2025/03/12 更新


シドリ ネイサン カミッロ
シドリ ネイサン カミッロ
国際学術院 国際教養学部


  • 2000年09月

    University of Toronto   Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Techonology   PhD  

  • 1996年09月

    University of Toronto   Institute for the History and Philosophy and Technology   MA  

  • 1991年08月

    St John's College   Liberal Arts (Philosophy, History of Science and Mathematics)   BA  


  • 科学社会学、科学技術史


  • History of Greco-Roman Science, History of Islamic Science, History of Mathematics, History of Astronomy



  • 古代中世数学文献の図版のデータベース化

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    斎藤 憲, ネイサン シドリ


    数学文献の写本に現れる図版を容易かつ正確に再現するソフトウェアDRaFTの開発をおこなった.これによって次の著作の主要写本における図版を再現し,公開した:エウクレイデス『原論』6, 11, 12, 13巻(12巻について他の伝承と大きく異なり,未刊行であったボローニャ写本の図版を含む),メネラオス『球面論』アラビア語訳のAl-Harawi版.これらの図版とソフトウェアはhttp://www.greekmath.orgに掲載されている.また,異なる写本の図版に異同がある場合の校訂の原則について,提案をおこなった





  • 理工学術院   大学院基幹理工学研究科


  • メネラオスの球の幾何学



    In the period 2011/7/1-2012/3/31, we have made progress on a number of key issues of the project. (1) We have worked on the Arabic edition and English translation of the source text. (2) We have examined one of the key manuscripts (Leiden Or. 399) in person and taken photographs. (3) We have decided on the tools for constructing the website and built an example site (http://www.aoni.waseda.jp/sidoli/theodosius_spherics_constructions.html). We have now discovered that the two manuscripts Ahmet III 3464 (A) and Leiden Or. 399 (L) contain a significantly different version of the text than the Kraus manuscript (K), which is a copy of a related manuscript tradition. Hence, we are editing two different versions. The LA text will appear in the final monograph, accompanied with English translation and commentaries. Since we are also editing the K manuscript, we may publish this separately at a later date, as a critical Arabic edition, with no translation. We have edited, and translated more than three quarters of the text and we have written much of the introductory material. Sidoli was in Leiden 2012/3/30-2012/4/02 and visited the Leiden University Library to inspect the L manuscript. Photos were taken of many of the pages that contain material that is difficult to read in the microfilms. This will help in editing and proofreading. Along with a research assistant, Sidoli has compared the advantages of Cinderella(R) and the Geometry Applet(R) for producing Java-enabled diagrams of spherical geometry. By experimenting with a related text (Theodosius’Spherics, for which there is an unpublished English translation), we were able to determine that Geometry Applet(R) is suitable for our needs. We have made an example website to test out the features we will implement in the full site: http://www.aoni.waseda.jp/sidoli/theodosius_spherics_constructions.html

  • メネラオス『球面論』の中世版の検討



    Report on the progress of the research on Menelaus's Spherics in medieval Arabic sources (メネラオス『球面論』の中世版の検討).In the first year of this project, we have acquired all of the necessary research materials, made a preliminary reading of the manuscripts and begun to edit and translate the text. The final product will be a monograph study of the text, including a critical edition of Menelaus' Spherics, English translation and mathematical and philological commentary. We have acquired microfilms of the following manuscripts: Ahmet III 3464 (A), Leiden Or. 399 (L), Kraus MB (K). These are the only known manuscripts that contain al-Harawi's verion of Menelaus' Spherics. We have also acquired a number of manuscripts of al-Tusi's later version of the Menelaus' Spherics (Princeton Garrett 105B, Copenhagen AC 27, Tehran Tabriz NL 3484). We have also had these images transferred to electronic files, to facilitate study. We have acquired the essential books and papers related to this project, so that we will have the secondary literature readily available as we proceed with our research. In the first year, we have made a preliminary reading of the three manuscripts which indicates that A and L are versions of the original al-Harawi edition of the text, whereas K is a heavily edited redaction, which appears to stem from the A tradition. Hence, we have begun an edition and translation of the text based on AL. The variations of K are indicated in the critical apparatus, but are generally not included in the edited text itself. Nathan SIDOLI has completed about 50 pages of edition and translation, and Takanori KUSUBA (Osaka University of Economics) has completed about the same number of pages. Kusuba is working on the first chapter of the text, while Sidoli is working on the second and third chapters. At this rate of progress, the edition and translation will be done in the next year, and it will take another six months to a year to produce a monograph for publication.