Updated on 2025/03/13

Faculty of Commerce, School of Commerce
Job title
Assistant Professor
Doctor of Education ( Waseda University )

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Education  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Liberal Arts   International Liberal Arts  

Committee Memberships

  • 2018.04

    田辺英語教育学研究会  幹事

  • 2017.04

    英語音声学会  運営委員

  • 2017.04

    田辺英語教育学研究会  幹事

  • 2015.04

    田辺英語教育学研究会  幹事

Professional Memberships


    The English Phonetics Society of Japan


    Tanabe Applied Linguistics Kenkyuukai


    Tanabe Applied Linguistics Kenkyukai



Research Areas

  • Foreign language education

Research Interests

  • second language acquisition, corrective feedback


  • 日本英語音声学会奨励賞




  • EFL Teachers’ L1 Backgrounds, Beliefs, and the Characteristics of Their Corrective Feedback

    Yoko Asari

    The Journal of Asia TEFL   16 ( 1 ) 250 - 266  2019.04  [Refereed]

  • Salience-Enhanced Recasts and Their Effects on Learners' Production of Uptake and Modified Output

    Yoko Asari

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   21 ( 1 ) 65 - 84  2017.07  [Refereed]

  • 翻訳におけるコミュニケーション方略使用:村上春樹作品英訳の分析


    Dialogue   ( 15 ) 1 - 15  2017.03  [Refereed]

  • The Beliefs in Performance of Native Speaker and Non-Native Speaker Teachers of English: A study of corrective feedback provision for phonological errors


    英語音声学     199 - 211  2014.11  [Refereed]

  • Non-Native Speakers as EFL Teachers: Their corrective feedback and its limitations

    Yoko Asari

    Proceedings for the 12th International Asia TEFL Conference and 23rd MELTA Conference     1079  2014.08  [Refereed]

  • Treatment of Morphosyntactic, Lexical, and Phonological Errors: An analysis of recasts on EFL learners' oral production


    英語音声学     235 - 247  2013.12  [Refereed]

  • The Impact of Recasts on EFL Learners' Developmental Sequence for Question Formation

    Yoko Asari

    Proceedings for the 5th International Conference on Language and Communication    2013.12  [Refereed]

  • The Teachers' L1 Backgrounds and the Characteristics of their Feedback

    Yoko Asari

    Selected Papers of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     22 - 30  2013.03  [Refereed]

  • The Relationship Between the Timing of Recasts, Repair, and Learners' Proficiency Levels: Analysis of NS-NNS recast episodes

    Yoko Asari

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     21 - 34  2012.12  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • Investigation of the Effect of Recasts from Multiple Perspectives: The method, the teacher, and the learner

    浅利庸子( Part: Sole author)

    早稲田大学  2016.03


  • Examining Formulaic Sequences in Japanese High School Textbooks

    Yoko Asari

    15th Annual CamTESOL  (Cambodia) 

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • Written Corrective Feedback: The role of metalinguistic explanation

    Yoko Asari

    Pan Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • The role of Metalinguistic Information in Written Feedback

    Yoko Asari

    16th Asia TEFL  (Macau) 

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • The Effect of Written Feedback and Modified Output

    Yoko Asari

    36th Annual International TESOL France Colloquium  (パリ) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • The Effect of Direct and Indirect Written Feedback on EFL Learners’ Tense Errors


    The 22nd Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistic Conference  (Seoul/Hanyang University) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Native Speaker and Non-Native Speaker Teachers' Provision of Corrective Feedback


    The 21st Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  (Taiwan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • Difference Between NS and NNS English Teachers in Their Preference in Error Treatment


    日本英語音声学会創立20周年記念全国大会  (広島) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • The Impact of Salience-Enhanced Recasts on EFL Learners' Question Forms


    日本第二英語習得学会 第15回年次大会  (広島大学(広島)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • The Impact of Recasts on EFL Learners' Development of Question Forms


    The British Assoication of Applied Linguistics 2014 Conference  (ウォリック(イギリス)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Non-Native Speakers as EFL Teachers: Their corrective feedback and its limitations


    Asia Teaching English as a Foreign Language International Conference 2014  (クチン(マレーシア)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • Investigating Recast Provision in Relation to Native/Non-Native Speaker Status


    19th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  (早稲田大学(東京)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • Teachers with Different L1 Backgrounds and Their Corrective Feedback Strategies


    AILA World Congress 2014  (ブリスベン(オーストラリア)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • Non-Native Speakers as EFL Teachers: Treatment of phonological errors


    日本英語音声学会 第19回全国研究大会  (大分(九州)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • Reexamining Recasts: Factors influencing the efficacy of recasts


    17th Recontre Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences du Language  (パリ(フランス)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • The Impact of Recasts on EFL Learners' Developmental Sequence for Question Formation


    The 5th International Conference on Language and Communication  (バンコク(タイ)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • Examining the Role of Recasts and Uptake


    International Conference on Language and Teaching  (神戸) 

    Presentation date: 2013.10

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Research Projects

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  • 英語で読む村上春樹 3月号

    辛島デイヴィッド 浅利庸子

    NHKテキスト 英語で読む村上春樹 世界のなかの日本文学 3月号   ( 3月 ) 1  2017.02

  • 英語で読む村上春樹 2月号

    辛島デイヴィッド 浅利庸子

    NHKテキスト 英語で読む村上春樹 世界のなかの日本文学 2月号   ( 2月 ) 1  2017.01

  • 英語で読む村上春樹 1月号

    辛島デイヴィッド 浅利庸子

    NHKテキスト 英語で読む村上春樹 世界のなかの日本文学 1月号   ( 1月 ) 1  2016.12

  • 英語で読む村上春樹 12月号

    辛島デイヴィッド 浅利庸子

    NHKテキスト 英語で読む村上春樹 世界のなかの日本文学 12月号   ( 12月 ) 7 - 105  2016.11

  • 英語で読む村上春樹 11月号

    辛島デイヴィッド 浅利庸子

    NHKテキスト 英語で読む村上春樹 世界のなかの日本文学 11月号   ( 11月 ) 7 - 127  2016.10

  • 英語で読む村上春樹 10月

    辛島デイヴィッド 浅利庸子

    NHKテキスト 英語で読む村上春樹 世界のなかの日本文学 10月号   ( 10月 ) 7 - 78  2016.09

  • 英語で読む村上春樹 9月号

    辛島デイヴィッド 浅利庸子

    NHKテキスト 英語で読む村上春樹 世界のなかの日本文学 9月号   ( 9月 ) 7 - 78  2016.08

  • 英語で読む村上春樹 8月号

    辛島デイヴィッド 浅利庸子

    NHKテキスト 英語で読む村上春樹 世界のなかの日本文学 8月号   ( 8月 ) 7 - 75  2016.07

  • 英語で読む村上春樹 7月号

    辛島デイヴィッド 浅利庸子

    NHKテキスト 英語で読む村上春樹 世界のなかの日本文学 7月号   ( 7月 ) 7 - 83  2016.06

  • 英語で読む村上春樹 6月号

    辛島デイヴィッド 浅利庸子

    NHKテキスト 英語で読む村上春樹 世界のなかの日本文学 6月号   ( 6月 ) 7 - 99  2016.05

  • 英語で読む村上春樹 5月号

    辛島デイヴィッド 浅利庸子

    NHKテキスト 英語で読む村上春樹 世界の中の日本文学 5月号   ( 5月号 ) 1  2016.04

  • 英語で読む村上春樹 4月号

    辛島デイヴィッド 浅利庸子

    NHKテキスト 英語で読む村上春樹 世界の中の日本文学 4月号   ( 4月 ) 7 - 83  2016.03

  • How to Effectively Provide Recasts in Foreign Language Classrooms


    Dialogue   ( 13 ) 1 - 9  2015.03


  • Investigating Recast Provision in Relation to Native/Non-Native Speaker Status


    Proceedings for the 19th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics    2014.08

  • Responses to Recasts and ESL Question Development

    Yoko Asari

    Proceedings for the 18th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics    2013.08

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  • Faculty of International Research and Education   School of International Liberal Studies

Research Institute

  • 2020

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 日本人英語学習者の疑問文形成に対する部分的リキャストと発話途中のリキャストの効果


     View Summary


  • 英語学習者コミュニケーション能力育成のための教員研修―リキャスト方略の提言―

    2014   Yoko Asari

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    While recasts, a type of corrective feedback, are generally considered beneficial for learners’ L2 development during communication-oriented instruction, the extent of its effectiveness has been reported to depend on the way in which they are provided. Thus, there is a need to look into how teachers treat learners’ utterances when providing recasts.  Data were collected from Japanese NNS teachers to investigate 1) how they provide recasts and 2) how their beliefs affect their decisions regarding recast provision. The recordings of teacher-student interactions revealed that teachers tend to provide recasts inconsistently. The interviews conducted after the recordings suggested that recasts could arguably be dependent on teachers’ language proficiency. That is to say, although their comments indicated that they do acknowledge the value of CF for learners’ interlanguage restructuring, they may leave some of the learners’ errors untreated because automatic, real-time processing required for recasting is onerous for them. The findings of the present study can contribute to NNS teachers’ professional development by raising their awareness of their own limitations and of the importance of improving their proficiency, especially their automaticity, in using the target language.

  • 母語話者および非母語話者英語教師によるリキャストとその効果に関する研究


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    Abundant research on NS (native speaker)-NNS (non-native speaker) interaction has been undertaken to explore various corrective feedback (CF) types and their roles in second language acquisition (SLA). Recasts, a type of implicit CF, have been a target of empirical and theoretical inquiry as their acquisitional value is widely disputed. Some researchers praise recasts for their unobtrusiveness and learner-centeredness (e.g., Long, 1996); others argue that the lack of clear indicators of negative evidence may lead learners to overlook teachers’ intention to make corrections and thus may not lead to learners’ interlanguage (IL) restructure (e.g., Lyster, 1998). Yet, a closer examination of recast studies reveals that the discrepancies in the findings can be attributed to the fact that the efficacy of recasts is constrained by numerous factors. The present study explored how foreign language (FL) teachers’ L1 background affects their provision of recasts. For this study, data were collected from NS teachers (n=10) and NNS teachers (n=9). The findings indicated that teachers’ L1 does indeed affect the provision of recasts in terms of quality and quantity. As for the quality of recasting, NS teachers’ used techniques to enhance the saliency of recasts more so than NNS teachers: the former provided segmented and stressed recasts. These characteristics help learners to attend to the positive and/or negative evidence in recasts in order to identify and/or notice the gap (e.g., Loewen and Philp, 2006, Sheen, 2006). As for the differences in the quantity of recasting, the NNS teachers provided less recasting than NS teachers; moreover, over a third of the NNS teachers’ recasts were not useful as they themselves contained an error. Given that positive evidence in recasts is the most readily available input which learners can use for their IL and TL comparison, the provision of erroneous recasts is problematic as they may encourage incorrect IL restructuring and/or fossilization. Provision of recasts requires conditioned reflex on the part of teachers, and for NNS teachers this real-time process is as demanding as it is for learners. For teachers’ professional development, there seems to be a need for assessing the usability of recasts not only from learners’ point of view but also from teachers’.In some countries such as Japan, EFL lessons have valued a more traditional pedagogy such as the audiolingual and translation methods where teachers employ a more explicit type of CF. Yet with a rise in demand for more communicative instruction, NNS teachers are required to learn ways to provide efficient recasts. The results of these studies serve to provide a model of how teachers can provide CF in such instructional contexts. Further research will concentrate on exploringhow the two teacher types differ in their beliefs about CF and how this factor influences their actual practice.

  • Study of effects of recasts as reflected in uptake and priming in the EFL classroom in Japan


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    It has been noted that learners improve their interlanguage (IL) through conversational interaction for the following reasons: 1) Interaction increases the opportunity for learners to receive corrective feedback (CF), 2) learners’ production of uptake triggered by CF allows opportunities for hypothesis testing and strengthens existing linguistic knowledge, and 3) this repetitive feedback-modification pattern contributes to automatization. The present study was conducted to testify whether the above theory applies for recasts. Specifically, the experimental classroom research examined the immediate benefits of recasting on learners’ accuracy in question formation in the context of L2 interaction. Two classes of Japanese high school EFL students (n= 72) in Saitama participated in the study. Students enrolled in the experimental class was told to respond whenever they felt that they had been corrected by the teacher, while students enrolled in the controlled class was not told to do so. Each of the 30-minute treatments over a period of six weeks was audiotaped, videotaped and transcribed. Recast sequences involving students’ uptake were then categorized using the framework used by Lyster and Ranta (1997) in order to investigate whether there was a correlation between students’ immediate uptake and their test scores. The results revealed that both groups significantly increased their scores from the pre-test to the post-test; however, there was by contrast no significant difference in gains in accuracy between the two groups even though learners in the former group produced a greater amount of uptake. When the learners’ test scores and transcripts were examined individually, a logistic regression analysis revealed that learners’ advancement to a higher stage in the developmental sequence for question formation was limited to those who had produced ‘repair’ and/or ‘needs-repair modified’. This finding indicates how that only certain uptake moves, namely those involving the production of modified output involving developmentally advanced question forms, was the only type of uptake that acted as a significant predictor of language development. Current classification of learners’ modification following corrective feedback (CF) uses terms such as ‘repair’ and ‘modified output’ interchangeably; this result suggests a necessity for development of a coding scheme that reflects the reality more accurately. Moreover, learners’ ability to actively respond to recasts for production and/or recognition of a higher stage form was constrained by their developmental readiness. Learners who produced a relatively large number of roughly, if not accurately, targetlike question forms in the pretest tended to score higher than others in the posttest. In order for learners to benefit from recasts, the target structure should be learnable – not too complex but a little beyond their knowledge so that they can go through IL restructuring via ‘noticing the gap’ that triggers reformulation. The results of the study served to provide the following evidences: 1) recasts are effective in strengthening already existing forms, 2) developmentally ready learners tend to benefit more from recasts as they are able to produce reformulation in the form of modified output following teachers’ provision of recasts, and 3) modified output (‘repair’ and ‘needs-repair modified’) are significantly related to L2 development.