Updated on 2025/03/14

Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
Associate Professor


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Overseas Activities

  • 日米安保体制の形成をめぐる多国間国際関係分析


    アメリカ合衆国   Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University

    アメリカ合衆国   Department of History, Georgetown University


  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 「日本の軍事大国化」制御メカニズムとしての日米安保体制


     View Summary

    Myresearch focuses on the influence of international concerns about Japan’smilitary development on the evolution of the US-Japan security alliance fromits origins in the mid-1950s to its redefinition in the 1990s.  It investigates the importance of the role ofthe alliance as a limit on Japanese military expansion through an investigationof the opinions and influence of other nations, such as the UK and Australia,as revealed in archival diplomatic and military papers.  This grant supported research in threearchives. Atthe Hoover Institution Library & Archives in Stanford, California Iexamined the diplomatic papers of many Japan experts, finding that they continuedto pay close attention to these issues well into the Cold War.  These papers provide important new insightsinto the US position. Inthe UK, I examined Foreign Office and Defence Ministry papers, which revealedthat the British interest in Japan’s military position remained strong.  The archives suggest that the UK relied onthe alliance to hold Japan’s military back as it developed, while expectingJapan to play an important role in the economic order of the region. TheAustralian archives showed that the US wanted Australia to play an importantmilitary role, while public opinion, especially, remained deeply concernedabout the Japanese military for some time. It seems that Australia gradually came to support a limited degree of Japaneserearmament, relying on the ANZUS treaty and Japan-US alliance to set limits onany military expansion. Overthe last year, I have also been able to visit archives in Japan, and workextensively in the US, which has shown that Japan continued to be concernedabout regional opinions, and suggests that the wider international communityplayed a larger role in the bilateral alliance than has been appreciated. Ianticipate publishing two papers on this in the next year.