

  • Simultaneous and decentralized deployment behavior of flexible space structures

    K Ishimura, MC Natori, K Higuchi



    Deployment behavior of modularized space structures is analyzed from the viewpoint of dynamic and simultaneous deployment. Actuators, which are attached to each substructure individually, realize the decentralized and simultaneous deployment. Elastic panels with double-accordion folding pattern are examined as an example of modularized structures. Corresponding analytical model is derived from the hybrid variational principle. At first, the deployment behavior of one module is simulated numerically to analyze the deployment characteristics of the double-accordion folding. The influences of panels' shape and flexural rigidity on the deployment characteristics are clarified. Furthermore, the deployment behavior of multi modules is simulated numerically to analyze the synchronism of the deployment. It is shown that high flexural rigidity of elastic panels improves the synchronism of the deployment, and the strain energy of each module depends on constraints of the module. The synchronism of the deployment and the distribution of the strain energy are then considered qualitatively for general dynamic and simultaneous deployment.






  • 学ぶ力のトレーニング : 未来のあなたがつくる今の自分

    石村, 康生, 角田, 博明( 担当: 共著)

    東海大学出版部  2017年04月 ISBN: 9784486021384

  • 宇宙太陽発電

    電子情報通信学会, 篠原, 真毅( 担当: 分担執筆)

    オーム社  2012年07月 ISBN: 9784274212338


  • 宇宙太陽発電システムの構造に関する課題

    石村 康生  [招待有り]

    宇宙太陽発電 5 巻 p. 60-64   宇宙太陽発電学会  

    発表年月: 2020年



    <p> 本論文では,SSPSの構造やメカニズムの設計要求をSSPSの上流要件から明らかにした.全ての設計条件を構造システムの観点から定めることはできない.例えば,SSPSのように非常に大きな構造物のための剛性要求のコンセプトは,そのような非常に大きな構造物に適用できる高度制御システムのコンセプトに沿って定められるべきである.最後に,SSPSの組み立て作業に関する要求や意見を述べる.</p>

  • 超大型宇宙構造物における結合機構に関する考察

    石村 康生, ISHIMURA Kosei

    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 35th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials   宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)  

    発表年月: 2019年12月



    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2019年12月2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000146028レポート番号: B-08

  • 高精度変位計測装置の気球実験による実証について

    石村 康生, 小木曽 望, 河野 太郎, 鳥阪 綾子, 土居 明広, 福家 英之, 田村 誠, 宮下 朋之, 山崎 真穂, 田中 宏明

    年次大会   一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2019年



    <p>For future advanced missions, large and highly accurate space structures are required. A prior shape adjustment of the structure before launch is not sufficient to achieve such accurate space structures. For example, thermal deformation on orbit cannot be eliminated by the preliminary adjustment of the structure. Therefore, the shape control of the structure is a promising technique for highly accurate space structures. For the shape control, the shape error should be measured on-orbit. In this study, a measurement system for the displacement of a slender space structure has been developed as an alignment monitor. The characteristics of this measurement system are long working distance and simple configuration. The measurement system consists of a laser, retro-reflector and positioning sensing device. The performance on the ground was already demonstrated through the satellite ground test. As a first step to on-orbit experiment, the demonstration experiment on the balloon is planned. In this paper, the system configuration and development progress are reported.</p>

  • 高精度変位計測装置の実証計画について

    石村 康生, 河野 太郎, 田中 宏明, 小木曽 望, 宮下 朋之, 土居 明広, 福家 英之, 鳥阪 綾子, Ishimura Kosei, Kawano Taro, Tanaka Hiroaki, Kogiso Nozomu, Miyashita Tomoyuki, Doi Akihiro, Fuke Hideyuki, Torisaka Ayako

    大気球シンポジウム: 平成30年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2018   宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)  

    発表年月: 2018年11月



    大気球シンポジウム 平成30年度(2018年11月1-2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000128029レポート番号: isas18-sbs-029

  • モジュール構造物の組立機構に関する検討

    石村 康生, 渡邊 秋人, 伊藤 裕明, 武井 祥平, 名取 通弘

    年次大会   一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2018年



    <p>In this paper, large space structures such as solar power satellite systems are investigated from the view point of construction. For large space structures, it is necessary to satisfy different requirements depending on the phases. During launch, the strength against the launch load and small storage size are required to the structure. Although the load conditions are greatly relaxed after launch, maintenance of large area is required on orbit. In order to satisfy the different requirements for each phase, deployment mechanisms and assembly techniques in space have been studied. In this paper, functional requirements for the construction of large space structures are investigated. After the hardware designs of an assembly mechanism, its fundamental characteristics are shown.</p>

  • 小型SARアンテナ構造のEM開発

    石村康生, 斎藤宏文, 中村和行, 松井一吹, 岩崎愛樹, 竹谷昇, 友田孝久, 馬場満久, 竹内伸介


    発表年月: 2018年

  • 熱膨張を利用した伸展トラスのポインティング制御

    石村康生  [招待有り]

    日本機械学会 材料力学部門 形状記憶材料の医療及び産業分野への応用拡大のための研究開発に関する分科会  

    発表年月: 2017年09月

  • ASTRO-H(ひとみ)搭載機器の高精度アライメントの実現

    石村康生  [招待有り]

    日本機械学会 宇宙工学部門 2016年度部門賞・一般表彰 記念講演会  

    発表年月: 2017年03月

  • 高精度大型宇宙構造システム―Finishing Touch in SPACE―

    石村康生, 田中宏明, 南部陽介, 山崎政彦, 後藤健


    発表年月: 2017年

  • 高精度伸展式光学架台の軌道上伸展挙動の評価

    石村 康生, 石田 学, 河野 太郎, 峯杉 賢治, 阿部 和弘, 佐々木 崇志, 湯浅 孝行, 飯塚 亮, 上野 史郎, 林 多佳由, 春名 泰之, 尾郷 慶太, 斎藤 徹, 田近 雅也, 坂東 伸尚, 高橋 忠幸

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   日本航空宇宙学会  

    発表年月: 2016年09月

  • X線天文衛星ASTRO-H高精度構造システムの開発報告

    石村 康生, 河野 太郎, 馬場 満久, 安田 進, 竹井 洋, 峯杉 賢治, 高橋 忠幸, 松元 和郎, 対馬 雅明, 池田 瑞穂, 阿部 和弘, 鬼頭 玲, 中山 大輔

    年会講演会講演集   日本航空宇宙学会  

    発表年月: 2016年04月

  • 高精度大型宇宙構造物の成果と課題

    石村康生  [招待有り]

    自動車技術会 第12回振動騒音部門委員会  

    発表年月: 2016年03月

  • ASTRO-H(ひとみ)搭載機器のアライメント性能

    石村 康生, 林 多佳由, 松元 和郎, 立川 清隆, 湯浅 孝行, 対馬 雅明, 梶浦 宏之, 上野 史郎, 池田 瑞穂, 前田 修, 岩田 直子, 石田 学, 佐々木 崇志, 湯本 隆宏, 中山 大輔, 小野 ゆかり, 栗原 淳, 天沼 孝仁, 早坂 雄平, 馬場 満久, 水野 恒史, 渡辺 伸, 河野 太郎, 中澤 知洋, 後藤 健, 和田 篤始, 夏苅 権, 高橋 忠幸, 飯塚 亮, 尾曲 邦之, 阿部 和弘, 峯杉 賢治, 東海林 和典, 鬼頭 玲

    スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集   一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2016年



    <p>ASTRO-H (hitomi) was an X-ray astronomy satellite in Japan which was launched on 17 Feb. 2016. To meet its science goals, four kinds of instruments and six detectors were equipped on the satellite. The focal length of two soft X-ray telescopes was 5.6 m, and that of two hard X-ray telescopes is 12m. One of the most difficult challenges for the satellite structure was to meet the alignment requirements for instruments and detectors. Through the ground tests and observation results on orbit, it was confirmed that the performance of alignment meet the requirements. In this paper, the results of on-orbit alignment performance of the instruments and obtained techniques to control the alignment are reported.</p>

  • 科学衛星における宇宙構造物の課題と成果

    石村康生  [招待有り]

    IASS 2016 プレシンポジウム 宇宙に築く大規模空間構造の実際  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • 高精度大型構造システムの研究開発と展開について

    石村 康生, 高精度大型宇宙構造システム研究開発チーム

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   日本航空宇宙学会  

    発表年月: 2014年11月

  • 宇宙望遠鏡における構造システム

    石村康生  [招待有り]

    第5回深宇宙探査学シンポジウム 宇宙望遠鏡と太陽系内外の惑星観測  

    発表年月: 2014年05月

  • 高精度宇宙望遠鏡の試験検証技術

    石村 康生, 後藤 健, 小松 敬治

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   日本航空宇宙学会  

    発表年月: 2013年10月

  • 宇宙構造物工学に関する現状の課題・研究成果

    石村康生  [招待有り]

    日本機械学会 宇宙工学部門 先進軽量構造システム研究会  

    発表年月: 2013年03月

  • J4 熱膨張によるトラスのポインティング制御(宇宙構造物)

    石村 康生, 秋田 剛, 仙場 淳彦, 荻 芳郎, 岩佐 貴史, 古谷 寛, 峯杉 賢治

    スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference   一般社団法人日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2011年01月



    To meet advanced science missions, large and precise support structures such as truss structures are needed. In this paper, pointing control of a truss structure is discussed. To control the truss structure, thermal expansion of truss members is utilized instead of mechanical actuators. Heaters are equipped to truss members so that the thermal expansion of the members is controlled by heaters. PI control is applied to an experimental model which is box truss with 1.9m height. Through experiments, it is shown that the truss structure can be controlled with good accuracy, for example, within ...

  • J191045 三軸織STEMのスピン時における動的特性評価([J19104]構造・材料の高度化に向けた宇宙工学と材料力学の展開(4))

    石村 康生, 小嶋 浩嗣, 斎藤 義文, 酒井 良次, 梶川 隆史, 川端 信義, 渡邊 秋人, 尾崎 毅志, 樋口 健, 荻 芳郎, 渡辺 和樹, 笠羽 康正

    年次大会   一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2011年



    In SCOPE mission, flexible extendable rod antennas are equipped along the spin axis of satellite. For the extendable function, STEM (Stowable Tubular Extendable Member) is used as the rod antenna. The apparent natural frequency of the STEM changes depending on the spin-rate. Furthermore, bending and torsion of the STEM are coupled because the STEM has open section. The dynamic characteristics of the STEM are clarified through analysis and tests. Especially, the coupled vibration of bending and torsion, and the effect of spin motion on apparent natural frequency of the STEM are investigated. As a result, it was shown that the effect of spin motion can be quantitatively predicted by simple analytical model. In addition, it was found that the characteristics of the vibration are strongly affected by the boundary condition of the STEM.

  • Prediction, measurement and stabilization of structural deformation on orbit

    K. Ishimura, A. Senba, T. Iwasa, Y. Ogi, T. Akita, H. Furuya, K. Minesugi

    61st International Astronautical Congress 2010, IAC 2010  

    発表年月: 2010年12月



    Requirement for shape stability of space structures such as barrel for space telescope tends to become more precisely. In addition to it, large size over 10 meters is sometimes required for such support structure to meet advanced science missions. To realize large and precise support structures, comprehensive techniques including prediction, measurement and stabilization techniques on orbit are needed. In this paper, we introduce some fundamental techniques to keep the precise shape for a slender box truss as a representative support structure. The structural deformation on orbit is induced by thermal distribution, disturbance (RW/MW/SAD etc.) and so on. At first, we analyzed temperature distribution and thermal distortion of the truss structure to predict the thermal deformation. The accuracy of analysis results is evaluated through experiments with a five-bay truss structure. Then, system identification is carried out to identify the stiffness of the structure because such identification of the stiffness becomes important for the precise prediction of thermal deformation in the case of indeterminate structure. As a first step, the stiffness matrix is identified by using particle swarm optimization method from the experimental data of natural frequency. By using the identified stiffness matrix, the natural frequency can be estimated within 1% error. At last, we attempt the shape control of truss structure by using artificial thermal expansion. It is experimentally shown that deformation of truss structure could be controlled with good accuracy, for example, within 30μm error for 1.9m height truss. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved.

  • ハイパースペクトルデータによる植物分類

    石村 康生, 和田 充雄, 稲垣 佑哉, 佐鳥 新, 中澤 正博

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan  

    発表年月: 2008年09月

  • マルチセルインフレータブルのリーク特性と剛性に関する考察

    石村康生, 樋口健, 安中俊彦, 川上肇


    発表年月: 2008年




  • 大型ゴッサマー宇宙構造物システムの構築理論の確立と実現シナリオの探求

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)



    宮崎 康行, 名取 通弘, 石村 康生, 岸本 直子, 上土井 大助



  • モジュール型宇宙構造物の構築に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    名取 通弘, 石村 康生, 山川 宏, 宮下 朋之, 鳥阪 綾子



  • トラス構造の熱変形による高精度形状制御

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    石村 康生



  • 高性能科学観測に向けた高精度構造・材料の研究開発

    宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所  戦略的開発研究費



  • 高精度大型宇宙構造システムの研究開発

    宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所  戦略的開発研究費



  • 内圧維持型マルチセルインフレータブル宇宙構造システム

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))



    石村 康生



  • 軽量マルチセル宇宙構造システムの研究開発

    宇宙航空研究開発機構  オープンラボ



  • ハイパースペクトル画像を用いた農作物の品種及び生育状況判別システムの研究開発

    JST  山岳共同シーズイノベーション化事業顕在化ステージ



  • 構造・環境・制御の相互作用によるグローバルストラクチャーの研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)



    石村 康生



  • 大規模宇宙構造システムにおける非線形挙動の解析とその適応分散制御に関する研究

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))



    石村 康生



  • モジュール型膜面展開構造物の力学特性に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    名取 通弘, 樋口 健, 奥泉 信克, 石村 康生



  • 大規模宇宙システムにおける分散情報伝播機構の開発

    ノーステック財団  基盤的研究・開発・支援事業(若手研究補助金)



  • ヒューマンスキルのカオスダイナミクスを考慮した適応型インターフェースに関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)



    和田 充雄, 山口 明宏, 石村 康生, 井上 純一, 横井 孝志, 高橋 昭彦



  • 巨大宇宙構造物の建設に際しての可変形状トラスの自律分散制御の研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費



    石村 康生



  • NPB2-4a 気球によるウインチを用いた凖静的放球法の頭部立上げ法の確認試験

    斎藤, 芳隆, 飯嶋, 一征, 池田, 忠作, 生田, 歩夢, 森, 英之, 水越, 彗太, 水村, 好貴, 田村, 誠, 山谷, 昌大, 山田, 和彦, 秋田, 大輔, 中篠, 恭一, 松尾, 卓摩, 石村, 康生, 山田, 昇, 加保, 貴奈, 藤原, 正智, 五十嵐, 優, 橋本, 紘幸, 松嶋, 清穂

    大気球シンポジウム: 2023年度    2023年10月


    レポート番号: isas23-sbs-024

  • 線接触下におけるサンプルリターン用固体潤滑剤の変形特性

    前田康博, 佐藤泰貴, 石村康生

    構造強度に関する講演会講演集   65th  2023年


  • NPB2-4気球を用いた凖静的な立上げによる新しい放球方法の検証—Verification of a new quasi-static launching method using NPB2-4 balloon

    斎藤, 芳隆, 水村, 好貴, 山田, 和彦, 秋田, 大輔, 石村, 康生, 加保, 貴奈, 藤原, 正智, 中篠, 恭一, 古田, 竜也, 松尾, 卓摩, 山田, 昇, 五十嵐, 優, 橋本, 紘幸, 松嶋, 清穂, SAITO, Yoshitaka, MIZUMURA, Yoshitaka, YAMADA, Kazuhiko, AKITA, Daisuke, ISHIMURA, Kosei, KAHO, Takana, FUJIWARA, Masatomo, NAKASHINO, Kyoichi, FURUTA, Tatsuya, MATSUO, Takuma, YAMADA, Noboru, IGARASHI, Yutaka, HASHIMOTO, Hiroyuki, MATSUSHIMA, Kiyoho

    大気球シンポジウム: 2022年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2022    2022年11月


    大気球シンポジウム 2022年度(2022年11月7-8日. ハイブリッド開催(JAXA相模原キャンパス& オンライン))
    Balloon Symposium 2022 (November 7-8, 2022. Hybrid(in-person & online) Conference (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)(ISAS)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan
    著者人数: 14名
    資料番号: SA6000177027
    レポート番号: isas22-sbs-027

  • 皮膜に網をかぶせた長時間飛翔用スーパープレッシャー気球の放球方法の開発—Development of a New Launching Method for the Super-Pressure Balloon with a Diamond Shaped Net for Long Duration Flight

    斎藤, 芳隆, 山田, 和彦, 中篠, 恭一, 秋田, 大輔, 松尾, 卓摩, 石村, 康生, 山田, 昇, 加保, 貴奈, SAITO, Yoshitaka, YAMADA, Kazuhiko, NAKASHINO, Kyoichi, AKITA, Daisuke, MATSUO, Takuma, ISHIMURA, Kosei, YAMADA, Noboru, KAHO, Takana

    大気球シンポジウム: 2021年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2021    2021年11月


    大気球シンポジウム 2021年度(2021年11月1-2日. オンライン開催)
    Balloon Symposium 2021 (November 1-2, 2021. Online Meeting)
    資料番号: SA6000166009
    レポート番号: isas21-sbs-009


  • 高精度変位計測装置の実証結果と展望2021年度

    石村 康生, 河野 太郎, 田中 宏明, 小木曽 望, 宮下 朋之, 土居 明広, 水村 好貴, 福家 英之, 田村 誠, 中尾 達郎, 鳥阪 綾子, 山崎 真穂, 安田 優也, 山本 晃也



    大気球シンポジウム 2021年度(2021年11月1-2日. オンライン開催)資料番号: SA6000166006レポート番号: isas21-sbs-006


  • 皮膜に網をかぶせた長時間飛翔用スーパープレッシャー気球NPB2-3の飛翔試験(B20-03)結果と地上放球試験の提案

    斎藤 芳隆, 山田 和彦, 中篠 恭一, 秋田 大輔, 松尾 卓摩, 荘司 泰弘, 石村 康生, 山田 昇, 加保 貴奈, 松嶋 清穂, 橋本 紘幸, 島津 繁之, SAITO Yoshitaka, YAMADA Kazuhiko, NAKASHINO Kyoichi, AKITA Daisuke, MATSUO Takuma, SHOJI Yasuhiro, ISHIMURA Kosei, YAMADA Noboru, KAHO Takana, MATSUSHIMA Kiyoho, HASHIMOTO Hiroyuki, SHIMADU Shigeyuki

    大気球シンポジウム: 2020年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2020    2020年11月


    大気球シンポジウム 2020年度(2020年11月5-6日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 12名資料番号: SA6000151024レポート番号: isas20-sbs-024


  • ステレオ画像相関法を用いた CFRP アルミニウム締結体の熱変形評価

    渕上 歩夢, 米山 聡, 後藤 健, 石村 康生, FUCHIGAMI Ayumu, YONEYAMA Satoshi, GOTO Ken, ISHIMURA Kosei

    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 35th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2019年12月


    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2019年12月2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000146008レポート番号: A-7


  • 宇宙形状可変鏡における変位の連成特性に関する研究

    武田 真司, 小出 紗瑛, 大本 圭祐, 坂本 啓, 田中 宏明, 石村 康生, 大熊 政明, TAKEDA Shinji, SAKAMOTO Hiraku, TANAKA Hiroaki, ISHIMURA Kosei, OKUMA Masaaki

    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 35th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2019年12月


    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2019年12月2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000146021レポート番号: B-01


  • ハニカムサンドイッチ構造を有する衛星搭載アンテナの熱変形に関する検討

    岩崎 愛樹, 石村 康生, 中村 和行, 久原 隆博, 齋藤 宏文, 喜多村 竜太, 高野 敦, IWAMURA Aiki, ISHIMURA Kosei, NAKAMURA Kazuyuki, KUHARA Takahiro, SAITO Hirobumi, KITAMURA Ryuta, TAKANO Atsushi

    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 35th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2019年12月


    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2019年12月2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000146025レポート番号: B-05


  • 超大型宇宙構造物における結合機構に関する考察

    石村 康生, ISHIMURA Kosei

    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 35th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2019年12月


    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2019年12月2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000146028レポート番号: B-08


  • 高精度計測系と形状可変鏡を統合した高精度アンテナシステムの実証試験

    田中 宏明, 小木曽 望, 坂野 文香, 樋口 健, 勝又 暢久, 山崎 健次, 岩佐 貴史, 岸本 直子, 藤垣 元治, 石村 康生, 土居 明広, 中原 聡美, 長谷川 豊, 河野 裕介, TANAKA Hiroaki, KOGISO Nozomu, SAKANO Fumika, HIGUCHI Ken, KATSUMATA Nobuhisa, YAMAZAKI Kenji, IWASA Takashi, KISHIMOTO Naoko, FUJIGAKI Motoharu, ISHIMURA Kosei, DOI Akihiro, NAKAHARA Satomi, HASEGAWA Yutaka, KONO Yusuke

    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 35th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2019年12月


    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2019年12月2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 14名資料番号: SA6000146022レポート番号: B-02


  • 皮膜に網をかぶせた長時間飛翔用スーパープレッシャー気球の実験計画

    齋藤 芳隆, 山田 和彦, 中篠 恭一, 秋田 大輔, 松尾 卓摩, 石村 康生, 山田 昇, 松嶋 清穂, 橋本 紘幸, 島津 繁之, Saito Yoshitaka, Yamada Kazuhiko, Nakashino Kyoichi, Akita Daisuke, Matsuo Takuma, Ishimura Kosei, Yamada Noboru, Matsushima Kiyoho, Hashimoto Hiroyuki, Shimadu Shigeyuki

    大気球シンポジウム: 2019年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2019    2019年11月


    大気球シンポジウム 2019年度(2019年11月7-8日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000140016レポート番号: isas19-sbs-016


  • 気球VLBI実験: 2019年の実験の報告と2020年の実験再提案

    河野 裕介, 土居 明広, 木村 公洋, 中原 聡美, 下向 怜歩, 長谷川 豊, 小山 友明, 鈴木 駿策, 亀谷 收, 村田 泰宏, 米倉 覚則, 岡田 望, 海老沢 研, 井上 芳幸, 石村 康生, 本間 希樹, 小川 英夫, 小木曽 望, 田中 宏明, 莊司 泰弘, 坂東 信尚, Kono Yusuke, Doi Akihiro, Kimura Kimihiro, Nakahara Satomi, Shimomukai Reiho, Hasegawa Yutaka, Oayama Tomoaki, Suzuki Shunsaku, Kameya Osamu, Murata Yasuhiro, Yonekura Yoshinori, Okada Nozomu, Ebisawa Ken, Inoue Yoshiyuki, Ishimura Kosei, Honma Mareki, Ogawa Hideo, Kogiso Nozomu, Tanaka Hiroaki, Shoji Yasuhiro, Bando Nobutaka

    大気球シンポジウム: 2019年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2019    2019年11月


    大気球シンポジウム 2019年度(2019年11月7-8日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 21名資料番号: SA6000140030レポート番号: isas19-sbs-030


  • 小型衛星搭載用SARアンテナの熱変形が最小となる構成の検討

    岩崎 愛樹, 中村 和行, 久原 隆博, 石村 康生, 齋藤 宏文, 高野 敦

    年会講演会講演集   50   3p  2019年04月


  • 深宇宙探査に向けた大型サンプルリターンカプセルのペイロード格納機構概念検討

    佐藤泰貴, 山田和彦, 松岡範子, 松本康司, 剱持伸朗, 石村康生

    構造強度に関する講演会講演集   61st  2019年


  • 複数周波数の熱入力の同時印加による熱変形評価方法

    宮崎哲大, 石村康生, 宮下朋之, 佐藤泰貴

    構造強度に関する講演会講演集   61st  2019年


  • 将来のサンプルリターンカプセルのためのペイロード格納機構機能試験

    佐藤泰貴, 山田和彦, 松岡範子, 松本康司, 剱持伸朗, 岩渕頌太, 有賀陽平, たら澤昌幸, 石村康生

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   63rd  2019年


  • 簡易曝露実験装置(ExHAM)を用いた軽量高精度CFRP鏡の長期宇宙曝露実験

    西堀 俊幸, 中村 和行, 村瀬 允弘, 宮崎 謙一, 宗村 知治, 久米 将実, 原 憲一, 松本 隆之, 神谷 友裕, 石田 良平, 真鍋 武嗣, 石村 康生, 永井 康史, 落合 啓, 菊池 健一, 中村 信幸

    日本航空宇宙学会誌   67 ( 4 ) 133 - 139  2019年



    DOI CiNii

  • 高精度大型宇宙構造物向け材料の開発

    後藤 健, 石村 康生, 小林 訓史, 上田 政人, 横関 智弘, 小山 昌志

    日本航空宇宙学会誌   67 ( 4 ) 113 - 119  2019年



    DOI CiNii

  • 高精度変位計測装置の気球実験による実証について

    石村 康生, 小木曽 望, 河野 太郎, 鳥阪 綾子, 土居 明広, 福家 英之, 田村 誠, 宮下 朋之, 山崎 真穂, 田中 宏明

    年次大会   2019 ( 0 ) F19101  2019年


    <p>For future advanced missions, large and highly accurate space structures are required. A prior shape adjustment of the structure before launch is not sufficient to achieve such accurate space structures. For example, thermal deformation on orbit cannot be eliminated by the preliminary adjustment of the structure. Therefore, the shape control of the structure is a promising technique for highly accurate space structures. For the shape control, the shape error should be measured on-orbit. In this study, a measurement system for the displacement of a slender space structure has been developed as an alignment monitor. The characteristics of this measurement system are long working distance and simple configuration. The measurement system consists of a laser, retro-reflector and positioning sensing device. The performance on the ground was already demonstrated through the satellite ground test. As a first step to on-orbit experiment, the demonstration experiment on the balloon is planned. In this paper, the system configuration and development progress are reported.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 主鏡変形量を補正するカセグレインアンテナ構造高精度化確認試験に向けた検討

    樋口 健, 勝又 暢久, 山﨑 健次, 岩佐 貴史, 岸本 直子, 藤垣 元治, 土居 明広, 小木曽 望, 田中 宏明, 石村 康生

    第63回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   4593 ( 3 )  2019年


  • 小型 SAR 衛星搭載アンテナの重力補償方法の改良

    岩崎 愛樹, 竹谷 昇, 友田 孝久, 中村 和行, 久原 隆博, 石村 康生, 齋藤 宏文, 高野 敦, Iwasaki Aiki, Takeya Noboru, Tomoda Takahisa, Nakamura Kazuyuki, Kuhara Takahiro, Ishimura Kosei, Saito Hirobumi, Takano Atsushi

    第34回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 34th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2018年12月


    第34回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2018年12月4日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000137027レポート番号: B05


  • 軌道上での伸展マストにおけるサーマルスナップ現象の解析

    清水 駿之介, 石村 康生, 宮下 朋之, Shimizu Shunnosuke, Ishimura Kosei, Miyashita Tomoyuki

    第34回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 34th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2018年12月


    第34回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2018年12月4日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000137039レポート番号: B17


  • 熱サイクル環境下におけるラッチ荷重制御によるキネマティックカップリングの位置決め精度向上

    浅沼 範大, 石村 康生, 佐藤 泰貴, 宮下 朋之, Asanuma Norihiro, Ishimura Kosei, Satoh Yasutaka, Miyashita Tomoyuki

    第34回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 34th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2018年12月


    第34回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2018年12月4日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000137041レポート番号: B19


  • キネマティックカップリングへの振動印加による位置決め精度の向上

    小川 雄樹, 石村 康生, 田中 宏明, 佐藤 泰貴, 角田 博明, Ogawa Yuki, Ishimura Kosei, Tanaka Hiroaki, Satoh Yasutaka, Tsunoda Hiroaki

    第34回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 34th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2018年12月


    第34回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2018年12月4日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000137042レポート番号: B20


  • ExHAM による圧電素子の宇宙環境曝露試験計画

    田中 宏明, 小木曽 望, 池田 忠繁, 石村 康生, 藤垣 元治, 後藤 優太, 田川 雅人, 岩田 稔, 樋口 健, 勝又 暢久, 岩佐 貴史, 坂本 啓, 岸本 直子, 波多 英寛, 仙場 淳彦, Tanaka Hiroaki, Kogiso Nozomu, Ikeda Tadashige, Ishimura Kosei, Fujigaki Motoharu, Goto Yuta, Tagawa Masahito, Iwata Minoru, Higuchi Ken, Katsumata Nobuhisa, Iwasa Takashi, Sakamoto Hiraku, Kishimoto Naoko, Hata Hidehiro, Senba Atsuhiko

    第34回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 34th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2018年12月


    第34回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2018年12月4日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 15名資料番号: SA6000137008レポート番号: A08


  • 気球 VLBI 実験:2018年の実験の報告と2019年の実験再提案

    土居 明広, 河野 裕介, 木村 公洋, 中原 聡美, 下向 怜歩, 長谷川 豊, 小山 友明, 鈴木 駿策, 亀谷 收, 村田 泰宏, 米倉 覚則, 岡田 望, 保田 大介, 関戸 衛, 海老沢 研, 井上 芳幸, 石村 康生, 本間 希樹, 小川 英夫, 小木曽 望, 田中 宏明, 芝井 広, 成田 正直, 莊司 泰弘, 坂東 信尚, 藤澤 健太, 青木 貴弘, Doi Akihiro, Kono Yusuke, Kimura Kimihiro, Nakahara Satomi, Shimomukai Reiho, Hasegawa Yutaka, Oyama Tomoaki, Suzuki Shunsaku, Kameya Osamu, Murata Yasuhiro, Yonekura Yoshinori, Okada Nozomi, Yasuda Daisuke, Sekido Mamoru, Ebisawa Ken, Inoue Yoshiyuki, Ishimura Kosei, Honma Mareki, Ogawa Hideo, Kogiso Nozomu, Tanaka Hiroaki, Shibai Hiroshi, Narita Masanao, Shoji Yasuhiro, Bando Nobutaka, Fujisawa Kenta, Aoki Takahiro

    大気球シンポジウム: 平成30年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2018    2018年11月


    大気球シンポジウム 平成30年度(2018年11月1-2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 27名資料番号: SA6000128002レポート番号: isas18-sbs-002


  • 皮膜に網をかぶせた長時間飛翔用スーパープレッシャー気球の開発(NPB2-1、NPB2-2の形状)

    斎藤 芳隆, 後藤 健, 山田 和彦, 中篠 恭一, 秋田 大輔, 松尾 卓摩, 石村 康生, 田村 啓輔, 山田 昇, 松嶋 清穂, 橋本 紘幸, 島津 繁之, Saito Yoshitaka, Goto Ken, Yamada Kazuhiko, Nakashino Kyoichi, Akita Daisuke, Matsuo Takuma, Ishimura Kosei, Tamura Keisuke, Yamada Noboru, Matsushima Kiyoho, Hashimoto Hiroyuki, Shimadu Shigeyuki

    大気球シンポジウム: 平成30年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2018    2018年11月


    大気球シンポジウム 平成30年度(2018年11月1-2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 12名資料番号: SA6000128027レポート番号: isas18-sbs-027


  • 高精度変位計測装置の実証計画について

    石村 康生, 河野 太郎, 田中 宏明, 小木曽 望, 宮下 朋之, 土居 明広, 福家 英之, 鳥阪 綾子, Ishimura Kosei, Kawano Taro, Tanaka Hiroaki, Kogiso Nozomu, Miyashita Tomoyuki, Doi Akihiro, Fuke Hideyuki, Torisaka Ayako

    大気球シンポジウム: 平成30年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2018    2018年11月


    大気球シンポジウム 平成30年度(2018年11月1-2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000128029レポート番号: isas18-sbs-029


  • 小型合成開口レーダ衛星搭載アンテナの地上展開試験を通した展開性能評価

    岩崎愛樹, 馬場満久, 竹谷昇, 友田孝久, 中村和行, 久原隆博, 石村康生, 齋藤宏文, 高野敦

    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   49th   ROMBUNNO.1E03  2018年04月

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Nano‐JASMINEと小型JASMINEの全体的進捗

    郷田直輝, 辻本拓司, 矢野太平, 上田暁俊, 宇都宮真, 鹿島伸悟, 間瀬一郎, 亀谷收, 浅利一善, 山田良透, 吉岡諭, 穂積俊輔, 梅村雅之, 西亮一, 浅田秀樹, 長島雅裕, 石村康生, 中須賀真一, 酒匂信匡

    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集   2018   211  2018年02月


  • Athermalization of deformable reflector’s actuators for radio astronomy satellites

    Reo Kashiyama, Hiraku Sakamoto, Masaaki Okuma, Hiroaki Tanaka, Kosei Ishimura

    AIAA Spacecraft Structures Conference, 2018   ( 210019 )  2018年


    © 2018 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. This paper develops an athermalization method to cancel the mismatch of the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) that exists in active control mechanisms, through analysis, prototyping, and tests. Essentially, the CTE mismatch between piezoceramics and the other structures made of super invar is cancelled by combing with another metallic part. In addition, this paper clarifies the mechanism of thermal deformation caused by inner structure of a piezoelectric stack actuator. It shows in both finite-element analysis and tests that the CTE mismatch cancellation is affected by the dimension tolerance of the inner structure, but successfully adjustable by the proposed methods. Moreover, the high thermal sensitivity of the actuator is exploited to propose another type of smart actuator, which uses active thermal deformation. This alternative approach is also evaluated through analysis, prototyping, and tests.


  • Concept of X-ray Astronomy Recovery Mission

    Makoto Tashiro, Hironori Maejima, Kenichi Toda, Richard Kelley, Lillian Reichenthal, James Lobell, Robert Petre, Matteo Guainazzi, Elisa Costantini, Mark Edison, Ryuichi Fujimoto, Martin Grim, Kiyoshi Hayashida, Jan-Willem den Herder, Yoshitaka Ishisaki, Stephane Paltani, Kyoko Matsushita, Koji Mori, Gary Sneiderman, Yoh Takei, Yukikatsu Terada, Hiroshi Tomida, Hiroki Akamatsu, Lorella Angelini, Yoshitaka Arai, Hisamitsu Awaki, Iurii Babyk, Aya Bamba, Peter Barfknecht, Kim Barnstable, Thomas Bialas, Branimir Blagojevic, Joseph Bonafede, Clifford Brambora, Laura Brenneman, Greg Brown, Kimberly Brown, Laura Burns, Edgar Canavan, Tim Carnahan, Meng Chiao, Brian Comber, Lia Corrales, Cor de Vries, Johannes Dercksen, Maria Diaz-Trigo, Tyrone Dillard, Michael DiPirro, Chris Done, Tadayasu Dotani, Ken Ebisawa, Megan Eckart, Teruaki Enoto, Yuichiro Ezoe, Carlo Ferrigno, Yutaka Fujita, Yasushi Fukazawa, Akihiro Furuzawa, Luigi Gallo, Steve Graham, Liyi Gu, Kohichi Hagino, Kenji Hamaguchi, Isamu Hatsukade, Dean Hawes, Takayuki Hayashi, Cailey Hegarty, Natalie Hell, Junko Hiraga, Edmund Hodges-Kluck, Matt Holland, Ann Hornschemeier, Akio Hoshino, Yuto Ichinohe, Ryo Iizuka, Kazunori Ishibashi, Manabu Ishida, Kumi Ishikawa, Kosei Ishimura, Bryan James, Timothy Kallman, Erin Kara, Satoru Katsuda, Steven Kenyon, Caroline Kilbourne, Mark Kimball, Takao Kitaguchi, Shunji Kitamoto, Shogo Kobayashi, Takayoshi Kohmura, Shu Koyama, Aya Kubota, Maurice Leutenegger, Tom Lockard, Mike Loewenstein, Yoshitomo Maeda, Lynette Marbley, Maxim Markevitch, Connor Martz, Hironori Matsumoto, Keiichi Matsuzaki, Dan McCammon, Brian McNamara, Joseph Miko, Eric Miller, Jon Miller, Kenji Minesugi, Ikuyuki Mitsuishi, Tsunefumi Mizuno, Hideyuki Mori, Koji Mukai, Hiroshi Murakami, Richard Mushotzky, Hiroshi Nakajima, Hideto Nakamura, Shinya Nakashima, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Chikara Natsukari, Kenichiro Nigo, Yusuke Nishioka, Kumiko Nobukawa, Masayoshi Nobukawa, Hirofumi Noda, Hirokazu Odaka, Mina Ogawa, Takaya Ohashi, Masahiro Ohno, Masayuki Ohta, Takashi Okajima, Atsushi Okamoto, Michitaka Onizuka, Naomi Ota, Masanobu Ozaki, Paul Plucinsky, F. Scott Porter, Katja Pottschmidt, Kosuke Sato, Rie Sato, Makoto Sawada, Hiromi Seta, Ken Shelton, Yasuko Shibano, Maki Shida, Megumi Shidatsu, Peter Shirron, Aurora Simionescu, Randall Smith, Kazunori Someya, Yang Soong, Yasuharu Sugawara, Andy Szymkowiak, Hiromitsu Takahashi, Toru Tamagawa, Takayuki Tamura, Takaaki Tanaka, Yuichi Terashima, Yohko Tsuboi, Masahiro Tsujimoto, Hiroshi Tsunemi, Takeshi Tsuru, Hiroyuki Uchida, Hideki Uchiyama, Yoshihiro Ueda, Shinichiro Uno, Thomas Walsh, Shin Watanabe, Brian Williams, Rob Wolfs, Michael Wright, Shinya Yamada, Hiroya Yamaguchi, Kazutaka Yamaoka, Noriko Yamasaki, Shigeo Yamauchi, Makoto Yamauchi, Keiichi Yanagase, Tahir Yaqoob, Susumu Yasuda, Nasa Yoshioka, Jaime Zabala, Irina Zhuravleva



    The ASTRO-H mission was designed and developed through an international collaboration of JAXA, NASA, ESA, and the CSA. It was successfully launched on February 17, 2016, and then named Hitomi. During the in-orbit verification phase, the on-board observational instruments functioned as expected. The intricate coolant and refrigeration systems for soft X-ray spectrometer (SXS, a quantum micro-calorimeter) and soft X-ray imager (SXI, an X-ray CCD) also functioned as expected. However, on March 26, 2016, operations were prematurely terminated by a series of abnormal events and mishaps triggered by the attitude control system. These errors led to a fatal event: the loss of the solar panels on the Hitomi mission. The X-ray Astronomy Recovery Mission (or, XARM) is proposed to regain the key scientific advances anticipated by the international collaboration behind Hitomi. XARM will recover this science in the shortest time possible by focusing on one of the main science goals of Hitomi, "Resolving astrophysical problems by precise high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy".(1) This decision was reached after evaluating the performance of the instruments aboard Hitomi and the mission's initial scientific results, and considering the landscape of planned international X-ray astrophysics missions in 2020's and 2030's.Hitomi opened the door to high-resolution spectroscopy in the X-ray universe. It revealed a number of discrepancies between new observational results and prior theoretical predictions. Yet, the resolution pioneered by Hitomi is also the key to answering these and other fundamental questions. The high spectral resolution realized by XARM will not offer mere refinements; rather, it will enable qualitative leaps in astrophysics and plasma physics. XARM has therefore been given a broad scientific charge: "Revealing material circulation and energy transfer in cosmic plasmas and elucidating evolution of cosmic structures and objects". To fulfill this charge, four categories of science objectives that were defined for Hitomi will also be pursued by XARM; these include (1) Structure formation of the Universe and evolution of clusters of galaxies; (2) Circulation history of baryonic matters in the Universe; (3) Transport and circulation of energy in the Universe; (4) New science with unprecedented high resolution X-ray spectroscopy. In order to achieve these scientific objectives, XARM will carry a 6 x 6 pixelized X-ray micro-calorimeter on the focal plane of an X-ray mirror assembly, and an aligned X-ray CCD camera covering the same energy band and a wider field of view. This paper introduces the science objectives, mission concept, and observing plan of XARM.


  • 部材剛性評価に基づく伸展式光学架台の剛性設計に関する研究

    馬場満久, 石村康生, 河野太郎, 阿部和弘, 蒔田愛道, 前田修, 佐藤泰貴

    構造強度に関する講演会講演集   60th   244‐246  2018年


  • 航空宇宙分野発展のために構造分野がすべきこと

    有薗仁, 石村康生, 田中宏明, 横関智弘, 小木曽望

    構造強度に関する講演会講演集   60th   P.1‐P.2  2018年


  • 小型SARアンテナ構造のEM開発

    石村康生, 斎藤宏文, 中村和行, 松井一吹, 岩崎愛樹, 竹谷昇, 友田孝久, 馬場満久, 竹内伸介

    構造強度に関する講演会講演集   60th   111‐113  2018年


  • 宇宙マイクロ波背景放射偏光観測衛星LiteBIRDのための偏光変調器の開発

    松村知岳, 櫻井雄基, 飯田光人, 宇都宮真, 大崎博之, 片山伸彦, 五神真, 小西邦昭, 小林洋平, 菅井肇, 高久諒太, 高倉理, 櫻井治之, 寺尾悠, 廣田幸真, 湯本潤司, 小木曽望, 石野宏和, 小松国幹, 川崎健夫, 渡邊尚貴, 鈴木純一, 羽澄昌史, 牧宗慶, 杉山真也, 田代信, 寺田幸功, 満田和久, 中村正吾, 今田大皓, 石村康生

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   62nd  2018年


  • 将来のサンプルリターンカプセルのためのペイロード格納機構の概念検討

    佐藤泰貴, 山田和彦, 松岡範子, 松本康司, 石村康生

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   62nd  2018年


  • モジュール構造物の組立機構に関する検討

    石村 康生, 渡邊 秋人, 伊藤 裕明, 武井 祥平, 名取 通弘

    年次大会   2018 ( 0 ) J1910002  2018年


    <p>In this paper, large space structures such as solar power satellite systems are investigated from the view point of construction. For large space structures, it is necessary to satisfy different requirements depending on the phases. During launch, the strength against the launch load and small storage size are required to the structure. Although the load conditions are greatly relaxed after launch, maintenance of large area is required on orbit. In order to satisfy the different requirements for each phase, deployment mechanisms and assembly techniques in space have been studied. In this paper, functional requirements for the construction of large space structures are investigated. After the hardware designs of an assembly mechanism, its fundamental characteristics are shown.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 火星衛星探査計画MMXの着陸システム概念検討

    馬場満久, 大槻真嗣, 佐藤康貴, 石村康生, 石上玄也, 尾崎伸吾, 北薗幸一, 小林泰三, 能見公博, 原進, 前田孝雄, 姫野武洋, 田川俊夫, 須藤真琢, 竹澤晃弘, 丸裕介, 戸部裕史, 今田高嶺, 嶋田貴信

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   62nd   ROMBUNNO.1C07  2018年


  • ひとみ衛星の軟X線分光性能を支えた擾乱アイソレート技術

    安田 進, 石村 康生, SXS擾乱対策チーム, 竹井 洋, 佐藤 洋一, 岩田 直子, 岡本 篤, 河野 太郎, 澤田 真理, 和田 篤始, 夏苅 権

    日本航空宇宙学会誌   66 ( 1 ) 4 - 4  2018年


  • 宇宙用高精度大型構造物の研究開発:スマート形状可変鏡

    田中宏明, 坂本啓, 石村康生, 小木曽望, 土居明広, 河野裕介

    日本航空宇宙学会誌   66 ( 5 ) 135‐140(J‐STAGE) - 140  2018年




  • Nano‐JASMINEと小型JASMINEの進捗概要

    郷田直輝, 辻本拓司, 矢野太平, 上田暁俊, 宇都宮真, 鹿島伸悟, 間瀬一郎, 亀谷收, 浅利一善, 山田良透, 吉岡諭, 穂積俊輔, 梅村雅之, 西亮一, 浅田秀樹, 長島雅裕, 石村康生, 中須賀真一, 酒匂信匡

    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集   2017   218  2017年08月


  • 技術賞 ASTRO-H衛星搭載の軟X線分光器の世界最高水準エネルギー分光性能実現のための擾乱アイソレート技術

    安田 進, 竹井 洋, 佐藤 洋一, 岩田 直子, 岡本 篤, 河野 太郎, 澤田 真理, 和田 篤始, 夏苅 権, 石村 康生, SXS擾乱対策チーム

    年会講演会講演集   48   7p  2017年04月

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Nano‐JASMINEと小型JASMINEの全体的進捗状況

    郷田直輝, 小林行泰, 辻本拓司, 矢野太平, 上田暁俊, 宇都宮真, 鹿島伸悟, 亀谷收, 浅利一善, 山田良透, 吉岡諭, 穂積俊輔, 梅村雅之, 西亮一, 浅田秀樹, 長島雅裕, 石村康生, 中須賀真一, 酒匂信匡

    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集   2017   221  2017年02月


  • 宇宙からの高性能光学観測を支える技術 第2回 X線天文衛星「ひとみ」(ASTRO‐H)高精度構造システムの開発報告

    石村康生, 河野太郎, 馬場満久, 安田進, 竹井洋, 峯杉賢治, 高橋忠幸, 松元和郎, 対馬雅明, 尾曲邦之, 阿部和弘, 鬼頭玲, 中山大輔

    日本航空宇宙学会誌   65 ( 1 ) 5‐10  2017年01月


  • High-precision positioning of reflector segment by using kinematic couplings for balloon-borne radio telescope

    Hiroaki Tanaka, Kentaro Takagi, Akihiro Doi, Kosei Ishimura, Yoshiro Ogi, Yasutaka Satou, Anzu Sumita

    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC   12   7788 - 7792  2017年01月


    Copyright © (2017) by International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. A mechanism for the high-precision positioning of reflector segments by using kinematic couplings has been developed for balloon-borne radio telescopes, and the effectiveness of the mechanism is demonstrated through experiments. A high-precision reflector for radio telescopes is under development, and it is intended to be used for the observation of radio waves of up to 300 GHz. The reflector consists of six segments, a back structure, and a high-precision positioning mechanism. The high-precision positioning mechanism utilizes kinematic couplings, and the segments are positioned and fixed precisely to the back structure by the kinematic couplings. The positioning of the segments on the back structure is one of the largest sources of error in reflector systems. Therefore, kinematic couplings are important components of a reflector system for achieving a high surface accuracy. Three combinations of a ball and a V-groove are employed in the positioning mechanism. Load-applying mechanisms are used to apply and control pressing loads between the segment and back structure. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the mechanism, the positioning repeatability between a segment and a back structure was investigated through experiments. In these experiments, the reflector segment was attached to and detached from the back structure, and the relative positions of the reflector with respect to the back structure were measured using a photogrammetry system during the process of attachment. The cycle of attachment, measurement, and detachment was repeated five times, and the positioning repeatability was evaluated. A positioning accuracy of approximately 20 um RMS was achieved using the developed reflector system. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the positioning mechanism, which incorporates kinematic couplings for the high-precision positioning of a reflector for a balloon-borne radio telescope.

  • 火星衛星探査計画MMXの探査機システム設計

    嶋田貴信, 今田高峰, 尾川順子, 石村康生, 川勝康弘

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   61st  2017年


  • 多量の推進剤運動を考慮した微小重力天体への着陸・サンプリング・離陸ダイナミクスに関する検討

    前田孝雄, 大槻真嗣, 馬場満久, 今田高峰, 石村康生

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   61st  2017年


  • 火星衛星探査計画MMXの着陸システム概念検討

    大槻真嗣, 馬場満久, 佐藤泰貴, 石村康生

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   61st  2017年


  • 3D積層造形の切頂八面体による着陸衝撃吸収材の力学特性

    佐藤泰貴, 大槻真嗣, 馬場満久, 戸部裕史, 石村康生, 北薗幸一

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   61st   ROMBUNNO.2F07  2017年


  • 光学ベンチとしての高剛性マスト―その現状と将来―

    阿部和弘, 佐々木崇志, 前田修, 梶浦宏之, 栗原淳, 小野ゆかり, 蒔田愛道, 石田學, 石村康生, 岩田直子, 河野太郎

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   61st   ROMBUNNO.3S06  2017年


  • 高精度大型宇宙構造システム―Finishing Touch in SPACE―

    石村康生, 田中宏明, 南部陽介, 山崎政彦, 後藤健

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   61st   ROMBUNNO.3S05  2017年


  • 高精度伸展式光学架台の現状と研究課題について

    石村 康生, 仙場 淳彦, 秋田 剛, 鳥阪 綾子, 田中 宏明, 山川 宏, 宮下 朋之, 河野 太郎, 馬場 満久, 小川 博之, 岡崎 峻, 後藤 健, 嶋田 岳史, 旗持 天, 村田 泰宏, 前田 良知, 石田 学, 岩田 直子, 柴野 靖子, 高精度伸展式光学架台の研究開発メンバー, Ishimura Kosei, Senba Atsuko, Akita Tsuyoshi, Torisaka Ayako, Tanaka. Hiroaki, Yamakawa Hiroshi, Miyashita Tomoyuki, Kawano Taro, Baba Mitsuhisa, Ogawa Hiroyuki, Okazaki Shun, Goto Ken, Shimada Takeshi, Murata Yasuhiro, Maeda Yoshitomo, Ishida Manabu, Iwata Naoko, Shibano Yasuko, R&D member of Precise Extensible Optical Bench

    第32回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 32nd Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2016年12月


    第32回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2016年12月9日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000087012レポート番号: A11


  • 熱膨張アクチュエータの熱真空環境下における熱特性評価

    嶋田 岳史, 石村 康生, 小川 博之, 岡崎 駿, Shimada Takeshi, Ishimura Kosei, Ogawa Hiroyuki, Okazaki Shun

    第32回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 32nd Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2016年12月


    第32回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2016年12月9日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000087016レポート番号: A15


  • 運動学的カップリングを用いたラッチ機構の位置決め評価

    篠原 主勲, 石村 康生, 荻 芳郎, 田中 宏明, 松本 康司

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   60   6p  2016年09月


  • 軌道上レーザー変位計測のための高指向安定光学系の開発

    河野 太郎, 石村 康生, 嶋田 岳史

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   60   4p  2016年09月


  • 大型トラス構造物の高精度ポインティング制御特性の実験的評価

    嶋田 岳史, 石村 康生, 河野 太郎

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   60   6p  2016年09月


  • キネマティックカップリングを用いた高精度位置決め機構の押付荷重調整法

    髙木 健太郎, 田中 宏明, 石村 康生

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   60   6p  2016年09月


  • 高精度伸展式光学架台の軌道上伸展挙動の評価

    石村 康生, 石田 学, 河野 太郎, 峯杉 賢治, 阿部 和弘, 佐々木 崇志, 湯浅 孝行, 飯塚 亮, 上野 史郎, 林 多佳由, 春名 泰之, 尾郷 慶太, 斎藤 徹, 田近 雅也, 坂東 伸尚, 高橋 忠幸

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   60   6p  2016年09月


  • 国際宇宙ステーション船外プラットフォームを用いた軽量高精度CFRP鏡の長期宇宙曝露実験(CAGOME)

    西堀 俊幸, 神谷 友裕, 石村 康生, 後藤 健, 永松 愛子, 佐野 貴広, 石田 良平, 真鍋 武嗣, 菊池 健一, 落合 啓, 中村 信幸, 中村 和行, 村瀬 允弘, 宮崎 謙一, 宗村 和治, 久米 将実, 原 憲一, 松本 隆之

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   60   6p  2016年09月


  • X線天文衛星ASTRO-H高精度構造システムの開発報告

    石村 康生, 河野 太郎, 馬場 満久, 安田 進, 竹井 洋, 峯杉 賢治, 高橋 忠幸, 松元 和郎, 対馬 雅明, 池田 瑞穂, 阿部 和弘, 鬼頭 玲, 中山 大輔

    年会講演会講演集   47   6p  2016年04月


  • Repeatability Evaluation Using Contact Finite Element Modeling

    篠原 主勲, 石村 康生, 荻 芳郎, 田中 宏明, 松本 康司

    大同大学紀要 = Bulletin of Daido University   51   11 - 21  2016年03月


  • Shape-control experiment of space reconfigurable reflector using antenna reception power

    Hiraku Sakamoto, Hiroaki Tanaka, Kosei Ishimura, Akihiro Doi, Yusuke Kono, Naoko Matsumoto, Kimihiro Kimura

    3rd AIAA Spacecraft Structures Conference    2016年01月


    © 2016, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. The present paper reports the results of shape-control experiments using the smart secondary reflector prototype for satellite-borne radio-astronomy. The shape of the secondary reflector is modified by six special piezoelectric actuators with displacement magnification mechanisms. The experiments successfully demonstrated that the reception power of the antenna system has been improved by the shape control.

  • 気球VLBIミッションの検討 VI

    土居明広, 河野裕介, 木村公洋, 小山友明, 本間希樹, 鈴木駿策, 松本尚子, 松本尚子, 馬場満久, 村田泰宏, 坂東信尚, 福家英之, 石村康生, 中原聡美, 莊司泰弘, 田中宏明, 坂本啓, 樋口健, 小木曽望, 児玉峻, 萱場綾子

    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集   2016  2016年


  • ASTRO-H(ひとみ)搭載機器のアライメント性能

    石村 康生, 林 多佳由, 松元 和郎, 立川 清隆, 湯浅 孝行, 対馬 雅明, 梶浦 宏之, 上野 史郎, 池田 瑞穂, 前田 修, 岩田 直子, 石田 学, 佐々木 崇志, 湯本 隆宏, 中山 大輔, 小野 ゆかり, 栗原 淳, 天沼 孝仁, 早坂 雄平, 馬場 満久, 水野 恒史, 渡辺 伸, 河野 太郎, 中澤 知洋, 後藤 健, 和田 篤始, 夏苅 権, 高橋 忠幸, 飯塚 亮, 尾曲 邦之, 阿部 和弘, 峯杉 賢治, 東海林 和典, 鬼頭 玲

    スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集   2016 ( 0 ) 1A6  2016年


    <p>ASTRO-H (hitomi) was an X-ray astronomy satellite in Japan which was launched on 17 Feb. 2016. To meet its science goals, four kinds of instruments and six detectors were equipped on the satellite. The focal length of two soft X-ray telescopes was 5.6 m, and that of two hard X-ray telescopes is 12m. One of the most difficult challenges for the satellite structure was to meet the alignment requirements for instruments and detectors. Through the ground tests and observation results on orbit, it was confirmed that the performance of alignment meet the requirements. In this paper, the results of on-orbit alignment performance of the instruments and obtained techniques to control the alignment are reported.</p>


  • 可変コンダクタンスヒートパイプを用いた熱膨張アクチュエータの基礎特性評価

    飯野 晶, 岡崎 峻, 秋田 剛, 石村 康生, 山川 宏, 小川 博之, Iino Akira, Okazaki Shun, Akita Takeshi, Ishimura Kosei, Yamakawa Hiroshi, Ogawa Hiroyuki

    第31回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of the 31st Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2015年12月


    第31回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2015年12月8日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000047027レポート番号: B13


  • Energy-saving shape-retainment using two types of piezoelectric actuators

    Tomonori Uchida, Tadashige Ikeda, Atsuhiko Senba, Kosei Ishimura

    26th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, ICAST 2015    2015年01月


    To realize structure systems of future high-precision space observation satellites, smart structure systems which measure and correct their configuration or/and suppress their vibration on obit have been studied. Among sensors and actuators to be used in the smart structure systems, piezoelectric materials are expected to be a good candidate since they have less mechanical parts and high compatibility for space environment. When a shape of a smart space structure is controlled by the piezoelectric actuators attached to its structural element, electric voltage must be continued to be applied to retain a desired shape. To save the amount of electricity usage, a new control method was proposed and its feasibility was examined in the previous papers [Ikeda and Takahashi, Proc. SPIE 8689; Ikeda et al., Trans. JSASS 12 ists29]. In the method the hysteretic behavior of piezoelectric actuators was utilized effectively. The results showed that displacement of a smart beam with a piezoelectric ceramic actuator bonded remained without any voltage applied to the actuators after a pulsed voltage was applied. However, the displacement of the beam overshot a final position. In this paper this overshoot is suppressed. To this end another type of piezoelectric actuator showing almost no hysteretic behavior is bonded on the beam opposing the actuator showing the hysteretic behavior. Result shows that the overshoot can be suppressed by applying a feedback plus feedforward control to the additional actuator while the pulsed voltage is applied to the actuator showing hysteretic behavior.

  • A technique to evaluate on-orbit thermal deformation for large precise structures in ASTRO-H

    Taro Kawano, Kosei Ishimura, Kenji Minesugi, Kuniyuki Omagari, Kentaro Tanaka

    56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference    2015年01月


    © 2015, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. All rights Reserved. ASTRO-H is a next-generation X-ray observatory satellite planned for launch in fiscal 2015. Because ASTRO-H is a large structure and requires precise and accurate pointing, an understanding of on-orbit thermal deformation behavior is particularly important to the success of the ASTRO-H mission. In the conventional technique for predicting thermal deformation, testing is performed in a thermal vacuum chamber so asto simulate the temperature distribution on orbit. However, when using this conventional technique it is difficult to observe the detailed characteristics of the tested structures due to the limits of the applied temperature distribution cases. To overcome this problem, we propose a new evaluation technique for ASTRO-H. In our technique, on-orbit prediction of thermal deformation is performed thorough numerical simulation using a finite element (FE) model. The validation and correlation of the FE model are carried out by comparing results with thermal deformation test data collected in advance. This technique is especially suitable for satellites that are exposed to various thermal conditions on orbit. Using this technique, we confirmed all of the requirements for on-orbit pointing accuracy and precision in ASTRO-H.

  • Shape control of the stewart platform with elastic hinge utilizing artificial thermal expansion

    Ryo Koyama, Kosei Ishimura, Akira Iino, Yusuke Funakoshi, Hiroshi Yamakawa

    26th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, ICAST 2015    2015年01月


    Recently, structural requirements for observation accuracy of satellites&#039; instruments become increasingly high. This research proposes a new pointing control system which uses Stewart platform with elastic hinge. As a linear actuator, artificial thermal expansion of rod is utilized. This system is highly reliable and enables precise control with 6 DOF. We designed the shape control system whose size is about 300mm on each side. By finite element analysis, it is shown that the shape control system can generate translational motion which is over 100μm in the horizontal direction and 20μm in the vertical direction without rotation. Finally, it is confirmed that relative error between analysis and experimental values is within 15% or less when the displacement is more than 100μm from experiments.

  • Design and analysis of smart space reflectors driven by piezoelectric actuators

    Kazuaki Hayasaki, Hiraku Sakamoto, Hiroaki Tanaka, Kosei Ishimura, Masaaki Okuma

    26th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, ICAST 2015    2015年01月


    This paper discusses the configuration of design of smart space reflector system for realization of future high-accuracy antenna in space. This study aims at establishing of design methods for a smart secondary reflector to correspond to deformation mode which caused on the primary reflector surface in space. Authors have investigated effects that perturbation of Kinematic Coupling (KC), which restricted the primary reflector and a back structure, affecting to the primary reflector surface by using finite-element method (FEM). Furthermore, the number of piezoelectric actuators of the back of secondary reflector surface is varied to compare deformation modes of secondary reflector surface with that of primary reflector. Through correlations of deformation of the primary reflector and configuration of the smart secondary reflector, new knowledge of antenna system while considering two reflectors at the same time is obtained.

  • Experimental study of reflector shape control under various thermal conditions

    Akiya Inagaki, Akiya Inagaki, Hiraku Sakamoto, Hiroaki Tanaka, Kosei Ishimura, Masaaki Okuma

    2nd AIAA Spacecraft Structures Conference    2015年01月


    © 2015, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. All rights reserved. This study clarifies the effect of thermal deformation in the reconfigurable space reflector system, through a series of experiments in a thermostatic chamber using a prototype of reconfigurable space reflectors. This study then discusses possible countermeasures against precision degradation of such system due to the thermal deformation, exploiting a finite- element model that is tuned to the experimental results. Though reconfigurable reflector systems inherently have the mismatch in the coefficients of thermal expansion among their structural members, the effect of the mismatch may be minimized by a proper combination of several materials. The prototype used in this study is designed as a preliminary model of a secondary mirror for future radio astronomy satellites.

  • Shape control experiment of space reector for extremely high frequency radio astronomy

    Hiraku Sakamoto, Hiroaki Tanaka, Kosei Ishimura, Akihiro Doi, Yusuke Kono

    26th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, ICAST 2015    2015年01月


    The present paper reports the results of shape-control experiments using the smart secondary reflector prototype for satellite-borne radio-astronomy. The shape of the secondary reflector is modified by six special piezoelectric actuators with displacement magnification mechanisms. The experiments successfully demonstrated that the reception power of the antenna system has been improved by the shape control.

  • 気球VLBIミッションの検討 IV

    土居明広, 河野裕介, 小山友明, 木村公洋, 岡田望, 佐藤泰貴, 松本尚子, 本間希樹, 鈴木駿策, 金口政弘, 秋山和徳, 上原顕太, 中原聡美, 坂東信尚, 福家英之, 石村康生, 莊司泰弘, 田中宏明, 坂本啓, 樋口健, 荻芳郎

    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集   2015  2015年


  • 気球VLBIミッションの検討 V

    土居明広, 河野裕介, 木村公洋, 小山友明, 本間希樹, 鈴木駿策, 秋山和徳, 松本尚子, 松本尚子, 馬場満久, 村田泰宏, 坂東信尚, 福家英之, 石村康生, 中原聡美, 莊司泰弘, 田中宏明, 坂本啓, 樋口健, 荻芳郎, 萱場綾子

    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集   2015  2015年


  • E04 単機能衛星群による宇宙インフラシステムの構築(宇宙システム・衛星技術)

    石村 康生, 田中 宏明, 坂本 啓, 河内 泰介, 田中 孝治, 山川 宏

    スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference   2014 ( 23 ) "E04 - 1"-"E04-6"  2014年12月




  • A03 形状可変鏡の熱解析モデルの構築(宇宙構造物(1))

    稲垣 章弥, 坂本 啓, ヴァレンティン デイビッド, 田中 宏明, 石村 康生, 大熊 政明

    スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference   2014 ( 23 ) "A03 - 1"-"A03-5"  2014年12月




  • 光学架台の高精度ポインティング制御の基盤技術開発

    石村 康生, 山川 宏, 飯野 晶, 小山 遼, 岡崎 峻, 小川 博之, 河野 太郎, 船越 裕亮, 秋田 剛, 仙場 敦彦, 大型高精度光学架台の研究メンバー, Ishimura Kosei, Yamakawa Hiroshi, Iino Akira, Koyama Ryo, Okazaki Shun, Ogawa Hiroyuki, Kawano Taro, Funakoshi Yusuke, Akita Takeshi, Senba Atsuhiko, Members for R&D of Large and Precise Optical Bench

    第30回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 30th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials    2014年12月


    第30回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2014年12月1日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000043001レポート番号: A01


  • ラッチ機構に用いられる運動学的カップリングの最良な配置の検討

    伊藤 智哉, 篠原 主勲, 石村 康生, 荻 芳郎, 松本 康司, 田中 宏明

    計算力学講演会講演論文集   2014 ( 27 ) 889 - 891  2014年11月


  • 高精度大型構造システムの研究開発と展開について

    石村 康生, 高精度大型宇宙構造システム研究開発チーム

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   58   6p  2014年11月


  • ラグランジュ点周りにおけるサンシールド衛星とミッション衛星のフォーメーションフライトの実現性について

    河内 泰介, 山川 宏, 石村 康生

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   58   5p  2014年11月


  • 次世代大型高精度構造のための高精度変位計測システム

    河野 太郎, 石村 康生

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   58   5p  2014年11月


  • S1920202 過渡データを利用した効率的な熱特性推定法に関する研究([S192-02]宇宙システムに関する実践的解決と知見の汎用化(2),宇宙工学部門)

    秋田 剛, 石村 康生, 高木 亮治

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2014   "S1920202 - 1"-"S1920202-4"  2014年09月


    An efficient estimation method for thermal properties is presented, where elements of thermal conductive matrix are considered as estimation parameters. Linear heat balance equations in vector-matrix form are rearranged as least square equations of estimation parameters, where the coefficient matrix and the right-hand side vector are composed of temperature data and derivative of temperature data. Transient thermal test data in steady-state thermal tests are effectively used to construct these equations. A simple numerical example is presented to validate the effectiveness of the presented method.



    Yusuke Funakoshi, Kosei Ishimura, Yoshiro Ogi, Takashi Lwasa



    Pointing performance of the truss structure on orbit which is used for large space telescope is discussed. To achieve advanced science missions, large and precise support structures such as truss structures are needed. However, the preciseness of the structure might be lost due to various disturbances on orbit. Therefore, to realize ultra large and precise support structures, active shape control of the structures is needed. To control the shape, we use artificial thermal expansion caused by heaters instead for mechanical actuators. Control systems without mechanism have high reliability, which is very attractive to use on orbit. However, there are some constraints in the usage of heaters. To improve the control performance under such constraints, we apply "Model based Predictive Control (MPC)" as feedforward control method with preview information. In this paper, we mainly show the effectiveness of MPC compared PI control, which is one of the typical feedback control methods. We constructed structural mathematical model and thermal mathematical model in order to show performance of control system. It is confirmed that total error is decreased by MPC compared with the case of PI control through 'numerical simulations.


  • Development and calibration of Fine Collimators for the ASTRO-H Soft Gamma-ray Detector

    T. Mizuno, D. Kimura, Y. Fukazawa, S. Furui, K. Goto, T. Hayashi, S. K. Kawabata, T. Kawano, Y. Kitamura, H. Shirakawa, T. Tanabe, K. Makishima, K. Nakajima, K. Nakazawa, T. Fukuyama, Y. Ichinohe, K. Ishimura, M. Ohta, T. Sato, T. Takahashi, Y. Uchida, S. Watanabe, K. Ishibashi, K. Sakanobe, H. Matsumoto, T. Miyazawa, H. Mori, M. Sakai, H. Tajima



    The Soft Gamma-ray Detector (SGD) is a Si/CdTe Compton telescope surrounded by a thick BGO active shield and is scheduled to be onboard the ASTRO-H satellite when it is launched in 2015. The SGD covers the energy range from 40 to 600 keV with high sensitivity, which allows us to study nonthermal phenomena in the universe. The SGD uses a Compton camera with the narrow field-of-view (FOV) concept to reduce the non-Xray background (NXB) and improve the sensitivity. Since the SGD is essentially a nonimaging instrument, it also has to cope with the cosmic X-ray background (CXB) within the FOV. The SGD adopts passive shields called "fine collimators" (FCs) to restrict the FOV to &lt;= 0.6 degrees for low-energy photons (&lt;= 100 keV), which reduces contamination from CXB to less than what is expected due to NXB. Although the FC concept was already adopted by the Hard X-ray Detector onboard Suzaku, FCs for the SGD are about four times larger in size and are technically more difficult to operate. We developed FCs for the SGD and confirmed that the prototypes function as required by subjecting them to an X-ray test and environmental tests, such as vibration tests. We also developed an autocollimator system, which uses visible light to determine the transmittance and the optical axis, and calibrated it against data from the X-ray test. The acceptance tests of flight models started in December 2013: five out of six FCs were deemed acceptable, and one more unit is currently being produced. The activation properties were studied based on a proton-beam test and the results were used to estimate the in-orbit NXB.


  • Suppression method of overshoot on non/less-energy shape-retainment control utilizing hysteretic behavior of piezoelectric actuators

    T. Ikeda, T. Uchida, A. Senba, K. Ishimura



    To keep a shape of a smart structure with piezoelectric actuators bonded on it, electric voltage must be applied continuously. To reduce the amount of electricity usage, a new control method was proposed and its feasibility was examined in the previous studies [Proc. of SPIE 8689 86890C, Proc. of 29th ISTS 2013-c-40]. In this method hysteretic behavior of piezoelectric actuators in strain-electric field relationship was utilized effectively, which behavior is that some amount of strain remains even at zero voltage once a large voltage is applied. The results showed that displacement of a smart beam with a piezoelectric ceramic actuator bonded remained without applying voltage to the actuators after applying a pulsed voltage. However, the displacement overshot a final position while applying the pulsed voltage. That is generally undesirable. In this paper a suppression method of this overshoot was proposed. To this end another piezoelectric actuator was bonded on the beam opposing the original actuator. The original actuator was a soft type while a hard type piezoelectric actuator was used as the opposing actuator. With help from the two types of actuators, the overshoot could be suppressed while applying the pulsed voltage by controlling the voltage for the opposing actuator adequately, and a desired displacement could be obtained at zero voltage after the pulse.


  • ASTRO-H搭載X線マイクロカロリメータSXSの分光性能に対する機械式冷凍機擾乱の影響と対策

    澤田真理, 山田真也, 星野晶夫, 佐藤浩介, 三石郁之, 藤本龍一, 竹井洋, 安田進, 満田和久, 石村康生, 河野太郎, 佐藤洋一, 夏苅権, 和田篤始, 峯杉賢治, 吉田誠至

    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集   2014  2014年


  • 圧電アクチュエータの振動・衝撃試験

    波多英寛, 田中宏明, 池田忠繁, 石村康生

    構造強度に関する講演会講演集   56th   34 - 35  2014年


  • 圧電アクチュエータの衝撃試験とその評価

    田中宏明, 波多英寛, 池田忠繁, 石村康生

    日本機械学会スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス(CD-ROM)   23rd   ROMBUNNO.B02  2014年


  • 展開型柔構造大気圏突入機の開発と観測ロケット実験による飛行実証(<連載>TOP POINT~学会賞受賞者の声~)

    山田 和彦, 永田 靖典, 本間 直彦, 秋田 大輔, 石村 康生, 今村 宰, 中篠 恭一, 林 光一, 安部 隆士, 鈴木 宏二郎

    日本航空宇宙学会誌   62 ( 11 ) 350 - 350  2014年

    DOI CiNii

  • P06 高精度形状可変副鏡の実験モデルにおける形状制御(ALSSポスターセッション/アピールタイム(1))

    稲垣 章弥, 坂本 啓, 田中 宏明, 石村 康生, 大熊 政明

    スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference   2013 ( 22 ) "P06 - 1"-"P06-2"  2013年12月


    This paper experimentally evaluates the shape-control performance of the prototype of smart reconfigurable reflectors, and proposes an updated design that will ameliorate the problems identified in the experiments. The prototype is a preliminary model of a secondary mirror for future radio astronomy satellites. The prototype can control the shape of a 300mm-diameter CFRP mirror, using six piezoelectric actuators integrated with displacement-magnification mechanisms.


  • E02 定常熱状態の効率的な温度予測法に関する研究(熱構造・計測)

    秋田 剛, 石村 康生, 高木 亮治

    スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference   2013 ( 22 ) "E02 - 1"-"E02-3"  2013年12月


    An efficient scheme for steady-state thermal temperature prediction in vacuum tests is presented. First, heat balance equations of spacecraft thermal mathematical models are analytically solved without nonlinear radiation terms. Then, perturbation solutions with radiation terms are deduced. Observation equations based on both linear and nonlinear solutions are presented, which are applied for the least square estimations of steady-state thermal temperature prediction with transient temperature data. A simple experimental result shows the effectiveness of presented scheme.


  • X線天文衛星ASTRO-Hの構造設計

    河野 太郎, 石村 康生, 峯杉 賢治

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   57   5p  2013年10月


  • 高精度宇宙望遠鏡の試験検証技術

    石村 康生, 後藤 健, 小松 敬治

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   57   5p  2013年10月


  • 圧電素子を利用したスマートアクチュエータの開発

    及川 祐, 田中 宏明, 石村 康生

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   57   4p  2013年10月


  • 熱歪を抑えた圧電セラミックスアクチュエータの設計と評価

    内田 知礼, 池田 忠繁, 石村 康生

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   57   4p  2013年10月


  • 高精度形状可変鏡の初期実験モデルの開発

    田中 宏明, 坂本 啓, 石村 康生

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   57   5p  2013年10月


  • 運動学的カップリングを用いた展開ラッチ機構のシミュレーション

    伊藤 智哉, 篠原 主勲, 石村 康生

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   57   6p  2013年10月


  • 高精度ヒンジ・ラッチ機構の研究開発

    荻 芳郎, 石村 康生, 田中 宏明

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   57   4p  2013年10月


  • 予見情報によるトラス構造物の熱変形制御の実証

    船越 裕亮, 石村 康生, 荻 芳郎

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集   57   6p  2013年10月


  • W191002 宇宙科学を支える構造・材料技術(【W19100】明日の宇宙科学を支えるスマートアクチュエータ,宇宙工学部門企画,ワークショップ)

    石村 康生

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "W191002 - 1"-"W191002-3"  2013年09月


    For future space sciences, there is an increase of the demand of large and precise space structures such as JWST, ASTRO-H and so on. To realize such ultra-large and highly precise space structures, the conventional design concept and development process should be changed drastically. Not only novel materials with high shape stability, but also smart structures which can change their characteristics are promising candidates. In this paper, advanced techniques of structures and materials including smart space structures are summarized.


  • J045071 圧電セラミックスアクチュエーターのヒステリシスを利用したゼロ/低エネルギー形状保持([J045-07]知的材料・構造システム(7))

    池田 忠繁, 高橋 友樹, 内田 知礼, 石村 康生

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "J045071 - 1"-"J045071-3"  2013年09月


    Smart space structure systems which measure and correct their shape on orbit have been studied as a future high-precision space structure systems. Piezoelectric ceramics are often used as an actuator in the system. To correct and retain the shape of the structure, electric voltage must be applied continuously. To reduce the amount of electricity usage, a new control method was proposed, where a fact that strain remains after a pulsed voltage input due to the hysteresis in strain-electrcic curve of the piezoelectric actuators was utilized effectively. In this paper, feasibility of the proposed method was verified for a piezoelectric ceramic plate and a beam on which the piezoelectric ceramic plate was bonded. The result showed that the strain of the piezoelectric ceramic plate and the tip displacement of the beam remained after the pulse. Although the beam vibrated after the pulse, the vibration was suppressed by applying a feedback control or controlling the shape of the applied pulse input.


  • P18 熱歪を抑えた圧電セラミックスアクチュエータの設計に関する基礎研究(ALSSポスターセッション/アピールタイム(2))

    内田 知礼, 池田 忠繁, 仙場 淳彦, 石村 康生

    スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference   2013 ( 21 ) P18  2013年01月




  • P16 軌道上における予見制御を利用したトラス構造物のポインティング性能の維持(ALSSポスターセッション/アピールタイム(2))

    船越 裕亮, 石村 康生

    スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference   2013 ( 21 ) P16  2013年01月


    To meet advanced science missions, large and precise support structures such as truss structures are needed. Temperature and shapes change depending on solar radiation. As a result, the structure lost its preciseness. In this research, pointing accuracy of the truss structure on orbit is discussed. To control the shape, artificial thermal expansion caused by heater is used instead for mechanical actuators. Control systems without mechanism have high reliability because heater has no sliding parts. To maintain pointing accuracy on orbit, preview control method in this paper is expected to be more useful than feedback control methods.


  • P20 スペースコロニー構想 : 長期宇宙滞在を可能にする居住空間の計画(ALSSポスターセッション/アピールタイム(2))

    立川 愛弥子, 曽我部 昌史, 石村 康生

    スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference   2013 ( 21 ) P20  2013年01月


    A Conceptual design of "Space Colony" for long-term residence is reported in this paper. As constraint conditions, micro gravity and high vacuum are considered in the structural design. Although such conditions are constraint, they have possibilities to be utilized for further innovative human life style which can not be realized on the ground. Especially, the environmental condition of micro gravity may have great impact to the life style from the viewpoint of mobility and immobility. In this paper, we propose some conceptual designs of the space colony utilizing micro gravity and discuss its characteristics.


  • Laser displacement-meter with long-working-distance for large precise structures

    Taro Kawano, Kosei Ishimura

    Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference     2402 - 2405  2013年01月


    A novel measurement apparatus with extremely high accuracy called Laser Displacement-meter with Long-working-distance (LDL) was developed to measure micro-meter-scale deformation of large space structures in the ground test. The combination of a laser source and a position sensitive detector makes it possible to measure accurately with long working distance. It is confirmed that LDL has the performance with 7 μm error at 6.1m working distance through the thermal deformation test of X-ray telescope satellite: ASTRO-H. Because LDL is compact and portable one, it can be applicable for measurement of other large objects such as buildings, bridges, and so on.

  • Finite-element model updating for highly precise tension-stabilized space reectors

    Hiraku Sakamoto, Nozomu Kogiso, Hiroaki Tanaka, Kosei Ishimura, Masaaki Okuma

    Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference    2012年12月


    Highly precise structural analysis of tension-stabilized space reflectors using geometrically nonlinear finite-element (FE) model usually requires accurate knowledge of the design parameters. However, internal forces in the deformed configuration or temporal change of stiffness parameters are usually unable to be measured; thus, accurate numerical modeling of a tension-stabilized structure is difficult. The present paper describes a methodology to construct a high-fidelity FE model of high-precision gossamer structures by applying a conventional method of FE model updating to a geometrically nonlinear FE analysis. Using the FE model updating methodology, an accurate FE model can be constructed through the estimation of unmeasured parameters. In this study, a simple tension-stabilized beam structure is analyzed for demonstration of the concept. © 2012 AIAA.

  • ASTRO‐H衛星搭載軟ガンマ線検出器用ファインコリメータのエンジニアリングモデルの性能評価

    田邉利明, 木村太輔, 水野恒史, 深沢泰司, 吉田道利, 植村誠, 川端弘治, 秋田谷洋, 田島宏康, 牧島一夫, 中澤知洋, 高橋忠幸, 太田方之, 石村康生

    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集   2012   275  2012年08月


  • The ASTRO-H X-ray observatory

    Tadayuki Takahashi, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Richard Kelley, Henri Aarts, Felix Aharonian, Hiroki Akamatsu, Fumie Akimotoe, Steve Allen, Naohisa Anabuki, Lorella Angelini, Keith Arnaud, Makoto Asai, Marc Audard, Hisamitsu Awaki, Philipp Azzarello, Chris Baluta, Aya Bamba, Nobutaka Bando, Mark Bautz, Roger Blandford, Kevin Boyce, Greg Brown, Ed Cackett, Maria Chernyakova, Paolo Coppi, Elisa Costantini, Jelle De Plaa, Jan Willem Den Herder, Michael DiPirro, Chris Done, Tadayasu Dotani, John Doty, Ken Ebisawa, Megan Eckart, Teruaki Enoto, Yuichiro Ezoe, Andrew Fabian, Carlo Ferrigno, Adam Foster, Ryuichi Fujimoto, Yasushi Fukazawa, Stefan Funk, Akihiro Furuzawa, Massimiliano Galeazzi, Luigi Gallo, Poshak Gandhi, Keith Gendreau, Kirk Gilmore, Daniel Haas, Yoshito Haba, Kenji Hamaguchi, Isamu Hatsukade, Takayuki Hayashi, Kiyoshi Hayashida, Junko Hiraga, Kazuyuki Hirose, Ann Hornschemeier, Akio Hoshino, John Hughes, Una Hwang, Ryo Iizuka, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Kazunori Ishibashi, Manabu Ishida, Kosei Ishimura, Yoshitaka Ishisaki, Masayuki Ito, Naoko Iwat, Naoko Iyomoto, Jelle Kaastr, Timothy Kallman, Tuneyoshi Kamae, Jun Kataoka, Satoru Katsuda, Hajime Kawahara, Madoka Kawaharada, Nobuyuki Kawai, Shigeo Kawasaki, Dmitry Khangaluyan, Caroline Kilbourne, Masashi Kimura, Kenzo Kinugasaa, Shunji Kitamoto, Tetsu Kitayama, Takayoshi Kohmura, Motohide Kokubun, Tatsuro Kosaka, Alex Koujelev, Katsuji Koyama, Hans Krimm, Aya Kubota, Hideyo Kunieda, Stephanie LaMass, Philippe Laurent, Francois Lebrun, Maurice Leutenegger, Olivier Limousin, Michael Loewenstein, Knox Long, David Lumb

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering   8443  2012年



    The joint JAXA/NASA ASTRO-H mission is the sixth in a series of highly successful X-ray missions initiated by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS). ASTRO-H will investigate the physics of the highenergy universe via a suite of four instruments, covering a very wide energy range, from 0.3 keV to 600 keV. These instruments include a high-resolution, high-Throughput spectrometer sensitive over 0.3-12 keV with high spectral resolution of ?E 5 7 eV, enabled by a micro-calorimeter array located in the focal plane of thin-foil X-ray optics; hard X-ray imaging spectrometers covering 5-80 keV, located in the focal plane of multilayer-coated, focusing hard X-ray mirrors; a wide-field imaging spectrometer sensitive over 0.4-12 keV, with an X-ray CCD camera in the focal plane of a soft X-ray telescope; and a non-focusing Compton-camera type soft gamma-ray detector, sensitive in the 40-600 keV band. The simultaneous broad bandpass, coupled with high spectral resolution, will enable the pursuit of a wide variety of important science themes. © 2012 SPIE.


  • 高精度宇宙構造システムの実現に向けた高精度指向材料の開発

    後藤健, 小林訓史, 岩田稔, 上田政人, 横関智弘, 石田雄一, 内藤公喜, 石村康生, 小柳潤, 紀伊恒男, 小松敬治

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   56th  2012年


  • 大型構造の高精度リアルタイム変位計測システムの開発

    河野 太郎, 石村 康生, 石田 学

    宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム : 講演集録   27   4p  2011年12月


  • 弾性梁により補剛された円筒空気膜構造の展開と収納

    荻 芳郎, 石村 康生

    宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム : 講演集録   27   6p  2011年12月


  • 複数柔軟付属物を持つスピン衛星システムの連成振動モード解析

    梶川 隆史, 石村 康生, 小松 敬治

    宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム : 講演集録   27   6p  2011年12月


  • 衛星搭載用アンテナの鏡面誤差による利得変化に関する研究

    田中 宏明, 秋田 剛, 石村 康生

    宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム : 講演集録   27   6p  2011年12月


  • J4 熱膨張によるトラスのポインティング制御(宇宙構造物)

    石村 康生, 秋田 剛, 仙場 淳彦, 荻 芳郎, 岩佐 貴史, 古谷 寛, 峯杉 賢治

    スペース・エンジニアリング・コンファレンス講演論文集 : Space Engineering Conference   2010 ( 19 ) "J4 - 1"-"J4-4"  2011年01月


    To meet advanced science missions, large and precise support structures such as truss structures are needed. In this paper, pointing control of a truss structure is discussed. To control the truss structure, thermal expansion of truss members is utilized instead of mechanical actuators. Heaters are equipped to truss members so that the thermal expansion of the members is controlled by heaters. PI control is applied to an experimental model which is box truss with 1.9m height. Through experiments, it is shown that the truss structure can be controlled with good accuracy, for example, within ...


  • 2326 リプ-フープケーブルで構成される衛星搭載用アンテナ構造の設計方法(機構と設計(2),OS・一般セッション講演)

    田中 宏明, 秋田 剛, 小木曽 望, 石村 康生, 坂本 啓, 荻 芳郎, 宮崎 康行

    計算力学講演会   2011 ( 0 ) 687 - 688  2011年


  • 2328 衛星搭載用アンテナ構造設計のためのFEM数値解の精度比較(機構と設計(2),OS・一般セッション講演)

    小木曽 望, 田中 宏明, 秋田 剛, 石村 康生, 坂本 啓, 荻 芳郎, 宮崎 康行, 岩佐 貴史

    計算力学講演会   2011 ( 0 ) 691 - 693  2011年


    A large space reflector consisting of radial ribs and hoop cables is considered to satisfy rigorous design requirement of a high shape precision as well as lightweight. Due to difficulty of verification of such a large and high-precision space structure by on-ground testing, a simulation-based verification is required. As the first step of establishment of the simulation-based verification, this research investigates the computational accuracy of several nonlinear finite element codes in comparison of numerical solution based on Elastica for the simplified beam model that allows large deformation. Then, sensitivities of deformation with respect to Young&#039;s modulus and applied load are investigated.


  • 2329 リブ-フープケーブルで構成される衛星搭載用アンテナ構造の不確定性評価法に関する一考察(機構と設計(2),OS・一般セッション講演)

    秋田 剛, 田中 宏明, 石村 康生, 小木曽 望

    計算力学講演会   2011 ( 0 ) 694 - 695  2011年


  • J191011 スペースリフレクターの不確定パラメータ感度評価に関する一考察([J19101]構造・材料の高度化に向けた宇宙工学と材料力学の展開(1))

    秋田 剛, 田中 宏明, 石村 康生, 小木曽 望

    年次大会   2011 ( 0 ) _J191011 - 1-_J191011-4  2011年


    An effective method for sensitivity analysis of uncertain parameters in space reflectors is presented. In the method, the sensitivities of uncertain parameters with respect to structural modes are explicitly derived by utilizing the singular value decomposition of sensitivity matrix, which can predict which modes are excited due to the variation patterns of uncertain parameters. A simple numerical example, the model of which is a radial rib and hoop cable antennas that consists of 60 radial ribs, are provided to verify the effectiveness of the presented method.


  • J191045 三軸織STEMのスピン時における動的特性評価([J19104]構造・材料の高度化に向けた宇宙工学と材料力学の展開(4))

    石村 康生, 小嶋 浩嗣, 斎藤 義文, 酒井 良次, 梶川 隆史, 川端 信義, 渡邊 秋人, 尾崎 毅志, 樋口 健, 荻 芳郎, 渡辺 和樹, 笠羽 康正

    年次大会   2011 ( 0 ) _J191045 - 1-_J191045-5  2011年


    In SCOPE mission, flexible extendable rod antennas are equipped along the spin axis of satellite. For the extendable function, STEM (Stowable Tubular Extendable Member) is used as the rod antenna. The apparent natural frequency of the STEM changes depending on the spin-rate. Furthermore, bending and torsion of the STEM are coupled because the STEM has open section. The dynamic characteristics of the STEM are clarified through analysis and tests. Especially, the coupled vibration of bending and torsion, and the effect of spin motion on apparent natural frequency of the STEM are investigated. As a result, it was shown that the effect of spin motion can be quantitatively predicted by simple analytical model. In addition, it was found that the characteristics of the vibration are strongly affected by the boundary condition of the STEM.

    DOI CiNii

  • Prediction, measurement and stabilization of structural deformation on orbit

    K. Ishimura, A. Senba, T. Iwasa, Y. Ogi, T. Akita, H. Furuya, K. Minesugi

    61st International Astronautical Congress 2010, IAC 2010   8   6116 - 6121  2010年12月


    Requirement for shape stability of space structures such as barrel for space telescope tends to become more precisely. In addition to it, large size over 10 meters is sometimes required for such support structure to meet advanced science missions. To realize large and precise support structures, comprehensive techniques including prediction, measurement and stabilization techniques on orbit are needed. In this paper, we introduce some fundamental techniques to keep the precise shape for a slender box truss as a representative support structure. The structural deformation on orbit is induced by thermal distribution, disturbance (RW/MW/SAD etc.) and so on. At first, we analyzed temperature distribution and thermal distortion of the truss structure to predict the thermal deformation. The accuracy of analysis results is evaluated through experiments with a five-bay truss structure. Then, system identification is carried out to identify the stiffness of the structure because such identification of the stiffness becomes important for the precise prediction of thermal deformation in the case of indeterminate structure. As a first step, the stiffness matrix is identified by using particle swarm optimization method from the experimental data of natural frequency. By using the identified stiffness matrix, the natural frequency can be estimated within 1% error. At last, we attempt the shape control of truss structure by using artificial thermal expansion. It is experimentally shown that deformation of truss structure could be controlled with good accuracy, for example, within 30μm error for 1.9m height truss. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved.

  • S1903-1-6 宇宙インフレータブル構造の宇宙実証 : SIMPLE(宇宙構造・材料(1),社会変革を技術で廻す機械工学)

    青木 隆平, 古谷 寛, 樋口 健, 宮崎 康行, 石村 康生, 石澤 淳一郎, 泉田 啓, 岸本 直子, 角田 博明, 酒井 良次, 渡邊 秋人, 川端 信義, 堀 利行, 伊藤 裕明, 渡辺 和樹, 及川 祐, 倉富 剛

    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting   2010 ( 5 ) 393 - 394  2010年09月


    Space Inflatable Membrane structures Pioneering Long-term Experiments (SIMPLE) unit is one of ISS Japanese Experimental Module (JEM) Kibo&#039;s exposed facility payloads scheduled to be launched in 2012. Manufacturing and function testing phase of the engineering model (EM) has been completed and the proto-flight model (PFM) is now underway. The SIMPLE mission consists of three experimental verifications using Inflatable Extension Mast (IEM), Inflatable Space Terrarium (IST) and Inflatable Material Experimental Panel (IMP). The combination of the experiments is aimed to demonstrate the usefulne...

    DOI CiNii

  • ASTRO‐G(VSOP‐2)の技術検討およびプロジェクトの状況

    村田泰宏, 紀伊恒男, 満田和久, 吉原圭介, 小松敬治, 後藤健, 石村康生, 齋藤宏文, 坂井真一郎, 坪井昌人, 岩田隆浩, 土居明広, 望月奈々子, 永井洋, 亀谷和久, 川原康介, 竹内央, 朝木義晴, 河野祐介, 鈴木駿作, 小林秀行, 梅本智文, 萩原喜昭, 紀基樹, 武士俣健, 川口則行, 小川英夫, 木村公洋, 樋口健, 岸本直子, 亀野誠二, 今井裕, 面高俊宏, 須藤広志

    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集   2010   242  2010年08月


  • インフレータブル方式伸展マスト宇宙実証のための「きぼう」曝露部搭載実験装置の開発

    樋口健, 青木隆平, 宮崎康行, 荒木友太, 古谷寛, 泉田啓, 岸本直子, 角田博明, 石村康生, 石澤淳一郎, 酒井良次, 渡邊秋人, 川端信義, 堀利行, 伊藤裕明, 渡辺和樹, 及川祐, 倉冨剛

    構造強度に関する講演会講演集   52nd   52 - 54  2010年


  • A survey of space structures research in Japan

    Ken Higuchi, Kosei Ishimura

    Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference    2009年12月


    In the past decades, extensive researches about space structures have taken place in Japan from conceptual studies to practical mission studies. The recent holy grail of space structures is to establish the ultra-light, large and stable space structure with high precision and high packaging efficiency that is &quot;Gossamer&quot; space structure. This paper presents the summary of Japanese recent activities for the past several years for space structures research, and they are classified into five major divisions in this survey paper; concept, design, application, analysis, and experiment/test. On the whole, membrane and cable mesh structures have been studied intensively. Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  • ハイパースペクトルデータによる植物分類

    石村 康生, 和田 充雄, 稲垣 佑哉, 佐鳥 新, 中澤 正博

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan   28 ( 2 ) 145 - 146  2008年09月


  • H-013 ユーザニーズに応じた距離空間によるハイパースペクトル画像の分類(画像認識・メディア理解,一般論文)

    稲垣 佑哉, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄, 佐鳥 新, 中澤 正博

    情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集   7 ( 3 ) 89 - 90  2008年08月


  • 宇宙インフレータブル構造の宇宙実証

    青木隆平, 石村康生, 泉田啓, 角田博明, 古谷寛, 宮崎康行, 石澤淳一郎, 岸本直子, 樋口健, 酒井良次, 渡邊秋人, 渡辺和樹

    宇宙利用シンポジウム   24th   98 - 99  2008年03月


  • Feasibility study of multi-bus Tethered-SPS

    S. Sasaki, K. Tanaka, K. Higuchi, N. Okuizumi, H. Ogawa, K. Ishimura, S. Kawasaki, N. Shinohara, K. Senda, Y. Fujino

    International Astronautical Federation - 59th International Astronautical Congress 2008, IAC 2008   9   6014 - 6019  2008年


    Tethered-Solar Power Satellite (Tethered-SPS) consists of power generation/transmission panels suspended by tether wires. The most important feature of the Tethered-SPS is that it is constructed by perfectly equivalent power generation/transmission units. Each unit panel, 100 m × 95 m, is suspended by four 5 km-tether wires deployed from a bus unit. The weight and output power of the unit SPS are 42.5 MT and 2.1 MW, respectively. The engineering studies have been conducted to design the power generation/ transmission panel and to show how to deploy the panel. In addition to the engineering research, two major environmental issues, the effect of hyper-velocity impact of the debris or meteoroids and the interaction of the solar cell array with the ambient plasma, have been studied. The engineering studies have shown that the power generation/transmission panel is technically feasible using the near-term technologies. The environmental studies have shown preliminary guidelines to design the power generation/transmission panel.

  • マルチセルインフレータブルのリーク特性と剛性に関する考察

    石村康生, 樋口健, 安中俊彦, 川上肇

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   52nd   ROMBUNNO.3E13  2008年


  • インフレータブルテラリウムの宇宙実証に向けた基礎検討

    青木隆平, 石村康生, 岸本直子, 宮崎康行, 渡辺和樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   52nd   ROMBUNNO.3E10  2008年


  • 4123 HIT-SATの姿勢制御結果と北海道衛星への展開(S74-2 小型宇宙システム(2),S74 小型宇宙システム)

    松島 幸太, 石村 康生, 戸谷 剛, 榊原 隆浩, 佐鳥 新, 三橋 龍一, 青柳 賢英, 田中 喜規, 佐藤 立博, 中村 明広, 安中 俊彦, 堀 耕太郎, 廣田 尚久

    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting   2007 ( 5 ) 391 - 392  2007年09月


    &quot;HIT-SAT&quot; is a small satellite to demonstrate performance of the bus systems of &quot;Hokkaido Satellite&quot;. The main purpose of the attitude control system of &quot;HIT-SAT&quot; is to get basis data for the attitude control and determination system of &quot;Hokkaido Satellite&quot;. &quot;HIT-SAT&quot; was launched on Sep. 23, 2006 by M-V-7. Attitude control system of &quot;HIT-SAT&quot; could get magnetometer data and gyro data on orbit. This paper describes the attitude determination from magnetometer data obtained on orbit.

    DOI CiNii

  • 4122 HIT-SATの軌道上温度データと熱解析モデルの再検討(S74-2 小型宇宙システム(2),S74 小型宇宙システム)

    榊原 隆浩, 戸谷 剛, 安部 良, 安中 俊彦, 石村 康生, 松島 幸太, 佐鳥 新, 三橋 龍一, 佐藤 立博, 西舘 純, 青柳 賢英, 大野 努, 田中 喜規, 中村 明広, 堀 耕太郎

    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting   2007 ( 5 ) 389 - 390  2007年09月


    HIT-SAT has been designed and developed in order to examine functions of the bus system. It was successfully launched by M-V rocket #7 on 23rd September 2006. The volume and weight of HIT-SAT are about 12[cm^3] and 2.7[kg], respectively. HIT-SAT has a flame-panel structure that consists of 6 panels, 4 columns and 2 shelves made of the aluminum alloy that has a high conductivity. The passive thermal control is adopted. Thermal analysis was conducted using Thermal Desktop/SINDA/FLUINT before launch. However, the result of thermal analysis is quite different from on-orbit thermal data of HIT-S...

    DOI CiNii

  • 4101 超小型衛星「HIT-SAT」の電源系の解析(G19 宇宙工学に関する基盤研究,G19 宇宙工学)

    西舘 純, 佐藤 立博, 青柳 賢英, 大野 努, 竹浪 恭平, 佐鳥 新, 三橋 龍一, 廣田 尚久, 石村 康生, 松島 幸太, 戸谷 剛, 榊原 隆浩, 堀 耕太郎, 江良 聡, 中村 明広, 植松 努, 安中 俊彦

    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting   2007 ( 5 ) 347 - 348  2007年09月


    A CubeSat size class &quot;HIT-SAT&quot; is a micro satellite that developed by Hokkaido CubeSat development team. Its volume and weight is 2.7kg and 12cm cubed. It was fixed in the sub payload space of M-V-7, and was ejected after main satellite separation on September 23,2006. The orbit is sun-synchronous orbit of the altitude of 279-660[km] and the inclination of 98.32[deg]. The purpose is to examine some functions of the bus system. This research report describes an electric al power subsystem design. The major difficulty of Electrical Power System is surely OFF and ON. The OFF needs to be guaran...

    DOI CiNii

  • 超小型衛星「HIT-SAT」の熱・構造設計

    佐鳥 新, 戸谷 剛, 榊原 隆浩, 安中 俊彦, 植松 努, 石村 康生, 杉本 康一郎, 松島 幸太, 三橋 龍一, 西舘 純, 佐藤 立博, 青柳 賢英, 大野 努, 田中 喜規, 竹浪 恭平, 中村 明広, 堀 耕太郎, 江良 聡, 廣田 尚久

    北海道工業大学研究紀要   35   105 - 111  2007年03月


    HIT-SAT has been designed and developed in order to examine functions of the bus system. It was launched by M-V-7 into a sun-synchronous orbit of the altitude of 279-660 [km] and the inclination of 98.32 [deg]. The volume and weight of HIT-SAT are about 12×13×12[cm3] and 2.7[kg], respectively. HIT-SAT has a flame-panel structure that consists of 6 panels, 4 columns and 2 shelves made of the aluminum alloy that has a high conductivity. The load pass at the launch is their panels and columns. The passive thermal control is adopted. Random vibration tests and impact tests were carried out. It ...


  • 超小型人工衛星HIT-SATの姿勢制御系の開発

    玉山 雄太, 青柳 賢英, 佐藤 立博, 西舘 純, 大野 努, 田中 喜規, 三橋 龍一, 佐鳥 新, 石村 康生, 松島 幸太, 杉本 康一郎, 戸谷 剛, 榊原 隆浩, 安中 俊彦, 中村 明広, 堀 耕太郎, 江良 聡, 廣田 尚久

    北海道工業大学研究紀要   35   275 - 280  2007年03月


    The HIT-SAT had been developed by Hokkaido in order to demonstrate the performance of the attitude control system for &quot;Hokkaido Satellite&quot;. &quot;Hokkaido satellite&quot; is a 50kg small satellite, and the main mission is a remote sensing. The HIT-SAT is size 12cm cubed and weight 2.7kg. Attitude Control is an object of keeping satellite attitude by spin stabilization. It has three parts as de-spin, spin-up and sun acquisition. As an Attitude sensor, we adopt Sun sensor, Magnetometer, and GYRO. Actuator is 3-axis Magnetic Torquer. The HIT-SAT was launched successfully on September, 23, 2006(JST) as a...


  • 超小型人工衛星HIT-SATのデータ処理系の開発

    玉山 雄太, 大野 努, 青柳 賢英, 佐藤 立博, 西舘 純, 田中 喜規, 三橋 龍一, 佐鳥 新, 石村 康生, 松島 幸太, 杉本 康一郎, 戸谷 剛, 榊原 隆浩, 安中 俊彦, 中村 明広, 堀 耕太郎, 江良 聡, 廣田 尚久

    北海道工業大学研究紀要   35   281 - 283  2007年03月


    &quot;Hokkaido satellite&quot; is a 50kg small satellite, and the main mission is a remote sensing. The HIT-SAT had been developed by Hokkaido in order to demonstrate the performance of the attitude control system for &quot;Hokkaido Satellite&quot;. The HIT-SAT is size 12cm cubed and weight 2.7kg. Attitude Control is an object of keeping satellite attitude by spin stabilization. The HIT-SAT was launched successfully on September, 23, 2006(JST) as a sub-payload of the M-V-7 Rocket. In this paper, we described a design of data handling unit for the HIT-SAT and the result in orbit.


  • 超小型衛星「HIT-SAT」の電源系設計

    西舘 純, 佐藤 立博, 青柳 賢英, 大野 努, 田中 喜規, 竹浪 恭平, 佐鳥 新, 三橋 龍一, 廣田 尚久, 石村 康生, 杉本 康一郎, 松島 幸太, 戸谷 剛, 榊原 隆浩, 堀 耕太郎, 江良 聡, 中村 明広, 安中 俊彦, 植松 努

    北海道工業大学研究紀要   35   285 - 290  2007年03月


    A CubeSat size class &quot;HIT-SAT&quot; is a micro satellite that developed by Hokkaido CubeSat development team. Its volume and weight is 2.7kg and 12cm cubed. It was fixed in the sub payload space of M-V-7, and was ejected after main satellite separation on September 23, 2006. The orbit is sun-synchronous orbit of the altitude of 279-660 [km] and the inclination of 98.32 [deg]. The purpose is to examine some functions of the bus system. This research report describes an electric al power subsystem design. The major difficulty of Electrical Power System is surely OFF and ON. The OFF needs to be gua...


  • HIT-SATのフライトモデルの開発と軌道上実験

    佐藤 立博, 武岡 和彦, 西舘 純, 青柳 賢英, 大野 努, 竹浪 恭平, 田中 喜規, 西里 真哉, 三橋 龍一, 佐鳥 新, 石村 康生, 松島 幸太, 戸谷 剛, 榊原 隆浩, 江良 聡, 中村 明広, 堀 耕太郎, 安中 俊彦, 植松 努, 佐々木 一正

    北海道工業大学研究紀要   35   397 - 401  2007年03月


    For earth observation thorough hyper-spectral camera, a small satellite &quot;Hokkaido Satellite : TAIKI&quot; has been designed in Hokkaido. To demonstrate the performance of the bus system, a cube-sat &quot;HIT-SAT&quot; was developed as a scale model of the Hokkaido Satellite This paper describes the development and results of launch and operation. The HIT-SAT is 2.7kg and 12cm cubed. The bus system of the satellite consists of five subsystem; power generation system, structure system, data handling system, communication system and attitude control system. The HIT-SAT was launched successfully on Sep. 23, 2...


  • HIT-SATの追跡管制運用システムに関する研究

    佐藤 立博, 武岡 和彦, 西舘 純, 青柳 賢英, 大野 努, 竹浪 恭平, 田中 喜規, 西里 真哉, 三橋 龍一, 佐鳥 新, 石村 康生, 松島 幸太, 戸谷 剛, 榊原 隆浩, 江良 聡, 中村 明広, 堀 耕太郎, 安中 俊彦, 植松 努, 加瀬 誠志, 佐々木 一正

    北海道工業大学研究紀要   35   403 - 407  2007年03月


    HIT-SAT was launched as a sub-payload of the M-V-7 rocket on September 23, 2006. The orbit of HIT-SAT is the elliptic one with 98 deg inclination. Altitude at apogee is 648km and perigee 279km.The satellite is operated by the ground station set up by Hokkaido Institute of Technology. The mission of HIT-SAT is to demonstrate the commercial-off-the-shelf component on the orbit. HIT-SAT is an amateur satellite where the amateur radio machine was installed. Operation is being done well on the orbit as for HIT-SAT now. This paper describes the system of the ground control station of HIT-SAT.


  • B-2-51 超小型人工衛星HIT-SATの衛星通信システム(B-2.宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス,一般講演)

    三橋 龍一, 佐藤 立博, 武岡 和彦, 西舘 純, 竹浪 恭平, 戸谷 剛, 石村 康生, 加瀬 誠志, 佐鳥 新

    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集   2007 ( 1 ) 299 - 299  2007年03月


  • マルチセルインフレータブル構造の面内変形―セル・パーティション間の接触の考察―

    石村康生, 羽柴健太, 加藤隆造, 戸谷剛, 樋口健

    構造強度に関する講演会講演集   49th   187 - 189  2007年


  • 密封型マルチセルインフレータブルシリンダーの基礎実験

    石村康生, 樋口健, 渡辺和樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   51st   2K12  2007年


  • 119 マルチセルインフレータブル構造の剛性に関する研究(宇宙工学)

    加藤 隆造, 戸谷 剛, 石村 康生, 永田 晴紀

    北海道支部講演会講演概要集   2006 ( 45 ) 37 - 38  2006年09月


  • M-V-7号機サブペイロード・超小型人工衛星「HIT-SAT」のシステム設計

    佐藤 立博, 石村 康生

    北海道工業大学研究紀要   34   287 - 292  2006年03月


  • Constraction scenario for tethered solar power satellite

    S. Sasaki, K. Tanaka, K. Higuchi, N. Okuizumi, S. Kawasaki, M. Shinohara, K. Ishimura

    AIAA 57th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2006   9   5793 - 5799  2006年


    Tethered Solar Power Satellite (Tethered-SPS) has been proposed as a feasible and practical Solar Power Satellite. It consists of a power generation/transmission panel suspended by tether wires deployed from single or multiple bus satellite. Especially, the multi-bus Tethered-SPS, recently invented, is highly flexible and expandable. It can be constructed by integrating perfectly equivalent units of miniature Tethered-SPS connected to each other. Each unit folded up is transported from the ground to the geo-stationary orbit and deployed automatically. This concept enables phased construction approach, evolutional development scenario, and coexixtence with other geostationary satellites.

  • ハイパースペクトルカメラの農業分野への応用

    三浦理恵, 上野宗一郎, 佐藤立博, 江良聡, 佐鳥新, 神野裕信, 佐藤導謙, 杉川陽一, 石村康生, 福島充, 三橋龍一

    北海道工業大学研究紀要   ( 34 )  2006年


  • マルチセルインフレータブルによる宇宙太陽発電システム

    石村康生, 樋口健

    構造強度に関する講演会講演集   48th   96 - 98  2006年


  • 大型宇宙システムへのマルチセルインフレータブルの適用

    石村康生, 樋口健, 戸谷剛, 加藤隆造

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM)   50th   3E11  2006年


  • Modularized structure for the discretization of thermal deformation

    Kosei Ishimura, Ken Higuchi

    European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP     381 - 387  2005年12月


    For large space structures, the deformation of the structure due to thermal stress affects the attitude motion. In this paper, we propose a modularized structure which can release the thermal deformation locally. As an application, we study a space solar power system which is stabilized by gravity gradient torque. The purpose of this paper is to suppress overall deformation by the local release of thermal deformation. At first, we analyze thermal deformation of the structure and induced attitude motion under the condition where connecting rigidity between modules is as stiff as module itself. From the result, it is shown that roll and yaw motion becomes unstable due to the thermal deformation. Then, we modify the condition of the connection between modules to release thermal deformation locally. Through the simulation, it is confirmed that large deformation can be suppressed in the modified modularized structure, and thermally induced attitude motion becomes small enough for the mission.

  • Design of attitude determination and control system for Hokkaido Satellite

    Koichiro Sugimoto, Kosei Ishimura, Daigaku Igarashi

    International Astronautical Federation - 56th International Astronautical Congress 2005   4   2250 - 2261  2005年12月


    This paper describes the design and performance verification of the attitude determination and control system for the Hokkaido Satellite. The main missions of the satellite are earth observation during sunlight and laser communication during sunshade. The purpose of the attitude determination and control system is to stabilize the attitude around three axes within three degrees. The satellite is stabilized by a momentum wheel (MW). The attitude determination system consists of an earth sensor and an inertia reference unit (IRU). Based on the Kalman filter, the determination system can estimate three attitude angles and IRU bias rates without a yaw sensor. The control modes of the satellite are an attitude acquisition mode, a normal mode and a safe-hold mode. For the normal mode of the wheel-stabilized earth pointing satellite, a new pointing control law is proposed. The proposed law simultaneously achieves nutation dumping and angular momentum direction control relative to the orbital coordinate system. The control law consists of pitch angle control by MW, roll and yaw axes control by magnetic torquers (MTQ) and angular momentum control by MTQ. Through numerical simulations, it was confirmed that the determination laws and the control laws can achieve the required attitude accuracy and stabilization time.

  • 3325 カルマンフィルタを用いた北海道衛星の姿勢決定系の設計(S86-1 小型宇宙システム(1),S86 小型宇宙システム)

    石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting   2005 ( 5 ) 377 - 378  2005年09月


    Hokkaido satellite is the small satellite which is being developed in Hokkaido. In this paper, the attitude determination system based on the Kalman Filter is designed for the Hokkaido satellite. The satellite has an earth sensor and IRU. The earth sensor outputs roll and pitch angles. Focusing on coupling between roll and yaw axes in kinematic equation of earth observation satellites, the attitude determination system is designed to estimate roll, pitch and yaw angles using roll and yaw angular measurements and IRU. We estimate accuracy of sensors to satisfy Hokkaido satellite&#039;s requiremen...

    DOI CiNii

  • 小型人工衛星用磁気トルカの設計と試作

    上島 広史, 石村 康生, 飛田 敬規

    北海道工業大学研究紀要   33   235 - 240  2005年03月


  • Feasibility study of Tethered Solar Power Satellite

    S. Sasaki, K. Tanaka, K. Higuchi, N. Okuizumi, S. Kawasaki, M. Shinohara, K. Senda, K. Ishimura

    International Astronautical Federation - 56th International Astronautical Congress 2005   7   4242 - 4249  2005年


    Tethered Solar Power Satellite (Tethered-SPS) consisting of a large power generation/transmission panel and a bus system which are connected by tether wires has been proposed as an innovative solar power satellite. The concept Tethered-SPS is highly robust and potentially low cost. This paper presents a new version of Tethered-SPS which is integrated by perfectly equivalent units loosely connected to each other. The new Tethered-SPS, highly flexible and expansible, has a lot of advantages over the past SPS models in attitude stability, construction, modularization, thermal characteristics, and robustness.

  • 北海道衛星の姿勢制御系の設計と性能評価(S66-1 衛星と宇宙ロボットの制御,S66 宇宙ロボットと制御技術)

    杉本 康一郎, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting   2004 ( 5 ) 447 - 448  2004年09月


    In Hokkaido, engineers in companies and researchers in universities have developed a small satellite, Hokkaido Satellite, since two years ago. This paper describes a designed attitude controll system based on Hokkaido Satellite&#039;s requirement. Bias momentum controll is applied to stabilize the attitude of satellite around three axises. The satellite has a momentum wheel on pitch axis and two reaction wheels on roll and yaw axises. Magnetic torquers are aligned with three axises. We simulated the designed attitude control system in complex environment where there are magnetic field, gravity, ...

    DOI CiNii

  • Adaptive behavior to environment of a humanoid robot with CPG

    K Asa, K Ishimura, M Wada

    SICE 2004 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3     208 - 213  2004年


    It has been difficult to avoid falling over for walking robot with only legs. However, by adding arms, the robot is possible to transit from biped walking to more stable quadruped walking when the robot cannot maintain biped walking We demonstrate the limit of stable gait and that the robot can maintain locomotion through the transition to stable quadruped walking despite applied external force.

  • Binocular stereo vision processing based on pulse coupled neural networks

    Y Ogawa, D Yamaoka, H Yamada, K Ishimura, H Wada

    SICE 2004 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3     311 - 316  2004年


    A biological binocular stereo vision processing was modeled based on Pulse-Coupled Neural Network(PCNN). Then disparity detection can be accomplished in the spontaneous synchronization of neurons corresponding to the correct matching points. Consequently, it is clarified that binocular stereo vision is generated through proposed model. Furthermore, our model is appropriate model based on actual visual processing of biology.

  • Moving object extraction using multi-tiered pulse-coupled neural network

    J Chen, K Ishimura, M Wada

    SICE 2004 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3     2843 - 2848  2004年


    A novel method for extraction of moving objects in an image sequence using multi-tiered Pulse-Coupled Neural Network (PCNN) is presented in this paper. PCNN is a biologically-inspired model which shows highly applicable in various image processing applications, including image segmentation, contour detection, etc. In order to adapt PCNN for moving object extraction, the multi-tiered PCNN model is proposed. This new PCNN model is called E-PCNN, since excitatory term and external linking are its two features. The architecture and algorithm of E-PCNN are presented in detail. It is shown that E-PCNN outweighs the commonly used inter-frame difference algorithm, having three main advantages: utilization of multiple color information, parameter robustness and robustness against noise.

  • Hokkaido Satellite Project : Overview of the Hokkaido satellite project and its business model

    24th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science   2004-n-10  2004年

  • Hokkaido Satellite Project : Satellite System Design

    24th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science   2004-n-12  2004年

  • Integrated stability analysis of large space structures based on potential energy consideration

    Kosei Ishimura, M. C. Natori, Ken Higuchi, Mitsuo Wada

    Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference   4   2661 - 2666  2003年08月


    The stability analysis of large space structures such as space solar power system is discussed in this paper. Because these structures are very large and flexible, the mutual interference among position, attitude and structural deformation cannot be negligible. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of the system dynamics including position, attitude and structural deformation on orbit has been required. In this study, we propose a new method based on potential energy to estimate the integrated stability. Based on potential energy, the integrated stability of deviations in position, attitude and structural deformation on orbit is analyzed. The potential energy, which is caused by gravitational force and centrifugal force, is considered as well as strain energy of the structure. By using the potential energy, not only equilibrium states but also the degree of stability in the neighborhood can be estimated. As a case study, we focus on a solar-array platform with gravity gradient stabilization. At first, the stability about the position and attitude is estimated based on the potential energy. As compared with the numerical results of system dynamics, the validity of the estimation is confirmed. Then, we show the change of stability which depends on the satellite&#039;s configuration. Finally, the stability of structural deformation around the equilibrium point is shown through the potential energy.

  • System design of electric wheelchair for realizing adaptive operation to human intention

    S Shimada, K Ishimura, M Wada



    Electric wheelchair is an important device to the physically handicapped persons with mobility. The aim of our study is to develop the electric wheelchair which is driven as the human intention, and we tries to extract the human intention from the adaptability of physical characteristic between embodiment system and wheelchair system in various situations. To design the system, we developed the experimental electric wheelchair which can measure dynamic posture changes of electric wheelchair and passenger, simultaneously. These measurements are carried out the straight-line motion and turning motion, etc. Results are shown the various posture change of passenger under the some conditions, and the hunting phenomenon as example of uncontrollable situation. We also derive a mathematical model to analyze this phenomenon, and we explain the simulation results. Finally, we discuss the methodology to realize adaptive operation to human intention.


  • 1P1-1F-B6 タスクによるデータ重要度を考慮したインターネット遠隔操作システム

    鈴木 雄介, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2003 ( 0 ) 35 - 35  2003年


    インターネットを媒体としたロボット遠隔操作システムの構成を提案する。ロボットに行わせるタスクにより各種データの重要性の序列が変化することを利用し, 輻輳検出時にデータの送信頻度を変化させ幅輳適応, 操作の安定化を図る。


  • 1P1-2F-E8 ヒューマンインタフェース利用のための筋刺激応答解析

    氏家 英樹, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2003 ( 0 ) 49 - 50  2003年


    筋電図のヒューマンインタフェース (HI) 利用における問題として, 識別には十分大きい能動的な筋力を必要とすることがあげられる。本研究では, 能動的な筋力を必要としないHIを実現するために, 筋刺激応答を応用することを考える。


  • 2P2-3F-D1 Linux ベースの電動車いす情報ネットワークシステムの構成

    島田 茂伸, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2003 ( 0 ) 138 - 139  2003年


    本研究では, 汎用の加速度センサとPC, およびlinuxを用いた情報ネットワークシステムを提案する。危機管理や状態の把握といった観点から電動車いすでの運用について述べる。遠隔操作やユーザ識別等の展望についても詳述する。


  • ロボットの歩行とそのバイオメカニカル・カオス・ダイナミクス

    氏家 英樹, 山北 浩介, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集 = FAN Symposium : fuzzy, artificial intelligence, neural networks and computational intelligence   12   237 - 242  2002年11月


    It is known that the passive walking is generated by a biped mechanism which can walk down a gentle slope. Though the suitable parameters are necessary for stable walking, the simulated walking has three major characteristics : the period doubling bifurcation, the attractor basin into stable walking, and the chaotic behaviors. The chaotic behavior appears when the slope exceeds a certain value. In this paper, focusing on these three characteristics, we show the dynamic structure of the biomechanical chaos generated by the 4-link walking robot with knee, and discuss about the relation to the human walking.


  • Pulse Coupled Neural Networkにおけるカオス的同期集団の形成について

    山口 裕, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NC, ニューロコンピューティング   101 ( 615 ) 127 - 134  2002年01月


    本研究ではスパイク間隔がカオス的ダイナミクスを持つパルス結合ニューラルネットワーク(PCNN)を構成し, そのカオス的同期現象について数値計算を元に解析を行った.具体的には, 2体結合系における同期条件の解析及び局所的興奮-大域的抑制型の結合を持つ1次元結合系における同期集団形成について検討した.1次元結合系に局所的な同期集団が複数形成された場合, ダイナミクスがカオス的なときは, 互いに異なる同期集団に属するニューロンのスパイク系列間には相互相関を持たないことが確認された.これらの結果から視覚処理過程のテンポラル・コーディングにおけるカオスの役割について検討した.カオス的なスパイク間隔を用いることでより多様な情報表現ができる可能性が確認された.


  • Chaotic pulse-coupled neural network as a model of synchronization and desynchronization in cortex

    Y Yamaguchi, K Ishimura, M Wada



    We have proposed a chaotic pulse coupled neural network (CPCNN) to investigate possible roles of high-dimensional chaotic dynamics in information coding using synchronous oscillation. In the present paper, some basic characteristics of CPCNN are examined. On the one hand, in a two-neuron system, CPCNN have rather simple condition for the persistence of synchronization despite of its chaotic dynamics. On the other, in a one-dimensional lattice system of homogeneous neurons, it can exhibit complex and various dynamics such as dynamical clustering, traveling waves and spatio-temporal intermittency.


  • Stability Analysis and Decentralized System Design of Large Space Structures Based on Potential Field

    13th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, Potsdam, Germany, Oct. 2002, ICAST-02.    2002年

  • Averaging Interaction in Decentralized Control of Modularized Structures

    23rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Matsue, Japan, May, 2002, 2002-c-31.    2002年

  • Decentralized control of redundant manipulator based on the analogy of heat and wave equations

    K Ishimura, MC Natori, M Wada

    DISTRIBUTED AUTONOMOUS ROBOTIC SYSTEMS 5   pp.227-236   227 - 236  2002年


    Based on the analogy of heat and wave equations, novel decentralized control methods of a redundant manipulator are proposed. Because these control methods are based on real physical phenomena, physical sense of control parameters can be understood intuitively. Some traditional control methods can be reconstructed from the viewpoint of proposed methods. Furthermore, stable characteristics of the heat conduction imply stability of the control method. As case studies, three subjects are discussed: position control of the end-effector of manipulator, obstacle avoidance, grasping behavior. Some numerical results are shown to illustrate capabilities of proposed control methods.

  • 1P1-E11 Global Entrainment に基づいた 2 足ロボットの歩行運動

    松浦 俊, 石村 康生, 島田 茂伸, 和田 充雄

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2002 ( 0 ) 47 - 47  2002年


    本研究では, Global Entrainmentという概念に基づいて, 2足ロボットの歩行運動を生成することに焦点をあてる。その概念によると, 歩行運動は, 神経・身体・環境からなる結合力学系におけるリミットサイクルアトラクタとして自己組織される。本論文では, 計算機シミュレーションならびに実機実験において, 同概念に基づく歩行生成に成功したので報告する。またシミュレーション上では, その歩行が身体・環境モデルの変動に対して適応能力を持つことも調べる。


  • 1P1-G02 搭乗者を考慮した電動車椅子の動的姿勢計測及びその評価

    島田 茂伸, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2002 ( 0 ) 49 - 49  2002年


    人-車椅子系の動的制御モデルの構築を行い, 操作性の向上のための資料を得ることを目的に, 本研究では, 人が搭乗している時の電動車椅子の動的な姿勢変化を計測し, その定量的な評価を行った。車椅子には, ヨー, ピッチ, ロールの3軸の角速度と加速度が計測できる姿勢センサーを取り付け, 搭乗者には頭部用の3軸加速度センサを装着して計測を行った。実験は, 発進・走行・停止の直線加減速運動, カーブ走行, その場旋回などの計測を行い, 人-車椅子の姿勢変動の相関を評価した結果を示した。


  • 1P1-G03 車椅子ロボットにおける人の姿勢安定化制御

    石村 康生, 島田 茂伸, 和田 充雄

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2002 ( 0 ) 49 - 50  2002年


    電動車椅子ロボットにおける人の上半身姿勢の制御を行う。本研究では, 前後左右の2自由度を持つ倒立振子モデルにより人の上半身を表す。急な加減速において, 電動車椅子上の人の上半身姿勢が不安定になることは既によく知られているが, この姿勢変動を横方向も含めて安定化することは非常に困難である。ここでは, 上半身の質量, 長さ等のの身体パラメータが未知である場合に対して, 部分的適応制御を適用し, 姿勢安定化を行う。数値計算によって, その有効性を示す。


  • Pulse Coupled Neural Networkを用いた視覚処理とその応用

    酒井 武則, 時任 孝二, 小川 勇貴, 石村 康生, 和田 充雄

    計測自動制御学会 部門大会/部門学術講演会資料   2 ( 0 ) 75 - 75  2002年


    In this paper, we show usefulness of Pulse Coupled Neural Network(PCNN) in visual information processing. The PCNN is based on the visual information processing of mammals, and has superior ability like segmentation, edge detection, time resolution, and so on. Therefore, we apply the PCNN to the some visual problems in engineering such as stereo vision, recognition of handwritten characters, and object detection. Each simulations use features of the PCNN, such as robustness against noise, detection ability of foveation point, and segmentation ability using color and form information. Various results of the simulations and usefulness of PCNN are presented.


  • Deployment Behavior or Modularized Structures


    Proc. ASME Int'l Mechanical Engineering Cong. and Expo., Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Symposium, Orland   AD-Vol.60   425 - 432  2000年


  • Autonomous distributed control of free-floating variable geometry trusses

    K. Ishimura, M. C. Natori, K. Higuchi

    Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference   4   2636 - 2643  1999年01月


    An autonomous distributed control is introduced as a new control method. The effectiveness of the control is verified using a case study, where the control method is applied to the control of variable geometry trusses that has high redundancy. Through computer simulations, it is shown that various behaviors of variable geometry trusses are realized by very simple control rules of subsystems.

  • An Autonomous Distributed Control of Free-Floating Variable Geometry Trusses

    AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Forum    1999年

  • 自律分散的手法による可変形状トラスのドッキング制御

    石村 康生, 名取 通弘, 樋口 健

    自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料 = SICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems   10   335 - 338  1998年01月


  • Autonomous Distributed Control of Variable Geometry Trusses

    21st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Sonic City, Omiya, Japan   24-31  1998年



  • 可変熱膨張及びゼロ熱膨張を有する変位拡大装置及びこれを用いた形状可変副鏡ユニット

    五十嵐 省三, 柏山 礼興, 坂本 啓, 石村 康生


  • サンドイッチパネル

    片山 範将, 石村 康生



  • 嵌合型シート


    森島 敏之, 佐藤 浩司, 二橋 勇気, 石村 康生, 樋口 健, 青木 隆平, 宮崎 康行, 斉藤 一哉, 片山 範将, 岸本 直子



  • 合成樹脂地

    杉山 彩香, 山田邦晶, 石村康生, 樋口健, 青木隆平, 宮崎康行, 片山 範将, 岸本 直子


  • 音声埋め込み信号による携帯端末の自動電源制御システム

    石村 康生, 宮下 夏苗




  • 宇宙機の開発研究経験







  • 振動工学


  • 材料力学


  • 宇宙構造物工学




  • 理工学術院   大学院創造理工学研究科


  • 2022年

    理工学術院総合研究所   兼任研究員

  • 2022年

    カーボンニュートラル社会研究教育センター   兼任センター員


  • 宇宙構造物の熱変形評価に関する研究



     高精度な宇宙構造物の実現においては,熱変形の抑制が必須な課題の一つとなる.本研究は,この熱変形評価に関する研究を行った. まず,高精度CFRP製SARアンテナの熱変形評価を行った.アンテナ全体を恒温槽に入れて,フォトグラメトリによる形状計測を行い,熱変形解析結果との比較を行ったところ,試験時の変位を真とした場合の変位の誤差は20度温度低下の場合では10%,10度温度上昇の場合では17%であった.また,同CFRP製SARアンテナパネルモデルについて,アンテナパネルの温度が-23度の場合とアンテナパネルの表裏温度差が1度とした場合の2ケースについて,解析を実施した.どちらの場合でも,Xバンドおけるアンテナ熱変形許容誤差を十分に満たしており,熱変形が抑制されていると考えられる. 次に,機器インターフェースにおける熱変形の抑制について注目をし,観測機器と取付面の間に熱応力緩和機構を搭載することを検討した.熱応力緩和機構の役割は,観測機器を宇宙機に適切に固定し,観測機器に熱応力が伝わらないようにすることである.2枚の板間の熱応力緩和のために,上述のヒンジ構造を用いたバイポッド型の熱応力緩和機構を検討した.熱応力緩和機構の2自由度の並進剛性は,設計に用いる理論モデルと最終的なFEM解析モデルで求めたものを比較すると十分な精度で一致した.最後に,熱応力緩和機構の性能を,観測機器の取り付け面におけるバイメタル変形を対象として評価した.熱応力緩和機構を取付けた系と取付けていない系の変位を解析評価した結果,熱応力緩和機構を取付けていない系の変位に対して取付けた系の変位を1/10以下に抑制できることが示された.以上より,熱応力緩和機構の設計方法と適切な設計結果を示すことができたと考えらえる.

  • 大型宇宙構造物の高精度形状制御




  • 高精度変位計測装置の低温低圧耐性の実証

    2021年   宮下朋之


    将来の大型高精度構造物の実現のために,高精度変位計測装置(1 次元的に細長い構造の両端の相対位置の測定)の研究開発を行っている.変位計測装置は,レーザ光源,ビームスプリッタ,レトロリフレクタ,PSD(Position&nbsp; Sensitive&nbsp; Device)からなる.レーザ光源とレトロリフレクタは,相対位置を測定する基準とターゲットに取り付けられる.成層圏環境での機能実証を目的として,2021 年7 月9日に,大気球実験を実施した.最高高度は 29 ㎞,フライト時間は 2 時間 54 分であった.レーザ光源とレトロリフレクタ間の距離は 1m とした.気球実験を通じて,成層圏の気球実験環境下において本変位計測装置が正常に機能することが確かめられた.実験においては,上空で計測対象に所定の変位を与えるために,人工的な周期的熱膨張を発生させた.計測された温度から推定された変位と,変位計測装置によって計測された変位の差は 0.4µmRMS であった.&nbsp;

  • 高精度変位計測装置の研究開発

    2020年   宮下朋之



  • 宇宙⼤型展開構造物の結合界⾯に由来する形状精度悪化メカニズムの解明

    2019年   宮下朋之


    キネマチックカップリングにおけるラッチ完了条件の理論式の妥当性を実験的に確認し,その成果の報告をInternational Symposium onSpace Technology and Scienceにて行った.また熱サイクル負荷時における結合界面での滑りについての評価を行い,サーマルスナップの発生要因とその関係性についての検討を行った.熱変形に関しては,周期的な熱入力を加えることで,周波数空間上での要因分離を行い,外的環境に対して,ロバストな試験方法の提案・実証をした.最後に,固着の主要因の一つである摺動の低減を狙い,転がりによる無摺動関節機構を検討し,その概念設計を行った.電磁石の実装によって,着脱も可能となり,ジェンダーのコントロールも容易に実施が可能となる.

  • 宇宙空間における高精度変位計測に関する研究

    2019年   宮下朋之



  • 宇宙展開構造物におけるジョイント・ラッチ部の機械特性の解明




  • 宇宙大型展開構造物の結合界面に由来する形状精度悪化メカニズムの解明と設計論の構築

    2018年   宮下朋之


