Education Background
University of New Mexico Graduate School, Division of Letters Latin American literature
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/13
University of New Mexico Graduate School, Division of Letters Latin American literature
CANELA (Confederación Académica Nipona, Española y Latinoamericana
LASA Latin American Studies Association
Japanese Peruvian Memories and the Anthropocene
Japanese-Peruvian society and identity
Becoming Non-Japanese: Unlocatable Identity and Home in Gaijin (2003) by Maximiliano Matayoshi
Shigeko Mato
Hispanic Studies Review 7 ( 2 ) 2023.11 [Refereed]
Hogar de pertenencia y desplazamiento: una respuesta de Jose Watanabe a la categoria de "poeta nikkei"
Mato, Shigeko
SinoELE 17 739 - 749 2018
A Japanese Peruvian boy's urban wandering in search of a proper place: Reading "Extranjero" by Augusto Higa Oshiro as "the chorus of idle footsteps"
Mato, Shigeko
Cincinnati Romance Review 42 19 - 34 2017.03 [Refereed]
Contemplating Jose Watanabe's Eye through Roland Barthes's Photographic Eye
Mato, Shigeko
Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World 6 ( 1 ) 71 - 87 2016.04 [Refereed]
Shigeko Mato
Okinawan Peruvian Poet's Gender Performativity: On “Diario de la mujer es ponja” by Doris Moromisato
Shigeko Mato
The Latin Americanist (Southeast Council on Latin American Studies and Wiley Periodicals Inc.) 58 ( 2 ) 137 - 155 2014.06 [Refereed]
Imagining the Unnegotiable Home at the Margins in "La iluminación de Katzuo Nakamatsu" by Augusto Higa Oshiro
Shigeko Mato
Hispanófila (University of North Carolina) 169 175 - 192 2013.09 [Refereed]
“Moctezuma in the City: Revisited Past in Carmen Boullosa’s Llanto: Novelas imposibles.”
Shigeko Mato
Hispanic Journal (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) Fall 2007 117 - 134 2007 [Refereed]
Beyon the memory of displacement:"Adios to Tears: The Memoirs of a Japanese-Peruvian Internee in U.S. Concentration Camps."
Shigeko Mato
Waseda Global Forum No.8, 2011 129 - 149 2005.03
“The Illusion of the ‘Homely’ and Consciousness of the ‘Unhomely’: Rethinking ‘Home’ in Carmen Boullosa’s Mejor desaparece.”
Shigeko Mato
Confluencia (Northern Colorado University) Spring 2003 125 - 137 2003 [Refereed]
“Carmen Boullosa’s La Milagrosa: A Light Detective Fiction or a Dense Aesthetic Work?” 2000 (No. 1-2). 125-136.
Shigeko Mato
Letras Femeninas (Arizona State University) 2000 (No. 1-2) 125 - 136 2000 [Refereed]
A Stream of Thought on Disorientation (Essay)
Mato, Shigeko( Part: Contributor, Author)
Transcommunication Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies, Waseda 2022.09
The Poetic Artistry of José Watanabe: Separating the Craft from the Discourse
Mato, Shigeko, Randy Muth, Alfredo Lopez, Pasarin Basabe( Part: Joint author, Author of one chapter)
Palgrave MacMillan 2021.09 ISBN: 9783030816148
Las voces que entrecruzan el Peru y Japon (Spanish)
Mato, Shigeko( Part: Sole author, Author)
Ediciones Murrup 2021.03 ISBN: 9789972936456
Quiet revenges: The infinite intensity of the silenced history of Japanese Peruvians in Carlos Yusimito del Valle’s "Ciudad de Cristal”
Shigeko Mato as a contributor of a book, Cultural and Literary Dialogues between Asia and Latin America, edited by Axel, Gasquet, Gorica Majstorovic.( Part: Contributor, Chapter 10 pp.159-176)
London, Palgrave, 2021. 2021.02 ISBN: 9783030525705
Book Review El samurai by Rafael Reyes-Ruiz
Mato, Shigeko( Part: Sole author)
Waseda Global Forum 2019.03
Villain or victim?: Undermining the memory of Japanese Peruvians in Augusto Higa Oshiro's "Gaijin (Extranjero)" in "The Routledge Companion to Gender, Sex and Latin American Culture." Ed. Frederick Luis Aldama.
Mato, Shigeko( Part: Contributor, Author (one chapter))
Routledge 2018 ISBN: 9781138894952
La memoria recuperada y perturbada en "Okinawa existe" de Augusto Higa (Book chapter) in "Extremo occidente y extremo oriente: herencias asiaticas en la America hispana." Ed. Axel Gasquet and Georges Lomne.
Mato, Shigeko( Part: Contributor, Author (one chapter))
Fondo Editorial de PUCP 2018 ISBN: 9786123173722
The “Coloniality of Power” in the Twenty-First-Century Peruvian Story “Rizoma” by Carlos Yushimito del Valle in "Critical Insights: Latin American Fiction." Ed. Ignacio Lopez-Calvo.
Mato, Shigeko( Part: Contributor, Author (one chapter))
Salem Press 2017 ISBN: 9781682175613
Rethinking Hybrid Identity of a Peruvian Migrant Worker in Japan in "Gambate: 頑張って" (2011) by Luis Fernando Arriola Ayala (Book chapter) in "Trans-Pacific Encounters: Asia and Hispanic World" Ed. Koichi Hagimoto
Mato, Shigeko( Part: Contributor, Author (one chapter))
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2016
Cooptation, Complicity, and Representation: Desire and Limits for Intellectuals in Twentieth-Century Mexican Fiction
Mato, Shigeko( Part: Sole author)
Peter Lang 2010.05 ISBN: 9781433109126
Peruvian Migrant Worker's Pursuit of "Good Life" in Japan: Reading "Chimbote ganbare" (2013) by Luis Arriola Ayala (Lima, 1972) as "Cruel Optimism"
Shigeko Mato
LASA Latin American Studies Association
Presentation date: 2023.05
Una mirada a las memorias de los inmigrantes japoneses en Latinoamérica en la época del Antropoceno (Spanish)
Shigeko Mato [Invited]
XXXIV Congreso Canela (日本・スペイン・ラテンアメリカ学会)
Presentation date: 2022.05
Healing a Metalic Body with Water and the Moon: Doris Moromisato’s Ecofeminist Poetry on Japanese Peruvian Dekasegi Women in Japan
AAS (Association of Asian Studies) 2022 Annual Conference
Presentation date: 2022.03
Rethinking Peruvian Nikkei Memory: Crónicas de mujeres nikkei by Doris Moromisato as a Memory Space Disconcerting the Legacy of Japanese Immigration in Peru.
LASA/Asia 2022 Rethinking Trans-Pacific Ties: Asia and Latin America
Presentation date: 2022.02
Una mirada a la migración peruana en Japón a través de un relato ‘Lolo’ de Luis Fernando Arriola Ayala.
A Look at Peruvian Migration in Japan through a Short Story "Lolo" by Luis Fernando Arriola Ayala [Invited]
El Seminario Internacional, “Conociendo Japón" (International Seminar, "Getting to Know Japan")
Presentation date: 2021.10
Rifkind Center’s Faculty New Books Series: Prof. Araceli Tinajero: Conversation with Shigeko Mato
The Rifkind Center for the Humanities and the Arts, Faculty New Books Series
Presentation date: 2021.09
Dialogando memorias silenciadas en un relato peruano: una lectura de ‘El japonés Fukuhara’ (2017) de Selenco Vega Jácome como un espacio de “la hospitalidad narrativa"
Shigeko Mato
XXV Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Estudios Hispánicos, Lima, Peru, March 4–6, 2020.
Presentation date: 2021.03
En virtud de rescatar los textos hispanohablantes en el Japón salvaje. (in Spanish)
Shigeko Mato [Invited]
Presentación del libro: Historia cultural de los hispanohablantes en Japón por Araceli Tinajero, Instituto Cervantes Tokio
Presentation date: 2020.01
Impulsos viscerales frente a la poesia de Jose Watanabe: una "lectura poscritica"
Mato, Shigeko [Invited]
Conferencia "El guardian de la palabra: una mirada interdisciplinaria sobre la poesia de Jose Watanabe (Lima, PUCP)
Presentation date: 2018.08
Haciendo visibles a los migrantes invisibles: un choque afectivo en "Lolo" (2013) de Luis Arriola Ayala"
Mato, Shigeko
XVI Congreso Internacional de ALADAA (Lima PUCP) ALADA
Presentation date: 2018.08
Performing Memories of Okinawa in Peru: On "Okinawa existe" (2013) by Augusto Higa Oshiro
Mato, Shigeko
LASA (Barcelona) LASA
Presentation date: 2018.05
Saboreando "la colonialidad del poder" en "Rizoma" (2013) de Carlos Yushimito del Valle"
Mato, Shigeko
XXI Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Estudios Hispanicos (Quito) CILEH
Presentation date: 2018.03
(Un)Negotiating Nisei Identity in Peru: On "La iluminación de Kazuo Nakamatsu (2008) by Augusto Higa"
LASA 2012 XXX International Congress (Latin American Studies Association)
Presentation date: 2012.05
"On Migration."
"Remembering 40 Years Since Reservation: Okinawan Studies Until Now, Okinawan Studies From Now On." Symposium organized by the collaboration of Okinawa Bunka Kyokai and Okinawa Kenkyu Daigaku Rengo
Presentation date: 2012.03
"Una lectura de "Chambala era un camino" como un paisaje migrante" (in Spanish)
XI Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispánica
Presentation date: 2012.03
Rethinking Japanese Peruvian Immigration Memories through the Notion of the Anthropocene
Project Year :
Migration, Memory, and Literature: Mapping Japanese Nationalism in Nikkei Communities in Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina
Project Year :
Multi-disciplinary Intersections:Rhetorical Techniques and Thematic Landscape of Jose Watanabe's Poetry
Project Year :
Migration, Memory, and Literature: Mapping Japanese Nationalism in Nikkei Communities in Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Kagaku kenkyu josei jigyo
Project Year :
Antology: Japanese Peruvian Writers
Project Year :
Border-crossings and Japanese Peruvians' Home and Identity
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MATO Shigeko
“Locating Female Creation in a Hybrid Space: Carmen Boullosa’s Trans-liminal Narrative.”
Shigeko Mato
Dissertation (University of New Mexico), UMI 2000
Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies
2025 spring semester
日系ペルー人作家 文学文化作品選集と評論
米国 University of WI
ペルー Universidad Catolica/Asociacion Peruano Japonesa/ Centro de Estudios Cornejo Polar
Faculty of International Research and Education Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies
Waseda Institute of Latin American Studies Director of Research Institute
Waseda Institute of Latin American Studies Director of Research Institute
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