Updated on 2025/03/13

Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
Doctor of letters ( University of Tokyo )
Master of Arts ( Ochanomizu University )

Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Humanities   Oriental History  

Professional Memberships









Research Areas

  • History of Asia and Africa

Research Interests

  • History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey


  • 第25回流沙海西奨学会賞




  • オスマン帝国における西洋軍事知識の受容


    早稲田大学教育・総合科学学術院学術研究(人文科学・社会科学編)   ( 71 )  2023.03

  • 年金受給にみるオスマン帝国の「長い10年」


    早稲田大学教育・総合科学学術院学術研究(人文科学・社会科学編)   ( 70 ) 229 - 245  2022.03

  • The Military Ethos in Modern Turkey and Pertev Pasha's Perception of Bushido

    Kaori Komatsu

    Türkiye'de Japonya Çalışmaları   ( 4 ) 34 - 54  2021.06

  • Welfare and War in the modern Ottoman Empire

    Kaori Komatsu

      ( 30 ) 15 - 28  2020.04

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Pension System and People's Life in the Ottoman Empire ― Case of the State Steamship Company ―

    Kaori Komatsu

    Gakujutsu Kenkyu(Academic Studies and Scientific Research)Cultural Science and Social Science   ( 66 ) 169 - 186  2018.03

  • The Military Ethos of Modern Turkey

    Kaori Komatsu

    Bulletin of the Graduate School of Edudation of Waseda University   27 ( 27 ) 17 - 31  2017.03


  • Civil Society in the Ottoman Modern Period as Seen in "Maritime Personnel Records"

    Kaori Komatsu

    Memoirs of The Research Department of The Toyo Bunko   72   125 - 160  2014  [Refereed]


  • A Consideration of Economic Nationalism in the Ottoman Empire

    Kaori Komatsu

    The Toyoshi-Kenkyu, The Journal of Oriental Researches   71 ( 1 ) 156 - 190  2012.06  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • オスマン帝国末期の海洋活動と黒海沿岸民


    歴史人類   ( 38 ) 1 - 23  2010.03

  • 19世紀のオスマン海軍における非ムスリム任用問題—「徴兵抽選拒否事件」関係史料の分析を通じて—


    歴史人類   ( 33 ) 47 - 73  2005.03

  • オスマン帝国のカボタージュ権問題—イズミル港湾の事例について—


    自然・ 人間・文化—地域統合と民俗統合—     1 - 18  2001.03

  • Financial Problems of The Navy during the Reign of Abdulhamid II

    Kaori Komatsu

    Oriente Moderno   ( 20 ) 209 - 219  2001

  • XIX. Yüzyıl Osmanlı-İngiliz Deniz Münasebetlerinde‘Kabotaj’Meselesi

    Kaori Komatsu

    Osmanlı   3   371 - 379  1999.12

  • オスマン帝国末期の黒海海運


    イスラム世界   ( 51 ) 1 - 22  1998.07


  • アブデュルハミト二世時代の官営汽船—「特別局」とオスマン海軍—


    史学雑誌   107 ( 6 ) 1 - 35  1998.06

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    "The Idare-i Mahsusa, or IM (The Special Bureau)" was a steamshipping enterprise managed by the Ottoman Navy during the reign of Sultan Abdulhamid II (1876-1909). Because private enterprise were not insufficiently capitalized to compete with foreign companies, the Ottoman government had to establish a national flag for the purpose of managing domestic steam navigation. Unfortunately this attempt failed in the end.This paper analyzes the financial documents of the IM in order to clarify why its business came to a standstill. The author argues that the IM was marked by two characteristics which seriously affected its management. One was its being under the direct control of the Navy, the other was its being obligated to undertake military and official transport services.Concerning the former, excessive interference by naval officers who knew little of the maritime business end prevented the IM from growing as a commercial enterprise. They failed to arrange operations in order to meet the needs of customers. Moreover, unplanned expansion of the fleet incurred tremendous expenditures. Furthermore, arbitrary personnel management on the part of the Navy gave the IM fewer chances to train their own civilian captains and navigation officers. On the other hand, the fares for military and official shipping, mainly for the transport of recruits, veterans, hajjis (pilgrims) and immigrants, had originally been set lower than the normal rate by the government. Moreover, payment was often delayed, so although on paper the accounts appeared balanced, the IM actually had perpetual difficulty in raising funds.The original aim of establishing the IM was "development of steam navigation, " but having attached so much importance to its public and military contribution, the IM not only suffered heavy burdens, but was also prevented from developing into an independent commercial shipping enterprise. From macroscopic points of view, the reason why Ottoman steam navigation failed to establish itself was its subordinated integration into the capitalistic world economy and the progression of peripheralization in the Ottoman Empire. Nevertheless, it is true that in the Ottoman state itself, there were vital problems that prevented its own shipping business from favorable development.

    DOI CiNii

  • オスマン帝国末期の英国黒海汽船海運—『英国領事報告書』より—


    歴史人類   ( 26 ) 127 - 166  1998.03

  • 1896’da Osmanlı Bahriyesi’nde Yabancılar ve Gayri Müslimler

    Kaori Komatsu

    Tarih ve Toplum   ( 139 ) 16 - 22  1995.06

  • イダーレイ・マフスーサ—近代オスマン海運に関する一考察—


    日本中東学会年俸   ( 10 ) 1 - 25  1995.03

  • アブデュル・ハミト2世時代のオスマン海軍(1878-1897)—「沈黙の艦隊」の実像—


    お茶の水史学   ( 35 ) 27 - 48  1992.04

  • 19世紀末のオスマン海軍—財政問題を中心に—


    東洋学報   73 ( 1.2 ) 1 - 26  1992.01


  • 100’üncü Yıldönümü Münasebetiyle 《ERTUĞRUL FIRKATEYNİ》 Faciası


    日本中東学会年報   ( 5 ) 113 - 172  1990.03

  • アブデュル・ハミト2世と19世紀末のオスマン帝国—「エルトゥールル号事件」を中心に—


    史学雑誌   98 ( 9 ) 40 - 82  1989.09

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Books and Other Publications

  • 問いとしての尊厳概念

    小松香織( Part: Joint author, 第III部 8オスマン社会における「尊厳」)

    法政大学出版局  2024.03 ISBN: 9784588151378

  • オスマン帝国の近代と海軍


    山川出版社  2004.02 ISBN: 4634347903

  • オスマン帝国の海運と海軍


    山川出版社  2002.10 ISBN: 4634673800


  • Osmanlıların Deniz Ticareti Üzerinde Düşünceleri

    Kaori Komatsu  [Invited]

    International 9th Symposium on History of Turkish Sea Trading  (Istanbul)  Istanbul University

    Presentation date: 2017.05

Research Projects

  • 年金制度にみるオスマン社会の諸相

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    小松 香織

  • 19世紀を中心とした軍事的学知をめぐる人と書物の交錯

    Project Year :


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  • Towards a global standard of dignity as a philosophical concept: theoretical approaches, conceptual histories, and cross-cultural comparisons

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 年金制度にみる近代トルコ社会

    Project Year :


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  • Civil Society in the Late Ottoman Empire as Seen in Pension System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Komatsu Kaori

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    This research aimed to examine (1) the pension system as the social insuarance of the Islamic society and (2) personnel lives in the late Ottoman society based on personnel records of the state steampship company, the Ottoman public redords and regulations. As a result, we made clear the real state of the pension system and its problems as well as its effects on individual lives

  • A Comparative Study of Honor, Loyalty and Patriotism in 18th and 19th Centuries from the Viewpoint of Military History

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANIGUCHI Shinko, YOSHIZAWA Seiichiro, SASAKI Makoto, HARADA Keiichi, SUGIYAMA Kiyohiko, SUDA Tsutomu, CHO Kyondaru, SEIGAN Kobo, MATSUMOTO Akira

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    Using a comparative frame, our project team researched the characteristics of the military ethos of warriors from Japan, China, the Ottoman empire,Germany, and France in what is called the “modern transitional period”(18th and 19th centuries). We took into consideration various direct and indirect relations among these regions in the fields of politics, economy, military affairs, modern scientific thought, and so on. Our research showed that military values such as honor, loyalty, and patriotism were grounded in notions such as rank, status, and class in early modern society and traditional way of thinking, and resulted from of a complex combination of elements such as newly developed military technology, newly adopted military education, the military conscription system, ethnic and religious identity, and nationalism

  • The Social Changes in the Modern Ottoman Empire as seen from the Marine Personnel Records

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMATSU Kaori

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    This research aims to reconsider the Ottoman social constracture by means of analyzing personal histories of these who engaged in maritime activities. As the source we used various data from the marine personnel records. As a result, we found a set of tendency of their background (nationality, relicion, birth place, social status, v.s.) and career patterns, and made clear the importance of personals of the Black Sea region by origin in marine acitivities of the late Ottoman society

  • Ethnic and Regional Characters of the Modern Ottoman Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMATSU Kaori

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    This research aimed to reconsider the social structure of the late Ottoman Empire by analyzing the ethnic and regional characters of those who engaged in the oceanic activities. The project held two subjects; first, the ethnicity, Rum (Greek)'s role in the shipping and second, the regional character, the personnel supply from Black Sea coast region to Istanbul, As to the 1st subject, based on historical materials related to the conscription, I clarified that the Greek independence had a serious influence on the Ottoman Navy in recruiting, those who were talented in maritime morks. As to the 2nd subject, I researched the "Kunye Defteri" (the service record of the Navy) at the Turkish Museum and collected the data of birthplaces of officers and sailors. And for shopping, I looked into the "Maas Defteri" (payment register of the national steamship company named I dare-I Mahsusa) in the Turkish Maritime Company's archives. I choose 29 registers among them and analyzed the data of the birthplaces of the crew.As the result of these researches I came to the conclusion that the Black Sea coast region provided a great number of maritime personnel for the Ottoman Navy as well as the national steamship company

  • Modern Ottoman Maritime Transportation and Navy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMATSU Kaori

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of modernization of the Ottoman maritime transportation and navy and to clarify the effects of economical colonization and nationalism on the socio-economic structure of the Ottoman Empire. More concretely, the following questions were examined. (1) "cabotage right" problems, (2) establishment of the state steamshipping company, (3) ethnic and religious issues in the navy. In (1) and (2), I investigated the difficulties of developing a homeland shipping system under the rule of unequal treaties and the competition with the foreign capital. In (3), the conscript problems of the navy were considered in connection with focal points such as the effect, of nationalist movements among non-Muslim peoples and the opposing ideology of Pan-Islamism. As a result, we can say it is obvious that the loss of the human capital made up of the Greeks played decisive role in the decline of the Ottoman Navy and increase in the number of Muslim crew contributed to the foundation of the Republican nav

  • A Study of Modern Ottoman Marine Transportation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMATSU Kaori

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of modernization of Ottoman marine transportation and clarify some issues pertaining to the, incorporation of the Ottoman Empire into the capitalist world economy.Specifically, the following three questions were examined.(1) The participation of the Ottoman navy in commercial shipping(2) The competition with foreign steamship companies(3) The antagonism between Turk-Muslim officers and bureaucrats and non-Muslim capitalists and bureaucratsBy analyzing the above three questions, this survey should help to explain the reason why the Ottomans failed to make domestic shipping more modem and self-reliant

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Overseas Activities

  • 年金制度にみる近代トルコ社会


    トルコ共和国   ボアジチ大学

    トルコ共和国   アンカラ大学


  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education

  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 「海の人事録」にみる近代オスマン帝国社会の変容


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    本研究は、オスマン帝国後期の海軍や海運など海事にたずさわった人々の出自(民族、宗教、出身地、社会階層等)を新たに発掘した人事関係等の史料を分析することにより明らかにし、近代オスマン帝国社会構造とその変容を「ヒト」を核として見直そうと試みるもので、同時に、こうした作業を通して当該史料のオスマン帝国社会経済史研究史料としての重要性を提示することも目的としている。すでにこの研究は平成20年度より、科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))の同テーマの研究において進めており、本研究はこれまでの研究成果をさらに促進することを目指すものである。 具体的な研究活動としては、トルコ共和国イスタンブルにおいて、同国総理府オスマン朝文書館、海軍博物館付属歴史文書館、トルコ海運公社史料室、アタテュルク図書館の所蔵する一次史料の調査と、収集した文献・史料を整理し、データ・ベース化すること、およびその分析、考察を行った。とくに重点を置いたのが、トルコ海運公社の所蔵する19世紀末から20世紀初頭にかけてオスマン帝国官営汽船会社に雇用された人々の人事記録である。この史料は主に二つあり、一つは給与支払簿、もう一つは個人人事記録簿である。給与支払簿は長期間にわたるので、本研究では『特別局給与台帳』に限定し、さらにその中から全134冊にうちの40冊余りを取り上げて、そこに記載された情報について、汽船の乗組員の出身地に関する統計をとり、分析を行った。人事記録簿についてはデジタルカメラによる撮影を行ったが、完了するには至らず、再調査が必要である。 以上の調査の結果、データ・ベースの構築が完了した『特別局給与台帳』について、一定の結論を導き出すことができた。時期的な変動はあるものの、19世紀末から20世紀初頭(スルタン・アブデュルハミト2世の治世期(1876-1909))官営汽船の乗組員の約半数を黒海沿岸地域出身者が占めていたことがわかった。このことは、オスマン帝国がギリシアの独立によって大量に失った海上活動の担い手であるルーム(ギリシア系臣民)の人材を埋めたのが黒海沿岸地域の人々であったことを示すものであり、当該地域の後期オスマン帝国社会における重要性の一端が明らかとなった。