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イリヤマ アキエ
入山 章栄
商学学術院 大学院経営管理研究科
経営学博士 ( ピッツバーグ大学ジョセフ・M・カッツ経営大学院 )
経営学修士 ( 慶応義塾大学大学院 )
経営学学士 ( 慶応義塾大学 )


  • 2008年08月

    ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校スクール・オブ・マネジメント   助教授

  • 1998年04月

    株式会社三菱総合研究所   研究員


  • 2016年06月

    株式会社マクロミル  社外取締役

  • 2015年07月

    経済産業省  経済構造審議会2020未来開拓部会部会長代理


  • アントレプレナーシップ

  • 国際経営論

  • 経営戦略論


  • 早稲田大学ティーチングアワード2016春

    2017年01月   早稲田大学  

  • Best paper award nominee in OMT division, 2016 Academy of Management annual conference

    2016年   Academy of Management  

  • Dean’s Discretionary Award

    2010年11月   School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo,  

  • Nominated for the Haynes Prize for the Most Promising Scholars,

    2010年   Academy of International Business Annual Conference,  

  • Nominated for the Best Conference Papers,

    2008年   Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting  



  • Playing dirty or building capability? Corruption and HR training as competitive actions to threats from informal and foreign firm rivals

    Akie Iriyama, Rajiv Kishore, Debabrata Talukdar

    STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL   37 ( 10 ) 2152 - 2173  2016年10月  [査読有り]


    Research summary: We examine why a firm takes specific competitive action in nonmarket and resource-market spaces, particularly when it perceives threats from informal and foreign competitor groups, respectively. We address this question by combining insights from competitive rivalry, strategic groups, and nonmarket strategy literatures in an emerging economy context. Specifically, we theorize how threats from informal and foreign rival firms in an emerging market influence a firm's engagement in corruption activities and its investments in HR training, respectively. We also argue that the likelihoods of such focal firm actions against competitor group threats differ, contingent on the focal firm's market and resource profiles. Results from the empirical analyses, with survey data from the Indian IT industry, provide broad support to our hypotheses.Managerial summary: Based on a World Bank dataset on the Indian IT industry, this study finds that corruption and HR training are pursued by firms in emerging economies as mindful strategies against specific types of rivalsinformal and foreign firm rivals, respectively, and are not pursued simply as culturally-based practices. Multinational companies may need to understand that domestic firms in emerging countries will engage in corruption strategically to reduce their costs and time to market of their products/services. Therefore, multinational firms may need to devise suitable strategies other than corruption to reduce their costs and time to market if they wish to compete with firms in emerging economies for customers who don't care about ethical issues and will buy a cheaper product/service that is delivered quickly. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



  • The Impact of Origins of Reverse Technology Transfer on MNC Home-Country Product Development

    Sean T. Hsu, Akie Iriyama

    Thunderbird International Business Review   58 ( 5 ) 411 - 424  2016年09月  [査読有り]


    Reverse technology transfer (the transferring of multinational corporation [MNC] subsidiaries’ technological knowledge to their home country) deserves more executive attention since the source of competitive advantage of MNCs resides in their capabilities to leverage knowledge from different units across borders. This article examines three salient “origins” of reverse technology transfer—headquarters, local constituents, and subsidiary research and development (R&amp
    D) activity—and their impact on MNCs’ home-country product development. We argue that reverse technology transfer from subsidiary R&amp
    D activity is more likely to have a positive impact on MNC home-country product development than the other two origins because reverse transfer from local constituents requires high integration cost, and transfer from headquarters adds little technological novelty. We also develop two contingency hypotheses for the latter two origins to increase their likelihood of positive impacts on home-country product development. Using a data set of 1,331 Taiwanese MNCs, our empirical evidence provides two important messages to managers: (1) a subsidiary whose technology mainly relies on its R&amp
    D would be an ideal target for reverse transfer
    and (2) reverse transfer from local constituents and headquarters can be effective when they fit with an appropriate organizational mechanism, such as governance mode and absorptive capacity. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • Lost in translation or lost in your neighbor’s yard: The moderating role of leverage and protection mechanisms for the MNC subsidiary technology sourcing-performance relationship.

    Iriyama, A

    Journal of International Management   22 ( 1 ) 84 - 99  2016年03月  [査読有り]



  • Connect the dots, but deliberately: Intrapersonal diversity in function and genre in creative teams

    Iriyama, A

    Proceedings of the Seventy-sixth Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management    2016年  [査読有り]

  • The roles of closure and selloff in corporate restructuring

    Tatsuo Ushijima, Akie Iriyama



    This paper compares the roles of closure and selloff in corporate restructuring, by examining 749 Japanese firms engaged in these two types of divestment activities in the 1990s and 1146 subsidiaries divested by these firms. For closure, we find that (1) divesting firms tend to be less profitable than non-divesting firm, (2) divested subsidiaries have characteristics suggestive of inefficiencies, and (3) divesting firms' profitability improved after the closure, albeit slowly. The results suggest that firms employ closure mainly to discontinue inefficient operations. For selloff, in contrast, we find that (4) divesting firms are no less profitable than non-divesting firms, (5) divesting firms' profitability did not change but their investment intensity increased substantially around the divestiture, and (6) divested subsidiaries had characteristics of high salability and separability. The results suggest that selloff is used to raise funds for the remaining parts of divesting firm. Overall, our results suggest that closure and selloff play heterogeneous roles in the restructuring of Japanese firms. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Exploring and managing the “innovation through outsourcing” paradox

    Iriyama, A

    Journal of Strategic Information Systems   24 ( 4 ) 255 - 269  2015年12月  [査読有り]



  • Competitive actions in non-market and resource market spaces: Impact of informal and foreign competitor threats in emerging markets

    Iriyama, A

    Strategic Management Journal    2015年07月  [査読有り]


    Akie Iriyama, Ravi Madhavan

    GLOBAL STRATEGY JOURNAL   4 ( 4 ) 331 - 348  2014年11月  [査読有り]


    Under what conditions is an IJV partner likely to acquire its counterpart's equity stake upon a market cue of more opportunities; or sell its own equity stake to the counterpart upon a market cue of fewer opportunities? The puzzle springs from the premise that, upon a market cue, both the MNE partner and the local IJV partner are motivated to appropriate value in a manner consistent with the direction of the market cue. However, only one partner can change the ownership share in its favor. Building on the real options logic and the experiential learning perspective, we suggest that the local partner is more likely to realign ownership share in its own favor, all else equal. However, an MNE's cumulative operational experience overturns this. Our model is supported by data on Japanese automotive supplier IJV equity changes over an 18-year period. Copyright (C) 2014 Strategic Management Society.


  • Frequency and directional reversal of equity ownership change in international joint ventures

    Akie Iriyama, Weilei (Stone) Shi, John E. Prescott

    ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT   31 ( 1 ) 215 - 243  2014年03月  [査読有り]


    Changes in equity ownership between international joint venture (IJV) partners over an IJV life-course represent an important behavioral manifestation of relational dynamics. We examine each occurrence of equity ownership change for two salient temporal properties: frequency (how often ownership change occurs) and directional reversal (when a partner buys and then sells, or vice versa, equity shares from another partner). Building on social exchange theory, we propose that initial partner equity imbalance and partners' country's individualism-collectivist culture has an imprinting effect on the likelihood of ownership change for both temporal properties. We developed a data set consisting of all equity changes in 200 Japanese automotive suppliers' IJVs and found support for our hypotheses while controlling for transaction cost explanations. Our findings contribute to IJV research by shedding light on temporal aspects of equity ownership change over an IJV's life course as well as the underlying exchange dynamics and the stability of IJV equity ownership distribution among partners.



  • The emerging transnational dimension of organizational and individual identity: Transnational technical communities as economic actors

    Iriyama, A

    International Journal of Business Environment   4 ( 4 ) 378 - 399  2011年01月  [査読有り]



    Akie Iriyama, Yong Li, Ravi Madhavan

    STRATEGIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP JOURNAL   4 ( 2 ) 128 - 145  2010年06月  [査読有り]


    We demonstrate a spiky globalization pattern in the cross-border spread of venture capital: rather than being uniformly distributed, cross-border venture capital flows are unevenly distributed, in that certain regions of the U.S. display particularly intense linkages with certain foreign nations. We posit that such spiky globalization of venture capital is driven by the spiky globalization pattern of prior human networks between locations, and we provide empirical results supportive of our hypothesis. Specifically, we reason that immigrant entrepreneurs inherently tend to collocate with each other in their host nation, thus advantaging certain regions in the competition to act as sources and destinations of cross-border venture capital. This study sheds new light on geographical patterns in international venture capital and entrepreneurship. Copyright (C) 2010 Strategic Management Society.


  • Understanding global flows of venture capital: Human networks as the “carrier wave” of globalization

    Iriyama, A

    Journal of International Business Studies   40 ( 8 ) 1241 - 1259  2009年10月  [査読有り]






  • 世界標準の経営理論30:社会学ベースの制度理論 我々は「常識という幻想」に従うか、活用するか、塗り変えるのか

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2017年03月

  • 世界標準の経営理論28:ストラクチャル・ホール理論 境界を超える「H型人材」が、世界を変えていく

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2017年01月

  • 世界標準の経営理論27:「弱いつながりの強さ」理論 「スモールワールド」現象は、世界でさらに加速する

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2016年12月

  • 世界標準の経営理論26:エンベデッドネス理論 ソーシャル・ネットワークの本質は いまも昔も変わりなし

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2016年11月

  • 世界標準の経営理論24:意思決定の理論 意思決定の未来は、「直観」にある

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2016年09月

  • 世界標準の経営理論23:認知バイアスの理論 個人の認知の歪みは、組織で乗り越える

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2016年08月

  • 世界標準の経営理論20:リーダーシップの理論 半世紀を超える研究が行き着いた「リーダーシップの境地」

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2016年08月

  • 世界標準の経営理論22:職場環境と感情の理論 感情のメカニズムを理解してこそ、組織は動き出す

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2016年07月

  • 世界標準の経営理論19:ダイナミック・ケイパビリティ企業の「変わる力」は組織に宿るのか、個人に宿るのか

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2016年04月

  • 地域再生の失敗学


    光文社  2016年04月

  • 世界標準の経営理論17:SECI理論とナレッジ・ベースト・ビュー 世界の経営学に「野中理論」がもたらしたもの

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2016年02月

  • 世界標準の経営理16:組織学習・イノベーションの理論③ 論知の創造を導く「マインドフルネス」を高める法

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2016年01月

  • 世界標準の経営理論15:組織学習・イノベーションの理論②「組織の記憶」は全員で共有すべきか、個人が独占すべきか

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2015年12月

  • 世界標準の経営理論14:組織学習・イノベーションの理論①「両利き」を目指すことこそ、イノベーションの本質である

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2015年11月

  • ビジネススクールでは学べない 世界最先端の経営学


    日経BP社  2015年11月

  • 世界標準の経営理論13:カーネギー学派と企業行動理論 経営者の教訓は、けっして精神論では終わらない

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2015年10月

  • [新版]ブルー・オーシャン戦略


    ダイヤモンド社  2015年09月

  • 世界標準の経営理論12:リアル・オプション理論「不確実性を恐れない」状況は、自らの手でつくり出せる

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2015年08月

  • 世界標準の経営理論11:ゲーム理論② 我々は人を「無償」で信じるか、それとも「合理的な計算」で信じるか

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2015年07月

  • 世界標準の経営理論10:ゲーム理論① この世の大部分は、ゲーム理論で説明できる

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2015年06月

  • 世界標準の経営理論9:取引費用理論(TCE) 100年前も現在も企業のあり方は「取引コスト」で決まる

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2015年05月

  • 世界標準の経営理論8:エージェンシー理論 人が合理的だからこそ、組織の問題は起きる

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2015年04月

  • 世界標準の経営理論7:情報の経済学 「悪貨が良貨を駆逐する」のは、ビジネスの本質である

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2015年03月

  • 世界標準の経営理論6:理論ドリブンと現象ドリブン 経営学はけっして「現実の後追い」ではない

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2015年02月

  • 世界標準の経営理論5:競争の型を見極める重要性 「ポーターVS.バーニー論争」に決着はついている

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2015年01月

  • 世界標準の経営理論4:リソース・ベースト・ビュー バーニーの理論を「ようやく使えるものにした」のはだれか

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2014年12月

  • 世界標準の経営理論3:SCP理論② ポーターのフレームワークを覚えるよりも大切なこと

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2014年11月

  • 世界標準の経営理論2:SCP理論①「ポーター戦略」の根底にあるものは何か

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2014年10月

  • 世界標準の経営理論1:理論を思考の軸に変える ビジネスパーソンは、いまこそ経営理論を学ぶべき

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)

    ダイヤモンド社  2014年09月

  • ビジネスモデルエクセレンス


    日経BP社  2014年

  • Integrating relative standing and market discipline: A complexity theory perspective of post-merger and acquisition executive departure. In S. Finkelstein & C. L. Cooper (Ed.)


    Emerald Group Publishing.  2013年

  • 世界の経営学者はいま何を考えているのか


    英知出版  2012年11月

  • The Oxford Hand book of VENTURE CAPITAL


    OXFORD University Press  2012年

  • Advance in Mergers and Acquisitions Volume10


    Emerald Books  2012年

  • Spread, scope and scale in venture capital globalization: A clustered globalization model. In D. Cumming (Ed.)


    Oxford University Press.  2012年

  • Sequence of alliance ownership structure: Concepts and evidences. In T. K. Das (Ed.)


    Information Age Publishing.  2010年

  • 世界標準の経営理論29:ソーシャル・キャピタル理論 リアルとデジタルの ネットワークで働く、真逆の力

    入山章栄( 担当: 単著)


  • マネジメントの名著を読む





  • Competitive actions in non-market and resource market spaces: Impact of informal and foreign competitor threats in emerging markets.

    Iriyama, A, Kishore, R, Talukdar, D

    Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2015,   (Vancouver,)  Academy of Management  

    発表年月: 2015年

  • How do international business assets impact on M&A performance between multinational enterprises?

    Yamanoi, J, Iriyama, A, Makino, S

    Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, 2014,   (Madrid,)  Strategic Management Society  

    発表年月: 2014年

  • Frequency and directional reversal of equity ownership change in international joint ventures.

    Iriyama, A, Shi, W, Prescott, J

    Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2012,   (Miami, F)  Academy of Management  

    発表年月: 2012年

  • When MNC subsidiary wins profits from technology sourcing? A protection and leverage perspective.

    Hsu, T.-H, Iriyama, A, Prescott, J

    Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2012,   (Boston, MA)  Academy of Management  

    発表年月: 2012年

  • Guest speaker presentation about Japanese business, at Daemen College, Business School.

    Iriyama, A  [招待有り]

    Daemen College, Business School.   (New York)  Daemen College, Business School.  

    発表年月: 2011年

  • Ownership changes in international joint ventures: A real options perspective.

    Iriyama, A, Li, Y

    Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2011,   (Washington D.C.)  Academy of Management Annual Conference,  

    発表年月: 2011年

  • Divestment mode choice of corporate affiliates: A real options perspective.

    Iriyama, A, Ushijima, T

    Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, 2011,   (Miami, FL.)  Strategic Management Society  

    発表年月: 2011年

  • Antecedents of equity ownership sequence pattern instability in international joint ventures.

    Iriyama, A. Shi, Prescott, E

    Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2010, Montreal, Canada.   (Montreal)  Academy of Management  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • An integrated view of control, commitment, and flexibility: Acquisition premiums in equity share purchases.

    Iriyama, A, Li, Y, Madhavan, R

    Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2010,   (Montreal)  Academy of Management  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • Will cross-border human networks drive entrepreneurship activities in Japan? Implications of venture capital globalization.

    Iriyama, A

    Stanford Project on Japanese Entrepreneurship Conference, 2011,   (Palo Alto, CA.)  Stanford Project on Japanese Entrepreneurship  

    発表年月: 2010年

  • Spiky globalization of venture capital investments: Evidence and influence of human networks.

    Iriyama, A, Li, Y, Madhavan, R

    Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Special Issue Conference, 2009,   (Toronto,)  Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal  

    発表年月: 2009年

  • Sequence of Ownership Evolution in Equity Alliances.

    Iriyama, A, Shi, W

    Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2009,   (Chicago, IL)  Academy of Management  

    発表年月: 2009年

  • Competitive channels and corporative channels of MNC local technology sourcing. Strategic

    Iriyama, A, Hsu, T

    Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, 2009,   (Washington D.C.)  Strategic Management Society  

    発表年月: 2009年

  • Transnational technical communities in transnational entrepreneurship: conceptual framework and evidence. Conference on “Implications of Integration for Globalization: Transnational Entrepreneurship”,

    Iriyama, A, Madhavan, R

    The NeXt (Centre Nascent Entrepreneurship and the eXploitation of Technology) & the Viessmann European Research Center (VERC), 2008,   (Waterloo,)  Wilfrid Laurier University,  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • “Who buys whom?” Dual latent options in international equity partnerships. Panel session “Real Options and International Investment: New Developments and Future Research”

    Iriyama, A, Madhavan, R

    Academy of International Business Annual Conference, 2008,   (Milan,)  Academy of International Business  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • The influence of resource dependence structures on cross-border inter-industry mergers and acquisitions.

    Iriyama, A, Park, J, Madhavan, R

    Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2008,   (Anaheim, CA.)  Academy of Management  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • The influence of firm’s knowledge structure on alliance termination. Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, 2008,

    Iriyama, A, Caner, T

    Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, 2008,   (Cologne,)  Strategic Management Society  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • Sequence of ownership structure change in international equity alliances.

    Iriyama, A, Shi, W

    Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, 2008,   (Cologne,)  Strategic Management Society  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • International Production Networks and Export/Import Responsiveness to Exchange Rates: The Case of Japanese Manufacturing Firms.

    Ando, M, Iriyama, A

    Asia-Pacific Economic Association, Annual Conference 2008,   (北京)  Asia-Pacific Economic Association,  

    発表年月: 2008年

  • Ex post local partner buyout and foreign partner mortality in international joint ventures: Explanation by real options theory.

    Iriyama, A

    Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2007,   (Philadelphia, PA.)  Academy of Management  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • Cross-border M&A’s and Domestic/International Resource Dependence Structures.

    Iriyama, A, Park, J, Madhavan, R

    Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, 2007,   (San Diego)  Strategic Management Society  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • Options? Assessing the Cost of Flexibility in Corporate Acquisitions.

    Iriyama, A, Madhavan, R

    Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, 2007,   (San Diego)  Strategic Management Society  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • Call options and put options in international equity partnerships.

    Iriyama, A, Madhavan, R

    Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, 2006,   (Vienna,)  Strategic Management Society  

    発表年月: 2006年

  • Understanding global flows of venture capital: Transnational technical communities as economic actors.

    Madhavan, R, Iriyama, A

    Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2005,   (Honolulu, Hawaii.)  Academy of Management  

    発表年月: 2005年

  • Compatriot syndication effects in international strategic alliance.

    Iriyama, A, Madhavan, R, Prescott, J  [招待有り]

    Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2005,   (Honolulu, Hawaii.)  Academy of Management  

    発表年月: 2005年

  • Foreign direct investment and technology transfer in China.

    Urata, S, Iriyama, A

    East Asian Economic Association Annual Conference, 1998,   (北九州市)  East Asian Economic Association  

    発表年月: 1998年



  • 日本の都市型スタートアップ企業の立地戦略に関する大規模データ分析による解明





  • 複数企業間国際合弁の背景と帰結に関する研究




    本研究は、3社以上の企業が国際間で共同出資して合弁会社を設立する「複数企業間国際合弁(以下、MP-IJV)」が組まれるメカニズムを分析する。具体的にはCoalition理論を応用し、「相対的に力の弱い企業が、潜在的に『2対1』の関係を作り出すために両国パートナーを含めた3社合弁を好む」「このようなMP-IJVでは事後のガバナンス変化が起きやすい」という理論仮説を提示・検証する。東洋経済新報社データベースよりMP-IJVを抽出して統計分析を行った結果、仮説はほぼ支持された。論文は、主要学術誌Global Strategy Journalに投稿され、現在は再提出のため修正中である






  • 商学学術院   商学部

  • 理工学術院   大学院先進理工学研究科
