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ムラマツ ケイイチ
村松 慶一
附属機関・学校 グローバルエデュケーションセンター
博士(人間科学) ( 早稲田大学 )


  • 2020年09月

    早稲田大学   グローバルエデュケーションセンター   准教授(任期付)

  • 2016年04月

    埼玉大学   先端産業国際ラボラトリー   助教

  • 2014年09月

    埼玉大学   大学院理工学研究科   助教

  • 2012年04月

    文教大学   文学部   非常勤講師

  • 2012年04月

    早稲田大学   人間科学学術院   助手

  • 2010年04月

    日本学術振興会   特別研究員 (DC2)



  • 2009年04月

    早稲田大学   大学院人間科学研究科   人間科学専攻  


  • 2007年04月

    早稲田大学   人間科学研究科   人間科学専攻  


  • 2003年04月

    早稲田大学   人間科学部   人間情報科学科  









    Japan Society of Kansei Engineering


    The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence


    The Color Science Association of Japan



  • 感性情報学 / ソフトコンピューティング


  • アカデミックエモーション

  • 色彩感情

  • オントロジー

  • Academic Emotions

  • Color Emotions

  • Ontology




  • Experimental study for a computational model in ITS to predict the learners’ state

    Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui

    31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings   2   942 - 944  2023年12月


    Cognitive architecture plays essential role in Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS). For effective learning support, dynamic model subserving the function of the prediction of learners’ states should be incorporated. In this paper, we proposed a neural network-based architecture in progress that can incorporate the dynamic model to generate the prediction of leaners’ perceptual states when categorical ambiguous stimulus and the instruction of category were given.

  • Color Emotions for Skin Color Under a Light System Controlling Color Rendering Property

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Watanuki

    Emotional Engineering, Vol. 9: Move Ahead Toward Self-Satisfying Society (SSS)     91 - 111  2022年01月


    Emotional responses to color stimuli are referred to as color emotions. The current study reveals the relationships between color rendering properties and color emotions pertaining to facial skin colors, by using a light system that controlled the color rendering property. This study summarizes two previous studies. The first study examined color emotions toward facial skin color under various color rendering prop-erties. The second study assessed the relationships between color emotions using an average face irradiated by various illuminants with different color rendering prop-erties. Based on the models of the relationship between color emotions and color rendering properties obtained through these studies, a comparison of skin color itself and color emotions toward facial skin color are discussed. Specifically, the results suggest that color shifts in the red and green directions have different effects on the impressions of single colors and average faces.



  • Learning and visualization of features using MC-DCNN for gait training considering physical individual differences

    Yusuke Osawa, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu

    Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering   16 ( 1 ) 1 - 17  2021年


    Several training methods have been developed to acquire motion information during real-time walking; these methods also feed the information back to the trainee. Trainees adjust their gait to ensure that the measured value approaches the target value, which may not always be suitable for each trainee. Therefore, we aim to develop a gait feedback training system that considers individual differences, classifies the gait of the trainee, and identifies adjustments for body parts and timing. A convolutional neural network (CNN) has a feature extraction function and is robust in terms of each feature position; therefore, it can be used to classify a gait as ideal or non-ideal. Additionally, when the gradient-weighted class activation mapping (Grad-CAM) is applied to the gait classification model, the output measures the influence degree contributed by the trainee's each body part to the classification results. Thus, the trainee can visually determine the body parts that need to be adjusted through the use of the output. In this study, we focused on gaits related to stumbling. We measured the kinematics and kinetics data for participants and generated multivariate gait data, which were labeled as “gait rarely associated with stumbling” class or “gait frequently associated with stumbling” class using clustering with dynamic time warping. Next, the multichannel deep CNN (MC-DCNN) was used to learn the gait using the multivariate gait data and the corresponding classes. Finally, the data for verification were input into the MC-DCNN model, and we visualized the influence degrees of each place of the multivariate gait data for classification using GradCAM. The MC-DCNN model classified gaits with a high accuracy of 97.64±0.40%, and it learned the features that determine the thumb-to-ground distance. The output of the Grad-CAM indicated body parts, timing, and the relative strength of features that have an important effect on the thumb-to-ground distance.



  • Generation of gait data less prone to stumbling considering the physical differences among trainees

    Yusuke Osawa, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu

    Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering   16 ( 4 ) 1 - 15  2021年


    Several training methods have been developed to obtain motion information during real-time walking and feed it back to trainees who adjust their gait to ensure that the measured gait parameters approach target value, which may not always be suitable for every trainee owing to physical differences between individuals. This paper proposes a method of setting this target value considering these physical differences and discusses the usefulness of the gait training method, wherein a multichannel deep convolutional neural network (MC-DCNN) gait classification model constructed by learning ideal or non-ideal gait features beforehand is used for trainee gait classification. Activation maximization is applied to the MC-DCNN model; data wherein the ideal walking features are activated are generated based on trainee gait data. However, the amounts of features to be activated to generate a possible and natural gait are restricted. The original trainee gait, beyond individual physical differences, and gait data generated based on the original gait data seem to yield the target value considering the physical differences among individuals. This study focused on gait related to stumbling. To verify its usefulness, a multivariate gait dataset consisting of kinematic and kinetic indices labeled as “gait rarely associated with stumbling” or “gait frequently associated with stumbling” was divided into a training set, validation set, and test set. The MC-DCNN model learned gait features for multivariate gait data classification in the training set. It classified the gait with 96.04±0.12% accuracy against the validation set. Finally, by applying the proposed method to the multivariate gait data contained in the test set, we generated multivariate gait data classified as “gait rarely associated with stumbling” based on the input data. In addition, the generated multivariate gait data include motion that increases the thumb-to-ground distance and describe possible and natural gait considering the physical differences among individuals.



  • Perceptual holistic color combination analysis of Papilionidae butterflies as aesthetic objects

    Erina Kakehashi, Keiichi Muramatsu, Haruo Hibino

    PLoS ONE   15 ( 10 October ) e0240356  2020年10月  [国際誌]


    In this study, we clarified the holistic color combination rules of human-preferred Papilionidae butterflies by examining the hue, lightness, and chroma. A set of 118 Papilionidae butterfly images used in our previous study was analyzed. These images were classified via hierarchical density-based spatial clustering based on perceptual similarities of colors that were obtained from a subjective image classification experiment. The color combinations of the clustered images were determined based on representative colors that were analyzed by a Gaussian mixture model with minimum message length and the color combination types defined in our previous study. Consequently, we obtained the following holistic color combination rules for Papilionidae: 1) contrasting lightness, similar chroma, and similar hue, 2) contrasting lightness, contrasting chroma, and similar hue, 3) similar lightness, similar chroma, and complementary hue, and 4) similar lightness, similar chroma, and similar hue. These rules suggest that minority color harmony theories are valid under particular conditions.

    DOI PubMed


  • Computational color combination analysis of Papilionidae butterflies as aesthetic objects

    Erina Kakehashi, Keiichi Muramatsu, Haruo Hibino

    Color Research and Application   45 ( 1 ) 65 - 84  2020年02月


    In this study, our aim is to clarify the color combination rules of the human-preferred Papilionidae butterflies as aesthetic objects. A set of 118 butterfly images, including color polyphenism from the 47 Papilionidae species that are generally preferred by humans, was selected. These images were classified using hierarchical cluster analysis based on similarities of lightness, chroma, and hue attributes in CIELAB space, determined using histogram intersection. Then, the color distributions and combinations in each cluster were analyzed using a Gaussian mixture model and the color combination types defined in the present study. Accordingly, we obtained the following main color combination rules of human-preferred Papilionidae: (a) dominant low lightness and contrasting lightness components, (b) dominant low chroma and similar chroma components, and (c) dominant orange to yellow-green hue and similar hue components. These rules partly agree with the robust harmony principles found in previous research. We infer that the cognitive effects concerning the processing fluency through these color combination rules influence human aesthetic responses.



  • Evaluating the Interaction Between Human Walking and Two-Dimensional Emotion Variation by Using Physiological Signals

    Jyun Rong Zhuang, Guan Yu Wu, Ya Jing Guan, Keiichi Muramatsu, Keiichi Watanuki, Eiichiro Tanaka

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   952   40 - 47  2020年


    The purpose of this study is to assess the interaction between walking and emotion variation. Two-dimension walking condition map and the two-dimension emotion map were used to understand their relation. According to the tendency of the changing walking gait in response to the emotion variation, we found that two factors can be influenced by each other. Therefore, by using this relation, we proposed an evaluation method for the user obtaining a better rehabilitation effect while using the assistive device. We recommended that the patient should walk comfortably through following the personal walking limitation, they thus can freely two-way control the emotion and walking while using an assistive device. To conclude, our proposed evaluation method can be employed for various assistive devices.



  • Development of an LED lighting system through evaluation of legibility and visual fatigue

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Keiichi Watanuki, Naoya Mashiko, Yoichiro Watanabe, Masutsugu Tasaki

    Emotional Engineering, Vol. 8: Emotion in the Emerging World     229 - 240  2020年01月


    Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are commonly used to backlight text indicators in vehicles, among other uses. It is desirable that such text indicators are both easily legible and have low fatigue-inducing qualities. Suitable spectral distributions for text presentation in vehicles have not yet been clarified. This study examined the legibility and fatigue experienced by participants when reading sentences presented through backlight emission for 10 min in a dark room. The backlight indicators employed both colored and white LEDs. The participants were asked to answer questionnaires to evaluate the LEDs’ legibility and fatigue. Moreover, the participants’ critical fusion frequency and brain activity were measured to objectively evaluate fatigue. The questionnaire results show that all of the colored backlighting displayed an almost equal legibility. The overall results suggest that participants were most (least) fatigued when viewing text illuminated by high color-rending (greenish white backlighting). Thus, fatigue can be reduced by using LEDs with different spectral distributions.



  • Evaluation of Psychological Emotions During Fragrance Exposure by Chaotic Analysis of Fingertip Plethysmography

    Tomofumi Sakata, Keiichi Watanuki, Keiichi Muramatsu, Kazunori Kaede

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   952   167 - 176  2020年


    Fragrance influences the psychophysiological state of a person; the volume of fingertip plethysmography is consequently affected by the aspiration of aroma. In this study, stimulation threshold at the time of aroma suction and emotional change around the discrimination threshold were evaluated by analyzing both a questionnaire and fingertip plethysmograph measurement. We built a fragrance generator to confirm the stimulus threshold, discrimination threshold, and acclimatization time of smell. Participants were asked to take a subjective evaluation of aroma intensity, comfortableness (comfort/discomfort), and aroma frequency in real time. The results confirmed the chaotic nature of the time series data of the fingertip plethysmographs. Moreover, the fingertip plethysmographs fluctuated when the participants responded that it did not smell in the subjective evaluation and when the maximum Lyapunov exponent increased, as the aroma fluctuation of the fingertip plethysmographs enlarged, corresponding to the uncomfortable values of the subjective evaluation.



  • Evaluation of Emotions Induced by 2D and 3D Video Systems in a Two-Dimensional Emotion Space

    Akifumi Harada, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   952   144 - 153  2020年


    Recently, virtual reality (VR) has become a readily available technology owing to its compatibility with many devices and applications, such as head-mounted displays (HMDs). It is easy to experience an immersive virtual space by using an HMD. Generally, three-dimensional (3D) videos are considered to provide more realistic depictions compared to two-dimensional (2D) videos. Specifically, even for the same video, the influence on the viewer differs between the two viewing methods. However, depending on the type of emotion invoked in the person by the image, the realism is not necessarily important, so 3D is not always a more useful viewing method. We prepared similar 2D and 3D images and conducted experiments by measuring cerebral blood flow, sweating, heart rate variability, and conducting a questionnaire survey. Then, in the image providing soothing, it was found that 3D expression tended not to be favored.



  • Chaotic Analysis of Finger Plethysmogram During Aroma Exposure for Evaluating Emotions and Examination of Optimal Analysis Method

    Tomofumi Sakata, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   1202 AISC   987 - 992  2020年


    Fragrance influences the psychophysiological state of a person as the volume of fingertip plethysmogram changes during one’s aspiration of aroma. Recent studies have used aroma in various settings, such as for medical care, relaxation, and productivity-enhancing environments. However, no study has elucidated the kind of behavior shown on the fingertip plethysmograph near the stimulation and discrimination threshold for the sense of smell when the odor intensity of aroma changes. Although our research suggests that emotions can be evaluated using the Lyapunov exponent of chaos analysis, no study has clarified the appropriate method for chaos analysis. Therefore, in this study, we performed a chaotic analysis of fingertip plethysmograms for evaluating emotional changes near the stimulation and discrimination thresholds during aroma inhalation. Results were evaluated using a correlation dimension and Lyapunov exponent. The optimal analysis method was examined thereafter.



  • Comparison of Object-Based Three-Dimensional Sound and Ambient Sound for Straight Walking

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Shigekimi Tsukada, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Watanuki

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   1202 AISC   981 - 986  2020年


    At present, visually impaired people have difficulty using mobility support facilities due to their dependence on the surrounding environment, such as sound and snowfall. In addition, people who later became visually impaired may find it difficult to use these facilities. The current study aimed to develop an easy-to-use walking guidance system that uses three-dimensional (3D) sounds, regardless of the surrounding environment, and examined the characteristics of the guidance sounds produced by the 3D sounds. We implemented this system using a head-mounted display capable of generating three-dimensional sound. Participants were asked to walk in a visually restricted environment to either a real guidance sound or a 3D guidance sound with three types of ambient sounds, and their walking trajectory was evaluated. As a result, we found that the 3D guidance sound showed the opposite tendency to deflect from the ambient sound. However, the guidance accuracy of the 3D guidance sound was similar to that of the real guidance sound.



  • Visualization of Features in Multivariate Gait Data: Use of a Deep Learning for the Visualization of Body Parts and Their Timing During Gait Training

    Yusuke Osawa, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   1202 AISC   1007 - 1013  2020年


    In this study, we aimed to examine the usefulness of gait classification and feature visualization based on multivariate data for the development of a gait feedback training system capable of considering the physical differences among the trainees. The multivariate data considered in this study were the joint angles and the ground reaction forces. In addition, all multivariate gait data were labeled as gait “rarely associated with stumbling” or “frequently associated with stumbling”. A convolutional neural network was used to learn the gait features. Furthermore, the feature parts of the multivariate gait data used for classification were visualized on a heat map created using Grad-CAM. As the results indicate, a heatmap is able to show the feature parts of a gait frequently associated with stumbling, through which the trainee can adjust their gait.



  • Evaluation of the Attention Effect of the Fraser-Wilcox Illusion in a Visual Discrimination Task

    Kota Tokonabe, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   1202 AISC   1000 - 1006  2020年


    This study aimed to propose a display that incorporates the Fraser-Wilcox illusion with a higher attention effect. Fraser-Wilcox illusion is a type of visual illusion in which a part of a still image appears to be moving. We compared the attention effects of shapes that induce the Fraser-Wilcox illusion and those that do not. As an evaluation method of attention recall effect, the visual discrimination task, which was an experimental technique to measure the characteristics of visual attention, was used. The correlation between the strength of visual illusion and the target reaction time was examined. As a result, a strong negative correlation was observed. The larger the strength of visual illusion, the faster the detection of the target. These results suggest that the Fraser-Wilcox illusion has an alerting effect on visual illusion.



  • Influence of Initial Settings of Chaos Analysis on Fingertip Plethysmography for Evaluation of Emotions Induced by Exposure to Fragrance

    Tomofumi Sakata, Keiichi Watanuki, Keiichi Muramatsu, Kazunori Kaede

    Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2020     590 - 595  2020年01月


    Fragrance influences the psychophysiological state of a person; the volume of fingertip plethysmography is consequently affected by the aspiration of aroma. Further, it may make an individual uncomfortable depending on the amount of odor that they inhale. It has been reported that fingertip plethysmogram has a chaotic nature and is sensitive to pleasant and unpleasant emotions. Chaos analyses have demonstrated various significant findings: however, multiple setting values used in these analyses are arbitrarily determined and are not standard. Therefore, in this study, we compared the biometric index obtained by analyzing the fingertip plethysmogram through a fingertip volume pulse wave investigation. This was done by quantitatively flowing the scent directly into the nose and conducting a real-time subjective evaluation with the collaborators. Then, a suitable development time was examined. The Dynamic time warping (DTW) was used to compare the subjective evaluation and results of the analysis for various fingertip volume pulse waves. A most suitable development time was obtained based on the DTW results. The results suggested that emotions can be measured when an individual is exposed to fragrances.



  • Effects of Subjective Visual Fatigue on Brain Function during Luminescent Sentence Reading Task

    Tomohiro Nishikawa, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu, Naoya Mashiko

    Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2020     390 - 394  2020年01月


    This study aims to examine the relationship between visual fatigue and brain function in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) during a luminescent sentence reading task. We conducted a 10 min luminescent sentence reading task in a dark room. Twelve healthy young volunteers participated in this study and performed six repeated experiments. The time-course of oxyhemoglobin (oxy-Hb) in the PFC was measured using a 22-channel wearable near-infrared spectroscope. Subjective visual fatigue and sleepiness were assessed using the ' Jikaku-sho shirabe' questionnaire. In addition, the critical flicker-fusion frequency (CFF) was measured as the objective index of fatigue. CFF could be used as the objective support for sleepiness, because Delta CFF and the feeling of drowsiness, Delta text{I}, were negatively correlated ({r}=-0.24, {p}<0.05). In our analysis, oxy-Hb in the medial PFC (mPFC) exhibited a significant negative correlation with the feeling of eyestrain, Delta text{V}({r}=-0.37, {p}<0.01), but not with other fatigue indexes. It was suggested that the development of subjective visual fatigue is related to the deactivation conditions in the mPFC. This study played an important role as the control for the evaluation of objective visual fatigue during various colored LED luminescent sentence reading tasks.



  • Ontological descriptions for integrating design information of product-service systems

    Koji Kimita, Keiichi Muramatsu, Yutaro Nemoto

    International Journal of Automation Technology   14 ( 5 ) 690 - 699  2020年


    Product-service systems (PSS), which create value by integrating physical products and services, have received much attention as a promising option to increase manufacturers’ revenue and reduce environ-mental impact. The process of designing a PSS re-quires collaboration among various experts who use domain-specific knowledge. Therefore, several re-searches have been investigated for developing design tools tailored to their expertise. However, while the specialization of design tools can be useful for experts, it hinders companies from ensuring the integrity of design information in different design elements. This re-sults in the failure in achieving expected benefits. To address these issues, this study applies the concept of interoperability to PSS design to integrate design information from different domains. In particular, ontological descriptions is adopted to achieve semantic interoperability in different design elements. The application of the proposed ontology to a lecture on PSS design highlights that the proposed method is effective for integrating information on PSS design elements and those between value creation and capture.



  • Analysis of skin conductance reaction related to mental stress due to corner entry speed of mobility scooter

    Kazunori Kaede, Masato Utsugi, Keiichi Watanuki, Keiichi Muramatsu

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics   2019-October   3430 - 3434  2019年10月


    In this study, we evaluated the mental stress due to corner entry speed while riding a mobility scooter by measuring skin conductance. A mobility scooter is a four-wheel electric wheelchair with a steering bar-handle. These scooters, known as 'senior cars' in Japan, are generally sold for use by elderly people. Some of these scooters have a system that automatically reduces their speed to approximately 70% of the maximum depending on the steering angle at corners. However, because of mismatch with the intention of the driver, the preset deceleration rate may be uncomfortable for the driver. With the objective of providing appropriate assistance without any discomfort in such circumstances, we evaluated the mental stress of the driver. Skin conductance (SC) is one index for measuring mental sweating related to sympathetic nerve activity. First, we modified a commercially available mobility scooter for use as an experimental scooter such that it can be controlled using an external personal computer. Then, we measured SC in a task that involved turning right into a corner at a constant speed using the experimental scooter, and evaluated the mental stress due to the corner entry speed. A positive correlation between the amplitude of SC and entry speed was obtained. Further, the results of a questionnaire used to evaluate the ride discomfort after each experimental task indicated that 'No Fear' and 'Safety' decreased as the speed increased. As these results are consistent with the measurement results of the SC amplitude, we concluded that fear due to corner entry speed can be evaluated using SC.



  • Kansei evaluation of object-based three-dimensional sound for visual impairments

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Shigekimi Tsukada, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Watanuki

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics   2019-October   3205 - 3209  2019年10月


    Currently, visually impaired people find it difficult to use mobility support facilities because they depend on properties of the ambient environment, such as ambient sound and snow cover. Furthermore, people who became visually impaired in later life also find it difficult to use these facilities. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to develop a walking guidance system, using three-dimensional (3D) sound, that is not influenced by the surrounding environment and is easy to use. We verified the characteristics of the guidance sound produced by 3D sound. This system was implemented with a head-mounted display that is capable of producing 3D sound. In a visual restriction environment, blindfolded participants were asked to indicate toward a real or 3D guiding sound with two conditions: With head fixed or free, and using a tweet-like or water sound. We also collected subjective evaluations of the sounds. As a result, we found that a stationary sound including frequency components in a wide band, like a water sound, was able to be localized with a higher accuracy than a tweet-like sound, and was suitable as a guidance sound, according to subjective evaluations.



  • Chaotic analysis of finger plethysmograms for evaluation emotion induced by exposure to fragrance

    Tomofumi Sakata, Keiichi Watanuki, Keiichi Muramatsu, Kazunori Kaede

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics   2019-October   1125 - 1129  2019年10月


    Fragrance influences the psychophysiological state of a person; the volume of fingertip plethysmography is consequently affected by the aspiration of aroma. Further, it may be uncomfortable depending on the amount of odor that you inhales. In this study, to observe changes in emotions during aroma aspiration, the flow of scent was continuously directed into the nose of participants quantitatively and directly. Subsequently, the stimulation threshold during aroma inhalation and change in emotions were evaluated through a questionnaire and fingertip plethysmography. We developed a fragrance generator to ensure quantitative aroma flow and participants were asked to subjectively evaluate aroma intensity and the level of comfort in real time.The results confirmed the chaotic nature of the time series data of fingertip plethysmographs. Moreover, it was confirmed that the Largest Lyapunov Exponent (LLE), which provides an indication of the amount of fluctuation, corresponds to the subjective evaluation of comfort/discomfort. The value of the index decreases during pleasure and increases during discomfort. In other words, it was confirmed that the pulse wave fluctuated when the participants were experiencing discomfort.



  • Analysis on Brain Activation and Eye Movement Related to Confidence for Responses to Multiple Choice Questions

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Yuya Fujimura, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Watanuki

    Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2018     2998 - 3003  2019年01月


    In the recent years, research on intelligent educational systems has attracted significant interest in exploring data from educational settings to understand learners' behavior and mental states. Hence, the means to deduce the mental state of a learner has been obtained from a variety of physiological indices. The current study aims to understand how a learner answers a question with confidence. By measuring the brain activity and eye movement by using a set of multiple-choice questions, this study analyzes the relationships between the confidence of answering the question, brain activation and eye movement at the time of answering. When there was a high confidence of answering, oxyHb tended to increase near the prefrontal cortex frontal pole and sight line movement to reread question text tended to decrease. The results show that this technique may be able to capture the mental state of the learner by measuring a combination of the change of oxyHb and sight line movement.



  • Evaluation of the effect of the amount of information on cognitive load by using a physiological index and the stroop task

    Yushi Hashimoto, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   774   85 - 93  2019年


    There have been several recent attempts to aid car drivers by providing information on internal and external car environments. The optimal amount of information must be determined to avoid confusion. In this study, the “Stroop task” was used for information processing, and the cognitive load was gradually increased by adding information in stages. We designed and conducted two tasks that originate in the “Stroop task”; these two tasks feature significant differences in cognitive load. We also measured brain activity using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) under the assumption that such activity can be used as an index of cognitive load. Both tasks were associated with increased oxy-hemoglobin levels in the prefrontal area, and the task with a higher cognitive load was associated with a more substantial increase in oxy-hemoglobin; this indicates that oxy-hemoglobin levels may be used as an objective index for the evaluation of information-associated cognitive load.



  • Examination of the brain areas related to cognitive performance during the stroop task using deep neural network

    Tomohiro Nishikawa, Yushi Hashimoto, Kosei Minami, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   774   94 - 101  2019年


    To examine brain areas related to the cognitive load condition during the Stroop task, we proposed a method using a Deep Neural Network (DNN). We acquired cerebral blood flow data in congruent and incongruent tasks by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) equipped with 22 ch. The data were used to train a DNN, and the influence of each factor on the output was evaluated. Our DNN model consists of independent input layers for each channel of NIRS, as well as fully-connected hidden layers and output layers. Our results suggest that the medial prefrontal cortex (focusing on cognition) and the left inferior frontal gyrus (focusing on language processing) were involved in the cognitive load during the Stroop task. These results in the Stroop task were consistent. Therefore, the proposed method’s utility was confirmed.



  • Real-time emotion recognition system with multiple physiological signals

    Jyun Rong Zhuang, Ya Jing Guan, Hayato Nagayoshi, Keiichi Muramatsu, Keiichi Watanuki, Eiichiro Tanaka

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing   13 ( 4 )  2019年


    Emotion is an internal and subjective experience that plays a significant role in human life. There are several methods of recognizing emotions in people, the most authentic of which is using physiological signals, as they are beyond one’s control and strongly correlated with human emotions. This study aims to develop an emotion recognition system based on three physiological signals, namely, brainwave, heartbeat, and facial muscular activity. It utilizes deep neural network (DNN) and the T method of Mahalanobis-Taguchi system (MTS) to process the multiple physiological signals and further recognize the states of human emotion. As such, nine emotions are effectively recognized on a two-dimensional model through the DNN, then compared against several other algorithms, such as MTS, SVM, Naive Bayes, and K-means, where its superior accuracy is validated. Moreover, although the T method only improves the classification accuracy on the valence state, it rather obtains the intensity of emotion in different states. Furthermore, in this study, the proposed DNN is implemented into a wide range of applications for an accurate understanding of the human emotional states, whereas the T method is utilized to respond to the emotional intensity in different states. Finally, a real-time emotion recognition system is developed with DNN as the classifier; this system can directly monitor the variation of the human emotion through reliable and objective emotion analysis results from the physiological signals. Thus, the method can provide useful treatment effect information for robots or assistive apparatus serving activities of daily living.



  • Study on gait discrimination method by deep learning for biofeedback training optimized for individuals

    Yusuke Osawa, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   903   155 - 161  2019年


    In this research, to develop a biofeedback training system where trainees can efficiently train inadequacies that do not satisfy ideal walking using a deep learning, we examine a method that discriminates between ideal walking and nonideal walking. In the experiment, to examine the walking components used for the input data, the ground reaction force and joint angle were measured when young people walked normally and when they walked with a brace, to simulate elderly motions. Further, these data were discriminated between conditions as input data using a Convolution Neural Network (CNN). The average accuracy was 79.5% when all walking components were used as input data. In addition, it is thought that it is most suitable to discriminate walking by using all walking components, in consideration of implementation in the system.



  • Pupil size as input data to distinguish comprehension state in auditory word association task using machine learning

    Kosei Minami, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   903   123 - 129  2019年


    In communication, it is very important for a speaker to understand the comprehension state of the speaking partner. In this study, the “comprehension state” is defined as whether or not the speaker’s message is clearly understood, which is difficult to accurately evaluate. This study aims to evaluate the comprehension state from the pupil size using machine learning. We conduct a word association task using elements that are similar to those used in conversations and measure the pupil size; this pupil size data is used as input data for machine learning. The results show that high accuracy is achieved by learning the low frequency components of the pupil size.



  • Construction of a Multiple Driving Affective Scale

    Masanori Matsuoka, Keiichi Muramatsu, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Watanuki, Toshihiro Shiimado, Yukio Nishizawa

    SAE Technical Papers   2018-October ( October )  2018年10月


    The authors' goal is to develop brakes that are more satisfying to users in sensory aspects by explaining the relationship between people's state of mind and a vehicle's physical quantities. However, there are no scales to measure such feeling. In this study, a psychological scale was constructed to measure the affective state of general automobile drivers, for the purpose of clarifying the effects of brake characteristics on the affective state. To construct the affective scale, two experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, a comparison of four types of vehicles was performed and then an interview survey was conducted to collect a broad sample of terms used to evaluate the affective state. From the results, it was hypothesized that the evaluation terms were divided into eight categories. For each hypothesized category, ten evaluation terms were selected from the terms obtained in the interviews, the items of the existing psychological evaluation scale, and the synonym survey results of them. In the second experiment, we evaluated terms we selected to conduct an assessment of 15 types of driving scenarios that were selected from among brake evaluation patterns. Next, we conducted a factor analysis using the assessment results. As a result, the affective states were classified according to seven factors (Well-Being, Anxiety and Surprise, Liveliness, Positive Feelings, Disgust, Boredom, and Concentration), with five items attached to each factor, yielding a total of 35 items. The reliability and the validity of each scale were investigated. Results have shown that the subscales have highly internal consistency and factorial validity.



  • Walking assistive apparatus for gait training patients and promotion exercise of the elderly

    Eiichiro Tanaka, Keiichi Muramatsu, Keiichi Watanuki, Shozo Saegusa, Louis Yuge

    Wearable Exoskeleton Systems: Design, control and applications     255 - 290  2018年01月


    This chapter presents authors development work on walking assistant exoskeletons for gait training of patients and promotion exercise of the elderly. The first exoskeleton is a whole leg assisting device using a special parallel link mechanism. For gait training of motor palsy patients, a weight bearing lifter was attached, and an impedance control was tuned by using frequency entertainment. For the elderly, a torque controller taken into account the dynamics of both a user and the apparatus with real time acceleration data is developed. The second exoskeleton is a whole body assisting suit was developed by adding arm assistance to the whole leg apparatus. By assisting not only legs but also swinging arms, an increased cerebral activity of all areas can be expected via rehabilitation with the whole body exoskeleton. Finally, we developed a close-fitting type exoskeleton assisting only ankle joint, which leads to a product RE-Gait® in 2016. By utilizing the structure of bi-articular muscle and physiological phenomenon of stretch reflex, the user’s leg can be raised assisting only ankle joint. Experiments with by hemiplegic patients are enclosed, which show that abduct variation of the hip joint is decreased while the stride length is increased by using the device.



  • Comparison of implicit and explicit preference toward multiple colour combinations

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Siyuan Fang, Kazunori Kaede, Eiichiro Tanaka, Keiichi Watanuki, Tatsunori Matsui

    International Journal of the Digital Human   2 ( 1/2 ) 45 - 45  2018年


  • Experimental study on color preference and visual fatigue against LED lighting

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Kazunori Kaede, Eiichiro Tanaka, Keiichi Watanuki

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   585   78 - 85  2018年


    In recent times, light-emitting diode (LED) lighting has been widespread in offices and manufacturing buildings, but for assembly operation in manufacturing situations, it has not yet been explored. In this study, we measure color preference and visual fatigue to evaluate LED task lighting for assembly operation. We conducted an experiment to obtain subjective responses to color preference and to measure visual fatigue under LED lighting. The participants were asked to assemble a gearbox model as a task under three different lighting conditions. As a result, lighting with high color temperature was rated with high visibility, fatigability, and low preference. On the other hand, critical fusion frequency, which indicates visual fatigue, was higher in lighting with low color temperature than in lighting with other conditions. This indicates that color preference as a subjective response discords from visual fatigue evaluated by biological information.



  • Evaluation of legibility and visual fatigue caused by luminescent text displays

    Daiki Saito, Keiichi Watanuki, Keiichi Muramatsu, Kazunori Kaede, Masutsugu Tasaki, Takashi Kanahira, Eiji Ishiguro, Naoya Mashiko

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   722   646 - 651  2018年


    Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are widely used for backlighting text indicators in vehicles. It is desirable that such text indicators have high legibility and low fatigue-inducing qualities. Suitable spectral distributions for text presentation in vehicles have not yet been clarified. This study examined legibility and fatigue when participants read Japanese sentences presented through backlight emission for 10, min in a dark room. The backlight indicators employed four type of white LEDs. The participants were asked to answer questionnaires to evaluate legibility and fatigue. Moreover, the critical fusion frequency and brain activity were measured to evaluate fatigue objectively. The questionnaire results show that all colored backlighting displayed almost an equal legibility. The overall result suggests that participants were most and least fatigued when viewing text illuminated by high color-rending and greenish white backlighting, respectively. Thus, fatigue can be reduced using LEDs with different spectral distributions.



  • Influence of VR-based slope images on walking pattern

    Yusuke Osawa, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu, Norihiro Ishizaka

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   722   375 - 380  2018年


    In this paper, we proposed a walking training system in which a trainee walks on a treadmill while viewing virtual reality (VR) images using head mounted display (HMD) for the purpose of developing a more continuous and effective walking training. Furthermore, the walking patterns when walking on the treadmill while viewing VR images of walking on a slope and level ground were determined and compared. Consequently, the braking force when viewing a VR image that walking on a downward slope was larger than when walking without viewing a VR image. Therefore, the same tendency as walking on an actual downward slope was obtained when subjects walked while viewing a downward slope image, and it was shown that the walking pattern can be changed by the proposed walking training system.



  • Study on estimation of driver’s state during automatic driving using seat pressure

    Kenta Okabe, Keiichi Watanuki, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Muramatsu

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   722   35 - 41  2018年


    The development of an automatic driving system is accompanied by the increasing importance of driver monitoring. It is necessary to estimate the state of the driver including actions with less load on the driver. In this study, we used the seat pressure as an indicator to assess the status of a driver. In the experiment, we measured the seat pressure during automatic operation under the designated state (forward gaze, cell phone use and sleeping) of the driver. Characteristic changes in the center of gravity position of the driver were confirmed during cell phone use and sleeping. Subsequently, we evaluated seating surface pressure data by calculating the accuracy of state estimation using machine learning. The results show that the accuracy of estimation corresponded to 76.8% in the overall evaluation. This suggests that it is possible to estimate the state of the driver during automatic driving using seat pressure.



  • Development of ontology toward common understanding of human sensibilities and emotions

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui, Keiichi Watanuki

    Emotional Engineering: Understanding Motivation   6   75 - 91  2017年11月  [査読有り]


    With the ongoing development of information and communications technology, it is apparent that computers will be indispensable partners in future human life. In terms of computer information processing, techniques for coordinating human sensitivity and emotional levels are attracting attention and stand in contrast to conventional knowledge information processing. In this chapter, we present an overview of content-oriented research considering knowledge itself and describe an approach to handling knowledge of human sensitivity and emotions using computers. First, we provide an overview of existing content-oriented studies in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Second, we discuss problems regarding the handling of knowledge of human sensibilities and emotions. Then, we introduce an ontology pertaining to the concept of color emotion as an approach to understanding human sensibilities and emotions. Finally, we describe the applicability of such an ontology to human-computer interactions and for the understanding of human nature through the concept of analysis-by-synthesis.



  • Development and evaluation of an assistive apparatus with pantograph mechanism for standing-up motion of elderly

    Yun Ting Liao, Keiichi Muramatsu, Keiichi Watanuki, Eiichiro Tanaka

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing   11 ( 6 )  2017年11月


    Due to the growing elderly population in many developed countries like Japan, assistive devices are increasingly needed to overcome the difficulties of their activities of daily living (ADL). The motion of standing up places a particular burden on the ankle and knee joints and connects static motions (e.g., sitting and lying) and kinetic motions (e.g., walking and climbing up/down the stairs). In our previous research, two types of standing-up assistance apparatuses were introduced according to the suitable standing-up motions. However, these devices are bulky and cannot be widely used in practical settings such as bus terminals. Regarding the suitable standing-up motions of the elderly in the previous literature, a standing-up apparatus with a pantograph mechanism is introduced to diminish the size of the mechanism based on three design principles: (1) the trajectory of the user's COG is an arc; (2) the trajectory of the user's hip joint while standing up is a straight line at an angle of 45 [deg] from the horizon; and (3) the user is supported until the knee angle reaches 60 [deg]. Simulations showed that the load on knee and ankle joint is decreased, and user may stand up easily with our proposed apparatus. A prototype of the apparatus that may be installed on various chairs in public was fabricated. Considering that the apparatus may be used in places without electric power supply, the apparatus is made simply with links and a gas spring instead of electric actuators. Experimental measurements of the trajectories of the center of gravity (COG) and hip joints show that the proposed apparatus may help users to stand in a way that minimizes stress on their lower-body joints.



  • Development of a torque limiter for the gear of an assistive walking device

    Jyun Rong Zhuang, Hayato Nagayoshi, Hirotoshi Kondo, Keiichi Muramatsu, Keiichi Watanuki, Eiichiro Tanaka

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing   11 ( 6 )  2017年11月


    Wearable assistive devices have been receiving considerable attention in academic circles. To make these devices efficient, we need additional research on the service lives of the mechanical elements used in these devices. The wearers of these devices frequently encounter unexpected movements that lead to motor failure in the devices. The purpose of this study is to develop an overload protection mechanism using a torque limiter, which can eliminate the overload torque delivered in the reverse direction to effectively prevent the device from breaking and ensure the safety of the user. To improve the service life of assistive walking devices, we designed a sandwich mechanism for the final gear of the servo motor. We made the material from rubber and configured it between a pair of circular plates. The surface tractive force delivered the required torque. When the surface load exceeded the maximum friction force, the circular plates slipped and protected the device. In this paper, we implement a torque limiter and prove its durability by performing experiments using two circular plate designs, one with grooves type and another without grooves type. We also use various materials to assess the applicability of the assistive walking device. The findings indicate that the with grooves type gives better torque performance; it achieves the same rated torque as the servo motor. Thus, this study recommends that with grooves type is particularly suitable for the elderly who require high assistive power. On the other hand, without grooves type is suitable for users who employ the device for extended periods because this type has an excellent service life. Our experiment proves that the torque limiter that we developed can withstand the load torque over 300 times for situations involving the loss of balance such as stumbling and slipping. Finally, we experimentally validate the improvement of walking performance by using this torque limiter.



  • A computational model simulating the mental function of multicolor aesthetic evaluation

    Siyuan Fang, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui

    Color Research and Application   42 ( 2 ) 216 - 235  2017年04月  [査読有り]


    In this research, a computational model that simulates the mental function of multicolor aesthetic evaluation through backpropagation neural networks was constructed. Helmut Leder's psychological model served as the theoretical framework. We determined the macro-architecture of the computational model through two psychological experiments using the semantic differential (SD) method. The aesthetic score of a multicolor stimulus is defined as the inverse of its factor score on the factor “Pleasure” extracted in the first experiment, and each of the three factors extracted in the second experiment—i.e., “Stability,” “Heaviness,” and “Presence”—is regarded as a simple perceptual feature. The genetic algorithm was then employed to optimize the hidden layer node number, the learning rate, and the momentum constant of each neural network. In two simulation tests, this computational model exhibited some predictive power, implying that the model can be regarded as a relatively successful approximation of the psychological mechanism of multicolor aesthetic evaluation. In addition, the results of the second simulation also show that the perceptual feature “Heaviness” possesses the principal impact on the aesthetic evaluation of multicolor objects, whereas the other two perceptual features “Stability” and “Presence” have a minor influence. The heavier and/or more stable a multicolor object is perceived to be, the less aesthetically pleasing it is. Conversely, the stronger the sense of matter presence a multicolor object elicits, the more aesthetically appealing it is. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 42, 216–235, 2017.




    TANAKA Eiichiro, NAGAYOSHI Hayato, KONDO Hirotoshi, MURAMATSU Keiichi, WATANUKI Keiichi

    The Proceedings of the JSME international conference on motion and power transmissions   2017   12 - 2  2017年


    <p>A walking assistance apparatus using a torque limiter was developed. We used the servo motor for hobby, it is relatively small, light weight, and included not only a motor and transmission gear, but also a driver and encoder. At first, we controlled the device using angle control method, according to the walking phase along to the mean data of able bodied people while walking. However, when the user stops walking suddenly or walk on outdoor various roads, the final gear was broken frequently. Because the gear was designed to break easily, to defend the motor from the inverse inputting overload torque. Then we developed a torque limiter mechanism in the final gear. This is a traction drive sandwiched a soft material plate between two circular disk. We carried out the experiment to measure the limit torques of eight kinds of the rubber material. In this paper, the results of the experiment were shown.</p>

    DOI CiNii


    TANAKA Eiichiro, MURAMATSU Keiichi, WATANUKI Keiichi

    The Proceedings of the JSME international conference on motion and power transmissions   2017   12 - 1  2017年


    <p>We developed small type of a standing up device for the elderly. We have developed standing up devices; caster walker type and bed wheel chair type. They assist standing up motion, backed on following two conditions. 1) the trajectory of center of gravity of the user is round shape, 2) the trajectory of the hip joint of the user while standing up is straight line. These conditions were found from the data of able bodied elderly people, and the feature of their standing up conditions is to lean forward the upper body. By using these devices, the load of the knee joint decrease, and the user can learn how to stand up easily. However, these devices are bulky and usable scenes are limited. Then we developed small type, which can be used on various chairs. This type assists from sitting posture to the middle phase while standing up. The mechanism is constituted with links and a gas spring, instead of a motor. It is light weight, low cost, and small to be able to attach to the back of a chair. From the calculation, by using this new type, the output torques of the knee and ankle joints decreased.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Ontological descriptions of receiver states for sharing knowledge in learning service design

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Koji Kimita, Takatoshi Ishii, Yutaro Nemoto, Eiichirou Tanaka, Keiichi Watanuki, Tatsunori Matsui, Yoshiki Shimomura

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing   11 ( 1 )  2017年01月


    Recently, the viewpoint of service has become widespread. In learning domains, service providers have been required to adopt the viewpoint and to provide values co-created by teachers and learners. However, production by a service provider means the generation of potential value, whereas usage by a service receiver implies the generation of real value. That is, a receiver creates value independent of the value generated by a provider. Indeed, value co-creation takes place in a joint sphere where providers and customers interact with each other. Thus, service providers must attempt to generate the potential value through service design and play a role of co-producer of the real value in the interactions between the providers and the receivers. In the current study, we developed an ontology to share the knowledge on value co-creation and the information related to the interactions between the providers and the receivers. In concrete terms, we proposed ontological descriptions of receiver states for sharing knowledge in learning service design, and conceptualized elements of consensus building and value co-creation, according to the conceptual model of value co-creation proposed in a previous study. In addition, concepts pertaining to academic emotions are also described to represent contents of consensus building. Then, we demonstrated instances of a consensus building, which is extracted from conversations during counseling by a teacher (mentor) and a learner. As a result, we obtained a metamodel for co-design processes in the learning service design, and a conceptual framework of the knowledge sharing on learning states including academic emotions by the ontological descriptions.



  • A walking promotion method using the tuning of a beat sound based on a two-dimensional emotion map

    Eiichirou Tanaka, Keiichi Muramatsu, Yusuke Osawa, Shozo Saegusa, Louis Yuge, Keiichi Watanuki

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   483   519 - 525  2017年


    We proposed a method that promotes walking which uses a two-dimensional emotion map. In this method, a subject listened to a beat sound while walking. The beat was adjusted according to the condition of the subject, based on his/her comfortable walking frequency. Simultaneously, the walking velocity, the stride length, and the heart beat of the subject while walking was measured, and LF/HF was calculated from the result of measured heart beat. Furthermore, we asked them to give information on the condition of their feelings, from pleasant or not by 5 levels in each case of the beat sound. By using these data, a two-dimensional walking condition map and two-dimensional emotion map were made and we found the relation between these two maps. Therefore, according to the emotional condition of the targeted person while walking, this method can promote or restrain walking adequately, only adjusting the beat sound.



  • Preliminary study of ontological descriptions of emotions using motion assistance apparatus

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Eiichirou Tanaka, Keiichi Watanuki

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   483   535 - 542  2017年


    In the current study, we formulated ontological descriptions for emotional states of users using motion assistance apparatus. In our previous studies, we developed apparatus that assists the ankle joints of patients in neuro-rehabilitation. Although we have confirmed the apparatus can improve the gait of the patient while walking, we have to capture and manage patients’ emotions as feedback of the usage. The ontological descriptions provide a feasible framework for common understanding while sharing and using this knowledge. In future work, we will develop a subset of this framework for more practical usage, in addition to expanding the descriptions of emotional states. After that, we will assess the validity and utility for design and implementation of software and hardware applications using this subset.



  • Ride comfort evaluation using brain activity in the prefrontal cortex induced by discomfort during horizontal vibration

    Kazunori Kaede, Yuta Arakawa, Keiichi Muramatsu, Keiichi Watanuki

    ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)   11  2017年


    In this study, we measured brain activity using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) when a person was feeling discomfort caused by vibrations. We used the variance in oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) levels as an evaluation index. Correlation coefficients were derived from the results of brain function measurements and sensibility evaluation of discomfort using a questionnaire. As a result, a high negative correlation was observed between discomfort and both vibration and brain activation around the medial prefrontal cortex, and a high positive correlation was observed between discomfort and both vibration and brain activation around the lateral prefrontal cortex. This suggests the possibility of evaluating discomfort on the basis of brain activation.



  • Framework to describe constructs of academic emotions using ontological descriptions of statistical models

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Eiichirou Tanaka, Keiichi Watanuki, Tatsunori Matsui

    Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning   11 ( 1 ) 5 - 5  2016年12月  [国際誌]


    Many studies have been conducted during the last two decades examining learner reactions within e-learning environments. In an effort to assist learners in their scholastic activities, these studies have attempted to understand a learner’s mental states by analyzing participants’ facial images, eye movements, and other physiological indices and data. To add to this growing body of research, we have been developing the intelligent mentoring system (IMS), which performs automatic mentoring by using an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) to scaffold learning activities and an ontology to provide a specification of learner’s models. To identify learner’s mental states, the ontology operates on the basis of the theoretical and data-driven knowledge of emotions. In this study, we use statistical models to examine constructs of emotions evaluated in previous psychological studies and then produce a construct of academic boredom. In concrete terms, we develop ontological descriptions of academic boredom that are represented with statistical models. To evaluate the validity and utility of the descriptions, we conduct an experiment to obtain subjective responses regarding learners’ academic emotions in their university course and describe them as instances on the basis of the ontological descriptions.

    DOI PubMed


  • Evaluation of a device that promotes walking using a two-dimensional emotion map

    Eiichirou Tanaka, Keiichi Muramatsu, Shozo Saegusa, Yusuke Osawa, Keiichi Watanuki, Louis Yuge

    World Automation Congress Proceedings   2016-October  2016年10月


    We developed a device that promotes walking which uses a two-dimensional emotion map for the exercise of the elderly. This map was made with two axes, the horizontal axis was pleasant or unpleasant, with the vertical axis being arousal or not, same as the circumplex model of affect (J. A. Russell (1980)). This device has two means to promote walking. One is an ankle joint assistance system, which consists of a servo motor and a controller which can adjust the targeted walking cycle, the targeted angle of the ankle joint, and the sensitivity of the sensors which was attached under the sole. The other is a beat listening system. The beat listening system makes the beat sound, which is decided for the purpose of the user, and based on the walking cycle. The user listens to the beat sound using head phones. By combining and using these two means simultaneously, users can change their gait and emotion, therefore, they can continue to walk for a long time.



  • Development of a walking assistance apparatus for gait training and promotion of exercise

    E. Tanaka, K. Muramatsu, K. Watanuki, S. Saegusa, L. Yuge

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation   2016-June   3711 - 3716  2016年06月


    We developed a walking assistance apparatus which can be used for gait training of neuro-rehabilitation for patients and for the promotion of exercise for the elderly. This apparatus assists only the ankle joints of the equipped person according to the posture of him/her while not only walking, but also getting up, sitting, and standing. By using this apparatus, the dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the ankle joint of the equipped person can increase while walking. This apparatus can improve of the equipped person's gait.



  • Human action modeling and application to a control system using the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System

    Yusuke Asaka, Keiichi Watanuki, Shuichi Fukuda, Keiichi Muramatsu, Kazunori Kaede

    Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference   1A-2016  2016年


    This paper discusses human action modeling and its application to a control system that uses the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS). In this study, we define embodied knowledge as being included in tacit knowledge. We also define a set of skills based on experiences and intuitive sense as seen in creating an art, sport, craft, or other skilled task. Embodied knowledge is difficult to express explicitly. As our goals, we analyze embodied knowledge acquisition for human action modeling and apply to a control system by using MTS. An analysis of embodied knowledge using devices and pattern-recognition techniques to recognize un-explicit knowledge are being developed owing to recent improvements in technology. Embodied knowledge acquisition element of recognition can be represented as a pattern recognition technique. In this paper, we confirm that MTS is an adaptive method for recognizing pattern in human action modeling. We set up a control model including a controller using the MTS, which is modeled after an internal model of the cerebellum. We apply the controller based on the Recognition Taguchi (RT) method to invert the control of the pendulum. The result indicate that the controller is capable of detecting disturbance.



  • Analysis of brain activity influenced by replication accuracy in imitation learning in manufacturing industries

    Yusuke Asaka, Keiichi Watanuki, Shuichi Fukuda, Keiichi Muramatsu, Lei Hou

    Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference   1A-2016  2016年


    Here, we investigate and discuss the effect of accuracy of imitation for improvement of skills on brain activity. In order to improve the skills, learners combine and accumulate information of the skills through practice. Thus, we used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to investigate brain activity during the process of improvement. Evaluation of the level of knowledge acquisition with monitoring of brain activity can be an indicator of the learner's degree of skill progression. Therefore, our final goal is constructing a new learning model based on brain activity monitoring and improving learning efficiency. We experimented on the assembly operation by imitation learning that assumed work in the manufacturing industries from a previous example. As a result, we showed the possibility of brain activity shift with improvement of the skill. In this article, we targeted task accuracy and investigated whether the brain activity shift is caused by a progress in the task accuracy, act of practice, or some other factor. As a result, we showed a possibility that the trend shift in the right and left dorsolateral prefrontal area and frontal pole was not caused by the simple task accuracy improvement but by the action of practice, which helped subjects store the information.



  • Easy set-up and in situ automatic gear diagnostic system using only laser reflection

    Eiichirou Tanaka, Keyaki Nakajima, Kazunari Okabe, Hitoshi Takebe, Kazuteru Nagamura, Kiyotaka Ikejo, Shinji Hashimura, Keiichi Muramatsu, Keiichi Watanuki, Ryozo Nemoto

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing   10 ( 4 )  2016年


    We developed a new method that can diagnose damage on a gear tooth surface using a laser beam without a rotary encoder. The method procedure is as follows: 1) The tooth bottom, the tooth tip and their two median values are detected using the differential values of the laser reflection data. 2) The gear rotation speed is calculated with these four positions, and interpolated according to the rotation fluctuation. 3) Using the calculated gear rotation speed, the measured data can be converted to the corresponding gear rotation angles. Thus we can diagnose the damage of the gear tooth surface precisely and can easily set up the experimental measurements without being influenced by rotational fluctuation. To confirm the validity of the method, we conducted the diagnosis experiment and we created contour maps to show the diagnosis accuracy variation according to the fluctuations of the amplitude and cycle. Based on these maps, we found that the diagnosis accuracy of the damage size is the same irrespective of the presence or absence of a rotary encoder. The diagnosis accuracy of the damage location without using a rotary encoder is lower than the result obtained using a rotary encoder because we assumed that the detection of the damage start point is delayed using this new method. Furthermore, we defined the limit using the conditions of this method from the sampling theorem; the validity of this definition could also be confirmed from the contour map.


  • Study of RE-Gait® as the Device That Promotes Walking Using a Two-Dimensional Emotion Map

    Eiichirou Tanaka, Yusuke Osawa, Keiichi Muramatsu, Keiichi Watanuki, Shozo Saegusa, Louis Yuge

    CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures   569   369 - 376  2016年


    We developed a walking assistance apparatus RE-Gait® for not only the elderly but also apoplexy patients, which assist the ankle joint of the equipped person. By only assisting the ankle joint, the equipped person’s leg can be raised. To keep up the user’s motivation for exercise using this apparatus, it is necessary to assist not only physically but also mentally. Therefore we suggested the new method of promotion walking, using the walking assistance apparatus while listening to the beat sound, which was adjusted according to a two-dimensional emotion map. In this paper, the relation between emotion map and walking condition map is shown.



  • A method for consensus building between teachers and learners in higher education through co-design process

    Ryota Sugino, Satoshi Mizoguchi, Koji Kimita, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui, Yoshiki Shimomura

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   9735   197 - 208  2016年


    Improving added value and productivity of services entails improving both value-in-exchange and value-in-use. Value-in-use is realized by value cocreation, where providers and receivers create value together. In higher education services, value-in-use comes from learners achieving learning outcomes (e.g., knowledge and skills) that are consistent with their learning goals. To enhance the learning outcomes of a learner, it is necessary to enhance and utilize the abilities of the teacher along with the abilities of the learner. To do this, however, the learner and the teacher need to build a consensus about their respective roles. Teachers need to provide effective learning content; learners need to choose the appropriate learning strategies by using the learning content through consensus building. This makes consensus building an important factor in value co-creation. However, methods to build a consensus about their respective roles may not be clearly established, making such consensus difficult. In this paper, we propose some strategies for consensus building between a teacher and a learner in value co-creation. We focus on a teacher and learner co-design and propose an analysis method to clarify a collaborative design process to realize value co-creation. We then analyze some counseling data obtained from a university class. This counseling aimed to build a consensus for value-in-use, learning outcomes, and learning strategies between the teacher and the learner.



  • 脳の機能的結合に関する定性表現を用いた人型エージェントに対する情動状態記述の試み

    田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会論文誌   30 ( 5 ) 626 - 638  2015年08月  [査読有り]


    In the research field of Human-agent interaction, the uncanny valley is the crucial issue to realize co-existence of human and artificial agents. It is referred to as the phenomenon that human can feel repulsive against the agents whose appearance is considerably humanlike. There has been just theoretical based but not verifiable model providing an explanation for how it occurs. We hypothesized that when human observes that humanlike agent, s/he perceives it as both human and non-human, and the contradiction between the perceptions causes him or her to elicit negative response against it. We conducted the experiment where the participants were asked to judge whether face of agents or a person was depicted as that of a real person, with their eye tracked and their gaze direction estimated. The results indicated that observers had two-step information processing to the agent. Above all, we proposed a model generating the human negative response against humanlike agents, taking into consideration of the function of the brain regions such as amygdala, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum. To verify the model, the transition of the emotional value (namely, positive or negative) was simulated on the basis of a qualitative description for the model. It is suggested that the model be proposed which is verifiable with many findings in the field of neuroscience.

    DOI CiNii


  • Motion assistance apparatus enabled for neuro-rehabilitation of patients and for the promotion of exercise for the elderly

    E. Tanaka, R. Niwa, K. Osawa, K. Nakajima, K. Muramatsu, K. Watanuki, S. Saegusa, L. Yuge

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM   2015-August   937 - 942  2015年08月


    We developed a motion assistance apparatus which can be used for neuro-rehabilitation of patients and for the promotion of exercise for the elderly. This apparatus assists only the ankle joints of the equipped person according to the posture of him/her while walking, getting up, sitting, and standing. By using this apparatus, the dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the ankle joint of the equipped person can increase while walking. Therefore, this apparatus can prevent stumbling and promote walking and various motions.



  • Development of the Interior Color Coordination Recommendation System of Living Space for University Student Living Alone Using Genetic Algorithm.

    Tatsunori Matsui, Kazuaki Kojima, Keiichi Muramatsu, Mai Kawashima, Miho Saito

    AIC 2015 Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association    2015年05月  [査読有り]

  • 色彩感情に係る心理的属性のオントロジー

    村松 慶一, 戸川 達男, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会論文誌   30 ( 1 ) 47 - 60  2015年01月  [査読有り]


    The color research has much interest in exploring emotional responses to color stimuli, which are referred to as color emotions. In general, color emotions are measured through psychological methods and represented as values on rating scales. For further understanding of color emotions and development of their effective application, conceptual structure of color emotions and rating scales need to be shared among various disciplinary fields. One typical approach in sharing such knowledge is to clarify concepts as an ontology. In this paper, we specified color emotions based on psychological attributes and built an ontology with an ontology development environment Hozo and a top-level ontology YAMATO. As a result, our ontology describes 16 psychological attributes which are measured by rating scales on the basis of a concept of human awareness. Approximately 74.7 percent of instances of the psychological attributes, which are frequently used in articles on measurement of color emotions, are accounted by the 16 psychological attributes. By adding descriptions of psychological attributes which are infrequently used and have not been fully elucidate in the color research, our ontology would increase utility for knowledge sharing and be feasible in prompting scientific and engineered approaches to understand human mind.

    DOI CiNii


  • Experimental Study of Aesthetic Evaluation to Multi-color Stimuli Using Semantic Differential Method

    Siyuan FANG, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsunori MATSUI

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   14 ( 1 ) 37 - 47  2015年


  • Development of the easy set-up and in situ automatic gear diagnostic system using a laser beam

    Keyaki Nakajima, Eiichirou Tanaka, Kazunari Okabe, Hitoshi Takebe, Kazuteru Nagamura, Kiyotaka Ikejo, Shinji Hashimura, Keiichi Muramatsu, Keiichi Watanuki, Ryozo Nemoto

    Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference   10  2015年


    We developed a method which can diagnose damage on a gear tooth surface by using laser beam without a rotary encoder. This method is as follows: 1) The tooth bottom, the tooth tip and their two medians are detected by the differentials of the laser reflection data. 2) The gear rotation speed is calculated with these four positions, and interpolated according to the rotation fluctuation. 3) By using the calculated gear rotation speed, the measured data can be converted corresponding to the gear rotation angle. Thus we diagnose gear tooth surface damage without being influenced by rotational fluctuation. We did diagnosis experiments and we made contour maps show diagnosis accuracy. From these maps, we got the following conclusions: 1) The accuracy of damage diagnosis is the same level regardless of the presence or absence of a rotary encoder. 2) The cycle of rotational fluctuation hardly affects the accuracy. 3) Bigger fluctuation amplitude makes the range accuracy worse, however the position accuracy improves.



  • Color emotion under led light system controlling color rendering property

    Keiichi Watanuki, Hiroshi Shinoda, Keiichi Muramatsu

    ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)   11-2015  2015年


    Emotional responses to color stimuli are referred to as color emotions, and relationships between color attributes and them have been discussed in past studies. In the current study, we reveal relationships between color rendering properties and color emotions to provide a light system controlling color emotions along with color rendering property.We developed such a system and conducted two evaluations of the system performance and color emotions under the light generated by the system. The system we developed in the current study has four color (red, green, blue, and yellow) LEDs to enrich color rendering property. In addition, we conducted a subjective assessment to explore relationships between color emotions and color rendering properties. In the assessment, we studied color emotions against facial skin irradiated by various illuminants with different color rendering properties. We prepared sixteen different light conditions and the participants of the study were asked to respond to the stimuli with fifteen Likert scales. As a result, we confirmed that the color rendering property certainly affects color emotions, and we obtained regression models to represent color emotions by color rendering properties. Furthermore, we found that male and female test subjects experience different color emotions based on skin color.



  • S1180102 高齢者運動促進用動作補助機の開発

    田中 英一郎, 丹羽 涼介, 大澤 一貴, 中島 けやき, 村松 慶一, 綿貫 啓一, 三枝 省三, 弓削 類

    年次大会   2015 ( 0 ) _S1180102 - -_S1180102-  2015年


    We developed a motion assistance apparatus which can be used for neuro-rehabilitation of patients and for the promotion of exercise for the elderly. This apparatus assists only the ankle joints of the equipped person according to the posture of him/her while walking, getting up, sitting, and standing. To confirm the effectiveness of the apparatus, we carried out the experiment of walking with wearing the apparatus, and the angle variation of the ankle was measured. From the results, by using this apparatus, the dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the ankle joint of the equipped person can increase while walking. Therefore, this apparatus can prevent stumbling and promote walking and various motions.

    DOI CiNii

  • Ontological descriptions of statistical models for sharing knowledge of academic emotions

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui

    Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2014     42 - 49  2014年


    Many studies have been conducted during the last two decades examining learner reactions within e-learning environments. In an effort to assist learners in their scholastic activities, these studies have attempted to understand learner mental states by analyzing participants' facial images, eye movements, and other physiological indices and data. To add to this growing body of research, we have been developing IMS (Intelligent Mentoring System) which performs automatic mentoring by using an ITS (Intelligent Tutoring System) to scaffold learning activities and an ontology to provide a specification of learner's models. To identify learner mental states, the ontology operates based on theoretical and data-driven knowledge of emotions. In this study, we use statistical models to examine constructs of emotions evaluated in previous psychological studies, and then produce a construct of academic boredom.

  • Proposal for the model of occurrence of negative response toward humanlike agent based on brain function by qualitative reasoning

    Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   8511 LNCS ( PART 2 ) 768 - 778  2014年  [査読有り]


    For designing the rounded communication between human and agent, humanlike appearance of agent can contribute to human understandability towards their intension. However, the excessive humanlike-ness can cause human to feel repulsive against the agent, which is well known as the uncanny valley. In this study, we propose a model providing an explanation for how the human negative response is fomred, based on the brain regions and its function, including the amygdala, hippocampus, cortex and striatum. This model is described with quantitative reasoning and simulated. The results indicate that as human observes a humanlike agent, the emotion goes negative and the brain regions were more activated in comparison with the case human observes a person. © 2014 Springer International Publishing.



  • A Quantitative Analysis on the Effect on the Understanding of the Contents of the Article by Character, Subjected to Color Schemes, Used Sports Paper's Headline.

    Hiroshi Izawa, Keiichi Muramatsu, Kazuaki Kojima, Tatsunori Matsui

    Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Colour Association     1221 - 1224  2013年07月  [査読有り]

  • Ontological organization of academic emotions toward knowledge description and management about learners mental states

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Kazuaki Kojima, Tatsunori Matsui

    Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2013     145 - 150  2013年  [査読有り]


    Recently, the research in intelligent educational systems has much interest in exploring data from academic settings to understand learners behavior and mental states. We have been developing IMS (Intelligent Mentoring System) which performs automatic mentoring by using an ITS (Intelligent Tutoring System) to scaffold learning activities and an ontology to provide a specification of learner's models. To provide learner's models in mentoring, the ontology describes qualities and quality values on awareness which are conceptualization of subjective evaluation. To specify relationships among qualities on awareness in academic settings, this study organized academic emotions in the psychological research and proposed their ontological descriptions.

  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた披露宴会場における配色パターンの最適空間の構築

    松居 辰則, 種村 陽子, 村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 齋藤 美穂

    日本色彩学会誌   36 ( Supplement ) 52 - 53  2012年05月  [査読有り]


  • Experimental study toward estimation of a learner mental state from processes of solving multiple choice problems based on eye movements

    Kazuaki Kojima, Keiich Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui

    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2012     81 - 85  2012年  [査読有り]


    Recently, the research area of intelligent educational systems has increasingly approached Educational Data Mining, which addressed a variety of learner aspects such as mental states. Although data of eye movements is promising in realizing mental states of learners, we have to empirically understand features of eye movements in advance due to difficulty in handling them. Toward the final goal of automatic estimation of learner mental states based on eyes, this study experimentally described changes of eye movements by confidence of correct answers. In our experiment, participants were asked to answer multiple-choice problems and respond to questionnaires about the problems, with the results indicating that transitions of eyes in initial processes where all choices were scanned differed depending on the levels of confidence.

  • Ontological descriptions for eye movement data and mental states in taking computer-based multiple-choice tests

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Kazuaki Kojima, Tatsunori Matsui

    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2012     33 - 40  2012年  [査読有り]


    Recently, the research in intelligent educational systems has much interest in exploring data from educational settings to understand learners behavior and mental states. To further understand learners based on such the data and sophisticate supportive interventions by educational systems, knowledge of relationships between learners' behavior and mental states must be shared. To propose a framework to share the knowledge, this study attempted ontological descriptions for learners' eye-movement and mental states in solving computer-based multiple-choice problems. The current study forms a technical basis for development of an IMS (Intelligent Mentoring System) in which an automatic mentoring function is implemented with ITS (Intelligent Tutoring System).

  • Ontological Approach to a Structure of Color Emotion: Descriptions of Relationships among Rating Scales.

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsuo Togawa, Kazuaki Kojima, Tatsunori Matsui

    AIC 2011 Proceedings of Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association     597 - 600  2011年06月  [査読有り]

  • Proposal of a framework to share knowledge on consumer's impressions

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsuo Togawa, Kazuaki Kojima, Tatsunori Matsui

    ICAART 2011 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence   1   388 - 393  2011年  [査読有り]


    Recently, impressions of web pages formed by visitors have become an important tool to increase the number of repeat visitors to the web page. Therefore, the management of knowledge on consumers' impressions obtained in several study fields is an essential task in current industrial design. However, no methods that realize such knowledge management have been established. Thus, our study proposes and implements a knowledge management method that can effectively provide knowledge of impressions to web designers to help them in building attractive websites. We introduce a framework for the description of impressions that depend on perceptual fluency, which can serve as an useful indicator of pleasure. We can extract the features of objects that affect impressions on the basis of perceptual fluency. We specify the relationship between objects and impressions by modeling the concepts of awareness, perception, and self-report on the basis of an ontology development environment Hozo and a top-level ontology YAMATO. We then instantiate a case where a person has a good impression of a Web page, and we describe the relationship between a perception and a stimulus in such a case. Our approach demonstrates that ontological modeling of impressions helps us to understand the correspondences between affections and physical irritations.

  • Content-oriented Approach to Knowledge Description of Aesthetic Experience.

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsuo Togawa, Kazuaki Kojima, Tatsunori Matsui

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research     856 - 865  2010年03月  [査読有り]



  • 学習者の心的状態に関する知識記述と管理に向けたAcademic Emotionの概念整理


    発表年月: 2013年

  • Control-value theoryに基づく学習者の心的状態の構造化


    発表年月: 2013年

  • Academic Emotionsの概念に基づいた学習者の心的状態に関するオントロジー記述の試み


    発表年月: 2013年

  • Ontological Organization of Academic Emotions toward Knowledge Description and Management about Learners Mental States

    The 21st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2013)  

    発表年月: 2013年

  • ユーザの共感によるキャラクター・エージェントに対する印象の構造比較


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 知的メンタリングシステム実現のためのオントロジーに基づく学習者の心的状態に関する知識管理


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 多肢選択問題に対する回答行動と心理状態に関するオントロジー記述の試み


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 多肢選択問題に対する学習者の視線と心的状態に関するオントロジー記述の試み


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 色彩感情に基づく画像検索に向けたオントロジー構築


    発表年月: 2012年

  • Structural Equation Modeling for Relationships Betweencolor Attributes and Dimensions of Emotional State

    The International conference on kansei engineering and emotion research (KEER2012)  

    発表年月: 2012年

  • Ontological Descriptions for Eye Movement Data and Mental States in Taking Computer-based Multiple-Choice Tests

    The 20th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2012)  

    発表年月: 2012年

  • 視線に基づく多肢選択問題の回答行動と確信の実験的検討


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 色彩感情における記述的尺度と評価的尺度の関係構造に関する実験的検証


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 色刺激に対する印象と感情における関係構造の考察


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 評定尺度の関係に着目した色彩感情の構造


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 色彩属性と感情状態の次元に関する構造方程式モデル


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 色彩感情研究における主観的データのオントロジーに基づく記述


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 深いHuman-Computer Interactionのための色彩感情オントロジーの構築


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 感性的なインタラクションに向けた色彩と感情状態の記述


    発表年月: 2011年

  • Proposal of A Framework to Share Knowledge About Consumer’s Impressions

    The 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2011)  

    発表年月: 2011年

  • Ontological Approach to a Structure of Color Emotion: Description of Relationships among Rating Scales

    The Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association (AIC2011)  

    発表年月: 2011年

  • 内容指向アプローチによる印象に関する知識記述の試み


    発表年月: 2010年

  • 行為者の気づきに基づいた印象に関する知識表現


    発表年月: 2010年

  • 情報処理の観点に基づいた印象に関する知識表現


    発表年月: 2010年

  • 印象に関する知識記述のための感情誤帰属手続きを用いた特性の抽出


    発表年月: 2010年

  • Content-oriented Approach to Knowledge Description of Aesthetic Experience

    International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2010)  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • 美的体験に関する内容指向の知識記述の試み


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 心の構造における美的感性についての考察


    発表年月: 2008年



  • 感性シミュレーションのためのモデル統合オントロジーの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    村松 慶一

  • AIとデザイナによる協調デザインに向けたアイデア発想支援システム

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    加藤 健郎, 村松 慶一, 井関 大介

  • 学習価値を高めるコンテキスト共有プロセスの解明とその授業実践を支援するツール開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    木見田 康治, 松居 辰則, 村松 慶一, 石井 隆稔, 下村 芳樹



  • 学習者の生体計測と教授者・学習支援システムを結ぶ学習者理解基盤システムの試作

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    小島 一晃, 松居 辰則, 村松 慶一


    近年の知的学習支援研究におけるEducational Data Mining (EDM)では,生体計測データなどを取得して心的状態などにも学習者理解の側面を広げているが,この学習者理解は人間の教授者との共有が難しいという課題がある.本研究では,EDMの技術を応用した知的学習支援システムの実現にあたり,学習者の心的状態の背景にある振る舞いを抽出し,人間の教授者と共有可能な学習者理解の情報を提供できるシステム基盤の試作を行った.対象データを視線,心的状態を確信とする事例において,問題に解答する学習者の振る舞いを視線に基づいて抽出し,学習者の確信の背景を人間の教授者に提供することを試みた.

  • 知識工学的アプローチによる感性価値認識のモデル構築と生体情報のマッピング

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    村松 慶一, 綿貫 啓一, 松居 辰則, 田中 英一郎, 木見田 康治, 石井 隆稔



  • 人間とコンピュータの深いインタラクションを指向した感性演出オントロジーの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)



    村松 慶一



  • 色彩を共通軸とした感性情報の「調和感」生成に関する多層モデルと統合管理手法の構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)



    斎藤 美穂, 石田 泰一郎, 枝川 義邦, 松居 辰則, 村松 慶一, 三浦 久美子



  • 感性表出オントロジーの構築と新しい印象評価手法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費



    村松 慶一


    (2)Self-Assessment Manikin尺度を用いて単色に対する印象評価の実験を行い,構造方程式モデリングによって明度,彩度,色相という色彩の三属性と,快-不快,覚醒-睡眠,支配-服従という感情の三次元の関係を明らかにした.その上で,得られたモデル式を記述するための概念を整理した.



  • ヒト型エージェントに対する否定的印象の持続的形成に関する仮説モデルの提案

    田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   JSAI2023   1K4OS11a02 - 1K4OS11a02  2023年


    ヒトの外見に極めて類似したエージェントに対して,ヒトは否定的な感情を抱き,これは「不気味の谷現象」として知られている.これまで多くの研究が進められ,predictive codingやcategorical ambiguityなどの観点からそのメカニズムが議論されてきた.しかし,これらは相対した存在がヒトかそうではないかといった異常の検出という短期的な応答に対しては説明力があるが,不気味に感じるという中期的に持続する感情形成に対して説明を与えていない.そこで我々は,不気味の谷現象とは脳内にカテゴリ記憶として形成されたアトラクターに対して,その周りを周回するある種の非安定周期解への収束状態である,という仮説モデルを提案する.このモデルに基づくと,安定解であるアトラクターに収束しない状態はヒトにとってネガティブに作用し,この結果エージェントに対して持続的に否定的な印象が形成されると解釈できる.本発表では,上記モデルに基づいた課題と今後の展開について述べる.


  • 生体情報を用いた学習中における学習者の感情隠蔽状態の推定

    篠原 洸一, 松居 辰則, 村松 慶一

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   JSAI2023   1R5OS10b05 - 1R5OS10b05  2023年




  • Examinations of Color Emotions for Average Faces.

    Keiichi Muramatsu, Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Kazunori Kaede, Keiichi Watanuki

    Advances in Industrial Design - Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Design for Inclusion, Affective and Pleasurable Design, Interdisciplinary Practice in Industrial Design, Kansei Engineering, and Human Factors for Apparel and Textile Engineering   260   725 - 731  2021年


    Emotional responses to color stimuli are referred to as color emotions, and relationships between color attributes and them have been discussed in past studies. In the current study, we reveal relationships between color rendering properties and color emotions pertain to face colors by using of a light system controlling color rendering property. The system we developed in the previous study has four color (red, green, blue, and yellow) LEDs to enrich color rendering property. This study provides a comprehensive discussion of color rendering properties and color preference to average face by summarizing past two studies. The first study examined color emotions against skin color under various color rendering properties. As a result, we confirmed that the color rendering property certainly affects color emotions, and we obtained regression models to represent color emotions by color rendering properties. The second study assessed relationships between color emotions against averaged face irradiated by various illuminants with different color rendering properties. As a result, we confirmed that the color rendering property certainly affects color preference, and we obtained regression models to represent color emotions by color rendering properties. Based on the model of the relationship between color emotions and color rendering properties obtained through these two studies, a comparison of skin color itself and color emotions as a face color is discussed. Specifically, the results suggest that color shifts in the red and green directions have different effects on the impressions of single colors and average faces.


  • 感性価値創造の設計に向けた受給者の心的状態に関するオントロジー記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 木見田 康治, 楓 和憲, 綿貫 啓一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2020.30   1401  2020年

    DOI CiNii

  • ヘッドマウントディスプレイを用いた自動車ドライビングシミュレータにおけるペダル操作解析手法の開発

    楓 和憲, 小林 海登, 村松 慶一, 綿貫 啓一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2020.30   2408  2020年

    DOI CiNii

  • 視覚探索課題における運動錯視の注意誘導効果測定および注視回数分析

    床鍋 宏太, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2020.30   1303  2020年

    DOI CiNii

  • 座面圧力を用いた自動運転時のドライバ状態推定

    佐藤 颯太, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2020.30   1308  2020年

    DOI CiNii

  • 動的時間伸縮法を用いた音色可視化手法および音色生成手法

    久保田 晧貴, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2020 ( 0 ) S12103  2020年


    <p>In recent years, composers are required to have a high level of understanding of musical equipment due to the diversification of equipment, and researches on musical instruments and timbre understanding support systems have been conducted. Some of the previous studies use the overtones of the instruments as features and support them with illustrations based on principal component analysis, but further investigation of the correspondence with the overtone parameters is needed. In this study, the similarity of the overtone components was calculated using the dynamic time warping method and illustrated by clustering and principal component analysis, and the correspondence between the parameters was discussed in detail. As a result, it was suggested that there may be a correspondence between the visualized figure and the fundamental frequency components in the middle and high frequency range.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 遮蔽物透過映像における透過度が奥行き知覚に及ぼす影響の三次元注視点を用いた評価:(注視点の推定手法について)

    本間 流星, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2020 ( 0 ) S11526  2020年


    <p>In this study, we examine influence of difference in estimation method of point of gaze on evaluation of transparency during watching see-through vision. There are the two methods of estimating point of gaze, which are the method that uses the midpoint of the line segment that shows the shortest distance between the two lines of sight in three-dimensional space or the method of estimating it from intersection of two lines of sight on the two-dimensional plane. We compared these methods. As the result, there are significant differences in estimation error of convergence distance and there is relatively small variance in the three-dimensional point-of-gaze estimation methods. This result suggests that the three-dimensional point-of-gaze estimation method is more effective in evaluating transparency.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • ドライビングシミュレータ使用時における臨場感の印象評価

    小林 海登, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2020 ( 0 ) S11523  2020年


    <p>When using a driving simulator, there is a problem that if the driving environment is not realistic enough, there will be a deviation from actual driving. On the other hand, it is said that using a head-mounted display (HMD), which has become widespread in recent years, improves the sense of reality in a VR environment.</p><p>In this study, for the purpose of creating an index to evaluate the sense of presence, we simulated driving under two conditions of HMD and flat display, and classified the factors from subjective impression evaluation.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 積層造形法により形成した立体形状とその触察の印象評価

    鈴木 哲博, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2020 ( 0 ) S11511  2020年


    <p>In this study, we conducted an experiment using the SD method questionnaire to find out how the impression of the person who touched the line is affected by the difference in the three-dimensional shape of the line formed by the laminate shaping method. We conducted a factor analysis on the questionnaire results and compared the impressions of each line. As a result of the factor analysis, five factors were extracted, the tendency of the line impression was found from the result of the questionnaire, and a significant difference was found in the impression difference of some lines. In addition, the relationship between the adjective pairs used in the SD method and the five senses was compared, and it was suggested that the lines used this experiment give the impression of being highly related to vision.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 香り提示により生じる感情における主観および客観的評価

    影山 晴香, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲, 綿貫 啓一

    IIP情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集   2020 ( 0 ) 1B02  2020年


    The olfactory brain that controls olfaction overlaps with the emotional brain that controls emotions, and is thought to have contributed greatly to the development of the emotional brain. Therefore, the sense of smell is considered to be more connected to emotions than other senses, and attention has been focused on manipulating the psychological state to a desirable state by using scent. However, it is thought that there is a gender difference in aroma. According to Oloveira et al., Women have a large number of neurons and neurons in the olfactory bulb, which play the role of receiving olfactory information, and women are superior in the smell separation test (1). Other studies have found that repeated exposure to odors increased olfactory sensitivity only in postpubertal women. From the previous case, it is considered that there is a gender difference in the intensity and type of emotion that occurs even when the same scent is presented. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to clarify the gender difference of psychological changes caused by scents.

    DOI CiNii

  • LED文字盤照明に対する視覚疲労が前頭前野脳賦活に与える影響の機械学習による分析

    西川 友弘, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一, 増子 直也

    IIP情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集   2020 ( 0 ) 2A03  2020年


    This study aims to examine the relationship between visual fatigue and prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity during a backlit text reading task. We conducted a 10 min luminescent sentence reading task in a dark room. Time-course of oxy-Hb in the PFC was measured using a 22-channel wearable near-infrared spectroscope (NIRS). Subjective fatigue was assessed using the "Jikaku-sho shirabe" questionnaire. The critical flicker-fusion frequency (CFF) and LF/HF were assessed as objective index of fatigue and autonomic nervous system. 192 trials consisted of twelve healthy young volunteers and twelve LED treatments were analyzed. In the analysis, a linear non-gaussian acyclic (LiNGAM) model for causal discovery was introduced in addition to the correlation analysis. Our results suggested that the development of visual fatigue and central fatigue is related to the deactivation conditions in the medial PFC and Left PFC.

    DOI CiNii

  • ハンドル型電動車いすの操作情報を用いた心理的負荷のある走行環境の推定

    楓 和憲, 宇津木 政人, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一

    日本機械学会論文集   86 ( 892 ) 20 - 00162-20-00162  2020年


    <p>Mobility scooters are three or four-wheeled electric-motor-driven wheelchairs with a handlebar for steering. In the use environment of a mobility scooter, there may be many obstacles that need to be avoided, such as pedestrians on a narrow sidewalk or cars on the edge of the road. These obstacles not only interfere with smooth driving but also induce mental strain on the user such as fear and anxiety, which may cause a decrease in comfort and an accident. The purpose of this study is to estimate physical obstacles in the road environment when driving a mobility scooter from operation information and physiological information of the user obtained during driving. We measured skin conductance, manipulation amount of accelerator, steering torque, and acceleration value in the horizontal plane when driving on a few courses with physical obstacles. We tried to build a machine learning model that estimates the type of physical obstacles in the course based on these time-series data by using a random forest classifier.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • NIRSを用いた前頭前野脳賦活計測に基づくLED文字盤照明に対する疲労評価

    西川 友弘, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一, 増子 直也

    日本機械学会論文集   86 ( 890 ) 20 - 00034-20-00034  2020年


    <p>This study aims to examine the benefit of visual fatigue evaluation based on prefrontal cortex (PFC) measurement by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), and to evaluate fatigue on various colored LED backlit text. In our method, eight adult participants read a LED backlit text 10 minutes in a dark room. Before and after task, subjective fatigue questionnaire "Jikaku-sho shirabe", subjective visual fatigue questionnaire (SVF), and the critical flicker-fusion frequency (CFF) were measured. The time-course of oxy-Hb in the PFC was measured using a 22-channel NIRS. Heart rate variability (HRV) was measured to access an autonomic nervous system balance. Six types of white LEDs were used for backlighting: general white as a control (W), high color-rendering white (WH), bluish white (WB), reddish white (WR), greenish white (WG), and yellowish white (WY). In our results, correlation analysis suggested that the development of central fatigue is related to deactivated condition in the mPFC, and the development of subjective visual fatigue is related to deactivated condition in the LPFC. In comparison between LED treatments, in WH condition, high subjective central fatigue, CFF decay and LF/HF were revealed, and the PFC inactivated. In WG condition, low subjective central fatigue and CFF decay revealed. Our findings suggested that participants get tired on high color-rendering white LED backlit text, and were less tired in greenish white LED backlit text. Also, NIRS provides benefits in the evaluation of visual fatigue.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 咀嚼の回数と頻度が満腹感に与える影響の分析

    高橋 希宙, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 2403 - 2403  2019年


    <p>Obesity has become a serious problem worldwide in the modern society with the change of food culture. Obesity would be a cause of many diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes. Considering obesity, we examined satiety closely related to energy intake. In this study, we focused on the number of chews and chewing frequency, which are factors of satiety, and analyzed the influence on it. In the experiment, we compared satiety, hunger and masticatory muscle activity among the conditions when participants ate the same amount of food under the condition that the number of chews and the chewing frequency were changed. As a result, the datas of the increase rate of satiety and the masticatory muscle activity showed that participants of low weight and normal weight who consumed foods by chewing many times, and participants of obesity who consumed foods with large masticatory muscle activity for each chew could feel fullness earlier. Using this result, people can reduce the energy intake naturally by feeling fullness early in the diet, and it is expected to improve the eating habits of obese people.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 瞳孔径の変化を用いた虚偽検出手法における新規指標の開発

    高橋 良太, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 2404 - 2404  2019年


    <p>In recent years, new indicators focusing on cognitive activities have been developed for the purpose of improving the accuracy of lie detection tests. It has been pointed out that eye movement is particularly effective. In addition, there have been many reports of lie detection based on gaze movements and blinks. But these indicators are greatly influenced by human intentional control. In this study, we focus on the pupil diameter, which is difficult for humans to control intentionally. we verify whether it can be used a new index of lie detection method. In this experiment, we analyzed changes in pupil diameter when presenting a critical question and a non-critical question in a CIT issue. As a result, when the pupil diameter was dilated at the time of question presentation, the pupil diameter at the time of presentation of the critical question was smaller than that at the time of non-critical question presentation. This is because the cognitive load is suppressed by making the participants unaware of the contents when the critical question is presented. This result suggests that the pupil diameter can be used as a new index in the lie detection method.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 指尖容積脈波を用いた香気吸引時の情動とストレスへの影響の評価

    坂田 智章, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 2402 - 2402  2019年


    <p>When Fragrance influences the psychophysiological state of a person, and consequently the volume of fingertip plethysmography is affected by the aspiration of the aroma. Recently, studies have attempted to employ aroma in various scenarios, such as in smells for medical care, relaxation, environment improvement for productivity enhancement, and others. However, the type of fingertip plethysmograph behavior produced near the stimulation threshold that allows feeling the smell remains unclear, especially near the discrimination threshold, where fragrance intensity changes. In this study, the stimulation threshold at the time of aroma suction and the emotional change around the discrimination threshold are evaluated by analyzing both a questionnaire and fingertip plethysmograph measurement. As human biological systems produce chaotic behaviors such as heart beat rhythms and the plethysmograph, chaotic time series analysis was performed for fingertip plethysmograph measurements. Then, we evaluated psychophysiological responses during aroma suction, using a feature of the chaotic behavior in fingertip plethysmograph. In addition, we analyzed and compared with the conventional method LF / HF. As a result, we confirmed the fluctuation in the fingertip plethysmograph even when the research participants responded that it did not smell in the subjective evaluation. Further, we confirmed the fluctuating tendency of the fingertip plethysmographs when the Largest Lyapunov exponent increased as the aroma hen the maximum Lyapunov exponent increased as the aroma the fluctuation of the fingertip plethysmographs becomes large and corresponds to the uncomfortable values in from the subjective evaluation. In addition, the relaxing effect by smell was confirmed using LF / HF.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • LRPを用いた音声付ストループ課題時の脳賦活計測データにおける認知負荷状態との関連度抽出

    西川 友弘, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 2401 - 2401  2019年


    <p>This study aims to examine the time-series effect of cognitive load on the cerebral blood flow. We used machine learning to extract features related to cognitive load in any brain region and time domain of oxy-Hb measured by NIRS. We conducted a 5min auditory stroop task. Ten healthy young volunteers participated in this study and performed five repeated experiments. The brain function in the prefrontal cortex was measured using 22ch wearable near-infrared spectroscopy. Cognitive load was assessed using questionnaire surveys NASA-TLX and accuracy. The results of analysis using neural network (NN) and layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP) suggest that around the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) contain important features for classifying cognitive load, and oxy-Hb in IFG may increase with cognitive load. Our LRP method can extract common features to oxy-Hb within the same group, visualize the effect of cognitive load on individual data.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • CNNを用いた病理画像中のがん細胞の有無の識別における入力画像サイズの影響

    原 良輔, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一, 風間 伸介

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 2207 - 2207  2019年


    <p>In this research, we conducted to generate Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models which can distinguish between cancer cells and normal cells in the large intestine under 11 input image size (number of pixels) conditions (50×50 px, 100×100 px, 200×200 px, 300×300 px, 400×400 px, 500×500 px, 600×600 px, 700×700 px, 800×800 px, 900×900 px, 1000×1000 px) for the purpose of clarifying the effect of the input image size on the cancer cells identification in colorectal cancer pathology image. When we conducted to train models, we calculated model accuracy by 5-fold cross validation in each condition. As a result, the accuracy rate increased as input image size increased in 3 conditions (50×50 px, 100×100 px, 200×200 px). However, the accuracy rate of the model trained by 4 conditions (700×700 px, 800×800 px, 900×900 px, 1000×1000 px) were lower than that trained by other conditions. These results are thought to be caused by setting the kernel size to the same value in all conditions. Therefore, we concluded that it is necessary to determine an appropriate kernel size and stride for each input image size which can extracted features included in the input image when we conduct to generate a model for the purpose of distinguish between cancer cells and normal cells in the large intestine.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 座面圧力および運転情報を用いた運転行動の事前予測

    小河原 侑哉, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 1410 - 1410  2019年


    <p>In recent years, the number of traffic accidents has decreased due to the development of driving support systems. Driving assistance system supports to the driver, however when driving assistance is not appropriate, the driver may be bothered by the assistance and distrusted of the system. In order to provide appropriate support, a method that driver behavior prediction has been proposed. In this research, we measured seat pressure distribution and driving information using a driving simulator, and predicted driving behavior using a convolutional neural network. In this research, we predicted five driving behaviors: "Go straight ahead", "Turn right", "Turn left", "right lane change", and "left lane change". As a result, it was possible to predict with an accuracy of 65.4% in inter participant evaluation and 96.4% in overall evaluation.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 身体的個人差を考慮した歩容フィードバック訓練システムのための深層学習を用いた歩容の判別と特徴の視覚化

    大澤 優輔, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 1409 - 1409  2019年


    <p>In this research, to develop a gait feedback training system optimized for individuals where trainees can efficiently train features that do not satisfy ideal walking using a deep learning, we examine classification and features visualization of gait using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Grad-CAM. In the experiment, the thumb-floor distance of right foot was measured when young people walked normally and when they walked with a brace, to limit their movement. Further, these data were clustered to 3 clusters using k-shape method. And these data were learned and classified as input data and using these cluster as the label. As the result, the accuracy was 86.07%. In addition, the part where the feature in thumb-floor distance appears were visualized as heat map using Grad-CAM and it is confirmed that usefulness for gait training.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • ハンドル型電動車いすの操作情報を用いた心理的負荷のある走行環境の推定

    楓 和憲, 宇津木 政人, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 1414 - 1414  2019年


    <p>Mobility scooters are three or four-wheeled electric-motor-driven wheelchairs with a handlebar for steering. In the use environment of a mobility scooter, there may be many obstacles that need to be avoided, such as pedestrians on a narrow sidewalk or cars on the edge of the road. These obstacles not only interfere with smooth driving but also induce mental strain on the user such as fear and anxiety, which may cause a decrease in comfort and an accident. The purpose of this study is to estimate physical obstacles in the road environment when driving a mobility scooter from operation information and physiological information of the user obtained during driving. We measured skin conductance, manipulation amount of accelerator, steering torque, and acceleration when driving on a course with physical obstacles. We tried to build a model that estimates the type of physical obstacles in the course based on these time-series data by using a random forest, which is one of the machine learning methods.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 模擬的空間におけるたばこ煙中ニコチンの挙動可視化

    松本 真理子, 坂田 智章, 久保田 皓貴, 床鍋 宏太, 吉澤 明, 鵜飼 勝三, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲, 綿貫 啓一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 2208 - 2208  2019年


    <p>Smoke separation is accelerating towards the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. However, there is no method for monitoring harmful chemical substances in tobacco smoke in real-time, so there are scientific lacks against non-smokers health whether the smoke separated space have no impact or not to their health. The main chemical substance in tobacco smoke is nicotine. We decided to build up a model first for nicotine. In this study, we use a newly developing gas analyzer which measures nicotine in real-time. From that nicotine measurement result, analyzes the nicotine behavior with FEM in a simulated space. Then make it learn the parameters of the nicotine behavior model, and using a different modeling and learning algorithm than general multi-agent reinforcement learning, we visualize the nicotine behavior in tobacco smoke through the new achieving model. First, we confirmed the availability of nicotine analysis with the gas analyzer.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 情動喚起動画視聴直後に表出した作為的な笑顔における情動判別のための顔特徴点解析

    斉藤 直人, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2019 ( 0 ) S12103P  2019年


    <p>The purpose of this study is to clarify feature for discriminating emotion while expressing fake smile. First, we experimented to record face expression in video. The flow of the experiment was following; we first displayed one of emotion-eliciting films, and participant expressed (fake) smile just after watching the film. At the end of the experiment, we let them assess what emotion they felt with two self-report measures. We prepared six emotion-eliciting films in order to record various face expression with various emotion. Then, we obtained face landmark positions from the face on the recorded video using a method proposed by Kazemi et al(1). We focused that eyes and mouth corners move well while smiling, and defined 15 feature values related to that landmarks. Furthermore, we grouped the feature values in emotion scores by clustering. There are significant differences in eye area between happiness and disgust, and in some mouth corners' feature values between happiness and fear as a result of comparison of clusters. we considered these differences resulted from disgust/fear, but negative emotion.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 注意喚起表示におけるフレーザー・ウィルコックス錯視の先行手がかり法を用いた効果測定

    床鍋 宏太, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2019 ( 0 ) S11114  2019年


    <p>The caution making is used in various daily situations as a preventive measure of tumble accident which is one of the labor accidents. The purpose of this study is to propose a display that incorporates the Fraser-Wilcox illusion and has a higher attention effect. Fraser-Wilcox illusion is a type of visual illusion in which a part of a still image appears to be moving. We compare the attention effects of shapes that induce the Fraser-Wilcox illusion and those that do not. As an evaluation method of attention recall effect, the pre-cueing task which was an experimental technique to measure the characteristics of visual attention was used. The correlation between the amount of visual illusion and the target reaction time was examined. As a result, a strong negative correlation was observed. The larger the amount of visual illusion, the faster the detection of the target. These results suggest that the Fraser-Wilcox illusion has an alerting effect on visual illusion.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 畳み込みニューラルネットワークと分類木を用いた中古商品の状態評価

    棚本 悠太, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2019 ( 0 ) S11103  2019年


    <p>The purpose of this study is to estimate the condition of second-hand goods from images using machine learning methods. Assuming that the condition evaluation of second-hand goods has a relationship with the damage that exists in them, we proposed and verified a method to estimate the condition of second-hand goods based on information of the damage. In this study, we chose men's dress shoes for condition evaluation and chose four types of damage: wrinkles, worn out of heel, dirt on outsole, dirt on inside as damage considered to be related to condition evaluation. (1)We create a CNN model that determines the presence or absence of damage, and (2) create a classification tree model that evaluates the state of the product from information on the presence or absence of damage and (3)We evaluated the condition of second-hand goods by combining two created models. As a result of verification, it was shown that the proposed method could evaluate the condition of used goods.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 自動/手動運転切替時における警告方法がドライバ反応に及ぼす影響

    佐藤 颯太, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2019 ( 0 ) J18105  2019年


    <p>Warning at the time of switching from automatic to manual operation of vehicle is required to assist the driver appropriately. In this research, we focus on the driver's immersion in typing with a personal computer during automatic driving. We examined changes in driving operation after switching to manual operation when the warning sound is presented under four conditions including two conditions of beep sound and two conditions of presentation voice. The beeper was able to react quickly but it was found to be dangerous for driving operations. In voice presentation, it was suggested that a warning simply presented could not assist appropriately but presenting hazard avoidance instruction enabled quick reaction and assisted in calm driving behavior.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 視覚制限下での直進歩行における立体音響の誘導効果と周囲音の影響

    塚田 維王, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲

    IIP情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集   2019 ( 0 ) 1B04  2019年


    Currently, the visually impaired find it difficult to use mobility support facilities because they depend on ambient environment such as ambient sound and snow cover. Further, people who acquired visual impairment in the later stages of life also find it difficult to use these facilities. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to develop a walking guidance system using 3D sounds that will not be influenced by the surrounding environment and will be easy to use. Further, we verified the induction effect in the blindfold state and the ambient sound. This system was implemented with a head mount display that is capable of producing 3D sound. Under a visual restriction environment, blindfolded participants were asked to walk toward a real or 3D guiding sound with three types of ambient sounds, and then, we measured the walking locus. We found that the 3D sound tends to provide veering tendency opposite of the ambient sound. However, the guiding accuracy of the 3D sound is similar to that of real sound.

    DOI CiNii

  • GMM によるアゲハチョウ科の配色傾向の分析

    梯 絵利奈, 村松 慶一, 日比野 治雄

    日本色彩学会誌   43 ( 3 ) 144 - 144  2019年


    <p>筆者らはこれまで,蝶の色彩美に焦点を当て,特に美麗種の多いアゲハチョウ科の配色傾向を調査してきた.このための主な手法として,蝶画像を色の類似度で分類し,各クラスターの色彩分布を示すグラフから配色傾向を分析してきた(梯ら,2018; Kakehashi et al. 2018).本研究ではこれらのデータを統計的に処理するためにガウス混合モデル(Gaussian Mixture Model: GMM)による分析を試みた.GMMによって得られた結果を予め定義した配色型と比較したところ,主に次の三つの傾向が得られた.①明度コントラスト(低明度の面積の方が支配的),②類似彩度(低彩度の面積が支配的),③類似色相(橙~黄緑の面積が支配的).これらの結果はOu and Luo(2006)の実験的色彩調和論をはじめとした先行研究の結果のうち,equal hue, equal chroma, unequal lightnessと一致していた.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 階層的クラスター分析を用いたアゲハチョウ科の蝶の色彩分析

    梯 絵利奈, 村松 慶一, 崔 庭端, 日比野 治雄

    日本色彩学会誌   42 ( 3+ ) 75  2018年05月


    筆者らはこれまで,主観的な代表色抽出によってアゲハチョウ科の色彩傾向を調査してきた(梯,笠松 2015).本研究ではより客観的なデータを得るため,類似画像検索技術を応用したアゲハチョウ科の色彩分析を目的とした.具体的には,Histogram Intersection(swain 1991)を用いて画像間の類似度を算出し,1-類似度を画像間の距離として階層的クラスター分析の変数に用い,108枚の蝶画像を分類した.各クラスターの画像群から,CIELChのヒストグラムを作成し,各属性の分布特性を分析した.その結果,主にL*とC*abの分布は50以下に集中し,二峰性分布では各峰のピーク間の色差ΔL*は50~90,ΔC*abは20~50または60~90であった.さらに,habの分布は30~120°または90~180°に集中し,二峰性分布でのΔH *abは60~150°または120~180°であった.これらの特徴をまとめると,アゲハチョウ科の蝶の色彩傾向は主に(1)低明度色や明度差が大きい配色が多く,段階的に明度が変化する. (2)低彩度色が多く,一部で彩度差が大きい.(3)色相は赤~黄緑や黄~青緑が多く,これらの補色がわずかに分布する.今後はより詳細な特徴を捉えるため,カテゴリカルカラーや三次元空間での分布傾向などについてさらなる分析を行う.

    DOI CiNii

  • 皮膚伝導度を用いたハンドル型電動車いすにおけるコーナー進入速度に対する心理的負荷の検討

    宇津木 政人, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2018 ( 0 ) 3204 - 3204  2018年


    In this paper, we evaluated the mental stress recorded against corner entry speed while riding a mobility scooter by measuring skin conductance. A mobility scooter is a four-wheel electric wheelchair with a steering handle. These scooters, known as “Senior Car” are generally sold to the elderly. Some of these scooters have a system that automatically decelerates to approximately 70% of the maximum speed depending on the steering angle at corners. The preset deceleration rate can cause discomfort to the driver. To provide appropriate assistance without any discomfort, evaluating the mental stress of the driver is necessary. Skin conductance (SC) is one method for measuring sweating. It can measure mental sweating related to sympathetic nerve activity. We modified a commercially available mobility scooter to be used as an experimental wheelchair such that it can be controlled using a PC. We measured SC in a task that involved turning right into a corner at a constant speed using an experimental wheelchair and tried to evaluate the mental stress against the corner entry speed. Resultantly, a positive correlation between the amplitude of SC and entry speed was obtained. In addition, we performed a questionnaire to evaluate the ride discomfort after the experimental task. The questionnaire results demonstrate that the evaluation value of the items “No Fear” and “Safety” decreased as the speed increases. This result was consistent with the measurement results of the SC amplitude. From these results, we conclude that fear against corner entry speed could be evaluated using SC.

    DOI CiNii

  • 音声による単語連想課題における瞳孔径および瞬目率の検討

    南 航星, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2018 ( 0 ) 3205 - 3205  2018年


    In recent times, robots such as, service, communication, and cooperative robots, have been developed to assist humans in various tasks. Smooth communication is an important parameter to ensure appropriate assistance by robots. In communication, understanding the comprehension status of the partner leads to an easy-to-understand explanation. However, it is difficult to accurately understand the comprehension status of the partner. The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between thinking status and pupil size and blink rate. Word association tasks were conducted, wherein subjects associated a theme from five auditory words. Pupil size and blink rate were measured during the task using gaze measurement. The result showed that pupil size tended to increase during thinking and decrease with association. Decrease in blink rate distribution was observed after presentation of a word, following which a temporary peak occurred before association. However, no change in blink rate was observed after the association. Based on the results of the present study, it was revealed that thinking may be associated with pupil size and blink rate, and it can be suggested that the eye could be an index to evaluate thinking status.

    DOI CiNii

  • 脳血流計測による Stroop 課題を用いた情報量変化に対応する認知負荷レベルの評価

    橋本 悠史, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2018 ( 0 ) 3206 - 3206  2018年


    Determination of the optimal amount of information is essential to avoid confusion. In this study, the “Stroop task” was used for information processing, and the cognitive load was gradually increased by sequential adding of information. We designed and conducted two tasks that originate in the “Stroop task;” these two tasks feature significant differences in cognitive load. We also measured brain activity using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) under the assumption that such activity could be used as an index of cognitive load. Both tasks were associated with increased oxy-hemoglobin levels in the prefrontal area, and the task with a higher cognitive load was associated with a more substantial increase in oxy-hemoglobin; this indicates that oxy-hemoglobin levels may be used as an objective index for the evaluation of information-associated cognitive load. In addition, this study included two groups (Group A and B) of patients who undertook the tasks. Based on the timing and the number of mistakes, it was observed that subjects in group A demonstrated lesser information processing ability than those in group B. The findings of the present study thus indicate that oxy-hemoglobin variation may depend on the information processing ability of the subject.

    DOI CiNii

  • リストカールにおける上腕および前腕の表面筋電図を用いたエネルギー代謝推定手法の検討

    早坂 英晃, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2018 ( 0 ) 3207 - 3207  2018年


    It is important to mesure energy metabolism for human health. Current mainstream activity meters show large inaccuracies in the estimation of energy metabolism for small mothion. In this study, we examined the estimation method of energy metabolism during exercise with small motion by using electromyography and heart rate, both of which are correlated with energy metabolism. We chose wrist curl a type muscular strength training to represent movement with small motion, and considered the flexor carpi radials and biceps brachii as target muscles. Multiple regression analysis was used to estimate energy metabolism; this allowed us to estimate that there is an error of about 25% when estimating total energy metabolism. Although comparison was carried out at ten-second intervals, estimation was difficult because of the large variation of experiment values. This study suggests that total energy metabolism during exercise with small motion can be estimated by using myoelectric potentials and heart rate.

    DOI CiNii

  • 仮想坂道の歩行時における制動力および駆動力の計測

    石坂 徳啓, 大澤 優輔, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2018 ( 0 ) 1206 - 1206  2018年


    At nursing care sites, patients undergo an exercise regimen as rehabilitation and training for walking disorders. However, it is presumed that their motivation decreases over time because in a nursing home, walking exercises are performed in a closed space and are repetitions of monotonous movements. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a more varied and effective rehabilitation or training method. The purpose of this study is to develop a varied and effective training method wherein the trainee walks while viewing virtual reality (VR) images. Specifically, in the proposed method, the trainee views VR images of walking on a slope, while actually walking on a treadmill, and he/she controls the physical load. In this study, we conducted an experiment using a composed training system with the aim of analyzing the influence of watching VR imagery of walking on a slope on the braking and driving forces while walking on a horizontal treadmill. We improved the VR system to automatically adjust the treadmill speed from the position information of the trainee. Then, comparative experiments of the braking and driving forces were performed for cases of walking while watching images of level and slope grounds. As a result, the walking speed, braking force, and driving force tended to decrease when watching downward slope images compared to watching level ground images. Additionally, the walking speed, braking force, and driving force tended to increase when viewing upward slope images.

    DOI CiNii

  • VR-HMDを用いた切削加工技能学習支援システムの開発:(加工準備作業における教示)

    妻鳥 達, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2018 ( 0 ) 1302 - 1302  2018年


    Students in many universities, technical colleges, and technical high schools are practicing their cutting skills using general-purpose machining tools. However, there may be insufficient guidance due to the lack of the number of instructors and a limitation on the number of general-purpose machining tools that they can use. In this research, we propose a system to support the learning of cutting skills using a virtual reality head-mounted display. Preparing students to use machining tools require many training sessions, especially for cutting using a general-purpose lathe. A user can experience three types of content: drawing, tools, and the general-purpose lathe. This learning system was provided to seventeen students, and we conducted a questionnaire on its ease of understanding, appearance, enjoyability, intuitiveness, and operability. Resultantly, enjoyability and intuitiveness were highly evaluated. The results suggest that our proposed system can be used as a learning method. To improve the operability of the VR system, we can make use of specialized controllers or additional force presentation devices.

    DOI CiNii

  • 下肢歩行軌道および床反力の評価によるつまずきの要因解析

    大澤 優輔, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2018 ( 0 ) S1210204  2018年


    <p>It is generally agreed that the risk of falling increases with age. Falls in elderly individuals decrease their daily life activity level due to physical damage and increase fear of falling again. It is proposed that many elderly falls occur when walking, and in most, the cause is stumbling. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the factors of stumbling during normal walking to prevent falls. Then we determined the thumb-floor distance, the angle of lower limb joints and the ground reaction forces. Furthermore, we calculated the moments of the lower limb joints from the obtained results. And compared these values during normal walking between elderly group and young group. Consequently, a significant positive correlation was found between the maximum value of the longitudinal component of ground reaction force and the maximum value of thumb-floor distance at terminal swing. Furthermore, when the longitudinal component of ground reaction force was the maximum, the hip flection moment of the elderly group was significantly lower than young group. These results showed that the cause of the fall of elderly is that the driving force at terminal stance is weak due to weak hip flexion muscles and that the knee joint is not sufficiently extended at terminal swing.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 音色の違いが報知音の認知・印象に及ぼす影響

    高橋 良太, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2018 ( 0 ) S1210203  2018年


    <p>In recent years, it is required to design a notification sound which is easy to hear even in the daily life sound. It is necessary for the notification sound to use sound of frequency below 2000 Hz that the elderly can hear easily. Therefore, in this research, we aimed to evaluate how the influence on the recognition and impression of the notification sound is caused by the difference in the timbre. In this experiment, the participants heard three kinds of timbre of sine wave, rectangular wave and sawtooth wave. The threshold of listening sound pressure level was measured, and the questionnaire to evaluate impression of notification sound by semantic difference method was conducted. As a result, we found that the sine wave is familiar and does not give much tension or discomfort. In addition, we found that the rectangular wave and the sawtooth wave are less familiar and give a sense of urgency and discomfort. It was suggested that by changing the timbre of the notification sound, it is possible to design a notification sound that the intention is more easily heard and accurately transmitted.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 加速度センサを用いた頚部での脈拍計測

    池田 彬, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2018 ( 0 ) S1210202  2018年


    <p>Demand for vital sign measurement systems have been increasing. Non-invasive systems are required that it can monitor health status over a prolonged period. Conventional devices can easily measure pulses. However, as the noise due to perspiration is superimposed on the waveform of the pulse, the peak of the pulse becomes unclear, so it is unsuitable for measurement for a long time. In this study, we devised a pulse measurement method that can deal with the above problem. We obtained the acceleration waveform from the carotid artery skin surface, using the acceleration sensor. These waveforms are pulse waves caused by the expansion and contraction of the carotid artery. By the measurement procedure that they devised, six of ten people were able to be measured the pulse. In addition, it became possible to measure the pulse by other four people straightening the neck and attached the sensor to the appropriate position carefully.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いた回転機械の異常検知および異常発生原因推定手法の開発

    原 良輔, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2018 ( 0 ) S1110605  2018年


    <p>In recent years, various researches on abnormality detection using machine learning have been conducted. However, when an abnormality is detected, it is necessary for engineers to find the cause of the abnormality and deal with it. If it is possible to estimate the cause of the abnormality at the time of detection, engineers can prepare appropriate repair tools and replacement parts. Machine downtime can be shorten by this estimation. In this research, we proposed new method and conducted experiment to verify its usefulness. In the proposal method, we use convolution neural network (CNN) to detect an abnormality and estimation a cause of it. Operating sound and current value were used for input. In the experiment, we chose geared motors as a model of a rotating machinery, and we used proposed method to them. As a result, we got an average accuracy rate of 82.41% on detection of abnormality, and also got average accuracy 67.84% on cause estimation of it. From these results, it was shown that the proposed method is effective for detection of abnormality and cause estimation of it for rotating machinery.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 食品咀嚼音提示による咀嚼回数増加手法の検討

    高橋 希宙, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2018 ( 0 ) S1110501  2018年


    <p>In recent years, it has been said that the number of mastication and mealtime tends to decrease with the spread of fast foods and softening of foods. Decrease in the number of mastication causes many problems such as obesity, shrinkage of the jaw, loss of natural teeth. In this study, we examined a method to increase the number of mastication by changing the subjective texture of food by presenting mastication sound with bone conduction headphones when chewing food, based on a cross-modal. Moreover, we investigated what kind of mastication sound is effective for increasing the number of mastication from the viewpoint of texture. The result showed that there was a possibility of increasing the number of mastication. On the other hand, a certain result was not obtained with regard to the texture, because the texture which has the correlation with the number of mastication was different depending on the food. However, as the result of a questionnaire of the texture, the correlation between the texture of heavy and the number of mastication was found. Therefore, we confirmed the possibility of increasing the number of mastication by controlling the subjective heaviness of food.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 運転時における認知支援のための音像移動の有効性の検討

    小河原 侑哉, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2018 ( 0 ) S1110104  2018年


    <p>In recent years, cognitive support research has been conducted to reducing the number of traffic accidents. There is a possibility of confusing the driver if the cognitive support is not appropriate. Therefore, there is a need for a method to support driver's perception of dangerous objects without hindering normal driving behavior. In this study, we measured driving behavior and cerebral blood flow when moving sound was used as cognitive support. By using the moving sound as the cognitive support, the brake operation at the time of avoiding the danger became moderate. From the results of cerebral blood flow, it was found that information can be transmitted with the same cognitive load as in normal operation. As a result, the possibility that the moving sound can appropriately assist perception of the surroundings of the driver has been shown.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 表面発光型文字表示に対する生理指標に基づく疲労推定システムの開発

    西川 友弘, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一, 増子 直也

    年次大会   2018 ( 0 ) G1200205  2018年


    <p>Light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been widely used for the luminescent text display in automobiles. The purpose of the current study is to evaluate fatigue reduction characteristics in LEDs luminescent text display. For this purpose, we construct a model to estimate the participant's fatigue from physiological index. In the experiment, participants read Japanese sentences that were represented by backlight emitting for ten minutes. Brain activity were measured for the physiological index, and fatigue evaluation questionnaire was answered. The luminescent text display was implemented with LEDs of six kinds of white color. We constructed the deep learning model that inputs brain activity, and outputs "fatigue", "no fatigue" or "no change". The output was calculated from fatigue evaluation questionnaire. The model was able to estimate the fatigue with a validation accuracy of 86.4 %. Thus, the model showed the possibility that estimate fatigue based on the brain activity.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 視覚的イメージの伝達コミュニケーションにおけるデザインスキルの有無に着目した感覚モダリティ関連構造の比較

    青木 三枝, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   17 ( 4 ) 395 - 404  2018年


    Typically, it is difficult to transmit visual images in words. The transmission of the visual image includes various information. Therefore, efficient communication is necessary. In this research, we focused on the relationship between onomatopoeia and modalism, and conducted a survey to measure the distance. We asked for general group and design skill holding group. Transmission of visual image in communication, we collected 200 words of onomatopoeia that are frequently used. Then we carried out relevance research on sensory modality, using the MD (Modal Differential) method. Then, we conducted a hierarchical cluster analysis and the semantic structure analysis which is called as SS analysis. As a result, we drew the SS graph for each cluster, which shows the relevance and order-related structure. The results were compared between the general group and the design skill preservation group, and discussions were made on the differences depending on the attributes of the subjects.

    DOI CiNii

  • 上肢と背部を補助する持ち上げ動作用ゴムベルトスーツの開発と筋活動評価

    田中英一郎, 村松慶一, 綿貫啓一, 三枝省三, 岩崎泰雄, 弓削類

    設計工学(Web)   52 ( 6 )  2017年


  • バスシートにおける高齢者起立補助機構の解析

    BAI WENJIE, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) S1150105  2017年


    <p>The increase in the aging population is one of the common problems in the world. Many elderly people experience difficulty in standing up from their seats owing to muscular depression. To improve the QOL (Quality of Life) and ADL (Activities of Daily Living) of elderly people, improvement of the traffic environment is necessary. We developed an assistive seat to help elderly people rise from their seats in a bus with fewer loads. We verified the performance of the assistive seat through EMG analysis. In conclusion, the developed assistive bus seat was effective in helping the user to stand up without difficulty.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 操作入力と全身振動暴露評価予測に基づいた電動車いすの小段差踏破支援システムの開発

    楓 和憲, 大塚 亮平, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) S1150206  2017年


    <p>It is difficult for users of electric wheelchair who suffer from quadriplegia or have compromised motor skills to manipulation of the joystick finely. Also, there is a risk causing a loss of control upon impacts with steps. In this research, we design a system that performs to assist fine control of the speed depending on the height of the step. This system uses a laser range finder to detect the step from remotely, and uses the valuation of human exposure to whole-body vibration in order to estimate discomfort that arose from the step height and step climbing speed. The potential of this system is also verified and manifested to reduce the impact caused by collisions with steps.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • ニューラルネットワークを用いた排泄事前予測システムの提案

    田島 健司, 大澤 優輔, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) S1150205  2017年


    <p>Currently, Japan is entering a super aging society, and as the population of elderly people increases, the number of care recipients are also on the rise. The burden on nursing care homes is increasing; specifically, the burden on caregivers in excretion assistance is huge. Therefore, the need to develop nursing care equipment to support such tasks is increasing. In this study, a preliminary investigation was conducted to determine the possibility of excretion time prediction using data from the diet of a care recipient. We requested and obtained meal data and excretion data from experiment collaborators. We attempted to design a system that predicts the excretion time by a process similar to machine learning using a neural network that corresponds to the two sets of data. We can roughly predict the excretion time. The result showed that it is possible to predict the excretion time from the meal record. In the future, we will include details of the food we eat and biological information to improve prediction accuracy.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いたフレーム間差分画像による手話動作識別の検討

    西川 友弘, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) S1150204  2017年


    <p>Sign language is used for communicating with deaf persons. To facilitate the communication between the deaf and the hearing communities, a sign language translator is required. However, sign language varies from country to country. Furthermore, the number of words is increasing as society develops, and as a result, artificial translation has become challenging. Therefore, substantial research has been carried out to recognize and translate sign language by means of computing methods. In this paper, we propose a sign language recognition method that can adapt to video images captured by general-purpose cameras, and not by special input devices such as a depth sensor. According to this method, sign language regions are extracted from moving images by interframe difference image processing, and are recognized by using a convolution neural network (CNN). As a result of the one-person-leave-out cross validation experiment to recognize 30 words, the highest validation accuracy observed was 90.0%. Thus, the proposed method's potential for sign language recognition is manifested.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 仮想眼鏡フレームによるVR酔い低減システムの開発

    石坂 徳啓, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) S1110401  2017年


    <p>In this paper, we aimed at obtaining knowledge about the effect of adding a virtual glass frame and additional information to the Virtual Reality(VR) image on VR sickness. The virtual glass frame is an object model imitating a glass frame arranged in the VR space. The frame is arranged to cover the peripheral visual field when viewing a VR image using a head mounted display. We created VR contents such a spin room and carried out comparison experiments between conditions where the virtual glass frame was added to the VR image using a questionnaire and bio-information. It was found that addition of the virtual glass frame to the VR image reduces the occurrence of vection in the peripheral vision and that the evaluation value of VR sickness decreases. Moreover, adding horizontal information to the frame reduces the confusion of vestibular sensation; furthermore, it was found that the evaluation value of VR sickness further decreases.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 座面圧力を用いた自動運転時のドライバの状態推定

    岡部 健太, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) J1810202  2017年


    <p>Automation level 3 of an automobile is an automatic operation in the normal state;, however, the operation is switched to the driver when it is determined that operation of the system is difficult to continue. In previous study, there were cases where automatic operation cannot be smoothly switched from manual operation owing to motion other than driving, or a decrease in arousal level during automatic operation. It is considered that estimating the condition of the driver can support smooth switching. In this study, we estimated the state of the driver while automatic driving using seat surface pressure. Results indicate that the estimation was approximately 100% in the individual evaluation and 78.4% in the overall evaluation using machine learning. This suggests that it is possible to estimate the driver's state while automatic driving.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 自動車乗車時における危険認識の生体情報による定量的評価

    橋本 悠史, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) J1230103  2017年


    <p>Recently, some measures to prevent traffic accidents have been introduced; for example, information presentation by a head up display (HUD), vibration at the handle, and sound signals. However, the index to verify these utilities has not been established yet. According to a preceding study, the relationship between brain activity and negative emotion was observed by the near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Moreover, other studies show that mental stress is related to galvanic skin reaction (GSR), respiration (RSP), and blood volume pulse (BVP). In this paper, we considered danger recognition to be associated with negative emotion and mental stress situation, and examined whether the status of danger recognition can be observed by combining bio-information. We observed that danger recognition is correlated to brain activity and GSR. Additionally, the oxy-Hb and GSR were observed to change when recognizing danger. This result suggests that measuring brain activity and GSR can be used to establish whether danger is recognized or not, and the potential of evaluating presence of danger recognition by using bio-information</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • LED光源を用いた文字表示に対する視認性および疲労評価

    齊藤 大貴, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲, 田崎 益次, 金平 隆史, 石黒 英治, 増子 直也

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) J1230102  2017年


    <p>LEDs are widely used for backlighting of text indicators in vehicles. It is desirable that such text indicators have high legibility and low fatigue-inducing qualities. Suitable spectral distributions for text presentation in vehicles have not yet been clarified. This study examined legibility and fatigue when participants watched various text presentations. Participants read Japanese sentences that were presented by backlight emission, for 10 minutes in a dark room. The backlight indicators employed two color LEDs. The participants were asked to answer questionnaires to evaluate legibility and fatigue. Critical fusion frequency, brain activity and electrocardiogram were measured to evaluate fatigue objectively. Based on the questionnaire results, both colored backlight equal in legibility. Subjective evaluations showed that fatigue is more likely to be caused by high color rending white backlighting. On the other hand, objective evaluations (critical fusion frequency, brain activity and electrocardiogram) showed that fatigue is likely to be caused by high color rending white backlighting.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • GAを用いた形容詞選択による楽曲生成システムの開発

    小山 晴也, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) J1230106  2017年


    <p>It is said that music is effective for controlling feelings. For example, we can feel relaxed to listen to slow music. This paper proposes a generation system which composes music by means of a genetic algorithm. The composition which is generated by the system consists of the melody part, the chord part, and the bass part. The system can specify the atmosphere of the generated composition by choosing adjective words; "lightness", "intensity", and "complexity". To reflect the effect of adjective points on atmosphere of generated composition, the system adjusts the parameters of an evaluation function. As a result of a composition generating experiment, similar melodies and rhythms were found in each composition. To evaluate the appropriateness of the function about reflecting the effect of adjective points on atmosphere of generated composition, we conducted a questionnaire investigation. As a result, satisfactory answers are obtained for a specific adjective word.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 近赤外分光法を用いたクラシック音楽聴取時の情動評価

    塚田 大地, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) J1230105  2017年


    <p>In recent years, the number of people who suffer from dementia has increased as the aging population increases. Since a standard method for the treatment of dementia has not been developed, there has been an attempt to combine the treatment of dementia with complementary and alternative medicine. Among complementary and alternative medicine methods, music therapy has attracted attention because of its low risk of side effects. Currently, group therapy is the mainstream of music therapy in Japan because of insufficient number of music therapists. As a result, care for individuals has not been sufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to provide pleasant music for each patient that can be automated. For this reason, a music selection system is required, and this system can be realized by measuring emotions using biological information such as brain activity. In this study, we analyzed brain activity while listening to classical music using near infrared spectroscopy. In our experiment, participants listened to four types of music with different characteristics. The results show that the oxy-Hb rises when participants feel uncomfortable, while the oxy-Hb decreases when participants dislike the music. This indicates that emotions and preferences while listening to music can be identified using brain activity.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 眼球運動と興味・戸惑いの関係性に関する解析

    南 航星, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) J1230104  2017年


    <p>It is argued that, in human communication, the impression of a message is determined by nonverbal information. In this paper, we evaluated the relationship between human sensibility and eye movement. We conducted two kinds of experiments to induce a change in the psychological state. We used pictures of beverages as visual stimuli. A single image was applied in one experiment type, and double images were applied in the other experiment type. We carried out a questionnaire survey regarding the interest level with respect to the displayed image and measured eye movement with a gaze measurement system. The results indicated that the gaze time related to the displayed images with higher interest was longer in the double images experiment type. The number of blinks increased or decreased according to perplexity. The number of saccades increased or decreased in response to the perplexity levels in the double images experiment, and the change of saccades related to the interest in the single image experiment. These results showed that the eye movements have a potential for evaluating the psychological state.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 注視情報の提示が話者交代に与える影響の実験的検証

    村松 慶一, 関根 駿介, 楓 和憲, 綿貫 啓一

    年次大会   2017 ( 0 ) G1600106  2017年

    DOI CiNii

  • 畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いた生体情報の特徴抽出手法の提案

    西川 友弘, 田島 健司, 橋本 悠史, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲, 綿貫 啓一, 酒井 雅子, 鍾 嘉燕, 佐藤 敦

    IIP情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集   2017 ( 0 ) G - 7  2017年


    In recent years, with the development of IoT technologies, biological information of users has been easily acquired and accumulated. It is required that user's cognitive or emotional state could be accurately identified from such biological information. Various researches have used machine learning or deep learning however, generalized methods to handle biological data have not been established. In this paper, we propose a more versatile method using convolution neural network of deep learning to extract features from individual biometric information which is multi-channels time-series data representing user&rsquo;s cognitive. We demonstrate a new method of extraction and distinguishment of features from cerebral blood flow, skin temperature, respiration and skin conductance measured during specific task conditions in the stroop experiment.

    DOI CiNii

  • 上肢と背部を補助する持ち上げ動作用ゴムベルトスーツの開発と筋活動評価

    田中 英一郎, 村松 慶一, 綿貫 啓一, 三枝 省三, 岩崎 泰雄, 弓削 類

    設計工学   52 ( 6 ) 405 - 418  2017年


    <p>We developed a new power assistance suit without the need for electricity. This suit is to support care worker's assistance behavior, e.g. lifting-up and holding motion. It is made of only rubber and nylon belts. This suit can assist the equipped person's arms and back with two kinds of equipped belts. One is for the waist, attached from the shoulder to the back of the knee via his/her back. The other is for the arms, attached from equipped person's forearm to the back of the knee via his/her back. To confirm the possibility of this suit, first, we interviewed medical doctors and physical therapists. Their comments were, it is important to adjust the length of each belt for an equipped person adequately, and it is effective for the assistance of motion in a half-sitting posture and in transfer motions between a bed and a wheel chair. Furthermore, we measured the variation of maximum output force and %MVC of the entire body muscles during lifting and holding motions using the suit and not. From the result, by using this suit, the maximum lifting weight of the equipped person was increased by over 8kg, and the arms and back of the equipped person were assisted effectively.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 歩行補助機RE-Gaitの開発

    田中 英一郎, 村松 慶一, 大澤 優輔, 綿貫 啓一, 三枝 省三, 弓削 類

    バイオメカニズム学術講演会予稿集   37回   135 - 136  2016年11月

  • 学習者の心的状態と生体情報に関する概念記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 田中 英一郎, 綿貫 啓一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2016 ( 0 ) 1C5OS13b6 - 1C5OS13b6  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 価値認識マップの構築に向けた感情状態評価に関わる概念記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 田中 英一郎, 松居 辰則, 綿貫 啓一

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2016 ( 0 ) 1101 - 1101  2016年


    <p>Recently, value creation from view point of service has been widespread. A service process is regarded as a kind of interaction between service providers and receivers. Sharing and managing such the knowledge on human Kansei are of growing significance to providing product's values focused on customers. However, any sufficiently-advanced technologies that realize such knowledge sharing and management have been established. One typical approach is to clarify and systematize concepts as an ontology which is a basis to describe knowledge. In the current study, we discuss a method to develop an ontology describing knowledge on human Kansei and introduce several existing ontologies. The ontology will serve as a useful reference to develop value recognition map and be of assistance to designers.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • レーザ光を用いた歯車歯面損傷診断の実用化検討

    田中 英一郎, 根本 良三, 中島 けやき, 岡部 一成, 竹辺 仁, 永村 和照, 池条 清隆, 橋村 真治, 村松 慶一, 綿貫 啓一

    機素潤滑設計部門講演会講演論文集   2016 ( 0 ) B4 - 4  2016年


    <p>We developed an automatic damage diagnosis system of the gear tooth surface using a laser beam. Only attaching a laser sensor in a gear box, we can grasp the size and place of the damage on a gear tooth surface without using a rotary encoder. We confirmed the limit of this method against the velocity fluctuation. Furthermore, to utilize this system in the practical field, we developed a new system which was small, light weight, and low cost. The accuracy between new and conventional system was compared, and we confirmed the results were comparable level.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 電気部品の設計における設計行為と設計対象に関する概念記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 田中 英一郎, 綿貫 啓一

    機素潤滑設計部門講演会講演論文集   2016 ( 0 ) B3 - 1  2016年


    <p>Recently, improvement of design capability is one of important issues in industry However, it's really difficult to share knowledge of design possessed by experts with novices, because the knowledge exists depending on their skill and degree of prociency. Thus the current study aims to excavate the experts' Knowledge. We then described design objects related to action to design electronic components.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 音像移動を用いた注意誘導の実験的検討

    伝法 峻志, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2016 ( 0 ) S1110203  2016年


    <p>In recent years, various driving support system has been developed as traffic accident prevention. However, they are unless transmitted to the intention that led to providing support, there is a possibility that the rather confusing the driver. Therefore, when the adoption of the driving assistance system, consider plenty the human visual attention to contribute significantly to cognition, without disturbing with the normal driving behavior, it is required a method for supporting recognition of the surrounding dangerous object. In this paper, we investigated the reaction time when subjected to experiments using dual task, has been presented a variety of auditory stimuli as lead cue stimuli. As a result, when using auditory stimulation with sound image movement, it tended to the reaction time of the central issue and the peripheral issues becomes earlier were observed. The result showed that the possibility of inducing an attention without considering the driver by using sound image movement as a visual assistance.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 歩行補助機 Re-Gait®の開発と歩行促進手法の検討

    田中 英一郎, 大澤 優輔, 村松 慶一, 綿貫 啓一, 三枝 省三, 弓削 類

    年次大会   2016 ( 0 ) S1110202  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 遠隔地間での認知リハビリテーションにおける協力行為の有効性の検討

    齊藤 大貴, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2016 ( 0 ) S1170402  2016年


    <p>In recent years, the number of dementia elderly person has been increasing. Various cognitive rehabilitation is underwent in nursing homes. However, it is difficult for them living far away from their home to undergo cognitive rehabilitation. Therefore, if they undergo cognitive rehabilitation in remote locations, many of them can improve dementia. In this research, we examined cognitive rehabilitation by cooperative between remote locations. When they undergo cognitive rehabilitation in remote locations, improvement of their presence is needed and it is assumed that cooperative operation can improve their presence. We chose a maze done by two persons cooperatively as concrete cooperative operation. In our experiment, firstly we compared brain activity between doing the maze and calculating because calculation is used as cognitive rehabilitation. Secondly we examined the possible of improvement of their presence during doing the maze. The result shows that the maze and calculation caused similar brain activity and cooperative operation improve presence. It reveals effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation by cooperative between remote locations.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 二次元感情マップを用いた歩行促進・維持システムの提案と評価

    大澤 優輔, 田中 英一郎, 村松 慶一, 綿貫 啓一

    年次大会   2016 ( 0 ) S1170305  2016年


    <p>Various walking assistance devices which promote rehabilitation and exercise for elderly have been developed. However, these devices can't support walking for exercise, because many elderly feels fatigue and bored in assisted walking. Therefore, the aim of our current study is to assist not only physically but also mentally elderly walkers to keep up their motivation. Concretely, we propose a walking promotion method that walkers listen to the beat sound adjusted according to their emotions with the ankle support assistance device. In order to confirm the effectiveness of the method, we conducted two experiments. The first experiment has four conditions where walkers have the device assist or not and the beat sound assist or not. As a result, the gait was improved with the device and sound assist where target cadences were adjusted according to their walking cycle. The second experiment has two conditions where walkers assisted sound adjusted according to their emotions or not. As a result, awakening levels perceived by the walkers remarked higher than ones in usual walking. These results showed the effectiveness of the method and possibility of the control of the emotion while walking.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 携帯型 NIRS 装置を用いた自動車運転時の眠気評価

    岡部 健太, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 侯 磊, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2016 ( 0 ) S1170205  2016年


    <p>Many traffic accidents in car driving are associated with sleepiness. It is possible to prevent these traffic accidents by detecting sleepiness of the drivers while driving their car and making them pay attention to driving. Since the possibility that cerebral blood flow is related to sleepiness has been suggested, it is assumed that it would be able to evaluate sleepiness by the changes in cerebral blood flow. In this paper, we measured changes in cerebral blood flow during driving a car using a portable near-infrared spectroscopy device. The results show that oxygenated hemoglobin that is included in the cerebral blood flow tends to decrease with the rise of the sleepiness level evaluated by facial expression and that there is the significant difference in mean oxy-Hb between the two sleepiness level. From this vital reaction, it is suggested that the possibility of sleepiness evaluation of a driver using near-infrared spectroscopy and detection of driver's sleepiness at the level that driver's consciousness become low.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 水平振動体感時の不快感による前頭前野の脳賦活解析

    荒川 雄太, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2016 ( 0 ) J1210104  2016年


    <p>In this research paper, we measured brain activities by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) when a person is feeling the discomfort caused by vibration. In particular, we examined the effect on brain activation by the presence or absence of notice sound at the time of the start of vibration. We used a variance of oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) as an evaluation index. We observed a difference in tendency of brain activation between the presence and absence of signal which affect participants in a surprising way. High negative correlation was observed between discomfort to vibration and brain activation around the medial prefrontal cortex, when value of surprise at the start of the vibration is small. High positive correlation is observed between discomfort to vibration and brain activation around the prefrontal cortex outer portion, when value of surprise at the start of the vibration is big. Possibility to evaluate the discomfort is suggested on the basis of brain activation which reflects the changes in the psychological state by surprise.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 多肢選択問題における回答の確信度と脳賦活との関係分析

    藤村 優也, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2016 ( 0 ) J1210102  2016年


    <p>In recent years, the research in intelligent educational systems has much interest in exploring data from educational settings to understand learners behavior and mental states. Therefore, the means to grasp psychological state of learner has been demanded from a more variety of physiological indicators. In present study, it aims to grasp how the learner approach to the question. By measuring the brain activated by using the multiple-choice questions, this study is to analyze the relationship between confidence and brain activation at the time of answer the question. As a result, in the prefrontal cortex frontal pole vicinity, tended to increase oxyHb when there is high confidence of the answer. In addition, answer time tended to be quick when there is high confidence of the answer. The result shows that it may be able to grasp the state of learner by measuring combination of the change of oxyHb and answer time.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • タスク照明の光色に対する選好と視覚疲労の検討

    村松 慶一, 楓 和憲, 田中 英一郎, 綿貫 啓一

    年次大会   2016 ( 0 ) J1210101  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 制御システムへの応用を目的としたMTシステムによる身体動作のモデル化

    淺賀 裕介, 綿貫 啓一, 福田 収一, 楓 和憲, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2016 ( 0 ) J1210105  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 近赤外分光法を用いた自動車運転時の眠気評価

    岡部 健太, 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 侯 磊, 村松 慶一

    IIP情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集   2016 ( 0 ) G - 1-3  2016年


    <p>A number of traffic accidents have occurred due to human errors such as inattentive driving and drowsy driving. Sleepiness is considered as one of the causes of these traffic accidents. For this reason, establishment of the sleepiness evaluation method during driving a car has been required. In this paper, we measured changes in cerebral blood flow during driving a car using a portable near-infrared spectroscopy device. The results show that oxygenated hemoglobin tends to decrease with the rise of the sleepiness level evaluated by facial expression and that there are negative correlations between oxygenated hemoglobin and sleepiness level in many trials. This suggests the possibility of sleepiness evaluation of a driver using near-infrared spectroscopy.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 学習サービス設計における知識共有に向けた受給者の状態に関する概念記述

    村松慶一, 木見田康治, 石井隆稔, 根本裕太郎, 田中英一郎, 綿貫啓一, 松居辰則, 下村芳樹

    日本機械学会設計工学・システム部門講演会論文集(CD-ROM)   25th   ROMBUNNO.3304  2015年09月


  • 歩行・起立・立位補助機の開発

    田中 英一郎, 村松 慶一, 綿貫 啓一, 三枝 省三, 弓削 類

    生活生命支援医療福祉工学系学会連合大会講演要旨集   2015   45 - 45  2015年09月

  • 学習時における学習者の生体情報と心的状態の関係の形式化の試み

    竹花 和真, 田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一

    先進的学習科学と工学研究会   74   34 - 39  2015年07月

    DOI CiNii

  • 神経リハビリテーションに使用される歩行補助機及びその効果

    TANAKA Eiichirou, MURAMATSU Keiichi, WATANUKI Keiichi, SAEGUSA Shozo, YUGE Louis

    Mechanical Engineering Letters (Web)   1  2015年


  • メンターと学習者の合意形成の表現に向けた発話内容の概念化の試み

    村松 慶一, 木見田 康治, 石井 隆稔, 根本 裕太郎, 田中 英一郎, 綿貫 啓一, 松居 辰則, 下村 芳樹

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2015 ( 0 ) 1E5OS11b3 - 1E5OS11b3  2015年



    DOI CiNii

  • テーマパーク来場者に対する満足度向上に向けた混雑情報提供法の検討

    藤野 直輝, 小島 一晃, 田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2015 ( 0 ) 1D24 - 1D24  2015年



    DOI CiNii

  • P-11 多色配色に対する潜在的態度としての嗜好に関する実験的検討(第46回全国大会発表論文集)

    村松 慶一, 方 思源, 田中 英一郎, 綿貫 啓一, 松居 辰則

    日本色彩学会誌   39 ( 5 ) 128 - 129  2015年


  • 223 高大連携による研究インターンシップの教育的効果(OS 社会との連携・一般)

    綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 侯 磊, 村松 慶一, 岡村 起代之

    公開研究会・講演会技術と社会の関連を巡って : 技術史から経営戦略まで : 講演論文集   2015 ( 0 ) 39 - 40  2015年

    DOI CiNii

  • 3304 学習サービス設計における知臓共有に向けた受給者の状態に関する概念記述(OS4-2 知識マネジメント・情報共有2,OS4 知識マネジメント・情報共有)

    村松 慶一, 木見田 康治, 石井 隆稔, 根本 裕太郎, 田中 英一郎, 綿貫 啓一, 松居 辰則, 下村 芳樹

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2015 ( 0 ) _3304 - 1_-_3304-6_  2015年


    Recently, view point of service has been widespread. In learning domains, service providers have been required to adopt it and to provide values co-created by teachers and learners. The value co-creation takes place in joint sphere where providers and customers make interaction, and the value is subjectively perceived by receivers (learners in learning service). That is, a mental state of leaner is one of possible value in the co-creation. The current study aims to develop a conceptual framework which describes mental states of learners for specifying values in the co-creation. As a result, we proposed ontological descriptions of learning event which consists of a teacher, a learner, learning materials, and a learning action by the learner. In concrete terms, we proposed ontological descriptions for receiver states in a learning activity, on the basis of a conceptual model of value co-creation. The ontological descriptions are useful for sharing knowledge on values perceived by learners to design learning services.

    DOI CiNii

  • 2307 歩行補助機の実用化に向けた開発および評価(GS1-2 一般セッション(2),GS1 一般セッション)

    田中 英一郎, 村松 慶一, 綿貫 啓一, 三枝 省三, 弓削 類

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集   2015 ( 0 ) _2307 - 1_-_2307-7_  2015年


    We developed a walking assistance apparatus which can be used for neuro-rehabilitation of patients. This apparatus assists only the ankle joints of the equipped person and he/she can raise his/her leg by using the stretch reflex to bi-articular muscle. To confirm the effectiveness of the apparatus, we carried out the experiment for the patients of walking with wearing the apparatus, and the angle variation of the ankle was measured. From the results, by using this apparatus, the dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the ankle joint of the equipped person can increase while walking. Furthermore, to grasp the lifetime limit of the apparatus, we developed the fatigue test apparatus for the power transmission device of the walking assistance apparatus: from the motor to the worm-helical gearbox through the flexible shaft. This apparatus supplies the power with the motor which is the same as the motor which is used in the walking apparatus. As a result, we could define the limit to replace of the flexible shaft according to the condition of the user.

    DOI CiNii

  • J1210104 脳賦活反応解析による音楽聴取時の感情評価

    丹下 和哉, 綿貫 啓一, 侯 磊, 村松 慶一

    年次大会   2015 ( 0 ) _J1210104 - -_J1210104-  2015年


    In recent years, the way to alleviate the disease by using of music that is so-called music therapy, has become popular in Japan. The music therapy is a therapeutic pedagogical technique which is carried out towards the recovery of cognitive and emotional disorders by using of music. Due to awareness of health in the super-aging society of Japan, demands for music therapy is increasing. However, it is difficult to appeal a preference of music for patients who have disorder of speech. Therefore, objective measurement method of emotion, like a measurement method of brain activity, is necessary for provision of music that fit each patients. In this paper, we conducted analysis of brain activity by using of Near-infrared spectoroscopy during listening to music. In our experiment, subjects listened to six kinds of music that combined various tempos and keys. The result shows that each combination of keys and tempos caused different brain activity. It reveals that emotions during listening to music can be identified by using of brain activity.

    DOI CiNii

  • 生理指標に着目した擬人化エージェントの顔画像提示時間の違いが情動反応に与える影響

    田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   29   1 - 4  2015年



    DOI CiNii

  • 人が表出する特徴的キューのエージェントへの応用に対する考察

    桶原 葵, 田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2015 ( 0 ) 3D33 - 3D33  2015年



    DOI CiNii

  • 視覚的イメージの伝達コミュニケーションにおけるオノマトペと感覚モダリティの関連構造分析

    青木 三枝, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   14 ( 1 ) 145 - 153  2015年


    When a company or an individual disseminate their information on advertising and sales promotion. Between several people who is a client and a designer or a designer and an illustrator and a photographer have a scene to share the visual image. In the transmission communication of visual image, onomatopoeia is able to convey information with a sense of reality. Onomatopoeia because the words that are interpreted by the sense modality. (the sense modality : Visual, Auditory, Olfactory, Gustatory, Tactual) Therefore, in this study, it was intended from association with sensory modality of onomatopoeia in the transfer communication of visual image, and to clarify the relational structure of onomatopoeia. Elucidation of the semantic structure was included ambiguity of onomatopoeia. It will enable the discussion about how to use and understandable meaning of onomatopoeia. The onomatopoeia of 200 words were investigated by the MD method and analyzed using the SS analysis and cluster analysis. And we assume that the semantic interpretation is determined by the strength of the association of the Modal. I discussed the rank structure. As a result, it is considered onomatopoeia of the group that there is a direction of understanding meaning is effective communication to convey the impression with vague. In addition, differences were observed in the technique of description and usage, selection onomatopoeia between expert and novice. It depends on skills and knowledge.

    DOI CiNii

  • 通様相性に基づいた五感の心理的属性に関するオントロジー記述

    村松 慶一, 田原 紫, 齋藤 美穂, 松居 辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   14 ( 1 ) 163 - 172  2015年


    Sharing and managing knowledge on human Kansei obtained in several study fields are of growing significance to providing product's values focused on customers. However, few sufficiently-advanced technologies that realize such knowledge sharing and management have been established. One typical approach is to clarify and systematize concepts as an ontology. In the current study, we developed an ontology to describe correspondence of affective meaning spaces analyzed by semantic differential method. First, we collect literatures reveal the affective meaning evaluated through the five senses and their inter-modality. Second, we described the concepts on the basis of an ontology of color emotions. Then, we demonstrated and evaluated the usefulness of the ontology in a design situation. As a result, we confirmed that the ontology will serve as a useful reference and be of assistance to designers.

    DOI CiNii

  • 音訳意図が反映される「間(ま)」の特徴の定量化の試み

    高松 美也子, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   14 ( 1 ) 181 - 190  2015年


    This is research on &ldquo;Pause&rdquo; in the speech language producing from a printed book by Transliteration Person: Transliteration Person produces a talking book for visually-impaired people from a printed book. &ldquo;Pause&rdquo; on the speech language is required faithful to original printed book, because Transliteration Person has to reproduce the author's intention. So we experimented in how to use &ldquo;Pause&rdquo; on the speech language with Transliteration Person. As a result, it was shown that &ldquo;Short Pause&rdquo; inserted by Transliteration Person is important to produce faithful talking book from original printed book: &ldquo;Short Pause&rdquo; is 0.5 second or less. In the future work, we would like to show clearly that &ldquo;Short Pause&rdquo; is concerned with comfortable rhythm and tempo for faithful speech language from original printed book.

    DOI CiNii

  • 「人工感性」システムの実現を指向した多色配色の美的感性をもつ計算モデルの構築

    方 思源, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2015 ( 0 ) 4J13 - 4J13  2015年


    <p>本研究では、多色配色に対する審美的評価ルールをシミュレートする計算モデルをBPニューラルネットワークで構築した。SD法の心理学実験を通して理論的枠組みであるHelmut Lederの心理学モデルを定量化し、それに基づき計算モデルの構造を決定し、学習率などのシステムパラメータを遺伝的アルゴリズムによって最適化した。性能テストの結果、本計算モデルは多色配色の審美的評価値に対して高い予測能力を有した。</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 学習サービスにおける共創価値の向上のための合意形成手法

    木見田康冶, 杉野涼太, 石井隆稔, 村松慶一, 松居辰則, 下村芳樹

    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)   58th   ROMBUNNO.2E4‐1  2015年


  • J1210105 学習サービス設計における学習状態に関する概念記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 木見田 康治, 石井 隆稔, 根本 裕太郎, 田中 英一郎, 綿貫 啓一, 松居 辰則, 下村 芳樹

    年次大会   2015 ( 0 ) _J1210105 - -_J1210105-  2015年


    Recently, view point of service has been widespread. In learning domains, service providers have been required to adopt it and to provide values co-created by teachers and learners. The current study aims conceptualization of learners states extracted from utterance contents agreed by a teacher (mentor) and a leaner along with conversation analysis in the previous study. As a result, we proposed ontological descriptions which clarify ASIS/TOBE states perceived by teachers and learners.


  • 学習行為に関わる感情の構造的理解に向けた評定尺度の体系化の試み

    村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    先進的学習科学と工学研究会   71   9 - 12  2014年07月

    DOI CiNii

  • 定性表現を用いた人型エージェントの目の形態的特徴が人間の情動状態に与える影響の理論的検討

    田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    先進的学習科学と工学研究会   71   17 - 22  2014年07月

    DOI CiNii

  • 電子部品設計における知識共有のためのCHARMモデルの構築

    御代田 彰, 村松 慶一, 林 勇吾

    先進的学習科学と工学研究会   70   23 - 29  2014年03月


  • 脳機能の定性表現による人型エージェントに対する否定的情動反応形成モデルの提案

    田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    先進的学習科学と工学研究会   70   49 - 54  2014年03月


  • 学習行為に関わる感情構造の統一的記述に向けたオントロジー記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2014 ( 0 ) 4D13 - 4D13  2014年



    DOI CiNii

  • 音訳表現における伝達支援のための「間(ま)」の形式化の試み:-時間的間隔の「間(ま)」に関する実験的検討-

    高松 美也子, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   13 ( 5 ) 579 - 589  2014年


    Some pauses are found in natural reading a book aloud, which work to support smooth communication. They are supposed to be working in transliterating service for visually impaired people. In this study, we propose types and functions of the pauses in that situation. We conducted an experiment to record speeches of 3 transliterators. As a result, 2 types of pauses were extracted; pause as visual information, and pause as easy-to-understand. In the both type usage, an expert made better use of the short pauses which put 0.5 second or less in the speeches than other transliterators. This suggests that the short pauses have an important function to support the smooth communication. In the future work, we analyze pitches and other parameters to specify the characteristics of expression with the short pauses.

    DOI CiNii

  • 脳機能の定性的記述を用いた人型エージェントに対する情動評価の時系列的変化モデルの提案

    田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2014 ( 0 ) 1E31 - 1E31  2014年



    DOI CiNii

  • 多肢選択問題の回答における視線の選択肢走査の実験的記述

    小島 一晃, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    教育システム情報学会誌   31 ( 2 ) 197 - 202  2014年

    DOI CiNii

  • 感情の二重経路と海馬に着目した不気味の谷発生メカニズムのモデル化の試み (ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎)

    田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報   113 ( 185 ) 39 - 44  2013年08月




  • Control-value theoryに基づく学習者の心的状態の構造化

    村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    先進的学習科学と工学研究会   68   19 - 22  2013年06月


  • Perceptional Magnet Effectと感情の二重経路説の統合による不気味の谷発生メカニズムモデルの提案

    田和辻 可昌, 村松 慶一, 小島 一晃

    先進的学習科学と工学研究会   68   51 - 54  2013年06月


  • スポーツにおける新聞記事の見出し文字配色が記事内容の理解に及ぼす影響に関する定量的分析

    伊沢 浩志, 村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    日本色彩学会誌   37 ( 3 ) 302 - 303  2013年05月


  • カラーカードとディスプレイにおける色彩感情に関する因子構造の比較

    田原 紫, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則, 斎藤 美穂

    日本色彩学会誌   37 ( 3 ) 304 - 305  2013年05月


  • 汎用デバイスからのリソースを用いた多肢選択問題回答時の確信の推定手法の検討

    小島 一晃, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   JSAI2013   4J1OS236 - 4J1OS236  2013年



    DOI CiNii

  • 学習者の心的状態に関する知識記述と管理に向けたAcademic Emotionの概念整理

    村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2013 ( 0 ) 4J1OS231 - 4J1OS231  2013年


    <p>学習者の知識・理解状態に加えて心的状態を考慮した支援を行う知的メンタリングシステムの実現のためには,心的状態に関する知識記述・管理が必要である.学業に関する文脈で学習者が経験する感情は包括的にAcademic Emotionと呼ばれており,学習者の特性や一時的な心的状態との概念的な関係は明確でない.そこで,知的メンタリングシステムにおける学習者モデルに記述されるべき感情の概念を整理する.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 行動情報の時系列解析による演奏者間コミュニケーションモデルの構築

    三宅 明日香, 山内 千尋, 村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   12 ( 3 ) 415 - 423  2013年


    Besides skills in musical expression, exact timing among music players is required in excellent performances. In order to synchronize each respective sound of music among players, they must use a variety of information. In case of four-hand performances on the piano or performances by a band, for example, information such as musical sounds, body movements and gazes is considered to play critical roles. In this study, we empirically investigated roles of the information as communication channels between music players. We conducted an experiment where pairs of players performed music with a constant tempo, one varying its tempo and one including a long rest on the piano. They played the three sets of music both in a face-to-face setting where they could watch each other and a back-to-back setting where they could not. According to the results of the experiment, we then proposed communication models of players in music performances.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Effects of Motif Composition on Impressions of Paintings: In the Case of Katsushika Hokusai's "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji"

    Yuka NOJO, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    International Journal of Affective Engineering   12 ( 2 ) 127 - 133  2013年


  • Structural Equation Modeling for Relationships between Color Attributes and Dimensions of Emotional State

    Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsuo TOGAWA, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    International Journal of Affective Engineering   12 ( 2 ) 251 - 257  2013年


  • The Effects of Motif Composition on Impressions of Paintings: In the Case of Katsushika Hokusai's "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji"

    Yuka NOJO, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    International Journal of Affective Engineering   12 ( 2 ) 127 - 133  2013年


  • Structural Equation Modeling for Relationships between Color Attributes and Dimensions of Emotional State

    Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsuo TOGAWA, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI

    International Journal of Affective Engineering   12 ( 2 ) 251 - 257  2013年


  • 多肢選択問題における確信度による問題読解プロセスの変容の実験的検討

    小島 一晃, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    先進的学習科学と工学研究会   65   25 - 30  2012年07月


  • 多肢選択問題に対する学習者の視線と心的状態に関するオントロジー記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会第二種研究会資料   2012 ( SWO-027 ) 04  2012年05月



    DOI CiNii

  • 感性次元モデルに基づく多次元連結ニューラルネットワークによる感性評価

    小川 浩二, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    日本色彩学会誌   36 ( Supplement ) 78 - 79  2012年05月


  • 色彩感情に基づく画像検索に向けたオントロジーの構築

    村松 慶一, 戸川 達男, 松居 辰則

    日本色彩学会誌   36 ( Supplement ) 152 - 153  2012年05月


  • 知的メンタリングシステム構築に向けた学習者の行動情報と心的状態の関係に関する実験的検討

    松居 辰則, 小島 一晃, 村松 慶一

    先進的学習科学と工学研究会   64 ( 0 ) 1 - 6  2012年03月


  • 視線を用いた多肢選択問題の回答プロセスと確信度の分析手法の実験的考案

    小島 一晃, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2012 ( 0 ) 1F2OS114 - 1F2OS114  2012年



    DOI CiNii

  • 多肢選択問題に対する回答行動と心理状態に関するオントロジー記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2012 ( 0 ) 1F2OS115 - 1F2OS115  2012年



    DOI CiNii

  • 書道の運筆に着目した感情表出手法の検討

    山内 千尋, 黒川 裕加里, 村松 慶一, 堀口 祐樹, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   11 ( 3 ) 491 - 494  2012年


    In calligraphy, calligraphers express their emotions in calligraphic characters and that impress people who view the characters. Calligraphers generally acquire tacit techniques for expressing emotions by themselves and, therefore, the knowledge on the technique is difficult to be shared. We experimentally studied features of calligraphic characters expressing five different emotions, using writings created by an expert calligrapher. We classified fundamental strokes comprising the characters based on stroking methods defined in &lsquo;Eijihappo&rsquo; and then extracted knowledge on emotion expression techniques in drawing strokes.

    DOI CiNii

  • ニューラルネットワークを用いた色彩に対する感性次元の構築

    小川 浩二, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NC, ニューロコンピューティング   111 ( 241 ) 89 - 94  2011年10月




  • 感性的なインタラクションに向けた色彩と感情状態の記述

    村松 慶一, 戸川 達男, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会第二種研究会資料   2011 ( SWO-025 ) 07  2011年10月



    DOI CiNii

  • F-011 色彩感情研究における主観的データのオントロジーに基づく記述(知識処理,F分野:人工知能・ゲーム)

    村松 慶一, 戸川 達男, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集   10 ( 2 ) 405 - 412  2011年09月


  • 評定尺度の関係に着目した色彩感情の記述

    村松 慶一, 戸川 達男, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会第二種研究会資料   2011 ( SWO-024 ) 05  2011年06月



    DOI CiNii

  • 色彩感情における記述的尺度と評価的尺度の関係構造に関する実験的検証

    村松 慶一, 戸川 達男, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    日本色彩学会誌   35 ( Supplement ) 32 - 33  2011年05月  [査読有り]


  • 多層連結ニューラルネットワークを用いた色彩感性評価

    小川 浩二, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    日本色彩学会誌   35 ( Supplement ) 70 - 71  2011年05月  [査読有り]


  • 視線に基づく多肢選択問題の回答行動と確信の実験的検討

    村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    先進的学習科学と工学研究会   61   13 - 18  2011年03月


  • 第21回教育システム若手の会報告--教育システム研究のこれから

    倉山 めぐみ, 遠海 友紀, 村松 慶一

    先進的学習科学と工学研究会   61   43 - 48  2011年03月


  • 色刺激に対する印象と感情における関係構造の考察

    村松 慶一, 戸川 達男, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2011 ( 0 ) 3G13 - 3G13  2011年



    DOI CiNii

  • 印象に関する知識記述のための感情誤帰属手続きを用いた特性の抽出

    村松 慶一, 戸川 達男, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   10 ( 2 ) 231 - 238  2011年


    Human kansei is one of the important factors in recent product development. Thus, management of knowledge about consumers' feelings is an essential task in current industrial design. For the purpose of such the knowledge management, development of a descriptive method to identify feelings is needed. In this paper, we measured implicit attitudes to color combinations using affect misattribution procedure, and we analyzed proportions of positive responses to each stimulus. The results showed that chroma contrast was explained by a concept of perceptual fluency. According to the finding, we discuss significance of the perceptual fluency which links physical features and impressions from the viewpoint of ontological description. The discussion indicated a need for development of a descriptive method for correspondence between physical features and impressions explained by perceptual fluency (e.g. symmetry, contrast, prototypicality).

    DOI CiNii

  • 情報処理の観点に基づいた印象に関する知識表現

    村松 慶一, 戸川 達男, 小島 一晃

    先進的学習科学と工学研究会   59   13 - 18  2010年07月


  • 行為者の気づきに基づいた印象に関する知識表現

    村松 慶一, 戸川 達男, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会第二種研究会資料   2010 ( SWO-022 ) 05  2010年07月



    DOI CiNii

  • ニューラルネットワークを用いた色彩の印象評価シミュレーション構築

    小川 浩二, 村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    日本色彩学会誌   34 ( Supplement ) 46 - 47  2010年05月  [査読有り]


  • 逐次分析に着目した脳型意思決定システムの構築 : 逐次分析・強化学習・SOM学習で構成された五目並べシステムの作成

    黒木 暁, 村松 慶一, 小島 一晃, 松居 辰則

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NC, ニューロコンピューティング   109 ( 461 ) 455 - 460  2010年03月


    本稿では脳という高度な情報処理機構を手本に新しい情報処理機構を構築するという目的の下,逐次分析(SA : Sequential Analysis)を中心として強化学習(RL : Reinforcement Learning),自己組織化マップ(SOM : Self organizing Map)を組み合わせた脳型意思決定モデルを提案する.神経科学や経済学における意思決定に関する先行研究との比較と,本モデルを基にしたコンピューターシミュレーション実験によって,本モデルが人間の意思決定をどの程度再現しているか検証した.その結果から,本モデルの妥当性と,特に大脳新皮質における意思決定処理の再現性が示唆された.


  • 内容指向アプローチによる印象に関する知識記述の試み

    村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2010 ( 0 ) 1B42 - 1B42  2010年



    DOI CiNii

  • コンテントスペースの概念に基づく美的感性と心の構造の理解

    村松 慶一, 松居 辰則

    日本感性工学会論文誌   8 ( 3 ) 819 - 828  2009年


    This study is to constitute a framework for understanding aesthetic sensibility by introducing a mental model called the content space which is defined as a set of all possible contents of consciousness. An aesthetic sensation is a conscious process, thus it belongs to the content space. On the other hand, all mental process must be realized by neural activities which were initially evolved in human ancestors. Because aesthetic sensation is a content of consciousness appeared only in human, it is highly probable that its origin can be explained by a correlating process of biological evolution and cultural development. As the bridge between mental and physiological processes, the emotion and mood relating aesthetic sensation are also considered in the proposed model.

    DOI CiNii

  • 1-P2-129 嚥下補助床による左右咽頭通過に対する食塊誘導の予備的研究(嚥下障害・治療1,ポスター,一般演題,実学としてのリハビリテーションの継承と発展,第44回日本リハビリテーション医学会学術集会)

    小山 祐司, 花山 耕三, 石田 暉, 酒泉 和夫, 村松 慶一

    リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌   44   S343  2007年05月




  • LED装置及び発光表示構造


    増子 直也, 金平 隆史, 田崎 益次, 石黒 英治, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲



  • 照明装置


    増子 直也, 石黒 英治, 川口 武, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一



  • 教師データ生成装置、教師データ生成用プログラム、画像認識装置、及び画像認識用プログラム

    綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲, 風間 伸介, 大志茂 純



  • バックライト光源評価方法及びバックライト光源評価装置

    増子 直也, 石黒 英治, 金平 隆史, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲



  • 光源、LED装置及び発光表示構造

    増子 直也, 金平 隆史, 田崎 益次, 石黒 英治, 綿貫 啓一, 村松 慶一, 楓 和憲



  • 光源、LED装置及び発光表示構造

    増子直也, 村松慶一, 楓和憲, 田崎益次, 石黒英治, 綿貫啓一, 金平隆史


  • バックライト光源評価方法及びバックライト光源評価装置

    増子直也, 村松慶一, 楓和憲, 石黒英治, 綿貫啓一, 金平隆史








  • 学習目標を表現する構成概念の収集と分類



    In higher education, matching learner expectations with course content is one of the most important aspects of facilitating meaningful skill development. However, the learning objectives stated in many courses describe behavioral objectives that are dependent on the domain of learning. In other words, conceptually the same learning objectives may appear different on the surface if they are expressed in terms related to different domain. The purpose of this study is to develop a more cohesive way of expressing educational objectives that overcomes domain-specific limitations. Therefore, in this study, we focused on the constructs that express learning objectives, and examined a method of organizing learning objectives at a higher level of abstraction by collecting and categorizing the objectives. In particular, the analysis was conducted on the objectives expected by the teachers. First, to clarify what kind of keywords are included in the constructs that express the learning objectives, we collected and organized the student's free writing. As a result, keywords related to students' viewpoints or perspectives were collected. A cluster analysis was conducted to group the keywords that had overlapping meanings. Next, a survey was conducted to ask teachers to associate the collected keywords with their courses. Latent class analysis was performed on the obtained data to classify the constructs used to express the learning objectives of each course. As a result, keywords related to the constructs were divided into several groups. These groups of keywords are considered useful in clearly expressing the learning objectives of each course. In other words, it is possible to express the difference among subjects by indicating to which group the subjects are related. However, it is necessary to verify whether the grouping of keywords is sufficiently valid.

  • 感性価値認識モデルにおける主観評価と客観評価のマッピング



    The purpose of this study was to mapsubjective evaluations of emotional values and objective evaluations such asbiometric information in a model of emotional value recognition. Bysystematizing the findings on Kansei evaluation, we aimed to understand themental structure of Kansei value recognition in a unified manner.&nbsp;A particular feature of thissystematization is that it systematizes existing knowledge by focusing on thelatent relational structure of the objects of Kansei&nbsp;evaluation. Forexample, since impressions derived from each of the five senses have a commonstructure called intermodality, they can be modeled from a macroscopicviewpoint.&nbsp; We attempted to refine theontology model of Kansei&nbsp;value recognition by referring to the subjectiveand objective evaluations obtained so far. As one of the results, we reportedsome ontological descriptions of designing Kansei&nbsp;value creation.Specifically, we conceptualized "value creation" and "valuecapture" as design models and defined a vocabulary of design elements thatcomprise them. In addition, the mental states of service recipients handled inKansei engineering and other fields are conceptualized as part of the designelements. This ontology description enables the mental state of the receiver tobe handled along with other service elements when designing services.

  • 感性シミュレーションに向けたメタ・モデルの構築

    2021年   田和辻可昌


    The purpose of this study is to construct a meta-model that absorbs model differences and captures multiple variables in a unified manner, and an ontology that defines its elements, as a conceptual foundation for integrating and simulating computable models of Kansei. Specifically, we aim to realize seamless use of knowledge by building a simulation model of color emotion and a model of brain functions that process color information, and integrating them based on the meta-model. This research theme is succeeded by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C).As one of the results so far, we have conducted experiments to investigate the factors causing the uncanny valley phenomenon. One possible factor is category ambiguity. We focused on the neural dynamics of neurons in the inferior temporal cortex (ITC) as a neural mechanism for generating category ambiguity. We simulated and observed the activity of neurons when inputting ambiguous stimuli in which elements of two categories are mixed, and found that category ambiguity prolongs the response latency. In addition, we experimentally tested the following hypothesis to clarify the relationship between the latency of human response to ambiguous stimuli and the combination of categories to which the elements to be mixed during the creation of ambiguous stimuli belong.&nbsp; In this experiment, subjects were asked to perform two alternative forced-choice delayed matching-sample tasks.&nbsp; We have been analyzing the gaze of the participants acquired during the task, which will be presented at an international conference later in the year.

  • 感性シミュレーションに向けた色彩感情モデルの概念整理



    Thepurpose of this study is to build a meta-model that absorbs model differencesand captures multiple variables in a unified manner. Specifically we developedan ontology that defines its elements, as a conceptual basis for integratingand simulating computable models of Kansei. Each of the studies to gain insightinto Kansei is based on some model. For example, when simulations are performedto obtain design solutions for Kansei design, there is no consistent foundationfor using this knowledge, which is not only inconvenient but also makes itdifficult to understand the behavior of parameters in a unified manner. Toestablish a methodology for knowledge utilization, we constructed a meta-modeland an ontology. Specifically, we organized the structure, concepts, andknowledge of the model necessary for the simulation of color emotion.Specifically, we reviewed our previous studies on color emotion and attemptedto construct an ontology of the concepts underlying these models.As oneof the results, we reported on the examination of color emotion and colorrendering for facial color and average face.Emotionalresponses to color stimuli are called color emotions, and the relationshipbetween color attributes and color emotions has been discussed in previousstudies. In this study, an analysis was conducted to clarify the relationshipbetween color rendering and color emotion with respect to facial color using alighting system that controls color rendering. The lighting system used hasfour colors (red, green, blue, and yellow) of LEDs to enhance color rendering.By bringing together the two previous studies, this study comprehensivelyexamined color rendering and color preference for the average face. On the basisof the model of the relationship between color emotion and color renderingobtained by the two studies, we compared the color emotion of the average facecolor with the huce skin color, and found that color shifts in the direction ofred and green. The results suggest that monochromatic and average facialimpressions are affected differently.

  • 熟達設計者の設計知識の表出と行為モデルに基づく知識共有による設計力向上の評価



    日本の製造業が競争力をつけていくためには,品質,コスト,納期を確保する必要性が指摘されている.製品開発を行う中の上流工程となる開発・設計においては,設計品質の向上および設計力向上を目的として(1) 設計の自動化,(2) 設計ミスの撲滅,(3) 設計資産の再活用といった設計業務の効率化が多くの企業で取り組まれている.(1) 設計の自動化に必要な諸々の数値解析や数値制御のためには,人が設計の中で行っていることを形式知化する必要がある.(2) 設計ミス撲滅に関しては,設計の開始前,途中段階,最終段階のそれぞれにおいて設計者および設計関係者が設計情報のレビューを行いながら,情報の共有を行う必要がある.(3) 設計資産の再活用については,設計資産の蓄積を図りながらデータベースの整備を行う必要がある.これらの取り組みにおいて共通した課題は,人が設計する際に用いる経験やノウハウといった暗黙的な知識を明示的に記述し共有するということであり,それを阻害している最大の要因は,設計に関わる知識が設計者の熟達レベルに強く依存していることである.そこで,本研究では,設計力向上に向けて熟達者が行っている設計方法に関して,設計者が持っている知識とノウハウを表出し,共有,伝承することを目的とした.具体的には,半導体基板の設計を題材として(1) 設計者の観点による設計行為(知識)の表出および設計行為モデルの記述,(2) 設計行為モデルに基づいた設計品質および設計力向上の実務的な評価である.本研究の成果は,設計力向上に向けて熟達者が行っている設計方法とその知識を表出・共有するための設計行為モデルの構築である.このモデルは既往研究で提案されている人間行動モデル CHARM(Convincing Human Action Rationalized Model)に基づいている.既往研究では看護行為を対象にして看護をする動作を扱ったのに対して,本研究の設計行為においては設計者の思考過程を扱った点が異なる.まず,設計者が設計行為を行う際に使用する設計手順書,設計基準書,そして作業マニュアルをもとに設計行為を熟達者の視点から整理することによって,設計の熟達者が何を考えて設計を行っているかということを明示することができた.さらに,構築した設計行為モデルの有用性を検討するために,(1) リファレンスを与えない初心者,(2) 作業マニュアルを与えた初心者,(3) 設計行為モデルを与えた初心者,(4) 熟達者による設計データを比較した.その結果,構築した設計行為モデルは初心者が設計に対する理解を進めるために有用であることが示唆された.ただし,同一の実験参加者の設計経験,参照するリファレンスの情報量の差による影響が明確でないという点が今後の課題として残されている.

  • 色彩感情に関するセマンティックギャップ解決に向けた色彩感情オントロジーの構築



    画像の特徴量から類似した画像を検索するという,内容に基づいた画像検索(Content-Based Image Retrieval)において,画像の表現と画像の意味内容が直接的に結びつかないことが問題である.画像の表現というlow-levelな特徴量と,画像の意味内容というhigh-levelな概念との間の隔たりはsemantic gapと呼ばれており,その解決のための一つのアプローチとして,画像を構成するオブジェクトに関する概念を記述したオントロジーを利用されている.本研究では,色彩感情に関する概念をオントロジーとしてまとめると共に,色彩感情に基づく画像検索のsemantic gap解決に向けたオントロジーの適用を検討した.オントロジーを利用するアプローチでは,low-levelな特徴量および中間レベルの語彙を構成要素としてhigh-levelな概念が記述された体系を参照モデルとして利用する.例えば,画像における「空」というhigh-levelな概念は,上方領域で青色成分の頻度が高いというlow-levelな特徴量を指していると考えられ,さらに概念と特徴量との中間レベルの粒度では「空間的位置が上かつ色が青」と表すことができる.ここでの「空間的位置」「上」「色」「青」という語彙がオントロジーとして記述されるものであり,概念と特徴量を意味的・内容的に仲介する役割を果たしている.類似した色彩感情を与える画像を検索する際のsemantic gapを解決するためには,画像内のオブジェクトに関するオントロジーではなく,それによって生じる色彩感情に関するオントロジーが必要となる.色彩感情に関する多くの研究成果に共通して,明度はheavy/light,彩度はactive/passive,色相はwarm/coolの反応と対応することが指摘されている.そこで,それらの測定に用いられるSemantic Differential尺度の形容語を取集し,心理的な属性および属性値の概念として定義した.具体的には,明度,彩度,色相という属性概念と明度量,彩度量,色相量という属性値の概念である.これらの概念を定義するにあたり,上位オントロジーであるYAMATO (Yet Another More Advanced Top-level Ontology)を参照した.本研究の成果として,オントロジーで定義した明度量,彩度量,色相量の概念を用いて形容語と色空間座標の関係を明示することができた.画像検索で利用する場合には,ユーザが意図する色彩感情の概念についてオントロジーから形容語と色空間座標の関係を抽出することで,画像検索に用いる特徴量に対して適切な制約を課すことが可能になると考えられる.また,検索結果を出力する際に個々の画像と関連した形容語を提示することも可能であると考えられる.
